Renovate the kitchen in your home. DIY kitchen renovation step by step - personal experience with photographs

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After moving to new apartment“We decided to renovate the kitchen first, so we waited New Year's holidays and off we go. My hands have been itching to work for a long time.

The usual size is 6 square meters, I haven’t experienced any renovations before, except for painting the walls and gluing tiles to the ceiling. External refrigerator is quite good decision for storing potatoes, vegetables and preparations - leave it.

One wall is covered with tiles almost to the floor. I believe there is no person born in the USSR who would not have seen this tile.

The wallpaper turned out to be oilcloth, exactly the kind that is laid on the table.

We scoured the Internet for information and found an option that was chosen as a reference:

  • one wall - washable wallpaper;
  • the rest - for plaster, putty and painting;
  • floors - laminate;
  • ceiling - MDF panels with built-in lamps;

And a fascinating process began, as they say in this case - to break without building.

About 13 potato sacks of garbage came out, dead cockroaches were swept out of every crack - I really believed the phrase the cockroaches had “gone out of town.” They won’t be in the photo, otherwise someone might be looking at the report and eating at the computer.

Next was the day of the ax - I hit the walls with an ax, knocked off the paint, the paint was soldered into the wall and did not lend itself to other means of cleaning. The walls were freed from paint in order to level the crooked, skewed walls with a layer of plaster. The task is very hemorrhagic, now I wouldn’t bother so much, but applied the plaster directly to the paint, or at least to the notches (as in the previous photo).

We foam everything and everyone to eliminate the cold and passages for cockroaches; in general, we paid considerable attention to sealing the kitchen from cockroaches.

I started weaving a web of future wiring; I really liked the expensive snap-on terminal blocks for 3,5,7 connections.

Uprooted doorjamb, it took a long time to tinker with the fact that the frame was nailed to wooden blocks and it was impossible to get close to the nails to cut them. It’s also impossible to pull out the bars, because The thickness of the wall between the kitchen and the room is not a brick, not even half a brick, but the end of a brick, which is fraught with damage to the wall - the wall facing the room was slightly damaged.

I laid the cable, checked it, and closed the gate.

I level the wall as much as I can, apply a level, and see where it doesn’t fit. In some places the discrepancy at the 1.5 meter level reached 2 cm.

The most difficult part of the renovation for us was installing the door.

Firstly, due to lack of experience and door frame which needs to be cut to width door leaf at an angle of 45 degrees, and also missed the size of the door - we had to expand the doorway. The door was bought “at random”, the old panel was measured to be 66cm, the new one was 70cm. - it seemed that there was 4 cm there - it would fit. The advantage, of course, is that any furniture will fit into 70 cm. The overall assembly and installation of the door can take a lot of time, but in the future I will look for a set of door frame and leaf so that I don’t have to cut the frame myself or order installation from specialists.

I plaster, not difficult, but a lot. You constantly knead and smear, smear, smear, level and again. Got a little steamy hard to reach places. Here is the principle: the smoother it is now, the easier it will be next stages- putty, tiles, wallpaper. In general, it is better to plaster in two stages: the main one - these are differences, holes and rough irregularities, and then the finishing one - the purpose of which is to level it into a plane, but I tried to do it in one layer, because... Drying time for the plaster can take two days or more.

It is plastered and almost dry, while we are working on the ceiling and ceiling wiring, we removed the Sovdep chandelier. The profile is level, we attach it to the mustache, or whatever these fasteners are called.

View from floor to ceiling: MDF panel with lamps, a fairly simple stage of work. They didn’t take PVC, it looks kind of cheap, and I don’t like plastic, but that’s just my subjective opinion. In the second picture this is what is left behind the scenes, i.e. between the panel and the ceiling.

In the photo you can see the clamp terminal, very convenient thing, but also not cheap. The ends of the multi-core wires are crimped into end switches; I didn’t know about the existence of these before)) No soldering or tinning of wires.

And outside the window, kids are playing hockey, and the kids are just messing around on the ice.

Next, the puttying stage took me exactly a day. I would characterize puttying as the most creative process, because it requires experience, endurance and smooth walls, if you glue the wallpaper you don’t have to try too hard, but if it’s the finishing touch, you’ll have to work hard. On the area - sink, stove, applied, then ceiling plinth.

I would like to note that I devoted quite a lot of time to the ceiling plinth - it would seem..

And it includes:

Trimming corners at 45 degrees. so that it fits nicely in the corners;

Gluing to wall, ceiling

Puttying holes (especially important for me because of uninvited guests)

After that, painting the baseboards and filling up the holes with paint so that the baseboards have a finished look and match the color of the wall.

Cleaning the ceiling of paint, but it’s better not to smear it, otherwise the texture on the panel will be erased along with it. Ceiling skirting boards It’s better to take wider ones; it’s easier to get around uneven walls with them.

I paint the walls with water dispersion paint.

We lay the laminate, this is a relatively quick job and not difficult, it is important not to make a mistake in the dimensions and even more important not to confuse which side to saw off, otherwise you can cut it down so that the locks will not fit later. The underlay was not rolled, but in 6mm sheets, it helps to ensure a flat floor, so that later the laminate would not shake, ours was shaking, we had to dismantle half of the floor, fill in the screed - not a very good moment for finishing stage. The wallpaper on the putty wall fell for the sweet soul.

We were able to begin the repairs by sending the entire family to their historical homeland. To make repairs less boring, I decided to take pictures of everything along the way. Maybe someone will find my experience useful.

So, IT WAS: an ordinary smoky gray room with an area of ​​6.5 square meters. m (I forgot to take a photo, sorry).

I wanted something cool and lofty, but money was tight.

The first two days I studied the assortment of Ikea, Leruamarlen and Obi and tried to compare my desires and possibilities. The results were not very pleasing, so first I decided to dismantle everything old.

To begin the renovation, you need to disassemble everything old, unscrew it and drag what you need into the next room.

I took 5 heavy bags to the trash heap. As luck would have it, the elevator did not work.

I tried to get close to the wiring to do everything the way I needed.

Finally managed to clear the last wall of wallpaper. The war was going on for every centimeter: a hellish mixture of glue, which becomes terribly slippery from water, left me practically without hands.

This richness of the textures of the peeled wall, which time has worked on, is terribly inspiring to me. If I lived alone, I would ask a designer to design such walls.

He started making holes for 4 - all the neighbors came running. As soon as I remember, I will tremble.

The ceiling has already been done, all that remains are the walls and furniture. I decided to leave the work area above the stove as is.

And our ceilings are crooked. The door frame is level.

Having cleared the window sill of paint, I saw such a stunning color that I couldn’t raise my hand to paint it back. And I will select the color of the laminate to match the color of the window sill.

I could not find a lamp that was suitable in size and price in stores. Refurbished an old chandelier. Here is the result.

Installed new doors on the mezzanine

I'm starting to laminate the floor.

The most interesting thing is that the last stage of repair turned out to be the most protracted and costly. Hanging furniture, connecting the washing machine, shelves, hooks and other little things took more time and money than the renovation itself.

To be honest, the impetus for starting the renovation was the dream of such a faucet (switching modes, pull-out sprayer) and a sink.

This is what our kitchen looked like after the renovation:

The concrete was thoroughly washed and covered with wax from Ikea

I decided not to glue the wallpaper and painted the walls with water-based paint. The top was covered with mother-of-pearl enamel from Leroy. It feels nice to the touch and washes perfectly.

The kitchen is one of the main rooms in the house, so its design is very important. How can you re-arrange your kitchen, make it more cozy, beautiful, comfortable and functional? Some design tricks will help you achieve what you want and get a more perfect interior.

Arrangement of a luxurious glass apron in the work area

Kitchen apron - important element design that no kitchen can do without. He not only performs decorative function, but also protects the walls working area from hot splashes, hot fat, steam and other adverse effects.

Traditionally used for arranging a kitchen apron. However, if you want to make your kitchen more attractive, you can replace this material with.

Skinali will become a real decoration of the room and transform it into better side.

The main advantages of this solution:

Installing a TV in the kitchen

It is safe to say that a television is also a household appliance that has become firmly established in the life of every person. And in the kitchen (the room where household members spend a lot of time), you definitely can’t do without it. To enliven the interior with the help of this device, you need to wisely choose the way to place it.

There are several good options:

  • Install the TV in a niche, attaching it to the wall.
  • Just put the TV on the shelf.
  • Hang it high - for example, above the refrigerator.
  • Place the TV in the work area at eye level.
  • Hang on the wall using a special sliding bracket.
  • Place the TV in the corner of the kitchen.
  • Place it in the dining nook.

Installing a sink opposite a kitchen window

Sink installed under the window- a technique that European and American designers often resort to. Especially often, such a solution for arranging a kitchen can be found in country mansions.

Even if the house has a modern Dishwasher, the sink will still remain the central part of the work area. A sink located directly under the window is also a great opportunity admire nature and listen to birdsong while washing dishes.

Unfortunately, arranging a sink in such a place in urban apartments is associated with some difficulties, but they can be overcome if you follow the advice of designers. Such a solution can completely transform the kitchen interior, making it more interesting and modern.

However, the implementation of such an idea is fraught with some difficulties. Trust similar work It is recommended only to a specialist - that is, a qualified plumber. Extending communications and pipes will be the most critical part of the process.

To organize normal drainage, you will have to raise drain pipe approximately 5 cm - this is the calculation for each additional meter of transfer of the sink.

In some cases, the sink has to be moved over considerable distances - for example, across the entire kitchen, to the opposite wall.

Regardless of what type of sink is installed near the window sill (round, oval, square, recessed, ceramic, composite, etc.), splashes from it will fall on the glass and stain it. This means that you will have to do extra cleaning regularly.

To avoid this situation, it is recommended to install the sink in deep window sill. If between window frame and the sink there is a distance of about 20 cm, then you can cover this space with tiles, or choose a special sink with a high side.

If the window sill is at the same level as the sink, you can install the faucet on the edge of the frame - then not all splashes will reach the window and you will not have to wash the glass so often.

Placing a bar counter in the kitchen

Such an element modern interior, like , belongs to the culture of America and Western European countries. In fact, this is a kind of dining table that performs several functions simultaneously.

A bar counter can transform a kitchen beyond recognition, making it original and special. She will become respectable and stylish element premises, and will emphasize the good taste of the owner of the home.

  • The kitchen is small and a traditional dining table takes up too much space.
  • If the kitchen space needs to be divided into several functional zones- lunch and work.
  • If you want to arrange a special corner for installing a minibar (the kitchen should be spacious enough for this).
  • If you need to combine a balcony and a kitchen (bar counter in in this case can be equipped from the bottom of the wall between these two rooms).
  • If the kitchen space needs to be optimized as much as possible, to make it more functional and convenient.

The dimensions of the bar counter will depend primarily on the size of the kitchen itself. The more spacious it is, the more it can be this design. You also need to select special high chairs for the bar counter.

Arranging a kitchen island

A kitchen island is a multifunctional table that is located in the center of the room, forming part of the so-called “working triangle”. makes it easier to move around the kitchen, making it more functional and convenient.

However, it can only be arranged in a spacious room. This kind of interior came to us from the restaurant business and is gaining more and more popularity every year.

The island includes several household appliances, without which no kitchen can do. You can arrange them at your own discretion - this can be a built-in island countertop hob, sink, dishwasher, oven, etc.

In addition, the island can serve as a bar counter, work surface and the dining table. In fact, this design replaces a good part of the headset, freeing up the wall.

Using a transforming table in the kitchen

A transforming table can be a real godsend when it comes to arranging small kitchen. main feature This model is that, if necessary, it can be increased not in width, but also in length, as well as in height.

If necessary, such a table quickly turns into a fairly compact product that can easily fit into even the most modestly sized room. Manufacturers equip such table models with special devices, thanks to which the control process becomes very simple and easy (even a child can handle the task).

In front of everyone undeniable advantages, this model also has some disadvantages: it is high price, inconvenient position of the legs, some bulkiness and heaviness. However, such massiveness goes well with all traditional kitchen interiors.

Installing a dehumidifier in the kitchen

Special dehumidifier- it's simple and effective method regulating the humidity level in the room. For houses and apartments, manufacturers offer mobile household models that collect excess moisture.

Such devices improve ventilation functions, increase the service life of the building, eliminate fogging of windows, and save furniture from mold and mildew.

Why do you need a dehumidifier in the kitchen?

  1. According to research, a person loses approximately 900 g of moisture per day. If the humidity in the room is increased, a person absorbs even more of it and loses less. As a result, excess moisture accumulates in his body, which significantly worsens his health. This leads to an increase in the load on the body - the heart suffers most from increased humidity.
  2. High indoor humidity poses a danger to asthma patients - it can cause swelling of the bronchi and spasms, and difficulty breathing. People suffering from arthritis and osteochondrosis also find it difficult to tolerate high levels of humidity. Many types of mold are pathogenic and are sources of increased danger. Installing a dehumidifier in the kitchen helps to avoid many unpleasant diseases.
  3. In the humid environment that kitchens inevitably create, mold spores thrive. Fungus appears on the walls, which not only spoils the appearance of the interior, but also penetrates into the human lungs. A compact dehumidifier will not take up much space in the kitchen, but it will help maintain the health of your household and also protect the walls from gradual destruction.

Arrangement of an arch in the kitchen instead of the front door

Arch in the kitchen, replacing the usual one front door- this is one of the simplest and most elegant ways to visually enlarge a room, make it more spacious and bright.

Designers offer a huge number of types and shapes of arches: they can be ornate, classic, strict geometric, ellipsoidal and so on.

For the manufacture of similar designs can be used different materials: lightweight drywall, chipboard, brick. An elegant arch will fit perfectly into, it can also be built when arranging a kitchen in any of the modern styles.

An arch will make any room more original and attractive. It is only important to remember that this design has one drawback - it does not prevent odors from the kitchen from penetrating into the rest of the room. To avoid this, you will have to install a good hood above the stove.

Combination of balcony and kitchen

A great way to remodel a kitchen and completely transform it during the renovation process is to combine it with a balcony. To do this, you will have to partially or completely remove the wall between the two rooms.

Designers advise not to demolish the entire wall to the ground, but to leave its lower part to turn it into a bar counter. This design can also serve as a dining table if the kitchen is small.

It is important that the balcony is well insulated. It will be possible to place a refrigerator on the already attached balcony - thus, you will be able to save even more space in the kitchen, freeing up space for other purposes.

The main stages of kitchen renovation.

Sequence of actions for proper repair in the kitchen.

Interesting kitchen renovation ideas (real photo examples)

A beautiful kitchen renovation is the dream of many people, especially those living in old Soviet interiors. We spend the most time in the kitchen compared to other rooms, so it is very important to make it comfortable, aesthetically attractive, and as functional as possible. At the same time, it is important not to forget about the ease of maintaining cleanliness and the wear resistance of all coatings. Let's look at the stages of kitchen renovation, mistakes made and materials most suitable for each part of the room.

Stages of work and organizational issues

Your actions should be divided in stages, observing certain order repair. First, you need to decide what you want and can change - just update the walls, floor, ceiling, or do a complete remodel, change the style and replace the furniture.

Be sure to start with the design of the future kitchen - you need to clearly imagine what the future kitchen should be like, where the furniture and kitchen equipment will be located.

You need to take into account the size of the room, the number of people spending time in the kitchen, the activity of its use, as well as the finances available. Can be made easy redecorating, this will not take much time and effort, but it is better to start a thorough one, with the demolition of the top coverings of the walls, floor and ceiling, in order to definitely update the kitchen and guarantee quality for the future.

The plan for the future kitchen can be drawn on paper or using computer programs– independently or contact specialists. You can also make the sketch more tangible by taking cardboard box(analogous to a kitchen space), and in accordance with the scale, cut out small models of future furniture and equipment from foam plastic. Such models can be moved around the box, combined and evaluated until the result suits everyone.

We definitely measure the furniture that already exists and will continue to stand in the kitchen, and appliances, including those with open doors. Or we rely on measurements from the catalog if we buy a new headset. The placement of pipes, ventilation, window sill, and battery should be taken into account. We figure out where everything will be located and how to fit together. Be sure to think through the lighting and location of sockets for household appliances in advance so that you don’t have to install them additionally later, which is quite problematic.

The procedure for renovating a kitchen is always exactly this:

  1. First we repair the ceiling.
  2. Then we do the walls.
  3. Finally, we tidy up the floor.

A step-by-step plan for finishing the room can be presented as follows:

  • We remove all furniture and appliances from the kitchen, even built-in ones.
  • We remove the old coating from the surfaces. We collect and remove the generated waste.
  • Divorce electrical wiring, we define and and , we bring out the wires.
  • We are improving communications and ventilation.
  • We install new plumbing fixtures.
  • We are finishing the ceiling.
  • We level and decorate the walls.
  • We are changing the flooring.
  • We install equipment and arrange furniture.

Selection of necessary materials and clearing of space

First, let's decide on the style and color scheme future kitchen. Fortunately, today there is a wide choice, for every taste and color. After this, you can make a list of the materials you need. Will be needed for repair work and paint, and putty, and primer, and glue, and various facing materials, depending on the choice of the owners. We get acquainted with the prices and draw up an estimate in order to navigate the upcoming expenses. Then we buy all the necessary materials and follow the plan, paying attention to the advice of specialized experts.

After this, we dismantle the old coverings on the ceiling, walls, and then from the floor. Peeling is carried out with preliminary soaking of the coating. Painted surfaces are peeled off using a special remover, working in protective clothing and goggles. The soaked coating is removed using a spatula or abrasive mesh. After stripping the walls, floor and ceiling should be washed with diluted detergent so that the paint and plaster will stick well later. Finally, we treat the surfaces using a deep penetration primer, applying it in layers twice with a break every other day.

Features of kitchen renovations and popular mistakes

Unlike other rooms, the kitchen has its own characteristics that should be taken into account when starting finishing work.

This high humidity and room temperature, aggressive atmosphere and fluctuations of all these factors, which have an impact on furniture and decoration. The kitchen especially needs to be kept hygienic to avoid build-up. harmful microorganisms in secluded corners. Its great popularity and at the same time small area also deserves attention when choosing materials and a renovation project.

Kitchen owners often make the same mistakes, which are quite common and can be mentioned:

  • A project for the future kitchen is not drawn up, there is no clear vision of what needs to be done and why.
  • The materials are calculated incorrectly, as a result of which there may not be enough of them.
  • The order in which room elements are repaired is incorrect, which creates extra work later.
  • Reluctance to do everything carefully, haste and laziness.
  • Incorrect furniture layout, inconsistency with the size of the kitchen.
  • Purchasing household appliances before, rather than after, renovation, which is why there are inconsistencies in the placement of furniture and appliances.
  • There are too few sockets - it is better to make more of them, as practice shows.
  • Exhaust power is too low, which can damage furniture and wall coverings.

And these are not all the mistakes made during the repair process. In such an important matter, it is better to think through all the possible little details in advance than to later figure out how to eliminate the consequences of ill-conceived decisions, especially if this is not at all easy to do and requires additional resources that were not originally planned.

Wiring the necessary communications

Work on wiring communications must begin with electrics. As mentioned above, it is necessary to calculate in advance where the furniture will be placed and how it will be convenient to connect the devices. Sockets will be needed in the area of ​​the work area, for the refrigerator, stove, microwave, hood, and possibly for local lighting. You can do the wiring yourself, but it is better to invite a qualified electrician.

Then we install ventilation. Old ventilation pipes better to replace. We provide a hood at a distance of 60-70 cm above the stove. You need to know that you cannot run exhaust hoods and exhausts into the same ventilation passage. gas boiler– this can be life-threatening!

Working with gas equipment This is best left to a gas technician; this is not the place for personal experimentation.

When reconstructing the water supply and sewerage systems, you must first consider the location of the pipes and equipment to which they will go. In accordance with this, calculate the required footage and the number of connecting elements. If necessary, old pipes are dismantled and new ones are installed - it is best to choose them from metal-plastic or polypropylene. After all this, you should connect the taps, install the sink and connect the gas hoses.

Updating the ceiling, walls, floor and other kitchen elements

We remember in what order we need to inspect kitchen surfaces. It is correct to start finishing from the ceiling. It can be painted, made of plasterboard or suspended, covered with foam plastic, but these options are least suitable for the kitchen. The best option will plastic lining, waterproof plasterboard, laminate or MDF lining impregnated on the reverse side with PVA water emulsion.

Then we decide how best to organize the decoration of the walls. They can be painted, covered with tiles or glued with good washable wallpaper - others will not work here. Good choice There will be foam wallpaper. Tiles can only be used to pave kitchen apron, or maybe one of the walls. This type of coating is quite environmentally friendly and easy to maintain, but Special attention You will have to pay attention to the seams between the tiles.

If you want to paint the walls, you first need to level them - before doing this, putty the existing unevenness and cracks and prime them. After leveling, we again cover the walls with a layer of primer - it is better to use deep penetration. After the walls have dried, they must be puttied with finishing fine-grained putty and dried again. Sand the surface, prime it again, and after drying you can begin decorative finishing walls

It is better not to skimp on paint for the ceiling and walls, as the difference in quality will be felt. According to its consistency, it is better to choose a velvety, matte one, which will help hide existing unevenness.

Finally, you can begin leveling and laying the floor. You can level the floor using a self-leveling mixture, or you can do it yourself cement-sand mixture and fill the screed with it. Most suitable covering for the kitchen floor - this tile, linoleum or marmoleum (natural linoleum). Each of them has its own pros and cons; you can make a choice based on your preferences, tastes, ease of use and the amount of money allocated for materials.

Now you can fix the baseboards - floor and kitchen, plastic or metal are best. A logical continuation of the overall renovation would be to replace the door, especially with a sliding one, which will also save space. You can still buy new chandelier, cornice, decorate old furniture, if left, using self-adhesive film or decorative patterns.

At the same time, if funds allow, you can replace old windows with new, metal-plastic ones, or restore old ones.

Installation and location of kitchen equipment

Now you can start arranging furniture and equipment, which you cannot do without in a modern kitchen. If the previous calculations were made correctly, then we will place everything without problems and according to the rules of the neighborhood.

Gas appliances should be located no closer than 80 cm to each other. That is gas stove and the boiler cannot be installed nearby. The refrigerator should also not be adjacent to the stove - it can heat up, which threatens its malfunction and possible early breakdown. It should be moved back at least 60 cm, or, as an option, installed on the balcony, unless, of course, it is on the south side warm regions. Although the latter option will not be convenient for a housewife who spends a lot of time cooking. It is best to hang the microwave on the wall under the cabinet, this will save valuable space.

For convenience, we follow the rule of the kitchen triangle - the stove, sink and refrigerator should be located in exactly this location to each other.

Various kitchen options

How best to arrange the kitchen as a whole, everyone decides based on the house in which they live, the size of the kitchen space and their own tastes.

IN panel house It is advisable to insulate the wall from the outside in advance and replace old windows with metal-plastic ones. Remodeling the space, combining the kitchen with the living room will allow you to expand the space - this will require special permission. The same will need to be done in the Khrushchev-era apartment; in addition, you can replace the old plumbing.

For the little one suitable for kitchens L-shaped, U-shaped, single-row layout. Visually expanding the walls and adding more light will allow you to choose light colors in the interior, use mirror surfaces. Built-in appliances, custom-made functional furniture, a folding dining room, and roller blinds on the windows will also save space.

So, you can already get an idea of ​​how to renovate the kitchen. If you have experience, skills and necessary materials you can do it quickly, and there is also the opportunity to learn new things using this knowledge in the future. Comfortable modern kitchen will be a reward for your efforts.

Reading time ≈ 12 minutes

Often renovations have to be done on a limited budget, so we will tell you how to do a kitchen renovation yourself cheaply and cheerfully, and illustrate the process with an example of 26 photos. It is worth understanding that you should not expect a major transformation of the space, but inexpensive does not mean poor quality. Even with a small amount of money for repairs you can find optimal materials in terms of price-quality ratio, and add details to the interior that will create a wow effect.

Planning a kitchen renovation.

What can and cannot be saved on?

Initially, it is worth deciding what kind of repairs need to be carried out: cosmetic or major. In the first case, it will be necessary to update the finishing of the walls, ceiling and floor, replace the furniture (partially possible), lighting, textiles. In the second, in addition to all of the above, you will have to change plumbing and wiring, doors and windows. Obviously, major renovation It will cost much more, and besides, it will not be possible to save on many types of work, since you will have to hire qualified specialists.

Articles on which you can save money during repairs.

How you can save your budget:

  1. On working tools. If you don’t have your own, don’t rush to buy them, especially if you don’t intend to use them. Borrow from relatives or friends. If possible, the instrument can be rented.
  2. On teams of workers. Many types of work can be done by anyone, even without experience and skills. For example, wallpapering, painting walls, installing lamps, etc. Moreover, you can do everything yourself preparatory work: remove old wallpaper, flooring, remove construction waste.
  3. On the manufacturers. Instead of expensive and well-known imported manufacturers, take a closer look at domestic ones. Surely there will be materials that are acceptable in price and quality.
  4. On buying new furniture. If old furniture It’s just tired or has lost its beautiful appearance, it can be updated, so don’t rush to spend money on a new kitchen set.
  5. On some finishing materials. For example, if you choose a plain ceramic tiles Instead of the version with a pattern, you will need less of it for installation, since you will not have to monitor the coincidence of the pattern. The same goes for wallpaper.
  6. Buying “just in case”. After renovation, many people have an unfinished roll of wallpaper, several cans of paint or square meters tiles To avoid this, take accurate measurements of the kitchen and calculate how much of which material you need.
  7. Try to make some functional decor items from scrap materials with your own hands.

When you make a list of the necessary materials and approximately calculate the amount, you can safely add 25-50% to it - this will be the final budget for repairs. After all, unpredictable circumstances or ideas may appear in the process.

Video: repairs - what can you save on and what can’t?

What you shouldn’t skimp on when renovating:

  1. On plumbing. Plumbing is long-term investment. High-quality plumbing will serve you for years, but a low-quality option will have to be repaired and replaced very often.
  2. On electrical wiring. There is a question of your safety here, so you should choose quality material and hire professionals to do the work.
  3. On the alignment of walls and floors. Smooth walls and floors are the basis for all future work. Put up inexpensive wallpaper on smooth walls will not be difficult, but if the walls have significant unevenness, then any finish will fit poorly on them, and its service life will be reduced significantly.

The listed points are relevant if you are doing a major overhaul. However, do-it-yourself kitchen renovation in the “cheap and cheerful” style involves rather cosmetic changes and renovation of the room, which we will show in the example of 26 photos.

Decoration Materials

The impression of a room is based on finishing materials, since this is the first thing that catches your eye.

The best style direction for a kitchen on a modest budget is minimalism, loft and Scandinavian. Simplicity in decoration and decoration, the absence of unnecessary things are ideal for premises with limited finances.

Small kitchen in minimalist design.


The most common inexpensive floor covering for the kitchen is linoleum. And not just like that - of this material there are several strong advantages:

  1. Durability. For example, linoleums of class 32-33 last from 8 to 15 years.
  2. Strength and wear resistance. The coating is resistant to mechanical damage, is not deformed or damaged when heavy and sharp objects fall. Great for apartments with pets.
  3. Easy to care for. The linoleum coating is very easy to clean, even from contaminants such as beetroot juice and red wine.
  4. High rate of heat and sound insulation. There is no need to lay a heated floor under the linoleum, and during operation it is almost silent.
  5. Large selection of colors and textures. Now available types linoleum, imitating the texture of wood, stone, marble, tiles.
  6. Easy to install. You can even lay linoleum yourself. Removing the floor covering is also easy.

The price of linoleum varies from 150 to 800 rubles, but for the kitchen it is advisable to choose coatings from price category not less than 350 rub. for 1 sq. m.

Linoleum for the kitchen with a wood pattern.

You should also take into account the disadvantages of the coating: the possibility of dents from heavy furniture, the risk of deformation from laying on an uneven floor (this leads to a reduction in service life).

Modern linoleums have no odor, do not wear out a couple of years after installation, and do not lead to mold if they are installed in accordance with the technology.

Linoleum color options.


There are several of the most inexpensive ways to finish the ceiling:

    1. Whitewashing (with grinding stones or slaked lime). The most common finishing option in Soviet time and almost unused these days. But since this option is the simplest and cheapest to implement, it should not be dismissed. Whitewash is very easy to update, it provides good air exchange. But the coating has a number of disadvantages: the inability to wash, the need for frequent renewal, poor resistance to moisture and temperature changes, emphasizing the defects of an uneven surface.

If the ceiling was whitewashed with chalk, then the coating must also be renewed with chalk. The same rule applies to slaked lime. You cannot mix the two materials!

Whitewashing the ceiling with slaked lime.

    1. Painting. More modern and practical option. Coating from water-based paint you can apply it yourself, it is more resistant to moisture and temperature, it can be washed. However, it also has a lot of disadvantages: a short service life, the need to repaint the entire canvas even if cracks occur in one place.

Painting the ceiling and walls with white water-based paint.

  1. Wallpapering. This is modern inexpensive way ceiling finishing. Ceiling wallpaper Simply glue them yourself; they can be washed and replaced locally if damaged. Disadvantages of this type of finishing: unsuitability of the material in case of flooding by neighbors from above, low resistance to moisture and temperatures (possibility of discrepancies in verses).

For the kitchen it is better to choose washable ones vinyl wallpapers- if they become dirty, simply wash them with soapy water/

Wallpapering the ceiling.

A couple more options for finishing the ceiling with wallpaper:

Patterned wallpaper that flows from the walls to the ceiling looks impressive, but for budget option It is better to choose a plain coating.


The kitchen is a place with high humidity, temperature changes, and the possibility of contamination with grease and soot. Therefore, you should choose the highest quality materials available to you for wall decoration.

Painting or wallpapering walls can dramatically change the look and feel of a room. Even simple White color walls will make the room visually lighter, more spacious, neater.

Painting the kitchen walls.

    1. Wallpaper. The cheapest type of wallpaper is paper, but do not be tempted by their low price - they will be so impractical in the kitchen that over time they will need to be updated. And this is also a waste of money and time. The best option for the kitchen is washable vinyl wallpaper. They are strong, durable, vapor permeable, easy to maintain and can be painted.

Available for sale paper wallpaper with special impregnation, thanks to which the service life increases to 4 years. However, they fade very badly in the sun and quickly lose their presentable appearance.

To decorate the wall, discreet wallpaper with floral patterns was chosen.

For the main wall decoration, you can choose a simple monochromatic option, and highlight the area near the dining table using a strip with an ornament, as in the photo:

The color of the wallpaper echoes the shade kitchen furniture.

When choosing wallpaper, it is useful to know the markings:

Wallpaper marking.

  1. Dye. Painting the walls in the kitchen is a relatively cheap, aesthetic, durable and practical finishing option. Acrylic paint for walls it creates a vapor-permeable, moisture-resistant coating that is quite easy to care for. However, it is worth considering that if there are defects and cracks on the wall more than 2 mm thick, the paint will not be able to cover them, but will only emphasize them.

Directly painting the walls will not cost much, but preliminary work (leveling) can cost a large amount.

Painting the walls a plain light green color.

A drawing, pattern or ornament can be applied to a monochromatic background, thereby creating original decor premises:

For accurate and accurate drawing, it is better to use stencils.

Apron area

There are three ways to cheaply decorate an apron:

    1. PVC film. Perfect solution as a temporary option. Among its advantages: low price, big choice colors and textures, possibility self-installation. However, if possible, the film should be replaced with a better one. reliable material for the work area.

Diversify the shades of PVC film.

    1. PVC panels. In addition to low cost, they have the following advantages: easy to install and maintain, moisture-resistant, withstand temperature changes, and durable. However, they are not very resistant to mechanical damage and are easily scratched.

Using PVC panels to finish the apron area.

  1. MDF panels. MDF panels will make a durable, moisture-resistant, durable coating for a work area with excellent appearance. If necessary, it will be easy to replace.

MDF panels for finishing the apron area.

A significant drawback of the material is flammability. Therefore, it is very important to maintain the distance to the wall, and even better - it is advisable to use it either in the kitchen with electric stove, or give preference to fireproof material (for example, a sheet of stainless steel).

Kitchen apron made of stainless steel sheet.

Furniture update

In very rare cases, kitchen units and other furniture become so unusable that they need to be disposed of. In most situations, old furniture simply becomes boring, its original attractive appearance is lost, and it acquires external defects. One of the most simple ways A budget-friendly way to update your kitchen design is to remodel old furniture.

    1. Painting. For painting, it is better to use chalk paint, which fits perfectly on the MDF surface. First, it must be sanded with fine-grained sandpaper and degreased. For convenience, the facades can be removed, but this is not necessary. After preparation, the surface must be primed and wait until completely dry. Afterwards you can start painting. To paint a dark surface in light shade It may take up to 5-6 layers; to paint a light face, 2 layers are enough. Finally, apply a thin layer of varnish.

Tip: it is better to use a velor roller to apply paint, and a new synthetic brush to apply varnish.

Kitchen set before and after painting.

You can update only the visible part of the headset - the facade, and all the rear and side surfaces leave in its original form. The same finishing method can be applied to all kitchen furniture: dining table, chairs, stools, lockers.

Painting kitchen set in a dark gray shade.

Another example of painting a kitchen:

After painting the headset in white kitchen became visually much more spacious.

  1. Pasting the film. Another simple and effective way to update your kitchen furniture. The advantage of the method is that after any time the film can be removed and the furniture can be restored to its original appearance. Furniture covered with film will retain its presentable appearance for at least 3 years.

The method is suitable for sets with smooth surfaces without relief parts or panels.

The self-adhesive film fits perfectly on flat façade surfaces.

You can paste over not only furniture, but also kitchen appliances, for example - refrigerator:

The set and refrigerator are covered with a film of a delicate mint shade.

A few more options for remodeling the refrigerator:

The interior can be made more original if you choose an unusual pattern for pasting.

After replacing the floor, painting the walls and ceiling, and updating the furniture, the kitchen may change beyond recognition:

Painting the walls and ceiling greatly changes the perception of the room for the better.

Thus, we looked at how you can do a kitchen renovation with your own hands in the “cheap and cheerful” style using the example of 26 photos. It will not be possible to carry out repairs without investing money at all, but there are a lot of original and practical ways updating space at low cost.

Video: how to inexpensively update your kitchen.


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