How to paint lining indoors - effective methods of protecting wood. Painting the lining

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How and why is the lining painted?

The lining may need painting, varnishing or other compositions for several reasons, which determine the choice of a specific product:

  • A tree needs protection, which can be different. For example, for lining on a balcony, you need to think about enhanced protection against UV rays, which cause photoaging (greying of wood). Some compositions make the lining more fire and moisture resistant and protect against pests.

Often as a material for interior decoration pine is used. If left untreated, the wood may darken over time.

  • You need to preserve the color of the wood and make the design more expressive.
  • It is necessary to change the color of the lining, but at the same time maintain the structure of the wood.
  • The interior of the room does not involve the use of natural wood color.

The following products can be used to paint or otherwise process the lining:

  • Protective compounds. Can be intended for different purposes. To treat lining on a balcony, especially one located on the sunny side, it is better to use a composition for external work. For the ceiling and walls indoors, a product for interior work is suitable.

Important! When choosing a protective product, carefully study the information on the packaging. Some compounds paint the wood pink and green, which can only be painted over with a very dark tint or opaque paint.

  • Stains (compositions for tinting). They give the lining a certain shade, preserving the wood texture. By applying different numbers of layers, you can adjust the intensity of the coloring.
  • Lucky. For lining, scuba tanks are best suited - compositions for water based, allowing you to maintain the vapor permeability of the material and protect the surface from absorbing dirt. Varnishes can be glossy, matte, semi-matte, contain bactericidal additives and UV filters, and you can add color to them to change the shade of wood.
  • Paints. May have the most different composition, are designed to completely paint over wood by creating a dense film on the surface.
  • Wax compounds. They can be solid, liquid, water-based, provide excellent protection, and retain the distinct structure of the tree.

Important! In order for the wax to spread evenly, the surface of the lining must first be primed.

  • Special oils. They can be transparent and pigmented, protect the wood from dirt and abrasion, and emphasize the structure of the wood. They do not create a film on the surface, like varnishes, but penetrate into upper layer wood. Creates a matte finish or silky shine effect.

Depending on the purpose of application, these products can be used either independently or in combination with each other. For example, impregnation and paint can be used to protect and achieve a uniform painted surface.

Choosing paint

If we are talking about painting directly, you will need paint for the lining of one of the following types:

  1. Oil paint. Penetrates deeply, protects from external influences, and is suitable for painting lining on the balcony. Disadvantages: takes a long time to dry, fades over time.
  2. Alkyd enamel. A universal paint that creates a dense, most often glossy coating that is resistant to external influence and durable. The disadvantage is the limited selection of shades.
  3. Acrylic water-based paint. Used more often than others, it creates a matte, translucent coating. When applied in a thin layer, it allows you to preserve the structure of the wood.

Choosing the color of the lining

We found out how to paint the lining; it’s time to decide on the shade of paint. Many of the shortcomings of the room can be advantageously turned in the other direction if you “play with color” a little. Need to expand your space? Choose paint in white or light beige shades. But remember that they are susceptible to rapid contamination. Dark tone, on the contrary, will visually reduce the size of the room.

You cannot make the ceiling, walls and floor contrasting in color. It's best to leave it in the bedroom natural wood, and to decorate the office, choose paint in subdued tones.

Painting lining involves a certain sequence of actions that must be followed.

  1. Cleaning from dirt and dust.
  2. Surface grinding.
  3. Application of antiseptic and primer.
  4. Coating the lining with paint or other selected composition.

Ideally, the lining should be painted before it is painted, painting each board separately; it is extremely difficult to properly apply paint on a ceiling or walls already covered with lining. Painting finished surface allowed only when renewing paint.

Preparing lining for painting

If the lining is painted for the first time, the front side of the individual planks is sanded until smooth using a sanding machine or sandpaper mounted on a block.

It is better to take a spatula made of plastic; unlike metal analogues, it does not leave scratches on the surface.

  • We apply a layer of drying oil, which will perform a protective function.
  • Finally, a primer is applied. It will protect the lining from temperature changes (if we are talking about an unheated balcony) and will fix the already applied putty, in addition, it allows you to achieve a more uniform distribution of paint.

We paint according to all the rules

After finishing the surface preparation, it's time to figure out how to paint the lining.

  • Depending on the area, you can use either a brush or a roller.
  • Painting lining with paint or a pigmented product involves applying the composition in small portions. You can only wet the brush generously when using transparent impregnations and primers.

It is important to mix the paint thoroughly both before and during painting so that the color applies evenly.

  • Movements should be made along the boards, applying the composition with strokes, and then rubbing and shading until a uniform coating is obtained.
  • It is better to apply several thin layers than one thick one.
  • When working with opaque paint or varnish, after the first layer has dried, you need to sand the surface again.
  • Do not start painting a second time when the first coat has not yet dried.

In order not to be mistaken with the final result, you can first paint a small area of ​​the board to check what color you will get in the end.

Painting while preserving the structure

How to paint the lining to change the color but maintain a pronounced wood grain? You can use the brushing technique, which in this case involves processing the lining in several stages:

  1. First, pigmented oil, wax or glaze is applied to the surface.
  2. Then the selected varnish or paint for the lining is taken in a small amount, applied along the entire length of the board and gently shaded.
  3. After 10 minutes, use a soft, lint-free cloth to remove most of the oil.

The result of such manipulations will be a bright and expressive wood pattern, emphasized by the pigment remaining in the grooves and recesses. This method is great when using lining in different interiors: country, Provence and many others.

In a rustic interior, when painting, it is advisable to create not a dense, impenetrable coating, but to preserve the structure of the wood, achieving the effect of bleached oak. This can be done using different means:

  • Tints (stains) with the appropriate name - “ bleached oak", "frost", etc. To create the desired effect, the product is applied in several layers, each of which must be very thin.

A surface finished with natural wood may also need painting. Why is this necessary and how is it done - we will try to figure it out. So, the topic of our article today is how to paint lining.

Why is this necessary?

In fact, why should you paint wood with its beautiful textured surface?

Two scenarios:

  1. The lining is painted protective varnish(often tinted) precisely in order to preserve its appearance as much as possible for a long time.
    The varnish stops the fermentation process of wood upon contact with atmospheric oxygen. As a result, the outer layer remains light not for a year or two, but for decades.
  2. If the wood has already darkened, paint will make a rather unattractive surface, albeit not so natural, but at least looking decent.

Tip: Only the thin outer layer of wood darkens. In most cases, it is enough to treat the surface of the darkened lining with a sander and paint it with a dark tinted varnish (to hide sanding flaws).

Material selection

Let's start with one of the stumbling blocks in the debate about painting wood: is a primer necessary?

The answer can be given quite unequivocally: it is not necessary. On the porous surface of wood, any paint or varnish adheres perfectly without primer. The primer will only reduce the consumption of paint and varnish material when applying the first layer.

What about the choice of the actual paint material?


Thoughtful reading of thematic forums will bring us a whole bunch of recommendations based on personal experience.

  • Drying oil. Traditional coating will be inexpensive and effective way tree protection. You need to dry the lining at least twice, with each layer completely dry.
    Unfortunately, you will have to keep the windows open while drying. Drying oil smells, and quite strongly.

  • Yacht varnish- not the cheapest, but very durable option.
  • Colorless water-soluble acrylate-based varnishes Not only will they protect the wood from darkening, but they will also not irritate you with strong odors during the drying process.
    A typical representative is the matte varnish of Panel-Yassya from Tikkuril.
  • Polyurethane varnish it is especially durable and makes it possible to reliably protect the surface of the lining from dirt and wear where it is often touched. The main disadvantage is the cost.


It all depends on your goals.

  • Alkyd enamels(PF-115 and analogues) will give a dense glossy coating.
  • Water-based paints for acrylic base will make the surface matte. At the same time, two thin layers of liquid paint will preserve the texture of the wood: irregularities, knots and layers in the boards will be quite clearly visible.


  1. Cleaning the surface of the lining. Dust and dirt can be washed off with any detergent. It's a good idea to lighten and degrease the wood.

Tip: Alkaline detergents can do all of the above at once.

Armed with a sponge and a container of Whiteness, you a short time get a clean, grease-free surface, maximally brightened by the chlorine contained in the liquid.

  • We polish the surface. Regular pumice will do; It’s even better to arm yourself with a sander with a couple of types of sandpaper - coarse and fine.
  • Antiseptic primer will become next step. It is applied with a roller or spray gun; in the first case, in the depressions and irregularities you will have to take a brush.
  • Transparent varnishes and paints are applied equally - at least two thin layers. Wherein last layer It is applied along the wood grain so that stripes are not visible.
    It is better to paint with a brush, since the roller will not paint the grooves and cracks between the boards.

The best tool is a regular brush


Finally, one more piece of advice. It is optimal to paint and varnish the lining in the absence of direct sunlight, at moderate temperatures and constant humidity. Then the coating will be the most durable and durable. Good luck with the renovation!

An increasing number of homeowners are choosing finishing coating For interior walls, give preference natural material– wood. This choice is not surprising, because wood combines many useful properties: environmental friendliness, health benefits, beautiful appearance. These qualities are complemented by excellent performance characteristics: low weight, good sound and heat insulation. The simplest and most affordable wooden finishing material considered lining, a thin cladding panel with a tongue-and-groove connection. Painting lining inside the house - necessary stage finishing housing, allowing you to give the interior a complete look and solve several additional problems.

Lining in the interior: stylish living room country house

About the need to process the lining

Many people sincerely believe that walls covered with wooden panels are beautiful in their natural look and do not require additional processing. Knowledgeable people have several reasonable objections to this; they indicate the need to protect sheathed walls from the following factors:

    Actions of ultraviolet. If a wall covered with clapboard is regularly exposed to sunlight, over time the wood will darken and the walls in the room will begin to look different.

    Color Changes. If the ventilation system in the house is poor, the air begins to stagnate. In places high humidity microorganisms develop and the wooden lining may turn blue.

    Damage to the structure. Indoors with excess humidity Wood is easily infested with pests and mold; this causes rotting and destruction of the finishing layer.

    Mechanical damage. Layer paint coating will take scratches and impacts and will not spoil the beauty of the walls.

    From the fire. It is considered reasonable and prudent to protect wooden surfaces from the rapid spread of flame.

Unprotected lining is an easy target for destructive factors

Sometimes owners think about changing the interior. Lining is easy to update - there are dozens of coating options and hundreds of shades that make it possible to make familiar rooms unrecognizable.

There is no clear answer to the question of how to paint wooden panels inside a country house. The choice is determined by the goals - whether the owners only want to protect wooden walls, refresh tarnished surfaces or radically change the color. Materials suitable for processing lining can be divided into two types: protective and decorative.

Protective compounds

There are many ways to protect wooden surface from destructive effects external factors. The following substances can be used to protect the panel covering:

    Fire retardants. This group of compounds is recommended for use in rooms with wooden walls or coatings. Fire retardant impregnation is not capable of stopping combustion, but can significantly delay the spread of fire. This time will be enough to leave the room and call the fire department, and maybe even handle the fire yourself.

Painted lining is protected from solar ultraviolet radiation

Fire retardants practically do not change the appearance of a wooden surface, and during operation they do not emit harmful substances.

    Antiseptics. Products with bactericidal properties are used in the fight against biothreats - they are used as a preventive measure, but they are also effective if fungal infection has already begun. The inconvenience of antiseptic treatment is that it must be repeated periodically, since the compositions tend to evaporate. IN Lately complex impregnations have appeared that not only cope with mold and wood-boring beetles, but also perform the functions of varnish and stain. Such “three-in-one” antiseptics create a film on the surface, are more expensive, but additionally protect the lining from moisture and give it an impressive look.

Processing lining with stain

    Linseed oil. It is used both for the production of quick-drying varnishes and drying oils, and as an independent impregnation with valuable qualities. Oil is a natural agent that gives the lining water-repellent properties and makes it insensitive to microorganisms. The oil penetrates deep into the material without creating a film on the surface and allows the wood to breathe. Surface impregnated linseed oil, reveals the texture more clearly and acquires a light shade. Impregnation with linseed oil, although relatively inexpensive, will cost more than treatment with stain or varnish.

    Drying oil. There are natural, synthetic and combined drying oils. Every year they are used less and less - this is not the most attractive set of qualities: over time, the surface impregnated with drying oil turns yellow and becomes sticky.

    Primer. Before using varnish or paint, the wooden surface is treated with a primer. This base protects the wood from moisture and reduces the consumption of paints and varnishes. Decorative layer It turns out smoother and more attractive in appearance.

Using a primer improves the quality of the base coat

On our website you can find contacts construction companies who offer the service of finishing and insulating houses. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

    Bleaches. A group of products that allow you to get rid of stains of various natures that appear on wooden surfaces. Bleach is applied to the problem area and then washed off with water.

    Lucky. The varnish has not only protective, but also decorative functions, which is why it is often chosen for treating lining walls and ceilings. One of the best options for indoor use is considered acrylic lacquer. It is usually applied in two layers - the first is transparent, and the second can be tinted. Water-based varnish (aqualac) can create different effects - after applying it, the walls become glossy, matte or semi-matte. Aqualak creates a vapor-permeable film on the lining, often with protection from ultraviolet radiation and microorganisms.

    Wax. Wax mixtures are a classic remedy with effective protection. They give the wood a semi-matte shine and serve as a good alternative to varnish. Manufacturers offer hard wax (heat it up before use), as well as liquid and water-based wax (ready-to-use). The wax composition is difficult to distribute evenly, but preliminary application of the primer significantly facilitates this process.

Wax-polished lining is always in fashion

Decorative (covering) products

Decorative means are those that make color and texture invisible. wood finishing. Sometimes they are used to hide a wooden surface that has darkened over time. Decorative options the painting of the lining inside the house has a pleasant variety; these include the following varieties paint and varnish products:

    Oil paint. An old, tried-and-true way to protect and refresh a wall is to coat it with oil-based paint, creating a thick, moisture-proof layer. The downside is that the paint takes a long time to dry and has a strong smell. Because of this, it is recommended to carry out the work in the warm season, when the walls are dry and the smell disappears as quickly as possible.

    Acrylic (acrylate) paint. In many ways it is a better quality material that is easier to work with than paint on oil based. It does not lose color and shine, creates a waterproof elastic film on the surface that does not violate its integrity during temperature fluctuations. The paint is easy to use - it dries quickly and fades away.

Lining coated with acrylic paint in the living room interior

Having opted for painting the lining inside the house with acrylic paint, it would be correct to use it to decorate the walls in the bedroom and nursery - it is absolutely harmless. The only thing that spoils the impression of acrylic paint is its high price.

    Acrylic scuba. An environmentally friendly product that is gaining popularity can simultaneously decorate and protect clapboard walls. The product has a high degree of protection against microorganisms and does not have unpleasant odor After drying, when applied it lays down smoothly, without marks or streaks. Painting the lining inside the house with acrylic aqualac has its own separate advantage - a wide palette of colors, allowing you to create an original interior.

    Alkyd varnish. This type of paint and varnish products is used mainly in rooms that require regular wet cleaning(kitchen, hallway, living room). Colored varnish is resistant to abrasion, while colorless varnish is also resistant to water. Disadvantage: alkyd varnishes take a long time to dry and are expensive.

    Decorative glaze. Can be used as a standalone decorative composition. Can be transparent or colored; in both cases, it favorably emphasizes the texture of wooden panels and protects them from moisture.

Video description

About the protection of wooden panels in the following video:

    Opaque enamel. It is beneficial to use it if it is necessary to hide defects on the lining; The layer turns out dense and good quality.

Painting: features and nuances

Having chosen what to paint the wooden lining inside the house with, they begin the painting process. So that the result is of high quality and pleases the owners long years, you need to perform the following preparatory work:

    Stock up on tools. Will be needed paint brushes and tray, selected paint material, roller with replaceable attachments, bucket, fine-grained sandpaper and protective gloves.

    Clean surface. The lining is cleaned of dust, dirt, and old coating with a stiff brush or pumice stone, then treated with sandpaper.

    Degrease wood. Treating the surface with an alkaline detergent will improve the adhesion (adhesion) of paint to wood.

    Carry out grinding. You can level the surface using pumice, sandpaper or sanding mesh. The defects are first filled with putty, and the resin is removed with a solvent.

Minimum set for painting wooden panels

    Pre-treat the paneling. A primer is applied, and after it dries, an antiseptic impregnation is applied. The process can be accelerated if you purchase a combination composition that combines both products.

    Paint the walls. After waiting for the primer and antiseptic to dry, begin painting. Paint for lining inside the house is applied in two or three layers. The number of layers depends on the selected material and is indicated in the instructions. It is possible to paint wooden panels well before installing them on the walls, but this is not always possible (the procedure requires a large awning or canopy).

Video description

About painting lining in different colors in the following video:

Some subtleties of the workflow will help make the painting better. When processing wooden panels, the following points are taken into account:

    Reduce painting costs The use of paint and varnish compositions with complex action will help. Tinted varnish or oil-wax is more expensive, but the effect of its use will be greater.

    Pre-impregnation linings should be made from all sides, this will significantly enhance the protective effect.

    When working with oil paint its tendency to change color (fading) should be taken into account. So that over time the color change does not become noticeable and does not spoil the interior, it is worth choose darker, richer shades.

    It is better not to paint on a hot day, since the coating will dry too quickly and apply unevenly (spots of different saturation may remain).

    To make the coating work uniform in color, the mixture during operation is necessary stir occasionally.

The coating is applied along the fibers of the lining

    To the color of the walls was uniform, you can add color to the primer finishing material(paints).

    When choosing a paint composition take into account total costs: not only its cost, but also the recommended number of layers, as well as paint consumption per 1 m².

Choosing a color for painting the lining

Clapboard-lined walls are the backdrop for creating the interior of a country house, so the choice suitable shade- a task no less important than choosing the optimal paint composition. To ensure that the choice of color for wooden panels does not disturb the harmony of the design, the following rules are followed:

    For walls, choose a shade that differs no more than a few tones on the color of the ceiling and floor. Contrasting transitions will harm the overall style (only if the interior is not designed in any of the avant-garde styles).

    White color- a classic way to expand the space and make it brighter. It adds elegance to the interior, goes well with other shades and hides surface defects well.

Warm colors are encouraged in the design of the bedroom.

    In design living room and kitchen look best on walls finished with clapboard light and warm shades: cream, peach, brown.

    Children's interior allows use bright colors (for which high-quality and safe acrylate paints are ideal). IN bedroom walls covered with wooden panels are tried to be varnished in natural shades or calm flowers- lilac, beige, honey. For wall decoration office Gray-blue or brown-green colors are suitable.


Walls covered with clapboard - spectacular and practical way interior design country house. To ensure a long-lasting coating, careful preliminary preparation wooden panels. High-quality processed and painted lining will highlight the interior design and save you from too frequent repairs.

Lining is quite often used in interior design. It is inexpensive, environmentally friendly, and has an attractive appearance. But from time to time it may be necessary to paint the lining in different colors. In what cases such a need arises and what materials are best suited for this, we will tell you in this article.

Types of lining

Initially, this material was used to decorate the walls of carriages (hence the name). However, it's already enough long time lining is used to decorate walls inside houses. Its advantages are widely known - environmental friendliness, aesthetics, accessibility, ease of installation.

Manufacturers offer the following types of lining:

  • At quarter. This type does not have a tongue-and-groove fastening system, but has protrusions in the side parts. It allows you to lay the boards overlapping, which creates a rather interesting effect.
  • With tongue and groove. This type of lining is usually used for finishing vertical surfaces. It resembles an ordinary tongue and groove board, but smaller in size. Office rooms, reception areas are the scope of application of this type of lining.

  • “Calm”, “Peasant Woman”, “Russian”, “Simple”– the most popular types of lining. Equipped locking system“tenon and groove”, compensation groove and a flat, perfectly smooth surface.
  • Double sided type has a classic connection system presented on both sides.

  • Eurolining. Reminds me of an edged board. Characteristic feature This type is of high quality processing on every side. The elements are connected to each other using the “groove-tenon” principle. Eurolining is most often made from coniferous species trees. The enlarged connection point of this type (up to 8 millimeters) allows you to create a coating without visible seams. In addition, on the back side of the profile there is a special recess that serves as an air outlet. Thanks to this, condensation, mold and fungi do not appear on the panels.
  • "American". It has the shape of an irregular rectangle. There is a groove along the widest part of it, which makes it possible to create an interesting decorative effect– the boards seem to be laid overlapping.

Each of these types of lining is good in its own way, each is popular. But even the most beautiful coating It can get boring and make you want to, if not change it, then at least update it. For this, various coloring compounds, varnishes, impregnations, and so on are used. Wooden lining often coated with such substances to extend its service life, emphasize or, on the contrary, hide the structure natural wood.

Paint selection

Can be used for painting lining various options coloring compounds. Of course, if the work will be carried out inside a living space, it is better to choose those compounds that do not have a strong odor.

The modern market offers a wide range of different paints:

  1. Oily. This is a recognized leader among all decorative coatings. Thanks to deep penetration inside the surface, resulting in reliable protection. This type of paint provides good coverage, which does not lose its attractiveness for a long time. Disadvantages include the presence of a sharp, specific odor and the drying time. This type of paint is best used on outdoors, outside. It is not very suitable for interior decoration.
  2. Acrylic paints. They dry quickly, do not have a pungent odor, retain their original color for a long time, and are resistant to moisture. Well suited for interior work.
  3. Acrylic scuba tank. One of the best ways to design lining. It's environmentally friendly pure material, which provides a strong and durable coating.
  4. Alkyd varnish. It takes a long time to dry and is highly flammable. But it is insensitive to moisture and temperature changes.
  5. Glaze. Emphasizes natural structure tree. If you add color to it, you can get a colored coating.
  6. Opaque enamel. Optimal for suburban buildings. Thanks to the formation of a dense layer, it provides good protection from mechanical stress, damage, and also hides existing defects.

Often the lining is covered with good old water-based paint. It is odorless, easy to apply, and dries quickly. Optimal for interior decoration. The lining covered with it acquires a pleasant white color, while the structure of the wood itself is not completely hidden.

To protect against moisture and mold, the lining is impregnated with oil. The surface treated in this way becomes matte, and the structure of the wood stands out more clearly.

Interesting samples can be obtained by coating with acrylic paint. The undeniable advantages of this material have allowed it to gain popularity among other decorative coatings. By itself, such paint retains its original color for quite a long time, but if you additionally treat the surface with varnish, its service life will increase.

When choosing the type of paint, you should pay attention not only to its cost. Much more important are its specifications– durability, color saturation, resistance to fading, moisture, temperature changes. The presence or absence of a pungent odor is important if work will be carried out indoors.

Paint for exterior use should be insensitive to climatic, weather conditions, provide sufficiently dense and reliable coverage. In this case, the “fragrance” of the paint is of secondary importance.

Color palette

The choice of color when painting lining is determined by the style of the interior, its color scheme, as well as the taste of the owners of the house.

Not everyone likes a light and smooth surface. Some people will want to add brightness to the interior, while others, on the contrary, will want to shade it with dark splashes. Some will emphasize the structure of natural wood, while others will decide to hide it completely. All this is a matter of taste.

Often when painting lining, white is used. Whitewashed wood, especially oak, creates a special atmosphere. Light shades visually expand the space, “lift” it, add air and spaciousness. Therefore, rooms with a small area are most often decorated in light colors.

Combined with the structure of the wood, the effect is truly magnificent. Such a surface will fit into any style; it will harmonize with almost any environment and color. Translucent paint that does not hide, but emphasizes the wooden texture and gives a white tint to the material itself - a good option in order to slightly refresh and update the interior without drastic changes.

To create a bright color accent, you can use acrylic or oil paints. They offer quite wide choose shades - from discreet muted to flashy bright.

Another option for adding color to the lining is the use of tints. They can be added to water-based paint, glaze, and get a variety of shades of any degree of saturation. By properly mixing several tones, you can get a rather interesting complex shade that will fit perfectly into a given interior. But in order not to spoil all the base paint (to which the colors will be added), it is better to pour a little into a separate container and try it there.

In general, painted lining itself creates an interesting effect in the interior, especially when the structure of the wood remains clearly visible. It is not for nothing that such a solution is increasingly found in a variety of designs, in different colors and in different styles.


Many people perceive lining as an element of a country house interior. However, it may be quite appropriate in city apartments. Classic or loft, Provence or rustic - properly designed lining will look harmonious in almost any style.

Painted in dark, even black color with preserved wood structure, it will be a worthy addition to the loft style, somewhat shading its industrialism and adding coziness to it. White lining will also look advantageous in such an interior.

Light-colored material will organically fit into classic interior with its sophistication and discreet chic.

As for Provence, in its graceful simplicity the lining simply asks for itself. Simply varnished, lightly stained, painted white or lavender - it will be a wonderful addition to the interior.


At the same time, it is not at all necessary to decorate all surfaces from floor to ceiling with clapboard, as in a country house. IN country house such a technique would be appropriate, but in a city apartment it is unlikely. Yes, and bringing this idea to life will be quite difficult.

Designers offer numerous wall decor ideas that will appeal to connoisseurs of a wide variety of styles.

Using lining you can create a spectacular antique interior. To do this, it can be covered with stain, simple or craquelure (“aging”, creating a cracked coating) varnish. With clapboard treated in this way, you can cover all or one wall in the room.

Highlighting one wall in a room is a now popular technique for zoning space. This method is especially good when finishing small spaces.

If we are talking about a bedroom, you can highlight the head of the bed and part of the ceiling above it, emphasizing the sleeping area. It is better to choose calm, relaxing shades that correspond to the character and purpose of the room.

In the office, you can create a work area in this way. For this purpose, lining in discreet tones that will not distract attention is suitable. Whether to choose a dark or light shade depends on the preferences of the owner of the office. The main thing is that it should not distract attention and have a relaxing effect. An office is not a bedroom; here it is important to get into a working mood, concentrate, and everything, including color design, should contribute to this.

The living room provides the greatest scope for imagination. Here you can implement almost any idea, the main thing is to comply general rules composition and ensure that the interior is harmonious and does not constitute “opposition” to the design of all other rooms. In decorating the living room, you can use both bright and pastel colors, dark or light shades, emphasized or completely hidden wood structure, any finishing materials.

For a loft-style living room, for example, black-painted or bleached lining is well suited. The main shades of this style direction are black and white, the rest are present only as accents that dilute monochrome interior, adding zest to it. Therefore, when it comes to decorating the walls in a room, it is better to focus on these shades. If you plan to assemble a screen, panel, or some other structure from the lining that is considered to perform purely decorative functions and is not large in size, you can use bright colors.

Living room in classic style will require discreet colors. The natural texture of wood, emphasized by stain, varnish or bleach, works well.

A kitchen decorated with wood looks, of course, status and attractive. But the material itself in this case needs protection from external factors - humidity, elevated temperatures, possible exposure chemical substances And mechanical damage. The same goes for the bathroom. Here, especially close attention should be paid to protection from moisture.

To ensure that the lining lasts as long as possible, it is coated with special protective compounds.

Painted lining is rarely used in urban interiors; it is sometimes used as cladding for loggias or balconies. In private buildings, painted panels are used much more often, because they look very harmonious in country interiors. Varieties of this design will be discussed below.

Types of lining

Board cladding differs in the material of manufacture; finishing panels are also classified according to external qualities and connection options.

  1. Made of wood. Such boards are made from coniferous or deciduous trees: aspen, beech, ash, pine and others.
  2. Made of plastic. This variety is made from PVC materials by pressing molten plastic through a forming device. Extrusion allows you to give an object the desired shape.
  3. From MDF. Unlike wooden type, the lining in this case is not planed from wood, but glued together from wood shavings, thanks to which he receives high density. No harmful impurities are used in production.
  4. Made of aluminum. Cladding made from this material is only suitable for external cladding. Its advantages are light weight and anti-corrosion properties. The disadvantages are weak protection from physical impact and insignificant thermal insulation, so it is not used in finishing the interior of the house.

Depending on the quality of the material, the lining is divided into:

  • High class, which is designated as “0” or “extra”. High-quality boards are not damaged; no wood core was used in their production.
  • The lowest class, which is designated "C". Such elements may have 1-2 invisible knots, paint stains, and other defects.

Lining profiles

The appearance of the boards and the recesses for connecting them to each other determine the profile of the lining.

The most popular are:

Painting the lining

Walls covered with simple clapboard are not suitable for all styles, so they often need to be painted wooden boards color suitable for the interior.

The problem of painting is especially acute for owners of a country house, since this is where this cladding method is most often used.

Some people believe that internal lining there is no need to apply any compounds, but not in all conditions it will be able to maintain its appearance without them.

If ventilation is poor, the wood may turn blue, sun rays– grayish. There are methods to combat these problems: blued boards are treated with agents containing oxygen or chlorine-containing compounds, and then covered with protective compounds.

Grayed wood is sanded to its original appearance, but without a coating the wood will soon turn gray again. Therefore, painting the boards immediately after installation would be the right decision.

Wood protection liquids are available in the form of:

Painting rules

Coating panels with paint consists of several stages, the strict implementation of which will ensure a long service life of the painted surface.

Stage 1. The boards are checked for defects, and all damaged elements are rejected. Damaged boards are useful for testing shades and determining the number of layers.

Stage 2. Panels that have been sorted are sanded smooth. Better to use grinder, but sandpaper attached to a beam will also work. The sandpaper should be 240-290 grit. Grinding is carried out in a circular motion, processed front side, groove, tenon. The inner part does not need to be processed.

Stage 3. The coloring composition is applied using a brush or roller. A small amount of paint is distributed over the bar in short strokes, then shaded.

Stage 4. After uniform staining, the boards are left to dry.

Stage 5. When working with varnishes or paints of a dense structure, it is necessary to sand the surface again.

Stage 6. Apply a second layer of the substance and leave to dry.

To preserve the wood structure, pigmented oils, glaze or wax are used. First, the coloring composition is applied in fragments over the entire length of the board, then the strokes are shaded with a brush and left to soak in for 7-10 minutes.

To develop a tree drawing, soft cloth wash most of it oil coating. Due to this, pigment remains in the furrows, but there is almost no pigment in the convex places. In decoration, this type of painting is used for the interior surfaces of buildings.

Modern paints and varnishes allow you to get the effect of a two-color lining with a pronounced texture. For the first layer, take a dark shade, for the second – a more saturated or white one. Cover the board with the first layer, leave for 10-12 minutes, and then wipe off the excess with a lint-free cloth.

Leave to dry for a day. Then cover with light-colored oil, after 10 minutes treat with a spatula, leave to dry for 24 hours.

Coloring ideas

Painting lining inside a house has many variations: photos of interiors will show the variety of existing ideas. One of the new decorations was the combination smooth walls and wood paneling.

The combination of boards of different thicknesses looks unusual. Thin panels are inserted between wide ones, and then the boards are painted the same color, but of different intensities.

Smooth boards and eurolining are used to form waves or depressions on the wall. To emphasize lighting areas on the walls, you can play with color: paint the trim near the lamps with light paint to highlight this area.

The lining on massive ceilings is whitened, and the beams are covered with dark paint. The room looks modern, despite the usual cladding materials.

In showers and baths wood cladding also takes place. It is important to ensure high-quality ventilation of the room and treat the boards with moisture-resistant impregnation. Warm wood tones around the perimeter and bright tiles on the floor will give the bathroom a dramatic look.

For a child’s bedroom, you can paint on the lining. After drying, the resulting painting is coated with varnish/oil without color.

When decorating premises, painted lining is suitable for admirers of natural materials in the interior. Big choice Methods for painting panels will allow you to create an exclusive wall coating that will protect the lining from damage and extend its service life.


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