When is the best time to replant roses? When is the best time to replant roses?

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The pearl of the garden, the favorite of all gardeners - garden rose. Its flowering and fragrance are the best reward for work and care. It is a pity to disturb and transplant the rose to another place in the fall, but sometimes it is impossible to avoid such a procedure.

Soil depletion, construction, or the vision of the flower garden has simply changed - and now the rose needs to be moved to another place. Having made the necessary preparations and transplanted the bush according to all the rules, you can not be afraid of ruining it. favorite plant. A traumatic event will turn into a useful one.

Preparation is the key to successful rose transplantation in the fall

People have been cultivating roses for so long that all the rules for caring, planting and breeding this flower have already been tested in practice thousands of times. Even the ancient Romans knew how to grow them in huge quantities, and in winter in special greenhouses. Therefore, you should not act at random, just follow the rules:

1. The end of September, the beginning of October is the best time to transplant roses in the fall. In another place, bushes that have begun to outflow take root more easily useful substances from the aerial part to the roots.

2. The plant should be prepared for replanting in advance. Already in August, they stop feeding, reduce watering, and leave fading inflorescences on the branches.

3. The new habitat should be sunny, with good moisture drainage. Stagnation of water in winter time leads to overheating of roots.

4. The soil for planting should be loose and fertilized. It is ideal if the area has had time to “rest” from plantings for at least a year, otherwise it is better to replace the soil with fertile one.

When transplanting roses in the fall to a new place (pictured), Special attention pay attention to preserving each root. Abundant watering before digging out the bush will create a lump of earth with which the plant is transported to the planting site.

If you need to move a dug up plant over a considerable distance, it would be a good idea to carefully lay it on a cloth, wrap it around a lump of earth and tie it at the level of the root collar. In this case, you can plant it together with the “packaging”; simply untying it, the fabric will quickly decompose in moist soil.

Pruning a bush when transplanting roses to another place in the fall

The rose bush chosen for transplantation is dug up widely, trying to preserve root system. The main core, if it is deep, is cut with a shovel at the maximum accessible depth and the roots are carefully removed from the ground.

If it was not possible to save a lump of soil and it crumbled, use this to check the condition of the underground part. Remove all diseased and damaged areas by trimming the root with pruning shears to white, healthy tissue. Be sure to trim the ends of seedlings with open rhizomes; this stimulates the growth of absorbent roots and improves the nutrition of the young rose.

Note! After pruning, the length of the roots should be equal to or slightly longer than the above-ground part.

There are two opinions on how to deal with branches and leaves when moving a plant to a new location:

Shorten to columns 10 cm high, completely expose the branches, removing the foliage;

Leave the bush as a whole, with twigs and leaves, for use by the root nutrients, accumulated in the above-ground part.

When autumn is warm and air humidity is high, pruning shoots can lead to the awakening of dormant buds. Instead of preparing for winter sleep, the plant will heal in “spring” mode. Young branches will appear, which will still not have time to become woody and will die in the winter, the root will lose a lot of strength. In such weather conditions, it is better not to touch the branches and leaves immediately. If desired, you can prune them when it gets steadily colder.

If the autumn is cool, and there are at least three weeks left before the expected frost, then the transplanted bushes will have time to prepare for winter, and young shoots will not appear. This means that the bush can be trimmed before planting. It is also necessary to prune if planted with bare roots.

Proper pruning for successful transplantation of roses to another location in the fall

Features of transplanting roses to another place in the fall

The planting hole must exceed the size of the roots, usually 50x50 cm and up to 70 cm in depth. The distance between the bushes depends on the characteristics of the variety; roses need a lot of space for normal flowering. But sparse plantings are not as decorative; the soil dries out faster and more weeds grow.

Further actions differ depending on the state of the root system. Two ways to plant roses:

1. Planting with a clod of earth. It is simply installed at the bottom of the hole, filling the remaining voids with fertile soil mixture. Each layer is compacted well and spilled with water. There should be no air pockets left - the roots will die from contact with them.

2. Bare root planting. Pour into the center of the finished pit fertile soil slide. A seedling is placed on it, and the roots are distributed over the mound so that they do not bend upward, but descend to the bottom of the depression. Little by little they fill the hole with earth, spilling and compacting it.

With an open root system, the planting process is somewhat different, but even in this case it is important to compact and spill the soil well so as not to “air” the roots.

The seedling is installed so that the root collar (and therefore the grafting site) is 3-5 cm below the soil level. This will save the plant from the appearance of wild growth in the future.

After filling the hole with soil and watering, check the planting depth and add dry soil around the bush.

How to cover roses for the winter that were transplanted to another place in the fall?

The root of the transplanted plant has not yet fully grown and needs shelter from frost. There are several ways to cover young seedlings for the winter:

Hilling up with earth;

Covering coniferous trees with spruce branches;

Fencing with boards;

Use of modern covering materials, films.

Each gardener chooses a shelter based on his capabilities, weather conditions and varieties of roses. The main rule is not to cover the bushes until it gets really cold. Small first frosts harden the plants.

Making replanting beneficial for rose bushes

Since it is impossible to avoid replanting roses in the fall, they can be transferred to another place with benefit:

1. Improve soil quality. Fertile soil can be purchased at garden store or cook it yourself. Add one part of humus and peat to one part of garden soil. Add sand to clay soil and clay to sandy soil.

2. Control soil acidity. Usually, over time, the soil becomes acidic. This can be corrected by adding ash, crushed chalk or dolomite flour.

3. Improve the root system. It becomes possible to remove diseased areas and check them for the presence of pests.

Be careful! In autumn, it is dangerous to overfeed plants with nitrogen; violent growth may begin instead of a period of rest. From mineral fertilizers It is better to choose potassium ones, they contribute to the ripening of shoots and better wintering.

Transplanting roses to another place in the fall allows you to add nutrition to the roots throughout their entire depth. After all, the main beauty of the garden requires a fertile layer of up to 40 cm. Proper replanting will not weaken the bush, but will make it even more beautiful. But you should remember that the next time you can replant roses only after three years, so you should take the choice of location and quality of planting seriously.

Many gardeners from time to time have to replant plants on their site. Moreover, sometimes it is necessary to replant not only a newly acquired plant, but an already mature one. For example, to form a flower bed it is often necessary to transplant a rose to a new place. Let's find out whether it is possible to transplant an adult rose in the fall, or whether this should be done at another time of the year.

It is best to replant mature roses in spring or fall. However, it should be remembered that the time for autumn transplant limited: from the beginning of August to the end of September. It is necessary to leave 3-4 weeks in reserve so that the roses have time to take root before the onset of frost.

Sometimes those gardeners who have climbing roses on their property are interested in whether they can replant climbing rose in the fall. All roses with powerful long shoots (shrubs, climbing) are best replanted in September.

To replant the Rambler rose, which has flexible thin shoots, it is necessary to pinch the tops of all young branches in advance, in August, so that the branches have time to become woody before winter. It's on them next year flowers will appear. All old shoots should be removed as soon as they finish flowering.

When replanting the climbing rose “Climing” with thick powerful shoots, they need to be shortened by a third or even half.

When transplanting an adult rose bush, it is necessary, if possible, to dig it out according to the projection of the crown. Such a large lump of earth on the roots will guarantee that the transplantation of an adult rose bush will be successful and the plant will take root painlessly in a new place.

Before digging up a rose bush, you need to water it thoroughly so that the soil better adheres to the roots when digging. In addition, to facilitate the work, it is better to tie the shoots of the thorny rose bush.

First, dig a fairly deep trench around the bush. Then, tying the resulting earthen lump polyethylene or cloth, start digging under the base of the bush. Thick long roots can be cut off. After this, using a crowbar or other durable tool as a lever, you need to pull out the bush. If you want to transplant the rose to another place in the same area, then place the dug up bush on a bag or durable fabric and just drag it to a new location. If the rose needs to be transported, then wrap the roots together with the earthen lump with a damp cloth.

The rose should be planted in a new planting hole at the same level at which it grew before. Having placed the plant in the hole, we cover it with soil in several layers, alternating each with watering. Upper layer The soil should be compacted well to eliminate air pockets around the roots of the rose.

Although the transplant adult rose and is considered undesirable, it can be done. To do this, you should know when it is better to replant roses in the fall, and with proper care, these plants will delight you with their beautiful flowering and in a new place.

Autumn is the time active work in the garden. There is a lot that needs to be done before frost, first of all planting new plants or replanting plants already growing in the garden. The most common flower in the garden is the rose. It is a must in any garden. It is one of the first to be planted in new areas, and new varieties are added to already inhabited and well-groomed farmsteads. However, if you need to form a new flowerbed and decorate it with an already mature rose bush, then how to determine the timing of transplanting roses?

Timing for transplanting roses

When transplanting roses in the fall you need to know that the time frame is limited: from before the first frost you need to leave 2-3 weeks in reserve so that the bushes have time to take root, approximately: mid-August - late September.

All roses with long and powerful shoots(climbing, park, scrub) are best replanted in September.

Roses with thin and flexible shoots(rose "Rambler") is also replanted in September, but in August it is necessary to pinch the tops of young branches so that they have time to become lignified by winter. Old branches are pruned after flowering, and the remaining young branches will bloom the next year.

Climbing roses with powerful thick shoots, shorten the branches by a third.

Transplanting roses to another place in the fall

  • Before transplanting, rose bushes are watered abundantly.
  • When transplanting roses in the fall, an adult bush is dug up along the projection of the crown, leaving as much of the earthen lump as possible on the roots. The thorny shoots are tied together.
  • First, a deep trench is dug around the rose. The resulting earthen lump is wrapped with film so that the soil does not crumble. Then they begin to dig up the ground under the bush, cutting off the long roots.
  • Using any tool in the form of a lever (crowbar, beam, pipe), the bush is pulled out and placed on a bag to drag it to another place. If you plan to transport the rose bush by car, then wrap the soil with a damp cloth.
  • An adult rose is transplanted to another place in the fall at the same level at which it grew before. The bush is placed in a prepared planting hole and the voids are filled with fertile soil. Water generously. The top layer is carefully compacted, excluding air pockets at the roots.

An adult rose will definitely hurt after transplantation, but when proper care it will quickly regain its strength and decorativeness.


When is the best time to replant roses? This must be done in early spring days or already late autumn. However, when wintering roses, unexpected problems may arise. Therefore, the dates for autumn transplantation are August and September. Summer is not considered the best time for planting, but it can be done. You just need to help the plant adapt normally to a new place.

General transplant rules

If you have a rose bush big size, you need to leave the flower 40 centimeters, and in case large quantity shoots, remove some of them. This way you can give beautiful shape bush. If the size of the bush is relatively small and the roots are not damaged, you should still trim the immature shoots and remove the flowers and buds.

The first month after moving, it is advisable to water the flower as often as possible. It is also necessary to remove it in the shade in time, as well as spray it. IN summer time It is better to transplant in cloudy weather, since it simply will not take root in hot weather.

In regions with mild winter It is better to plant flowers in the fall, and if the climate in the area is more severe, in open ground Roses are planted in the spring. However, gardeners recommend planting these flowers in the fall, then in the spring they will delight you with their first bloom.

in autumn middle lane Roses can be planted in the ground from mid-September to October. Earlier transplantation will adversely affect the seedlings. Later planting increases the likelihood that the seedlings simply will not have time to take root and will suffer from frost in the winter.

Is it possible to replant roses in the summer?

To move the plant correctly, the following steps must be followed:

  • Using a spatula, you need to mark the circle for digging up the bushes, taking care not to damage the main and lateral roots;
  • The bush must be dug from all sides so that the ball with roots can be freely removed from the hole;
  • Using a shovel, you should pry up and turn the root ball into the hole, placing the bush on its side;
  • Remove the bush from the hole and place it on a cloth. Wrap the root ball in it so that the earth does not crumble when transferred;
  • The bush should be moved to a pre-prepared hole, free the root ball from the material and place it in the prepared hole no deeper than it was previously until replanting;
  • The bush should be well watered.

Transplanting roses in a pot in summer

This action is best done in August, when the flowers will grow profusely and by the time the buds appear, the roots will have fully formed. For replanting you need to take small pots, since in large land will sag more slowly. And thanks to this, the roots will begin to rot.

Also, large pots look ugly in the interior of the room. In large pots the plant produces abundant greenery and very few flowers.

Try to grow potted plants in small vases and replant them frequently, adding mineral fertilizers to the soil. In order for flowers to grow well, it is better to replant them on a crushed soil layer to protect the root system. The potted plant can be replanted throughout the summer months.

To strengthen rooting, the plant should be placed in the shade for a couple of days and watered moderately.

How to replant roses in the fall

In autumn, transplantation should occur in mid-October. At this point, the plant will be fully established before the first frost. Before planting, the dug-out bushes need to be shortened slightly and long shoots trimmed.

Basic rules for the fall process:

  • The landing site must be well prepared. To do this, dig a deep hole so that the bushes are at the same depth as before;
  • You need to dig up bushes for planting carefully. Make notches in a circle half a meter in diameter with a spatula, carefully pry up the earthen lump and pull it out;
  • It is recommended to save as many roots as possible and carefully move the bush with an earthen lump to a new hole;
  • The soil around the bush immediately after planting needs to be crushed and then loosened.

It is recommended to transplant bushes in the garden in good land with the addition of mineral fertilizers that stimulate root growth. Depending on the type of rose, you need to know how to replant them correctly. For example, before a transplant spray roses shoots need to be cut by 2-3 cm, climbing varieties are cut by half, standard ones - by 1/3.

To transplant a rose bush, you need to transfer a lump of earth, placing it on a cloth that is tied in a knot. The tissue can be removed or left at the end. Matter without the addition of synthetics will simply rot in the soil.

How to replant a summer rose after purchasing it in a store

A newly purchased rose should be replanted immediately or wait until the end of flowering. An indicator of how crowded a plant is in a pot is that drainage holes roots come out. In this case, it is necessary to replant the plant immediately, without waiting for the end of flowering.

Flowers with great cohesion simply do not have enough nutrients and oxygen, so the roots quickly become dehydrated. As a result, the leaves fall off and the plant may even die.

Basic rules for replanting flowers after purchase:

When can roses be replanted - summer, winter or autumn? Most best time for transplantation it is autumn or spring. At this point, the soil is completely unfrozen. If necessary, you can make a summer transplant subject to certain rules, such as maximum preservation of the earthen coma, the presence of cloudy weather and slight pruning.

When to transplant roses? In summer it is possible, but high humidity. It’s better to choose in the fall, then in the spring they will be able to please you with amazing flowering.

Professional designers of landscape gardens consider roses to be constant favorites in landscape design. Indeed, to quickly and successfully decorate an area, sometimes it is enough to plant only them so that the surrounding environment is transformed into a festive and solemn one. Of course, professional design is a temptingly convenient offer, but today it is too expensive for most private gardeners and summer residents. Many of them, guided by the rule “design is a simple matter,” decorate the areas themselves with roses (or other flowers), original flower beds, paths, arches, ponds, etc. and get the desired result. But it is worth emphasizing that any site design should involve preliminary planning, taking into account correct selection soil, neighboring plants and the placement of future buildings, which in the future will eliminate such troubles as oppression of some plants by others, their diseases or death. Otherwise, to save your pets, you will have to resort to transplantation, which not all plants, including roses, can tolerate painlessly. So that the work you put in is not in vain, and your favorite rose bushes still smell fragrant, immediately choose a place for them so that you no longer have to replant them.

Usually capricious roses planted according to all the rules take root normally and do not require transplantation, but in exceptional cases it still becomes a necessity. These cases, as a rule, are the result of errors made during landing or planning:

Deepening or protruding the roots of a rose bush - when choosing wrong place, unsuitable soil or violation of planting requirements;
- inhibited development and diseases of roses - depletion of soil (for example, an old rose garden) under mature bushes, lack of fertilizing when planting young roses;
- forced relocation during site redevelopment (construction, arch relocation, etc.);
- replanting for propagation (rejuvenation) of an overgrown rose bush that has lost its decorative properties.

The latter is permissible only for self-rooted roses and is rather a consequence improper care, since to rejuvenate the bush, it is often enough to prune the roots in time and prevent them (and the stems) from growing too much. For propagation, it is not necessary to dig up the entire bush, since the divisions will need more time to adapt after transplantation. And if you cut off only a part of the bush on one side and replant it, this will rejuvenate the rose, it will bloom more magnificently and will not lose its former beauty.

Deepening of the roots of a rose bush most often occurs on sandy loam soil, which strongly settles after precipitation, and when planted in a fresh, loose substrate. As a result of such subsidence, the root collar of grafted roses ends up below the required level (3 - 5 cm) and the plants begin to grow their own roots, which can reduce their winter hardiness. Self-rooted specimens have a shallow root system, and subsidence of the soil leads to poor heating and inhibited growth of roses. To avoid this situation, it is recommended to choose a location with the right soil(loam) or its addition (about 70%) to planting holes. The fertile soil mixture must first be poured into the holes and watered, and planting should begin directly only a day later, after the soil has settled. If the rose has already been planted and you notice subsidence of the roots, you should carefully lift the bush with a pitchfork as soon as possible, before it has grown too much, and add lightly fertilized loam under it with humus. Replanting to a new location is recommended in case of repeated deepening of the roots even after they have been raised.

The exact opposite situation - squeezing out the roots to the surface - is observed in heavy clay soils who don't like roses at all. This is what often causes the plants planted in autumn to freeze. rose bushes. To correct the situation, either hill up the squeezed-out root system higher, or transplant the rose into suitable soil (to a new location) with the above requirements being met.

Sometimes in an adult rose garden it becomes necessary to replace a dead bush with a new one, usually also an adult bush. In this case, you should select the right suitable look only a healthy rose, taking into account its color and size of the bush. When transplanted into depleted soil, the plant should receive good feeding, for which 5 kg of humus, 25 - 30 g of complex fertilizers and a handful of ash (dolomite flour) are added to the planting hole. In order for the transplanted rose to be well accepted, it is recommended to remove the developing buds in the first year after planting. To eliminate “soil fatigue” in the rose garden, which can occur even with regular fertilizing, old roses do not have to be replanted in a new place: it is enough to replace a layer of old soil (about 60 - 80 cm) with fresh soil.

In all cases of forced relocation of roses, the following should be taken into account:

1. It is advisable not to “move” freshly planted young bushes at all for the first three years. Strong 5-year-old roses tolerate replanting better, but they can only be replanted once every five years. So, if the flowering of your favorites is dear to you, take the trouble to do some basic planning for at least the next five years.

2. During the growing season (and especially during flowering), replanting is not carried out: roses get sick for a long time, have difficulty recovering and may even die. Best time- in the spring before the start of the growing season or in the fall three weeks to a month (survival period) before the onset of stable frosts. Exact dates largely depend on the characteristics of the region, but it is recommended to carry out a spring transplant as early as possible - before the buds swell, and an autumn transplant later (the average time is September), so that young shoots do not have time to grow. To speed up the warming (thawing) of the soil in the spring (early March), a film is spread over the planting site.

3. With age, rose bushes develop fewer suction roots, which are recommended to be kept intact when replanting. In this regard, transplanting with a clod of earth is considered the most gentle for any roses.

4. is carried out in a standard way: the main one is in the spring, and the gentle one in the fall. But sometimes, when digging, the root system may be damaged and then pruning is carried out depending on its condition. To maintain a balance between the volume of roots and the above-ground part, all old and dry shoots should be removed and a minimum of young (annual) shoots should be left. As a standard for replanting, it is recommended to cut the shoots in half, standard varieties- by a third, and bush roses - by 20 - 30 cm.

5. A timely autumn transplant is considered preferable, since it is already next spring roses grow well and can bloom actively. After spring transplantation, plants require intensive care (shading, regular watering and fertilizing) and flowering in the year of transplantation is strictly contraindicated for them - the buds should be removed. Please note: practice confirms that in the northwestern regions spring replanting (planting) of rose bushes is considered more suitable.

So, transplant. A week before the procedure, the selected bush is watered daily so that the soil is well soaked and compacted - this will help dig out the roots with a lump. At the same time, prepare a planting hole in a new place, wider (40 - 50 cm) and deeper: if the rose is rooted - about 40 - 50 cm, and if it is grafted and the tap root can be dug deep - at least 50 - 70 cm. Ready holes partially filled with nutritious soil with fertilizer, as described above, and watered. Before digging, the spreading stems of climbing and large bush roses are collected into a bundle and wrapped in a blanket, and the procedure itself is carried out with an assistant.

Around the rose bush, stepping back from the root by 30 - 40 cm, make deep (bayonet-length) vertical cuts in a circle with a shovel. Then, in a circle of slightly larger diameter, oblique notches are made towards the center, digging up and setting aside the soil around the inner circle. This technique makes it possible to obtain a kind of “cylinder” that holds the root system of the rose. To prevent it from collapsing during further digging and transportation, it is recommended to wrap the lump tightly with film or put a cut plastic bucket without a bottom on it and secure it firmly with a rope. The “cylinder” prepared in this way is lifted lower with a shovel, cutting off the taproot, and placed on a large piece of dense fabric, which is used to wrap the earthen ball up to the very root neck and secure it with a rope. In this form, the rose bush is moved to a new place and, depending on the size of the “cylinder,” frees up space in the new hole. The fabric is removed before planting, and the film (bucket) is removed after placing the ball in a new planting hole. At correct transplantation old layer the soil should be level with the new one, and at the same time it is very desirable to observe polarity: the rose should be turned to the south the way it grew before. The poured soil around the bush is carefully compacted and watered abundantly (2 - 3 buckets) in 2 - 3 doses, adding root (heteroauxin, sodium humate) to the water in accordance with the instructions. At spring transplant Before watering, you should fertilize with calcium nitrate (half a tablespoon per bush), and after it, shade the rose bush for 2 - 3 weeks (shelter from return frosts) with dense covering material.

If, when digging up a rose, the earthen lump cannot be preserved (especially when dividing the bush), the exposed roots must be protected from chapping and drying out as quickly as possible. To do this, the root system is inspected, the damaged ends are cut off and immediately immersed up to the root collar in a creamy mash of humus and clay (1:1) or clay and fresh mullein (10:1). The treated rose bush is transferred to the prepared hole and the root system is placed on a cone-shaped hill at its bottom. The roots are carefully straightened, watered with solutions of growth stimulants and covered with nutritious soil mixture, while maintaining the same level of deepening of the root collar. Then the soil is slightly compacted, the bushes are watered and mulched with compost or just earth (layer 5 - 10 cm). After autumn transplantation and adaptation in accordance with the deadlines and requirements specified for roses.

If we evaluate all the pros and cons of transplanting, as well as the whimsical nature of most types and varieties of roses, we can conclude: these flowers are not the most suitable option for experiments and in the case of growing neighboring flowers, it is better to move them and not touch the roses. Of course, if the situation is hopeless and the transplant procedure is the only way out to save your pet, then try to carry it out according to all the rules so that the rose does not have time to “understand” what happened.


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