When to pinch an avocado at home. Secrets of growing avocados at home

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Many amateur flower growers have already created tropics on their windowsills and balconies. Grow at home and such exotic plant, How avocado. Scientific name avocado– Persea americana (Persea americana). Laurel family. Actually, avocado- not an indoor plant, but easily grown from seed. In just a few years, the sprout turns into a meter-tall tree, delighting its owners.


1. U avocado sparse crown, few branches. Therefore, for better branching, the crown is pinched. It is necessary to pinch the tree in the spring. If you do this before, unwanted shoots may grow in the spring. The first pinch is made over the eighth leaf. Later this tree plucking avocado will begin to branch. Pinch every new branch just above the fifth or sixth leaf. With this pinching, the crown of the tree will take up half the room in three years.

2. look after avocado It's not difficult at all. You only need to know the data of its table of contents at home. soil avocado chooses loose and moisture-absorbing soil that should not cake or become compacted.

3. Acidic soil avocado can't stand it. To improve the soil, add sand, peat, moss or expanded clay.

4. Avocado does not like direct, clear rays, so choose a well-lit place for it, where these direct, clear rays do not fall (say, near a north window).

5. In summer avocado It is necessary to water richly, but in winter watering must be reduced. Best Temperature air for avocado- eighteen degrees. By following these primitive rules, you will get a charming evergreen tree.

If you put in some effort, you can grow a small tree from an avocado bought in a store. Indeed, “homemade” avocados do not bear fruit; they create a tropical ambience in the apartment and perfectly purify the air.


1. Buy a ripe and juicy avocado, remove the pit from it. It is impossible to grow a plant from the seed of an unripe fruit.

2. Think about how to plant an avocado: with or without germination. Keep in mind that a seed germinated in advance will sprout much faster, and if planted without germination, you will have to wait longer for the first sprouts.

3. How to germinate an avocado? Make 3-4 small holes around the circumference of the bone (on the middle tier) at an equal distance from each other. Insert matches or toothpicks into the holes - they will support the bone above the water.

4. Place the blunt end of an avocado seed into a glass of cool water. boiled water. Due to the supports, the bone should be immersed in water by approximately ?.

5. Make sure that the avocado pit is in contact with water at all times. When some of the water has evaporated, add more. In a few weeks, roots 3-4 cm long will appear. Perhaps the first sprout will hatch from the sharp end of the seed.

6. Prepare the soil mixture. The soil for avocados should consist of equal parts of garden soil, humus/raw peat and coarse sand. When preparing the earthen mixture, add a pinch of lime, since avocados do not like acidic soils.

7. Immerse the sprouted seed 1/3 into the soil with the blunt end down and water the soil. If the seed is planted without prior germination, make sure that the seed is given high humidity levels. To do this, cover the pot with a glass container or plastic bag and place in a warm place with diffused clear light or unnatural lighting.

8. Avocado cultivation data is primitive. The plant loves warmth, moisture and brilliant diffused light. The soil should always remain moist, so do not forget to water the plant regularly, and do not allow the tree to be exposed to direct, clear light.

9. Avocados at home can reach a height of 1 to 2.5 meters. To make the plant grow more branchy, pinch the ends of the stems.

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Helpful advice
It is better to plant avocados in a plastic pot. Because clay pots absorb the moisture the plant needs. The bottom of the pot should have enough holes for water to drain out. It is also advisable to make drainage from special granules. The first planting of avocados can be done in not very big pot. When the tree grows, it can be transplanted into a larger pot. In spring and summer, it is excellent to feed the plant with fertilizers prepared for tropical plants To prevent avocado leaves from drying out, they must be sprayed with water. Spraying is only necessary in hot summers and in heating season.

Avocado is a beautiful plant of the laurel family that grows in forests. South America. Growing on your windowsill, it will ultimately not bear juicy fruits, but will delight you at any time of the year, creating a tropical ambiance in your apartment.

You will need

  • – avocado seed;
  • – toothpicks;
  • – raw peat;
  • - sand;
  • – garden soil;
  • – humus;
  • – lime;
  • – pot;
  • – water;
  • – fertilizer.


1. Buy a juicy ripe fruit and remove the seed from it. Rinse it and wipe it clean. To germinate an avocado seed, place it in a jar of water so that it is partially immersed in the liquid.

2. It is also recommended to make three equally spaced holes at an angle in the central part of the thick side of the bone. String the bone onto three matches or toothpicks and place it on the “legs” in a jar of boiled cool water. The bone should only lightly touch the water. It is also possible to use a structure made of cardboard or foam to support it.

3. Make sure to maintain the proper level of water in the jar, adding more as it evaporates.

4. In a few weeks, roots will appear. When their length reaches 3 centimeters, plant the seed in the substrate. Prepare the soil by taking equal parts of garden soil, humus, coarse sand and raw peat. Use raw peat, otherwise required proportions will be violated. Do not completely fill the seed, immersing it only a third into the soil.

5. Avocados do not like acidic soil, therefore, when mixing the soil for the substrate, add a pinch of it to it. Use a plastic pot to plant the plant, since the clay container will absorb the moisture needed for the avocado. So that the bottom of the pot allows water to pass through, make several additional holes and arrange drainage from expanded clay granules.

6. Because avocados are prone to stretching, when growing them at home, pinch them regularly. Place the plant near a north window or shade it. With the help of phytolamps, which can be purchased in flower shop V winter period increase the daylight hours for avocados.

7. Moisture plays a significant role in the life of a plant. Even slight drying out of the soil causes the leaves to drop. In summer, watering should be more abundant than in winter. In dry microclimates, it is recommended to continuously moisten the plant by spraying.

8. A particularly suitable temperature for avocados ranges from 16 to 20 degrees. In spring and summer, fertilize it with mineral fertilizers for tropical plants. Use liquid formulations.

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Figs, laurel, lemon, coffee - sometimes you really want to grow all of these and test your probabilities. Is it allowed to grow avocados at home? Yes. But we can’t count on a harvest. Avocado (Persea) belongs to the Laurel family. In nature it grows as a tree up to 20 m high. This plant is cross-pollinated.

Helpful advice
And now, perhaps, you will be amazed, but it is easy to grow an avocado at home: just plant the seed in damp, loose soil and place the pot in a warm, clear place. In about a month, a sprout will appear. Well, at home, the plant needs to be replanted every year, to ensure high humidity air and excellent lighting - tea is a tropical fruit. In greenhouses it is possible to achieve both flowering and fruiting.

At first glance, it may seem that growing an avocado tree from a seed at home is difficult, if not completely impossible. But that's not true. Everyone can afford without special effort grow it decorative tree, and in the future - to enjoy its fruits. True, you need to know some secrets. We will reveal them for our readers in this publication.

Avocado seedling. © Jeffrey Schwartz

The first step is to buy an avocado at the store.

The avocado tree has wide leaves and flexible stems, which makes it possible to form various decorative compositions from it. Typically, three trees are planted in pots, from which braids are formed as they grow. There is a belief that having an avocado tree in the house harmonizes relationships and creates a romantic atmosphere.

To do this, you need to purchase a ripe avocado from the store. To check for ripeness, you need to press the fruit with your palms on both sides and then release. The ripe fruit will restore its structure, so you can safely buy it. But even if the avocado is not yet fully ripe, you can also buy it - it will ripen over time.

To make the fruit ripen faster, you can place it next to apples or bananas, since these fruits emit ethylene gas, which promotes faster ripening.

Sprouting an avocado seed

The avocado fruit must be peeled, pitted and sown on the same day. Usually the seed germination rate is 100%. There are three ways to plant a seed.

  1. The unpeeled seed can be planted directly into the ground, leaving a third on top. The blunt end must be in the soil. We leave the seed in this state and need to water it once a week.
  2. The uncleaned bone can be pierced in three places with toothpicks 3 mm deep, and then placed in water with the blunt end. The lower part should be in water, and the puncture sites should not be immersed in water.
  3. The peeled avocado pit should be placed in water, leaving a third on top. A cleaned seed germinates faster, and in this case you can observe how it is formed. root system and stem.
Avocado seeds, germination in water. © KVDP Germinating avocado seeds in soil. © skyseeker Avocado sprout from seed. © Cayobo

It is better to choose a large seed for planting, since it has more energy for growth. Water for soaking should be used, room temperature(23-25°C). You can add wood or Activated carbon, but this is not necessary, since the seed is unpretentious and will germinate perfectly without these additives.

The seed may sprout in a week, or maybe in two months. It depends on the season. It is best to plant it in the spring, as it will germinate faster at this time.

Planting a seed in the ground

As soon as the sprout grows 3 cm, it can be planted in the ground. The soil must be loose and well-drained so that the seed can breathe. Avocados do not like stagnation of water in the roots, so drainage is required. You can take a small pot for planting; later, after a year, the plant can be replanted.

The drainage should be 2 cm high. It is necessary to make a small depression in the soil, plant a seed in it so that a third comes out of the ground, and then water it with ordinary settled water, preferably with a small amount of salts, preferably filtered.

Next, the pot needs to be placed in the brightest place in the room; you can fertilize it once a month or once every two weeks, any mineral fertilizers. In this case, the plant will grow and develop quickly.

If the tree is stretched due to lack of sunlight, then it needs to be pinched. To determine whether a plant requires watering, it is necessary to dig your finger into the soil two phalanges. If it is wet, there is no need to water it.

Avocado flowers. © Cayobo

To give the tree more decorative look, you can sprout several avocado seeds, and then, while they are growing, weave a braid from the stems. In this case, the braid should not be very tight. It is imperative to leave gaps between the segments, because the trunk grows over time. Otherwise, the decorative effect of the plant will be lost. When there is a gap, the weave can be fixed due to the flexibility of the stem.

Starting from the third year of life, yellow-green flowers may appear on the tree. In order for the tree to start bearing fruit, it is advisable to have two or more avocado plants. This is necessary for cross-pollination of trees.

It is advisable to take the plant to the dacha in the summer and place it under the crowns of trees in sunny place. Then the avocado will begin to bear fruit in the third year.

You can find out how to grow avocados by reading the recommendations experienced gardeners. Compliance with all rules and recommendations, proper care and patience will help you grow at home exotic tree which will become an interior decoration.

What does an avocado tree look like at home?

An avocado plant at home can be grown up to 2-2.5 meters, it will be larger decorative decoration, rather than a fruit-bearing crop. A relative of the laurel, the avocado has glossy, varnished leaves that are dark green in color. The fruit of this exotic tree looks like a pear, the color of which is varied - from green to purple.

The crown should be shaped like a shrub, then the evergreen tropical plant will look more attractive, otherwise it will look like a weakly leafy tree with an elongated trunk. You can grow avocados at home, you just need to know that when growing indoors, the plant may not bloom and will not bear fruit.

How to grow avocados at home?

Growing avocados indoors is attractive because this exotic tree is easy to grow from a seed, so you don’t have to look for ready-made seedlings on sale. Its advantage is the unique feature of purifying the air in the house. To understand how to grow an avocado, understand the intricacies of the process, it is not complicated, the plant is not capricious, the main problem– achieve flowering and fruit appearance. In apartment conditions, avocados rarely bloom and bear fruit, so exotic lovers, setting themselves the goal of achieving a harvest, must strictly adhere to the following rules:

  • a certain microclimate is created in the room, the air must be humidified daily;
  • the plant needs abundant watering in summer, and moderate watering in the cold season;
  • mandatory application of fertilizing, required in the warm season, combined in the fall mineral compounds based on iron, zinc;
  • good lighting, bright but not hot, Sun rays;
  • V winter time– creation of additional lighting;
  • regular pruning, crown formation, pinching;
  • annual replanting into a larger container;
  • If possible, place the pot with the plant in the summer open air, for example, in the country, under the trees.

How does avocado bloom at home?

Plant lovers want to see how an avocado blooms at home, what fruits can be grown on a tree, but this is not always possible. By correctly carrying out all agrotechnical measures, you can see flowering in 5-7 years; to speed up this process you need to get vaccinated. A 3-year-old grafted plant can bloom for the first time, at which time its crown is covered with a large number of white or yellowish flowers. Having achieved flowering, it is necessary artificially Using a brush, cross-pollinate the inflorescences to produce fruit, do this several times.

Do avocados bear fruit at home?

An avocado grown indoors can produce a harvest once it reaches a height of two meters and is provided with vaccinations (ready-made grafted seedlings are sold in specialized stores). It is fashionable to grow avocado fruits at home in about five percent of cases, and the remaining 95% of plants do not bloom and do not produce a harvest, remaining only a decorative decoration for the interior.

To grow an avocado and make it bear fruit, you need to stimulate it; this can be done by pinching the top parts of the branches. But even the most careful and correct care, creation necessary conditions and the required indoor microclimate cannot guarantee that the plant will begin to bloom and fruit will appear. If you're lucky, you'll reap the harvest in five to seven years.

How to plant avocados at home?

The task of how to germinate an avocado from a seed at home does not require much effort; you just need to choose the right fruit from which you extract it. A fruit that is not ripe or overripe is not worth buying; its seed is not suitable for planting. Remove the seed carefully, without damaging its integrity, then rinse thoroughly under running water, saturating the surface with moisture. It is possible to germinate a seed in the ground or in water, the first option will take up to 30-40 days, the second method will give results faster.

When planting in the ground, we choose the most common soil intended for home flowers. We lower the seed into the ground with the blunt end down, water it moderately (after providing it first) and place the container in a well-lit place. The soil should not dry out; keep it constantly moist, but do not overdo it. To germinate in water, insert three toothpicks into the seed, which will allow you to hold it suspended above the container, 1/3 of the way, plunging the blunt tip into the water. After the roots appear (at least 2-3 cm in length), plant the seed in the soil.

How to grow an avocado from a seed?

To plant a seed in the ground, choose a small container. Growing an avocado from a seed at home in the first weeks consists of regular, but moderate watering, lighting and good drainage. After 7-10 days, a sprout appears, reddish in color, which will begin to rapidly grow in height (provided that it is healthy). Intensive growth and development occurs over 3-3.5 months; during this period, its top should be pinched in order for the forcing of lateral branches to begin.

How to grow avocado at home - pot

You need to choose a pot for growing avocados at home based on the size of the plant, giving preference natural materials. Transplant the tree, which has reached a height of 12-15 cm, from the original planting pot into a larger container; if necessary, this procedure is repeated annually. A plant, being in cramped conditions, may lose bushiness, become faded and begin to lose foliage. An adult tree does not require such frequent replanting, since its root system slows down its growth.

Land for avocados at home

The soil for growing avocados is not acceptable acidic or heavy to grow healthy plant Neutral soil, well loosened and nourished, is suitable. When buying soil in a store, you can choose soil “for citrus fruits”, for self-cooking For the required soil mixture to grow an avocado, take the following elements:

  • 2 parts of garden soil;
  • 2 parts sand;
  • 2 parts organic matter, peat;
  • 1/2 part of crushed expanded clay, polystyrene foam;
  • 1 tbsp lime.

This soil is used when planting a seed or replanting a plant annually. Garden soil may contain harmful microbes, so the resulting mixture should be disinfected by pouring boiling water over it or keeping it in a preheated oven. Carry out this procedure a day before planting a seed or sprout. In order for the seed to “breathe” in the ground, and later water does not stagnate in the roots, you need good drainage, at least 1.5-2 cm.

How to pinch an avocado at home?

To make an avocado tree at home look highly decorative and bushy, the top should be pinched. This procedure is carried out after the first 6-8 leaves appear on the plant; it will stimulate the appearance of lateral branches. Pinch out new shoots after 4-6 leaves. Pinching is best done in spring period, this will help the tree to form a beautiful, lush crown within 1.5-2.5 years.

How to care for avocados at home?

Caring for avocados at home is not difficult, but it must be constant, especially for young plants. Create a tree as follows comfortable conditions to grow it correctly:

  • lighting (use artificial lighting if necessary, especially in autumn and winter), although this plant tolerates partial shade perfectly;
  • temperature above room temperature in summer, at least +20° C – in winter, at less comfortable temperature conditions leaf shedding is possible;
  • regular watering, increased during the growing season, moderate in the autumn-winter;
  • air humidity, this parameter is necessary to maintain the beauty of the plant; during the heating season, spray the tree with warm water more often;
  • fertilizing with various complexes, this should be done in spring-summer and early autumn, later the plant does not need fertilizers;
  • pruning is necessary for shaping beautiful crown and decorative appearance.

Watering avocados at home

In order to decide whether it is necessary to water the avocado again, dig your finger 4-5 cm into the soil; if you feel moisture, there is no need to water it. Use settled water, preferably its temperature should be 3-5° C degrees above room temperature. In summer, water more often, immediately after the top layer has dried; in the cold season, intensive watering is not required.

Avocado is a tropical plant and does not tolerate dry air; spray water around it often, avoiding getting it on the leaves. You can grow an avocado tree from a seed by placing the pot in a tray with either moss or well-soaked expanded clay, especially if you are leaving home for several days and cannot water the tree on time. When using this method, do not let the bottom of the pot touch the water.

Growing avocados at home - feeding

Having learned all the details about how to properly grow an avocado, Special attention pay attention to the feeding process. Caring for avocados at home requires the mandatory application of fertilizer to the soil; this should be done during the active period of plant development, that is, in spring and summer. Frequency of use of mineral, organic complexes or special compounds for citrus fruits, one to two weeks.

When thinking about how to grow an avocado at home, exotic lovers should know that when creating it favorable conditions it can have a height of up to 2-2.5 meters and have a lush, branched crown. Being an evergreen, decorative tree it will decorate any room, and with special care and proper care you will see its flowering and taste its delicious fruits.

Many amateur gardeners have already created tropics on their windowsills and balconies. They also grow such an exotic plant at home as. Scientific name avocado- American Persea (Persea americana). Laurel family. Actually, avocado- not an indoor plant, but easily grown from seed. In just a few years, the sprout turns into a meter-tall tree, delighting its owners.


U avocado sparse crown, few branches. Therefore, for better branching, the crown is pinched. The tree needs to be pinched in the spring. If you do this earlier, unwanted shoots may grow in the spring. The first pinch is made over the eighth leaf. After this plucking the tree avocado will begin to branch. Pinch each new branch just above the fifth or sixth leaf. With this pinching, the crown of the tree will take up half the room in three years.

look after avocado It's not difficult at all. You just need to know the conditions of its maintenance at home. soil avocado prefers loose and moisture-absorbing soil that should not cake or become compacted.

Acidic soil avocado can't stand it. To improve the soil, add sand, peat, moss or expanded clay.

Avocado does not like direct sunlight, so choose a well-lit place for it that does not receive direct sunlight (for example, near a north window).

In summer avocado It is necessary to water abundantly, but in winter watering should be reduced. The best air temperature for avocado- eighteen degrees. By observing these simple rules, you will get a beautiful evergreen tree.

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Let's take a closer look at all the stages of caring for an avocado plant at home, photos of which are given below:

Photo of how an avocado blooms:

Features of care after purchase

Avocado is best place near the north window, plant distinguished by light-loving and tolerates partial shade well.

The flower must be protected from direct rays to avoid burns.

During the winter season the flower may experience deficiency of light and moisture, at twelve degrees the plant can completely shed its leaves, but it must be taken into account that they will appear again in the spring.

In winter, it is recommended to place lamps next to the avocado. daylight or phytolamps. As the flower grows, it is recommended to monitor it appearance, brown leaves indicate moisture deficiency, yellow leaves- about its excess.

Seasonal care calendar

The avocado care calendar coincides with the calendar of other plants.

Trimming plant stem segments

Avocados are large in size, so periodically the plant needs crown formation.

At the same time, it is important to preserve the leaves, which prevent the formation of sunburn.

In mature plants It is recommended to cut off infected, damaged, densely intertwined branches, as well as the upper parts of vertical shoots, which will contribute to the formation of a more branched crown. It is recommended to be careful during the pruning process, since the branches of the plant are fragile, and the buds and shoots are susceptible to damage.

NOTE! Did you know that black avocados exist? The variety is called . By the way, Avocado of this variety is one of the best and most popular.

Should you pinch an avocado?

How to pinch an avocado? There should be 3-4 shoots left on the trunk; after reaching a length of twenty centimeters, the tops are pinched, thus forming branches of the next level. It is recommended to do the first pinching over the eighth leaf; after activating branching, they should be pinched over the fifth or sixth leaf. With this approach, in two to three years the tree will occupy most of the room.


At home, flowering conditions, and even more so fruiting, quite difficult to achieve. Although avocados can self-pollinate, a good harvest is only achievable through cross-pollination. It is worth noting that even under natural conditions, not all flowers produce fruits.

During flowering, if this does happen, a a large number of flowers, some gardeners manage to cross-pollinate with a brush. It is recommended to do this in the morning, when the sun has risen; on cloudy days, additional lighting is required.


Avocado needs good lighting, placing it under direct rays is not recommended; in autumn and winter, it is recommended to additionally illuminate the plant with a special phyto-lamp.


The optimal temperature for the plant is considered eighteen degrees, its level should not be lower than sixteen degrees.

Air humidity

Avocado belongs to the category of tropical plants, for its normal development Humidity is very important, the area around the tree must be sprayed regularly, being careful not to get it on the leaves.

A good solution would be to install the plant in a tray with damp moss or expanded clay.


The plant needs water, but it is not recommended to do this very often; the soil should have time to dry out between waterings. To avoid flooding of the substrate It is recommended to place drainage at the bottom of the container. The soil for the plant should be sufficiently moist and loose throughout the year.


When choosing soil, preference should be given fertile mixtures, important role plays a good role in drainage. The flower does not tolerate the substrate from increased acidity, the substrate must be neutral. You can prepare soil for avocados at home yourself; to do this, you need to mix humus, soil and sand in equal proportions, and add lime.

For avocados, a citrus substrate is perfect; the soil should be loose. If replanting was not carried out for some reason, in order to prevent salinization of the substrate upper layer The soil must be replaced and the remaining soil must be shed with water.


It is recommended to fertilize the plant after it is one year old. feeding frequency - 4 times a year.

To fertilize the plant mineral mixtures are excellent, and fertilizers for citrus fruits.

It is recommended to add nitrogen to the soil of mature plants in June and December; if yellow leaves are present, it is recommended to include zinc and iron in the mixture.


In the first three months the plant can reach fifty centimeters in height; to improve conditions it is recommended to maintain optimal conditions for development. Subsequently, the speed slows down, new leaves begin to appear, measuring thirty-five centimeters from the base.

IMPORTANT! Avocados can reach two and a half meters, so it is recommended to pinch them regularly to stimulate the appearance of side shoots.


How to replant an avocado? The tree grows quite quickly, and therefore it needs to be replanted periodically, the procedure is recommended to be carried out in the spring. Young plants need to be replanted annually; adults can be replanted once every three years.

It is recommended to replant an avocado at home for the first time when the plant reaches ten to fifteen centimeters in height. The dimensions of the container each time must be larger than the previous one. The composition of the substrate is identical to the soil when planting avocado seeds. It must be taken into account that the plant can reach large sizes, so containers must be of appropriate size.

Avocado, like all plants, helps purify the air in the room and has other beneficial properties, which you can learn about.

Avocados can be grown at home from the seed. The flower is different rapid growth, moisture-loving, can reach 2.5 meters in height, needs regular replanting and pinching. Requires cross-pollination to bear fruit, blooms very rarely, can be grown in open ground.

Useful video

We invite you to watch a video with personal experience Avocado care at home:


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