Garden hibiscus: care and propagation, planting and replanting Chinese roses, tree and herbaceous hibiscus: cultivation and how it overwinters, photos and videos. Hibiscus, planting and care Outdoor hibiscus care

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Thanks to the work of breeders, ornamental hibiscus now has more than 500 species and varieties, among which every gardener can find the right one. Garden hibiscus It is distinguished by large, bright funnel-shaped flowers and dense greenery.

Selecting a location

The planting site should be light or semi-shaded. Although hibiscus tolerates frosts down to -25 degrees, it is still thermophilic. For cool climates, there are special hardy varieties, often non-double.


Garden hibiscus is planted in the spring. Young plant you need to protect from the wind, and at first from frost.

Preparing mail

The ideal soil composition for hibiscus is 5 percent perlite, 45 percent hardwood bark and 50 percent peat. It should contain a sufficient amount of organic matter and be slightly acidic, for which it is recommended to keep the pH level within the range of 5.5 to 6.5.

For more information about planting and caring for hibiscus, watch the video:

Features of landing

First, you need to dig a planting hole slightly wider and deeper than the container from which the hibiscus is transplanted.

Be sure to check the drainage. IN mounting hole To do this, pour a gallon of water. If it disappears within an hour, then the pit is ready to accept a new green guest. At the same time, the soil must absorb moisture well, otherwise the hibiscus will die from drought. Ideally, in the same hour, water from the surface of the earth penetrates into it to a depth of 30 centimeters.

If the hole and the soil as a whole have passed the test, you can begin planting. After watering the hole, seedlings are placed into it. The colder the climate, the deeper the hole should be. If the climate is warm, it is recommended to leave the upper part of the plant roots above the ground.

If we are talking about landing seeds, then they need to be placed in a tray filled with damp organic fertilizer, at a distance of half a centimeter from each other.

They are sprinkled with soil on top and watered. They need warmth and sunlight to germinate. The result will be in three weeks. When the hole with the plant is filled with soil, it needs to be watered two or three times.

To choose climbing plants for the garden, read.


Garden hibiscus propagates by seeds, cuttings and division.

Seeds Hibiscus are found in pods that form within the flowers. After ripening, the pods open and the seeds fall to the ground, where they easily germinate on their own. For planting in a new location, the seeds are collected when the pods turn brown.

Cuttings garden hibiscus is carried out in June or October. To do this, the pagon is cut obliquely from the top of the bush with pruning shears. Lower leaves deleted. Before planting, the pagon is placed in water. A hole is made in a pot of soil and filled with half a teaspoon of growth accelerator powder.

The cuttings are placed at a distance of five centimeters from the surface of the earth, covered tightly with soil and watered. Using film and a frame, a small greenhouse is created around it.

Germination requires heat and light, but not direct sunlight.

To propagate a hibiscus bush, you can divide. The rhizome is torn by hand or cut with pruners. This should be done exclusively in the spring. After planting, the plants need to be fertilized and watered.

Caring for garden hibiscus

Fertilizers and fertilizing

Hibiscus needs nutrient feeding and watering in hot, dry weather.

In summer, hibiscus should be watered once a week with diluted liquid fertilizers or add potassium compost to the soil.

In winter, fertilizing should be completely abandoned.

The bush needs moderate nitrogen consumption. Excess nitrogen is just as harmful as too little.

Hibiscus does not tolerate large amounts of phosphorus. Because of it, the plant may die from starvation.

To prevent the roots from rotting, the soil must dry out between waterings. If the soil contains a lot of sand, then watering will have to be increased quantitatively, and upper layer Fertilize the soil additionally.

Beautiful hibiscus flowers will justify all the effort put into caring for them.


Only garden tree hibiscus needs regular pruning. It is carried out before winter or at the beginning of spring. The branches are cut just above the nodes. Dead and weak shoots are removed.


Winter is a difficult time for some hibiscus varieties. For the preservation and development of the plant, you need to follow several recommendations:

  1. Before the onset of cold weather, it is necessary to irrigate the plant once and abundantly. In frosty conditions, hibiscus should not be watered under any circumstances.
  2. A few days after watering, the bush is earthed up and pruned.
  3. At the end of November, when temperatures are below five degrees, the plant needs to be insulated with mulching. Young bushes can be covered with film.
Read about how to make drainage on a site with your own hands.

Pest and disease control

The color attracts insects, including pests, to hibiscus. They dry out the leaves, infect them with infections, and lay eggs in the buds.

Spider mite creates on the leaves yellow spots. Thrips infect the buds. Gall midges lead to kidney failure. Whiteflies and mealybugs cover the leaves with white spots, and aphid and completely destroys them. Rocky snow covers the bark with whitish specks. Fungus gnats, small black insects, lay eggs and eat the plant. Ants eat nectar.

Hibiscus leaf affected by spider mites

Each disease and pest has its own methods of control. They are accessible and simple.

Thus, pesticides are used to combat aphids or ants, while ordinary pesticides help against fungus gnats. washing powder, liquid soap or dishwashing detergent, which are added to the fertilizer and sprayed around the diseased bush.

Varieties of garden hibiscus

There are about 500 varieties and types of hibiscus. Only three types are considered the most popular:

  1. Syrian hibiscus loved by gardeners for its rich, variegated colors. Grows slowly, lives to be a hundred years old clay soil. Frost-resistant. Among the popular varieties: terry purple " Ardens" and pink and white " Lady Stanley", simple blue-violet " Blue Bird" and dark crimson or purple " Woodbridge».
  2. Hibiscus hybrid has large inflorescences. This heat-loving species is perennial. The most popular varieties are: “ Albus" with white flowers, 'Diana' with wavy edges, hot pink " RussianViolet" and terry, violet-blue with a spot of red " Violet Elar Double" Domestic breeders bred “Collective Farmer”, “Michurinets” and “Snezhinka”.
  3. Chinese hibiscus or otherwise, the “Chinese rose” is valued for its unpretentiousness. This plant is an evergreen with feather-like leaves. Mainly grows in indoor environments, but as a bulk, lush bush It also appears in gardens, if the climate permits. There are varieties such as red simple " Alicante", pink semi-double " Rosa", rich pink with red " Flamingo", yellow terry " Koenig».

Popular varieties of hibiscus are shown in the photo:

Hibiscus is an annual herbaceous or perennial tree plant, belonging to the mallow family, it can be divided into three groups:

  • shrub and subshrub;
  • herbaceous hibiscus;
  • tree-like.

Low-growing herbaceous species, reaching 80 cm, are good as individual plantings; they can successfully disguise unsightly places in the garden or unsightly outbuildings. A shrub that grows up to 3 meters will be an excellent flowering hedge with which you can zone a site. In a word, hibiscus is very good at landscape design.

In tropical countries, the streets of cities are decorated with low, densely flowering trees.

The shrub can be given almost any shape by pruning.

In temperate climates, the Syrian hibiscus has taken root better than all other species because of its frost resistance. In the indoor version, gardeners prefer Chinese hibiscus or, as it is most often called, Chinese rose.

Caring for them is slightly different indoor plant requires more effort to maintain it in a blooming decorative state. Although even during the dormant period, when the bush is simply green, it looks great in the interior.

Root system

Hibiscus root system mixed– there is a taproot, which is then covered with many shoots. Growing root system quickly, so indoor hibiscus option needed replant frequently as it grows.

Garden hibiscus does not need replanting, it can grow perfectly in one place for many years with good care.


Shrubs and small trees have a trunk covered with bark. You can grow standard plants, but only in tubs. Some gardeners plant two or three varieties with different shades of flowers for this purpose.

By intertwining their trunks as they grow, you can get a beautiful tricolor tree.

All types of hibiscus can be grown in gardens - herbaceous, shrubby and tree-like.

Flowers and leaves

Leaves of all varieties of hibiscus large (up to 5 cm) bright green. U different varieties leaves may be different shapes- simply oval, with a tooth along the edge and three segments. U Chinese rose the leaves are smooth and shiny, while those of the garden (Syrian) are matte, slightly pubescent.

Flowers- the main decoration of the plant - can be double or simple, red, pink, yellow, white and purple. However, the breeders have tried so that everyone can find a flower to their liking. Hibiscus flowers large– up to 13 cm in diameter.

Varieties with double flowers are less frost-resistant, therefore in regions with temperate climate it is better to grow hibiscus with simple flowers.

Garden hibiscus - cultivation and care

With little effort, hibiscus will decorate the garden from early June to early September with bright, continuous blooms. This tropical guest requires no more care than others flowering plants.

Choosing a place for hibiscus in the garden (light and thermal conditions)

Before planting hibiscus, you need to decide on a place where it will be comfortable. It must be chosen based on the characteristics of the plant and taking into account the fact that he may not need a transplant for many years.

Hibiscus will grow and bloom well on sunny place where there are no strong drafts.

He can still tolerate light partial shade, but strong shade will not suit him, this will negatively affect flowering.

Planting in open ground

Having chosen a place, you need to prepare it. The soil must be air- and water-permeable, so peat and sand must be mixed into the soil. Organic matter in the form of humus will also not hurt. Ideal option there would be more adding perlite and crushed tree bark. The soil reaction should be slightly acidic and well drained.

Then a hole is prepared for planting. Typically, the plant is transplanted from the container in which it was grown from seeds or cuttings. There must be a hole deeper and wider than this capacity. Before planting, pour about 5 liters of water into it. Once the water has soaked into the ground, the hole is ready for planting. The plant sinks vertically into the ground.

In cool climates, hibiscus should be planted deeper rather than warmer. In the southern regions, when planting, it is recommended to leave some of the roots above the surface of the ground.

Hibiscus planting is done in early spring .

Replanting garden hibiscus is practically not necessary. But if such a need arises, it should also be done in early spring and using the same technology as planting.


Hibiscus does not tolerate excess moisture, so you need to water it only after waiting for the soil to dry out. But you can’t overdry it either.

It is better to water abundantly, but not very often.

Air humidity

There are no special air humidity requirements for garden hibiscus. In the case when it is moved indoors for the winter (for example, a standard specimen grown in a tub), it must be spray.

Top dressing

Hibiscus will thank you lushly long flowering behind proper feeding. Plant loves fertile land, so during the season it needs to be fertilized every 2 weeks.

To do this, use fertilizers containing phosphorus and a small amount of nitrogen mixed with organic fertilizers. In preparation for wintering, potassium is added to the fertilizer so that the hibiscus tolerates well low temperature.


Hibiscus begins to bloom in mid-June and ends in early September. Its peculiarity is the life expectancy of the bud. Having blossomed in the morning, it can fade and fall off by the evening, and the next day it appears in this place. new flower.


Pruning is a necessary procedure for hibiscus. You need to prepare a tool for it - pruners, a knife, a small hacksaw, if the branches cannot be trimmed with a lighter tool. All this must be disinfected and sharpened. A blunt instrument can damage the plant.

The branches are cut obliquely, with the lower edge of the cut directed into the bush and the upper edge outward. Do not cut more than 23 branches long, as this may kill the hibiscus.

Only tree-like hibiscus and shrubs are subject to pruning.

Types of pruning

1.Spring pruning to stimulate flowering.

The structure of hibiscus is such that the bud is always formed at the end of the branch. Pruning branches in the spring to one third of last year's growth stimulates the growth of additional branches, at the ends of which flowers will bloom.

2.Thinning or hygienic pruning.

If the branches grow too densely, they need to be thinned out, removing weak and dried shoots, as well as old branches. At the same time, you need to inspect the plant for the presence of beetles that can eat fresh shoots with buds.

Diseased or damaged branches are pruned back to healthy tissue. The sign will be green color cut wood. If it is white, then this part of the branch is not alive.

3.Corrective pruning.

A bush that has grown greatly or has lost its shape can be pruned in order to return it to a beautiful, neat shape. Single branches that protrude strongly above the crown of the bush are pruned. Pruning is done approximately 13 lengths just above the nearest bud.

4.Radical pruning.

This is done if the plant is in danger of dying. All branches are cut off almost completely. If the plant has living tissue left, then we can hope that the bush can be reborn again.

5. Autumn pruning.

It is carried out in September, after the end of flowering. You cannot prune the plant in late autumn before the onset of cold weather, otherwise it will not be able to grow normally in the spring.

Young plants should only be pruned gently in the form of pinching I. In this case, only the tops of the branches are cut off so that they can branch and produce more flowers.

Hibiscus propagation

Hibiscus reproduces well and does not require special conditions for the growth and development of young shoots.

There are several methods of reproduction:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • dividing the bush.

Propagation by cuttings

  • Cuttings are cut from young shoots in the summer. They should have 2-3 growth points.
  • The cut is treated with root or other growth stimulant and planted in a 1:1 mixture of sand and peat.
  • The temperature must not be lower than +23 degrees. Rooting occurs approximately 3-4 weeks after planting.
  • Rooted cuttings are transplanted into a substrate of fertile soil with humus and sand and watered well.

Propagation by seeds

  • The seeds are pre-soaked for a day in a solution of a growth stimulator;
  • are also sown in a mixture of sand and peat at a distance of 5-7 mm from each other;
  • the container is covered with film or glass;
  • watering and ventilation are constantly carried out;
  • temperature regime not less than +25 degrees;
  • diving occurs when several leaves appear.

The soil with planted seeds requires bottom heating.

Hibiscus grown from seeds usually blooms in the third year.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

  • the bush is completely dug out of the ground;
  • With a sharp knife, the rhizome is divided into parts;
  • planted as described above in the “Planting in open ground” section.

Features of care in autumn

In the fall, hibiscus is prepared for a safe winter. To do this, light pruning and fertilizing with potassium fertilizers is carried out in September.

Before frost sets in, water the bush once and very generously. A few days later he is spudded.

In November, the plant needs to be insulated using mulching and shelter.

The branches are bent to the ground and covered with a special cloth.

You can place arches over the young bushes and cover them with fabric as well. This can be done when the outside temperature is below +5 degrees.

Problems, diseases and pests

Problems you may encounter when growing hibiscus:

  • falling off of established buds means lack of nutrition or excessive watering;
  • yellowing of the upper leaves and falling of the lower ones - an excess of iron in the water for irrigation;
  • an abundance of green mass and lack of flowering - an excess of nitrogen in the fertilizer;
  • drooping leaves - lack of moisture.

The disease to which this plant is susceptible is chlorosis. This fungal disease. It can be infectious or non-infectious. Infectious chlorosis is carried by insect pests, so first of all we need to fight them.

The diseased plant needs to be transplanted to another place, increased feeding and sprayed regularly.

Non-infectious chlorosis can occur if there is excess moisture or if the hibiscus grows in the shade. Need to transplant place it in a brighter place and adjust the watering regime.


Insect control products are insecticidal preparations, with which the bush is sprayed.

  • Petioles are prepared in the summer from a young shoot with three growth points.
  • The cut is treated with a growth catalyst (Kornevin) and planted in a mixture consisting of peat and sand in equal proportions.
  • Optimal temperature for keeping (+230C). The cuttings take root after 4 weeks.
  • The young plant is transplanted into a fertile substrate (soil, humus and sand).

Important! Planting of seeds or cuttings is carried out in spring period when the ground has thawed, environment warm, no chance of frost.

Sowing seeds:

  • Before planting, the seed is soaked for a day in a solution of a growth stimulator.
  • All are sown in the same substrate as in the first option (peat and sand in the same ratio) at a distance of 7 cm between each seed.
  • The container is covered with cellophane film or glass.
  • Regularly water and ventilate the crops.
  • The temperature should be +250C.
  • produced after the appearance of several leaves.

Important! The soil in which the seeds are planted needs bottom heating.

Bush division:

  • The bush is dug up completely.
  • With help sharp knife is divided into parts.
  • Planting should be done according to the rules described above.

There is no need to replant garden hibiscus. But if this need nevertheless arises, then this is done in early spring using a similar technology (see the section on plant propagation). Watering the shrub is often not recommended; it does not tolerate excess moisture. This should be done only when the soil underneath has dried out. However, you cannot overdry the soil. Watering should not be frequent, but abundant. There are no special requirements for air humidity. Except in cases where the bush is moved indoors for the winter. These are, as a rule, standard shrubs in tubs. Then they need to be sprayed periodically.

Hibiscus will generously reward you with flowering if you give it the right nutrition.

Shrub loves fertile soil therefore, it needs to be fed once every two weeks throughout the season. The fertilizer should contain phosphorus mixed with a small amount of nitrogen. Before wintering, potassium is added to the fertilizing, this will allow it to more easily tolerate low temperatures.

This is one of the important and necessary procedures for the plant. Pruning is done exclusively with sharp objects; blunt objects can injure the hibiscus. Trim the lower edge of the cut along the bias so that it is directed inward, the upper edge outward. It is not recommended to cut off 23% of the length of shoots or branches; this may lead to the death of the plant. There are several types of circumcision:

  • Spring. Stimulates flowering.
  • Thinning (hygienic). Damaged and painful shoots and branches are cut off. Signs: green color of the cut means healthy tissue; if the color is white, then it is dead.
  • Corrective. It is carried out with the aim of giving the bush the correct, aesthetic shape.
  • Radical. This is done when the bush is in danger of dying. IN in this case almost all shoots and branches are cut down to living tissue.
  • Autumn. Performed in September, when the plant stops blooming. This procedure cannot be performed later than autumn, otherwise in the spring the bush may not begin to grow.

Important! To a young bush They do gentle pruning, such as pinching, cutting off only the upper parts so that it can branch out and produce more flowers.

Problems when growing hibiscus:

  • The set buds or buds have fallen off - excessive irrigation or lack of irrigation.
  • The upper leaves turned yellow and the lower ones fell off - excess iron in the water with which the plant is irrigated.
  • Abundance of green mass, but no flowering - excess nitrogen in the fertilizing mixture.
  • Leaves droop - insufficient watering.

A disease that hibiscus often suffers from is chlorosis. It belongs to fungal types of diseases, it can be infected or uninfected. The first is carried by insects, therefore, they must be dealt with initially.

Advice! The diseased shrub needs to be transplanted to another place, regularly sprayed, and increased feeding.

Uninfected chlorosis develops when there is excess moisture, or if the plant for a long time located in a shaded area. In this case, it is transplanted to a brighter place and the watering is adjusted.


  • Fungal insects lay their eggs on it and eat the bush.
  • Aphids are considered a carrier of infection, damaging the entire bush.
  • Mealybug and spider mites– cover the foliage with white or yellowish spots.
  • Thrips and gall midges attack flowers, causing them to fall off.

Pest control agents are insecticidal preparations; they should be sprayed on a diseased bush. Advice! A soap solution fights fungus gnats well; it can be added to feeding and sprayed around the hibiscus.

The plant has found its use not only as a crop, but also in medicine and cosmetology. It can even be used as a healing remedy for certain diseases. It contains: hibisic acid, pectin, anthocyanins, flavonoids and phytosterols. If you have a plant in your home, you can make a healing drink from its flowers.

To do this you will need: 2 tablespoons of crushed color, pour boiling water over it (400 ml will be enough), let it brew a little and strain. This infusion (red) has the following properties:

  • Diuretic
  • Choleretic
  • Antibacterial
  • A separate bush in the heart of the lawn.
  • On both sides of the path there is an alley of hibiscus. It looks amazing.
  • Together several bushes of different colors
  • With low-growing coniferous plants.
  • How .

It doesn’t matter how or with whom you plant the shrub, it will look good everywhere, the main thing is that it has little wind and enough sunlight. In general, garden hibiscus is an unpretentious plant. If you apply and follow all the recommendations, it will reward you with gorgeous colors, colors and lush greenery.

More information can be found in the video:

Flower lovers will ask: how to properly care for garden hibiscus? How to plant it successfully? We will try to give a complete answer to all these and many other questions.

In order for the hibiscus to take root well and please the eye for for long years, you need to choose the optimal place for growing it and good care. It is important to choose an area that is generously illuminated by the sun, but at the same time inaccessible to the winds. The soil should be fertile, light and breathable and sufficiently moist.

So it's chosen suitable site. Let's start landing. This process includes the following steps:

  • You need to dig a hole that is approximately twice the size of the plant’s root system.
  • It is necessary to lay drainage at the bottom. It can be made from broken bricks, crushed stone or expanded clay.
  • We lay layers of sand and compost in the following sequence: sand, compost, sand.
  • We immerse the seedling in the hole, while the root collar should be slightly buried.
  • Fill the rest of the hole with a mixture of garden soil, peat and sand. The proportion should be 2:4:1.
  • We hill up and water the plant.
  • Fill the remaining hole with soil and level the tree trunk.

Rules for caring for and growing in the garden

Garden perennial hibiscus is not difficult to care for. But it still needs to be watered regularly after the soil is completely dry. IN hot weather It is necessary to water more often and moisten the soil with moisture.

The soil around the plant requires constant loosening. It is important to get rid of weeds and other grass, as they can harm the hibiscus.

Nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers are applied during the growing season, at intervals of 2 times a month. Next, they add potassium supplements, but this is closer to autumn.

To prevent the bush from thickening, it is necessary to remove old branches in a timely manner. This is especially true when young shoots begin to grow.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the flowers bloom for only one day and therefore they must be removed when they fade. This will free up space during the period of abundant flowering.

Proper rooting of hibiscus

The root system of the plant is represented by a central rod from which shoots emerge. If the hibiscus gets enough nutrients, then a transplant is not needed. Otherwise, the pit for transplantation must be prepared in advance; it is made with a reserve so that the root can get used to the new conditions.

Nutrient composition for laying out in the transplant pit:

  • 2 parts of turf land;
  • 2 parts leaf soil;
  • 1 part of ripened humus;
  • 1 part coarse sand.

A bucket of water is poured into the hole, then the roots of the plant are installed. After this, they begin hilling and watering. The earth should settle around the flower.

It is important to replant to a new location before flowering begins in the spring. The roots from above must be removed, while the rest are moved along with the earthen lump. The crown is trimmed a little.

After transplantation, hibiscus also needs feeding. The same phosphorus-potassium fertilizers would be ideal. By the way, potassium will repel aphids.

Tree hibiscus can be grown in tubs or pots if the climate does not allow it to be done in the ground. When growing several plants in one box, their trunks intertwine and create an unusual composition. You can see this in the photo.

With the onset of spring, when new shoots appear, it is recommended to remove old branches. This is necessary so as not to interfere with new blooms. Last year's shoots are shortened by about a quarter. By systematically removing branches, you can achieve the desired shape.

Types of pruning:

  • Stimulating. It is held in early spring.
  • Thinning. This is how weak or old shoots are removed.
  • Corrective. Giving shape to the plant.
  • Autumn. When the plant has stopped flowering.
  • Pruning for survival. At the same time, a minimum of the above-ground part of the hibiscus is left.
  • Feeding and fertilizers for hibiscus

Feeding rules

Garden hibiscus should be fed 1-2 times a month.

It is advisable to apply fertilizer in the evening, when it is not hot outside. This way, the distribution and absorption of nutrients will be faster and harmful substances will not be released under the influence of sunlight.

A couple of hours before applying fertilizer, the soil is moistened with water at room temperature.


  • Manure. This is the simplest organic fertilizer, it suits almost every plant and saturates it with essential nutrients. But it is still important to observe moderation, because organic matter can also harm hibiscus if used without moderation. Use this component only when it has been left for a couple of days and has dried out a little. Feed in the proportion of 2 tablespoons per 2 liters of soil. This mixture is suitable for feeding even one-year-old hibiscus.
  • Peat humus tablet. Analogue of manure.
  • TO mineral supplements includes phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium. The following proportions are recommended: 1 part phosphorus: 2 nitrogen: 3 potassium. Bone meal and urea potassium magnesium are also suitable. Magnesium increases resistance to stress. Helps prevent leaf fall and yellowing.

Loosening and mulching hibiscus

To reduce the growth of weeds and prevent the soil from becoming too dry, it can be mulched. For this use:

  • Dry peat.
  • Sawdust.
  • Bark of tree.

What to do before mulching:

  • Remove weeds by their roots.
  • Water the ground.
  • Loosen to a depth of approximately 5 cm.
  • Wait a bit for the top layer to dry a little. This will prevent soil compaction when mulching.

Mulching will help retain moisture in the soil for more long time. This should be done in the spring, when the ground thaws and dries well. If you do this earlier, the cold soil will not thaw well due to the layer of mulch. This way you can simply freeze the roots. As a result, garden hibiscus may die.

Draft and hibiscus

The plant is very capricious in this regard. A draft can cause buds and leaves to fall off.

Rules for watering plants

You can understand how to water a plant correctly only with experience. In spring and summer it requires high humidity. The soil should be moist, but not very wet. At the same time, care must be taken to ensure that the soil does not dry out too much.

Pests of outdoor hibiscus include:

  • Aphid. small insect, transmitted by contact from a diseased plant. Young shoots and buds die. Leaves become sticky, curl and curl.
  • Spider mite. Prefers reverse side leaf. Forms a shell on it that looks like a spider's web.
  • Scaleworms. Waxy discharge on leaves or cuttings.
  • Scale insects. The attack appears as brown tubercles on the stems.
  • Gall midge. Yellowing and early falling of leaves and buds. The larvae settle inside the buds and feed on them.

Garden hibiscus can be propagated using:

  • Rhizomes. By dividing it. This is the most easy way reproduction. To do this, you need to dig up the plant and determine the main root. Mark the location of the cut so that the small annual roots are preserved. Chop the root into pieces. Ash is sprinkled on the cut to prevent it from rotting. The resulting root is buried in a hole, cut side down, and watered with warm water.
  • Using cuttings. Woody branches are cut off along with the buds in the spring. Place in a container with a special solution. It must be changed periodically. During education large quantity roots are transplanted into a pot with soil.
  • Using seeds. The herbaceous hibiscus is most suitable for this type of propagation. The seeds must be soaked for 10-12 hours in a special solution for root germination. Then they need to be washed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, dried, and wrapped in cloth and polyethylene. Place in a warm place and ventilate periodically. After the first shoots have already appeared, plant them in the ground. They need good care.

How to prepare a plant for winter

Winterization techniques:

  • Determination of hibiscus variety. Whether he is sensitive to frost or not. The heat-loving flower overwinters well in a pot.
  • Application of potassium fertilizers in the fall. It is important to complete nitrogen fertilization at this stage.
  • Water the plant once every 1-2 weeks.
  • Remove fallen leaves and debris.
  • Mulching the earth. Approximately 5-8 cm. Old layer needs to be removed.
  • You can cover the plant with a cloth.

Hibiscus diseases

Non-infectious chlorosis. It manifests itself as a weak color of flowers or a complete absence of flowering. Leaf spotting and yellowing may be present. This is the result of a lack of microelements: nitrogen, iron, potassium, magnesium.

Infectious chlorosis. It manifests itself as falling and yellowing of leaves, lack of flowering and weakness of the plant. It can happen due to infection with viruses, fungi and microbes.

Sunburn. Appears as white spots on the foliage. Occurs when exposed to direct sunlight.

Vascular withering. Signs: wrinkling of branches, death of the entire plant. This is a fungal infection of the Chinese rose.

Some gardening tricks:

  • The Syrian rose loves the sun, but during strong sunshine it is advisable to cover it a little.
  • The soil temperature should be at least 12 degrees.
  • It is important not to forget about fertilizing.

In conclusion, we can say that only complete care will guarantee good flowering hibiscus. It is important to treat the plant as if it were alive and surround it with love and care, and then the result will not be long in coming.

The tropical guest - hibiscus, fell in love with Russian flower growers and became a frequent inhabitant of personal plots, residential and office premises. Therefore, for many beginners and experienced gardeners current topic: hibiscus bush planting and care. Let's get to know interesting plant closer.

Hibiscus is an ornamental or indoor shrub of the Malvaceae family. The plant's homeland is Southeast Asia. The shrub is quite tall (up to 4.5 m), has dark green leaves on petioles and large (16-30 cm in diameter) beautiful flowers different shades. Despite the fact that each bud blooms only for a day, hibiscus bushes are distinguished by long-term flowering, which begins in the spring and lasts until late autumn.

Hibiscus seeds

Pollination under natural conditions is carried out by insects; after flowering, the pollinated shrub bears fruit. The fruits look like capsules containing seeds.

Landscape designers and amateur gardeners can choose the most unusual from a variety of varieties and species; more than 200 types of plants are widely used in decorative landscaping.

The most common type of garden hibiscus is Syrian hibiscus, planting and caring for which is accessible even to inexperienced gardeners. For the middle zone, it is considered more advisable to breed herbaceous hibiscus (for example, Red King), decorated large flowers, and more frost-resistant.

Variety of varieties and types of Syrian hibiscus

Hibiscus species are used in landscape design in different ways:

Swamp hibiscus with big flowers, reaching a diameter of up to 12 cm, is often used to create hedges. The same function is performed by the tree hibiscus, which has bright flowers graceful shape (flower diameter - up to 10 cm).

Chinese hibiscus, blooming all year round, is used not only for decorating areas. The petals of its flowers are used to brew a special tea - “hibiscus tea”.

Sour hibiscus is also often called annual maple. It has not only red flowers, but also the same carved leaves; it looks good both in a hedge and in a single planting.

Description of the most popular varieties of Syrian hibiscus

  • Hibiscus Syrian Blue Chiffon is a variety whose main feature is the color of its flowers. This variety is often called “chiffon” because of the tenderness of its petals. Blue chiffon attracts attention, because in nature the blue color, clear and pure, practically does not occur with a transition to blue.
  • Hibiscus Syrian Oziau blue. This variety also has blue flowers, but their central color is red.
  • Hibiscus Syrian Matilda is memorable with a red spot on the pink petals of the flower.
  • It is no coincidence that the Syrian Red Heart hibiscus is called “red heart”: the central part of its white flowers is red in color.
  • Hibiscus Syrian Ardens is distinguished not only by the compactness of the bush, but also by its flowers. Every double flower has a purple color.
  • Hibiscus Syrian Duc de Brabant is equally good both in the form of a bush and in the form of a tree, colored with purple and red petals.


Professionals give different answers to the question of novice gardeners on how to propagate hibiscus. For this, cuttings are used, and cultivation from seeds is also often used.

  1. Cuttings

Trimming the youngest growth from the tops of the flower in summer period produces cuttings ready for propagation. Having treated them with a growth stimulant, they are first rooted in a greenhouse, and after transplanting into the ground, growing shoots are developed. To do this, cut the cuttings at a distance of 15 cm from the base, leaving the first bud of the shoot.

  1. Sowing seeds

Seed propagation is often used for swamp hibiscus. Growing herbaceous hibiscus from seeds is also effective. Such reproduction can be carried out in sufficient time long terms, at home, sowing begins in January and continues until April. Before sowing the seeds, they are soaked in water for 12 hours, and after that they can be planted in a prepared soil mixture of peat and sand. A container box with planted hibiscus seeds is placed in a warm place with a constant temperature of 25-27°. Hibiscus is characterized by rapid germination. The sown shrub is regularly sprayed after sprouts appear, and at the age of 3 full sheets transplanted into a pot.

  1. Graft

Another one is vaccination. This gardening process will be done traditionally, using a good cutting. To comply with all the rules, novice summer residents are recommended to watch the video presenting a training master class by the experienced Sergei Marinkov.


Planting garden hibiscus consists of several stages

  • Selecting a location

When using open ground, the following rule should be observed: ornamental shrub Grows well in a free sunny place, protected from the wind. And the varieties of swamp hibiscus mix, in addition to the sun, are also demanding on increased levels of moisture.

  • Preparing the planting hole

The size of the hole is determined by the size of the root system of the seedling with a lump of earth. The planting hole should be twice the size of the hibiscus rhizome.

The filling of the planting hole is as follows: 15 cm - drainage, then in layers: sand - compost - sand.

  • Landing

A hibiscus seedling is placed in the hole and sprinkled soil mixture so that the root collar is lightly sprinkled. Composition of the mixture for sprinkling: turf, peat, sand in equal quantities.

After planting, the seedling is hilled up, at the same time a ditch is made around it for irrigation and watered abundantly.


A southeastern resident by origin, hibiscus is quite unpretentious and does not expect any special approach, however, caring for and growing the plant requires following certain rules.

  • Watering

Hibiscus needs plenty of watering. In the hottest weather or in arid regions in the summer, the shrub is watered every day. In spring, autumn, cool weather or when planting in middle lane Watering is carried out after the soil around the plant has completely dried.

  • Loosening

A prerequisite for the full development of the shrub is regular loosening, which will enrich the soil with air. This has a beneficial effect on the plant, as does the weeds removed during loosening

  • Mulching

A layer of mulch (sawdust, dry peat, tree bark) keeps the soil moist and at the same time gets rid of weeds.

  • Top dressing

During the growing season, as well as before the onset of autumn cold, the plant is fed with potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers.

  • Trimming

In the spring, weak, damaged branches are pruned, as well as some of last year's growth to stimulate the appearance of young shoots. During the flowering period, to extend its life, it is also necessary to regularly trim off faded buds.

Preparing for winter

Hibiscus is frost hardy. Even the exotic herbaceous hybrid hibiscus tolerates winter well. It can spend the winter simply covered with snow. The photo shows a hibiscus overwintering in the garden, tied with burlap or spruce branches.

In regions with harsh winters and temperatures below 34°C, hibiscus overwintering in the soil may die. Therefore, the bush is dug up and moved to a heated room. So it can remain in the basement until spring, or it can develop in a pot, like an indoor flower.

IN the world- with harmony
Any street or area near the house will be transformed with the appearance of hibiscus

Many countries consider hibiscus theirs. It is no coincidence that a plant has several plants at once. In Sudan, hibiscus is called “Sudanese rose”, in Syria - “Syrian rose”. But this ornamental shrub is international. This rose can be yours too! Plant a hibiscus in your dacha, enjoy its flowering, drink hibiscus tea, and feel the harmony of the world you created with your own hands!


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