All about caring for indoor hibiscus. Lighting for hibiscus, how to choose a place for a flower

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Hibiscus or Chinese rose is a well-known houseplant. For many years it has been grown in apartments, houses, offices and government institutions. It is a tree or small bush with picturesque and large flowers. Flower growers fell in love with hibiscus for its longevity and unpretentiousness. The plant can be propagated by seeds or cuttings.

External description

This tree is native to Asia Minor, India and China. In countries located on the Pacific Islands, the plant is revered and is prescribed the ability to have a beneficial effect on the human aura. The flower itself is an exquisite hair decoration for the beautiful representatives of the islanders.

Under natural conditions, the height of the bush reaches up to 4 meters. With good and proper care at home, hibiscus has the following characteristics:

  • lush crown with rich green leaves;
  • trunk smooth gray;
  • leaf shape - three-pointed;
  • The flowers are large with a large pistil.

Enjoy this flowering exotic plant at home it is possible from July to the end of September.

Hibiscus care is not very troublesome. And it can be propagated in two ways. How to choose seeds for sowing and plant cuttings, read below.

How to care for Chinese rose

With proper attention, the hibiscus plant will definitely thank the grower with its abundant flowering. Much attention should be paid to watering. The Chinese rose is not able to store water, as most plants do. Therefore, lack of moisture immediately affects appearance tree. You need to be able to notice this in time and correct the situation. But you shouldn’t flood the rose with water. The main thing is regularity and moderation. After all, excess moisture in the pot leads to the formation of mold, insects and microorganisms. In such a substrate, the roots “suffocate” and the plant dies.

That's right - water the hibiscus abundantly every time and best of all - in the morning, but then be sure to pour the water out of the pan.

In winter, watering should be reduced, since the indoor flower is dormant. Botanists advise limiting the flow of water in case of plant disease. The south side of the room is perfect for hibiscus. The leaves are not afraid of direct sunlight. The Chinese rose likes to be in a lighted place for more than five hours a day. This condition is mandatory in care so that the question of how to make hibiscus bloom does not arise.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that there are varieties of Chinese roses with brownish inflorescences that tolerate partial shade well.

Temperature is another important component for growing a healthy and beautiful indoor plant. The optimal temperature is 23-30 degrees. An increase in the indicator will lead to the fact that the flower does not have time to bloom and falls off. Decreasing the value will result in the death of the entire plant.

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The Chinese rose loves humidity, because its homeland is coastal countries. At home, you can use a humidifier to create these conditions. How Alternative option: Place a container of water next to the heating device. Hibiscus blooms well at 70% humidity.

Regular spraying of the tree will also bring a positive effect when growing.

What to feed hibiscus?

There is no universal fertilizer that would suit all plants. Some may harm the Chinese rose. After all, most often, gardeners at home use phosphorus fertilizers to fertilize in order to improve the flowering of plants. But such feeding is detrimental to the Chinese rose! As a result, the following happens:

  • the root system suffers;
  • buds are tied in small quantities;
  • the tree blooms sparingly;
  • the inflorescences themselves are small in size and, possibly, with defects.

If at home a gardener notices the above points, he needs to pay attention to the composition of the fertilizer and immediately stop using it if it contains phosphorus.

Hibiscus will like store-bought formulations containing magnesium, potassium and nitrogen, and it will certainly delight its owners with abundant flowering and smooth and succulent leaves.

How to prune a Chinese rose correctly

Hibiscus pruning should be done once a year, otherwise you may not wait for the second and subsequent flowering. Buds form only on young shoots. After the first flowering of the tree, you need to cut it off with scissors, or preferably a sharp knife. flowering branches. Then the side shoots will grow, and flowers will form on them in the future. Branches that grow inside the crown or stick out unattractively in different directions are also subject to pruning. At the same time, you shouldn’t overdo it, but you shouldn’t be afraid to cut off the excess. The hibiscus quickly resumes growing new shoots and becomes fluffier.

Plant propagation by cuttings

The main advantage of this type of propagation is the fact that flowering at home will occur in the first year of life.

Here are the main criteria for choosing a good cutting:

  • youth;
  • presence of internodes;
  • healthy appearance;
  • no damage;
  • length 13-16 cm.

The best time for planting is February–March. At the end of winter you need to start choosing cuttings. It can be rooted in water, sand or soil. In the first case, darkened glassware is suitable. A hibiscus branch is inserted into it, and everything is covered with a transparent jar on top. When roots appear, the shoot is transplanted into the soil. It should contain as much peat as possible.

When rooting cuttings directly into the ground, you need soil containing coarse sand and peat. To speed up the process, you can dip a cut of the shoot into a special solution, for example, “Kornevin”. With this method, all lower leaves are removed from the seedling.

Chinese rose: rules of transplantation and cuttings

Seeds: selection of planting material

To grow beautiful and healthy hibiscus from seeds, you first need to choose a quality variety. IN flower shops you can find a large number of packets of hibiscus seeds. It is necessary to pay attention to the integrity of the packaging and the expiration date of the raw materials. There are a large number of flowers and varieties of roses. There is a terry and a regular design. The color palette starts with white shades and ends with dark burgundy.

Planting seeds in the ground

When the desired planting material has been selected, it’s time to start preparing the earthen substrate. You can keep things simple and buy a ready-made mixture. But it is better to prepare the soil yourself by mixing soil from the garden and from the forest in equal proportions. It’s a good idea to add a little humus to the mixture. The soil needs to be sifted and poured into boxes. Usually use a stick to make shallow grooves. Scatter the seeds evenly. You need to fill it with soil as carefully as possible. And distribute the soil evenly over the surface. Caution is needed, because the seeds themselves are very small. Next, you need to put the crops in a warm place. If this is done in winter, then next to the battery, and if in late spring, then in the open rays of the sun. At the same time, you need to regularly ensure that the soil does not dry out. To maintain humidity, wrap containers with planted seeds in polyethylene. In addition, this will help keep the temperature high.

Growing hibiscus from seeds is a more exciting activity, but it requires more attention and compliance with all the rules.

When sprouts appear from the ground, you need to remove the polyethylene. Otherwise, the seedlings may overgrow and die. The box with seedlings should be placed in a well-lit place, but not under direct Sun rays. After all, the young shoots are still weak, and the shoots are very tender. When the sprouts grown from seeds become stronger, you can begin to transplant them into separate pots. You should not immediately choose large tubs and buckets. So, the earth may become acidic. It is better to replant each year as the Chinese rose grows into larger diameter pots.

Hibiscus grown from seeds can bloom only in the third year of life at home. The first bud on the plant needs to be cut off. This is done so that the Chinese rose does not weaken and die.

There is one more point in favor of the method of propagating hibiscus by seeds. A plant grown in certain conditions, continues to grow in them. Hibiscus does not need to adapt and get used to other conditions.

  • To speed up the emergence of seedlings, you need to soak the seeds before planting. To do this, they are placed in a glass of water and placed in a warm place next to heating devices.
  • It is best to feed the Chinese rose in the evening or on a cloudy day. First you need to water the hibiscus generously. Do not fertilize during dormancy or after a recent transplant.
  • A store-bought plant should be replanted as quickly as possible. After all, the plant is often sold at a low price quality soil. Manufacturers add flowering stimulants to the soil. They have a bad effect on growth.

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The Chinese rose (hibiscus) is an evergreen shrub whose leaves are oval-shaped, smooth, oblong, with jagged edges. The plant grows successfully both in a greenhouse and at home in pots.

In order for a flower to actively bloom and delight its owners with its presence, it needs to be provided with complete and proper care. It consists in:

  • landing in the ground;
  • organization of watering;
  • ensuring optimal light and temperature conditions;
  • pruning (the procedure allows you to control the height of the bush and allows the development of side shoots)

For normal growth and development of hibiscus, mineral and organic fertilizers should be promptly applied to the soil in which it grows.

Soil for hibiscus

In order for a plant to grow well, it is necessary to ensure a full flow of oxygen to its roots. For this purpose, hibiscus is planted in the ground, which is a fertile mixture of sand, peat, turf, garden soil, and rotted leaves. It is also useful to add charcoal or ash to it (the consumption of the latter will be 2 cups for every 10 kg of land). For indoor flower You should definitely use drainage (they cover the bottom of the pot).

Planting and transplanting

Chinese rose loves bright places, so it is planted in areas that receive sufficient sunlight throughout the day. Initially, young leaves are shaded a little to allow them to adapt without getting burned, and then they are completely opened. Houseplants are planted in pots 7 to 10 centimeters high.

Hibiscus is rarely replanted - once a year or for five to six years. This is done when the roots do not have enough space. Move the rose into a new container slightly larger than the previous one by transferring it (the earthen ball is left untouched). The most favorable time for the procedure is winter or summer. You can replant in the spring - after the bud has bloomed. It is not recommended to carry out manipulation in the fall: during this period the plant is dormant.

Watering, lighting, temperature conditions

Chinese rose prefers moderately moist soil. Maintaining sufficient soil moisture is especially necessary in the spring and summer when active flowering is observed. Do not allow excess moisture or excessive drying of the soil throughout the season, otherwise the flower may die.

Water used for irrigation should first be filtered or allowed to settle. Flower growers advise spraying foliage with it several times a week. This will allow you to maintain comfortable air humidity.

In order for indoor hibiscus to bloom well, it must be kept on those windows where there is no lack of lighting and where the sun's rays penetrate well throughout the day.

The optimal temperature regime for roses is up to 22 °C in summer and up to 15 in winter.

Proper feeding of Chinese roses

It is necessary to periodically feed hibiscus in the same way as other plants. This allows you to maintain the required level of mineral and organic microelements necessary for normal growth and flowering of the crop, and to prevent their deficiency.

About the shortage nutrients the plant shows:

  1. deformation of leaves (thinning, drying), change in their color;
  2. delay or complete cessation of growth;
  3. reduction of the flowering period;
  4. reduction in flower size;
  5. weakening of the root system and its ability to absorb beneficial components;
  6. suspension of the formation of buds and side shoots.
  7. tendency to frequent illnesses.

Fertilizers for hibiscus should be applied twice in the spring-summer period (from April to September) and only once in the autumn-winter period (from October to March). Before fertilizing the hibiscus, the soil under it must be well moistened and the moisture allowed to be absorbed.

Organic matter

Of the organic fertilizers that are popular among gardeners:

  • Manure. A nutrient solution is prepared on its basis: dilute one tablespoon of the product per liter of water. The main ingredient is used in dried form. This fertilizer is suitable for one-year-old plants.
  • Mullein: fill a third of the bucket with water, leave for three days, then dilute with ten liters of liquid.
  • Grass. The solution is prepared in a manner similar to the previous one.
  • Ash. The dry substance is sprinkled on top of the soil. You can prepare a liquid composition for irrigation by diluting 300 g of the natural component in a bucket of water.
  • Bone flour. Contains a balanced amount of phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium. To fertilize 10 kg of soil, 2 cups of dry matter are required.

Mineral mixtures

For hibiscus to fully grow at home, it needs minerals. The main ones are:

  1. Nitrogen: affects the growth of a plant, determines the intensity and degree of development of its root system.
  2. Potassium: ensures metabolism, participates in photosynthesis, in the formation and accumulation of organic matter in plant cells. Responsible for the formation of buds.
  3. Phosphorus: activates the formation of the root system and the flow of all important processes, provides stress resistance and the ability to withstand low temperatures.

The main mineral fertilizers for Chinese roses are:

  • Urea. For dilution, 1 gram of product per liter of liquid is required. Fertilizer is applied by leaf method.
  • Potassium magnesium is a mixture containing potassium and magnesium. Prevents leaf falling, deformation, and pathological discoloration.

In order for the Chinese rose to develop well and bloom quickly, you can purchase ready-made fertilizer complexes in the store and effectively apply them. Among them:

  • "Ideal";
  • "Kemira Lux" (or "Universal");
  • fertilizer for roses in granular form “Fertika”;
  • "Athlete";
  • "Gilea";
  • "Master".
  • "Fertomix".

Adequate nutrition allows you to extend the flowering period, increases the flower’s resistance to diseases and pest attacks (fungal infection, aphids, spider mites).

Homemade products

You can make your own fertilizer for hibiscus at home. Amateur flower growers know their secret of how to feed indoor hibiscus so that it blooms magnificently. For this purpose it is recommended to use:

  • Sugar. It can be poured into the soil from above or a solution can be prepared: dissolve a teaspoon of the raw material in a glass of water and water the plant with the liquid 2 times a month every fourteen days.
  • Glucose. You need to dissolve 1 tablet in a liter of liquid.
  • Water in which meat was defrosted or cereal was washed.
  • Coffee grounds (mixed with soil).
  • Tea leaves. The method of application is similar to the previous one. Such fertilizer should be applied in moderation so as not to provoke the appearance of midges and acidification of the soil.
  1. for two weeks after planting the flower in new soil;
  2. while the plant is in a draft;
  3. in the hot season in the middle of the day;
  4. with a sharp jump in temperature.

Hibiscus is undemanding to environmental conditions and easy to care for. It can grow and bloom successfully for a very long time if it is fertilized in the right way. A timely and properly fed plant will become a real decoration of the house and will delight its owners with its presence throughout the spring-summer season.

Chinese rose, or hibiscus, is evergreen, belonging to the mallow family. Hibiscus has dark green leaves and large flowers, the colors of which vary depending on the plant variety. This flower looks very impressive and is used for propagation at home, institutions and offices.

Hibiscus: home care

Hibiscus propagation

Most often, home plants are propagated by cuttings. Planting material is cut in August from young branches so that the sprout has two or three internodes. Plant the cutting in a loose peat substrate mixed with sand and cover with a glass jar or plastic bag. The roots of the young plant will appear in about a month. After this, plant the flower in a pot with a diameter of no more than 10 cm. Use the same soil that you use when replanting the plant.

To young plant formed in the form of a lush bush, pinch the top of its head. Then good conditions will be created for the growth of side shoots. Replant the hibiscus in the spring.

Hibiscus transplant

The plant must be replanted every year until it reaches five years of age. Replant an adult flower into a larger pot as needed. Replant until mid-February, until the plant has gained strength to grow.

For replanting you will need: - deciduous soil; - turf land; - sand; - humus.

Mix one part of sand with humus in a bucket, add three parts of ground leaves and four parts of turf soil. Place expanded clay or clay shards in the bottom of the pot to ensure adequate drainage. Chinese rose does not like stagnant water in its roots. They may rot.

Fill the pot with the resulting soil and plant the hibiscus. After replanting, trim the old branches by a third. This will push the flower to develop new shoots, at the ends of which buds will form. Large plant in big pot You don’t need to replant, but only remove the top layer of soil to a depth of about five centimeters, replacing it with a fresh nutrient layer.

Do not prune shoots in May if you cannot provide the flower with bright light in the autumn-winter period. Hibiscus blooms on shoots that are older than three months; in summer you may not wait for buds

After transplanting the hibiscus, water it only in the tray for a couple of weeks so that the young roots actively seek water and grow into the new soil.

The plant loves brightly lit spaces, but not direct hot sunlight. Diffused light can be created using tulle or other translucent fabric or paper, such as tracing paper. Hibiscus is ready to bloom most of the year if there is enough light. Comfortable growing temperature +25°C. At temperatures above +30°C, flower buds may begin to fall off. During particularly hot sunny days, shade your hibiscus. Do not let the soil in the flower pot get too warm. At temperatures below +15°C the plant stops blooming.

IN summer time Hibiscus can be taken out to the balcony, making sure that its leaves do not get burned in the sun. If this is not possible, ventilate the house, but avoid drafts.

Chinese rose requires abundant watering on hot sunny days or when the steam heating is on. Use well-settled soft water for watering. If there is a lack of moisture, the turgor of the leaves decreases, they may fall off and the plant may die. It is best to water your hibiscus early in the morning so it can dry out during the day. If there is a lot of water left in the pan, drain it to prevent the roots from rotting. When the air temperature drops and there is less sunlight, reduce the moisture of the earthen clod.

Hibiscus leaves should be sprayed from a spray bottle with well-settled warm water throughout almost the entire year. Except for the time when the air at home is already cold and humid, and steam heating has not yet been installed.

Feeding hibiscus

With intensive growth and formation of buds, hibiscus needs feeding. Be careful with standard fertilizers for flowering plants. Chinese rose does not like large amounts of phosphorus. Use fertilizers specifically designed for the flower. In the spring-summer period, nitrogen-containing compounds are well suited; they prolong flowering. Use fertilizers with phosphorus in autumn and winter.

A bright representative of the mallow family, with colorful, beautiful, exotic flowers and smooth, pointed emerald leaves. Distributed in tropical environments. Due to its exotic beauty and unpretentiousness, it is grown everywhere as a home flower Hibiscus is also eaten, worn as decoration, and even used to make paint.

Did you know? The first mentions of hibiscus date back to the era Ancient Greece. It came to Europe in the 17th century from Asia.

Popular types of indoor hibiscus

There are about three hundred species in the world. Three the most popular types indoor hibiscus are Chinese, Syrian, dissected petal.


Chinese hibiscus (Chinese rose, Chinese rose, Indoor rose)ornamental, evergreen shrub growing on the islands of the Pacific region and in Southeast Asia. There are about 500 varieties of such hibiscus.

Reaches three meters high, has dark emerald leaves with jagged edges and large (up to 16 cm at the crossbar) semi-double or simple flowers of all kinds of colors. Their color varies from crimson to pink, from fiery orange to yellow.

After the bud opens, the flower lives for about a day, although the period of flowering of the entire plant lasts from the beginning of March until the end of autumn. This is a well-known and very common species for home keeping. It is believed that it has a positive effect on the atmosphere in the room and cleanses it. This hibiscus flower is easy to care for.


Syrian Hibiscus (Syrian Rose, Birch)deciduous shrub, its homeland is considered to be Asia Minor (India, China). One of the few types of hibiscus that can grow outdoors in temperate climates.

It lives up to a hundred years, but grows slowly and blooms for the first time only after 3 or even 4 years. The flowers are similar to mallows, the leaves are green and very bright. There are many varieties of Syrian rose.

Did you know? The Syrian hibiscus is the state flower of Malaysia and the symbol of Haiti. Its ruby ​​and pink flowers are an integral part of wedding attire in some provinces of India.


Hibiscus dissectata (Schisopetalus, Princess's Earring)evergreen shrub, reaching a meter in height, has spread across different sources, from Central Africa or Brazil. Blooms from late spring to late November.

Flowers with a strongly protruding pistil are red, orange or red-orange. They have dissected curved petals with fringe. Usually they reach a width of no more than 8 cm. The leaves are shiny and green. In our climate, it can only germinate in greenhouses or a home atmosphere.

Growing indoor hibiscus at home

Hibiscus is not whimsical and will completely tolerate improper maintenance. But if you want for the hibiscus flower to bloom, then it's worth following a few simple rules for caring for it at home.

Watering and lighting

It should be watered with settled, soft, lukewarm water. Do not allow the soil to dry out or become too wet.

In spring and summer, watering must be abundant and frequent (as soon as the top layer of soil dries), and in the autumn-winter period it is worth waiting a couple of days after the soil dries.

Hibiscus is a light-loving plant, but the light should not be scorching. Therefore, you should make sure that in the summer season the lighting is diffused, indirect, and in the winter, take care of additional lighting. It is better to place flowerpots of indoor Chinese roses on the east and west sides.


Suitable temperature for hibiscus is +20° C - +25° C, at the beginning of autumn it should begin to be reduced to +16° C - +18° C, and in winter - to +14° C - +16° C. Reducing the temperature in winter not a generally necessary condition for the life of the plant, but flower buds are formed exclusively at low temperatures.

Important! The minimum permissible temperature for hibiscus is up to +10° C. At +10° C and below, the leaves of the plant begin to fall off.

Air humidity

The hibiscus flower is not picky about such indicators as humidity and in this regard, it is very easy to care for it - Spray the plant with warm water often enough. This will also prevent ticks. You should not constantly spray during the period of vigorous flowering, since when water flows onto the flower petals, their withering accelerates.

Soil for planting and growing

Hibiscus is not picky when it comes to soil. But it is best suited for soil made from equal parts of sand, humus, peat and earth, You can add small particles of charcoal. Do not use dry or unrotted cowgrass.

The soil should be light and loose to allow air to reach the roots. Loosen ground from time to time. Since the Chinese rose does not tolerate excess soil moisture, its care should include: drainage without fail.

Feeding and fertilizers

To encourage flowering, hibiscus should be fertilized during this period. mineral fertilizer with nitrogen every month. Iron and copper chelate will also be useful. Can be alternated with organic fertilizer.

From time to time, fertilizing with magnesium using the leaf method is allowed. The plant also responds well to spraying with weak aqueous solutions of root bait. In winter, it is better to use phosphorus and potassium fertilizers at half the dosage. And during periods of pronounced dormancy, feeding is not given. Before you start fertilizing, be sure to water your hibiscus.

Hibiscus pruning

There are a few simple rules How to properly prune a Chinese indoor rose. The first pruning should be done at the age of two years.

The best time for this is the beginning of spring and then autumn. Wait 3 days after watering, step back 5 mm from the sheet, the cut should be 45°. Do not cut more than 2/3 of the branch.

Hibiscus transplant

Replant young hibiscus every year, mature hibiscus once every couple of years. The best time is early spring. Pre-water the plant.

Important!After transplanting, water the pan for several days. This will help the roots grow better.

Reproduction of indoor hibiscus

There are 2 methods of propagation: using seeds, using cuttings.

If the first method is more convenient for you, then start in mid-winter - early spring. Soak the grains in Epin or an equivalent for 12 hours.

Take soil from peat and sand. Place under glass. Keep the temperature around +27°C. Until 2-3 leaves appear, spray the seedlings from time to time and ventilate; after that, transplant it into a regular small pot.

Hibiscus with bright funnel-shaped flowers in a dense crown of leaves is very popular among gardeners for its abundant, long-lasting flowering. Charming single flowers - simple, semi-double or double - can reach a diameter of 16 cm. Hibiscus flowers are given an exotic look by numerous threads of golden stamens fused into a long tube extending far from the petals. Hibiscus flowers are called the “flower of love” and “the flower of beautiful women” - they are a symbol of the island of Haiti, and in India they are woven into wedding wreaths.

Hibiscus varieties

Hibiscus is an extensive genus of the Malvaceae family, numbering about 300 species, growing mostly in the tropical regions of Southeast Asia. These are herbs, deciduous and evergreen shrubs or trees up to 3 m tall. Since the beginning of the 18th century, hibiscus has become an indispensable inhabitant of botanical gardens in Europe.

Now there are about 500 garden forms and varieties of hibiscus, differing in the degree of terry, the size of the flowers and their color: white, yellow, pink, salmon, orange, red, lilac, purple. Delicate hibiscus petals can be dotted with strokes, framed along the edge, or decorated with an “eye” of contrasting color. Hibiscus is one of the best long-flowering perennials for warm regions; it blooms profusely from June until frost in a sunny place protected from the cold wind. Hibiscus has little need for soil, but it must be well-drained. Hibiscus grows well even in city conditions (smoke and gas resistant).

The most commonly grown in culture are:

Chinese hibiscus care

Hibiscus loves a bright, sunny and warm location; in summer it is useful to take it out into the garden, onto the balcony or terrace, gradually accustoming it to the sun. Hibiscus is shade-tolerant, but with a lack of light it develops worse and blooms little. In a bright place, the first buds of hibiscus begin to appear already in March, and successive flowers adorn the crown of leaves until late autumn. In summer, hibiscus is watered abundantly after the top layer of soil has dried, fed regularly, and sprayed with water daily. Periodically, the hibiscus is given a “shower” that washes away dust from the leaves and protects it from pests. It is recommended to occasionally loosen the top layer of soil, about an hour after watering. In winter, watering hibiscus is reduced (“excess” water after watering is immediately removed from the pan) and kept cool - a temperature of 15 degrees promotes the formation of flower buds. When operating heating devices, hibiscus leaves and the air around it are sprayed to maintain high humidity.

Feeding and fertilizing Chinese hibiscus

Hibiscus is fed with complete mineral fertilizer, alternating it with liquid mullein (1 part infusion to 10 parts water). Hibiscus feeding is carried out from spring to mid-August once a week; during the rest of the year - once a month, only with phosphorus and potassium in half the dose.

Transplanting Chinese hibiscus

In spring, young plants must be replanted annually into a slightly larger pot; Before transplanting, hibiscus branches are shortened (long ones by two-thirds, short ones by less) to form a large number of lateral flowering shoots and form a beautiful bush or standard low-growing tree. The cuttings obtained by pruning can be rooted. To transplant hibiscus, prepare a nutrient substrate: humus, turf, peat soil, sand in the proportion (1: 2: 1: 1) with the addition of pieces of charcoal. Adult hibiscus are replanted less frequently, only when necessary, but every spring it is advisable to remove the top layer of soil and replace it with fresh soil.

Propagation of Chinese hibiscus

Chinese roses are propagated by green and semi-lignified cuttings throughout the year, but the best time for propagation is February, March and August. Cuttings - shoots with 2-3 internodes - easily take root in a mixture of peat and sand or in water, especially in a mini-greenhouse; They bloom within a year.

Consequences of errors in care

Errors in caring for hibiscus and dry air provoke the appearance of diseases and pests (aphids, whiteflies, felt insects, spider mites). At unfavorable conditions and a sharp change in maintenance conditions, the hibiscus can completely shed not only its buds, but also its yellowed leaves, taking on a depressingly “naked” appearance, but soon new leaves will appear on it.

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How to feed indoor hibiscus to bloom at home

The desire to follow fashion and turn houses into flower greenhouses is good. Not everyone is able to grow such indoor flower specimens that surprise with their lush flowering and appearance. Why is this happening?

Because before buying a flower you need to find out about all the features of its growth. Without feeding, lighting and care, not a single plant will have a presentable appearance and will simply wither away in a dark corner.

People buy and want to grow hibiscus or Chinese rose for its large, lush, bright red flowers.

Flowers can be not only red, but also yellow, crimson, and white. Flowers are distinguished by shape - some are simple, some are lush, some are medium and some are large. The flower itself is large in size and requires a lot of space, unlike its colleagues that live on the windowsill.

At proper care Hibiscus can grow up to 3 meters in height and will need to be moved to a greenhouse. If there is no such thing, then you will have to immediately take care that the tree grows in width and not in height. The rules of care include pruning and shaping the bush.

Soil for hibiscus

The root system of a large plant requires a constant supply of oxygen. If the soil is heavy, it will make it difficult for the tree to aerate and absorb nutrients.

For good growth and future flowering, it is better to mix the soil yourself. To do this you need to prepare one part at a time:

You can add charcoal. To feed hibiscus, you need to mix it into the soil. wood ash– for 10 kg of soil 2 cups of ash. Ash also contributes to the loosening and flow of soil and at first there will be something to feed indoor hibiscus so that it blooms after rooting.

Drainage is placed at the bottom of a spacious pot - stones, pebbles, shells, expanded clay. Chinese rose does not tolerate stagnation of water in a pot. You may need to change your watering method and add water to the pan to dry the soil.

Lighting for Chinese rose

Hibiscus is a light-loving plant. You shouldn’t put it in a dark corner of the room and expect it to bloom. If the process of photosynthesis, which occurs only in the presence of sunlight, is disrupted, the absorption of nutrients responsible for the appearance of buds is disrupted - phosphorus and potassium. Therefore, you need to look for a place where there is a constant flow of light.

This could be a balcony loggia or a place under a window. If the plant is small, it will fit on the windowsill.

In spring, hibiscus is taken outside to ventilate and get used to the sun's rays. At first you need to shade the leaves to avoid burns. When it gets used to it, open it completely.

Hibiscus pruning

In order for a Chinese rose to bloom, you need to prune it. Branches growing inward block light and make growth difficult. That's why they are cut off. The tops also need to be pinched.

Flowers form on young shoots, so it is important to have more of them. Old branches can be cut to 1/3 of their length. The tips of the shoots after flowering are cut off so that young side shoots are formed, on which buds will in turn appear. Thus, with the help of pruning alone, you can form hibiscus blooms.

Pruning is carried out at the end of winter or early spring. Although, the Chinese rose is not harmed by year-round regular pruning of the crown.

If indoor hibiscus is growing well and the upper branches are already touching the ceiling, they need to be removed. By pruning the apical branches, the growth of lateral branches is stimulated. To grow green mass, the plant needs nutrients. How to feed a Chinese rose at home?

Fertilizers for Chinese rose

Fertilizers for indoor hibiscus can be made independently from available materials - tea leaves, eggshells, banana peels. But it is better to use proven methods - buy and use more nutritious products - mullein, chicken droppings, mineral mixtures.

Organic matter

The following organic materials are suitable for feeding hibiscus:

So as not to burn root system hibiscus, manure and chicken droppings are recommended to be used as a diluted infusion. Activities such as infusing manure should be carried out at a summer cottage. The smell in the apartment can become unbearable.

To prepare the infusion:

  • fill bucket manure or chicken droppings by a third;
  • insist 3 – 4 days, stirring so that excess ammonia evaporates;
  • liter of infusionfrom mullein dilute 10 liters of water , liter of chicken infusion - 20 l.
  • Green fertilizer is made as follows:

  • Fill the container one third with grass;
  • to fill with water;
  • leave for 3 – 4 days.
  • Water at the root. Infusions of mullein, dung and herbs contain nitrogen and potassium. But for phosphorus nutrition you will have to use other substances of animal or plant origin. This is bone meal or wood ash.

    Ash for hibiscus is used dry or poured with infusion - 300 g of ash per bucket of water. Ash solution is a source of potassium and phosphorus for roots and flowering. Ash has one drawback - low nitrogen content, since during combustion it evaporates into the atmosphere. Nitrogen fertilizers can be applied foliar. Dissolve 1 g of urea in a liter of water and spray with a spray bottle.

    Bone meal has an advantage over others organic fertilizers– costs less, is introduced less frequently, lasts longer. The substance is rich in calcium, potassium and especially phosphorus. You can use it once per season, since the fertilizer completely decomposes in the soil within six months. For 10 kg soil mixture you need to add 2 cups of bone meal.

    Mineral mixtures

    Mineral fertilizer for indoor hibiscus should contain potassium and phosphorus. Some gardeners do not recommend using nitrogen fertilizers, explaining that hibiscus does not like them. But in order for the plant to grow and stay green, nitrogen is necessary. There is no need to use excessively.

    Video: Feeding for rapid growth and flowering of Chinese roses

    If the plant asks for supplements, and this can be seen from the leaves - they become pale and lethargic, then you can spray it with a urea solution or water it with a complex mineral mixture. Watch for a couple of days. If the foliage comes back to life, then the plant needs nitrogen and can be sprayed again.

    Hibiscus needs potassium and phosphorus to bloom. Potassium is responsible for the formation of buds. Phosphorus - for root growth. If the roots have not grown, the flower will shed its bud. This sometimes happens with small indoor Chinese roses that have been grown from cuttings. The hibiscus does not yet have enough strength to maintain flowering, so it refuses to bloom.

    Chinese rose diseases

    Hibiscus, like other plants, is susceptible to diseases:

    • bacterial;
    • fungal;
      • from a lack of microelements;
      • sunburn;
      • tracheomycosis (fusarium).
      • The fungus manifests itself by curling leaves and falling greenery. The reason is the proliferation of fungus in the soil due to insufficient disinfection. Spores are carried by the wind if the plant is outdoors in the summer. Nutrient imbalances contribute to fungal infections.

        Fusarium is a very dangerous disease for hibiscus. It usually ends in death if the affected roots are not noticed and removed in time. The main cause of the disease is excessive watering, which causes the root system to rot. Fungal spores in the soil penetrate into tissues. It is unlikely that such a plant will be saved.

        There are special ones for fungus chemicals, but they will not help if you do not simultaneously correct mistakes in caring for the plant.

        Hibiscus pests and methods of control

        Chinese rose attracts pests - aphids, scale insects, whiteflies, spider mites.

        To get rid of pests, you can wash the leaves with a solution of laundry soap. Some gardeners add 1 part tar to 2 parts household and thus get rid of insects. You need to wash the leaves on all sides. This event is carried out outside in the evening so that the weakened rose does not get burned.

        Hibiscus is a beautiful lush plant. But it becomes so with proper and timely care, as well as with regular feeding that stimulates flowering.

        Hello, dear readers! I am the creator of the Fertilizers.NET project. I am glad to see each of you on its pages. I hope the information from the article was useful. Always open to communication - comments, suggestions, what else you want to see on the site, and even criticism, you can write to me on VKontakte, Instagram or Facebook (round icons below). Peace and happiness to everyone! ??

        Feeding hibiscus

        It turned out that in recent years several people have moved into my apartment. new hibiscus. The beauty of their flowers is mesmerizing, but at first there were enough problems with them. Now I understand that all the difficulties were caused errors in care, namely: non-compliance with feeding rules. Fertilizers for plants are like vitamins for us humans. You can both help and harm...

        Having finally figured out the nuances fertilization, I got rid of the main problem, and my hibiscus became strong, healthy and blooming again. I feed them according to the dose indicated on the label, all year round: once a month from November to February and twice a month from March to October. Fertilizers are mostly organic (humisol, vermisol), and only occasionally do I use full mineral fertilizer (so as not to cause hibiscus root burn- no more than 4 feedings per year).

        Most intense feeding hibiscus I do, of course, in the summer months - this includes root feeding and spraying of leaves. During flowering, I also use various ready-made fertilizers for flowering indoor plants. But when it comes to dosage, I follow the rule “less is better, but more often.” I would like to draw the attention of flower growers to the fact that phosphorus-containing fertilizers ensure the development of flower buds and, accordingly, more abundant flowering. Nitrogen and potassium enhance leaf growth.

        I try to fertilize on cloudy days or in the evening. Before this, 2 hours before the procedure, I always spill the soil in the pots with regular clean water. Nutrient solution I prepare fertilizers using settled water at room temperature. Some time after watering and fertilizing, I make sure to loosen the soil in the pots.

        The healthy appearance of plants, the appearance of new leaves and buds confirm the timeliness and correct dosage of fertilizing. Thus, yellowing, wilting of leaves, the appearance of spots on them, falling of buds against the background of proper care and maintenance indicate overfeeding. You shouldn’t allow this to happen, don’t force your hibiscus experience stress, because this will have a detrimental effect on his health.

        I wish all your plants to be beautiful, strong and healthy!

        In the spring, when transshipping strong and healthy hibiscus, you can add granular fertilizer for roses to the soil mixture. In this case, no other fertilizing should be applied for a month or a month and a half. Remember: an excess of fertilizers does not help, but on the contrary, it slows down the development of plants.

        Hibiscus - home care

        Is it possible to fall in love with a plant? Of course, if you have ever seen a blooming hibiscus in all its splendor. Huge cupped roses blooming against a background of glossy carved leaves are fantastically beautiful! For its stunning appearance in tropical Asia, hibiscus is called the “flower beautiful ladies».
        The genus of hibiscus includes more than 300 herbaceous, shrubby and tree-like plants of the mallow family, but indoor floriculture The most popular is the Chinese hibiscus, popularly called the indoor, or Chinese, rose. This attractive and unpretentious plant is ideal for decorating residential and office premises without requiring constant attention.

        The ideal place for indoor hibiscus would be an eastern or western window sill. On the north side the flower will have to be illuminated, and on the south it will have to be shaded from direct sunlight. In summer, it is recommended to keep hibiscus on outdoors, but do not forget to protect your pet from sharp gusts of wind, precipitation and scorching sun.

        The optimal temperature for keeping hibiscus in summer is about +20 °C, in winter – no higher than +16 °C.

        Basic care

        Indoor hibiscus is a real pedant that requires strict adherence to agricultural technology:

      • In spring and summer, the plant should be watered abundantly as the soil surface dries. In autumn and winter, watering is done less frequently so that the soil in the pot does not become sour. Before use, water must be allowed to settle for 24-30 hours.
      • The handsome Tropican is not concerned about the surrounding humidity high requirements, so it is not necessary to spray it regularly. However, he will thank you for a refreshing shower in hot weather. Infrequent spraying in the autumn-winter period will also have a positive effect on the development of the plant.
      • Feed hibiscus every 30-35 days. In spring and summer, it is necessary to introduce a nitrogen component, and in autumn and winter, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers help maintain the plant’s strength.
      • Take the time to carry out these simple activities, because a well-groomed, well-developed hibiscus can bloom all year round.

        Young hibiscus that have not reached the age of 3 years are recommended to be transplanted into a new, larger pot every spring. The soil mixture is prepared from turf, leaf, humus soil and sand (4:3:1:1), and a layer of expanded clay or broken brick is placed on the bottom of the container for drainage.

        Adult specimens do not need to be disturbed so often, so they are replanted every 3-4 years. In years without replanting, it is recommended to replace the top soil layer of the substrate from under old bushes with a freshly prepared mixture of steamed garden soil, rotted manure and fertilizer based on fermented algae.

        Pruning rules

        Systematic pruning is a very useful procedure for hibiscus, stimulating the development of young shoots on which flower buds are formed. Every year, at the end of spring, the branches of the plant are cut to a length of 15 cm, and in the middle of summer they are cut again, then by the beginning of winter the first rose flowers will bloom on the hibiscus, and on New Year's holidays your home will resemble a blooming tropical island.

        Hibiscus dormant period

        Unlike other tropical perennials, hibiscus does not need annual vacation. If you nevertheless decide to give your weakened pet a full “vacation”, gradually reduce the water supply to a minimum, wait for the leaves to fall and shorten the shoots to 8-9 cm. Arrange the flower in a cool room and water it periodically so that the soil in the pot does not dry out. After a few months, when young shoots begin to grow, return the rested hibiscus to the heat, water and spray with settled water. For better tillering, do not forget to regularly pinch the tops of new branches.

        Growing from seeds

        Generative propagation of hibiscus is a fascinating and productive process. Since the high germination rate of the crop seed remains for 6 years, even a novice gardener can grow his own tropical tree.

        Sowing work begins in late February-early March:

      • The hibiscus material is placed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for etching for 20-30 minutes, and then soaked for a day in a growth stimulator (aloe juice, Zircon, Epin).
      • The prepared seeds are wrapped in damp gauze, tied in a perforated plastic bag and germinated at room temperature.
      • After 3-4 days, when the seeds sprout, they are sown in a sterilized peat-sand mixture (1:1) and watered with a “Fundazol” solution to avoid the development of a “black leg”.
      • The container is covered with glass and placed on a warm (not lower than +25 °C) windowsill under diffused light.
      • Growing hibiscus are provided with high-quality care (watering, spraying, ventilation, fertilizing), and in the development phase of the second pair of true leaves they are planted in separate containers. For replanting, it is recommended to choose plastic pots with a volume of 0.5 liters, high enough, since the central root should grow freely, without kinks or twists. With proper care, hibiscus grown from seeds bloom at the age of 2-3 years.

        Vegetative propagation

        Not wanting to waste precious time experimenting with seeds, experienced gardeners usually resort to a faster and more reliable method of propagating hibiscus - cuttings:

      • In August, several young shoots are taken from the plant, not reaching a length of 10 cm. In the spring, the material left over from pruning the hibiscus can be used for cuttings.
      • Cuttings for rooting are planted in a mixture of peat and sand (1:1) or in clean water, having previously treated the lower sections with any growth stimulant.
      • The formation of the root system takes about 30-40 days, after which the plants are planted in individual pots. The substrate for young hibiscus is composed of leaf and turf soil, sand and humus (1: 1: 1: 2). For disinfection purposes, the resulting mixture is steamed in a water bath or fried in the oven.
      • If you do everything correctly, then after a year and a half the “youth” will already bloom.

        Pest Control

        Possible problems

        Hibiscus does not forgive mistakes in care and immediately reacts to each of them by changing its appearance:

      • The leaves become discolored - a sure sign of iron deficiency with a simultaneous excess of chlorine and calcium.
      • The flower turns yellow - there are several reasons for the change in leaf color: poor lighting, attack by insect pests, low ambient humidity and uncontrolled watering for a long time.
      • The roots dry out - this problem usually occurs due to overcooling of the root system.
      • Dark pink spots spread across the leaves - this symptom indicates an excess of nutrition with a simultaneous lack of light.
      • The plant withers and looks depressed - most likely, your pet is thirsty or has not yet recovered from a recent transplant.
      • The hibiscus dries - this reaction is usually given by the Tropican in response to a change of place or hypothermia.
      • Leaves are falling - the most common causes of sudden leaf fall are sudden temperature changes and drafts. However, do not panic if the plant drops 3-4 leaves - this is normal for a deciduous crop.
      • Hibiscus does not bloom - if the plant looks healthy and vigorous, it will not be difficult to cope with the problem. First of all, reduce nitrogen fertilizing and pay attention to the temperature regime during the dormant period (flower buds are laid at a temperature no higher than +16° C). If your pet grows in a pot that is too spacious, then don’t count on rapid flowering either. The hibiscus will not begin to produce buds until it has entwined its roots in an earthen ball.
      • Hibiscus recovers as quickly as it is “offended”, but it is still undesirable to put its health at risk.

        Popular types

        Chinese hibiscus is far from the only representative of the genus introduced into culture. In addition to it, the favorites of flower growers are:

      • Hybrid hibiscus is a heat-loving herbaceous perennial with luxurious cup-shaped flowers and carved “maple” leaves. In regions with mild climates it grows well not only in room conditions, but also in open ground.
      • Syrian hibiscus is an unpretentious ornamental shrub with bright pink or red flowers. Resistant to cold and temperature changes, but does not tolerate calcareous soils. Can be grown both at home and in the garden.
      • Dissected hibiscus - due to horizontally located shoots, it quickly grows in breadth. Thanks to graceful flowers swaying on thin stalks, in Brazil this species is called “princess earrings”. Prefers partial shade, constant moderate soil moisture and coolness (not higher than +20 °C). With good lighting in the room, it blooms profusely even in winter.
      • Be sure to have hibiscus in your house. This magical plant will illuminate your home with bright tropical colors and will certainly not let you miss summer on long winter evenings.

        Hibiscus, feeding and growing

        The formation of the hibiscus crown is an important point. Active growth These plants can be limited to pruning and given the form of a compact bush. Or you can grow it on a trunk, allowing a straight, tall trunk to grow, and then giving the crown any desired shape, for example, a ball. To make the trunk even, you need to take the apical cutting and grow it, tying it to a support as it grows.

        When it woodens well and reaches the desired thickness, the support can be removed. Hibiscus prefer to grow in soil with a neutral reaction. I usually prepare a planting mixture from Florabel and Dvina soils in a 2:1 ratio.

        I add a third of the coarse river sand, a little charcoal, deoxidized with dolomite (200 g per 10 liters of soil). I mix all the components, lay expanded clay drainage at the bottom of the pot in a 2 cm layer.

        If I use fine sand, I mix it halfway with vermiculite for additional loosening.

        For small plants and seedlings, containers of 1-1.5 liters are suitable. As it grows, you will need to increase the volume of the pot. The pot should be only slightly larger than the root system.

        Indoor hibiscus: care, reproduction, transplantation, types

        Hibiscus is a genus of flowering plants in the Malvaceae family, containing several hundred species of low trees, shrubs, perennial and annual herbs. Their distribution area is quite extensive and covers tropical and subtropical regions of the old and new worlds.

        All species have thin, erect, abundantly branching shoots with alternate-spiral leaf arrangement. The leaves are long-petiolate, ovate to lanceolate, with a serrated or lobed margin. The flowers are axillary, large, separate-petaled, funnel-shaped, from 4 to 20 cm in diameter, with a pronounced androgynophore, raising a bunch of stamens with yellow anthers high above the perianth. The color of the flowers is very diverse and depends on the type and variety. Each flower lives only one day, but the overall flowering is long and abundant. After flowering, five-leaf fruit boxes with many seeds ripen.

        Hibiscus species

        The following species are most often grown indoors.

        Chinese hibiscus, known as Chinese rose(Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) is one of the oldest in cultivation, brought to Europe back in the 17th century from East Asia. This forever green bush arnica in its natural habitat reaching 2.5 - 5 m in height and 1.5 - 3 m in width. The leaves are simple, glossy, dark green, ovoid, with a pointed end and a serrated edge. The flowering time lasts from early spring until late autumn. The flowers are five-petaled, bright red, large, 10 - 12 cm in diameter. Androgynophore about 5 cm long, the same color as the center of the corolla.

        Collectors have created many varieties of this species, differing in the color of the flowers and their doubleness. The most popular of them:

        ‘Alicante’ and ‘Paramaribo’ – with simple red flowers;
        ‘Sunshine Purple’ – deep pink, simple flowers;
        ‘Flamingo’ and ‘Rio’ – flowers with pink petals and a dark burgundy core, simple;
        ‘Anita Buis’ – yellow-orange, simple flowers;
        ‘Ankara’ – yellow flowers with a red core, simple;
        ‘Bangkok’ – yellow flowers with a dark burgundy core, simple;
        ‘Bari’ – lemon-yellow flowers with a dark core, simple;
        ‘Rosa’ – salmon-pink, double and semi-double flowers;
        ‘Koenig’ – yellow, double flowers;
        ‘Hamburg’ – carmine-red, double flowers.

        In addition, the ‘Variegate’ variety, with variegated leaves, is popular.

        Swamp hibiscus(Hibiscus moscheutos) is a large herbaceous perennial with shoots that die off in the winter. The height of the plant in its natural habitat can reach 2.5 m. The leaves are heart-shaped, with a serrated edge. The surface of the leaf blade is rough, slightly pubescent. The flowers are simple, very large, about 20 cm in diameter. The color varies from white and pink to red and crimson. The androgynophore is relatively short, although noticeable.

        Syrian hibiscus(Hibiscus syriacus) is a deciduous shrub native to China and India. In its homeland, this plant can reach 4 meters in height. The leaves are bright green, on mature shoots they are three-lobed, with a rounded serrated edge. Blooms from mid-summer until frost. The flowers are about 10 cm in diameter, in different shades of red and pink, most with a dark crimson center. The androgynophore is short, the anthers are light yellow or white.

        "Diana" and "Joan of Arc" - pure white, simple flowers;
        ‘Hamburg’ – carmine-red, double flowers;
        ‘Hamabo’ – flowers are pale pink with a dark red center, simple;
        ‘Notwoodone’ – flowers are pure pale lilac, the lower petals are large, forming a five-petal cup, the upper ones are short, narrow, numerous;
        ‘Meehanii’ – lilac flowers with a burgundy center, simple, variegated leaves, with an uneven wide creamy-white edge; ‘Oiseau Bleu’ – blue-violet flowers with a burgundy center, simple;
        “Red Heart” - white flowers with a dark red center, simple; “William R. Smith” - pure white flowers, simple;
        "Woodbridge" - flowers are dark pink with a red center, simple.

        Dissected hibiscus(Hibiscus schizopetalus), native to Central Africa, is one of the most prominent representatives kind. It is an evergreen shrub, about 3 m high. The leaves are green, glossy, simple, elongated, obovate in shape, with a serrated edge. The flowers are five-petaled, orange-red. The petals themselves are deeply dissected, with thin uneven lobes, similar to a fringe, arched back. Thanks to this shape, the flowers resemble bright openwork Chinese lanterns. The androgynophore is very long, its tip with stamens is often curved with a hook.

        Hibiscus hybrid(Hibiscus hybridus), although not a separate species, is no less popular among gardeners. This plant was bred by crossing three types of hibiscus: swamp, bright red and holly. From each of its ancestors - herbaceous marsh species - the hybrid hibiscus took certain properties, in particular, large flowers, rough leaves and the death of the above-ground part of the shoots by winter.

        Depending on the variety, these plants differ not only in the color of the flowers and their doubleness, but also in the shape of the bush and its height.

        ‘Coelestis’ – flowers are violet-blue, simple, the shape of the bush is narrowed, the shoots are short;
        ‘Albus’ – flowers are white, simple, the bush is wide, medium-sized;
        ‘Lady Stanley’ – white-pink flowers with a dark red center, semi-double, medium-sized shrub, narrow in shape;
        ‘Diana’ – flowers are pure white, simple, the edges of the petals are wavy, a tall shrub;
        ‘Hamabo’ – pale pink flowers, the lower half of the petals are more saturated in color or with red stripes, tall shrub;
        ‘Russian Violet’ – dark pink flowers, tall shrub;
        ‘Violet Elar Double’ – violet-blue flowers with red spots at the base, double or semi-double, tall, upright shrub.

        Caring for hibiscus indoors

        Hibiscus is quite easy to care for and does not require special attention. Almost any gardener can provide him with all minimum required, to create favorable conditions for growth.

        Lighting. Perhaps this is one of the main requirements. The plant is quite light-loving, but prefers bright, diffused light. The optimal illumination level for it lies in the range of 3000 - 3900 lux. With lower values, it is impossible for the hibiscus to wait until it blooms, and direct sunlight can burn the delicate foliage.

        When placed in a room, it is best to place it next to windows facing western or eastern directions. The southern window will require shading during the midday hours, and the northern window without additional lighting is not suitable for it.

        Hibiscus is a fast growing plant and winter time he needs to increase the level of illumination, since there will clearly not be enough natural light during this period, and the shoots will become very elongated, thin and weak, which will have a bad effect on the appearance. The duration of artificial daylight should be 8 - 10 hours.

        Temperature. Summer temperatures optimal for hibiscus correspond to the climate middle zone Russia. In winter, in the absence of additional lighting, it needs cool maintenance, which will slow down the growth of young shoots and prevent them from stretching. But it is not recommended to lower the temperature to 10 °C or lower, otherwise the plant will shed its leaves.

        Herbaceous species with a dying aerial part can be temporarily placed in a frost-free basement room and brought into the light only after the first buds have pecked. After this, they should be kept in cool, light conditions until mid-spring.

        Watering. The watering regime is chosen depending on the species to which the plant belongs. For trees and shrubs, a regime is provided in which the surface of the soil in the pot has time to dry out a little; for herbaceous marsh species, the soil is kept in a constantly moist (but not wet) state. The exception, in the latter case, is the dormant period, when the above-ground part of the plant dies. Then you can do almost without watering. It is enough just to make sure that the soil does not dry out completely.

        Air humidity. As practice shows, hibiscus does not need additional humidity and calmly tolerates the dry air of city apartments. But periodically, the crown of species with glossy smooth leaves can be rinsed under a warm shower (if the size of the plant allows), cleaning them from dust and dirt.

        Trimming. Hibiscus calmly tolerates severe pruning, which can be used to increase the bushiness of the crown and slightly slow down the vigorous growth of shoots. But it should be carried out in early spring - late autumn, before the formation of flower buds that form on young growth. Otherwise, flowering will occur later than expected.

        Throughout the summer you can pinch the tops of the shoots.

        Feeding. During the growing season, fertilize with complex fertilizers for indoor plants every three weeks. In this case, you should choose nutrient mixtures with a minimum nitrogen content, which provokes a rapid growth of green mass to the detriment of flowering.

        In winter, the plant does not need fertilizing.

        The soil. Hibiscus prefers soils that are light, nutritious, neutral or slightly acidic. Suitable for growing it ready soil for roses and begonias, but you can prepare an earthen mixture yourself. There are several options that experienced gardeners recommend for this plant:

        1) turf, leaf, humus soil and coarse river sand in a ratio of 4:3:1:1;
        2) turf, humus (or leaf) soil, peat and coarse river sand in a ratio of 2:1:1:1.

        Regardless of the composition, a little charcoal should be added to the resulting mixture, which prevents the appearance of various rots, and bone meal. It is imperative to form a good drainage layer at the bottom of the pot to avoid stagnation of water after watering.

        Transplanted hibiscus in spring, in larger diameter pots. If the specimen is already too large for replanting, you can only get by by replacing the top layer of soil, removing the old one before the root system begins.

        Reproduce This plant produces seeds and stem cuttings. Seeds are sown in mid-winter in a mixture of peat and sand and placed in a mini-greenhouse under glass. For better germination, they can be pre-soaked for 12 hours in epin or another stimulant. The flowering of seedlings depends on the species. From trees and shrubs it can be expected after 3 - 4 years, and swamp hibiscus blooms in the first year of life.

        Part of the apical shoots with 2 - 3 internodes are cut into cuttings. Rooting occurs quite easily; roots form even in a glass of water.

        Diseases and pests. Most often, hibiscus is attacked by spider mites. At the first signs of infection, the plant should be thoroughly treated with Actellik, Fitoverm or another chemical with a similar effect.

        The same drugs can be used for the invasion of other pests, for example, whiteflies, aphids or thrips.

        The most common diseases are those that develop as a result of improper care.

        — The lush green bush does not bloom and does not set buds: perhaps due to overfeeding with nitrogen fertilizers or lack of light.
        — The buds fall off without opening: one of the reasons may be a lack of nutrients, light or poor watering, as well as low temperature.
        — Yellowing of leaves without falling off can be caused by the development of chlorosis, a disease associated with watering with hard water containing chlorine and calcium. To eliminate the consequences and prevent the plant, it should be watered with a solution of iron chelate in accordance with the instructions given on the package.
        — Decay lower leaves and yellowing of new ones that are just budding: most often associated with disease of the roots in waterlogged soil at low temperatures.
        — The death of shoots in autumn is a natural process for some herbaceous species of hibiscus, for example, swamp hibiscus, in which only the lower parts of the stems remain green for the winter.
        — Drooping, limp leaves with dry soil are a clear lack of watering.

        Hibiscus. Many people know that hibiscus tea is a drink made from dried hibiscus flowers. However, in industrial version For the preparation of hibiscus, only one of the representatives of the genus is used - Hibiscus sabdariffa(Hibiscus sabdariffa) or Roselle. This herbaceous perennial, originally from West Africa, is cultivated today in almost the entire tropical and subtropical zone. The height of the plant can reach 2.5 m. The leaves are dark green, with a reddish tint, deeply dissected, three-, five-lobed, 8 - 15 cm long. The flowers are 8 - 10 cm in diameter, pale yellow to white with a dark burgundy spot in the center. The calyx is thick, fleshy, its thickness at the base is 1 - 2 cm. Thanks to the rich content of organic acids and sugars, it serves as a raw material for the preparation of jams and jellies, and together with the petals - for the famous hibiscus tea. The leaves and young shoots of this plant are also eaten.

        Hibiscus sabdariffa is not suitable for growing indoors, as it has a very powerful root system and is very demanding of light. But you can try growing it in the garden as an annual.

        Indoor hibiscus - planting and caring for the “flower of death” at home. Hibiscus diseases and simple methods to combat them

        Hibiscus domestica is a plant whose homeland is considered to be Asia Minor.

        It is a shrub or small tree with wide glossy leaves and delightful large flowers of various colors.

        Indoor hibiscus is a fairly unpretentious plant that can easily tolerate temperature changes, infrequent watering and low lighting, so it will not cause much trouble for beginners in home gardening.

        But it is worth remembering that hibiscus, like many others houseplants, loves to have his own corner; The plant does not like being constantly moved from one place to another.

        Indoor (domestic) hibiscus: choosing a variety and planting at home

        Varieties of indoor hibiscus are very diverse; they differ from each other in life form (tree or shrub), leaf shape, size, color and doubleness of flowers. The varieties also differ in the flowering period of one flower: usually a hibiscus flower fades within two days after blooming.

        Most often, Chinese hibiscus is found in Russian apartments, here are some of its varieties:

        1. Allure - distinguished by orange or pink simple flowers with a brighter center and ovate, entire leaves.

        2. Claudie Days - flowers from grayish to rich brown with a beige fringe along the edge of the petals.

        3. Snowy Sky - the color of the cup is soft lilac with silver stripes along the veins of the petals.

        4. Dark Night - a variety with gothic burgundy or gray-violet flowers, in the center the petals of the corolla are blood-red. The leaves are heart-shaped.

        5. Borias - a variety with very large corrugated flowers lemon color and burgundy base of the petals.

        6. Tivoli - flowers are large, orange-pink with a yellow border. The flower stays open for up to 4 days.

        7. Parple Majestic - has bright, ruffled purple flowers with white speckles.

        8. Carmen Kean - the flowers are unusually bright, from fuchsia to pink-violet.

        You need to propagate indoor hibiscus using the following method: cuttings. This procedure can be carried out throughout the year, but experienced gardeners recommend cutting cuttings in February and July. Before cutting the cutting, you should choose a place in the apartment where the plant will live. Despite its unpretentiousness and shade tolerance, the Chinese rose still prefers sufficiently lit places. Therefore, the most suitable place for hibiscus, at first there will be a window sill in the sunny side of the home, and later - a bedside table by the window (the plant grows very quickly, it needs a large amount of space, a couple of years after planting the tree will no longer fit on the windowsill).

        On an adult plant, you need to select a leafy shoot 15 cm long that has not yet become lignified. This shoot needs to be placed in a kind of greenhouse so that it can take root. To build such a greenhouse, just take a small clay pot, pour equal amounts of peat and sand into it, slightly moisten this mixture, insert a hibiscus cutting into it and cover with a plastic bag. After 2-4 weeks, with abundant watering, the cutting will produce roots - and it can be transplanted to a permanent place.

        Hibiscus is a fast-growing plant, so in the spring, a cutting that has grown stronger and has taken root can be immediately transplanted into a pot. The pot should not be too large, in which case all the plant’s energy will be spent on developing the root system, and it will have little branching and flowering. Also, the pot should have holes for excess water to drain out - this will prevent rotting of the roots.

        First, for landing you need prepare nutritional mixture with in the following proportions: 4 parts wood soil, 3 parts leaf soil, and 1 part each river sand and humus. You can add a little coal and ash to the soil, as in the photo.

        This soil mixture will provide good water permeability and aeration. So, to plant hibiscus, drainage should be laid out at the bottom of the pot, the prepared soil mixture is laid out on it, in which a hole is made. You need to place the cutting in this hole, carefully straightening the roots. Fill the hole with the roots with soil and water thoroughly, holding the hibiscus so that it does not settle down. The pot in the tray should be placed in a bright place so that the domestic hibiscus actively photosynthesizes and gains vegetative mass.

        To grow homemade hibiscus from seeds, they must first be soaked for 12 hours, adding a growth stimulator according to the instructions. Then the seeds are placed in a peat-sand mixture for germination. Containers with seeds need to be watered and ventilated periodically, and then kept under plastic film or a lid, maintaining a temperature of 27? C. When the seedlings have 3-4 leaves, they can be transplanted into a small pot.

        Indoor hibiscus (home) - care at home (photo)

        Caring for indoor hibiscus consists of watering it, loosening the soil, periodically replanting and pruning, as well as feeding with fertilizers.

        Watering. In summer, due to high temperatures and constant evaporation of moisture, indoor hibiscus needs to be watered frequently, keeping the substrate moderately moist. During the flowering period, the plant needs watering every day, and you must remember to pour out excess water from the pan. In winter, evaporation is not so intense, so you can water the plant once every 10 days. It is also recommended to spray the leaves of the plant with a spray bottle to maintain optimal humidity. It is better to carry out this procedure daily. Once a month, if necessary, you can loosen the soil and remove weeds.

        Transfer. After planting from cuttings, home hibiscus should be transplanted a year later into another, more spacious pot. Then replanting should be done as the plant grows. Experienced gardeners recommend replanting it in autumn or summer. The diameter of a new pot for homemade hibiscus should be only 5 cm larger than the old one (no more!). Before transplanting, you can fertilize the substrate by adding half a glass of wood ash and a tablespoon of complex fertilizer for every 2 liters of soil.

        In the new pot, drainage and a few cm of soil mixture are also placed at the bottom. Then you need to remove the plant along with the soil from the old pot and carefully, trying not to damage the root system, remove old drainage. Then you need to remove the top layer of soil from the earthen ball and inspect the roots of the plants for damage and rot.

        If they are found, it is necessary to remove the damaged areas and treat the roots with a solution of fungicides. Then you need to place the earthen lump in the new pot so that there is 3-4 centimeters from the surface to the edge of the pot, and carefully fill the gaps between the walls of the pot and the plant with soil. Do not bury the root collar! Compact the soil, water it thoroughly and place it in a lighted place.

        Trimming. Home hibiscus should be pruned annually, preferably after flowering. It is necessary to remove shoots that go inside the crown and parallel to the trunk. In this case, it is necessary to remove old two-year-old shoots on the skeletal branches. Indoor hibiscus is trimmed using garden shears at a beveled angle (approximately 45o), as shown in the photo.

        Moreover, the lower edge of the bevel should be facing inward towards the trunk, and the outer edge towards the crown. You cannot remove more than half of the branches at one time, as this can cause harm to the plant. At correct pruning can be formed as lush bush, and a slender tree with a miniature crown - it all depends on the wishes of the gardener.

        Indoor hibiscus (household) - home care: feeding

        For more intense flowering and the formation of new shoots, indoor hibiscus should be fed occasionally. It is best to fertilize several months after transplantation. Homemade hibiscus responds well to any liquid complex fertilizers with a low N content, which must be used in accordance with the instructions.

        You can also feed the tree onion infusion. To do this, onion peels are tightly compacted into a three-liter jar, poured with boiling water and infused. After spraying with this infusion, the leaves acquire a healthy shine. And in the spring, during the growth period, you can water the hibiscus with a solution of mineral fertilizers (up to 3 times a month).

        Indoor hibiscus (household) - home care: pests and diseases (photo)

        The main enemies of indoor hibiscus are aphids and spider mites.

        Aphids infect young leaves of the plant and multiply very quickly, so they need to be dealt with immediately. To do this you will have to use insecticides.

        To combat them, you can use the onion peel infusion described above, as well as a soap solution or insecticides.

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