What varnish should I use on wooden floors? How and with what to cover a wooden floor in an apartment? How to cover a wooden floor - choose a composition with protective properties How to cover a new wooden floor in the house.

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A wooden house is cozy and warm. In such buildings, in most cases, a particularly favorable microclimate is established. However, it should be remembered that a building made of natural materials requires special construction methods. Thus, the main requirements for its floors are their smooth surface, as well as reliable protection from moisture and temperature changes.

General provisions

First of all: no matter what the floor material is, it must meet the following established standards and requirements:

  • sanitary and hygienic;
  • operational;
  • constructive;
  • decorative.

Then: thinking about what you can use to cover the floor in wooden house, please note that its coatings are divided according to the level of heat retention into subtypes presented in the lower table.

Insulation and related design features of floors

When thinking about the best way to cover the floor in a wooden house, keep in mind that a competent choice of thermal insulation method is extremely important. Here you should take into account the design of the base floors: multi-layer (screed, joists, subfloor, finishing coat), single-layer (screed or boards on joists).

It is also necessary to take into account the presence ground floor or basement.

If there is no base, a multi-layer cake should be installed.

  1. First put roll waterproofing(roofing felt and its taxes) on a concrete screed or on dense soil.
  2. Next, logs made of wooden beams are installed.
  3. Between them, slab insulation is installed or loose insulation is laid.
  4. Next, the thermal insulation is covered vapor barrier film. To improve the tightness of the coating, the film sheets must be laid with an overlap of 10-15 cm. The edges of the insulation are placed on the walls to a height of about 10 cm. Subsequently, they are fixed with a plinth.

Note! The instructions note that great solution will choose penoplex as insulation. It can be installed without using a vapor barrier.

Essentially, it is a roll of foamed polystyrene. The material has low thermal conductivity, moisture resistance and sound insulation properties.

Availability of basement, ground floor

The photo shows the installation of a covering in a house with a basement.

If the house has a basement, the floor should be insulated from below. Foam insulation is best suited for this; it will clog all joints and cracks.

Double plank floors are required to achieve maximum effect stability.

  1. The base (base, subfloors) is made from untreated (slab, unedged, unplaned) boards 5-5 cm thick. It preserves the finished floors if the entire structure moves a little. The base is placed on the floor beams and is not fixed with nails, but is inserted into the grooves in them; as an option, it is laid on the cranial bars stuffed on the sides of the beams. Wood is usually used for the base coniferous species, the price of which is low.

In order to finally decide what to cover wooden floor, you need to understand why this is needed and what properties certain materials used in this type of work have.

Wood floors have been used in residential construction since time immemorial.

And even in our time of rapid development of construction and finishing technologies With new materials appearing almost every day, wood floors continue to be highly popular and widespread.

This is easily explained - the wooden floor in country house or in a city apartment it has not only an attractive appearance, but also the following properties:

  • Strength, reliability and durability;
  • High thermal insulation characteristics;
  • Anti-allergenic, natural ability to “breathe” and electrically antistatic;
  • Relatively low cost;
  • High maintainability. If damaged, individual elements of a wooden floor can be easily replaced.

However, as you know, any medal has two sides. The construction of a wooden floor in a house, on a balcony, or, for example, in a bathhouse, is fraught with certain disadvantages.

The fact is that no matter how high-quality wood is, it has low noise-absorbing properties, high hygroscopicity, and is susceptible to rotting, abrasion and damage as a result of mechanical and shock loads, as well as deformation under the influence of moisture or temperature changes.

That is why it is best to coat wooden floors in a house, bathhouse, bathroom, veranda, balcony or garage with varnish or a layer of some other protective material.

This will not only increase the service life of the wooden floor covering, but also significantly increase its consumer characteristics and properties.

But the choice of coating material must be approached as carefully and carefully as possible, since not all types wooden floors and coating materials are successfully combined with each other.

Types of paints and varnishes for flooring

As a rule, when choosing what to cover a wooden floor in a city apartment or in a country house, the consumer considers two options: paint and varnish.

In fact, today's market offers a much wider variety of materials than just varnishing the floor in a private house (on a veranda, balcony, bathroom, garage, etc.).

There are the most different types coatings that take into account the specifics of the room and the operating conditions of the floor.

You can easily choose a coating, for example, for a bathroom or for the floor in a bathhouse; you can choose a composition that is optimal for the floor on open veranda or, for example, in the garage.

Let's look at the different types of coatings in more detail.

Floor paint

Today, there are several types of paint for wooden floors. They are usually divided into two large groups, like organic-based paints and water-dispersion mixtures.

In addition, the paint may contain anti-foam agents, which increase the fire resistance of wooden floors, and biocides, which effectively prevent the occurrence of rotting processes, the appearance of mold, mildew and pathogenic bacteria.

Organic-based paints (for example, acrylic or polyurethane) are easy to apply and can last quite a long time. for a long time, if applied correctly, they do not mask natural structure tree.

A acrylic paints are famous for their moisture resistance and durability.

However, it is necessary to understand that floors living rooms in an apartment or country house, as well as flooring, mounted on an open veranda or balcony, are subjected to much less intense loads than, for example, in the corridor, in the kitchen, in public institution, in a technical building or in a garage.

And the paint for the floor in the hallway in the bathroom, shower or bathhouse must also successfully withstand high concentrations of moisture.

In addition, even if you correctly cover the floor in an apartment or country house with a layer of paint, you need to be prepared for the fact that this new layer will quickly and unevenly wear out, crack or peel, no matter how high-quality the coating is.

Floor varnishes

Varnishing a wooden or parquet floor is one of the most popular types protection and finishing of the floor, both in a city apartment and in the country.

Being a solution of natural resins or polymers of synthetic origin, in combination with various types of solvents, floor varnish can effectively protect a wooden floor from rot, mold and mildew, and also give it a spectacular finish. appearance.

There are several types of varnish, depending on the composition and type of solvent:

  • oil;
  • turpentine;
  • alcohol;
  • aquatic;
  • polyurethane;
  • organic.

However, varnishing a wooden floor is only possible in rooms where there is no excess moisture.

Therefore, varnishing is not used to protect wooden floors in the bathroom, bathhouse and other rooms with high humidity.

The varnish is practically unusable on an open veranda, loggia or balcony.

At the same time, most varnish compositions have the disadvantage of fragility of the structure and relatively low resistance to mechanical and impact loads.

Therefore, covering the floor with varnish in a garage, barn or any outbuilding is impractical.

Oil floor protection

The technology of coating wooden floors with oil-containing compounds has been known for hundreds of years.

How uniquely beautiful, durable and luxurious an oil floor can be can still be seen in the Louvre, the Hermitage, and many medieval castles, palaces and museums.

The oil, penetrating deeply into the structure of the wood, provides high protection for the floor covering, its strength, durability and aesthetics.

In addition, floor oil has high moisture-repellent properties, which allows it to be used for floors in the bathroom, in a bathhouse, on an open veranda and in general in the country.

However, covering a wooden floor with compositions based on various types of oils - linseed, sunflower, soybean and so on - is relevant not only in a country house, but also in city housing, for example, on a balcony, loggia or living room.

But in outbuildings or, for example, in a garage or veranda it is not rational to use oil compounds simply from a financial point of view, given how labor-intensive process is the care of such floor protection.

But floor coverings made on oil based, a number of quite significant shortcomings. Firstly, they perceive heat and temperature changes very poorly.

Therefore, for wooden floors in a house, country house, city apartment or, for example, on a balcony, under which it is planned to install some kind of heating system, oil coating best not to use.

In these cases, it is best to varnish the floor surface.

In addition, caring for an oiled floor is a rather labor-intensive and expensive process.

Therefore, covering the floor in the garage, on the open veranda, and in general in the country with oil-containing compounds is, frankly speaking, a controversial decision.

It is better to use paint or the same varnish.

But for the floor in the bathroom, bathhouse, and other rooms characterized by a high percentage of moisture, this coating is perfect.

Floor protection wax

Where coating a wooden floor with paint or varnish does not achieve the desired effect and does not provide adequate protection, wax-based compounds are used.

Usually they will include, in addition to directly beeswax, also linseed oil, as well as a variety of polymer and composite additives.

Waxed floors have high water-repellent properties.

Due to this, such coatings are often used in the country or to protect the floor in a bathhouse, or in a sauna and in city apartments - for example, for the floor on a balcony or in a bathroom.

Floor finishing is one of the last stages renovations in an apartment or private house. It can be carried out using various materials, each of which has advantages and disadvantages.

Depending on the purpose of the premises, there are certain requirements to materials:

  • Hallway. A room with a high foot traffic in which there is an accumulation of a large number of dust and dirt. The flooring should be as durable and non-marking as possible.
  • Bathroom. In this room, the flooring is constantly in contact with water, so the material must be moisture resistant and easy to clean.
  • Kitchen. Here you also need a material that is not exposed to moisture and does not absorb fat.
  • Balcony. The conditions in such a room are close to those on the street, so the products must be resistant to low temperatures and humidity.
  • Living room. This is a room with a high foot traffic, so the main characteristic of the material is mechanical strength.
  • Bedroom. In this case, the floor covering must be environmentally friendly.
  • Children's room. The material must combine the characteristics of the products for the two previous premises.

This material is used for laying floor coverings in rooms for any purpose. Linoleum was especially popular during Soviet Union, now it is not so common, but still holds some positions.

Linoleum - accessibility and ease of care


  1. A wide range of. The flooring material is made in various colors and may have patterns and ornaments on the front. Modern roll materials imitate the surface of stone, wood, parquet and so on.
  2. Moisture resistance.
  3. Mechanical strength.
  4. High rates of sound and heat insulation.
  5. Simple installation and subsequent maintenance.

Among the disadvantages, it should be noted that the plasticity is too high; dents remain on the linoleum after furniture and other heavy objects. Some models emit harmful substances, this can be determined by a strong chemical smell.

Another classic version floor finishing. Most often, the material is used for arranging floor coverings in kitchens and bathrooms.

Ceramic tiles – environmentally friendly and durable

The positive aspects of tiles include:

  • Resistant to chemicals, water, ultraviolet radiation and abrasion.
  • Wide range of shades and sizes of products. Materials that imitate color and texture are also produced natural wood, stone and others.
  • Easy to care for.
  • Health safety.

Tiles are considered practically ideal option for floors in the house, but the material is cold, which makes it unpleasant to walk on barefoot. Some types become slippery when wet, and the tiles are also quite fragile and easily crack when hit or dropped by an object.

Wood is now experiencing a new wave of popularity. With its help, floors are laid in rooms for any purpose, including kitchens.

Plank flooring – nobility and a feeling of comfort


  1. Noble appearance.
  2. Environmental friendliness.
  3. Feeling of comfort and coziness.
  4. Possibility of use in almost any interior and combination with other materials.

Among the disadvantages, exposure to water should be noted, so it is necessary to take measures to protect the coatings. Because of this, finishing floors requires more time and money. The ability to absorb moisture makes the wood very fragile; spilled juice, tea or coffee will leave a mark on the coating.

Wood also requires regular sanding, since over time burrs appear on the surface. In addition, high-quality natural materials are quite expensive. If they are not processed correctly, they can swell or dry out, leading to deformation. Don't forget about rodents and insects that prefer to live in such an environment.

Cork flooring – naturalness and warmth

Such flooring materials allow you to create truly original coating. The products are made from cork tree bark, so they are completely natural and environmentally friendly.

  • Comfort when walking barefoot.
  • The coating is non-slip and non-marking.
  • The cork is well protected from moisture.
  • The material is easy to care for.
  • A wide range of color solutions and textures.

Disadvantages include low mechanical strength and short service life. In addition, cork requires subsequent finishing with varnish, so such floors cannot be called budget.

Laminate – a wealth of choice and ease of care

These products were invented to replace natural wood. Some of its characteristics are significantly higher than those of wood:

  1. Laminate is available in a very wide range. It can imitate shades of almost all types of wood, natural stone, fabric, leather, and so on.
  2. The material is warm, in addition, a “warm floor” system can be installed underneath it.
  3. Easy to care for.
  4. Moisture resistance.
  5. Relatively low cost.
  6. Ease of installation (products are equipped with lock systems, making them easy to install).

Despite the fact that there are models with a moisture-proof coating, it is better not to use laminate for the kitchen or bathroom. You will also need to lay a layer of waterproofing. It should be noted that the laminate is quite fragile: prolonged contact with water and mechanical stress leave marks on it. In addition, during installation there is a risk of damaging the locking joints, so products must be purchased with a reserve.

Porcelain tiles - durability and practicality

This material is very similar to ceramic tiles, but is produced using slightly different technology. At the same time, it resembles natural stone. IN modern world Porcelain stoneware products are popular due to the following advantages:

  • The strength of porcelain stoneware is rated 9 out of 10.
  • Surfaces can last up to 50 years.
  • Does not emit harmful substances when heated or wet.
  • Easy to care for.
  • Impact resistance sun rays and water.
  • Does not burn and does not support combustion.
  • A wide range of.

The main disadvantage is the high cost, and this applies to prices of both materials and installation work. Polished porcelain tiles are too slippery for use in kitchens and bathrooms. In addition, it is cold, so it needs to be heated. In some cases, it is impossible to cover the floor with such material due to its heavy weight.

Self-leveling floors

Self-leveling floor – aesthetics and uniqueness

This type is considered relatively new; it has not yet gained popularity among users, but it has a number of undeniable advantages:

  1. The presence of polymer compounds in the composition ensures high moisture resistance, so it is easy to wash.
  2. Self-leveling floors can last about 20 years.
  3. There are no seams on the surface, making it look aesthetically pleasing. This same feature protects the coating from the appearance of fungus.
  4. Attractive appearance.

Disadvantages include the high cost of the material and the need for serious preparatory processes. In addition, the coating cannot be repaired locally. That is, if the floor crumbles in some place, you will have to completely remove the coating and fill in a new one.


Previously, concrete was used only for arranging floor coverings in utility rooms, garages, and so on. Now concrete screed very often it is the basis for other products: parquet, laminate, tiles and others. But modern methods Filling and sanding make it possible to create a perfectly smooth, visually attractive coating (as can be seen in the photo) and absolutely inert to water. In addition, the floors are strong and durable.

Concrete floor - strength and durability

Among the disadvantages is the large weight of the material, so it cannot be used in wooden houses. Also, to obtain a perfectly even coating, specialized construction equipment and qualified operators to maintain it. Another drawback is the complexity of the work.

On a note! If the floor is finished with concrete, then it is subject to mechanical stress. Despite its strength, the material can crumble if an object falls on it from a height.

Once this material was the main product for construction, but now it is considered a sign of prosperity and luxury. The fact is that the stone itself is cheap, but its processing requires high-tech, and therefore very expensive, equipment and consumables.

Natural stone – presentable and practical

Among the advantages it should be noted:

  1. High mechanical strength.
  2. Resistance to almost any influence (precipitation, sun, shock).
  3. Almost unlimited service life.

But natural stone there are also disadvantages:

  • Considerable weight, which makes it difficult to work with; it is not suitable for all floors.
  • The stone is cold, so you will have to install a “warm floor” system.
  • The installation process will be quite expensive.
  • The material requires special care.

Another material for flooring, which has been known to mankind since antiquity. It is also considered expensive because it is quite difficult to install. It is made of glass or natural stone.

Mosaic – elegance and uniqueness

The main advantage of mosaic is that it is possible to finish even curved surfaces, while you can create any patterns and designs using multi-colored elements. For ease of installation, manufacturers pre-attach mosaic fragments to the mesh, forming a pattern. The master can only glue it to the floor. According to their own performance qualities mosaic resembles tiles.

Among the shortcomings it should be noted high price on the material itself and on the installation work. In addition, a mosaic coating will not work modern interiors, it looks better in a classic or antique style. It should also be noted that only an artist or a person with developed taste and imagination can handle the installation of mosaics on their own.

Polyvinyl chloride

Products from this material are produced in the form of tiles with an adhesive base or a locking connection. There are also cheaper varieties that need to be laid on a layer of tile adhesive. Modern coatings made of polyvinyl chloride are produced in a wide range color scheme. Previously, tiles made from this material were also used for laying floor coverings; many remember these blue and green squares; now the products look more aesthetically pleasing.

Polyvinyl chloride tiles - a wealth of choice and moisture resistance

Among the advantages it should be noted:

  1. Easy and quick installation.
  2. Easy to care for.
  3. High sound insulation characteristics.
  4. Wide range of colors, shapes and sizes.
  5. Long service life.

Despite the above advantages, there are also disadvantages:

  • High requirements for base preparation. Rough coating must be perfectly smooth, otherwise all defects will be reflected on the tile over time. It is also important to take into account that the humidity of the base cannot be higher than 5%.
  • Before covering the floor with such material, it is necessary to keep the tiles in the room for several days so that they adapt to the conditions. In addition, each manufacturer indicates temperature and humidity conditions that must be observed during installation.
  • Changes color and deteriorates when exposed to sunlight.
  • PVC is synthetic material, so it releases harmful substances when burned. As for fire safety, it also leaves much to be desired.

This is a fairly popular finishing option. floor surfaces. It is soft and warm material with long or short pile, which is laid on a prepared base and covered with a plinth. The result is a covering that resembles a regular carpet, but which covers the entire area of ​​the room.

Carpeting – comfort and sound insulation


  1. Relatively low cost.
  2. Comfort and coziness.
  3. Wide range of design solutions.
  4. Long service life and resistance to various types of influences.
  5. High level of sound insulation.

From negative qualities can be distinguished:

  • Cheap product options are not protected from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.
  • Highly hygroscopic and susceptible to water.
  • Accumulates debris and dust.
  • Difficult to care for.
  • Light-colored products are very easily soiled.
  • Requirements for foundation preparation. There must be a layer of reliable waterproofing under the carpet.

Last on the list, but not least, is the flooring option. It is a high-quality and at the same time elite coating. Performance indicators directly depend on the type of wood used in manufacturing, as well as production and processing methods.

Parquet – durability and feeling of warmth

If speak about positive aspects parquet, it should be noted:

  1. Attractive appearance. Like other products made from natural wood, parquet boards look noble.
  2. Long service life. Given that correct installation and regular sanding, the coating can last about 30–40 years.
  3. High thermal insulation qualities. In warm regions, there is no need to install insulation under the parquet.


  • Exposure various deformations. IN summer season Wood expands and contracts in winter, so expansion joints must be left when laying.
  • High price. Parquet is significantly superior to laminate or linoleum in this indicator.
  • The need for regular repairs and replacement of the protective varnish layer.

Parquet is one of the best views floor coverings, but due to high cost material and work, it did not gain much popularity

A huge number of different materials are suitable for finishing floor coverings. Craftsmen They even use coins or cardboard to decorate the floors. Most products can be installed yourself to save some money on hiring specialists. But there are also those that require qualifications and the use of professional tools.

Publication date: 22-10-2015

Wooden floors can add a touch of elegance and luxury to any room. But such a floor requires not only proper installation. It is very important to properly care for it, and most importantly, choose a coating that will ensure the durability of the floor. In our article we will tell you how to cover a wooden floor and what features of a particular protection method can influence the choice.

Why does a wooden floor need a coating?

Wooden floor

Before choosing a floor covering method, you must first understand why wood needs protection in the first place.

Wooden floors have many advantages:

  • they are strong and reliable, durable;
  • the thermal insulation characteristics of wood are quite high;
  • wood is a natural material, it is easily accessible; if necessary, you can choose any flooring option, ranging from simple solid board and ending with inlaid parquet;
  • the tree is antistatic and anti-allergenic, during operation it does not emit absolutely any harmful substances;
  • if damaged individual elements floors you can easily replace them with your own hands.

But, like anyone natural material, wood also has disadvantages that must be eliminated when installing a wooden floor:

  • low noise insulation;
  • hygroscopicity;
  • susceptibility to abrasion, mechanical damage, scratches. Wood easily deteriorates if there are traces of rot, insects, or rodents;
  • possibility of deformation due to changes in temperature and humidity levels.

It is in order to eliminate these shortcomings that it is recommended to supplement natural wooden floors with protective coatings, such as varnishes, waxes, and oils.

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Wood floor oils

Oils have been used to coat wood for many centuries. They give the floor a luxurious and rich look. This coating perfectly protects the wooden floor from adverse influences.

Modern oil flooring compositions contain natural soybean, linseed, sunflower oils, hard wax, polyurethane synthetic polymers and other substances that can significantly increase the strength of wood. The treated surface becomes very resistant to moisture, does not swell or dry out. However, it is no longer possible to varnish such a floor.

The oil gives the floor a rich, natural color, ranging from whitish to bright yellowish-red, brown, cognac and black. Such compositions deeply impregnate the wood, filling the pores and forming a thin protective film on top. As a result, the floor becomes durable, moisture-resistant and very beautiful.

The depth of oil penetration depends on the concentration of the composition and the oil fraction. There are restrictions on use oil compositions. They cannot be used when installing underfloor heating systems and when there are frequent temperature changes in the room.

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Varnish compositions

Coating a wooden floor with varnish has many advantages:

  • Varnish is reliable protection from fungus, mold, insects.
  • The floor can acquire a glossy and elegant shine or a noble matte shade.
  • Varnishes enhance the natural attractiveness of wood, highlighting its structure.

Such compositions are applied very simply: first you need to prepare the floor surface, then apply the selected varnish in several layers. In this case, each subsequent layer must dry completely before application.

Varnishes cannot be used when treating wood with oil-containing and drying oil compounds, as well as in rooms with high humidity and in areas not protected from precipitation: on terraces, balconies, verandas.

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Waxing wooden floors

Wood preservatives

Waxing, that is, covering a wooden floor with wax, is one of the best ways to protect the surface from moisture, various contaminants, scratches (but not from strong mechanical stress), and cracking. Floor wax is a mixture of natural linseed oil, beeswax, a small amount of various additives, it all depends on the specific composition.

Floors coated with wax acquire a pleasant shade, golden in the light, and a noble, silky-matte shimmer inherent only in wood. This method is better protection from moisture, but the surface cannot be protected from strong abrasive effects and mechanical loads in this way.

There is nothing complicated about applying wax to the floor. After installation, the surface is cleaned and dried, after which, using a special machine or a wide and soft roller, the wax composition is applied to the floor and polished. Update this protective covering should be twice a year.

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Scandinavian way

Some people prefer to leave the wooden flooring in its original condition, that is, not coat it with varnish or other compounds.

This method is called Scandinavian, it involves additional processing floor surface.

  • Wooden floors are carefully treated after installation. grinder and cleaned of small chips and dust.
  • Then it is thoroughly washed with ordinary water and laundry soap.

This completes the floor arrangement. During operation, floor boards are regularly washed with soapy water; the wood becomes saturated fairly quickly, and dirt from its surface is easily removed.

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Preparatory work before varnishing

Let's take a closer look at the process of covering a wooden floor with various varnish compositions. First you need to carefully prepare the base; this can be done in several ways depending on the condition of the floor.

When finishing various residential premises, the question often arises of how to cover the wooden floor in the house. Its complexity lies in the need to ensure not only excellent decorative properties, which must remain unchanged throughout the entire period of operation, but also operational ones, relating to the integrity of the coating and ensuring the protection of wood from negative factors.

What are the requirements for decorative coating?

To decide on the question of how to cover a wooden floor in a house or country house, you need to make sure that the selected composition meets the following requirements:

  • coatings are able to withstand expected stresses, including increased wear, abrasion and scratching;
  • provide optimal protection of wood from moisture, fungus, mold, pests and microorganisms;
  • maintain their decorative properties in a wide range of temperatures and optimal humidity levels;

Important! Painting a wooden floor should be done this way paint and varnish composition, which will firmly endure all possible negative impacts. Special attention should be considered when finishing wooden structures used in unheated room, since it is in it that there is a high probability of increasing the level of humidity and destruction of the material due to temperature fluctuations.

  • ensure the required level of fire safety;
  • have increased adhesion to a specific type of wood: do not peel off or crack;
  • have an optimal ratio of ductility and strength, which will prevent the protective layer from collapsing under load or as a result of temperature changes;
  • meet the requirements for decorative properties: have the required color shade, form a matte or glossy finish;
  • protective layer must be non-slippery under the specific conditions of its use to ensure safe movement on the floor.

What composition should I use to paint the floors in my house?

To answer the question of how to paint a wooden floor in a house or country house, you need to decide what type of coating you need to get:

  • transparent, allowing you to preserve the natural shades of wood and the texture of the fibers, which is ideal for finishing the floor in the country;
  • with a color tint (opaque), giving the wood a unique color, but preserving the natural texture pattern.

TO transparent compounds include varnishes and special protective impregnations, which are mainly made on a natural basis and do not pose a health hazard. They are capable of impregnating the surface layers of wood or forming high-strength protective films, which will allow you to easily endure various mechanical damage or negative external influences.

Important! To cover the floor in a wooden house, it is recommended to use only proven paints and varnishes from famous manufacturers that guarantee them high quality and full compliance with the declared characteristics. The use of cheap analogues threatens to replace the coating earlier than expected due to a violation of its aesthetic and operational properties.

Paint and varnish materials with a color tint for wooden floors are solvent-based compositions (acrylic, polyurethane, oil paints) or at water based(water-dispersed, alkyd paints). They are suitable for finishing not only new wood, such as varnishes and impregnations, but also used wood, as they are capable of forming contrasting and rich floor coverings.

What types of impregnations are suitable for finishing wooden floors?

If you are in doubt about how to cover a wooden floor, then choosing impregnations is the most optimal, since they improve surface adhesion, protect the wood from moisture, pests, chemically active substances, as well as sudden temperature changes. In addition, after them you can coat the wood with almost any type of paint.

The answer to the question of what is the best way to coat wood for maximum protection depends on the requirements placed on it and the specific operating conditions. Professionals recommend using the following impregnations:

  • oil-based, characterized by an exclusively natural composition, the ability to increase the moisture and water resistance of the material, as well as reduce the porosity of surface layers, thereby reducing paint consumption;
  • antiseptics that protect wooden structures from biological influences (insects, fungus, mold), increasing the service life of wood, having deep penetrating abilities and the ability to solve previously encountered non-critical problems with the material;
  • fire retardants that improve the fire safety of wood due to the effect of self-extinguishing or smoldering without ignition in direct contact with open fire.

What paints are suitable for finishing wooden floors?

The question of what is the best way to paint a wooden floor in a country house or in a house is far from obvious, since there are quite a large number of compositions on the market on different bases, which give the compositions different properties. Therefore, first of all, it is worth taking into account the characteristics of the use of floors in a particular room in order to ensure their maximum service life.

Exist the following types coloring compositions for finishing wood floors:

  1. Alkyd, which has excellent hiding power, elasticity and increased resistance to mechanical damage, chemical and biological negative factors. However, such paints may contain toxic or harmful substances that can emit strong odors when applied. The coatings are characterized by minimal hardening time and ease of use.
  2. Acrylic, which is optimal solution for painting floors in a country house or residential house, as it is available in a wide range of colors, inexpensive and very resistant to abrasion and mechanical damage. The only drawback is that the painted timber or board is different for a long time hardening of the coating.
  3. Polyurethane, capable of forming a coating that resists abrasion, stress and increased wear. It is characterized by durability, an optimal ratio of strength and elasticity, as well as resistance to high humidity, thanks to which they can be used to paint floors in unheated rooms.
  4. Oil-based, allowing you to create inexpensive but practical decorative coverings, which will be beneficial for finishing wooden flooring in rooms with low or medium levels of use. They have a fairly simple application technology and low consumption per unit area.

What varnishes can be used to coat wooden floors?

If you need to finish new wooden floors in a country house or country house building, then it is recommended to use following types varnishes:

  • two-component acrylic, which allows you to obtain the strongest transparent or tinted coating, with high strength to mechanical damage, resistance to dirt, increased wear, humidity and biological negative factors;
  • water-dispersed, characterized by increased wear resistance, minimal porosity and high solidification rate;
  • alkyd-urethane, having optimal decorative and performance properties, minimal cost and ease of operation;
  • polyurethane, capable of providing durable and high-strength protection for wood from various negative influencing factors, having increased adhesion to wood and excellent hiding power.

Important! When using varnishes to cover wooden floors, it is prohibited to add additional components to their composition, for example, solvents to increase drying speed or dyes to improve decorative properties. This is due to the possible loss of the basic properties of the coating, which will require additional costs for its complete renewal.

If you have difficulty choosing what to paint a wooden floor in your dacha, then it is recommended to focus on following criteria choice:

  • minimum consumption per unit area;
  • simple technology application;
  • absence of toxic components;
  • sufficient level of fire safety;
  • resistance to certain negative external influences.

That is, the answer to the question of how to paint the floor in a house is individual in each case due to significant differences in the degree of abrasion of coatings, requirements for decorative properties, operating characteristics and other factors.


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