Vertical flower beds and flower beds - ideas for vertical gardening of a dacha. How to make a beautiful flowerbed with your own hands How to make a flowerbed in the shape of a ball

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A vertically standing flower bed is the optimal solution in a situation where you need to cover some not very presentable wall (structure), and it also saves space in a summer cottage. It looks beautiful and original.

Depending on the place where the flower bed is attached, they can be located:

  • on the ground;
  • on or near a wall;
  • are suspended.

Variety of shapes and appearance depend solely on the imagination of the one who decided to make such a flower bed.

The advantage of such structures:

  • their compactness and large number of shapes;
  • ease of creation;
  • easy care of planted plants;
  • isolation from the main soil, which prevents access to pests.

The choice of plants is carried out taking into account the limited volume of soil and substances necessary for the growth and development of plants. Ideal option there will be petunias, lipsticks or marigolds.

Preparation period

Before you start making a vertical flower bed, you need to do:

  • preparation of the base: so that the soil does not have the opportunity to spill out and to fix the root system of plants, nets or plastic gratings are most often used;
  • provide for the installation of an irrigation system: a pipe with holes is inserted into the space of the planting container, the upper edge should be above the ground and a funnel for irrigation is placed in it;
  • laying soil, which, if necessary, needs to be secured with a net;
  • selection and planting of plants: it is important to select flowers so that the flowerbed fits well into the style of the desired area of ​​the dacha or private house.

Varieties of vertical flower beds

The choice of flowerbed type depends on the space that the flowerbed will occupy and the plants chosen.

  1. recommended when you need to combine flowers and non-flowering plants. To build a slide you will need stones and earth. When selecting and installing, it is important to maintain the shape of a pyramid, but plants can be placed completely randomly (low with high). Often, parts of bricks or wood are used to build a slide.
  2. A flower bed in the form of a screen (wall) usually consists of climbing plants, installed on a fence, gazebo or porch.
  3. Several ways using plastic pipes:
    • from plastic sewer pipes;
    • Planting plants in double pipes (the inner smaller pipe is used for watering);
    • Hanging beds made from half pipes (hanged on tree branches, parts of a gazebo, or a house canopy).
  4. Decorative beds from old furniture(for example, an old table with drawers, into which soil is filled and flowers are planted).

Arranging a wall flower bed

The first option is to plant plants in boxes over which a mesh is stretched, then the entire structure is attached to the wall.

Another option is a modular flower bed, consisting of individual elements of different configurations:

  • need to be prepared wooden frames(photo frames are possible);
  • a mesh is attached to the back side;
  • the soil is filled in and covered with polyethylene on top of everything;
  • the frames are secured with plywood;
  • On the front side, recesses are made for planting plants;
  • The structure is placed in a horizontal position for 2-3 weeks so that the plants take root;
  • then the flowerbed is installed vertically or slightly inclined.

Interesting! As ornamental plant many summer residents plant in vertical beds strawberry seedlings ( hanging varieties). When the strawberries begin to ripen, the bright berries will not only decorate the entire flowerbed, but also give it originality.

From improvised means

It’s easy to make a vertical flowerbed with your own hands at your summer cottage, using available materials and applying your creative imagination.

Such suitable bases could be: plastic bottles or pipes, waste car tires, bricks, geotextiles, wooden boxes and etc.

Use of tires

The most common way is to plant plants in car tires. However, they can be located in different ways:

  1. The tires are placed in several layers on top of the previous one, while the entire volume of the tire is completely filled with earth (it is better if the tires are of different diameters to form a pyramid).
  2. The tires are placed in a checkerboard pattern, then only the sections of the tires filled with soil are suitable for plants.
  3. To decorate, tires can be coated with acrylic paint.
  4. You can add decorative elements, which will help you create a garden sculpture.
  5. Another method: tires are cut lengthwise into strips, which are then rolled into rings and secured with wire. The entire structure resembles a tower with a gradual decrease in the radius of the rings upward.

Original solution! To create vertical hanging beds, you can use old bags, briefcases, and sacks. The only problem is that you need to choose plants for planting in them that are not moisture-loving, otherwise such a “flowerbed” will not last until the end of the season.

Flowerbed sculptures

Flowerbeds in the form of sculptures (balls, cubes or animals) always make a strong impression and will be remembered for a long time by all guests summer cottage. It's really easy to do this:

  • pegs of the required length are fixed in the ground (optimally 4 pieces);
  • around them you need to wrap a mesh with geotextiles and give it the desired shape;
  • 2 pipes (with holes) are placed on top in the center through which the flowerbed will be watered;
  • the entire structure is filled with earth;
  • you need to make holes in the geotextile and plant seedlings in them;

What flower beds can you buy?

The simplest solution is to purchase ready-made forms for arranging a vertical flower bed. There are standard containers on sale, consisting of several modules that can be connected to each other to form a pyramid. Soil is poured into each and plants are randomly planted.

Another option offered garden shops, - a metal stand on which they hang flower pots. Pot modules are usually sold different colors.

Such vertical flower beds are used not only in landscaping city streets and courtyards, but will also look beautiful on a suburban or summer cottage site.

Photos of finished containers:

From plastic bottles

To make such a flower bed you will need clean plastic bottles (the labels are removed).


  1. The bottle is cut in half, and a rope or wire is attached to the top.
  2. Soil is poured into the bottle to plant a flower.
  3. Hang it horizontally to the ground on the surface of a wall or any other.

To create a continuous screen of bottles, they need to be fixed at a short distance on a fence or wall. But it must be taken into account that the volume of earth in the bottle is small.

Flowers with a small root system are suitable for 2 liter bottles: mathiolla, minitunia, lobelia, etc.

Photo various flower beds or beds made of plastic bottles.

For petunia

Petunia is the most suitable option when planting vertical flower beds, because caring for it is quite simple, the plant is drought-resistant, not afraid of heat, but does not like stagnant water. The most important thing is that it begins to bloom at the beginning of summer and continues until the onset of the colder months.

A wide variety of colors and hybrid varieties of petunias will allow you to create very beautiful and multi-colored flower beds. Petunia has a good root system, which allows it to be grown in small volumes of soil.

There are many options for planting petunias in vertical flower beds:

From plastic pipes

To build a vertical flower bed using plastic pipe you will need: sewage pipe made of plastic, a plastic container, wire mesh, for drainage - expanded clay, construction tape, garden film, knife or scissors, petunia seedlings and soil.


  1. Place a piece of wire mesh vertically in a container or plastic bucket. Place a 2 cm thick layer of expanded clay on the bottom.
  2. Take a plastic pipe the right size, small holes are made in it along the entire length and diameter, one end is sealed with tape so that water does not pass down.
  3. The pipe is installed in the center of the structure from a mesh and a bucket; it will serve to supply water for irrigation.
  4. A film is placed along the entire outer edge of the mesh, and then the entire space is filled with soil.
  5. WITH outside flower beds in film, petunia seedlings are planted in the holes made.
  6. To water, simply pour water from above into a pipe located in the center of the flowerbed, after which the water will be absorbed into the soil evenly and reach the roots of the plants.
  7. After a few weeks, the vertical flowerbed will delight the eye of the owner of the dacha and his guests.

Photo of stage-by-stage collection of flower beds:

What other flowers are good in a vertical flower bed?

It is best to use hanging plants that have a flexible long stem, which usually hangs down. Such plants are most often fast-growing annuals that bloom throughout the summer.

Note! Many gardeners grow not only flowers in such flower beds, but also vegetables, berries and herbs.

These colors include:

  • begonia - a plant with scarlet flowers on long hanging stems (does not like heat and needs to be watered often) - it is better to plant it in shaded places;
  • geranium (pelargonium), loves the sun and warmth, will not disappear even with a short absence of watering;
  • lobelia - loves both the sun and a little shade, prefers moist soil rich in fertilizers;
  • bacopa is a perennial plant with white flowers that blooms all summer;
  • forget-me-nots, marigolds, violets, lipsticks and many other plants.
  • Video instructions

    A step-by-step master class on arranging a vertical flower bed for petunias - in the video from the MasterOk channel.

Do you want to decorate your property with original garden beds, but don’t know where to get ideas from? Here you will find best examples floral arrangements that will transform your garden in a matter of moments! We will tell you how to make a beautiful flowerbed with your own hands, give examples and several master classes with photos.

A flowerbed made with your own hands is one of the best ways decorate the area, add originality and expressiveness to it. A beautiful flower bed will become the most attractive corner of your yard and, perhaps, even a kind of connecting link that unites the house, garden, plants and outbuildings into a single harmonious composition. You can use absolutely any materials, even the most unusual ones, to make flower beds.

Regardless of the attractiveness of the flowers, a flowerbed that does not have a fence will look unfinished. The fenced flowerbed will immediately be transformed and become more neat. Such fences, by the way, are necessary not only to mark boundaries, but also for many other purposes - for example, they prevent the spread of plants (especially ground cover) throughout the area. In addition, the sides protect fragile shoots from pets walking around the site.

Of course, today ready-made forms and fences for flower beds are sold, made of wood, stone, plastic and even metal, but after construction/repair work there are always excess building materials, pipe cuttings, wood, pieces of bricks - in a word, everything that you want Can be used to make lovely flower beds. For example, the remains of linoleum or metal tiles can serve as fencing.

Polyethylene containers are a real problem for a responsible summer resident. The solution may be to use plastic bottles to create flower beds. This solution is recommended for areas where there are a lot of moles - the bottles from which the flower fence is made will become a serious obstacle for pests. You can even alternate bottles of different colors to make the arrangement look more colorful.

Note! Before digging, it is advisable to fill the bottles with sand or soil - this way they will not be deformed and will become more stable.

New life for old things - we use improvised means!

People often transport unnecessary things to their dacha. Various chests, boxes, chairs, shoes and clothes - all this lives here last days to completely dry out or burn in a fire. But you can also make beautiful and original flower beds from old things!

Some flowers spend the winter in the apartment, and are transported to the site only in the summer. But they don't have to be planted in the ground - you can leave them directly in the box, and then, when autumn comes, move them back into the house.

Boxes can also be used to create vertical flower beds. These conditions are ideal for hanging crops and succulents. You can hang such structures on a wall, fence or other vertical surface.

If you have drawers from old chests of drawers or bedside tables lying around, don’t rush to send them to the landfill - instead, use them to organize a compact flower bed. The color and shape of the boxes may vary, as well as the overall style. But they will all be harmoniously combined with colors.

Sometimes even such seemingly useless things as old shoes can become new life. You can plant flowers there, and then hang your shoes somewhere (even by the laces). Moreover, the older the shoes, the better - there will certainly be no stagnation of water in shoes with holes.

Another option for creating an original flower bed is to use an old iron cage. Plant climbing crops in it and hang it on a tree or inside a gazebo.

Very unusual flower beds are also made from glass wine bottles. This is guaranteed to surprise your guests! But be careful when removing the bottom, otherwise you may cut yourself.

A small but very functional flower bed can be made from a piece of burlap. Make a bag from the material and hang it, for example, on a pole. What is typical, it is suitable for both flowering crops and fragrant herbs (you can add the latter to tea directly from the “bed”).

To create a flower bed, you can also use things that are simply lying on the street. A striking example of this is a dilapidated log. Take it, cut out a longitudinal depression and plant flowers there (this option will be described in more detail below).

A stump that you couldn’t get rid of can also turn into a flower bed. Tie pots to it with wire and plant spectacular flowing flowers there.

But another option is a milk river, as if pouring out of a can. But in in this case It is very important that the green background is monochromatic.

Is your old bicycle no longer a means of transportation? But you can turn it into the highlight of your garden! Paint it, and instead of the trunk, install this container with flowers.

The next example is a full-fledged composition. Combine with old colors garden tools, experiment.

A massive stone vase will also look good as a flower bed. Alternatively, you can use for this purpose big pot made of clay (this one can stand under open air over several seasons).

Today, mailboxes are hardly ever used, but you shouldn’t throw yours away! Make a compact flowerbed out of it and hang it on the gate.

Video - Making flower beds from old things

Master Class. Do-it-yourself vertical flowerbed

Vertical flower beds are found in last years increasingly popular. Let's look at a short step-by-step instructions for making such a flower bed using colorful flowers. The best option for composition is, of course, .

For work you will need the following consumables:

  • wire mesh;
  • plastic ties;
  • soil mixture for flowering crops;
  • large flower pot;
  • strong cellophane.

After preparing everything you need, get to work. For the convenience of visitors, the information is presented in table form.

Table No1. Instructions for creating a vertical flower bed for the garden.

Steps, photoDescription of actions

Take the wire mesh and make a cylinder out of it to serve as a vertical base. Use plastic ties to secure the edges of the mesh. Place the resulting cylinder in the flower pot.

Take some strong cellophane and wrap it around the chicken wire.

Using the same plastic ties, attach the edges of the film to the vertical base.

Fill the resulting form with pre-prepared soil mixture for flowering crops.

Also fill the flower pot with soil (this will make the wire mesh more stable).

Cut holes in the film for planting flowers. Be sure to do this in a checkerboard pattern.

Plant flowers in the holes, then water carefully.

Also plant a few plants on top (also water them afterwards) to make the composition look complete.

Water the finished vertical flower bed regularly and apply fertilizer in a timely manner. In this case, it will look the same as in the photo (or even better!).

Wire mesh prices

wire mesh

Master Class. DIY flowerbed "Palette"

We are all artists at heart, and therefore to create something beautiful (including ordinary garden flower bed) you definitely need to be creative.

To make such a flowerbed yourself, first decide on the flowers that will decorate it.

In addition, you will need pots in which the seedlings will be transplanted and where they will bloom throughout the summer.

Also prepare a rake and shovel - they will also be needed.

As a base, you can use a sheet of plywood, polystyrene foam (not recommended, since the material is light and can be blown away by the wind) or furniture board.

To secure the base, prepare clamps in advance.

You will also need paint or stain, varnish.

So, first, take the base and draw a palette on it with a marker.

After this, cut out the shape using a jigsaw.

This is what the finished base should look like.

After this, make the fastenings. The sample drawing below shows what they should look like.

To make flower bed fastenings, use bars.

Using clamps, attach the fasteners to the base of the future flower bed.

Using pipe scraps, you can make stands for rakes and shovels.

After this, decorate the garden tools - for example, paint them with polka dots or paint them one color.

Then take the base of the flowerbed and, if furniture board or plywood was used in production, cover it with stain, and then with varnish.

Wait for the coating to dry and install the flower pots. That’s it, the beautiful “Palette” flowerbed with your own hands is ready!

Video - Making a flower bed from a wheel

Master Class. DIY flowerbed “Turtle” made from car tires

We offer another interesting option for creating a beautiful garden flower bed. Step-by-step instructions are given below.

Table No. 2. Instructions for making a flowerbed “Turtle”.

Steps, photoDescription of actions

The finished flowerbed of tires will look something like this.

To begin, prepare:
- tires with studs (2 pcs.), always one without steel cord;
- screwdriver;
- paint for external works, brush;
- self-tapping screws 3.5x55 mm (15 pcs.);
- a large knife.

In a tire that does not have a steel cord, cut out the bead on both sides and cut it into four identical fragments.

As a result, you should have the following elements from which the paws will be made.

Cut a couple of rectangular sections on each of the blanks.

As a result, the workpiece should look like this.

The second tire, from which the body will be made, may be slightly larger. Mark it into six equal parts, make slits at the border of the sidewall and tread - one narrow (for the tail), one round (for the head) and four wide (for the paws).

Insert the pre-made paws into the corresponding slots, fix each with two self-tapping screws.

Here is another photo, from a different angle.

Connect the edges of each paw as shown in the image: on one side with a self-tapping screw, and on the other with a wire staple (similar to a stapler). As a result, the paw will be narrow near the body, and voluminous on the other side.

Take a piece of tire, make a tail out of it and attach it with the same screws.

You can use a spray bottle to make the head.

The hole for the head that you made earlier should be such that it itself is located at an angle of 45 degrees. Secure the bottle with a self-tapping screw (it should go right through, as in the image).

IN assembled form the flowerbed should look like this.

Paint the flowerbed (you can use two colors, as in the example). Tread elements can be used to emphasize the texture of the turtle. If the tires are “bald”, come up with your own design.

Color your head too. The turtle, as you can see, is smiling contentedly. That's it, the flower bed is ready (just wait until the paint dries)!

Flowerbeds of annuals - diagrams

Flowers for flower beds are selected according to color, variety and many other factors. And to make flower beds from annuals, the diagrams of which you will find in, on your own, you do not need to have the skills landscape designer. The main thing is to calculate everything correctly before starting work and become familiar with the basic rules for creating flower beds.

Master Class. Do-it-yourself log flowerbed

To make such a composition you will need the following consumables:

  • log (diameter – 40-50 cm, length – about 200 cm);
  • flower seedlings;
  • gravel;
  • primer;
  • film.

In addition, the work will need:

  • simple scissors;
  • chainsaw (can be electric);
  • wooden hammer;
  • bit.

So, everything is ready, you can start working directly.

Table No. 3. Instructions for creating a flower bed from an old log.

Steps, photoDescription of actions

First, clear one side of the log of bark (this is where the chisel comes in handy).

Make cross cuts on one side of the log in increments of 50 cm and a depth of about ¼ of its diameter.

Cut off part of the log from the side where the cuts were made, so that the result is a longitudinal surface.

Make cuts on this surface as shown in the image.

Use a chisel to remove sawn-off pieces of wood and create a sort of “trough.”

Use scissors to cut the film to the shape of the resulting “trough”, and then lay it down.

Place gravel on top of the film and a thin layer of fertile soil on top.

Plant flower seedlings and enjoy the resulting beauty!

Prices for wood primer

wood primer

Master Class. DIY floating flowerbed

A floating flowerbed is a kind of plant island moving across a body of water. It looks amazing, and making such a flower bed at home is quite simple. Essentially it is plastic or wooden base with a sealing mesh and soil for planting flowers laid on top. Instead of soil, you can even use pebbles or hydrogel, but it is important that there are already aquatic inhabitants and other plants in the reservoir (they indicate the presence of nutrients).

What plants are suitable for this? In principle, any, but be sure to take into account the floating ability of the structure, because it is too large plants can easily flood the island. We also note that it is better to give preference to crops that love moisture (sedge, lilies, papyrus, variegated potted flowers or ornamental grass).

First, decide what material you will use to make the island. Determine the dimensions yourself, as well as the immersion depth (preferably about 7 cm from the bottom). Please note that the soil should not be washed away by water. Use gravel to adjust the diving depth.

  1. A ready-made tray (or, alternatively, a mesh pot) can be purchased at the store.
  2. The container can also be made from boards (it will turn out small box with holes), treated with impregnation to protect against moisture. Such a box must be covered with spunbond or geotextile, and then covered with a drainage layer and soil.
  3. The third option is to use plastic bottles. They need to be cut, holes made in the base, and then covered with the same geotextile.

It is quite obvious that a container filled with soil will not float on its own - for this you need:

  • cut out rectangular frames from packaging foam (the kind left over after purchasing household appliances) that will hold the island on the surface (they are attached to the top of the flowerbed, and not to the base);
  • foam the perimeter of the flowerbed and its upper part with foam;
  • make a pontoon from plastic bottles along the edges of the island;
  • use an inflated car inner tube.

What about floating flower pots?

They can also be launched into the water, but the reservoir must be small and necessarily without aquatic inhabitants. For example, you can cut a base from foam plastic flower pots, as in the image below, necessary for stability on the water. However, such floating pots will need to be watered regularly.

How to decorate a floating structure?

  1. You can disguise the unattractive edges of the island with earth, moss or branches.
  2. You can also install LEDs on such a flower bed, the operation of which is controlled using a remote control.
  3. Finally, you can put animal or bird figures there (for example, a ceramic stork).

Note! Before starting a floating flower bed, it needs to be mandatory test! If it is unstable, then it should be modified. Also keep in mind that the flowers will grow, which will change the balance of the island.

Master Class. DIY flowerbed made from old chairs

To make such an original flower bed, prepare:

  • old chairs;
  • spray paint;
  • sandpaper.

All other materials depend solely on your imagination. You can, for example, use a wooden box instead of a pot. In any case, first remove old paint from the chairs and sand them thoroughly.

Clean the chairs from dirt and dust, and then paint. It is quite obvious that it is better to do this outside, because there is no doubt about the toxicity of the paint.

If necessary, you can also paint the flower pot.

When the paint is dry, you can paint the chairs. We recommend using for this acrylic paints included in the paint-by-numbers kit. These do not wash off and do not require varnish.

Thanks to such original flower beds, it is quite possible to compose entire compositions.

This one, for example, is made from old shoes and children's sneakers that no one has worn for a long time.

Flowerbed from an old bicycle

As you can see, you can make a beautiful flowerbed with your own hands, and there are really many options. We hope the master classes offered here will help you with this!

Video - DIY stone flower beds

It's hard to name more universal decor landscape than a vertical flower bed - it takes up little space, gives expressiveness to any area, and, moreover, does not require large financial costs and a lot of time for arrangement. It can be designed in the form of a three-dimensional flower bed, or you can get creative with the shape and content to get a real work of art. Of course, you should first study the basic elements, and only then create truly original designs based on them.

How to arrange a floral masterpiece in a vertical space

Vertical flower beds do not always look like typical flower beds. These can be arches, hanging blocks, paintings, columns, pyramids and ensembles of them. All diversity can be divided into two groups - ground and hanging flower beds. The principle of creating both options is similar: you need to prepare the frame, install an irrigation system, consolidate the soil and plant the plants. But the nuances of each stage are already different.

Vertical gardening is an art that is quite easy to learn

Features of designing ground flower beds

The simplest way to create vertical flower beds with your own hands is to use containers different sizes. They can be ready-made, purchased in a specialized store, or constructed from scrap materials. It is enough to fill them with soil, compact it and build a stable pyramid. Caring for such a flower bed involves replenishing nutrients and regularly watering each container.

Plants in all vertical beds need constant attention

Containers can be made from wood

If old chest of drawers treated with a wood protection compound, it will find a second life in the form of an impressive flower bed

Second life of a chest of drawers

You should definitely use a piece of metal or plastic pipe left unneeded. Its diameter should be at least 200 mm, and its length should be about a meter. However, having ensured the structure’s stability, a longer pipe is quite suitable - the flower bed will be taller, and therefore more noticeable and brighter. In the center of the structure for irrigation, it is imperative to install a pre-prepared pipe with a perforated surface and the lower end carefully closed from leakage. Thanks to watering through inner tube, moisture and fertilizer will be evenly distributed over the entire area.

The base of a flower bed made of pipes

A vertical strawberry bed made from a pipe allows you to increase the yield from 1 square meter by 5–6 times. m.

The structure must be strengthened by concreteing it or screwing it with wire to a support.

Chain-link mesh with large cells is another universal material to form the basis for a vertical flower bed. It must be rolled into a cylinder required diameter and connect the edges using staples or wire. Place a thick one inside plastic bag and attach it to the mesh. Having installed the finished frame in a previously prepared place, you can begin filling the soil and planting plants.

Do-it-yourself vertical flowerbed made of mesh - algorithm of work

The most convenient way to water an elegant flower arrangement is through a tray

Hanging vertical flower beds and their varieties

This type of flower beds does not take up precious space in the beds at all, freeing it up for more rational use. In the form of multi-color panels, attached blocks and hanging paintings, they occupy space on the fence, at the facade of the house, near recreation areas. Landscape elements This kind of thing always makes one wonder how their creator managed to grow living plants in such an unusual position for them.

Vertical flower bed with a variegated carpet of agave, young, sedum, bryophyllum and other succulents

You can also set up a miniature front garden with herbs

In fact, creating and growing a vertical flower garden on the wall with your own hands is not at all difficult. To implement it you need to select following materials:

  • picture frame made of wood;
  • chain-link mesh to fit the frame;
  • a sheet of plywood made of dense wood (ideally oak);
  • wooden blocks 2–3 cm high;
  • sphagnum moss;
  • grown plants and their corresponding soil.

Succulents should be placed tightly on the “canvas” so that moss and soil are not visible

The procedure will be as follows:

  1. Using nails and bars, attach the mesh to the underside of the frame.
  2. Cover the inside of the mesh with moss.
  3. Place a layer of soil on top of the moss.
  4. Attach a sheet of plywood to the frame on top of the ground.
  5. Turn the structure over and carefully plant the plants in the ground through the mesh and moss.

Cacti and juveniles can be grown anywhere by spraying them generously with water once a month.

However, you can make your life even easier by easily building cute structures on the fence from whatever you have at hand. Judging by the photo, vertical flower beds and flower beds, created with your own hands from scrap materials, are absolutely not inferior to spectacular multi-tiered creations.

Bright rubber boots can be used

Simple structures made from plastic bottles

Elegant women's handbags

Selecting plants for vertical flower beds and caring for them

A flowering hill in the middle of the greenery of a summer cottage looks smartly elegant. To create this effect, it is important to use climbing plants with bright flowers, under the foliage of which the supporting structure will be completely hidden. Exotic petunia, decorative pumpkins, queen clematis vines, morning glory and nasturtium look great.

Using plastic containers

Flower beds from hanging plants

Plants with a widely developed root system do not take root in small containers with a limited amount of soil, so minitunias, matthiolas, and lobelias are optimal for pots and homemade containers, for example, from plastic bottles. To decorate vertical structures, you should pay attention to ivy, wild grapes, honeysuckle, and Chinese lemongrass.

Growing in hanging baskets

Of course, by contacting a landscape design specialist, you can get the perfect vertical flower bed with detailed recommendations about caring for her. But it is quite possible to get by with your own efforts, observing simple rules:

  • be sure to adhere to the watering and fertilizing regime, otherwise the plants will not survive in a confined space;
  • at the first signs of plant disease, pesticides must be used - vertical flower beds are not protected from pests;
  • protect from seasonal freezing of the soil - to prevent flowers from freezing, they need to be taken to a warm room or discarded perennial plants in favor of annuals;
  • To reduce moisture deficiency, when planting, it is recommended to add hydrogel to the soil or organize drip irrigation.

Bright vertical composition

As you can see, even a beginner can handle all the work. And if he is ready not only to equip, but also to provide regular care for his brainchild, the result of his efforts will delight all household members for a long time.

Monday, November 23, 2015 02:58 + to quote book

Vertically oriented flower bed - perfect solution not only for decorating a summer cottage, but also to save it usable space. Creating vertical flower beds with your own hands is not at all difficult, and they look very original and beautiful, while they can cover some unsightly walls, structures and dried trees.

Features of creating vertical flower beds

Depending on the type of structure and the method of their fastening, vertical flower beds are distinguished:





Their form and execution can be very diverse and depend only on the imagination of the creator.

Any vertical flower beds are made according to approximately the same pattern:

the base is prepared;

an irrigation system is being installed;

the soil is laid and, if necessary, secured with a mesh;

plants are planted.

To prevent soil from spilling out, it is better to use hydroponics, special anti-erosion geomats, as well as ordinary plastic mesh or bars. They provide reliable fixation of soil, seeds and plant root systems.

You should also take care of watering if vertical flower beds are arranged in an enclosed space, for example, in a barrel or plastic bag. To do this, you need to insert a hose or tube with pre-pierced holes inside the container, bring one edge to the top of the structure and insert a funnel into it.

Options for ground vertical flower beds

These are the simplest and most common DIY vertical flower beds, photos of which are the most common.
You can purchase a special base for such a flower bed, create a watering system, fill it with soil and plant the plant. The result will be a flower garden like this:

A similar flower bed can be made from a plastic barrel by cutting triangular holes in it. For more comfortable plant growth, the lower end is not cut off, but bent down.

Another option is old car tires. They can be used in several ways:

  • cut in half and stack several pieces of tires of different diameters. If you plant climbing plants, you will get an excellent cascading flower garden that will completely cover the base;
  • cut in half and stack several pieces of tires of the same diameter, laying bars, bricks, tiles between them to create space for plant growth, access to air and light;
  • fold the tires into a mound, fill the inside with soil and make slits on the sides.

If there are no tires, you can build a flowerbed from leftover stone or building materials.
It’s easy to build vertical flower decorations for your dacha according to the principle of an alpine slide.

To do this, they lay out near a wall or fence beautiful stones and are covered with soil into which bright annual plants of low-growing varieties are planted.

Pots can be used for flower beds different shapes or size: insert a reinforcing bar into the ground, place the largest pot on it, fill it with soil, top it with a smaller one, etc. - depending on how many pots there are and what height is required. The rod must first be coated with paint to prevent corrosion.

A similar design, but with a slightly different base and pots tilted in different directions.

Beautiful vertical flower beds are made from a regular hose. To create them, you need to install a pole or any other support of any shape (you can use a partially cut trunk of a dried tree). Take a large diameter hose and pass a thin tube with holes for irrigation inside. Then fill the hose with soil and wrap it around a support or base. Make holes in its upper part where you can plant the plants.

Methods for creating wall flower beds

Another way to decorate your dacha with flowers without taking over usable area- create wall flower beds. Options for such arrangement can be very different. The simplest one is to plant climbing plants and send them along supports stretched or installed against the wall.

You can create a special structure with shelves and place containers with flowers on it.

You can also not arrange shelves, but attach the drawers directly to the support. The best containers for this purpose are those whose back side forms a right angle with the base, which will allow them to be securely fastened to the grid.

You can take old pallet, tighten it with inside polyethylene, secure, install and make slots for flowers.

Arrangement of wall flower beds

Wall-mounted vertical flower beds are one of the most attractive types of such flower beds. They can become not just an element of landscaping, but a real work of floristic art.
Phytowalls and phytopictures are the most original way, how to decorate a summer cottage, a photo of which can be seen below:

Such elements can cover up some unsightly structure, and are also often used not only as a vertical flower bed, but also as decoration for the interior of rooms.

They can be mounted almost anywhere - in a gazebo, on a terrace, on a tree.

Phytowalls can also be used as portable screens if you attach a reliable stand to them.

Plants are planted in small solid boxes, covered with mesh on top and attached to the base. To water them, they must be removed from the wall or simply sprayed generously.
You can also make a modular vertical flower bed. For this purpose they are building individual elements, which can have very different configurations, and when assembled they will create a real panel.

The procedure is quite simple. First, frames are prepared from wooden planks(or buy ready-made photo frames), a mesh is attached to them on the reverse side, then soil is poured in, covered with polyethylene on top and secured with plywood.
To plant plants, depressions are made in the soil front side designs. It should be left in a horizontal position for 15-20 days. Then we assemble the panels, fixing the future “pictures” in the appropriate order, and decorate the dacha with our own hands, creating a real work of art.

Caring for such a masterpiece is not at all difficult - you need to trim it sometimes and regularly water it by spraying.

Creating hanging vertical flower beds

For hanging flower beds, in most cases, a very reliable support is required that will be able to withstand the weight of the structure itself, the soil and growing plants. If there is no such support, you can create something like a cone-shaped column in a flowerpot, planting several climbing plants. The lower the pot is lowered, the higher the “flower bed” will turn out».

IN Lately Entire “hanging” vegetable gardens have become widespread. Using their principle, you can create a flower garden. For this purpose, special containers are now sold, ready for planting. But since we decorate garden plot with our own hands, we will build them ourselves.

The easiest way is to take a plastic barrel and prepare it in the same way as for the above-ground option described above. The main thing is to securely and correctly fasten it to the support, since the entire structure will have considerable weight.
Instead of a barrel, you can make a frame from metal mesh, roll it into a cylinder or cone, secure it with wire, tuck a large thick garbage bag into it, make holes in it and plant plants in them. This flowerbed can be hung or placed on the ground in a large flowerpot.

If we talk about universal options that are suitable for all types of vertical flower beds, we should not forget about plastic bottles. This is where their practicality will be most in demand. Firstly, they are very light and small, so they can be attached to almost any support. Secondly, you can create a container of any configuration from them by cutting a hole or cutting off an unnecessary part. If you leave only the lower half, you can insert such pots into a specially prepared trellis.

If you make a side hole, you can simply hang them on the fence in any quantity, vertically or horizontally, creating a wide variety of compositions.

Plastic bottles with the bottom cut off can be connected to each other, fastened with wire or glue and forming various shapes. Then fill them with soil and plant flowers. You can get very unusual flower beds of absolutely any shape.

Choosing flowers for a vertical flower bed

Due to the structural features of vertical flower beds, not all flowers are suitable for their arrangement. The most suitable are considered to be low-growing and climbing varieties that do not have a very developed root system and do not require large quantities soil. In addition, it is these plants that will allow you to create an original and harmonious composition.

When choosing beautiful annuals for a flower bed that grows vertically, you should pay attention to marigolds, petunias and lipsticks. They are ideal for such plantings because they create a very bright carpet that does not obscure the rest of the structure.

The best option for climbing plants are considered climbing roses, ivy, Manchurian grapes, clematis. They will allow you to create original vertical flower beds without requiring large plots and careful care.

Also looks good in vertical plantings lawn grass. In addition, it is securely fixed in the soil and can hold on well even without improvised materials. For the same reason, it is recommended to plant moss. Along with the lawn, it can be an excellent backdrop for brightly flowering annuals.

Vertical flower beds and flower beds in the country are a real miracle that you can create with your own hands. This does not require high costs and purchasing any special materials. Everything can be found among available means and apparent unnecessary trash, harmoniously combine it and decorate it with the simplest but most colorful flowers. The best assistant is your imagination and our recommendations!

It is impossible to imagine the design of a summer cottage without the presence of flowers. All kinds of flower beds, front gardens, and flower beds enhance the appearance of the garden and create a positive mood. A special role in floral polyphony is given to vertical flower beds, which have properties useful for the site. Located on the wall, such a flower bed can hide defects in the structure, decorate a fence, and veil the ugliness of individual objects.

A pyramidal flowerbed is appropriate for a small area

Places where you can build a multi-tiered flower bed with your own hands are selected as necessary. Materials, shape, size are determined according to financial capabilities, creative imagination and skills in constructing such objects. If you decide to place on the site vertical design, it can be positioned:

  • directly on or near the wall;
  • install on the ground;
  • hang from a fence, tree or veranda crossbar.

Let’s make a reservation right away: there are options for making tall, pyramidal and multi-tiered flower beds from wood, brick, stone and a variety of available materials. We have devoted separate articles to structures of this kind. Let's look at how to build a simple vertical flowerbed with your own hands of an original design.

Hanging pyramid flower bed

Why are vertical flower beds so beautiful?

The main advantage of a vertical flower bed stems from its design, which allows significant savings on the congestion of the area. One of the advantages appreciated by owners of small summer cottages, is the compactness and originality of such a flower bed. In addition, these types of flower beds allow you to:

  • give structure different shape, enhancing its decorative effect;
  • care for the plants growing on them with all amenities;
  • protect plants from pests.

A vertical flower bed can be made from special containers

Variety of shapes and materials

An undoubted advantage of a multi-tiered structure is the variety of shapes and materials from which it can be made. flower composition can be built on the basis of:

  • plastic or metal pipes;
  • containers stacked in tiers;
  • various available materials arranged in the form of a pyramid;
  • hanging paintings (blocks, panels on the wall);
  • wire balls (wire can be twisted into squares, rectangles and other geometric shapes);
  • using the roofs of terraces and gazebos.

Old and new ideas

In addition to the usual improvised materials, summer residents use all kinds of household items and devices under tiered structures. An old bicycle, a children's swing, a fence, fruit boxes, crib backs - all this magically adapts to unique and amazingly beautiful floral creations.

Look around your site, perhaps somewhere in a secluded corner lies a structure that can turn into a worthy and exclusive decoration of your garden.

A flowerbed can also be made on a cart

Compositional solutions for a vertical flower garden

The vertical composition is open to the eye, and the selection of colors in it should be taken seriously. Agree that it is not enough to just plant flowers, you need to create a composition of them so that it pleases the eye and brings aesthetic pleasure from its contemplation. There are simple rules to help create a creation that is harmonious in all respects:

  1. The background of a vertical flower bed should be made in light green shades. Florists advise using it as decorative wall for vertical flower beds, parterre lawns and hedges.
  2. When choosing the color scheme of the composition, choose flowers in contrasting or monochromatic shades, avoid clumsiness, when the flowerbed is perceived as some kind of motley spot.
  3. For the decorative design of a multi-tiered flower bed, the size and shape of the inflorescences are important. For example, plants with small inflorescences are placed on the upper tier of a pyramidal flower bed, and large-flowered varieties grow in the lower block.
  4. The lower tier should be filled with moisture-loving varieties: during rain, moisture flows down the vertical wall, accumulating at the base of the structure.

Choosing plants for a vertical flower bed

When building a vertical flower garden with your own hands, you need to understand which flowers are suitable for such a design. Original and beautiful multi-tiered and pyramidal flower beds require a special approach to compositional solutions. The selection rules are:

  • plants with dark inflorescences are planted on the lower tiers of multi-level flower beds;
  • plant varieties are selected so that they have a simultaneous flowering period.

Popular plant species

If you look closely at the diverse range of flowers in multi-tiered flower beds, you will notice what types of plants are used. Suitable for a pyramidal flower bed are garden geranium, petunia, calendula, pelargonium, pansies, low-growing varieties marigolds. Most of them are placed in the middle and upper parts of the flower bed. The bottom row is decorated with chamomile, astilbe, dicentra, primrose and daylily, which are unpretentious in cultivation and do not require greenhouse conditions.

Decoration with ampel views

Obviously vertical standing structure by its very form it gravitates toward hanging plant species. Flowers intricately curling or hanging in voluminous clusters look airy and elegant. To design a vertical flower bed, choose ampelous types of vegetation, which include:

  • lobelia;
  • nasturtium;
  • dichondra;
  • matthiol;
  • pelargonium;
  • fuchsia;
  • begonia;
  • minitunia.

Fuchsia and other hanging plants will look good in a vertical flower bed

If you have adapted containers for a multi-level composition, you should also select special plants, capable of creating a bright contrasting look for a flower bed. An unusual play of color and shape will be provided by combinations of plants such as catharanthus, viola, verbena, allisum, Laurentia, and diascia. The colored material of the containers will help enhance the decorative effect.

Flowerbed-pyramid from edged boards

Flowerbed from edged boards

A pyramid of boards is a simple but surprisingly beautiful solution for arranging a multi-tiered flower garden. It’s quite easy to make a flowerbed with your own hands. The frame is made of edged boards with a section of 20-30x100mm. Determine the length of the boards at your discretion. Please note that the bottom boards should be 10cm longer than the dimensions of the future flower bed. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Cut grooves 5cm high and width corresponding to the thickness of the board at a distance of 5cm from both edges.
  2. On opposite sides of the boards, similar grooves are cut out in those places where the top row will be joined and at a distance of 20 cm from the grooves on bottom side. We cut out and chip the cutouts with a chisel.
  3. In order for everything to be assembled properly, you need to consistently carry out a test assembly and mark the next row of boards in place.
  4. If you want to decorate a flower garden and extend its life, you need to clean the boards and then cover them with antiseptic and paint.
  5. On last stage it is necessary to assemble the pyramid using grooves. Fill the flower bed with soil. You can plant flowers.

Flowerbed-ladder made from flowerpots

For high design In the form of a ladder, several design options are offered. The most obvious one is to turn an ordinary staircase into a floral charm:

  • We stock up on boards, put together a staircase of several steps from them, place it at an angle against the wall, and secure it;
  • we fill the steps with pots or other flower beds;
  • if flower containers are made of wood, for example, boxes; we cover the latter with impregnation or paint.

Hanging flowerbed-ball

Using the frame, you can make any shape for a flower bed, for example, a ball

The visually complex structure of a flower bed-ball is actually quite simple. If you have thick and thin wire, you can build such a flowerbed with your own hands. The ball is formed from wire, lined with film inside, and soil is poured in. Plants are planted in 7cm increments. All that remains is to water the seedlings and hang the ball with flowers in a well-lit place in the garden. The composition with primrose and begonia looks great.

If you find it difficult to install suspended structure, you can choose a ground-based version of such a ball, which looks no less elegant.

Mesh for vertical flower beds

Donkey flowerbed made of mesh

High verticals made up of hanging plant species become an exquisite decoration of the site. Such original decorations are made from mesh, transforming it into towers, balls, cubes, and animal figures. The phased equipment of the tower looks like this:

  1. We insert four into the ground wooden bollard the height you need.
  2. We form a cylinder of mesh with geotextile around the posts. We secure its edges with wire.
  3. We place two irrigation pipes with holes made in them in the center of the flowerbed. We make holes in the tubes in a checkerboard pattern.
  4. We fill the created form with soil supplemented with raising agents (perlite or vermiculite).
  5. Add sfangum moss or industrial cotton wool to the soil.
  6. Having filled out the form, we make holes in the geotextile where we will plant our seedlings.

To save money, polyethylene can be used instead of geotextiles. A simplified version of a flower bed can be built by inserting a net into a large flowerpot and ensuring its stability. When choosing plants, we will focus on the varieties of petunia “Opera” or “Rambler”. Remontant ampelous strawberries and nasturtiums look very beautiful. The berries contrast with the flowers, making the tower unusual and visually attractive.

A small flowerbed made of mesh can be easily moved to any place in the garden

Wall flower bed-painting of fresh flowers

They occupy a special place in landscape design paintings of fresh flowers, for which the canvas becomes “ green wall" The grass background is ideal for creating a floral canvas; it perfectly emphasizes the beauty of plants. The process of creating such a picture is deeply creative and relies not only on the author’s imagination, but also on knowledge about plant types, shapes and sizes.

What plants are suitable for “painting” a picture of fresh flowers?

Experienced gardeners, who have already managed to create more than one picturesque canvas on their site, give preference to ground cover plants and succulents. This solution is associated with the root system of these species, which grows not in depth, but in width, thereby securing the living carpet to the wall. The young plant, which has amazingly beautiful and embossed leaf baskets, looks impressive in such a picture.

A picture of fresh flowers will give a special unique atmosphere

How to plant plants to maintain verticality?

The secret of a vertical composition on the wall lies in the design of its base. The picture frame is made from a wooden tray, equipped with a plywood bottom. The bottom is additionally covered with geotextile, and the frame-tray is filled with earthen mixture. Then the soil must be watered and carefully covered with wire mesh so that there is no deflection. The mesh should have large cells where the seedlings are planted.

Composition solutions with succulents and ground cover species

When planting perennials, select them in advance according to the shades of leaves and inflorescences. Your task is to achieve organic combination plants and get the desired pattern or ornament. The center and edges of the picture can be highlighted by planting plants with bright colors. Multicolor in living paintings is not encouraged; three to five shades are enough to get an expressive pattern. Succulents are introduced into the flowerbed using a stick, placing them in the cells of the grid.

Caring for a painting of flowers

Considering that the basis of the flower picture is made up of succulents that do not require constant watering, caring for the garden canvas on the wall consists of spraying the soil once a month. In addition, you will have to monitor the condition of plant leaves and remove wilted or dried parts in a timely manner. The final cleaning of the flower bed is carried out at the end of the season, removing elongated shoots and leaves that have lost color.

A flower bed made of vertical pipes resembles birch trees

Making a flower bed from pipes

Country craftsmen have learned to adapt the most unusual materials. Why not make a vertical flowerbed from the remains of heating and water pipes, they thought, and put the idea into practice. A few hours of work - and the exquisite floral screen is ready. All you need to do is close the drainpipes with side plugs, make hanging fastenings from ropes - and the frame of the flowerbed is ready. We fill the hanging containers with soil and plant flowers.


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