How to furnish a nursery for a baby. Do-it-yourself arrangement of a children's room

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Design of a bright children's room

The world of a child is incomprehensible to an adult, so everything in his environment should be different from ordinary person! We will study how best to arrange a children's bedroom, and photos with examples will help you create a beautiful and bright apartment.

Children are able to pay attention to many points that are not noticeable to an adult. Thanks to each element in the surrounding world, a common mosaic is formed, which can significantly affect the formation of the child’s personality.

Thanks to the children's room, the child should not only feel comfortable for the parents, but your baby should also like it. In general, the entire atmosphere in the house should be favorable for the child, so that he feels at ease.

How to arrange a small children's room

Furniture is required that can shape the space in the room and can be the most important element for a child.

Among modern children's rooms you can find a pirate cabin, a fairy-tale room for a princess, and a compartment in spaceship. But appearance- That's not all. for children must substantially comply with certain rules.

First of all, we are talking about safety for the child. Be careful of glass that breaks easily and sharp corners that could injure children. The child often climbs on furniture, so you need to look for something durable and wear-resistant for the room, and also exclude loose elements. Furniture should be made only from environmentally friendly materials.

And secondly, the furniture should correspond to the tastes and characters of children. Never force your child to be in a room he or she does not like. When you buy furniture for a children's bedroom, be sure to consult with your child and try to find out what kind of room he dreams of, you can show him an example from the catalog. But be careful, children have a wild imagination, and it is very difficult for them to do it themselves. independent choice, so try together to choose the setting that will make your child happy every day.

Also important is the fact that in the setting of a children's bedroom there should be suited to the child’s age and growth. For example, so that the child can independently get things and objects from a high shelf, turn on and off the light, without the risk of falling or hitting himself.

Just remember that the bed should not be near heating device, and the table should be near natural light so that it falls on the left side.

What kind of wallpaper for a child's room?

The walls in a children's room are, one might say, its main element, and the child always sees them in front of him. Moreover, they are the first material on which children try themselves as little artists. The first letters learned, inscriptions in clumsy handwriting, portraits of family members most often leave indelible marks on the wallpaper recently pasted by parents.

The question “what wallpaper to choose for a child’s room” is not idle, because it is known that the pictures and patterns depicted on them have an impact on the child’s psyche, so the choice of wallpaper must be taken very seriously. Wallpaper for a children's room must certainly meet the requirements of environmental friendliness, practicality, safety, and also be made in a color scheme that is optimal for children's eyes.

Now natural wallpapers on the market are represented by paper, textile and cork wall materials.

The most practical, and also economical, option would be to use paper wallpaper. Their choice is so wide that choosing a coating for any interior will not be a problem. Moreover, paper wallpaper do not pose any threat to the health of children, because they are environmentally friendly pure material and do not contain any synthetic fibers. Of course, they do not have a very long service life, however, their prices are very affordable, and therefore they can be changed quite often without much damage to the family budget and without much regret.

It is clear that single-layer paper wallpapers cannot be subjected to serious cleaning or washing, because they are not resistant to moisture, but their two-layer colleagues can already be wiped with a slightly damp cloth, and they do not fade so much in the sun.

So, next we look at the question of which wallpaper for the nursery should be chosen. Another type of natural wallpaper is cork wallpaper. They differ from other wallpapers in their antistatic properties: due to the fact that they are not electrified, they do not collect dust on their surface, and this greatly facilitates their care and extends the service life of this coating. It is because of this property that cork wallpaper is excellent option wall decoration in the nursery, especially if the child has frequent allergic reactions. However, these wallpapers also have a drawback - their price. They cost more than regular paper wallpaper, so, unfortunately, not everyone can afford them.

Another expensive type of natural wallpaper for a child’s room is textile wallpaper. They are made in two layers: one layer is a paper or non-woven base, the other is fabric or threads applied to this base, from natural or artificial materials. Now textile wallpapers made specifically for children’s rooms have begun to appear on the market, upper layer which are made of linen.

In addition to the fact that textile wallpapers have quite high cost, another disadvantage is the difficulty of caring for this coating - they need to be very carefully wiped with a dry cloth or vacuumed very carefully. Textile wallpaper Not only do they look very beautiful on the walls, but they are also environmentally friendly, have good noise insulation properties, and are fire resistant, which is also a definite plus.

The market for finishing and related materials offers consumers wallpaper in a huge range. They can depict abstract drawings, maybe characters from your favorite films and cartoons, all kinds of ornaments, etc. Moreover, there are even wallpapers that are specifically designed for what the child drew on them.

However, when deciding which wallpaper to choose for a nursery, experts recommend giving preference to coatings with calm flowers, which have a beneficial effect on the child’s psyche. Therefore, the most the best option The wallpaper is presented in soft pastel colors. It is undesirable to use wallpaper with a frequently repeating pattern, because children can get bored of it very quickly and will only cause sparseness.

Whatever covering you choose, you should always remember that the children's room should be as cozy and comfortable as possible, because this is the child's world in which he develops, grows, and matures.

Main criteria

There are several rules thanks to which you can arrange a children's room - the bedroom can be made cozier, larger, wider and more spacious if you use light colors. But dark shades of the walls will narrow any room. As for the child’s activity, for hyperactive children it is advisable to paint the walls in green shades. As is known, green color calms, but red brings activity. Therefore, to stir up a passive child, fill his room with red objects, toys, and balloons.

The world of a child is a fairy tale of our childhood. Therefore, try to bring it to life for your child, try to arrange the children's room beautifully, and 15 photo examples will help with this.

Ways to furnish a children's room in the photo

IN small apartment It is very difficult to allocate a bright, spacious room for a child’s room, however, by properly organizing the space, you can create a cozy living space for one or even two children in a small room.

Organization of space

The layout of a small children's room will require combining some areas and choosing the most functional furniture.

What you can’t refuse even in the tightest of spaces:

  • from full sleeping place– not a sofa, but a bed, if the baby has not yet reached adolescence;
  • from the storage area - at least a small wardrobe or chest of drawers, but it must be in the room.

In addition, the room needs a place for games and creative activities, a work area - when the baby becomes a schoolchild. For competent organization Some areas will have to be combined:

  • install a loft bed, and use the lower space to install a desk or sofa, creating a corner for games;
  • use the height of the room: remove the bed into a podium on which to organize workplace schoolchild;
  • install corner cupboard for clothes, choose a bed with lower drawers, allowing you to store at least bedding in them.

Important! Bunk bed can be installed in a nursery only if the ceiling level is not lower than two meters: otherwise there may be a lack of oxygen, the air above is warmer and drier than below. This microclimate is harmful for the child.

How to move walls

When planning a renovation of a small children's room, take into account some tricks that will visually expand the limited space and add light to the room:

Use only light paints for decoration; furniture should also be light. But it’s better to make the floor colored - it will make the room visually higher and wider.

In a narrow and long room, highlight only the back wall with color - then the room will seem wider. Horizontal stripes on the floor will also help in this case.

Light wallpaper with a small, dim pattern will add space to the room.

In a small, elongated room with high ceilings, horizontal stripes on the walls will help visually bring the far wall closer and steal the height of the ceiling.

It is better to create the design of a small nursery in soft warm colors - they will make the room fresher and create positive attitude The child has.

Choosing colors for a children's room

Looking at various photos of a small nursery, it becomes clear that it is better to choose light shades for a small room. Pastel neutral tones in wall decoration will help create a warm interior. White walls look original in combination with white furniture, and color accents are created by textiles - curtains, pillows or bedspreads.

You can highlight the color of the wall. The combination of white and light shades creates a harmonious space filled with light.

For a girl's nursery you can use:

  • snow-white;
  • light pink;
  • soft lilac;
  • light green;
  • lemon color.

A boy's room can be made in blue, light turquoise, light green, and beige tones. Interesting combination– white, brown and turquoise: light turquoise wall surfaces should be supplemented with textiles with a striped pattern, decorative elements should be made brighter and more monochromatic.

Important! For a small nursery, it is better to take no more than two shades, one of which can be white.

Furniture for a small nursery

There should be little furniture in a small children's area, so it is advisable to choose the most functional options.

If the room is narrow and elongated, you should not place all the furniture along the wall:

  • the bed can be placed next to the window, placing it along the far wall;
  • a corner wardrobe for clothes and linen will help to use a non-functional corner and visually change the shape of the room;
  • small spaces near the window can be used as storage space by hanging narrow corner shelves;
  • If you need to place two children in a room, it is better to install the beds not parallel, but at an angle to each other.

IN square room The arrangement of furniture will depend on where the door and window are located. Use angles: the best choicecorner wardrobe With mirror door. Even a very small children's room will become visually larger, and sliding doors will ensure injury safety and save space for games and movement.

If the ceiling height is sufficient, the loft bed will become convenient option to organize a place to rest at night. You can place a sleeping bed below, and equip a cozy play corner in the upper part. The space under the stairs and on the side can be used for storage.

Full-fledged cabinets cannot be installed here, but shelves for books and toys will be the best option for organizing space. Modern version storage - bright boxes and trunks that will hide the contents and will be an attractive decorative element in the nursery.

Important! When choosing furniture for a nursery, pay attention to its safety. The best option - natural wood, but it is expensive. MDF will become a high-quality and affordable substitute wooden furniture.

When purchasing children's furniture, pay attention to the absence of sharp corners and dangerous protrusions. The interior of a small-sized children's room needs to be carefully thought out, unnecessary modules should be abandoned in favor of convenience and additional free space for movement and games.

Secrets of a beautiful nursery

Numerous ideas for a small children's room can be found on the Internet. Some will suggest interior items from IKEA. The need to create a comfortable living environment in a limited space dictates its own rules:

A small nursery should have a little of everything: furniture, dark colors, corners.

Choose white as a base, light shades as complementary colors, and few bright accents.

First of all, take care not about the beauty of the interior, but about the health of the child and his safety: avoid sharp corners and clutter in the room.

There is a big “plus” in a small nursery - the need to maintain order in it will teach the child to work. A competent planning and a careful selection of the necessary things will avoid clutter and result in a small but cozy room for your son or daughter.

Photo of a small children's room

How is a child’s room different from other rooms in the house? The obvious answer is that a child lives in it. This imposes its own requirements on the materials used and the interior design of a nursery for a boy or girl, for a toddler or a teenager. And for children it replaces the playroom, office and bedroom. Therefore, you cannot do without competent zoning and selection of furniture, especially in a small room. Finally, the design of the room can and should reflect the character and interests of the child and help develop them.

The good and bad of a small nursery

A small area is not always a bad thing. A small nursery also has its advantages:

  • Small rooms are perceived as more comfortable than spacious ones. This is important for a child’s room.
  • Even a small nursery is better than no nursery. This is the child’s personal space that he needs to have.
  • The shape of such rooms is often not too elongated, which makes their arrangement easier.
  • It will be easier for the child to learn order and cleanliness. Because such a room is both easier and necessary to keep clean, otherwise it will become cluttered and uncomfortable

The disadvantages of a small children's room are obvious:

  • It is difficult to place all the necessary pieces of furniture and decor in it.
  • There may be no room left for outdoor games at all.
  • It will be inconvenient to receive guests in such a room

Given this, it is important to approach the design of the room wisely. If you overload it with accessories and furnishings, it can become like a pantry.

Interior style of a room for children and teenagers

The design of a nursery for a boy and a girl will differ in color and style. When choosing a style, it is important to take into account not only the tastes of the parents, but also the hobbies of the children. Let's look at several popular interior design trends for a child's room.


This modern style is a compromise. Teens and parents will love it. What is important is that it is well suited for a small room. The main features of minimalism are the absence of details in interior decor, laconicism and functionality. The design is dominated by light colors. Common design technique- creating color contrasts - for example, dark floors and light walls and ceiling. Glossy surfaces, plastic along with natural materials are used.

High tech

The main difference between high-tech and minimalism is the active use of technology. Its characteristic materials are chromed metal, plastic, glass. Current colors - white, gray, metallic. High-tech loves the right ones geometric shapes, smooth lines also have a place in it. This interior is more suitable for boys. Using this style, you can play on many themes - for example, decorate a room in the form of a laboratory, an airplane cockpit or a spaceship.


Country or rustic style is suitable for a child of any gender. It is distinguished by exquisite simplicity. Along with other natural materials, wood is still the main one. The furniture is made from it and the finishing is done. Country also means an abundance of textiles used as furniture upholstery and decorative items. The color scheme is dominated by brown and wood shades. This interior creates a unique feeling of home warmth and comfort.


An interior in this style is ideal for a girl or girl. Provence is called French country. His calling card is floral patterns and delicate pastel shades. Otherwise, it is similar to country and is distinguished by sophistication, the use of natural finishing materials, wooden furniture, which is decorated with carved elements.

It is also well suited for decorating a nursery. It is characterized by features of minimalism, but without strict laconicism. Current colors are white, creamy as the main one, and bright tones are used to create color spots that make the interior unique.

Scandinavian style is an abundance of light. Therefore, windows are not covered with heavy curtains. The main finishing material is wood. An interior in this style does not seem boring, while at the same time remaining calm and cozy.


This design style will appeal to teenagers. Loft business card - rough brickwork or its imitation, ceiling beams, overt communications, rough finish, natural materials. Loft loves high ceilings and free space. It is difficult to implement this in a small room, but many loft features can still coexist in it. You can use a suspended ceiling for visual increase rooms. It is better not to cover the windows with curtains, but to use light, modern pleated curtains or blinds.

Photo gallery: room design for a child in various styles

The interior of the children's room is made in a modern style with a suspended ceiling
High-tech in children's room design
The area of ​​the room in Scandinavian style was increased due to the loggia
Beautiful carved furniture, gentle floral patterns inherent in the Provence style Room for a teenager in a loft style
Minimalism is the minimum of everything: colors, furniture, decor
Bright combinations flowers enliven the minimalist interior of the room
Comfort and peace of country interior
Small checks are typical for the Provence style An example of a nursery design in country style for two children

How to organize space - planning and zoning

In the interior of a child's room, ideally, three zones should be distinguished: work, play and relaxation. In a small room you can leave only two of them. Depending on the age of the child, this can be a recreation area and a work area or a recreation area and a play area. In a girl's room, you need to provide a place for a toilet.

To highlight zones, you can use design techniques:

  1. Use spot lighting, floor and hanging lamps, LED lighting
  2. Use different flooring and podiums for individual areas
  3. Multi-level ceiling in the room
  4. Glass and lightweight partitions
  5. Combining the described techniques

Partitions in a room are often used for zoning, for example, to separate a relaxation area from a work area.

The combination of a multi-level suspended ceiling with lighting is also a popular zoning technique in a children's room.

Selecting the color scheme

The child's psyche is extremely sensitive to environment, and vision acutely perceives colors and shades. That is why soft, calm tones should prevail in a room for a child under two years old. Bright colors and bold design will be appropriate at a more mature age.

Ideal color combinations for your baby

One of these is a combination of neutral blue tones with soft yellow shades. These colors create a feeling of security and comfort. For example, walls painted in a calm blue tone go well with a classic white ceiling and wood floor color. Yellow shades of decorative items and furniture add warmth and comfort to the interior.

The combination in the interior of sky blue with light colors creates a cheerful atmosphere in the room.

The wood color of a parquet or laminate floor is also good decision for a nursery, since wood has good therapeutic effect- calms, creates a feeling of warmth and comfort, closeness to nature.

At a slightly older age - already with four years- you can actively use bright colors in the interior to create accents - red, green, yellow, blue. But it is better to avoid transitions to black colors in the nursery - such a design will have a depressing effect.

Two-color combinations

Two-color combinations in children's design in most cases are a good decision. The ceiling can be painted white or Ivory, the floor should be finished with parquet, laminate or linoleum with a wood pattern. Walls and pieces of furniture and decor are the elements for which we will select colors.

Good solutions in a girl’s room would be combinations of light green and sand, soft lilac with a gray palette, green and pink.

In boys' rooms you can use shades of blue and moderate blue. Too much blue light can cause depression. However, small accents promote rest and relaxation.

Decoration of walls, floors and ceilings

Not all finishing and Construction Materials Suitable for decorating a children's room. Let's consider the most successful options.


Cork is popular as a floor covering for children's rooms. It is eco-friendly and warm material, and most importantly - soft. He is not afraid of moisture.

Another popular material is laminate. It is easy to clean, highly durable, and looks beautiful. Laminate flooring is easy to install and is most suitable for underfloor heating systems.

You can also use parquet boards as flooring in the nursery. It is less noisy than laminate. It can also be laid with my own hands. Parquet board Easily restores its appearance with varnish and sanding.


IN modern practice popular ceiling solutions are suspended and tensile structures. Dropped ceilings Drywall can be made multi-level, and also create a variety of shapes. PVC stretch ceilings raise concerns among some parents regarding their health safety. High-quality canvas does not pose a threat to the child. By using suspended ceilings you can create design masterpieces - for example, starry sky or clouds.

A common option is a combination of suspended and suspended ceilings.


The simplest option for decorating walls is wallpapering. Since all children love to draw, it is better not to use expensive wallpaper in the nursery, so that if necessary, they can be easily replaced.

In addition to wallpaper, there are several ways to make your child’s room look fabulous and unusual look: painting walls in different colors, decoration with ornaments, use of photo wallpapers, drawings.

Furniture for a children's room-bedroom

When choosing furniture for a nursery, two basic rules apply: it must be safe and functional in order to save space in the room. Therefore, sharp corners should be avoided and the use of metal parts should be limited.

Common pieces of furniture are a desk and a bed. Bed with drawers will fit well into the design of the nursery and help free up additional space. Boxes can be used to store toys. You can diversify the interior with poufs and frameless pear chairs.

The location of the furniture needs to be thought out based on the existing conditions and zoning. Working area with desk It is ideal to arrange it opposite the window or so that it is on the side. When sitting at the table, the child should not have his back to the door. On the contrary, it is better not to place the bed directly under a window or next to a heating radiator.


High-quality textiles for children's rooms are an integral part of the interior. It creates a feeling of warmth and comfort. Textiles should be bright, but at the same time harmonize with the color scheme of the room.

Lighting and decor

IN modern interior lighting plays not only a functional, but also an aesthetic role. This is also true for children's rooms. With the help of light you can create an amazing atmosphere in your child's room.

It is necessary to consider not only the main lighting, but also the night lighting. Today the market offers a variety of night lamps of all shapes and types.

Particular attention should be paid to natural light, which is so necessary for the child. There should be quite a lot of it. Therefore, it is better if the children’s windows face south.


Decorating a nursery is a challenge for parents' imagination. Decorative elements in the nursery correspond to the theme of the design. For example, for the room of a young sailor, ropes are suitable, Lifebuoy, ship's wheel and so on. The room of a little princess can be decorated with cartoon characters, flowers, and butterflies.

Large and small soft toys - animals, cartoon characters, various items etc.

Photo gallery: small nursery for a girl

A calm interior in brown and chocolate tones is enlivened by green, blue and white colors.
Children's room in a modern style: if there is no other choice, it is allowed to place the bed next to the window
Interior of a nursery for a girl in Scandinavian style
Accommodation option working area on the podium
Children's interior for two girls
Interior in pink tones for young princesses
Photo prints with cartoon characters decorate a girl's room
Minimalistic interior of a room for a teenage girl
Provence style is popular for decorating children's rooms for girls
Accessories, musical instruments, room decoration match the personality and interests of a teenage girl or girl

Photo gallery: small nursery for a boy

Room of a young discoverer and traveler
Decorating a room for two boys
Option beautiful finishes floor in a teenager's room
A bed in the shape of a racing car along with other details will help decorate the room of a young racer
Boy's room in a modern style
Example of highlighting different functional zones in the children's room
Room for young athletes
Bright interior design of a nursery for two boys
Restrained stylish interior rooms for teenagers
Interior of a young football player's room in minimalist style

How to arrange a small nursery for two or three children?

The peculiarity of the interior of a room for several children is that parents need to find a compromise based on their interests and gender. For children of different genders, you need to choose a neutral color scheme that will suit both boys and girls. It can be a light background in combination with green, yellow, purple shades. If the children are of the same gender, the task of choosing colors is simplified.

An integral attribute of a room for three children is a bunk bed. In the case of two children, and if space allows, you can put two regular beds in the nursery. To save space, you can use beds with drawers.

Photo gallery: small room for two, three children

The minimum amount of necessary furniture in a nursery for two boys will save space
Selection play area in a nursery for two children using a podium

Over time, every family has a child. Then adults begin to be interested in the question of how to furnish a children's room. Parents will do everything to create a comfortable and cozy environment for the baby. To achieve the desired result, you need to take into account some factors.

Room interior

When arranging a room for a baby Special attention are given to the interior. A properly furnished interior will create all the conditions for a child’s normal rest and play. First of all, this concerns color design. Soft bedding colors are ideal for a child's room. Experts recommend paying close attention to the use of bright colors, as they have a negative impact on the child’s psychological state. They are capable of invoking aggression and spoiling the mood.

Of course, bright colors allow you to set accents in the interior. A colorful rug would be a good option. original lamp or bright decorative pillows that will attract the baby's gaze. The main thing is that such interior elements are selected carefully and in moderation.

As for wall decoration, wallpaper would be the best option here. When choosing, take into account not only the shade, but also the pattern. For young children, wallpapers depicting cartoon characters will be interesting. For older children you can choose Decoration Materials with cars or boats.

A good option would be to decorate one wall with photo wallpaper with a bright picture. If we are talking about a room for a girl, then there should be romantic and fairy-tale motifs.

Linoleum and materials that are easy to clean are widely used as flooring. To make your baby feel comfortable on the floor, you should use rugs. Today on the market you can find original products depicting various heroes. It is also worth thinking about installing heated floors. To decorate the window opening, curtains made from natural materials are used. They should not be massive, as this contributes to the accumulation of dust.

Well suited for children's products with various patterns and designs. The main thing is that they are optimally combined with wall decoration and furniture.

Children's furniture

Furniture and other items in the room need to be arranged correctly. It is necessary to create enough space for active games and free movement of the child. Today, room zoning is widely used. So, in the room you can select an area for relaxation, play and study.

As for furniture, it is better to pay attention to durable and high-quality products that are easy to clean. When arranging a room, you should adhere to minimalism in objects. This is especially true for rooms with small area. The nursery must have a bed, a wardrobe and a desk. If the area allows, then you can install a chest of drawers. Furniture is usually installed along the walls. This will leave the center for games.

When choosing furniture, consider its functionality. Available on the market wide choose combined furniture. Such products take up little space and at the same time have high functionality.

On video: organization of space in the children's room.

Arrangement of a room for a boy

In the children's room for a boy you can equip sports section. The choice here is quite extensive: horizontal bar, wall bars or other sports facilities. Such an equipped corner will be an ideal place to waste accumulated energy, not to mention the fact that such an area will strengthen physical health child.

You can decorate the room in an automotive or marine theme. At the same time, it is taken into account that boys are interested in functional objects. Beauty doesn't really matter here.

If the child is a girl

When decorating a room for a girl, it is worth considering an option with fairy tale themes. The use of a canopy, ruffles and other textiles will make her feel like a real princess. A good option would be to install a small dressing table or mirror with a beautiful frame. Can be placed on the walls original shelves, which are ideal for storing dolls, toys, photo frames and other trinkets.

Arrangement of a children's room – this is a very complex process. The main task is to create a cozy and comfortable environment. You need to start by drawing up a design project. Especially it concerns small rooms. With the help of the project, it will be possible to effectively use every meter of space. Therefore, it is best to contact professionals with this question.

Setting up a nursery

Space: for sleeping, relaxing and playing

One of the most common mistakes when planning a nursery is that the child is given the smallest room in the house. Well, what about it, you say? He is small, and we are big. Of course, you and I are big. Our territory is the entire apartment: living room, bedroom, kitchen with dining room. A child, like his parents, should have his own area for rest, play and study. After all, children need a place where they can run wild, jump around and burn off their energy. Therefore, if possible, the nursery should be made large, especially if the child is not alone. The children's room itself should be divided into areas for sleeping, entertainment and activities.

Finish: blue or pink

What is there to think, you say? Boys - blue, girls - pink. Many parents do this without bothering too much. Meanwhile, many child psychologists consider these pink and blue shades not the most favorable for emotional state child. Considered to be cold Blue colour depressing and overwhelming, and hot pink irritating.If you absolutely want to use bright colors, use them, but for individual elements furniture or decor: cabinet doors, curtains, desk lamp, rugs, pillows and so on.
Suitable finishing option - neutral pastel shades: light green, soft yellow, peach, beige. Remember that a child not only plays in the nursery, but also studies, rests, and sleeps. Bright colors can become unwanted irritants.

Paint or Wallpaper: Pros and Cons

As a wall decoration, many experts recommend using a hypoallergenic emulsion on water based. This a good option, but only until the children master pencils, paints and markers. At this point, it is better to replace the paint with paper or washable wallpaper, which can be easily re-glued or wiped off, and on which children are so interested in drawing. In addition, by updating the wallpaper, you can easily change the design of the nursery for an older child.
Often, parents simply cover the walls with children's white paper, special coloring wallpaper, or paint with paint on which they can draw with chalk, allowing kids to realize their artistic needs.

Lighting: protect your baby's eyes

Consider lighting the nursery: this is not an option where you can save money. You don’t want your child to have vision problems? In addition to the obligatory ceiling chandelier, add auxiliary light sources: a bright lamp on the desktop, lighting for the play area, a sconce by the bed, which the child can independently turn on if necessary. When planning the lighting for the nursery, do not forget about additional sockets for the children's room: make sure that there are enough of them for all the necessary electrical appliances, plus they should be convenient and safe. Pay attention to the height of the switches in the nursery so that the child can easily reach them and turn the lights on and off independently.

Furniture: functional, comfortable, beautiful

The nursery should have three main pieces of furniture: a bed, a wardrobe and a table for games and activities. Other pieces of furniture - racks, shelves, cabinets and chests of drawers can be added at your request. Fits very well into any children's room design soft bean bags: Children love them very much.
If you choose neutral colors to decorate a children's room, then the furniture can be brighter and more contrasting. In addition, nothing limits your imagination in choosing the shape of wardrobes and beds: a boat bed, a car bed or a treehouse bed - there is an endless set of options for a baby's sleeping place. But for a teenager it is best to choose a classic bed.
For schoolchildren, it is very important to equip a workplace - a table and a chair: a chair adjustable in height, a table - with several drawers or shelves for storing notebooks, textbooks and other office supplies.

Storage: a lot and everywhere

No matter how many cabinets, chests of drawers, chests and boxes you plan, it will still not be enough - in a child’s room, things accumulate at the speed of light. Everything will be there, so use any possible storage space - under the table, under the bed, under the windowsill, on the walls and on the floor. So you have at least some chance to teach your baby discipline and maintain order in the nursery. We even dedicated a separate article.

Floor: carpet or carpet

- I need an inexpensive and practical covering for the nursery floor.- How many children do you have, madam?- Six- Madam, it’s better to pave it...
Children love to play on the floor. They generally like to do everything on the floor. Therefore, you need to make sure that they are comfortable. Often parents cover the floor of the children's room carpeted. This is a good option, but only until the child spills cherry or tomato juice, drops paints... Even after the most thorough cleaning, stains will still remain. There are two options to choose from: replacing the coating once a year, or choosing a pattern in which the stains simply will not be noticeable.More good option- linoleum or laminate, on top of which a thick soft carpet or palace. Of course, children can paint the carpet and rug in the same way as the covering, but it is much easier to roll up the carpet and take it to the dry cleaner.

Play area: for activity and independence

A place for games, especially for hyperactive children, must be equipped with special care. A sports corner with a horizontal bar, a wall bars and other gymnastic equipment can be installed here. Separately, it is necessary to provide a place for storing toys, such that the child can use it independently. Such storage can be a large, beautifully designed box or a plywood chest with a light lid. Dolls and soft toys can be stored on special low shelves or lower shelves of shelving, if they are in the nursery. It is important that all these places are accessible to the child - this way he will quickly develop independence skills.


Like any other room, the nursery should be beautiful. It is better to decorate it in one atmospheric style: Mediterranean, country, Provence - depending on the child’s tastes. Try to leave space for the child’s own work, pictures, panels or photo wallpapers with favorite characters from books or comics. An older child can take part in the design of his home, moreover, he should be the main designer, because this is his territory, so be sure to consult with him in the process of designing a nursery.

Safety first!

The first rule of a children's room is safety. This applies to everything: furniture, objects, sockets for electrical appliances. Place furniture in the nursery so that the child, especially the small one, does not injure himself on sharp corners. Most manufacturers of children's furniture by default produce it with rounded corners, but if you order furniture, pay the manufacturer's attention to this. It is recommended that cabinets and chests of drawers with a height of more than a meter be additionally secured with fastenings to the wall so that a child, especially a small one, does not accidentally knock it over myself. Do not use cabinets and shelves with glass doors; you know why: a child can easily break the glass and cut himself.
Sockets in the nursery must be equipped with special plugs so that Small child I couldn’t put anything in them and get injured. Try to hide all hanging wires - children are curious - they can pull the wire and drop a lamp or sconce on themselves. When planning a children's room, be sure to consult with professionals in all fields - electricians, furniture makers, psychologists and designers. Take into account all the characteristics of the child’s character, his tastes and preferences. And remember that childhood only happens once and should be unforgettable. Only then will the children's room become an ideal space for a small family member.


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