Broken heart (flower): planting and care, photo. Broken heart flower planting and care in autumn

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IN Lately There has been a rise in popularity of a once forgotten and out of fashion plant called Dicentra, also called the Broken Heart flower. It got this name for a reason: the pink bud in the shape of a heart seems to be broken right in the middle, and a “tear” flows from this “wound”. In appearance, dicentra bushes do not represent anything special, and they appear in the flowerbed mainly as a gift from friends. The unsightliness of the plant usually does not cause delight among those who accepted the gift, but already next spring this mood changes dramatically when magnificent flowers appear on nondescript bushes.

Why "Broken Heart"?

Why is dicentra called so - the “Broken Heart” flower? In France, it is called “Jeannette’s flower,” and this name is associated with a legend according to which, once upon a time, a young girl, going to the forest to pick berries, got lost. The sun was already setting behind the horizon, and she began to look for a path to return home, but her attempts were in vain. The girl was badly scratched on the thorny bushes and tried to call for help, but in response she heard only the howling of wolves. Suddenly she saw a rider approaching her on a white horse. He picked her up and galloped into the village. Finding herself on the threshold of the house, Jeannette looked after the retreating young man and felt that they would meet again. But then she could not even imagine that the next meeting would be sad. A year later, the girl woke up to the loud sounds of music coming from a passing wedding procession. And what was her shock when she recognized the handsome young man who had once saved her in her groom! Poor Jeannette was torn, and in this place a beautiful flower grew, reminiscent of a broken heart.

Care and planting

In Germany, "broken heart" flowers are called "heart flowers", but their scientific name is dicentra. It is connected with two spur-shaped protrusions of the petals. Due to the unusual nature of the flower, one often gets the impression that it is very difficult to care for, but this is absolutely not the case. The “Broken Heart” flower is unpretentious to the soil, but still prefers light, fertile and slightly acidic soils. It does not like large amounts of water - in such cases the roots of the plant begin to rot. When caring, everything a flower needs comes down to the usual actions - watering, weeding, fertilizing with minerals and loosening. It is propagated by dividing bushes into autumn period. Dicentra loves sunny places; in the shade it blooms later and has a paler color, but the flowering period is longer. On average it lasts 35-40 days, after which the bush dies and grows again in the spring. The height of the Broken Heart flower can reach from 15 to 100 centimeters. This parameter depends on the plant variety, of which there are about twenty.


The “Broken Heart” flower, whose photographs are mesmerizing, has long deserved love, and this is not at all surprising. Bushes are planted in flower beds, flower beds, borders and mixborders. Low growing varieties They look great when planted with other flowers, and tall ones can be planted one at a time. One of the advantageous placement options is an alpine slide, the second is planting with fern, juniper, and thuja. You can also complement the splendor of the “hearts” with daffodils, phlox and delphinium. Dicentra can be grown at home in a pot, which is what many gardeners do.

In this article we will tell you about a beautiful decorative growing plant with the poetic name “Broken Heart”. In botany, this flower is called dicentra, but it has become widespread due to its non-scientific name.

The flower got the name “Broken Heart” for a reason. There is a beautiful legend explaining its origin. One day beautiful girl named Jeanette was walking in the forest and got lost. Her savior was a beautiful young man on a white horse. He brought Jeanette home safe and sound, and before leaving, he kissed her tenderly. At that moment, the girl fell in love with the young man, and when he left, she began to eagerly await his return. However, months passed, and the lover never arrived. And then one day in the village where Zhanetta lived, a holiday began - it was the wedding of the very young man with whom the girl was in love. When she saw her beloved as the groom of another girl, she lost consciousness and fell to the ground. At that moment, her heart split into pieces from pain. The girl died, and in the place where she died, Dicentra grew, which people began to call the “Broken Heart” flower.

In this article we will talk in detail about botanical features this plant, methods of its propagation and planting, as well as methods of caring for the flower.

Botanical description flower broken heart

Dicentra or the "Broken Heart" flower belongs to the "Poppy" family. He is originally from Japan. This perennial However, some of its species also grow as annuals. In addition, it is grown at home and in flower beds. In both cases, there is nothing difficult in growing dicentra. The main thing is to provide the plant with proper care.

Appearance The flower is very beautiful and attractive:

  • The flowers are heart-shaped (one can be 3 cm in size) and are arranged in an arc on a sinewy branch.
  • Petals can be white, pink, cream, or lavender.
  • Inside the flowers there is a “box” with black seeds.
  • The leaves have a dark green color.
  • It grows like a shrub, the height of which can reach 1-1.5 m.
Types and varieties of flower Broken Heart with photo

"Broken Heart" is a variety of dicentra that can be grown in the middle climate zone. This flower is also called Dicentra the Magnificent, as it looks like a sophisticated women's pendant in the shape of a heart on a string. She has several varieties. The most common of them:

  • "Gold Hut" is a plant with pink flowers.

  • "Alba" is a plant with white flowers.

Flower Broken Heart: Planting and Propagation

Although "Broken Heart" is considered enough unpretentious flower, some rules for planting it need to be taken into account:

  • If you live in the northern region, then the magnificent dicentra should be planted in late May - early June.
  • If you live in southern region, then the flower should be planted in early autumn - best in September, despite the fact that “Developed Heart” is considered a frost-resistant plant.
  • Dig up the soil in advance (50 cm deep) in which you want to plant the magnificent dicentra.
  • Fertilize the soil with humus and mineral fertilizer(if you have clay soil, then you need to add sand or peat to it).
  • Make holes for the seedlings (30 by 40) cm so that there is a distance of at least 30 cm between them.
  • It is necessary to lay drainage at the bottom of the holes ( broken brick or expanded clay).
  • The culture propagates in three ways:

  • By cuttings.
  • Using a sharp knife, cut off the shoot at the base of the adult flower. Then it is rooted 10 cm in fertile soil in a greenhouse or open ground(in the latter case, the shoot needs to be slightly shaded with glass or film). You can also plant shoots in a pot, so that “Broken Heart” then grows like indoor flower.

  • Dividing the bush.
  • This can be done infrequently - only once every 4 years in early spring or autumn. Since the roots of the “Broken Heart” flower are very fragile, they must be divided very carefully. Experienced gardeners It is recommended to first dig up the roots, leave them above the ground for a while so that they wilt a little, and then divide them.

  • Seeds.
  • This method of propagation is not popular in the northern regions, as it is very labor-intensive and not always effective, because the seeds rarely ripen due to climatic conditions. It’s easier to buy an already grown “Broken Heart” flower. If they ripen and sprout, then you will see the plant blooming only after a few years. If you still decide to propagate the magnificent dicentra in this way, then do it better for the winter - in September.

    Flowers Broken Heart: Care

    You need to take care of the magnificent dicentra very carefully:

    • Before the onset of frost, shoots and young flowers of “Broken Heart” must be covered with film material, otherwise they will die. Mature plants are more resistant to extreme cold.
    • Under adult plants, despite their frost resistance, it is advisable to add an eight-centimeter layer of peat or lay out Christmas tree or fir branches. However, in no case should you overdo it in this matter, since excess heat can lead to the death of the flower.
    • To prevent the root system of the “Broken Heart” flower from being exposed, you need to add a little soil under it.
    • The plant needs to be watered regularly to keep the soil moist and loosened. To prevent a crust from forming, you can sprinkle upper layer mulch.
    • The wilted inflorescences of “Broken Heart” need to be cut off so that the rest do not deteriorate.
    • When the crop fades, you need to trim the shoot to the very base. Five-centimeter shoots remain above the soil, which are sprinkled with ash.
    • The flower must be weeded regularly and protected from aphids using formaldehyde. In addition, dicentra can sometimes be susceptible to several diseases. Among the most dangerous are tobacco mosaic or ring spot.
    • If your flower has been growing in the same soil for more than 5 years, then it needs to be replanted, otherwise its root system will die.
    Video “Dicentra (Broken Heart)”
    • Type: poppy
    • Flowering period: June July August
    • Height: 15-40cm
    • Color: pink, white, purple, persian blue
    • perennial
    • Winters
    • Shade-loving
    • Moisture-loving

    Lush rose bushes, tall thickets of gladioli and even rows of marigolds and calendulas near country houses look great, but quite traditional. Why not enliven the familiar landscape with such a wonderful plant as dicentra? From the earliest spring delicate flower will bloom its heart-shaped buds and decorate your garden until mid-summer, if, of course, the rules for planting and caring for dicentra are correctly followed.

    Dicentra is a rarely used name; much more often we hear the more figurative version of “broken heart”. The flower received such a capacious name due to the curious shape of the buds, reminiscent of small hearts. Some people know this plant as double-spur, a literal translation of dis and kentron, meaning “double” and “spur.” Among the French, rich in legends, the flower received the name “Jeanette’s heart”, among the practical Germans - “flower of the heart”, among the inventive Englishmen - “lady in the bath”, and the Russian people dubbed it in their favorite minor key “broken heart”.

    Although many consider this plant to be European, its homeland is Japan, from where it was brought to Europe only in 1816. Beautiful flower immediately attracted attention with its bright colors and interesting shape buds, so he became a regular in the gardens of aristocrats and nobles. Gardeners fell in love with the non-standard, exquisite dicentra so much that even the names of the varieties turned out to be “telling”: elegant, beautiful, magnificent, excellent, exceptional.

    The place of the plant in a flower bed or flower garden is chosen depending on its variety. A tall, magnificent dicentra looks great in the center of the composition, miniature wandering or exceptional - along the edges or along the border

    Although the plant is not capricious, for better flowering It’s worth preparing the planting site and cultivating the soil in the fall. Dicentra feels great both in areas illuminated by the sun and in the shade of trees, so there should be no problems with setting up a flower garden. In shady areas, the buds bloom a little later.

    In the fall, you need to carefully dig up the flowerbed chosen for planting to a depth of 40 cm and make it more fertile by adding humus (about 3 kg per m²). For mineral replenishment, a universal fertilizer for garden flowers is suitable in a volume of 15-20 g per 10 liters of water. In the future, when the plant gives color, it should be fed 3-4 more times - this guarantees fast growth and lush flowering. After rain or watering, the soil around the bushes should be loosened, but very carefully, since the roots of the plants are close to the surface.

    For weeding and loosening the soil, it is better to use a tool that resembles a small pitchfork - the soil treatment will be gentle, and the fragile roots will not be damaged

    The soil should be relatively light and allow moisture and air well. If the soil is heavy or clayey, it must be diluted with river sand or peat so as not to cause root rot. Many gardeners make a “pie” for the winter from dry straw or reeds, laying them out in layers and alternating them with soil in a specially dug hole.

    The best methods of propagation and transplantation

    There are three ways to propagate dicentra - by dividing the rhizome, above-ground shoots and seeds. We immediately dismiss the last path - the plant usually does not form a large number of seeds, and some varieties (for example, “Magnificent”) in temperate latitudes do not produce them at all. Difficulties also arise with growing seeds, so the most optimal method of propagation is by planting parts of the rhizome or shoots.

    It is better to divide the plant at the end of summer, when the above-ground shoots die off. The roots are very carefully dug up, removed from the soil and dried - in a slightly flaccid state they become more elastic and break less. Then the rhizomes are carefully divided into parts so that 3-4 buds remain on each segment for the formation of shoots. Pieces of root are buried in the ground in a dimly lit area and watered abundantly. warm water. To protect the cuts, you can sprinkle them with ash. When the cuttings take root, they can be transplanted into a flower bed.

    To divide an old bush, part of the plant is not suitable; you need to dig up the entire plant. The rhizome should be carefully disassembled into elements, removing dead fragments and thin shoots

    Early spring is also suitable for transplanting dicentra. It is necessary to choose the moment when the shoots are still “sleeping” or have just begun to grow. It is better to divide once every 5-6 years, but not less often, as the roots begin to age and die.

    The disembarkation order is as follows:

    • dig small holes in the flowerbed, the distance between which is 30-40 cm (the larger mature plant, the greater the distance);
    • put 3-4 divisions in each hole - for splendor;
    • fill the holes with earth, tamp lightly;
    • pour water heated in the sun.

    Propagation by ground cuttings is carried out in the spring. Carefully rake the soil at the base of the bush and cut it sharp knife small parts of the plant with a “heel”. Then the cuttings are kept in a stimulator for about a day for rapid emergence of roots and planted in well-watered soil, finally covered tightly with greenhouse film. In about a month, roots will appear. On permanent place Flowering sprouts are planted only after a year.

    If it is important to show the beauty and originality of the plant, it is necessary to plant it individually in flower pot, flowerpot or large ceramic flowerpot

    Features of caring for this plant

    Proper cultivation of dicentra involves constant care, during which it is necessary to monitor lighting, timely watering, weeding and loosening.

    The plant blooms equally well in the shade and in the sun, but the splendor and timing of its flowering directly depend on the degree of illumination. In open areas, the buds bloom and fade early, and the flower stalks are not particularly large or lush. In shaded areas, color develops more slowly, but the “hearts” turn out bright, large and do not disappear until mid-summer.

    Dicentra simply loves sandy and rocky soils. therefore, one of the best places for its location is gentle slopes along paths lined with stone or brick

    For the installation of a drainage layer located under the upper fertile layer, fine expanded clay, as well as gravel or coarse river sand, are suitable

    Some tips for caring for your dicentra:

    • The rich color of the buds is ensured if you feed the roots with superphosphate in the spring, and then apply 3-4 more feedings during the growth process.
    • Even after the plant has flowered, it is necessary to fertilize it with nitrogen for better formation of new buds.
    • During a strong drop in temperature, it is better to cover the plant using non-woven material.
    • Faded brushes must be removed in time, then the flowering period of other branches will be extended.
    • With the arrival of autumn they remove aboveground part, leaving stumps no higher than 5 cm.

    The soil requires special attention. When overmoistened, the dicentra roots begin to rot, so it is better to choose raised areas for placing flower beds. If the plant has already been planted, and the soil is regularly flooded, you should artificially raise the soil and equip the flower garden with a drainage layer and grooves for water outflow. At high temperatures, watering must be done more often and more abundantly so that the roots do not dry out. To retain moisture and protect against overheating, peat or humus is used, which is spread in a dense layer around the base of the plant.

    The most common varieties of dicentra

    Dicentra splendid received its name due to its size - it is the largest and most lush plant. An adult specimen looks like a voluminous bush covered with lacy foliage and densely strewn with flowering tassels. The most common shade range is bright pink; plants with white flowers are much less common. White-flowered forms are shorter in stature, but no less lush and decorative.

    In order for the magnificent dicentra to bloom again towards the end of summer, you need to use a little trick: after flowering, carefully cut off the brushes with peduncles

    Dicentra beautiful is a miniature shrub, reaching a height of no more than 30 cm. It blooms small, but graceful flowers from soft white to bright purple. The flowering period is quite long - from early spring to late summer. Some varieties have an unusual silvery leaf color, as if covered with a light fluff. The plant is suitable for decorating borders and alpine slides.

    Dicentra beautiful is one of the plants that manages to produce seeds. This explains her long flowering, until autumn, when the seed pods are fully formed

    Dicentra exceptional (excellent) is distinguished by its small growth - no more than 25 cm. Against the background of bluish-gray leaves, reminiscent in shape of fern leaves, fragile pink, purple or white inflorescences flaunt. It blooms modestly, not very profusely, for 2 months, and in cool summer - throughout the entire season. This plant is easy to winterize.

    Due to the similarity of the leaves to ferns, dicentra exceptional is ideal for spectacular decoration of alpine slides, rockeries or low coniferous plantings

    The result of selective selection was dicentra climbing (climbing) - an amazing variety, an annual, the birthplace of which is considered to be the Himalayas. It does not look like an ordinary bush, but rather a long enough vine, up to 2 m, that blooms with beautiful yellow buds.

    Growing climbing dicentra is more difficult than its relatives. The vines require special care and attention, more high temperature and absolutely cannot stand the cold

    Dicentra vagrant is distinguished by its small size - no higher than 15-20 cm and short roots. The flowers are rare, but large, and are white, pink and red in color. Has more late date flowering - from July to September. Feels good in temperate climate, easily tolerates cold weather.

    Dicentra vagabond prefers not waterlogged soil. Loves sandy, gravelly or rocky soil, so it should be used to decorate alpine hills, screes and slopes

    Dicentra – universal flower, equally suitable for single plantings and for decorating group flower beds. Low varieties are used to decorate lawns, alpine hills, rockeries and thickets of evergreen shrubs, large ones are used to create lush multi-level flower beds around the house.

    Dicentra broken heart - the plant has this name because of the interesting and unique shape of its flowers in the shape of a heart broken in half. Dicentra differs from other flowers in its original shape. Dicentra is easy to care for; it can grow in partial shade. The plant grows from 30 centimeters to 1 meter in height.

    The name of the Dicentra flower is rarely used; it is better known as the “broken heart flower.” In France, Dicentra is called “Jeannette’s heart”, in Germany – “heart flower”, in England – “lady in the bath”.

    Dicentra's homeland is Japan. In 1816, the flower was brought to Europe. Thanks to its original form, Dicentra began to decorate the gardens of aristocrats. Gardeners fell in love with this flower very much and gave unusual name varieties: graceful, excellent, beautiful, exceptional and magnificent.

    In the fall, you need to choose a place for Dicentra and cultivate the soil. Choosing a place should not be a problem for you, because the heart flower grows well in both sunny place, and in the shade. Only in the shade, the buds open a little later.

    Selected location required dig well approximately to a depth of 40 cm. Then this soil needs to be fertilized with humus (take 3 kg of fertilizer per m2). To make a mineral supplement, take a standard fertilizer that is suitable for garden flowers (dissolve 10–15 grams of it per 10 liters of water). When Dicentra grows up, it is necessary to additionally feed 3-4 times. As a result, the flower will grow faster and bloom profusely.

    The soil for Dicentra should be light, perfectly permeable to moisture and air. However, if you come across heavy soil, it should be diluted with peat or river sand so that there is no rotting of the roots.

    Reproduction and transplantation of a broken heart

    Dicentra can be propagated in three ways:

    1. dividing the rhizome;
    2. aboveground sprouts;
    3. using seeds.

    Using seeds is not best option, some species of Dicentra do not form them, and some - produce few seeds. Growing them is also difficult.

    The best way to propagate a flower is to divide the rhizome. Best period for this it is the end of summer. Carefully dig up the roots, then pull them out of the ground and dry them. When they are in a slightly flaccid state, the roots are elastic and do not break.

    Then the rhizome of the flower is divided into pieces, so that each has 3-4 buds for the formation of shoots. These parts are planted in the ground in a place that is not very lit, and watered very well with warm water. As a protective action, the sections are sprinkled with ash. When these parts of the root take root, they can be transplanted into a flower bed.

    Dicentra can be transplanted in early spring. Only this should be done when the shoots have not yet begun to grow or have just begun. Division can be done once every 5-6 years, no less often, because then the aging process occurs in the roots and they die.

    The landing of a broken heart occurs as follows:

    • Make holes in the flowerbed, with a distance of 30–40 cm from each other.
    • Place 3-4 parts of the root into the hole, cover them with soil, and tamp them down a little.
    • Pour warm water over it.

    In spring, the flower is also propagated by ground cuttings. Carefully rake the soil at the base of the Dicentra and cut off small parts of it from the “heel” using a sharp knife. Then they place the cuttings in a stimulator for rapid emergence of roots and wait about a day. Next, these parts are planted in soil that has been well watered before. At the end, carefully cover with greenhouse film. About a month later, roots will form. Sprouts can be planted in the flowerbed after a year.

    Caring for Dicentra

    Caring for a heart flower involves proper lighting, timely watering, loosening the soil and weeding.

    Dicentra takes root well in sunlit and shaded areas. But the flowering period and splendor of Dicentra depends on the degree of lighting. In a sunny area buds open early, but their flowering passes quickly, and the flowers are not particularly lush. If Dicentra grows in the shade, then it blooms a little later, and the flowers are very bright and large. The color does not fade until mid-summer.

    Tips from experts on proper flower care:

    1. To achieve rich and bright color Dicenters, in the spring, feed the roots with superphosphate, and then do 3-4 additional feedings.
    2. To help new buds form better, fertilize with nitrogen after the flower stops blooming.
    3. In winter, it is better to cover the plant using non-woven material.
    4. Remove faded brushes in a timely manner so that others bloom longer.
    5. In autumn, you need to remove the above-ground part, leaving only stumps that do not exceed 5 cm.
    6. Pay special attention to the soil. If there is waterlogging, the roots of the flower will rot. That's why you need to choose a raised place for flower beds. If Dicentra is planted and this place is constantly flooded, then you need to artificially raise the ground and make a drainage layer and grooves in the flower garden so that the water can flow out. In hot weather, you need to water the flower more often so that the roots do not dry out. To retain moisture, use peat or humus. It is placed in a large layer around the base of the Dicentra.

    Dicentra varieties

    Dicentra is great. This flower variety is the largest and most magnificent. This is a bush that has openwork foliage and is completely covered with flowers. Very often these flowers have hot pink color, less often white. Dicentra with white flowers is characterized by lower growth.

    Varieties of Dicentra

    Dicentra is beautiful. This is a small shrub, the height of which does not exceed 30 cm. The flowers are miniature, ranging in color from soft white to bright purple. They begin to bloom with the arrival of spring and end at the end of summer. In some varieties you can find leaves with silver color.

    Dicentra is exceptional. This variety has a miniature growth that does not exceed 25 cm. The inflorescences are pink, white or purple. It blooms for about 2 months, and if the summer is not hot, then the whole season. The leaves are bluish-gray in color and resemble a fern in shape. It tolerates the winter season easily.

    Dicentra curly. The variety arose as a result of selective selection. The birthplace of the flower is the Himalayas. This unique variety , annual. Blooms with yellow buds. During the growth process, the vine reaches two meters.

    Dicentra vagabond. This variety is small in size, no more than 15–20 cm, and it also has short roots. It does not bloom profusely, but the inflorescences are large. They can be white, pink or red. This variety of Dicentra blooms in July and blooms until September. Copes well with cold weather.

    Dicentra is not only very beautiful flower, But versatile and very practical. The flower looks great when planted alone and is also suitable for planting with other plants. Large varieties planted to create multi-level flower beds near the house, and low ones are great for decorating lawns,

    The people came up with the unusual name dicentre. “Broken Heart” blooms amazingly and beautifully, transforming the decoration of the garden from the beginning of spring until the hottest month of summer - July. Popularity is growing and moving from the southern territories to the edge of frost and cold.

    Dicentra blooms amazingly and beautifully, transforming the decoration of the garden from the beginning of spring until the hottest month of summer - July

    Homeland flowering plant is a country with unusually beautiful nature. Dicentra is no exception. The bush appeared in Europe in 1816. Due to the original shape of the inflorescence, a large number of names have been coined for the plant:

    • Broken heart;
    • Dvushporets;
    • Jeannette's heart.

    The buds look like small split hearts. The plant adorned the gardens of noble families, the upper classes and the aristocracy. Gradually it expanded its possessions and began to appear almost everywhere. The hearts are so bright that it is impossible not to notice them on the site. Breeders, assessing the popularity of the species, began to make their own changes, created new varieties, adding new characteristics to the name:

    • Exceptional;
    • Gorgeous;
    • Excellent;
    • Graceful.

    Variety requires special attention to its landing site. This is not only due to the peculiarities of the formation of the bush, but also the flowering of the bush. Pristine natural originality is so difficult to depict that it is better to see it in photographs or video scenes.

    How to grow dicenra from seeds (video)

    Popular types and varieties of dicenta

    Breeders have created species of dicentra that differ from each other in color, bud size and other characteristics. Among the varieties there are varieties that are popular with gardeners.

    Gold Heart

    The variety belongs to the group of magnificent dicentra. Him high growth and large buds. The petals have a bright pink hue and yellow foliage. The plant is impossible not to notice among others flower crops.

    Dicentra Gold Heart


    Also belongs to the group of great. Voluminous, heavy hearts cover tall reddish-brown branches with bright green leaves.


    The lush bush is low, about 25-35 cm. It is distinguished by the tone of its buds. They are white on top, merging with the lower petals of a delicate lilac hue.

    Dicentra Aurora

    golden vine

    A beautiful climbing vine covered with yellow inflorescences in the shape of hearts. The variety is included in separate group, whose name is climbing. The shoots reach 2 meters. There are so many buds that sometimes the foliage is simply not visible, it seems to be far below.

    Burning Hearts

    A hybrid is a combination of two varieties- vagabond and excellent. The spectacular bush is so lush that the branches with buds are comparable to lace. The shade of the inflorescences is also unusual - crimson with white petal tips, like a fringe. The foliage is also original in tone – it gives off a silver feel.

    Dicentra Burning Hearts

    Dicentra is a magnificent pink, and its varieties Alba and Valentina

    The most common variety among Russian gardeners. Its scientific name is spectabilis. It begins to bloom among the first spring crops, in May. The height of the bush is up to 1 m. Usually the hearts are red. But among the magnificent variety there are bushes with an original palette:

    1. Alba. Hearty pure white. Located along the stem, they vary in volume: from large to small. Hearts look gentle and unusually sophisticated. The white shapes at the base beautifully open up and break up. The name is similar to albinos, emphasizing the snow-whiteness of the variety. In the morning, when some of the hearts are just beginning to open, the impression is created of the white sparkle of boilliants or diamonds. This effect comes from dew drops. Then during the day the flower simply touches and pleases the eye.
    2. Valentina. Bicolor variety. Bright red mixes with contrasting white. The form loses its precision. Reminiscent of opening rose buds releasing white petals, long as a train evening dress. The variety is not high, but you won’t be able to lose it.

    Magnificent is always tall and noticeable. She is given a central position in the flowerbed. It will outshine other plants if planted at the edge of the bed.

    Dicentra magnificent pink

    Dicentra graceful

    The variety looks great along borders or along a fence. The type of bush differs in the arrangement of leaves. They come straight from the root; there are no usual stems. The plant can be compared to a fern. The amazing shapes of the buds have a pink tone. Purple medallions are combined into voluminous bouquets. Bushes that are attractive in grace are formed. Flowering lasts all summer.

    Dicentra climbing

    The name explains the structure of the bush. Long vines crawl along the ground, stretching up to 3 meters. For the view, gardeners install holders different forms: straight, arched designs. The stem can be directed in the direction where the owner wants to see the flowers. The rarity of the variety is that it can be grown from seeds. Golden vine - one of the species attracts owners of personal plots with the color of its buds. In the morning and afternoon, under the rays of the sun, they shine like gold. In the evening the tone changes - it becomes closer to light green.

    Dicentra climbing

    Dicenta beautiful (formosa)

    Beautiful (or formosa) gives delicate small buds of pale purple. They are flat, thin and located on the stems in different directions. From the outside it may seem that butterflies have flown to the bush. They do not settle on the plant for long, the wind will flutter and the butterflies will scatter. The charm comes not only from the buds, but also from the carved leaves, light and airy like inflorescences. The upper part of the leaf differs from the lower part: a bluish tint is noticeable below. The two most popular varieties are King of Heart and Aurora. differ in the shades of the leaf blades and the palette of the bud.

    The tubers of the rhizome resemble grains of rice and form a cushion that gives rise to individual rosettes. The bush is not tall, but begins to bloom in March. It is grown in pots. The buds are bright white and have spurs in the center that cut the shape of the inflorescence. The variety is compared to Dutch bloomers, the national style of clothing. There are other shades among the species: pink, lemon yellow, but they are very rare.

    Dicentra uniflorum

    The variety has its own name - ox's head. The usual heart shape in this form is more like the head of an ox with long horns. The sepals bend back like horns, which is where breeders found the resemblance to a formidable animal. Unusual shapes They also have leaves. They are feathery, located far from the peduncles, as if separately, on their own. The bush in its natural environment hides among wormwood; it is discovered only by flowering, which begins in February. The culture is very difficult to care for, because she was accustomed to natural conditions, almost unique in a cultivated area. The name monochromatic explains the peculiarity: the inflorescence has one shade, completely identical, so the volume of the form is lost.

    Gallery: dicentra flower (51 photos)

    Features of growing dicenta from seeds

    Seeds are very difficult to obtain in the Russian climate. Not very high germination rates characterize purchased seed material. But the hard work of gardeners can work wonders. How to grow dicenta from a small seed:

    1. Prepare the seeds. First they are soaked, waiting for the shell to break down.
    2. The timing is right. Planted in open ground in early spring. Shoots will not appear immediately, you will have to be patient, weed the bed, and not confuse them with weeds.
    3. Do not disturb the seedlings. The root system with this type of propagation is very weak. Therefore, it is not touched until strong branches are formed.
    4. Learn the rules for caring for seedlings.

    Growing flowers from seeds is difficult. The method is considered unreliable, so it is recommended to resort to it if it is not possible to find a cutting or part of the root.

    Features of growing dicentra (video)

    Dicentra propagation methods

    Garden flowers reproduce vegetatively:

    • Cuttings;
    • Dividing the bush.

    It is possible to obtain a bush from seeds, but you need to prepare for the fact that it will not be able to bloom through the recommended propagation, much later.


    Select the strongest spring cuttings. They can be found among strong shoots. Cut with a sharp knife at the very base of the branch. The cuttings are placed in mini greenhouses to allow them to root. It is better to plant rooted shoots in a permanent place after a year.

    Dividing the bush

    The bush is dug out of the ground and the roots are freed from the ground. Leave the plant to wilt or dry out a little. Then division begins. Each part can have up to 3-4 shoots. The main root is divided carefully, trying to leave part of the rhizome at each new division.

    One of the ways to propagate dicentra is by dividing the bush

    Timing and technology of planting dicentra

    The flowering bush is undemanding in care. Dicentra can be planted in the brightly sunlit center of the site, or it can be sent to a shaded corner of the owners’ resting place, near the gazebos. It will feel equally good everywhere, but the flowering period will begin brighter, and the buds will delight you with rich colors if the place is sunny and open. In the shade, the bush will develop more greenery and foliage than inflorescences.

    Planting requires land preparation. Soil requirements:

    1. Good drainage: release of moisture from the roots.
    2. Retaining moisture in a minimum amount: no stagnation and accumulation of water around the root system.
    3. Light soil: no conditions for root rot, peaty or sandy soil.

    Planting technology:

    • select a site;
    • dig holes at a distance of 35 cm between the depressions;
    • Place parts of the plant in each hole;
    • cover with prepared soil;
    • compact the top layer;
    • pour warm water over it.

    The flower does not require replanting for 5 years.

    Blooming dicentra will help you gain a lot of positive emotions and joyful feelings.

    Secrets of proper care for dicentra

    For proper growth, the flower needs to be fed. The first feeding is carried out in the spring, before the period active growth. Dicentra is gaining strength to please with flowering. The better the feeding, the more abundant the flowering will be. Fertilizers for roots:

    1. Organic – humus, compost, 3 kg/1 sq.m.
    2. Mineral – purchased mixture flower shops, 20 g/10 l.

    Then support the plant another 3-4 times. All fertilizing before the start abundant flowering, then there is no need to disturb the bush. Fertilizers are applied when the formation of buds begins to subside. Fertilizing will extend the flowering period.
    Care secrets:

    1. Water correctly. Distribute the moisture over the surface under the bush, do not pour it into one hole.
    2. Loosen the top layer. Lightly churning the soil will allow the roots to constantly have access to air.
    3. Weed. You need to constantly remove weeds from under the plant. You can make small furrows where you can place the remains of the weeds. Gardeners advise first putting the weeds in some kind of container, then cutting them up, crumbling them into small pieces, and putting them in a furrow. A natural cushion is created that provides additional warmth and beneficial microelements for the roots.

    How to transplant dicentra (video)

    1. In the second year, some of the roots rise above the ground; they must be covered with soil. It is better to deepen the bush. The process is complex and requires accuracy.
    2. Use superphosphate as a fertilizer. It will enhance flowering.
    3. At the end of flowering, nitrogen-containing mixtures are used for fertilizer.
    4. If there is a sudden cold snap, you should consider protecting the plant. Select covering material, close root system sawdust or leaves. As soon as the frost subsides, the covering is removed from the roots, and the flower may die.
    5. During the development of the bush, constantly cut off wilted branches and inflorescences.
    6. In autumn, the entire above-ground part is cut off, leaving low stems - up to 10 cm.

    The legends about the power of the dicentra are so interesting that you want to experience them for yourself. A flower of charm and tenderness, pressed to the chest, can fulfill a woman’s desire to find love and reciprocity. The flowering of the bush will help you gain a lot of positive emotions and joyful feelings. Therefore, you should try and plant a broken heart on the plot, enjoy the aroma, wait for magic and miracles.

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