Lavender bush planting and care. Planting and caring for lavender in a pot at home

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Thanks to the efforts of breeders, every year more and more plants appear in the gardens of the Moscow region that are unusual for these regions. One of them is lavender. This heat-loving shrub wins the hearts of people with its unpretentiousness, pleasant fragrance, and elegant flowers. Planting and care does not take much effort.

Lavender flower: description

– subshrub of the Lamiaceae (Lamiaceae) family, decorative, perennial, evergreen. It grows wild in India, the Canary Islands, Saudi Arabia, Europe, and Africa.

The trunk is small. The branches start almost close to the ground. Flowers range from pink to purple. They bloom for up to 10 years. Grows up to 70-100 cm. They emit a pleasant smell.

Lavender is a relative of aromatic herbs:

  • motherwort;
  • basil;
  • rosemary;
  • oregano

Types and varieties of lavender

The genus includes 47 species.

There are 2 varieties grown everywhere:

  • broadleaf lavender (French);
  • Lavender angustifolia (English).

Lavender angustifolia (English)

Another name is lavender officinalis. Latin name- Lavandula angustifolia (angustifolia). Most suitable.

Blooms in July-August. The flowers are bluish-lilac, in the form of a spike. The leaves are bright green and narrow. Height varies from 30 cm to 1 meter. It grows for 20 - 30 years. Seeds are stored for several years. Found in the wild in Kuban.

The most common varieties:

  • Hidcote. Height 40 – 60 cm. Flowers – violet-blue. Recommended for decorating hedges.
  • Voznesenskaya. Suitable for growing in Russia. Used for medicinal purposes.
  • Blue space. Height – up to 35 cm.
  • Dwarf blue. The flowers are purple. Height – up to 40 cm, winter-hardy variety.
  • Purple Haze. Height – up to 40 cm, frost-resistant.
  • Munstead. Planted in places with strong winds. The flowers are blue, height – 40 cm.
  • Delight. Height – up to 60 cm. Flowers – blue-violet. Strongly branched.
  • Southerner. The color of the flowers is dark purple. Height – up to 60 cm.

Lavender angustifolia

Lavender broadleaf (French)

Flowers with a pungent odor. It blooms the earliest - in April-May. Sometimes 2 times per summer. Color – light purple. The leaves are wide. Tolerates cold temperatures down to -15 o C. Grows well indoors. Ancestor decorative varieties . Not suitable for gardens near Moscow, as it does not tolerate frost. The most beautiful Papillon variety is with butterfly-shaped flowers. The aroma is not very pleasant.

The most famous varieties:

  • Regal Splendur;
  • Helmsdale;
  • Yellow Vale;
  • Tiara;
  • Rocky Road.

Lavender latifolia

Lavender hybrid (Dutch)

The highest of all. Height – up to 2 meters. Hybrid of narrow-leaved lavender with other species. Blooms in July. The flowers are large, white and purple. It is decorative. The smell is strong and pleasant. Suitable for temperate climates. Used in industry.

Popular varieties:

  • Richard Gray (dark purple flowers);
  • Arabian Knight (lilac, blue);
  • Grosso (lilac-lilac);
  • Alba (white flowers);
  • Sawyers (light, purple).
Lavender hybrid Alba

Lavender serrated

Heat-loving, grows well in southern regions. Tolerates cold temperatures down to -5 o C. It is difficult to tolerate planting in open ground. Suitable for growing at home. Flowers with a lilac tint. Leaves are rugged and silvery. For the Moscow region, it is only suitable for growing in a pot. It reaches a height of up to one meter. The famous variety is Royal Crown.

Lavender serrated

How to grow more crops?

Any gardener and summer resident is pleased to receive big harvest with large fruits. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to obtain the desired result.

Plants often lack nutrition and useful minerals

It has the following properties:

  • Allows increase productivity by 50% in just a few weeks of use.
  • You can get a good one harvest even on low-fertility soils and in unfavorable climatic conditions
  • Absolutely safe

Features of growing lavender in the Moscow region

Difficult weather The Moscow region allows the cultivation of only 1 species - angustifolia lavender. She is being used. Design of flower beds, flower beds. It finds application in aromatherapy. Used as a medicinal plant.

Lavender grown from seeds is more sustainable. In the Moscow region, seedlings are planted in open ground in early summer. Sowing and further care no different from other areas.

Care includes:

  • watering;
  • feeding;
  • pruning;
  • loosening;
  • weed removal;
  • fight against diseases and pests.

Some gardeners believe that it does not need to be covered for the winter; simply covering it with snow is enough.

She is bred in the apartment as well. But at home she is more picky. Requires special temperature conditions and air humidity. For the winter, they provide a microclimate for the transition to a state of rest.

Where to plant lavender on the site?

Lavender loves warmth and light. To get beautiful bushes, you need to choose the right place to plant and soil. Loves alkaline environment. If there is no elevated area on the territory, it must be artificially raised for planting.

Tips for choosing a landing site:

  • Do not plant in acidic soil. Sandy and loamy soils are ideal.
  • Does not tolerate areas with shallow groundwater.
  • Lavender needs a sunny, windless place. In such a place it blooms profusely.
  • Soil acidity should be within pH 6.5 - 7.5.
  • Fertile land is needed.
  • It is better to choose an elevated area.
  • Looks great near curbs, house walls, paths.
  • Does not tolerate swampy, waterlogged areas.
  • It goes well with cleome, helichrysum, and Spanish gorse.

The roots reach 2 - 3 meters in depth, so shallow burial is detrimental for them. groundwater. In heavy peat soils lavender is blowing.

Stories from our readers!
“I am a summer resident with many years of experience, and I started using this fertilizer only last year. I tested it on the most capricious vegetable in my garden - tomatoes. The bushes grew and bloomed together, they yielded more than usual. And they did not suffer from late blight, this is the main thing.

Fertilizer really gives more intensive growth to garden plants, and they bear fruit much better. Nowadays you can’t grow a normal harvest without fertilizer, and this fertilizing increases the amount of vegetables, so I’m very pleased with the result.”

Methods of cultivation and reproduction

There are 4 ways to propagate lavender:

  • stem layering;
  • dividing the bush;
  • growing from cuttings;
  • seed.

The first 3 methods are vegetative. The seed method is rarely used, since this is a long process; the first flowers can only be seen the next season. It will be of interest to those who do not yet have mature bushes.

Reproduction by stem layering

  • To do this, select a branch from the bottom.
  • Should be dug up small hole. Place the middle part of the branch in it. Place a stone on it or secure it with a staple. Cover with soil. The top and bottom remain above the ground.
  • It is necessary to water the branch as needed. It's not worth pouring.
  • It should grow in this state for at least 3 months.
  • You can replant it in the fall. The cuttings must have formed roots.
  • The seedling is transplanted with a clod of earth.
  • Until the plant gets stronger, it needs to be protected from the wind.

Dividing the bush

This method is used as a last resort. Lavender does not tolerate the division process well. To do this, it must have sections of stems that form separate group. Optimal time division - early spring.

Instructions for dividing the bush:

  1. Select 3 - 5 stems that are nearby.
  2. Dig out this section of the stems.
  3. Make a hole for planting.
  4. Fertilizer is placed at the bottom.
  5. Place the roots in the hole and cover with soil.
  6. Watered. Take care as usual.

Growing by cuttings

Occurs in 2 ways: green cuttings and lignified cuttings:

  1. The right time for cuttings is spring-summer, but no later than mid-July.
  2. The roots should get stronger before winter. This requires 1.5 months.
  3. You need to choose a branch with at least 2 growth nodes (the place where the leaves start to grow).
  4. Green cuttings that have not yet become woody grow faster. The roots are formed better.
  5. Prepare the pot for planting. It is better if it is clay - it allows air to pass through well.

Sequence of actions when landing:

  1. Cut a cutting 13 cm long, diagonally. Under the growth node.
  2. All leaves need to be removed. Leave it on the top only.
  3. When planting lignified cuttings, they should be placed in a root formation stimulator.
  4. Plant at a shallow depth. Water.
  5. At first you need to keep it in the shade. Subsequently, take it out into the sun.

Propagation by seeds

Before sowing, hardening is carried out - stratification, for this:

  1. seeds are mixed with sand;
  2. the mixture is poured into a closed container, wrapped in polyethylene;
  3. put in the refrigerator for 1.5 months.

Hardened seeds are sown in pots at the end of winter and beginning of spring. In the spring - in a greenhouse. Depth - 3 mm. There is no need to separate the sand. Replant in open ground if there is no risk of frost.

To plant seedlings, seeds are sown in a wide but shallow box. The maximum container depth is 7 cm. Cassettes are not suitable.

Sowing scheme:

  1. The box is filled with earth. Leveling.
  2. Water is sprayed onto the soil from above using a spray bottle.
  3. They are planted rarely, one at a time. Distance – 1.5 – 2 cm.
  4. Sprinkle with 2-3 mm of soil.
  5. Cover the top with glass or film.

For seeds to germinate, two conditions are required:

  • sufficient lighting;
  • room temperature – 15 – 21 o C.

Rules for caring for seedlings:

  1. should be slightly moistened.
  2. The film and glass are opened from time to time for ventilation.
  3. First shoots - after 2 weeks. After they appear, the glass and film are removed.
  4. The soil is kept slightly moist.
  5. Place it on a bright windowsill.
  6. Dive - after the appearance of 2 true leaves. Replant with a lump of earth around the root.

Before taking it outside, permanent place, seedlings are hardened off on the balcony in advance. To do this, they take it out to a new place for a short period of time. They start at one hour. Further, the residence time is doubled. During the first year of life, roots develop. Doesn't bloom.

Planting lavender in open ground

First you need to choose a landing site. It has a powerful root system. Therefore, do not plant in waterlogged parts of the garden. Shade-tolerant, but prefers bright places. It is better to plant on elevated parts of the garden.

Instructions for planting lavender:

The first flowers can be seen in the 2-3rd year of planting. We bloom from June to August. Before planting, sand, humus, and compost are added to the soil. . Mature bushes should not be replanted . Seeds are sown in open ground in mid-May. The seedlings are transplanted in June.

When is it better to plant: spring or autumn?

  • The optimal time for planting is spring. This should be done when the danger of frost has passed.
  • Acceptable in warm regions autumn planting , but 2 months before frost.

Planting before winter

  • Sowing is carried out in October.
  • Planted in rows. The distance between bushes is 20 cm.
  • Transplantation - in the spring. Plants should reach 10 cm in height.
  • They are transplanted to a permanent place at a distance of 50–60 cm.

Caring for lavender bushes in the garden

All types of lavender require the same care.


  • Does not require frequent watering. Drought resistant.
  • Water when the soil under the plant is dry.
  • Yellow leaves are a sign of excess water and rotting roots.
  • Slow growth may be caused by excess moisture.

Loosening and mulching:

  • Loosening is carried out after each heavy rain and watering.
  • The soil under the lavender should not harden. The plant will not have enough oxygen.
  • – through humus, peat.


Feeding and fertilizer:

  • At the beginning of the season, nitrogen is added. They are needed for the growth of green mass. It is prohibited to use them in the second half of summer. The bush will not have time to prepare for winter;
  • Then during the flowering period - complex (mineral) ones.
  • Not demanding. Can be content with what is in the soil.
  • If there is a layer of mulch, fertilizing is not needed.

Diseases and pests

Lavender is resistant to diseases and pests.

If planted and cared for incorrectly, problems may arise:

  1. Rotting is the result of improper watering. However, the plant cannot be treated. It needs to be cut off as quickly as possible. Burn all parts.
  2. The rainbow beetle is a rare sight. It can be assembled by hand.
  3. Slobbery pennies.
  4. Cicada.

Insecticides will come to the rescue in the fight against insects.

Preparing for winter in the Moscow region

Lavender bushes can grow in one place for up to 20 years.

Growing lavender at home

Lavender is also grown at home.

To do this, follow the technology of planting and subsequent care:

  1. Choose a pot of the appropriate size. Volume of at least 2 liters. Diameter – not less than 30 cm.
  2. Drainage: nut shells, small pebbles, gravel.
  3. Do not cover the hole at the bottom of the pot.
  4. Soil acidity - from pH 6.5 to pH 7.5.

Rules for caring for lavender in an apartment:

  1. Watering carry out at the same time. Water – settled, at room temperature.
  2. Fertilizer– first 2 months.
  3. The pot is placed on the south side. On the balcony, windowsill. If there is not enough light, you can use a fluorescent lamp.
  4. After flowering– in summer, should be pruned.
  5. Wintering takes place in a cool place; at this time it is often not watered.

They don’t place a flower near the house heating devices. In the summer, the plant is taken out onto the balcony. A small pot is not suitable for lavender, as it has powerful roots. As it grows, the container where it grows is changed. A suitable variety for an apartment is southern.

Ways to grow lavender at home:

  1. An annual shoot is cut from an adult bush and cut cuttings 10 cm long. Plant them in a box and cover them with plastic wrap.
  2. You can divide the existing bush. This occurs by separately hilling each stem.
  3. If mature plant planted in big pot, propagated by layering. To do this, they choose to escape. Bend to the ground. Bury part 3 cm into the soil. Replant when the shoot takes root.
  4. Seed propagation requires stratification, so it takes a lot of time. Plant the seeds at a depth of 3 mm.

Secrets of growing indoor lavender

It is more difficult to grow lavender at home than outside. It is considered a capricious houseplant.

Peculiarities home grown lavender:

  • A special temperature regime is required. More frequent care required.
  • Takes up a lot of space. Maximum size reaches 3 - 5 years.
  • A lot of light is needed. The best place- South side. If there is a shortage, artificial lighting will come to the rescue.
  • IN summer period its permanent place should be a balcony. But you should protect it from the wind. It is necessary to accustom oneself to the conditions of a balcony gradually. She loves warmth.
  • It is necessary to observe the wintering regime. The temperature at this time of year should be 10 -12 o C.
  • Doesn't like dry air. Humidifiers can be used.
  • The soil should always be moist. The leaves also need to be watered.
  • Do not feed with nitrogen fertilizers. Potassium supplements are best. The first 2-2.5 months after sowing require watering. liquid fertilizer- 2 g per 1 liter of water.
  • The ideal soil is a mixture of sand and peat with the addition of eggshells.
  • Replanted every year. During the period of rest.
  • For good growth need big pots. There must be drainage at the bottom.

What mistakes are made when growing lavender?

  1. Water frequently. Many gardeners do not know that this plant is drought tolerant.
  2. Gently pruned. This can destroy the bush.
  3. Plant in heavy peaty, clay soil.
  4. They don’t know that lavender loses some of its foliage during wintering. This is an evergreen bush. But by spring it may lose its attractiveness. There is no need to rush to remove it from the site.
  5. Buy annual varieties . She shows all her beauty closer to 3 years. Therefore it is meaningless.
  6. Lavender is thought to have a wonderful aroma. The same variety can smell differently in different places. There are varieties that are odorless.

Even a novice gardener can handle planting and caring for lavender. Therefore, it is increasingly used for landscaping areas. In Russia, angustifolia lavender is grown for these purposes. It tolerates the climatic conditions of the Moscow region well.

Lavender is planted for the following purposes:

  • design of alpine slides, hedges;
  • making flower arrangements;
  • decoration of paths, sidewalks, flower beds, fences, buildings.

To plant lavender beautifully, you need to know the rules of sowing and care. An important role in the design of the site is played by the color of flowers, leaves, and the height of the bush. Its flowers, the color of which varies from soft pink to dark purple, and evergreen leaves will help decorate any garden.


Lavender is used in the design of a summer cottage, a private house in the Moscow region (Moscow and the Moscow region). Lavender is not suitable for industrial cultivation in the Moscow region. The southern regions of the country (Crimea) are more suitable for this.

Among the variety of varieties, there are those that can winter in these natural conditions. The positive aspects do not end with decorativeness. This treatment plant widely used in folk medicine.

Benefits of planting lavender:

  • unpretentiousness;
  • frost resistance;
  • Beautiful appearance during the whole year;
  • pleasant aroma.

Planting at the dacha is not a difficult process. Care includes the same points as for other plants: watering, fertilizing, pruning, shelter for the winter.

Video: detailed agricultural techniques for growing lavender

Lavender - bright plant unusual shape, which is most often associated with the endless fields of Provence. It is planted as a decoration for borders and in the form of beautiful partitions, combined with other flower crops and left as the basis for creating rockeries. decorates many albums of travelers in France.

In addition to aesthetic pleasure, the owner of the “lavender color” will also receive enormous benefits. The fact is that flowers contain substances that can calm the nervous system and normalize sleep. In fact, by planting lavender next to the gazebo where you like to spend the evening or near the tea table on the terrace, you will be provided with nightly exercise against depression and despondency). This flower is very popular not only among healers, but also among perfumers. Even the ancients used essential oils to give them silkiness and shine.

This flower has long been popular among gardeners, however, you need to know all the intricacies of caring for it in order to achieve maximum and long flowering.

Lavender care

The list of activities that need to be done to ensure the growth of lavender is, on the one hand, voluminous, and on the other hand, simple. It includes:

  • loosening the soil. This required condition for lavender growth. It is ideal to mulch the ground,
  • elimination of weeds,
  • pruning the plant. Lavender loves pruning! It should also be carried out regularly to give the lavender plantings a neat and tidy appearance. decorative look Regular pruning of flower bushes is required. Lavender pruning is carried out both in autumn and spring. About how to make spring and autumn pruning- look, see at the end of the article.
  • correct watering of the flower. Lavender is enough capricious plant, so you should water it very carefully. It does not tolerate drying out of the soil, but excessive moisture of the surface will also adversely affect the development of the plant. To be more precise: for lavender it is better to dry out a little than to get too wet)
  • application of fertilizers. During abundant flowering lavender needs to be fed with various mineral fertilizers. First of all, this is the application of potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. Fresh manure is completely unsuitable for fertilizing flowering plants.
  • mandatory preparation of lavender for the winter period.

This is what care is all about. But how much more important is it to plant lavender correctly! Please note that mature plants do not tolerate replanting quite well (lavender has a large root system and is always damaged when transferred), so it is better to choose a place for planting in advance.

How to choose a landing site

The key to a successful lavender color is the right place for planting.


Lavender thrives in regions with a southern climate, where it is provided with optimal conditions for development and long-term flowering. In those regions where climatic conditions are less favorable, it is more convenient to plant lavender in small outdoor boxes or flowerpots, which can easily be brought indoors if the temperature changes sharply. Lavender does not survive the winter season well and to preserve the bushes, it is necessary to provide shelter in advance (with dried flowers or pine branches or agrofibre). Foliage is not suitable for covering lavender, as it can rot under them in winter. At very low temperatures (more than -20 degrees), the plant also needs to be insulated.

Soil type

Lavender does not tolerate acidic soil. Therefore, to reduce acidity, add ash or eggshells to the soil. Lavender also does not like dense soils. Therefore, stock up on mulch in advance; you can use rotted leaves.

Sunny open place

Areas with open areas that receive good sunlight are suitable for it. In the shade, already small bushes will grow dwarf and may not bloom. It would be more accurate to say this: if there is not enough sun, lavender simply will not bloom.

Not very moist soil

You should not plant sprouts in a wetland - the roots will immediately react to the amount of moisture. Even high groundwater can be detrimental to lavender. Lavender is very, very sensitive to dampness and suffers greatly from fungal diseases. Although lavender also does not tolerate drying out of the soil.

Spread distance

The distance between seedlings should be equal to the expected height of the bush. It is in this case that each bush will become lush and round in shape. However, if you just need to achieve a green fence around, then it is enough to halve the distance and the lavender will no longer bloom.

For those who are going to grow and care for lavender in the country, you should pay attention to 3 points:

  • the soil in which you will plant (not acidic or wet);
  • sunny open place, without shadow;
  • fertilizer during flowering.

When you grow this beauty in your dacha, you can still cook it, which will make you younger and more beautiful and happier.

Most often, lavender is bred by two methods - cuttings and seeds.

Propagation of lavender by cuttings or layering

Of course, it is better to buy lavender seeds and seedlings at specialized retail outlets, additionally consulting with experienced specialists in matters of choice suitable variety plants and rules for caring for them. But, if on summer cottage There are already lavender plantings and you still have some experience in growing this plant, then you can try to carry out the procedure for obtaining young lavender seedlings yourself.

The first method is quite simple to implement - stalk you need to plant two to three centimeters in the ground, and then cover with film (or cut plastic bottle). The soil should be constantly moistened, and after roots appear, planted in a permanent place of growth. Rule for cuttings:

  • cut off the woody shoot;

Can be bred layering(by dividing the bush). You need to choose the lavender bush you like, pin one of the branches (a small shoot) to the ground and cover it lightly with soil, which must be covered with film until the roots appear. Then, when the root system is more developed (this will already be at next year), young plant separated from the mother bush and transplanted to a new territory.

Rule for layering:

  • we choose a woody branch, but at the same time a soft one, so that the root system develops faster;
  • we cut off the top with flowers so that it does not draw life-giving forces.

Can be diluted through shoot, which lavender provides abundantly in summer. To do this, the bush is pruned, separating the shoots and covered with earth. By autumn, you already have a new young bush ready, which needs to be dug up and transplanted to a permanent place.

What lavender shoots look like can be clearly seen in the video from 1:35 minutes.

Propagation of lavender by seeds

Lavender planting seeds, growing and care. Propagating lavender from seeds is a troublesome process. Although in relaxed conditions, some seeds germinate and produce good shoots.

Growing lavender from seeds at home

Seeds need to be cooled (stratified):

  1. according to the first option, planting in the soil in late autumn, when the air temperature has dropped steadily to a maximum of +5 degrees;
  2. according to the second, the mass of seeds mixed with sand should be placed in the refrigerator for at least 1-1.5 months. Optimal temperature+5 degrees. This method is much more reliable and productive.

Stratification the seeds are exposed due to the fact that lavender contains a large number of ethers, and during a period of sufficiently long cooling the “dense shell” is destroyed. Therefore, when the seeds are taken out and placed in heat, intensive formation of growth hormone begins. The process is so intense that the seeds germinate. Without stratification (cooling), the seeds will simply rot.

After the seeds undergo stratification, we sow them in the ground. Sowing can be done when the air temperature in the place where the lavender will germinate is at least 15 degrees, and preferably +20. It is better to do this in a separate pot and plant in a greenhouse or on glass loggia(this is ideal).

The soil needs to be light, and lavender seeds need to be sown very superficially, as they germinate in the sun. After sowing, cover the soil with film. It is necessary to carry out ventilation to remove condensation that forms on the film.

You can plant shoots grown from seeds when 1-2 leaves have formed. After the sprout has strengthened and there is a suitable temperature outside, it can be planted in open ground in a pre-selected place.

So once again the stages and nuances (lavender, planting seeds, growing and care):

  1. seeds undergo stratification;
  2. sow the seeds in a separate pot with lightly loosened soil;
  3. seeds are sown superficially;
  4. the flowerpot should be in the sun and in a room with a temperature of at least +15 degrees;
  5. after 1-2 leaves appear, plant the sprouts;
  6. After rooting, we transplant it into open ground in a selected place.

Please note that when lavender is propagated by seeds, the bushes will not begin to bloom during the first 1-2 seasons - the root system will actively develop and this is where the plant will devote its strength.

Autumn pruning of lavender

Spring pruning of lavender

Few people think about growing lavender at home due to the “self-propagation” of this crop. When lavender seeds ripen, they independently fall on the surface of the earth, carry out stratification themselves and multiply. Although if you need plants to grow in in the right place, you still have to work hard. In the absence of such a need, you can simply forget about any worries regarding cultivation.

It’s a completely different matter if these beautiful flowers are grown indoors - in this case, not only strength, but also certain knowledge will be required. For example, Yuzhanka lavender tolerates growing from seeds at home quite well, but you still need to make an effort.

Lavender Yuzhanka is a perennial subshrub with a fairly large (up to two meters in length) and fibrous root. The shoots are numerous and can reach up to 60 centimeters in height. The inflorescences can have a wide variety of shades - from lilac to blue-violet - and are collected in large spikes.

On a note! Lavender is known primarily for its diuretic effect; moreover, it has a calming effect on palpitations and neurasthenia.

The culture grows in sunny and sheltered places, mainly on light soil, and blooms in July-August.

When growing Southern lavender, you must follow certain conditions , let's consider them.

If you take into account all these agrotechnical requirements, you will be able to grow the crop at home without any problems.

Stage one. Stratification

Lavender is usually propagated from cuttings, but if desired, this can also be done using seeds. The second method - although it is slow and not effective in all cases - is good because it is much cheaper than purchasing planted bushes or cuttings, and if a number of requirements are met, it produces equally beautiful plants.

Lavender angustifolia Yuzhanka - seeds

Plant growing kit "Lavender"

What is the main difficulty of growing from seeds? And it lies precisely in stratification. To be more precise, this is not even a difficulty, but the need for additional time for preparation planting material.

On a note! Stratification means simulating the effect of natural winter conditions on seeds, making it easier for the grains to germinate. The procedure increases germination and accelerates germination.

Seed stratification - timing

Lavender seeds are characterized by the fact that they may not germinate at all without first being certain time in the cold. The stratification process is not complicated: take a not very deep container, pour sand into it, and place the seeds on top. Then sprinkle the seeds with a little more sand and place them in the refrigerator (basement) about a month and a half before the expected sowing date. In this case, the temperature during storage should be approximately 5 degrees. Actually, this completes the stratification procedure; we move on to further actions.

Containers for stratificationContainers for stratification


We take the seeds. It is advisable to soak them in water beforehand.

Stage two. We prepare everything you need

Immediately before sowing, you need to prepare the container. It should be deep and wide. If you use a pot, its diameter should be at least 30 centimeters. The fact is that the lavender root grows to a decent size over time, and if the pot is small, then at one “wonderful” moment it will simply stop growing.

Another important point- This is soil preparation. Southern lavender, as noted earlier, requires only loose soil when growing. You can use a store-bought substrate or, alternatively, mix peat and sand yourself (ratio 1:1). If you wish, you can further increase fertility by adding eggshells or perlite.

Stage three. Sow the seeds

When sowing, adhere to the following algorithm of actions.

Table. Sowing lavender seeds Yuzhanki

Steps, no.Short descriptionIllustration
Step 1Take the prepared container and fill it with soil. This can be not only a pot, but also, for example, a wide container not divided into cells, or a seedling tray.

Step 2Lightly moisten the surface of the soil, then sow the seeds. If you are using a divided seedling container, place one seed in each cell. If the container is not divided, then sow the seeds at a distance of 1.2-2.5 centimeters from each other.

Step 3Cover the seeds with a layer of soil about 0.3 centimeters thick. This is necessary for protection. In this case, the layer should not be too thick, because seeds require sunlight to germinate.

Step 4Place the container with the seeds in a warm room (the temperature should be about 21 degrees).

Step 5Lightly water the soil. The humidity should be average (if you overdo it, a fungus will begin to develop, which will destroy all the seeds). It is better to water in the morning so that the soil dries out by evening.

Step 6Wait a while, watering the soil regularly. Typically, lavender seeds germinate after two to four weeks.

Step 7When the first shoots appear, make sure they receive enough sunlight. In the absence suitable place provide artificial lighting using fluorescent lamps (seedlings should be illuminated for at least eight hours a day).

Stage four. Performing the first pick

When the sprouts have several true leaves, perform the first transplant. The leaves must be “correct”, i.e. fully developed. At that point, the roots will have grown so much that they will not be able to develop further in a not very deep container (for example, the same seedling tray).

Prepare larger containers and fill them with soil (not the same one used for germination, but another - preferably consisting of perlite, peat and soil). If you use a tray, keep in mind that the distance between the plants in it should be about 5 centimeters.

On a note! Never use vermiculite. The fact is that it may contain asbestos, even if the manufacturer does not indicate this on the label.

Add some granular fertilizer containing nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus to the soil. Then make a hole in the soil of the new container. required sizes. Carefully remove the lavender from old container together with the soil, place it in the hole and compact the surface around it (the plant must be well fixed).

The next replanting will be required when the height of the plants reaches at least 7.6 centimeters (this can take from one to three months), and until then, gradually “accustom” the lavender to natural conditions - take the containers to Fresh air for a few hours every day. After just a week, lavender should adapt to new conditions.

Lavender - planting and care

Features of transplanting into open soil

If you are planning to transplant plants into open ground, then start by choosing a suitable location. The area should be illuminated, because in shaded areas the soil is damp, which, again, can cause fungus to develop.

Loosen the area, mixing the soil with compost. Check the pH level: if it is below 6.5-7.5, then add agricultural lime.

Carefully replant the plants at a distance of 30-60 centimeters from each other. To do this, dig holes with a depth corresponding to the depth of the containers in which the bushes are located. Remove the plants and replant them in a new location.

Rules for caring for lavender Yuzhanka

In order for lavender to develop well at home, it requires constant care and proper attention.

  1. Water the plants daily in the morning, using only settled water. When watering, try to get it on both the green mass and the soil. In summer the soil should always be slightly moist, while in winter it is advisable to minimize watering.

  2. Lavender Yuzhanka needs annual replanting. New containers, of course, should be larger than the old ones.
  3. Containers should be located in a well-lit place. If there is insufficient lighting (for example, in winter time) additionally equip artificial lighting, as mentioned above.
  4. When the flowering period ends (approximately in the second half of summer), prune the lavender - remove the dry stems entirely, and trim the bushes themselves a little.

  5. In winter, the air temperature should be from 15 to 20 degrees, which will allow the plants to develop and ensure healthy inflorescences. However, this only applies to the growing season, since the rest of the time, lavender should be kept cool.
  6. Within 35-40 days after sowing, apply liquid fertilizers for flowers (about twice a month). By the way, when growing by cuttings, such fertilizer does not need to be applied.
  7. In some cases, plants experience moisture deficiency due to nearby heating radiators. The problem in this case can be solved either by spraying the bushes or by using a humidifier.

In principle, this is all advice on growing and caring for the described crop. If you grow these plants at home, they will delight you with beautiful flowering and unsurpassed aroma not only in summer, but also in winter. Of course, there is a lot of hassle, but the result is really worth it.

Video - Growing lavender using seeds

The name of the plant comes from the Latin word “lava” - to wash, which speaks of the hygienic properties of the flower.

Gardeners have long fallen in love with lavender, planting and caring for which is no longer a special secret. Its most popular name among the people, which spread thanks to the famous song, is mountain lavender, and it appeared due to the fact that it interesting plant It exists perfectly on the slopes of mountains, firmly holding onto the ground with roots 3-4 meters long.

Lavender is an evergreen perennial subshrub with leaves of an interesting silvery hue and spikelets of lilac, pink, purple, white or other colors. How decorative flower lavender will decorate any garden: it can be used to decorate a flower bed, alpine slide or creating a natural border.

Species diversity

More than 20 varieties of lavender are known, but the following varieties are usually grown on private farms:

lavender angustifolia (English, true) reaches up to a meter in height and a diameter of about a meter; leaves are small, narrow, gray-green; blooms from June to July; easy to care for and relatively resistant to cold,

broadleaf lavender (French) is the ancestor decorative varieties; the flowers have long bracts and a variety of colors; blooms from May; has a strong and not the most pleasant aroma,

Dutch lavender (hybrid) grown on an industrial scale; reaches a height of two meters; has large inflorescences on long stems; blooms from July; less frost-resistant than narrow-leaved lavender,

lavender serrated is heat-loving variety; leaves are silvery, soft; the flowers are large, in different shades of blue; In the traditional climate of the middle zone, jagged lavender is grown at home, and not outside.

Advice! Any lavender in open ground may not withstand too cold a climate, and therefore it makes sense in the northern regions to plant bushes in pots or flowerpots, and at the slightest cold snap, bring them to a warm place. Lavender in a pot is more difficult to care for than in open ground, and even if all the requirements are met, the plant indoors will bloom less and less often.

Lavender propagation

Lavender propagation occurs in various ways:

Sowing seeds. This is the most difficult method of growing lavender, although quite often it will reproduce naturally if you do not cut off all the existing flowers.

Before planting, lavender seeds must be kept at a low temperature, which can be done naturally or artificially. Natural stratification is possible only in warm climate zones without severe frosts, when the seeds are planted directly into the ground at the end of autumn. This happens artificially like this: the seeds are mixed with sand, poured into a small container, wrapped in plastic and put away fridge for no less than one and a half months.

Towards the end of spring, the seeds are planted in greenhouses. When the first shoots appear, you can transfer them to prepared places. In the first year or two, the plant, if it germinates, will develop root system, not pleased with the appearance of flowers. Any of the vegetative methods of propagation is much more effective and easier.

Propagation by cuttings. Cuttings are made from one-year or two-year-old woody shoots, after cutting off the flowers. Cuttings 7-10 cm long are deepened into loose soil 2-3 cm, cover with film and regularly moisten the soil. Roots will appear fairly quickly, after which the cuttings can be dug up and planted in the desired location.

Planting cuttings - an even simpler way. One of the lower shoots is bent to the side in the spring, fixed to the ground so that it does not rise, and sprinkled with earth. After the roots appear, you can carefully cut off the cuttings and plant them in the chosen location. To avoid rotting, sprinkle the cut area with crushed coal.

Dividing the bush. Another easy way requires preliminary preparation: in the fall the bush is cut to 10 cm, covered with earth, and cut again in the spring, which ensures the appearance of new shoots. In the fall, the lush bush can be divided by hand or using a spatula.

Landing Features

For lavender growing to be successful, it is important to choose the right site for planting it. The soil needs to be light, loose, with a neutral or alkaline reaction. On sour, swampy, salty and heavy clay soil Lavender grows poorly. If the soil is acidic, lime or wood ash. If the soil is wet due to the proximity of groundwater, a solution can be found in the arrangement alpine slide so that the plant is located on a hill.

Advice! Strong smell lavender will help protect against various pests not only herself, but also nearby plants. It makes sense to have lavender in your garden area was located next to vegetable crops.

Planting lavender in the ground depends on the method of propagation in a particular case and the desired design effect. The distance between individual bushes should not exceed their maximum height. If a hedge of plants is needed, this parameter can be halved.


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