How to answer psychological tests. Hiring: how to qualify for a psychologist

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1. Express advice. If you are not confident in yourself when undergoing psychological diagnostics (psychodiagnostics), then choose from your friends someone who, as you think, ideally matches the niche that you are trying to occupy or defend. Answer as he would answer.

2. If the instructions say that there are no right or wrong answers in the test, don’t trust it.

3. Avoid extremes, be closer to the “golden mean”, do not spit on yourself, but do not extol yourself either. To the question “Do you always pay for travel on public transport?” It’s better to answer “no”, because... That's what the majority do. Otherwise, you are more likely to be suspected of lack of frankness.

4. Many tests contain a “lie scale”, i.e. have a number of provocative questions as in the previous example. And even if you always pay for travel, then you will get a plus on this scale. If you get a lot of pluses, your results will be considered unreliable. And then in best case scenario you will be asked to go through again this test(most likely in a different form, with other questions). At worst, they will write something like “prone to inauthenticity” in the conclusion, which can significantly reduce your rating. And in general, this can negatively affect the tone of the entire conclusion, because, believe me, psychologists really don’t like unreliable results.

5. Sometimes there are tests in which one question or statement appears twice. They answered differently - you get a plus on the “lie scale.” Try to memorize questions verbatim and answer similar ones in the same way.

6. Test results can be greatly affected by the environment. If you do not like the testing conditions (noisy or poor lighting, for example), ask for better conditions, especially if your abilities and intelligence are being tested. Ask in the most correct form, intelligently, without annoying anyone. If they refuse you, then it is quite likely that this is such an idea, part of the plan. If a group is being examined, then asking only you to improve the situation, you will agree, is stupid.

7. Upon completion of the testing procedure, try to photocopy the examination protocol and forms with your answers. They can also be useful for a subsequent appeal (which, of course, is better not to go through), and will certainly help you avoid one or two negative judgments about you in conclusion. If you contact a psychologist you know, he will help you point out your mistakes.

8. Many tests are carried out with a time limit and recording. Find out as much as possible from a psychologist full information about restrictions, how much time is allocated for answers. Be sure to come to the diagnostic with a watch: firstly, it can help you plan time for answers, and secondly, the absence of a watch can affect your image (as a non-business person). If a psychologist stands with a stopwatch, of course, do the task as quickly as possible. If not, use every chance to stretch out the time. For example, if a psychologist reads questions to a group, be sure to ask the psychologist to repeat an unclear or difficult question; at the end, you can even ask him to give you a list of all the questions personally. If you work individually with a list of questions or a test book, this is a big plus for you. In Cattell's test (questionnaire), for example, there are 16 personality scales. Among them is one for intelligence. There are no time limits. Sit and think for yourselves, don’t rush anywhere.

9. You have the right to ask the psychologist the name of the test that is being conducted with you. This may be useful to you.

10. If you are selected (for work or study), then most likely you need to be smart, sociable, healthy guy rather than a stupid, closed-off psycho. We will touch on this important topic in other sections.

11. Reduce your age if possible. This may be useful if you have to take an intelligence test, where younger people are often given a discount, and if you are under twenty (there is no difference for older people).

The selection of candidates for vacant positions is carried out by specialists using specially developed methods. Interview tests have become at the usual stage when recruiting personnel. Job seekers try to find the right answers to get a job. But not in all cases it is possible to prepare in advance for such a task.

This form of testing allows you to quickly examine the qualities of many candidates and compare them with each other. A pre-employment test achieves several goals:

  • exclude the influence of personal sympathies or negative attitudes of the recruiter;
  • weed out candidates who are definitely not suitable for the job;
  • select people who are most suitable for specific tasks based on their psychological make-up.

In some cases, such tasks are required. For example, a test for admission to the civil service is designed to study a citizen’s level of knowledge about current legislation.

Detected parameters

Employee testing allows you to:

  • obtain information about the level of knowledge in a specific area;
  • get an idea of ​​intellectual development;
  • draw up psychological picture candidate;
  • determine whether a person has leadership qualities;
  • find out motivation and life priorities;
  • find out whether a person is able to quickly make adequate decisions in non-standard situations.

Pros and cons of the technique

The main advantage of testing is obtaining an objective assessment of a person’s knowledge, his personal qualities, ability to solve practical problems with a limited amount of time. Based on the test results, the HR specialist operates not with subjective impressions, but with numerical indicators, which makes it possible to compare different candidates.

There are several negative aspects when using this selection method:

  1. The scope of use is limited. It is advisable to use interview tests when hiring an employee with a clear list of competencies. Such positions are typical for large organizations where responsibilities are divided between departments. IN small companies formal selection is more likely to do harm.
  2. Results may be distorted. Many tasks used for testing when applying for a job are available on the Internet.
  3. Difficulty of interpretation. The manager wants to get a universal answer to the question of whether a person is worth hiring. For the personnel officer, positive results will be an absolute advantage of the candidate, and negative results will be grounds for refusal.

For example, psychological tests cannot take into account all factors when hiring environment and human personality. An employee interacts with colleagues and relatives and this affects his behavior in the future.

  1. Not all specialists agree to take a verbal test or other test that does not relate to their knowledge and experience in the profession. Experienced applicants will agree to spend time on multi-stage selection if in the future they will get a well-paid job in a well-known company.

How testing is carried out

A person is invited to next stage interviews, give out a sheet with tasks, explain the rules for working with the test. The candidate for the position answers the questions immediately and then submits the job. The HR specialist monitors the progress of the test.

If space permits, computer technology is used. For testing, a special program is used where tasks are loaded. The applicant selects answer options and enters them into the computer. The result is saved in the program.

Categories of tests for employment

Research is divided according to the subject of study. Tests can be aimed at studying a person’s personality and his way of thinking.

Other assignments are designed to teach job skills. For example, a test for knowledge of Excel functions will allow you to avoid a situation where a person is already registered as an employee, but needs to undergo additional training.

Psychological personal

The purpose of the tasks under consideration is to test a person’s motivation and study his behavior style. When hiring senior or middle managers, Professional is used personality questionnaire. The results will indicate the candidate’s behavior pattern, his style of working with subordinates, and will allow you to understand whether such a boss is worth hiring for the team.

To work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a person must pass such a test. It is necessary to exclude persons prone to suicide, depressive disorders, and highly susceptible to the influence of other people. The psychologist’s job is also to prevent people with corruption motivations from entering the workforce.

The most popular test is Ketell's 16 personality factors. A person is asked more than 180 questions, and the answer is chosen from 3 options. Based on the research, we can draw a conclusion about the personality of the candidate. For example, you can identify a person with inflated self-esteem, dependence on the opinions of others, too trusting, etc.

Psychological tests during hiring allow us to weed out people who will not be able to get along in a team. Mutual understanding in the team, the atmosphere among employees is as important as the amount of remuneration.

Logical intelligent

  • An example of such a test is the Amthauer task. In the sequence of words, you need to establish the absence or presence of any feature. This is a verbal test during which the candidate analyzes the text and makes sense of it logically.
  • More complex Eysenck tests. Candidates for the position must complete logical sequences of words and numbers.
  • A typical example of a logic test is an IQ test. A person needs to continue the series, eliminate unnecessary things, etc.

Logical tests are used when hiring people who need to make quick decisions in the face of insufficient information.

For attentiveness

Attentiveness tests allow you to weed out when selecting people who cannot quickly find necessary information in the document. This skill is required if an employee will work with reporting and large volumes of data.

This test is used when hiring an accountant. As part of the task, you need to find words in a set of letters or identify errors in finished document. A limited amount of time is allotted for completion.

Mathematical numerals

When applying for a job, numerical tests allow you to study a person’s ability to analyze digital indicators and make the right decision without a calculator or special programs. Mathematical tests are used when hiring supply engineers, economists, accountants, etc.

A similar test is taken during admission to Sberbank. Candidates calculate yields, loan rates, interest, etc.

For stress resistance

An applicant for a position is given a number of tasks that relate to the manifestation of emotions in different life situations. For example, does a person get irritated in response to criticism from colleagues.

More often, instead of a stress resistance test, a tough interview or business game. A conflict situation is created that may arise during work. An HR specialist studies how a candidate reacts to stimuli.


Some positions require an understanding of technology. This usually applies to engineering specialties or vacancies for managers who work with equipment.

A typical example is the Bennett test. A person is given several tasks with possible answers. Each concerns the functioning simple mechanism. A person needs to quickly figure out how the system will behave under certain conditions.


Some positions require ownership a certain language. For example, when selecting people for civil service, a test of knowledge of Russian is required.

IN large companies test verbal skills in the area foreign languages. On initial stages When selecting candidates, there are no resources to test the knowledge of each person individually.

Preparing for testing

The main problem of a person is time and the inability to concentrate. Before the test you need to rest and collect yourself.

You cannot prepare for a specific verbal or numerical test. There are many options for tasks, and there is no point in memorizing the correct answers to each one.

Aptitude testing is entirely dependent on the skills and experience of the individual. Before the interview, it is advisable to study specialized forums where the problems of people in a particular profession are discussed. The tasks will most likely concern typical and non-standard situations.

How to pass successfully

The main method of preparation is training. You should go to interviews, take tests and be interested in the results. This is especially true for the verbal ability test. The more often a candidate solves problems, the better he will do.

It is worth looking for typical tests with answers used in job applications and studying them. Only a few companies present their own objectives during the interview. These are large organizations or international corporations where there is a need for many employees at a specific level.

The search for options on how to undergo a psychologist is typical for those wishing to work in the police. Tests in the law enforcement agencies are multi-stage in nature, and it is difficult to prepare for them with a 100% guarantee.

Test results

Each test has a key. The specialist will compare the test subject’s indicators with the table and draw a conclusion.

The big problem is the interpretation of the results. When applying for a job, verbal tests will show not so much mental capacity how much is a person's willingness to decide logic problems at a certain moment. It is not worthwhile, for example, to check the abilities of the chief accountant in this way. It is better to test the candidate’s knowledge on core issues.

Also, psychological tests when applying for a job must be deciphered by a specialist with specialized education. If you entrust this to a personnel officer, the result may be interpreted incorrectly.

Some duties require perseverance and attention, rather than significant intellectual ability. Therefore, there is no need to test every employee upon hiring.

Not my work, but maybe it will help someone.

Psychological tests, passing technique

The first use of psychological testing for hiring began in the United States in the fifties. In Russia, the peak of fashion for psychological methods in the selection of candidates occurred in 2000-2008. It's hard to argue that psychological tests are indeed a reliable source of information, but only in the hands of a professional. For example, in Germany, the employee conducting the test must be a certified psychologist and must explain to the candidate what exactly he is determining. In Russia, a recruiting manager can be an economist or philologist and at the same time confidently process test results and make “diagnoses” for candidates.

So let's get started!

Psychological tests used in the selection of candidates are selected depending on the requirements for the future employee as a professional, team member or manager. Most often, several tests (battery) are selected for testing, covering the most important intellectual, personal, motivational and volitional qualities for a given profession. The most popular techniques can be divided into several groups.


Offered at interview for certain time cross out numbers and letters in rows of random numbers and letters? Know that you are passing the Bourdon proof test or the Schultz table. The main test subjects: accountants, cashiers, assistant secretaries, salespeople and specialists who need reaction speed, ability to concentrate and resistance to stress in their work. At the end of the test, the completed sheet is checked for errors. If there are a lot of them and, moreover, by the end of testing their number increases, it means that the candidate’s attention is depleted and he is not able to for a long time concentrate on one activity. They prefer to eliminate such accountants or cashiers right away: they are sure to make mistakes during the working day.

How to get:Find a test using an Internet search engine and practice at home: one, two, three... ten times. Even if you are not hired, improving your memory and attention will never be a bad idea.


Personality tests cause the most serious hostility among candidates; many perceive them as an invasion of personal space. Meanwhile, such questionnaires are quite widely used in personnel selection, as they allow you to look deep into a person: find out his basic needs and interests, motives for behavior, goals and values, and understand how he makes decisions.

One of the popular personality tests that can identify the main qualities of a candidate and his potential is the Myers-Briggs questionnaire. The original test contains at least 94 questions and determines people's preferences by selecting answer options from the situation: yes or no. For example, “In your opinion, the most big drawback- to be insensitive or unreasonable? Answers are not graded as right or wrong, the whole test was originally built on the principle “one likes pears, the other likes oatmeal”...

“People who can’t make decisions irritate me,” “I could live away from people,” and 103 other similar statements are suggested by Cattell’s equally popular questionnaire. According to the theory of the English psychologist and founder of the test, any personality is based on 16 main traits: practicality-dreaming, isolation-sociability, self-confidence-guilt, the dynamics of whose development the test will help determine.

One of the shortest personality tests, but not inferior in effectiveness, is the Eysenck test, which allows you to identify the type of temperament and level of emotional stability of candidates. Questions: “Do you prefer books to meeting people?” or “Do you ever have tremors?” also do not provide a variety of answer options.

How to get:Personality tests are considered the most "tricky" ones because they do not contain right or wrong answers. One of the right ways take a test to find out what kind of candidate the company is looking for and become one for a while. At the same time, be careful, avoiding unnoticed trap questions, the most common of which: the same question, in slightly different wording. It is necessary to ensure that in both cases the answer is the same, otherwise they may be accused of insincerity.

Another type of “traps” are questions: “Do you always pay for travel on public transport?” or “Have you ever been irritated?” You shouldn’t answer them the way you would an ideal person, normal people don't always do everything right. There's nothing wrong with letting off steam sometimes. But if the critical mass of deception in answers exceeds a certain value, you will be accused of “social desirability.”


If you were asked to draw a non-existent animal, choose your preferred colors or geometric shape, it means you are being viewed through projective tests.
The simplest test to carry out and obtain results is considered to be the psychogeometric test. Candidates show five geometric shapes: circle, square, rectangle, zizgag and triangle and offer to choose one of them, in relation to which he can say: “Here is a figure that symbolizes me!” Depending on the chosen figure, the subject will be classified as a workaholic, creative personalities or careerists.

Applicants for positions where there is a lot of interaction with other people, such as sales managers or delivery drivers, are often asked to take the Rosenzweig test. It uses 24 picture cards that depict people in different conflict situations and here is a replica of one of characters, and the subject must come up with what the second participant’s replica could be. Using the test, you can identify how a person reacts to failure and how he manifests himself in conflicts.

Choose your preferred color from the cards different colors will be offered during the Luscher color test. They take the test twice after a short period of time. According to the founder of the test, the choice of color can show the subject’s focus on a certain activity and the most stable personality traits.

Least of all projective techniques use drawing tests, since processing the results is lengthy, labor-intensive process, requiring specialist training and experience. The main essence of the test: the candidate is asked to draw a non-existent animal or the composition “house, tree, person”, then HR analyzes the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the drawing.

How to get:To pass the Luscher test, you just need to remember correct sequence choice of colors: red, yellow, green, purple, blue, brown, gray, black. And remember, if you repeat it twice perfect order, this will alert the tester, so when re-selecting it is necessary to slightly change the sequence of colors.

In the Rosenzweig test, as in personality tests, you can use the principle of getting used to the image and constructing a phrase not according to the first impulse, but how an ideal candidate would answer.

With drawing tests, you need to remember a few rules for interpreting drawings. So, an animal with teeth or protruding sharp corners will be a sign of your conflicting or aggressive disposition. An energetic, confident person draws with clear, smooth lines or strokes with little pressure.


Few of us have not tried to find out our IQ level at home, solving exercises on arithmetic, memorizing numbers, completing pictures, etc. Eichars suggest solving the same well-known and widely used tests to determine the level of intelligence by D. Wechsler and Stanford test batteries -Binet.
Often the average passing score for a company is set at 120 conventional units. At the same time, the intelligence of the average person (IQ) is 100 units (half of the solved problems), and the intelligence of a person who fully answers all the tasks corresponds to 200 units.

In addition to IQ tests, HR can also offer logic tests, which test the ability to separate correct logical consequences from incorrect ones. In tasks, unfamiliar words are often found, such as “kuzdra”, “zapyrka”, “dubarator”, this was done specifically to highlight the ability to logical thinking from other knowledge about the world around us. At first, the tasks may confuse the candidate: “John is always either urping or purring” or “Some lapuchondria are not stable,” but later normal logic takes over.

How to get:In intelligence tests, the main task for the applicant is to score maximum amount points for a certain period of time. The most common mistakes in such tests are related to inattention and missing tasks for which the answer cannot be found. Basic rules: before starting the solution, carefully read the questions and try to answer all the tasks: even if you don’t know the correct answer, there is always a chance to guess it. And the last thing: training, many of these tests are built on the same principle, and once you understand the task, the second time you will spend much less time on it.

Logic tests have one correct answer, and if you have doubts about your own logic, you can simply memorize the answer options.


Most often, professional tests assess compliance with job requirements and check good theoretical basis They offer financiers, accountants, lawyers and programmers to pass, this allows them to rank specialists and make their initial screening.

At the same time, many organizations develop their own tests, which makes it possible to increase their reliability and take into account the specifics of the organization and these positions. For example, a lawyer or accountant may be asked to find a solution from difficult situation that have already happened in the company.

How to get:Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to “cheat” professional tests, especially if the employer compiles them himself. And is it necessary to deceive if we are talking about your professionalism, which will subsequently need to be confirmed every day.

The one who gets the job is the one who is more motivated than others, better prepared and ready to overcome difficulties. Testing is one of the most common methods for assessing candidates. Within the walls educational institutions As a rule, students are not taught how to pass tests when applying for a job, and in vain. Adequate behavior and the right attitude can serve young professionals well and make their first steps in the profession easier.

During the presentation of his resume, introductions and interviews, the applicant is usually given the only chance to make a positive impression. Employers need tests upon admission new personnel to work when there are several candidates and a fair and objective decision must be made. In such a situation, the solution is scientific approach: they are all offered to go through the same test for work in the end, only one person will be accepted - the one who knows how to show himself in a favorable light.

General concept of tests

Standard pre-employment tests consist of:

  • Verbal tests;
  • Abstract logical tests.

Psychologists and HR specialists measure the level of knowledge in this way, determine the candidate’s ability to learn, and check the availability leadership qualities or professional skills.

Depending on the vacancy, various properties play a decisive role: for a journalist, communication skills and literacy are important, for an accountant - attentiveness and numeracy, for a sales manager - activity, resistance to stress, a burning desire to succeed, etc.

You have the right to refuse verification, because testing is not a mandatory procedure. But then the likelihood of getting a job in this company decreases sharply. To prevent the test from turning into an insurmountable obstacle to getting a position, follow our advice, how to pass job tests, answer questions and not succumb to provocations.

  • If you are tested in the office, then in most cases the time and place of testing will be known in advance. Free the evening before for have a relaxing holiday. You need to relax, get a good night's sleep, and have breakfast. You should dress comfortably, but without neglecting the dress code. After all, you came to the organization with serious intentions and voluntarily agreed to take the test; when hiring, various parameters are taken into account, including your appearance. Don't forget to disable mobile phone and stock up positive attitude to what is happening. Of course, the dress code will not help you, but still you should not neglect the other points.

  • Read the instructions carefully. Don't waste time thinking about unclear questions: if you don't know how to answer, skip and move on. Leave the most difficult points for last: when the test is passed, the answer sometimes comes unexpectedly, literally from the depths of the subconscious. Read the assignment carefully and don’t fall for tricks and “trick questions.” Trust your intuition, rely on experience and knowledge, remember everything that your teachers and life taught you, show intelligence at the decisive moment.

  • There are generally accepted rules How must take pre-employment tests, they are performed by every self-respecting organization.

      • The employer warns about the upcoming testing in advance, and notifies how long the event will take.
      • Candidates are given the right to view mock tests.
      • The employer provides comfortable conditions to take the test: comfortable spot with good lighting, isolated from noise.
      • Before that, how to take tests, the subject has the right to inquire about what exactly will be assessed.
      • The employer is obliged to guarantee the confidentiality of information. Information requested and received pre-employment tests, according to the laws of ethics, are not transferred beyond the personnel service and management of this organization.
  • Composure and presence of mind help mobilize for success. Composure comes with confidence in your knowledge. Pre-workout helps relieve anxiety and improve results. Use the capabilities of the World Wide Web. Try to take the test that will be offered when applying for a job online in advance, and think about the answers without haste at home. There is no deception in this action, preliminary preparation only indicates the seriousness of the applicant’s intentions. Attention to the essence of the questions helps the candidate to reveal himself fully, to emphasize his strengths and level out those nuances that are undesirable to advertise.

    The most objective information is provided by professional tests when applying for a job; it is almost impossible to deceive them. Preparing for numerical tests increases your chance of getting the coveted vacancy several times, but the “correct” answers to psychological test tasks can be found on the Internet.

  • Tip No. 5. During an interview, answer sincerely and without unnecessary modesty.

    Often, tests prepared for job candidates do not so much evaluate applicants as specialists, but rather determine human qualities. Psychologists have developed provocative questions, the so-called lie scale, which reveal whether the test person is inclined to present what he wants as the truth. It must be said that associative and projection tests often evaluate a person biasedly, because record his current condition. However, some of them contain “trap questions” for which it is advisable to prepare. When answering, pay attention to the same type of paraphrased questions and make sure that your answers to them coincide with each other. Sincerity – the best remedy do not get confused in your own testimony.

    All kinds of tests are practiced, and yet in most serious organizations the main evaluation criterion for hiring are numerical, verbal and abstract-logical tests. In addition, it is good to show interest in the results for the common cause. Employers want employees who are motivated not only by financial rewards, but also by situations where a job well done has helped advance the company.

  • It happens that after processing the test results, the candidate receives not just a refusal, but a disappointing verdict. To avoid disappointment, remember: a low score on an IQ test does not necessarily indicate a low IQ. Perhaps you are simply poorly prepared. Most likely, today's failure is a step towards future achievements and invaluable experience. Try to take the test that was offered when applying for a job yourself, online, compare the results: perhaps you were hampered by anxiety or lacked self-confidence. Well, if you don’t have enough knowledge yet, try to fill in the gaps. Believe in yourself and boldly go towards your Dream.

Experienced employers take the selection of employees very seriously, requiring them to successfully pass several stages of testing their skills, abilities, personal characteristics and suitability for work. The most common form of testing is an interview, but often before it a future employee of an organization has to undergo psychological tests to provide sufficiently complete and, in most cases, reliable information about himself.

Why are employment tests needed?

Psychological tests when applying for a job are great option select the ideal candidate for the position from among all applicants. Often, already at this stage, the employer finds a new employee, and if there are several suitable ones, an interview is held with each of them. Taking tests saves time. It is easier and faster to interview three successful test takers than the thirty who originally applied for the position. Also similar method selection avoids bias towards candidates.

Each employer independently decides what qualities he wants to see in his employees. Some are looking for a leader, capable of leading others, ready to make decisions in any situation and striving for career growth. For others, on the contrary, the future employee should simply perform his duties well and not pretend to be a leader. Based on this, tests are selected, but the main goals that can be achieved with their help are the same everywhere.

Thus, psychological tests are carried out with the aim of:

  • screening out candidates who are not suitable for the position for one reason or another;
  • drawing up a psychological portrait of each applicant;
  • selecting candidates most suitable for a given organization and vacancy;
  • obtaining the most complete and reliable information, diluting the data given in the resume.

What human qualities can be identified through testing?

Each company has its own line of business, requiring certain qualities from its employees, specific features and some skills. Also, the requirements for a new employee depend on the specifics of the team. An experienced employer understands that for a vacant position in a young team of programmers, IT specialists or engineers, a person should be considered who has the same age and other personal characteristics as his future colleagues.

In a serious financial company, on the contrary, they will prefer a more mature, calm person, capable of making thoughtful decisions.

Also, the qualities of a new employee largely depend on the specifics of the job itself. Thus, an employee who will spend most of his time communicating with clients is subject to more stringent requirements than his colleague who works with documents and spends most of the day in his office. Conducting testing helps the employer decide what is the highest priority issue for the candidate for the position, what his views on the future and principles in relationships with people are. This means that with the help of tests it is possible to identify exactly those qualities in a candidate that are necessary for the job.

So, testing allows you to find out:

  • skills, abilities and abilities of the candidate;
  • attentiveness, perseverance, diligence, creativity;
  • ability to withstand stressful situations;
  • priorities in life and work;
  • leadership skills;
  • mentality;
  • psychological picture;
  • experience and results of working in a team;
  • ability or lack of ability to make decisions in difficult situations;
  • possible leverage over him;
  • motivators;
  • creative or analytical approach to work;
  • moral principles;
  • career goals.

Different Categories of Pre-Employment Tests

There are several categories of tests that can be used to test candidates for aptitude. They are selected taking into account the requirements for the applicant.

Personality tests

To identify personality characteristics, the Luscher, Myers-Briggs, Szondi tests and others are used. The Luscher color test helps to create a general psychological portrait of the applicant and determine his actions in stressful situation, as well as communication skills, level of activity and outlook on life.

Using the Myers-Briggs test, you can identify a candidate's psychotype and thereby determine whether the job is suitable for him or not. The Szondi test offers 8 portraits, from which you need to choose the 2 most and 2 least attractive. This choice determines a person’s inclinations, his character and even his predisposition to certain diseases.


With the help of such tests, the degree of readiness of the applicant for work is revealed.

The most common are the Amthauer intelligence test, which allows you to determine not only the level of intelligence, but also its structure, and the Eysenck IQ test, aimed at identifying a person’s mentality, his ability to think logically and analyze a situation.

For stress resistance

Such tests are necessary in organizations where work is associated with stressful situations: service sector enterprises, healthcare and internal affairs institutions, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and others. To identify the degree of stress resistance, a Rorschach test is suitable, which allows you to determine the level of psychological stability of a job candidate and the ability to control yourself.


Such tests are used to test the applicant’s attentiveness, ability to understand, evaluate, analyze information and draw conclusions from it. Verbal testing involves choosing from several options, entering your answer or analyzing the text.

Features of testing for employment for various professions

Pre-employment testing is carried out differently for each profession.


Tests are used to determine the mindset and level of mathematical knowledge, the ability to process large volumes and draw conclusions.

Technical worker

To test workers whose activities are related to the maintenance of equipment, appropriate tests are used to determine the level of knowledge about the operation of certain devices.

Linguist, translator, tour guide, guide, employee of an international company

Employees who require language skills take tests chosen by employers. As a rule, their complexity depends on the required level of knowledge for the work.


Here tests are used for attentiveness, communication skills, perseverance and intelligence.


This profession requires such qualities as patience, communication skills, self-control, and when applying for a job, tests are aimed specifically at finding out whether these are inherent in the candidate.

Security service or internal affairs officer

For this category, testing is prerequisite hiring, since an employee who is guarding order should not have qualities that will interfere with his work.

This is the inability to navigate in a stressful situation, communicate with people, find mutual language, decision making and lack of self-control.

Civil servant

Only a person with high intelligence, good communication skills, who knows his job and has a logical mind can be in the public service. When applying for civil service, candidates undergo tests to determine the presence of these qualities.

What determines the success of passing tests?

To successfully pass the test you need to follow just a few rules:

  • be calm;
  • be sincere and honest;
  • Be careful;
  • skip unclear questions rather than answer at random;
  • rest well before testing.

So testing is important stage successfully passing the hiring test. It is carried out individually for each profession or specialty and includes various tests to determine professional suitability and personal characteristics. The outcome of the interview and the hiring decision largely depend on the test results.

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