The most unpretentious and winter-hardy roses: recommendations for choosing varieties for different regions. The best climbing roses of Siberia with reviews and descriptions Unpretentious roses, the best varieties, photos, descriptions

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Growing roses in Siberia: choosing winter-hardy varieties + rules for planting and care Siberians joke that weaklings cannot survive in their harsh winters. A persistent character is needed, not only for people, but also for plants. So the criteria for selecting colors for site design in Siberian conditions much more severe than for the Moscow region or the southern regions of the country. And yet, residents of cold regions successfully grow even beautiful roses. They have developed quite a lot interesting ways sheltering plants, planting tricks to protect the root system in harsh winters. We looked through the forums of Siberian gardeners and chose the most important information about frost-resistant varieties, winter shelter technology, and what features of planting roses in spring in Siberia. Contents Rose varieties for cold climates First place: Rosarium Uetersen Second place: Westerland Third place: New Dawn Fourth place: William Sheakespeare 2000 Fifth place: Golden Celebration Choice of location: looking for the sunny side Planting rules: light soil + depth Siberian methods of covering such roses Varieties roses for cold climates The Siberian climate is known to be characterized by late spring, short summers and harsh winters. To withstand such conditions, plants must initially be zoned to the local climate. Those. In terms of survival rate, seedlings grown in Siberian nurseries are in the lead. Gardeners give second place to Canadian roses, because the climate of this country is similar to Siberian. But real Canadian roses, unfortunately, are rare. This category of plants is too attractive for buyers, so it is most often counterfeited. It is better to purchase Canadian varieties only from a reliable supplier, and, naturally, not directly or on the market. The second selection criterion is vaccination. According to statistics, grafted varieties of roses in Siberia withstand winters much easier and do not freeze out, because they have higher immunity. Rootstock for varietal roses Usually it is the rose hip that comes out, and its immune system is much more resilient than that of the rose's own roots. Here is what, according to gardeners in Siberia, the five most unpretentious and winter-hardy varieties of roses look like: First place: Rosarium Uetersen Belongs to the Climber group, i.e. large-flowered climbing roses. Can also be grown as a standard. Blooms with dark pink petals that gradually fade. The flower size can reach 12 cm, but the colder the climate, the smaller the inflorescences will be. The approximate size of flowers for Novosibirsk is 5-6 cm. Rosarium Uetersen is loved for its resistance to fungal infections, repeated flowering (the first is the most abundant, and then in waves). Powerful stems are not afraid of frost or wind. Gardeners can ruin this rose only if it is improperly laid out for the winter, when the stems break due to an unsuccessfully chosen direction of laying. The bush grows up to 3 meters. Rosarium Wetersen fits perfectly into arches, pergolas and other supporting structures, and if desired, it can be grown as a standard Second place: Westerland A German variety, adored in Siberia for its continuous flowering. This rose wakes up and blooms very early, and then practically remains without flowers. The flowers change color from bright orange to apricot-salmon. In diameter - up to 10 cm. Has an ADR certificate as one of the most unpretentious roses. Timely removal of fading flowers from the Westerland climbing rose stimulates the bush to actively grow and form new flower buds Third place: New Dawn A descendant of American roses. It blooms with soft pink, fragrant flowers almost all season. The gardeners of Siberia gave her the nickname “Very”, i.e. very frost-resistant, very unpretentious (grows everywhere), very prickly, very aromatic, etc. The only nuance: in Lately New Dawn specimens have appeared that bloom only once. Therefore, before ordering, check the number of blooms, otherwise you may see this beauty only once, at the beginning of summer. Siberians believe that New Down lives by the motto “Everyone will perish, but I will remain,” because it survives in the most inhuman conditions. Fourth place: William Sheakespeare 2000 A new generation English rose, nurtured by the world famous breeder David Austin. It blooms with velvety rich red flowers, gradually turning into a purple hue. Fragrant, medium height(up to 110 cm), forms many flowering clusters on each branch. When purchasing, pay attention to the presence of the number 2000, since there is also an ancestor of this rose - William Sheakespeare, which does not have such a high immunity to fungal infections. William Shakespeare 2000 is the result of selection of the English “ancestor” of the same name, which is distinguished by high immunity to diseases and excellent frost resistance. Fifth place: Golden Celebration Another pet of David Austin. It blooms twice, with bright yellow large flowers, similar to balls, emitting a lemon-caramel aroma. In cold climates it grows up to one and a half meters tall. Practically not susceptible to diseases, except black spotting. Looks great in mixborders. Sunny, large inflorescences of Golden Celebration smell like lemon candy, so they are planted near vacation spots to enjoy the wonderful aroma. Choice of location: looking for the sunny side Due to the fact that spring comes late in Siberia, and there are not very many sunny days a year a lot, they try to plant roses on the south side. But a completely open area is not very profitable, since the flowering period is significantly accelerated, and the flowers fade in the heat. It is best to consider light partial shade with the help of sparsely leafed shrubs or trees. Roses are planted near them in such a way that during the hottest time of the day they are protected by the foliage of the “neighbors”. It is advisable to select high places on the site for the rose garden. There, the degree of soil freezing is always less, which means the roots will wake up faster. This will also save the plant from high humidity, which is typical for lowlands. Too much moisture provokes the development of rot and fungal infections. Strong winds are common in Siberia, with cold fronts coming from both the north and the west. From these directions (north, northwest and northeast), roses need protection in the form of buildings, arbors, living coniferous fences etc. But the wall should be at such a distance that a shadow is not cast on the bushes. Planting rules: light soil + depth For the Siberian climate, desirable spring planting, and their period is much shorter than in other areas. The planting season begins in May, when the soil warms up to 10 degrees. Gardeners determine the optimal time for dandelions: as soon as they bloom, it’s time to plant rose bushes. Grafted seedlings are planted first, because rose hips are not afraid of sudden late frosts. Own root roses - no earlier than May 15. The maximum planting date is June 15. If you are late, the rose will not have time to grow stronger during the short summer and will go into the winter without a lignified trunk. This means it will freeze easily. Siberian landing Roses are not much different from other areas. Spiny beauties like slightly acidic soils with a high humus content. The basis of the soil can be loam. When planting, it is good to place it at the bottom of the hole and sprinkle it with rotted horse manure, which will warm the roots. Bushes are not planted directly in manure, so as not to burn the young roots. The optimal composition of the soil is: 1 part clay + 1 part sand + 3 parts humus + 2 parts peat + 0.5 parts wood ash. It’s not bad if you immediately apply special fertilizer for roses. Planting rules: The depth of the planting hole is at least half a meter. Purchased seedlings are dipped in a solution of water with a growth stimulator for 3-4 hours so that they are saturated with moisture. Roots that are too long (above 20 cm) are shortened, stimulating the growth of lateral roots. Remove paraffin from the aboveground part and lightly trim the branches (to a healthy green color). The most important point: slightly recessed landing. Many gardeners in Siberia have discovered that tea varieties, English varieties and floribundas survive better in frosts if the grafting site is not 5 cm below the soil level, but 7-8 cm, i.e. a little deeper. Accordingly, for climbing roses you need 12-15 cm. Such plantings can be covered less, and some owners even gave up covering altogether, buying varieties with high frost resistance. When planted in depth, a rose can send out roots above the grafting site, developing its own root system, which is weaker than that of a rose hip, so “wrong” roots must be removed. When planting, the roots of the rose are straightened so that they go only from top to bottom, and are not wrapped in a ring. A planting mound can help with this arrangement: a mound of fertile soil is poured onto the bottom of the hole, a seedling is placed on top of it, the roots are straightened along the mound and sprinkled. When planting a mound, water after the rose is planted. During normal planting, you can first shed the roots and then cover them with soil. After planting, be sure to hill the bush to a height of 15 cm. This is necessary so that the water does not quickly evaporate. The soil will also protect the tender branches from the scorching sun, because once they take root they dry out very quickly. In the northernmost regions, plantings are covered with lutrasil to protect them from night frosts. Siberian methods of covering such roses So that growing roses in Siberia does not end with the bushes freezing in the first winter, gardeners have come up with many different options shelters. Their similarity is that for roses in cold climates it is necessary to create a dry shelter, i.e. Protect each seedling from above with waterproof material. It will protect the plant from moisture, which instantly turns into ice. Shelter options: “Snow blanket”. If your area has consistently snowy winters, then throwing snow on each bush is the most the best option shelters. After all, in Siberia, snow falls and remains there until spring, so the temperature underneath is always stable. "Framework made of plastic arcs." They make a frame from two intersecting arcs, place it over the rose, cover the bush halfway with dry soil or leaves, cover it with a double layer of spunbond or lutrasil, on top of which they must spread a film so that it captures part of the soil. Sprinkle the edges of the film with earth. Before the onset of stable frost, the film should be slightly open so that the stems do not dry out. "House made of polycarbonate." Instead of plastic arcs, place two pieces of polycarbonate above the rose, fastened at the top with twine. It turns out to be a house. Cover the top with lutrasil and film. But at the ends the film is closed only after the onset of frost. "From plastic buckets." Each bush is hilled to a height of 20 cm, covered with spruce paws and covered with plastic containers without holes. This is roughly what it all looks like: You cannot cover roses with lutrasil alone without using film, since during a thaw moisture accumulates inside, and during the first frost it will settle as ice on the plants. Covering roses with spruce paws is recommended for those owners who have a lot of mice, as they they like to make nests in lutrasil. With any type of shelter in early spring, many Siberians repeatedly spill the soil with epin in order to revive their pets. Grateful roses give their owners abundant and fragrant blooms, although nature has given them very little time for this.

Roses are valued for the beauty of their bright and lush inflorescences. Red petals always effectively set off the greenery in a flower garden or lawn. Among the many groups, varieties and types of roses, it can be difficult to choose the beauty that will decorate a flower garden, mixborder, or play solo in a garden design.

Types and groups of roses

According to botanical groups, the following gradations of roses can be found in the literature:

  • low-growing roses (miniature roses, Patio roses, ground cover roses);
  • bush roses, or hybrid tea roses;
  • floribunda roses;
  • tall or climbing roses (with virtually no restrictions on growth, shoots can reach a length of 1.5 to 3 m, this depends on the growth vigor of a particular variety and the age of the plant).

Any classification of roses is quite complex and at the same time arbitrary. Even varieties included in the same group can differ greatly in their characteristics.

climbing roses

You can come across the term curly in relation to the group. This is not entirely true, because... Loaches themselves actively crawl along the support - roses do not have this. There are long shoots that can lie on a support. If the climbing rose begins to bend into the shape of a fishing rod, you need to provide it with a support, just like for tall tomatoes. The plant is tied to a rod - metal, wooden, decorative, bamboo - so that it feels comfortable and does not fall or sway in the wind.

Even in Siberia, many gardeners are tempted to place climbing roses in their garden and use them in the design as a support next to the thuja. When placing roses, you need to make sure that other plants do not shade them. For a climbing rose, it is better to use support on open place. The support can be decorative in the form of a lattice or pergola. For a climbing rose, the plant should be illuminated from all sides evenly and as much as possible.

For more information about groups of climbing roses and their representatives, read the article:

Rose variety Jasmina

Jasmine is a profusely and repeatedly blooming climbing rose. The number of flowers on a stem varies from 5 to 10. The flowers (6-7 cm in size) are delicate pinkish-lilac with a noticeable sweet aroma. The leaves are slightly glossy. The bush grows up to 3 m. In unfavorable years it is affected by powdery mildew and black spot. In rainy weather the flowers do not open.

Rose variety Swan Lake

Climbing rose Climber. The flowers are elegant, densely double, kerma-pinkish, 8-9 cm in diameter and with light aroma. Possesses high resistance to the rain. The bush is vigorous, shoots grow up to 3 m. 1-3 flowers appear on the stem. Resistance to powdery mildew is higher than to black spot. Blooms profusely all season.

Hybrid tea roses

The hybrid tea group includes roses with a height of 1, 1.2, 1.5 m. In everyday life they are often called bush roses. Hybrid tea roses can have very different color palette. As a rule, they are characterized by the fact that one bud is formed on one shoot. Typically, roses of these varieties are presented in cut bouquets in flower shops. Although now you can also find multi-flowered forms of roses.

Varieties of hybrid tea roses

Hybrid tea roses include the following varieties: Red Intuition , Burgundy , Osiana , Christopher Columbus . These varieties usually have a bush height of 1-1.2 m. They can be placed in the background in a flower garden and in front of large and medium-sized plants, or placed next to other ornamental shrubs. Bushes of hybrid tea roses can be seen from afar, their flowers are very attractive, roses fit harmoniously into any decorative planting.

Rose variety Red Intuition

Hybrid tea again blooming rose, great for cutting into bouquets. A bush almost without thorns, 1-1.2 m high. The color of the flower is heterogeneous: the petals are red with stripes and spots. The flowers are lush, double, quite large (11-12 cm), with a faint aroma. They do not bloom in rainy weather. High resistance to disease, but in unfavorable years it will not hurt to prevent powdery mildew and black spot.

Photo: hybrid tea rose Red Intuition

Osiana rose variety

It is distinguished by an unusual, very delicate color of the petals: very pale noble shades of apricot, salmon, and peach. In the center of the flower the color is more saturated. The variety is good for cutting, will thank you lush flowering for proper care. On each shoot, one large (10-11 cm) densely double flower blooms with a slightly noticeable aroma. The bush can reach a height of 1.7 m. Disease resistance is average. Blooms again.

Photo: hybrid tea rose Osiana

Rose Burgund variety

A hybrid tea variety with large, slightly fragrant flowers. The color of the velvety petals is very rich, dark burgundy. The bush is no higher than 1 m in height. Flowering is abundant and long-lasting.

Photo: hybrid tea rose Burgundy

Rose variety Christopher Colomb

The variety is distinguished by the complex multifaceted color of its petals: from scarlet with a yellow backlight to salmon-orange. The flowers are quite large (up to 13 cm). The petals are wide and have a classic shape for hybrid tea roses. The bush is prickly, vigorous, up to 2 m high in hot climates. 1-3 flowers are formed on the stem; they do not bloom when it rains. Good disease resistance.

Photo: hybrid tea rose Christopher Columbus

Rose variety Versilia

The color of the petals is creamy with a pinkish edging around the edges. The flowers are medium-double, classic in shape and have a faint aroma. There is 1 flower per shoot. Resistance to diseases at a decent level.

Photo: hybrid tea rose Versilia

Rose variety Konigin der Rosen

Respect for the variety is already inspired by its name, which means “Queen of Roses”. The plant impresses with the iridescent salmon-orange color of the petals with a pinkish tint. The flower is a lush double flower, 10 cm in diameter, with a rich aroma. The bush is low with large shiny leathery leaves. Powdery mildew and black spot are affected only when unfavorable conditions. Pleases with flowering all season long.

Photo: hybrid tea rose Königin der Rosen

Rose variety Milva

Very bright, attractive orange-red flowers with a triangular shape. When the bud opens, it becomes densely double with a diameter of up to 7 cm. The bush is less than 1 m high. Used for cutting, forcing, and landscaping. 1-3 flowers are formed on the stem. Affected by diseases in unfavorable weather. Blooms profusely all season.

Photo: hybrid tea rose Milva

Rose variety Norita

Bright red flowers with a black edge attract attention with their unusual coloring and goblet-shaped. The bud opens slowly, becoming double and acquiring an increasingly darker (close to black) color of the lower petals. Cut variety, disease resistant. Blooms abundantly all season.

Photo: hybrid tea rose Norita

Rose variety Piano

Hybrid tea rose with spherical bright red flowers, of which 3-5 are formed on one stem. The bush is tall, up to 1.3 m. It is highly resistant to powdery mildew and black spot. In rainy weather the bud does not open. Blooms profusely all season.

Photo: hybrid tea rose Piano

Rose variety Premium

Hybrid tea rose with double lemon-yellow flowers with a greenish tint. Blooms profusely. The bush is spreading, up to 1 m high. The buds are dense, tall, with a diameter of approx. 10 cm.

Photo: hybrid tea rose Premium

Rose variety Black Magic

One of the most charming varieties. Soft, velvety, slightly bent petals of a soulful dark red color merge into a dense, almost black bud. The variety is used for cutting and as a garden rose in hot, dry climates. On one stem, 1 medium-sized flower is formed, with a subtle aroma. The bush is vigorous, up to 1.5 m high. Resistance to powdery mildew and black spot is at a decent level. Blooms profusely all season.

Photo: hybrid tea rose Black Magic

Floribunda roses

There is a fairly large group of floribundas. These are multi-flowered varieties: when they form 2-3 flowers or more on one shoot. Sometimes it looks like a cloud of small flowers. Flowers can have different shapes and colors.

Floribunda is a group derived from hybrid tea roses and has many similar characteristics with them. Some varieties are fragrant, others are without aroma. They are united by the beauty and originality of flowers.

Floribunda rose varieties

Low-growing floribunda roses include varieties Tamango , Solero , ground cover rose Gartenfreude . These varieties bloom very profusely and have bright greenery. But you will need to find a suitable place for them so that the 35-50 cm tall plant does not get lost in the massive greenery and colors. It is better to place them as a border along the path on the lawn where other plants will not compete with them and shade them.

Rose variety Solero

Lush inflorescences with lemon-yellow, densely double, slightly fragrant flowers are formed on the compact bush. Disease resistance and frost resistance are rated highly. It belongs to the Floribunda roses, while in the central zone it is grown as a ground cover rose.

Rose variety Gartenfreude

Powerful branched bushes with long shoots. The flowers are double (about 3 cm in diameter) of a juicy crimson color, collected in inflorescences. Blooms profusely all season and is frost-resistant. Looks interesting in mixborders and when grown in containers.

Photo: rose floribunda Gartenfreude

Rose variety Tamango

A bright red, mesmerizing rose from the Floribunda group. The buds are cup-shaped with many velvety petals and a subtle aroma. Flowering is abundant and continuous. Resistance to diseases high level. Flowers do not fade in the sun.

Rose variety Home & Garden

The delicate pink flowers fade slightly and become paler. They attract attention with the large size of the densely double flowers of a nostagil shape. Pleases with abundant continuous flowering, high resistance to rain and disease.

Photo: rose floribunda Home and Garden

Rose variety Circus

Some forms of the Circus variety may have slight differences in color and flower shape. Usually the rose is described with original orange flowers and a red border along the edge of the wavy petals. The flowers are round, densely double. The variety is popular due to its unpretentiousness and ease of care. Small bush with good resistance to powdery mildew and black spot. Withstands the test of rain and bright sun.

Low growing roses

The group of low-growing roses includes roses below 70 cm. Among them are:

  • Patio roses (approx. 50 cm high),
  • miniature roses (up to 35 cm high, blooming in a dense group of small flowers in the form of a ball)
  • ground cover roses (grow almost horizontally to the ground, form a flat cake on the ground, a spread out bush).

Miniature roses

In miniature ones, on a single shoot the flowers form in the form of a ball, and on the bush, like on a Christmas tree, many small flowers open. They are small, can be terry or non-double. Here the main effect comes from mass participation. Blooming at the same time, such roses create a spectacular bright spot.

Photo: miniature rose Leili Flirt

Rose variety Mackintosh (Charles Rennie Mackintosh)

I would also like to mention the incredibly beautiful Mackintosh variety. Belongs to the group of English bush roses (shrub). Bright lilac flowers with a pinkish tint - color may vary depending on weather conditions. The flowers are medium-sized, densely double, cup-shaped with a faint aroma of lilac and almond. Blooms profusely all season. Resistance to diseases is weak; constant prevention is required. Looks harmonious in a mixborder.

Sergey Tsytskunov, agronomist, fruit and berry nursery "1000 roses"

Description of 5 more varieties of roses from the scrub group.

Many summer residents dream of having a garden fragrant with the delicate aromas of roses. This dream may well come true - just show patience and perseverance, and the roses will bloom even in harsh conditions Ural. The selection of roses is constantly moving forward and, currently, there are many varieties intended for cultivation in the Ural climatic conditions. To avoid disappointment when cultivating roses, you should carefully choose a variety and try to collect as much information about it as possible. It is also worth noting that for lush and longer flowering, all roses need good mineral nutrition several times a season. Only in this case do they fully reveal their capabilities and delight gardeners with their flowering and aromas all season long.

The most impressive, but also the most demanding are hybrid tea roses. These varieties are capable of blooming twice per season, the second wave occurs at the end of August - September. In the Urals, these roses are grown by carefully covering them for the winter and not allowing them to bloom in the fall. To do this, the buds in the second wave of flowering are cut off. This way the roses can be better prepared for winter. For shelter, you can use spruce branches, peat, or cover the bushes with soil. In most cases, roses do not suffer from freezing, but from damping off in early spring, when excess moisture forms under the cover. To avoid this, you need to remove the cover in early spring and treat roses against fungal infections in the fall.


One of the most popular varieties. He is loved for his unique appearance. It belongs to the group of hybrid teas. Large, 11-centimeter flowers grow on powerful stems, the height of which does not exceed 1.2 m. They have a special, rich orange or copper-brown color. The aroma emanating from the flowers is reminiscent of assorted fruits and vanilla.

Double Delight

The characteristic name indicates that the flower is unusual. That's how it is - it combines two colors. The base of the bud is bright cream, and the edges of the petals are red. The aroma of this variety of hybrid tea roses for Siberia is very reminiscent of the taste of raspberries or strawberries. It is very easy to use shoots to create the desired bush shape. Stems and root system strong, straight.

American Pride

This variety has spectacular red-burgundy, velvety, double flowers (up to 15 cm in diameter) in the shape of a glass. They can be located on the stem one at a time or 5-7 buds. The rose bush is thick and upright. The strong stems are strewn with leathery large leaves dark green color. When growing hybrid tea roses of the American Pride variety, you need to take into account that this plant is picky about watering. If the soil is not moist enough, there are fewer buds on the bush and they become smaller.


This bright hybrid tea rose has cup-shaped double flowers (up to 12 cm), located singly on tall stems and tolerates rain well. The tall and slightly spreading bush is decorated with chic light green leaves, which over time acquire a reddish tint. The rose reaches a height of 1.5 m, so it is not suitable for a small flower garden. The plant is resistant to disease, but for spectacular flowering throughout the growing season, it is necessary to regularly trim off the faded buds. It is better to place a flower bed with these roses in a sunny place protected from the wind.

Floribunda roses
varieties for the Urals and Siberia

The flowers of this rose are very similar to hybrid tea in their shape and beauty, but are slightly smaller in size. And the shape can be very diverse: goblet-shaped, flat and bowl-like. They bloom long and profusely. These can be double or simple flowers with shiny leaves. These are mostly slender, straight plants, sometimes slightly spreading, up to 120 centimeters high. Floribunda roses are not afraid of frost, and if frost does damage them, they recover faster than other varieties. Compared to other hybrid tea varieties, Floribunda rose is the most resistant to various diseases.

Arthur Bell

This winter-hardy, cheerful floribunda has a rich, fruity aroma. The downside is that the flowers fade: they start out a wonderful bright yellow but quickly turn lemony and creamy. The flowers are semi-double, with crimson stamens. They appear in medium-sized clusters and bushes with thick, hard, prickly shoots. The flowers are rain resistant. Forms tall bush in dense leathery foliage, flowers are large, resistant to bad weather. Resistance to black spot and powdery mildew is good. Flowering begins in early summer and continues until autumn.

Jack Frost

The flowers of this variety of roses are white to cream in color, medium in size, densely double (up to 50 petals), with a high center, in inflorescences. The bud is pointed. Has a pronounced aroma. The bush is medium, with straight shoots. The rose blooms abundantly. The variety is suitable for winter forcing.

Deja Vu

Tight, cone-shaped, with a slightly elongated shape, the bud of this rose variety has about 30 wavy petals. The color is pinkish-orange with a yellow tint and red edging. The flower is double, growing up to 9-12 cm in diameter. The branched bush has straight shoots and is of medium height. The height is about a meter, and the width is within 60 cm. Buds appear in 2-6 pieces on the shoot. The stems are covered with medium-sized foliage. The aroma is light and pleasant. The variety is well suited for landscaping garden plots. Winter hardiness is high, but it is advisable to cover the bush for the winter. Disease resistance is above average, but additional processing will only be a big plus. Rose Deja Vu loves sunlight very much.


This rose variety is one of the most unpretentious. The bright yellow petals of this rose have a uniform color of the purest yellow and remain bright throughout the entire flowering period, from June to September, practically without fading. The buds appear singly or in clusters, with 4-7 flowers in each. The foliage is shiny and has a rich dark green color. The rose has a strong stem that can withstand strong winds and does not bend even in heavy downpours.

Evelyn Fison or Irish Wonderr

The bush of this rose is branched, rather spreading and prickly, growing up to 80 cm in height. Its leaves are leathery, greenish-shiny. The cup-shaped buds with many double petals of bright red and burgundy along the edges are simply mesmerizing. Flowers do not fade in the sun and are not damaged heavy rains. Rose Evelyn Fison grows well both in a lighted area and in partial shade. The most suitable soil for it is with neutral acidity. Plant these attractive roses on your site - and with the necessary care they will delight you with vigorous and fragrant flowering every summer, despite the harsh Ural climate.

Climbing rose
varieties for the Urals and Siberia

The climbing rose is the queen of vertical gardening. It is magnificent in the decorative decoration of arches, trellises, arbors and other architectural forms. climbing roses They can grow in the Urals if they are carefully covered for the winter. In the fall, the lashes are carefully removed from the grates and laid on the ground, covered with spruce branches on top, and covered with peat or soil. In all other respects, the requirements remain the same as for hybrid tea varieties.


These are semi-climbing scrub roses that occupy a special place in the hearts of Ural flower growers. Their large, terry, fragrant flowers have a complex structure. Primary colors: orange, peach or dark orange. These roses are often planted in flower beds continuous flowering, combining with other colors.

Rosarium Uetersen

Belongs to the category of winter-hardy varieties. Many summer residents prefer these colors. The continuity of their flowering will delight the gardener throughout the season. It recovers very quickly in the spring. The average diameter of dark pink flowers is 4-6 cm. The shoots are very powerful and can reach up to 3 m in length. In this case, the bush requires gartering with special structures.

Mont Blanc

Like all roses of this variety, Montblanc needs strong support due to its powerful, vigorous bush, reaching a height of 4-5 meters. The leaves are large, leathery, glossy, dark green. The flowers are densely double, pure white, up to 12 cm in diameter, with a persistent light aroma. Their shape varies from goblet to cup-shaped with 60-70 petals. At the end of flowering, the charm of the flowers is enhanced by their pinkish color. Flowering - blooms once per season, long and abundantly. In some cases, repeated flowering with further fruit formation is possible. For beautiful shape the plant needs pruning.


The rose has a rich pink color. The height of the bush is from 200 to 300 cm. The width is about 200 cm. Lawinia is very resistant to disease. The elegant buds of this rose open into cupped flowers in large loose clusters of up to 7 pieces. The flowering is very abundant, so that the plant in bloom is completely covered with large, fragrant flowers that are not afraid of rain. The foliage is large, medium green. The rose blooms profusely again, and there is practically no break in flowering. The bush is erect and strong, so this variety can be grown both as a free-growing scrub and as a climbing rose.

Pierre de Ronsard

The diameter of the flower of this rose is no less than 7 cm. The color of the petals is delicate, creamy white, turning into a pink edging. The aroma is very subtle, sometimes slightly perceptible. The size of the bush is average, the shoots grow slowly, so rose bushes of Pierre de Ronsard reach their greatest decorative value after three years of age. The leaves are hard. The leaf blades are large and bright green. Thorns are present on the shoots in small quantities. Flowers appear in waves, the first bloom being the most abundant. Repeated blooms are more modest, the flowers open smaller. The rose blooms from the second half of June almost until frost. In the Urals, flowers may lack warmth. The buds, in this case, remain under-opened, and the outer petals, instead of a cream color, remain greenish.

Gloria Dei

Incredibly large and beautiful at all stages of bloom, the double flowers of this rose begin their development from elegant buds. When fully bloomed, the bud is soft yellow with a raspberry-pink edge, which gradually fades in the sun and becomes creamy. One flower has from 26 to 43 petals. The petals are large, hold well, and do not fall off for a long time. The color and aroma are affected by growing conditions, place of growth, and time of year. The beauty's scent is as changeable as its color. Some note a strong sweetish-fruity smell, others - a gentle, barely perceptible one. The bush is vigorous, up to 2 m, branched, well-leafed, the foliage is dark, rich green. Looks great even when not in bloom. The variety is practically disease-free and is characterized by increased resistance to frost.


Large-flowered climbing or giant bush rose, reaching, under favorable conditions, 5.5 m in height and 2.5 m in width. The bush is powerful, fast growing, with straight, hard shoots, prickly. The foliage is large, glossy, bronze-green, darkening with age to brown shades. The “Alchymist” rose blooms once, occurring at the beginning of summer and lasting for several weeks. But the flowers are very unusual. The Alchymist rose is a true chameleon, constantly changing its outstanding color depending on the flowering period and weather conditions. At first the buds are dark yellow, then when the flower opens pink inner petals appear, which creates general impression apricot color. Over time, yellow tones fade to cream or even white, and pinks become more saturated, especially in hot weather. The shape, like the color, changes during flowering: cup-shaped flowers open from goblet-shaped buds, then the petals bend slightly downwards and form a rosette-shaped flower. Densely double (50-60 petals), large fragrant flowers of the “Alchymist” rose, reaching a diameter of 11 cm, are collected in brushes of 3-5 pieces and stay on the branches for a long time. Disease resistance and frost resistance are high.

Park roses
varieties for the Urals and Siberia

Park roses are considered the most unpretentious; they are also called wrinkled (based on the type of leaves). They can withstand low winter temperatures without shelter, because these varieties are bred on the basis of rose hips, which grows everywhere and is not afraid of pests and diseases. Thanks to this relationship, park roses are adapted to growing in the most extreme conditions, overwinter without shelter and bloom luxuriantly every year. The disadvantages of these roses include their relatively short flowering and simple form flower, which is closer to the rosehip flower.

Golden Celebration

This is the best variety of park roses for the Urals. It tolerates cold well and is unpretentious when grown. This hybrid from the nursery of David Austin (a famous English breeder) blooms twice a year with bright yellow buds. Golden Celebration belongs to the category of the most fragrant frost-resistant roses. Its lemon-caramel smell spreads over several tens of meters.

Prairie Joy

The height of the bush is about 120 cm. The width is about 130 cm, it rarely happens more. The flowers are quite large, densely double, in the old style, with a button in the center, deep pink, fading to soft pink. They appear one at a time or in clusters of up to 6 pieces, then small orange fruits are formed. The bush is vigorous, branched, densely leafy. The variety is resistant to diseases. It grows quickly, producing more and more strong shoots from the base, which can droop in an arched manner during flowering. This rose is very easy to grow - just plant and forget. Prairie Joy was developed by crossing frost-resistant varieties, so its frost resistance is exceptional. Prairie Joy is a relatively new variety that combines a superb flower shape with a low, neat bush, making it ideal for hedges. Blooms profusely and is quite winter-hardy. Somewhat susceptible to black spotting.

Louis Odier

Park bush rose Louis Odier is a representative of Bourbon roses with an ideal flower shape. The color of the flowers is soft pink at the edges and a thick, rich shade in the center. The flowers are cup-shaped, with a diameter of 8 to 12 centimeters, formed singly or in clusters of 4-5 pieces. Under their weight, they hang from the bush, making it look like a blooming fountain. Louis Odier blooms profusely and in waves. Between two flowering periods it produces single flowers. The rose exudes a subtle aroma reminiscent of lemon candy. Flexible, graceful shoots of the variety reach a length of up to two and a half meters. The bush grows up to 120 centimeters in width. The foliage of the bush is pale green, with a matte surface, and dense. A rose has few thorns.


a very popular variety, mesmerizingly beautiful double flowers dark yellow in color, thick and bright, reminiscent of honey. The flowers are large (8-10 cm), double (46-48 petals). The aroma of flowers is pleasant, fruity, and attracts bees and butterflies to the garden. The bush is always beautifully shaped, densely leafy, grows up to 175 cm. The rose feels good even on poor soils.

Alexander MacKenzie

Refers to varieties of roses bred in Canada specifically to survive in harsh winter conditions. It blooms all summer, is resistant to disease, requires minimal care and can withstand frosts down to -35 C. This rose blooms in clusters that can have up to 15 flowers. The flowers themselves have a bright red hue. The foliage on the bushes is large and shiny, which makes this rose even more noticeable among others. The bush has characteristic arched shoots. It can be grown as a climber or as a spreading bush. The bush is erect and has gracefully drooping ends of the shoots. The buds, which resemble tulip buds, very quickly take on the appearance of a classic rose shape with petals bending down. They are under excessive direct influence sun rays from a red tint can gradually fade to pink. The variety is very resistant to diseases. It takes cuttings well. Bush height 180 cm. Lighting: sun to partial shade. Flowering is abundant and continuous.


Winter-hardy and almost continuously blooming rose. Only severe frosts stop its flowering. The flowers are a rich, velvety red color with a cluster of golden stamens in the center. In addition, the variety has excellent disease resistance. The bush is quite compact (90-120 cm high and wide), perfect for planting in flower beds. Also beautiful when planted in a hedge. The only drawback of this variety is that it grows slowly, perhaps because it spends a lot of energy on abundant flowering. But the variety takes root very easily, although cuttings are difficult to obtain, because The bush is not tall and is in full bloom.

Morden Blush

The flowers are a beautiful pale pink, with strokes of dark pearl pink in the center and creamy white edges - pinker in cooler weather. The bush is low, erect, easy to take cuttings. The rose is very beautiful, with its own charm. "Morden Blush" is the most profusely flowering variety in the Parkland series, and the most popular. The flowers are double, with many small, curved petals opening from buds resembling hybrid tea roses in shape. They hold their shape for a long time, sometimes up to two weeks, and the fully opened pale pink flowers contrast with the rich pink buds. Flowers appear one at a time and in clusters of up to 6 pieces. The foliage is dark, shiny, disease resistant in dry weather, but susceptible to black spot in wet conditions. Blooms profusely and continuously until the first frost.

Morden Sunrise

The very first winter-hardy yellow rose of the Parkland series of Canadian roses. Perfect for free-form plantings. Beautiful yellow flowers appear throughout the summer. The bush is erect, 70 cm tall and approximately the same width. The flowers are fragrant, yellow-orange or yellow. In cold weather, pink shades appear. Flowers are about 8 cm in diameter, semi-double, appear in racemes of 4-8 pieces. The foliage is very attractive, dark green, shiny. This is complemented by good resistance to black spot, powdery mildew and rust. Withstands winters in zone 3 without shelter. Roots well from cuttings.

Canadian roses
varieties for the Urals and Siberia

Among garden roses Special attention should be paid to Canadian roses - their flower shape is as exquisite as that of hybrid tea roses, and the bushes are unpretentious, like park varieties. Once you plant a Canadian rose bush, you can enjoy its flowering for decades, without having to worry about covering it.

Henry Hudson

The Canadian park rose Henry Hudson has white flowers with a red coating. The height of the bushes reaches a little more than half a meter, and in diameter - no more than 1 meter. It is resistant to many diseases. The peculiarity of the variety is the ease of propagation by cuttings - they take root very easily in the soil.

David Thompson

Fragrant crimson flowers rise on shoots about 1.3 m long. Lush buds(about 25 petals) look very beautiful. They bloom for a long time - all summer and autumn.

Jens Munk

Jens Munk has the strongest root-stem system. Thus, a powerful bush is formed, up to two meters high. Pink flowers, the diameter of which does not exceed 7 cm, have a persistent aroma and a beautiful shape.

Charles Albanel

This variety is very beautiful and in demand. Charles Albanel is one of the shortest frost-resistant varieties. Their height reaches a little more than half a meter; in appearance, the bush resembles the ground cover species of this plant. The period of active flowering occurs at the beginning of summer and continues until the first frost. The flowers on the bush do not grow densely, but have a very attractive appearance and shape.

Martin Frobisher

Rose Martin Frobisher (Canadian park) looks good in original landscape solutions. It is often planted in city flower beds because it is not whimsical and does not require care. In some parks, these flowers are used to create hedges to highlight the lines of the seating area. The height of the bushes reaches 2 m. The light red flowers of the Canadian rose Martin Frobisher are very fragrant and lush, each bud has about 40 petals.

Hybrid tea rose varieties for the Urals and Siberia


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The beauty of nature is calming and mesmerizing. A person himself can create a pleasant atmosphere around himself by planting flowers. Even in harsh climates, some beautiful plants can survive. Winter-hardy varieties of roses can decorate an area where the cold constantly reigns. You can plant a front garden in some regions of Siberia, namely: Eastern, Western and Southern. Selected species flowers are able to withstand frosts, so they are allowed to be planted in the Siberian regions.

Of course, the main rule is careful care of plants and their high-quality selection. Each variety must meet certain necessary requirements: early flowering ability, disease resistance, and good frost resistance. You need to approach their hiding place correctly winter time year, as too harsh air temperatures can damage wood and soil. The descriptions and photos below will help you choose the appropriate option.

The best varieties of floribunda roses for Siberia

The varieties are famous for their extraordinary beauty. They bloom “collectively.” 3-4 processes of different shapes and even colors are formed. Unusual plants have vibrant greens and look great in the yard. Below are some of the best varieties in this category with descriptions and photos.

3 Solero

Resistant to fungal diseases
Average price: 270 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

A plant with this name was bred in 2009. The lightly fragrant bright yellow flowers will become worthy decoration front garden Any stage of flowering is distinguished by grace. Roses have small bud sizes with a diameter of 6-7 centimeters, they are quite dense in volume. The bushes are resistant to various climatic conditions: rain, sun and frost. During active flowering, the buds turn from yellow to light milky.

During cultivation, Solero is unpretentious. The harmonious shape of the bushes looks impressive. The variety has received the Allgemeine Deutsche Rosenneuheitenprüfung certificate, which confirms its resistance to fungal diseases. Experienced gardeners are confident in the durability of these roses. In their reviews, they recommend Solero for cultivation in Siberia, since the variety will be of no use powdery mildew, as well as sub-zero temperatures. Reviews are full of positive comments. Some buyers just don’t like the fact that the bush is small.

2 Gartenfreude

Self-cleaning ability
Average price: 320 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The relatively recently bred variety has a deep pink color and instantly catches the eye. The terry nature and small size of the buds look great in the garden. Resistance to frost, as well as to various precipitation, makes it possible to grow them in Siberia, where cold prevails. Translated into Russian, Gartenfreude sounds like “The Gardener’s Joy.” The self-explanatory name justifies itself. Reviews from many buyers reflect positive emotions from seeing such beauty in the yard and garden.

The wavy petals give each bud an extraordinarily beautiful appearance. At first glance, all the flowers are the same, however, if you look closely, you will notice that they are not all similar to each other - they have different sizes and even colors. Creeping shoots cover the space with a bright canvas, blooming in 10-15 pieces. The contrast of roses with green leaves especially stands out. After flowering, the bush will have a neat appearance, since this variety is capable of self-cleaning when withering. The downside of Gartenfreude is the lack of smell, however, some people even like it.

1 Home and Garden

Better endurance and unpretentiousness
Average price: 860 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The most delicate-looking roses, which, judging by the reviews of connoisseurs of natural beauty, make you want to eat them. It's as if the artificial bushes called "home and garden" have an airy pink color. The variety blooms in tassels and almost evenly. The 9-10 centimeter buds stand out impressively among other vegetation in the garden or yard. Reviews from rose lovers confirm resistance to various diseases. Gardeners say that Home and Garden has never been noticed in a sick state. In addition, buyers note the durability of the variety.

The plant can be confidently called romantic - the color, indeed, carries warmth. In Siberia, such a rose will delight every owner and every guest. Flowering will be almost continuous. This fact is especially appreciated by rose growers. The densely leafy bush complements the image and gives it unimaginable beauty. There is good reason to give preference to Home and Garden - the variety is one of the most hardy and unpretentious. The plant has received various awards in Australia and France.

The best climbing varieties of roses for Siberia

Growing climbing roses in Siberia is difficult. However, they are adapted for this. This means that with a competent approach and proper care, the gardens and courtyards of any home will be decorated with these delightful plants. Here are some of the best climbing varieties with photos and descriptions.

3 Swan Lake

Strong odor
Average price: 390 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Name in honor of the Russian ballet " Swan Lake"Speaks for itself. Roses have a pleasant light shade. The impeccable shape of the buds is pretty and beautiful. It is noteworthy that depending on the intensity of flowering, the variety changes the appearance of the flower - from goblet to cup-shaped. The stem has sharp and frequent thorns. Swan Lake is quite popular among rose growers, this is explained by numerous reviews. The variety tolerates the winter season well, which means it can be grown in Siberia.

Abundant flowering can decorate surrounding view. When cutting, you can safely expect a long fresh standing. Roses smell “delicious”, the smell is very pronounced, it can be felt from a long distance. Swan Lake will contribute to the sobriety and elegance of any garden design. Experienced gardeners mostly recommend planting this plant. It will require a lot of care. It is also necessary to take into account that the variety is not resistant to rain.

2 Jasmine

An excellent combination of beauty and frost resistance
Average price: 350 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The rose was bred in 2005. A few years later, the plant began to win awards at exhibitions and competitions. The cascade of Jasmine inflorescences stands out with its luxurious weaving. Lush buds have pleasant aroma. The strong and straight stem is weather resistant. The ability to grow on poor soils makes it possible to plant this variety in the Siberian open spaces. Cut roses will sit in a vase for several weeks without changing their fresh appearance. Flowers are easy to care for, which is a real boon for every gardener.

Resistance to frost is confirmed in customer reviews. The plant will live at temperatures down to -24 degrees. With the help of Jasmine bushes, arches, gazebos and fences are successfully decorated. Any yard, garden and vegetable garden will be transformed and take on an incredible look when such roses bloom in it. Experienced rose growers prefer the variety because of the clear balance between the beauty and durability of the plant. The only disadvantage is that in frosty weather the bushes must be bent to avoid wilting.

1 Rosarium Jutersen

The most popular variety. Excellent aroma. Incredible pomp
Average price: 1,370 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The beautiful pink climbing rose is one of the most popular among beauty lovers today. A plant appeared in South-East Asia, and then began to “travel” around the world. The variety is difficult to care for, but is worth taking care of. Landscaping is done in a vertical position and fences and any fences are decorated with flowers. Decor with Rosarium Utersen will look elegant and cute. It stands out among its peers in the number of petals - there can be about 100 of them on one bud, which turns it into a lush flower.

The aroma of the variety spreads throughout the area, with an apple tint. The green leaves have a shiny appearance. Unfavorable weather is not scary for such roses - they survive both heavy rain and frosty air quite steadily. Therefore, they are able to please the eye in the Siberian regions. In just a few years of flowering, the Yutersen Rosarium will transform any architectural structure into a wonderful sight, growing along its entire perimeter. Feedback from rose growers is positive; everyone loves the pleasant smell and magnificent beauty. You just have to care for the plant responsibly and correctly, then it will only bring pleasure.

The best hybrid tea varieties of roses for Siberia

The LaFrance variety is the “parent” of hybrid tea plants. They were bred back in 1867 by crossing tea and remontant roses. The flowers have a distinct aroma. Photos along with descriptions will clearly show the advantages of plants.

4 Osiana

Soft color. Long stems
Average price: 390 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

In 1989, a breeder under the name Tantau created this magnificence called “Osiana”. The plant is compared to the bride - it is soft creamy in color and stands out for its attractiveness. The rose's capriciousness is fully justified. Proper care will reward you with amazing blooms. The edges of the buds are light, and closer to the middle they have a slightly brighter shade. The number of petals in each flower reaches 45 pieces. The tea hybrid is intended for cutting; the plant will decorate the room for a long time.

Long stems reach 2 meters in height. Roses are quite demanding to care for, especially at low temperatures. It is necessary to very carefully protect them from hypothermia and wrap them in severe frosts. Then she will be able to delight gardeners and their guests a long period even in Siberia. On rainy days, the flowers suffer as they find it difficult to tolerate them. All these important points must be taken into account and unpleasant consequences must be avoided, because the charm of the plant is worth it.

3 Red Intuition

Best price. No thorns
Average price: 150 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

An unusual rose that has a red tint with dark stripes. Appearance always attracts the attention of gardeners. Distinctive feature is the absence of thorns or their insignificance in number. Red Intuition occupies a leading position in the sale of seedlings. The light and unobtrusive aroma delights, and the shape of the flowers arouses increased interest among others. The garden plot will become one of best places for relaxation, if you plant a Red Intuition plant on it. The buds will bring magical beauty to any yard.

Each flower is goblet-shaped. The bushes withstand bad weather and are not predisposed to fungal diseases, which is considered the best advantage of Red Intuition. The rose will not deteriorate in frost down to -35 degrees and will delight the eyes of guests throughout the flowering period. Moderate watering and periodic pruning will keep the buds looking fresh for a long time. Bushes cannot do without preventive care, otherwise the rose may suffer a disease called chlorosis.

2 Blue Moon

Fast adaptation
Average price: 319 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Favorite variety of millions. Due to their unusual color - silver-lilac - roses are in great demand both in warm regions, and in cold ones. They are hardy and capable of delighting with beauty for a long period. A strong aroma can be felt when you are “a mile away” from the planted plants. The variety quickly adapts to external conditions, so it is perfect for snowy Siberia. Rose has passed various tests and received an ADR certificate.

One of the best selection products, of course, stands out among similar ones in quality. Thanks to its rare coloration, Blue Moon attracts the attention of even people who are indifferent to the beauty of nature. A small number of thorns suits many gardeners. In their reviews you can find only positive comments. However, some are concerned about the fact that bushes require care. Proper planting and proper protection of the variety will allow you to enjoy its views.

1 Black magic

Better resistance to external factors
Average price: 320 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

A German breeding company developed the variety in 1997. The enchanting shade of dark color delights all people. Created for cutting, Black Magic has over time shown that it can easily grow in garden conditions and under different temperatures. Amateur gardeners often plant bushes of these roses and speak well of them. At each stage of blooming, the buds have unimaginable beauty. They open up to 10 centimeters in diameter. The structure of the petals is velvety and shimmers with shine.

The smell of the flowers is not very pronounced. The wealth of foliage around it decorates general form. The stem has a height of 1 meter, which is optimal for both a flower bed and a home. The rose is hardy in both cold and hot weather, which makes it possible to buy seedlings in frosty regions. In the 2000s, Black Magic received numerous awards and won the title of "QUEEN OF THE SHOW". Flowers will not lose their decorative effect even in rainy weather. The variety is characterized by increased resistance to any external factors. If no mistakes are made while growing, Black Magic will enchant everyone around it.

Roses can be grown just as successfully in harsh climates as in less cold regions. In this case, resistance to cold is of great importance for gardeners, so the basis for breeding frost-resistant varieties of roses for Siberia are Canadian and some hybrid varieties of ostina. In regional nurseries, these flowers are hardened, and are most recommended for cultivation by local summer residents and gardeners.

It is noteworthy that the catalog of varieties of roses and Siberia offers almost identical flowers. In rare cases, cold-resistant species, for some reason, do not take root in the flowerbeds of these areas.

The best varieties of roses for Siberia:

  • Ashram. One of the most popular varieties. He is loved for his unique appearance. It belongs to the group of hybrid teas. Large, 11-centimeter flowers grow on powerful stems, the height of which does not exceed 1.2 m. They have a special, rich orange or copper-brown color. The aroma emanating from the flowers is reminiscent of assorted fruits and vanilla.
  • Chippendale. These are scrub roses that occupy a special place in the hearts of Novosibirsk flower growers. Their large, double, fragrant flowers have a complex structure. Primary colors: orange, peach or dark orange. Bouquets spray roses Siberian Chippendale varieties have a beautiful appearance. They are often planted in, combined with other flowers.
  • Rosarium Uetersen. Belongs to the category of climbing roses (winter-hardy varieties) for Siberia. Many summer residents prefer these colors. The continuity of their flowering will delight the gardener throughout the season. It can overwinter without shelter for the winter, although in some harsh regions it is recommended to provide shelter. It recovers very quickly in the spring. The average diameter of dark pink flowers is 4-6 cm. The shoots are very powerful and can reach up to 3 m in length. In this case, the bush requires gartering with special structures.
  • Double Delight. The characteristic name indicates that the flower is unusual. That’s how it is – it combines two colors. The base of the bud is bright cream, and the edges of the petals are red. The aroma of this variety of hybrid tea roses for Siberia is very reminiscent of the taste of raspberries or strawberries. It is very easy to use shoots to create the desired bush shape. The stems and root system are strong and straight.
  • Golden Celebration. This is the best variety of park roses for Siberia. It tolerates cold well and is suitable for cultivation. This hybrid from the nursery of David Austin (a famous English breeder) blooms twice a year with bright yellow buds. Golden Celebration belongs to the category of the most fragrant roses for Siberia. Its lemon-caramel smell spreads over several tens of meters.

What varieties of roses are suitable for Siberia, besides those listed above? The most popular flowers are also:

What varieties of roses are best suited for Siberia?

In the vastness of Siberia, many summer residents and flower growers are breeding and hardening many popular varieties. The peculiarity of this work is that over time the flowers completely adapt to the climate of the region in which the mini nursery is located. It is these gardeners who can give a clear answer to the question of what varieties of roses are best to plant in Siberia?

One of the most famous is the home rose garden of Lyubov Bezrodnova. During her breeding journey, this woman adapted many varieties of the Queen of Flowers to the Siberian climate. Most of her time she was engaged in breeding and hardening park roses, but the assortment includes many floribundas, hybrid teas. Mrs. Bezrodnova successfully manages to work on imported plant species, completely adapting them to the Siberian cold.

In her opinion, it is necessary to carefully select roses for Siberia. The best varieties end up in the flower beds of most private households. Thanks to Lyubov Bezrodnova’s method, many summer residents can choose suitable species plants.

Winter-hardy varieties of climbing roses for Siberia.


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