What wall color increases the size of the room. How to visually enlarge a room: clever design techniques for visually expanding space

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IN small apartment or in a spacious house there is always a place that you would like to do more with. Be sure to take into account all factors: age and number of family members, their habits, taste preferences. In some cases, removal interior partitions solves the problem of how to visually enlarge a room. But most often this is not The best decision. Other effective techniques can be used.

Color spectrum

Colors evoke different sensations, and each of them has its own purpose. You can visually enlarge a room with wallpaper. The main thing is to choose them wisely. Warm shades - yellow, beige, peach - give a unique coziness. This wallpaper is perfect for the living room. Bright rich colors drive away depression, fatigue, and charge you with energy.

It should be remembered that if the question is how to visually enlarge a room, then it is necessary to avoid overly saturated and dark colors- they “take away” space and light. Delicate pastel colors of pink, pale green, light blue calm and relax, so they will become excellent option for a bedroom or nursery.

What wallpaper makes a room bigger?

The room will look more spacious if you use plain wallpaper in pastel colors; a small pattern is allowed. Large images are inappropriate in a small room. Vertical stripes on the wallpaper make the walls look much taller. This is an excellent solution for small apartments.

In a room with a low ceiling and poor lighting, it is recommended to use a design technique: the walls below should be decorated with dark tones, and the upper half with light colors. At the junction of materials there will be a horizontal strip in place. You can also combine wallpaper with any other wall materials.

Professionals know very well how to visually enlarge a room. To do this, you need to cover one of the walls with wallpaper with a geometric pattern, and leave the rest of the surface in a single color. At the same time, the effect of optical illusion is activated, the room is perceived as more spacious.

It should be remembered that a contrasting large pattern “takes up” space and spoils general impression. Small drawings also require attention. If it is too miniature and repeated often, it begins to dazzle the eyes.

It is recommended to use wallpaper in details and decorative items, while avoiding voluminous patterns. Multi-colored wallpaper separated by a border will make the room narrower, just like dark ones. By using wallpaper with a large pattern on one wall and a smaller one on the other, you can expand the space. This method of combining textures and colors - a good choice for a small cluttered room.

How else to expand the space

How to visually enlarge a small room with furniture if it takes up almost everything free place? Pay special attention to organizing the space. Furniture placed around the perimeter and bright accessories in the corners will expand the room.

In small rooms, you should use multifunctional furniture that can be folded if necessary. A sofa bed, a variety of tables, and wardrobes are perfect. It is very important that such furniture significantly saves square meters without creating inconvenience for the owners.

An excellent option for small rooms will become a high-tech style. Glass surfaces, chrome and metal allow you to create an airy atmosphere.

The room is not high enough

Wallpaper with vertical stripes is ideal for a room with low ceilings. They will visually elongate the room, the ceiling will immediately seem higher. Wallpaper with a small ornament is suitable. It is better to choose the lightest shades of the ceiling; a glossy one will reflect Sun rays, filling the room with light. In such an apartment you can use it by painting them white.

How to visually enlarge a room: bathroom and toilet

In rooms such as a small bathroom and toilet, it is recommended to use Wall panels. They are very easy to care for and are not afraid of moisture, which is important. The ceiling can also be covered with panels or How to visually enlarge a room even more? It is recommended to use glossy panels for the walls in the bathroom, and cover the ceiling with mirror panels.

Mirrors in the interior

The mirror effect is one of the most popular design ideas, which reveals itself to its maximum in small spaces. A mirror on the wall always creates the illusion of additional space. It reflects the light and the entire environment, thereby visually making the room more spacious. However, if there are small children in the house, then you should not hang a mirror that is too large. Rectangular room can be visually turned into a square by hanging a mirror on the wall that is longer.

The role of proper lighting and floor finishing

The visual perception of a room depends on the size of the windows. The more natural light there is, the more spacious the room appears. Small windows should not be covered with dark textiles; blinds, Roman or light air curtains would be appropriate.

If it is possible to make windows without partitions, then you should take advantage of it. Solid glass completely changes the perception of a room.

How to visually enlarge a room when finishing a floor? It is necessary to use a uniform coating or with longitudinal stripes across the width of the room. Various diamonds, squares and other decorations on the floor visually reduce the space. A multi-colored carpet is also not welcome, as the texture of the floor will create a squeezing effect. Any other coatings should be chosen without obvious patterns, Special attention It is recommended to focus on shiny elements. It’s good if the doors and frames don’t stand out too much, but match the shade of the walls.

Basic ways to increase space

By choosing textiles to match the walls, you can visually expand the room.

A large ornament on the wallpaper significantly narrows the space, while plain wallpaper with a vertical pattern makes the room much taller. To increase the overall volume, three walls can be covered with plain wallpaper, and one can be made contrasting.

Don't forget about modern technologies finishing: tension finishes with excellent reflective ability can increase the space of a room. And for those who like bold ideas, we can recommend making a mirrored ceiling, which will significantly expand the boundaries of the room.

Designers advise owners of small-sized apartments to decorate their homes in a minimalist style and get rid of the trinkets placed on the shelves. Various figurines, photographs, vases distract attention and conceal space. Instead of many small paintings, it is better to hang one medium-sized one, and clear open shelves of unnecessary decor. A great idea would be to stick photo wallpaper on one of the walls. Wallpaper with a perspective image, for example, a horizon, sea, field, mountain peaks or forest path, or a city view, will visually enlarge the room.

Many people are familiar with the problem of cramped living space. The legacy of the old design solution for multi-storey buildings is small-sized apartments, with narrow corridors and small rooms. To expand the space, you have to demolish the walls and perform a complete or partial redevelopment. But what about those who are not ready for such radical changes? One of simple solutions– this is wallpaper that expands space.

Wallpaper in the interior of small rooms

The use of decorative materials creates an optical effect that makes any room larger. If the goal is a budget option for expanding living space, then the most inexpensive and practical way– use of wallpaper. Range of this decorative material so big that suitable option easy enough to find.

When choosing wallpaper for small rooms, you must adhere to a few simple rules:

  • the color, pattern and texture of the material should not be overloaded;
  • design solution should create psychological comfort for all family members.

To visually change the geometry of a small kitchen, corridor or living room, you can use several different wallpapering techniques. Compliance with certain technology and other recommended criteria will help increase space without resorting to costly reconstruction methods.

Criterias of choice

The principle of expanding space is to deceive the eye. Correctly selected wallpaper makes the room brighter and visually larger, due to human perception color range and plays of light.

Color spectrum

To visually enlarge a room, you need to use correct colors. Determined that human perception the color palette can either enlarge or reduce any object. The room looks larger and more spacious if light shades are used in the interior. If the task is to expand geometry, designers recommend giving preference to the following colors:

  • matte, glossy and pearl white;
  • bright yellow;
  • warm and cold shades of light sand tones;
  • cold and warm light blue, light green and light pink.

Since the visual effect is achieved through the play of light, you need to take into account the amount of sun entering the room.

IMPORTANT! You should not use the cold spectrum in shaded rooms and poorly lit corridors; choose decorative coatings in warm shades for them.


Plain wallpaper in a small room is a win-win option. They do not attract attention and blend harmoniously with any interior. If you want wallpaper with a print, then you need to choose it especially carefully. There are several recommendations that will help you make the right choice:

  1. Large floral design or geometric pattern absorbs the surrounding volume and makes the room darker. The exception is a large decorative element, which is one of the popular design techniques. It is glued to one of the walls, the rest are covered with plain wallpaper. This technique creates the effect of enlarging the room due to lateral vision.
  2. Wallpaper for a small room, which visually enlarges the space, can be small and not too dense. floral pattern, on a light warm background. This is an ideal solution that can be used to decorate walls in a small bedroom or children's room. A child's room can become larger by wallpapering it with small repeating patterns of cartoon characters.
  3. The strip is one of the most effective techniques geometry changes. It is suitable for corridors, bedrooms and living rooms.
  4. add depth to the room. To create perspective, choose pictures that depict a horizon line, a seascape, paths running into the distance, or distant panoramic plans that create a 3D effect. It is acceptable to use a floral print with large positioning of the details of the picture.

In the interior of a small apartment you can combine several types of wallpaper. The main rule that must be followed when gluing them is the correct combination color scheme and print.


Like a large print, a voluminous textured pattern makes the room feel closer. To avoid this visual effect, the texture should be uniform. Since the reflection of light helps create the visual illusion of a large space, it is recommended to choose a glossy or pearlescent texture.

If the design solution involves the use of textured materials, preference should be given to fine floral embossing or striped texture. Volumetric wallpaper that increases the space of a room must meet the following requirements:

  • combination of no more than 2 colors (base and embossing);
  • one or both colors must be highly reflective.

It is recommended to glue light-colored wallpaper, without ornament or with a simple pattern. Wallpaper for the corridor, expanding the space (photos are presented in the gallery below), should reflect light well, which solves the problem of a narrow and dark hallway space. The photo also shows examples various options decor in the interior of a small apartment.

Wall design features

The expansion of the apartment must be carried out taking into account the lighting, ceiling heights and other interior features. There are several techniques that professional decorators use.


What wallpaper can be used for a small kitchen? In Khrushchev, where the kitchen area usually does not exceed 6 m, there is usually a lot of furniture and household appliances. This involves using simple wall decoration. To avoid overloading the space, use plain wallpaper in light shades. An interesting solution is also the use of narrow-format photo wallpaper with a perspective (pastoral village landscape, terrace overlooking the garden).

Living room and bedrooms

Or the bedroom can be enhanced with a striped print. When gluing wallpaper with a striped texture or a geometric linear pattern, you need to take into account several features:

  • the vertical strip helps to adjust the height of the ceilings, visually increasing the height of the walls;
  • horizontal stripe lengthens and widens narrow room.

One of unusual ways gluing striped wallpaper - diagonal arrangement of stripes. This technique allows you to visually lengthen the room. The stripes should be positioned in the direction of the light flow. You need to glue the wallpaper so that the strip starts from the top edge of the window and goes down towards the opposite wall.

INTERESTING! To increase the height of the room, when wallpapering, you can step back 5-7 cm from the ceiling.

Photo wallpapers are appropriate in any living rooms. For the living room, you can use natural motifs, and for the nursery, drawn fairy-tale scenes are suitable. Photo wallpaper is glued to a wall that is not cluttered with furniture. The remaining walls are covered with plain wallpaper. IN dark rooms Light warm shades should predominate, and in light shades it is permissible to use cool colors. The design of the photo wallpaper should be light and have depth (background).

Another solution is to increase the space by using wallpaper in two colors. In this case, they use the same color scheme, but different shades. Light ones are glued at the top of the wall, darker ones at the bottom. The border between the canvases can be emphasized with a narrow horizontal edging. Two shades of the same color can be used in other ways. To create volume, dark wallpaper is pasted on the wall with the window and opposite it. Light ones are glued to the side walls. The light entering the room from the window makes the walls the same color and contributes to visual increase premises.

Additional methods

To change the geometry of the space of small rooms, you can use not only wallpaper. There are several popular ways to expand the interior:

  • mirrors make any room much larger if placed on opposite walls;
  • the furniture should be darker than the walls, one or more shades;
  • should be light and transmit light well, since the illuminated room seems more spacious;
  • if the windows are small, use whole glass instead of sash.

Do not clutter the room with unnecessary furniture, bright accessories and souvenirs. Add additional lighting to make the room seem more spacious in the evening. Glossy stretch ceilings will also add volume and depth to a small apartment.

Expansion of space is not necessarily associated with global remake small apartment. Properly selected wallpaper and additional accessories help to enlarge any room, without high costs time, effort and money. See other examples (click on the image to enlarge):

Visually enlarging rooms is a fairly common technique that helps to live in comfortable conditions while spending a minimum of money.

Properly selected photo wallpapers help visually enlarge the space

Having a small space in your apartment may be the result of poor planning, but it can all be fixed. In this article we will introduce everyone to how to visually enlarge a room and turn it into a comfortable, functional living space.

First, let's talk about how to visually enlarge a small room and arrange it.

In this case, you need to follow these tips:

  1. choose the right color: the space visually increases if the colors of the walls and ceiling are chosen correctly, which should be light shades;
  2. skillfully place curtains. If available large windows in a small room, it is recommended to hang them along the edges, since then the window openings will appear even larger. Curtains should have the same color scheme as the walls;
  3. use multifunctional furniture. This cannot be taken literally to mean that a necessarily purchased bed, when raised, must turn into beautiful wall. The most common way to save space is a sofa bed, which is comfortable to sleep on, and during the day – pleasant for guests to sit on;
  4. use a large number of transparent surfaces.

Also, you should try to maintain order in the room so as not to place unnecessary things here.

Use multifunctional furniture and reflective surfaces in your interior

Plus, remember that the space visually expands with the help large quantity natural and artificial light.

How to visually enlarge a room with color?

With the help of optical illusion, we ourselves will be able to enlarge the space of even the smallest rooms and give a comprehensive answer to the question: “How to visually enlarge a room with the help of color?”

To do this you need to remember that:

  1. a bright home will become visually wider and taller if it has a colored floor;
  2. you need to paint the ceiling a bright color, then the room will seem wider, but a little lower;
  3. It is advisable to give the back wall and ceiling the same color, then the home will expand, but its depth will decrease;
  4. if you highlight only the back wall with color, then the side ones will also move apart;
  5. when paint is applied only to the side walls, the width of the room will decrease and the depth will increase;
  6. if there is a problem with low ceilings, then you need to paint the back and side walls, which will significantly reduce the width of the home.

To enlarge the space, use white, beige, bluish, light green colors. For painting ceilings, for example, they use white paint or the same color tension structure. By the way, you need to know what color visually enhances the bathroom, kitchen, nursery and other rooms. The conclusion is obvious: it is best to use a white shade.

How to visually enlarge a room with curtains?

If you choose the right curtains, they will visually expand the area of ​​a small room, raise the ceiling, and distract attention from other possible design flaws.

Therefore, curtains that visually enlarge the room should be:

  1. plain, since the absence of patterns and ornaments does not attract attention;
  2. simple in form. The fact is that complex structures the area is “eaten up”;
  3. with horizontal or diagonal stripes. Thanks to this decorative element, the room visually becomes wider.

It is better that the curtains are plain and match the color of the walls

In addition, there are things that are undesirable to use in a small room.

So, the curtains cannot be different:

  • large or too variegated pattern, complex ornament. Such decorative elements take up a lot of space because they are constantly in the spotlight;
  • a large number of folds, since such a load on small windows will make them even smaller;
  • vertical stripes, because this decorative element will make a small home even narrower;
  • multi-layering, since this not only reduces total area, but the room becomes even darker and smaller.

How to visually enlarge a room with wallpaper?

Now we will tell you how to visually enlarge a room using wallpaper. Today, they are increasingly used to decorate walls and ceilings in residential premises. They not only decorate the interior, but also visually enlarge the home.

To do this, use wallpaper in light shades. The presence and the very meaning of the picture also has a great influence on the overall perception: large images make the space narrower, and small ones increase the volume.

Please note that thanks to:

  1. large drawing, the surface gets closer, which ultimately makes the home smaller;
  2. a small pattern against a background of light colors creates an optical illusion of increasing the area of ​​the room;
  3. vertical stripes, the ceiling height increases significantly.

Transverse stripes move the walls apart, and the ceiling becomes lower

How to visually enlarge a narrow room?

So, for this you must:

  • Whenever possible, do not use bright and contrasting colors. To make a narrow room seem larger, you need to use paints, curtains, pastel wallpaper (light green, light blue, cream, apricot) and white colors;
  • According to the decoration of walls, floors and ceilings, also select furniture. Please note that the presence of contrast between furniture, for example, and walls, reduces the space;
  • try to add as much light as possible, since lighting is key point when opening up space, making it clear and large;

To expand the room, use pastel and cool colors

  • throw away unnecessary things that create the effect of limited volume. Golden Rule: less things – more space;
  • use mirrors and mirror tiles, which helps to enlarge the volume;
  • place an object that will attract the attention of those entering in the farthest corner. In this case, the gaze will immediately fall on this thing, for example, beautiful floor lamp, which will help create a sense of perspective.

By following these little tricks, you will not only know how to visually increase the size of a room, but at the same time your home will be filled with air and become much more spacious.

What is the best way to place furniture in a small room?

As you can see, you can visually increase the space of a room different ways, including with the help of furniture. At the same time, it is very important to place it correctly.

It is necessary to take into account that:

  • it is best to use furniture with elements of mirrors or glass: transparent glass table, coffee table;
  • you need to select options so that some elements are open type, which will facilitate the free penetration of air and light into the home;

Place furniture along the walls to make the space seem larger

  • It is best to store things and clothes in vertical cabinets;
  • you need to use lower furniture - stools, stands, ottomans;
  • It would be nice if the furniture was placed in the corners, which will help free up space in the center of the room.

Few owners of their own home are satisfied with the number of square meters in it. Most apartments need improvement, which requires a lot of money and effort. They solve the problem “without noise and dust”, without breaking partitions and without making extra costs to an expensive designer, choosing the right wallpaper that expands the living space, freeing the interior from accumulated rubbish.

Color influence

The chosen color scheme directly affects how household members will feel at home. Lilac and bright blue give a feeling of spaciousness, but not everyone likes them. When choosing wallpaper, you should take into account not only the advice of professionals and personal feelings, but also listen to the opinions of your family.

When choosing the color of the walls, they are guided by general principle: The cool end of the spectrum makes the room feel more spacious, while warm tones make it appear a little smaller. This rule does not apply to very light warm shades (pale yellow or peach, caramel colors and milky beige). They give a feeling of spaciousness, filled with clean air.

Pale silver, bluish, green shades relax and slow down. For those who are prone to depression or mood swings, it is better not to use them. Bright colors activate, help overcome chronic fatigue, but do not always have a good effect on easily excitable people. This especially applies to kids. Colorful wallpaper in a nursery will provoke the whims of a hyperactive child.

When choosing the color of the wallpaper, take into account which side of the world the windows of the room face. On the north side, warm colors and gloss are used. Windows facing south will require a cooler palette with a matte effect.
The ideal solution, significantly increasing the volume of the room, there will be a choice in favor of pastel, transitional tones, light shades natural wood, wool, delicate pinkish, sandy.

The effect will be enhanced by a minimum of furniture, matching all furnishings to the color scheme.

The influence of texture and texture on spatial perception

Embossed wallpapers are in demand, with the help of which they not only decorate the room, but also make the space more free. Discreet voluminous patterns are appropriate in any style and are indispensable for those who prefer the classics.

Walls with shine and shimmer fill the house with light, pushing the walls apart. The effect is enhanced if you add glossy or mirrored ceilings to the decoration. You just need to remember that many small furnishings in the interior will be doubled.

Intricate relief lines distract the attention of those entering from the volume of the room. A small room looks advantageous if it is covered with textured wallpaper with small patterns. Such walls are pleasant to the touch and form an elegant backdrop. It is more preferable to cover one color.

The most popular invoices are:

  • Linen. The surface of the wallpaper reproduces a dense fabric surface.
  • Dust. The surface is fine-grained, a good basis for decoration.
  • Canvas. The outer layer imitates a porous structure.
  • Plaster. Deliberately careless relief over the entire surface.

A coating that imitates masonry, brick, leather or metal. Interesting design create structural materials that can be repainted more than once.

If you have difficulty choosing, smooth and textured coatings can be easily combined.

Which drawing to choose

The well-known rule: decorating a room with light wallpaper without any patterns, and if there is one, then only small and directed vertically, greatly limits the flight of imagination and makes the room boring. Special techniques will allow you to use bright colors and even large patterns.

  1. The base color should really be light. Others will take about 40% of the room's volume. It is also better not to use white. A room less than 8 square meters will resemble a hospital or a bathroom. Focus on the color of carpets, furniture, and basic accessories.
  2. Desirable textured walls. Even a slight relief of the matting creates a play of shadows, which makes you see more space.
  3. Use shiny coatings. If you like silkscreen printing, you can safely use it.
  4. Patterns are also not contraindicated. If you cover the entire room with them, then the geometry should not be large. If the ceiling height is sufficient, it is better to direct the pattern horizontally, which will add space to the room. If you are planning a bright carpet or a lot of paintings and photographs, you should buy plain wallpaper.
  5. Sometimes they use bright geometry and large prints. But then they decorate only one wall. They highlight one of the functional areas, the head of the bed, a TV, and a fireplace.
  6. The walls are covered diagonally. The area of ​​the room will be added visually if the pattern or texture is directed differently than is generally accepted.

Enlarging a room by combining wallpaper

The combination technique will help increase the room in height and width.

  1. Coverage of the same color range, but of different intensity. Both single-color wallpapers and those with patterns are used. The lower part of the wall is covered with darker colors, the upper part with light ones. In order not to “steal” the height, the border is selected thinner. The lower part of the finish should not exceed a meter.
  2. A room of up to 10 square meters can be decorated vertically with two types of wallpaper. In a more spacious room, even 3 types are pasted various materials. “Companions” should match well in color and pattern. With horizontal and bright combinations It’s better not to “overdo it”; in a small bedroom, it’s better to place “ripples” at the headboard so that they don’t irritate the eyes before bed.
  3. An accent wall, on the contrary, is placed in the field of view. They cover her with expensive ones beautiful wallpaper and admire the beauty while sitting over a cup of coffee in the kitchen or relaxing on the sofa in the living room.
  4. Sometimes attention is directed to the ceiling. Then it becomes a continuation accent wall. A small room is not decorated with dark materials so that the ceiling does not “put pressure” on the psyche. The combination of “companions” is smoothed out by redistributing attention to the surrounding decoration.
  5. A small bedroom can be covered with dark wallpaper only if it is close in shape to a square. Make the partitions near the window or any other part of the room dark, except for those walls that should reflect sunlight.
  6. In a tight space, large flowers cut out from wallpaper you like, silhouettes of a kissing couple pasted on top of a discreet background at the head of the bed, or houses and elephants in the nursery will be useful.

Low ceiling, especially in small kitchen or hallway, can make them even closer. To visually lift it, use the following techniques:

  1. Wallpaper with a glossy surface will increase the height of the room and make the space deeper.
  2. A vertical pattern will pull the walls up. It is better not to use borders.
  3. The ceiling is covered with photo wallpaper depicting the heavenly heights.
  4. If the walls and ceiling are finished in the same shade, the boundary between them is blurred, the eye does not fix a specific boundary, and the space visually increases.
  5. The furniture should be light, perhaps with glossy facades. They prefer cornice lighting and place it around the perimeter LED strips, under the eaves - LED lamps. Spot lighting wall cabinets pointed at the ceiling.
  6. Doors and windows extend as much as possible. The ceiling is made multi-level, combining its parts with mirror tiles, “heavenly” photo wallpaper, equip it with a false window.

Photo wallpapers and murals

The quality of photo wallpapers now is much different from those offered in the USSR era. Modern photographic paintings, now fashionable frescoes, are of excellent quality, realistic, and serve long years. Any room will become more spacious, original, and warm if you use materials with the right patterns when decorating.

Stylish canvases are made to order, in accordance with the size of the room and the general furnishings. They take into account not only the design, but also the purpose of the room. Images of flowers, fields, and waterfalls are suitable for the kitchen. A picture with a terrace and a space theme would be appropriate for a bedroom. Urban and natural themes are popular in the living room. The visibility of three-dimensional space will be created by 3D patterns.

To expand a tight space, it is important to choose the right design not only, but also its location.

Frescoes used for decoration are applied according to various technologies, have different sizes, forms. Even in a small room they can occupy the ceiling or one of the walls completely, provided that the image has a perspective and imitates open balcony, an alley stretching into the distance, a sea expanse. The theme is selected based on the style of the room.

We select canvases for rooms of different configurations

Wallpaper is used not only for decorative purposes. With their help you can change visual perception space, increase its height, lengthen or expand. Professional designers think through combinations of colors, patterns, and select wallpaper fabrics different quality. Certain difficulties arise with disproportionate rooms, but following the established principles of selection and adjustment, even the most awkward room can be given an original, stylish look.

For a narrow room

  1. The easiest way to adjust a narrow space is through the play of colors. A narrow wall is decorated with bright canvases, while a long wall is covered with light ones.
  2. If you want wallpaper with a pattern, choose small ornaments that are not overpowering with color.
  3. Geometric images, such as small diamonds, blur the space a little and expand the space.
  4. The old trick with stripes can be used in narrow rooms. The narrower they are, the stronger the effect.
  5. A win-win option is to choose a light palette. In a wallpaper store they select material with a fuzzy chaotic pattern.
  6. Use 2-3 transitional colors from top to bottom from light to dark, adding, if desired, narrow borders.
  7. It will help to “move aside” one of the walls correct selection colors, use of photo wallpaper. Long wall decorated with a vertical pattern, the short one with a horizontal pattern, hidden behind a beautiful drapery of curtains.
  8. The best “friend” of room volume is good lighting.

The space-saving furniture and visual tricks in this article will help you make any room in your home look bigger. You'll learn how to save space, visually expand the area, raise ceilings and make a small room as light and bright as possible. We bring to your attention 7 secrets on how to visually enlarge a room!

1. How to save space in a small room: smart furniture

When buying furniture for a small room, you can save a lot of space by choosing shallower cabinet depths (especially for the kitchen, bathroom and hallway), narrow armrests and thin legs. The latter will help not only visually enlarge the room, but also simplify the cleaning process, while furniture without legs will look much more massive and accumulate dust underneath.

  1. Sliding or folding table, which can be expanded when guests visit. Just stock up on extra folding chairs that can be hidden against the wall or in the closet. Choose a table model with wheels to make it easier to move.
  2. Bar counter, which can also act as a narrow dining table, kitchen island, window sill or even a partition between the kitchen and living room.
  3. Sofa with lifting mechanism and storage space. It's convenient to hide in it bed sheets, bedspreads and various old things. The armrests can be equipped with additional shelves for decor and accessories.
  4. A folding bed-wardrobe, which solves the problem of decorating small one- or two-room apartments along with.
  5. Banquettes and ottomans with a hinged lid and a cavity inside.

Finally, built-in and corner furniture allow you to make the most of the available space. Corner hallways, a reading chair in the living room, a built-in wardrobe above the head of the bed and similar solutions will make the interior of your home more comfortable and interesting.

2. Optical illusion: transparent and mirrored interior items

3. How to visually expand a room: horizontal lines

Select wallpaper from horizontal lines or cover the walls wooden planks to visually expand a narrow room. A striped runner will play the same role in a hallway or hallway. In general, in small rooms it is better to avoid using carpets, as they visually break up the space and make it narrower.

4. We increase the space with lighting

Lighting up every dark corner and avoiding massive pendant lamps- another way to visually enlarge a small room. Use oversized ceiling lamps, behind the sofa and armchairs, sconces above the tables, built-in spotlights and LED lighting that will not steal your free space.

5. Which color expands the space of the room: choosing wallpaper for the walls

What wall color is best for a small room? And how to visually enlarge a room with wallpaper? We offer some ideas with photos!

For a free and fresh atmosphere, choose light, natural and pastel shades of beige, grey, green and blue. Fashionable olive and mint tones would be an excellent choice. Combine them with white and different textures that will make the design more expressive. Please note that it is better to choose wallpaper for walls with medium to large patterns, but not small patterns that can make a small room look crowded.

A good option is to decorate the walls and furniture in the same color. The interior will look cohesive and spacious, and colorful accents can be introduced with vases, indoor plants, sofa cushions and other accessories.

Tall shelves, racks and ceiling-high cabinets will help you make the most of your space and also make it look taller. Just as horizontal stripes expand a room, vertical accents help to “raise” the ceiling. Therefore, instead of one wide wardrobe in the living room, it is better to put two narrow but tall ones. Two tall display cases for decoration, kitchen cabinets under the ceiling and shelving with open shelves are also suitable for this role.

7. How to visually enlarge a room with curtains

A small room needs something good natural light. Therefore, the curtains here should emphasize the windows, leaving them open. Regular long curtains are good for this, they can make the room look taller if they are decorated in a bright color (like vertical stripes). On the other hand, for a small room you can safely choose curtains that match the wallpaper, stripes and transparent tulles of a simple cut. From lush French curtains It would be better to refuse, as well as any decor on the window sills.

Thank you for your attention!

Small space: how to visually enlarge a room? updated: December 5, 2016 by: Margarita Glushko


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