The most interesting apartment interiors. Interior of beautiful apartments: photos

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Do you think that the main secret of a beautiful interior lies exclusively in expensive things: luxurious finishes, Italian, chandeliers purchased at antique auctions, paintings famous artists? In fact, even the most sophisticated elements of furnishings and design will only work if they line up into a single harmonious interior composition.

In the photo: Stylish living room in Art Deco style

19. Dining area with purple accents

In the photo: Dining area in the interior of a beautiful apartment

In this typical apartment in Moscow refutes the idea that minimalism and art deco are categorically incompatible with each other. TO modern interior with notes of brutality, designers Ruslan and Maria Green decided to add some art deco elements in the form of a pouf with a carriage tie and echoing upholstery used in the decoration of one of the walls.

20. White kitchen with pilasters

In the photo: The interior of a beautiful kitchen in an apartment in the Dostoyanie residential complex

Pilasters in the decoration of a small white kitchen in a Moscow apartment bring classic motifs to the interior. Such architectural elements serve as an excellent alternative to the usual columns. Pilasters look especially harmonious in small apartments, where there is simply no room for colonnades and semi-columns.

Gorgeous hallways

IN designer interiors apartments and office premises are not left without attention. By the decoration of the hallways here you can always determine in what style the rest of the rooms will be decorated.

21. Corridor with textured walls

In the photo: Interior of a bright corridor in a beautiful apartment

Textured white panels in the decoration of one of the walls of the hallway in a beautiful apartment add volume to the space. And a mirror located at the end of the corridor visually lengthens the room.

22. Hallway with golden trim in a beautiful apartment

In the photo: The interior of the hallway in the art deco style in a beautiful apartment

By incorporating gold accents, white in a beautiful Art Deco apartment has been given a subtle touch of chic. In addition to gold, turquoise inserts in the form of poufs also help to dilute the monochrome palette.

23. Bright hallway with fuchsia shades in a beautiful apartment

In the photo: The interior of the hallway in a beautiful apartment in the Dostoyanie residential complex

And in the design of this hallway in a beautiful apartment, low fuchsia-colored chairs are used as color accents. Flowers in vases help support this decision.

Beautiful bedrooms in apartment projects 2018

On the picture: Classic bedroom with beaujolais color accents

If the living room in a beautiful apartment is, first of all, a room that represents the entire apartment, then the bedroom serves as the real pride of its owners. The relationship to the sleeping room is no less reverent than to the theater sidelines, where, as you know, there is no access to outsiders. In beautiful bedrooms today, the emphasis, as before, is on finishing the bedside area. A variety of textures can be used to decorate the headboard. Here we can also often see designer sconces and stylish ceiling lamps.

24. Bedroom with textured finish

In the photo: Bedroom interior in art deco style in a beautiful apartment

In the interior of this beautiful beaujolais shades we can observe interesting game invoices The decor of the headboard area is built around a combination of different tones of the same color. The alternation of patterned, mirror and black glossy textures creates an unusual effect.

25. Lilac bedroom with a canopy in a beautiful apartment

In the photo: Interior beautiful bedroom with a canopy in an apartment in the residential complex "Lainer"

And the design of this bedroom, designed in a delicate white and lilac palette, is what makes the canopy frame unusual. IN in this case you don’t even have to sew a special canopy. It is enough to simply throw a light translucent curtain over the crossbars of the structure, and the composition will look quite impressive.

26. Bedroom with wall paintings

In the photo: Bedroom design with wall paintings

Wall painting in a bedroom design should complement the main composition, and therefore it is “based” on the color palette and style of the interior. In the interior of a beautiful apartment in the photo decorative niche above the head of the bed is decorated with a hand-drawn landscape, the lilac-lilac shades of which are in harmony with the color accents of the room.

27. Beige and pink bedroom with fabric ceiling

In the photo: Bedroom in a beautiful apartment in the Setun Valley residential complex

A ceiling dome made of translucent fabric, reminiscent of a light veil, makes the space of a creamy pink Art Deco bedroom even more airy. The “carriage” screed in the decoration gives the room additional volume.

28. Bright bedroom with beveled mirrors

In the photo: Bedroom in a beautiful apartment in light colors

Faceted mirrors in the design of a beautiful bedroom can be used in the decoration of the bedside area, ceiling with coffers or mini-boudoir area. The beveled mirror inserts in the interior in the photo are supported by a textured finish with diamonds.

29. Mini-office on the attached loggia in the bedroom

In the photo: An office area with a dressing table in the interior of a bedroom in a beautiful apartment

The attached loggia in the bedroom can be used as a boudoir or mini-office. Thanks to laconic modern consoles, interior designers managed to equip a toilet and desks, thereby creating two additional functional areas.

What to do if the footage of your apartment leaves much to be desired? It doesn't matter whether it's a conscious choice or a necessity in life, but most of us, living in small spaces, plan to make the interior attractive and functional.

Therefore, many are trying to find acceptable ways to create visual unity of all objects in small apartment. For example, some ideas that can inspire every owner are bright colors on the walls, storing things using original methods, and using multifunctional furniture.

To this you can add magnificent paintings and flower arrangements to achieve an unforgettable experience of staying in such a comfortable room.

Methods for visually enlarging an apartment

It is worth taking into account: no matter the size of the apartment, there will always be not enough free space. It is because of this that methods for making a small apartment a little more spacious will also be useful for owners of large apartments.

Proper planning. In a small apartment it is quite possible to create an interior that will look beautiful and harmonious. But for this, the ceiling height must be proportional to the area of ​​the apartment. The larger the area of ​​the room, the higher the ceiling. Therefore, if the ceiling height is low, then it is undesirable to make a studio apartment: this will only focus attention on such a detail as insufficient space.

Formation of a compositional center. To do this, you can place one volumetric element in a small room. This will make it possible to concentrate attention on it and, in turn, will distract from the size of the room. An option is possible when the wall or part of it is left empty, which will not clutter the room, so this technique is quite suitable for the center of the composition.

Using symmetry. In a small room, a composition based on symmetry will be a win-win option to balance the space.

Advice! But you shouldn’t be zealous and build symmetrical compositions in an apartment that is small in size. It will be tiring and look boring.

Color spectrum. It is better to paint the walls and ceilings the same color. The line of transition between the wall and the ceiling will be softened, which will visually increase the space.

IN adjoining rooms It is better to make the walls in one color scheme. This approach can visually unify the room and create the illusion of spaciousness in it. If you do not divide the floor into zones, it can also perform this function.

Advice! The color for the walls and ceiling should be chosen in a tone close to the floor, which will help expand the boundaries of the room.

To increase the height of the ceiling, you can draw edgings that will stand out against the background of other elements. This approach will help to highlight the ceiling into an auxiliary plane. After all, the edgings will be able to attract attention due to the fact that they will draw attention to the ceiling. This is also a means visual illusion, with which you can enlarge the room.

A beautiful interior can be created very simply even in a small apartment in Khrushchev. You can paint the walls of the room matte paint rich tone, and for the central area on the ceiling choose light paint with a glossy sheen. This will enhance the stunning impression of such a contrasting edging.

Things and materials. It is better to add tall mirrors to the interior. Thanks to them, you can create the illusion of increasing the number of rooms in the apartment. The room will seem more spacious than it actually is. In this case, they must be placed near window and door openings.

To make the room look freer and more spacious, you should store things correctly. To do this, they should be placed above eye level, since what our gaze does not come across, we simply do not notice. But such placement is only suitable for those things that are used in rare cases.

Ideally, storage systems should be located in areas inaccessible to view. And this is possible if the cabinets are made on the same level as the wall and made in the same color as them.

Important! A huge wardrobe should not be the main decoration of the interior. It can only be left in the center if it has some antique value.

This way you will get a beautiful interior of a small apartment in classic style as in the photo:

The number, shape and size of elements must be in optimal quantities. From extra items It’s better to get rid of them and leave only those that are necessary. It is better to use medium-sized objects that can also be easily moved.

Advice! For small rooms items would be ideal round shape. The fewer sharp corners, the better.

Storing things

Today there are many organizers on the market with different purposes. These are the ones that should be used to save space.

For example, if your closet has too high shelves, then for convenience you can purchase textile clothing organizer boxes. Such a box will take up half the shelf, but all the things will not lie on top of each other.

You can lay them out neatly and not wrinkle them. This is true for non-seasonal items.

If you don't have small compartments in your closet, you can purchase special organizers for underwear and socks.

This will help organize everything in the closet and make it possible to arrange all the things on the shelves. You will no longer need to purchase chests of drawers and pencil cases, which will only clutter the room. In another case, when there is little space in the closet, it is best to use hanging shelves. This will create extra bed for clothes.

Transparent objects. In order not to overload the interior, you should make sure that there are transparent things in the room. These do not necessarily have to be decorative items; they can also be functional. For example, you can instead wooden table put a transparent glass one, of course, if you don’t have children in the house.

You can also equip the doors with frosted glass. Nothing will be visible through them, but light will enter the room.

Additional seating can be provided by using several poufs. They do not have to be of a standard shape: it is better that they are intricate and have a unique texture. This will make the room not only more spacious, but also more interesting.

As for doors, you should avoid them if possible. At the same time, those doors that will be in the apartment should not be cheap.

How difficult it is to create a harmonious and functional one will help you decide on the direction, methods of interior design and choose the best color scheme.

Can I use fake diamond in the bathroom? Find out about the intricacies of decorating different rooms with artificial stone.

Studio apartment: what you need to know?

A studio apartment can be made if your home does not have low ceilings. This type The living space is distinguished by the absence of partitions as such. That is, even if the apartment is one-room, it will look large, since there are no walls to divide the space into functional zones.

If you want to create such an apartment, you should first find out whether there will be any legal or technical problems. If you can get rid of some walls, this option is worth using. After this, you can begin to implement your idea.


Regardless of whether you can create a studio apartment or not, you need to think about lighting. Considering the small size of the home, it is worth giving preference to spotlights, which will make the entire space more spacious and larger due to bright illumination.

Advice! Under no circumstances should you choose lamps with heavy and large shades. A chandelier in a small room should be avoided altogether.

The more lit your room is, the more likely it is that the room will not seem as small as it really is.

Remember about daylight. Try to widen the windows if possible. Even 20-30 centimeters will make the room brighter. If this is impossible, you must at least not clutter the light source. This primarily applies to curtains.

Beautiful apartments, photos of interiors of small Khrushchev apartments

In a small apartment you should completely forget about traditional options, even if you want to decorate the interior in a classic style. Preference should be given to blinds, Roman blinds, light curtains, for example, French or English curtains. They won't be a burden appearance both the window and the entire room.


A small apartment, like a large one, can also be decorated in an interesting and unusual way; it is important to choose the ideal combination of all things and give preference to a single modern style.

Naturally, the best option is an interior in the spirit of minimalism. In such a room, in any case, you should avoid excessive amounts of unnecessary details, which serve as decoration. Preference should be given exclusively to those items that carry practical meaning indoors.

See: many options, wide choose colors and design of facades - from matte to glossy samples.

Read about the benefits of corner modular furniture for the living room.

They will look beautiful and original mixed styles, such as, for example, Scandinavian minimalism: the design will be rich in contrasting objects, but overall the airiness will be maintained due to the predominance of light shades.

Remember! There should be no more than 1/3 of stand-out items in the apartment.

Another option that is suitable for decorating small spaces is contemporary This style combines not only beauty, but also comfort.. It does not have any clear divisions with other design options; it differs only in that preference is given when creating the interior simple items and occasionally bright color accents are made.

Anyone can choose an interior design even for a small apartment. It is important not to focus on the shortcomings, but to skillfully hide them and strive to advantageously emphasize the advantages of the living space. Taking into account the development of technology and using various methods interior decorating, this becomes easier to implement than it seems.

How can residents of small apartments properly arrange their homes? At first it seems that it is very difficult, but everything is in our hands! Let's consider various options apartment design.

Planning the design and renovation of your own home is an exciting experience. We have all the technologies and materials in our hands, thanks to which we can transform our apartment.

A one-room nest is perfect for single people and young couples. They don't have a lot of things and furniture, and they can use precious squares sparingly.

Let's think about how to make the apartment CONVENIENT FOR THE OWNERS. It depends on their lifestyle and interests. For example, if a young man, a girl or a couple of newlyweds lives there, then most likely they often have guests, they throw noisy parties or just sit around the TV. An adult or older person may have other interests.

Let's tell you more about them.

Dining room-living room

It seems that young people will want to connect the kitchen with the room, dividing the apartment into conventional parts using a DINING TABLE, BAR or SOFA. A larger number of guests will enter such a room, some will sit in the living room, some in the kitchen, while everyone will see each other and communicate freely.

Will serve as a sleeping place folding sofa. If the space allows, you can put a sofa in it, then you can place a bed in the room.

An elderly person will most likely decide to leave the kitchen untouched, except to shorten the wall between the room and the corridor in order to... If the room is not very small, then it would be good to divide it into two parts: a bedroom and a living room. Of course, the division will be quite arbitrary. To do this, you just need to install a small shelving unit, a cabinet with mirrored doors (it all depends on the size of the room), or a regular screen.

Living room combined with loggia

Another popular option for increasing space is combining a room with. We remove the window and door, glaze the loggia, insulate it, and get a small room. You can arrange a dressing room, office or sleeping area in it.

Key elements of the interior of a one-room apartment:

  • furniture;
  • window;
  • lighting.


Furniture in a small apartment is always difficult. You should decide what you can do without, because you shouldn’t force a single room. A closet is a must, you can’t live without it. You can install a tall and spacious wardrobe. If there is not enough space, we tear down the wall between the room and the corridor and put a closet in its place. Thus, the corridor will increase, and there will be no need to clutter the room. If the bed does not fit, then we choose only a folding sofa with drawers for bed linen. You can ditch the armchairs in favor of comfortable chairs.


Big open window always transforms a room and its design plays a big role in the entire decor of the room.

Note! Have a good one visual increase space can be achieved by abandoning conventional fabric curtains.

They “eat up” a lot of space and accumulate dust. Instead, we suggest installing rolled ones or, which look harmonious both independently and in combination with light tulle.


IN Not big room need to organize lighting so that there are no dark corners. Spotlights are good for this. When you need a lot of bright light, we turn on all the lights, and if necessary, some can be turned off.

IN last years such housing is being actively built, and its main feature can be called very small size. Compared to the studio, some one-room apartments seem like mansions. Of course, we are not talking about luxury apartments, where the area of ​​such a studio can be 100 square meters. m.

Standard apartments are very small, and they need to accommodate a bathroom, a kitchen, and a room.

It is not easy to cope with such a task. Of course, it is necessary to separate the toilet and bathroom from the rest of the space. But the kitchen and room can be decorated as a living-dining room.

Option one

Until about four years of age, the child wants to be close to his mother, so no partitions are needed between parts of the room. Let the division be only visual. It can be different wallpapers, brightly colored children's furniture or a colorful rug on the floor. In a word, we design in such a way that it is completely different rooms in a single space.

Option two

It is best used for older children starting from 5 years old. At this age he can sleep on the second floor. We mean children's complexes consisting of a closet, all kinds of shelving and sleeping place upstairs. Firstly, they save a lot of space, and secondly, they form a real corner for the child. All his things, books, toys and a comfortable bed will fit there.

This complex can be positioned so that it separates the parents’ bed from the children’s bed. It should be noted that the place for the child should be arranged next to the window, since the baby needs good lighting.

Parents can be offered additional lamps that will decorate the room and make it more comfortable.

Option three

To arrange a mini-children's room, you can build a wall of plasterboard. This method is ideal when the child has grown up and needs personal space. If the room is large, then you can easily turn it into two by installing a partition and sliding doors. During the day they can be opened so that the light from the window illuminates the entire room, and closed in the evening. The result will be a separate cozy corner for an independent child.

How to design an entire apartment


Women approach bedroom design very carefully, thinking through every little detail. First of all, we choose a bed with comfortable mattress. When cramped financial situation I want to save money on everything. When buying a bed, keep in mind that you can purchase any frame, no frills.

Attention from inexpensive bed You can always distract with a beautiful bedspread or other interior details.

The main thing is not to skimp when choosing a mattress, otherwise you will not be pleased with any design!

For convenience, bedside tables are usually placed near the bed, but you can find a bed with shelves at the head. This will leave more free space.

In general, it all depends on the chosen style and capabilities. In a large room you can put an oak carved chest of drawers, bedside tables, trellis, and drape the windows with thick curtains.

Most often, the smallest room is reserved for the bedroom, and as always, you have to dodge to fit everything in and not forget about style.

One of key points in design – choosing a leading color.

It is clear that the hostess will choose her favorite color for this room, and no one will dare to object.

However there is a few rules for choosing colors for the bedroom:

  • Don't settle on one shade, as you may get bored with it over time. It is better to combine it with two or three similar colors or with white.
  • Avoid sharp contrasts, this will prevent you from relaxing and unwinding.
  • Be careful with bright colors. They are well suited for a young couple, but they will quickly tire older people. If you love red, burgundy orange or any other bright colors, then it is best to select small interior details in the chosen shade. This could be a photo frame or picture, a vase, a floor lamp or a pattern on bed linen.
  • Don't use more than three colors.

Living room

What should be in the living room? After all, friends and relatives gather there, and you want everyone to feel comfortable.

Means, you need a large, roomy sofa, if the size of the room allows, then a corner one. It is likely that guests will eat and drink something, and for this it is necessary. Exist folding tables, which take up minimal space when folded, but come in handy during the holidays. They fit well.

Large chairs You shouldn’t put them in a cramped living room, they clutter up the room. Instead, we recommend using small soft chairs or ottomans.

In order for the room to look stylish, not tire you with excessive diversity or, conversely, not look faded and boring, you need to highlight the main detail of the interior.

It could be:

  • window;
  • TV;
  • furniture.

We focus on one thing using color, pattern or bright accessories, and leave the remaining elements neutral.

The living room should be well lit, so you can hang a chandelier with several powerful light bulbs or install spotlights. If the first option is a classic, then the second is fashion trend, which is followed by lovers of Art Nouveau. Accordingly, having chosen one style in the interior, you need to follow it to the end. For a classic living room, a large, spectacular chandelier is suitable, and for a modern style, small built-in lamps are suitable.

An excellent addition to the decor would be floor lamps, sconces and desk lamp, they make the room cozy and are suitable for a quiet family evening.


In most families, the kitchen is one of the most visited places in the house. Here we cook, eat, chat after work, and even receive close friends.

The kitchen holds a huge number of different things. Our goal is to decorate the interior so that nothing gets in the way and everything is at hand.

One of the best inventions modern science– built-in Appliances. It is ideal for both spacious and miniature kitchens.

It is best to lay the floor in the kitchen with tiles, as they are durable, easy to clean and serve as an additional decoration.

In the photo we see an example of a small kitchen. The small set perfectly combines fashionable bright color with neutral tones. This is correct, since in a limited space, all-orange furniture would look too “aggressive.” The stove and sink are conveniently located here, and the space under the window is also used. This is a good design find. By removing the window sill, we get additional space for cabinets and drawers. Instead, you can put a small dining table and place a refrigerator on the right.

This option also makes good use of the space around and under the window. If the wall is wide, we can place the kitchen unit around the window. It’s very nice to look outside while cooking and cleaning. In addition, this method of placing the work area frees up space for the dining table and refrigerator. This set will appeal to connoisseurs natural wood and calm natural tones. See also our material on choosing furniture. They must serve long years, because replacing them will be very, very expensive.

Bathroom design rules

  • For walls and floors we choose ceramic tiles or mosaic.
  • We paint the ceiling with high-quality paint or make it suspended.
  • We take care of good lighting.

To improve the appearance of your bathroom, modern designers We came up with the idea of ​​hiding all communications when decorating the walls. Looks very aesthetically pleasing!


The design of the corridor should be the most practical! Coming from the street, you can accidentally hit the wall with your foot and stain and scratch the expensive wallpaper. The child will also touch with dirty hands furniture, walls and mirrors.

How to design a corridor so that it is beautiful and practical?

Design options

  • We cover the walls decorative plaster . Now there are many beautiful shades on which you can apply various designs. And such walls can be wiped with a damp cloth.
  • We use artificial stone. This material looks very stylish and unusual. In addition, it is very practical.
  • We cover the walls plastic or wooden panels.

It’s worth remembering about lighting. IN long corridor you need to hang several lampshades or one powerful chandelier.

It is important that the color of the furniture is in harmony with.

How to organize renovations in an apartment

We decided to renovate the entire apartment. This is, understandably, not an easy matter. Where to begin?

  • Let's imagine what each room should look like. Let's draw a plan. Let's think about the color scheme, materials, and whether we will change furniture and curtains.
  • We will start work from the most significant places in the apartment: the bathroom, toilet and kitchen. This is where most of the garbage and waste is generated, and a lot of time is spent on arrangement.
  • We select materials and calculate required quantity and let's get started. If you need to lay tiles, we will only entrust this to specialists!
  • Next we move on to the rooms. Any convenient order is possible here.
  • We leave the renovation of the corridor for last.

If there are any difficulties with the design or execution of the work, we will consult with professionals.

In this review we will look at the most beautiful interiors, which were presented by the “Housing Question” program. In our opinion, this is best works, which can inspire new ideas and your own design ideas for your kitchen.

"Cabin with a porthole"

As you can see from the photo, to implement this project you need to remove the wall and make three rooms adjacent: the kitchen, the corridor and the hall. The result is a spacious, stylish and simple kitchen, very reminiscent of a business class cabin.

It is possible to implement exactly the same kitchen interior in your own home, but it will not be cheap at all. For example, an arch that rotates if desired: where can I get it? All this must be ordered, which will ultimately cost a large sum.

But the rest of the elements shown in the photo are quite accessible. A piece of wall, which is made in the form of voluminous white waves, can be made not only with the help of plaster. Can be used suitable wallpaper 3D, you can use special polyurethane panels.

In general, this is all you can take note of elegant combination colors: dark brown, white and blue-gray. This is a classic of the genre, a win-win in any version.

Decorative items can be added even more interesting, for example: marine binoculars on the walls, anchors, twines, lifebuoys, barometers and sailor's caps. This will add a special flavor.

It is very advisable to make the floor in the kitchen-cabin not from laminate, but from planks, so that you get the complete feeling that you are on a ship (even though there may already be cabins there without plank floors, but with modern coating). But you need to convey the spirit of the ship!

The window can also be interestingly played up, preferring curtains that imitate canvas, for example, instead of ordinary textiles. It would be very nice if in some corner you put oak barrel, on which “Rum” will be written. Pirates and voyages across the seas immediately come to mind...

"Large Strokes"

But this is very cozy kitchen, and not only beautiful: the interior, as you see in the photo, the interior here is homely and a little old.

The effect is achieved using a wall painted with different strokes, an unusual and bright lampshade, a cute sofa, a vintage table and different-sized chairs. It is better to buy such furniture on the Internet, at auctions of antiques, since in stores it will be completely different, a Chinese fake.

In Europe, by the way, such interiors are quite popular. But it’s easier for them to find something unusual, since their “flea markets” are simply a storehouse of untold “riches.” And if such a table is not at all rare there, then here, first, try to find it, and then try to buy it, since the prices for vintage are prohibitive.

The kitchen set itself and work zone- quite simple, so the “weather” of the room is only determined by dinner Zone. Very cozy, homely, but at the same time unusual and unique.

note Although the walls and floor of this kitchen are simply gray, they do not attract attention at all. And it is precisely because they are just a successful background that the eye is involuntarily drawn to the furnishings and decor.

But the clock, in our opinion, is completely useless there. Or rather, a clock is needed, but not like this, but larger and more suitable for the style of the dining area. Otherwise, they look like a foreign object that accidentally fell on this wall.

"Optical illusion"

This photo shows beautiful kitchen, the interior of which can be called minimalist. Modern, unobtrusive, but in our opinion, a little boring.

Furniture, that is, a kitchen set and a dining table, can be chosen to suit your taste, taking this simplicity of lines as a basis.

They dilute the unobtrusive furniture in this interior - interesting lamps and some decorative items. By the way, they can cost much more than the “kitchen” itself. And the mirror can be mounted not only on the wall as indicated in the photo, but also in other places.

But at the same time, remember that a large mirror in the kitchen can become annoying over time (not to mention the fact that it instantly becomes covered with drops).

"Under the Cherries"

Looking at the name, you might think that now there will be some kind of rustic interior, appropriate in country house. But it's not like that at all.

Kitchen “Under the Cherries” is a bold design solution. The big emphasis here is on bright and interesting furniture, which is not so easy to find. The cabinets are great, they can be ordered in any color, but you don’t see chairs like this very often. But, as we have already written in other blocks, you can always take an idea partially.

The cherries in this kitchen are the original shaped lampshades. Lighting above dining table It turns out to be sufficient and, on top of everything, it’s a decorative element.

It is in this interior that a mirror comes in handy. In fact, the space of this kitchen is small, but thanks to it it looks very voluminous, bright and not at all boring. It’s as if there’s not just one window, but two at once.

The bright furniture is visible from all sides, and the water heating tank does not look like itself at all. It looks like some kind of element spaceship. However, we cannot tell you where to find one. The most ordinary construction stores definitely do not have such an assortment.

In general, the interior is very interesting, simple and accessible to almost anyone who has started a renovation.

Kitchen with marble apron

To recreate exactly the same interior you need to do major renovation, in order to remove the partition between the balcony and the kitchen. Here you can clearly see that there was a partition.

Although, maybe it just seems to us and this is really a radius kitchen wall. You can no longer keep track of the layouts of current new buildings. Is it the case of Khrushchev! Everything is predictable and the furniture can be placed simply with your eyes closed.

As for why this design is called “with a marble apron”, we cannot answer you. It's just some kind of mystery, to be honest. There is no marble anywhere, not even above the desktop.

The floor is also not marble, the façade walls are MDF, the ceilings are painted. Strange, but true: marble as a material was not found there.

Perhaps by “apron” the designers meant curtains? We don't know. Let's better discuss the appearance of this kitchen itself.

It looks pretty nice, but the furniture that is on the work wall is quite unusual, and therefore expensive. It is much better to order one of these rather than buy a ready-made one, since there are no difficulties in the manufacture of such structures.

The lamp above the dining area looks very interesting. It is absolutely in the “loft” style, and although it is not entirely appropriate here, for some reason it does not cause rejection. It would be nice to add something else to match it.

Wall with wine bottles – interesting solution, which can be taken into account and reproduced quite inexpensively. To do this, you only need to make a suitable box, and construct bottle holders from fittings, which are very plentiful in construction markets and for every taste. The only “but”: you shouldn’t put good wine there, since storing it in the light is strictly not recommended.

The kitchen set in this interior is modern, in the style of “minimalism” and there is nothing particularly remarkable about it. If you really want to, you can even assemble such a kitchen yourself by studying assembly lessons on the Internet.

The colors here are calm, and the bright spot of the room is the yellow chairs, which dilute this simplicity and add color.

Kitchen with radio

This kitchen is made in accordance with the currently fashionable trend - retro. Although, this feeling is created if you just take a quick glance. Upon closer examination, it turns out that all the elements are modern, both furniture and appliances.

But oddly enough, there is a retro feeling. Maybe because the design is dominated by blue color combined with a colorful floor. Or maybe the unusual hood, reminiscent of some kind of transistor from the times of the USSR, plays a role.

A bare wall looks very unusual, on which there are no familiar and set everyone’s teeth on edge. wall cabinets. Also, an interesting bookcase with decorative elements around front door. Such jewelry can be bought at any store,
specializing in decor, for example, Ikea and Leroy Merlin.

But the most interesting thing about this kitchen is that the dining area is located right next to the window and the built-in sofa is adjacent to the window sill. Above the table hangs a large lamp on a rotating base, which can be turned in the direction you need.

Indeed, a very interesting solution and quite feasible, if desired. Here, apparently, color plays a big role. If you misjudge the tone, you won’t get the desired effect.

Checkered kitchen

Very unusual kitchen. The small cell here is not immediately noticeable, since it is “hidden” on the facades of the furniture. The colors are quite dark, but overall the range is quite original.

As a result, the work area looks as if it were a tiled wall. Unusual, to say the least.

If you strive exclusively for something incredible, then such an interior may attract you. Some design solutions controversial, in our opinion, but the sense of style in this design is certainly visible.

Sunflower kitchen

There are no sunflowers here! Sunflower means - exactly somewhere under the Sun, in the vastness of the Galaxy.

The decor is incredibly simple, but at the same time more than unusual. When you enter such a room, it seems that you are not in the cockpit of some kind of space liner.

The effect of this is purely from the lighting. LED strips arranged in broken lines, on the floor - the same effect, duplicated by tile cuts. The apron, too, exactly repeats the geometry of the general style.

Facade kitchen set– so shiny that it reflects the light of the ceiling and bright light rays. Well, unusual chairs, reminiscent of the seats of anything, but not the usual kitchen furniture, do their job.

Before you start reproducing such an interior, you need to look for craftsmen who know exactly how this is done. Here, extreme accuracy in the design of the ceiling is very important, since otherwise the result may not be exactly what you wanted.

Kitchen with bubbles

At first glance, you can’t see where the bubbles are? But they are there, if you look around carefully.

An unusual plate made of skinali stands next to the refrigerator, and those bubbles are depicted on it. This element looks quite unusual and, oddly enough, harmonious, despite the fact that it does not at all match the textiles of the corner and curtains, designed in a completely different color scheme.

A work wall made from a “hog”, which is slightly larger in size than the standard one, looks very good in such an interior.

Of great importance in the overall concept are facades made of frosted glass which are lit from the inside. The refrigerator is also extremely unusual, as if it were made of stone, but not everyone can buy one, as it is very expensive. But what a view...

In general, if you look at all the elements of this kitchen separately, it becomes unclear how they all harmonize with each other. There are light lilac textiles, green chairs, bright red bubbles, a black refrigerator, and bluish lighting. But the fact remains: the combination is simply perfect and the kitchen makes an amazing impression.

But keep in mind that all this will look beautiful in a more or less spacious area, at least 9 sq. m. If you try to put it all together in a “Khrushchev” building, the look will not be very good.

Kitchen with service under the ceiling

In this kitchen under the ceiling there is a whole tea-set! Moreover, it cannot be said that such cup-chandeliers are difficult to find. They are available in many stores, and in a wide variety of variations.

But, chief decorative element They are not here at all. The emphasis is on bright walls abstract colors and curtains that would be more at home in a dining room than a food preparation area.

They are elegant, voluminous and very attractive. The furniture is bright, yellow, but even it is somehow lost against the background of the pockmarked colors of the “apron”, floor and small wedge heel.

Otherwise, it’s a completely unremarkable design and there’s not much to take away from it. The usual color combination is the same ordinary furniture and gender, which does not fit into the overall concept at all. But maybe we don’t understand anything, we’re just expressing our opinion.

Finally, I would like to say: no matter how beautiful the kitchen is in the photo, in interiors with large area, reproducing it in a small apartment is almost impossible. Keep in mind that not every bulky interior detail will look great small apartment. Good luck to you!

All photos In the photo: Interior of a hammam in a private country house in Grozny

Hammam - a traditional oriental bath - as a rule, in modern realities is decorated with elements of oriental style. The bright national color allows you to create an interior that invites relaxation not only with your body, but also with your soul.

Relaxation area in the jacuzzi

All photos In the photo: Interior of a relaxation area with a jacuzzi in a private house

The relaxation area in the jacuzzi is equipped with a modern minimalist bio-fireplace. Two elements - fire and water, combined in one interior, promote even greater relaxation and put you in a meditative mood.

Hammam decoration with blue mosaic

All photos In the photo: Interior of an oriental-style hammam in a cottage

Art Deco bar design

All photos In the photo: Art Deco style bar interior

Bar counter in black and gold shades in Art Deco style – perfect option for decorating a bar in a luxurious country house. Black and golden shades harmonize perfectly with each other, creating an atmosphere of luxury.

Relaxation area with fireplace

All photos In the photo: Interior of a relaxation area with a fireplace in a private house

In the design of the recreation area in a country house with a fireplace, everything is thought out for a comfortable pastime. Blazing flames are reflected in the glossy surface of a black lacquered table; the wall is decorated with panels reminiscent of pebbles on the sea coast. And even the bubble panels, which introduce the motif of water, set the mood for a meditative mood.

Billiard room in a modern style in a private house

All photos In the photo: Interior of the billiard room in the residential complex "Symphony of the Embankments"

Designer Anzhelika Prudnikova designs the interiors in detail, for example, the design of the billiard room is made in the same style as the other rooms of the apartment in the Symphony of Embankments residential complex. Modern style with a slight touch of Art Deco helps create an atmosphere of sophisticated luxury and slight negligence.

Bar area with bubble panels

All photos In the photo: Interior of a bar with bubble panels in a private house

Bubble panels and columns in the design of the bar area in blue shades help create a light, airy, almost weightless interior. Lightweight design bar stools support this concept.

Semicircular bar counter

All photos In the photo: Semicircular bar counter in a private house

In this interior, the bar area is interestingly designed: it is a semicircular bar counter with a bubble column in the center.

Billiard room in pistachio and golden shades

All photos In the photo: Interior of a billiard room in a private house in the Greenfield community center


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