Professional advice: how to achieve abundant flowering of an orchid. An orchid does not bloom at home: how to make a beautiful phalaenopsis wake up? How to make an orchid bloom

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Flower growers and housewives adore orchids for their beauty and tenderness. But when caring for them, some encounter certain difficulties, since it is very difficult to maintain the plant in a well-groomed state. If not proper care flowering becomes rare and short-lived. For the orchid to bloom all year round, these 9 important conditions must be observed.

How to help an orchid bloom more often?

Everyone knows that orchids are very demanding to care for. Those amateur flower growers who take care of this flower sooner or later encounter certain problems. The most common of them is the lack of re-blooming. To do this you need to follow our instructions. Then it will be possible to achieve longer flowering up to six months.

So, 9 secrets of excellent orchid flowering:

The flowering of an orchid directly depends on the age of the plant. Young specimens may not produce a flower shoot for a long time. Some species bloom only at the age of 1.5 years, others wait up to 3 years and only after that produce the first flowers. You can determine the age of an orchid right in the store upon purchase. You just need to count the number of shoots and shoots located per plant - there should be about 6-7 of them. And very young orchids simply will not be able to recover after flowering - they do not have enough energy for this. That's why they are in no hurry to do it.

Do not move the orchid to a new place, especially during flowering. This plant is very sensitive to changes associated with the direction of light. And if there is still a need to move the flower, it is better to turn it the same way to avoid stress.

Plant roots require special attention, and should be addressed in advance. Simply because the orchid, according to the previous point, does not like to be disturbed unnecessarily. For planting, use translucent pots made of plastic with drainage holes- this will help to take action in time and keep the roots in proper form. It is also worth abandoning ceramic pots, since orchids tend to grow roots to such surfaces. Should be protected root system from contact with sharp edges and objects that can cause harm.

One more important factor Successful development of a plant is sunlight, or rather its quantity. If the length of daylight decreases, the orchid may stop blooming altogether. This is why there is a decline in flowering in winter and autumn. You can fix this with a lamp daylight, placing it next to the flower. Additional lighting should be used in the evening and at night. There are also special phytolamps that provide sufficient light. At the same time, they do not dry out the air, which also has a beneficial effect on the growth and development of the flower. For flower stalks released in the cold season, sufficient care must be provided, otherwise the flower will die. As a last resort, if it is not possible to fully provide the plant with daylight, it is enough to illuminate only the tip of the peduncle, preventing the orchid from overheating.

So that the orchid can bloom continuously, provide it with optimal temperature conditions both day and night, with a difference of 4-6 degrees. It is difficult to maintain a suitable climate only in the cold season, that is, in autumn and winter. In spring and summer, the orchid is perfectly kept on outdoors. When plants are forced to stay indoors, it must be ventilated. True, here too special condition– do not forget that orchids are afraid of drafts.

Proper watering will help keep the flower in excellent shape, allowing it to produce flower stalks all year round. You must try not to flood the plant with water, otherwise the roots may rot, which leads to death. Water only when the soil in the pot is dry. These requirements are relevant for both warm and cold seasons, and they apply to plants of any age. There is one more recommendation that will extend the flowering period. Immediately after the flower falls off, watering should be interrupted for a month. This is not an easy whim, it’s all about the nature of the flower itself. When a wild orchid flowers, its seeds are dispersed over long distances, and this only happens during periods of drought. This trick will help maintain the flower in healthy looking, as close to nature as possible.
Air humidification is also an important condition excellent flowering. If there is not enough moisture around, the plant may slow down its growth or even stop developing altogether. Spraying will help maintain a comfortable climate.

The next recommendation we will give you is to use correct feeding. Phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are ideal, as they allow new buds to appear. In addition, they provide the plant with enough energy and the necessary nutrients, allowing you to give healthy flowers. But it is better not to use nitrogen fertilizers, so as not to inhibit the growth and development of the orchid.

A little stress artificially caused by the owner of the orchid can cause the flower to shoot. Sometimes, when a plant is feeling too good, it may be in no hurry to bloom. It simply directs all its energy to the growth of vegetation - stems and leaves, because it understands that reproduction can be delayed. That is why, as a stimulation, you can stop watering or move it to a new place, turn the other side towards the sun or place it in a cooler place.

It also happens that they were created for orchids ideal conditions– uniform watering, enough sunlight, protection from drafts, but they are still in no hurry to bloom. Even the fact that the conditions of the plant remain unchanged for long term, does not guarantee the appearance of colors. This behavior may be associated with the death of the roots, which occurs after 2-3 years of being kept in the same container. In this case, new flower stalks will not appear until enough roots have grown.

What to do when the plant fades?

Dropping its last petal, the orchid goes to rest. At this time, she begins to prepare for a new flowering and accumulates strength for this. Meanwhile, care during this period is practically no different - you need to water it abundantly, ensure high humidity air, sufficient lighting and timely destruction of pests. But feeding needs to be reduced.

Now is the time to move the orchid to another container. Transplantation is done when roots begin to emerge from the container or the soil is in an overdried state or dries out quickly. Typically, the transplantation procedure is done when the plant is approaching or exceeds 2-3 years of age.

Is it possible to cut orchid flowers?

Orchid bouquets are very attractive, which is why they attract millions of women. And, naturally, every owner indoor plant I wonder if this flower is suitable for cutting? It is worth noting that fresh bouquets do not last long, and not everyone the view is suitable for this. Only some species can stand in a vase for several weeks without losing their attractive appearance. When purchasing orchids for cutting, you should immediately pay attention to the petals and sepals. Shine and hardness - main feature the fact that the flowers will last a long time and will delight you with their freshness.

Is it possible to preserve an orchid bouquet longer?

If you bought flowers in a store and did not cut them from house plant, they need processing. Immediately upon returning home, you need to update the sections. Trim the stems at an angle, and it is best to do this under a tap. It is advisable to carry out this procedure 2-3 times a week. You should also monitor the condition and quality of the water that fills the vase; use only filtered liquid. The water should be renewed every few days. Avoid sudden temperature changes and freezing of the bouquet. Protect it from direct sunlight, as well as drafts and sudden drops in temperature.

Grow orchids on your windowsills to the envy of all your friends and neighbors, because now you know the secrets that will help you decorate your home incredibly beautiful flowers this plant. Follow our recommendations, and the result will not be long in coming.

Beginners in floriculture often face this problem: after purchasing a lush beauty in a store, it safely fades on the windowsill for the prescribed three months and for the next few years it yearns alone, without releasing a peduncle.

There is a solution to the problem, but it will take some effort. Growth is influenced by a huge number of factors, starting with the plant variety, ending with the temperature in the room. Some always flowering species can without careful care please their owners with lush inflorescences all year round, while others need temperature changes that provoke growth.

As experts note, a healthy orchid blooms approximately 3 times a year, or even more. Next, we will tell you how to admire flowers all year round.


Age of onset

IMPORTANT! First of all, it is worth reducing the amount of nitrogen in fertilizers. It is this component that stops the growth of the peduncle. Preference is given to fertilizers that are rich in potassium and phosphorus. These elements promote bud growth and ensure the formation of new, healthy flowers.


To provide the orchid with sufficient moisture, experienced flower growers recommend placing a container of water next to the plant. When using this method, you can be sure that the plant will receive as much moisture as required.

Proper watering

You can determine whether a plant needs it with one simple rule: pay attention to the root shoots: if they are pale, this means that the plant needs moisture.

However, do not forget that excess moisture will lead to rotting of the root system and possible death of the plant.

To grow a healthy, beautiful orchid, you should clearly understand all its needs.

What should I do to make the orchid bloom again?

No matter how strange it may sound in relation to an orchid, but, getting used to comfortable conditions, the plant may stop blooming. However, do not panic, there are some tricks that can help your orchid grow well. Ways to make it bloom again include:

  • temporary reduction in water dosage;
  • moving the plant to a cool place.

A temporary decrease in temperature can stimulate flowering.

Important! We must not forget that too sudden changes can only cause harm, so the creation of such “shock” situations should be treated with extreme caution.

Popular varieties and types of orchids

- a popular variety among beginners, precisely because it pleases its lucky owners with year-round flowering. It is not difficult to achieve such a result; you just need to follow the most basic rules.

Cymbidium- enough unpretentious variety, on average blooms from March to September, but with proper care you can ensure year-round flowering.

Oncidium- a favorite of gardeners, since the flowering time can vary from April to August, and, therefore, if you follow the above tips, the flowering period can last a whole year.

Paphiopedilum- is just beginning to gain its popularity among orchid lovers as a constantly blooming plant. Its unpretentiousness and the possibility of flowering all year round attracts sophisticated experts like a magnet. The main flowering period occurs at the beginning of October and lasts until April.





The rest period - myth or reality?

A period of rest is a state during which orchid growth and activity decreases. This helps plants to easily survive winter cold, heat and drought, that is, the most uncomfortable periods.

Orchids have a dormant period determined by weather changes. Typically, after new shoots finish the growth stage, the plant begins a dormant period. At home, during the dormant period, it is recommended to reduce watering, lower the room temperature and be careful with fertilizers.

Nuances and questions from readers

The question often arises: what to do if varieties that bloom all year round need to be replanted?

Experts have highlighted Several basic rules, following which will help to replant an orchid without harming the flowering:

  1. You should start the replanting process with the following procedure: gently knock on the walls of the pot to easily remove the plant along with the substrate;
  2. Next step: separation of the substrate. It is recommended to place the roots of the plant in a container of water room temperature, trim the rotted roots and grease the cut areas with brilliant green;
  3. Prepare a new substrate, then carefully move the plant to new pot and add the remaining substrate to the middle of the pot;
  4. As drainage experienced flower growers use bark or small pieces of brick. The soil should be loose.

IMPORTANT! After transplantation, watering the orchid is not recommended.

Following these simple rules will help you replant your orchid painlessly. Neglecting the advice of experts can lead to the death of the plant, so we must not forget that the orchid is a capricious lady that requires attention and care.

Useful videos

Video from in a simple way stimulation of re-blooming:

From this video you will learn what to do with an orchid after flowering:

This video will tell you how to convince an orchid to bloom magnificently and abundantly:

The following video will reveal the main reasons why an orchid does not bloom:

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The blooming of an orchid is the most pleasant moment in the life of any gardener. By purchasing blooming orchid, we usually hope for its subsequent flowering, however, often this does not happen - the orchid does not bloom, which causes our bewilderment. But the fact is that in a certain phase of development, orchids need to create certain conditions, as close as possible to natural...

Let's try to figure out what factors determine the frequency of orchid flowering and how to get them to bloom again at home.

Stimulation of orchid flowering

An orchid needs a little stress to produce a beautiful flower. A sharp temperature change can speed up flowering. For example, keep the whim all night at a temperature of +18 degrees, and in the morning move it to a warm place. The impetus for flowering can also be reduced watering, which is a significant advantage for many orchids. And, if you do not limit watering in advance, you can get a new growing season instead of flowering. In abundantly watered orchids you can often find dried out flower buds, and sometimes the beginnings of flower stalks at the base of old bulbs.

Sometimes orchids that have not been replanted for several years vegetate all year round, develop bulbs of normal size and do not bloom, and then suddenly bloom under the same conditions. Most often, this is a consequence of the death of some of the old roots, which usually do not live in potted plants for more than 2-3 years. At some point, the suction surface of the root system, which works for the entire plant, decreases, which creates a moisture deficit, which initiates the activation of flower buds and the subsequent development of the peduncle. Such plants can develop flower stalks on shoots of different ages throughout the year.

To stimulate flowering in an orchid, you can use special preparations “Bud”, “Plumen”, “Ovary”. For beginners, we can recommend Phalaenopsis - with proper care, it blooms for a long time and is most suitable for keeping at home.

Reducing watering in the name of flowering...

The main mistake of the owner is excessive watering, which initiates the activation of vegetative buds too early, as a result of which the development of peduncles is blocked by new growths or flower buds are not formed (in orchids blooming from the top).

In the tropics (where most of the epiphytic orchids interesting for indoors come from) there is almost always a period of little or no precipitation following a period of rain. Conventionally, it is called a “dry” period, but this does not mean that orchids do not receive moisture at all. But its quantity is usually not enough for active growth vegetative shoots. The onset of the dry season forces orchids to go into a stage of forced dormancy for some time. It is clear that this does not happen instantly, and at the beginning of the “dry” period the growing season ends. The duration of the “dry” period can vary from one to several months.

Many oncidiums, miltonias, and hybrids based on them behave this way (almost everything in flower shops sold under the streamlined name "Cambria") and many other epiphytic orchids similar to them in biology and structure. In most cases, it is enough to reduce watering in the last third or quarter of the development period of young growth bulbs and flowering is practically guaranteed. Precisely in advance, and not at the end of the growing season, as is usually advised.

For different types may make a difference when to start cutting back on watering. There are orchids that react sharply to this and even slow down the growth of the bulb until the peduncle develops, and there are those that reduce watering should begin when the bulb reaches 1/3 of normal size. In addition, for flowering, the bulbs must be of normal size for a given type of orchid. A weakened plant with small bulbs usually does not bloom, although there are exceptions. Mature plants (having significant biomass) can Not favorable conditions give a peduncle from a small bulb.

Hybrid phalaenopsis, which are exposed to flowering conditions in autumn and spring, can bloom twice a year. Many hybrid vandas behave in a similar way, provided there is good lighting. This could have been noticed by those who, due to the July holiday, violated their watering schedule. Often the peduncle begins to develop as early as August. And on light windows with a southern orientation, temperature changes with reduced watering can initiate the flowering of vandas, but not blooming in autumn and in good shape even in spring.

For many hybrid Paphiopedilums (although they bloom from the apical bud), flowering is also achieved by simply reducing watering, without creating any significant temperature changes. For experienced lovers, they bloom even on northern windows. However, at the right moments in time, differences will not be superfluous. They are an additional stimulus for the formation of flower stalks.

Some difficulties are caused by orchids from mountainous areas, where there is often no dry period at all. In such places, the flowering of orchids may be poorly expressed (vegetative propagation predominates) or the flowering period is very short. An example is Miltoniopsis. In nature, they live in conditions ranging from 30-40 mm of precipitation per month all year round to 400-600 mm. The former bloom in nature as the young shoots ripen (almost the whole year), living mainly due to fog and dew, and the latter only for 1-3 months a year, and even then not actively.

Should I prune my orchid after flowering?

The orchid has bloomed - what to do next. Further care after the orchid blooms will depend on how the peduncle behaves. The peduncle cannot be completely removed. It will be better for the orchid if the peduncle is cut off only after it is completely dry.

Phalaenopsis can bloom 2-3 times on one shoot. Under favorable conditions, “babies” may appear on the stems, so do not cut the flower stem, even though it looks unsightly without flowers. If necessary, you can cut it off by counting 2-3 dormant buds from below along the peduncle and retreating approximately 0.5 cm, just above the 3rd bud.

A bright tropical beauty - the phalaenopsis orchid - is one of the most exotic plants that decorate our homes.

And flower growers love orchids not only because their flowers are delightfully beautiful, although, of course, it is the exquisite beauty of orchids that makes them so desirable for growing at home. Behind last decade this flower has become extremely popular.

As surprising as this may sound. The orchid is quite unpretentious, and caring for it is not at all difficult. It does not require frequent watering and grows as if in the sun. and on shaded windows, does not require frequent replanting and large volume pots.

And only one problem upsets fans of this beautiful flower— how to make an orchid bloom at home?

This is a real mystery for many orchid lovers. And the question is what to do if the orchid does not produce a peduncle, does not bloom, but the leaves grow, and why the orchids do not bloom. constantly heard from flower growers.

Let's figure it out.

It is not at all necessary that your orchid does not bloom. because you did not provide her with adequate care.

Any flower, be it a simple dandelion or a luxurious rose, blooms in its own time. And this simple rule also applies to orchids. Perhaps her time simply has not come yet.

The orchid blooms no earlier than it reaches the age of one and a half years. And just by this time it has 6-8 leaves.

Moreover, if suddenly your orchid for some reason decided to release a peduncle before it forms required quantity leaves, many gardeners recommend stopping such attempts. Otherwise the plant will be weakened early flowering, and may even die.

Proper care of orchids

If your adult flower, which has already formed a sufficient number of leaves, does not produce a peduncle. Perhaps you are not caring for it correctly.

There are only three typical mistakes:

  • incorrect temperature;
  • improper watering;
  • incorrect lighting.

All these factors, both individually and all together, play a huge role in the flowering of orchids.


Temperature for an orchid plays no less important role than watering, moisturizing, proper light, ventilation, etc.

Phalaenopsis orchids, despite their origin, categorically do not like overheating. Even the most heat-loving variety will not tolerate temperature increases above 32 -35 degrees. The orchid will simply stop growing and burns will appear on the leaves. and if exposed to this temperature for a long time, the flower will simply die from overheating.

Undoubtedly. There is no need to expose orchids to frost; cold air will not improve the health of the flower either. However, the orchid will definitely feel better in a cool place. than under the scorching rays of the sun. An orchid is not a cactus after all.


For about two weeks after purchasing a phalaenopsis orchid, it is better not to water it at all. Let the flower come to its senses after a change in conditions. It is best to place your beauty separately from other plants, shade it from direct sunlight, do not touch it, do not fertilize it or water it.

At the same time, take a closer look at the leaves to see if there are any signs of infection on them, or signs of flower pests.

After the quarantine period has expired, you can start watering.

Orchid roots generally do not tolerate stagnant moisture, so there should not be a lot of water. This applies to absolutely all types of orchids, and not just the most beloved and most common phalaenopsis orchid.

There are two ways to water orchids.

At the first time, the orchid is simply given a shower. The flower and leaves are shed warm water very abundantly, while not allowing water to stagnate in the flower pot.

To do this, several holes are made in a plastic transparent pot. Moreover, they can be made not only in the bottom of the pot, but also in its walls. Orchid roots need more than just light. but also in the influx of fresh air - in nature, the roots of orchids do not go deep into the ground. They slide either along trees or rocks, holding on to them. Orchid roots are called “aerial”.

Therefore, the holes in the pot are very important - through them the Fresh air, and they prevent excess water from accumulating near the roots.

The second way is that flower pots Place the plants in a container. filled with water (so-called bottom watering). The flower itself absorbs the amount of water that is needed. and at the same time the soil never dries out, which is also very important. However. overdrying the soil is less scary than flooding it. Orchid roots will withstand drought, just as they can withstand it under natural conditions. But the swamp will definitely destroy them.


Proper light for orchids to bloom and grow is a fundamental factor. And when setting light, gardeners make one of the most common mistakes, believing that since an orchid is a tropical flower that grows in hot and humid climates, it simply loves straight, bright Sun rays(and plenty of watering). And if you put it on a south window and water it all the time, then literally the next day the orchid will begin to produce flower stalks.

Everything is exactly the opposite. We have already talked about abundant watering, and as for direct sunlight. then from their influence the orchid practically “burns”. The first "Sos" can be obtained from the leaves - the leaves turn yellowish. or they develop a brown tint. This is a direct indication that there is too much light.

Healthy orchid leaves are smooth, glossy, and bright green. If the leaves begin to darken, it means there is not enough light. If they become wrinkled, the plant does not have enough moisture. Phalaenopsis orchid in particular. loves dim lighting and diffused light. Therefore, it is best if it receives morning or, conversely, evening sunlight. On a south window the flower will not feel well.

Another interesting observation is that after the orchid blooms, it no longer needs the sun, and it can even be placed in the hallway, where daylight absent. Light is required precisely for the formation of flower stalks.

What to do to make an orchid bloom at home

The ten-day quarantine has passed, and a phalaenopsis orchid in a transparent pot with holes has settled on your windowsill. In the morning it is illuminated by the rays of the still cool sun, a transparent pot with holes stands in a bath of warm water. The leaves are smooth and beautiful. bright green. But there is no peduncle. Why? What should you do to make an orchid bloom?

Try to dramatically change the conditions for her care. For example, create a temperature contrast. For example, take your orchid out onto the balcony at night (this, of course, should not be done in January). In April-May, it is much cooler on the balcony at night than in the room during the day, and even on a sunny window. Send the flower to spend the night in a cool room.

Try keeping it without water for some time, not just limiting, but completely stopping watering. And keep an eye on the leaves - if they are wrinkled, the experiment must be ended!

You can try a hot shower. Naturally, it should not be boiling water, but water up to 40 degrees. Pouring a flower hot water it takes about a minute.

All these methods will wake up your orchid, and it will definitely release a flower stalk.

Signs of an orchid blooming

First, the orchid produces a peduncle - a long, thick green stem. It can be fixed in the position you like - vertically, horizontally, in an arc. you just need to place a support next to the peduncle the desired shape, and secure the stem with clamps.

The length of the peduncle can reach several tens of centimeters. The orchid will be able to release it for several weeks.

At the same time, an orchid can begin to bloom at any time of the year, there are no patterns in this.

There may be more than one peduncle. some orchids at good care produce two, three, and even four peduncles.

On each of them there are small dense buds that gradually bloom. turning into beautiful flowers.

Orchids bloom abundantly and for a long time, individual species bloom for up to 5 months.

After the orchid has bloomed, there is no need to remove the peduncle itself, although it does not look very beautiful. Often new buds begin to form on it.

The peduncle should be trimmed after it has completely dried out and turned yellow.

Now phalaenopsis orchid turned from the category of tropical exotic to ordinary home flower, which almost every gardener has. From numerous magazines, articles, and videos, we learned how to care for phalaenopsis, replant the plant in a special substrate, water it by immersing the pot in water, fertilize it with specially purchased solutions, and keep it in a warm place in bright, diffused light. With careful care, this tropical flower becomes so happy that it is too lazy to bloom and only produces new leaves, but we are waiting beautiful flowers, eared leaves are unattractive without them.

Phalaenopsis orchid at home must be forced to bloom. You can get new flower stalks from the plant up to twice a year, and new branches with buds can form on the old ones.

In nature, orchids in the tropics do not know summer or winter; in such a climate, the temperature never drops even less than + 10 degrees. The tropical seasons are divided into rainy and dry seasons. If we compare it with our climate, the rainy season is summer, and the dry season is winter. Just as most flowers bloom in the spring, in the tropics they bloom after a drought. Orchid is no exception In order for this tropical flower to bloom at home, you need to temporarily change the favorable conditions created for it.

The first way to encourage an orchid to bloom is to stop watering it. for at least two weeks, and preferably three. During a period of drought, monitor the condition of the leaves; the lower pair may wrinkle and become limp, but the upper leaves should remain elastic. After a dry period, as in natural conditions, the orchid should bloom. After a couple of weeks, green sprouts should appear in the axils of the leaves, which will begin to stretch upward and towards the light - these are flower stalks.

You can make an orchid bloom every year using the change of season from summer to autumn. In September, the days are still warm and the nights become cool, but there are usually no frosts yet. The orchid is a heat-loving plant and a decrease in air temperature to +15 degrees is stressful for it. However, in a cool environment, the orchid should be in cool conditions for at least two hours per day, maximum overnight; during the day, for the plant, the temperature should be above +20 degrees to +25. A temperature difference between day and night of 5-10 degrees will contribute to the start of flowering. The orchid should be kept in this mode for about a month, and watering should be done less often, not as usual after 3-4 days, but after a week.

It's good if you have glazed loggia, then the orchid can be moved to it in September. During the day it is warm on the loggia, but at night the temperature drops to +15 degrees. Behind temperature conditions on the loggia you will have to watch, if at night the temperature drops to +10, then it’s time to move the orchid indoors, otherwise it will suffer. Having returned the plant back to a warm place, return to the previous regime of watering and fertilizing and expect flower stalks to appear soon.

Such experiments with stressful conditions can only be carried out on strong healthy plants, aged 3-4 years, who have at least 6 large leaves. More gentle methods of stimulating orchid flowering below:

If it is not possible to create a regime for the orchid with alternating day and night temperatures, then you can give them a bath. To do this, instead of watering, immerse the pot in water at room temperature, give the plants warm shower. Move the pots to the bathroom, turn on warm water, its temperature should be approximately +35 degrees and water the orchids from above with a shower for 15-20 minutes. After showering, leave the plants in a heated and steamy bath to drain and dry. Carry out such procedures instead of regular watering.

There are stimulating drugs that encourage orchids to bloom. The most accessible, safe and cheapest remedy is succinic acid. Tablets are diluted for watering, 1 piece per 1 liter of water and watered once a season. Spraying with succinic acid do it every day for a week. For spraying, 1 tablet is diluted in 2 liters of water. This substance accelerates the onset of flowering and promotes the appearance of more flower stalks and buds.

If the orchid does not bloom after all the methods of stimulation, then the following reasons are possible:

- Rotten roots. The orchid should grow in a transparent pot filled with a special substrate made from pieces of bark and charcoal. Light green thick roots are visible through the walls of the pot; if they have darkened, it means they have rotted, and a plant with diseased roots cannot fully nourish the flower.

- Few leaves. Every year the orchid should produce at least one pair of new leaves, over time the lower old couple leaves die off, but the shortened stem must have at least 5-6 leaves for full flowering to occur. It is dangerous to force an orchid with one or two pairs of leaves to bloom, as this will greatly weaken it and it may die.

- Incorrect lighting. The orchid loves bright diffused light and morning or evening sun rays; it will bloom on an east or west window. When placing a flower deep in the room, flower stalks will not appear; on a south window, the hot rays will burn the leaves.

You cannot turn the orchid to the window in different directions; formed buds may fall off the peduncle. After purchasing an orchid in the house, try to place it facing the light source with the same side as in the store.

-Excess nutrition. An orchid cannot be fertilized with conventional fertilizers. indoor flowers, with an excess of nitrogen, they produce new leaves, but flower stalks do not appear. Fertilizing for orchids is done all year round, but not more than once every two weeks, using special fertilizer for orchids in a weak concentration.

- The buds turn yellow and fall off the peduncles at low temperatures, temperature changes between day and night, lack of moisture in the substrate and low air humidity.

- Faded flower stalks of orchids are not removed, if they do not dry out to the ground themselves, cut off only the tops to the first dormant bud. In the new season, new branches may appear from any bud on which buds are formed.


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