Why lemon leaves fall off - possible causes and solutions to the problem. Why do lemon leaves turn yellow? Why does the lemon tree dry out at home?

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Improper watering is the most common problem in caring for indoor plants. Beginning flower growers often encounter this. Citrus fruits, such as lemons, are especially difficult to care for. Sometimes, if not properly cared for, the situation can get to the point where it may be necessary. resuscitation of indoor lemon. They can be reanimated, even if it has already happened pouring lemon roots.

Conditions for good growth

The plant takes part of the oxygen from the ground using the root system. To do this, the soil must be loose and consist of lumps, between which air bubbles are located. For good growth trunk and crown of oxygen in the ground should contain at least 10%. Reducing the amount of air to 5% leads to the loss of half of all leaves.

Chlorine and fluorine found in tap water, lemons do not tolerate well, so you need to leave it for 2 days. It is better to take melted snow or rainwater. On spring days watering lemon should take place early in the morning, in summer, in autumn in the late evening hours.

For citrus fruits, it is necessary to soften the water. There are several ways. For example, ordinary ash and peat are added to it. The most in a simple way is boiling. But such water remains without oxygen. If possible, you can use filtered water for indoor “pets”. You can find recommendations to use oxalic acid to soften. To use this chemical, you must correctly calculate the dosage. The hardness of tap water must be known.

Resuscitation of plants at home

Plants have to be helped to adapt in different situations - when moving, making repairs, after a vacation, due to pests, diseases, improper care. Resuscitation of homemade lemon It will require patience, but it will be worth the effort.

In any difficult situations To restore the plant and preserve the foliage, you need to create conditions of high humidity. In such an environment, it is easier for a lemon to gather strength. The easiest way is to cover the crown with a large plastic bag. It must be transparent and allow the sun's rays to pass through. Do not tie the film at the bottom. The ground should not be covered. Watering is usually done (moderate mode), spraying the crown with the addition of Zircon. Ventilate every day, while avoiding drafts and direct sunlight on the weakened citrus tree.

We save until new shoot buds appear. Such signs indicate restoration of the plant’s functioning. It is necessary to increase the duration of ventilation, gradually accustoming the tree to a different humidity. We remove the film when the plant restores its growth. Resuscitation of indoor lemon high humidity gives good results, the main thing is to use this method in a timely manner. When the plant begins to rot, it is too late to take any resuscitation measures.

Prevention measures

They love attention and careful care. So that they do not get sick, and always delight with their appearance and fragrant fruits, it is necessary to follow preventive measures:

  1. Lemons can more easily survive a lack of moisture than an excess of it.
  2. When you see a stunted plant, you immediately want to water it - this rule does not work with indoor lemons!
  3. A whitish crust of salt in a pot - the soil takes a long time to dry out. It needs to be removed and the top layer replaced.
  4. The golden rule is that it is better to water less, but often, than rarely and a lot.
  5. loves spraying. It cares more about the moist air around it than excess moist soil. Some experts recommend washing in the shower once a week in the summer.

We should be the first to be wary signs of root flooding. But they can be dealt with when there is no systematic excess of water in the pot. The water from the pan must be removed regularly and not allowed to stagnate. This a good place for the reproduction of bacteria and midges.


Any indoor plant needs attention and care. in unusual conditions for them, they seem finicky and capricious. But you just need to follow a number of rules to ensure the necessary comfort for the plant. Not in vain we save from waterlogging, after which we must strive to prevent such situations from happening again.

If the plant has dropped all its foliage, then the fruits must be removed, otherwise they will completely weaken the plant.

Additional care involves providing fresh air, which citrus fruits love. On summer days, it is good to take citrus fruits out into the yard or onto the balcony. Some gardeners replant them in the soil so that they can “rest” in open ground. In the fall, they are returned to the pot again.

It is necessary to wipe regularly with a sponge dipped in soapy water. To maintain humidity, you can place an aquarium and open containers of water next to the citrus tree. Another way is to place a pot of lemon on a tray with pebbles, which you systematically moisten.

Right managed care tending citrus plants does not bring hassle and additional worries, but joy and pleasure. A few simple rules help lemons survive in city apartments with dry air, lack of land, space, fresh air, clean water.

Some reasons for the gulf

It is unpleasant to lose a plant due to waterlogging of the soil. It turns out that you showed great diligence in caring? But sometimes the flooding of the root system has completely different reasons, which at first glance are difficult to detect. You need to know them in order to avoid returning to the same mistakes in the future.

One of the reasons is unsuitable soil for the plant.. This could be the transport soil in which the flower was transported to the store. It cakes quickly due to moisture and almost does not penetrate air, but such soil retains heat well. Such conditions are good for putrefactive bacteria, and not for the root system. To avoid the death of plants, it is recommended to replant them after purchase in suitable soil.

The soil for growing seedlings is also not suitable for citrus trees. Nutrient high-calorie mixtures with high density do not allow the roots to breathe well. Soil with a high sand content is not suitable. At constant watering it washes down the pot, forming a dense layer. Water stagnates in it and cools root system, which leads to rotting.

Another reason is improper watering mode.. It is frivolous to think that you need to water at certain intervals. A plant is not a clockwork mechanism, it is a living organism. It needs to be watered as needed. In summer, watering is scheduled once a day. But suddenly it rains all week, the air humidity has increased greatly, you should think about reducing watering the lemon to avoid flooding the roots. You need to focus on the weather, the appearance of the plant, and the condition of the soil. This is much more difficult than automatically watering a tree on a specified day.

The cause of flooding of the root system can be an incorrectly selected pot. Sometimes gardeners (especially beginners) buy a larger container for growth. More roots small plant do not have time to absorb all the moisture that is in the volume big pot. They suffocate in a damp, dense environment and begin to rot. Various plants prefer their pots. Some people grow well in plastic ones - they transmit heat well. Some people feel comfortable in ceramic pots - they retain the warmth of the earth for a long time. IN hanging pots more air passes to the root system.

Evergreen, but it also has dormant periods and active growth. It is necessary to take into account growing seasons, which may not coincide with the seasons of the climatic zone where it is growing at the moment. Flower growers should take this into account when watering, then there will be no risk of soil waterlogging and root rotting. Also, with a sharp change in temperature in the apartment, or drafts during ventilation, lemons may show signs of horse rot.

How far has the progress come?

In order to completely avoid the possibility of flooding the root system with excess water, you can purchase a special device - a soil moisture meter. This is an inexpensive, compact mechanism that will check the condition of the soil. It has a special needle, it is inserted into the soil, after a while the device produces the measurement result. The results appear on the scale. 1 - the soil is completely dry. 10 - too wet. The device helps to store test data in memory. Special instructions will help you figure out what humidity is needed.

There are also similar electronic devices that evaluate illumination and soil acidity. They help create favorable conditions for growing lemon at home. All these characteristics are important for citrus to grow well and bear fruit.

Drawing conclusions

The plant is subtropical, in its climatic homeland it grew in a humid, hot environment, but does not like waterlogged soil. The soil in the flower pot becomes denser, and there is less air. The roots cool, there is no breathing, and the process of decay begins. It occurs gradually and develops over several months. Only experienced flower growers can detect this process at the slightest sign and take timely measures. But the bulk of indoor lemons die from flooding of the root system.

Growing citrus fruits at home is a whole science, difficult but interesting. A restore Not many indoor plant lovers are able to do this after illness. As a reward, the most persistent gardeners receive wonderful lemons for tea, beautiful plant at home, which perfectly purifies the air.

PROBLEMS WHEN GROWING ROOM LEMON. When growing indoor lemons, in some cases problems arise due to improper care and maintenance of this whimsical plant. By eliminating the cause of tree disease, you can regularly obtain a rich harvest of fruits. Failure to follow care recommendations can lead to the death of the citrus. Why do lemon leaves turn yellow, fall off and curl? Often, gardeners are faced with the fact that lemon leaves turn yellow. There may be several reasons why a lemon turns yellow. Possible reasons could be lack of light or nutrients, since nutrition is very important for citrus crops. For full development, growth and fruit set, elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium, sulfur, and calcium are necessary. Nitrogen affects healthy leaf color. Calcium is responsible for the development of the root system. Phosphorus is involved in the construction of plant cells, improves the quality of fruits, and increases their sugar content, vitamins and microelements. Potassium promotes better nitrogen absorption, accelerates the ripening of woody shoots and fruit ripening, and increases lemon resistance to disease. Timely application of fertilizers containing the above elements will help prevent yellowing, wilting and falling of leaves. At the same time, the taste of the fruit will increase significantly. Lighting plays an important role in the formation of a healthy tree. Citrus, like any other plant in the tropics, requires 12 hours of daylight, so lemon is placed on southern, southwestern and southeastern windows. If necessary, use additional lighting. Another reason why lemon leaves turn yellow is excess light. When direct sunlight hits the plant, or its prolonged exposure to the sun leads to the formation of yellow spots– miniature burns that the tree can cope with on its own if it is placed in a shaded or semi-shaded place. If this is not done, the lemon will completely lose its leaves and die. This culture is moisture-loving. Needs regular, abundant watering and high air humidity (70-90%). In extreme heat or when the indoor air is excessively dry, the edges of citrus leaves begin to turn yellow. To prevent this, you need to spray the tree daily with a spray bottle and also use a humidifier. You can place a container filled with water next to the lemon. Dry air is often the reason why lemon leaves curl. In some cases, the leaves turn yellow at the base and then fall off. This can be facilitated by moisture accumulating in the soil and negatively affecting the root system. With prolonged stagnation of moisture, the roots begin to rot, and the soil becomes bad smell. In this case, it is necessary to transplant the plant into another container filled with fresh soil. Pebbles or expanded clay are preliminarily laid on the bottom, which will ensure good drainage. Before transplanting, roots that have rotted are removed. Then the root system is treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate to destroy putrefactive bacteria. After this, the lemon is planted in fresh soil. Sometimes lemon leaves turn yellow at the edges and curl when there are sudden changes in room temperature. In the same way, citrus reacts to drafts, so a pot of lemon should not be placed near a window or door. Turning on heating appliances can also cause yellowing of lemon leaves. Why does a lemon drop its leaves? different times citrus sheds its leaves every year, but more often this can be observed in the autumn winter period. The reasons why lemon leaves fall off are usually related to unfavorable conditions tree content. With a lack of light, the plant becomes depleted and begins to lose foliage. Quite often this happens in winter. In this case, additional illumination with special lamps is required. Other reasons why a lemon drops its leaves are dry indoor air, lack of nutrition, insufficient watering, a cramped pot, overcooling of the roots, souring of the soil, a sudden change of location, and premature flowering. To eliminate this problem, you need to provide the plant with regular watering and timely application of fertilizers. If the pot becomes too small, the tree is transplanted into a larger container. To prevent overcooling of the root system, you should water the citrus with water. room temperature or a little warmer. Do not keep it on a cold windowsill. It is important to regularly monitor the condition of the soil and its moisture. With excess moisture, the roots begin to rot, which leads to the shedding of leaves. When transplanting a tree into a larger pot, the soil may become acidic. To avoid this new pot should be 2-4 cm larger in diameter than the previous one. Often the leaves fall off immediately after transplantation, so lemons are initially planted in spacious containers. Since the lemon quickly gets used to its permanent place, it reacts negatively to the rearrangement and has difficulty getting used to new conditions, as a result of which it can shed its foliage. Citrus leaves may fall off due to pathogenic microorganisms and various pests, for example, scale insects or spider mite. In order to promptly identify and eliminate pests, it is recommended to periodically inspect the tree. What to do if a lemon has dropped its leaves? In some cases, the plant recovers on its own. However, it is necessary to exclude all possible reasons: prevent drafts, ensure timely watering, optimal air humidity. Fertilizer is applied only if the plant is healthy. If the tree has been moved to another location, you need to return it to its original location. Why doesn't it bloom homemade lemon Sometimes it happens that citrus does not bloom for a very long time. In this case, the tree can be encouraged to flower by grafting with a cultivated cutting. After this, flowers will appear in 2-3 years. The reason why homemade lemons do not bloom may be the lack of a cool winter (at a temperature of 12-15°C), when the plant begins to develop flower buds. IN warm room, without a dormant period, citrus may not bloom. In addition, the tree may lack trace elements. Lemons grown from seeds very rarely bloom and bear fruit. To achieve flowering, it is necessary to graft a branch of a fruiting plant. Flowering will occur in 3-4 years. When planting lemons, you should know that some varieties bloom annually, while others bloom once every 4-5 years. Why does a lemon not bear fruit? It happens that a tree blooms, but does not bear fruit. Why doesn't the lemon bear fruit? There may be several reasons for this. The most common of them are lack of nutrients, low air humidity, and lack of light. With insufficient feeding, the ovary has developed to the size walnut, crumbles. Sometimes, with scanty feeding, the ovary ripens, but the fruits remain small. The lack of fruiting may be due to poor pollination. IN in this case you need to cross-pollinate the flowers with a cotton swab, transferring pollen from one flower to another. To get a rich harvest of lemons, you need to give the tree everything the necessary conditions and provide proper care. For example, in the absence of a state of dormancy, the development of the plant is disrupted, which directly affects its fruiting. Why do the ovaries and fruits of lemons fall off? It happens that a citrus tree has bloomed, but the ovaries have fallen off. Why do lemon ovaries fall off? Most often this occurs due to dry air, drafts, excess moisture, and lack of nutrients. Ovary drop can be caused by scale insects and spider mites. Why do lemon fruits fall off? During fruiting, citrus reacts painfully to even a slight lack of nutrients, as a result of which its yield decreases. To obtain good harvest, V autumn period Potassium fertilizers are added to the soil. You can prepare a solution from water (1 liter) and wood ash(2-3 tablespoons). It is also worth keeping in mind that a tree sheds its ovary when it feels that it is not ready to bear fruit. It is believed that there should be 10 leaves for each fruit. If there are fewer of them, after flowering the excess ovary is removed. It is important to correctly form the load of future fruits. Remove excess flowers, leaving 1-2 flowers on the side branches. If you follow all the rules of care, the question “why lemons fall off” will no longer arise. Why does the lemon dry up and the branches dry out? Gardeners often ask the question “why does the lemon dry up?” This situation occurs when there is a lack of moisture, excessively dry air, stagnation of water in the soil or poor lighting. The possible cause should be eliminated and after some time the tree will recover. Why do lemon branches dry out? This can occur due to a lack or excess of moisture. Often, dried branches indicate a spider mite invasion. It happens that branches dry out in winter. In most cases, this indicates that the plant is acclimatizing. In this case in early spring Dried shoots are removed and new ones will appear in their place. Another reason why lemon dries out is a lack of microelements. It is recommended to alternate fertilizing with nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium or use a balanced fertilizer containing micro and macroelements, necessary for the plant. Citrus responds well to the Root Feeder fertilizer. As a result of its use, the tree pleases with healthy appearance and a rich harvest.

Homemade lemons are plants that require attention. To care for him, you need to know the signs by which you should adjust your actions if you are doing something wrong. It is important to consider many various factors: temperature, lighting, air humidity, watering and others. After all, if the conditions of maintenance are violated, the tree can get sick or even die. But he himself will make it clear that mistakes are made in its content: all signs of improper care can be read from its leaves.

In this article, we will look at the main mistakes made in lemon care to help you avoid them.


If your plant's leaves have turned yellow or brown spots, this may indicate that the tree has received sunburn. Lemon left under straight lines for too long sun rays can cause the tips of the tree's leaves to darken and curl. This means that your tree has received sunburn.

Sunburn of lemon leaf

But burns on the leaves do not affect the entire plant as a whole; they occur only on the leaves on the side of the tree that was facing the sun.
If you notice that your Got sunburn- you need to remove it from direct sunlight, over time the plant will recover on its own. But recovery will not occur quickly, so it is better to avoid placing the plant in direct sunlight.

Hypertrophied large leaves are a sign of excess light for lemon

Signs of low light clearly visible on the leaves: they become pale green and their size decreases. In case of lack of light, it may even shed some of the leaves. It is especially important to monitor the light regime in the autumn-winter period, when there is less light and the plant may experience a deficiency. Therefore, you need to place the tree for several hours under a fluorescent or led lamp for additional lighting of plants. Signs of severe and prolonged light deficiency in lemons are shown in the photo for this article.

Lack of light in lemon - leaves become pale

The most optimal place for growing is well-lit, with fairly bright and diffused light, but not in direct sunlight. The plant is best placed with western or east side at home, it is also possible from the south.

Humidity and temperature

Air humidity and temperature are two more important criteria, without which it will not be possible to grow a healthy one.
Have you noticed that your lemon leaves are drying around the edges and curling? This means that the temperature and dry air in the room where the plant is grown is too high. Because - tropical plant, it tolerates excessive dry air very poorly. Very often the leaves turn yellow on lemons. winter time, since they are placed on window sills next to heating devices. This should not be done, as the plant may dry out, shed its leaves and become sick.

From excessive dry air and high temperature indoors may shed leaves

The optimal temperature for growing tangerines and lemons indoors is 20-23 degrees, and humidity is at least 70%. To increase the humidity in your home to an optimal level, you can use a humidifier. If it is not there, you can simply place containers filled with water near the plants. You also need to periodically spray with water from a spray bottle.

Cold and sudden temperature changes can also have a detrimental effect on the plant. Cold air can cause leaves to fall off a tree. Therefore, protect from drafts and cold.


Have your lemon leaves started to curl into a tube at the ends and then turn yellow? The reason is probably due to insufficient watering of the plant. It is best not to let the lemon soil dry out, as this can lead to drying out and death of the plant. The soil in the pot should always be slightly damp. But if the soil does dry out, it needs to be moistened gradually, with small portions of water at intervals of several hours. Sharp watering of a lemon after a “drought” can negatively affect the plant, and it will shed its leaves.

This is what happens if you don’t water for a long time and dry out the soil.

Too much watering is also not in the best possible way will affect the condition of the plant. When there is a large accumulation of moisture in the soil, the leaves turn yellow at their base, and not at the tips. Flooding the plant adversely affects the condition of the root system, it begins to rot, and because of this the plant begins to ache and wither.

When overwatered, the lemon begins to turn yellow near the base.

To eliminate the effects of overwatering, the plant should no longer be watered for several days to allow the soil in the pot to dry out. If there is too much moisture, you must replant it in a new pot, after drying the roots a little before planting. It is also important not to forget about drainage.

Signs of regular flooding of lemons - the edges of the leaves darken, gradually turn brown, and the roots may rot.

It is necessary to water as the soil in the pot dries out. The frequency of watering is determined by many factors: the size of the pot and plant, temperature and humidity, and others. In summer you need to water more often than in winter: if in winter a couple of times a week is enough for the plant, then in summer the number of waterings needs to be increased and watered every day or a little less often.

Transplantation and soil

Proper soil and replanting also play a big role in the condition of the lemon tree.
If the soil in the pot is not suitable for growing lemon, the plant will signal this by a pattern of yellowing on the leaves. Lemon does not like soil that is too acidic or alkaline. In this case, its leaves first turn yellow, then brown, and then completely fall off. The tree may also experience stunted growth.
Soil depletion can also cause leaf fall in lemons. In this case, you need to add fertilizer to the soil. Also, leaves can change color and dry out due to a lack of mineral nutrients.

If cymon spruce is not suitable for acidity, it will give the following signal in the form of yellowing of the leaf

If they turn yellow at the base, this means that insufficient attention was paid during transplantation. drainage system. The plant needs to be replanted urgently. The pot into which it will be transplanted must be filled at least 30% with drainage, and the rest of the volume is allocated for soil. Expanded clay or small pebbles are good for drainage. Before replanting, you need to dry the root system and remove rotten roots.

If, after replanting with a complete or partial replacement of the soil, some of the leaves fall off the lemon, it means that the root system has been damaged. To rehabilitate the tree, you need to place it under a greenhouse (for this you can use cling film or polyethylene). It should not come into contact with the leaves and stems of the lemon. To maintain the required level of humidity, the plant under the film must be sprayed regularly. Ventilate the lemon daily by removing the film for 15-20 minutes. You can add “Kornevin” to the water for watering the tree to stimulate root growth. The greenhouse can be removed from the plant after new young leaves appear on it.

A general reminder about mistakes in caring for indoor plants

But lemon leaves falling not always a consequence of improper plant care. Sometimes this may be a consequence of the acclimatization of the plant; this can happen to a newly acquired tree. Moving and new living conditions are stressful for citrus, and it can respond by partially dropping its leaves. But there is no need to worry, after about 2 weeks you should get used to the new conditions and the leaves will stop falling. If this does not happen, you should look for another reason for the leaf fall: perhaps you have violated the conditions for keeping the lemon or the plant is sick with something.

If you carefully monitor the condition of the lemon and its leaves, you can prevent many possible mistakes in caring for him. If you follow all care recommendations, all your efforts will be rewarded with a healthy and fruit-bearing lemon tree.

Also, it will be useful to read the article - there are photo instructions on how to understand from the leaves what exactly should be fed at the moment.

Why do the tips of the leaves of indoor lemons dry out is a question that worries many. It would seem that you have read all the basic recommendations from experts, you know what and how to do in order to home shrub quickly took root in his new environment and at one point began to form fruits. But something went wrong, and now the lemon tree faces a sad fate, as it is actively shedding its dried leaves.

Finding out the cause of the problem is not difficult, since there are only a few of them. The first thing you should pay attention to is the peculiarities of watering an indoor lemon tree.

It’s one thing to know that the root system of a lemon can dry out or rot if you do not approach the regularity and intensity of watering correctly, and it’s quite another thing to understand that the quality of water has great value for your indoor plant. In the process of growing lemon at home, this is a basic requirement.

In greenhouses and botanical gardens Professional flower growers use special, pre-settled water. Of course, spending money on purified water for irrigation is an unaffordable expense for many. However, there are some things you can do at home.

The main thing is to understand what exactly is different about the liquid for irrigating the substrate, which is purchased by experienced gardeners, and what nuances are typical for ordinary tap water. Interestingly, the second option is not recommended for moistening the soil composition in which it grows. indoor lemon.

The thing is that such water contains chlorine and fluorine. These mineral elements can cause a lot of damage to a dried out indoor lemon tree. If you constantly saturate the plant with such components, as a result your indoor flower will be significantly damaged: the tips of the leaves may turn yellow and dry out.

Overwatering or drying the soil

Even taking into account the fact that the plant is considered subtropical, which means it loves moisture and high humidity air, it is still undesirable to fill it with water excessively. Let's say you very often moisten the soil composition of the lemon and spray the tree. In addition, it happens that there are no drainage holes, which will only worsen the situation.

What does the florist who made a mistake deal with as a result? The soil in the flowerpot gradually becomes compacted and the pores become clogged. Now the air that the rhizome needs no longer circulates so easily in the substrate. Sooner or later home tree the house simply dries out, as the root system begins to rot due to excess moisture. The indoor lemon drops its leaves, and all because because of high density soil in the pot does not supply nutrients to the rhizome.

But the main thing in caring for a home lemon tree is the golden mean. If overwatering can destroy a plant in a matter of weeks, and a lack of moisture in the soil can also cause a lot of harm. If you do not water your indoor shrub regularly, the soil gradually begins to dry out. The rhizome again does not absorb all the necessary beneficial components.

To prevent an indoor tree from curling its leaves, it is necessary to work out the specifics of its watering.

In the periods between moistening the substrate, be sure to monitor the condition of the soil: as soon as it becomes a little damp, you should start irrigating the soil again. Don't wait until earthen lump will dry completely. In this case, excessive watering will create a real stressful situation for indoor shrubs. The problem can be solved by watering the soil with small volumes of water approximately every 2-3 hours. This way you will bring the lemon back to life after water fasting.

What to do

If your lemon leaves are drying around the edges, it is quite possible that the cause is insufficient watering and low indoor humidity. Very often, flower growers do not think about how important the microclimate in the house is. It would seem that you are watering steadily citrus small portions of water, but it still weakens before our eyes.

In this case, you need to increase the air humidity. This problem often occurs in winter when heating devices are running in the house. What the gardener is recommended to do is not only regularly irrigate the citrus substrate, but also spray it with a spray bottle almost daily. A subtropical indoor plant will respond favorably to such care. Another important point: If necessary, place a container of water next to the flower pot.

To prevent lemon leaves and twigs from drying out, Special attention pay attention to the quality of the water you water the substrate with.

Even if you use tap water, it should be at room temperature. Don't forget that it also needs to be pre-defended. Only when the chlorinated components settle to the bottom will the liquid become suitable for moistening the substrate in which the homemade lemon has taken root.

You are unlikely to be able to revive dried lemon leaves: you will simply need to cut them off. But do everything necessary to ensure that in the future lemon Tree did not dry out, but developed fully, this is already within your power, even if you have some growing experience indoor flowers you didn't have. Take care of the integrity and health of the branches and tips of lemon leaves: revive and save them from drying out, and continue to take watering features seriously.

Flower growers are often involved in growing indoor lemons at home. Agree, who would refuse the opportunity to pick ripe fruits from the branches of a tree themselves and eat vitamins, groomed and cherished with their own hands? However, not everything is so simple with this plant. Sometimes lemon leaves can curl and dry out. What to do if the leaves of a lemon tree curl up and the ends of the branches dry out? How to save your home's dried shrubs from death? It is recommended that every gardener study all these questions in advance.

Why do the tips of the leaves of indoor lemons dry out is a question that worries many. It would seem that you have read all the basic recommendations from experts, you know what and how to do so that your home shrub quickly takes root in its new environment and at one point begins to form fruits. But something went wrong, and now the lemon tree faces a sad fate, as it is actively shedding its dried leaves.

Finding out the cause of the problem is not difficult, since there are only a few of them. The first thing you should pay attention to is the peculiarities of watering an indoor lemon tree.

It’s one thing to know that the root system of a lemon can dry out or rot if you do not approach the regularity and intensity of watering correctly, and quite another to understand that the quality of water is of great importance for your indoor plant. In the process in the house this is a basic requirement.

In greenhouses and botanical gardens, professional flower growers use special, pre-settled water. Of course, spending money on purified water for irrigation is an unaffordable expense for many. However, there are some things you can do at home.

The main thing is to understand what exactly is different about the liquid for irrigating the substrate, which is purchased by experienced gardeners, and what nuances are typical for ordinary tap water. Interestingly, the second option is not recommended for moistening the soil in which indoor lemon grows.

The thing is that such water contains chlorine and fluorine. These mineral elements can cause a lot of damage to a dried out indoor lemon tree. If you constantly saturate the plant with such components, your indoor flower will suffer significantly as a result: the tips of the leaves may dry out.

Overwatering or drying the soil

Even taking into account the fact that the plant is considered subtropical, and therefore loves moisture and high air humidity, it is still undesirable to fill it with water excessively. Let's say you very often moisten the soil composition of the lemon and spray the tree. In addition, it happens that the pot does not have drainage holes, which will only worsen the situation.

What does the florist who made a mistake deal with as a result? The soil in the flowerpot gradually becomes compacted and the pores become clogged. Now the air that the rhizome needs no longer circulates so easily in the substrate. Sooner or later, the domestic tree in the house simply dries out, since the root system begins to rot due to excess moisture. The indoor lemon sheds its leaves, and all because due to the high density in the pot, the rhizome does not receive nutritional components.

To prevent an indoor tree from curling its leaves, it is necessary to work out the specifics of its watering.

In the periods between moistening the substrate, be sure to monitor the condition of the soil: as soon as it becomes a little damp, you should start irrigating the soil again. Do not wait until the earthen ball dries completely. In this case, excessive watering will create a real stressful situation for the indoor shrub. The problem can be solved by watering the soil with small volumes of water approximately every 2-3 hours. This way you will bring the lemon back to life after water fasting.

What to do

If your lemon leaves are drying around the edges, it is quite possible that the cause is insufficient watering and low indoor humidity. Very often, flower growers do not think about how important the microclimate in the house is. It would seem that you are consistently watering the citrus plant with small portions of water, but it still weakens before your eyes.

In this case, you need to increase the air humidity. This problem often occurs in winter when heating devices are running in the house. What the gardener is recommended to do is not only regularly irrigate the citrus substrate, but also spray it with a spray bottle almost daily. A subtropical indoor plant will respond favorably to such care. Another important point: if necessary, place a container of water next to the flower pot.

To prevent lemon leaves and twigs from drying out, pay special attention to the quality of the water with which you water the substrate.

Even if you use tap water, it should be at room temperature. Don't forget that it also needs to be pre-defended. Only when the chlorinated components settle to the bottom will the liquid become suitable for moistening the substrate in which the homemade lemon has taken root.

You are unlikely to be able to revive dried lemon leaves: you will simply need to cut them off. But to do everything necessary to ensure that in the future the homemade lemon tree does not dry out, but develops to its fullest, is already within your power, even if you have not had any experience in growing indoor flowers. Take care of the integrity and health of the branches and tips of lemon leaves: revive and save them from drying out, and continue to take watering features seriously.

Video “Restoring Dried Lemon”

From this video you will learn how to restore dried lemon.


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