Do-it-yourself dry stream at the dacha. Dry stream at the dacha (44 photos) - how to make your site original without large financial costs Dry stream at the dacha made of flowers

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Dry stream- this is the view decorative design in the garden, which is a dry riverbed. It is not always possible to make a real pond, but this perfect solution for any garden plot and always looks original and unusual. For this to be truly the case, you need to adhere to certain rules.

  • First, the stream should look as if the water dried up there not long ago.
  • And secondly, you need to have a certain aesthetic taste and some design skills.

This curiosity came to us from Japan. There, in the famous stone gardens, water is an important component.

Before you get to work building a Japanese stream, study from photographs what they are like. Choose what suits your garden. Show your imagination and create your own unique decorative element.

Creating this creation for the garden will not take you much time and will not require additional construction skills. There is no need to think about where to look for water or to what level to lower the soil. The most important thing is to repeat the shape of a real riverbed using stones and decorative elements.

To begin, sketch out a sketch of your future creation. Depending on the area of ​​the site, choose the appropriate shape of the stream. For a small space, a thin stream is suitable. It's good if it has a couple of turns along the way. In order not to be mistaken with the shape and size of the structure, you can draw an outline with sand. This will allow you to better imagine where and what element of the stream will be located. The photographs show various options for a dry stream. Please note that in different sections the channel has unequal width, this allows you to achieve a more realistic implementation.

After the markings are made, the sketches are drawn, it is necessary to select the components of the stream. To choose what you need for your garden, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic properties of the material. Designers strongly recommend choosing stones from local rocks. They look harmonious and fit perfectly into the topography of the garden.

To imitate water as closely as possible, you need to choose smooth and shiny pebbles or glass beads in blue shades. We make the shore from large, brutal, angular cobblestones. To create rapids and waterfalls, the stones in this area must be lighter than the rest. Not found the desired shade stone? Use weather-resistant paint.

When all preparatory work done, your hands are already itching to create a masterpiece, but the first thing you need to do is dig a small depression to prevent growth weed. It can ruin any masterpiece composition. The depth of the channel should be from 15 to 20 cm.

Then you need to lay down any covering material. It will also keep the stream free of weeds.
Now we can get to the fun part - creative process. It is better to take at least three types of stones.

1. To decorate the edge of the stream with inside.
2. To simulate clefts.
3. To fill the base.

If your garden area already has stone decorative items, then it is better to use the same types of stone for a dry stream. In this case, the garden looks harmonious, as a single whole. Make sure that the stone stream does not stand out from the overall picture of the style of the garden plot.

The photo shows types of dry streams according to the rules given in the article.
Last step in creating a dry stream. If you stop at the previous stage, you will get a boring structure “without a soul.” To revive a dry stream, be sure to supplement it with flowering crops and plants. Stick to a sense of proportion. Don’t make a flower bed out of a stream; you have a slightly different task. Tall plants look bad. It's better to choose flower crops, which will definitely take root on your site. It would be good if they supported the idea of ​​simulating water space. Suitable plants: reed, bamboo, reed, iris, hosta, daylily. Flowers blue, light blue, lilac, purple: bells, lobelia, forget-me-nots, violets.

Do you have a large stream? — You can plant shrubs, dwarf trees, tall flowers. Effectively destroy the bridge. It can be made from stones, wood or plastic. The main thing is to remember harmony. And a whole article could be devoted to a description of how to make, from what, and where to place such bridges. Let's not deviate from the topic.

If you want to suburban area looked beautiful, unusual and modern, you need to think through the landscape design down to the smallest detail. Often used for zoning areas, as well as to effectively emphasize the central part of the garden. The most interesting thing is that the presence of water is completely optional for this. We'll tell you about this interesting element design, like a dry stream. This idea has many benefits and also has an interesting history.

History of origin

The origins of the stone stream go back to the distant past - ancient Japan, where 700 years ago the tradition of creating philosophical stone gardens appeared. Those present could observe the dry riverbed, which was impatiently awaiting the first drops of rain. They will fill the stream and turn it into a full-flowing river. This illusion allowed a person to immerse himself in deep philosophical reflections about life and harmony. Over time this interesting idea for landscape design has become widespread in the West.

What does a dry stream consist of and how is it useful?

The beginning of the stream is a small source, which gradually expands, meandering through the garden. It is believed that this way positive energy, luck and harmony are attracted to the house. The composition consists of small stones, symbolizing the movement of a water flow, and large white boulders, similar to rapids and waterfalls. The design of the stream with bushes and small wooden bridges spanning the stone stream looks organic.

The main advantage of this unusual element is its versatility. A dry stream can be created on any site, regardless of the style of landscape design and the design of the main building. It requires virtually no maintenance and looks great in any season.

In addition to its visual appeal, a dry stream performs several useful functions:

  • serves as a natural camouflage for engineering communications, while maintaining easy access to them;
  • is a good option for decorating the difference in heights on a site (a stone stream falling from a hill looks very beautiful, and if you decorate it with flowers and, you can create a real masterpiece, daily pleasing glance);
  • can serve as a drainage system to remove water.

Dry stream acting as storm drain, can be placed along garden paths. Thus, puddles will not appear on them even in the heaviest rain.

Design and materials

Like any other element of landscape design, the design of a dry stream should be carefully considered. You need to create a drawing where you can sketch out the layout, make a list of materials and ornamental plants. If you have no experience in such calculations, the task may seem very difficult. Nevertheless, it is quite real, it is enough to show patience and imagination.

Choosing stones

First you need to decide color scheme. Traditionally, dark stones imitate water, and large light cobblestones act as rapids. If you prefer light blue shades, use basalt or slate. In order to make a composition in reddish or greenish tones, you can use granite, and limestone to emphasize light areas.

To create a shimmering effect, place glass marbles among the stones. They will beautifully refract the light of the sun, and in evening hours will give an atmosphere of mystery and fairy tales.

Streams with many bends and branches look much more interesting than straight stone channels. Place an island with flowers where the stream is widest, and decorate the banks with green vegetation.

Dry Stream Plants

To achieve the illusion of water flow, use plants that ordinary life associated with water:

  • bamboo;
  • miscanthus (Chinese reed);
  • arundo reed;

It is best to choose flowers in purple and blue tones. Mosquito grass, blue fescue, large-leaved forget-me-not (brunnera) and lobelia are excellent options. , the surrounding banks of a dry stream create the illusion that it is about to come to life.

A stone stream is an excellent solution for decorating and zoning the area of ​​your garden. For example, you can separate a recreation area, a barbecue area and a vegetable garden. The construction of this unusual design element will not take a lot of money and time, and your site will be transformed and sparkle with new colors.

In addition to the garden plot, the stream can be used to decorate the area adjacent to the main building. It goes well with facades of any style from classic to modern high-tech. Don't be afraid to experiment, because you can always change the content or shape of the flow.

Dry stream at the dacha - video

The decoration in the form of a dried up stream bed will add a touch of romance and wildlife to the monotonous landscape. Unlike alpine slide Having a similar aesthetic, a dry stream in a country house or near a house can also have practical significance. If you build it along the path of communications, electrical wiring or water supply, you can provide easy access, especially to the joints, if repairs are necessary.

With skillful planning you can combine decorative effect with drainage that removes excess moisture from cultivated areas of land.

Layout features

To create a picture close to nature, you need to decide on the location and area that needs to be allocated for a dry stream.

In areas with a slope, an imitation of a rocky mountain stream will look good. How smaller plot, the more compact this decorative element should look. A sinuous and sometimes expanding pattern will complement the illusion.

The choice of location for the source and channel also matters. A stone stream can unexpectedly peek out from the thickets, and at the end of a serpentine flow into a decorative jug half buried in the ground.

For large projects, a hill of boulders is built at the source, and a small decorative pond is laid out below.

On flat areas of land, the beds of decorative dry streams can be evenly lined or meandering. Additional elements made of plants, clay decor, artificial and road bridges will complement the design.

Nuances of construction

Making a dry stream with your own hands is not difficult, you can give free rein to your imagination, and if the result does not justify itself, redo it or move it finished project to another place.

IN step by step form The creation of this decor looks like this:

  • Creating a project: choosing a location and materials, with a trajectory drawing and placement of decorative accents.
  • Channel marking. You can use threads or wooden pegs. But in order to visually imagine the occupied area and once again check the pattern, it is better to draw a stream of sand over the area of ​​work.
  • Digging a shallow (10-15 cm) channel. With a narrow channel, it is necessary to provide for a slope of the walls, which will allow the pattern to be preserved.
  • Land clearing and compaction.
  • Isolation of the riverbed using waterproof material - construction or other polypropylene film.
  • Laying stones along the shoreline and filling the riverbed with small pebbles or expanded clay.
  • Final installation.

When laying, you can use design tricks:

  • Flat river stones installed on an edge or at an angle will create the effect of a fast flow;
  • For the illusion of a shallow, you can install a massive stone, with sand and pebbles randomly located close to it;
  • The color palette of the filler can be made darker towards the middle of the channel to create the effect of depth;
  • Glass beads and small mirror inclusions, as well as varnished stones, will help create the effect of water.

When choosing materials, you need to ensure against possible injuries, avoid cutting and sharp materials, or place them out of reach of people. In case of work on inclined plane the risk of collapse should be eliminated.

Design ideas and styles

In order to obtain an effect as close to natural as possible, it is necessary not only to take into account the characteristics of the site, but also to make additional plantings of characteristic plants. This most difficult project to implement must be thought out to the smallest detail; only unprocessed natural material must be used for masonry.

To maintain the illusion, regular maintenance and adjustments to the overall picture may be necessary. This approach is more expedient to apply in the case when the features of the relief are as close as possible to the possibilities of simulation.

Semi-stylized options are used most often. wild beauty At the same time, stones can be set off with stylish decor, creating the impression of well-groomed conditions and allowing you to individualize the project.

When laying, you can use inclusions of painted stone, glass, and shells. Sandboxes, bridges, flower beds located along a trajectory will help to fit new element into the general landscape.

Dry streams can complement artificial ponds, alpine slides and gazebos, becoming a tool for zoning the territory. Examples of dry stream design projects presented in the photo show the variety of possible options.

Purely decorative projects, as a rule, are used to create children's fairy tales, with character figures and blue pebbles that replace water in a stream.

Another option is a geometrically outlined masonry created in a minimalist style from stones of the same size.

Photo of a dry stream

Every homeowner wants to make their property beautiful and extraordinary at the same time. Your own landscape design should not be similar to anyone else's. A dry stream will help radically change the style and overall picture of your backyard or garden. Looking at this design element, a person should calm down, immerse himself in quiet tranquility and find unity with nature. And all this can be built with your own hands. This article will present best examples creating streams without water in stages. Anyone can put it into practice step by step instructions and create something beautiful in your garden, even better than in the photos presented.

Flow simulation - dry stream

To add zest to the site and dilute the monotonous landscapes, you can create with my own hands"dry stream" This option is suitable for any dachas, gardens, cottages, as it does not require a large investment Money, connecting water resources and is conveniently located anywhere, regardless of the terrain and other features of the territory. The advantages of creating such a decorative element on your territory include:

  • ease of execution - the ability to do it yourself, without resorting to the services of professional landscape designers;

You can create a dry stream with your own hands

  • minimal expenditure of money and effort compared to a stream;
  • ease of care - it is enough to maintain a clear shape of the stream and remove growing weeds in a timely manner;
  • they can divide the site into separate zones - a playground, a barbecue area, etc.;
  • hide or disguise relief imperfections (potholes, ravines, hatches, slopes, etc.);
  • safety for small family members - you cannot get wet or drown in such a stream;
  • absence blood-sucking insects living near real bodies of water;
  • a dry stream can be used as a drainage system to drain away unnecessary water after summer rains;

Simple work - excellent results

Every gardener can create a beautiful dry stream on the territory of his home. There is no need to level the ground, carry out large-scale preparatory work, or deepen and raise sections of the terrain. The most important thing is to use your imagination, “see” in your head what the future stream will look like, and play with the territory that is available.

Before starting work, create a plan for a dry stream - this will make it easier to create


In order for the future stream of stones to be as harmonious and similar to the real one as possible, it is necessary to accurately plan the place where it will “flow”, as well as its width, tortuosity and other nuances. It is very convenient to use sand for this. Sand the path where you think there should be a rocky stream. It’s easy to change the shape in the process, drawing new outlines and choosing your perfect option dry reservoir. Some people prefer to mark the territory with a rope or draw on the ground with a stick, but these methods are less mobile, more labor-intensive, and often simply inaccessible (hard, rocky soil, etc.).

Advice! To make the stream look natural, create a mouth and a source. A dry stream can begin from an imitation of a grotto or rock, and, thinning out, end behind a fence or in spreading bushes.

Channel preparation

To ensure that the future stream is exposed to the weather as little as possible and is not afraid of attack by weeds, the bed must be lined with film, geotextile or other suitable material.

If you have delayed the process of creating a stream and there is already tall grass in the area, you will have to work a little and dig the contour of the stream to the depth of a shovel to remove the turf. Then carefully level the resulting trench with a rake and lay protective material in it.

Selection of materials

To create a dry stream, you can use any materials: gravel, crushed stone, shells, large stones, limestone, pebbles, slate, coarse sand, basalt, granite, etc. All components of the stream can be different forms, sizes and colors. To achieve the greatest effect of the illusion of a stream individual elements or all the material can be tinted with aerosol cans in desired color. A bright accent of your stream can be glass transparent or blue balls that will shine and play in the sun like real water. With great care, you can place pieces of mirror at the bottom of the stream, which will create the effect of sunbeams. Your imagination in choosing materials and bright accents is unlimited.

Laying stones

The largest stones are placed along the edges, creating a shoreline, followed by smaller cobblestones, and very small fractions are poured into the middle of the stream bed.

Use rocks of different sizes for the stream

If your site has sloping terrain or certain parts of the stream run at an angle, you can use large stones to build stone steps, waterfalls and thresholds. With the help of such elements, a dry stream will gain strength and energy and will look like a powerful mountain river. You can also place several large boulders along the coastline, scattering them deliberately carelessly, in a random order. This will give the stream greater authenticity and “naturalness”.

Coastal landscaping

Vegetation planted on the banks of a dry stream will serve as an expensive frame for a priceless painting. Unlike a real stream, along the banks of a dry stream you can plant not only moisture-loving plants, but also any others that are suitable in style and design. However, preference should still be given to those plants that are associated with water: different kinds reeds, reeds, daylilies and others. Plants of blue and green shades are also associated with the water element: fescue, tenacious, lobelia, irises, etc. Select vegetation based on the size of the stream: tall vegetation is suitable for large dry streams, and shorter and creeping vegetation is suitable for small ones.

Attention! Do not get carried away with the vegetation on the banks of the stream. An abundance of flowers and herbs can overload the banks and turn a dry stream into an ordinary flowerbed or something like an alpine slide.

Decorative design

To make a dry stream look more organic, you can add various design elements and techniques:

  • lighting fixtures - in dark time days, skillfully illuminated elements will create the effect of flowing water and the naturalness of a stream;

Choose plants that will enhance the beauty of a dry stream

  • bridge - a wooden crossing over a dry stream will look very organic and attractive;
  • garden figures and decorations - scattered here and there along the entire length of the riverbed, such elements give the stream an aura of magic and uniqueness.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the dry streams created from flowers. Such an imitation of a water flow will require certain strength and skills, since the flowers planted along the contour of the future stream must be the same size, without visible clearings and bald spots. But if someone dares to undertake such a feat, the result will simply amaze everyone around him. Light aromatic herbs and flowers will sway easily, creating the illusion of the play of waves and the flow of water in a stream. This effect is so unusual and exciting that once you plant a flower stream, you will repeat it every year.

Dry stream in landscape design: video

DIY dry stream: photo

Stylishly and neatly decorated, creating a relaxing atmosphere, a dry stream becomes one of the most successful components of a summer cottage. There are many options for arranging an artificial water artery, or rather simulating a real stream.

Many of the options have been used for a long time and do not lose relevance over time.

The idea of ​​recreating dry streams is not new; similar elements in landscape design make it possible to add color to the free space on the site, turning it into a cozy area intended for relaxation.

To make the site even more attractive, suitable place you can reproduce an imitation of a water artery.

Study the photos of ready-made dry streams - and you will understand how diverse this decor is.

Dry stream in a flowerbed, photo

Where did the idea come from?

Dry prototypes of waterways arose seven thousand years ago, they were invented by the Japanese. Dry streams were used to decorate stone gardens, areas conducive to philosophy and allowing one to reflect on vital issues. Japanese philosophy became fashionable and spread to other countries, and dry streams began to be used in Western culture.

In most cases, similar decorative elements are formed in areas where there is no possibility of creating decorative water arteries. However, dry streams and real water bodies carry the same meaning.

The contemplation of such arteries gives the impression that the water in them has dried up, and after the rains have passed, the streams will be filled with life-giving moisture again.

Dry stream, photo

If you are interested in Eastern culture and signs, a dry water artery can turn into a source of life-giving energy for you and help ensure family well-being.

Features of a dry water artery, its advantages

A classic dry stream contains small smooth pebbles, similar to sea pebbles, which create an imitation of a real body of water. Such an artery also includes large stones that imitate thresholds or mini-waterfalls in the garden. The listed details are complemented by flowers along the riverbed and other elements that make it possible to focus attention on the dry waterway and make it even more beautiful.

In addition to the original appearance, decorative waterways have other advantages:

  • you can create a dry stream on your summer cottage yourself without the help of specialists and high expenses for arrangement;
  • you can make such an object in literally two days: the main thing is to choose a place and perform a series of simple manipulations;
  • dry streams are undemanding in care, the main task is to adjust its shape, if there is such a need;
  • Unlike real water arteries, dry streams do not accumulate algae and sediments that clog the object. You don't have to spend money on water purification;
  • weather factors will not be able to spoil the appearance of the reservoir and the materials that were used to create it - a dry stream in the country will serve you for several years;
  • if you want to plant flowers or ornamental grasses next to a dry waterway, you will not need to think about the sensitivity of the vegetation to moisture;
  • insects do not accumulate above dry streams that can ruin your vacation;
  • such reservoirs do not pose a danger to children, and children can safely play next to the stream;
  • stones in dry streams can be used to hide communications while maintaining access to them.

Dry stream in landscape design, photo

Important! One cannot fail to note such a point as the functionality of dry water arteries. Dry streams can be used as drainage to remove water accumulated after rain in a summer cottage, and as analogues of storm drains next to paths.

Imitation of water bodies makes it possible to solve a number of difficulties related to the soil topography on garden plot. For example, if there is a slope in the garden, a homemade stream made of stones will give an ordinal appearance to this area, and flowers and ornamental grasses planted nearby will make this area even more expressive - here any vegetation will look organic.

Having an alpine slide in close proximity to a dry stream will demonstrate your good taste and add personality to your landscape design.

Dry stream design, photo


The creation of a dry water artery in the landscape of a summer cottage can be done in various options. Climatic features are also important (vegetation must be selected in accordance with the climate) and the size of the site that will be decorated.

The stone stream should be decorated in such a way that relief imperfections become invisible. For example, by forming a narrow stream with meanders, you can visually deepen this area and visually expand the size of the garden. You can imitate the water surface using small dark stones, and to create thresholds use lighter and larger stones.

If your goal is to create a dry stream that will look as realistic as possible, opt for basalt and slate. These materials will allow you to create a dry water artery in a light blue palette. A dry stream in a garden plot in reddish-brown tones can be decorated with granite pebbles.

Due to certain types of stones, you can place accents in light or dark colors. For example, details made of marble and limestone will help make the white shade more expressive. A shimmering effect can be achieved by complementing the design of dry streams with glass balls and pebbles.

Unusual options for dry waterways are obtained by incorporating floral elements into their design. You can make a floral island in the center of the object or place accents along the entire perimeter of the stream. We recommend not to use simultaneously a large number of variegated colors, but choose varieties that successfully complement each other and combine with other elements.

The most popular flowers are in blue colors. Decorate the area next to the artificial stream with bells, cockerels or cereal crops. Beds and flower beds can be made multi-tiered.

Plants for a dry stream: photos with names

Plants that evoke associations with bodies of water will help make a dry stream look more realistic. For example, as additional vegetation in the design of a dry waterway, you can use plants with names such as Chinese reed, reed arundo, miscanthus.

Another original version- dry stream with decorative bridge. It is created from a monolithic block or round logs. A bridge to simulate a real body of water is selected if such an element takes up a minimum of space. Such an object will add realism to your creation, create the appearance of a crossing, similar to those that run through natural bodies of water.

You can also create a simulated water crossing by placing large rocks across the surface of the waterway.

Bridge over a dry stream, photo

When choosing parts for a dry stream, proceed from their compatibility with those objects that already exist on the site. It is necessary to achieve harmony, a combination of the natural landscape with the materials used to design the garden, so that the style and overall execution look holistic. It is worth noting that a dry waterway can also be used to divide an area into zones.

If the stream is partially isolated, it can be supplemented with elements that distinguish the recreation area from the rest.

There are many more ideas for decorating a dry stream. For example, you can place street lamps and benches nearby. Separate areas can be decorated with images of storks, swans or other birds and animals that may live outside the city. Choose figures based on their compatibility with the body of water.

Find out how important it is to choose the right cereals and the most popular types and varieties recommended for planting in personal gardens will help you choose best options for landscaping.

Read about what useful things you can make for your garden using scrap materials.

Step-by-step creation process

Let's consider step by step process self-creation dry stream. First of all, you need to decide on its location and size. Draw for yourself a diagram and route of the waterway, and then move the sketch to the desired site. To create bends, use ropes and sand (it is best to make the contours arbitrary, avoid strict lines and restrictions). Make a stream bed, placing the source on a hill.

When calculating the depth of the channel, take into account the width of the object being formed. The best option– the width parameter must be twice the depth. After this, you can begin creating a channel for a dry stream on the site.

Remove the top of the soil and make ditches at a 45-degree angle. Clear the area of ​​plants and debris, remove rhizomes and compact the soil horizontally and along slopes.

How to make a dry stream with your own hands, photo

One of the advantages of creating your own dry water features is that they do not require the formation of a concrete base with water-resistant characteristics.

To preserve the configuration of the stream, cover the prepared bed with any dense material, for example, roofing felt or thick cellophane.

Find out how to arrange something beautiful: examples in the photo, options from different materials, tips for designing original recreation areas.

Basic device methods wooden bridges for the garden with your own hands are collected in the article.

Examples and samples of beautiful pergolas for the garden can be appreciated in the article at:

Subsequent work

Having finished preparing the riverbed, place stones on its surface. Laying should begin from the base of the ditch, having previously added crushed stone and expanded clay - approximately a five-centimeter layer. Then sprinkle it all with a little sand.

Since the stream will flow from the rock prototype, use stones maximum size. Make an embankment, arrange the stones, and fill the resulting cavities with crushed stone so that the composition looks holistic.

DIY dry stream, photo

You can clearly see the process of creating a dry stream in the garden landscape in this video:

On next stage begin to create the appearance of a body of water flowing. To do this, use flat small pebbles. It is preferable to place larger stones on both sides of the waterway. A coastline is immediately formed, large boulders are laid out.

Advice: for greater realism, make one side of the stream rocky. It is in this place that you need to place as many large stones as possible. On the other edge their sizes will be smaller.

The so-called shallow zone of a homemade waterway needs to be decorated with small pebbles or other similar stones. An imitation of flow is created by flat stones laid on an edge. Place a hewn stone in the middle of the riverbed, and decorate the area around it with a whirlpool made from pebbles.

You can experiment with the depth of the stream you made yourself. Dark colored stones will help create the effect of depth. Decorate the shallow water area with light pebbles, plastic and glass parts.

If you are worried that the composition will be damaged during the heavy rainy season, you can secure the details of the dry waterway using a reliable base on sand-cement mortar. The stones are placed on the mortar and hardened firmly. If necessary, the stones can be painted in the desired color.

Dry stream at the dacha, photo

Well, of course, use additional elements decor. Make a bridge, remembering to fasten it securely. If desired, decorate the bridge with a beautiful fence or lanterns.

Dry stream with a bridge, photo

The water artery must "flow" through it. Install a small mill or other structure nearby to create a harmonious composition. Be sure to secure the structures so that they do not warp under the influence of strong wind gusts.

Once you've finished installing these parts, consider decorating the waterway with plants. If necessary, prepare the ground in the stream area or in areas where vegetation will be planted. You can make low, neat borders. When planting plants, be sure to take into account their possible aggressiveness so that they do not crowd out each other.

Provide timely care for vegetation, regularly weed and irrigate green areas. Annuals will need to be removed at the end of autumn; for this reason, it is better to choose perennials for decorating a dry waterway, as more unpretentious vegetation.

DIY dry stream at the dacha, photo

You don't have to strictly follow the tips to create water zone relaxation at the dacha. You can bring your ideas and plans to life, a number of which are shown in the photo. The main task when creating a dry stream is to achieve its realistic appearance; the stream must maintain its configuration, otherwise you will be forced to correct it often.

Photo gallery

We offer a selection of photos with other ideas for constructing and designing dry streams: look through them and start creating an artificial waterway in your garden:


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