Design of a small room for a girl. Stylish nursery design for girls of all ages (33 photos)

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To What should be a girl's room? If the princess has already entered a more or less meaningful age, she will explain it herself. Parents may not agree, because they are weighed down with such boring concepts as “practical”, “calmly” and “reliable”. How to find a compromise between the fantasies of the child and the concepts of parents? How to help a girl develop her natural craving for beauty? Children's rooms for girls photo design and examples of ergonomic solutions - in the material below.

Children's room

Obviously, rooms for toddlers and teenagers will be very different, and the main differences are functional.

Small children under 6 years old

The main occupation of a child at this age is play and relaxation, so the interior of the room and household items must simultaneously meet two opposite requirements: to be bright and entertaining, at the same time soothing and not annoying. Obviously, this is not possible in principle, so the only possible option is to divide the room into clear zones: play and.

Girls are gentle and mysterious creatures, they have an instinctive craving for home improvement and comfort. Even if the parents have not recreated a special area in the room so that the child can retire, the girls will build it themselves or ask mom and dad about it. All mothers have noticed how their daughters fall asleep in tiny doll houses. These places seem cozy and safe to them.

This behavior is very typical, it should push parents to the only right decision: no matter what is the area of ​​the room, what color are the walls painted and what is it worth. The girl should have a bed in the far corner of her room, preferably against the wall, protected on both sides, under a canopy or in a special niche. A girl will have a restful sleep only when she feels safe.

The color and style solution is traditionally performed in bright, clean and positive colors. The main motive is favorite cartoons and heroes of fairy tales. Safety comes first: strong cornices, blocking locks on windows, stable and durable furniture, no breakable objects, metal and glass. Children's rooms for little girls: photo, design using popular cartoon themes:

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younger schoolgirls

As soon as the girl has turned into a schoolgirl, her main time is devoted to study, knowledge of the world and socialization. The room should not distract her from her work, so it is better to remove the applications from the walls, and change the pink and blue wallpaper to neutral beige, pistachio or white.

The girl's eyesight is under a serious strain, so the power and location of the lamps must be carefully thought out. For this reason, it is recommended light color wallpaper. To exclude reading books in the supine position, you should not supply the room with sconce lamps by the bed. The main object that appears in the room is a desk with shelves for books and drawers for stationery. The ideal placement is opposite a window so that most of the day there is natural light.

A child should be taught discipline from childhood, so the furniture in the room should be selected according to the height and dimensions of the girl. This is necessary so that she herself can reach the bar in the closet and hang her things on a hanger, lay out textbooks, notebooks and toys, and make the bed on her own. It is extremely unpedagogical if mom is doing all this.

Increased functional requirements do not mean that the child's room should turn into a Spartan dwelling, on the contrary, it is at this age that a heightened sense of beauty develops. There are girlfriends who come to visit. During these years, the girl learns to listen to criticism and draw conclusions. Good taste should be instilled, including through the environment. This goal should be served by the design of a children's room for a girl, photos of interiors and a description of which can be seen below.


Girls mature earlier than boys, and the ten-year-old princess no longer associates herself with Snow White, she wants to grow up soon and turn into an attractive person. A teenage girl's room is a vivid expression of the personality of a little rebel who is emo today, punk tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow a diligent student.

Changes in mood are difficult to follow and absolutely impossible to keep up. The best option interior - neutral, which will serve as a canvas for her experiments. The functional component should serve as reference points: the height of the table, the presence of cabinets and shelves, lighting,. It is better to give the design entirely at the mercy of the young lady. Children's room design for a teenage girl photos and examples:

Initial data

The rooms of modern dwellings do not differ in large area. A nursery is an apartment in an apartment, it is the own world of an individual independent person. It always combines several zones: sleeping, working, playing. If a girl goes in for sports or creativity, then this is also a workshop.

Room configuration

Under the nursery, it is necessary to allocate a spacious room with a window. It is extremely difficult to zone elongated pencil cases, as well as walk-through rooms, so it is better to leave them for other purposes. If girls of the same age or with a difference of 2-4 years live in the same room, then they are quite capable of living together, sharing a room and existing peacefully there.

If the girls have a big age difference or the sister has to live with her brother in the same room, their territories should be delimited with the help of wall cabinets, screens or decorative partitions.

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Room area

Small territories are bad because conflicts arise between children. This is not always a sign of bad upbringing, rather it is a completely natural irritation caused by an unceremonious invasion of personal space. This may appear from the very early childhood or already in adolescence. Such behavior is “treated” by a clear delimitation of space according to the firm will of the parents. It is they who must explain to the sisters that limited space is a given that will have to come to terms with. Mom and dad should also distribute places for storing personal belongings so that the girls have no reason to quarrel with each other. The design of a children's room for 2 girls, a photo and a brief description can be seen below.

Ideas and examples

Photos of successful solutions:

When arranging a nursery, parents should provide children with the opportunity to participate in the process. Obviously, the girl will not be able to choose the right lamp or furniture on her own, but she will feel significant and necessary if you ask her opinion about wallpaper, curtains or decor elements.

You should not buy furnishings for growth, it is inconvenient and not practical, especially with regard to cabinet furniture. modern furniture economy class is made of such materials that its standard service life does not exceed 5 - 7 years. With the same frequency, cabinets, shelves and tables in the nursery should be replaced, as the child changes dimensions as he grows up.

We draw a conclusion

Children's in the traditional sense is playroom with elements of a cartoon, but this is not entirely true. First of all, this is the place where the child spends most of his time, so the configuration and decor should correspond to the character of the inhabitant, her lifestyle and form in her a taste for beauty and good habits.

Video: interesting options for children's rooms for girls

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The schoolgirl is growing up quickly, the decor of the room has to be changed so that it meets the interests of the growing girl. If the room does not require repair, there is no point in radically transforming it, it is enough to think over spectacular decor. Parents who are considering how to decorate a teenage girl's room are advised to use the recommendations of professionals in order to minimal cost get a stylish and aesthetic design.

Bedroom for a real little lady

Butterfly shaped chandeliers will look beautiful in a girl's room

Light pink color will be appropriate in a girl's room

You don’t need a special reason to decorate your personal space, but it’s better to give it some justification. A great way to let your daughter feel that she is perceived in the family as an independent adult is to make do-it-yourself decor for a teenager's room for her next birthday. The time has come to take out the furniture, which has become small, to remove pictures and accessories that do not correspond to age.

Preparing for the start of the school year good way inspect the children's room. The main goal is to reorganize the workplace and expand sleeping place if the legs are already resting on the back of the bed or sofa. At the same time, it is worth discussing at a family council how to decorate a teenage girl's room with your own hands. In fascinating creative process all family members can be involved, and there is something for everyone to do.

Bedroom of a real little princess

Photo wallpaper will perfectly complement the interior of the children's room

The hardest thing to come to common decision regarding the design concept, since parents are conservative, children are radical. But one cannot but reckon with the opinion of a teenager, in the end, everything is done for children, or better, with the involvement of the children themselves in decorating.

If a teenager is fond of graffiti, painting fences, murakami on a serious level, it makes sense to allocate one prepared wall for the author's "masterpiece". Teenagers will certainly appreciate the location of their parents, this is the best way to build relationships. But one condition can be set - to approve the sketch of the inscription or wall picture, which will carry a positive content. For example, a do-it-yourself dream of a trip to Paris for clothes or a bike ride in the mountains with a group of extreme people.

Teenagers love to have something exclusive, and the wall for the author's drawing will be the pride of the daughter. She will gladly show wall paintings to her guests and friends. But such a wall design should not be self-sufficient, it should overlap with other do-it-yourself room decor for a teenage girl. If it's time to change the curtains, lamps, furniture, old book shelves, it is desirable that the original idea be seen in this novelty.

Under the bed you can arrange a place for reading and games

Children's room in pink with a large bright panel

An example of a room design for a girl

What is the best way to decorate the walls, floor and ceiling?

The design idea should be such that it is easy to implement with your own hands. If you plan to repair the ceiling, you should not make it costly, but not having aesthetic value.

Before you transform and decorate the room of a teenage girl, it is worth discussing interesting options. For example, the ceiling and walls can be designed as open space. Another option - a dark stretch ceiling with diodes will wink at the stars to a dreamy child. A "floating" ceiling with a glow around the perimeter is something fantastic in a futuristic teenager's room.

Purple color in the interior of the children's room looks very beautiful

No wall can be hung cartoon characters

For a small room on the north side, this approach will not be acceptable; you need to increase the amount of light and free space. Furniture - at least, floors, walls and ceiling should be light. Decor and textiles pick up cheerful shades in warm colors.

On the south side, it is better to dim the light with thick curtains of a cold palette. All decor for the room is easy to do with your own hands, when it is a pleasure for a girl to complete the design to her liking. The effect of the open sky will create a matte light blue ceiling, and you can make voluminous clouds with your own hands.

This room design is perfect for a girl.

Functional bedroom for a little girl

For the development of the child, you can hang a drawing board

Collages, inscriptions and panels on the wall

The main decor, as a rule, is placed on the walls. Great scope for the implementation of ideas for decorating a teenager's room with your own hands - all this can be hung on a vertical plane. Inscriptions, extravagant drawings and homemade accessories most often dispel:

  • at the head of the bed;
  • near the entrance (door);
  • opposite the sleeping plane;
  • on a solid wall without furniture;
  • at working surface or tabletops.

Romantic teenagers like to decorate the room with the word "LOVE", which can be done in any technique. Letters made of plywood, covered with golden spray paint or upholstered with large sequins, look creative.

You can hang pictures with cartoon characters on the wall

Butterflies will harmoniously look in such an interior.

The inscriptions "LOVE" can also decorate the space at the head of the bed, written on the wall or wallpaper in different fonts and colors. The daughter will surely appreciate this DIY room decor. No less interesting are the names of different cities and fashion brands.

Walls can be decorated in different ways:

  • a collage of selfies and family photos;
  • a silhouette drawing of your favorite artist or singer on the wall;
  • mosaic canvas on a favorite topic;
  • design of mirror frames with improvised means;
  • homemade flowers from fabric and paper in hanging planters from plastic bottles;
  • flower pots in knitted "outfits" on glass shelves, etc.

There can be a lot of homemade decor and modestly, in moderation, but it is important that it is in harmony with furniture, textiles and lighting.

A girl's room should be bright and functional.

Wood in the form of shelves for books

Bright design of a room for a girl with drawings

Room color scheme

Too much bright colors in the decor of a room for a girl is not always appropriate. If every day of the daughter is full of emotions, events and diverse activities, then there should be a relaxing atmosphere at home. Often, teenage girls complain of poor sleep, cannot fall asleep in the evening and hardly wake up in the morning, feel lethargic all day, and after communicating with their peers, they cannot concentrate on performing the simplest activities. In this case, you should not look for a problem in the fact that the type of sleep and wakefulness is “owl”.

On the other hand, owls are a fashionable motif for decor, they can decorate the daughter's bedroom in any form:

  • Stuffed Toys;
  • sofa cushions;
  • wall pictures.

Owls can be a silent reminder to go to bed earlier.

The personal space of a young girl is best designed in pastel colors or in blurry shades of your favorite color. Usually teenage girls like pink and lilac, but someone prefers red and black, white and turquoise.

Favorite shade in the bedroom should not be in excess. It is recommended to maintain a balance of color with a predominance of a light background, some bright emotional accents and graphic linear contrasts. Any do-it-yourself decor of a teenager's room will fit well into such a harmony of color.

Beautiful bedroom design for a girl

You can put a bed near the window

How to transform furniture?

Children's furniture, no matter how attractive or functional it may be, is gradually becoming out of place. It's time to replace it or reorganize it in some way. Teenagers most of all like "transformers" or multifunctional modules that can be rearranged around the room.

But if we talk about sofas, then teenage girls do not like to lay them out every night before going to bed and collect them in the morning. If for small child parents do it, then as they grow up, these responsibilities are shifted to a teenager. Most often, they prefer to huddle on a compact sofa with legs crossed over a bedspread than to use the transformation mechanism and cover the bed.

If the length of the mattress is quite suitable, and the bed or sofa is obsolete, it is easy to transform them into a pull-out module under the podium for computer desk. Such furniture is complemented by many drawers and shelves, on which many items and original decor in the form of colored hearts are placed.

Built-in furniture with children's facades does not require complete replacement, if it suits the functionality, it is enough to change the doors. Vinyl stickers do not imply high costs and effort to produce images. It can be the same motifs or whole plots in pictures for decorating a girl's bedroom.

Children's room for a real princess

Gorgeous room design for a little girl

Making a canopy over the bed

One of the easiest ways to decorate a sleeping place is to make a canopy from a light transparent fabric. This tradition came from the east, but has taken root in many styles of interiors. There is something romantic in such an accessory, and this is one of the answers - how to decorate a room in an original and quick way with your own hands for a girl.

The canopy is made and fastened in different ways, depending on the shape of the ceiling. If the children's bedroom is located in the attic room, then part of the surface of the sloping ceiling above the bed is draped in this way. It may resemble clouds or the sails of a ship.

The simplest garland or LED Strip Light attached to the edges of the canopy.

Almost weightless fabric can be gathered over the headboard or cover the entire area of ​​the bed on top. The choice of the shape of the canopy should also be dictated by the style of the room and its overall content.

TABLE for the design of the canopy

Room design can be done in bright blue color

A small room with striped walls looks very nice

You can stick butterflies on the walls

Emphasis on lighting a teenager's room

Modern lighting is the best way to play interesting ideas for decorating a teenager's room. Simple objects will sparkle in a new way with the original backlight. If you are tired of the old shades or they look too childish, there is an opportunity to make a lamp with your own hands.

It is better to leave the cartridge and electrical wiring unchanged, but make the chandelier in a new way. Beautiful shadows on the ceiling are cast by a large lampshade crocheted like openwork napkins.

There are many creative ideas on how to decorate a girl's room with unusual ceiling lamps from improvised means. We offer a master class on making a lamp from disposable cups stapled.

Video: DIY Organization and Decor

The children's room, and especially the girl's bedroom, is a whole world where the child spends a lot of time, first in the arena, playing, and then desk and computer. Regardless of the size of the room, the design of a children's bedroom for a girl can be made original and recognizable.

The nursery should be safe, create good mood, promote sound sleep and productive mental activity. A modern bedroom for a girl can be made in any style and with the addition of appropriate accessories.

The color scheme should be chosen in neutral colors, you can combine two or three colors (in textiles, furniture, wallpaper). If the child does not agree with this decision, you need to show him a photo of examples of bedrooms in a suitable color.

Design features by age

The interior design of a bedroom for a girl changes with growing up, and after 16 years it practically coincides with an adult bedroom.

Preschool age (up to 7 years old)

Particularly stands out the children's girls before school age. It emphasizes her gender, interest in fairy-tale characters and everything bright.

Junior school age (from 7 to 10 years old)

At the age of 7, a girl goes to school, so she should have her own workplace, a shelf with books, a map on the wall and other curious things. The recreation area should contribute to relaxation and gaining new strength. A nursery in restrained classic light colors will make it possible to make changes to the interior of a children's bedroom for a girl as she grows up without any special repair interventions.

In the photo, a nursery in neutral natural colors is suitable for a child from 7 years old and will require a minimum of effort in a future design change.

School age (from 10 to 14 years old)

The bedroom for a 10-year-old girl is designed with the special participation of the child and all wishes are taken into account. All her requests are supported and independence is welcomed, which is very important for a maturing personality. Designers advise choosing colors according to the level of activity of the child. Yellow tones activate mental activity, shades of green soothe, warm pink adds tenderness.

Teenage bedroom (from 14 years old)

A bedroom for a teenage girl can be the most unusual, bright, neutral, and even mystical. Requests from the girl may surprise and not fit into the concept of the apartment, but you should not interrupt the flight of fantasies, you can just look at different design options and come to a common decision together.

AT ideal it is worth giving preference to neutral shades of wallpaper and the same furniture, the color of which can be changed with covers, and the decor of the nursery can be transformed with any accessories and paintings at the discretion of the child. For your favorite posters and clippings, a cork board wall is best suited. To organize things in order, you need to give preference to a spacious closet and several drawers.

Girls Bedroom Ideas are not limited to cartoon characters and pink theme. In the photo, a minimalist bedroom in a laconic style combines sky blue and white.

Choice of finishing materials

In the design of a children's bedroom for a girl, more than anywhere else, you need to pay attention to the quality of materials and furniture. They must be environmentally friendly, durable and safe. Poor-quality paint and inhalation of its vapors can provoke the appearance of allergies, this must be remembered.

For the floor, laminate, parquet or cork and a small carpet are suitable. Laminate flooring is durable, warm, easy to clean and pleasant to the surface of the feet. The carpet can be taken out for ventilation, it will not accumulate dust and is suitable for the play area.

The photo shows a light pink bedroom, suitable for a girl of primary school age. purple pillows, soft carpet, white wallpaper with pink ornaments and translucent curtains make the children's room delicate.

Wallpaper for a girl's bedroom is better to choose from paper. Deep colors are best left for other rooms, and in the nursery, designers are advised to choose only light pastel shades (not necessarily pink). Pattern and pattern can be customized age features, but you can based on the size of the room and your preferences.

In the photo, white colors and a ceiling with the image of clouds make the children's room airy, and muted green creates the feeling of a summer royal garden.

Selection of furniture, curtains and lighting


Furniture for a girl's bedroom should be durable and made from environmentally friendly materials. To create a working area, you need to choose a comfortable chair and table (depending on the height of the girl), bookshelf or a shelf.

The table should be with several drawers, where all the office will be stored, the chair should be chosen from a classic model with a comfortable back for posture formation. For teenagers, a chair on wheels is suitable.

The bed for the girl's bedroom should be low with a medium hard mattress. If this is a small bedroom for a girl, then you need to choose an ergonomic bed with an inner pencil case. It is better to take the bed “for growth”, from good materials and neutral beige, white or other delicate color.

The photo shows a miracle palace for a little cartoon lover in lilac and white shades. The nursery is divided into wardrobe zones with a mirror, rest with the night sky on photo wallpapers, study and leisure.


Curtains in the bedroom for a girl are better to choose neutral shades, the color of the wallpaper (a few tones darker), or the color of the furniture. The model of curtains and their color also depends on the side of the room in relation to the sun, the size of the window, the number of windows and the size of the bedroom.

  • If the windows face the sunny side, then you need to choose gentle cold shades (blue, pale green);
  • If on the dark side, then shades of warm tones (peach, purple).

Long curtains are suitable for adult girls, and for babies, you should choose short or roller ones to avoid injury and for easy daily wet cleaning. Blinds and light, weightless curtains will provide a good daytime sleep for the girl and will not burden the interior.

For older girls, the classic version of the curtains will suit the color and style of the room. Veil, organza, linen and taffeta are suitable for decorating a window opening. In any case, the curtains must be firmly fixed on the eaves, which should not be massive.

In the photo, an insulated window opening with a Roman blind creates a personal space for the girl to relax.

In the photo, the study area is located in a well-lit place with natural light and is separated filament curtains from the recreation area. The big wall organizes the girls to keep their belongings separate from each other and keep things organized.


The more light sources in the bedroom, the better, because the girl's vision is still developing, and she will draw and read not only at the table, but also lying on the floor and on the bed. The workplace should be to the left of the window, or next to it. Desk lamp, wall sconces, spotlights and a central chandelier with soft light will help preserve vision and make the children's room comfortable.

Bedroom for two girls

Making a children's bedroom for two girls is a special task for parents, where you need to take into account the needs of each and create your own cozy place, think about how their things will be stored and how the space will be organized.

First, you need to choose uniform style children's and one color scheme. If the age difference is small, then you can choose the theme of your favorite cartoon. For children of different ages, Provence, minimalism, Scandinavian, shabby chic style is suitable.

The design of a bedroom for two girls can be made in two colors (but only if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and the colors are combined), for example, pink and blue, green and yellow, purple and beige. Color zoning can conditionally divide one room into two.

To save space, a bunk bed or chair beds are suitable. The more drawers, shelves and organizers, the better for keeping things organized and organized. A canopy, a false wall, a rack in the middle of the nursery will help create a personal space for everyone (this is especially true if one is learning lessons, and the other has gone to bed a long time ago).

  • Choose a full bed, and preferably a wide one (if space allows).
  • Do not turn the nursery into Disneyland or a sugar house (either a fairy bed or a wall with 3D wallpaper should attract attention).
  • The less technology in the nursery, the better for the child's leisure and sleep (organize a decent play area instead).
  • The presence of a large mirror in the closet.
  • The room should be as technically safe as possible for outdoor games.

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In order for the room to fully meet the needs of the girl and be safe for her, a number of design rules must be taken into account. And what exactly, we will tell further.

A children's room is a personal island of your child, therefore, when choosing an interior for a room, first of all, consider the character, hobbies, and interests of the future hostess of the room. Choosing a room design for a little princess is difficult and simple at the same time, but at the same time it is incredibly interesting, because girls always represent their own corner, unlike most boys. If the baby does not yet understand what she wants, then girls over 7 years old can already clearly describe to you what their nursery should be like. The main thing for parents in this case is to reach a compromise with the child.

Design project of a children's room

The main principle of choosing a design is that the room must certainly be sunny and warm. One of the main criteria to rely on is the age of the child. For a baby up to a year old, in principle, a separate room is not needed, a changing table and a crib can also be placed in the parents' bedroom. After two or three years, pediatricians advise moving the baby to a separate room. And how to choose the right design for the room, depending on the age needs of the girl, let's study together.

Baby room design for 2-3 year olds

The choice of colors for furniture largely depends on the color of the walls. Often mothers, wanting to make their daughter's room the best, use standard colors- purple or pink. But after all, the palette of colors is multifaceted and delicate pastel shades are perfect for a little princess. A room in a delicate shade with accents of more saturated colors is exactly what you need.

The discreet color scheme of the room will help the baby to fall asleep peacefully, without being distracted by bright walls. When choosing finishing materials, opt for environmentally friendly paint or wallpaper. It is better to leave the color of the ceiling white, as it will make the nursery even lighter. Be sure to consider the lighting in the girl's room. Provide the bedroom area with a beautiful, but not too bright, night light, do not forget separate lighting for the play area. If the princess has her own workplace, good lighting must also be provided there. A room, conditionally divided into separate zones, will allow a baby of this age to understand where to put toys and where to rest.

If it is not desirable to make an active decoration near the crib, then in the play area such a design is only welcome. Colorful self-adhesive pictures (stickers) that display the heroes of your favorite cartoons or just cute little animals will serve as a wonderful decoration. Alternative option there may be drawings on the walls by hand or using special stencils. The girl will definitely appreciate it.

Concerning floor covering, then you can, and laminate. If the choice fell on the carpet, then it should be made of natural fibers. Pros - easy to clean, pleasant to the feet, but there is one drawback - the high cost. We decided - then choose light options, and put a small rug on top of the cover for more comfortable games.

Decoration of a children's room for a first grader at 6 - 7 years old

Let's say right away that there is no typical design for a children's room for this age category, all because at this age all children are different. The only thing you definitely can’t do without in a nursery is a desk or a desk. Be sure to consider a place to store the first notebooks, stationery, books and other things necessary for the school. As for toys, it is best to remove most of the room, leaving the most beloved.

At this age, girls love to work with plasticine, draw, work with beads. Make the girl's room cheerful and bright, then studying and doing what she loves will bring her only joy!

Girls at this age can already independently choose the color scheme in the room. Let the hostess of the room choose the main color, and then pick up the rest of the accessories and furniture together. The main thing is that the furniture is functional, and the place to work is appropriately lit.

The main task of parents, in planning a room, is to clearly define recreation areas (sleep and games) and working area. The girl will most likely need a new bed, over which a lamp should be placed. Provide a corner for games with shelves or special boxes for toys so that there is where to put them. Be sure to put in the corner easy chair or small sofa to make the girl, and maybe the guests, feel more comfortable. The desktop is best placed near the window. This way you can combine daylight with lamp light.

Design of a children's room for a 10 - 12 year old girl

As much as we would not like otherwise, but children are growing at a fairly fast pace, and with them their needs, desires, range of interests are growing. There is also a children's room.

Adolescence is the most difficult period in a girl's life. They strive for independence, try to show that they are already adults. It is at this time that it is so important for them to have a place in the apartment, where they would be full-fledged mistresses. Under the influence of hormonal surges, very often the character can change, and in most cases for the worse. The main task of parents is to control without "inflection", make small concessions to your daughter. This will allow her to understand that she is perceived and accepted for who she is.

Repair and refurbishment of a room for a girl of this age must be carried out, consulting and listening to the wishes of the child. Let the girl choose the design on her own, look at the design options together, let the hostess choose the final version. Choice building materials, most likely, the girl will not be interested, but a trip to a furniture salon is the opposite.

The most important thing is that in the furniture store, the girl will not only specifically point out the set she likes, but will also be able to try it out: she will sit on a chair, check the comfort of the bed and the height of the desktop. It is not unimportant that the girl herself could reach the top shelves of the cabinet or hinged structures.

Leave the color scheme and style resolution of the room to your daughter. Even if you do not like something, try to find a compromise, but do not impose your vision of her own corner on the girl.

Room design for a teenage girl

A room for a girl - a teenager to call a nursery, it will no longer work out, this is already a girl's room. The girl grows up, her character and preferences change, therefore, if possible, make, if not a full-fledged repair, then at least a change in style. At this age, girls are interested in music, the Internet, dancing. Based on this, it is better to remove all unnecessary pieces of furniture from the room, leaving more free space.

The main feature of the room for this age category is stylish interior. Select modern design, it will definitely please a teenager and help her develop harmoniously. Pay attention to modern variations of the classics, minimalism, perhaps the daughter prefers the high-tech style. Give freedom to your daughter, support her in her desire to create her own individual interior, the room of her dreams.

Leave it up to the girl to choose the color scheme of the room, the style, the necessary decorations and textiles (curtains, tulle, bedspreads).

As for furniture, the room will need:

  • wardrobe for storing clothes/shoes;
  • bed place. Let the daughter choose what she will be comfortable sleeping on, on a regular bed or sofa. The main thing is that the mattress is orthopedic;
  • mirror;
  • a place to store things (shelves, hanging or floor, chest of drawers);
  • desktop, where you can conveniently place a computer or laptop;
  • armchair, office chair;
  • be sure to consider a place for "gatherings". It can be soft large pillows, a sofa, several ottomans;
  • lighting, both primary and secondary;
  • textile;
  • at the request of the daughter, you can hang a TV or install a full-fledged speaker system.

The main task of parents is to direct the desires of a teenager into right direction, while leaving invisible control of the situation.

When choosing a design, we take into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room

Housing conditions in each family are different, therefore, when choosing a room for a future nursery, it is better to give the child a small, but at the same time the brightest and warmest room.

Design of a small children's room up to 14 square meters. m.

Note that rooms up to 14 sq. m. designers refer to rooms with a small area, so there are several rules that must be followed when planning space. First of all, given the impossibility of marking in the nursery a large number of furniture, it is necessary to choose functional designs, because the child needs free space to play somewhere. In addition, you need to visually expand the walls of the room. This effect can be achieved using several methods:

  • Get a cabinet with full-height mirrored doors or hang a large mirror on one of the walls. True, the age of the child should be taken into account; for young children, this option is not entirely suitable;
  • the decoration of the room should be in light colors. To visually enlarge the room, you can paint one wall and the ceiling in the same color;
  • light accents will be an important factor. Several light sources will help divide the room into certain zones;
  • it is better to hang light tulle or not massive curtains on the window opening. If the daughter wants to close the window from the outside world at night, thick cotton curtains will be enough, which will be combined with other interior components;
  • if financial possibilities and the height of the room allow, take a closer look at the stretch ceilings. Due to the glossy surface, such a ceiling will seem even higher, in addition, modern technologies make it possible to design a stretch ceiling that will only emphasize the style of the room;
  • in the case of a narrow but long room, use a little trick to expand the walls - make a ceiling of plasterboard sheets, hiding the backlight in the niche along the larger wall. It's called. Diffused light will visually increase the area of ​​​​the nursery.

Design of a children's room from 20 to 30 square meters. m.

In a room with such an area, you can create an interior of any complexity. Style and color solution choose depending on the age of the hostess of the premises, and a large room will increase the functional areas.

The sleeping area can be separated from the common space beautiful screen or a partition. And it is not necessary to invite the master, dad can also cope with such work. A partition with niches and original lighting will not clutter up the room, but will make the place to sleep more secluded. Choose a furniture set based on the age of the girl, style, color palette of the room. If this is a nursery for a newborn child, then be sure to set aside a place for changing the baby (changing table), a sofa or a sofa so that it is more convenient for the mother to feed the baby. You will need both hanging and floor shelves for all sorts of little things. Older girls will be happy to tell their parents what they would like to see in their nursery, what the play area should be like and how to store toys.

As for a room with a large area for a teenage girl, then the approach to zoning should be even more serious than for younger children. If a child is fond of or seriously engaged in some musical instrument, be sure to take a corner for music lessons, it will not be superfluous swedish wall, soft mats for gymnastics. Believe me, both boys and girls will rightly appreciate such a corner.

Style options in the design of children's rooms

The style of the room depends on the wishes of the owner of the room. The classic style will allow you to place enough overall furniture, choose the appropriate accessories, textiles. Minimalism will give more space for creativity or active games. So the choice is yours and yours.

But whatever the interior of the room, first of all, think over the high-quality lighting of the room. It is best if it is multi-tiered, with illumination of each zone separately. Stretch ceiling can be decorated with spotlights, the placement of which will resemble the starry sky.

Dear parents, choosing the style of the room. in which your child will live, be sure to listen to the wishes of your daughter. Do not forget, no matter how much you like this or that interior - this is the room of a little man who has the right to his personal opinion and preferences.

Rather, the choice of the girl will fall precisely on modern styles, so let's take a closer look at them.

Modern in the girl's room

Note that the Art Nouveau room is liked by all generations. Children love this style for the opportunity to make the room colorful, interesting, individual. This style allows you to combine bright accents in the room with smooth lines of furniture. Multi-colored cabinet doors with stickers, a bed in the form of a car or a flower, what else does a little princess need.

Modern can be transformed with the age of the child, adjusting to new realities. It doesn’t matter if a boy or a girl, a young man or a girl, are the main owners of the room, the Art Nouveau style is universal.

Classic as a style option in the nursery

Classic is always stylish and monumental. However, use it in small spaces not recommended as the furniture classical style massive, made from natural wood, can be combined with metal inserts. Such a headset in a small room will put pressure on the child and will visually reduce the room even more.

The walls in such a room play a secondary role, often they are simply painted in discreet colors.

The ceiling is made white or a few colors lighter than the main color of the room. The main role in the interior of the classics is played by all sorts of little things. If it is textiles, then the curtains and bedspreads are necessarily made from rich fabrics, the curtains are multi-level. Lighting - luxurious chandeliers with crystal decor, reminiscent of palace luxury. In a word, classic is the luxury of palace halls.

Children's room in high-tech style

This modern interior style is not often found in children's toddlers and children under the age of 14. The age category that will gladly choose this style is teenagers. Hi-tech combines high tech, furniture of this style is distinguished by straight lines, sharp corners. Often, young people choose light gray or metallic shades for themselves, replacing the doors of hinged and floor sections with glass or plastic. Hi-tech is only modern materials, a lot of innovations and electronics. Most often, this style is chosen by young men, but often girls also like this style.

Minimalist room

A distinctive feature of this style is the minimum amount of furniture. That's where the name came from. We note right away that children are very fond of this style for a large number of free space. For children under 10 years old, it is better to decorate a room using a mixed style option, since a minimum of furniture for a baby is a plus, but boring furnishings without bright accents and decor are a minus. Combine and create coziness in the nursery.

For girls from 12 years old, a minimalist style should be chosen only if they really like it.

Determining the furniture in the children's room

Furniture is one of the main components of any room. Children's furniture is a separate direction in furniture production, since different age requires a different approach functionality. However, there are a few simple rules. Based on which you can always choose the right furniture for your child:

  • Bed. For girls up to 3 years old prerequisite is safety during sleep, so you should buy furniture with sides, at least 25 cm high. For children after 7 years, this rule no longer applies, but the width of the bed is important for them, it should be at least 80 cm;
  • Desktop the student, firstly, must meet his height, and secondly, it is better to buy a table with a tabletop that is adjustable. This version of the table will allow you to customize the desk for a grown schoolgirl;
  • Chair. Despite the increased cost of chairs with an orthopedic back, try to purchase just such a chair. Pay attention to the fact that the back and seat height are adjustable at the chair, so you can make the chair comfortable for the child;
  • Cupboard. The height of the cabinets must be chosen based on the height of the girl. For kids, low structures are suitable, this will allow them to learn independence by putting toys in their places. At the same time, all moving and retractable parts of the cabinet must have high-quality fittings.

Wallpaper, how to make a choice

The modern market offers a wide range of wallpapers. As a rule, parents are lost and do not know how to choose the right wallpaper for the nursery. Let's take a look at what this finishing material, what are the positive and negative sides of one kind or another.

Wallpaper paper- one of the most common types this material. The masters call the positive properties of such wallpapers their naturalness and a wide range of patterns and colors. Such wallpapers are made from natural cellulose, they perfectly pass air, but, unfortunately, they are not durable. Although many parents do not consider this a negative, since young children very often draw on the walls, accordingly, they again have to do repairs. Decorating the children's room paper wallpaper choose pastel or light colors. Such shades have a positive effect on the psychological, as well as emotional condition child.

Vinyl wallpaper (vinyl)- a type of wallpaper that is strictly forbidden to be glued in a nursery. The fact is that upper layer- this is foamed vinyl, and kids very often like to pick walls and can accidentally swallow a piece.

Another type of wallpaper is the so-called eco wallpaper made from natural ingredients. Fabric, cork, vegetable wallpaper, for environmental friendliness, is ideal for a child's room, but there is one drawback - their high cost. This view can be used in the interior of the room of a responsible son or daughter who will take care of them.

Most suitable option to decorate the room photo wallpaper and also wallpaper anti-marker. Both types are wonderfully cleared of stains, drawings with felt-tip pens and pencils. A wide palette of colors, all kinds of patterns, allow you to choose wallpaper for certain interior and at the request of the child.

The choice of curtains in the design of the girl's room

Curtains in the nursery are an element of decor that is matched to the style of the room. When choosing them, adhere to the following rules:

  • cornice, it is better if it is made of natural materials. The eaves should be attached to the wall at least at three points, and even more often is better. Curtains and tulle should have high-quality fasteners to the eaves, since in the nursery they will be subjected to more tests than in other rooms;
  • The best option would be textiles made from natural fabrics. If you don’t want to hang tulle separately, limit yourself to blackout curtains only at night;
  • the color scheme should match the style of the room, but give preference light colors. If the room is finished in soft colors, then the textiles can be more saturated and bright. Play with contrast. But don't use on windows dark curtains. This negatively affects the psyche of the baby.

Ceiling design in the children's room

Starting to repair and build separate world for your child, first of all, think over all the details, since it is quite difficult to make changes during repairs. A holistic picture of the design of the room will help you create a fairy tale.

The ceiling, although not the main component of the interior, but without it, the repair seems to be incomplete. Ceiling finishes can be made various materials from paint to suspended ceiling or foam ceiling tiles. Today we will focus on suspended ceilings as a finishing option.

By design, such ceilings can be. Both single-level and multi-stage. The main limitation in choosing ceiling structure is the height of the room, but do not be upset, because the hinged structure takes no more than 7 centimeters in height. For an airy feeling, it will be enough to attach a glossy ceiling to the plasterboard frame. Read more.

Multi-stage ceilings make it possible to create the finishing touches to the chosen design. Experienced craftsmen can fulfill almost all the wishes of the child and parents.

As an example, the highlight of the interior can be a ceiling in the style of "starry sky", when the built-in lighting creates the illusion of the night sky. Girls will definitely like the design in the form of a flower or the sun. Get furniture with curved lines, and the design of the nursery for the girl will have a complete look. High-class builders can even make a painting on the ceiling, based on the wishes of a small client.

A budget option for finishing is either glued wallpaper. Yes, this option is cheaper, but more practical, because the child grows very quickly, and you can always update the room. Painting the ceiling in all the colors of the rainbow is considered original, but then the color of the walls should be neutral so as not to overload the child.

Children's room design for two girls

Very often in families there is no way to allocate a separate room for two children at once. Often, when children are of the same sex, they are placed in the same nursery. Well, when the age and characters of the girls do not differ much, then it will be easier to choose a style. Otherwise, the parents will face a very difficult task.

A children's room for two girls should reflect the preferences of each of them, while it is necessary to rationally use the allotted area. Often used to save space bunk bed where the older girl sleeps on top, the younger one sleeps on the bottom.

This approach allows you to divide the room into several play and work areas, for each girl separately. We recommend that parents take a closer look at furniture - transformers. Compact and multifunctional furniture allows you to free up space to the maximum. Choosing a closet as a basis - a bed, you can create the best option for you. Just keep in mind that children younger age this option will not work, but older girls, I think, will appreciate this approach.

The issue of zoning the premises must be approached carefully. If space permits, make 2 workplaces, as a last resort, let it be one, but long table. The number of storage spaces (shelves, pull-out and hinged, bedside tables) plan equally for each. This will teach girls to order. Places for storing clothes can also be made individual, for this one, but a capacious closet is suitable.

Zoning of the premises can be carried out using individual accents when decorating a room. Certain accessories will allow children to understand where their corner is. So, the boy's zone, most likely, will be decorated with models of airplanes, cars and other real men's toys. In the zone of the girl, there will be a lot of dolls and girlish little things.

Design of a nursery in a small room (Khrushchev)

Everyone knows that the so-called "Khrushchevs" are small rooms and small kitchenettes. But even on such an area you can create paradise for the little princess. It is enough to install the required number of light bulbs and fixtures, use only light shades in the interior, and the room will look different.

When making repairs in such a nursery, consider whether you need to change the location of the doorway () and how to expand the room. There are several methods for this:

  • when decorating walls with wallpaper, glue wallpaper with horizontal stripes near the window, this will visually raise the ceiling;
  • decorate the long wall with the help of lighting, and the opposite wall with the help of a mirror. This will make the room visually more regular in shape;
  • don't forget good lighting. With it, you can carry out zoning of the nursery;
  • An alternative option for backlighting can be murals, which depict an abstraction or a picture with a perspective.

Depending on the final vision of the room, the flooring can be made dark, in contrast to the main color, or vice versa - light, then the room will seem even more spacious. Designers call white shades, which are diluted with bright decor accessories, the best option for small rooms.

Play up the room with mirrored frames, self-adhesive pictures of your favorite cartoon characters in the play corner, original furniture and pretty curtains.

As you can see, it doesn’t matter what area your room is, and how many children will live there, you can always choose the best option that will satisfy both parties.

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Designing a small room requires careful planning and attention to detail. What if it's also a child's girl? The task becomes doubly difficult! In this article, we will talk about how to create the perfect girly interior in a small space, from choosing colors to choosing accessories. And here you will also find 30 inspirational photos of little girls' bedrooms from toddlers to teens.

Design, style and colors

First you need to decide on the style and colors future interior, taking into account small area, the wishes of the parents and, of course, the tastes of the mistress of the room.

If the room is very small (from 5 to 8 sq.m.) or there is not enough light in it, then white should be chosen as the main color. The fact is that white really pushes the walls apart, reflects and scatters light. In addition, it is always easier to modify and fill with bright details.

Other neutral and space-enhancing colors are light gray or beige.

If you still want the background of the room to be colored, then choose light, not saturated shades, for example, light green, powdery, light blue, lavender, etc.

The following photo slider shows examples of color schemes for little children's girls.

  • Having decided on the main shade (wall color), choose two or three additional colors. Further, adhering to the compiled color three / four, you can create an ordered and uncluttered interior. For example, it could be a scheme: white + pink + green.

Here is a list of colors and shades that would look great in a little girl's room as accents:

  • Lilac and purple (with caution);
  • Yellow;
  • Coral;
  • Metallic color (gold, silver);
  • Blue and turquoise;
  • Green (light and natural shades).

Remember that a small room should not be too colorful and colorful. Bright colors should be present here only as accents.


With the help of a properly selected finish, a small children's girl can be noticeably enlarged.

  • If, then one wall can be decorated with horizontal stripes. laminate or parquet board in this case, you need to lay the dies across the room.
  • Low ceilings will visually lift the vertical striped or diamond wallpaper.
  • It is preferable to use wallpaper in a small room with a small and not too bright pattern, for example, such as in the interior in the photo below. Large elements on the walls will reduce the space.

  • The illusion of space will be created - a forest path, a city street, etc.
  • It is better to choose a parquet board or piece parquet with small lamellas and lay them diagonally or in a run.

sleeping area

The sleeping area takes up a lot of space in a small room, while the child spends the most time in it. Therefore, the girl's bed should be not only comfortable and beautiful, but also compact and functional. We offer the following ideas:

  • Couch - which can be transformed into a double bed or at least have drawers to store things. In addition, the advantage of the couch is that it can be easily turned into a sofa when girlfriends come to visit. The disadvantage of such a bed is only that it does not have sides, which means it is more suitable for teenagers and children from 6 years old.

  • - which will save space for a game, training or dressing area. True, only children who have reached the age of 6 with a restful sleep can sleep on such a bed. Below is an example of the design of a small children's room for a girl with a Stuva loft bed from Ikea.

  • bunk bed() - if two girls live in a small room, then a double bed is almost the only possible option. Below is an example of the design of a 5-meter children's room for two girls with a bunk bed.

  • Bunk bed- in it, the lower tier rolls out from under the upper tier. Such a bed due to its lower height is less traumatic and more suitable for young children. When buying such a model, pay attention to its width in full size.
  • Sliding bed- a single bed with a sliding frame can grow with the hostess of the room until adolescence.

Wardrobe and storage

How about in a small room of a lot of clothes, things and toys for a girl?

  • The space under the bed can be put to good use, even if it does not have built-in drawers. They will be replaced by plastic containers or special roll-out boxes on wheels, in which it is very convenient to store toys or out-of-season items of clothing.
  • If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is small, then you need to use its height to store things. Place above the door, above the bed, above the window, in the play area and / or above the desk are suitable for. The main thing is not to overdo it - a couple of shelves will be enough.

Instead of a separate wardrobe you should choose a built-in wardrobe, up to the ceiling. In this case, not a single centimeter will be wasted, but sliding doors save space. In this case, the depth of the cabinet can be reduced.

  • To store toys, you can use signature containers stacked on top of each other, wicker baskets, chests or boxes that you can sit on.
  • In the room of a girl of preschool and primary school age, books can be stored on narrow shelves, exposing them so that bright covers are visible.

study corner

  • A writing desk in a small girl's room should be comfortable, but not too big. Even for a teenage schoolgirl, a table 45-50 cm wide (instead of the usual 60 cm) and 70-100 cm long will be enough.
  • In a small room will be good training corner tables and folding tables.

  • A window sill can be an excellent study table if you replace its countertop with a deeper one and drill a few holes in it (to allow warm air to enter the window).

  • The study table can also play the role of a toilet. To do this, it is enough to buy a table with a folding top with a mirror.
  • The chair should be compact and slide into the table completely.

Game Zone

If your little girl doesn't have room for a kitchenette or a toy tea table, here are some ideas to help you set up a play area:

  • Ballet barre with a mirror on the wall - a large mirror will visually enlarge the space, enhance lighting and help in choosing outfits. Well, the ballet barre will not take up much space, but it will make the room more interesting.

  • What girl doesn't like to draw and play "teacher"? To save space, instead of a bulky easel, hang chalk wallpaper on the front of a closet, wall piece, or door.

  • Wall-mounted - such a house is now at the peak of children's interior fashion, it looks beautiful and takes up so little space. You can make it with your own hands, buy it on the Internet, or search for craftswomen on Instagram.

Accessories and decor

  • Curtains should be hung light, without embellishments and thick folds. Roman blinds, roller blinds, panel blinds are well suited for small bedrooms.
  • Creating uniform lighting - important condition small space design. In addition to the central chandelier or instead of it, it is desirable to install around the perimeter. Another option is to hang a few or arrange a couple of table or floor lamps.

  • For zoning space on the floor, you can lay a carpet. Well, if it is round or striped - such rugs will "work" to push the walls apart.
  • So that the girl’s perfectly furnished room does not look like an exhibition bedroom in furniture showroom need to personalize the interior. Here's an idea for you - buy a cork or wooden board framed and let your daughter decorate it herself. Photographs, drawings, candy wrappers, certificates, concert tickets, magazine clippings or small memorabilia will reflect the character and interests of the mistress of the room. You can hang such a board over a desk or any other place.

  • Much attention should be paid to the choice of bed linen, bedspreads and. The design of the bed should not be too colorful, but must be beautiful.
  • A mirror is a must in any lady's bedroom design. If the cabinet does not provide for its presence, then you can hang the mirror on the wall or door. Moreover, it is recommended to hang a large mirror - in full growth. This will make the room appear larger.

And finally, the last tip: do not overdo it with the decor. Try to decorate the interior beautifully, but rather concisely, otherwise the room will seem even smaller and less neat.


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