DIY wicker furniture - the basics. Making wicker furniture from willow or rattan with your own hands

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Wicker furniture refers to exclusive interior items that amaze with their originality at first glance, delight with their elegant appearance, reliability and ease of use. The popularity of its various types is constantly growing thanks to modern hobby owners of private houses, dachas and city apartments with large loggias with ethno interiors.

It should also be noted that wicker furniture is made very quickly, and if certain nuances and requirements are met, a very high-quality product can be obtained. Peculiarities self-production from natural materials largely depend on the type and structural structure of each item. In particular, there are differences in the frames of products and methods of weaving, which can be single, combined, openwork, etc. In the process, you can make original drawings, combine various options or get by one way.

Do-it-yourself wicker furniture should be safe, reliable and durable. It is very important to monitor the quality of connections of all elements and components of the structure, while simultaneously creating the necessary rigidity and strength. The connections used in manufacturing can be detachable or permanent.

Detachable elements greatly simplify the process of assembly and disassembly, but the number of individual connections is limited by the specific nature of the furniture. One-piece products are most often created using nails and glue. They are considered the most reliable and durable, although they limit the possibility of transporting and moving products.

For weaving furniture, you can use branches of many various plants: willows, alders, bird cherry, hazel and even nettles and raspberries.

Experts advise beginners to start weaving from bird cherry, as it is more pliable, easier to cut into small pieces and ribbons, preserving long time nice shade and natural shine.

For preparing rods best time The period from October until the onset of frost is considered, as well as all spring months. During these periods of the year, the rods are very well cleaned and can be stored dry for a long time. For openwork weaving, it is best to cut the thinnest twigs in the spring. Most important indicator the quality of the twigs is a thin core. Rods with a thick core are used for making the frame of large products, gazebos, braiding of flower beds and sun beds. You can choose the material according to the width of the leaves: the narrower the leaf, especially for willow, the more flexible the vine and the more openwork the product will be.

Eat special technology to obtain a white rod, it must be boiled. To do this, take a large container with boiled, hot water, and then the workpieces are lowered into it. Cook the rods over high heat for one hour. They are boiled for another couple of hours to obtain light shades. To obtain a darker color, it is necessary to cook the material for at least 4 hours. After boiling, the rods are immediately cleared of bark so that they do not lose their beautiful view. Remove the bark with a splinter or a rough glove.

Very impressive products are obtained if whole rods and glossy ribbons are used simultaneously in one weave. To make such tapes, the rods are divided into 2–4 parts with a knife or a special small splitter. The thinnest strips are cut from the resulting parts of the blanks.

The main structure of a wicker chair consists of the following parts:

  • seat;
  • sidewalls;
  • back;
  • kings;
  • legs.

Armrests are an additional part of the product. Basically, willow sticks with a diameter of no more than 30 mm and thin willow twigs (from 5 to 10 mm) are used to make the chair. Usually for the production of one chair, depending on its design features and design solutions, takes up to 20 long rods. All bending is done using a specialized tool - a jig, which is used to level out the unevenness of the twigs. The manufacture of products begins with cutting the twigs into individual parts. To make a bent part, you need to bend a soaked stick to fit a special template.

A wicker design lounge chair consists of several parts:

  • lower bench;
  • comfortable seat;
  • backrests;
  • armrests.

The frame is made of thick sticks, and the braid is left at the joints of the elements. This design has beautiful decorative features, and wide and high armrests perform two functions simultaneously: they provide convenience and comfort, and also increase the strength and durability of the chair.

The basis of the load-bearing frame of the chair is the lower bench, which is important for the reliability and stability of the structure. It consists of a covered leg, legs, a load-bearing cross, under-beams and a frame to support the seat. The back of the chair is formed from the upper elements of the rear legs, transverse parts and the rod of the upper part of the back. The seat of the chair is made of durable and reliable paired rods. They are attached to the transverse rod of the seat and to the frame rods (front and rear).

During the manufacturing process of the frame, its legs are attached to the crosspiece of the leg and the seat frame. Next, the leg is tightened and the shoots are installed. Then the top of the backrest, the transverse rods of the seat and backrest are mounted. The armrests are formed from pre-processed parts - curved and soaked willow sticks.

Armrests are nailed to the seat frame, to its front rod, and butt ends are attached to the side arms. Next, attach the upper ends of the armrest rods to the upper ends of the rear leg rods. Having finished installing the main rods, install the decorative rods of the armrests, going around the back along the top, and also braiding all the connections with willow ribbon. After this, set rods for the back and seat are installed.


This video shows the process of making wicker furniture.

Wicker weaving originated in ancient times. Over the long centuries of its existence, from the production of objects necessary for human life, it has turned into real art. Weaving is practiced all over the world. Rattan and palm fiber, even pine roots and paper are used for this activity, but the most common material is willow twigs. The variety of materials has led to the emergence of various weaving techniques; objects created in different parts of the world are unique and different; they are united only by beauty and environmental friendliness.

Willow twig is an indispensable material for creating extremely useful household accessories. Containers woven from willow are good for storing cereals; they absorb and remove excess moisture and do not interfere with air circulation. In addition, willow contains bactericidal substances that prevent rotting. Since ancient times, wine bottles have been woven with willow to preserve it. Thanks to this “case” it is supported optimal temperature, the drink does not overheat or cool too much. Jugs braided with willow are also used for preparing fermented milk products. Fruit baskets, candy bowls, and bread bins are made from willow; they are very beautiful and functional. Items made from wicker are easy to clean without losing their shape.

Wicker Storage Boxes kitchen utensils- interior decoration Wicker vases and candy bowls - interior decoration Candy bowls, bread bins and vases made of wicker - table decoration

Accessories woven from willow are also very good for storing things. Their variety is impressive - these include small boxes and huge chests. Things in them do not cake and do not acquire unpleasant odor. Wicker boxes and storage boxes greatly decorate the interior.

Wicker baskets for storing things - beautiful and functional Wicker chests - interior decoration

Handicraft baskets allow you to neatly store numerous balls, spools, scraps, and ribbons.

Wicker furniture

Wicker furniture is an interior decoration. It is appropriate in the country or in winter garden, and in a luxurious living room. It is suitable for home and restaurant. Furniture woven from wicker was used in palace interiors, surprising with its exquisite decoration of silver and gold, and in simple houses. Classic English and french interiors unthinkable without her. But the willow vine allows you to create a wide variety of forms that will fit into the most radical interior without violating the concept. Wicker furniture is cozy armchairs, and majestic sofas, and laconic stools, and tea tables, and whatnots, and even beds and playpens. Wickerwork is used as finishing for cabinets, cabinets, and chests of drawers.

Wicker armchairs, a table and a floor lamp - interior decoration. A rocking chair made of wicker and an openwork table - coziness in the interior. Wicker whatnot - lightness in classic interior A wicker table will decorate any interior

Wicker furniture goes perfectly with wood and stone, with animal skins. It makes any room warmer and closer to people. It is not without reason that it is traditionally used in rooms intended for recreation. Such furniture is very functional, it is very light, and you can rearrange it at any time. She is never cold. It is convenient for people of all ages - it’s a grandmother’s rocking chair, a cradle for a baby, and some strange object in a teenager’s room.

Wicker furniture - cozy corner for tea drinking Wicker furniture - decoration of the garden, veranda, room Wicker chair - a feeling of warmth in the interior Wicker bed for classic bedroom Original wicker chairs - the highlight of the design Original wicker chair for modern interior Wicker stool in the interior - beautiful and practical

Wicker houses for animals in the interior look very stylish, make the room cozy, and are usually very popular with pets.

Wicker cat house - interior decoration

Wicker decorative items

Lampshades woven from wicker for floor lamps, chandeliers, and sconces greatly decorate the interior.

Any painting or photograph in a wicker frame looks like a masterpiece.

Mirror frames made of wicker add solidity to the room without depriving it of coziness.

Floor and table vases made of wicker are very decorative for homes. They are ideal for dry arrangements, but can also be used for live bouquets on a special moisturizing base. Flower pots and tubs look beautiful in the interior and are comfortable for indoor plants.

Wicker floor vases- For different styles Wicker design flower pot and hanging vases for decorating rooms Wicker amulet for the kitchen - drive away evil spirits from the room

Wall panels made of wicker look very exotic, and floor mats are pleasant on the feet.

Wicker sculptures for home and garden

If your backyard country house will be decorated with wicker sculptures, it will become more pleasant and lively. Wicker sculptures are distinguished by size and design features models. These include: statues, columns, crafts of animal figures, people or characters from fairy tales.

Animal figurines made from wicker are a wonderful decoration for the garden or large room. Made by hand, they seem to live: under the influence of conditions, they slightly change their poses and move.

Peacock made of wicker - the work of a Donetsk master

Wicker toys

A special place is occupied by wicker toys for children - sleighs, horses, carts. Unlike sculptures, they are woven from stronger rods; the ends of the rods are connected especially carefully so that the product does not fall apart and does not scratch the child.

Animals made from wicker - baskets for toys

All wicker items are made by hand, each of them is unique and each contains a piece of the master’s soul. Therefore, rooms filled with such things become very cozy.

A car made of wicker - to decorate the garden Did you like the article? Share on social networks!

How to make wicker furniture with your own hands? It can become an interior decoration or even bring profit to the master. The demand for this type of furniture is growing - it is beautiful, environmentally friendly and unique. We tell you what is required for production wicker furniture in your own workshop and why it’s realistic to learn this on your own.

Wood weaving is a rare skill

The production of wicker furniture from willow and other materials is a traditional Russian craft. In this way, not only furniture was created, for example, rocking chairs and cradles, but also other useful household items - baskets, various household utensils and even fences. Weaving was a very common skill.

But during the 20th century there were so many changes affecting the entire population that many traditional skills seem to be a thing of the past forever. The ability to weave wood is now considered something rare and even exclusive. A master who has mastered this craft will not only be able to create his own unique interior, but with a little effort, you will receive a flood of orders.

The production of wicker furniture from willow and other materials is a traditional Russian craft.

Wicker furniture is a new hit in interior design

Nowadays, do-it-yourself furniture weaving from wicker attracts everyone more people. Wicker furniture has a whole range of advantages over its “mass” counterparts. It is made only from environmentally friendly pure materials, without glue and other not very useful chemicals. Such furniture weighs significantly less than traditional furniture and is easy to transport, transport or rearrange inside the house.

The appearance of such products will always be unique, original, and special. High-quality weaving ensures a long service life of such furniture while maintaining all external characteristics.

Furniture does not require complex care, for example, polishing: it is enough to remove dust from it with a dry cloth and treat it with anti-moisture agents twice a year. The cost of wicker interior items is also low. This entire list positive qualities and explains the popularity of wicker furniture.

As for the disadvantages, these include low temperature resistance: humidity or heat are equally harmful to products, the damage from them is very difficult to eliminate. Therefore, if you plan to use wicker furniture in own garden, it is better to provide a “shelter” for it - a place where in case of bad weather the furniture can be easily hidden.

What is required for weaving - preparation of willow twigs

Now let's take a closer look at how to make wicker furniture with your own hands. The quality of the finished products will depend on two factors: the characteristics of the harvested wood and the skills of the craftsman. Skills can be improved over the years, but learning to collect quality material better immediately.

The most common products are made from two materials: willow and rattan. Willow is considered less durable and durable material. It can be harvested throughout the year, although the rods collected will be stronger late autumn. Before cutting a willow rod, you need to bend it in several places or even wrap it around your finger - it should bend well, not crack or break even when bent up to 180 degrees. Trimming is done at an angle of 40 degrees.

The optimal solution would be to prepare rods of approximately equal thickness from 1.5 to 2 meters. The cut rods are grouped on site in bundles of 300-500 pieces depending on the thickness - thin, medium, thick. They will be needed for manufacturing different parts furniture.

Weaving is done by hand, but it requires templates and a frame.

How to process cut willow twigs

In the workshop, all the bundles are untied and given the opportunity to warm up in a warm room before starting work. This is especially important for rods prepared in the cold season. Some craftsmen soak the workpieces in warm water. Before starting work, all the rods must be kept in boiling water for 1 hour and the bark removed from them.

In addition, the rods can be processed to change color. For example, if cleaned and soaked rods are held in hydrogen peroxide, they will acquire a white tint. A solution of manganese will make them brownish, vitriol will make them gray. In addition, aniline dyes will give the rods any shade you are interested in.

What tools are needed for the job?

If you collect the rods yourself, you cannot do without garden shears, pruning shears, a tape measure or a tape measure. Weaving is done by hand, but it requires templates and a frame (wooden or metal). Also, to soak the rods you need a capacious tank (resistant to high temperatures). With experience, each master creates his own list of necessary tools.

Is there an alternative to willow twigs?

Not everyone who wants to try their hand at making wicker furniture has the desire and ability to prepare willow twigs themselves. In this case, there is a way out - you can try to weave products from modern artificial materials.

An increasingly popular alternative to willow is rattan.- These are specially processed stems and shoots of palm trees. This material is considered more durable, flexible and moisture resistant. However, such trees do not grow in Russia, so raw material you will have to either purchase or choose the production of furniture from artificial rattan.

Artificial rattan is a material based on polyurethane tape. Of course, such furniture cannot be considered natural or completely environmentally friendly. But weaving from rattan for beginners is much easier than from willow twigs, since artificial material is more flexible, it does not break. In addition, there is no need to prepare rods - you just need to purchase the necessary batch for work.

In addition, there are a lot of other materials suitable for weaving - bird cherry, raspberry, willow, alder, grapes, hazel (walnut), willow, abaca (banana leaves), bamboo, birch bark, water hyacinth and even seaweed. But all these materials are significantly inferior to willow and rattan in terms of quality characteristics, especially flexibility. In addition, some of them are not available in Russia - for example, banana leaves. For this reason, it is better to focus on more affordable willow and rattan.

Often wicker elements complement upholstered or cabinet furniture, being an element of their decor.

Types of structures

When weaving furniture from artificial rattan with your own hands, as well as from similar materials, it is better to start with the manufacture of simple products. Wicker furniture comes in two varieties:

  1. Frameless. These products are based on several wooden sticks fastened together, acting as ribs, which are braided with willow twigs. This option is suitable for light chairs and armchairs, tabletops, and bedside tables.
  2. Frame. The frame products are based on a full-fledged structure made of wooden planks or even metal slats and poles. Frame required complex types furniture that must withstand heavy weight. It could be sofas large armchairs, beds, racks.

What kind of furniture is most often woven from wooden rods or their artificial analogues? Often wicker elements complement upholstered or cabinet furniture, being an element of their decor. However, there are also completely wicker products, most often these are:

  • chairs, stools and benches;
  • armchairs, including rocking chairs;
  • tables;
  • bedside tables and shelves.

Weaving options - from simple to complex

Production garden furniture it is better to start from wood by making simple structures yourself simple type weaving. For example, a chair or armchair. The fact is that by starting immediately with complex products with a frame, the master will definitely make mistakes, will not be able to produce an item of the required quality and will be disappointed in the entire craft.

Therefore, start by studying all the weaving options and move from simple to complex:

Type of weaving How to do it
Simple Single rods are passed through the frame posts.
Rope Each frame post is surrounded by at least two rods on each side.
Checkers Each rod in a checkerboard pattern passes through 2 frame posts at once, the next one passes inside the first strip.
Pigtail Decorative weaving, in which pairs of rods (possibly more) are spiraled in turn around a frame.
Openwork (ring, spiral, diamond-shaped, geometric) A complex type of weaving, which should be studied after mastering all the simple ones. The rods are wrapped around the frame in the form geometric shapes and spirals.

In practice, these types of weaving are combined with each other: using simpler and faster options, the main part of the product is completed, and a decorative braid or other pattern decorates individual elements(handles, backrests, armrests).

It is better to start producing garden furniture from wood by making simple structures of the simplest type of weaving.

How to make a frame for wicker furniture

The most simple option frame is a simple design made of wooden slats, fastened together horizontally or vertically. Usually this is a frame and 4 legs. This option is suitable for making stools, chairs, poufs, and tables.

Frame models for more complex products can also be found on the Internet or developed independently. Some craftsmen buy finished products in construction or furniture stores, and then “braid” them entirely or decoratively. This option is more expensive, but also has a right to exist.

Do I need to treat products after weaving?

Wicker furniture will last much longer if it is treated after production. Ready product should be inspected for defects, such as uneven weaving, and corrected if possible. All roughness of the rods must be cleaned sandpaper.

The furniture is then painted (if necessary) or bleached with lime. Actually, wickerwork looks good even without painting. If the master believes that the color of the furniture needs to be changed, but wants to preserve its naturalness, it is worth using natural dyes, for example, a decoction onion peel. It is a good idea to apply a varnish to your finished furniture.

Tung oil and products based on it will protect wickerwork from their main enemy - moisture. Treat finished furniture with this product, and then repeat the procedure at least twice a year. The product will remain perfect appearance much longer.

Where to learn to weave furniture

However It is now possible to master the skill of weaving furniture completely independently. Firstly, on the Internet it is easy to find a variety of educational articles and videos, the authors of which explain all the basics of this matter in an accessible and step-by-step manner.

Secondly, furniture weaving is in many ways creative process. Therefore, having learned the basics, most masters develop their own techniques, discover their own subtleties and constantly improvise. Do not forget that weaving furniture is not an exact science, but a craft where there is room for trials and experiments.


Learning to weave furniture with your own hands is an activity that can be studied independently. It is important to remember that the quality of wicker furniture depends not only on the professionalism of the craftsman, but also on the quality of the raw materials. Therefore, the preparation and processing of rods must be approached very seriously.

Wicker furniture is beautiful, environmentally friendly, lightweight and has a relatively low cost. Its main enemies are moisture and bright sunlight. To protect products from them, it is necessary to treat furniture with tung oil at least twice a year.

Making a rocking chair with your own hands

We have been making wicker furniture from willow wicker for over 20 years. During this time, we have accumulated a wealth of experience in this craft. Based on the traditions of old masters, we have managed to significantly improve the technology for making wicker products, especially wicker furniture and interior items. The range of products we manufacture is quite large and includes dozens of items. Of course, the highlight of it is, of course, the rocking chair.

So why a ROCKING CHAIR? And what is a rocking chair? When it comes to wicker furniture, any person has an association with a wicker rocking chair. By itself, a rocking chair, being a unique piece of furniture, can decorate any home with its presence and give it a sophisticated and unique look. Possessing an attractive appearance, the rocking chair also has a number of functional advantages. Any person who has it in stock knows this, and who dreams of purchasing it, is in anticipation of these advantages. It is convenient to sit in it by a roaring fireplace or in front of the TV while watching your favorite show, to escape from the everyday hustle and bustle, sitting in it while reading an interesting novel, or just sit down and relax, relax, reflect. The rocking chair is very convenient for nursing mothers. In addition, made from natural materials, in particular from willow vine, and passed through the hands of a skilled craftsman, wickerwork has beneficial energy.

In our time of proposals for plethere is more than enough shade furniture. With the advent of new materials and technologies, the variety of rocking chairs increases every year. However, not everyone is in a hurry to go to the nearest supermarket to buy a rocking chair. Ethere are those who interest enthe manufacturing process itselfwicker furniture. Any made manually a thing has a certain mystery, and therefore this includes products woven from willow vines. Because the willow wicker rocking chair is a heightened object of attentionthen andWe will talk about it further accordingly.

How to make a wicker rocking chair yourself? For a person who has no experience working with willow vines, this is of course “greatsecret". Nevertheless, there remains a great desire to solve it.Initial knowledge of weaving can be obtained in appropriate courses. There you can learn the simplest weaving techniques. Of course, you will receive invaluable lessons from a true master of this craft.

However, you can learn weaving from a book, but under one condition: learning must be accompanied by constant practice, diligence, and systematic consolidation of the acquired skills. In this case, perhaps the learning process will be longer, but folk wisdom says: “The longest road begins with the first step.” The main thing is to start. I’ll be honest, I, too, did not escape the fate of being self-taught. At the very beginning there was only a desire and a couple of books on weaving from willow twigs. I had to start in an ordinary kitchen by making simple products, vases and various baskets, in which I mastered everything necessary techniques weaving and studied mechanical properties different varieties and you.Because my cherished wish I was mastering the manufacture of wicker furniture, I did not get hung up on the “small things” and stubbornly set about developing its technology. I desperately needed the advice of an experienced specialist in this matter, but I was not familiar with such at that time. The books contained very little information directly on the manufacture of wicker furniture frames. It was not easy, but the results were pleasing and inspired new experiments.

A real breakthrough in its further development I did when I met my colleagues. This happened at the city NHP exhibition, where I came out with the first samples of my furniture. Among them was a ROCKING CHAIR, which was used special attention public. After the exhibition, my colleagues and I began to communicate closely and share experiences. From them I learned a lot of useful things about the technology of working with willow twigs. In turn, they began to show great interest in me, because I also worked as an artist-designer with a technical education. This collaboration has brought great benefits to all of us. We learned a lot from each other. We have increased the number of orders for wicker furniture. But ours traditional technology At that time, manufacturing furniture from wicker did not allow us to quickly satisfy the needs of our customers. It was necessary to somehow speed up this process. And the idea came. We quickly incorporated it into our craft. It turned out to be very simple and at the same time very effective. Our capabilities have increased significantly. We could quickly and mass produce rocking chairs and other pieces of furniture. The manufacturing process was divided into two stages. The first is the production of frames, where a specialist in their production worked. At the second stage, braiding specialists worked ready-made frames. They brought the products to a finished state.

We have developed compact and very convenient templates for bending parts of wicker furniture frames. This entailed the introduction into our production of a technology for quickly bending willow sticks without pre-soaking them. As a result, we received significant time savings by eliminating the processes of soaking and long-term drying from the overall cycle. bent parts.

When making wicker furniture frames, we use willow sticks no longer than 120 (cm). This is very important factor, since in nature there are not so many long and linear sticks under 2-3 meters. But among the willow thickets there are quite a lot of trunks with straight and even sections with a length ranging from 100-120 (cm), which greatly simplifies the process of harvesting stick material.

Willow is not the only material for making wickerwork. The use of solid wood, plywood and glass helps to significantly expand the range of wicker products. In some of them, willow vine is used as exterior finishing. These can be openwork, woven fabrics various surfaces, decors in the form of braids, bends made of willow twigs. The possibilities of the willow vine are quite large and each master uses them based on his own creative ideas and your own artistic taste

Design of wicker furniture.

Skillfully made wicker furniture has a special appeal, creates coziness and unique style in the interior. This is one of the advantages of wicker furniture. But, in addition to external attractiveness, it must be comfortable for a person and have a sufficient margin of safety. That is, when designing furniture, everything must be taken into account anthropometric human parameters depending on height and weight. Of course you can use this standard parameters, described in many books on making wicker furniture, but I suggest you a more flexible approach for this, which I still use now. A cardboard mannequin of a person, in which different parts of the body can bend, will help you with this.

To make such a mannequin, you will need to draw the figure of a man of average height in profile in a ratio of 1:10 to actual sizes, taking into account the structure of the skeleton.

Then, according to the drawing, cut out parts of the mannequin’s body from cardboard and connect them using hinge axes. The hinges can be made from fishing line. When assembling the dummy, melt the ends of the fishing line with a hot object so that you get some kind of rivets .

When calculating the proportions of your future furniture, you can conveniently place this “little man” in any proposed product, be it a rocking chair or just a chair, a stool... and then just draw the floor, seat, legs and back of the chair under it.

And everything else for you will be a matter of technique and your artistic taste. And the dimensions of the furniture in your drawing will also be in proportion to 1:10 to the actual dimensions.

But at the beginning needs to be designed intended product. To do this, you need to draw it from different angles, and then make a working drawing for it. Drawings and drawings give a better idea of ​​the future product and will help in the manufacture of the product itself. Proficiency in technical drawing and drawing will serve you well here. The project can be shown to your customer when concluding a contract.

I offer my development of a moving mannequin in A 4 format. The model was developed in the KOMPAS program. Printed on a printer at a scale of 1:10. Shipping in a postal envelope. Cost 350 rub. along with shipping.

Further …

I suggest you first look and study the frame of the rocking chair. In our catalog it is listed under the code KK-3

Now let’s disassemble the frame of the KK-3 rocking chair into its component parts.

Next, we will analyze the structure of each part of the rocking chair.
Lower arches (runners) The most important parts in a rocking chair are the lower arches or runners on which the rocking chair swings. The functionality of the rocking chair depends on how correctly and efficiently they are made. The curved line of the runners must also be calculated. The front part of the runner, which has the shape of an arc, should turn into a straight line at the rear. This is necessary to prevent the rocking chair from tipping backwards while rocking.

Arcs can be made from willow sticks with a diameter of 25-30 mm. In our version, they are made from solid birch using the method of simultaneous bending and layer-by-layer gluing of slats 9 mm thick and 30 mm wide. It is obvious that with this manufacturing method, the rocking runners will have a more regular shape than natural sticks and will hold their bending shape well under load.

To start assembling the frame, you first need to assemble two side racks, each of which consists of 4 parts. This includes runners, front bars, front frame poles, side bars

Front arches: The front arches consist of two bent parts made of willow sticks with a diameter of 18-20 mm ( main ) and 16-18 mm ( additional ).

The length of the sticks of these parts does not exceed 120 cm. In the beginning, for work we only need main arc. This part must be made on a template. Soak the stick
tuck into the template and dry.
Front frame poles can be made from willow sticks with a diameter of 25-28 mm. In our practice, to produce straight parts, we use birch sticks (cuttings) 25 and 28 mm in diameter. On front sticks the frame comes with cuttings with a diameter of 28 mm.
Anterior main arch , after being removed from the template, you need to connect it to the front frame stick. Before this, the ends of the stick need to be sawed off under required angle. Assembly is best done using self-tapping screws. As a result we get finished design For further work for frame assembly.

Next, we connect the resulting structure to the runner. During assembly, the butt (lower) end of the front main arc is planed into a miter and connected into an overlay with the front end of the runner using glue and screws.

Side arcs: We need these parts to complete the assembly of the side posts. Side arches bent on a template made of willow sticks with a diameter of 26-28 mm. The stick must be bent in such a way that its butt part is connected to the runner, and its apical part to front frame stick. The ends of the dried part are filed according to the dimensions in the drawing. Then the part is screwed into place.

The side racks are ready.

Now you can start installation cross parts.
First we install two front cross bars , one of which, the top one, should have a slight bend. Their dimensions are determined according to the drawing. Then we put it in place rear cross stickseats. As a result, we got the approximate shape of the future rocking chair.

Next we install seat cross bars And lumbar arch . The seat sticks are slightly curved and their dimensions are determined by the location of their installation. The diameter of the sticks is 24 -26 mm. Lumbar curve we bend it according to a template from a willow stick with a diameter of 18-20 mm. We put it in place after drying. ends of the stick lumbar arch connect to the upper ends of the main sticks of the front arc. At the same time, we trim the connected ends into a miter. We apply glue to the surfaces to be joined and fasten the parts with screws.

Next we install support sticks seats. These parts can be made from straight willow sticks or cuttings with a diameter of 25-26 mm. The dimensions of the poles are determined directly at the place of their installation. Due to the fact that the parts are paired, their sizes should be the same, and the shapes of trimming the ends of the sticks should be a mirror image in relation to each other.

Next is the installation process crosses . Cross attached to rear cross member of the frame and to cross stick installed between the front seat support sticks. One stick crosses, lower, straight. The second, slightly curved, is placed on top of the lower stick and screwed with a screw at the place where they intersect. Sticks with a diameter of 24-26 (mm) are used here.

Now let's install additional detail on anterior arch And rear back sticks. Additional arc bend on a template in such a way that the apical end of this stick is adjacent to front frame poles. The butt part of this stick, during further assembly, will be connected to the back of the rocking chair. Therefore, we pre-plane the apical end of this part into a miter.

Rear backrest sticks are made from straight sticks with a diameter of 24-25 mm. Dimensions of poles according to the drawing. The ends of the sticks can be given a spherical shape for aesthetic reasons.

Next installation rear support sticks , front And rear beam . Rear back support sticks are made from sticks with a diameter of 24-25 mm. The ends of the sticks are cut at the required angle and adjusted to the installation site. Front support from a willow stick with a diameter of 14-16 mm. It can be installed raw, but the installation process itself is not entirely simple. It’s easier to bend it on a template and install it after drying. Rear support, diameter 14-16 (mm), placed in the wet position, since there is a three-dimensional arching of the willow stick. If you make a template for this part, it will be a big plus in your work. But, when practicing skills, this part is installed quite easily even when raw.

Now let's install last seat stick. This item has special appointment. The seat rods rest on it and it also gives a concave shape to the back of the rocking chair, which makes it more comfortable. This part has a significant convexity. It is located on rear cross stick seats and with both ends rests on side arches. Attaches with one screw in the middle to the back cross rod seat.

The backrest of the KK-3 rocking chair is a ready-made unit that is installed on the frame. This operation is the final step in the frame assembly process. The back frame consists of seven sticks. Four sticks (18-16 mm) joined together form the main arc. The transverse backrest rod (16-18 mm) is first attached to it. Then an additional arc of two joined sticks (14-16 mm) is attached along the outer contour.

The manufacture of the main arch of the back begins with the assembly of its upper part, which is glued together from two willow sticks (16-18 mm) dried on a template.

In the resulting structure we install back cross bar, which has a slight bend. Then we trim the butt ends of the sticks of the main arch of the back.

Add to o main stick arch back another arc, which is its continuation in the general design of the back of the rocking chair. We also dry this arc part on a template. We cut the joining end to a miter and install it in place using glue and screws


Installation additional arc on main arch of the back is the final stage in the manufacture of the backrest of a rocking chair. This part is made in the same way as the main arc.

When combined main arch of the back With additional arc Certainly not all surfaces will fit tightly due to the natural unevenness of willow sticks. Therefore, these parts should be adjusted using a knife and sandpaper. Fasten them also with glue and screws. For more dense gluing of arc sticks, you can use clamps.

The back is ready. We install it in place. To do this, we trim the ends of the back bends on a mustache. on size A . Apply glue to the joints of the parts and tighten them with screws.

The cross stick of the backrest will rest against the rear sticks of the backrest. We connect these parts using screws.

KK-3 frame ready for braiding.

The rocking frame, made entirely of willow sticks, can be braided immediately after drying. In our practice, we use birch cuttings for straight parts. The conclusion from this is that willow sticks will eventually acquire a bronze-golden hue, while birch sticks will remain light. There will be a contrast on the frame, which may disrupt the aesthetic appearance of the rocking chair. To avoid this phenomenon, we have made it a rule to stain the frames in certain colors. But there is one thing condition - frame The rockers must be sanded with sandpaper for better adhesion of the stain to the surface of the wood.

The frame braiding is made gloss tape . For braiding the joints of frame parts, a tape with a thickness of 0.3-05 and a width of 5-6 (mm) is used. For weaving the seat and back, a ribbon 0.6-0.8 thick and 8-10 (mm) wide is used. When braiding the frame, the rods of the seat and back are also stuffed onto the frame.

The seat is made of rods with a diameter of 8-10 (mm). They are nailed to the transverse frame sticks, on which markings must first be made. It should be taken into account that after the seat rods are stuffed onto the frame, access to some of the joints of the frame parts becomes difficult for the braid. Therefore, these places should be braided before stuffing the seat rods.

To ensure that the front of the rocking chair has a smooth curve, the rods should be stuffed according to a template. It can be made from wooden beam or log.

Under the template, in mandatory, you need to lay linings made of wooden slats with a thickness of 10-12 (mm). What is it for? When stuffing rods onto the seat, the template-blank is tightly clamped. To remove it later, the linings are knocked out with a hammer and the template is released. But the template should be removed only after the rods have dried.

Once again, you need to remember that all joints of frame parts that fall under the seat must be braided in advance. Now the seat can be braided. The weaving of the seat should begin from the front of the frame from the place where the seat rods began to be stuffed.

Now let's stuff the backrest bars onto the frame. Here we need rods with a diameter of 6-9 (mm). To do this, you need to make markings on the frame and drill holes with a diameter of 6-7 mm for the rods on the top of the main arc along inside backrests

The rods with their apical ends are inserted into the holes in the frame. The butt ends are inserted into the space between the paired seat rods along the edge of the woven fabric and in front of the overhead cross seat stick. Then, the ends of the rods sticking out under the seat are trimmed with pruning shears. It is advisable to trim the ends while the rods are damp.

In the upper part of the back, above the transverse stick of the back, an openwork is obtained. In order to align the openwork rods from natural bends, we install a leveling arc approximately in the middle. The arc will strengthen the openwork and will work as its additional decorative element.

Wicker furniture made from wicker favorably decorates and complements any interior, both classic and modern. If desired, thanks to the creatively thought-out design of such furniture, you can create a unique and unique style in your apartment or on a country plot with your own hands.

Some lovers of natural furniture dare to completely fill their home with interior items made from wicker. These can be not only rocking chairs, but also wicker cabinets, tables and shelving. In any office or living room, on the veranda or summer terrace Such decorative elements become the main leitmotif of the entire interior. At all times in Rus', people were engaged in making household items from wicker. These were bast shoes, vases, baskets, boxes and furniture. The structure of the vine is very flexible and pliable, and it also holds its shape remarkably well. Craftsmen from Europe also took over this craft, largely due to the environmental friendliness of the raw materials, thanks to their plant origin.

Stylish chairs and tables look great in combination with glass, metal and wood.

Durable wicker furniture weighs quite a bit, but can withstand quite heavy loads - up to 200 kg. It is resistant to moisture and, with appropriate treatment, to sunlight even in the hottest heat. This allows you to use such furniture by the pool, in the sauna, in the country house by the river, and so on.

At proper care and using wicker furniture for its intended purpose, it can serve its owners for more than a quarter of a century. You can see the traditional and most common models of wicker furniture in the photo.

Weaving technique

Modern craftsmen have learned to weave vines with the most in unusual ways. In many ways, the style of weaving depends on the elasticity of the materials, as well as the personal preferences of customers or craftsmen. Products made from wicker are mainly woven in several ways:

  • simple weaving, in which the rod goes around all the risers, as with outside, and from the inside;
  • checkerboard weaving;
  • weaving with two rods;
  • three-strand weaving;
  • sealing the sides with a pigtail;
  • layer-by-layer weaving, when the number of rods corresponds to the number of risers.

Advantages and disadvantages of wicker furniture

Advantages of wicker furniture:

  • environmental friendliness of raw materials;
  • unique style of wicker furniture;
  • combination of wicker furniture with absolutely any interior;
  • the use of natural materials in the manufacture of furniture;
  • practicality and durability;
  • durability (about 20 years);
  • pleasant woody smell;
  • absence of pests due to pre-treatment of the vine;
  • the furniture “breathes” and is ventilated well.

Disadvantages of wicker furniture:

  • no matter how you try to protect wicker furniture, under prolonged exposure sun rays it can fade and sometimes even crack;
  • Artificial rattan furniture is destroyed in the rain;
  • over the years, furniture (especially homemade) can become unraveled;
  • the main disadvantage is high price wicker furniture.

Choosing the right rod

A high-quality rod for weaving relatively small openwork furniture should have a thin core. Rods with a thick core are useful for making gazebos or fences. Another selection criterion is the size of the willow leaf. The wider the leaf, the worse the vine will bend, and vice versa.

Popular raw materials for making wicker furniture are rattan or tropical vine. The material is very pliable for weaving, as it has increased flexibility, strong bark with soft wood and a hard core. Rattan branches are smooth and have no extra branches. Their length can sometimes reach 300 m.

Preparing the vine for weaving

Taking into account such parameters as the quality of raw materials, its price, durability and practicality, specialists mainly use rattan or wicker to weave furniture. Since rattan is a southern plant that can rarely be found in our area, and purchasing it in a store is not very profitable, craftsmen mainly use willow branches to make furniture from wicker with their own hands. Willow of any variety is suitable for this craft. It is necessary to harvest raw materials from the end of autumn to the end of winter due to the fact that during this period there is no sap flow in the trees, thus it becomes possible to prepare extremely high-quality material. Using a special tree pruner, you need to cut straight, unbranched and long twigs.

If in the future your wicker furniture will be located outside, then it is better not to peel the cut branches. If your decorative element is intended solely for decorating the interior of the room, then it is better to clean the vine. To do this, boil freshly cut branches in water for 2 hours. Try to use large and deep dishes so as not to bend the branches several times. After 2 hours, the peel from the branches will be easy to separate.

DIY rattan sofa

To work on creating a rattan sofa you will need:

  • vine;
  • pruner;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • screws, screwdriver;
  • jigsaw for wood;
  • stain;
  • wooden sticks for the frame (2 cm thick);
  • drill, drill bits.

Technology for making a rattan sofa:

  1. Before you start weaving, carefully sand the sticks for the sofa frame.
  2. Prepare the vine as well. After boiling and removing the skin, wait until the materials are completely dry.
  3. To make the frame of the sofa seat, take 4 prepared sticks: 2 - 60 cm each, and another 2 - 40 cm each. Fasten them together with a screwdriver and self-tapping screws so that you get a rectangle.
  4. Next, prepare the front legs. There will be 3 of them, with a height that you determine yourself. But standard height– 40 cm.
  5. Attach sticks to the prepared frame in the corners: two at the edges, one in the center.
  6. If the height of the back of your sofa is 25 cm, then together with the height from the floor to the seat, the back poles should be 65 cm. Measure and cut to exactly this length with a jigsaw.
  7. Using self-tapping screws, attach the 3 rear legs to rectangular frame according to the same principle as the front legs were attached.
  8. If desired, you can connect the rear frame poles with a common arc. So, the back of your sofa will have a rounded shape. The length of the stick is approximately 100 cm; it must be screwed with self-tapping screws to the tops of the two rear sticks so that an arc is formed.
  9. For greater strength, fasten the legs of the sofa together with additional sticks.
  10. The main frame is ready, now the rattan branches should be planed to obtain flexible ribbons.
  11. The shavings can be done with a knife. Carefully trim the long branches of the vine from top to bottom.
  12. When everything is ready, all that remains is to make the frame. IN in this case you can use the most different equipment, but the easiest way is to use the technique of simple weaving through one stand with two or three rods on the outside and inside.
  13. Use the rod to bend around one post from the front, and the next post from the back, until the circle is closed. At the same time, for the circle to close, there must be an odd number of racks.
  14. When you start weaving the next row, do not forget to go around the first post from the opposite side, fixing each post in the correct position.
  15. If the rod runs out at its base, place a new one behind the same rack and tuck its ends inward.
  16. After completing the weaving of the frame, the sofa needs to be covered with stain and then varnish. And when the structure dries, it can be decorated with a foam seat covered with a beautiful fabric.

DIY coffee table made of wicker

To make a small wicker coffee table, stock up on a set of necessary tools:

  • plywood sheet;
  • 4 boards for the frame and the same number of bars for the legs;
  • plywood upholstery plates;
  • 4 rods for fastening table legs;
  • rods and tapes for braiding.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. Using a jigsaw, cut a rectangle of the desired size from a thick plywood sheet.
  2. Using ribbons and willow rods, weave a fabric that fits the size of the plywood tabletop.
  3. Carefully and inconspicuously nail the canvas to the tabletop with small nails and set it aside.
  4. Now start making the base. Make a table frame from 4 boards, nail 4 bars to it - the legs of the structure.
  5. Using additional branches, fasten the legs together approximately in the middle, crosswise. After this, wrap the structural parts with willow tapes.
  6. Nail the tabletop to the frame.
  7. Dry the wicker table and then coat it with a layer of varnish.

DIY grocery basket made from wicker

On a picnic or on a hike, a compact basket made of wicker will always come in handy; besides, even novice craftsmen can make such a simple product. Let's talk about the basket weaving technology in order:

  1. First, make a hoop from a thin willow rod. Bend it up required diameter, tie the ends together with a willow ribbon, and cut off the excess with a knife.
  2. To create the base, start weaving vertical rods into the hoop one at a time at equal distances from each other. Maintain a right angle when doing this.
  3. Loop the tail of the rod around the hoop and the riser rod and press with your fingers.
  4. Following the sequence, weave in another riser rod. As an example, weaving technology on initial stage reminiscent of weaving a wreath of flowers.
  5. The result is an approximate frame for the future basket. Start braiding it using the rods. Press the rows of rods closer together.
  6. When you reach the bottom, bend the riser rods and trim off the excess ends that are too long.
  7. After this, braid the bottom of the basket with a thin vine.
  8. Make the handle of the product from several rods woven together. The base of the handle is a thick knitting rod; it must be wrapped with thinner rods.
  9. Tie the ends of the bow and fold them over both sides of the basket.
  10. You can use willow ribbons as an additional decoration. different colors to weave them into the process of making the walls of the product.

Do-it-yourself openwork bread box made of wicker

To make a bread box you will need to prepare one wicker bottom round shape(diameter 15 cm), crosspiece (4x4), risers 55 cm long (19 pcs), thin rods-ropes, blank template (diameter 20 cm), plywood stand (diameter 14 cm). From the list of tools, take with you an awl, a screwdriver, 20 mm long screws, twine, and varnish.

Manufacturing stages:

  1. Moisten the finished bottom to avoid damage to the weaving and attach it to the blank with screws. The height from the bottom to the blank can be determined independently. It is expected to be 6 cm.
  2. Sharpen the thick ends of the riser rods with a knife and insert them into the bottom next to the sticks.
  3. Using pliers, squeeze the risers at the base, lift the tops of the heads up and tie.
  4. Then, directly at the bottom of the basket, braid the risers with a rope of three rods, and make the walls with one rod 60 mm high.
  5. Bend the risers in the form of an arc and weave the excess ends together.
  6. When working with vines, do not forget to wipe the twigs with a damp cloth to prevent them from breaking.
  7. Align the height of the sides of the bread box and the bending of the risers along the upper side of the template attached to the bottom at the very beginning.
  8. When you finish weaving the sides, the blank can be removed.
  9. Coat the finished product with varnish for durability.

Take into account all the nuances when making wicker furniture, and also remember the sequence of the wicker weaving procedure various furniture you can by watching the video.

Caring for wicker furniture

The durability of wicker furniture made from natural materials is directly affected by proper care. There are three basic rules that must be followed when caring for wicker furniture:

  1. To prevent cracks on such furniture, it needs to be slightly moistened about once or twice a month. Simply cover your chair or table with a damp blanket or sheet.
  2. If your wicker set gets wet in the rain, leave it overnight in a dry and preferably ventilated area until completely dry.
  3. Clean the vine from dust regularly. This can be done with a regular soft, dry or damp cloth.
  4. Greasy and dirty places Simply remove with any soap solution. Fat can also be removed using talcum powder.
  5. Under no circumstances should wet wicker furniture be loaded with anything. Otherwise, it may change its shape.


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