Grow phlox in open ground. Phloxes are fiery flowers in our garden. Proper planting and care in autumn

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All fans of bright and beautiful flower beds, who are a real decoration of any garden, want to know when to replant phlox so as not to harm these delicate perennial flowers. An ornamental plant, which can spread as a single motley carpet over an area or appear as tall, dense thickets of green thin stems with inflorescences of small buds crowning them, belongs to the Sinyukhov family. It has about 60 species. In nature, phlox can be found in the partial shade of trees and shrubs on forest edges, in floodplains and lawns rich in organic matter.

In Russia, the so-called paniculate phlox. They are different varieties. Today there are many hybrid species. Therefore on personal plots In spring you can see a whole palette of shades of these colors. They can be bright pink, crimson, white and even bluish.

Phlox are perennial ornamental plants. They can stay in the same place for up to 10 years. But in this case they need very good care. Vigorous flowering is usually ensured within 5-6 years. Then it is recommended to transfer the culture to a new place. A transplanted ornamental bush renews its root system, receives new sources of nutrition and quickly adapts to existing conditions.

The season to decide when to replant phlox is special significance does not have. This can be done in autumn, spring and even summer, during the active growing season. The plant is so unpretentious that it is quite capable of taking root at any time of the year. Although experienced gardeners it is recommended to transplant it to spring period. It is believed that this is safest for the crop. Despite the fact that flowering in this case occurs later than usual, owners of personal plots located in Central Russia practice exactly this method.

In Siberia and other parts of the country with harsh climates, replant phloxes better in autumn. This is explained by the fact that in the spring the buds of this type of plant bloom very quickly. In regions remote from the center there may still be snow at this time. Therefore, early transplantation of flowers is impossible, due to the fact that the soil is not warmed up enough.

If the need arises, phlox can be replanted in the summer, carefully digging up a bush with a root ball of earth and watering it abundantly after moving it to a new place.

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    Technology for spring transplantation of perennials

    If someone decides to change their flower garden at the beginning of the new season, then everything needs to be done quickly. It is better not to touch any plant during the formation of buds and leaves. Phlox transplantation should also be done before the beginning of the growing season. This should be done in early April, when the temperature is quite high and the snow has already melted.

    In order not to waste time, the place should be prepared in advance. Experienced flower growers They do this in the fall. The ornamental crop thrives in moderately humid climates. The site for planting phlox should be chosen in such a way that during peak solar activity the sprouts are protected from direct sunlight. ultraviolet rays. Therefore, it is recommended to plant flower beds in the partial shade of trees or outbuildings.

    Preparing the flowerbed

    The soil should be sufficiently loose and fertile. If the site is on loam, it is recommended to add it to the flower garden river sand or crushed peat. They will enhance the drainage properties of the soil and ensure constant access of moisture to the roots.

    But too much loose soil phloxes will not be able to gain a good foothold. Sandstones must be made heavier by adding a fertile layer of turf or clay. So that the phlox have enough nutrients, you need to add compost or rotted manure to the recesses prepared for transplanting flowers.

    Fertilizer consumption should be 1 bucket per 1 m². Some phlox experts recommend mixing the base substance with wood ash. For 1 adult bush, 200 g of combustion residues is enough. The properties of this organic fertilizer not only improve the structure of the soil, but also help increase protective properties plants and make it resistant to various diseases.

    In addition to natural feeding, mineral compounds with a high content of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus will not be superfluous. These are the main components necessary for the normal development of any plant. Usually urea or ammonium nitrate, superphosphate and potassium sulfate. Applying industrial types fertilizers, you must strictly follow the instructions. This is the only way to hope for a good result.

    Phosphorus will promote the development of the root system, which is very important when transferring a crop to a new location. Nitrogen will help to quickly grow the green mass involved in the process of photosynthesis. Potassium is responsible for the carbohydrate metabolism of the plant and its nutrition.

    All fertilizers must be placed in the hole no more than 15 cm deep. Immediately after transplantation, phloxes have a weak root system, so extract useful material With great depth flowers can't.

    Planting bushes in early spring

    This type ornamental plants has the ability to quickly form additional shoots and roots. Therefore, when transplanting, bushes are usually divided. In the flowerbed, individual cuttings should be located at a distance of 30-50 cm, depending on the type of phlox. This way, adult specimens will not interfere with each other.

    In spring, plants are not pruned. Each bush is placed in a hole, carefully straightening the root system. Then sprinkle halfway with soil and water generously. There must be water room temperature. At the very end of the work, the hole is completely covered with earth and the soil is lightly trampled down so that the moisture does not evaporate too quickly under the rays of the bright sun.

    By replanting phlox in the spring, you can delay flowering by 2-3 weeks. Sometimes plants react so acutely to the transfer that they can please the owner of the site with their bright buds only for next year. Despite the absence of flowers, phlox care should be carried out as usual during the spring-summer season. Decorative culture will take some time to take root and develop in a new place.

    Transferring phlox in autumn

    Many people believe that it is better to clean up the flowerbed after flowering has finished. This statement has a practical meaning, because perennials require special care, since during the 3 summer months the supply of nutrients in the soil remains minimal, despite fertilizing, and plants need additional energy reserves to prepare for the cold and survive the winter safely.

    Replanting flowers in the fall should be done before the first frost. By this time, the bushes should have already taken root. Therefore, the main work on transferring plants to a new place is carried out, as a rule, from mid-August to the end of the first half of September. IN southern regions countries, this period can be extended until early October if the weather is warm and dry.

    Site requirements

    The flowerbed begins to be prepared in advance. This usually happens 2 weeks before the flowers are transferred. The need to treat the site in advance is explained by the fact that the soil must have time to settle before planting.

    The soil of the flower garden needs to be dug up to a depth of 20-30 cm, all weeds removed and organic fertilizers applied. You can opt for compost or humus with the addition of 250 g wood ash. From mineral supplements Only phosphorus and potassium compounds should be left. It is not recommended to add nitrogen-containing substances to the soil in the fall. This component can cause the formation of new shoots and leaves, which is not at all desirable before the winter cold.

    The soil in the flowerbed should be very wet. A few days before transplanting phlox, it is recommended to water it abundantly. If the weather is damp enough, the amount of water can be reduced. Holes must be dug at a distance of up to 50 cm so that the bushes do not interfere with each other.

    The depth of the planting hole should be sufficient for the roots to be freely placed in it. It should be remembered that developed root system phlox can lie 20-25 cm deep. During cold periods, the ground sometimes freezes very much. Therefore, plants are planted in such a way that the upper part of the rhizome is 5 cm below the ground surface.

    Processing of planting material

    The autumn change of the phlox flower bed requires a special attitude to the selection of plant samples. Moving to a new place contributes to the rejuvenation of culture. If all the rules are followed and proper care is taken, phlox usually begin to bloom luxuriantly, but for this you need to select the most viable and strong specimens.

    A few days before transplanting, the bushes are carefully dug out from the old place, trying not to damage the root system. Then the largest plants are divided into separate cuttings and the shoots are cut off.

    Roots that are too long are also shortened. Their size should be approximately 15-20 cm. This is necessary so that the plants quickly take root in a new place. Flowers develop additional branches on the roots and are firmly anchored in the soil.

    Pruning the stems is necessary to preserve nutrients. Divided phloxes are shortened, leaving part of the shoot with several leaves. This way the plant will survive the winter better, and in the spring it will quickly produce new young shoots. Please note that the skin on stems suitable for transplanting cuttings must be hard and dry, and 1 or 2 renewal buds must be preserved at the base. Otherwise, the plant will not be able to develop normally in its new location.

    If decorative culture replanted without pruning the roots, you should dig up the bush, leaving a large lump of earth. This transplantation technology is typical for the summer months. In this case, only dried flowers are removed, leaving most of the leaves intact, since the green mass is still actively involved in the metabolic processes that occur during the fruiting period of ornamental plants.

    Transferring bushes to a flowerbed

    After the area is prepared and planting material properly processed, you can proceed to the main stage of work. You need to pour 1-2 liters of water into the holes. Then add 0.5 kg of humus, 1 tbsp. l. wood ash and a little phosphorus fertilizer. The soil should be mixed well with fertilizers.

    It is allowed to use a special industrial composition that stimulates root growth. You can find various similar mixtures in gardening stores. One of the most popular among flower lovers is the drug "Kornevin". It is effective for almost all ornamental plants. A growth stimulator can be added to the planting hole along with organic and mineral fertilizers.

    The roots of the cutting must be immersed in the resulting nutrient mass so that the neck is slightly below the surface of the soil. After this, the hole is completely covered with earth, compacted a little, and a small mound 15-20 cm high is made from the soil on top. It should protect the base of the stem from winter cold.

    It is also recommended to put a layer of mulch 2-3 cm thick on the flowerbed with transplanted phloxes. This could be last year's tree leaves, dry sawdust or crushed peat. Under no circumstances should you cover plants with film or other synthetic materials that do not allow air to pass through. Lack of ventilation at the roots will lead to their rotting and the death of the decorative crop.

    During the winter, it is advisable to ensure that the flower bed is constantly covered with snow. He serves additional means protecting seedlings from frost. In spring, the mulch must be removed so that the first rays of the sun warm the soil and the root system of plants.

    If all conditions autumn transplant phloxes have been observed, then in May the new flowerbed will begin to sparkle bright colors these gorgeous delicate flowers. With proper care, the next transfer of adult bushes will be required in 5-6 years.

    Phloxes have long been widespread. IN Soviet time These flowers, varied in color and unpretentious, grew near every house. IN Lately New varieties of phlox appeared, which gave a new impetus to their popularity. Many people mistakenly believe that there is no need to care for the plant and that it grows like a weed. But this is not so; although the flower is not considered whimsical, it requires some self-care. In this article we will tell you how and when to replant phlox.

    Phloxes are actively flowering plants that amaze with a riot of colors. These are perennial flowers that can grow in one place for up to 10 years. If they are not replanted, the inflorescences begin to become smaller, and the plantings themselves degenerate. Gradually, the bush begins to lose its decorative effect, loses the brightness of its flowers and fades.

    In addition, the soil on which phlox grows is depleted. Even frequent feedings are unable to restore the required volume of substances for the full development of the flower. Over time, pests and microorganisms accumulate in the soil, causing specific phlox diseases.

    If we talk about transplanting phlox, then it is best to do this when the bush is 5-6 years old.

    When to replant phloxes

    Many people are interested in the question of when to replant phloxes in order to harm them as little as possible. After all, this procedure is considered quite traumatic for plants and therefore it should be performed correctly. First of all, this concerns timing.

    It is also worth noting that phloxes belong to the category flowering plants, which begin to grow roots during the snow melting period. If you replant in the spring and damage the roots, you may not see flowering this year. However, this does not mean that phlox cannot be transplanted in the spring. Some gardeners replant flowers at this time, believing that in the fall the plants will not have time to take root and will not survive the winter.

    If absolutely necessary, phlox can be replanted even in summer. But in this case, it is necessary to preserve the earthen lump so that the root system is not damaged. When replanting in summer, it is not recommended to divide the bush.

    So, the timing of phlox transplantation is as follows:

    1. Autumn: last ten days of August - mid-September.
    2. Spring: mid-April – early May.
    3. Summer: any time, but only in cloudy weather and in the evening.

    Phlox transplantation

    Once you have decided on the timing of the transplant, you need to prepare for the process itself, which occurs in several stages. We will discuss this in more detail below. As stated above, perfect time for transplantation it is autumn, so we will consider all the nuances of transplantation, which occurs precisely at this time of year. These rules apply to both spring and autumn transplants.

    How to choose a place

    The rooting of transplanted flowers largely depends on the condition of the soil. Wild species of phlox grow in floodplain meadows and forest edges, where the ground is different high humidity and special friability. These plants love soil that contains a sufficient amount of organic matter.

    The soil for phlox should be sufficiently fertile and loose. If the flowerbed is on loam, then the soil should be supplemented with crushed peat or river sand. They will ensure constant access of moisture to the root system and enhance the drainage properties of the soil.

    Phloxes need frequent watering and when choosing seat this needs to be taken into account. It is better to choose a place with close occurrence groundwater. But even this does not always guarantee high-quality hydration of the roots, so in the hot summer the plants will need to be watered periodically.

    Phloxes also thrive in partial shade; they do not require constant light. It will be great if in the midday heat the inflorescences are protected from the scorching sun.

    The only thing you need to remember is that phloxes do not tolerate proximity to fruit trees.

    Preparing the flowerbed

    The flowerbed needs to be prepared in advance. This should usually be done 2 weeks before transplanting phlox in the fall. Pre-treatment of the site is due to the fact that the soil must settle before the plants are moved.

    The soil of the flower bed must be dug up using a spade, that is, to a depth of 20-30 cm. After this, weeds and other plant debris must be removed. Next you need to apply fertilizer. For autumn feeding will fit:

    • compost;
    • humus + wood ash;
    • potassium and phosphorus compounds.

    Consumption of organic fertilizers: 1 bucket per 1 sq. m. The amount of mineral fertilizers applied is indicated on the packaging. Nitrogen-containing substances are introduced only in the spring, as this component causes the formation of new leaves and shoots.

    The soil in the flowerbed should be moist. A few days before transferring the phloxes, it needs to be watered abundantly. If the weather is damp, the amount of water can be reduced.

    The holes in the flower garden should be 50 cm apart from each other, since phlox bushes grow quite strongly. The depth of the planting hole should be spacious: the roots of the plant should be freely placed in it. The developed root system of an adult phlox can lie to a depth of 20-25 cm. Another 5 cm must be added to this mark, since during cold weather the soil can freeze very much, so the upper part of the rhizome is deepened 5 cm below the surface of the earth.

    Processing of planting material

    Transferring phlox to a new place contributes to the rejuvenation of the culture. With proper care and compliance with all the rules, the plants will bloom magnificently, but for this you need to choose the strongest and most viable specimens.

    A couple of days before transplanting, the bushes need to be watered and then carefully dug up using a pitchfork. Be careful not to damage the roots. Next, you need to divide the largest flowers into separate cuttings, and cut off the shoots. Pruning the stems is necessary to preserve nutrients. There should be a few leaves left on the shoot - this way the plant will survive the winter well, and in the spring it will quickly produce young shoots. Make sure that the skin on the stems is dry and tough.

    Flower roots that are too long also need to be shortened. Their size should not exceed 15-20 cm. This is necessary so that the plants take root faster in a new place. Additional branches develop on the roots and the flowers are securely fixed in the ground.

    If you do not want to cut off the roots, then you need to dig up the bush, leaving a large lump of earth. This technology is more suitable for summer transplants. In this case, pruning of leaves is not carried out, since the green mass is still involved in metabolic processes. Only dried flowers are removed.

    Transplanting bushes into a flower garden

    After the planting material has been processed and the area has been prepared, you can proceed to the main stage:

    1. Pour 1-2 liters of water into the holes.
    2. Place the roots of the cutting so that the neck is 5 cm below the surface of the ground.
    3. Fill the hole completely with soil and lightly compact it with your palms. Make a small mound of soil 15 cm high on top. This will protect the stem from winter cold.

    With the onset of the first cold weather, place a layer of mulch 2-3 cm thick (dry sawdust, last year's leaves, crushed peat) on the flowerbed. Plants do not need to be covered with film or other synthetic materials. Lack of ventilation can lead to plant death. This is what all autumn care consists of.

    During the winter, make sure that the flower bed is covered with snow. In spring, remove the mulch so that the first rays of spring warm the ground and plant roots. If all conditions are met, then in the first spring phlox will delight you with magnificent delicate flowers.

    Phlox are perennial unpretentious plants that are a real decoration for a flower bed. Caring for them is as easy as shelling pears: you need to water them in hot weather, remove weeds and replant them. In the latter case, transplantation is carried out only every 5-6 years. Our tips will help you grow a healthy and strong plant.

    When to replant phloxes? Phlox are perennials that bloom luxuriantly for several years, but over the years the flowers become smaller, and the bush requires rejuvenation or replanting. Many gardeners like to experiment and change appearance plot in spring or autumn. But at the end of summer, new ideas arise: what to change, what plants and color scheme add. Therefore, transplantation of phloxes to another place is organized.
    Even though it's quite unpretentious flower, planting phlox in the fall has its own characteristics and some advantages:
    The bush does without additional watering. As a rule, autumn rains are quite enough for rooting.
    In autumn there is a longer period, which promotes vegetation and rooting and is equal to 30–40 days. In spring, flower growers use only two weeks.
    Plants planted during this period are already blooming. next summer. In contrast, spring propagation delays flowering in the first year.
    After flowering, it is easier to determine which varieties will be added or removed to create a unified image of the site.
    Plants obtained from cuttings take root better.
    Based on these factors, it becomes clear that replanting plants in open ground in the fall is not only possible, but also provides a number of advantages. If certain agricultural technology tips are followed, better reproduction is obtained.

    It is believed that phloxes were brought to our country from North America and today these amazing flowers can be seen in almost any park or summer cottage. The plant is distinguished by many unique qualities, thanks to which it so easily takes root in places where the climate is harsh and rainy.

    Phlox are unpretentious, which means they require minimal care. It is enough to plant these flowers in Right place, remove weeds and water promptly. The only question that novice summer residents ask is: When can phlox be replanted? Let's take a closer look at the answer to this question.

    Let's start with the fact that there are two types of phlox: annual and perennial. It is natural that annual phlox There is no point in replanting; in nature there are approximately fifty varieties of this species. Such phloxes are rare. Mostly, summer residents are engaged in the “exchange” of perennial plants.

    Planting phloxes by cuttings and dividing the bush. It is advisable to carry out a transplant late autumn. To do this, you need to carefully remove the rhizomes from the ground and divide them so that on each root there remains a pair of stems on which future buds will appear.

    When planting, the inflorescences are cut off and the stems are left, burying the eyes three centimeters into the soil. For transplantation, choose cloudy weather or late evening; there should be no wind or frost. It is advisable to replant during the “rain” or immediately after it, so the plant will be better accepted.

    The place needs to be selected in a special way: there should be a sufficiently large amount of light, the plant should be protected from the wind as much as possible.

    After transplantation, you should not forget very important fact: flowers are afraid severe frosts and therefore they need to be hilled up and covered for the winter. In early spring you need to start by feeding the plant, for this you can use chicken droppings or mullein.

    As has been said, phlox is unpretentious plant and therefore many amateur gardeners replant them at any time (whenever they please). Even in dry and hot summers, these flowers are accepted and grow well, the main thing is not to forget to water them after planting.

    It is believed that if flowering phloxes are watered abundantly, then you can carefully “cut off” a small part from the rhizome and transplant it to a well-prepared place. Although the plant will be sick for some time, its growth may slow down, it will take root and even bloom this year. Of course, such flowers will be weak and sick at first.

    In autumn the weather is favorable for transplantation perennial phlox. Optimal soil and air humidity make maintenance easier. The plant tolerates a change of location painlessly and takes root quickly and well.

    Why is a transplant needed?

    The developmental features of the perennial root system force gardeners to transplant phloxes to another location in the fall. It is carried out every 3-4 years, which allows you to preserve the decorative appearance of the flower and its winter hardiness.

    Bushes that require replanting can be identified by external signs:

    • the root system begins to protrude from the ground;
    • growth buds are almost on the surface;
    • a large number of non-flowering stems are formed during the season;
    • the inflorescences become smaller, the decorativeness of the bush decreases.

    Sometimes it is necessary to replant young perennial bushes if planned work is being carried out to move a flower bed (flower bed, alpine hill) to a new location.

    Gradual soil depletion – no less important occasion for transplantation. Phlox annually spend a lot of nutrients on the formation of the aerial parts and lush flowering. Fertilizing and adding organic matter do not always provide the necessary concentration of micro- and macroelements in the soil. Their deficiency leads to the proliferation of pathogenic flora and the appearance of pests.

    How to determine the time for a transplant

    There is no big debate among flower growers about when it is best to transplant phlox. Unpretentious perennial can be replanted in spring, autumn and summer. The plant is very tenacious and big problems does not happen with survival. It all depends on the availability of free time.

    Landscape design specialists practice replanting young phlox in the summer. You can decorate your garden beautifully in a short time flowering bushes, achieve the required combination color shades in group plantings.

    To ensure that the flowering plant is not damaged during transplantation, it is carefully dug around the perimeter without destroying the root ball, transferred to a new flowerbed, and provided with good care. If you regularly water and feed the flower, you don’t have to trim the flower stalks.

    It makes no sense to replant old bushes during this period, since they cannot be divided in summer. It is preferable to rejuvenate the plant by dividing and replanting in spring or autumn.

    Attention! Plants transplanted in spring may not bloom or their flowering may be delayed by 10-12 days.

    In Central Russia, phlox easily tolerate spring and autumn replanting. In Siberia and other regions where the snow does not melt for a long time, it is better to replant phlox in the fall. In order for the plant to take root before winter, replanting work must be carried out from mid-August to the end of September.

    In the southern regions, the period can be extended until the end of October. Varieties with early and mid-early flowering periods are replanted earlier rather than later. flowering species because they already form renewal buds in August.

    Choosing a new place

    At the end of summer or autumn, before planting phloxes, you need to select and prepare a new place for planting. In the southern regions, it is allowed to place a new flower bed in light partial shade. Short-term absence of direct sun rays in the middle of the day it does not affect the quality of flowering and saves from the midday heat.

    The perennial has no special requirements for soil, which is why amateur gardeners value it. At the same time, the flowering of phloxes growing in loose, nutritious soil is more magnificent and lasts noticeably longer. Soil preparation must be completed two weeks before replanting.

    The soil needs to be dug deep to ensure a strong root system. It’s good if the thickness of the fertile layer is large and you can dig the soil to the depth of two spade bayonets. The bulk of the roots will lie at a depth of 30 cm.

    A perennial will grow in one place for 3-4 years, so applying organic and mineral fertilizers for digging is necessary measure. To increase soil fertility and improve structure, add:

    • sand;
    • peat;
    • humus;
    • superphosphate;
    • potassium sulfate.

    There are completely unpretentious types of phlox of the old selection that do not need these additives. On well-fertilized soil they will actively grow, forming big bushes, oppressing other flower crops.

    Preparation of planting material

    When transplanting phlox to a new place in the autumn, you need to know how to properly prepare planting material. Roots and tolerates well winter frosts large divisions, they can be identified by external signs:

    • the division should have at least three thick stems with leaves;
    • the presence of several large renewal buds;
    • the length of the roots is at least 15 cm;
    • The shoots are covered with a tough, rough skin.

    For the purpose of rejuvenation, the bush is dug up with a large lump of earth, divided into parts using a shovel or other sharp tool. You can get up to 10 cuttings from one large four-year-old bush.

    Many gardeners prefer to divide the bush with their hands; they resort to the help of tools in extreme cases, when it is necessary to cut a thick rhizome in the area where the root collars grow together. All shoots are cut off, leaving stumps at least 25 cm long. If necessary, old roots are shortened by a third.

    Important! Bushes infected with the growth virus are destroyed: aboveground part they are burned, the roots, along with a lump of earth, are taken to a landfill.

    It is better to prepare planting material immediately before planting so that the roots do not dry out. Sprinkle the cuttings with damp soil or dip them in a clay mixture if replanting needs to be postponed for a while. Dried rhizomes are reanimated before planting:

    • add 10 mg of stimulant (root, heteroauxin) to 1 liter of water;
    • place the roots in the solution for 12 hours;
    • At night they are buried in damp soil.

    In autumn on permanent place young phlox grown from cuttings are planted. There is no need to divide them, so they try not to destroy the root ball and do not shorten the roots. Only the tops of the shoots are cut off or broken off, leaving leaves on each.

    Transfer rules

    The success of the autumn phlox transplant depends on how correctly the planting hole is dug. It is important not to make a mistake with its dimensions, especially with its depth. The root ball should fit freely in it so that its upper part is 5 cm below the upper border of the hole. Planting the division deeper will lead to delayed development, and shallow planting will lead to freezing and death in winter.

    To fill the hole prepare:

    • a bucket of humus;
    • a glass of sifted wood ash;
    • potassium salt 1 tbsp. l;
    • superphosphate 2 tbsp. l.

    This mixture is mixed with garden soil and the seedling is covered. Be sure to form a root hole with a diameter of about 50 cm. The transplanted phlox is well watered, the moist soil settles and fills all the voids around the roots. The entire surface of the hole is sprinkled with dry soil to prevent a crust from forming.

    Winter preparation and care

    In a flower transplanted in autumn, metabolic processes slow down, but it continues to develop and prepare for winter. If autumn is dry and warm, the plant needs daily watering to take root. Approximately 2 liters of water should be poured under each bush. Weeds continue to grow actively, so weeding is essential. The soil around the transplanted flower should be loose, moist and free of weeds.

    Winter is terrible for flowers transplanted in autumn not only because of frost. Long winter thaws are no less dangerous for perennials. The buds begin to bloom and die when they return subzero temperatures, to protect against winter misfortunes, plantings are mulched.

    Before the onset of frost, the above-ground part of the perennial is cut off at ground level. The hole is filled with compost, peat or humus. The thickness of the mulch layer should be at least 10 cm. One bush needs a bucket of mulch. To retain snow, spruce branches or large tops are placed on the hole. In the spring, as soon as warm weather sets in, the shelter is removed.

    If all the rules for autumn replanting are followed, perennials can easily overwinter. As soon as the snow melts, the buds will wake up, shoots will appear, new life flower.

    Phloxes have been widespread for a long time. In Soviet times, it was hardly possible to find a flower garden near a house in which these unpretentious flowers of various colors did not grow. The emergence of new varieties in last years gave a new impetus to their popularity. Moreover, propagation and transplantation of phloxes is not very difficult.

    Phlox is a flame

    This is exactly how the word Phlox is translated from Greek into Russian. Apparently, due to the bright red color of the flowers of wild species.

    Phlox are perennial plants of the cyanaceae family. They appeared in Europe in the 17th century. Thanks to selection, today there are about 1,500 varieties of phlox and about 60 species. The classification also divides phlox into groups.

    Main groups

    TO ground cover phlox are the earliest flowering among them. For example, phlox subulate begins to bloom in May. It is called so because of the leaves, which have an awl-shaped shape. This group also includes phloxes of Douglas, lovely, Rugelli.

    The next group is loose-grass phlox. Their flowering begins a little later than that of groundcovers, but also early. These include, for example, splayed phlox. It blooms very luxuriantly, has a violet smell and, depending on the variety, different colors flowers: white, violet, lilac.

    The third group is bush phlox; they come in tall and short varieties. The first of them are the most popular with us. Phlox paniculata, for example, can be of various colors, and its flowers are collected in lush inflorescences. The white phloxes of this variety are especially beautiful.

    Spotted phlox is also a tall species. It is sometimes confused with paniculata. However, its inflorescences resemble a cylinder shape, the stems are covered with purple specks, and it blooms much earlier.

    Where to plant?

    Everyone talks about the unpretentiousness of phlox, and yet in order for them to delight with the beauty and duration of their flowering, it is necessary to create for them good conditions. First of all, planting or transplanting phloxes should be carried out on loose, well-dressed soil. organic fertilizers soil. Two more important conditions: maintaining sufficient soil moisture and systematic fertilizing during the growing season.

    But first, about the landing site. Phlox love good lighting, but prefer diffused light to the open sun. It’s good when, during the hottest time of the day, shrubs and sparse trees shade a flower garden with phlox. These same plantings will protect the flowers from the cold wind, which is contraindicated for them, maintain soil moisture, and in winter protect the phlox from freezing.

    Phlox transplant time

    These plants can be planted or replanted in late spring, early autumn and even in summer (but not in hot weather).

    In the fall, you cannot delay replanting because the plants will not have time to take root well before the onset of frost and will die. Transplanting phlox in the fall is most favorable in the period from the last ten days of August to mid-September, it is then that renewal buds are formed on the rhizome near the stems. In autumn, phlox should be planted with stems, but inflorescences and clusters with seeds should be cut off.

    Late spring planting is fraught with the rapid onset of hot weather, which will also not give phlox the opportunity to develop well. Therefore, we must get down to business as soon as the ground thaws and is suitable for field work.

    Finally, if you still need to replant phlox in the summer, then this should be done on a cloudy day, and the plant should be replanted with a large lump of earth.

    How to plant phlox correctly

    When planting, we must not forget that the root system of plants is branched and lies shallow, which means that the fertile soil from which the roots feed must also be located in top layer soil.

    Medium loamy, close to neutral, loose and moist soils are considered the best for phlox. If you have to plant phloxes in heavy clay soil or sandy, then it is necessary to initially dig a hole for planting deeper and fill it there to compensate for coarse sand or clay, and then fertile soil, where you must add cow or horse manure, ash, leaf soil and mineral fertilizers.

    When planting a plant, you need to make sure that the root collar is a few centimeters below ground level.

    Having finished planting, the phloxes need to be watered, at least one and a half to two liters of water per bush. Then, regular watering should be continued every 2-3 days for two weeks. When the plants are well established and begin to grow, you can reduce the amount of watering, but you need to mulch the ground around the planted phlox with humus or sawdust.

    Phlox care: fertilizing with fertilizers

    Although it is generally accepted that phlox are unpretentious flowers, good care for them significantly improves their decorative qualities: the bush becomes more powerful, the flowers are larger, and the flowering period increases. If you conduct annual correct feeding, maintain the necessary soil moisture, mulch it in a timely manner, then replanting phloxes will not be necessary for 5 - 10 years.

    During the season, it is necessary to fertilize phlox three times. The first one is produced in May. Take half a bucket of humus or compost, add one tablespoon of urea and mix thoroughly. All this is poured under the bush of the plant.

    During budding, a second feeding is done. One or two tablespoons mineral fertilizer, which is intended specifically for flowering plants, are diluted in a bucket of water. The third feeding is carried out after the phloxes bloom; phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are used for this. In a bucket of water, for example, superphosphate and potassium sulfate are diluted, one tablespoon each.

    Maintaining humidity is a must

    A powerful root system, a large mass of stems, leaves and phlox flowers require large quantity moisture. If there is not enough of it, then plant growth is weakened, the leaves turn yellow, and the flowers become smaller and pale, and cease to be bright.

    Of course, the amount of water that needs to be applied to phlox is not always the same; it depends on the soil and the weather. But on average it is recommended for 1 sq. m pour out one and a half to two buckets of water. In dry weather more is possible. By the way, if you need to transplant phlox in the summer, then the soil at the planting site must be very well moistened.

    Phlox should be watered using the sprinkling method, i.e. from a watering can, and not from a hose, because a stream of water washes away the soil from the rhizomes. Watering is usually done in the afternoon, towards evening, so that the water is absorbed into the soil and does not evaporate. After watering, the soil near the phloxes must be loosened so that a crust does not form.


    Phlox propagate by layering, cuttings, seeds, and dividing the bush.

    The easiest way is to divide the bush. After all, phloxes are still replanted every 5-6 years, because the bushes grow and flowering weakens. Therefore, it is easy to combine these two procedures.

    As soon as the phloxes need to be transplanted, the timing should be combined with the time of dividing the bush. However, they already coincide. The division of the bush is also carried out either in the spring (in May) or in the autumn (August - September).

    Having chosen a bush, carefully dig it up, shake off the soil, and clean the root collars. Carefully, so as not to damage, we disassemble the roots that go to the stems and separate them from each other. Of course, if the bush is old, it will hardly be possible to do this. You need to take a knife or shovel and cut the delenka into several parts. Be sure to make sure that each part has eyes, roots and shoot buds.

    It is better to plant the separated parts of the bush immediately so that the roots do not dry out. Earthen lump You also shouldn’t shake it off completely. The plant takes root better if it is transplanted with a clod of earth. By the way, replanting phlox in the fall requires cutting the stems to 2/3 or 1/3 of their height.

    Propagating phlox by layering is also not a particularly complicated procedure. Even before flowering begins, the stem of the plant is bent to the ground, secured and sprinkled with a mixture of peat and humus. In the fall, the independent plant formed from the stem is transplanted to a permanent place.

    Decorating the garden plot with phlox

    When to replant phloxes and how to do it is now known. Now you need to decide how the phlox bushes will fit into landscape design existing site.

    It depends on the variety. For example, subulate phlox is more suitable for alpine slides. But paniculata phlox can be used both as single plantings and in a group with other flowers. It can be either in the background, shading the plantings of annual flowers, or together with perennial flowers: carnations, bells, rudbeckia and others.

    When choosing varieties of phlox, it is better to give preference to domestic ones, which are more adapted to our climatic conditions. Moreover, there is a wide variety of these varieties.

    If the selection of varieties is made taking into account the height of the bushes, the color of the flowers and the flowering time of the phlox, then the garden will delight with its beauty for five months.


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