What to do with the boards after covering them with stain. Wood stain: what is it for - what colors to choose and water-based or acrylic? Compound

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If you work with wood and need to give it specific color, then you will definitely need a stain. Today, there are several types of stains that differ in composition. In stores you can find the following types of stains:

  • aquatic;
  • alcohol;
  • oil;
  • nitromordants.

Let's take a closer look at each type of stain.

1. Water stain- this is the most common type. Makes it possible to paint wood in any tone: from the lightest “pine” color to dark mahogany. It exists in liquid and dry form. Liquid water stain can be used immediately, but dry powder must first be mixed with warm water.

This type of stain has almost no odor, which is a big advantage if wood is stained indoors. But it takes quite a long time to dry - within 12-14 hours. In addition, water stain can raise the wood pile during staining, and this leads to the fact that the wood needs to be sanded after staining.

Of all the water stains, acrylic stains are distinguished separately, which are based on acrylic resin. They have increased resistance to fading, are not washed out by water and raise wood fibers much less. However, they have one drawback - their high price.

2. Alcohol stain is a solution of various aniline dyes in alcohol (denatured alcohol). After applying the stain, the coloring substances penetrate into the wood texture, and the alcohol evaporates. This type of stain dries quite quickly - in 15-20 minutes. That is why it must be applied very quickly to prevent stains and washouts. Uniform staining with alcohol stain is achieved by using a spray gun to spray it.

3. Nitromordant- stain made on the basis of solvents. The principle of action is similar to alcohol stain. Apply quickly and using a sprayer.

4. Oil stain- a mixture of dyes and oil (most often linseed). This type of stain is applied easily and evenly. Oil stain does not lift fibers. The coloring agents of oil stain have high light fastness, which allows the surface to long years maintain its brightness and original appearance. You can apply oil stain with a spray gun, a wide brush or a rag. Oil stain dries in 2-4 hours.

Choice of stain color.

Each stain color has its own code, which corresponds to the international classification, and a name that matches the type of wood whose color the stain copies. For example, stain "Chestnut", "Walnut" or "Cherry". But it is very short-sighted to choose a stain only by its name or picture on the label, as an unexpected result may result. There are special reasons for this:

1. If stains of the same color and code were made by different manufacturers, then they can have different shades. For example, the water stain “Larch” manufactured by “Tsaritsyn Paints” has a pinkish-brown tint, and “Larch” produced by “Novbytkhim” has a soft yellow color. Various stores have samples that have been painted with different stains. Such samples will convey the color of the stain much more accurately than the picture on the label.

2. Natural color, structure and density of wood can also affect the result staining. For example, stain on mahogany will look much darker than on maple (if the stain used was the same tone). This is because mahogany wood has a darker shade than maple wood.

The same test with pine and maple samples will demonstrate that pine wood stains faster and more intensely. Pine has softer and more porous wood, while maple is dense and hard. For this reason, it is easier for dyes to penetrate into pine wood.

The texture of the wood also affects the degree of staining. Oak has a pronounced structure, so it quickly darkens from staining, as coloring substances penetrate into the recesses of the veins. But the main part of oak wood, which is outside the veins, is colored more slowly and not so brightly.

Methods for applying stain.

To paint wood with stain, you can use a spray gun (nozzle size 1.5 mm or less), a wide brush (100 mm wide), a foam swab or a rag. For processing large area It's better to use a spray gun. It is also used when working with nitrimorls and alcohol stains, since they dry out very quickly, and when using brushes or swabs, stains appear on the surface of the wood.

Brushes, swabs and rags are perfect for working with water and oil stains. Brushes with natural bristles are suitable for oil stains, and brushes with synthetic bristles are suitable for water stains. The bristles of the brush should be strong and should not leave behind hairs on the surface of the wood.

If fabrics or tampons are used to work with stain, they should be cotton or foam rubber. They should not leave behind lint and threads, which may remain on the painted surface and thereby reduce the quality of the coating.

Preparation for applying stain: making a color test.

After purchasing stains, but before starting the coloring itself, it would be useful to make a color sample. Its necessity is that it will help you understand whether a given stain is suitable for the surface. In addition, the test will allow you to find out what color you will end up with and will help you decide on the number of layers to apply.

To make a color test, you will need a board treated in exactly the same way as the wood that is to be painted. Undoubtedly, the type of wood of the sample must coincide with the main surface.

The board is covered with one layer of stain. After drying, a second layer is applied to 2/3 of the sample. The third layer is applied to 1/3 of the board. After the stain has dried, the board is coated with two layers of varnish. By comparing the brightness of the color of each part of the sample board, the optimal number of layers for a certain surface is selected.

To choose best option, you need to do several test stains. Several boards are painted with different stains and after that the final choice is made.

Treating wood before applying stain.

Before applying stain, the wood must be prepared. There are several processing stages:

1. First you need to remove the old coating, if any. This is done by scraping and sanding the boards. This process will not only remove the old coating, but also level the wooden surface.

2. Clean the surface from grease and oil stains. To do this you need to wipe problem areas a rag that has been soaked in white spirit or gasoline.

3. Coniferous wood must be deresined before staining. It is necessary to remove resin from the wood structure, which may interfere stain absorption. There are several types of solutions for degumming:

Dissolve 50 g of potassium carbonate and 60 g of soda ash in 1 liter of water heated to 60 degrees.

In 1 l warm water dissolve 50 g of caustic soda. Treat the surface with the resulting soda solution.

Mix 750 ml of distilled water with 250 g of acetone.

Any of these solutions must be applied to the surface of the wood in several layers. After 30 minutes, wipe the wood with a cotton cloth and rinse with warm water.

Stages of painting a wooden surface with stain.

If the wooden surface is properly prepared for painting, then the procedure for applying stain will be quite simple. It is performed in the following steps:

1. First, the stain needs to be warmed up a little to increase its penetration into the wood.

2. A brush, rag or swab is moistened with stain. Do not under any circumstances allow excessive moisture, as drips may appear and the coloring will become uneven. If a sprayer is used, the stain is poured into the tank.

3. The stain is applied along the wood fibers. It is necessary to apply the stain quickly and without interruption to avoid stains. If drips appear, the surface should be wiped with a cloth, collecting excess liquid along the fibers. Then the surface is left until the stain dries completely.

4. Similarly, several more layers of stain are applied in order to obtain desired shade(usually 2-3 layers).

5. Then the surface stained, varnished in several layers. Each intermediate layer is sanded with fine-grained sandpaper.

Stain is a coloring composition, usually water-soluble, used for painting the surfaces of wood products. Another name for stains is stain.

The composition of the stains is designed in such a way that when treating the surface, the substance does not impregnate the wood structure, but simply gives it a different color.

Stain is used to hide the natural color of wood. Also to give surfaces a newer look.

All stains, based on the main material used for their manufacture, are divided into 3 categories:

  1. Water-based wood stain

    The base of the stain is water. The product is produced in several varieties: ready-to-use, as well as in powder form, which must be dissolved in water. This variety is the most common and allows you to paint surfaces in any color shades, mostly wood shades. The disadvantage of stains on water based lies in the fact that when applied the material lifts the wood fibers. This fact emphasizes the structure of the tree, but at the same time, the expanded fibers perfectly absorb moisture. To avoid this phenomenon, it is necessary to moisten the wood with water before applying the stain, keeping it in the water for some time. Next, the product is rubbed with an abrasive material and last step stain is applied. The advantage of water-based stains is that they do not have any odors, which does not harm human health;

  2. Alcohol based wood stain

    The main component of stain is alcohol. In this embodiment, the stain is a solution of the dye aniline in denatured alcohol. The described variety is produced in the same way as stain with a water base, in two versions - a ready-to-use product and in powder form. The disadvantage of this type of stain is that it dries quickly, which causes stains to appear. Application of such material manually presents difficulties due to the uneven color of the resulting coating. Best result will observe when using spray guns;

  3. Oil based wood stain

    The base of the stain is oil. This base allows you to give the processed object any of the available color shades of wood. This is made possible by mixing dyes that dissolve in oils. To prepare stains for use, they must be diluted with white spirit. This variety does not present any difficulties when applying them. The treated surface dries quickly, the coating is applied evenly without swelling the wood fibers.

There are also acrylic and wax based stains. These types are designed in such a way that they do not have the disadvantages that are described in the varieties listed above: they do not swell wood fibers, do not leave stains, and the applied coating protects the wood from moisture. When water is spilled on surfaces treated with acrylic and wax stains, water droplets scatter.

Acrylic wood stain

Acrylic-based stains have no specific odors and are also fire-resistant. When applying them, it is necessary not to “go overboard” with the thickness of the applied coating.

Wax wood stain

Wax stains add brightness to surfaces, and are applied to the surface using a flexible or soft cloth by rubbing, applying little force.

But in addition to the fact that these varieties protect surfaces, they themselves also need protective treatment. As protective coating Wood varnishes are used for stains. Only acrylic and wax based stains have different colors, ideally highlighting the structure of the wooden surface. For this reason, both varieties are called rustic.

Self-prepared stains are more transformative wooden surfaces. A strong brew of leaf bark with a red tint looks good.

A variety of colors are obtained by decoction of finely ground shells walnut. Next, baking soda is added to the solution through a fine sieve. Wood coated with a similar composition is brown in color. To give a reddish tint, after the surface has dried, it can be treated with a solution of potassium dichromate.

Gray tones in wood treated with walnut shell mortar. Can be given by rubbing with a dilute solution of acetic acid.

Alder bark, or rather its decoction, gives the processed objects deep dark colors. Uniform shade Brown obtained by combining equal amounts of oak bark, willow bark and shells walnuts. All ingredients are filled with water and brought to a boil. The next step add 0.5 teaspoon of baking soda and cook for another 10 minutes.

Coffee gives wood unusual color. The various shades of brown are determined by the amount of coffee added. Coffee is brewed with the addition of soda and the solution is applied hot.

There is also a classification of stains according to their intended purpose: for treating indoor surfaces, as well as for external processing. Stains for outdoor use contain a special substance that prevents it from fading when exposed to ultraviolet rays.

When choosing a stain application tool, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  1. Depending on the size of the area of ​​the object being treated, an ordinary brush, a foam rubber swab, as well as pneumatic sprayers can be used. There are no special indications for the use of the application item. But when using nitro-based stains, which tend to dry quickly, the use of brushes and swabs is accompanied by the appearance of stains, and therefore it is better to use sprayers, not paying attention to the areas of the surfaces being treated. The remaining types of stains are applied using any tool, paying attention only to the surface area;
  2. To achieve a rich surface color, treat the surface in several layers. Next layer in mandatory must be applied after the previous one has completely dried. It must also be completely dry before applying the final coat of stain or varnish.

Wood stain colors

Few people know that one surface can be treated with stains. various colors. This method is used to emphasize the structure of the wood, as well as to give the effect of antiquity. Color colors " white oak" and "Arctic oak" are reproduced by mixing two types of stains.

Use bleach first wood covering (white stain, the main component of which is water), then, after this layer dries, all defects in the wood are filled with an oil-based stain containing hard wax. When wax gets into these pores, it clogs them and gives them a gray or black tint, depending on the color of the oil chosen. Attention is drawn to the fact that the remaining bleached part has an unchanged color, even when treated with a thin protective film of wax or oil coating.

By combining various types and colors of stains, it is possible to obtain unusual effects. The bottom line is that first of all, the general surface layer is applied, and then the finishing touches are applied when applying stains of other colors. You cannot do it in the reverse order, since the treated wooden surface can no longer accept oil stain. Also don't forget about finishing stage finishing - varnish coating.

It is no secret to anyone that the number of layers of stain determines the final color of the wood. Choose suitable shade Colors can only be determined after a test painting.

First of all, the wooden “stub” must be sanded and cleaned. Next, the first layer of stain is applied. It is necessary to wait for it to dry completely, after which a second layer is applied, but not along the entire length of the board, but to a certain part of it. The third layer is also applied to a smaller part of the second layer. After the final drying of all layers of stain, it is possible to determine in the right color processed coating.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that hardwoods woods absorb various compositions of stains, and coniferous varieties, due to the presence of a considerable amount of resins, have the least absorption.

materials on the topic

Unique improved paint for wood Olympic MAXIMUM® Weather-Ready

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Fashion for natural materials in construction, furniture production, and interior decoration has already become a tradition. And it is wood that continues to be in trend due to its environmental and aesthetic properties. But, unlike artificial materials, wood coverings and structures can deteriorate under the influence unfavorable factors external environment, such as moisture, direct sunlight.

Today there is such a variety of wood impregnating agents on sale that even a specialized specialist cannot unambiguously answer the question of what they are fundamental difference. If you read the instructions for the preparations, the conclusion suggests itself that most of them protect wood literally “from everything.” So why do you need wood stain? Is it only for toning it, as is commonly believed?

  • Wood tinting while maintaining its texture.
  • Reliable protection of the material when other means are ineffective or their use is not economically feasible. Reasoning - stains are characterized by a greater depth of penetration, while being cheaper than paints, varnishes and a number of other preparations used for wood processing (at least 2.5 times).
  • Imitation of another, more expensive breed.
  • Wood bleaching. This is often done either during its restoration, or in preparation for painting (applying colored varnish).
  • Protecting the material from rotting (antiseptic function) and destruction by wood-boring insects.
  • Combining shades, creating the effect of surface finishing with different woods.
  • Some stains strengthen its structure.
  • Giving (partial) moisture-repellent properties to lumber.
  • Any stain, regardless of composition, definitely increases the shelf life of wood.

But is it really that simple? Is it enough to buy any of the commercially available stains, and all problems with reliable wood processing are solved? A comprehensive answer can be obtained by familiarizing yourself with all the types of liquids in this group. By the way, stains are often called differently - stains - and they are used not only for protection and preparation for further use natural wood, but also building materials based on it (plywood, MDF, fiberboard, OSV, chipboard).

Modifications of stains

They are classified depending on what they are made from. Available for sale in the form ready-made liquids, gels or powders, but the properties of stains depend only on the components and their proportions.

Water fighters

  • Such stains come in a wide variety of shades, so you can choose the composition for almost any type of wood and make it the required tint in relation to the interior of a particular room.
  • "Environmental Safety". For those who are concerned about the “purity” of the product, water-based stains - best option. No harmful fumes, regardless of external factors. First of all, temperatures.
  • Considering the base, it is clear that it is not difficult to wash off such a stain with water. In some cases, this is relevant if, in the process of working with wood, it is necessary to slightly change the resulting shade.

  • Water stains– means of deep penetration. This property also has a negative component. During the processing process, the wood is additionally saturated with liquid. What does this mean? Firstly, it becomes more susceptible to moisture absorption. Secondly, shrinkage lasts longer and often initiates curling of the processed workpiece. Therefore, the use of stains from this group requires both experience and accuracy.
  • The need to subsequently apply a protective layer to the wood. For example, varnish, which is most often practiced.

Alcohol stains

  • The impregnation dries quickly. Some consider this a disadvantage, but the ease of use is obvious. Especially during outdoor work, when the weather is unstable and there is a possibility of precipitation.
  • High-quality protection of wood from ultraviolet radiation and dampness.

  • Strong specific smell. When organizing work in a room, it is necessary to ensure its effective ventilation. Will it be possible to do this in winter?
  • Rapid absorption into the structure of the material. This makes it somewhat more difficult to treat wood with alcohol stains, since due to the uneven application of impregnation there is a risk of stains appearing against the general background. Experts advise using a spray gun, since it is almost impossible to achieve uniform shade of wood manually (with a brush) without proper experience.

Oil stains


  • Do not fill the wood with moisture.
  • Easily change shade by adding dyes.
  • Stains of this group lie on the wood thin layer, evenly, so there are no difficulties in working with them.
  • Do not fade when exposed to ultraviolet light.
  • Application of an additional protective coating (varnish, wax) to the wood is not required.
  • Inert to changes in ambient temperature and humidity.
  • Certain toxicity.
  • Long drying time (depending on application conditions).

Wax and nitro stains (acrylic)

Their characteristics are largely similar.

  • After such stains dry, a thin protective film appears on the wood.
  • Uniformity of shade over the entire treated area is guaranteed. The presence of stains and bald spots is excluded.
  • The structure of the tree stands out especially clearly.
  • The difficulty of working with these stains. Mainly due to the quick “setting” of the impregnation. Therefore, any further alterations are no longer possible.
  • One of the advantages of wood is lost - the ability to “breathe”. The reason is the film that forms. Not all users note this, but nevertheless. How permeable it is is a big question.

Rustic stains

Quite new drugs. Their main purpose is to emphasize the structure of the material and achieve several shades in one area. The use of such compositions requires high professionalism, so the author does not focus on them. For the reader's information only, as to produce self-processing wood is unlikely to work. If, of course, we mean a quality result.

What to consider when choosing wood stain

Knowing the features of various modifications of these solutions, it is not difficult to understand. Therefore, the author only summarizes all of the above:

  • Specifics of application - inside or outside the building; temperature, humidity; weather.
  • Structure (species) of wood. The lower the density, the more deeply the stain penetrates. For example, the use of water-based compounds will significantly increase their consumption per m2. How justified, expedient, etc. is this? There is one more nuance. After treatment, the color of the wood will be slightly “lighter” than expected. This is due to the fact that a significant part of the stain will be absorbed, and along with the liquid, the dye.
  • Condition of the wood. Does the lumber have defects that need to be leveled out, or, on the contrary, do you need to emphasize all its advantages? This should also be taken into account when choosing a stain based on shade.
  • Personal experience and opportunities. The first one is clear - not everyone will be able to properly apply the required layer of stain, which dries (is absorbed) quickly. It depends on practical skills. It's more difficult with possibilities. As a rule, most “home craftsmen” work with a brush. To apply wax stains, it is recommended to use tampons. Also – nothing special. But does everyone have not only a spray gun, but also a “source” compressed air? You should think carefully before choosing alcohol stains.
  • General interior. This mainly concerns internal finishing works. As a rule, the surface design of wooden parts of the building or individual structural elements no one does it, otherwise one of the advantages of lumber is lost - naturalness. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on the shade that the stain will give to the wood, and how much it will emphasize its structure (or change).

  • If you plan to further treat the wood with polyurethane paint or varnish that contains acid, then wax stain cannot be used as an impregnation.
  • When choosing a product, you need to purchase it with some reserve. Practice shows that it is not possible to accurately determine its consumption per m². Even a specialist will not say exactly how much stain will be needed, especially if we are talking about processing a large area (volume of lumber). And if you make a second purchase in the same store, and impregnation from the same manufacturer, then it is not a fact that the shade will be identical. It partially changes from batch to batch of goods - these are the costs (features) of the technology.
  • Effective protection of wood is achieved if the stain is applied in at least 2 layers. A one-time processing does not give the required result, so such savings are absolutely meaningless.

With the onset of spring, all owners of personal plots and private houses full swing put their homes in order. Someone starts throwing away old junk, wash the windows, and someone gets straight to the most important thing - processing all wooden surfaces. Why process wood? The fact is that over time, wood products, although they are the most durable and natural, undergo changes.

A tree can fade under the scorching rays of the summer sun, from heavy rains it can change its shape and, as well as under the influence of certain bacteria, it can even begin to rot. Therefore, it is very important to take care of everything wooden in the spring, on the eve of summer.

Next, I will share with you where is the best place to start and what exactly needs to be done so that your wood products do not lose their attractiveness over time. These tips apply to absolutely all wood products: and even simple products.

To solve the problems that I mentioned above that arise during operation wooden products, there is one old and proven remedy - stain.

stain is a special liquid product that gives wood a specified color and emphasizes the natural texture of the wood without covering it. Modern stains also allow you to extend the service life and have a disinfecting effect. The main advantage of stain is that, unlike enamel, it penetrates deep into the wood, and does not harm the natural pattern and texture.

There are two varieties: water stain and non-water stain. The second group, in turn, is divided into alcohol and oil.

  1. Water stain

This stain is produced in finished form and in the form of a soluble powder.

This is the most common type with wide choice shades (from lightest to darkest).

Depending on the amount of powder used, the color intensity of the stain changes.

Pros: There is no pungent odor, so it can be safely used indoors.

But water stain has a drawback - when applied, it seems to lift the wood fibers, which increases the moisture susceptibility of the wood. But this is easy to fix. Also, this type of stain has a complete drying time of 12-14 hours.

Tip: If you choose this type of stain, then before use, your wooden product needs to be thoroughly wetted, left for a while, then sanded and only then start working.

It is also important to consider that before using such stain it is necessary strain until all particles dissolve.

  1. Alcohol stain

This type of stain is a solution of aniline dye. Like water-based stain, it is presented in finished form and in the form of a soluble powder

Pros: Very fast drying. Only 20-30 minutes, due to the fact that the alcohol contained in the composition evaporates very quickly.

The disadvantage of such a stain- the ability to dry quickly, which may result in stains on your product.

Advice: If you choose this type of stain, then you will need a spray gun, for manual application or pneumatic. This will help avoid stains on your product.

This type of stain is very popular among various decorators, because it helps them achieve various colors of wooden products. This happens by mixing dyes that dissolve in an oily medium. They are presented only in dry form and White Spirit is used for dilution. Oil stain is the easiest to use and unpretentious.

Pros: the most environmentally friendly, since the base is most often linseed oil. Dries quite quickly - 2-3 hours. It also does not lift wood fibers and is applied without stains.

Also now, with the development of new technologies, new types of stains have begun to appear: water-based acrylic and wax. These impregnations were developed taking into account the disadvantages inherent in stains. These types of stains fit perfectly on a wooden surface; they are most often used for the surface of wooden floors.

Flaws: Acrylic stain is quite expensive. It is also important to remember that when applying more than 2 layers of acrylic stain, stains may appear. The wax does not impregnate the wood, but only creates protective layer on a surface.

Wax stains should not be used before treating wood with polyurethane or two-component acid-curing varnishes.

There are also alternative types of stain, such as white, which you can also make with your own hands. This type of stain is the most environmentally friendly, cheapest and at the same time has a variety of natural shades.

There are different wood stains color solutions: under oak, walnut and other species. It is not difficult to cover them by choosing the desired color range. There is also already a dry stain.

  1. Plant stains

  1. Stains based on tea, coffee and vinegar.

When you have already decided on what base you will use the stain on, you need to decide how the stain will be applied.

Step 2. Method of applying stain

Each type of stain has its own application method. There are 4 main methods: spraying, rubbing, applying with a roller or swab and applying with a simple brush.

Applying stain to the floor
  1. The stain is applied to the wood using a spray gun using this method. This method allows you to achieve a more even distribution of the stain, and therefore a more even texture.
  2. In this way, the stain is applied to the wooden surface and rubbed evenly over the entire area. This method works best for porous wood, but it is important to use a stain that does not dry quickly.
  3. This method is best suited for processing products with small area, it best ensures equal distribution of stain over the entire surface and helps avoid streaks.
  4. If you don't have a spray gun, you can use a regular brush, but this method may not be suitable for all types of stain. On the plus side, the color is deeper and more saturated.

When you have decided on the application method, you need to do a color test to understand how the stain you have chosen will interact with your wood. After this, you need to prepare the product for application.

Step 3. Preparation for application

Preparation for application occurs in several stages:

  • Sanding sandpaper or sandpaper. It is important not to overdo it and not leave scratches on the surface.
  • Removing dust from the surface
  • Degrease the entire surface of the wood.
  • Moisten, but not abundantly, on wet surface stain goes on better.

Once the surface is prepared for application, you can proceed to the most important thing.

Step 4: Applying stain

When applying, it is important to follow some guidelines to get the best results.

When all the stain has dried, you need to remove the excess so that the product has more texture and shine.

Step 5: Removing Excess

To remove excess you will need acetone and a thick, thick brush.

  1. Tilt the piece at an angle.
  2. Place the piece on a material that will absorb (paper towels work best).
  3. Wet the brush in acetone.
  4. Use a brush dipped in acetone to remove excess paint using top-down movements.
  5. Continue until the surface becomes more uniform.
  6. After drying, apply varnish.

Step 6. If errors occur during application. How to fix

Since stain is extremely difficult to remove, it must be applied with extreme care.

But if you have any difficulties, you can solve them in the following ways:

  1. You have formed streaks. You need to immediately remove as much of the stain as possible. If the stain has already dried a little, then you need to apply a second layer on top and remove both at once. If it is completely dry, then it is necessary to use a solvent. If you need to completely remove all the pigment, then only a plane will help.
  2. There are stains on your product. This can happen if the wood surface has uneven density. To eliminate this defect, it is necessary to remove the layer with a plane

That's all you need to know about stain. Of course, we remind you that absolutely all wooden surfaces react differently to this

Wood stain is very popular and is designed to give various products from wood for aesthetics and decorative purposes, changing their tone and emphasizing the texture, and most importantly - to increase their service life. This can be achieved by the antiseptic properties of stains. There are also wood stains that can protect the treated surface from insect pests, mold and mildew.

This article discusses in detail not only what stain is, but also its main types, properties, advantages, and why it is needed.

Depending on the purpose and composition, wood stain has the following advantages over a number of other paints and varnishes:

  • Possibility of combining shades (for example, dark colors, walnut or pine, light colors, black, etc.).
  • Coating with stains strengthens the structure of the material.
  • Increasing the service life of products.
  • Partially imparting moisture resistance to lumber.
  • Makes it possible to both give the wood a noble shade and get another color scheme(A variety of stain colors are available).
  • Preservation of wood structure.

The main advantage of this tinting composition is deep penetration inside the wood. This allows you to preserve the wood texture. Therefore, the answers to the questions about what is better – stains or varnishes, and what stain is needed for, become obvious.

Color palette

There are different colors of wood stain, and it is very difficult to answer the question of how to choose the most suitable one. This material allows you to add almost any shade to wood products. For example, black stain is very popular, which allows you to give the surface the appearance of a black mirror. It is recommended to polish the base before applying it.

Gray stain makes it possible to avoid highlighting the treated product from the overall interior. It is worth painting with it only if the walls and textiles in the interior are bright. Gray can cause depression, and products in this color will look too faded and gray.

Psychologists advise choosing a green stain (colored stain), since this shade evokes positive emotions. Green color suitable for surface treatment various items interior Blue stain allows you to get very expressive look processed product. Choose it to combine with yellow and white tones.

There are more natural wood stain colors on the market. But there is a colorless impregnation that allows you to preserve the surface in its natural color.

Main types

Impregnation for wood varies depending on the composition. Let's look at the most common types of stains:

  • Water-based stains. Water stain can be powder (water-soluble) and in the form ready-made compositions. It is an environmentally friendly product (regardless of external factors, there are no harmful fumes or smells), and it also has a rich range of colors. If necessary, the product can be easily washed off with water, so it is recommended to apply an additional protective layer (for example, varnish). The main disadvantage is the raising of wood fibers, as a result of which the product becomes more vulnerable to moisture (non-aqueous impregnation is used to eliminate this disadvantage). Water-based wood stains have become the most widespread.

  • Alcohol compositions. Available ready-to-use or in dry form (the powder must be diluted). Designed to protect wood from moisture and ultraviolet radiation. This impregnation dries quickly enough, which avoids raising the pile and swelling of the wood.

  • Oil formulations. The composition of the stain includes dyes soluble in drying oil and oils. Impregnations of this group can be applied using any method and tool. They do not fill the wood with additional moisture and do not lift the fibers. The variety of colors of wood stains for this group, if desired, allows you to achieve any shade by simply adding dyes.

  • Acrylic mixtures. Acrylic-based impregnations are an environmentally friendly, child-safe and fire-resistant product. Acrylic stain is great for all types of wood and dries very quickly.

  • Wax stains. Allows you to process painted surfaces. Wax-based impregnations reliably protect the treated surface from moisture. It is important to know that wax stain cannot be used before coating wood with two-component varnishes.

On the video: rules for choosing stain.

Application methods

There are four main ways to apply stain:

  1. Rubbing painting. The composition is applied to the surface, after which it is rubbed over the entire area. Recommended for use when processing porous wood species.
  2. Sputtering. When staining wood by spraying, a manual or automatic sprayer is used as a tool for applying stain.
  3. Treatment foam roller . This method avoids the formation of streaks and helps to distribute the mixture evenly over the entire surface.
  4. Wood processing paint brush . The method allows you to obtain a deeper and richer color of wood, but is not suitable for all types of impregnation.

  • Before painting a surface with stain, it is necessary to remove old coatings from it, and then degrease it better.
  • Surface made of coniferous species(for example, pine) must be deresined.
  • It is necessary to paint wood with stain and remove excess only in the direction of the wood structure.
  • It is recommended to cover the surface with 2-3 layers, while for the first layer a small volume of the mixture should be used.
  • After the first layer has dried, the surface must be sanded and the raised lint removed, and then, if necessary, apply subsequent layers (each subsequent layer is applied only after the previous one has completely dried).

Approximate drying time for impregnations oil based is about three days, and water-based and solvent-based impregnations - 2-3 hours (depending on how many layers were applied). It is recommended to divide large areas of the surface to be treated into small areas and paint them in stages. To avoid the possibility of defects forming on the surface, the composition must be diluted. A solvent is used for this.

For water-based impregnations, water is used, for oil-based impregnations, paint solvents are used. Also, before starting work, the surface can be coated with Latek L 601 putty.

Stains for plywood are performed exclusively decorative function. Therefore, if you are in doubt about whether to choose stain or varnish, it is recommended to use them in combination. Before covering the surface of the plywood, it must be moistened, and it is recommended to heat the mixture itself.

After covering the wood with stain, it should be treated with varnish (layers should be very thin to avoid the possibility of smudges). The tool you can use is a brush, roller or sponge. Wood varnish will enhance protective properties impregnation. By following these recommendations, you can easily stain wood at home.

Defects and their elimination

Carry out staining wooden furniture it is necessary to be extremely careful, otherwise there is a high possibility of the formation of defects that are quite difficult to eliminate. But if you know how to get rid of them correctly, then there shouldn’t be any problems.

The main defect is the formation of streaks. They arise as a result of applying large quantity mixture and its subsequent rapid drying. In this case, it is necessary to remove the layer of impregnation applied to the wood, then apply a new layer on it, which will soften it, and then remove excess impregnation with a rag.

After the wood stain has completely dried, it can be removed using paint solvents. Before that upper layer can be removed with sandpaper or a plane, since the solvent is not able to remove all the pigment.

You can choose a special remover that will remove the excess layer of coating impregnation from the wood. You can use a hair dryer in combination with a scraper and brush - sometimes this is better than washing.

The most difficult defect is spotting of the product. To remove it, the painted area is treated with a plane (this defect is not washed off with a solvent). In plywood, all face veneer must be removed. To avoid staining, it is better to use a gel stain or first apply a test layer on an unwanted piece of wood to see how the coating behaves on the desired surface. It is worth remembering that the impregnation must be stored in a place away from children.


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