Russian-British school algorithm. Life hack: preparing for the OGE in three months

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The day of delivery of the general is rapidly approaching compulsory exam for 9th grade students - GIA in mathematics, which means it’s time to think about preparing for it. From this article you will learn all about the most effective ways training - from preparation from scratch to various options distance courses. Please note that the result of passing the GIA in mathematics is included in the certificate of incomplete secondary education, and you must receive a positive grade (“3” or higher) to transfer to grade 10, and in order to get into a specialized physics and mathematics class, you must get a high score. If the child is going to enter a technical school, then the results of this testing will be taken into account during admission. Therefore, be extremely serious about the General State Exam (OGE). So, there are the following main options for preparing for the State Examination in mathematics:

  • independent preparation for the OGE (GIA);
  • training with a tutor;
  • distance learning;
  • hybrid option.

How to choose the optimal form of training?

First of all, you should evaluate your knowledge and capabilities, and from the analysis, draw conclusions about the strategy for preparing for the upcoming OGE. Let's consider the possibility of self-study to prepare for the GIA in algebra. This method Suitable for children who meet the following criteria:

  • excellent student (at least in algebra);
  • having the ability to systematically and independently work with educational books in mathematics and online materials;
  • having the ability to independently evaluate one’s knowledge and set priority learning objectives.

As you can see, this approach is not suitable for all students. The need not only to learn mathematics, but also to plan educational activities can become an overwhelming task for children accustomed to the conditions of a classical high school.

If you feel that this method of preparing for the OGE (GIA) suits you well, then the next 2 sections are entirely for you. Otherwise, skim through their contents and move on to the next one.

We study the structure of the OGE (GIA)

First, study the structure and rules of the mathematics exam (OGE / GIA). A good understanding of the structure will allow you to optimally set learning priorities and manage your time as efficiently as possible when studying independently.

All exercises are divided into 2 parts. The first part contains 20 tasks of basic complexity, and the second contains 4 of increased and 2 of high complexity (6 in total). Each task, in turn, can relate to one of three modules: real mathematics, algebra and geometry. Parts structure:

  1. The first part of the OGE is tests of basic complexity, where the examinee must choose a number correct option from those listed or enter the correct answer in the field. This part contains 8 problems from the Algebra module, 5 from the Geometry module and all 7 problems from the Real Mathematics module. 90 minutes are allotted to solve the tasks of this part.
  2. To get the maximum possible points for the exercises in the second part, you should provide a detailed solution along with the correct answer. In this part of the OGE, all exercises relate to the modules “Algebra” and “Geometry”, 3 options for each, including 1 high level and 2 of increased complexity, respectively (total 4 advanced and 2 high levels). You have 150 minutes to complete this part.

In total, 4 hours of real time are allocated to solve all 26 tasks.

Preparing for the main state exam

Now that you have an idea of ​​the structure of the GIA in mathematics, you should do thematic preparation. Solve several test options and a dozen different problems in 9th grade algebra and get an idea of ​​your weak and strengths By certain types tasks. Start consistently studying problematic topics, devoting more time to the most difficult tasks, in your opinion. On the contrary, when you take the real exam, tackle the easiest tests and assignments as quickly as possible first, leaving as much time as possible for the more difficult ones.

One of the effective educational techniques is keeping a separate notebook with formulas in mathematics to prepare for the State Exam. Frequent access to the same data allows the brain to remember for a long time necessary information. Therefore, be sure to write down and frequently use the following formulas and tables in order to understand them as best as possible (since it is prohibited to use any reference materials):

For successful preparation, allocate at least 6 hours a week, with at least 1 hour every 2 days. Your cognitive (intellectual) abilities should always remain in good shape so that the acquired knowledge in mathematics is consolidated as effectively as possible.

In general, for self-study All you need is a working computer and an Internet connection. You will find all the necessary educational materials in mathematics on the websites, including many trial tasks for self-testing. Of course, regular textbooks will also be useful, and for some it will be even easier to work with them. Pay attention to the service for completing GIA tasks of past years from Yandex

Preparation with a specialist

As a rule, for most children and people in general, much work more efficiently with a specialist. This could be a teacher in a group, an individual tutor or a tutor who does not so much teach as guide. Of course, if you choose this option, you will have to pay for the services, but the result becomes more predictable for the better.

If a child has good grades in algebra and geometry and understands most topics, then all he needs is more practice in solving problems and strengthening theoretical knowledge in some sections. In this case excellent option There will be group classes. Firstly, they will cost significantly less. Secondly, if the group chosen is not “motley”, but consists of children of the same level of mathematical development, then the environment itself will become a good motivator.

The only option for selecting a tutor is if the child, due to various circumstances, is forced to prepare from scratch for the OGE or GIA in mathematics. Moreover, it is an individual trajectory that is necessary. Group training is ineffective for those who are unsuccessful in certain disciplines. They need a unique approach that takes into account character and developmental characteristics.

Who and how to choose

In the pre-Internet era, the main way to find tutors was word of mouth, that is, searching through friends. Or they unofficially paid for the services of their own school teachers for conducting individual additional classes. These methods of preparing for the OGE can still be used, but thanks to modern technologies you are no longer limited in choosing a quality specialist by your geography.

Today, there are many online portals for selecting math tutors, among which you can find teachers and professors from famous universities, and you can choose, for example, a tutor working at the institute where your child plans to enroll. On these online portals you can choose a specialist from your city for face-to-face classes or give preference to distance lessons. From the point of view of children's psychology, it would be more effective to full-time education, but, as a rule, it costs more. For distance learning courses to prepare for the State Examination, you must have the skills of an experienced computer user, regular access to the Internet and a webcam.

Carefully study the resumes of tutors posted on websites. At the first meeting with a tutor, regardless of where it takes place, online or in reality, the presence of both the student and the parent is mandatory. It is important for a parent to feel, like an adult, the pedagogical skills of the candidate.

Pay attention to the clarity of diction, personality traits in personal communication and evaluate the overall appearance. The tutor should radiate calm and self-confidence, like a teacher, and look neat and clean.

Be especially attentive to those whose faces express long-term general fatigue, anxiety or excitement. A person with unresolved personal problems, as a rule, cannot work to his full potential, because other thoughts bother him.

Of course, there are always exceptions, so be careful and do not miss an experienced specialist who, having become accustomed to life's difficulties, in spite of everything, loves his students very much and creates excellent conditions for them.

After meeting with the tutor, ask your son or daughter about his impressions. It is very important that the child does not find anything repulsive in the teacher’s personality. Personal trust and respect between student and teacher will be the key to effective learning and getting a high score on the OGE. Summarizing what has been said, we note once again important nuances, which you should pay attention to when organizing the process of preparing a student for an important exam:

  • level initial training mathematics;
  • his psychological capabilities for learning. The less the student’s ability to learn, the more professional the teacher should be;
  • available information from friends about tutors in your locality;
  • the student’s ability to learn online;
  • the listener's ability to learn effectively in a group.

You can find a tutor for face-to-face or online classes by clicking on the following links:

Specialized courses

Another option is universal courses. They are provided by companies and usually through websites. There are also options for face-to-face classes. They are held for groups in which there is usually no active interaction between participants, and video lectures are conducted simultaneously for everyone, and questions are asked in the chat. The programs of these courses are already planned and divided into video lessons (or online lectures) and theoretical material with tasks for self-execution. You can watch the lesson recording later if you missed the live broadcast or signed up for the course after it started.

The learning dynamics can be checked by a specialist. To do this, the child must complete tasks online once a week (or according to another schedule) or attach a file with the work done on a special form for submitting results. Sometimes you can receive comments from the teacher on solved problems, indicating topics that should be repeated. Prices for such courses are most often affordable, since preparation is carried out in groups, and the main part practical work The child does it independently. Training is conducted systematically, homework is required, which creates a meta-structure for the optimal distribution of time and effort.

To understand what universal courses are, consider the structure of the course “Mathematics. Preparation for the OGE (State Examination), 9th grade,” which can be completed on the delivery portal educational services for a reasonable fee.

As mentioned above, Foxford issues a certificate for any of its courses, and even the GIA in mathematics is no exception. This certificate has no functional benefit as it is not taken into account government agencies, but the child will be pleased.

To summarize, it should be said that education in at a young age affects the development and success of the individual in the most fundamental way, therefore you need to choose and organize preparation courses for the OGE in mathematics for your children in the most careful manner. Take into account all the nuances, understand different approaches in pedagogy, carefully feel and take seriously the needs of children - only in this way can you help him get through the first, dependent part of his life.

Getting ready for the OGE

(psychological preparation)

The OGE is already becoming commonplace for graduates, but, nevertheless, it still causes fear and stress reactions not only among those taking the exam, but also among surrounding adults. What determines the degree of anxiety during an exam? Not only on how confident you are in your abilities and how you learned the material. Intellectual and psychological readiness plays a special role here.

The form of the OGE itself makes special demands on the organization of the graduate’s mental activity. Therefore, a student’s readiness for the OGE should include such qualities as:

effective mental activity in unusual conditions,

analysis of the task regardless of the usual schemes,

the ability to intuitively determine the right direction of a solution or answer,

mastery of techniques for activating perception and concentrating attention.

psychophysical state of a teenager (which largely depends on the emotional mood, confidence in own strength and opportunities, as well as the ability to manage one’s emotional state, cope with his fear, to the extent he can overcome stress.)

All these components are the basis psychological preparation to the OGE. So nature possible difficulties and fears during the exam are largely psychological, so our classes will be devoted to psychological preparation for exams. You will learn how you can more successfully pass all the tests in the final exams, what most influences your success in completing OGE tasks, how to learn to overcome your fear, how to cope with growing stress anxiety.

Knowledge and ability to take these features into account can greatly facilitate your preparation for the exam and improve your results.

There are three main stages:

Preparing for the exam, studying educational material before the exam,

Behavior on the eve of an exam

Behavior during the exam itself.

How to properly prepare for exams?

Usually, while preparing for exams, a person sleeps poorly, loses appetite, and loses energy. And the successful passing of exams and the preservation of health depend on how correctly the regime of study and rest is organized.

First of all, I would like to introduce you to self-help methods that help you stay in good internal shape, not relax when preparing for exams, and, at the same time, help relieve internal stress.

First of all, you need to internally tune in to big, serious and intense work - brainwork. And first of all, ask yourself: What exactly do I want to get in the exam? Thus, the planned result of the preparation will be immediately determined.

It is clear that this is a psychologically thoughtful game, but when preparing for an exam, it sets a person up for the result that he has chosen for himself. This is one of the types of self-hypnosis, which leads to a student’s positive self-esteem, increases self-confidence, as well as some positive improvements in the quality of his knowledge and ability to apply it.

Preparation for exams must begin in advance, little by little, and not wait until the situation becomes catastrophic.

Before you start preparing for exams, you should set up a place for studying: remove unnecessary things, conveniently arrange the necessary textbooks, manuals, notebooks. You can introduce yellow and purple colors, as they increase intellectual activity. There is no need to re-paste the wallpaper or change the curtains for this; some illustration or calendar in these colors is enough.

Some people think that music, noise, and conversations do not bother them during classes, but this is not true. Fatigue in in this case comes much faster. Productive mental activity is possible only in conditions of silence. It is advisable to avoid watching TV shows or playing chess at this time, as they increase the already heavy mental load.

You need to sleep with the window open and for at least 9 hours. This will restore your ability to work and ensure proper rest. To maintain strength and improve performance, you need to organize proper nutrition. (You can’t sit down to study on an empty stomach. Important have vegetables and fruits. Thus, carrots mixed with vegetable oil, as it stimulates metabolism in the brain. You also need fruits and vegetables high in vitamin C, which help you retain large amounts of text in your memory.)

To begin with, it would be good to determine who you are - a “night owl” or a “lark”, and depending on this, load your morning hours as much as possible or, on the contrary, evening hours. The most tenacious memory is between 8 and 12 pm and around 7 pm.

You need to start repeating the material with a fresh mind - before you get tired, from the most difficult, from the section that is the least familiar.

But it also happens that you don’t want to study, nothing comes to mind, you’re not in the mood. In this case, it is useful to start from the very beginning. lightweight material, which is most interesting and pleasant.

But if this does not help you, if you cannot concentrate and get involved in work, immediately begin the process of “working in”. What it is?

Sitting at the table, start writing any lines that come to your mind. The main thing is not to stop and re-read what you have written, not to be interrupted. After a while, your thought processes will start working and you will start thinking about the activity.

Also, the activity of attention is best increased by active actions - gestures, walking, gymnastic exercises.


In addition, you can use the simplest auto-training, which will help turn on mental activity. To do this, you need to sit at a table where books and notes lie, close your eyes and repeat to yourself or in a whisper 8-10 times: “I can write, I can write, I can write, I’m writing... I’m writing.” Phrases may be different, but the main condition is that they should be short and significant. Moreover, the intonation should increase from mechanical indifference to an order or demand. At the moment of greatest tension, you need to suddenly become silent, relax, lean back in your chair. There is emptiness in your head, you don’t want or expect anything. Stay in this emptiness, forget about everything, and you will feel how after a while your phrase will begin to emerge in this emptiness, and then the demand to write. The hand itself will reach for the paper... If something interferes, you need to try to relax again and hear your order again.

When starting classes, it is useful to make a plan, and it is necessary to clearly define what exactly will be studied today. Not in general: “I’ll study a little,” but what exactly you will learn today: which sections and which subject.

When preparing for an exam, you should not strive to read and memorize the entire textbook, especially since there may be more than one. It is useful to repeat the material by question. After reading the question, you must first remember and write down everything you remember about this question, and only then test yourself in the textbook.

When studying a question, it is generally useful to structure the material, that is, draw up diagrams, drawings, and a plan. This is useful because it allows the material to be remembered both visually and mechanically (through notes). Such notes are also useful for briefly repeating material. What is well remembered is what is understandable. All laws, rules, formulas must first be understood, and only after that they can be learned by heart. The main thing is to always remember that your task is not to memorize, but to understand. Memory is designed in such a way that more than 80% of the memorized material is forgotten immediately within 8 hours; only the material that has become clear to you is remembered well.

Also, the result of memorization depends on individual characteristics person, depending on the mode of activity. For some, memorization is most productive in the morning, for others in the evening. Memorization is least productive during the day. It is best to memorize in the evening and repeat the next morning.

Memorization becomes successful if there is a supply of knowledge given in lessons.

By the way, constant memory training also helps you remember the material better. Set aside at least 10-15 minutes a day for this.

And most importantly, you need to learn how to solve the test “technically”, using all kinds of auxiliary techniques and considerations.

There is a certain technique for taking the test. This technique includes the following points:

· training of constant strict self-control of time;

· Training in assessing the objective and subjective difficulty of tasks and, accordingly, making a reasonable choice of these tasks;

· Training in estimating the boundaries of results and minimal substitution as a check carried out immediately after solving the task;

· Training of the “spiral movement” technique according to the test.

Let's start from the last point 4.

This technique is the first necessary reception to successfully write a “timed test” type assignment. It consists of the following: you immediately look through the test from beginning to end and note for yourself what seems simple, understandable and easy to you. These are the tasks you complete first.

Start with what you can do immediately, without much thought. Skim through Section B and mark two or three tasks that you understood immediately. You will move on to them when you finish with section A. Look at section C - one example in this section is always solved without much stress (this is true). Mark what you will try to solve when you finish section B." You can do this several times (moving in a spiral and choosing what is “ripe” at this moment).

Regarding point 1. If you plan to take the test for 4, you must complete section A in the first hour. What you didn’t manage to do in 1 hour should be left (and returned after if you have time).

In the second hour, you should solve everything that can be solved from section B.

The third hour can be devoted to section C.

In the remaining hour (if you feel that you can’t overcome anything else in either point B or C), you should return to section A and solve everything that remains in it and can be solved (add “not trifles” points).

If you plan to get 5. In this case, the entire section A should be “packed” in 40-45 minutes (or less).

In section B you need to complete at least 7-8 tasks in 1 hour.

Section C contains at least 1-2 tasks.

This may take 1-1.5 hours.

You must remember these time costs all the time - this is constant and strict time control.

Naturally, only those who are accustomed to study with full dedication for three hours in a row can maintain this schedule!

Regarding point 2. You yourself know your weak spots. These weak points should be avoided when performing the test. By limiting the number of tasks you are likely to complete, you will be able to devote more time to preparing for them, which increases your chances of success.

Regarding point 3. Do simple substitutions to check the results immediately (and not “if there is time left”). After solving a task, you should carefully re-read the text of its conditions (what did you need to find?), since the conditions may contain an additional requirement. Often graduates simply do not pay attention to these requirements, writing down the wrong answer to it on the test form when they solve a task correctly. True, more often these additional conditions are contained in the tasks of section B.

Train using as long a period of time as possible. If you sometimes practice tasks for at least 2 hours without a break, then at first you will be very tired, but after a month you will adapt to this regime and work for 1.5-2 hours “in one breath”, even weak students.

Practice with a stopwatch in your hands, time the tests (for tasks in part A, on average it takes 2 minutes per task).

When preparing for exams, never think that you will not cope with the task, but on the contrary, mentally paint yourself a picture of triumph.

Leave one day before the exam to review all the answer plans and once again dwell on the most difficult questions.

You need to accustom yourself to this mode of work in advance and train in it at least once a week.

How to revise materials before exams?


Repetition is the reproduction of what you read in your own words. Referring to what you read is permissible only after it is impossible to remember the text within 2–3 minutes of memory strain. In the exercises below we give recommendations on how to effectively, with at the lowest cost time and effort, repeat the material covered immediately before the exams.

As we have already noted, not all students use the time allotted for preparing for exams effectively. The repetition mode we propose has been tested many times and gives good results. Here I would like to draw attention to two circumstances.

First: this refers to the repetition of previously studied and acquired material. It is difficult to expect a positive result if fundamentally new material, not yet systematized in the student’s mind.

Second: the repetition process must be carried out strictly in accordance with the following recommendations.

First rep

Immediately after finishing reading

Second rep

20 minutes after the previous one

Third rep

After 8 hours

Fourth repetition

Every other day (preferably before bedtime)

On the eve of the exam

Many people believe that in order to fully prepare for the exam, only one, the last night before it, is enough. It is not right. You are already tired, and there is no need to overwork yourself. On the contrary, in the evening, stop getting ready, take a shower, take a walk. Get as much sleep as possible so that you can wake up rested, feeling healthy, strong, and in a fighting spirit. After all, an exam is a kind of struggle in which you need to prove yourself, show your capabilities and abilities.

You must arrive at the exam site without being late, preferably half an hour before the start of the test. You need to have a pass, a passport (not a birth certificate) and several (in reserve) gel or capillary pens with black ink.

If it is cold in the room where the exam will be held, do not forget to dress warmly, because you will sit for the exam for 3-4 hours

During testing

In order to confidently and successfully complete work tasks, it is useful for you:

try to support yourself positive thinking during the entire time allotted for performing the work;

do not give in to negative changes in your mood;

remember that positive self-esteem is very important, and say to yourself: “I am confident in myself because I evaluate myself positively. I will cope with the tasks assigned, and everything will be fine...”

At the beginning of testing, you will be given the necessary information (how to fill out the form, what letters to write, how to code the school number, etc.). Be careful!!! The correctness of your answers depends on how carefully you remember all these rules!

There may be some changes in the procedure for filling out forms, of which you will be informed.

Upon receiving the test results, you have the right, if you do not agree with the assessment, to file an appeal (within 3 days after the announcement of the result) to the conflict commission.

Memo for students

“Psychological support for the OGE”

How to learn to psychologically prepare yourself for a responsible event? We offer some recommendations that will allow you to successfully cope with the task facing you:

· Rate what scares you most about the OGE procedure? Make a list of the difficulties that you think you will have to face. This will help you understand the problems and your awareness of them;

· Remember, did you have a similar difficulty at previous stages? Did you manage to cope with it and how? What exactly helped you cope? Think about what you would do differently. What exactly from this positive experience would help you this time;

· Realize who could help you in the situation of preparing for the OGE: parents, friends, the Internet, teachers or anyone else. Take the initiative in communicating about the upcoming event;

· Pay special attention to organizing a comfortable home environment: create for yourself comfortable spot for activities that would stimulate you to acquire knowledge;

· Pay the necessary attention to studying the instructions for conducting and processing materials of the unified state exam, which will allow you to avoid additional difficulties;

· If you feel fear or anxiety about a possible grade that might not satisfy you, then try to understand that this anxiety itself can have a positive result, as it helps increase activity and self-regulation;

Use the following self-hypnosis formulas:

I will confidently pass the OGE.

I can handle tasks confidently and calmly.

I will pass all the tests with good results.

I am a calm and self-possessed person.

I can handle the task.

I can handle.

I have to do this and that...

These self-hypnosis, repeated at a slow pace several times before going to bed, will be “recorded” in the programming apparatus of the brain and will help you to be calm, confident and mobile.

In order to continue studying at school in grades 10-11 or enter college, a 9th grade student must pass final exams, including the OGE in mathematics. Statistics have shown that most graduates choose to take humanities subjects. But what to do when one of the required subjects for passing the exam is mathematics? Our article will tell you how to prepare for the OGE in mathematics. So, let's go, friends.

Structure in mathematics

It so happened historically that from year to year the structure of control and measuring materials according to different subjects changed by the organizers. It is still difficult to say why this is needed. The Ministry of Education has decided that in 2017 the OGE in mathematics will consist of three modules:

  • algebra;
  • geometry;
  • real mathematics.

Each part is divided into difficulty levels. The harder the level, the more points are awarded for the correct answer. In total, you will have to solve 26 tasks in the exam. There are 20 tasks at the basic level, another 6 questions are at the advanced level and high level difficulties.

Thus, the graduate is given 235 minutes or 3 hours 55 minutes to complete these tasks.

You need to know these features in order to understand how to prepare for the OGE in mathematics. During preparation, it is necessary to correctly allocate time to complete certain tasks.

Those who get up early can easily pass the OGE

Of course, preparation for the OGE in mathematics in grade 9 should begin as early as possible. Experienced teachers advise children and parents to pay attention to this subject in advance, starting in the 5th grade. The first step is to visit the official FIPI page on the Internet. On the site, teachers, parents, and students will find a lot useful information. From there you can download demo versions of the OGE options in mathematics.

This way, you will know in advance which topics will be on the exam and which sections of mathematics you need to improve.

On the same site you can download a document called “Specification”, which will indicate the tasks and the assigned number of points for the correct answer. Therefore, a graduate can easily independently determine in advance whether he will be able to successfully pass the exam.

The first and one of the most important criteria for successfully passing the OGE is advance preparation!

Help from a tutor or self-study?

Many people think: “How to prepare for the OGE in mathematics?” Is it possible to do this on your own or do you need the help of a tutor? Only a student can answer this question based on internal sensations. But a parent’s perspective from the outside will also be useful. After all, every responsible parent knows which subjects are easy for his child at school and which are difficult.

It is worth noting that if the work on preparing for the OGE in mathematics takes place with a tutor, this means that it will be systematic. Can you do it without outside help also prepare regularly for testing? Studying for an exam with a friend is a mistake. All useful time will go away to talk.

Remember that 30% of the OGE tasks in mathematics will be related to topics that children study only in 9th grade. Students will have to practice previously covered topics as well as new material!

So the second one important criterion- this is regularity and systematicity.


We live in an age information technologies, which means that 80% of the information we are interested in can be easily found on the Internet. You should not rely on cheating on the exam. To successfully prepare for testing, you need to search for the necessary data and solve tasks for the OGE in mathematics. Don't fool yourself. Don't write it off. This mistake is costly!

The third criterion is integrity.

Information sources

If a future graduate does not have the opportunity to study with a tutor, then the question arises: “How to prepare for the Unified State Exam in mathematics on your own?” Don't panic. You can easily find everything you need to prepare on the Internet.

First, download collections of training tasks. Secondly, the Yandex search system, together with talented Moscow teachers, prepared a project for Yandex Unified State Examination graduates. Here, children will find webinars and tests that will help them prepare well for the exam. Thirdly, to practice the topic, you can include video lessons on the YouTube portal, where teachers and children post their video materials with the solution of certain tasks.

As you can see, it is much easier for today’s graduates to prepare for the exam, because there are preparation tools on the Internet OGE options mathematics. This factor greatly facilitates the fate of the examinee!

The fourth criterion is useful information.

Visual information

Everyone knows that mathematics and algebra are subjects in which children need to memorize a huge number of formulas, expressions, and so on. You can write down the necessary information in a special notebook or purchase a special manual, where the necessary formulas for successfully passing the mathematics exam have already been selected and printed for you. The more often you look there, the faster the formulas will be remembered.

The fifth criterion is visual aids.

Attention parents

Final exams are always a source of stress for teenagers. Therefore, parents should special attention, understanding and sensitivity to children during this period. Keep your home quiet when your child is doing homework or preparing for an exam. When asking questions about preparation, show natural curiosity rather than rigid control. Ask about his moods, feelings and inner beliefs, and also offer your possible help.

The sixth criterion is parental care.


So, we have considered the question of how to prepare for the OGE in mathematics. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that preparation can be done independently or with the help of a tutor. It is important to organize and systematize these activities. Identify difficult topics for yourself. Solve tests regularly, and also try to memorize formulas and expressions using mnemonics. But that’s a completely different article!

Ninth-graders are no less afraid of the GIA than graduates of the Unified State Exam. But there are several interesting secrets that will help you prepare for these difficult exams.

Most mistakes in exams occur due to the fact that schoolchildren cannot rationally allocate time for the process of preparing and writing work.

Of course, there is less hype around the GIA than around the Unified State Exam, but this does not make it any easier for ninth-graders, since this exam is important for them. If high scores on the Unified State Exam open doors to prestigious universities, then the GIA results allow you to transfer to study at a special school, lyceum or gymnasium, depending on the wishes of the student.

So let's take a closer look at what the GIA is and then it will be easier for us to understand prepare for the State Examination in Mathematics. The final exam consists of tests that are designed in accordance with school curriculum and the age of the examinees. Four subjects are compulsory, including mathematics. If there is a desire or need, you can take an additional fifth subject. Russian language and mathematics are compulsory, and all other subjects are given to the student to choose from.

As practice shows, it is mathematics that causes particular fear among schoolchildren. They are especially frightened by the section with tasks on geometry. It is worth noting that modern system education has one big drawback - children do not receive a sufficient amount of knowledge in geometry.

Today there is no need to be afraid of certification, since more or less clear features and peculiarities have emerged in the State Examination Agency, but several years ago, when testing was just introduced into our schools, it was especially difficult for children. Preparation for the State Examination in Mathematics was carried out on one topic and direction, and in the exams it turned out that questions on algebra were diluted with complex tasks on geometry. Today geometry is a mandatory component of GIA testing.

The majority of schoolchildren have difficulty solving geometric problems. To be honest, without the help of tutors, only a small part of all ninth-graders in the country will be able to pass the State Examination and proceed to high school. shows that children do not even have basic math skills. Only a fifth of schoolchildren can solve simplest task, the rest need help and clarification.

But what to do when time is running out and there are only two months left before exams? Naturally, all the holes in knowledge cannot be patched, so you will have to develop the right program.

A tutor can develop a preparation strategy. It is largely based on the child’s perseverance, his ability to switch and readiness for a long time work on the same tasks.

The GIA has one secret - one task tests a student’s knowledge on one topic. If you lack knowledge in any section, it is difficult to fill it in an emergency. But if there is at least some residual knowledge, then in two months the child can be raised to a level sufficient to pass the exam.

A qualified tutor tests the knowledge of his mentee at the very first lesson in order to identify all problems and find out at what level of preparation he is. It’s good if you lack knowledge in several sections - after solving several similar problems from the required section, the student will be able to score the required points.

To pass the exam, you need to know that you first need to solve the simplest problems, and only then move on to more complex ones. If a student completes half of the assignments and suddenly comes across a difficult task that he will think about for a long time, then there is a chance that he will not pass the test at all. But if you return to difficult questions after the answers to simple ones are ready, then the probability good result grows by 20-30%. This approach gives hope that the student will be able to get at least a C for testing. And confidence gives you strength and suddenly you can find a solution to a difficult problem.

Try not to rush during the exam, because you have almost 4 hours and this is enough to answer all the questions. Learn to read assignments correctly. Many guys make mistakes due to their inattention - they find something that was not required of them at all. Thoughtfulness and measuredness are the main helpers in the exam.

Also, the tutor should explain to his student that the format of answers on testing plays a role important role. The student must answer clearly and understandably, otherwise the answer will not be counted.

Of course, it's best to start as early as possible. Only many years of hard work can give good fruits. The highest scores on the exam are given to children who are preparing to enter specialized universities, since they constantly study mathematics and know more about it than an ordinary schoolchild.

The programs of preparation courses for the OGE in the 9th grade of the FIRST Unified State Exam CENTER are developed taking into account all the requirements of FIPI and the specifics of passing the exam by qualified OGE and Unified State Exam experts. Throughout training course Our students complete assignments from the OGE control measurement materials in all subjects on original FIPI forms. A big plus is also that we don’t just teach rules and formulas, we also teach you to understand the very essence of the subject being studied.

In classes for each subject:

  • theoretical material is repeated and the rules for performing practical tasks are explained;
  • solution skills are practiced typical tasks OGE control measuring materials;
  • homework is assigned and must be covered in subsequent classes;
  • trial rehearsal exams are conducted in a format as close as possible to the OGE;
  • is underway individual work with every student.

You should exercise every day if possible. For each discipline, it is advisable to devote at least 40 minutes a day to consolidating the material covered, since independent work at home depends no less than on the experience of the teacher. Pay attention to what your child is doing during breaks between classes. For optimal memorization of information, you need to “connect” all types of memory. It is important not only to absorb material from textbooks, but also to build diagrams, study drawings, watch films on a given topic, listen to audio lectures, etc. For example, if you have to prepare for exams in biology and study the human circulatory system, it is better to remember it according to the diagram, that is, visually.

How to properly prepare for exams?

Of course, each teacher has his own methods by which he prepares for the OGE in the 2017/2018 academic year. You can show miracles of pedagogy and prepare a child in a couple of weeks of intensive classes, but this method is bad because hastily acquired knowledge can just as quickly and easily fly out of your head at the most crucial moment. Thus, the question you need to ask yourself is: “How to make sure that the preparation courses for the OGE bring maximum effect? If you prepare for the exam and choose GIA courses in advance, you can consolidate all the material you have covered calmly and without haste. To do this, you need to plan a school week, in which there must be a free day to rest from mental stress.

To prepare for exams as effectively as possible, you need to:

  • determine which subjects to prepare for;
  • devote 1-2 days to each subject for preparation and consolidation;
  • highlight the important and unimportant in each subject;
  • contact the FIRST USE CENTER in Moscow for advice;
  • start taking courses;
  • pass your exams successfully!

Main State Exam

The main state exam (OGE) is a form of mandatory state final certification (GIA) for educational programs of the main general education graduates of 9 classes of secondary educational organizations of the Russian Federation.

To conduct the OGE, control measuring materials (CMM) are used in the form of a set of tasks of a standardized form using special FIPI forms.

The required subjects for passing the OGE are Russian language and mathematics. Students choose additional subjects for the state exam in accordance with their professional orientation.

To move to grade 10 or enter a secondary vocational education institution, positive exam grades are required. Therefore, it is better to start preparing for the Unified State Exam in advance at the courses of the FIRST Unified State Exam CENTER.

OGE is just the first step on the path to the future vocational education, but no less important than the Unified State Exam. Successful passing of the OGE depends on two factors - knowledge of the subject and the psychological preparation of the student.

When should I start preparing for the GIA?

Preparing for the State Examination in 9th grade is the most correct solution. Of course, you can start studying complex material earlier, but you can prepare well in two years, provided that you turn to experienced teachers. And many parents choose this particular path, turning to tutors who provide assistance in preparation of the OGE from scratch. Why exactly 9th grade? It can be difficult for parents, as well as for schoolchildren themselves, to understand the seriousness of the upcoming exam, since in grades 8-9 it seems that there is still a lot of time until the “X-day”. Of course, this impression is deceptive, since time flies very quickly and you should not waste it. Gather a family council today to decide when to start preparing and together choose the appropriate elective courses. Among other things, you need to think about how best to distribute the load so that the child does not get tired and so that nothing interferes with his path to knowledge.


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