Do-it-yourself concrete mixer made from a barrel, manual drive. Do-it-yourself concrete mixer is a great way to save money on a construction site

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To improve a summer cottage, cement mortar or concrete are often needed. Craftsmen are faced with a choice - to knead by hand (which is difficult and ineffective, since the solution hardens quickly) or to purchase an industrial concrete mixer, which is unjustified for irregular work. Therefore, many summer residents prefer to make a concrete mixer with their own hands, as it is simple and practical.

Principles of mixing concrete

There are several mixing options mortar in a concrete mixer. Namely:

  • Gravity method.
  • Forced-mechanical.
  • Forced vibration.
  • Combined gravitational-mechanical.

The easiest way to cook concrete mortar- This is mixing with a shovel in a stationary trough. The most unjustified and low-quality method. Not only does the solution itself quickly harden, but it is also problematic to mix the mixture until smooth.

Sometimes craftsmen stir the solution using a drill with a mixer attachment in a bucket. This option is somewhat better, but has its own very serious drawbacks. First of all, the drill is not designed for long-term continuous operation, with all the ensuing consequences. In addition, the technology of this type of mixing requires constant rotation and movement of the tool in the mixture. It's unreliable, difficult and tedious.

Gravity mixing

With the gravitational method, the tub with the solution is loosened or tipped over, and the solution mixes itself. That is, the components move independently in the container under the influence of gravity. Quality finished products not very good and high volume is difficult to achieve. However, many masters in living conditions This mixing option is used.

The advantage of this type of mixing is the simplicity of the concrete mixer design. Therefore, devices of this type are often created in garages, cottages and small businesses.


The forced-mechanical method is the simplest and most common. His distinguishing feature- This is a stationary container. The components are most often mixed mechanically in a drum. The drum can be horizontal or vertical. The essence of this method is clearly revealed by the example of using a drill in a bucket.

With limited volumes, this method may be justified, but it has its own characteristics:

Combined type of mixing

Many homemade concrete mixers made with their own hands use a combined method. It simultaneously combines the previous two methods and has a number of advantages:

  • There is no need to tightly seal the rotation units, since there is no contact with the solution. The drum is not closed at the top.
  • Parts of this type of structure last longer because the mechanism is reliable and simple.
  • The composition of the component can be anything, including gravel, crushed stone, expanded clay, and so on.

Vibration method

IN Lately The vibration method of preparing concrete is gaining popularity. This method allows high-quality mixing of large volumes of mixture and is used in cases where it is necessary to produce a reinforced concrete part with excellent and precise operational parameters.

In principle, vibration mixing can mix ingredients almost perfectly. The only limitation is the preparation of a “heavy” solution. To use this type of mixing, significant energy consumption is required. About twenty liters of mixture requires a vibrator power of 1.3 kilowatts. At home, instead of a drive and gearbox, a very powerful hammer drill is used. There is no need to press the cartridge, and the vibrations should be independent.

Drawings and designs of concrete mixers

Before starting assembly, you need to prepare a working tool, decide on materials and prepare a container of the required volume. It is not recommended to select small containers, since the solution in it may harden before the required time, and if the prepared mixture is not enough, then the whole process will have to be repeated all over again. The optimal capacity of the container is two hundred liters.

The general requirement is strength, reliability and stability of the structure. It is necessary to manufacture such structures as responsibly as possible, since the slightest miscalculation or carelessness will lead to breakdown or even injury to the worker.

The simplest concrete mixer from a can

If you save electricity and time, you can assemble a manual concrete mixer from a regular milk can. The entire assembly process takes several hours and the most crucial moment is welding the frame. With a little patience, simple gravity concrete mixing equipment is ready.

To make this concrete mixer you will need a can or other similar container, several pipes or thick rods.

Despite the simplicity of the design, even dry screed concentrate can be mixed in the can. The axis inside the can cuts the mixture as it rotates.


The coupling can be omitted, thereby further simplifying the design. Instead of couplings, you can cut out arcuate recesses and place the axle in them. The rotation will be uneven and squeaky, but it will knead well. In one cycle of work in a forty-liter can, about three buckets of solution are obtained. Sometimes a barrel is used instead of a can. In this case, the problem arises of how to fix the lid. This issue can be solved in an original way if the handles are attached to a barrel without a lid at different levels. One end of the handle is near the bottom, the other is near the top. As a result, the container is placed at an obtuse angle relative to the surface of the earth and the solution does not spill out during rotation. But the quality of the kneading with this method suffers.

Concrete mixer from a barrel

Homemade concrete mixer with your own hands from a barrel can replace factory model and mix evenly good mixture. All materials needed for assembly can be found in the garage or summer cottage. The unit can be either manual or mechanical.

Scroll necessary details for assembly:

The tools you need are a grinder to cut metal and a welding machine to firmly connect parts.

After preparatory work The question of how to make a concrete mixer with your own hands is no longer a question.

First, the barrel is centered and placed on the axle. Then they are designed internal elements, which will help mix the concrete.

Using a drill or welding device, two holes are drilled at the top and bottom of the barrel. A metal axle with a diameter of thirty millimeters is pulled through them, and this structure is tightly welded. Thus, the shaft and the tub are securely attached to each other.

A rectangle is cut out in the center of the barrel along the long edge. It will be a hatch for filling the components of the solution. Approximate Dimensions the hatch is approximately ninety by thirty centimeters. If the hatch is small, it will be inconvenient to use. And if it is made too large, the strength of the structure will decrease.

Blades are constructed from a metal square and mounted in a barrel. One side is welded to the wall, and the other to the axle. For good mixing, four or five blades, evenly spaced inside the barrel, are enough.

The rectangle obtained from cutting out the hatch is welded to the hinges, which are attached to the barrel. The result should be a lockable hatch. After that, a latch or latch is attached to the hatch cover. The main task of the lid is not to open while the device is operating.

Then the frame is welded. A second length of fifty millimeters is welded to the long channel. The same is done with the second support.

A pipe is welded to the other edge of the channel into which the concrete mixer axle will be inserted.

Then, when the metal axle fits into the bushings, retaining rings are welded on both ends. Their role is played by thick metal washers.

After which the steering wheel is welded to one of the edges of the axle.

If going electric model, then it is necessary to assemble and connect the corresponding unit, consisting of a motor and a drive system.

Tricks for using homemade devices

According to the principle of operation, homemade concrete mixers are similar to industrial designs and perform the same functions. But to achieve comfort, home devices need to be used a little differently.

Tips for working:

During assembly and operation homemade designs We must not forget about compliance with safety precautions. This applies to the rules for working with power tools and conventional equipment. Following the usual simple instructions will prevent unpleasant situations and avoid injury.

If you live in a private house, or have a summer cottage, you cannot do without construction work. Any construction site, even a laying wooden log house for a bath, can’t do without concrete foundation.

In addition, there is also stone fence, terraced beds, concrete paths, or the construction of a full-fledged house with brickwork. All these works require a large amount of concrete.

For large-scale construction, you can order ready-made mortar from the factory, directly with delivery to the work site. Construction crews That's what they do. But this method has disadvantages.

  1. The cost of ready-mixed concrete is quite high;
  2. It is unlikely that you will be able to buy a small quantity; you will be offered the entire volume of a concrete mixer, that is, several cubic meters. There is not always a need for such quantities;
  3. Densely built private sector, not the best comfortable spot for the passage of heavy equipment. Delivery may become impossible.

Therefore, having your own concrete mixer for your home is a fairly pressing issue.

Of course, you can rent the unit at rental offices. However, if you have to use it often, at some point you will realize that the payment for rental and transportation has already exceeded the cost of the unit itself. All that remains is to buy your own concrete mixer.

However, many home craftsmen manage to save money here too. Do-it-yourself concrete mixer – it’s real! Those who doubt the possibility of making such a complex unit on their own should familiarize themselves with our material.

The advantages of such a solution are undeniable.

  1. A homemade concrete mixer can be exactly the configuration you need;
  2. The cost of construction can be minimized by using literally available materials;
  3. If you were able to make a concrete mixer, problems with its repair and maintenance are eliminated;
  4. And finally, a homemade concrete mixer is a source of pride in front of your family and friends.

Before construction useful device, it makes sense to try out a ready-made industrial prototype. You can ask for help from friends who have this unit.

As a last resort, fork out once for a rental copy. Of course, to perform work, and not just test. You will understand how the product works and can decide which size is right for you.

It would seem that the larger the container, the better. However, more powerful specimens consume a lot of electricity. The minimum load, as well as the maximum, limits you in the amount of solution obtained in one cycle. Therefore, selecting the size of the tank is a responsible task.

How to make a concrete mixer with your own hands?

General principle next:
You will need a strong cylindrical container, a stable frame, and a tipping device for unloading ready solution and a motor with gearbox. Don’t be intimidated by such an impressive list - most components can be purchased for pennies, or found for free.

Simple concrete mixer from a rusty barrel and an engine that was found in the garage. In the video it is given detailed instructions on production and show drawings with dimensions.

Let's consider several options for already tested designs.

The simplest option is a manual concrete mixer from a barrel

For production you will need

  1. A steel barrel with a volume of 100 or 200 liters, which can be bought inexpensively or exchanged for a certain amount of strong drinks at some warehouse or enterprise;
  2. Angle or profile for the frame. Again, if this stuff is not in your shed, buy it at a scrap metal collection point;
  3. Important! It's about minimizing costs. Therefore, the purchase of new material is not considered.

  4. A pair of used bearings. It’s even funny to tell where to find them. An excellent solution is worn hubs from classic VAZ;
  5. Steel pipe for axle and handle;
  6. Grinder, welding machine - that goes without saying.

Can you imagine a construction site that doesn't even have a small concrete mixer? Without such a unit, preparing a good cement mortar becomes almost impossible. When the need arises to build a small structure or simply “patch up” something, concreting becomes a popular task. Here is just a short list of situations in which you cannot do without this tool: filling garden paths, arranging a foundation for a gazebo, installing a fence, and so on. In a word, concrete is needed everywhere - the only difference is the scale of the event. It makes no sense to buy an industrial device for household needs - the purchase will cost you prohibitively. Alternative solution will become a homemade concrete mixer with your own hands. Thanks to this article, you will learn how to make it yourself from scrap materials.

Four Principles of Mixing Concrete

Homemade concrete mixer

According to the facts, you can prepare your own solution without special devices. Many people even like to work “according to the old method.” But how much do you manage to do this way? Create a dry mix for construction using a regular drill or a mixer, that's also possible. But when it comes to sand and cement, they are powerless.

The simplest and most common mixing principle is called forced. All components are mixed in a container that is stationary. A mechanical drive is usually used for this. The working drum can be positioned vertically or horizontally.

Drawing of a horizontal concrete mixer

Despite the fact that even a small forced-action concrete mixer can be very effective, it also has its disadvantages:

  • " dead zones"in a container. This especially applies to the space near the walls.
  • Complexity of design. Rotation units must be hermetically protected from the effects of the solution, which may be aggressive.
  • It is almost impossible to prepare a solution in such a unit, which includes medium and large filler.

The second principle is called gravitational. In this case, all components are mixed due to gravity. In industry this method It is rarely used because it requires a lot of time and effort. Barrels made of metal are most often used as containers. How they are made and how to make a stand will be discussed below.

Most modern concrete mixers use a combined principle that combines the first two methods. They have the following advantages:

  • Strict sealing is not necessary. The drum is open at the top; there is no need for rotation units, since any contact with the solution is excluded.
  • Parts wear out much less often.
  • Simplicity and reliability of operation.
  • There are also no restrictions on the composition of the solution - it can be crushed stone, expanded clay, gravel, and so on.

The fourth principle of mixing is called vibrational. Recently, some craftsmen have been mixing the solution using vibration. If we talk about large-scale volumes, the results can be the most stunning. Typically, the vibration mixing principle is used when it is necessary to produce precise reinforced concrete structure with good performance characteristics.

Under normal conditions, the gearbox and drive are replaced by a powerful hammer drill (permissible minimum 1.3 kW). Its vibration action must be independent. There is no need to press the cartridge.

Concrete mixer gearbox photo

In general, vibration mixing allows you to create an almost perfect concrete mixture. However, it is also not optimal for preparing a “heavy” solution.

Concrete mixer from a milk can (flask)

DIY concrete mixer from a milk can

It is worth understanding that not every summer cottage has access to electricity. Therefore, it would be quite logical to make a homemade product manual type and small volume. A DIY concrete mixer made from a milk flask is a very simple and uncomplicated option. You will need the can itself, pipe scraps or any other scrap metal of a similar shape. It can be done in 2-3 hours; the main scope of work involves welding the frame.

  • Taking round pipe, bend the handle as shown in the picture. Weld the water couplings at the top. Their internal diameter must exceed the diameter of the pipe used for the handle.
  • Pass the tube through the flask, making holes, and then weld it to the body.
  • It is extremely important to find the center of gravity of the concrete mixer with your own hands so that it can be turned easily. To simplify the design, you can do without using a coupling. Cut arc-shaped recesses in the frame and place the axle on them.

The unit, although simple, is not the most reliable. Therefore, for manufacturing it is better to use some other drawings.

Big barrel

Concrete mixer from a large barrel 200 liters

A more practical option is a concrete mixer made of 200 liter barrel. Why exactly two hundred liters? This volume is considered optimal for mixing concrete at a time. The plastic option is immediately discarded - such barrels will not last you long.

A homemade concrete mixer from a barrel is made as follows:

  • Preparing a barrel that has a lid and a bottom. If the cover is missing, it is welded separately. Didn't find the container? You can do it yourself. The homemade version is in no way inferior to a factory barrel. You will need dense sheets of metal with a thickness of 1.5 to 2 mm, rollers, an effective welding machine and a wooden hammer.
  • We attach flanges with bearings to the lid and bottom. We cut out a hatch on the side where the solution components will be filled. A little trick - for a concrete mixer made from a barrel, such a hole should be made closer to the end, which will be lower during the scrolling process.
  • Knowing how to make a concrete mixer with your own hands is half the battle. It is equally important to ensure proper mixing of the solution. To do this, you need to weld the blades to the inside walls (angle from 30 to 40 degrees). This angle is extremely important so that during the mixing process the contents are “pushed” out. In principle, you can attach the blades to the shaft.

How do professionals make a base for a concrete mixer?

Naturally, a manual concrete mixer with your own hands must have a stable base. This is necessary so that the structure does not start to turn over during mixing. With a small load of the frame from wooden beam will be quite sufficient (section 10 by 10 or 15 by 15 cm). Optimal connection options: “tenon” or “half-tree”. They are necessary so that the structure does not suffer damage from vibration. When the assembly is completed, all joints are glued and tightened with self-tapping screws.

Need a stronger, more durable unit? Then a frame made from a metal corner will definitely suit you. Welding machine Not everyone has it, but you can fix it with rivets or bolts.

If necessary, wheels are screwed to the base. This arrangement of the concrete mixer will allow you not only to turn it over, but also to move it.

As for engines, a DIY concrete mixer from a barrel can be equipped with a motor from a scooter or car. A good option there will also be a concrete mixer made of washing machine. The advantage of this option is that it is designed for long work and can last for several years.

How to make a concrete mixer with your own hands video

Below you can see photos of drawings that allow you to do everything yourself:

Drawing of a homemade concrete mixer from a barrel

At what speed should I mix concrete?

We will not consider in detail the process of mixing concrete - this is the topic of a separate article. Let us only note the fact that the torsional moment plays an important role.

This is why the washer gearbox is better than a regular motor from a scooter or car. It can withstand almost any load and can operate at low speeds. 25 full cycles (revolutions) per minute is enough.

To provide this quantity, the gearbox may have different scheme. The simplest, most typical option is when the gearbox is made of a belt and pulley. A do-it-yourself concrete mixer with a moped motor is distinguished by its mobility. The gearbox is convenient and compact; it does not require electricity to operate. Even if you have a large area, the made device moves around it without unnecessary worries and hassle.

Gearbox in in this case must be chain, otherwise the structure will not function well.

  • Instructions. We told you about what the manufacturing scheme should be. Follow it strictly to get the desired result. Any deviations in operation can lead to the fact that even a homemade concrete mixer from an old washing machine will turn out to be of poor quality.
  • Frame. Don't even try to weld a metal frame to cast iron. You will significantly complicate your hard work.
  • Do not overload the structure with excess weight. If you plan to mix a small amount of concrete, you definitely don’t need a 300-liter barrel.
  • Absolutely anyone can save a substantial amount of money if they know how to make a concrete mixer with their own hands - photos and videos are attached to the instructions. You will need a minimum of building materials, tools, a little care and resourcefulness. And one last piece of advice in conclusion. If there is such an opportunity, it is advisable to involve one more (or preferably two) people in the work. Some steps need to be completed at once, and doing it alone is not very convenient.

    Homemade concrete mixer from a barrel video

    As a rule, construction work is rarely completed without the use of concrete. It is quite difficult to mix the solution with your own hands, using only a large container and a shovel, and, given the significant scale of the upcoming work, it is completely impractical. It is much more convenient to mix concrete using a concrete mixer. Such a unit can be purchased at any specialized store, but still many, in an effort to save money, try to make it themselves. Do-it-yourself concrete mixer is a great opportunity get one like this useful device with minimal financial costs. How it can be made will be discussed in today’s article.

    Popular DIY concrete mixer designs

    Let's look at a few simple options which are the most popular.

    Option #1. Mechanical

    You can see the design of this simple mechanical mixing unit in the image below. The main advantage of such a concrete mixer is that it has an impressive volume. As for the drive, in this case it can be either manual or electric. To unload concrete, the bucket must be tilted to one side.

    But there is also a disadvantage inherent, in principle, to all units with a tub cylindrical– this is poor quality mixing in the corners. The mixture also sprays if the speed is more than 35 revolutions per minute. But the second problem can be dealt with if, after completing assembly, you weld that part of the barrel that was cut back into place and make a hatch in it.

    Note! This DIY concrete mixer mixes a simple solution in no more than 5 minutes, and a dry solution in 1-12 minutes.

    Video - Manual concrete mixer with a cylindrical bucket

    Option #2. Horizontal combined design, which is equipped with combs

    This design, as well as the one described above, can also be either manual or electric. The advantages include high homogeneity of mixing, as well as high speed and quality of this procedure. A similar concrete mixer is made from old barrel, but its quality is not much inferior to the best modern models for industrial purposes. What is characteristic is that the mixing speed is determined by the number of revolutions, and not by time (to prepare the solution, you need to turn it only three to four times).

    Although there is a minus - it is that the design is quite complex. For making even manual option you will need several dozen various elements. Wherein Special attention should be given specifically to the unloading hatch - all seals, latches with hinges must be of exceptional quality and reliable. However, if you have a lot of work to do in record time in a place where there is no electrical supply, then such a concrete mixer will be very useful. Finally, we note that similar structures are also manufactured on an industrial scale.

    Option #3. Electrical design

    This is perhaps the most common option, which in most cases is copied by home craftsmen. Therefore, there is no need to particularly explain anything. You can find the diagram in the image below. There are many varieties that have certain design differences, and finding detailed drawings is not difficult. In a word, we will give only some explanations.

    • The neck and bottom of the container must be reinforced with strips welded crosswise.
    • Most suitable in this case is a frame mixer, which is welded to the axle.
    • It is recommended that the container rotates along with the axis - this will make the frame design more complicated, but you will not have to seal the shaft in the bottom (the latter is precisely one of the reasons for the short service life of the mixers).

    Video - The process of assembling a concrete mixer

    Option number 4. Vibration unit

    Quite often, people, having a hammer drill with a power of 1-1.3 kilowatts with a percussion mechanism that is forcibly turned on, tried to make a vibrating concrete mixer on their own, but in most cases they did not get the desired result.

    Let's take a look at common mistakes.

    1. First of all, this is the wrong selection of container. The latter should only be round, not too wide, but high.
    2. The vibrator is not positioned correctly. It should be positioned on the axis of the container, and the distance from it to the bottom should approximately correspond to its radius. There should be a solution above the vibrator itself with a height that does not exceed its (again) diameter.
    3. A flat vibrator is used. The fact is that if it is made of a sheet of metal, it will not be able to excite the required system of waves in the concrete. It is important that the profile of the element is at least approximately the same as shown in the image. The best option– a pair of saucers or plates (preferably metal ones), which are folded together.
    4. And the last thing is that the vibrator is too big size. Its diameter should be 15-20 centimeters for each kilowatt of power. Simply put, if the power of the hammer drill is the same 1.3 kilowatts, then the device will cope with plates with a diameter of 25 centimeters. If the diameter is large, then a concrete mixer simply will not be able to “pump” the solution with its own hands.

    If you follow all these requirements, you can get concrete of excellent quality.

    Video - Making an original concrete mixer

    Making a concrete mixer - step by step guide

    To make the design described below, you will need, first of all, patience, since you will have to work hard. The process consists of several successive stages; let’s look at the features of each of them.

    Stage one. Capacity

    To make a mixing bowl (also known as a mixing bowl), prepare a ready-made tub or the materials you'll use to make it. There are a lot possible options– a drum from a washing machine, an old can, a barrel. Although if you push to future design If you have special requirements, it is preferable to make the pear yourself. Prepare sheet metal(can be new) with a thickness of 2 to 2.5 millimeters. Then get to work.

    Make 3 or 4 constituent elements future capacity. A pair of truncated cones (this will be the bottom and top), a base (in other words, the very bottom part), and also fastening the cones in the center (if this is even necessary).

    After this, weld all the elements together to obtain a pear (it is, in accordance with preliminary calculations, has a volume of about 200 liters). In addition, it is desirable that there is a double weld at each attachment point. It is worth noting that craftsmen often advise securing between a pair welds There are also metal rivets to increase reliability, although this point is optional.

    Stage two. Body and base

    As for the body, it is often made of wood, but if you are serious about durability, then it is better to use metal corner. Give preference durable material, on which there is a minimum of rust (if scrap metal is used), also take care of the design of the most convenient base. The future body must withstand the planned weight with a margin of 20-50 percent, since during vibration and mixing, the load will accordingly only increase. Moreover, take into account that in addition to the concrete itself weighing 100-200 kilograms, you also need to hold the container itself, with the necessary additional accessories.

    All fasteners are carried out by welding and auxiliary bolted connections. At the same time, it is recommended to take care of the practicality of the future unit. The concrete mixer can be placed on a frame with wheels for more convenient transportation of the “miracle of technology.” You can also take care of a convenient handle, with the help of which the body will move around the construction site.

    Stage three. Engine

    This stage is rightfully considered the most difficult, since it is quite difficult to calculate what characteristics and parameters the future equipment should have. Therefore, the power must be determined based on the requirements for the volume and weight of the concrete being mixed, as well as the ability to extract a particular engine. Some use a motor from a washing machine or scooter for these purposes, while others prefer less expensive equipment(for example, a motor from an electric drill or any similar tool).

    We also note that both the power and the speed at which the concrete mixer will rotate with your own hands must be taken into account. It is important that it is not very high - say, about 15-20 revolutions per minute. There are several ways to adjust the speed - automatic, gears with shafts, homemade device, and also the use of belts.

    Stage four. Direct assembly of the concrete mixer

    The assembly procedure itself is not complicated and includes several successive steps. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

    Step one. First you need to make sure that all connections - both pears and housings - are strong enough. Fasteners should be provided in advance, the same applies to the connection location and installation of the motor.

    Step two. After this, you need to install the engine and gearbox on the frame, and then carefully fix all the parts of the rotating mechanism.

    Step three. Next stage– this is the installation of a container on the axis and base. This should be done so that the pear is located at an angle of 35 degrees.

    Step four. Now all that remains is to check how the concrete mixer turns on/off, whether the fastenings are secure, and how well the rotation occurs. Gears or a belt are used to adjust all parameters.

    Note! The procedure described above is more clearly demonstrated in the thematic video below. After watching it, you will finally understand how to make and launch the device described in this article.

    Video - Homemade concrete mixer

    It is worth noting that any of the designs described above can be a good alternative to expensive “store-bought” equipment. Although, of course, in the absence of the required Supplies the cost of such budget equipment may increase significantly; although the experience is in any case very interesting. In addition, the design of a concrete mixer can be made cheaper, and the principle of its operation can be simplified. This can be done, for example, by replacing automatic rotation with manual rotation. In this case, instead of dozens of complex parts, you will only need bearings, a handle, a lever, and also a “comb”, which will be located inside the pear.

    Another option for making a concrete mixer

    The design presented below is very similar to that described in the previous section, and therefore no detailed explanation is required here. The manufacturing procedure itself can be understood from the step-by-step illustrations provided. Let us only note that in in this example already in use finished barrel 200 liters, 250-watt electric motor 1430 rpm, motorcycle wheel, a pair of rings welded together. The finished pulley will be welded to the bottom of the tank. You will also need a pair of belts, a channel and pipes 59 for the frame.

    Feasibility of the solution

    So, we found out that cement mortar is required for almost all construction work. And if, for example, to fill the foundation, it is advisable to use a purchased ready mixture, then in the case of work involving the periodic use of relatively small portions of the mixture, it is advisable to rent/buy a concrete mixer (can be manual, but preferably electric).

    Of course, you can use the same trough with a shovel for kneading, but this approach, in addition to being labor intensive, has other disadvantages. In this case, the quality of concrete will not be high; the mixture will turn out to be heterogeneous, which, in turn, will lead to unnecessary expense dry cement and low strength characteristics of ready-made concrete.

    Note! The term “concrete mixer” refers to a number of special construction mixers (manual/electric), that is, devices designed to obtain a homogeneous cement-containing mixture by mixing ingredients with dissimilar fractions.

    As a rule, dry cement is mixed with water, special additives and fillers (the latter can be sand, expanded clay, screenings, crushed stone).

    How does a concrete mixer work?

    Standard design includes:

    • bed (it can be either on a chassis or stationary);
    • kneading working bodies;
    • the container in which the mixing process takes place;
    • unloading mechanism;
    • transmission;
    • driving unit (it can be, for example, gasoline or electric).

    Let's take a closer look at each of the structural components.

    1. So, the frame is a structure made of profiles/pipes and is intended to connect all parts of the concrete mixer into one system. If the unit is small, then the frame can be equipped with two/four wheels to make it easier to transport.
    2. Mixing organs often include blades, augers and other parts that directly act on the ingredients of the concrete being mixed.
    3. The container is the element in which all these ingredients are mixed. Its volume and dimensions depend mainly on the productivity of the concrete mixer.
    4. Unloading mechanism - as the name suggests, it is intended for removing concrete for further use in construction work. It can also be different.
    5. Finally, a transmission with a driving unit is needed to convert this or that energy into the movement of the kneading organ. As noted earlier, the engine can be electric (used most often) or gasoline.

    Main types of concrete mixers

    There are several classifications of the unit described in the article, according to which it is divided according to one or another parameter. Thus, according to the principle of their operation, concrete mixers come in five varieties.

    1. Gravitational. They differ in that the drum for mixing the solution rotates under the influence of gravity. The best option for preparing viscous and rigid concrete.
    2. Forced. A more difficult to make concrete mixer with your own hands, where the container does not move, and the blades inside it mix the components of the mixture. Such units are rarely used in private construction.
    3. Periodic. They are characterized by low power and therefore require frequent stops. But for private construction this is a completely acceptable option.
    4. Geared (better known as crown-type).
    5. Permanent. Such concrete mixers, as their name suggests, operate continuously, and therefore are used primarily for large volumes of work.

    In addition, depending on the type of concrete being produced, equipment can be of two types

    • mortar mixers;
    • concrete mixers.

    Let's look at each of these options in more detail.

    Option #1. Mortar mixers

    Simple equipment designed for private construction. Designed for mixing components whose fraction size is more than 2 centimeters. Also, units can be industrial (if the volume does not exceed 1200 liters) and for private use (over 30 liters).

    As a rule, all ingredients are mixed in mortar mixers forcibly, for which a horizontal auger is used, which rotates in a fixed container. If the volume of the unit is more than 100 liters, then it is mandatory equipped with dispensers. And if the volume of equipment exceeds 250 liters, then, as a rule, it will include the following elements:

    • engine;
    • mixing container;
    • drive unit;
    • a rotating shaft having blades.

    Note! Small mortar mixers with a volume not exceeding 65 liters are emptied by tilting the drum. If the volume is larger, then a hatch is used for this, which is located at the bottom of the device.

    Option #2. Concrete mixers

    They are designed for use with components whose fraction size is no more than 7 centimeters. All units of this type are classified in the same way as described in one of the previous sections of the article.

    In addition, depending on the installation features, they can be:

    • mobile (this includes both concrete mixers with a chassis and units without it);
    • stationary (often for industrial purposes, characterized by increased productivity);
    • automobile.

    Note also that, depending on the type of drive and energy source, all concrete mixers are divided into several types.

    • With manual drive. They are characterized by the fact that they are capable of converting human muscular efforts into rotation of the kneading organ. The transmission in most cases is chain gear or belt. Such concrete mixers are not very common, since their volume is insignificant, and they do not facilitate labor very much.
    • With motor drive. A concrete mixer (including a self-made one) of this kind operates on a diesel/gasoline engine.
    • With pneumatic and hydraulic drive. The kneading organs in this case move due to the conversion of energy compressed air or liquids that are supplied under high pressure. Such equipment is exclusively for industrial purposes, since it requires powerful additional devices.
    • Electrical. The most popular types of concrete mixers today, not only for industrial, but also for domestic use. The range of such units is quite extensive, and their volume varies from 30 to several thousand liters.

    Benefits of use

    There are several of them, let’s look at each of them in more detail.

    • Manual units are essentially completely autonomous.
    • But the crown concrete mixer is quite easy to use and, if necessary, repair.
    • Equipment with a motor drive is also quite autonomous, since it only needs fuel.

    Disadvantages of use

    • For electrical appliances, this is the opening of the hatch some time after the power supply has stopped and, as a result, the discharge of concrete (otherwise it will harden).
    • In addition, concrete mixers are, in principle, seasonal. For the most part, they (especially small units) cannot be used for sub-zero temperature. As a result, in winter it is necessary to additionally use a steam generator.
    • Separately, it is worth highlighting the disadvantages of motor-drive devices - the high cost of the fuel used, high level noise during operation, as well as toxic emissions.
    • A simple mortar mixer, capable of operating at a temperature not lower than +2 degrees, does not have equipment that ensures heating of the mixture.
    • The productivity of manual units is quite low, while the labor intensity of mixing, on the contrary, is high.

    As a conclusion

    As we see, self-production Concrete mixers are nothing complicated, you can handle it. And the costs are completely justified, since the speed of any construction work with such equipment will increase significantly. That's all, good luck with your work and have a warm winter!

    Market construction tools offers big choice concrete mixers for every taste and budget. From the simplest - for mixing small volumes of masonry and plaster solutions, to powerful forced-action concrete mixers in which hard materials are prepared concrete mixtures. Despite this, many self-builders prefer not to buy a concrete mixer in a store, but to make it with their own hands from trash lying around in the barn. How to assemble such a homemade product, and is it worth the bother of making it? The answers are in the article.

    • How to make a concrete mixer from a barrel and a washing machine engine
    • How to turn a concrete mixer into a sifter for sand, gravel and crushed stone
    • What tools are needed to make homemade products?
    • Is it profitable to make a homemade concrete mixer?

    How to make an inexpensive concrete mixer from a steel barrel and an electric motor from a washing machine

    lariprof User FORUMHOUSE

    When building the bathhouse, I mixed concrete by hand in a trough. This method is suitable for small volumes, but not for building something larger. Too much effort is wasted on “hand-to-hand” mixing of concrete. I didn’t want to buy an expensive concrete mixer, but spending money on a cheap but short-lived one would be a waste of money. I looked on the Internet what homemade concrete mixers are made from. I liked the couple mobile structures from ordinary metal barrels for 200 liters. I bought a used oil container at a car depot and, based on it, profile pipes, a Bendix with a crown from a Volga and an old engine from a washing machine, I assembled a cheap concrete mixer.

    The following is placed in the concrete mixer:

    • 4 buckets of enriched sand and gravel mixture;
    • 1 bucket of cement;
    • 1.5 buckets of water;
    • 1 bucket of sand.

    The washing machine motor copes with the load and does not overheat.

    Close-up of a concrete mixer drive.

    The drive is protected by a tin cover.

    In the rain, the start button is covered with a plastic bag.

    The second concrete mixer, made from what was at hand, was made AfanasievichRUS.

    AfanasievichRUS User FORUMHOUSE

    I didn’t want to spend 12 - 25 thousand rubles on buying a concrete mixer. and made it myself from various rubbish, barrels and an electric motor from a washing machine. Homemade mixer I have been using it for concrete for several years now. In principle, everything suits me. The metal of the barrel is of course thin, but everything can be fixed by welding. Blades for stirring the mixture are welded inside the barrel. To make a concrete mixer I needed:

    • two hundred liter barrel;
    • engine with a power of 0.45 kW at 3400 rpm;
    • pulley from the seeder;
    • a wheel from a children's bicycle;
    • rim from a bicycle wheel for adults;
    • chain from an Izh motorcycle;
    • bearing with bushing from the rear wheel of an Izh motorcycle.

    ​We invite you to watch a video showing the operation of this concrete mixer.

    The yield of the finished mixture is 100 - 120 l.

    How to make a cheap sifter for sand and crushed stone from a concrete mixer

    chichic User FORUMHOUSE

    I don’t have much space on my site, so when I brought in sand and crushed stone, they were dumped into one pile. Over the course of several years, they got mixed up. I didn’t want to sift through this volume manually. So I made a sifter out of a concrete mixer.

    We'll tell you how to make this necessary household device:

    1. Take two strips of galvanized metal 100 and 200 mm wide.

    1. Bend a strip 100 mm wide and tighten it with bolts around the neck of the concrete mixer.

    1. Bend a 200 mm wide strip into a ring and secure the ends with rivets.

    1. Cut the mesh with a 6 mm mesh to the diameter of the ring with an overlap. Bend the ends and secure them with rivets to the ring through a metal tape.

    It turned out to be a large sieve. For ease of operation, screw the handles onto the sieve.

    Insert the sieve into the concrete mixer with the mesh side down.

    Turn on the concrete mixer and sift bulk materials. Then stop the concrete mixer and only then remove the sieve!

    The sifted sand and stone dust remain in the “pear”.

    Finished products.

    chichic User FORUMHOUSE

    I liked the homemade product. I plan to buy a mesh with a mesh of 4 mm and 8 mm and make two more sieves for different jobs.

    • Do not sift the bulk until the concrete mixer is fully loaded. It is enough to sift 8 shovels and immediately pour the contents of the concrete mixer into the bag. If you fill the entire “pear” with sand, it will be compressed at the bottom into a dense mass. It is inconvenient to pack it in bags.
    • If during operation you need to stop the concrete mixer filled with concrete and then turn it on again, then turn the “pear” so that its mouth is directed upward. Only then start the concrete mixer and turn the “pear” at the desired angle for normal mixing of the mixture. This will reduce the load on the motor and drive, and they will last longer.

    Another sifter design for bulk materials building materials from Vitek.

    Tools for making a homemade concrete mixer

    You will need standard set any DIYer:

    • Bulgarian;
    • powerful drill;
    • welding inverter;
    • a set of metalworking tools and consumables - cutting and cleaning discs for angle grinders, electrodes, metal drills.

    Is it profitable to make a concrete mixer with your own hands?

    Practice shows that homemade products are profitable if you have “unnecessary” ones lying around the household electric motors, pulleys, chains, gears, metal, etc. A used 200-liter barrel costs a penny, but its bottom will have to be strengthened, and the top of the barrel will have to be narrowed to a cone. A “pear” made from a barrel, due to its thin walls, is inferior in strength and durability to a high-quality factory one made of thick metal. Do not forget to add the time spent on its manufacture to the cost of the concrete mixer and, if not, the cost of purchasing necessary materials and tools. Therefore, first study the construction market and the offers of private owners.

    If you want to save money, consider buying a used concrete mixer. The main thing is not to purchase a dead unit with a worn-out drive and an engine that is “tired” due to overload.

    Do you want to buy a concrete mixer, but don’t know which one to get so that it lasts a long time and doesn’t break? The answer is in the topic where it was collected practical experience real users and provide advice to concrete mixer manufacturers.

    • Do you want to know the proportions of high-quality self-mixing concrete? Do you think that self-mixed concrete is more profitable than purchased concrete? The material describes in detail how to independently mix a mixture of sand, water, cement and crushed stone in a concrete mixer, so as not to be disappointed with the result.
    • Those DIYers who need an inexpensive profile bender will learn how to make one from spare parts from old cars in the article.
    • Spring is just around the corner and soon chainsaws will be roaring around the plots. In order not to overstrain yourself when sawing firewood and to significantly speed up and simplify this process, read the article which shows 5 options for sawhorses for sawing logs and 3 options for wood splitters.

    The video Concrete and Concrete Mixes tells where it is better to buy concrete, and what ingredients and additives are needed to make it yourself.


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