Which is better - MDF or chipboard for the kitchen: comparison, advantages and disadvantages. MDF or chipboard

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The kitchen set plays important role. It should be practical, inexpensive and beautiful. Today, headsets made from different materials: Chipboard, . But they are popular MDF table tops and chipboard. These two materials are similar in appearance and manufacturing method. But what's best for MDF kitchens or chipboard? Let's try to figure it out.

According to professionals, it is better to give preference to the fine dispersion fraction. This material is not so toxic, is stronger and looks much more attractive. But on this last point there is disagreement among people. Some believe that furniture made from , looks much more elegant than a set made from a finely dispersed fraction. What material the kitchen is made of is up to the owner of the apartment to decide. But, undoubtedly, before choosing, you should know all the disadvantages and advantages of both materials.

Chipboard: durability of the countertop

Chipboard is called chipboard. For production, sawdust and wood shavings are used, which are impregnated with formaldehyde resin. This substance allows you to “fasten” sawdust into one single panel. Partitions are also made from wood-based material.

Gained popularity today laminated chipboard material. It is slightly different in composition from particle board. Chipboard differs from laminated chipboard in the absence of a laminated coating, due to which the sheets look neater and more attractive. The principle of manufacturing LDPS is simple: sawdust is treated with resin and then pressed. Then the surface is laminated using a paper film, which is pre-impregnated with melamine resin.

Processing is done in two ways:



Experts note that coating using the lamination method is better. When laminating, the film sticks and peels off over time. When laminating, the film is applied using high pressure, which ensures a long service life of the laminated layer.

Laminated wood particle boards have gained popularity due to their qualities: strength and moisture resistance. Laminated chipboard can be called one of the main competitors of the finely dispersed fraction. The main difference between MDF and LDPS is the method of “fastening”. If shavings for the production of wood chips are treated with resin, then sawdust for the finely dispersed fraction is treated with paraffin. Chipboard is made from large sawdust, and the production of a finely dispersed fraction involves the use of smaller chips. This is the difference between MDF and laminated chipboard/DPS. Due to the different caliber of sawdust, it increases the strength of the material. The smaller the wood chips, the stronger the material.

Advantages and disadvantages of chipboard and laminated chipboard: which is better for the kitchen

Chipboards have the following advantages:

    Moisture resistant.

    Increased strength.

    Can be painted and bonded as needed.

They do not fall apart or delaminate, which makes it possible to screw screws and dowels into them. But the most important advantage is its low cost, which allows even people with little financial income to purchase it.


    Formaldehyde resins have a negative effect on the human body.

    The material cannot be deep milled. If you want to cut a pattern into a sheet, it will crack.

    Requires additional finishing. Kitchen units made of particle boards are covered decorative finishing like plastic or acrylic to give a presentable appearance.

LDPS is slightly different from chipboard, but thanks to the laminated layer it does not allow moisture to pass through. The material is resistant to hot temperatures. It is difficult to damage. In addition, a wide range color range and pictures allows you to select kitchen set required color, which will organically highlight the interior of the kitchen. Laminated chipboard looks like wood, so it is difficult to distinguish it from a “real” wooden kitchen.

Finely dispersed fraction: the beauty of facades

Kitchen furniture is in greater demand than chipboard furniture. Laminated MDF for the kitchen is often found. These are the same sheets of finely dispersed fraction, but covered with a laminated film to increase the strength and service life of the material. They are the same density and have the same properties.

If a person has a desire to update or make a new kitchen, then it is better to order a kitchen from MDF. The main advantage of this material is environmental friendliness and practicality. While chipboard facades for kitchens require additional finishing with veneer or plastic, MDF facade parts do not need this. And thanks to the paraffin compound, the sheets of the finely dispersed fraction do not emit toxic substances, therefore they are completely safe.

Advantages of MDF boards:

The disadvantage of MDF is the price. The material is cheaper than wood, but more expensive than particle boards. High price due to the absence of resin in the composition, which releases toxic substances. In other words, the material is safer, which is why it costs more.

Conclusion: where to choose?

Kitchens made from chipboard and MDF look almost the same. But this is at first glance. When purchasing or ordering a kitchen set made from chipboard, it is worth remembering that it will require additional processing.

Kitchen furniture should be made of practical material

If there is no desire or opportunity to finish sheets of particle boards, it is better to immediately order laminated chipboard. But you need to take into account that the material has a negative impact on human health due to the content of harmful resins.


Like laminated chipboard, MDF looks like wood. A variety of patterns that imitate wood allow you to order a kitchen to suit every taste without overpaying for natural wood.

For finishing works In the manufacture of doors and furniture, wood building materials are often used. The existing selection allows you to decide on optimal solution for construction or repair, but does not eliminate questions about the appropriateness of using wood panels. Popular sheet materials include chipboard and MDF, which can largely replace each other when carrying out a number of works.

We will conduct a comparative study of these materials, paying attention to characteristics that are important from an operational point of view.

Environmental properties

MDF is considered the most harmless and non-toxic material. This is due to the use of natural binders based on paraffin or lignin in its production. Their combination with wood dust does not cause allergic reactions or other negative consequences in people.

There is a gradation of chipboard according to toxicity classes, while the least dangerous class is not limited in its area of ​​application. The peculiarities of the domestic trade sector do not always make it possible to reliably determine the class of the purchased material. Try to avoid chipboard applications for decorating a child's room.

Labor costs in processing

Despite its greater strength and weight, MDF is much easier to expose machining and give the required form. This is especially important when cutting blades to specific dimensions for floors or furniture. Chipboard has greater hardness, which is explained by the rigidity of the adhesive base and the larger size of the wood chips.

To obtain chipboard of the required size and shape, it is necessary to use automatic equipment and be sure to protect the respiratory system with a respirator. When processing MDF, it is enough to use a hacksaw for wood, carrying out the most fine work metal hacksaw or jigsaw.

Working with MDF is more tedious due to its higher density (0.1-0.2 kg/m3) and the weight of the canvas. In small volumes of work, the difference is not so noticeable and is felt only when the surface being processed is large.

Tendency to mechanical damage

The strength characteristics of both materials are quite high. If compared by relative indicators, then the fine-mesh structure of MDF tends to withstand higher loads (bending and torsion). Downside medals is the lower hardness of the material, which leads to relatively easy crumbling.

Chipboard sheets have less strength, but are not as sensitive to point loads as MDF. Higher hardness allows the material to be used in a less gentle mode, in terms of mechanical stress.

Flammability of sheet materials

Even though chipboard is made from wood, it will be quite difficult to set it on fire. Of course there is resistance chipboard fire not as high as plasterboard, since all particle boards are susceptible to burning. The essence of its heat resistance lies in longer exposure open fire necessary for combustion.

If you quickly extinguish a flame that has spread to a chipboard, it will leave minimal damage. They will be easy to clean and paint on top, while simultaneously getting rid of unpleasant odor. MDF has a significantly higher fire hazard, although sometimes there are boards impregnated with fire-retardant compounds. In case of fire MDF harmful effects There will be much less combustion products per person than with chipboard.

Application in furniture production

If any sheet material can be used for finishing facades and laying floors, furniture assembly has its own limitations. In products made entirely from chipboard, there is a risk of cracks appearing at the points where self-tapping screws are attached. When metal elements fastenings jump out of their places, they uproot a significant part of the material.

That is why old furniture made from chipboard is not durable enough. This leads to the practical impossibility of its high-quality and long-term use. In addition, crumbs of material from fastening points do not have a very good effect on the ecology of the room. This is especially true during storage food products in chipboard cabinets.

pros using MDF in the manufacture of furniture are its greater flexibility and toughness. Unlike chipboard, which is almost impossible to bend without breaking, MDF is well suited for interior decoration.

Furniture made entirely from MDF is quite expensive, and its external surfaces will not be durable enough. At self-assembly or ordering cabinets, it would be optimal to make the fixed parts of the structure from chipboard (frame), and the moving parts (doors, shelves) from MDF. This will increase the service life of the product and make it more repairable.

If you plan to use wood boards For

The first thing to consider when choosing kitchen furniture is its functionality. But not less important has an attractive appearance. You also need to take into account the price of furniture. Many people want to get high-quality and beautiful furniture for little money. But which is better: MDF or chipboard for the kitchen?

Material for kitchen facade

The following materials are used for the arrangement:

  • laminated chipboard;
  • tree;
  • frame;
  • aluminum profile.

If everything is clear with wood or aluminum, then the abbreviations LDSP and MDF raise questions for many. These materials are widely used in modern furniture production.

The creation of materials such as laminated chipboard and MDF makes it possible to develop a wide range of products for the home, including the kitchen. Which is better: MDF or laminated chipboard?

The kitchen needs furniture to withstand temperature fluctuations and high humidity. Cabinet doors are constantly subject to mechanical stress and are opened wet hands. Therefore, the facade is usually made of MDF, and the side walls and shelves are made of chipboard. This is due to the characteristics of the materials.

and MDF

LDSP is laminated chipboard. It is obtained by pressing sawdust. But first they are treated with formaldehyde resin. Then it is laminated - covered with paper film impregnated with melamine resin. Paraffin or its emulsion makes laminated chipboard waterproof.

The predecessor of chipboard appeared in the 40s of the last century. To finish it, not only lamination is used, but also plastic, veneer, acrylic and even artificial stone.

MDF is obtained by pressing dried chips. Before this, paraffin is added to it. They make the material durable. Sawdust used for MDF production, very small. Therefore, the product obtained from it is much stronger and denser. There are not many resins in such products that are harmful to humans. Such a stove appeared in the 60s of the last century.

So which is better, MDF or chipboard for the kitchen?

Advantages of waterproof laminated chipboard

Perhaps its main advantage is the low cost of chipboard. The price of a sheet ranges from 220 to 400 rubles. It depends on the thickness, which can be from 8 to 25 millimeters.

Products made from this material can withstand humidity and high temperatures, which are often encountered in the kitchen with chipboard furniture.

The price also depends on the type of decor.

The color range of LDPS products is quite wide. Often it repeats the colors of wood of different species.

Disadvantages of laminated chipboard

Firstly, it is rigid, due to which it cannot be milled.

Due to the presence of various resins, laminated chipboard is a toxic material. This indicator depends on what kind of resin was used in its manufacture. The least harmful substances are found in class E1 slabs.

Nevertheless, even countertops are made from laminated chipboard. Laminated chipboards are covered with HPL plastic, which is also called laminate, using postforming technology. Special attention pay attention to the quality of the seams. If it is bad, then moisture gets into the sawdust, the tabletop board swells and loses all its qualities. Laminated chipboard countertops are often not of very high quality.

Advantages of MDF

The material is easy to process using milling tools. The result is a patterned relief surface.

PVC film various colors can give furniture a modern and stylish look. She is not afraid of acids and household chemicals. Various enamels are used for finishing furniture.

Products made from MDF are fire resistant. They do not swell from moisture. We can say that the material’s characteristics are much closer to wood than chipboard. The kitchen surface is MDF (glossy) beautiful and original. The use of special effects (mother of pearl, chameleon) makes it possible to obtain beautiful and original products. And if we take into account the availability of all kinds of colors, then manufacturers have ample opportunities to create beautiful and original products for the kitchen.

Disadvantages of MDF

More high price than for products made from chipboard.

The coating may peel off at temperatures above 75 degrees.

Frame facades

Frame facades are used. The frame made of MDF profile is complemented by inserts made of chipboard, metal, and glass. The frame is finished with PVC film or veneer. Their advantage is low price and the possibility of creating large quantities various options design.

Disadvantages - fragility, difficulty in care. The frames are sometimes loosely connected, resulting in a wobbly product.

Processing of product ends

The postforming method is that it is already bent at two ends. Others add a decorative edge after cutting to size.

Most often, all four ends are treated with PVC, acrylic or an aluminum rim. The color of the edging may contrast with the color of the furniture.

The softforming method consists of processing the edges of the workpiece with cutters rounded outward. The decorative film is glued end-to-end at the cut site.

MDF with enamel

Very impressive products can be obtained by decorating products from MDF enamel various colors. First, the surface is primed, painted, dried, and sanded. The next layer is applied, then several more.

After processing the last layer, the surface is varnished. After drying, polish again.

The advantage is beautiful view, the disadvantage is that it is expensive compared to plastic or film coating. Such furniture can fade in the sun, leaving fingerprints on it. The back of the doors is usually white. In addition, mechanical shocks cause chips that cannot be repaired.

What's better

So which is better: MDF or chipboard? For the kitchen, would it be nice to make all the furniture from MDF, and not just the facades? Yes, it would be stronger. But much more expensive. Therefore, this type of configuration is often used.

MDF has more high density. This will not only extend the life of the products, but will also allow you to decorate them with various carved patterns and decorative ornaments.

The furniture created in this way has a beautiful appearance, the façade is indestructible. Of course, this furniture is not as durable as wooden furniture, but with normal care it will serve its owners faithfully for a couple of decades. And during this time, perhaps new technologies will be created that will make it possible to produce more quality furniture. The MDF kitchen gets different reviews. In general, consumers like the appearance, but are not satisfied with the quality of the countertop.

The first thing we pay attention to when buying furniture is its price and appearance. However, before you pay money to the cash register, it is advisable to find out what it is made of. After all, each material has its own technical specifications, and some of them have a limited scope. In furniture production for a wide range of buyers, MDF and Chipboard boards, constantly causing debate as to which is better. The long-term presence on the market of these materials suggests that both of them are needed. It is only important to know where and how to use them.

Comparison of panel production technology:

MDF boards have a finer wood fraction. Technological process here it is more advanced, especially with regard to the appearance of wood fibers that give strength to the sheets. In their production, the dry pressing method is used, as well as other binders that make construction material environmentally friendly.

One side of the MDF is also covered with laminate. The front part of the slabs can be decorated with PVC film, plastic or painted. In any case, it will always be smooth. Thinking about what to choose for the zone high humidity Chipboard or MDF, we take into account huge advantage the latest in this area, from which we conclude which kitchen will be better.

Pros and cons of MDF and chipboard

Such a wonderful material as MDF is not without its drawbacks. He is very sensitive to various kinds mechanical damage. A blow from a heavy object may leave a dent in its surface. Another disadvantage is the rapid combustion near an open flame. This property must be taken into account when placing pieces of furniture in the same kitchen. Thanks to its finely dispersed structure, MDF is more flexible. If you need to cut out shaped elements, it fits perfectly.

Which furniture is better, made of chipboard or MDF, can be judged from the reviews of craftsmen who work with these materials. Disadvantage of chipboard is the fact that due to its loose structure, a screw or nail holds very poorly in it. And there can be no question of repeatedly twisting it into the same place. The main fastening elements are the corners. Although MDF is denser, its coefficient of resistance to pulling out fasteners is also not high.

If we take into account the cost of materials, structures made only from MDF will cost much more. To beat pricing policy, many act very wisely. Without thinking about what is better for MDF or chipboard, they order the main part of the furniture body (which is hidden inside) from chipboard, and front part from MDF, including interior doors. The service life of both types of panels is not very long. Therefore, we decide for ourselves which furniture is best suited for the home.

Which is better: MDF or chipboard for the kitchen? In order to understand this issue, you should compare both materials.

Laminated chipboard is made by pressing wood shavings and synthetic glue under high pressure. These boards are covered with a laminate on both sides to prevent delamination. laminated chipboard is good material for furniture production.

A wide selection of colors and patterns, easy processing and reasonable price make this material quite popular. Facade lamination can be matte, semi-matte or glossy.

MDF is a board made from crushed wood dust and organic compounds. MDF is a base material that is used in the production of furniture and interior elements (plinths, decorative wall panels, moldings). MDF is also the basis for production interior doors. The surface of the slab is covered with a special film or pasted over with artificial or natural veneer.

Types of kitchen finishing made from MDF

MDF panels can have various finishes, and this affects the strength, quality and appearance of the slab. As a rule, there are three main finishing methods:

  • Lamination with special film. The surface is covered with PVC film. This protects the board from moisture. Thanks to this, MDF is a pretty good material for kitchen furniture.
  • Veneer cladding. Stick on the surface thin layer natural wood (i.e. veneer). Furniture with such finishing is decorative and looks natural. Unfortunately, veneer is quite soft and not very resistant to damage, so it requires careful care.
  • Varnish coating. A layer of varnish is applied to the facade, which forms a moisture-resistant protective covering, gives the product heat resistance. Unfortunately, this coating has its drawbacks. Fingerprints and even stains from water drops remain on the plate.

Advantages of MDF:

MDF is widely used in the production of kitchen furniture due to its many advantages:

  • Easy to process. The most complex and unusual shapes can be made from MDF.
  • Made from environmentally friendly raw materials and completely safe for humans.
  • Easy to clean. This is important, especially for a room like the kitchen. The material has a smooth, non-porous surface, so it not only does not absorb dirt, but is also easy to clean with special products.
  • Boards of this type, especially varnished ones, are resistant to grease. They do not stain from acids and chemical substances, so they can be successfully used in the kitchen.
  • The countless colors, patterns and finishes available mean there is something for everyone in their dream kitchen. It is also possible to make the furniture matte, semi-matte or glossy. The surface can be completely adapted to any style of kitchen.
  • Attractive price compared to natural wood. Furniture made from MDF is available to almost everyone.

Disadvantages of using MDF

Unfortunately, like any material, MDF also has some disadvantages:

  • Low resistance to water and moisture. Edges not protected by acrylic or metal strips are especially susceptible to this. They quickly absorb moisture, swell and deform over time.
  • Susceptibility to scratches. In most cases this applies to varnished surfaces. It is not recommended to use products containing abrasives for cleaning.
  • With constant exposure to steam, a surface made of MDF may become matte and, as a result, slightly discolored.
  • When a scratch appears on the facade, it is difficult to select paint and paint over only the damaged area. We have to completely repaint the entire surface.
  • Over time, the material loses its strength and elasticity. The fittings and doors of the kitchen furniture begin to loosen.

Features of MDF countertops

  • Resistant to high temperatures - you can place a pot of boiling water on them.
  • When exposed to light, the color of the surface does not change.
  • Furniture on which the film is correctly installed does not absorb water vapor and water, and the material does not delaminate over time.
  • Resistant to soft household chemicals detergents, as well as stains of milk, coffee, tea, wine - they are not absorbed due to lamination.
  • Quite resistant to scratches and dents.
  • May fade due to direct exposure to steam.

These features apply to work surface countertops. You should be aware that when installing appliances under countertops, they must be additionally secured to bottom side sheet metal or plastic, which will create additional strengthening of the structure.

Laminated chipboard - main advantages and disadvantages

The laminated chipboard material in kitchen production is easy to process and maintains the basic physical and mechanical parameters. The main advantages include:

  • The laminated chipboard tabletop is quite strong and durable.
  • The material is scratch resistant. Dirt can be cleaned with household chemicals.
  • Modern technologies in the production of laminated particle boards ensure the production of furniture various forms and any colors you like.

As for the negative aspects, I would like to note the following. When purchasing laminated chipboard, pay attention to the E1 or E2 icons. The E1 marking on a product means that 10 grams of formaldehyde were used per 100 grams of wood chips during the production process. If E2 is indicated on the chipboard, then the amount of formaldehyde can reach 30 grams. Perhaps the presence of a toxic substance in the composition is the most important disadvantage of laminated chipboard.

Comparison of kitchen furniture

To specifically decide on the material for kitchen furniture, you need to understand what is better - laminated chipboard or MDF kitchen, and what is the difference? It is equally important to study their advantages and understand the disadvantages.

What will last longer, MDF or laminated chipboard?

One of the most important criteria When choosing furniture, durability of use is important. This is something to consider so you don't have to replace your cabinets and countertops every two or three years. It is important to decide whether the kitchen façade will be made of chipboard or MDF.

Furniture made from MDF can boast good durability. Obviously, a product made from laminated chipboard will lose its attractive appearance a little faster. The durability of a modular kitchen made of MDF is one of the positive features of this furniture. All thanks to the fact that the composition of the material is almost natural and environmentally friendly. In addition, if properly cared for, the equipment will last for many years.

Chipboard or MDF: which resists scratches better?

Another very important feature furniture is its resistance to mechanical damage. Furniture made from MDF is resistant to external factors, such as physical wear, heat And greasy spots. The situation is worse in the case of steam or water - they damage the MDF structure. For laminated chipboard surfaces, humidity and high temperatures are not dangerous.

The next feature is that furniture components made from chipboard and MDF break in approximately the same way. In case of resistance to mechanical damage, for example, scratches, chipboard holds the lead. This material is resistant to many household chemicals.

Environmental friendliness

An important aspect is the comparison of laminated chipboard and MDF in terms of the content of harmful substances in their composition. The latter negatively affect human life.

Furniture made from chipboard is produced using formaldehyde. This substance is used as a binding element. Although the products are divided into classes E1 and E2, and in the first version less toxic substances were used, furniture made from chipboard is toxic, and this adversely affects health.

In MDF, the composition of the board is close to natural wood and does not provide any negative impact per person. However, in terms of cost, a countertop made of laminated chipboard is cheaper than a product made of MDF.

Aesthetic value

Which is better: MDF or LSPD for the kitchen? The attractive appearance of the furniture is another main feature, which is very important when purchasing. Much depends on the client’s desires, needs and financial capabilities. It's quite easy to impress guests by installing it in your home. beautiful kitchen. Available on the market big choice colors and patterns, so there is no problem finding something that really suits your taste. If you want a kitchen with a rounded shape or with stained glass, then give your preference to MDF. Laminated chipboard is not such a plastic material, and it cannot take on such shapes. However, the color range is much wider and more varied for furniture made from chipboard.

Choosing the right material from which yours will be made kitchen furniture, It has great importance. The type determines the character of the furniture, and as a result, the style of the interior is created. After reading, it’s easy to determine which is better, MDF or laminated chipboard for the kitchen.

Having analyzed all the main features of MDF and laminated chipboard, as well as the disadvantages and advantages of each material, we can say that the most environmentally friendly and durable material is MDF. However, as for the variety of colors, laminated chipboard furniture can be made in almost any color. If we consider the prices of furniture, then a kitchen made of laminated chipboard will be more affordable. The final decision on which is better, MDF or chipboard for the kitchen, will depend only on your choice.


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