Caring for Kalanchoe at home: where to place it and how to care for it. Caring for flowering Kalanchoe - tips on how to make this plant bloom at home

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Kalanchoe is a rather unpretentious indoor plant that can easily be grown at home if you know a few rules. With proper care, the beautiful green Kalanchoe will bloom brightly pink flowers However, the flowering period of this plant is not that long.

Mostly, appearance depends on how you care for the flower and where it will be located.


The plant does not tolerate excess moisture. If the soil is constantly too wet, then the roots are the first to suffer: the process of rotting begins, so watering should be taken seriously. Water the Kalanchoe with cool water (it is advisable to keep one glass jar, constantly replenishing it: watering is best done with old water). Water in such a way that you do not touch the stem with water; if moisture gets in, it does not absorb it, and it is possible that the process of rotting will begin. Watering should be done moderately, so that the soil is sufficiently moist, but not wet, and water should not leak out. If you accidentally poured more water than necessary, immediately empty the tray of excess liquid. Remember that it is much better for Kalanchoe to receive less water, the more: the plant copes well with the absence of water for two to three days. The secret is that Kalanchoe has a small supply of liquid and can survive without watering. But it will be very difficult to save the flower from the abundance of water.

Autumn and winter Kalanchoe should be watered half as much as in the warm season. Do not leave water on the tray under any circumstances (it is even advisable that it be completely dry). The plant does not tolerate cold well, and even a couple of drops can simply freeze and begin to rot. Water as needed: wait until the soil is completely dry and you can safely add water. Make sure that the water temperature is equal to room temperature. Otherwise, every watering will become stressful for the plant.


Kalanchoe - one of those plants that constantly needs sunlight, but there are several features of lighting the pot. From morning until two or three o'clock in the afternoon, you can keep Kalanchoe on a windowsill or any other place with plenty of sunlight on the flower. However, after lunch, Kalanchoe should be covered or moved into the shade, creating a feeling of night. If you do not have the opportunity to constantly change the location of the flower, then the problem can be solved with the help of a light scarf with which you will cover the pot. In the hours after lunch, Kalanchoe does not perceive Sun rays, they are more likely to spoil the leaves of the plant.

In winter or on days when the sun does not come out, the plant can not be moved, constantly leaving it on the windowsill.

If the upper leaves turn yellow and the lower ones begin to fall off at this time, then there is only one reason - the lack of the proper amount of sunlight. If the leaves begin to turn yellow evenly throughout the stem, then it may be too a large number of namely direct sunlight falling on the pot. Move to a more neutral location. It is also undesirable to keep Kalanchoe near a window, since glass increases the exposure to rays several times, burning the leaves.

For flowering species Kalanchoe oriental is preferable southeast direction and additional lighting in winter period. With a clear lack of lighting, the plant stretches and weakens. The upper leaves turn pale and the lower leaves may die.

In its homeland, Kalanchoe is well lit for about ten hours, and is in the dark the rest of the day. And at home, Kalanchoe, which is a plant short day, we must try to provide similar conditions, only then it will bloom beautifully and for a long time.

Air temperature:

Just as in the case of water, we can say about the temperature regime that less is better than more. Kalanchoe feels most comfortable at 17-19 degrees, but if the temperature in the room drops to 5-6 degrees nothing will happen to the plant. But if the heat is too strong, Kalanchoe feels unwell and begins to absorb too much liquid, but the plant cannot absorb so much, so various diseases can occur.

The temperature regime for this plant is also more or less free. Already at 10°C outside the window it can be placed on the balcony on Fresh air, where Kalanchoe can be located throughout the summer-autumn period. This plant tolerates heat stoically and copes with it quite well. But to prevent the flower from drying out, you need to increase the frequency of watering.

The optimal temperature in summer for Kalanchoe is 23-25°C, and in winter - 12-16°C.

Air humidity:

Kalanchoe should not be kept in rooms with high level humidity. As we said earlier, the flower does not like excess water, and this applies not only to the soil, but also to the air. The reason is that moisture from the air also enters the plant, creating an excess of accumulated liquid in the stem, and not in the root system. As a result, fungus, mold, etc. may develop.

Try to keep the air as dry as possible, especially in autumn and winter.

But in order to rid the flower of dust accumulated on the leaves, it is advisable to wash it sometimes in the shower. It is also useful to wipe the leaves with a soft cloth to prevent spider mites or mealybugs from growing on the surface.


Kalanchoe does not really like various fertilizers. Just like in the matter of soil, the plant is quite unpretentious, but if you begin to notice that the flower lacks minerals, then choose succulent fertilizers. In winter, you should never fertilize the soil.

During this period, even if the Kalanchoe begins to wither (except for diseases), you should not overload the root system with various additives. Best time for feeding - this is the end of spring, in extreme cases - mid-summer. Fertilizers should be given half as much as indicated on the package - believe me, this amount will be more than enough for your home healer.

The only thing important rule when feeding - the fertilizer mixture must be completely dissolved in warm water, then let it cool and only then add it to the soil. Otherwise root system will not be able to absorb fertilizer.


Kalanchoe grows at a fairly fast pace, however, due to its rather strongly growing root system, it needs to be replanted quite often, regardless of the size of the stems themselves. Transplantation should be done in late spring, when the plant is in its most active phase.

The Kalanchoe, along with a small amount of soil, is separated and removed from the old pot and transplanted into a new one.

After the transplant, the adaptation process begins. It is imperative that the old and new soil would be identical in composition and proportions. During the adaptation period, feeding is required, as we talked about this a little earlier. On average, the plant takes root completely after a week. When choosing a pot, try to choose deeper models with a wide diameter.

If for some reason the transplant must be carried out in winter, then try to create as much comfortable conditions for a plant.

It is a fast-growing flower and therefore requires frequent replanting - once a year, at the end of March. Mature plants can be covered with new soil, but provided that the roots do not extend beyond the boundaries of the pot.

Kalanchoe needs to be replanted into a pot larger than the previous one by 2-3 cm in diameter. When replanting, you need to very carefully remove the flower from the container - since it has very fragile leaves and stems. Soil will do such composition: Turf soil (1 part), leaf soil (1) and sand (1), you can also add humus.
A not too large pot with drainage at the bottom and suitable soil is all that Kalanchoe requires when replanting.


Homemade Kalanchoe can be propagated in the following ways: cuttings, babies or seeds.

A very interesting process of self-destruction occurs when fallen leaves independently take root and become fixed in the soil.

When propagating using seeds, it is better to choose cool months (late winter - early spring). The seeds should not be covered with soil; they must be covered with glass and cloth to prevent sunlight from entering. Ventilate the pot twice a day by adding water. The soil must be constantly moist. This should continue for a month, and then transplant the plant into a pot and cover it with film for a couple of days. As soon as you see that leaves have appeared, finally replant them in a pot (about 7 cm).

During the growth period, the plant should be fed with fertilizers, however, in very small doses. Don't forget to pinch the shoots to form beautiful bush.


If your home beauty does not produce the long-awaited flowers, despite proper maintenance and proper care, then reduce the amount of fertilizer in the soil. The most common reason for the lack of bright flowers on Kalanchoe is the hyper-high content of fertilizers in the soil. Fertilizing should be stopped gradually, just reduce the amount of fertilizer each time, bringing it to zero.

As soon as the flowers fade, the inflorescences should be removed immediately along with the peduncles. Their timely pruning will stimulate the production of new flowering stems and extend the flowering period until mid-summer. Kalanchoe is sometimes considered a re-blooming plant, but due to the common misconception that it is not so easy to achieve a second wave, it is often thrown away and replaced with new plants immediately after flowering. All that Kalanchoe needs to bloom from year to year is to provide it with a relative period of rest between August and December, during which they create a long night - up to 14 hours - and a relatively short day, shading with a special cap or rearranging dark place in the evening. Neither reducing the frequency of watering nor stopping feeding Kalanchoe is necessary, but the abundance of watering must be reduced, as well as the concentration of fertilizers. During flowering, fertilizers should contain increased proportions of phosphorus. In young plants, pinch off the tips of the shoots.

As soon as the flowers fade, the inflorescences should be removed immediately along with the peduncles. Their timely pruning will stimulate the production of new flowering stems and extend the flowering period until mid-summer. Kalanchoe is sometimes considered a re-blooming plant, but due to the common misconception that it is not so easy to achieve a second wave, it is often thrown away and replaced with new plants immediately after flowering. All that Kalanchoe needs to bloom from year to year is to provide it with a relative period of rest between August and December, during which they create a long night - up to 14 hours - and a relatively short day, shading with a special cap or moving it to a dark place in the late afternoon.

As soon as the flowers fade, the inflorescences should be removed immediately along with the peduncles. Their timely pruning will stimulate the production of new flowering stems and extend the flowering period until mid-summer. Kalanchoe is sometimes considered a re-blooming plant, but due to the common misconception that it is not so easy to achieve a second wave, it is often thrown away and replaced with new plants immediately after flowering.


This is very important condition specifically for flowering Kalanchoe species. It needs to be cut radically. The peduncle must be removed as low as possible so that the remaining part does not rot. Flowering also weakens the plant. All old and bad-looking parts of the plant should be cut off. And strong young shoots should be trimmed and used for rooting.

In summer, it would be generally a good idea to pinch the tops of the flowers so that side shoots form. Otherwise, the plant will unsightly stretch and grow.


The most dangerous disease for Kalanchoe it is an aphid. It is quite easy to detect; there are always small green or dark green insects on the leaves and stems, which completely block the plant’s access to nutrients. From aphids, Kalanchoe can completely die, and before that you will definitely notice that the leaves have begun to turn yellow, the flowers either fall off or do not appear at all. If the insect has affected the plant too extensively, then the especially affected areas will have to be cut off and burned, and the remaining stems treated with potassium soap. If everything is not so bad, then you can simply wash the plant in a solution of potash or laundry soap. The solution should not get into the soil.

If you find an unpleasant grayish coating on Kalanchoe from small insects, then most likely your flower is affected by scale insects. Because of them, the condition of the flower sharply deteriorates, fungus develops, and flowering does not occur. Scale insects secrete a special mucus, so before removing them you will have to use an alcohol solution. Then carefully remove the insects with a brush and re-wipe the affected areas with any medicine containing alcohol. The plant will recover on its own.

Types of Kalanchoe:

Kalanchoe Blossfeld. Compared to other Kalanchoes grown at home, Blossfelda is a taller plant with large inflorescences on long peduncles. There are plants with white, yellow, red, pink and purple flowers. The leaves are bright green, with slight redness at the edges. You can purchase Kalanchoe Blossfeld with very decorative double flowers.

Kalanchoe Kalandiva. The plant is a dwarf variety of Kalanchoe Blossfeld. A small bush (with fleshy stems and leaves characteristic of all Kalanchoe) blooms profusely for a long time. Kalandiva not only has a lower bush, but also short peduncles, which adds decorativeness to this Kalanchoe.

Kalanchoe mix looks very beautiful. Small Kalanchoe bushes with flowers of various shades located next to each other can decorate any room, balcony or loggia.

Kalanchoe Laciniata. This plant is valued for its very original, strongly dissected leaves. It is because of these light green leaves with a waxy coating, somewhat reminiscent of deer antlers, that Laciniata is sometimes popularly called “deer horns”. The succulent fleshy shoots of this Kalanchoe gradually lie down, which makes it possible to use it as an hanging crop. Kalanchoe Laciniata also blooms, but yellow flowers slightly less decorative than those of Blossfeld or Kalandiva. Requires care similar to other types.

Kalanchoe Blossfeld. Compared to other Kalanchoes grown at home, Blossfelda is a taller plant with large inflorescences on long peduncles. There are plants with white, yellow, red, pink and purple flowers. The leaves are bright green, with slight redness at the edges. You can purchase Kalanchoe Blossfeld with very decorative double flowers. Flower of the Kalandiva species Flower of the Kalandiva species Kalanchoe Kalandiva. The plant is a dwarf variety of Kalanchoe Blossfeld. A small bush (with fleshy stems and leaves characteristic of all Kalanchoe) blooms profusely for a long time. Kalandiva not only has a lower bush, but also short peduncles, which adds decorativeness to this Kalanchoe. Kalanchoe mix looks very beautiful. Small Kalanchoe bushes with flowers of various shades located next to each other can decorate any room, balcony or loggia. Flower of the species Laciniata Flower of the species Laciniata Kalanchoe Laciniata. This plant is valued for its very original, strongly dissected leaves. It is because of these light green leaves with a waxy coating, somewhat reminiscent of deer antlers, that Laciniata is sometimes popularly called “deer horns”. The succulent fleshy shoots of this Kalanchoe gradually lie down, which makes it possible to use it as an hanging crop. Kalanchoe Laciniata also blooms, but its yellow flowers are slightly less decorative than those of Blossfeld or Kalandiva. Requires care similar to other types.

The plant has fleshy and thick leaves. Kalanchoe came to us from the subtropics and tropics. Two types of Kalanchoe are suitable for cultivation: pinnate and degremona.

Caring for Kalanchoe

This flower loves bright light, so it is better to place it on a south window. The plant does not require constant temperature control; changes of 17-25 degrees will not be scary for it. In winter, Kalanchoe survives dry air well; this is not a hindrance for it. home flower Kalanchoe has a huge number of types of inflorescences of different colors: from bright orange, red or purple to delicate white.

In order for Kalanchoe to bloom, you need to create certain conditions:

1. Daylight should be at least 12 hours. In this case, the temperature should be maintained at 15-18 degrees. Without enough light, you will not get large flowers with bright colors.

2. Even in winter, the flower does not need to be sprayed. As a top dressing, take complex mineral fertilizers. Fertilize once a week in summer, once a month in winter.

3. If you want to achieve active development and growth of Kalanchoe, then take a tight pot. The soil should consist of part of leaf soil and turf, it should contain sand and humus. Availability allowed wood ash to activate growth.

Reproduction of Kalanchoe

The plant is propagated by children, seeds, or cuttings.

In the case of children, you need to take a small child from an adult plant. Put it down bottom side up and sprinkle with prepared soil in a layer of about 1 cm. Watering is required every day in small portions. After some time, you can get several plants from each child. Transplantation of children is carried out together with a lump of earth.

The plant is propagated by cuttings in a similar way. When pruning a plant, take several cuttings from the cut stems, plant them in damp sand, and wrap them with film to speed up rooting. Before transplanting cuttings into separate pots, prepare good drainage.

Even fallen leaves are used for propagation! It is enough to plant them in the sand, water them, and cover the container with film. It is better to carry out such manipulation in June. The same applies to seeds.

Plant pruning

When the plant stops blooming, prune it. Remove dead branches and form a crown. After pruning, Kalanchoe requires a period of rest. Reduce the amount of watering, choose a darker place.

Leaves may begin to dry out and turn yellow. If the lower foliage turns yellow, this is a normal process. A yellowed middle tier is a sign of a violation of the care rules. Then pay special attention to watering: let the soil dry completely between waterings. Wait a week - drought is not a problem for Kalanchoe, but waterlogging can have a bad effect.

It is worth noting that the plant needs to be renewed periodically; it will not be forever green.

Transplanting a plant

Transplanting a flowering Kalanchoe is highly undesirable; such a procedure should be carried out only after flowering has ended.

Replant your Kalanchoe every spring. To do this, prepare the “correct” soil: Mix part of the turf soil with part of the leaf and peat soil, add part of the sand and brick chips.

Pull out the old plant along with the soil. Proceed carefully - do not damage the root system! Replant the flower in a larger pot.

Signs of plant disease

Although the plant is unpretentious, it improper care the plant may begin to suffer. There are several signs by which you can determine that Kalanchoe care is incorrect:

  • fallen leaves are a sign that the plant lacks nutrition;

  • with succulent and healthy leaves there is no flowering - the reason lies in the lack of lighting;

  • black spots on the foliage are a sign that the plant is experiencing excess moisture and low temperature.

If you have taken on the responsibility of caring for such a house plant, then remember about the possible appearance of pests. Kalanchoe can suffer from mold if it is kept in a very damp and cold room. When there is excess heat and moisture, powdery mildew appears on the plant.

All this is easy to avoid, just create the specified conditions for the plant!

In almost every apartment you can find a flower such as Kalanchoe, which many use for decorative and medicinal purposes. This is enough unpretentious plant, which is easy to care for at home, but for this you must adhere to certain rules. Only in this case will Kalanchoe delight its owner with bright pink flowers, but its flowering period is not too long.

In this article we will try to figure out how to care for Kalanchoe at home so that it decorates your apartment or house for as long as possible.

Features of the plant

The birthplace of this flower is Madagascar island, but it can be found almost throughout Asia. It grows well both in greenhouses and at home. This plant belongs to the Crassulaceae family. Possessing thick stems and leaves, it is able to accumulate moisture and long time do without watering. A thin film on them prevents evaporation. All these points should be taken into account when caring for this decorative creature.

Kalanchoe: home care

The principles of care are as follows:


A flowering plant does not have any serious watering requirements, even prefers a little drought. Of course, in hot weather Kalanchoe needs to be watered as often as possible, but in winter the frequency of watering is reduced to once every two weeks. It should be remembered that stagnation of moisture contributes to the appearance of rot, which can even destroy the plant.

It will be better if the flower pot, in addition to the soil, contains drainage, which will keep the soil in optimal condition. Watering the plant is carried out not only from above, but also into the pan.

Lighting and temperature conditions

Caring for a flower includes proper lighting and the required temperature conditions. Unlike most indoor plants blooming Kalanchoe loves direct sunlight. In winter, he prefers to be at rest and is transferred from a sunny window to a darkened one.

Surprisingly, for the plant to begin to bloom, it is necessary reduce the length of daylight hours for him. Under natural conditions, this happens with the onset of winter, which is why Kalanchoe begins to bloom during the cold period. If the grower wants this to happen at another time of the year, it is necessary to artificially reduce the daylight hours to 10 hours. To do this, you can put a thick bag on the potty or put it in the closet at a certain time in the evening and take it back in the morning.

An important point in care is the temperature regime, which also differs in summer and winter. In warm weather, the flower can be kept in a room with a temperature of +18 to +28 degrees, and in winter it can easily tolerate cooler conditions with a temperature of +10 to +16 degrees. Decorative Kalanchoe even likes an insulated loggia or balcony.

Replanting Kalanchoe

For comfortable living at home, this plant needs to be replanted, since its root system grows very quickly. This must be done in April-May, during the intensive growth of the flower. The duration of daylight hours should be 12 hours and, if necessary, additional lighting should be provided.

For replanting, use a new pot, which should be much wider than the previous one, and the composition of the soil should remain the same. The flower should be removed from the container very carefully so as not to accidentally damage the earthen ball.

Flowering Kalanchoe does not have any special requirements for soil quality, so it can be perfectly located both in dense and loose soil. It's good to add some sand. When preparing the soil for replanting a flower at home, it should be disinfected.

Top dressing

In order for Kalanchoe to bloom magnificently and beautifully, it is necessary to fertilize it correctly and in a timely manner. This must be done once a month. It is best to feed the plant with fertilizer for succulents, but the use of complex additives guarantees abundant flowering.

Fertilizer is applied very carefully, since an excess amount of fertilization promotes abundant growth of green mass, but you may not even see flowers. It is best to apply half the amount indicated on the package.

Protection from diseases

Caring for Kalanchoe at home includes protecting it from various diseases. Although this happens quite rarely, you should be prepared for anything.

If the leaves of the plant are covered with white, gray or brown spots– this indicates that a change in care is required. For example, spots occur due to excessive soil moisture, so the moisture supply should be reduced. Excessive feeding can also affect their formation; in this case, stop using fertilizers or change the soil.

Often indoor flowers are attacked by aphids, due to which the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off. To cure the plant, cut off the affected areas and treat them with a preparation against these insects or with a soap solution.

Reproduction methods

Caring for Kalanchoe includes its reproduction. This plant can also be purchased at flower shop, but it often happens that after purchase it begins to wither and hurt. The easiest way is to breed it yourself, and you can do this in different ways:

  • by dividing a large bush;
  • rooting cuttings;
  • planting a separate leaf;
  • sowing seeds.

At home, a large bush is divided when it needs to be refreshed. But the divided flower may not take root or will take a long time to recover.

The simplest and most common method of propagation is rooting cuttings. The roots of the small stem form very quickly, which allows it to easily take root in a new pot. After about a month, the bush becomes very lush.

From the parent plant you can pinch off not only the cuttings, but also the leaves. It takes root as quickly as the cutting, only it reaches the required size in a year.

At home this decorative flower propagated using seeds, which in such a plant are very small, so makes it difficult to plant them. Place them on the surface of the soil, lightly pressing them into it, but in no case sprinkling them. Then the pot is covered with glass or a plastic bag. To create comfortable conditions for seed germination, provide diffused sunlight, carry out small ventilation and place the container in a warm place. After the seeds germinate, the glass or bag is removed and the pot is placed on sunny place.


Is it necessary to prune Kalanchoe during flowering? Only if it was attacked by pests or the flower became sick. This is done very simply - the diseased areas are cut off at the junction with the healthy ones.

Since flowering greatly weakens the plant, it is necessary give him periods of rest. To achieve this, the following activities are carried out:

  • cut off all flower stalks;
  • the pot is placed in a cool shade;
  • the plant is not watered for about 1.5 months.

After a period of rest, the Kalanchoe is returned to its usual place and fertilized.


Does Kalanchoe need pinching? The fact is that the plant often does not bloom again. The problem may lie in the thinning of the shoots due to poor supply of minerals. This can cause them to dry out completely. That is why pinching Kalanchoe.

You can pinch off weak shoots with anything, but this must be done slowly and very carefully. If this happens, the wound is cured by sprinkling it with charcoal or ashes.

Thus, we have figured out what Kalanchoe is, caring for it at home does not cause any difficulties. This plant can do well for a long time without special care at the expense of its own reserves, but in this case it will not be so lush and healthy.

Delighting the eye with delightful blooms, home flowers create a cozy, warm atmosphere, shrouded in an aura of love and harmony. Exotic or familiar, they decorate our home, treat diseases, and give a wonderful mood. Handsome Kalanchoe: caring for it at home does not require much effort and financial costs- an unpretentious, elegant plant that lives on the windowsills of apartments and balconies. What conditions does it need to grow and bloom?

Features of growing Kalanchoe of different varieties

There is a conditional classification of Kalanchoe related to the characteristics of home care conditions:

  1. Decorative varieties:
    1. Blossfeld. A type of Kalanchoe with jagged leaves of small green color, which, with proper care, allows you to get a beautiful bush up to half a meter wide.
    2. Kalandiva. The double inflorescences presented in the photo attract the well-deserved attention of numerous admirers. According to Doctor of Sciences, English professor and botanist David Hession, every second visitor to Dutch flower auctions purchases Kalandiva.
  2. Decorative deciduous varieties of Kalanchoe. Home care conditions require special attention when watering:
    1. Felt. Narrow, oblong leaves with clearly defined veins are decorated with gray fibers.
    2. Beharskoe. Olive color leaves, up to 10 cm in size, are pubescent with brown hairs. Valued for medicinal properties, does not require close attention and home care.
  3. Viviparous varieties, or bryophyllums. Inspired and amazed by the great Goethe, this species of Kalanchoe reproduces by budding:
    1. Degremona. Kalanchoe leaves oblong, smooth, triangle-shaped with jagged edges.
    2. Cirrus. A common species that “lives” on the windowsills of our mothers and grandmothers long years. Effective in the treatment of runny nose, sinusitis, wounds and burns, inflammation.

How to properly care for Kalanchoe at home

Kalanchoe: careful care at home that will delight you and your loved ones with exquisite flowering - tropical plant originally from the island of Madagascar. Belonging to the genus of succulents, it feels great in the tropics of Asia and South America, the temperate climate zone of Europe and... on the window of an apartment. Reaching a height of two meters in natural conditions of a tropical climate, this genus of the family Crassulaceae (Crassulaceae) has up to 200 species.

Temperature and lighting

A comfortable temperature for the plant will be 12-25C. These indoor flowers feel great in the summer on the balcony in pots or open ground. In order for Kalanchoe to develop and bloom well, it needs sunlight. Direct rays are detrimental to the flower, therefore, if the window sills are permanent places“residences” – face south, create diffused lighting. In winter, a feature of home care will be the creation of an additional light source.

Humidity and watering

The root system of the plant does not tolerate excess moisture, reacting with rotting processes. Use settled water room temperature. When caring, do not forget that humid air provokes the development of diseases. During the heating season at home, “house” the flower away from the radiators. Select the soil watering mode:

  • in the off-season - no more than once every few days;
  • in hot summers, daily watering is necessary;
  • in winter, the frequency is reduced to one watering every two weeks.

Fertilizer and feeding

When choosing how to transplant Kalanchoe after purchase, do not forget that the plant needs comfortable home conditions to adapt. Decorative varieties Experienced gardeners recommend “feeding” plants with complex fertilizers, using half the dose. This promotes abundant, long-lasting flowering. Avoid supplements in winter and during the Kalanchoe blooming season.

Selecting soil and replanting a flower

Replanting Kalanchoe at home is necessary if the roots of the plant have filled the space of the flowerpot in which the flower lives, preferring slightly acidic soil with a pH level of 5.5-6.5. Kalanchoe should be replanted at the end of April-May:

  1. When choosing ready-made soil for succulents, add a fifth fine sand.
  2. When self-study soil at home, sterilize all components by making a mix of:
    • humus;
    • turf;
    • charcoal;
    • sand.
  3. Place expanded clay or finely crushed pieces of brick on the bottom to improve drainage.

Plant propagation

If the daylight hours are more than 12 hours, you can plant the plant. To do this, use the following methods:

  1. Propagation of Kalanchoe by cuttings. Only healthy people are suitable stem cuttings. Carefully separate the base with two leaves from the general bush, planting them in prepared slightly acidic soil.
  2. Do you want to propagate Kalanchoe by leaf at home? Carefully remove an intact, healthy leaf from the common bush and plant it in a new pot with prepared soil.
  3. Seeds. Place the seeds on the surface of the moistened soil (1 part sand and peat each) without covering them with soil. Cover with glass or polyethylene for 10-12 days. When you see the sprouts hatching, remove the “shelter”.

Flowering and pruning Kalanchoe

Most varieties decorative varieties They begin to produce the first buds at the end of winter - beginning of spring. The flowering period is short - from February to April. How to make Kalanchoe bloom:

  • creating a light regime using lamps;
  • “light” feeding;
  • compliance with the rules of “short daylight hours”.

The crown formed by pruning and pinching will help give the plant a beautiful silhouette. Following the recommendations will help create “exquisite forms” of the flower:

  1. Kalanchoe, how to prune? After flowering, try to remove the stalks as low as possible to restore the strength of the weakened plant. If you notice that the flower looks “tired” and unhealthy, be sure to trim off any damaged leaves.
  2. How to pinch Kalanchoe? Removing the latter will help stop the growth of the plant and rid the flower of underdeveloped thin shoots. Using scissors, trim off any unwanted outer leaves and stem tips. Sprinkle the wounds on the pinched shoots with charcoal/ash.

Diseases and pests

Kalanchoe: what home care will protect the plant from pests and destructive diseases:

  1. Leaf diseases:
    1. Late blight - dark, sometimes black spots at the base of the leaf. The reasons are excess water during irrigation, heat, excess fertilizer.
    2. Powdery mildew. Its appearance is caused by non-compliance with temperature conditions and low air humidity when caring for Kalanchoe at home.
  2. Pests:
    1. The most “famous” insect that attacks plant leaves is aphids. Green midges interfere with the flowering and growth processes of Kalanchoe. At the same time, the leaves of the flower turn yellow, gradually falling off.
    2. Shield. An insect that provokes the development of fungal processes on the leaves and stem of Kalanchoe.

Removing infected parts of the plant and treating the remaining parts will help you cope with pests at home. healthy plant special soap (potassium) or alcohol solutions. For complete recovery, it will take a long time, following the rules of flower care and watering the soil with fungicides - chemicals, the action of which is aimed at combating various diseases.

Why Kalanchoe does not bloom - reasons

When buying a beautiful, blooming Kalanchoe, be prepared for the fact that the adaptation process after the first flowering will take some time. When asking the question: “Kalanchoe does not bloom, what should I do?”, follow these recommendations from botanists and flower growers:

  1. Reduce the amount of fertilizer applied and the frequency of fertilizing. This should be done in stages, gradually reducing the dosage.
  2. Follow the home care rules discussed above. An excess of moisture or a lack of it, the presence of diseases and pests living on the plant interfere with the flowering process.

Video about the beneficial properties and care of flowering Kalanchoe

The strange name “Kalanchoe” with Chinese language Translated as “thick stem,” Africans and South Americans call it “herb of destiny,” and the Portuguese call it “plant of life.” There is a beautiful legend that the house in which this plant blooms wildly is kept and protected by saints, and its inhabitants are always lucky. Such beliefs are not unfounded, because some types of Kalanchoe can be called a “house doctor in a flowerpot.” By watching the video below, you will learn how to provide proper care for a flowering plant at home.

Many people know that in almost every house there is a Kalanchoe on the windowsill. This plant is used not only for decorative purposes, but also in medicinal. Caring for this flower is quite simple. The main thing is to adhere to the basic rules, and then the blooming Kalanchoe will delight its owners with bright small flowers. The only drawback is the short flowering period. So, how to properly care for this bright and delicate flower?

Features of the plant

The homeland of flowering Kalanchoe is the island of Madagascar. But it is easy to find throughout Asia. This flower grows well in both ideal conditions greenhouses, and on the window sills of high-rise buildings.

This plant was brought to Russia because of its medicinal properties. Over a long period of time, many forms of Kalanchoe have been bred, most of which can be found on window sills.

Kalanchoe belongs to the Crassulaceae family.

The plant has fairly thick leaves and stems, which accumulate the moisture necessary for life. Therefore, it can go without watering for a long time. The evaporation process occurs slowly due to a thin film that covers the entire surface of the flowering Kalanchoe. Caring for this plant should take into account all the factors described above.

Plant care

Flowering Kalanchoe is an unpretentious plant that is quite easy to care for. But there are basic principles for caring for this succulent:

  • necessary lighting;
  • suitable temperature conditions;
  • regular watering;
  • transfer;
  • correct and sufficient feeding;
  • protection from pests and diseases.


Home flowering Kalanchoe is not too demanding when it comes to watering. The plant does not have any serious watering requirements; it even prefers a slight drought. IN summer period The plant needs to be watered more often. But in winter, the amount of watering is reduced to 2 times a month.

When watering, you need to pay attention to soil moisture. After all, stagnation of moisture can cause the development of rotting processes that can harm the plant.

It is necessary to plant flowering Kalanchoe in a pot with drainage. It will allow you to regulate the level of soil moisture.

The plant needs watering not only from above, but also into the pan.


Many women consider blooming Kalanchoe a symbol of tenderness. How to care for this plant? Unlike other indoor ornamental plants, the flower loves direct sunlight. In winter, it is in a dormant period. For this reason, it is often transferred until spring to windowsills deprived of sunlight.

Many novice gardeners do not know why the flowering Kalanchoe does not bloom. In fact, in order for the flowering period to begin, the length of daylight hours is reduced for the plant. In the wild, this period begins in winter, so in our area this succulent blooms in the cold season.

Many people do not know how to make Kalanchoe bloom at other times of the year. It's quite simple. You just need to forcefully reduce daylight hours to 10 hours. To do this, just put a thick bag on the flower pot. You can transfer the plant to the closet at a certain time, and take it out every morning.


Proper care of the plant should also be based on maintaining a certain temperature regime. It is different in summer and winter. In the hot season, the room temperature should be in the range from +18 to +28 0 C. In winter, Kalanchoe needs coolness, so the ideal temperature would be from +10 to +16 0 C.

Blooming Kalanchoe tolerates cool temperatures well, so it grows well on an insulated balcony or loggia.

Features of transplantation

Decorative Kalanchoe needs regular replanting. After all, its root system grows quite quickly. The ideal time for transplantation is April-May. This is the period active growth plants. At this time, the duration of daylight hours should be about 12 hours. Therefore, if necessary, additional lighting devices should be used.

Special attention pay attention to choosing a pot. It should be much wider than the previous one. The composition of the soil should be identical to before. The plant must be carefully removed from the container. Make sure that the earthen ball is not damaged.

The quality of the soil for flowering clanchoe is practically unimportant. This flower grows well in both loose and dense soil. Often the soil is mixed with a small amount of sand.

Before planting, the soil must be disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Features of feeding

Every gardener wants to achieve lush and beautiful flowering. In order for Kalanchoe to delight you with bright flowers, you need to feed the plant in a timely manner.

The flower should be fed carefully, because an excess of micronutrients promotes abundant growth of stems and leaves. In this case, all the plant’s energy is spent on growth, and the flowering period may never come. Experienced flower growers It is recommended to apply only half the amount indicated on the package.

Protection from diseases

Like any other plant, Kalanchoe can be subject to negative impact various diseases and pests. This happens rarely, but every gardener should know not only preventative measures, but also methods of control. Sometimes the leaves of the plant may become covered with gray, white or brown spots. This is the first sign that the plant is not receiving necessary care. Such spots can occur due to increased soil moisture and excessive amounts of fertilizing. In this case, you need to adjust the watering regime and stop using fertilizers with further transplantation flower into new soil.

Indoor Kalanchoe may suffer from aphids. This Negative influence causes leaves to turn yellow and fall off. Treatment consists of pruning the affected areas. They are treated with a strong soap solution or special preparations against these insects.

Plant propagation

As soon as this one appears in the house delicate flower, I immediately want to give the same beauty to my loved ones. To do this, you do not need to purchase a new specimen; it is enough to know the plant’s reproduction characteristics. You can breed Kalanchoe yourself in several ways:

  • rooting cuttings;
  • propagation by seeds;
  • method of dividing a large bush;
  • planting a separate leaf.

Rooting cuttings is the easiest and most effective way to propagate a plant. In a small shoot, roots form quickly enough, so such a cutting can quickly take root in a new pot. Within a month after such planting, the bush becomes more lush.

Seed propagation can also be done at home. The seed material of this plant is quite small, which makes planting difficult. They are laid out on the surface of the soil, slightly pressing down. Sprinkling with soil is strictly not recommended. Then they make a greenhouse, covering the container with glass or film. Place the pot in a sunny place, regularly ventilate and moisten the soil with a spray bottle.

Most often, a large bush is divided when it needs to be refreshed. But such a plant takes a long time to adapt and recover. Therefore, there is a high probability that the bush will not take root.

From the mother plant you can pinch off not only the shoot, but also the leaf. This method is also effective, because roots also appear quickly. The only drawback is that the plant reaches the right size only a year after such a landing.


Many house plants need pruning. Is it worth carrying out this procedure during flowering? Florists do not recommend performing any manipulations during this period. The only indication is that the plant is damaged by disease or pests. In this case, it is necessary to remove all affected areas.

The flowering period affects the general condition of the plant. It weakens. Therefore, for normal growth of Kalanchoe, it needs to arrange periods of rest. To do this, you need to perform the following activities:

  • all flower stalks are cut off;
  • the flower is moved to a cool, dark place;
  • Watering is stopped for 1.5 months.

Having provided the plant with a normal period of rest, it is returned to its usual place. The soil must be fed.

Pinching a plant

Some plants need pinching. Beginning gardeners often wonder why Kalanchoe does not bloom at home. After all, flower stalks often do not appear again on this plant. This problem may be due to thinning of the shoots. The reason for this is poor intake of minerals. As a result, the shoots may dry out. Pinching Kalanchoe allows you to get rid of these problems.

The procedure is simple. All weak shoots must be carefully plucked off so as not to injure the plant. Otherwise, the wound must be sprinkled with ash or charcoal.

What if Kalanchoe doesn't bloom?

Experienced gardeners who love to grow succulents know the secrets of the annual flowering of the flowering Kalanchoe. How to make this plant bloom?

So, immediately after flowering, the stem must be cut to form a stump. The pot is removed for 1.5 months in a cool and dark place. It is advisable that the room temperature does not exceed +15 0 C.

Afterwards, the plant is exposed to light and the usual feeding and watering is carried out. Over the summer, Kalanchoe will be able to grow green mass. Remember that you need to periodically pinch the leaves so that the plant bushes. This procedure is carried out until November.

The next stage is high-quality lighting of the plant for 8 hours. The rest of the time it should be dark. In a month you will be able to see the first buds on the plant. Now the Kalanchoe needs to be placed on the windowsill, the room temperature should be within +18 0 C. Such conditions will allow you to enjoy bright, delicate and lush flowering all winter.


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