What fruit trees to plant in the fall. All about autumn planting of fruit trees and shrubs

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Every spring, all gardeners are overcome by “planting disease.” It begins as soon as the snow melts, and it is hardly possible to get rid of its symptoms until the end of May. Occasionally there are summer residents who do not run around markets and nurseries in the spring in search of seedlings - they planted everything in the fall. So when is it better to plant trees - autumn or spring?

When can you plant trees?

Theoretically, it is possible to plant trees all year round, as long as the ground is not frozen. The most important thing for a planted tree is to have as much contact between the roots and the ground as possible. If the soil is frozen, it cannot be compacted enough to provide this contact. If the roots of the tree hang in the void, it will not be able to replenish the moisture that evaporates aboveground part. After all, the fact that trees “sleep” in winter does not mean that they do not lose moisture.

If you plant a tree in mid-summer, for example, the biggest problem will again be increased evaporation of moisture, which, however, can be compensated for by frequent watering.

Thus, trees can be successfully planted at any time of the year.

The main thing is to plant correctly and provide careful care. True, why create additional difficulties for yourself and the seedling if there are optimal timing plantings that reduce these difficulties to a minimum?

When is the best time to plant trees?

The period of physiological or forced dormancy, when trees “sleep” in anticipation of favorable conditions for vegetation, is optimal for planting. “Hibernation” begins as soon as the leaves fall from the trees and lasts until the buds open. The tree doesn’t care when exactly during this period it will be planted. In this case, there are a number of factors that are important for the gardener. Let's take a closer look at these factors.
Pros and cons of autumn planting

So, let's look at the reasons why you should not plant trees in the fall:
If the winter is exceptionally cold (as it was just two years ago), the planted trees may freeze. In addition, they can be damaged by heavy snowfall, ice, wind and other weather disasters.
In autumn, planted trees can be damaged by rodents or they can simply be stolen if your garden is left unattended during the winter.

At the same time, there are significant advantages of autumn planting of seedlings:
In autumn there is a wide selection of planting material, since it is during this period that nurseries begin selling seedlings.
If you plant trees in the fall, one watering will be enough; coolness and frequent rains will take care of your pets without your participation.
Unless the winter is too harsh, the soil will not freeze to the depth of the roots. In this case, the planted tree will grow suction roots over the winter and heal the wounds caused by the transplant.
In the spring, a gardener has a lot of work: he needs not only to plant trees, but also to take care of the old garden, prepare the garden for planting, and so on. It's not such a bad thing to do something in advance to free up time for other concerns.

As you can see, there are more advantages to autumn planting than disadvantages. So if you planted trees in the fall, continue to do so. Now let’s see if you should succumb to the “planting disease” in the spring and plant a couple more seedlings.

Should you or shouldn't you plant trees in the spring?

Why is it problematic to plant trees in spring:
When planting in spring, it is necessary to water the seedling twice: at planting and a day later, loosen the soil and cover with mulch. Next, you will also have to water the planted tree frequently, especially if the weather is hot or windy.
If you're late with spring planting, then the planted tree’s chances of survival will be significantly reduced. If the tree has not yet begun to grow properly, but sap flow has already begun, then it can only be removed by providing special care, which not every amateur gardener can do.
In the spring, the market for planting material is poor - much is sold out in the fall.

What are the benefits of planting trees in spring:
During the winter, you have the opportunity to prepare theoretically, draw up a planting plan, based on which you can order seedlings - there will be no hasty decisions.
Winter is not such a “dead” season for a gardener: you can prepare holes, tools, and generally put the garden in order, without rushing.
If you cannot ensure the protection of the site, you will not have to worry about the planted trees all winter.
If you plant trees in the spring, they get one more year of growing season - if planted in the fall, you would have a harvest a year later.

As you can see, there are more advantages here too. So, if your hands are itching to plant a tree, plant it without regard to those who mumble that this is not right. This way and that way is correct. After weighing all the pros and cons, choose the most suitable time for you to plant trees.

Be sure to take into account the local weather and features. Residents of the southern regions, of course, are better off planting trees in the fall. Autumns there are long and warm, and spring gives way too quickly to hot summers. And northerners better beware of the harsh winter and plant trees in the spring. However, if you didn’t have time to plant something in March-April, put it off until the fall. If you don’t have time in the fall, fill the gap next spring. The main thing is to plant trees and care for them with love!


How to plant a tree?

I hope you don’t think that planting a tree means digging a hole, sticking a seedling in there and covering it with soil?

Scientifically speaking, for a successful planting process it is necessary to follow a number of rules in which the tree can quickly form an active, functional root system, i.e. so that it takes root and receives the necessary substances and moisture for the development of the crown.

These are the rules I wanted to talk about, and for this you need to answer 3 questions, namely - what? How? When? Almost? Where? When?)

What to consider when purchasing, unless of course you are buying this seedling and not digging it up in the forest or on a neighboring plot. I think it’s worth highlighting a few simple rules:

Purchase from a specialized gardening company or a large company where you can get the necessary advice.

It is advisable to have a label indicating the variety and breed.

So that the seedling does not have any distortions in the crown, crooked trunk, or uneven distribution of branches along the trunk. And at least there must be 3 skeletal branches.

There should be no signs of damage or disease.

If the seedling is in a container, then the roots should not break through the drainage hole.

If the seedling is in a package, then earthen lump should be dense and proportional to the above-ground part.

Saplings with an open root system should not have damage to the roots, signs of disease, and the roots should not be overdried. Also, all leaves of such seedlings must be removed.

When to plant? Here I see two options:

In autumn. The leaves have fallen and the tree does not need to waste energy feeding the crown, so it is busy developing a new habitat. But there is one thing - winter-hardy varieties are planted in the fall, such as apple trees, pears, berries and ornamental shrubs.

In the spring. More heat-loving varieties better to plant in early spring otherwise they will not have enough time to prepare for winter. This applies to apricots, cherries, plums, cherry plums, and weakly winter-hardy varieties of pears and apple trees.

The time for planting large trees differs from, for example, planting lilacs, which are planted from the second half of July to the beginning of September.

P.S. IN in this case I meant planting time in those areas where summer and relatively good weather last only 3-4 months.

P.P.S. Seedlings in containers can be planted in summer, as long as the roots are not overdried.

And now the landing itself, only 9 stages:

Mark the landing site. Here we think and plan the development of the future tree for years to come, so that it does not interfere with anything and has the opportunity to grow unhindered. We mark the place and designate a hole, which should be 2 times wider than the earthen ball with roots.

Dig a hole. We separate the top dug fertile layer from the bottom and pour them on opposite sides of the hole.

Loosen the bottom of the hole. This is done to make it easier for the roots to penetrate deeper into the lower layers of the soil.

Fertilize the planting soil. Upper layer the soil that we separated is diluted with mature compost or humus (You can read where to prepare compost here). Add more pre-cooked fertile soil And mineral fertilizers. The lower unused layer of soil can be used to fill holes on the site, if there are any)

Drive in the stake. We install the support before planting so as not to damage the roots; as a rule, it is needed for large plants.

Place the seedling in the hole. Sprinkle some prepared soil at the bottom of the hole and place the seedling vertically. In this case, we do not recess the root system into the soil (we do not bury it); the root ball of soil should only be lightly sprinkled with soil on top. After all the work, the soil level in the planting hole, taking into account future precipitation, should be approximately 5 centimeters higher than the level of the rest of the site.

Fill the hole with soil. I think it is obvious that before filling the hole you need to remove what the root ball of earth was wrapped in, it could be burlap, paper, etc.

Tie the seedling to a support. Tie the seedling to the support in the shape of a figure eight with soft twine. The twine should not cut too much into the tree bark.

Water the planting thoroughly. We compact the soil around the trunk, and make a roller along the edges of the hole for watering. We water the tree trunk well (so that the roots come into contact with the soil), then sprinkle (mulch) it with peat or humus to a depth of 5 cm.

How to plant a fruit tree?


When to plant trees and shrubs correctly

It is preferable to plant deciduous trees during a break in the growing season, that is, in early spring before the leaves bloom or in the fall after the leaves fall.

The best time for autumn planting is considered to be mid-September and all of October, but you should focus on specific weather conditions.

Spring planting is carried out after the soil has thawed, which in temperate latitudes usually occurs in mid-April - early May.

On moist, heavy and compacted soils, it is recommended to plant trees in the spring.

In areas with early, harsh winters, it is also preferable to plant seedlings in the spring.

Heat-loving trees and shrubs are planted in the spring after late spring frosts, since they may not survive the winter if planted in the fall.

When planting trees in the spring, you need to make sure that the ground has thawed and does not have frozen areas.

Conifers and evergreens should be planted in late autumn, late summer or early autumn so that they have time to take root and winter time nourished the above-ground part with moisture.


Preparing the pit and planting a seedling

In gardening, as in many other areas, there is no consensus, how to correctly perform this or that procedure. Each gardener thinks differently, based on life experience and observations. First of all, this concerns tree planting summer cottage When is it better to plant: spring or autumn? Planting trees in the fall has its pros and cons; to determine when to complete the work, you need to focus not only on the advice of professionals, but also take into account the type of tree, its variety, as well as the climatic features of the region.

Pros and cons of planting trees in the fall

Gardeners cannot always decide to plant a tree before winter. This usually happens if the seedling came into your hands by chance, for example, as a gift from neighbors or in the nursery there was a variety that you had long dreamed of. It is believed that on the eve of winter, planting is practiced by residents of the southern regions, but if the procedure is carried out correctly in the northern regions, you can achieve good results.

  • Seedlings sold in the fall are much cheaper and the choice of planting material is much larger. The gardener has the opportunity to carefully examine the plant; at this time, many specimens still have green leaves and strong, fresh roots.
  • Planting trees in the fall makes it much easier further care after them. The gardener will not have to worry that the plant will not receive enough moisture. Soon after planting, the tree will go into a dormant state, and in the spring it will be able to receive a lot of nutrients and life-giving moisture along with melt water.
  • Next season, the “autumn” seedlings will grow much faster and more readily, outstripping their “colleagues” planted in the spring. In addition, the immune system will become stronger over the winter and the young tree will no longer be afraid of spring frosts and cold snaps.
  • And the last thing that can be noted is the saving of time for the gardener. In spring, at its peak summer season, the trees on the site will already be planted.

The disadvantages of planting trees in the fall include the following:

  • if the seedling is not covered well enough, then very coldy capable of destroying a young and fragile plant;
  • winter will bring difficult trials for the tree: cold wind, ice, temperature changes, etc.;
  • the seedling may suffer from attacks by rodents and other pests.

Before buying a seedling, you should carefully study the agricultural technology of the crop. If you purchase planting material in the nursery, you can count on competent advice from a specialist. What to do when seedlings are bought at the market? Often sellers pursue only material gain, trying to sell as much product as possible.

  • apple and pear trees of exclusively frost-resistant varieties,
  • Rowan,

  • cherry plum,
  • all types of currants,
  • raspberries,
  • honeysuckle,
  • blueberry,
  • gooseberry,

  • some varieties of apple and pear trees,
  • plum,
  • cherry,
  • cherries,
  • apricot,

  • peach.

This rule especially applies to heat-loving southern trees, such as apricots. If you root them in middle lane Russia in autumn time, the seedling will quickly die.

When to plant seedlings in the fall?

The timing of planting trees in the fall depends on the characteristics of the region and weather conditions. It is believed that the most favorable time is after leaf fall, however, in every corner of the country it begins at different time. Young seedlings will need another 3-4 weeks to take root and prepare for winter. Mature trees that require replanting for one reason or another are recommended to be disturbed only in late autumn or even winter, when the root system is dormant.

So that the gardener can navigate the timing, it is recommended to use the following information on planting seedlings:

  • Central part of Russia - from September 20 to October 15;
  • Northern regions of the country - from September 5 to October 1,
  • Southern regions - from October 10 to November 10.

What to do if a seedling has been purchased, but there is no time to plant it? You should prepare a garden bucket or other container of similar size and fill it with wet peat, river sand or sawdust. Bury the seedling in the substrate and place it in the basement, where the air temperature in winter will be between +2 °C and +10 °C. Air humidity should be at least 85%. Every 10 days, the seedling is inspected and the substrate is slightly moistened. In this condition, the young tree will overwinter well and will be ready for planting in the spring.

What should a gardener know when planting trees in the fall?

The land for planting should be prepared in advance; it is best to do this in August. Experienced gardeners carry out markings, assess the general condition of the soil and measure the level of occurrence groundwater. Planting trees in the fall sometimes ends in failure, but not because the plants were damaged by the cold, but because the soil composition is unsuitable. If a sufficient amount of organic matter and fertilizers was added to the planting hole, and the soil on the site is too dense and depleted, then after a couple of years, having used up everything nutrients, the young tree will die. Therefore, it is so important to dig up an area as large as possible and add the necessary components to the soil.

If the soil is too heavy and dense, then the holes are dug wide but shallow. The root system of most trees grows horizontally. Drainage must be laid at the bottom broken bricks, crushed stone or large river pebbles. If as organic fertilizers used cow or horse dung, then it should be applied at least 4-6 weeks before planting so that it has time to partially decompose. But it is better to leave the manure until spring, and add humus or compost in the fall. Too much organic matter, just like a large amount of nitrogen, stimulates the growth of young shoots, and this significantly reduces the winter hardiness of the plant.

When planting trees in the fall, you can safely add only phosphate fertilizers. Even in large quantities they will not cause harm, but, on the contrary, will have a beneficial effect on the development of the root system. For the same reason, professionals recommend using drugs such as Kornevin or humate.

Preparing for winter

To reliably protect the roots from freezing, the circle around the trunk is mulched. Peat, compost, and bark fragments can be used as materials. Rodents can be a real scourge for a gardener. To do this, the trunk of the tree is fenced with special nets, and bait with rat poison is laid out on the ground.

Considering that the root system of newly planted seedlings is still weak and the soil will settle for some time, it is recommended to tie the trunk to a support. This will protect the plant in case snow storms And strong winds. For the same reason, experienced gardeners use a rope to tighten the crown of young trees. To protect the above-ground part of the plant from the cold, the tree can be wrapped in burlap or a piece of agrofibre.

Obviously, planting trees in the fall is not much more complicated than the spring procedure. Knowing how to properly prepare the soil and cover a young tree for the winter, success will be guaranteed.

Video on how to plant trees in autumn

Naturally, the townspeople who become owners suburban areas, is interested not only in getting a rich harvest from their gardens. Today, more and more clearly, there is a desire to improve the territory acquired. On the site on a par with fruit trees disembark different types ornamental shrubs and trees, the main goal of the owners is to create an original, aesthetically designed landscape that would please the eye and soul in all seasons.

Various types of ornamental shrubs will help bring your ideas for a beautiful landscape to life.

Bring ideas to life beautiful landscape A variety of types of ornamental shrubs will help. You need to approach the choice of shrubs with full responsibility and understanding of the matter.

All experienced gardeners know (and let beginners remember) that, first of all, the choice of plant depends on whether the seedling can develop normally in the climate conditions of the given area and whether the soil is suitable for its growth.

When planting ornamental shrubs, it is worth considering the fact that they can be different heights. This means that the planting can be thought out in such a way that all tiers are harmoniously filled and, as a result, a complete composition is created.

Ornamental plants are planted not only for visual pleasure. By planting them, for example, along a lattice fence, you can get hedge, which will protect from unwanted views.

You can also arrange different types flowering bushes in certain areas and thereby divide the site into the desired zones. Such a planting separating beds with vegetables from a recreation area or orchard will look quite impressive.

Watch the video to see how beautiful different types of flowering shrubs look in the garden:

The varied and bright flowering of shrubs will apparently enliven the garden palette.

As already stated above: for each climate zone, it is advisable to plant those plants for which it is most suitable. For example, for a belt with temperate climate Hawthorn will do.

With some simple care (pruning branches and thereby determining the direction of growth), you can grow a plant that not only surprises with its beauty, but also produces useful fruits.

Hydrangea will also feel good in such conditions. It is better to plant it in the shade. She loves moisture and soil fertilized with humus. Hydrangea flowers have made a huge impression on many poets.

Its inflorescences are shaped like balls different color. The presence of such a shrub in the garden apparently transforms it.

In areas where most days of the year are cold, gardeners should pay attention to a type of shrub such as barberry.

It is hardy and very attractive in appearance, in addition to everything, it also bears fruit.

Birds love to eat its fruits, whose presence on the site has a positive effect on the fight against insects that harm the normal growth of plants. By planting different types of evergreen shrubs, in addition, you can make the garden attractive even in autumn and winter, after the leaves fall.

Planting ornamental shrubs in autumn

Most gardeners are of the opinion that planting should only be done in the spring. But this opinion is wrong. Planting in the fall can and should be done. In order for the plant to overwinter well after autumn planting, it must be planted in one of the following ways.

The first method involves planting seedlings with bare roots. This method can be used only after the plant has completed its active growing season. If this recommendation is not followed, the risk that the plant will not survive the winter increases significantly. Mulching, breathable covers, and any other coverings will be useless.

The end of the growing season can be determined by the following signs: the buds at the tops of the branches are fully formed, the young shoots are completely covered with bark. Experienced gardeners do not recommend planting hawthorn and hazel in the fall. Everything here is connected with the taproot and slightly branched root system.

IN spring period, berry bushes, begin preparing for fruiting quite early and do not have the strength to quickly grow new roots. Planting in the spring will most likely result in either little or no harvest.

A great risk is associated with planting seedlings with bare roots brought from areas with other climatic conditions, especially those where the climate was much warmer and milder. Quite often, such seedlings do not survive the winter due to the severity of the unusual climate for them.

Watch a video about autumn landing ornamental shrubs

Timing for planting shrubs in autumn

This rule must be observed in relation to the autumn planting of all plants. Planting must be completed before the end of October. The time limit is due to the fact that the transplanted plant requires a certain amount of time to take root in a new place before the first thorough frost.

In order for the plant to overwinter painlessly, it needs to acquire new roots in the fall, replacing those that were destroyed during the transplanting process. Only in this case will the root system be able to fully work and counteract variable and unfavorable weather processes.

It is advisable to place each purchased seedling in a container of water for a while, right before planting it in the ground. Root system it is necessary to saturate it with moisture, because the plant could have been out of the ground and without water for quite a long time.

If the roots of a purchased berry or ornamental shrub, are covered with the so-called clay mash, then this composition, in mandatory, can be washed off.

How to choose and plant correctly berry bushes in the fall - look at the video:

Method two, planting plants with a clod of earth

Shrub seedlings transplanted together with a lump of earth on the root system survive this procedure quite easily, regardless of what time of year this happens. When purchasing materials of this type for planting in the fall, you should always pay attention to the condition of the soil ball.

It is not recommended to plant seedlings in the fall with poorly packed roots from which the soil crumbles. If the roots are wrapped in burlap or a mesh made of a special breathable material, the plant can be purchased.

When removing burlap before planting, you need to be as careful as possible. It is better not to touch the grid at all. During the growth process, it will not interfere with the development of the root system and, after a certain amount of time, will disintegrate.

Method three, how to plant seedlings from containers

They can be planted at any time. It is worth immediately noting that this method exists and is practiced, but it is very unprofitable for autumn planting. The thing is that the roots are enough long time are in an oppressed space.

In a not particularly large container, the roots develop, but over time they curl or grow in the opposite direction to the natural direction. By falling in open ground, they cannot begin to function normally for a long time, which in turn affects the work of other organs of the plant.

Such seedlings quite often do not survive winter temperature changes and are very susceptible to the influence of cold and excessive amounts of moisture.

How to properly fertilize shrubs during autumn planting

Planting shrubs in the fall requires mandatory application of fertilizers to the soil. But, this issue should be approached responsibly and only after carefully studying the appropriate literature, which will provide accurate information regarding dosage.

This is especially important when adding mineral supplements. In autumn, it is better to avoid applying nitrogen, potassium and calcium fertilizers. Their action can have a very detrimental effect on the root system and, as a result, on the condition of the entire plant as a whole. Phosphorus-rich fertilizers can be added to the planting hole.

Also, when planting in autumn, you should not add unrotted, fresh mullein, manure, or slurry. Experienced gardeners recommend using only drugs that accelerate the growth and development of the root system: humate, root. Exact recommendations for the strict dosage of drugs can be found in the instructions attached to them.

How and with what to mulch tree trunks

Seedlings planted in autumn period need to use funds additional protection from negative or critical weather conditions. Such protection consists of organizing mulching of the area adjacent to the trunk.

As mulch, you need to use organic substances: rotted sawdust, peat, chaff. But you should not use hay or straw. This is a material in which rodents will not disdain to arrange their winter quarters; they will most likely feast on the roots of the seedling, which will lead to its death.

Also, do not cover the ground around the seedling with roofing felt or polyethylene. They will prevent the penetration of air to the roots and lead to their rotting, which also has a detrimental effect on the condition of the plant.

With the arrival of spring, after the snow has melted, the mulch is removed and the soil begins to actively warm up under the sun's rays.

Every year gardeners ask themselves: When is the best time to plant fruit trees and berry bushes?, autumn or spring. Each season has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Let's take a closer look why is it better to plant trees in autumn when and how to plant on your summer cottage.

Each plant has its own favorable time for transplanting and planting in a new place.

Let's figure it out what fruit trees can be planted in autumn and why.

When all the harvest has been harvested from the garden bed, it’s time to start planting seedlings. This is an important time, the main thing is to plant the plants on time.

The main advantage of autumn planting is the reasonable price of seedlings. It is more profitable to buy seedlings in autumn: big choice freshly dug seedlings, affordable price, quality material easy to distinguish.

Plants are often sold with leftover leaves, fresh roots (which indicate healthy plant). In the fall, some gardeners, along with seedlings, often display the fruits inherent in this variety, which is very important for buyers.

Planting in the fall requires a minimum of care for seedlings at their summer cottage. Sometimes one watering is enough, then autumn weather and rains will create favorable conditions for seedlings.

The root system continues to grow, despite the fact that a dormant period has begun. Root growth continues until the soil temperature drops to +4 degrees.

The main thing is to plant the seedlings in time so that young roots have time to form before the onset of stable frosts. These new roots will begin to grow with the onset of spring, even 2-3 weeks earlier than the seedlings planted in the spring.

A significant plus of autumn planting of trees and shrubs in autumn– lack of other work in the garden and in the garden; in the spring there will be a lot of them.

In regions with warm winters, it is better to plant in the fall; the ground does not freeze to the depth of the roots, and young trees are not at risk of freezing and hypothermia.

Disadvantages of autumn planting

Ice, strong winds, snowfall and other weather conditions can damage young seedlings.

Main disadvantages:
-- severe frosts can harm fragile trees.
-- rodents can damage seedlings in late autumn and winter.
-- young seedlings can simply be stolen while you are away from the dacha.

Video - Compatibility of fruit trees

Which trees and shrubs take root well when planted in the fall?

From fruit trees can be distinguished winter-hardy varieties of pears and apple trees.

Also take root well:

Chokeberry, currant, raspberry, gooseberry, honeysuckle, walnut, chestnut, birch, coniferous trees.

Avoid landing winter-hardy varieties trees and shrubs.

Apple trees, pears, apricots, plums, peaches, cherries, cherries, almonds.

Do not plant seedlings in southern regions, which were grown in the northern regions, they will not tolerate frosts that are not typical of their homeland.

The optimal period for planting trees and shrubs is the end of September and all of October. In warm weather it can last until mid-November (southern regions).

Every year the weather is changeable and planting dates in autumn depend largely on weather conditions.

Important to remember: The guideline for planting and transplanting seedlings is the dormant period of plants, which begins after the end of leaf fall.

Video - When is the best time to plant seedlings of fruit and berry trees?

It happens that it was not possible to plant in the fall. Do you still have seedlings or purchased seedlings that are not suitable for autumn planting - what to do in this case?

Storage in a cool and damp room (basement).
- Digging into the ground.
- Snowmaking

Digging into the ground - Properly buried trees will be well preserved and will survive the winter. Dig a ditch 30-40 cm deep and wide in the direction from west to east. The northern side of the groove is vertical, and the southern side is inclined at an angle of approximately 45 degrees. Place the seedlings at a distance of 15-25 cm from each other, the roots are directed to the north, and the crown to the south. Fill the ditch with soil, stamp it down and pour plenty of water. Before frost, sprinkle with dry soil, sawdust or fallen leaves.

Snowmaking – seedlings are stored outside. Well-packed young trees overwinter under a sufficient layer of snow, which does not allow the temperature to drop for normal plant storage.

Basement storage

At low temperatures basements from 0 to 10 degrees, seedlings are stored well until spring if well-moistened roots are dipped in sand, peat or sawdust. Relative humidity in the basement it should be 87-90%. When stored in the basement, seedlings must be watered once every 10 days.

Video - How to preserve seedlings until spring

When purchasing seedlings, pay attention to their external condition. Seedlings may have immature shoots if they were dug up before natural leaf fall.

Trees with numerous leaves may be unripe and overdried, since the main loss of moisture occurs through the leaves.

Fruit trees require light, so choose southern areas for planting seedlings. You can plant trees in stages - tall ones to the north, low-growing ones to the south, and there will be enough light for everyone.

Also take into account the distance to buildings and communications from trees; it should be at least 4.5 m. When planting, you must know the size of the crown and root system. The roots of mature trees can cause damage even to the foundation.

Combine trees on the site correctly: Cherries grow well next to apricots. The nut oppresses all the trees that grow next to it. Do not plant apple and peach trees together. For more information about the compatibility of fruit trees, see .


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