Scheme of a cesspool in a private house. Do-it-yourself drainage hole in a private house

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is a way to make living in country cottage more comfortable. The main thing is that the sewer system functions correctly. Installing drains is not a difficult task if you first learn how to do the construction yourself.

It is quite possible to make a cesspool for a private house yourself

Choose this type, if you do not plan to build a sauna or jacuzzi. Drains in large volume the soil will not be able to accept it. This type of cesspool cleans wastewater with your own hands, but not 100%. The absorbent type is not suitable when a family lives in the house permanently, and the residents actively use the bathroom and washing machine.

Sealed waste water tanks

These tanks are containers made of concrete, plastic, metal and other materials that do not allow water to pass through. Thanks to the tightness, residents will be free from unpleasant odors. However similar device cesspools in a private house requires frequent calls to a team of sanitation workers to remove accumulated wastewater.

Storage containers made of plastic can be mounted in parallel, which increases their volume. Sealed tanks are installed above-ground and underground. The first option will be required for land plots with a close location groundwater.

The simplest homemade septic tanks

DIY cesspool are masters when it comes to simple and lightweight designs. If you are going to use concrete slabs for construction, then it is better to find an assistant and hire special equipment. Heavy structures are not easy to install yourself.

If you have found a plastic container for a cesspool on your farm, then proceed to arranging your summer cottage. Installation will take no more than 2 – 3 days. In addition to plastic containers, metal barrels or containers, as well as products made of polypropylene or polyethylene, are used. Each material has its own characteristics:

  1. Plastic is lightweight, easy to transport, resistant to wet environments, long service life, and easy to process;
  2. homemade welded structures anti-corrosion coating is required. Otherwise, the product will soon become unusable;
  3. Polypropylene containers are durable, moisture-proof, shock-resistant, and able to withstand sudden temperature changes;
  4. Polyethylene containers are fragile. They require careful transportation. The service life reaches 30 years.

For homemade septic tank with several chambers, you need to prepare a pit and properly pour a concrete screed to get a solid foundation. The rings are installed. The structures are connected to each other. Step-by-step cleaning allows you to obtain an excellent natural fertilizer for the garden.

How to make an absorption pit

A cesspool without pumping is created in several stages:

  1. Select the location where the hole will be located. It is necessary to retreat 1 m from the fence and at least 12 m from the residential structure. Scatter the top layer of soil around the site. Leave 1.5 m3 of earth for thermal insulation above the ceiling. Remove the remaining soil from the dacha;
  2. Make walls out of concrete. Another option is brickwork. The design will be optimal for sucking liquid into the ground if the masonry is done in a checkerboard pattern;
  3. Make an overlap on top. It could be monolithic slab made of concrete with a hatch.

If you do not plan to insulate the lid, then you need to install the walls 30 or 40 cm lower than the soil level so that the cesspool does not freeze in winter.

A plastic pit boiler is one of the simplest solutions

Sealed design device

There are many options for making a cesspool. This is convenient to meet the various needs of cottage owners. Use factory products to sewer pit served you for many years. Scheme of a cesspool made of concrete slabs. Installation is quick. A cesspool in a private house will be able to fully satisfy the needs of residents: concrete rings are sold on the market in large assortment. You can easily select circles with the desired diameter.

During installation, the following order should be observed:

  1. They dig a hole. An excavator is usually hired to carry out excavation work;
  2. Lay the main circle. Install subsequent rings. Specialists will handle this work. This requires the use of special equipment. An excavator is needed to construct the bottom; the rings will be lowered down by a crane. It is preferable to use solid products in construction;
  3. The last circle should rise 20 or 30 cm above the ground.

Construction of a cesspool made of concrete rings requires the involvement of experienced professionals and special equipment.

A cesspool with overflow is an excellent replacement for central sewerage in areas where there is none. The structure has the following advantages:

  • rare pumping using sewage disposal equipment;
  • the ability to use water a second time to water green spaces;
  • no bad odors;
  • the ability to use water in large volumes;
  • absence of gurgling and other unpleasant sounds from the sewer system if the pit overflows.

If desired, the master will build a cesspool overflow structure himself. To do this you will need to understand its structure. 2 settling pits are connected to each other with a special pipe in the shape of the letter “T”.

The first container is connected to the house by a pipeline at an angle of 1.5 or 2 degrees towards the drain. Large particles sink to the bottom of the settling tank. Wastewater flows through a T-shaped pipe into another container. This sump does not have a bottom. It is filled with geotextile mixed with layers of sand, as well as crushed stone with broken bricks. Wastewater passes through all layers. After purification, it goes into the ground without causing harm environment. Loose soil or sandy makes it possible to fill the second pit with crushed stone alone. Lay geotextiles with a layer of black soil on top. Plant plants with short root systems.

Improve decay organic waste It helps to add special preparations containing bacteria to the first septic tank. If oxygen enters the container, the biological product works better. Therefore, it is recommended to leave a hole in the septic tank lid.

The first sump is built from concrete rings, and the second from red brick. You will need plastic sewer lines and a T-pipe. Instead of the latter, you can take a corner. This is necessary to prevent sewage from entering the first container into the second.

If you have to dig a ditch by hand, then use this method. Install the first concrete ring at the location where the sump pit will be. Get inside the product and dig in a circle. The weight of the ring will cause it to sink. When the concrete product is leveled to the ground, a second one is installed on it. Keep digging. Unnecessary soil is poured into a bucket, which is lifted by your assistant standing on top. After completing the installation of the rings, connect the pipes to the containers. A chisel and hammer will help you make holes in the concrete rings.

A plastic cesspool is a structure that a master creates without outside help. When installing, avoid pipe drops and sharp turns. When it is impossible to lay a straight pipeline, then make the angle of turns obtuse. This design avoids blockages. Make sure that it is convenient for the sewer truck to drive up when the sewage accumulates and you need to pump out the cesspool. The drawn diagram will help you create a competent project for local sewerage.

Do-it-yourself sewer pit from used car tires - budget method create comfortable conditions for accommodation. If the volume of wastewater is small, then this design is ideal: it is affordable and practical. Installation is not difficult. However, it is difficult to disassemble a tire structure with your own hands. The homemade product will last no more than 15 years.

It is difficult to shape structures made of gas silicate blocks into a circle on your own. Therefore, it is made in the form of a square or rectangle. Sealing is carried out using special glue or cement mortar.


Ready-made cesspool kits

Today, cesspools in a private house are made in one day. Contact professional companies that sell and install septic tanks. Select ready product according to the catalog and place an order - a cesspool made of plastic or concrete rings. In the first case, the container is already ready for use, in the second it will be assembled on site.

Factory septic tanks are divided into single-chamber, two-chamber and three-chamber. The last two models allow you to get more output clean water. The first option is used instead of a cesspool.

Having suburban housing, owners often face the problem of installing a sewerage system. The most popular way to solve problems is to dig cesspools. But how to do it correctly, and what is a cesspool? It is important to understand all this, then it will be easier to find the right solution.

Types of cesspools for a private house

IN classic version Septic tanks are built mainly from bricks, concrete and even used tires. There are several varieties:

  1. without a bottom, with sewage falling directly into the ground;
  2. sealed pit;
  3. a septic tank in which specially grown microbes are involved in the decomposition of wastewater.

For cases where the daily volume of waste is small, it is enough to dig good pit without bottom. Owners of clay areas mainly use a sealed septic tank. The third method is perfect, but requires care and investment.

Important! Untreated liquids can cause contamination as well as health problems if they reach groundwater.

Selecting a settling tank type

When choosing a cesspool scheme in a private house, you should take into account such points as:

  • groundwater depth;
  • number of inhabitants;
  • water consumption of home appliances;
  • location of the house and household items. buildings;
  • type of soil.

The question remains of how to properly make a cesspool.

Before drawing up a diagram, you need to decide on its volume in accordance with the number of people living in the house. The hole should be dug:

  • up to 3 meters deep, otherwise it will be impossible to properly clean the pit;
  • width – up to 2 meters.

According to building codes and regulations, the distance from a residential building must be at least 5 meters, and from the fence of the site - at least 2 meters.

Air exchange should be created using a ventilation pipe with a protrusion of 600 mm above the ground surface. This will avoid the accumulation of gases resulting from the decomposition reaction. The pit must be accessible to a sewer truck for removal in case of waste overflow.

The brick walls of the pit are plastered inside. Construction of a treatment facility without concreting the bottom is prohibited by the rules, unless the waste volume per day is no more than 1 cubic meter. meters.

The location of the cesspool is selected individually. In this regard, the following are taken into account:

  • features of the relief, soil type, location of buildings;
  • personal preferences;
  • convenience.

It is clear that the larger the size of the cesspool, the less often it will need to be cleaned. Drinking well should not be located close to the cesspool.

Self-dug cesspool

Sooner or later, all owners have to solve the problem of waste disposal. For a comfortable stay, you need, at a minimum, to dig and arrange a sewage pit. How to do this correctly, and where to start?

Preparation for work

  • Construction of a sump begins with choosing a place to dig a hole;
  • It is necessary to consider the possibility of entering the chamber to remove sewage;
  • Digging a pit for a drainage hole next to the house is not permissible;
  • It is not advisable to use excessively long pipes for sewerage;
  • It is important to have information about the location of groundwater and the maximum level of its rise in the off-season.

Important! In addition, if there is a well on the site, the distance between it and cesspool must be at least thirty meters.

Construction of a cesspool without a bottom

If difficulties arise in constructing a classic concrete septic tank, you can:

  • dig an ordinary pit and a ditch from the house to it;
  • lay the pipe in the trench at an angle;
  • find a barrel, make holes in it;
  • place the barrel upside down in the dug hole;
  • fill the ditch and septic tank with a layer of earth.

The volume of the barrel must satisfy required quantity waste. In this case, the liquid will seep into the ground and gradually compress. An overfilled pit will need to be cleaned out from time to time. It is easy to dig such a cesspool near a house under a layer of earth to clean the pipes if they become clogged. The method is simple and inexpensive, but it cannot always be used, since a large volume of waste can contaminate groundwater.

How to build a brick cesspool

Red brick is one of the most commonly used building materials for the construction of septic tanks. It has such properties as high environmental friendliness, moisture resistance, and reasonable price. Therefore, it is used for constructing cesspools in a private house. To build a two-section septic tank from brick yourself, you just need to learn how to prepare a binder mortar and make brickwork.

Arranging a cesspool in a private house requires sequential mastery of all steps of the procedure.

Digging a pit

To install a cesspool, it will be necessary to dig a pit no more than 3 m deep. The dimensions are calculated taking into account the fact that the recommended volume of the septic tank should be about 8-10 cubic meters. meters. You should also provide a distance for laying bricks, so another 10-20 cm is added to the width of the pit.

Laying the foundation

Since one of the compartments of a two-section septic tank must have a sealed bottom, they first begin to fill concrete base. A foundation 20-30 cm thick is poured onto one part of the pit, lined with gravel. It is not recommended to build the foundation in winter. The best time Early spring is considered to be the time for its establishment. Hardening of concrete lasts 3-4 days.


Walls built of brick retain heat well and are durable. The jumper between the compartments is made of a material that does not corrode. To protect the intersection wall made of bricks, special waterproofing materials are used: bitumen or mastic. The walls are usually laid out in a rectangle (or in a semicircle). A 5 cm gap is left between the ends of the brick for filtering.

Backfilling the tank

Once the walls are ready and dry, you can start working on the lids for the tanks. In a two-section septic tank there should be two of them. This will ensure ease of maintenance of each compartment. Hatches must be made of metal treated with an anti-corrosion compound. For work you will need:

  • welding machine,
  • materials and products - sheet iron, profiled pipes or angles.

In the cover in mandatory a ventilation pipe must be installed. It is necessary for life support aerobic bacteria, performing wastewater treatment in the first compartment. The pipe must be completely sealed so that no moisture from outside enters the septic tank.

Important! The manhole cover should protrude 0.6 m above ground level so that surface water did not enter the septic tank.

Sewage pit made of concrete

The drainage pit can be made of concrete slabs. After determining the volume of the sump, you need to dig a trench and run pipes according to the diagram from a private house to the cesspool. In this case, the pipes should be laid at an angle of approximately 3 degrees (4 cm per meter). It should be borne in mind that the longer the pipeline, the larger the angle should be. It is better to concrete the lower part of the sump.

In the upper part of the septic tank it is necessary to provide an outlet for ventilation pipe. Then the problem is the smell from sewage pit will disappear by itself. A hatch is mounted at the top of the pit for ease of maintenance.

Cesspool lined with wood

A septic tank lined with wood is produced in the form of boards knocked together in the form of formwork and can only be used with additional protective treatment.

Advantages of wooden cesspools:

  • cheap price;
  • speed of construction;
  • good isolation of the soil from the ingress of sewage.

Such a pit provided high-quality processing wood will last at least 10-15 years.

Homemade septic tank from Eurocubes

Eurocube is a plastic container for storing and transporting liquids and solids. The container is placed in a frame made of metal rods. Its volume is 0.6-1 cubic meters. m. Their cost is low compared to other materials.

Advice. Before purchasing Eurocubes, you can try to get them for free through industrial companies that receive materials in such containers. Considering the expensive disposal of bulky plastic containers, they are ready to get rid of them in any way. For owners of private houses, this method of obtaining containers will significantly reduce the cost of building a septic tank.

Features of building a septic tank from Eurocubes:

  • Mandatory fastening of the tank using cable ties to a concrete base, since the Eurocube is made of lightweight plastic and as a result of oversaturation of the soil or flooding, the tank may float to the surface;
  • High speed of construction of a treatment plant;
  • Easy septic tank maintenance.

The cubes are made of PVC, so it is necessary to periodically add bioremediation agents to avoid the spread of unpleasant odors.

For information. Country toilet with a cesspool made of Eurocubes - this is simplest design, with which you can arrange a latrine.

Instructions for building a tank from Eurocubes:

  1. Dig a trench for two cubic containers, fill them with water;
  2. Use metal formwork to get an even concrete surface under the bases of tanks;
  3. Equip inlet and transition pipes for tanks. Using an annular cutter, drill holes with a diameter of 110 mm. The inlet pipe is installed above the overflow level;
  4. Ensure that the inlet and outlet of all pipes are sealed;
  5. To protect against freezing, the tanks are covered with sand and clay.

Cesspool for clay soil

A drainage pit in clay soil can often silt up and have poor flow of liquid. Optimal sewerage the cesspool in this case consists of a concrete base and a container installed on it. Particular attention is paid to sealing joints and seams.

For information. A cesspool is one of the most economical options for arranging sewage systems in summer cottage or in the courtyard of a country house.

Features of installation on clay soil

Two methods are used high-quality execution sewerage systems on clay soil:

  1. First of all, they are carried out earthworks on the construction of the pit. Then holes are drilled at the bottom for perforated drainage pipes. Excess liquid will be removed into the ground faster, and the solid part of the sewage will remain at the bottom of the pit;
  2. The second option is distinguished by the installation of a system for overflowing liquid from one pit to another. The trench connecting the two pits should have a slight slope.

Diagram of a sedimentation tank made from sewer tires

A septic tank made from tires is the most economical option sewerage structures. This design of a drainage pit in a private house is simple and does not require special skills for its construction. This wastewater treatment system is used when the septic tank is intended to be used periodically and the volume of wastewater is small. It's also worth remembering that Winter tires freeze, making it impossible to use the structure in the cold season. The device requires regular cleaning.

How to make a cesspool in a private house with your own hands from tires:

  1. It is necessary to dig a hole slightly larger than the diameter of the existing tires. Fill the lower part with gravel to a layer thickness of 10-30 cm;
  2. Place the tires on top of each other, securely fixing them together. Seal the joints between tires;
  3. The upper part of the septic tank must be equipped with a hatch.

Important! Failure to comply with sanitary standards when installing settling tanks is fraught with big problems: penalties from relevant authorities, unpleasant odors, infection with infectious diseases.

Sanitary standards

To avoid future troubles when constructing a cesspool, you must adhere to sanitary requirements. The distance from the pit to the water source should be more than twenty meters, from the house to the hatch - at least five meters. When arranging a pit, you need to take into account the reserve, since wastewater settles slowly and the tank may overflow.

It is necessary to correctly determine the volume of the sump tank. According to the requirements for cesspools, the optimal norm for one person will be 0.5 cubic meters. meters. However, more often additional conditions exploitation (clay soil, frequent use water, oil waste), therefore the cesspool should have some reserve. If the family consists of three people With permanent residence, it is better to make a cesspool of about 6 cubic meters. m.

The choice of septic tank option for installation in a private household depends on the available materials, labor costs, volume of wastewater, and type of soil. To collect wastewater, they most often build either sedimentation tanks that are periodically emptied, or leach cesspools - homemade reservoirs from which liquids are released and solid particles are retained.


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Today, suburban developers use various structures and structures to collect sewage. And the simplest option is a cesspool. Essentially, this is a well that is connected by a pipeline to the house and other buildings (bathhouse, garage, etc.), where waste water and sewage are collected. The layout of a cesspool in a private house is quite simple, because there are no complex building elements. But if it is built correctly, the cesspool of the sewer system will last for a very long time.

Where to dig it up

The location of the pit is a very important criterion the right approach for the construction of a sewer system in a private house. There are two main indicators to consider here:

  • distance from the house and other buildings on the suburban area;
  • free access for a sewage disposal truck, if sewage will be pumped out with its help.

As for the first indicator, in this case the cesspool is determined by SNiP, which clearly states how and where it should be located.

  • The distance from the foundation of a private house (and from neighboring ones as well) should not be less than 5 m.
  • At least 1 m from the fence.
  • From wells and water wells within 20-50 m. The range of distance is quite large, because SNiP stipulates different types of soil that may be found on a suburban area. For example, for clay soil this is 20 m, for sandy loam it is 50 m.

Attention! The depth of the well is also specified by the standards. This size indicator can be anything, the main thing is that the bottom of the pit is 1 m above the groundwater level.

Sump pit layout

Sump volume

It is clear that the larger the cesspool, the less often it will need to be cleaned. But a huge well requires significant labor and material costs, so it is worth accurately calculating its required volume. First of all, you need to understand that although the cesspool is a prefabricated cesspool, that is, sewage is collected in it, you must take into account that some of the water will penetrate through the soil into the subsoil water layers. And since on suburban areas The soil may be different, and its filtration properties will differ greatly from each other. For example, on clay soils this figure will be less than on sandy ones.

But there is a standard volume of cesspools per person, which is 0.5 m³. If four people live in a private house, you will have to dig a hole with a volume of 2-2.5 m³. True, one must also take into account the fact that over time the sewer structure will become clogged with oil and fat deposits, which will reduce the filtration capacity. Therefore, it is optimal if the calculated volume is increased. For a house in which the same four people live, it is better to build a cesspool with a volume of 6-7 m³. Moreover, calling a sewage disposal truck costs the same, regardless of whether it pumps its tank full or half.

DIY pit construction

So, the location has been determined, the volume has been calculated, and construction work can begin. But before that, you need to decide on the design of the cesspool. Will it be just a well in the ground, or will it be a structure lined with some kind of load-bearing building material. For example, made of brick or concrete.

If a private house is small, and 2-3 people live in it, then you can get by with the first option. Although no one does this anymore, because safety requirements, as well as sanitation standards, require a special approach to the construction of cesspools. Therefore, it is worth considering options sewer wells made by hand from various building materials.

Pit made of reinforced concrete rings

This is the most easy way build a cesspool with your own hands. As mentioned above, its volume is determined, the depth of the groundwater level is determined, and after that a hole is dug for reinforced concrete rings.

The height of concrete rings varies between 10-100 cm. But most often, concrete products with a height of 90 cm are used. Their diameter is also different. This will help you select the right concrete elements for the required volume of the well, taking into account its depth. For example, if the depth of groundwater is 5 m, then rings 90 cm high can be installed at a depth of 4 m. By choosing their diameter equal to 2 m, four rings can be installed. The volume of such a cesspool will be almost 8 m³, which is normal for a private house inhabited by 5-6 people.

Cesspool made of concrete rings

By reducing or increasing the size of the concrete rings, you can select the required volume of the well, while taking into account the complexity of the work performed. The larger the diameter of the ring, the less you will have to go deep into the ground, but you will have to dig a wider hole.

A cesspool made of concrete rings is a difficult structure in terms of the possibility of installing building elements with your own hands. Here you cannot do without a crane, and it is its services that increase the cost of constructing a sewer well.

How the installation is carried out.

Attention! There is no need to mount the rings hermetically on top of each other. How more cracks, loose fits, so better water will be discharged into the ground.

Brick pit

A brick cesspool is the most complex structure, so suburban private developers are increasingly abandoning it. Plus, bricks quickly become unusable under the influence of sewage, requiring replacement.

And yet brick cesspools are still used. How to build it correctly.

As for the cesspool cover of this design, you can use different options. For example, fill it with your own hands concrete mortar. Why formwork is made exactly to size directly on the ground. Be sure to lay down a metal sheet, which is coated with used technical oil. A metal reinforcing frame made of reinforcement or wire must be laid inside the formwork. Can be laid metal mesh. It is important that the reinforced frame is located in the middle of the cover in thickness. Everything is ready, the concrete solution is poured. A hatch and a hole for ventilation must be formed in the formwork.

DIY concrete pit cover

The cover can be poured from concrete directly at the place of its installation. To do this, again, formwork is assembled at the top of the cesspool. IN in this case the bottom metal sheet will no longer be removable, that is, it will remain there forever. A reinforcing frame is also laid, and the entire structure is filled with concrete.

You can make the lid yourself from boards or metal. You can purchase a reinforced concrete cover, however, it will have to be installed using a crane.

Sealed cesspool design

There are a huge number of sealed sewer wells that simply collect wastewater coming out of a private home. For example, the same cesspool made of concrete rings (assembled with your own hands). To make it airtight, you need to install a blind bottom down or fill the bottom with concrete mortar. Rings with a lock are used, which must be secured with mortar and bitumen mastic. No cracks, gaps or other loose fits.

The same applies to a brick cesspool, the walls of which are plastered on both sides and covered with bitumen mastic. Experts recommend making a clay castle on the outside, this is when the entire surface of the brick wall is coated clay mortar not less than 5 cm thick.

Cesspool made from Eurocubes

But there are much simpler ways. One of them is to install a ready-made sealed container. It can be made of metal or plastic. The second option is better in terms of price and ease of installation, because large plastic tanks weigh little, and two or three people can install them with their own hands.

Some small containers, for example, Eurocubes, can be installed by one person. Their volume is 1 m³ or 1.25 m³. It is better not to stack them on top of each other, because under the mass of drains the lower one may not withstand the load and burst. Therefore, they are installed sequentially with a slight shift in depth, which makes it possible to organize flow from one tank to another. Plastic copes well with all natural loads, it does not rot or rust, so plastic containers last almost forever.

Can be purchased on the market and ready-made plastic containers especially for cesspools. They can have a horizontal or vertical shape with different thickness walls. Their price is reasonable, so buying it and installing it yourself is not a problem.

Concerning metal structures, then cesspools are often assembled from several metal barrels volume 200 liters (0.2 m³). Their quantity is adjusted to the required volume, after which they are welded together, having previously cut off the bottoms and lids (one end is left in two barrels: the first and the last). The welded structure can be laid vertically or horizontally.

Cesspool made of metal barrels

The only drawback of metal barrels is their thin wall and the metal itself, which quickly becomes unusable under the influence of sewage. Therefore, both the internal and external surfaces of the assembled tank must be waterproofed using bitumen mastic, applied in several layers.

Pipe connection

Before you start building a cesspool with your own hands, you need to carry out sewer pipeline, which will connect the house and the well. Most often, plastic pipes with a diameter of 110 or 200 mm are used to construct a pipeline. There are two very important points that affect the correct installation of the sewer network.

  1. The pipeline must be laid below the freezing level of the soil or it will need to be insulated.
  2. It is necessary to maintain an exact slope from the house to the cesspool, which will allow drainage sewerage by gravity.

In some regions, the level of soil freezing is very high (for example, up to 1.5-2 m), so it remains to insulate the pipes. There are a huge number of thermal insulation options. The simplest and cheapest is to use mineral wool, which is wrapped around the pipeline and laid on top waterproofing material: film or membrane (preferably two or three layers). You can use insulation in the form of cylinders. Also a simple option, but more reliable than the first.

Insulation of sewer pipe

Regarding the angle of inclination of the pipe sewer system, that is standard values, which are determined by SNiPs. It's 2-3 cm per one linear meter length of the sewer section. It is impossible to do less than 2 cm, because the water will flow at such an angle, and sewage will linger in the pipe. Above 3 cm is also not recommended, because the speed of water movement will increase, which will rush through quickly, and the sewage simply will not keep up with it. These slope values ​​are used for pipes with a diameter of up to 110 mm. The larger the diameter, the less you can set their inclination. For example, for pipes with a diameter of 160 mm the slope is 8 mm, for 200 mm the slope is 7 mm.

If you are organizing your own plot and home, it is important to consider how to create a cesspool with your own hands. It is a reservoir where waste enters. There are several varieties that are used different materials. IN budget options long used ones are used car tires. Modern septic tanks are also used.

The choice depends on the budget, the characteristics of the soil and the frequency of living in the house. It's much easier if you live in country house only in the warm season. If this is year-round permanent housing, you need to correctly count on heavy loads.

Types of cesspools and their choice

Cesspools are of the following types:

Which option should I choose? For rare use, choose a hole from the bottom if the soil allows. Sealed tanks avoid unpleasant odor and dirt, but their maintenance is expensive and will require monthly (and in the case of a dishwasher and jacuzzi, weekly) cleaning. The septic tank is environmentally friendly and has no special contraindications. Having decided, we move on to studying the technology of creating cesspools.

We take into account the rules and regulations of the arrangement

To achieve a certain level of security, you need to think through all the nuances. Otherwise, there is a risk of creating a threat to the landscape, the structure of a private house, and the health of residents. The following are taken into account important points:

  • The well with water must be at least 30 m from the pit. The level of the pit should be lower. This avoids problems with drinking water contamination.
  • At large quantities Waste is not allowed to make a hole without a bottom. Standardized limit – 1 cubic meter of waste per day.
  • The pit should be in a place where a sewer truck can easily drive up. The distance should be closer than 4 m. Depth - no more than 3 m, otherwise the hose will not be enough to pick up all the waste.
  • It is necessary to achieve optimal tightness of closing the lid. Especially important for winter period. It is recommended to use insulation.

Compliance with state sanitary standards will avoid serious problems. Made independently, the cesspool should not harm the soil, have leaks in inappropriate places, or have an unpleasant odor.

Eternal cesspool: creation technology

There is a technology for an eternal cesspool. Durability of use is achieved by special arrangement of the pit. In accordance with the technology, it is made without a bottom. It is sprinkled with medium-sized gravel. You need to take care of creating such a pit in advance. The overflow is connected to the sewerage system. The “eternity” of such cesspools is determined by the selected materials. The purified liquid goes into the ground through a crushed stone sand filter. Residues are processed by microorganisms. This is an environmentally friendly and effective way.

Making blocks from tires - the simplest option

Used car tires are used in sewer system and creation of cesspools, get rid of various kinds costs. A cesspool in a private house is made with your own hands according to the following scheme:

  • digging a pit;
  • tires are connected to each other using waterproof glue;
  • joints are completely sealed;
  • the bottom is not made, instead the above filter is created.

Creating a pit with concrete rings

Let's figure out how to make a cesspool in a private house. To create a sewer system, effort will be required, but the option with a simple absorption pit (with concrete rings) is the easiest and is often used in dachas. You can build a cesspool according to this scheme:

  • Concrete rings are purchased in the amount of 3 pieces;
  • a pit is dug with a depth not exceeding 3 m, the diameter is 80 cm greater than that of reinforced concrete rings;
  • the central axis must remain free; the perimeter is made concrete screed(base for rings);
  • holes are drilled in the lower ring: the diameter of each is 5 cm, made 10 cm apart;
  • the bottom is filled with a filtering composition of crushed stone, sand, gravel, broken bricks– approximately 1 meter;
  • the outside of the pit is filled with the same composition;
  • a plate with two holes is installed - for the pipe and the hatch, through which pumping will be carried out.

There is another scheme: creating tank walls from brick or gas silicate blocks. But this will require a lot of effort. A concrete sewer pit requires a crane to install concrete rings. The choice is yours. Another option: a cesspool in a country house is made using metal barrels. Service life reaches 60 years.

How to create an airtight structure?

To create airtight conditions, the same steps are performed, but there is no need to make holes in the bottom. On the contrary, it needs to be concreted and strengthened. A concrete mesh is laid on the bottom in advance. The walls are sealed inside with bitumen, and outside are coated with clay. The same is done in the case when the walls are made of brick. They can be plastered.

Please note: before you build a hole, do not forget about the hole that serves to connect the sewer pipe. It is done below the freezing level, which is determined by the weather service. To do this you need to make inquiries. The supply pipeline must be inclined so that the waste moves towards the constructed pit naturally.

Ready tanks

Installing a cesspool in a private house seems to be for you challenging task? It can be simplified by using ordinary wastewater tanks. Then all that remains is to install the pipeline at an angle and dig a pit. Order a ready-made tank, it is buried in the ground. If necessary, it is strengthened; a concrete base is used for cesspools.

A few words about the features of the process

Cesspools take about a week to dig if you do it yourself. Excavation work may take longer. The walls should be smooth, the foundation pit itself should be square or rectangular. The space around the tank helps ensure it additional protection from groundwater. Before making a cesspool correctly, it is important to take care of the pipeline. Trees must not be in the way.

Let's sum it up

We examined several options for sewerage installations for a private home. There are many options for arranging a cesspool; there are expensive multi-chamber septic tanks with a powerful cleaning system. The basic scheme is the same: you need to prepare for difficult earthworks and dig a pit - then half the job is done. You need to be patient, and then you will understand that you can make a hole on your own!

Why is it that in dachas where there is no centralized sewage system, they often use the most primitive type of toilet - with a bucket? Not at all out of a desire to get as much compost as possible over the summer, but because of basic ignorance of how to properly arrange a cesspool. Many simply do not want to deal with calling a sewer man, believing that they will incur the wrath of the management of the dacha cooperative. In fact, such a truck is no more than a truck crane, dump truck or concrete mixer, which are allowed to enter gardening areas: otherwise you won’t be able to build a house. And with a properly planned cesspool, you won’t often have to call sewage disposal equipment. With these arguments, it is easy to solve once and for all the organizational problem of building a cesspool.

There is another obstacle to the construction of a basic sewerage system - the fear of violating sanitary standards, which will lead to contamination of the area with putrefactive bacteria. In everyday life, people are afraid of getting a source of stench near their summer home, so they prefer to install a “green house” away from their home. But with a modest size summer cottages the toilet may be right under the neighbors' windows. At a private house personal plot It turns out to be larger in area, and the owner has more freedom of action. However, even here there may be a fear of building “such a complex” structure incorrectly, which will lead to disastrous consequences. However, for a sewer system such as a cesspool in a private house, the scheme is quite simple. And it depends to a large extent on the nature of the soil.

What mistakes happen when building cesspools?

A cesspool is a source of unpleasant odor, which appears as a result of the accumulation of sewage, and is also a breeding ground for germs and bacteria. It is necessary to correctly calculate the location of the well, as well as carry out its maintenance in a timely manner.

Indeed, mistakes when arranging a cesspool can lead to undesirable consequences, among which “amber” on the site is the least evil. It’s easy to deal with: the pit needs to be closed. It is this step that will allow it to be done even close to the house, but at such a distance as to ensure access for a sewage truck. At the same time, you need to build a real sewer system in the house, like in a city apartment. And to prevent bad odors from spreading from plumbing fixtures, do not forget about water seals. This is the second most common mistake when installing a sewer system in private homes: the owners understand perfectly well that the toilet must have such a valve - it is built into the design of the device - but they forget that the drainage holes of the bathtub, sink, sink and shower go into the same cesspool, and they don’t make siphons.

In a private house or country house, where the sewer system is installed by the owner himself, there is a temptation to install drain holes on the floor of bathrooms to protect yourself from a hypothetical flood associated with faulty faucets or pipes. But such a hole must also contain an overflow that provides a water seal. It is necessary to ensure that the water in it does not stagnate and at the same time does not dry out. Then foreign odors will not appear.

Another mistake - incorrect choice depth for laying the drain pipe. You first need to find out what the level of soil freezing is, and then just plan the location of the sewer pipe at the exit from the building. Under no circumstances should the drain freeze if the house is used, even temporarily, during the winter.

Important! Do not forget that the sewer beds should not be strictly horizontal, but have a slope of at least two to three degrees per meter, otherwise there will be no natural outflow of water from the house into the cesspool.

It is important not to make a mistake with the size of the cesspool, so as not to constantly be afraid that it is about to overflow. In this case, it is advisable to calculate the volume not for the entire structure, but for that part of it that is located below the drain pipe. This volume is calculated based on the needs of the family.

You cannot build a cesspool diagram by copying it from another site, because both the soil and the soil may be different. When building a structure, you need to use the data of your site:

  • geodetic;
  • soil science;
  • soil samples;
  • depth of aquifers.

Why is a closed cesspool an incomplete cycle treatment facility?

A cesspool is a kind of septic tank that processes incoming water, but does not provide complete purification.

A closed cesspool is not just a septic tank for liquid waste vital activity: the contents are processed in it by anaerobic bacteria, with the exception, perhaps, of the layer that is in direct contact with the air. Anaerobic bacteria are known to perform the initial stage of converting wastewater into cleaner water. After fermentation with their participation, the water does not lose, but changes its smell - to a marshy one. The water does not become clear from this purification: the turbidity remains at this stage. Also, solid particles of mechanical suspension can settle in the pit, and if there is a desire to separate them to produce compost, then you can build a chamber with an overflow from the sump into the septic tank. Naturally, such a septic tank provides far from complete water purification, and they are also subject to disposal by a sewage disposal machine. The design of such a cesspool will be much more complicated, since it is, in fact, the simplest.

Let's return to soil research. If you find that the groundwater in your area is deep, you can turn the cesspool into a filtration well. This diagram called a cesspool without a bottom. You can indirectly determine whether the water lies deep by this criterion: if most neighbors have dug wells rather than boreholes, it means that shallow aquifers have been found on their property. If everyone uses wells exclusively, then you need to ask how deep they are. But for a final decision, it is necessary to verify this with the help of hydrological studies. If it is not possible to carry them out, then it is better to choose a sealed cesspool scheme, since it is universal.

Cesspool in a private house. Scheme without bottom

Such a pit actually has a bottom, but it is not airtight. With this scheme, nature itself is given the opportunity to purify wastewater, much like what happens with rainwater in nature. It must be remembered that the contents of sewage drains are often a more aggressive environment than rainwater. They may contain not only soap, but also more caustic detergents, and the soil must completely recycle them before they reach the aquifer. To do this, it is necessary that it be at a depth of more than 2.5 meters. The nature of the soil also matters: it should be sandy loam or sandy type.

The figure shows a diagram of a cesspool without a bottom, this design assumes that there is no concrete base at the bottom of the pit, and filtration occurs in a natural way using natural soil.

“Entrusting” the soil with filtration is short-sighted, so the bottom needs to be covered with a cushion of fine crushed stone and sand. No more than a cubic meter of liquid should pass through such a “sieve” per day. It is always better to reinforce this permeable bottom with geotextiles. It will prevent the sand from moving, seeping between larger soil particles. If the filter is made of backfill of different fractions, it is better to layer them with water-permeable geomaterials.

Not only the shallow occurrence of groundwater, but also the large volume of discharges from the house, as well as the clayey nature of the soil, speaks against the construction of such a structure. In this situation, you should build sealed pit. As for the walls and top, these structures can be the same for pits with different types bottom, so you can move on to studying the sealed structure.

Scheme of a sealed cesspool

If it is impossible to use a ready-made one, since a significant size of the pit is needed, you can build it yourself. To do this, you need to calculate the volume of drains (below the pipe!) and calculate the diameter of the structure. The volume is calculated based on half a cubic meter per person. But this is only the minimum, so you need to make a reserve due to the following situations:

  • there may be guests in the house;
  • it is impossible to ensure a timely call for a vacuum cleaner;
  • a pipe breaks, which further loads the sewer system;
  • it is planned to connect new appliances that require drainage: washing or dishwasher, shower cabin, etc.

This is why reserve volume is desirable. Once it is known, you need to choose the material for the walls. It can be brick or concrete - in the form of well rings. But whatever the material, you need to connect the elements waterproof solution to avoid penetration of the contents of the pit into the ground and soil, as well as melt water into the pit, which would significantly reduce its resource. The bottom of such a pit is best made of concrete, for which you can use a specialized reinforced concrete product - the bottom of the well. It has the same diameter as well rings, but it can also be used as a bottom for a brick structure.

A sealed cesspool is a structure, usually presented in the form of a container made of concrete structures (bottom, rings, top, hatch)

For reliable waterproofing structures, you can use special geomembranes, which are used in the construction of building plinths. This material is easily butt-joined, but this does not mean that it does not need to be welded. The sheets connected not only by overlapping, but also by welding will provide excellent insulation from moisture from the outside. The inside of the container can be covered with waterproof cement, which was also used in the seams between rings or bricks.

How to make the top of a closed cesspool

Open cesspools carry a potential danger - the possibility of falling through, so you need to make the top of a closed pit strong, and not make do with lightweight covers. This also applies to the hatch through which cleaning will be carried out. The upper part of the structure is ideally reinforced concrete slab. The industry produces such an element for well rings. It has a hole for a standard sewer hatch, which it is advisable to install, but only choose its modification made of durable plastic. Such a lid will be easy to open, but at the same time it will not fall through, even if children play on it. Plastic covers are available in versions with a lock, which guarantees safety for children: they will never open this hatch.

If the upper part is built from a concrete slab and the hatch is made independently, then it is necessary to ensure that the lid fits tightly and is so heavy that only an adult can open it.

It is desirable that the top slab be covered with soil and soil, while the hatch itself protrudes outward. If the house is used during the snowy period, then it is necessary to provide small height hatch above ground level to make it easier to find and dig out in the snow.

The image shows a diagram of creating a cesspool: preparing the pit - reinforcement - construction for formwork - erecting walls and laying pipes, creating the upper part and ventilation outlet.

To go down into the pit and clean it after pumping out sewage, the hatch must be made so that an adult can crawl into it.

How to calculate a place for a cesspool?

You can also determine the location for the structure next to the house, because it is hermetically sealed at the top. In this case, the length of the sewer pipes will be minimal. But you need to be as far away from water wells – yours and your neighbors’ – as possible. The structure should not be located near bodies of water. If the soil is clayey, then you need to retreat 20 meters from all named water sources. When it is sandy or sandy loam, it is better to retreat 50 meters, because such soil has the property of osmosis, that is, like a wick, it draws liquids into itself. For loamy soils, the distance can be reduced to 30 m.

The bottom of the pit should not be lower than 1 m to groundwater. It is better to make the area of ​​this tank larger than to deepen it too much, risking either contamination from a hole without a bottom, or the floating of a sealed container. There is always some amount of air in it, so in melted underground water it will work like a float. If not found concrete ring calculated diameter, the pit can be made square or rectangular by placing a slab of waterproof reinforced concrete at the base.

Scheme correct location cesspool on the site, calculation of distance from water sources and residential premises.

You need to step back at least a meter from the fence, and from the road - just like from reservoirs. Any road has modified soil underneath. It can be compacted, replaced with a sand and crushed stone cushion, therefore, how it will behave in the vicinity of a cesspool is not known in advance.

Little tricks from the experts

If you have determined a place for a cesspool that is equidistant from all sources of water, roads, and reservoirs, then it is not a fact that you will be able to lay the pipe at the desired slope and at the same time manage to place it completely below the freezing depth of the soil. There is a way out of this situation: you need to insulate the pipe so that the water in it does not freeze. It is better to do insulation along the entire length of the pipe before it enters the container, so as not to get a “cold bridge”.


Ravil Rakhmatullin.

If you are building a cesspool without a bottom, then it is better to stock up on material and take the time to make it from two overflow wells. The first of them will be sealed, the second – filtration. This will produce fertile sludge that can be disposed of separately, and the risk of groundwater contamination will be much lower. It is important that the pipe between these containers must also be inclined, if they are not located next to each other, since in this case gravity flow must be ensured.


Leonid Knyazhinov.

There is no need to copy the location of sewer facilities even from your nearest neighbor. The condition of the soil and ground, even in adjacent areas, may be different. Your neighbor has everything clean, solid soil, but you have a whole underground river or stream running through it. You also need to pay Special attention areas on slopes, because there it may happen that on one side the hole will be below the freezing level of the soil, and on the other - above, and if an entry is made into it from this side, then it is better to insulate it.

Sergey Dlinnov.

When a sewer pipe passes through walls - in the foundation and cesspool, it is better to lay sleeves from pipes of larger diameter, and then pass the main one into them. drain pipe. Then even small tectonic movements will not be scary for you.


Boris Burdyukevich

How to draw a diagram of a cesspool?

To summarize, we outline all the parameters that must be taken into account in the cesspool diagram:

Its design;
depth of groundwater;
soil and soil composition;
soil freezing depth;
site topology;
location of all sources of drinking water, roads and reservoirs;

The choice of materials is also important - plastic, brick, concrete. Creating a diagram, and based on it - drawings of a future building, is not a difficult task. And if you have construction skills, then building such a structure yourself is quite possible. If you take into account all the details, then no one will suffer from your well or septic tank: neither you nor your neighbors. If you choose a closed type of cesspool, it will be the safest and cheapest sewage system to install for a country house.


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