Insulation of the cellar with polystyrene foam. How to insulate a cellar from the inside against freezing: options for insulating walls, ceilings and floors

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The size of the cellar depends on the size of the foundation and the height of the base. Often the ceiling height is at least two meters and it would be irrational to leave such space unattended. The main purpose of the cellar is to store food. At sub-zero temperatures, vegetables and preservatives will freeze; at too warm temperatures they may spoil; high humidity will begin to rot. Therefore, it is so important that the room has optimal temperature and humidity. There are many ways to insulate a cellar from the inside; let’s look at the most popular and inexpensive ones.

Any room must be insulated during the construction stage. In this case, the walls are insulated from the outside, which prevents them from freezing. But, as practice shows, basements begin to be insulated only after construction is completed. With this method you will need high-quality waterproofing to protect the insulation from condensation.

Although the temperature at depth remains stable for all year round, it is not suitable for storing food. The solution is to insulate the ceiling, walls and floor in the cellar. If the basement of a residential building is insulated, this will also lead to a reduction in energy costs for heating the building itself.

Waterproofing and ventilation of the cellar

Any insulation, even polystyrene foam, without proper ventilation and waterproofing basement will soon fall into disrepair.

A mandatory attribute of any foundation is a blind area. It protects the cellar from the penetration of melted snow and rain. And for additional protection A system of drainage channels is dug around the foundation.

Another way is equipment drainage ditch. It is dug out from the outside to a depth of 20-30 cm below the floor in the cellar. Then geofabric is laid and crushed stone is poured. A drainage pipe is laid and everything on top is covered with geotextiles and covered with sand or soil with careful compaction.

All of the above methods are additional and are used in the presence of high groundwater. But there are a number of works that are carried out in mandatory- treating the walls of the cellar outside and inside with a waterproofing compound.

There are also special containers for cellars made of metal sheets or plastic - caissons. It would seem that this is the optimal alternative, and there is no need to carry out complex work on insulation and waterproofing of the cellar. But vegetables do not “breathe” in it and are not stored for long. Condensation forms inside, so maintaining an optimal microclimate in it is very difficult.

As for ventilation, the most in a simple way ventilation of the room is provided by vents in the foundation, or two channels are installed for supply and exhaust ventilation from PVC pipes diameter from 10 to 50 mm. Such a system will function due to the temperature difference between the basement air and the air coming from outside.

How to properly ventilate a cellar is described in more detail in the video.

Cellar insulation with foam plastic

Popular insulation material is ordinary polystyrene foam. An alternative may be to insulate the cellar with polystyrene foam. It retains all the characteristics of foam, but is more durable. Most often it is used for outdoor work, but non-residential premises You can also insulate from the inside. Before making your final choice, you should know not only the advantages, but also the disadvantages. This knowledge will allow you to use it as efficiently as possible.


  • good thermal insulation properties;
  • light weight, due to which it does not place a large load on the walls and foundation;
  • affordable price;
  • resistance to rotting and mold formation;
  • has low hygroscopicity, which means it will not lose its properties upon contact with water.


  • not recommended for internal use. Releases when heated bad smell;
  • easily ignites upon contact with fire, and when burned releases harmful substances;
  • low environmental friendliness.

To insulate walls and ceilings, PSB-25 foam 5 cm thick is used. It will allow maintaining a stable temperature for a long time.

To install it, you do not need to construct a sheathing. It is simply glued with frost-resistant glue to the surfaces of brick or concrete walls. For additional fixation at the joints of sheets, it is attached using dowels with a wide head.

Insulating the cellar from the inside will inevitably lead to the formation of condensation. Therefore, a vapor barrier film is attached on top of the insulation to protect it. All its joints are taped with reinforced masking tape.

Insulation of the ceiling in the cellar

Ceiling insulation must be taken seriously special attention. Because cold air entering through the pipes can lead to the formation of condensation on the ceiling. If the floor of the first floor is made of wood, then the insulation of the cellar ceiling is done in the same way as the walls. But if the overlap is reinforced concrete structure, then you will need to install a false ceiling. Most often it is used when insulating the ceiling of a cellar in a garage.

Stages of work:

  • pipes or beams with a diameter of 2.5 cm are mounted. They are placed in increments of 60 cm by 15 cm below the level of the reinforced concrete ceiling;
  • a fencing mesh is made from reinforcing bars with a diameter of 0.8 - 1 cm;
  • the resulting structure is painted with waterproof paint;
  • the space between the ceiling and the structure is densely filled with thermal insulation material.

Insulation of the floor in the cellar

There are several ways to insulate the floor in a cellar. Let's look at the main types.

Floor insulation with expanded clay

Of all the known methods, the method of insulating the cellar floor with expanded clay is the most popular. It allows you to achieve complete insulation, is easy to use and inexpensive.

When insulating a floor with expanded clay, you should take into account the load that will be placed on it. The thickness of the expanded clay layer depends on this indicator and concrete screed, which lies on top of it.

But first, a vapor barrier is made with an overlap on the walls at a height no less than the bulk floor.

For insulation, expanded clay with a fraction of 5 - 20 mm of two types is selected. This will provide protection against subsidence.

First of all, beacons are installed using a level. The first is located at a small distance from the wall, and the second, and all subsequent ones, are located at a distance from the rule that will be used to level the screed. They are located strictly parallel to each other.

After the composition on which the beacons were attached has completely hardened, you can begin to fill in the expanded clay. The thickness of the bulk layer should not be less than 10 cm.

A concrete screed with reinforcement is poured on top and leveled.

Insulation with sand and crushed stone

It is possible to insulate the floor of a cellar in a garage or house using a structure made of sand, crushed stone and screed.

  • First, the floor is deepened by 30 cm and leveled;
  • the first layer is filled with crushed stone 10 cm thick;
  • a sand cushion 5 cm thick is poured on top of it;
  • everything is carefully compacted;
  • Hot bitumen is poured as waterproofing;
  • The final stage is a reinforced concrete screed.

Insulation of doors in the cellar

IN wooden door There should be no gaps, otherwise air circulation will be disrupted. If they do exist, then they should be sealed using polyurethane foam or sealant.

Don’t forget about insulating the cellar door. Previously, felt was used for this. But now they are insulated with polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam. It is easy to cut, so it will not be difficult to fit it according to the right sizes. It is glued from the inside using a special glue for foam plastic.

September 2, 2016
Specialization: Capital construction work (laying a foundation, erecting walls, constructing a roof, etc.). Internal construction work (laying internal communications, rough and fine finishing). Hobbies: mobile communications, high tech, computer technology, programming.

I have an aunt - Angela Olegovna - who prepares the best pickled apples in the world, marinating them in barrels. But this year she and her husband built a new, more spacious cellar and there was no fruit in it, as it froze in the winter. As soon as I found out about this, I immediately realized that the incorrect insulation of the cellar was to blame for everything (as it turned out later, it was not insulated at all).

If the thermal conductivity of the walls of an underground structure is too high (especially when paired with poor ventilation), then in the summer ideal conditions for reproduction various microorganisms, and in winter all homemade preparations simply freeze.

Features of the cellar microclimate

Regardless of whether the cellar was located under a private house or built separately (like Angela Olegovna), in my opinion, it requires good insulation. This operation affects not only the formation of an acceptable microclimate inside, but also the service life of the building.

If certain measures are not taken, the walls will quickly become unusable and collapse from destructive influence external factors: high humidity and significant temperature fluctuations.

But the most important thing is the optimal temperature for storing food. My auntie told me that soaked apples are obtained only if the air is not heated above 4 degrees Celsius and not cooled below 2. This can only be achieved if the cellar is thermally insulated both inside and out.

In this case, the walls of the cellar will not let through warm air inside in summer and cold winter.

Another important point, which many rarely pay attention to. Many times I have encountered situations where moisture condenses on the walls and ceiling inside the cellar. This is one of the consequences of improper insulation (or its complete absence).

To reduce humidity levels, insulation measures are not enough. It is also necessary to design ventilation that will regulate the content of water vapor in the room.

And, of course, I advise you to immediately think about waterproofing, without which thermal insulation material it will get wet and work worse, and the walls themselves will quickly collapse.

However, let's return to our sheep. Before describing the process of insulating a cellar, I want to devote a few lines to the problem of choosing a suitable material.

Choosing the right material

Of course, if you have any idea about construction work, then you can name a dozen materials that are suitable for insulation. But I decided to choose ordinary polystyrene foam to insulate Angela Olegovna’s cellar.

His specifications and operational properties fully correspond to the assigned tasks, and the price is quite affordable. After purchasing thermal insulation, there will still be a lot of money left to buy two or three barrels of apples at the market and pickle them.

For especially meticulous readers who are not accustomed to taking their word for it, and also in order to justify their choice to my aunt, I will give a comparative table of the pros and cons of polystyrene foam.

pros Minuses
The material has a low thermal conductivity coefficient, therefore it supports well desired temperature in the grocery store. Polystyrene foam is not suitable for use on the external surface of cellar walls, since the outside will be subject to significant mechanical stress from the surrounding soil and may collapse.
Polystyrene foam weighs very little, so installation does not require massive sheathing. In addition, it does not put much strain on building construction, so you don’t have to worry about the walls shrinking after the work is completed. Under influence open fire polystyrene foam ignites and during combustion releases into the air hazardous to humans chemical compounds. However, no one grills kebabs in the cellar, so this drawback can be neglected.
The heat insulator withstands moisture well. Its thermal characteristics do not deteriorate when wet, and it itself does not collapse. Polystyrene foam is not very durable, so even when installed inside, measures must be taken to protect the insulation from damage.
When compared with other suitable thermal insulators, polystyrene foam is the cheapest among them. This factor is important if you are insulating your cellar and want to save as much as possible. The material can be damaged by rodents, but no rodents were observed with Angela Olegovna. Moreover, the cat Vaska is always on guard, who, although he does not like apples, is not averse to eating lard, which is stored in the same cellar.

Another point that attracts me personally is the simplicity of operations for insulating the cellar. I can do all the work without a partner, so I don’t have to share the reward, that is, pickled apples.

So I immediately decided which insulation to use damp cellar from freezing and save apples from spoilage. And I advise you to do the same.

And now I’ll tell you how to insulate the cellar from the inside.

Internal insulation technology

First, let's look at internal insulation. And all because they often think about thermal insulation after problems arise and carry out external works difficult. Although I highly recommend taking a comprehensive approach to the issue and insulating the cellar both outdoors and indoors.

Preparatory stage

Even if insulation is carried out after construction is completed, it is impossible to do without some preparation. I recommend doing the following:

  1. Before installing thermal insulation material, you must make sure that the surfaces (ceiling and walls) are level and free of defects. If, when examining the walls, you find cracks, potholes or bumps, you need to get rid of them.

  1. After leveling and repairing the walls, I advise treating them with antiseptic compounds that will destroy existing fungus and mold, and also prevent the development of various harmful microorganisms in future.

  1. If for some reason there is no ventilation in the cellar or it is not working efficiently, it is necessary to install pipes or repair the ventilation system. The fact is that after installing the thermal insulation layer, the humidity in the room will increase sharply and from excess moisture will need to get rid of it quickly.

Having finished with the preparation, you can move on to insulation. And I recommend starting from the ceiling.


So, I insulated Angela Olegovna’s ceiling, or more precisely, the ceiling of my aunt’s cellar, with polystyrene foam according to the following scheme:

  1. First I examined the surface. I found a few minor cracks in the seams between concrete slabs ceilings I sealed them with putty with antiseptic additives.
    If you are going to attach thermal insulation with dowels, you need to take special, thermally insulated ones. Although heat loss in winter will be insignificant, the optimal temperature may not be reached.
  2. After repairing the surface, I attached a vapor barrier membrane to the ceiling so that during subsequent operation moisture is normally removed from the cellar without condensing on the walls.

The membrane is a polymer film with special perforation, which does not prevent the infiltration of moist air to the outside, but does not allow moisture to penetrate from the outside.

As a vapor barrier for the ceiling, I used penofol, which consists of a layer of foamed polyethylene protected by aluminum foil. It is good because it serves as an additional heat insulator. Aluminum acts as a screen that reflects thermal energy inside the room.

  1. Then I installed hangers for the sheathing. I used galvanized profile, which is better suited for wet areas. That’s why I attached it to special hangers.

Instead, you can use suitable height wooden blocks(a few centimeters higher than the thickness of the foam). However, it is advisable to pre-treat them with antiseptics and special hydrophobic compounds. Accordingly, they will have to be secured with screws and dowels.

The distance between adjacent sheathing elements should be the same as the width of the foam boards. If it is less, you will have to trim it, if it is more, the cracks will become an excellent conductor of cold.

  1. Then I installed insulation boards. In my case, polystyrene foam, but something else can be used in a similar way. The only thing is, do not install glass wool, which, when wet, does not perform the tasks assigned to it. Yes, and it is harmful, the apples will be covered in glass dust.

Foam sheets must be mounted so that the gaps between adjacent parts are as small as possible. I personally additionally fill them with polyurethane foam to eliminate even the slightest chance of the formation of cold bridges.

  1. I put another layer of penofol on top. As they say, the stock doesn't stretch your pocket. However, this must be done so that there is a gap of 5 cm high between the foam plastic and the vapor barrier, which will ensure ventilation.
    If the height of the bars is not enough or you did not think about it in advance, you can make a low counter-lattice on top.
  2. I install decorative material. I chose plastic panels. They are inexpensive, can withstand exposure to humid air well, and look good. Although for the cellar this may not matter.

This technology leads to the fact that the height of the room is slightly reduced.


Now about gender. It can be insulated using a similar technology, with a few exceptions:

  • the bottom layer needs to be laid waterproofing material(type of roofing felt);
  • support logs (sheathing) must be made of strong bars that can withstand increased load;
  • The entire structure will have to be covered with boards or plywood on top.

This technology is simple and not very labor-intensive, but the bottleneck is the use of wood. It is not suitable for use in the cellar, as it quickly becomes unusable. Therefore, if I did this, I would have to do everything all over again in a few years.

I decided to use extruded polystyrene, which has all the properties of polystyrene foam, but is strong enough to withstand the increased stress that is placed on the floor.

So, the scheme of work is as follows:

  1. Inspect the floor surface for defects and cracks. If the floor has big differences height, I advise you to first screed along the beacons (if the differences are small, you can pour a self-leveling mixture) and wait for it to dry.

  1. After completing the repair, you need to clean the surface. Then waterproof it. You can lay lining materials or treat the floor with mastic based on bitumen resins. I prefer the second option, although it takes longer to dry individual layers.

  1. As soon as the waterproofing has dried, sheets of polystyrene foam are laid on top. They need to be positioned so that the seams run apart.

  1. Then mounted metal grid, which will strengthen the screed. After all, the floor will have to withstand significant loads from standing barrels with apples. And this is a serious matter.

  1. Then the solution is poured onto the reinforcing mesh and carefully leveled.
  2. The last stage is decorative flooring. I gave Angela Olegovna a gift and built her a polymer self-leveling floor. It turned out that you can not only store fruits and vegetables there, but also live in general.

However, it was still too early to live, since there were still walls without insulation. These are the ones that will be discussed further.


For the walls, I also decided to use polystyrene foam, as I already mentioned, but I attached it not under the sheathing, but with the help of special dowels with wide heads and glue.

I’m telling you the top-secret technology so that you too are aware:

  1. I check the walls and eliminate cracks. Of course, I have already repeated this twice, but believe me, many neglect to complete this stage of work, and then angrily write in the comments why their vegetables in the cellar continue to freeze.
  2. Installing waterproofing material. Excellent fit for pasting roll materials. Just choose non-fused ones, but adhesive-based ones. They are easier to install, and they do not release dangerous chemical compounds into the air.

  1. I glue polystyrene foam. For this purpose, special solutions are used, which can be purchased at hardware stores.

  1. Installing plastic dowels. These are brackets with very wide caps that will firmly hold the foam in place.

  1. I install the reinforcing mesh. It is made from fiberglass. Some, again, skip this stage, and then their plaster falls off.

  1. Plastering polystyrene foam. This will protect the fragile thermal insulation material from mechanical stress and will allow the installation of decorative lathing in the future.

By the way, regarding the decorative finishing. Here you can do everything at your own discretion, but remember the high humidity. Angela Olegovna decided to take a swing at tiles, which will make her cellar simply exemplary. But since she didn’t have the money to buy the material, I postponed this stage of work for now.

And took up external insulation, since it is in this case that the greatest efficiency is achieved from the heat-insulating materials used.

External insulation technology

For me, the answer to the question of whether it is necessary to insulate a cellar outside is obvious. If you still doubt this, read the next section, where I tried to substantiate my own opinion and tell you how to perform external insulation.

Advantages of the method

Personally, I believe that it is not necessary to insulate the cellar inside if it is possible to do it outside. The fact is that the outer layer of insulation protects the structure itself and the waterproofing layer not only from low temperatures, but also from mechanical influences.


  • an ideal microclimate for storing vegetables and fruits is formed in the cellar;
  • the surface of the walls in the room itself will be warm, that is, the potatoes near them will not freeze;
  • moisture will not condense on the walls;
  • the size of the cellar will not change (although my aunt’s is already so spacious that you can stock up on food and survive a considerable cataclysm);
  • Proper external insulation eliminates the formation of cold bridges.

Therefore, if it is possible to install insulation outside, do just that. But before that, thoroughly waterproof the surfaces. Now I’ll tell you how and what.

Surface waterproofing

The peculiarity of the work here is that the surfaces being treated will be underground after completion of waterproofing measures, and therefore will be subject to significant exposure to moisture.

For waterproofing in this case, I used guided adhesive materials. This is a modern roofing material, the adhesive layer of which is activated under the influence of high temperature. I used a gas burner.

If you do not know how to work with heated materials, use membranes with adhesive layer. Or even take bitumen mastic and paint the outside of the cellar walls.

Installation of thermal insulation

For thermal insulation I used special heat insulating boards from extruded polystyrene. They have a low thermal conductivity coefficient and sufficient strength to withstand the mechanical impact that occurs when backfilling the cellar.

The slabs are installed on the waterproofing layer using mastic. It is applied to the surface of the slab, after which the material is pressed against the surface until the glue sets (usually this takes about 40 seconds, but it all depends on the air temperature).

You need to lay out the slabs starting from the bottom of the cellar walls (from the ground) and gradually move up. The last row should be positioned so that after backfilling it rises 30-40 cm above the ground.

It is very important to ensure that the insulation boards fit snugly against each other. Cracks and gaps must be filled with construction foam.

Also be careful when backfilling the soil. Make sure the ground is free of rocks and dense clods of earth that could damage the insulation. Once installed, the slabs do not require any finishing. That's why I decided to use them.

Naturally, it is better to do all the activities described above during construction in order to reduce the amount of effort involved, but if you did not attend to this in time, then proceed according to the scheme proposed above.

  • Date: 05/30/2014
  • Views: 846
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  • Rating: 23

How to properly insulate a cellar with polystyrene foam

Insulating the cellar with polystyrene foam is best done during the construction stage, but if you bought ready house or have not been carried out in it before similar works, then this situation can be corrected quite easily. Polystyrene foam is good insulation. It has poor thermal conductivity and tolerates moisture well, so it is perfect for basement insulation. you can do everything necessary work with your own hands, but before that, it is important to consider the main features of finishing the cellar with foam plastic.

Features of basement insulation with foam plastic

No significant financial costs, labor-intensive processes installation of insulation, high thermal insulation characteristics- these are the main advantages of polystyrene foam.

Currently, over 60% of polystyrene foam is used specifically for insulation.

Polystyrene foam is the most inexpensive material for insulating the cellar.

This material consists of myriads (small particles of polystyrene foam). It is excellent for insulating floors, walls and ceilings. has its own characteristics. First of all, they are due to the fact that basements are often damp. However, such conditions are not terrible for polystyrene foam; it tolerates them normally, maintaining its original characteristics.

Some developers are mistaken in believing that polystyrene foam is only granulated polystyrene foam, which every person has known since childhood for its ability to crumble into small white balls. In reality this is not the case. There is polyurethane foam, polyethylene foam, polypropylene foam, which also belong to foam plastics and are very cost-effective and good insulation materials in practice.

This material consists of 97% air bubbles. It is available in sheets of varying strengths and thicknesses. Insulation of the cellar is best done using polystyrene foam with profiled edges to prevent the appearance of cold bridges that form in the cracks between the foam sheets.

During the manufacturing process, the material is overheated by water vapor. This allows us to ensure high level moisture resistance. Good moisture-proofing qualities allow the material to be used for floor insulation in a cellar located in an area with high groundwater.

Insulating a cellar requires the availability of appropriate tools, materials and devices. To insulate a cellar with penoplex, you will need the following:

To attach the foam, special umbrella dowels are used.

  • insulation sheets;
  • saw;
  • hammer;
  • axe;
  • board 3.5-4 cm thick;
  • stapler;
  • nails;
  • tile adhesive;
  • aluminum painting corners;
  • umbrella dowels for foam plastic;
  • façade primer;
  • reinforcing painting mesh;
  • finishing decorative finishing(tiles, paint, plaster, etc.).

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Step-by-step instructions for insulating a cellar floor

To waterproof the cellar floor, you can use roofing felt.

To ensure reliable protection of the room from groundwater, it is necessary to perform high-quality insulation of the cellar floor. To do this, it is necessary to level the surface and lay waterproofing material on it. Roofing felt is perfect for waterproofing. Next, a layer of insulation is laid. Foam plastic is excellent as insulation for cellar floors, because... He:

  • resistant to moisture, retains its thermal insulation qualities even in unfavorable conditions;
  • withstands heavy loads. Not every insulation is able to maintain its properties and qualities under the weight of the soil;
  • has a long service life and durable structure.

Drainage must be laid around the insulated floor. It is laid on gravel, at the level of the foundation, with a slight slope. Pipes for drainage can be purchased at any hardware store. They will remove most of the water, but will not be able to completely dry the soil.

Penofol is used to construct the topmost layer of waterproofing.

There is also a simpler insulation option: lay a layer of waterproofing, lay a layer of polystyrene foam at least 5 cm thick, and lay thermal insulation (2nd layer). In most cases, penofol is used for the last layer. This material has 2 layers - aluminum foil and polyethylene foam.

The following materials can be used for waterproofing:

  • overlapped PVC film;
  • similarly laid EPDM membrane;
  • coating, continuous waterproofing;
  • bitumen roofing felt.

To be as effective as possible, sheets of foam plastic must be fixed on all planes of the basement, including on its ceiling.

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Insulation of basement floors

If your home has a cold floor, it means it's time to think about insulation. Excellent for this type of work Styrofoam will do. It is very important to ensure reliable fastening insulation. That is why, first of all, it is necessary to tidy up the surface of the ceiling - clean it of dirt and eliminate unevenness. After this, the floor is marked and the center of the room is determined. 2 diagonal lines are drawn. The place where they intersect will be the center of the ceiling.

As a binder composition is suitable cement-based tile adhesive. Glue solution you need to apply the insulation to the surface, and then immediately apply it to the ceiling. Closer to the basement walls, you will have to adjust the foam boards to size. A long knife is used to cut them. To complete general form premises, the thermal insulation layer should be plastered and painted. You can insulate the basement ceiling with polystyrene foam using minimal costs and in a short period of time.

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Insulation of cellar walls from the inside

Now that you have understood the technology of insulating floors and ceilings, you can move on to the next stage of work - the thermal insulation of walls. “Internal” insulation has both positive and negative sides. Among the advantages, we can note the possibility of preserving not only “basement” but also home heat. Insulating the walls of the cellar will reduce heat loss from the interior living spaces of the house. Among the disadvantages of such insulation, the need for ventilation and waterproofing of walls is noted.

Foam plastic with best side has proven itself as a material for wall insulation. Firstly, it has excellent thermal insulation properties. Secondly, polystyrene foam is safe for human health. Thirdly, it is relatively cheap. The service life of polystyrene foam very much depends on the quality of the thermal insulation work performed, namely on properly installed waterproofing.

First of all, you need to clean the surface. The foam will not adhere well to the surface if you do not properly prepare the base. Selecting an adhesive solution is quite simple - there are many different compositions on the market for working with polystyrene foam. Plastic dowels are used to fix the foam, although standard gluing can be used.

Laying foam begins from the bottom of the basement. The most important condition is that the insulation must be laid with minimal seams. That is why a lot of attention is paid to preparation work surface. If there are many differences at the base, this can lead to significant gaps.

A reinforcing layer is created. First, the insulation boards are well saturated with an adhesive solution, after which a special construction mesh is embedded in it. The structure is secured with a second layer of glue. After the surface has dried well, it is thoroughly rubbed. Next, the vertical base is leveled using special mixture, primed, and finishing work is carried out.

After successful completion interior works you need to start arranging the cellar from the outside. External insulation is also very important stage work.

Cellar in country house is used as a place to store food, so it is so important to constantly maintain it required temperature. In a too warm room, winter preparations and vegetables will spoil, in a cold room they will freeze, and if high humidity undergo rotting. Let's look at the most common methods of thermal insulation of a cellar.
Selection of materials for thermal insulation.

The thermal insulation that is supplemented with a vapor barrier will be considered high-quality. This is the only way to reduce heat losses and eliminate the possibility of condensation accumulation. The most common materials for cellar insulation are polystyrene foam, fiberglass, and mineral wool. When choosing insulation, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • indoor air humidity indicator;
  • ground water level.

Recommendation: if moisture constantly gets into the cellar and the likelihood of it getting into the thermal insulation layer, despite the provided waterproofing, is still high, then use mineral wool undesirable. As a result of getting wet, the insulation will lose its functional qualities.

Styrofoam. Advantages and disadvantages of using it as insulation.

Foam boards belong to the group of “cheap” insulation materials, which determines their demand in the relevant market. Considering the fact that a considerable area is subject to thermal insulation, the savings will be noticeable. The main advantage of the material is its good thermal insulation properties. For comparison: a 10 cm foam board replaces brickwork one meter thick.

The low weight of polystyrene foam is also considered as its advantageous feature, since it practically does not place any load on the supporting structure and foundation. The insulation retains its original characteristics even in conditions of high humidity. Perfect option- insulation of the cellar with foam plastic from the inside.

Disadvantages of the material:

  • polystyrene foam can hardly be called an environmentally friendly product. When heated, it emits an unpleasant odor, and when burned, it emits substances harmful to health;
  • it is subject to mechanical stress. When using foam plastic boards, their integrity must be checked.

Waterproofing and ventilation. No ventilation gaps and reliable protection Moisture will quickly render any insulation unusable. The blind area, which is mandatory element the foundation protects the cellar from moisture entering it. Installation drainage pipe will also serve as a drainage system.

Floor insulation.

First option. Of all the possible methods of floor insulation, the simplest and most inexpensive option It is considered to backfill the base with expanded clay. The thermal insulation layer will be created not only bulk material, but also with a concrete screed. To insulate the floor in the cellar, it is better to choose expanded clay of different fractions (from 5 to 20), which in turn will provide protection against crushing.

Creating a vapor barrier is a primary task. Vapor barrier film laid on an insulated base with an overlap and “approach” to the walls at a height no less than the created bulk floor.

Next stage– installation of beacons using building level. The first element is placed at a slight distance from the walls, and all subsequent elements are placed at a distance from the rules, with the help of which the screed will be leveled. It is important to install the beacons strictly parallel to each other. When the composition hardens well (the beacons are attached to it), they begin to create a thermal insulation layer. Expanded clay with a thickness of at least 10 centimeters is poured onto the prepared base and a concrete screed is poured with mandatory reinforcement and leveling.

The second option is thermal insulation with sand and crushed stone. At the first stage, the floor is deepened by about 30 cm and leveled. Next, create a layer of thermal insulation in the following order:

  • backfilling with crushed stone 10 centimeters thick;
  • backfilling with sand 5 centimeters thick.

All layers are compacted and filled with hot bitumen, which will perform a waterproofing function. The final stage is the execution of a concrete screed (with reinforcement).

The third option is foam insulation. Despite the fact that the insulation does not absorb moisture, it is still necessary to take care of waterproofing. Roofing felt is suitable as a waterproofing material; foam boards. Drainage is installed around the insulated base. Lay it on gravel with a slight slope, at the level of the foundation.

The fourth option is insulation with polystyrene foam. The sequence of work is as follows: installation of waterproofing, laying polystyrene foam boards, penofol flooring. As a waterproofing material, you can use PVC film, bitumen roofing felt, a special membrane, coating waterproofing. If two layers of thermal insulation are laid, then the joints of the first layer should not coincide with the joints of the second. This arrangement of insulation will eliminate the possibility of cold bridges that form in the cracks between individual heat insulators. All areas where materials are connected must be treated with sealant.

Method for creating a moisture barrier layer:

  • filling the base with bitumen;
  • creating a pillow from sawdust;
  • laying a wooden floor.

Insulation of walls.

High-quality insulation of the cellar from the inside also involves thermal insulation load-bearing structure. All work on wall insulation begins with preparing the base. It is cleaned of dust and defects are eliminated by leveling. Dry walls must be treated with an antiseptic. The main task of impregnation is to prevent the appearance and proliferation of fungi and mold under the insulating material. Next, the insulation itself is attached. If there is no system mechanical conditioning, then it is important to consider ventilation openings. The final stage is installation plastic panels or plastering the insulated surface.

The sequence of insulating walls with foam plastic:

  • all cracks are sealed with sealant or blown in with foam;
  • unevenness is smoothed out (foam can only be laid on a flat surface);
  • treat the walls with liquid rubber;
  • glue foam boards;
  • the cracks are filled with polyurethane foam;
  • in several places the insulation is fixed with dowels;
  • glue the construction mesh and apply plaster. The cellar can also be insulated with expanded polystyrene.

As practice shows, insulating the load-bearing structure of a cellar from the inside is ineffective. In addition, due to the thickness of the heat-insulating layer, the area of ​​the room will also decrease. Insulation of walls from the outside is carried out in the following sequence:

Ceiling insulation.

To increase the efficiency of thermal insulation, the cellar ceiling and the lid (hatch) must be additionally insulated. As in previous cases, work begins with surface preparation. Defects such as cracks, seams and cracks are removed from it. In order to prevent the formation and accumulation of condensation, a vapor barrier layer is installed on the ceiling. As vapor barrier material It is preferable to use penofol.

Next, you need to create a frame into which the insulation will be installed. Initially, hangers are installed to secure the sheathing profiles. The distance between them should correspond to the width of the selected insulation. The next stage is securing the longitudinal profiles with self-tapping screws. After filling the resulting space with thermal insulation material, all joints must be sealed with polyurethane foam. A vapor barrier is additionally laid on top of the thermal insulation layer. A gap of 40-50 mm is left between the thermal insulation and vapor barrier layers.

Insulation of the cover (hatch).

It is also important to insulate the cellar lid. The presence of cracks in the hatch will impede air circulation. To seal them, use foam or sealant. If previously only felt was used to insulate the cellar lid, today preference is given to polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam. If there is old outdated insulation on the hatch, it must be removed.

Dismantle the heat-insulating material with a regular spatula. Additionally, for insulation work you will need:

  • insulation material;
  • plywood sheet, polyurethane foam, roulette;
  • saw, fasteners, drill;
  • wooden block.

The working process:

  • Having made preliminary measurements of the cellar lid, cut out necessary details from consumables, namely from insulation, plywood and wooden blocks;
  • fixation protective film, preventing moisture from penetrating into the insulation.

Thermal insulation of the cellar foundation. Concrete walls of the structure are characterized by high thermal conductivity; in addition, they are destroyed under conditions of temperature changes. IN winter time years, such a foundation will allow cold and moisture to pass through, which is why the issue of its thermal insulation cannot be ignored. External side the structure is plastered, excluding its tight fit to the ground. The laid layer of roofing felt is protection against moisture.

The cellar, like the basement, is intended for storing canned food and other food products. In order for it to perform its functions well, it must be constantly maintained indoors. optimal temperature and humidity.

If we admit minus temperature, then all the products will freeze and become limp if there is too much heat. It is imperative to monitor the humidity level, otherwise rotting cannot be avoided. Therefore, insulating the cellar from the inside is a very important process.

It is important to know! Reducing the level of humidity cannot be achieved only by insulating the cellar; it must be equipped with ventilation, which will regulate the content of water vapor in the room.

The main factors contributing to cellar freezing are melt water. In some cases, the problem becomes groundwater that rise close to the surface. Therefore, before insulating the cellar from the inside against freezing, it is necessary to determine the source of the problem. Having found out the causes of moisture, you need to determine to what depth the soil freezes during the frost period. And based on the information received, you can decide on the thickness and choice of heat-insulating materials.

Materials for cellar insulation

Today's market offers a large number of heat-insulating materials for insulating any surfaces, but you need to understand that not all are suitable for insulating a cellar. Insulation for a cellar must be able to maintain geometry, have good insulating properties, and be resistant to water and soil pressure. What types of insulation are there:

  • expanded clay;
  • glass wool;
  • mineral wool;
  • expanded clay concrete;
  • red ceramic brick;
  • Styrofoam;
  • cellulose insulation;

Relatively cellulose insulation and mineral wool: they are not suitable for cellar insulation, as they do not meet the necessary properties. If we compare cellar insulation, then in terms of efficiency they will be arranged in the following order:

What exactly needs to be insulated in the cellar to prevent freezing?

Let us consider in detail the basics of insulation of all enclosing structures of the cellar: ceiling, walls, floor.

Ceiling insulation

Ceiling insulation plays a big role in the formation of optimal temperature and humidity, because when cold air enters the room, it threatens the formation of condensation on the ceiling and walls. So, how to insulate the ceiling in the cellar with your own hands.

  1. Surface inspection. It is necessary to inspect the ceiling covering for cracks in the seams between the concrete slabs. After which you need to cover them with putty with antiseptic additives. Regarding the dowels for attaching thermal insulation, they must also be thermally insulated.
  2. A vapor barrier membrane is attached to the putty surface to the ceiling. It is necessary to ensure that during each subsequent operation moisture is normally removed from the cellar without forming condensation on the ceiling and walls. The membrane does not prevent the infiltration of moist air to the outside, and prevents the penetration of moisture from the outside. The material is a regular polymer film, but has a special perforation.

The photo clearly shows the membrane for ceiling insulation and aluminum hangers

To construct a vapor barrier for the ceiling, you should use penofol, the main composition of which is foamed polyethylene, protected by aluminum foil. Its peculiarity is that it serves as an excellent heat insulator, and aluminum acts as a screen that reflects thermal energy into the room.

  1. Installation of hangers for sheathing. It is necessary to select a material that will be more tolerant of a damp room; this material includes a galvanized profile. It must be secured to special hangers. You can also use wooden blocks as hangers, but this will add additional hassle. The bars must be treated with an antiseptic and other hydrophobic compounds. Fastening will be carried out using screws and dowels.

It is important to know! When working with hangers, it is necessary to set a distance corresponding to the width of the foam. Otherwise, gaps will remain.

How to insulate a floor

Floor insulation follows a similar pattern, with the exception of several technologies. The bottom layer will be roofing felt or any other waterproofing material. The bars for the construction of the support logs should be chosen more durable, as they will experience a greater load. Top layer Plywood or boards will serve.

This floor insulation technology is quite easy to install and not so expensive in price, but wood has a big disadvantage: it quickly becomes unusable in moisture conditions. Therefore, it is better to use extruded polystyrene. The properties of the material are very similar to polystyrene foam.

As floor insulation effective solution will be using expanded clay base.

The base of the floor is expanded clay (insulation), then light reinforcement mesh and concrete screed

Sequence of work

Inspect the floor surface for cracks; if they are found, they must be covered. cement-sand mortar composition 1:2 (sand and cement). If uneven surfaces are detected, you should screed along the beacons. Having completed the repair, you need to clean the surface of debris and waterproof it. Best choice will treat the floor with bitumen resin.

It is important to know! Polystyrene sheets can only be installed after the bitumen resin has completely dried.

Once the resin has dried, polystyrene sheets can be laid. The sheets must be mounted so that the seams run apart. Having finished laying the sheets, the metal reinforcement mesh. Reinforcing the floor screed will prevent cracks from appearing on the surface. The mesh used is lightweight, made from smooth-rolled reinforcement ∅3−4mm. Then concrete is poured onto the mesh and carefully leveled. Regarding flooring, then you can leave bare concrete or build a modern polymer self-leveling floor.

How to insulate walls

As heat-insulating material For wall insulation, polystyrene foam is the most suitable. It is attached using special dowels and glue. Foam fastening technology:

Video: another effective method - insulating the cellar with foam insulation

In conclusion, we can say that an insulated cellar is the key to the complete safety of all conservation and other winter preparations, despite very coldy and the heat. Walls insulated from the inside will keep the entire body indoors and create optimal temperature and moisture.


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