Construction of partitions from tongue-and-groove slabs. Installation of partitions from tongue-and-groove blocks and slabs

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Interior wall partitions, in most cases, are not load-bearing structures in the house. They must have sufficient strength and good soundproofing properties. The design of the partition should easily withstand internal communications and hanging furniture.

In this article we will talk about tongue-and-groove gypsum (plasterboard) slabs (GGP). This material is used to create interior and apartment partitions. With a competent approach to construction, partitions made of tongue-and-groove gypsum boards (GGP) will meet the requirements listed above. But you need to focus on ensuring that the installation of tongue-and-groove slabs is competent!

If you neglect to comply construction technology, then the installation of tongue-and-groove partitions will end in the fact that instead of a durable monolith, the builder will end up with a shaky and uneven wall, ready to collapse at any moment.

Kruchenkov User FORUMHOUSE, Moscow.

I have a bathroom partition at home made of tongue-and-groove slabs. Apparently, when a hole was made in it for sewer pipe, Something went wrong. Now, if you shake this structure by the edge with your hand, you can hear the blocks hitting each other.

On FORUMHOUSE you can find a lot similar examples. And if the partition was originally folded contrary existing technology, then the defects can be corrected only by completely destroying the structure.

But don’t be afraid, because the technology for constructing wall partitions from PGP is quite simple. And if you treat it with due attention, the impression of the work done will be very positive.


I worked at a construction site. The buildings of the old foundation were reconstructed. So, all the partitions were made from gypsum tongue-and-groove slabs, the work was a pleasure. Just right as a partition. Easy and quick to install. The walls are smooth. After puttying, they are ready for painting or wallpaper. The fasteners in the slab hold well. Sound insulation is also normal. But if anything, you can make a lath, lay mineral wool and finish it with clapboard or panels.

A little about the practicality of GPP

Manufacturers of gypsum boards guarantee that this material provides reliable fastening standard elements modern interior. This means that gypsum plasterboard partitions can withstand loads comparable to those on walls made of other standard materials. Wall cabinets, Appliances, stretch ceiling– all this can be easily mounted on a tongue-and-groove gypsum partition. Expand functionality wall partition from PGP it is possible by installing metal-plastic into its body water pipes(with a diameter of no more than 16 mm) and electrical wiring elements.

Grachev68 User FORUMHOUSE

You can also install doors in the tongue-and-groove without additional fittings, install electrics without any problems, and hang shelves and TV more reliably.

Tongue-and-groove slabs - what are they?

Standard PGPs come in two types: solid and hollow. The construction of solid slabs is more durable, but this material is significantly heavier than its hollow counterpart. For this reason it is not recommended
used as part of partitions mounted on the floor with
wooden joists.

Hollow PGPs provide high sound insulation (43 dB) without overloading the floor structure. Some people believe that in internal space hollow slabs All kinds of insect pests can live and multiply intensively. But such an opinion has not yet found serious confirmation.

Regular (solid and hollow) tongue-and-groove slabs used for installing partitions or wall cladding in rooms with dry and normal level humidity. If the partition is planned to be installed in a room with high level humidity, then preference should be given to moisture-resistant slabs that have a peculiar greenish tint. Keep in mind that such PGPs are slightly heavier than regular solid products.

Preparatory work

List of tools for working with tongue-and-groove slabs:

  • Marking cord:
  • Hacksaw with a wide blade and large teeth;
  • Roulette;
  • Putty knife;
  • Drill with a nozzle for stirring mixtures;
  • Bucket;
  • Construction level and plumb line;
  • Rubber mallet;
  • Square;
  • Screwdriver.

In accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturers, the length of the wall partition made of PGP should not exceed 6 m. The maximum height of the structure is 3.5 m. It is possible to increase these parameters, but the maximum strength of the partition is ensured only if the specified dimensions are observed.

The base for the wall made of tongue-and-groove slabs must be level, stable and completely free of dust. If the floor is concrete and there are differences in it exceeding 3 mm, then before starting installation work it is necessary to level it; create a leveling layer. For this purpose, a mortar based on sand and cement is suitable (grade of mortar is not lower than M50).

Alignment of the wall from PGP.

The solution is applied to a clean, damp floor. For getting ideal surface you can create some kind of formwork and fill it with mortar clearly at a horizontal level. After complete drying, the base must be coated with a concrete primer.

If it is possible to do without a leveling layer, then the base for the future partition, as well as the junction of the partition with the enclosing walls, are covered with 2 layers of primer.

If the partition is mounted on wooden floor, then the base needs to be reinforced with a strong, even beam.

Kirill147 User FORUMHOUSE

According to the technology, gypsum tongue-and-groove panels require a flat base - a screed or a separate non-sagging beam under the partition.

When the base is ready, you can mark the locations of the partitions and doorways. This is done using lacing, a plumb line and a level.

Installation of the PGP can be carried out at temperatures from -10 to +30°C. Construction material must be brought into the room in advance. This will help him “get used” to the right temperature conditions and will insure the partition from deformation (when the temperature changes, the slabs may slightly change their volume).

Installation of elastic gasket

To ensure that temperature changes and deformation of the load-bearing elements of the building do not lead to the destruction of the partition over time, the structure made of PGP should be isolated from the base and adjacent walls with a special elastic (damper) tape. Damper tape for PGP protects the wall from mechanical damage and increases the soundproofing qualities of the partition. Elastic tape is a special cork backing(at least 75 mm wide), which we will glue to the base and walls in accordance with the markings made. The boards and tape are fixed with the same mounting adhesive.

Consumables intended for installation work ( building mixtures, gaskets, dowels, hangers, etc.), should be selected based on the recommendations of the GGP manufacturer. At negative temperatures installation of the PGP is carried out using a frost-resistant adhesive gypsum mixture.

Glue with a spatula thin layer applied to the prepared surface. The tape is rolled out from above and pressed lightly with your hands. The glue sets within one hour. After this period, you can begin building the partition.

Installation of PGP

The damper gasket under the tongue-and-groove slabs is covered with a layer of assembly adhesive, onto which the lower, first row of the PGP is laid. The plate can be positioned with the groove up or the groove down - it doesn’t matter. But if the groove is at the bottom, then the ridge will not have to be sawed off to make the slab level. It is allowed to install the top row of slabs vertically (if this becomes necessary due to material savings).

When laying the first row, the vertical groove of the tongue-and-groove slab and the base of the floor are coated with glue. Special attention Care should be taken to maintain vertical and horizontal levels. The slabs should be set using a mallet.

The thickness of vertical and horizontal seams should not exceed 2 mm. After installing the next slab in its place, use a spatula to remove excess glue at its joints.

Additional elements for filling gaps between solid slabs, walls and openings are easily cut from PGP using a hacksaw.

The relative displacement of vertical joints in the PGT masonry must be at least 10 cm. This is prerequisite to ensure structural strength.

At the intersection of two partitions made of gypsum tongue-and-groove slabs, as well as in the corners, the slabs are laid in such a way that their joints overlap each other. Tongue-and-groove elements that interfere with proper dressing should be cut off with a hacksaw.

After the partition is ready, its outer corners must be reinforced with perforated metal profile and putty.

People often ask whether it is necessary to glue with serpyanka tongue-and-groove partitions. Yes, the inner corners are glued with serpyanka and coated with putty.

Fastening the partition to the wall

The strength of the connection of the tongue-and-groove partition to the walls and base is ensured by the installation additional elements: mounting angles, fittings or hangers. It is more convenient to use mounting angles or hangers. After all, they are attached to the slab using ordinary self-tapping screws, and to the walls using dowels. The slabs of the 1st, 3rd, and 5th rows are attached to the side walls. It is possible more often, but there must be several (at least three) fastenings. A strong base connection is created for every second slab.

During installation, direct hangers can be installed directly into the groove of the slab, having previously cut them to the required dimensions.

Between the top row of masonry and the ceiling of the room you will need a technological gap of at least 1.5 cm. It must be left and foamed with polyurethane foam. After drying, excess foam must be cut off and the seam must be puttied. Between the top row and the ceiling, additional fasteners are installed at the same frequency as below.

Creating Doorways

For installing door or window openings, the width of which does not exceed 90 cm, you can make masonry without additional reinforcement. In this case, an auxiliary structure made of wooden beam, which is removed after the slabs of the top row are laid, and assembly adhesive will grab.

If the opening width exceeds 90 cm, then a wooden or metal lintel should be installed above it. The ends of the lintel should protrude 50 cm beyond the opening on each side. This will ensure even distribution of the load on the partition.

The door (window) frame is attached to the partition using frame dowels and mounting foam.

Inter-apartment partitions made of PGP

Apartment partitions made of PGP, unlike interior partitions, are made double. A technological gap of 4 cm is left between the plates. First, one partition is erected, then the second. In order to enhance sound insulation, the space between the slabs is filled soundproofing material, mineral wool, etc..

Installation of communications

The design of partitions made of PGP allows the installation of hidden electrical wiring. Gypsum boards are strong enough to allow vertical grooves to be made into them and are thick enough to install distribution boxes. Technological cavities inside hollow PGP can be used as horizontal grooves.

If the channel chosen for laying the wire is expanded with a crown with a diameter of 45 mm, then the cable will pass through it without difficulty. The main thing is not to clog the side hole of the slab with glue during installation work.

To make it more convenient to pass the wire through horizontal channels, blind mounting holes can be made in the side surface of the partition.

Some doubt the safety of vertical gating of plaster walls. But, according to manufacturers (and the builders themselves), there is nothing to be afraid of.

When remodeling an apartment or building a private house, you have to install new partitions. Selecting material for them is not so easy. It should not create excessive load on the floor, must be reliable and have good load-bearing capacity. It is also desirable that the installation be simple and quick, and the price low. There are not many materials and technologies that meet these requirements. These are tongue-and-groove slabs. In this article we will talk about tongue-and-groove ridges.

What kind of material is this and its types

Tongue-and-groove slabs (abbreviated as GGP) or blocks are a large-format building material for the construction of partitions in the form of a slab, at the ends of which a ridge (tenon) and groove are formed. Hence the name - tongue-and-groove slabs. They are:

Plasticizers and hydrophobic (water-repellent) additives are added to the solution to improve properties. Gypsum gypsum boards have another name - gypsum boards. It is understandable: the gypsum solution is poured into molds. Here is the “source” of this variant of the name.

Moisture resistance and hollowness

According to the area of ​​use, tongue-and-groove slabs can be intended for normal conditions operation (ordinary, standard) or for wet rooms (moisture resistant). Moisture-resistant ones are tinted greenish for better identification.

Both gypsum and silicate tongue-and-groove slabs are either solid or hollow. Solid ones are more durable; hollow ones, due to their lower weight, create less load on the floors. The choice between solid and hollow must be made based on several factors:

  • Soundproofing characteristics. Monolithic material without voids it conducts sounds better, so it is used if soundproofing is done separate layer(best option) or if it is not so important.
  • Loads on partitions. If you need to hang shelves, furniture, or fasten some heavy objects on the walls, it is better to use a monolith.
  • . On wooden floors or on old ones wooden floors It is better to install less heavy (hollow) blocks.

If several factors need to be taken into account, sound insulation is considered in last resort. You can increase noise protection by using a special installation technology (on vibration-damping pads), as well as by adding an additional layer of sound-proofing materials.


If we compare conventional and moisture-resistant tongue-and-groove slabs, the differences in characteristics are only in water absorption and strength. Moisture-resistant, due to the large number of hydrophobic additives, they almost do not absorb moisture. Because of large number These additives are more expensive, since these additives are expensive. At the same time, they increase strength (M50 compared to M35).

By the way, you can check “without leaving the checkout” whether this is really moisture-resistant PGP or just painted in green color standard. Just pour some water on the surface. Standard slabs it will be quickly absorbed, and on water-repellent ones it will remain in a puddle for a long time.

If we compare gypsum and silicate partition blocks, the increased strength of the latter immediately catches the eye - M150 compared to M50 and M35. That is, the strength of silicate slabs is comparable to concrete of a good grade. If you are going to hang something very heavy on the partition, it is better to use silicate. Manufacturers also produce blocks 115 mm thick, which are called inter-apartment blocks.

How else do silicate slabs differ from their gypsum counterparts? Because in the standard version they do not have such a high absorbency. It is not as low as that of moisture-resistant blocks, but this material can be used in any wet areas without problems (13% compared to 26-32%). The disadvantages of this material are greater weight (with equal sizes) and lower thermal insulation characteristics.

Silicate or gypsum?

If we compare soundproofing characteristics gypsum blocks and silicate ones, the latter, with equal parameters, conduct sounds worse (40-43 dB for gypsum and 48-52 dB for silicate). So for better sound insulation choose silicate.

But silicate blocks same sizes have more weight and higher thermal conductivity (conduct heat better). Weight is key in the choice, since sound and thermal insulation can be improved with additional layers special materials, but there is no way to reduce the weight of the partition. And if its mass is critical for the overlap, nothing good can be expected.

How to build with tongue-and-groove slabs

In order for a partition made of tongue-and-groove blocks to be reliable and stable, certain conditions must be met:

In general, it is necessary to strictly follow all recommendations and strictly follow the technology. Then tongue-and-groove partitions do not differ in strength and reliability from brick ones, but are erected many times faster.


The laying of the tongue-and-groove wall begins with markings. If you have a laser plane builder, everything is simple: unfold the plane, draw lines on the floor, walls, ceiling. If there is no such tool, you will have to spend more time. A plumb line will be required. The one that won’t fit in a smartphone is not a measuring tool. It’s better to buy one at a hardware store or make one from twine and a centered weight.

We draw the first line on the ceiling, using a plumb line we transfer it to the floor. By connecting the points on the floor and ceiling, we get lines on the walls. As a result, a closed marking was formed to align the partition.

We inspect the base on which we will place the blocks. It should be perfectly aligned when viewed along the partition line, and should not fall forward or backward when viewed across.

If there are door or window openings in the partition, they must also be marked. With doors everything is simple - we mark them on the floor. It’s more difficult with windows - you need beacons on the walls and ceiling.

Preparing the base

As already said, the base should be perfectly level without tilting in any direction. If there are deviations, concrete floor fill in the leveling screed (not lower than M150). To do this, you will have to assemble the formwork into which the solution is poured. Minimum thickness layer - 3 cm. To get a guaranteed high-quality result, use a self-leveling composition. Just keep in mind that the errors “correct themselves” are not too large. You still need to distribute the composition manually. Simply run a spatula, dispersing the solution along the entire length, and small irregularities are leveled out due to the increased fluidity of the material.

Cover the poured concrete with polyethylene and leave it for about a week. This is if the room temperature does not drop below +20°, during which time it will gain 50% strength. This means that you can work with it. If the temperature is lower, the period increases. At a temperature of 17°C and slightly lower, 2 weeks are already needed... We coat the even base with concrete contact - it will improve the adhesion of the base to the adhesive composition on which we will place the PGP.

If we place tongue-and-groove blocks on a wooden floor, the partition must pass over the beam - this is it. Second, we level the base using dry timber. It must be secured so that it is also horizontally aligned in all directions. We fasten the timber to the floor with nails or self-tapping screws. If there is a joint, we connect it into half a tree, additionally coating the joint with wood glue and fastening it with nails.

To improve sound insulation

The main disadvantage of gypsum tongue-and-groove partitions is that the sound insulation is not very high. The situation with silicate blocks is better, but also not ideal. Therefore, we recommend laying vibration-absorbing tape around the perimeter of the partition. It is no secret that most sounds are transmitted through vibrations through the floor, ceiling and adjacent walls and elastic gaskets significantly improve the situation.

Under tongue-and-groove slabs, you can use a strip of bituminized felt or cork with a density of 250-300 kg/m³. The width of the strip is slightly less than the width of the blocks. It is laid on a leveled base using the same binder that you will use to seal the seams between the slabs. The solution is applied to the surface treated with concrete contact (after drying) in a layer of 2-3 mm. Lay the tape by rolling it with a roller, expelling air bubbles. The protruding solution is removed with a spatula. In this way, the tape is glued to the floor, walls, and ceiling. Levelness is checked using a bubble level.

Preparing slabs for installation

If silicate tongue-and-groove slabs are used, no preparation is required - their upper and lower surfaces do not have a groove/ridge. They are absolutely smooth (as in the photo below).

When working with a gypsum tongue-and-groove, first you need to decide whether you will place the blocks with the tongue or groove facing up. It is more convenient to work when the groove is directed upward, but the reverse position is not a mistake.

If you decide to lay the PGP with the groove up, you need to cut off the tenon on all blocks of the first row. The most convenient way to do this is with a hacksaw. The resulting cut is uneven. We level it using a plane.

Note! The cut of the slab must be absolutely even. This determines how firmly the wall of tongue-and-groove slabs will stand. And the cut tongue-and-groove slabs must be the same height.

The seam between the blocks does not exceed 2 mm, so even small deviations are almost impossible to correct. Therefore, we align carefully and carefully. After leveling, the dust is swept away with a brush and you can begin to build the wall.

First row

The sequence of actions when laying a wall made of tongue-and-groove slabs is simple and very similar to a brick one. There are only some features. Since the partition is usually adjacent to the wall, if a tenon is turned towards it, it is cut off with a saw, the surface is leveled with a plane, and the dust is removed. The next procedure is as follows:

In this way the entire row is lined up. The last slab usually has to be trimmed. This could be the beginning of a doorway or simply the last slab in a row. Its length should be 3-4 mm less than the remaining gap - the seam gap. You should not increase the gap - stability will decrease. For greater confidence, the joint can be reinforced with a metal corner. Two or three corners for each row. It's enough.

Second and subsequent

Tongue-and-groove slabs are laid with staggered seams - like bricks. The shift of the second row can be half or a third of the length. The best option- half. We cut half of the whole slab, cut off the tenon if necessary, and install it. Further masonry is no different. The third row again starts with a whole block, the fourth with a half, etc.

After laying each block, check whether it is positioned correctly. With such block sizes, the error accumulates very quickly. Therefore, we first check each installed block with a level for verticality/horizontalness. and then, placing the bar horizontally, grabbing the adjacent blocks and moving them from top to bottom, make sure there are no gaps. We also check that there are no deviations in the vertical plane.

Control of verticality and horizontality is one of the main tasks


If the wall being built from tongue-and-groove blocks has outside corner, we start laying from there. To make the work easier, we create a corner support. This could be a corner with fairly wide shelves or two boards connected at 90°C. We put the structure in place, check the correct installation, and temporarily fix it to the ceiling and floor.

We cut off the side tenon of one of the slabs, rest its edge against the installed stop, level it, using a mallet to set the direction. For the second slab, we also cut off the side tenon, apply glue to this edge, connect it to the side surface of the installed slab, and tap it until it makes tight contact (diagram in the figure above).

To install the second row, you need to make a cut in the already installed slab for the lower tenon of the next block. We take a hacksaw for metal and make cuts. Then, using a wall chaser (a tool for working with foam concrete, but it is also useful for laying wiring in the PGP) or any hard tool, we remove the excess, align the groove, making it the same size and shape as the groove. Using a brush or construction vacuum cleaner remove dust.

We place the second row starting from the other side - so that the seam is on the other side of the corner. Apply the solution to the end of the lower block. We take half of the block, cut off the side tenon, and install the bottom one in the prepared groove (far right diagram in the figure below). It should also rest against the established corner. We carefully align the installed tongue-and-groove slabs, checking for verticality and the absence of even the slightest deviation.


We also need to consider the branch from the partition at a right angle. The partitions will be more reliable if they are made with ligation (middle diagram in the figure). All three slabs that are being installed have the side tenon cut off. The joints are coated with adhesive, and the three blocks are driven close to each other with a mallet. In this case, it is also necessary to ensure that the partition is perpendicular - that is, the angle is 90°.

We line up the second row so that the middle of the block is above the junction. To install it, you will also need to make a groove in the protrusions of the lower block. These rows are then alternated.

There is another way to install a T-shaped partition from a tongue-and-groove - without ligation. To do this, simply lay out the wall (which in the letter T is the top crossbar). Attach a second partition to the finished wall, end-to-end (left diagram in the figure above). To increase the reliability of the connection, metal reinforced perforated corners are installed at the junction.


A doorway in a wall made of tongue-and-groove slabs can be made with or without a reinforcing beam. It can be done without a reinforcing beam if the width of the opening does not exceed half the length of the block. Thus, a doorway 900 mm wide can be made without a beam if the ceiling is made of 900 mm long PGP. Moreover, the joint of the plates should be located almost in the middle. A slight shift is allowed (by 10 mm), but so that the length of the entire part of the block to the right and left of the opening is not less than 445 mm.

During installation, before the glue sets, the lintel above the door is reinforced with a stop (a board supported by a pole resting on the floor) or a structure assembled from boards as in the right diagram. In this case, first assemble a U-shaped lintel from boards and secure it with self-tapping screws to the blocks located below (check the horizontality of the lintel). Apply a block and mark how it needs to be cut. It turns out two L-shaped blocks of the same or almost identical sizes. Applying in in the right places solution, they are installed.

If we use tongue-and-groove slabs 667 mm long, a reinforcing beam must be installed under an opening larger than 660 mm. To make a beam you can use metal corner, channel, fittings, strips of metal of considerable thickness. It is possible to use dry wooden beams with a thickness of 50 mm or more (pre-treat with an antiseptic). The beam should protrude 400-450 mm beyond the doorway.

Manufacturers building materials constantly use innovative technologies to improve quality and speed up repairs. In addition, it is important to minimize costs and simplify the construction process. To zone the space with the least difficulty, you can use partitions made of tongue-and-groove slabs. They are a good alternative plasterboard walls and allow you to get a smooth and stable structure.

Types of tongue-and-groove slabs and their advantages

The tongue-and-groove slab differs from other similar materials in the presence of tongue-and-groove joints at the ends. This feature makes it possible to connect adjacent elements, ensuring a smooth surface and strength of the partition.

There are two types of tongue-and-groove slabs: gypsum and silicate. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, which should be taken into account when constructing walls.

To make gypsum blocks, building gypsum and special plasticizers are used. This material differs favorably from others and allows the production of high-quality partitions from tongue-and-groove slabs. They can be either standard or moisture resistant (green) and suitable for use in rooms with any level of humidity.

The main advantages of gypsum boards are: environmental friendliness, high fire resistance, good sound insulation. In addition, hollow blocks can be used, which will reduce the weight of the structure. Their only drawback is the difficulty in hanging shelves and other additional elements. But solid blocks can withstand almost any load, which distinguishes them even from plasterboard partitions.

The main advantage of any partition made of tongue-and-groove slabs is simplicity finishing. It is not necessary to plaster such a surface; simply prime it. After this, it can be painted or wallpapered.

To make silicate slabs, water is used, quicklime And quartz sand. The resulting material has high strength (compared to gypsum) and moisture resistance. At the same time, they are “not afraid” of fire and absorb sound well.

Partition installation instructions

The process of installing walls can be considered using the example of gypsum blocks. This material is one of the most popular in any repair and is perfect for the construction interior partitions. Installation should be carried out after finishing work on leveling the floor surface. Use the best materials famous manufacturers. For example, Knauf. This will avoid unpleasant surprises and problems.

To install partitions made of tongue-and-groove slabs, you need to purchase a number of components and the necessary tools:

  • gypsum boards;
  • assembly adhesive;
  • putty for gaskets;
  • gaskets (suitable from treated felt or cork);
  • drill;
  • mixer;
  • hacksaw;
  • level;
  • rule;
  • rubber hammer;
  • roulette;
  • marker or pencil;
  • ribbon or twine;
  • putty knife;
  • wedges

After the issues of purchasing materials have been resolved, you can begin to carry out the main installation points. The installation diagram will look like this:

  • marking;
  • cleaning all surfaces adjacent to the future partition from dirt;
  • gluing the gasket to the installation sites of the slabs (Fügenfüller putty is used);
  • installation of the first row of tongue-and-groove slabs;
  • laying the second row;
  • installation of the last row (the edge of the slabs must be beveled);
  • sealing seams;
  • finishing.

At first glance, everything is simple: a partition made of tongue-and-groove slabs is assembled like a construction set, and there are no problems. But there are some nuances that need to be taken into account.

Firstly, at least a day before installation, you need to bring the blocks into the room. This is necessary for the material to “get used to”, that is, to accept the required humidity and temperature. Secondly, laying is done with the groove facing up. The grooves are subsequently filled with putty. Before laying the second row, you need to cut the first slab into two parts. This is necessary to arrange the vertical joints in a checkerboard pattern and give mechanical strength to the structure. Important: the width of the seams horizontally and vertically must be equal!

After the installation of the partition is completed, the surface of the tongue-and-groove slabs must be primed. This will ensure adhesion of the decorative layer and avoid the occurrence of surface defects. Any type of wallpaper and painting are suitable for decoration. The main thing is to choose the pattern or shade you like and carefully apply it to the partition.

Here are some tips to help you install walls to the highest quality:

  1. “Many sources contain information that a slab partition can be installed in one day. It is not right. It’s best to let the first layer “settle” for a day, and then continue working.” Zoya makes repairs with her own hands.
  2. “Although they say that work with tongue-and-groove blocks is carried out practically without dirt and dust, this is not entirely true. The process of sawing slabs is quite dusty, so you should be prepared for constant cleaning.” Oleg, a novice repairman.
  3. “The material is quite new for our market, but already popular. I liked it not only for the smoothness of the surface, but also for the ease of installation. On finished wall I only hung shelves and a TV, but I didn’t dare to put up cabinets,” Dmitry, renovating his dacha.

At first glance, partitions made from tongue-and-groove blocks are perfect option erection of walls and zoning of space. However, such material must also have its drawbacks. Information on ways to solve problems that arise during installation and operation would be helpful. Share your experience with us!

Partitions made from tongue-and-groove slabs have been used in construction for a long time. But my new life they received relatively recently, when life became better, citizens began to carry out repairs and redevelopment of apartments and houses using modern materials. The latter did not always turn out to be easy to use, especially for inexperienced craftsmen who did the repairs with their own hands. In this regard, tongue-and-groove slabs are better because their installation is a simple process.

Partitions made of tongue-and-groove panels

This wall material for the construction of partitions there are two types of building materials on the market: gypsum and silicate. The first is pure gypsum with the addition of plasticizers. The second is lime mixed with sand, formed into slabs and dried in an autoclave under high temperatures.

The dimensions of the gypsum tongue-and-groove slabs are 500x667x80 mm. They have higher thermal insulation properties and good sound insulation qualities. Standard sizes silicate slabs – 250x500x70 mm. They are inferior in the two parameters indicated above, but in terms of strength they are much better. Besides silicate material withstands moisture loads well. Although we must pay tribute to the manufacturers of gypsum panels, who today offer moisture-resistant boards painted greenish. So you can't go wrong when choosing. The dimensions of the hydrophobized blocks are 300x900x80 mm.

Let us add that silicate tongue-and-groove blocks are produced different thicknesses, which is convenient in terms of selecting material for the partition relative to the strength of the structure and such an indicator as load bearing capacity designs. Thickness options: 70, 88, 115 mm.

In all other respects, the two varieties have almost identical characteristics:

  • don't rot,
  • are not deformed,
  • don't burn
  • do not emit substances harmful to humans,
  • have a smooth surface.

Tongue-and-groove slabs

Installation technology

It is necessary to immediately make a reservation that the installation of tongue-and-groove slabs must begin after they are completed construction works related to the alignment of load-bearing structures: walls, floors, ceilings. To carry out the work you will have to prepare.


  • tongue-and-groove slabs,
  • gypsum glue,
  • primer,
  • brackets for attaching material to walls and floors,
  • screws and dowels.


  • spatulas,
  • building level,
  • container for diluting the adhesive composition,
  • construction mixer,
  • hacksaw,
  • screwdriver

Preparatory stage

In addition to preparation necessary materials and tools you need to prepare the floor. It is already leveled, all that remains is to mark it with the location of the future partition, remove dust and prime it. This is always done regardless of whether the floor is concrete or wooden.

Regarding the marking, it can be carried out directly on the surface of the floor base and along the walls, drawing parallel lines with a marker or pencil that determine the thickness of the tongue-and-groove slab. Additionally, you can stretch a strong thread on one side at a height of 30 cm, which will show the plane of the installation boundary of the first row of slab material.

Installation process

The main requirement for the installation of tongue-and-groove slabs is to correctly lay the first row, taking into account the horizontal and vertical arrangement of each slab, which will form the basis for the location of the partition. But you have to start by preparing the glue. It is simply poured in portions into a bucket of water, stirring construction mixer. The proportions are indicated on the packaging of the adhesive mixture.

Preparation of the adhesive composition exactly according to the recipe indicated on the bag

Apply to the wall and floor at the site where the first tongue-and-groove slab is installed. adhesive solution in small strokes using a small spatula.

Applying adhesive to walls and floors where slabs are installed

Now you can install the slab with the ridge up, checking it for horizontal installation using building level. The panel is pressed against the wall and the floor. Rivne floor base– guarantee of accurate horizontal alignment of the panel.

Checking the tongue-and-groove slab for horizontalness using a level

The end of the plate is treated with glue. It is also applied to the floor for installation of the second element for laying the partition.

The end of the first plate is coated with glue

Both slabs are checked by a long rule for evenness in the same plane. This must be done, even if the slab material is strictly laid along the marked lines. A slight misalignment can lead to large discrepancies at the end of the septum. So it’s better to spend a couple of minutes checking it than to redo a large amount of work.

The slabs are checked against each other using a long rule

This is how the first row of the partition is laid from tongue-and-groove slabs with the installation of all elements along the intended lines. After which you can collect the next rows. Installation of the second row begins with a solid slab, which is installed so that subsequently the joints between the panels do not coincide in different rows. That is, the installation is carried out with an offset, preferably half a panel.

The top plate is laid in the second row so that the joint of the two elements of the first row falls in the middle

The space between the wall and the partition is filled with a piece of tongue-and-groove plate, which is cut out of a single piece with a hacksaw. You just need to accurately measure the size for installation.

Tongue-and-groove slabs can be easily cut with a regular hacksaw

To strengthen the structure, it is recommended that the slabs located near the walls and resting on the floor base be secured to load-bearing structures metal mounting angles (brackets), screws and dowels. To do this, you need to place the corner, for example, against the wall, attach it to the plate with one self-tapping screw and a screwdriver, and with the other to the wall surface.

Fastening the tongue-and-groove plate to the wall using a mounting angle and self-tapping screws

Construction of a doorway

Installation of partitions made of tongue-and-groove slabs also involves the construction of a doorway. To do this, at the marking stage, it is necessary to indicate the location of the opening. It is up to this point that the partition will need to be assembled: on one side or on both. The main task after assembly is to mark and form the top row located above the doorway. To do this, grooves must be made in the two erected walls for the embedded beams (lintels). They are simply cut out with a hacksaw.

Groove for embedded beam

The jumper is placed on adhesive composition, it fills the groove completely. It is important at the stage of marking the grooves to align them so that the embedded part lies horizontally in them. After which you can proceed to the installation of the slabs. Everything is the same here, the beam end of the adjacent wall is coated with glue, after which the tongue-and-groove slabs are installed at their destination.

Formation of a doorway by installing tongue-and-groove slabs on a foundation beam

When the doorway is finished, you can move on to the last one installation stage– sealing the gap between the partition made of tongue-and-groove slabs and the ceiling. Usually the gap is not very large, so the easiest option is to foam it with polyurethane foam. You can use adhesive or putty.

Filling the gap between the partition and the ceiling with polyurethane foam

If you need to bring a wall made of tongue-and-groove slabs exactly to the ceiling and then finishing, then on one side the gap is covered plaster mortar, on the other side it is filled with foam, and covered with plaster there. Simple foaming is used only when the room, divided by a partition, will be decorated with a suspended or suspended ceiling structure.

A partition made of tongue-and-groove slabs is a flat surface that does not need to be leveled with plaster. It is prepared with a small layer of putty, which gives the surface maximum smoothness.

Nuances of the installation process

Any partition requires the presence of corners: external and internal. They are subject to certain loads, and there are always complaints about them in terms of finishing. Therefore, it is recommended to cover the external corners with perforated plastic corner profiles, which will not only create evenness external corner, but will also be a kind of protection against chipping due to minor impacts.

Use a corner measuring 30x30 mm.

  1. A layer of putty is applied to the corner of the partition doorway.
  2. The corner is pressed into the solution until it stops.
  3. Another layer of putty is applied on top until completely leveled.

To carry out this operation, it is recommended to use an angle spatula. If the length of one corner is not enough, the missing section is cut 3-5 cm longer than the required length. Because the two plastic elements being joined are overlapped.

Problem internal corners– cracks. There is only one way to fight them - with sickle tape.

  1. First, a layer of putty is applied to the corner.
  2. A serpyanka is immediately laid over the not dried solution, which is pressed until it stops.
  3. Top leveling putty layer.

Self-adhesive tapes can be used to seal internal corners. When using them, you don’t have to use putty.

If the partitions are constructed from several walls, which together form a broken structure at right angles, then they must be joined together not only with the help of an adhesive composition, but also with the help of the tongue-and-groove blocks themselves. They are installed in perpendicular planes Each other. To do this, the ridge of the lower panels is cut to fit the grooves of the upper ones so that upper blocks lay tightly on the lower ones.

Rules for joining tongue-and-groove panels at the junction of two walls

If a partition made of tongue-and-groove blocks is assembled on a concrete floor, then there is no need to fasten it to the base using metal brackets. The adhesive composition is a guarantee of durable fastening. If the floor is wooden, then you cannot do without mounting angles. In this case, you don’t even need to use glue between the blocks and the floor.

Be sure to watch the video:

Installing tongue-and-groove slabs for installing partitions has its advantages. This material has a convenient configuration and relatively low weight, which greatly simplifies installation work. The plates are also equipped with a special lock, which ensures their secure fastening.

Important! The arrangement of interior partitions using tongue-and-groove slabs occurs very quickly (almost in a matter of hours). To achieve such installation speed, you need to have great experience work and master technology perfectly.

The cost of erecting walls from tongue-and-groove slabs in the San Sanych company

If you are looking for craftsmen to install walls made of tongue-and-groove blocks, pay attention to our company. We have been working in Moscow for a long time and have acquired a lot positive feedback. This happened due to a responsible approach to all operations. We carefully listen to the customer’s wishes and implement them taking into account the requirements of regulatory documentation. Only trusted companies that provide best quality at low price. The cost of installation work will definitely pleasantly surprise you. Prices primarily depend on the amount of labor and materials used.

Preparatory stage

Preparing the room for installation of tongue-and-groove blocks occurs as follows:

  • the floor and walls in the areas where the future partition is adjacent must be perfectly flat. Otherwise required quality not achieve;
  • all existing irregularities are eliminated by filling the screed and grinding. also in mandatory cracks are repaired on the base;
  • the surface of the walls, ceiling and floor is primed;
  • markings are applied that reflect the location of the future wall.

Laying blocks

Before installing the first row of slabs that are intended for this purpose, the legs are cut off. This will ensure they fit snugly to the floor. To fix tongue-and-groove slabs, a special adhesive composition is used. It is applied to all their ends to securely fasten them together. Also, a special lock is used for this, which implies the presence of grooves on the surface of the blocks. After installing the first row, it is secured to the wall and floor using dowels. Then the installation continues according to the same scheme.


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