A septic tank for a dacha, which one is better: from budget to industrial. Bacteria and chemistry in septic tank chambers

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Owners of private houses often face the problem of drainage Wastewater due to the lack of a centralized sewerage system outside the city. For a long time The only solution was to dig a cesspool, but using it is quite inconvenient and expensive. Nowadays, they are mainly trying to install an autonomous wastewater treatment unit - a septic tank for a dacha, but which septic tank is better to choose for specific conditions often remains a difficult question.

Together with the technical specialists of the EcoDom company, in this article we will analyze in detail the question of which septic tank is right for you and discuss the best options based on the problems that it should solve.

The cesspool or storage septic tank will have to be cleaned regularly

What are septic tanks and what are they?

Some people mistakenly call a septic tank a complete set of treatment equipment. In fact, this is only part of the treatment facility, acting as a storage tank and primary filter for wastewater containing a large number of biomaterials requiring disposal.

There are quite a lot of types of septic tanks created and each of them has its own pros and cons. Therefore, before purchasing, you need to take into account the soil on which the country house stands, the amount of water consumed and, of course, the budget that can be allocated for the purchase and installation.

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Briefly about septic tanks in the video:

Also on initial stage you need to decide on the type of device - purchase a non-volatile septic tank or one that has a forced supply of wastewater (volatile). The first, by and large, are ordinary reservoirs for surface water (within 60%) mechanical cleaning wastewater, and the latter are equipped with a pump and a set of additional filters, after which the output is process water, purified by 95-98%.

Septic tanks with a full cleaning cycle and a storage well for process water

You can correctly decide which septic tank to choose - for year-round use or one that can work effectively even with periodic supply of wastewater on your own, since there is enough information. Many turn to the help of the Internet for such requests as rating of septic tanks for a country house 2017, to get acquainted with various ratings of septic tanks. But if you have doubts about the correct choice, then the best option would be to turn to professionals. They will take into account all the nuances and select the appropriate option, tailored to solve specific problems.

Cleaning steps

Wastewater goes through several stages of purification in a septic tank:

    Stage of accumulation and settling. This stage consists of collecting waste in a special container, where it is separated into fractions by settling at a temperature of about 20 degrees. Solid particles fall to the bottom in the form of sediment, fatty deposits float to the surface, and fumes (carbon dioxide and methane) are removed through ventilation. At this stage, partial stratification of wastewater occurs, which is then sent to the next container;

    Secondary filtration stage. Its goal is to purify the mixture to approximately 75%. At this stage, the solution is purified using a separate filter consisting of a sorbent layer of about 20 centimeters. In some septic tanks, for proper operation, the sorbent must be washed and reactivated annually;

Stages of wastewater treatment in septic tanks

Solid deposits settled in containers are pumped out with a pump or removed mechanically.

Operating principle

Technically, two types of waste disposal are used: anaerobic (without access of air) and aerobic (decomposition with the participation of bacteria that require oxygen for life).

Septic tanks have an anaerobic mechanism of action, which perform the functions of a storage tank or settling tank. Such purification systems, without installing additional equipment, only carry out primary clarification of wastewater and require frequent pumping with a sewer truck.

Important! According to sanitary standards, the discharge of liquid from anaerobic septic tanks into the soil is prohibited.

This option is suitable for rarely visited summer cottages or private houses with a small number of inhabitants. The cost of such a structure is low, installation does not require much effort, and operation does not require constant flow of wastewater into the chambers

The principle of operation of an anaerobic septic tank

Colonies of active bacteria are often added to such septic tanks, which help filter wastewater better than with conventional anaerobic purification.

The aerobic mechanism of action is carried out by local purification stations of biological action. Colonies of aerobic bacteria are added to such septic tanks, which effectively purify wastewater.

Unlike anaerobic crops, they multiply quickly, have a wide variety of species, and are also more tenacious and active. Recycling is much faster, and the output water is practically non-toxic.

For the normal functioning of these septic tanks, the installation of aerators is required, which will supply the oxygen necessary for the life of bacteria. Also, aerobic systems must constantly work - if within 2-3 weeks there is no new effluent entering the chamber, the bacteria will die and their cultures will have to be replanted.

It's obvious that best septic tank for a country house - aerobic. But it all depends on the budget, since cleaning stations of this type are more expensive.

Scheme of operation of a septic tank for aerobic treatment

What materials are septic tanks made from?

An important aspect when buying a septic tank is the choice of material from which it is made. Most often, when ordering a ready-made septic tank, it is made from polymer materials.

In addition, the following materials are used for the manufacture of a local cleaning system:

    Metal constructions. Rarely used due to susceptibility to corrosion, general impracticality and inconvenience of use;

    Concrete. Monolithic structures are used as reservoirs. This option requires considerable investment of money and time; Mainly used when constructing septic tanks with your own hands;

    Fiberglass structures are the most suitable and frequently used material.

Also, septic tanks can be made from scrap materials (barrels, tires) yourself, but this option is only suitable for small country houses.

Homemade small septic tanks for the dacha - from tires and concrete rings

You can save on purchasing a cleaning unit by ordering from the manufacturer. The most expensive on the market are septic tanks with additional equipment for complete biological wastewater treatment.

Volatile and non-volatile septic tanks

According to the degree of their autonomy, cleaning systems are divided into:

    Non-volatile (autonomous) septic tanks are settling tanks for the accumulation and clarification of wastewater. Such installations require periodic pumping of waste using a sewer truck. They have a low degree of purification and require additional ground filtration, for which it is necessary to allocate a plot of land. The positive aspects include low cost and independence from electricity;

    Volatile septic tanks are the complete opposite of non-volatile structures. Thanks to the design and additional equipment, wastewater in such systems undergoes a full cycle of processing and purification, which eliminates the need for maintenance. Disadvantages include the cost of installation, as well as dependence on electricity. During a lack of power supply, the degree of purification of sewage water decreases, and the septic tank acts as a septic tank.

A pump and an aerator are essential components of a volatile septic tank.

Criteria for choosing a cleaning system for a country house

Before choosing a suitable septic tank, you need to consider the following aspects:

    The number of people living in the house - the power of the entire device depends on this;

    The material from which the septic tank is made determines its wear resistance and resistance to aggressive influences;

    The terrain where the structure will be installed and the height of groundwater;

    The complexity of installing a sewage treatment system - in terms of installation cost, septic tanks with a filtration field are in the lead, and the most profitable in this regard are biological treatment stations - their container simply needs to be buried in the ground;

    Own budget.

On our website you can find contacts of companies specializing in septic tanks and autonomous sewers For country houses. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

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About septic tanks without pumping in the video:

Popular factory-assembled septic tanks

To make it easier to decide on a suitable device, the following is an overview of septic tanks for a country house:

Sprout mini

A simple and reliable option for private homes. A capacity of about 200 liters per day is enough for stable operation of the sewage system when two people live in a house.

Septic tank "Rostok-Mini" in section

It is made entirely from polymer material without the use of metal inserts and has a capacity of 1000 liters. The one-piece design of the cleaning system allows for complete tightness. Installation of this septic tank model will not cause any difficulties, since it weighs less than 3 kilograms and is cylindrical in shape. This design prevents groundwater from pushing it out of the soil while pumping out the contents. As for the cost, it is about 25,000 rubles;


This model of cleaning system is very popular in Russian market. It can be classified as a premium type of septic tank. Such structures are made of polymer materials and have good performance indicators, since the throughput capacity is 1 cubic meter per day. Astra performs high-level wastewater treatment due to the presence of filters with anaerobic and aerobic mechanisms of action. The option is designed for country houses where no more than 5 people live. The disadvantages of such a cleaning system include its cost, which reaches about 80,000 rubles;

Installed septic tank "Astra"


It is a high-quality, energy-independent septic tank made of polymer materials, which is quite popular among domestic buyers. It has performance and throughput indicators similar to the Astra model. This cleaning system is equipped with a compressor that ensures the movement of wastewater through the system, as well as a special pumping unit that flushes the channels automatically. Disadvantages include frequent failure of additional equipment. The purchase price of such a septic tank is about 90,000 rubles;

Installation of a septic tank "Bioxy"

This cleaning system is designed to serve no more than 4 people. Made from sheet polymer materials. Having average performance indicators, it is capable of passing through about 200 liters of wastewater per day. This septic tank has a four-chamber structure, which gives it a high degree of filtration. Installation is carried out in places where the groundwater level is 2 meters or deeper. However, the model range allows you to choose the right option for any terrain. The combination of price and quality allows the DKS sewer system to compete with other models on the market. Its cost is 20,000 rubles;

Scheme of operation of the septic tank "DKS"


The septic tank has a compact size, stable and reliable design. The body is made of special polyethylene. A high degree of wastewater treatment is achieved thanks to a four-chamber structure, each of which undergoes a specific processing process. A wide range of models allows you to serve 2-16 people daily, depending on the design. This septic tank requires cleaning the system once a year. The throughput is 400-3000 liters per day, and the productivity is 0.2-3.6 cubic meters / day, it all depends on the chosen model. Cost – from 75,000 – 200,000 rubles;

Delivery of septic tank “Leader”


This septic tank is endowed with a specific appearance, and its outer shell has a ribbed structure, which contributes to better fixation in the soil after installing a country septic tank. The “Tank” type sewerage system is a three-chamber system of blocks and modules. Such a station does not require pumping out waste using a sewer truck, as it is completely autonomous. Due to its low cost and long service life, the septic tank Tank is in great demand. Installation of the system is done manually and does not require pouring the base of the pit with concrete. Designed for both seasonal use at dachas and permanent use in country houses. Price – 40–80 thousand rubles;

The “Tank” septic tank has a specific recognizable shape


It is made of durable polymer materials, which reduces the weight of the entire structure, and stiffening ribs add reliability to it. A special feature of this septic tank is the horizontal position of the tanks. The device has a high degree of wastewater treatment and is equipped with additional equipment that requires connection to electricity. Does not require constant care. This septic tank is suitable for any type of soil. The disadvantages include high cost and dependence on electricity. The price is 70,000 – 140,000 rubles;

Installed septic tank "Tver"


One of the market leaders cleaning systems, from the company "EcoDom". It is distinguished by a high degree of purification (98%) due to a special four chamber design, as well as the use of colonies of microorganisms as filters. The septic tank has compact dimensions and rectangular shape housing, making it easier to install. Installation can be carried out in any type of soil. The structure does not require frequent maintenance and pumping out waste using a sewer truck. The range of models is wide and can satisfy the needs of both country houses and dachas, as well as large enterprises. The cost is 80,000 - 300,000 rubles;

What you will need to install a Topas septic tank


In production, polymer materials that are resistant to temperature changes are used. Septic tanks of this type have a long service life, high performance And throughput(up to 3300 liters per day). The capacity of the system tanks is up to 5200 liters. The disadvantage of such installations is their dependence on electricity. Suitable for use in large country houses and industrial buildings. The price for a septic tank “Topol” is 70,000 – 170,000 rubles;

Two-block septic tank “Topol”


It is made of a double layer of polymer material that is not susceptible to corrosion and rotting products. This septic tank has a wide range of models. It is characterized by a long service life, a high degree of purification of sewage water and low cost. Requires cleaning every 1-2 years. Disadvantages: installation of additional equipment and frequent replacement of filters is required. Ideal for a small country house. Prices vary depending on the model: 30,000 – 85,000 rubles;

Three-chamber septic tank "Triton"


Made from special durable polyethylene. Septic tanks of this type are highly efficient in wastewater treatment. The volume of models can vary from 1500 to 4800 liters. Suitable for seasonal use by a small group of people and permanent residence in a country house. Has a reliable and robust construction cylindrical. This cleaning system consists of 2-3 chambers. The lineup is presented in designs with different performance and throughput, which allows you to choose the appropriate option for any need. The cost of Ecoline is 55,000 rubles;

Double-body septic tank "Ecoline"

Elgad C 1400

The best model from the “mini” class, which is ideal for seasonal use in the countryside. It has compact dimensions and a stable design. The capacity of this sewer system is 1400 liters. This septic tank is designed to serve up to 3 people. The body is made of polymer material, and its inner part is coated with a layer of anti-corrosion substance. Despite the tightness and integrity of the structure, such a cleaning system does not retain unpleasant odors well. The cost is about 35,000 rubles.

Septic tank "Elgad S 1400" and its modifications

This is not a complete rating of septic tanks for the home - there are still quite a lot of models of such devices, both domestic and foreign, but in general their design, principle of operation and price do not differ from those listed.

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A few more words about choosing a septic tank in the video:


Depending on your budget, you can make a cleaning system yourself from available materials, or order ready-made option from sales representatives or the manufacturer. The option to study the ratings of the best septic tanks for a country house is not always right choice, since you need to take into account all the features of your site and the requirements for it.

Correctly selected and correct installed septic tank will create the conditions necessary for comfortable living in a country house.

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The presence of an ordinary cesspool in a dacha is not only inconvenient, but also a violation of sanitary standards. Therefore, more and more people are thinking about choosing a septic tank for their dacha - which one is best can only be determined taking into account individual conditions.

A septic tank is a storage and treatment facility (the simplest models are limited only by storage action) for collecting and treating wastewater. The most advanced devices do not require pumping, decomposing harmful impurities and precipitating solids, after which the water becomes clean enough so that it can be drained into the soil without any risk.

Less complex models require periodic emptying using a sewer truck, however, in this case it is necessary to call special vehicles much less often than for cesspools.

Types of structures

If you need a septic tank for your dacha, which one to choose can only be decided after a detailed acquaintance with the various types of structures. It is advisable to divide all possible modifications according to the principle of operation.

Self-contained powered products

In autonomous energy-dependent models, impurities decompose as a result of vital activity aerobic (oxygen-requiring) bacteria. Cultures are purchased in specialized stores, and to maintain the vital activity of beneficial microflora, a constant flow of air is provided, for which are installed. As a result, contaminated wastewater in such deep biological treatment plants is divided into three components:

  • insoluble sediment that can be removed during periodic tank cleaning,
  • pure water,
  • biogases evacuated from the tank using a ventilation pipe.

The advantages of this type of septic tank are:

  • fast processing,
  • high degree of purification of about 98%,
  • ease of maintenance.

The disadvantages include:

  • design complexity,
  • high cost,
  • the need to spend money on operation (electricity costs).

Anaerobic products

Septic tanks of this type, like aerobic ones, purify wastewater using microflora, but in this case bacteria that do not require oxygen act.

  • The advantage of modifications compared to aerobic options is non-volatile and simpler device.
  • Disadvantages – lower degree of purification and long cycle times.

To understand which septic tank is better to install in an anaerobic type dacha, you need to know that they are also divided into:

Cumulative models

Single chamber

Storage structures are, most often, mini septic tanks for dachas, designed for a small amount of wastewater with periodic and seasonal residence of a small number of people. In terms of their mode of action, they are practically no different from cesspools. To delete content also vacuum cleaner required, however, their undoubted advantage is the presence of a bottom and walls with a high degree of waterproofing, due to which contaminated wastewater does not enter the soil.

The advantages of such models:

  • low cost,
  • simplicity of the device,
  • no operating costs.


  • actual absence of a cleaning process,
  • the likelihood of an unpleasant odor appearing in the accommodation area,
  • the need to pay for the services of special vehicles quite often.

Models with mechanical cleaning principles

When deciding how to choose a septic tank for a summer residence, the choice often falls on such products. You can build them with your own hands, including from scrap materials or fairly cheap commercially available materials. The principles of sedimentation and filtration are used to treat wastewater, and to improve efficiency several tanks connected in series are installed. The greater their number, the purer the outlet water will be; it can be drained into the ground.

When choosing which is the best septic tank for your dacha, you should take into account that the offers on the market and possible homemade designs are not limited to the options listed above. In some modifications for maximum efficiency Several operating principles are used simultaneously.

Homemade and purchased designs

Often the answer to the question of how to choose a septic tank for a summer residence primarily depends on the cost of the project. From this point of view, creating a structure with your own hands is more preferable; it requires less costs. On the other hand, installation and commissioning of a ready-made and fully equipped purchased model will take less time and effort.

In factory products, all parameters are accurately calculated, verified during tests and during operation, including particle sizes of the filter material, loading volume in relation to the total volume of the tank, etc.

Ready-made models

Those who are planning to purchase a finished product, before choosing a septic tank for their dacha, should remember that you can often find models whose cost is below average, but their manufacturer is unknown, as well as there are no reviews. Experts do not recommend agreeing to such proposals, since the risk of spending money on an ineffective and non-functional design is too great.

Here are brief characteristics of the most famous brands and comparison of septic tanks for summer cottages.

In most cases, the reason for the incorrect operation of the purchased septic tank is the incorrect choice of model or improper installation.

DIY septic tanks

Criterias of choice

According to SNiP standards, the volume of a purchased or home-made septic tank must correspond to triple the daily volume of wastewater. It is generally accepted that 200 liters of water per person per day. Further calculations will not be difficult.

The choice of the best septic tank for a summer residence also depends on the type of soil:

  • Sandy, loose soils allow you to save some money and install a simpler septic tank with additional treatment using filtration fields.
  • Clay soil slowly absorbs liquid, and therefore requires more thorough biological or biochemical wastewater treatment.
  • In the presence of groundwater close to the surface, it is important to ensure high quality waterproofing.

An effective biofilter is not always the best option. With periodic visits to the dacha and associated downtime, the bacteria that process waste may die.

Septic tanks are an integral element of country life, thanks to which a person can live fully, enjoying the benefits that only nature can give. By choosing the best septic tank and installing it near your country house or cottage, you can use a comfortable toilet, take a shower, and easily wash your face or wash dishes.

Of course, the need for a septic tank arises only when it is not possible to connect to the central sewerage system. But in order to choose the equipment that is best suited for specific conditions, you need to get acquainted with the types of existing cleaning systems, find out which septic tanks for a country house are the best, visit the relevant forums, find out people’s reviews and existing ratings.

Types of cleaning systems

Homemade septic tanks

Trying to choose the best septic tank for a country house, many want to save money by trying to make a septic tank with their own hands. For this, tires or concrete rings are most often used. However, such options have the lowest ratings among users. The whole point is that the tightness of homemade treatment facilities quite low.

Construction of a septic tank from tires

Such septic tanks cause soil contamination with untreated wastewater, an unpleasant odor, and they negatively affect the ecological condition of the area adjacent to the country house.

U homemade septic tanks there is another important drawback: they require regular pumping. Thus, having saved once on their construction, you have to regularly part with substantial sums, resorting to the services of specialist sanitation specialists.

We have already talked about how to build a septic tank with your own hands.

Factory-made septic tanks

Ready-made containers, the wall thickness of which, as a rule, is 5 mm or more, have much more acceptable properties. Their durable and sealed walls eliminate the possibility of leakage of waste water that gets into them.

Example of a wastewater storage tank

The great advantage of septic tanks of this type is their absolute energy independence. However, for greater efficiency in settling wastewater in them, it is necessary that such a structure be as capacious as possible. And this, of course, inevitably affects its cost.

When choosing the best septic tank for a country house, you should pay attention to the number of chambers it contains. It should be assumed that:

  • at a low level of water consumption, a single-chamber system may be quite sufficient;
  • if the volume of wastewater is slightly larger and exceeds 1 m 3 daily, then you can get by with a two-chamber model;
  • if we are talking about 10 m 3, then a three-chamber model will be required.

Diagram of a two-chamber septic tank

An important selection parameter is the cleaning depth. Therefore, you should remember the following two numbers:

  • 50-60% of wastewater treatment can be provided by anaerobic systems;
  • To ensure deeper cleaning, you should use aerobic systems, the cleaning depth of which reaches 95%.

Aerobic cleaning is the type of cleaning that is carried out by bacteria and microorganisms that consume oxygen during their work.

An important factor in choosing the best septic tank for a country house is its ease of maintenance. Typically, developers modern septic tanks are thinking through this issue thoroughly. For this reason, most treatment facilities are now quite simple to maintain.

Which septic tank is the best?

When choosing the best septic tank for your country house, you need to take into account user reviews, existing ratings, and the opinions of visitors to special forums. To make an informed and completely correct choice, you should definitely consult with competent professionals. In addition, when choosing, you must take into account the following important parameters:

  • number of people living in the house;
  • number of units consuming water;
  • availability of space for installing a septic tank and arranging filtration fields;
  • your financial capabilities.

If you rarely visit your dacha and if the number of people who come with you is small, you can easily limit yourself to a storage-type purification plant.

If your family constantly lives in a country house, using a toilet, shower, washing machine and dishwasher, then the septic tank should be more advanced. A worthy representative of such septic tanks is Topas.

Statistics show that Topas are the most popular septic tanks for a country house. They are the ones who have the most high rating among consumers. These systems have the most high level cleaning, the greatest compactness, tightness and ease of maintenance.

Installation process of Topas septic tank

The advantages of modern septic tanks and their disadvantages

Uninitiated people see the main disadvantage of modern septic tanks in their price. Indeed, at first glance, it seems quite tall. However, with a deeper study of these devices, it becomes clear that this practically only drawback is more than compensated by their advantages, the main of which are:

  • ease of installation;
  • durability;
  • no need for expensive repairs;
  • Possibility of servicing without involving vacuum cleaners.

The best autonomous sewage system for a country house is considered to be one that does not cause difficulties during its operation and eliminates the possibility of contamination environment, gives complete comfort when living in the country.

Rating of the best septic tanks

In accordance with the data obtained based on the rating of the Yandex search engine, the level of popularity of septic tanks is as follows (the number indicates the number of positive reviews):

  • Topas – 35 650
  • Unilos – 8,700
  • Flotenk – 2 800
  • Eurobion – 2,400
  • Alta – 1,200
  • Eco-Grand – 1,100
  • Topaero – 500
  • Helix – 150

We hope that our article will allow you to make the right choice and bring maximum comfort to your home or dacha.

Which septic tank is better for a dacha - review of septic tanks and choosing the best one

One of the many types of treatment facilities, used mainly in areas where it is not possible to install a stationary sewer system or where it is too expensive, is called a septic tank.

Principles of operation of a septic tank and its types

In areas where, for some reason, it is impossible to equip a centralized sewerage system, a septic tank is used as a full-fledged substitute, from a technical point of view, and as a cheaper type of sewage tank. The septic tank is produced under different brands, in fact, being of two types, which differ on fundamental grounds.

The first of these types is called - anaerobic septic tanks, which are a settling tank consisting of several chambers. By and large, this is a modernized form of an ordinary cesspool, the draining of water from which into the ground is prohibited, so it is necessary to constantly pump out the contents throughout the operation of the septic tank. The degree of water purification is from 30 to 40% (maximum).

Second type - These are aerobic septic tanks. A more modern version of autonomous treatment stations or equipment that can be installed in already ready septic tank.

Septic tanks of the second type are distinguished by the fact that they are capable of thoroughly purifying water, which can then be drained into a special ditch or even into a reservoir, since the water does not have a characteristic odor and does not pose a danger to the environment. Aerobic septic tanks do not require frequent pumping, unlike anaerobic ones.

Aerobic septic tanks - general scheme of operation

Dependence of the type of septic tank on the type of soil

Concrete septic tank modelDescriptionVolumeWeightPrice
Septic tank with overflow "Economy"Suitable if you have a small family of 3-4 people, for which you want to solve the sewage problem for many years to come.
With a volume of about 5 cubic meters and a crushed stone bed 40 centimeters deep, this septic tank has a high throughput capacity and will not require pumping for 2-3 years.
4.59 m35,400 kgRUB 25,800
Septic tank with overflow “Standard”Will do big family of 6-7 people. Two one and a half meter wells allow the septic tank to cope with the simultaneous operation of the kitchen, bathroom and toilet.
With the addition of bacteria, such a septic tank can not be maintained for up to 5 years.
9.54 m39,100 kgRUB 36,750
Septic tank with overflow "Premium"Suitable not only for big house, but also for a hotel, car wash or other public institution or service.
Huge wells together provide more than 15 cubic meters of volume, which, for example, allows several hotels in Altai to operate comfortably and receive guests.
If you want to be firmly confident in your sewage system during any influx of residents (visitors), then the Premium septic tank is your choice!
16.96 m313,800 kg52,800 rub.
Septic tank with overflow “Standard Plus”Septic tanks of the Plus series are designed specifically for the most comfortable living and use.
Wastewater treatment up to 98%.
No septic tank pumping for up to 10 years.
Connection of up to 3 sources of discharge - cottage + bathhouse + guest house.
14.31 m313,900 kgRUB 56,900
Septic tank with overflow "Premium Plus"Wastewater treatment up to 98%. Connection of up to 5 discharge sources - cottage + bathhouse + guest house + swimming pool + car wash. Volley discharge up to 10 cubic meters.25.44 m321,200 kgRUB 81,950
Sewage well "Dachny"Very economical solution, the cheapest concrete well.
Ideal for summer living in a country house for 1-2 people.
1.41 m31,800 kgRUB 9,320
Sewage well “Standard Mini”Convenient and practical solution for summer living in a dacha or country house for a family of 3-4 people.
Thanks to a total depth of 4 meters and a crushed stone bed, it ideally copes with small volumes of wastewater.
2.12 m32,550 kgRUB 11,950
Sewage well “Standard”It is simple in design, but spacious. Suitable for year-round living for a family of 2-3 people or summer living for 4-5 people in a country house or cottage.
Has proven itself as an inexpensive solution for the device autonomous sewerage in the conditions of Siberia.
4.77 m34,200 kgRUB 16,550
Sewage well “Standard 2”This well has a volume of more than 11 cubic meters and a depth of about 5 meters. This is combined with large area filtration makes it the most efficient in its class.
It can be recommended for soils with poor filtration, and also as an inexpensive solution for small businesses (cafes, gas stations, small hotels).
11.3 m37,800 kgRUB 27,100
  1. If your site is dominated by soil with a significant percentage of sand, then it is considered that this is easy option soil, since water easily penetrates through the soil. In such cases, they usually get by with installing the simplest septic tank made of concrete rings.

  2. You will have to tinker with the predominant clay segment in the soil. In this case, you will have to dig a ditch along the extreme border of the site or make a direct drainage of water into the nearest body of water or into the forest, if there is one.
  3. The most difficult type of soil is the so-called quicksand. Here you will have to carry out work on installing a septic tank, waiting for stable frosty weather or winter, since work in other climatic conditions is extremely difficult.

Principles for choosing the optimal septic tank for a summer residence

The market, as always, when a product gains real fame, based not on advertising gimmicks, but on real usefulness, begins to offer its various modifications and types that “came from the pen” different manufacturers. This is also done to objectively study market demand, freed from intrusive and aggressive marketing. Among septic tanks, the following are considered the most popular.

Table. Model range of fiberglass septic tanks Helyx

volume, m3Dimensions, mmPrice from*, rub.Weight, kg
1,5 1000x210046 400 90
2 1100x230058 000 105
3 1200x2800; 1400x215077 800 150; 160
4 1200x3800; 1500x250092 800 180; 190
5 1500x3050106 200 270
6 1600x2300144 500 290
8 1600x4200165 300 350
10 1600x5200216 350 470
12 1800x5100255 200 580
15 1800x6200314 400 750
20 2000x6500359 800 920
25 2300x6300435 000 1100

To make the right choice of the type of septic tank, you must first identify the range of requirements for its operation and determine the properties of the soil and conditions on the site. After this, you can conduct a comparative analysis of the types of septic tanks offered by various manufacturers and, from the entire variety, choose the one that best suits the requirements and conditions of your site, is quite easy to install and suits you in terms of price.

Main criteria for finished septic tanks

There are two criteria. This is the material from which the septic tank is made and the performance indicators of the septic tank itself. The industry is trying to satisfy a wide variety of requirements and requests, producing installations that can serve houses for one or two people and models that meet the needs of large suburban areas.

As for the material from which septic tanks are made, plastic remains the most common and in demand material. Also popular are models made of stainless steel, fiberglass and concrete.

Classification of septic tanks according to operating principle

Septic tanks can be a type of sedimentation tank operating on the basis of the use of activated sludge or energy-consuming installations. In order to correctly determine which septic tank is really needed on your personal plot, you need to find out the hydrological and geological features of the site, take into account the climatic features of the area, calculate the average daily volume of active wastewater and the number of people using the services of the septic tank.

The simplest principle of operation of a septic tank is its use, taking into account the ability of the environment and soil to self-clean. Treated wastewater already enters the soil, which then flows into dispersion fields or into a well. Having been processed at least twice, wastewater does not harm either human health or the environment.

What to do - buy a ready-made septic tank or build your own

There is always not enough money for construction, therefore, if the funds allocated for the construction of a personal sewerage system unexpectedly quickly become scarce, then it is most profitable, naturally, to build a septic tank for own home, yourself. Financial costs will significantly decrease, but the share of your own labor will increase in direct proportion.

In our conditions self-construction sewage is often The best way solving the problem. But also, one should not discount the opportunity to purchase a ready-made septic tank model, remembering that purchasing one is not a very cheap pleasure, especially for households with a fixed income (meaning pensions and government salaries).

Video - how to choose the best septic tank for your dacha or home

Septic tank made of concrete rings - operation diagram

Aerobic septic tanks - general form work

Anaerobic septic tanks - inside view

It is enough to turn to any catalog offering septic tanks for a summer house or country house, and you are faced with the almost impossible task of choosing. Indeed, along with recognized leaders in this area, there are enterprises that have just entered the market or manufacturers that have achieved success in other types of household products, but have decided to develop a new direction in production. That is why we want to offer you an overview of the main brands of septic tanks that are successfully used in summer cottages with seasonal residence and in houses with year-round sewer use.

Non-volatile septic tanks

Models that operate without electricity and are not “tied” to the presence of electrical networks are primarily suitable for small country houses. In gardening communities and in remote areas, there is a risk of power outages for quite a long period, so you should decide in advance on the equipment for sewage drains. Of course, users have a logical question: is a septic tank needed at the dacha, if you can simply equip cesspool. Here we will not convince the owners suburban areas, but just remind you about aesthetics, basic amenities and sanitary requirements. And so, TOP5 energy-independent septic tanks.

1. Tank

The septic tank is made from high-strength plastic with a thickness of 10 mm to 17 mm at the stiffeners. The design of the product provides for the model’s resistance to increased loads that arise from soil pressure in winter and summer period. The estimated service life of the product is at least 50 years, subject to operating conditions. A simple septic tank works on the principle of pre-treatment of wastewater in the main chamber and subsequent neutralization of the material with a high-performance biofilter. The infiltrator is responsible for distributing purified water into the soil.

The special shape of the body protects the septic tank from being squeezed out by the soil, and the possibility of equipping the equipment with a high neck makes it possible to place the models at the required depth. The universal design, consisting of modular blocks, allows you to assemble any volume of a septic tank, and overflow pipes serve as connections.

The operating conditions of the septic tank provide for its periodic cleaning of accumulated solid sediment. If the equipment is used correctly and bacterial colonies are used, the container can be cleaned every 4-5 years. When using a septic tank periodically, winter period When sewage treatment is not intended, approximately a third of the water is removed from the container. We also suggest that you read a separate article dedicated to reviews of Tank septic tanks.

Characteristics of the septic tank TankModel name Dimensions (L-W-H) Volume, liters Capacity l/day

Tank-11200x1000x17001200 600
Tank-21800x1200x17002000 800
Tank-2.52030x1200x18502500 1000
Tank-32200x1200x20003000 1200
Tank-43800x1000x17003600 1800

2. Triton

Three chambers are responsible for implementing the process of removing various suspended matter from contaminated water, anaerobic decomposition of biological material and supplying treated wastewater to the filtration site. The Triton septic tank is available in several versions, which makes it possible to choose between models with a volume from 2 to 40 m3.

Once a year or with intensive use twice a year, the container should be cleaned of accumulated solid sediment. The service life of a plastic container is approximately 50 years. When installing equipment, it is necessary to provide an “anchor” concrete slab or monolithic concrete surface, which will ensure reliable retention of the septic tank at a given level.

For small country houses and bathhouses, the Triton-mini model is suitable, a compact septic tank for the summer period, designed to receive small volumes of wastewater. Our review of the Triton septic tank.

Characteristics of the Triton septic tankModel name Dimensions, mm Volume, liters Capacity l/day

Triton mini1250x820x1700750 250
Triton ED1200x1200x17001800 600
Triton T – 11200x11701000 300
Triton N – 11200x11701000 300
Triton N – 21200x20202000 600

3. Tver

Without infiltration fields, the energy-independent septic tank Tver is designed for use in suburban areas for seasonal residence. The water removed from the septic tank can be used as irrigation after it has gone through all the stages of purification, which are: settling tank - aeration tank (biodegradation using aerobic bacteria); binding of phosphorus with limestone.

Installation of models is possible on any type of soil, even if the dacha is located on former peat mines, characterized by a highly aggressive environment. High-strength plastic is not subject to corrosive processes, and an additional “anchor” pre-installed in the pit will not allow the container to “float up”.

A distinctive feature of a septic tank is the possibility of receiving a large volume of wastewater. If you need to drain your bathtub, the septic tank can handle it without deteriorating the quality of the outlet water and without the risk of releasing untreated wastewater. Our review of the Tver septic tank.

Characteristics of the septic tank TverModel name Dimensions, mm Volume, liters Capacity l/day

Tver-0.75P2250x850x16703000 750
Tver-1P2500x1100x16703500 1000
Tver-1.5P3500x1100x16705000 1500
Tver-2P4000x1300x16705500 2000

4. Aqua-bio

The septic tank is designed for summer cottage, where it is possible to create a filtration field or any other type of soil purification of water leaving the tank. Simple system A septic tank is based on passing contaminated water through five chambers. Initially, sedimentation of solid suspensions occurs in the first three compartments of the container, and then, in the other two chambers, they “enter” into operation. aerobic bacteria, located in the filter media.

The advantages of the Aqua-bio septic tank are the ability to purify even water heavily contaminated with organic material. As a result, there is no need for reconstruction of filtration fields, which remain clean for a long time, and, therefore, there are no additional costs for operating the septic tank. The tightness of the durable plastic case prevents contaminated wastewater from entering directly into the soil, so it can be used both under the toilet and under the drain. washing machine or baths.

The productivity of various models ranges from 600 liters to 1300 liters per day. Accordingly, the price of the septic tank depends on this value. A simple calculation will allow you to choose the most suitable model, but you should know that such a septic tank is not suitable for soils with high groundwater levels.

Aqua-bio models differ from each other in volume and performance. Currently, containers with a volume of: 2000 liters are produced; 2500 liters; 3000 liters and 3600 liters. Accordingly, with a productivity of liters per day: 700; 900; 1100; 1300.

5. Leader

Leader septic tanks use electricity to remove sediment from sedimentation tanks (airlift) and to run the aerator, which oxidizes organic matter. However, it can be characterized as energy-independent, since the estimated period of operation without electricity and while maintaining the quality of waste water is at least two weeks. Four-stage cleaning does not require the use of special biological additives and is resistant to temporary overloads of sewage pollution.

Wastewater treatment is carried out in such a way that it can be discharged into a place convenient for you: a reservoir, ditches or a drainage well. There are no violations of the environment or standards for the discharge of pollutants, complete consistency with the surrounding nature. The advantages of a septic tank include the absence of the need to make a concrete base and preserve the equipment during long-term downtime.

Local wastewater treatment is carried out according to the principle of passing through all stages of the tank without pumping out the accumulated mass. The first chamber is intended for the mechanical stage of purification - sedimentation of suspended particles and primary clarification of water. The manufacturer indicates that the effectiveness of the first chamber reaches the deposition of 2/3 of mineral contaminants. The second stage is a bioreactor, where anaerobic bacteria initiate fermentation, a process that converts difficult-to-oxidize substances into easier ones for the oxidation process. Bacteria develop on a special polymer line that imitates algae. In the third block of the septic tank, wastewater is purified with oxygen through aeration. Bacteria multiply on porous material and in activated sludge. And the result in this victorious battle with sewage serves as the fourth stage of the septic tank. It is here that deep biopurification and neutralization of phosphates is carried out in the alkaline environment of dissolved limestone.

Characteristics of the septic tank LeaderModel name Dimensions, mm Weight of the septic tank, kg Capacity l/day

Leader 0.4N2000x1500x120080 500
Leader 0.6N2800x1500x1200120 750
Leader 1H2700x1650x1450170 1200
Leader 1.5N3600x1650x1450200 1800

Volatile septic tanks

Septic tanks that require a constant connection to electricity operate on the principle forced submission oxygen to bacteria, i.e. aerobic wastewater treatment. Such a septic tank is a real deep cleaning station, which allows you to bring fecal wastewater to a level where it can be discharged into reservoirs, storm sewer and ditches without the risk of disturbing the ecological balance. Among domestic septic tanks, there are five most common models.

6. Poplar

The design of this septic tank ensures operation of the selected model in conditions from -30 to +400C.

Poplar works on the principle of passing wastewater through four compartments, two of which are aerators. Constant supply oxygen into the contents of the septic tank has a beneficial effect on the development of bacteria “responsible” for the decomposition of biomaterial. Oxygen pressure is provided by compressors, and fluid circulation between the compartments is carried out by airlifts (circular pumps).

After the decomposition of human waste by bacteria, the wastewater enters the settling tank, where activated sludge settles and the liquid is sent through a filter to the discharge system. All pumps are located in a sealed compartment, which prevents moisture from entering the contacts and, accordingly, ensures a high degree of equipment protection.

The polymers from which the septic tank body is made are not subject to corrosion and the estimated service life of the septic tank is about 50 years. Deposits are removed using a sewer truck or independently, the design provides for any of the options. Our review of the Topol septic tank.

Characteristics of the septic tank TopolModel name Dimensions, mm Calculated per person Capacity l/day

7. Topas

Cleaning sewer water in a septic tank, Topas runs in several directions. This is the decomposition of organic materials and a qualitative reduction in the mineralization of wastewater, cleaning from mechanical inclusions. The principle of operation of a septic tank is not something innovative, but, nevertheless, it provides 98% purified water at the output, which can be used for irrigation.

The first stage of sewerage cleaning is implemented in the receiving chamber, where sedimentation of mechanical impurities occurs. Next, the airlift pumps partially purified water into the aeration tank to destroy organic compounds through the activity of bacteria, the colonies of which are in the activated sludge. Suspended sludge, supplied with water of deeper purification, is deposited in the next compartment. From there, completely purified water is removed from the system, and the sludge is returned for further use.

Equipment servicing is carried out when performing measures to check the performance of the compressor and diagnose the septic tank. Read more about reviews of the Topas septic tank and its operating principle.

Characteristics of the Topas septic tank Model name Dimensions, mm Calculated per person Capacity l/day

TOPAS 51100x1200x25005 1000
TOPAS 81600x1200x25008 1500
TOPAS 102100x1200x250010 2000

8. Ecopan

The Ecopan T series septic tank was specially designed for use on problematic heaving soils and with a high clay content. The destructive effect of soil on containers is compensated by a two-layer design with multiple internal partitions between surface polymer layers. For light soils, Ecopan L series is used, resistance to mechanical damage which provides a wall thickness of up to 8 mm.

Six sections of the septic tank carry out a step-by-step process of cleaning the sewer. In the first compartment, light and heavy suspensions are deposited, which are pumped out as they accumulate through the hatch provided by the manufacturers. Next, the aerobic process takes place inside the next compartment. Brush loading ensures the high-quality development of bacteria, which in turn decompose organic compounds. Additionally, in the next chamber (aeration tank), oxygen is supplied by a compressor to deepen the process of decomposition and oxidation.

Calming of the mixture and sedimentation of suspensions occurs in the next compartment, from where the sediment is pumped into the first chamber for further removal. To purify wastewater to the required values, the penultimate compartment is used, where colonies of organisms on a brush load complete the process of decomposition of biomaterials, and limestone ensures a normal pH of the environment. From the last chamber, purified water is removed from the system by means of a pump or by gravity.

Characteristics of the Ecopan septic tankModel name Dimensions, mm Weight, kg Capacity l/day

L-2T-21240x1440x2350190 500
L-3T-31240x1440x2500200 750
L-5T-51440x1640x2550250 1000

9. Unilos

The combination of two types of treatment (biological and mechanical) makes it possible to remove contaminants from sewage and preserve environmental safety suburban area. Unilos continues a series of septic tanks that implement the principle of water passing through several compartments. Firstly, it is the removal of mechanical impurities that settle to the bottom and are removed as they accumulate. Secondly, biological treatment using anaerobic technology. In the chamber, organic contaminants from the liquid phase pass into a solid insoluble form, which is convenient for removing them from water through filters. At the last stage, the final sedimentation of suspensions and the removal of 95-98% pure water occurs.

The process of equipment operation involves interruptions in the power supply. The estimated service life is more than 50 years. The strength of the case is ensured by the manufacture of walls made of polypropylene with a thickness of 20 mm. You can read more in our review.

Characteristics of the Unilos septic tankModel name Dimensions, mm Calculated per person Capacity l/day

10. Yubas

The operation of the installation is subject to a rather complex algorithm, which, nevertheless, is implemented with maximum technical simplicity. Repeating the same processes many times allows you to achieve the maximum degree of water purification from all types of organic contaminants.

The monolithic body of the septic tank does not allow wastewater to penetrate directly into the ground, and its operation allows interruptions in the use of equipment for up to 3 months. The use of treatment equipment control processors was also an innovative solution. It is enough for the owners of a septic tank to carry out timely cleaning of the sedimentation chamber of mechanical suspensions, and the rest of the work is done by automation.

Characteristics of the Yubas septic tankModel name Dimensions, mm Weight, kg Capacity l/day

Yubas 51000x100x2360200 1000
Yubas 81500x1000x2360270 1600
Yubas 102000x1000x2360340 2000

Choosing the best septic tank option

Based on the proposed models from various manufacturers, we draw a conclusion. Optimal design, a combination of consumer properties and effective water purification technology have:

among non-volatile septic tanks - Tank,
Among the septic tanks requiring an electrical connection is Topas.

When comparing the capabilities of septic tanks, data on positive reviews consumers and statistical data on sales volumes of septic tank models.

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