Wisteria multiflora vine. Growing and caring for Chinese wisteria

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Wisteria is an amazingly beautiful tree-like vine from the Legume family. Prefers a subtropical climate; under favorable conditions, it blooms profusely and for a long time. In southern countries, the plant is a welcome guest at any personal plot. You can most effectively use it to decorate arches, high brick walls, gazebos... Unfortunately, in middle lane In Russia, the liana does not feel so comfortable and, as knowledgeable gardeners say, it blooms more modestly. However, with good care, wisteria can be grown in both the central and northern regions of the country.

Wisteria: appearance features

The deciduous vine grows slowly, but its life expectancy is several decades. Its stems are tree-like, the bark is light brown, and the young shoots are pale green. The leaves are large, bright green, imparipinnate. The leaf can reach a length of 30 cm and usually consists of 7–13 small leaves. The flowers are small, collected in racemes. The color of the petals depends on the type of plant; most often, you can see lilac or purple wisteria, less often - white. The flowers emit a delicate aroma that spreads throughout the garden.

Before you start planting and caring for wisteria, you need to choose its type and variety. The most popular are 2 types of wisteria:

  • Chinese wisteria- a large vine, reaching a height of 20 meters, flowers of a delicate lilac color with a blue tint;
  • Wisteria profusely flowering (Japanese)- a more compact plant (length 7–10 m), flowers are small, purple with blue shades, found garden forms with pink, bright purple or white petals.

Choosing a site for growing wisteria

The soil on the site should be light, rich in nutrients, neutral or slightly alkaline in composition. A high content of lime in the composition threatens the loss of the decorative color of the leaves; they noticeably turn pale. When growing wisteria, one should not forget about drainage, especially if the soil’s natural composition is quite dense and heavy. Stagnation of water in the roots can be detrimental to the plant.

To achieve beautiful and long-lasting flowering, you need to allocate a lighted area for wisteria. It is good if it is in direct sunlight in the first half of the day, or, conversely, in the second. Thus, the ideal location is arches or gazebos facing east or west.

Daffodils, white tulips, and dark purple hyacinths will look great next to wisteria.

Growing wisteria from seeds

Graceful wisteria - planting and caring for it requires patience. Experts advise beginning gardeners to purchase a seedling, while more experienced ones can try growing seedlings themselves. You can buy a bag of seeds at a large flower shop or order it online.

Given the slow growth of the vine, sowing is carried out in the first half of December. The substrate selected is loose and moisture-permeable; it is better to prepare it yourself from the following components:

  • leaf soil - 4 parts,
  • turf soil - 1 part,
  • medium-grained sand – 1 part.

The resulting mixture is filled into a box, at the bottom of which several drainage holes. The substrate is moistened, seeds are sown on the surface in random order, and then sprinkled with a small amount of soil. The top of the box is covered plastic film or ordinary glass. Seed germination should occur at a temperature between +21 °C and +25 °C. When sowing Chinese wisteria, the box with the substrate should be kept in complete darkness, for example, in a closet or pantry. The first shoots will appear after 20–30 days, and they can be gradually accustomed to the sun. As soon as the plants have a second leaf, they should be thinned out; the strongest specimens should be planted in separate containers.

Residents southern regions in early spring can sow seeds directly into open ground.

Planting a wisteria seedling in a garden plot

Wisteria seedling - planting and care in the future is not much different from growing other garden plants. Seedlings purchased from a nursery or grown independently are planted in the garden in the spring, but only after the soil has warmed up well and the threat of night frosts has passed. Still, do not forget that the plant is a heat-loving species.

The planting hole is dug with dimensions of 60x60x50 cm, where 50 cm is the depth. To increase fertility, compost or humus is added to the soil, acidic compounds are diluted dolomite flour or a small amount of lime. Drainage made from fragments of ceramics and pieces of brick is placed at the bottom. Experts recommend applying complex mineral fertilizer for digging at the rate of 25 grams per 1 m² of site.

When growing wisteria in the northern regions, gardeners prefer not to take risks and keep it as a potted crop. As the seedling grows, a standard tree is formed; in the spring and summer, the tub with the plant is placed in the yard or on an open terrace, and for the winter it is put into a cool room and watered periodically. In order for the vine to successfully overwinter, it is necessary to maintain the air temperature within +8–10 °C.

Features of caring for wisteria

Having planted wisteria on a site, it should be given special attention. The most important thing is to control the level of soil moisture.

Watering and fertilizing

Experienced gardeners It is recommended to water the vine more often, but little by little. It is necessary that the soil always remains moderately moist, but in no case soggy. It is especially important to prevent the soil from drying out in early spring, when the buds are forming; due to lack of moisture, they can crumble without ever opening. With the arrival of autumn, watering is gradually reduced. To make caring for wisteria easier after planting, it is recommended to mulch the circle around the trunk with mowed grass or compost. This will not only stifle growth. weeds, but will also keep the soil moist for a long time.

Starting in spring, the vines are fed every 10 days. It is advisable to alternate complex mineral fertilizers and organic matter, for example, mullein infusion in a ratio of 1:20. Once a season, it is necessary to water the wisteria with water with chalk dissolved in it (100 g of the substance per 12 liters of clean water).

Pruning and covering vines for the winter

To enjoy the beauty of blooming wisteria every year, you need to prune it twice a year. The first procedure is carried out after the vine has faded. All side branches are shortened, but not more than 2/3 of their original length. The second pruning is carried out in late autumn, after leaf fall. Both old side branches and young shoots are trimmed, leaving 4–5 buds.

To the delight of Russian summer residents, several winter-hardy varieties, capable of withstanding frosts down to -20 °C, this helps the plant survive the cold, but does not mean that it can overwinter without shelter. Growing wisteria in central Russia is a responsible step. To protect the root system, cover the ground around the base of the bush with a thick layer of mulch (15 cm). You can use peat, compost, dry oak leaves. Overgrown vines are removed from the supports and laid on the ground, while the plant needs to be littered with spruce branches so that there is no direct contact with the cold soil. Having laid the wisteria, it is covered with spruce branches, burlap or other suitable material.

Wisteria, which can often be found in Ukraine and Crimea, is not yet very common in Russia. And in vain - caring for it is not so difficult; you can grow wisteria at home, in pots and tubs. But it is difficult to imagine anything more beautiful than this plant. When wisteria is in bloom in the spring, it creates full impression that she came from the Garden of Eden. Caring for and growing wisteria is a fascinating activity.

Flower growers are interested in those types of wisteria that can successfully grow within Russia. First of all, this:

Chinese wisteria

From the name it is clear that its homeland is China. tree plant under favorable conditions it can reach a height of 20 m. However, in Russia it grows better in the southern regions, and, of course, in indoor conditions.

Dimensions large leaves reach up to 30 cm, and flower clusters - up to 40 cm. When such wisteria blooms, the spectacle is simply fantastic. Moreover, flowering can last all summer, and even extend into September.

Chinese wisteria - a liana - loves bright light, but will not die in the shade. As for the soil, it should be moist and fertile.

Regarding growing at home - such a large vine will naturally need regular pruning.

IN street conditions Wisteria can withstand temperatures down to -20°C, but such frosts should not be prolonged, otherwise the plant will die.

Frost-resistant (Blue Moon)

This wisteria comes from the other side - in nature it grows in North America. Its name translated into Russian sounds beautiful - “Blue Moon”. And it is much more suitable for growing in open ground on Russian territory.

Blue moon wisteria can grow up to 8 m. It has dark green leaves, and the flowers are bluish or with a purple tint. Wisteria blooms in June, and its flowering lasts up to 3 weeks.

It will successfully survive the Russian winter, as it can withstand frosts down to -40°C.

The plant prefers to grow on the south side of the site, where there is always enough sun, it loves black soil, and, unlike Chinese wisteria, does not require abundant watering.

Abundantly flowering or multi-flowered

And this luxurious wisteria comes from Japan. And although the size of the vine is not amazing - up to 10 m, the leaves and flowers of this wisteria are impressive. Leaves are up to 40 cm, and inflorescences are up to 70 cm.

It can bloom as early as the end of May and, unlike other wisterias, the flowers will bloom gradually. The colors are different - white, reddish, purple.

It can grow in Russia, but can only tolerate cold down to -25°C. Likes fertile, well-drained soil.

Planting wisteria at home

Planting wisteria at home is not that difficult. It is only important to follow certain rules.

Soil requirements

Wisteria prefers black soil or loamy soils. It is especially important for her that there was no stagnation of water on the site. In some cases, in order to grow this spectacular plant, the planting site is specially filled with fertile soil and drainage is provided.

Choosing a location

Wisteria should receive bright sunlight for at least 6 hours a day. So the landing site must be chosen taking this condition into account. Considering that blooming wisteria will “flow” like a waterfall along the wall of the house, the plant is usually planted on the south or southeast side of the building.

But at the same time, it is necessary that the wind does not interfere with the growth of wisteria, and that the plant has sufficiently reliable support.

How and when to plant?

If most plants are traditionally planted in spring or autumn, then the time of planting wisteria depends on how you intend to propagate it.

Seeds are planted in December in a greenhouse.

Cuttings take root better in the spring. They can be planted either in a greenhouse or in open ground, if the soil is fertile enough and it’s already warm outside.

Caring for wisteria at home

Caring for wisteria comes down to providing the plant with proper lighting, watering, and regular fertilization.

Temperature and lighting

Wisteria planted in the garden easily adapts to Russian temperatures, excluding areas with very cold winter. You need to choose a place that is well lit, where the vines are not threatened by drafts and strong winds.

For further successful growth, shoots must be tied up, and the plant itself must be provided with strong support.

Watering and fertilizing

The main requirement for watering is that it should be regular, but not excessive. That is, it is important that the soil at the roots of wisteria is always moist, but the plant cannot tolerate stagnant water.

As for feeding, in order for wisteria to reach its maximum size, had bright foliage and bloomed profusely, it needs to be applied throughout the warm season.

You can use compost, rotted manure, and complex fertilizers.

In spring, wisteria is fed once every 7-10 days, alternating organic and mineral fertilizers.

The liana is responsive to the addition of superphosphate, vermicompost, and peat. It is recommended to water the wisteria with chalk water from time to time.


This is very important point caring for wisteria. The number of flowers that appear on the vine will depend on how correctly the pruning is done. Wisteria is pruned 2 times a year according to a certain pattern.

During planting, the main shoot of the plant is cut off with pruning shears, leaving up to 90 cm and a strong bud. Side shoots are removed.

In the summer of the 1st year, the top shoot of the plant is tied vertically, and the side shoots are tied at an angle of 45 degrees.

In the winter of the 2nd year, the main stem is cut at a height of 80 cm, the side shoots are shortened by a third.

In the summer of the 2nd year, the main stem is tied to the support again vertically, and the side stems are tied at an angle of 45 degrees.

The main stems of the side branches are tied up, other branches are shortened, and the shoots are removed.

Starting from the 3rd year, similar actions are performed.

Winter care rules

In order for wisteria to survive the winter safely, it needs to be prepared for the cold season.

Trim dry shoots and remove dried flower brushes. The liana is untied and its branches are laid around the trunk. Afterwards it is covered for the winter. You can use special agrofibre, burlap or thick kraft paper. They try to insulate young plants additionally - they sprinkle them with mulch, pine needles, leaves, even soil. It is not advisable to use cellophane film to prevent the shoots from rotting.

Plant propagation

Wisteria can be propagated in several ways. If there is no nursery nearby, then the most simple option is planting seeds.

They are planted in November-December, in light and nutritious soil. The composition of the soil should include leaf soil, turf, and sand - approximately 1/6 of the total volume. It must be remembered that construction sand It cannot be used for this purpose, only river water.

Please note - the seeds are placed on the surface and then sprinkled thin layer sand The soil must be sufficiently moist. The top of the box is covered with film.

It is advisable to keep the container or box in a dark place when room temperature, water the soil from time to time.

Shoots appear after a month, but the plants are kept in the dark for another 2 weeks, and only then transferred to a lighted room.

With the appearance of the first leaves, each young wisteria is planted in its own pot. Gradually, the plants are hardened - by regularly ventilating the room or by moving the wisteria to the loggia or terrace.

Wisteria can also be propagated by layering. In the spring, the young stem is cut and placed in a box with soil, dug in, only the top of the stem should be at the top. In a year young plant transplanted to another place.

Another option is propagation by cuttings.

In autumn, a strong vine with buds is cut into cuttings. Until spring they are stored in the cellar, in damp soil. In spring, cuttings can be immediately planted in the ground, covered with jars or plastic bottles.

Diseases and pests

Since wisteria is poisonous, pests rarely attack it. And yet it happens. Beautiful green foliage can be ruined by caterpillars. If the number is small, they are collected manually, but if there are quite a lot of caterpillars, the wisteria is sprayed with biological preparations. Insecticides will help against aphids, and acaricides will save against ticks.

In general, wisteria - healthy plant, diseases pass her by.

Features of growing wisteria

Russia is so large that in its different regions, growing wisteria has its own characteristics.

In outskirts of Moscow

Everything is relatively simple here. Need to choose sunny place, and when planting the plant, provide drainage to the roots. The depth of the holes should be 25-30 cm. The plant is covered for the winter.

In the Urals

The Ural climate is colder. General rules caring for wisteria are preserved. The plant is provided with slightly alkaline soil, regularly fertilized, and protected from drafts. For the winter, a layer of peat chips is poured over the root system.

In Siberia

It must be taken into account that tender wisteria may not tolerate severe and prolonged frosts. The only thing worth growing in open ground here is “Blue Moon”. A good option Wisteria will be planted in a large tub.

With the onset of warm weather, the plant can be moved from the room to the street.

In the middle lane

In the middle zone, wisteria is cared for in the same way as in the Moscow region. It should be remembered that in some areas there are severe and prolonged frosts - taking this into account, the shelter must be of high quality.

In addition, you need to pay attention to the composition of the soil. Sand mixture enriched with fertilizers, clayey soil is “lightened” by adding humus, sawdust, and crushed bark.

If you follow all the rules of cultivation, wisteria will delight you with its luxurious flowering every year.

The light purple and white clusters of blooming wisteria leave no one indifferent. Starting in spring, this tree-like vine delights the eye with its flowering, which lasts all summer. In open ground, wisteria is widely distributed as ornamental plant. This article will discuss the features of planting and caring for this beautiful vine.

Varieties and varieties

The tree-like wisteria vine also has a second name: “wisteria”. The subtropics are considered their natural habitat, but cultivated species can grow in almost any climate, and some varieties bred by American biologists can withstand strong winter frosts without shelter and retain their flowering ability.

Wisteria - incredible beauty a liana that can be easily grown even in the north of Russia

There are 9 species of wisteria in total, but most often you can find several of them:

Planting wisteria

When planting wisteria, it is necessary to take into account that the plant is a perennial, and the place for it must be chosen according to long years. If you want to achieve maximum flowering, then you should choose a site where the vine will be in the sun for at least half a day. In addition to the sun, care must also be taken to ensure that the place is sufficiently protected from the wind, and that the soil is nutritious and well-drained. Wisteria prefers slightly alkaline soils.

It is best to plant wisteria in the spring, after the last frost has passed. Despite the fact that most varieties of wisteria are frost-resistant, young plants should not be exposed to risk again.

For wisteria, it is necessary to determine a sunny place on the site

Most often, wisteria is grown from seedlings. Before planting, the soil is dug up with mineral fertilizer, after which holes are dug 50 cm deep, into which young plants are placed.

If you plant wisteria from seeds, the vine will not begin to bloom soon. IN best case scenario after 5 years, but very often only by 10 years.

Wisteria care

Caring for wisteria begins with tying up young shoots. Since the vine grows for a long time and has a high windage capacity, the support must be durable and able to withstand wind loads.

Advice. It is best to tie the wisteria to a support, because independently weaving around a support can lead to the fact that in the fall it will be very difficult to remove the vine in preparation for winter.

The soil should not be calcareous, otherwise the wisteria leaves will lighten and lose their decorative effect.

Watering. Soil that is too wet can cause the plant to drop its leaves and buds. Therefore, moderation in watering should be observed from the beginning of flowering until the end of summer. In summer, you can carry out additional spraying so as not to flood the roots with water again. In September, watering should be kept to a minimum and the plant should be allowed to prepare for winter.

The soil around the wisteria should not be over-watered

Trimming. Very an important condition Wisteria flowering is ensured by timely and correctly pruned pruning. Wisteria flowers develop on last year's and even earlier vines. Sometimes on young shoots of the current year. Because for correct formation flower buds at the beginning of summer or at the end of May (depending on the wisteria flowering season), the shoots of last year are shortened, leaving no more than 30 cm.

In autumn, shoots of the new season are pruned by cutting off 4 buds. After which, in early spring, when tying the vine to the support, last year’s shoots are reduced by another 2 buds. By observing these simple rules By pruning, you will achieve the most decorative and lush flowering, which is so valued in wisteria.

Pruning wisteria

Preparing for winter. It is preferable to cover many varieties of wisteria for the winter, especially in the northern regions. Young shoots are considered the most vulnerable. In the fall, it is recommended to untie them from the support and lay them on the ground. The root part is buried in a thick layer of earth, and the shoots are covered with spruce branches, a layer of leaves or a special covering material. The older the plant becomes, the higher its frost resistance, and accordingly, the less it needs winter shelter.

Scheme: pruning and shaping the vine

Advice. At severe frosts Some of the young shoots still die, but you shouldn’t be upset about this, because this is exactly the material that needs to be pruned.

Fertilizer and feeding of wisteria

It’s impossible to take your eyes off the photo with blooming wisteria. To achieve the same flowering on your vine, you should pay a little attention to fertilizing. During active life, it is recommended to fertilize wisteria at least once a week, and it is best to alternate liquid mineral fertilizers with organic ones (for example, with mullein infusion diluted with water in a ratio of 1:20). One-time feeding in summer can be done chalk solution. To do this, you need to dilute 100 g of chalk in a bucket warm water and water the plant at the root.

There is no need to feed wisteria too often

Advice. Experienced gardeners remind us that wisteria belongs to leguminous plants Therefore, you need to be careful when using nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

Wisteria propagation

There are many ways to propagate this beautiful vine.

The easiest way to propagate wisteria is cuttings. In late autumn, the vine is cut from the bush, cut into cuttings, tied and put in a cool place, having first been buried in a damp base. In early spring, the vine is taken out of the basement and planted under plastic bottles. Can be planted either in a cold greenhouse or directly on permanent place dislocations. About half of the planted cuttings will take root.

In December you can try to propagate wisteria vaccination. It must be done exclusively on the roots, because the wood of the vine is too soft and it will not be possible to graft.

Wisteria propagates well by cuttings

Enough effective method reproduction is rooting of cuttings. In autumn, when all the leaves have fallen, the lowest shoots are slightly scarred, tilted towards the ground and sprinkled with soil so that only the tops remain on the surface. The shoots are ringed from the side of the mother bush in the spring, when the buds begin to appear. And in the fall it is necessary to check whether it has developed enough root system layerings. If the roots have not yet grown sufficiently, then the cuttings are left in this form for another year. If the root system has developed sufficiently, then the cuttings are dug up and planted in a new place.

Another common method of reproduction is winter cuttings. The best time for this is February. The shoot prepared in advance must be split lengthwise into two parts and the resulting halves cut into cuttings. The length of the cutting is about 5 cm, and there must be a bud in the center of each. The cuttings are planted in boxes, maintaining a small distance between them, and the soil is sprinkled with sand on top. The boxes are stored in a greenhouse until rooting.

young liana

Another method that brings almost 100% results is reproduction this year's shoots. In order for the root system to form faster, the lower edges of the cuttings must be treated with synthetic phytohormones in accordance with the instructions. After the cuttings have stood in the solution for 12 hours, they are washed with running water and planted in a greenhouse with a crumbly substrate prepared from equal parts of sand, soil and peat. You can plant the petioles in boxes, which need to be covered with glass and placed in light shade and watered once a day, maintaining sufficient soil moisture. When the first shoots appear, switch to moderate watering(once every three days). In the fall, move to a sunny place or remove the shading.

Wisteria seeds

Wisteria propagation seeds Many gardeners consider it ineffective, because the flowering of such vines may not begin, or may begin only after several years. Yes and decorative properties very rarely preserved. However, some seedlings produce unexpected results and young vines outshine the mother ones in their decorative qualities. Such findings are subsequently used for selection.

Seeds are sown in a greenhouse in mid-winter. When sowing directly into open ground, it is better to do this in early spring. Seeds germinate late. However, this method of propagation also has its advantages - plants grown from seeds are adapted to natural surprises from the first days and are much more stable and hardy.

Pests and diseases of wisteria

Wisteria is quite resistant to diseases, but from time to time it is subject to aphid occupation, which can be easily corrected with an insecticide. Some gardeners have also noticed incursions of the clover mite, which is successfully destroyed by acaricidal preparations. Among the diseases, wisteria can be overcome by chlorosis if you place your vine on alkaline soil. This disease can be identified by yellowing and falling leaves. As a treatment, it is necessary to fertilize with iron salts.

Clover mite

Wisteria in the garden

The bloom of wisteria is an unforgettable whirlpool of colors, in which long brushes of many shades - blue, red, white - flow down like an uncontrollable waterfall, emitting a sweet aroma. In Japan, a walk through a garden with blooming wisteria is equated to a walk through paradise.

Perennial flowers can be planted under wisteria

Very often in landscape design, wisteria is used as vertical gardening plot. Despite the fact that the vine occupies a minimum of space, its decorative effect is exceptional. With its help they decorate unsightly walls, fences and any other buildings and technical structures that can spoil the overall appearance. This vine will help zone areas, acting as a screen and creating natural shelter from the sun and wind. To create an original ensemble, try planting hyacinths and daffodils at the base of the wisteria. Hazel grouse, white tulips or wolfberry will look good against the background of wisteria. Numerous photos will tell you how best to decorate your garden with this beautiful vine.

Unpretentious in care, wisteria can please the eye of any fastidious gardener.

How to prune wisteria correctly: video

Wisteria: photo

Wisteria is a heat-loving plant, optimal temperature for which is 18 degrees. That's why It is possible to grow wisteria in open ground only in regions with mild winters . In colder areas, the flower can be grown in a tub. In autumn, the plant is brought into a room where the temperature will be within 10 degrees. In the summer they are taken out into the open air again.

Important! Temperatures below 20 degrees below zero are detrimental to wisteria.


Doesn't like the flower overwatering , this can lead to the shedding of leaves and buds. If dry wisteria is watered abundantly in spring, watering is reduced from the beginning of flowering until autumn to keep the soil moist. IN hot weather It is better to spray. In autumn, watering is practically stopped.


Wisteria is a light-loving plant. Perfect option to place the flower, south windows or glass balcony.


The flower loves fertile and well-permeable soil, so the substrate is well loosened before planting. The optimal soil composition for wisteria is: humus, sand, peat, clay and turf soil in a ratio of 1:1:1:3. This mixture contains a lot nutrients, which contributes active growth and flowering. The plant does not tolerate chalky and damp soil, so it is advisable to have a drain for water. In this case, chlorosis can develop - the leaves lose color and become lighter.


Pruning must be carried out to stimulate abundant flowering. The first pruning is done in summer time immediately after the wisteria has bloomed. All side shoots are shortened by a third.

The second pruning is carried out after the plant has shed its leaves in late autumn. All shoots are shortened so that there are up to 5 buds left on them. Flowers form from them in the spring.

You can grow a standard tree. To do this, select one shoot and remove the rest. When the shoot reaches a certain height, it is cut off, allowing the crown to form in its upper part.

Top dressing

During the period of bud formation and flowering, the plant is fed liquid fertilizer once a week. It is advisable to alternate mineral and organic fertilizers.


For growing wisteria at home, it is better to choose clay pot. If the plant requires replanting, the container is selected to be 2 cm larger in circumference than the previous one. Before planting, it is advisable to wash the pot and scald it with boiling water.


  1. First, the flower is watered abundantly.
  2. The holes in the bottom of the pot are filled with drainage, then sand is poured in, and then filled with earth to about two centimeters.
  3. The plant is carefully removed from the previous pot without disturbing the root system.
  4. The roots are freed from the previous substrate and the plant is placed in a layer of soil in a new pot.
  5. The space between the walls is filled with moist soil.
  6. At the end of planting, water the soil and place the flower in dark place. When the wisteria gets stronger, it is returned to its original place.


Horizontal layering

This method is the most favorable.

  1. Annual shoots are suitable for this. In the middle of such a shoot, an oblique cut is made, it is bent towards the ground and laid with the cut on a pot with clay-turf soil.
  2. Fix the branch in this position and dig in, leaving the top.
  3. It will be possible to separate rooted cuttings only next spring. During this time, the root system will form and it will be easy to separate the seedling.


Plant seeds at the end of November or at the beginning of December.

  1. Sowing is done on the surface of the soil and sprayed with a spray bottle, and then covered with film.
  2. The pot is placed in a warm place, keeping the soil slightly moist. Seed germination can be observed after 4 weeks.
  3. When the seedlings have become stronger and have a couple of leaves, they are transferred to separate containers along with a lump of earth.
  4. After this, water it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Reference! Wisteria is often grown from seeds for the garden. At home, seedlings will begin to bloom only after 7 years.


In late autumn, the vine is cut from the bush and divided into cuttings, tied up and stored in a damp substrate in a cold basement.

  1. For cuttings, choose one-year-old mature shoots 25 centimeters long.
  2. They are rooted in early spring in soil that consists of turf soil, peat, humus and sand in a ratio of 3:1:1:1.
  3. At the end of summer, cuttings that have taken root can be planted.


Reproduction by grafting is carried out in December. It is done on the roots, since the wood of wisteria is loose and grafting will not give results. Grafting is getting a new variety yourself.

To carry out vaccination, you must follow the following sequence:

  1. Non-varietal wisteria seedlings are grown from seeds and transplanted into soil.
  2. In late autumn, seedlings are dug up and the roots are separated from the stem.
  3. The roots are placed in pots with sand and placed in a dark and cool place.
  4. At the end of December, the seedlings are transferred to a warm place. After two weeks they begin vaccination.
  5. The wisteria cuttings on which the grafting will be made must be at least 6 cm in length and have a pair of mature buds. A 3 cm cut is made above the lower bud, and the same cut should be on the roots of the seedlings. They are connected using adhesive tape, placed in the ground up to the grafting site and covered with film.

Within a month, shoots appear from the axillary buds. This indicates successful implementation vaccinations. In spring, the plant can be transplanted into a flowerpot or outside.

The nuances of planting and caring for the garden

  • Wisteria is a light-loving plant and should be exposed to sunlight for at least 6 hours. The optimal place for planting is the south side of the house. For shoots, you should choose a strong support.
  • Shoots need to be tied up. If this is not done, they will entangle themselves around the support and the shoots can be damaged when removed for wintering.
  • Before planting, make a hole and fill it with the same mixture of soil as for planting in flowerpots.
  • Once a season, it is necessary to water the plant with chalk water at the rate of 100 g of chalk per bucket of water.
  • Young seedlings need shelter for the winter. They are untied from the support, laid on the ground and the shoots are covered with agrofibre or dry leaves, and the root part is sprinkled with earth. The older the plant, the less it needs shelter.

Reproduction methods are the same as for growing Chinese wisteria at home.

Flowering and appearance in the photo

Chinese wisteria begins to bloom at the age of 3 years from April and continues throughout the summer. The buds open simultaneously. The plant has light purple, less often white, flowers. When the flowers begin to fade, the inflorescences are removed.

In these photos, wisteria during the flowering period is especially good:

Pests and diseases

Wisteria is resistant to pests and is rarely attacked by them. It could be aphids or clover mites. In the first case, insecticides will help, in the second - acaricides. If the plant grows in alkaline soil, it may develop chlorosis, which will cause the leaves to turn yellow. Root feeding with iron salts will help.

White tulips, purple hyacinths and yellow daffodils go well with wisteria in the garden. These flowers will highlight the beauty of the Chinese beauty. If the climate does not allow growing a plant in open ground, there is no need to despair. It can be grown as a standard tree.

The more heat-loving the plant, the more magnificent and unusual it is able to bloom. It just so happens that the most exotic and beautiful plants come from tropical latitudes. The wisteria tree, or wisteria as it is also called, is a heat-loving species and cannot tolerate ambient temperatures falling below 20 degrees Celsius. It is very difficult to grow this southern miracle in the garden of the Moscow region, but everything is possible if you try and believe in yourself.

This material discusses the main varieties of wisteria, rules for planting and growing in various climatic conditions. You can see photos of blooming wisteria and options for using wisteria for landscape design personal plot:

Wisteria flowers or vine - description and photo of the plant

There is constant debate among florists about determining the species of this plant. Flowers or liana? More like a tree. Wisteria belongs to the legume family and grows naturally in southern and tropical regions. Does not experience any problems with growth, development and abundant flowering in the climatic conditions of the Crimean peninsula, Kuban, North Caucasus, Mineral waters. It is there that you can see unusual tunnels, entwined pergolas and decorated hedges using similar vines.

When describing the plant, it should immediately be clarified that during cold, harsh and long winters, only the root system and young shoots can be preserved. And flowering occurs only on vines that have reached the age of 6-8 years. Moreover, in the Moscow region, in cold and rainy summer conditions, it is extremely difficult to force wisteria to bloom. She needs plenty sun rays and constant ambient temperature without sudden changes at night and during the day.

Under suitable conditions for growth, the wisteria flower blooms 2 times per season. The first clusters bloom in early spring before the feathery leaves appear. The second wave of flowering occurs at the beginning of August. The Latin name of the culture is Wisteria.

It is a lignified vine that does not have rapid growth. Usually, during a season, an increase in the vegetative mass of shoots is achieved by only 20 - 30 cm. It can grow to the height of the wall 5-7 years after planting. The large leafy mass perfectly decorates any surface, but the racemose inflorescences, whose length reaches 35 cm, are of particular interest.

Look at the photo of wisteria at the moment of its flowering - this is a magnificent sight, striking the imagination with its beauty and grace:

When growing frost-resistant wisteria from seeds, there is a chance in the Urals and in the Moscow region

If you carefully read the description of this botanical culture, the first thing that attracts your attention is the exactingness of wisteria to the temperature conditions of its growth. Most species are not resistant to even minimal changes temperature conditions and when the ambient temperature drops below 10 degrees Celsius, the vine dies. Although on next year New shoots may appear from the root system, but they will be of very little use. Re-frozen wisteria blooms no earlier than 7 years later.

Growing wisteria in the Moscow region requires a special approach to storing the plant in winter time of the year. As a rule, the optimal result is obtained when using container cultivation. But it is worth considering that to accommodate an adult vine you will need a container with a volume of at least 40 liters. Are used garden barrels, plastic fonts and much more. IN autumn period Before the first snow falls, the container is brought into a warm room, where in winter minimal additional lighting and watering are provided once a week. In winter, no fertilizing is necessary. At the beginning of March, the plant is taken to a bright room and active watering begins 2-3 times a week. Foliage can be sprayed with solutions containing growth stimulants.

Wisteria is grown in a similar way in the Urals and other regions of risky farming. This is quite labor-intensive, but the result is worth it, especially since the inquisitive minds of amateur gardeners have already found alternative ways cultivation of this crop in areas with harsh climates.

As practice shows, when growing wisteria from seeds, even in the Urals and Moscow region, there is a chance to get abundant double flowering in the summer and autumn seasons. This method is characterized by a long wait for the tree to mature. Growing wisteria begins with choosing the right variety. Here you need to pay attention to the cold-resistant hybrids of the F1 series. They should be regionalized as much as possible. Plants grown from seeds obtained in the conditions of future growth of the crop are distinguished by good resistance.

Look at the photo of frost-resistant wisteria grown in the Urals and Moscow region:

Planting wisteria seedlings and seeds and subsequent plant care

In the presence of favorable climatic conditions effective method propagation vines are prepared in advance grown planting material. Wisteria seedlings are offered by many agricultural companies engaged in professional breeding rare plants. In this case, the procedure for planting wisteria is not difficult: a plot of land is prepared, holes up to 20 cm deep are dug, nutritious soil, humus and mineral fertilizers are placed in them, and direct rooting is carried out.

Watering after planting is carried out daily, 2-2.5 liters for each plant. It is effective to mulch the soil with fresh mown grass. This ensures that the optimal level of soil moisture is maintained even during dry periods of summer.

Reproduction in the future is possible by the method of cuttings and rooting of layering obtained during pruning from an adult tree. To do this, shoots over 1 year old are selected and cut into cuttings up to 25 cm long. The cut is processed with crushed coal or wood ash and dries. After this, digging is carried out to a depth of 5 cm in a mixture of turf soil, humus and sand. After 40 - 45 days, the cutting develops a powerful root system and can be transplanted to a permanent “place of residence.”

Planting wisteria with seeds will require patience from the gardener due to the extremely slow growth and development of the plant in the first 5 years. Sowing is carried out in the first half of February, for germination it is necessary high level humidity, heat(about 30 degrees Celsius) and complete darkness. Therefore, the container is covered with black polyethylene and placed in the warmest place in the house or apartment. The first shoots can be seen after 1 calendar month. In the phase of 4 true leaves, picking is carried out in a container with a volume of at least 500 ml. During the period of growing wisteria seedlings, the sprouts should be protected from exposure to direct sunlight and monitor constant moisture soil mixture. Feeding is carried out once a week with complex mineral compounds, dissolved in water.

Subsequent care of the wisteria plant includes providing favorable conditions for its growth. In order to receive abundant flowering Long daylight is required, the sun should shine for at least 12 hours. If this does not happen, the inflorescences become small and less expressive in color.

Light and well-structured soil with mandatory drainage for drainage excess moisture ensures fast and stable growth of wisteria vines.

During the formation of buds, caring for wisteria includes the addition of mineral and organic fertilizers 1 time every 3 days. This is important to ensure the rich color of the inflorescences.

During 1 growing season, 2 planned prunings are carried out in order to form a lush crown. The first pruning is required in the spring, when no more than 5 strong axillary buds are left on the shoots. The second pruning is carried out in the fall, before the vine leaves for the winter.

By the way, with a sufficient level of insulation and shelter, the plant can easily overwinter in the open ground if the ambient temperature in the area where it grows does not drop below minus 20 degrees Celsius. In all other cases, it is advisable to grow the crop in containers, which are brought into a heated room for the winter.

Types and varieties of wisteria: “Chinese”, “Blue Moon” and “Makrostachia” (with photo)

Plant species known today number more than 100 varieties. The most popular are wisteria “Chinese” and “Macrostachy”. All varieties of wisteria known to modern gardeners have lush flowering and long term ongoing budding. Due to the last factor, flowering can continue almost continuously for 2-3 months.

Look at the photo of wisteria varieties - among them you can choose a suitable collection for your garden, balcony and patio decoration:

Chinese wisteria has Latin name Wisteria chinensis. This is the most common species, including subspecies with varied bud colors. Often there are purple and lilac flowers, less often you can see blue shades and white undertones. With properly organized care, the vine grows up to 20 meters. It has racemose inflorescences up to 40 cm. After they bloom, pod-shaped beans up to 12 cm long are formed. Seeds ripen in them.

No less interesting is Glycina “Floribunda”, characterized by its multi-flowered bud shape. Their length can reach half a meter, and the flowering period is 2 weeks longer. In addition, "Floribunda" perfectly tolerates short-term frosts down to minus 23 degrees Celsius.

Wisteria "Blue Moon" has beautiful blue and white inflorescences, which gradually change their color to a more saturated one. This plant is perfect for landscaping balconies and terraces.


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