Victoria (strawberry) as a common noun for a garden berry. Garden strawberries Victoria: win and get a big harvest

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Doesn't cause much trouble

Grade: 5

I planted bushes bought at a country nursery before winter, I was very worried that the kids would not tolerate the frost well, even though I covered them on top with agrofibre. But almost all of them overwintered without damage, only 2 bushes out of 25 died, and even those were planted at the edge of the beds; apparently, an icy wind blew under the shelter there and froze them. Before planting, I poured a handful of ash and half a kilo of humus into the holes, after mixing them.
In the first year, the seedlings produced a good harvest, although the berries were ripe and a little small. But they were very sweet and juicy, I even made juice from them, and the volumes turned out to be very substantial, there was practically no pulp left in the squeezes, everything went into liquid. In the 2nd year, the variety had already established itself normally, and the harvest was rich - a kilogram per bush.
The berries have grown larger, more dense, without voids in the middle. We ate plenty of fresh ones, and stocked up several dozen jars of jam for the winter. Since we have severe winters in Suzdal, I always cover the beds for the winter first with mulch, and then with film and press it down along the edges with pebbles so that it does not blow. I don’t cut the leaves at the root; they maintain normal air exchange under the cover and prevent the strawberry bushes from suffocating or freezing.

Large-fruited, tasty, unpretentious

Grade: 5

The variety is good for everyone. Excellent dessert taste, large, beautifully shaped fruits, undemanding conditions, resistance to most diseases, productivity. Growing it is simple and inexpensive. I carry out a standard set of measures to care for any berries, feed them 3 times, water them moderately, and remove excess tendrils.
I planted it in a sunny place, blocked it on the leeward side with a fence, mulched it for the winter, we have a mild climate and don’t need to cover it. I don’t do anything special, but the strawberries are growing beautifully. The harvest is only once, but it lasts for a long time; I manage to collect a kilogram of beautiful large and sweet berries.

Old productive variety

Grade: 4

Garden strawberry The Victoria variety is so well known that they try to call all garden strawberries by its name, despite the fact that there are actually many varieties. But this variety is popular among gardeners for a reason. It is frost-resistant, and frosts in our climate are frequent and winters are long. It is also resistant to common diseases and pests, which increases and maintains its yield.
The berries are quite large, taste sweet and sour, with a pronounced aroma. Appear in June-July. Quite strong, can lie down, and are also suitable for transportation. If you store fresh berries, they will have a more pronounced sourness, and the sweetest berries are the ones that are ripe and just picked from the bush.
I propagate this variety with tendrils - I take only the first shoots, they are stronger, and I root them. In the same summer, these shoots give their first harvest, and due to the shoots, the crop can be raised. There shouldn’t be too many shoots in the bed either, so some of the shoots still need to be removed or transplanted to another bed. After fruiting, I cut off the old leaves from the bushes, leaving only 2-3 of the youngest ones - thanks to this procedure, the strawberries can not be replanted for a long time.

I eat by the handful

Grade: 5

Victoria garden strawberries are the most delicious and favorite berry for me. My parents have a large area on their property dedicated specifically for it, which grows in rows. During fruiting, everyone takes to the path like ants - it is impossible to walk past these fragrant, large, ripe berries calmly. I eat it in whole handfuls, my body accepts it with pleasure. Strawberries are rich in vitamins and microelements; it is from them that I gain energy and boost my immunity for the year ahead. There is no heartburn or allergies from it. I watch my weight, control what I eat, but I can eat a lot of this berry, it’s low-calorie and juicy. You can eat it with dairy products - add it to milk, yogurt, or eat it with whipped cream.
We also preserve with sugar, but this is not the most useful way, sugar is harmful, and when cooked, vitamins become scarce, so it is better to eat fresh or freeze for fruit drinks in winter. Jam can be made not only from strawberries, but also mixed with other berries, such as wild strawberries, and it turns out delicious. You can make a useful and very simple face mask from fresh strawberries - apply crushed ripe berries to cleansed skin; it moisturizes the skin well.

Strawberries from grandma

Grade: 5

Since childhood, I have loved Victoria strawberries; my grandmother grew them, and every summer I happily ate them from the garden. I bought this variety for my plot. There is no hassle with it, no additional costs either. Grows on open garden bed, the bush is large, produces mustaches regularly, they can be used to propagate strawberries endlessly. It blooms and bears fruit profusely, with 2 harvests per season or more. When early varieties already stand without berries, this variety produces large berries in July and August.
With the 1st wave in June, our family eats berries as dessert, and with the second wave in July we start preparing - we make jam, make compotes, freeze the berries. There is sweetness in the berry, but it is not cloying, light. I like the juiciness and tender skin of the berry; there is no hard core or emptiness inside. It is difficult to transport and store it, this is a minus and difference from industrial strawberries. But if you eat and harvest straight from the garden, then it’s an excellent option.
The variety tolerates winter and cold well, in warm winters you don’t have to cover it, but I don’t take risks and cover it, you never know what the weather will be like, with forecasts now everything is not so clear, I don’t trust them anymore. This variety is a reliable option, it is hardy, productive and quite tasty.


Grade: 4

Strawberries of the Victoria variety have long been known in our area; my parents grew them in their garden, and my aunts and uncles, when they moved away different regions, then they took these strawberries with them. Now it grows in their gardens, and I got it. Now this bed is not big, it reminds me of my childhood. The berry has a sweet and sour taste, more sour, and only the ripe berries. I have a sweet tooth and love strawberries, I often buy them in the city, and I have also found sweeter varieties. Victoria is inferior in sweetness to some, so I do not actively breed it, but experiment with sweeter varieties.
But I don’t clean this bed either, because the harvest from it is stable, although not large, and I mainly make jam from it. The variety is unpretentious, feels good in our climate, winters without problems, and is happy with the soil. It always grows and bears fruit in open ground; it is not afraid of dew, cold, wind or rain. And the berry turns out a little like a wild berry; it grows, so to speak, in natural conditions. There are many ways to improve the harvest, which are simply necessary for more spoiled, greenhouse varieties, but this variety enjoys a simple summer - the bushes turn green, bloom and produce berries. Last summer was very dry, so I had to water the bushes abundantly. Since we come to the dacha only on weekends, all days were devoted to watering every evening. We only watered during the flowering period, then the bush gains strength and gives it to the ripening of the fruit. And if you water it when it bears fruit, it can lead to a watery taste, I don’t like that.
I like that the berries have small seeds and they are not as harmful to the stomach and pancreas as large seeds. I like to freeze these berries because they have a regular and beautiful shape and a wonderful, aromatic and strawberry taste.

Gardeners sometimes confuse the names: wild strawberry, strawberry, victoria. What are these berries and where do they grow?

All these plants belong to the Rosaceae family and the genus Strawberry (Fragaria). Latin name The genus reflects the very essence of the tasty family: Fragaria translated into Russian means aromatic, fragrant.

Wild strawberry

On the territory of Eurasia, in the forests and on the edges, wild strawberry, or common strawberry (sometimes translated: Wild strawberry, Alpine strawberry, European strawberry) (lat. Fragária vésca), as well as green strawberry (lat. Fragária virídis) grow.

The wild strawberry plant has small fruits. Some people grow wild strawberries in their gardens. You can bring wild strawberry bushes to better conditions the berries will become larger than they were in their native forest.

But it’s better to plant special remontant varieties garden small-fruited strawberries. The remontant form of small-fruited strawberry, first found in the Alps (which is why it is also called alpine), was known in cultivation in Italy in the 16th century, and in England and France since the 18th century. IN last years it began to be widely cultivated in Europe and the USA.

Strawberry varieties are divided into two groups:

- not forming a mustache (Alexandria, Ali Baba, Snow White, Baron Solemacher, Gross Fraser, Frigalo Rampicanti, Purple Muscat, Yellow Miracle, Rügen, Sweetheart and others). White flowers and red berries make the plant decorative. It can be grown not only in the garden, but also in boxes and flowerpots on balconies or in an apartment on a window.

- forming mustaches (Monthly red and white, Alpine, Curly and others). Strawberries, which reproduce by tendrils, produce an additional harvest on the tendrils that grew that same summer. By autumn, the garden bed turns into a continuous carpet of leaves, flowers and berries. However, the abundance of thin mustaches makes it difficult to care for plants, so these varieties are not widespread.

What is good about small-fruited strawberries?

— It has retained the unique aroma of wild strawberries, larger forest berries, bears fruit continuously all summer, until frost.
— Many varieties of small-fruited strawberries have white, slightly yellowish berries, which have a sweeter taste. But the main advantage of these berries is that they can be given to eat even to children who are allergic to red berries.
— Sown in January, young strawberry bushes begin to bear fruit in July.

Today scientists have scientifically confirmed beneficial features wild strawberries. An infusion of leaves and the berries themselves improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, protect against atherosclerosis, strengthen the cardiovascular system, and help with oral diseases. Wild strawberries are not only a good remedy for skin diseases, but also a source of beauty. Strawberry masks will provide the skin with elasticity and velvety, and get rid of unnecessary freckles.

The only drawback of wild strawberries is that the fruits are too small, although picking a basket of fresh berries can also be considered a health procedure.

Strawberry leaf (lat. Folium Fragariae) is used as a medicinal raw material. The leaves are collected during the flowering of the plant, cutting them off with petioles no more than 1 cm long. They have a sour-astringent taste and a weak, peculiar smell. Dry in dryers at a temperature of 45 ° C or in well-ventilated areas. Shelf life 1 year.

An aqueous infusion of wild strawberry leaves is used as a diuretic for urolithiasis and gallstone diseases. Their use is also prescribed for diabetes and anemia. The plant has astringent and anti-inflammatory effects.

Wild strawberry fruits are also used. They are collected ripe, dried by withering in air or for 4-5 hours in dryers at a temperature of 25-30 ° C, then dried at 45-65 ° C, scattered thin layer on sieves or sieves.

The berries have anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, antiseptic and mild laxative effects. The fruits are also used as a vitamin supplement.


By right, this name is borne by the only botanical species - nutmeg strawberry, or musk strawberry - Fragaria moschata.

Muscat strawberries or strawberries grow wild in Europe (where they are still sometimes grown in cultivation), in the southern regions of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Central Asia. The plant probably got its name due to the round shape of the berries, reminiscent of small balls.

In the old days, strawberries were also cultivated in Russian gardens. This crop has very tasty and fragrant berries, but, unfortunately, its berries are much smaller than those of large-fruited garden strawberries, and it is low-yielding. By appearance this plant is very similar to large-fruited garden strawberries. However, there are also differences. Its flower stalks (and therefore its berries) are located significantly higher than the leaves. The edges of the leaves are heavily dissected. The flowers are white, pink and light lilac, they are smaller than those of strawberries.

Why, despite its undoubted advantages, did strawberries lose in the struggle for a place in the sun from garden strawberries? The thing is that strawberry flowers are unisexual, male and female, unlike the self-fertile flowers of garden strawberries. The harvest is produced only by female plants, so it is half as much as the strawberry harvest. In addition, strawberries are more demanding of soil and moisture. So you can only find strawberries in the garden of a true gourmet who prefers quality to quantity. Strawberries are cultivated in Europe - in France, England, Germany. The taste and aroma of these berries turned out to be so unforgettable that, perhaps, that is why garden strawberries that have taken over vegetable gardens are usually called strawberries. Currently, strawberries are extremely rare in gardens.

Strawberries are no less useful than their forest relatives. Strawberries contain a lot of healthy carbohydrates - glucose and fructose, which replenish energy reserves and improve your mood, without increasing your waist size. Sweet strawberries contain small amounts of organic acids, so they are safe for diseases associated with high acidity.

Garden strawberry, large-fruited

The correct name for the berries growing in our gardens is large-fruited garden strawberry (Fragaria ananassa, Fragaria vesca and their many varieties). In gardening literature it is simply abbreviated as strawberry.

At the garden strawberry large berries, which are completely colored when ripe. Plants are monoecious, that is, they are not divided into male and female.

Parents of garden strawberries - Virginian strawberry from Virginia in North America and Chilean strawberries from South America. Thanks to a happy accident, two representatives of different latitudes of the American continent ended up next to each other in the Garden of Versailles in France. Self-pollination occurred, and that same berry appeared, many varieties of which we grow and eat during the summer season. All modern varieties came from the resulting hybrid.

Strawberries have an excellent effect on the digestive system, improve appetite, and also have a diuretic and diaphoretic effect. The body is cleansed and the aging process slows down. For anemia, hypertension, atherosclerosis, even for uterine bleeding, it is recommended to eat strawberries.

Garden strawberries are useful and even indispensable for vitamin deficiencies. It is capable of killing pathogens of intestinal infections, pneumococcus, staphylococcus and even the influenza virus. It is taken in the treatment of Graves' disease. But, if you consume strawberries without measure, you can contribute to the exacerbation of gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, since strawberries contain organic acids oxalic and salicylic.


In Russia, one of the first varieties of garden strawberries to win universal love was the Victoria variety. This is one of oldest varieties garden strawberries are believed to be of French origin. For many decades in a row, this variety was the leading one; the plants were called Victoria; this name spread to the entire culture.

Although the word “Victoria” translated into Russian means “victory,” Victoria, that is, strawberries, did not immediately win its place in gardens and fields. The fact remains: the culture of garden strawberries in Russia has been moving toward recognition at a snail's pace for about two centuries. It was grown mainly in landowners' and monasteries' gardens.

Victoria berry is an outdated name for garden strawberries that still lives in some regions, for example in the Urals.


In the 80-90s of the last century, scientists crossed strawberries with large-fruited garden strawberries and developed a completely new garden crop - strawberries. The very name of the culture speaks volumes about this.

Victoria strawberry - this crop is more winter-hardy and better resistant to strawberry diseases, in particular, such a common disease as gray rot. Earthweed bushes grow powerful, with beautiful corrugated leaves. Above them are flowers and berries on tall, straight peduncles (thanks to this, they do not get sick with gray rot). The fruits are tasty, with a pleasant nutmeg aroma, dense, well stored and transported.

Many varieties have already been created: Raisa, Penelope, Nadezhda Zagorya, Diana and others. This culture partly combines positive traits of both parental pairs: its berries are larger than those of strawberries (although much smaller than those of large-fruited strawberries). She "took" from strawberries pleasant aroma and good taste.

But despite such positive qualities, this culture has not yet found wide distribution in our gardens. The main obstacle to this is the relatively small size of the berries - 7-12 g, although they are much larger than strawberries, but smaller than modern strawberry varieties.

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    Many gardeners do not know the difference between berry crops and mistakenly call strawberries Victoria because they are very similar in appearance. Victoria berry is the first garden strawberry to be grown in Russia. Strawberry is a type of muscadine strawberry that used to grow up in forests. It is also difficult to distinguish strawberries from wild strawberries and Victoria. But let's figure out why strawberries are called Victoria and how they differ from this berry.

    Fundamental difference

    Strawberry - perennial herbaceous plant genus of strawberry family Rosaceae. The berry crop grows in wildlife, grown by gardeners. There are more than 50 species of this plant, but the most common among them are: forest, green, garden and nutmeg.

    Strawberries are one of the types of strawberries, namely nutmeg strawberries, they have a specific aroma. Since ancient times, the berry has a colloquial name, so many people mistakenly call it Victoria.

    Garden strawberries are a hybrid of Chilean and Virginia species. It does not grow in the wild. The plant came to Russia in the eighteenth century from America. It was Victoria - the first large-fruited garden strawberry.

    Therefore, these crops are plants of the same family and genus. But strawberries differ from Victoria in that they belong to different species.

    Strawberry Victoria

    This garden culture is a variety of pineapple strawberry. In a plant big bushes, wide leaves, large peduncles of white or yellowish tint, as well as delicate fruits weighing from 20 to 40 grams with juicy white pulp. Large fruits spread along the ground, so the soil must be mulched. Victoria berry is a monoecious plant. There are male and female flowers on her bushes. Thanks to cross-pollination, a lot of ovary is formed, and the yield is high.

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    Fragrant strawberry

    Nutmeg strawberries have bushes higher than strawberry bushes, and the leaves are lighter. Peduncles are located above the leaves, flowers of different shades from white, pink to light lilac. Smaller fruits, but very fragrant. They proudly rise above the bush. This plant began to be called strawberry because of the spherical shape of the berries, similar to small balls.

    But the main difference between strawberries is the structure of the flower. This berry crop is a dioecious plant. One part of the bushes has male flowers, the other has female flowers. However, only female rosettes produce fruit. But for normal pollination, the beds should contain 25% male flowers which do not bear fruit. Pollination occurs from bush to bush. The yield of the plant is low.

    But gardeners grow it, as the berry has an extraordinary aroma and is used to make preserves and jams. Many nature lovers, out of inexperience, call strawberries Victoria, since the plants are very similar in appearance.

    Similarities of berry crops

    All these berries are equally tasty and healthy. They contain vitamins, microelements and saccharides. The amount of vitamin C in them is the same as in lemon, and 10 times more than in grapes. The berries are useful for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases and gastrointestinal diseases. Their use strengthens the immunity of adults and children.

    These fruits are useful for people watching their weight, since the berries consist of 90 percent water and are a low-calorie product. Their use speeds up metabolism. Besides, fruits are used in cosmetology for applying masks to the face and body. Thanks to antioxidants, human skin becomes smooth. These crops have similar bushes and methods of propagation - rosettes.

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    Such different berry plants

    Although berry plants They have a lot in common, but there are also differences between them. And everyone must make their choice in favor of one or the other themselves. But maybe you don’t need to choose, but simply diversify their use.

    To obtain good result from growing berries, you need to know some features cultivated plant. To get a rich harvest of berries, you need to know how to care for Victoria.

    Noble origins

    The berry, named after the Queen of England, requires respect. Victoria is respected for its beneficial properties and pleasant taste.

    The aromatic berry is a variety of strawberry. Strawberry Victoria is a familiar garden joy. Due to its popularity, it requires some special features in caring for itself.

    Growing a light dessert under your window will not be difficult if you create “royal” conditions for the strawberries. The process involves planting, watering and possibly replanting the crop.

    Looking for the perfect place

    IN winter time Snow cover is a natural escape from frost. A site well protected from draft winds is ideal for growing strong berries.

    The composition of the soil is sandy loam, or an artificial mixture containing a high percentage of humus is made. A poorly lit area will mean that Victoria will not give you a good harvest. Open sunny places ideal for the variety of this crop.

    Victoria Landing

    By the middle of the summer season, strawberries grow tendrils, with the help of which they reproduce. The shoots will “hatch” from the nodes located on the tendrils. This is how gardeners get rosettes from leaves and roots.

    Ideally, the first 2-3 rosettes from the main plant are suitable for propagation. Victoria seedlings are planted on an area with a flat surface, preferably with a slope to the west.

    Two-year-old bushes are the most suitable candidates for selecting future “offspring”. If there are 4-6 leaves, the rosette is cut off from the mustache. This must be done without shaking off any lumps of soil. The rosette is planted in a pre-prepared recess as an independent plant in a permanent place.

    Pre-prepared soil “meets” the planted Victoria in spring or autumn. The gardener should take into account that strawberries planted in April-May grow and develop more slowly than those that were successfully transplanted in August-September. Some gardeners are not limited to seasonal processing and know that the rule of caring for Victoria in the fall should not be neglected. The Victoria variety is no exception.


    Gardeners know how to care for Victoria for a good harvest. Every four years they replant their strawberries. Changing Victoria's place is one of the main rules for growing a rich harvest of this berry.

    Strong, healthy bushes are suitable for replanting. Existing holes are spilled with water. With a gentle movement, the spine is lowered into the recess and straightened there with your hand.

    It is better to transplant berries on a cloudy day. Strawberries love moist soil and will take root more easily in such weather. After finishing the work, do not forget to shade it from the sun while it gains strength.

    Without touching the leaves, carefully sprinkle the bush, and lightly pat the surface of the ground for better rooting. While the plant is establishing itself, regular watering should be maintained. A sharp decrease in yield or small berries is a sign of insufficient watering during flowering.

    Lead time is a must. TO autumn planting the soil is prepared in June. For spring seedlings The site has been being prepared since the fall.

    Feed and drink

    Numerous expert debates about the root causes of crop failure for strawberry growers are expressed in recommendations on how to properly care for Victoria. It all starts with landing. Humus is added to the dug up soil. Proportionality is calculated as follows: fertilizers containing 6 kg of humus are used per square meter.

    Additional composition is considered to be 20 grams. ammonium nitrate, 25 gr. potassium salt, 20 gr. superphosphate. Already sold in specialized stores ready-made mixtures, so you don’t have to worry about the quantitative ratio. There you can also purchase literature telling you how to care for Victoria.

    Planting is carried out in prepared rows. The height of the ridges is 10-15 cm. 60 cm apart.

    Bush distance is 30 cm. This principle ensures ease of care.

    Regular attention

    Regular watering and mulching do not exclude work on loosening the soil and removing weeds. Timely weeding has a positive effect on the result.

    Careful care for Victoria is caused by the need for moisture. Despite the requirement for constant moisture, stagnant and swampy places negatively affect the plant. Proper watering can ensure a rich harvest.

    The end of flowering is a signal to the owner of the plot about the need to mulch the bed with straw, moss or wood shavings.

    All listed elements must be dry. This rule will save your berries from an unpleasant disease that causes putrefaction. Repeated mulching is carried out in the fall. You can use peat or grain waste. The thickness of the spreading material should be 5-8 cm.

    After harvesting, pay attention to the soil around each bush. It should be loosened. If roots have come to the surface, hill up the plant. Loosening the soil prevents crusting from watering.

    Removing rotten berries and diseased leaves in a timely manner is also a way to maintain a strawberry plantation in a healthy condition. An additional warning against diseases will be the presence of straw or film under the bushes with Victoria. Without coming into contact with the ground, the berry avoids pathogenic bacteria, remaining intact and healthy.

    Victoria's remontant varieties will help you get multiple harvests in one season: Geneva, Queen Elizabeth II, Moscow delicacy.

    Depending on the desired ripening period, the variety is selected according to the group of early, medium, late ripeness.

    If you prefer early berries, choose Kimberly, Corona, Olvia. Sweet and large berries, bright red color.

    The beginning of July is considered the harvest of the average harvest from the Zenga-Zengana, Rusich, Vima-zanta varieties. Berries with a sweet and sour taste. Late varieties include varieties whose harvest is in mid-July, for example Vikoda, Charlotte.

    Negative experience is also a hint of what you did wrong and how to care for Victoria in the next season.

    Scarlet strawberries covered with dew drops can be found on every garden plot. It’s not surprising, because this berry is not only beautiful, but also tasty and healthy. Juicy fresh strawberries that seem to melt in your mouth. For the winter, jams, jellies, and marshmallows are made from it. The berries are rich in vitamins A, D, K and E, and a group of B vitamins. Microelements contained in the fruits help maintain the beauty of the skin, improve vision and increase vitality. But to improve your health and please your loved ones with delicious desserts, it’s worth working in the garden. However, no special problems are expected with growing Victoria strawberries.

    History of the Victoria variety

    The origin of this variety still remains a mystery. There are two versions of the birth of strawberries. According to one of them, the berry got its name in honor of the English Queen Victoria, during whose reign a strawberry garden was laid out. According to another version, the variety was bred in Holland, from where it was brought by Peter the Great. The Emperor fell in love with the berry as a child, and from a trip to Europe the monarch brought back a Dutch novelty.

    The variety was never included in the register, since this name, years later, was firmly attached to many varieties of strawberries and garden strawberries. However, the mysteries associated with this plant have not diminished in our electronic age. Information on the Internet can also be found absolutely contradictory: someone talks about Victoria as a varietal berry, someone calls absolutely all types of garden strawberries that way. It is quite difficult to find reliable information on forums, since gardeners, sales consultants at garden stores and even some biologists create confusion in the comments by indicating different characteristics, descriptions and tips for growing.

    According to one version, the strawberry variety was named in honor of the English Queen Victoria

    Description of Victoria strawberries

    Victoria was originally developed by crossing garden and wild strawberries. It was brought to Russia in the 18th century. Since the middle of the 19th century, it has gained popularity not only among representatives of the aristocracy, but also among other segments of the population. Since then, gardeners and gardeners have been growing large-fruited garden strawberries everywhere. different varieties, naming them in honor of Victoria, which was once bred. Considering all the available facts, it is worth considering the characteristics and tips for growing large-fruited strawberries. Currently, the Victoria variety in its original form can only be found in the collections of some breeders.

    Victoria is actually a garden strawberry. This is a monoecious plant. Strawberries are defined by botanists as dioecious.

    Strawberries are very thermophilic and prefer sunny places. Therefore, in the northern regions of Russia it is grown in greenhouses or at home. Otherwise the culture is unpretentious. Strawberries bear fruit no more than once a season. Not repairable. Strawberry bushes are tall, the leaves are elastic, powerful, rich Green colour. The color of the berries is red. The fruits have high sugar content (9.2%). Fragrant berries big size highly valued by gardeners.

    Varieties of large-fruited strawberries are resistant to many diseases, but are often susceptible to white spot. Of the pests, only the strawberry mite poses a danger to them.

    Characteristics of large-fruited strawberries

    Most varieties are early ripening. In snowy winters, they tolerate frost well, but can freeze to death at a temperature of -8 degrees if snow never falls. Garden strawberries do not tolerate drought. She needs systematic watering. Sudden temperature changes are not scary. Varieties called Victoria not zoned. Strawberries prefer light sandy loam soils. It does not grow in clayey, loamy or marshy soil. When planted in such soil, it begins to suffer root system plants. It is not necessary to build raised beds for strawberries. The walls of the beds freeze strongly in winter, which leads to the death of plants.

    The berries of large-fruited garden strawberries are very juicy, which makes transporting the fruit impossible. The color of the berries is rich red, however, the flesh is pinkish. The seeds are small. The average fruit weight is 8–14 g. These varieties are distinguished by high yield. During the season you can collect up to 1 kg of berries from a bush.

    The fruits of garden strawberries are very juicy and large. The weight of one berry can reach 14 g

    Features of cultivation and care

    To obtain good harvest with strawberries, you need to familiarize yourself with some tips on planting, growing and caring.

    Planting strawberries

    Strawberries prefer sandy, non-acidic soils. The acidity level should not exceed 5.6 pH. You need to choose a place for planting that is sunny and windless. Plants are planted in the spring, after frosts have passed. Strawberries are propagated in three ways: seeds, tendrils, and dividing bushes. You can grow plants yourself or buy seedlings of garden large-fruited strawberries in gardening centers or on the market. Purchasing a ready-made seedling simplifies replanting the plant in open ground. Such plants do not get sick after planting, since the root system is completely closed. How to plant strawberry seedlings on summer cottage so that the plant takes root quickly and grows well?

    1. Pots with seedlings are placed in a container of water so that the soil is saturated with moisture.

      Strawberries can be placed in a tray with water

    2. You can add a growth stimulator to the water, for example, “NV - 101” at the rate of 2 drops per 1 liter. You can buy it at any garden store.

      "НВ 101" refers to natural fertilizers

    3. Planting holes should be at a distance of 30 cm from each other. A mixture of vermicompost (2 tbsp), compost (1 tbsp), ash (0.5 tbsp) and a biological product, for example, “Shine - 2” (1 tsp), is poured into the holes. The biological product will help increase soil fertility.

      The distance between holes should be 30 cm

    4. If the strawberry roots in a pot are tangled into a ball, they need to be carefully untangled.
    5. The seedlings are lowered into the holes. There is no need to deepen the “heart” too much. It should be at ground level.

      The “heart” is not buried deep during planting; it must be at ground level

    6. The mustache, excess leaves and peduncles are cut off. There should be no more than three leaves left on the plant.

      When planting, pruning shears remove tendrils and excess leaves.

    7. The soil around the plants is compacted, after which moderate watering bushes.
    8. You can sprinkle a little ash or biological product on top of the soil.
    9. The soil can be mulched with any in an accessible way: straw, grass clippings, hay, sawdust, etc.

      After planting strawberries, the soil should be mulched to reduce the number of weeds in the future.

    Video: planting strawberries with seedlings in open ground

    Watering large-fruited strawberries

    Already from the beginning of spring, plants gain new strength and prepare for fruiting. Large-fruited strawberries are no exception. It needs abundant watering every 6-7 days. In dry times, it is watered twice a week. The water should be warm. For strawberries it is recommended to use drip irrigation, so the plants will get required amount moisture. But many gardeners use a simpler and cheaper method:

    Video: how to water strawberries and strawberries

    Plant nutrition

    As the strawberries grow, the soil gradually becomes depleted. In order for plants to receive the beneficial microelements necessary for development and full fruiting, they need to be fed. Fertilizing large-fruited strawberries is carried out three times a season:

    • When the first two leaves appear, garden strawberries need to be fed. For this they use organic fertilizers: green solution or mullein. Manure is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. Fertilizer is applied under the bush.
    • During the flowering period apply mineral fertilizers. For feeding, you can make the following solution: nitrophosphate (2 tbsp), potassium (1 tbsp) and warm water (10 l).
    • During fruiting, strawberries are fed once a week with a green solution made from weeds.

    One of the best fertilizers considered baker's yeast. They are sold in briquettes in grocery stores. The dry analogue is not suitable for fertilizing. You will have to stock up on yeast in early spring, since this is a seasonal product - in summer time it's not for sale. Yeast (1 tbsp) is added to 0.5 l warm water. Leave for half an hour. Then they get divorced warm water(10 l.). Under each strawberry bush you need to pour no more than 200 ml of yeast solution.

    How to care for garden strawberries

    Large-fruited garden strawberries require constant care. You won’t be able to limit yourself to just watering and fertilizing:

    • After watering, the soil must be loosened to provide the plants with the necessary amount of oxygen. It is important to remember that the root system of this crop is in upper layers soil, so loosening is carried out with caution.
    • Throughout the season, old leaves and tendrils are cut off from strawberries. Pruning of the mustache is carried out, firstly, so that the plant bears fruit better. Secondly, so that strawberries, like strawberries, do not spread throughout the garden. After all, the whiskers have rosettes that quickly take root in a new place.
    • Sick and old plants are removed from the beds every year. They will no longer bear fruit, so you should not be afraid of this procedure.

    Prevention of diseases and their treatment

    Unlike strawberries, large-fruited garden strawberries are not susceptible to many diseases, including fungal ones. However, white spotting poses a real threat to it. Viral disease affects plants in the spring, during the growing season. The appearance of reddish spots on the foliage indicates the occurrence of a disease. Then the center of the spots turns whitish. Later, small holes appear in their place. The virus affects not only leaves, but also mustaches and peduncles. To get rid of white spotting, plants are sprayed with a solution of Bordeaux mixture (1%).

    White spotting appears due to excess humidity. To prevent its occurrence, it is necessary to control the frequency of watering and follow the strawberry planting pattern.

    White spot primarily affects foliage

    Insect pests

    There are practically no insects wanting to feast on these plants. The exception is the strawberry mite. The appearance of this pest in the garden is not difficult to notice:

    Ticks very quickly adapt to new drugs against pests, so conventional insecticides should not be used. It is better to fight strawberry mites with insecto-acaricidal agents, such as “Clean Garden”, “Omayt”, “Fitoverm”, “Zolon” ​​and others. When using these drugs, it is important to remember that they are toxic and pose a danger to humans and pets. The products are prepared for use immediately before processing the plants. They are diluted with warm water according to the instructions on the package. Spray the solution on absolutely all the plants in the garden bed. 3-4 days after treatment, the plants are placed under film. Forms inside Greenhouse effect, which promotes the destruction of surviving insects.

    Video: destruction of strawberry mite

    Preparing strawberries for winter

    Garden strawberries considered cold-resistant. It does not freeze at -20–25 degrees. But this is provided that the winter is snowy. In the absence of snow, strawberries can freeze already at a temperature of -8 degrees. According to botanists, strawberries - evergreen. And, unlike strawberries, it must overwinter with leaves. For this reason, haircuts are not carried out in the fall. Preparation for winter period carried out as follows:

    1. Already in August, the plants stop feeding.
    2. Excess mustaches are removed from strawberries.
    3. Row spacing is dug up to provide oxygen access to the roots.
    4. Large-fruited strawberries are covered for the winter with humus, straw, and spruce branches.

    Gardeners advise using organic matter for cover. The use of synthetic covering materials can lead to rot.


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