Bindweed in a country flower bed: planting and care. We choose unpretentious vines and vines

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Fig, fig, fig tree - these are all names of the same plant, which we firmly associate with Mediterranean life. Anyone who has ever tasted fig fruits knows how delicious they are. But, in addition to their delicate sweet taste, they are also very beneficial for health. And this is what interesting detail: It turns out that figs are a completely unpretentious plant. In addition, it can be successfully grown on a plot in the middle zone or in a house - in a container.

Quite often, difficulties in growing tomato seedlings arise even among experienced summer residents. For some, all the seedlings turn out to be elongated and weak, for others, they suddenly begin to fall and die. The thing is that it is difficult to maintain in an apartment ideal conditions for growing seedlings. Seedlings of any plants need to be provided with plenty of light, sufficient humidity and optimal temperature. What else do you need to know and observe when growing tomato seedlings in an apartment?

Delicious vinaigrette with apple and sauerkraut- vegetarian salad from cooked and chilled, raw, pickled, salted, pickled vegetables and fruits. The name comes from the French vinegar sauce, olive oil and mustard (vinaigrette). Vinaigrette appeared in Russian cuisine not so long ago, around the beginning of the 19th century; perhaps the recipe was borrowed from Austrian or German cuisine, since the ingredients for Austrian herring salad are very similar.

When we dreamily sort through bright packets of seeds in our hands, we are sometimes subconsciously convinced that we have a prototype of the future plant. We mentally allocate a place for it in the flower garden and look forward to the cherished day of the appearance of the first bud. However, buying seeds does not always guarantee that you will eventually get the desired flower. I would like to draw attention to the reasons why seeds may not sprout or die at the very beginning of germination.

Spring is coming, and gardeners have more work to do, and with the onset of warmer weather, changes in the garden occur rapidly. The buds are already beginning to swell on plants that were still dormant yesterday, and everything is literally coming to life before our eyes. After a long winter, this is good news. But along with the garden, its problems come to life - insect pests and pathogens. Weevils, flower beetles, aphids, clasterosporiosis, maniliosis, scab, powdery mildew- the list could take a very long time.

Breakfast toast with avocado and egg salad is a great way to start the day. The egg salad in this recipe acts as a thick sauce that is seasoned with fresh vegetables and shrimp. My egg salad is quite unusual, it is a dietary version of everyone’s favorite snack - with Feta cheese, Greek yogurt and red caviar. If you have time in the morning, never deny yourself the pleasure of cooking something tasty and healthy. You need to start the day with positive emotions!

Perhaps every woman has at least once received a gift blooming orchid. It’s not surprising, because such a living bouquet looks amazing and blooms for a long time. Orchids cannot be called very difficult to grow indoor crops, but failure to comply with the main conditions for their maintenance often leads to the loss of the flower. If you are just getting started with indoor orchids, you should find out the correct answers to the main questions about growing these beautiful plants at home.

Lush cheesecakes with poppy seeds and raisins prepared according to this recipe are eaten in no time in my family. Moderately sweet, plump, tender, with an appetizing crust, without excess oil, in a word, exactly the same as my mother or grandmother fried in childhood. If the raisins are very sweet, then you don’t need to add granulated sugar at all; without sugar, the cheesecakes will be better fried and will never burn. Cook them in a well-heated frying pan, greased with oil, over low heat and without a lid!

Cherry tomatoes differ from their larger counterparts not only in the small size of their berries. Many cherry varieties are characterized by a unique sweet taste, which is very different from the classic tomato one. Anyone who has never tried such cherry tomatoes with their eyes closed may well decide that they are tasting some unusual Exotic fruits. In this article I will talk about five different tomatoes cherry, which have the sweetest fruits of unusual colors.

I started growing annual flowers in the garden and on the balcony more than 20 years ago, but I will never forget my first petunia, which I planted in the country along the path. Only a couple of decades have passed, but you’re amazed at how different the petunias of the past are from the many-sided hybrids of today! In this article, I propose to trace the history of the transformation of this flower from a simpleton into a real queen of annuals, as well as consider modern varieties of unusual colors.

Salad with spicy chicken, mushrooms, cheese and grapes - aromatic and satisfying. This dish can be served as a main dish if you are preparing a cold dinner. Cheese, nuts, mayonnaise are high-calorie foods; in combination with spicy fried chicken and mushrooms, you get a very nutritious snack, which is refreshed by sweet and sour grapes. The chicken in this recipe is marinated in a spicy mixture of ground cinnamon, turmeric and chili powder. If you like food with fire, use hot chili.

All summer residents are concerned about the question of how to grow healthy seedlings in early spring. It seems that there are no secrets here - the main thing for fast and strong seedlings is to provide them with warmth, moisture and light. But in practice, in a city apartment or private house, this is not so easy to do. Of course, everyone experienced gardener There is a proven way to grow seedlings. But today we will talk about a relatively new assistant in this matter - the propagator.

The Sanka tomato variety is one of the most popular in Russia. Why? The answer is simple. He is the very first to bear fruit in the garden. Tomatoes ripen when other varieties have not even bloomed yet. Of course, if you follow the growing recommendations and make an effort, even a novice grower will receive a rich harvest and joy from the process. And so that your efforts are not in vain, we advise you to plant quality seeds. For example, such as seeds from TM “Agrosuccess”.

Task indoor plants in the house - to decorate the home with your own appearance, to create a special atmosphere of comfort. For this reason, we are ready to take care of them regularly. Care is not only about watering on time, although this is important. It is also necessary to create other conditions: suitable lighting, humidity and air temperature, and make a correct and timely transplant. For experienced flower growers there is nothing supernatural about this. But beginners often face certain difficulties.

It’s easy to prepare tender chicken breast cutlets with champignons according to this recipe with step by step photos. There is an opinion that it is difficult to make juicy and tender cutlets from chicken breast, but this is not so! Chicken meat contains virtually no fat, which is why it is a bit dry. But, if you add to chicken fillet cream, White bread and mushrooms with onions, you will get amazingly delicious cutlets that both children and adults will love. IN mushroom season try adding wild mushrooms to the minced meat.

You can create a beautiful flower garden with the help of simple and unpretentious crops, which include tricolor garden bindweed. Just fifty small pea seeds planted in open ground, will create a unique flavor.

An excursion into the past

Interestingly, many flower growers do not even suspect that the flower, which attracts with a combination of three different shades of color, comes from field bindweed, a weed that interferes with the growing season by entwining the stems of plants. If you do not weed it out in time, the inconspicuous plant will bloom into small white gramophones. It was this attractiveness that breeders noticed.

Today there are over two hundred species of cultivated plants, including climbing, non-climbing, annual and perennial flowers. They amaze with their large gramophone constellations, monochromatic and multicolored. It seems that the artist, reflecting on the eternity of beauty, mixed paints, selecting shades. In moments of thought, paint dripped from the brush onto the white petals of the flower - and a unique, charming combination appeared.

Daytime beauty

This is what gardeners call tricolor bindweed, the colorful charm of summer. They noticed that multi-colored gramophones open at the moment when the rays of the sun slide over the plant. And then they delight you with their elegance all day long. It's a shame that bindweed shows its beauty for only one day, but this encourages gardeners to use a little trick. To prevent the plant from stopping flowering, a person removes dried inflorescences, because there are many buds on the plant, waiting for their turn. It seems that the flowering lasts forever.

A scientific description of bindweed tricolor may be as follows:

  • the flowers are shaped like a funnel and reach five centimeters in diameter;
  • the leaves are small, oval or lanceolate, their color is dark green;
  • the plant is low, up to forty centimeters;
  • on the central stem there are many side shoots that spread along the ground or rise up, clinging to any support. When creating flower displays, you need to take this feature into account and plant bindweed in front of tall specimens.

Question about planting a specimen

The plant can be grown by seedlings or by directly sowing seeds in the ground. At the same time, you need not to get confused with the timing: seeds for seedlings are sown in prepared boxes with the arrival of March, in open ground - in mid-April. In any case, you should not neglect the advice of experienced gardeners:

  • You should choose a place for planting in the eastern part of the flowerbed: then the sun illuminates the bindweed plantation in the early morning.
  • The soil on the site should be loose and fertile: you will have to mix the soil with peat and sand.
  • Before planting, the material should be soaked for twenty-four hours.
  • The furrows are made shallow, seeds are scattered in them and covered with soil mixture.
  • It is better to cover the sown area plastic film: « Greenhouse effect» will promote rapid seed germination and protect emerging sprouts from frost. The film is removed after the threat of frost has passed.
  • In the morning or evening, the crops are watered, but from a watering can. The soil should be moist, but the water should not stagnate. Experienced gardeners They know that if you overdo it with watering, the plant will not bloom.
  • Rows with seedlings are thinned out, taking into account that as the flower grows it will need more space.
  • Bindweed grows quickly and blooms profusely, and therefore needs feeding. Twice a month it is watered with water with complex fertilizers dissolved in it.
  • The plant can bloom until late autumn, but with the onset of cold days, watering should be reduced, because the abundance of moisture and lower temperatures will contribute to the occurrence of the disease - powdery mildew.

Can be grown

If desired, bindweed can be grown in a container to decorate the balcony of a loggia or veranda:

  • the soil mixture is poured into the container, but not to the very edge;
  • the soil should be watered generously and allowed to dry;
  • add a new layer of loose soil mixture and shed again;
  • Make shallow holes, place the seeds there at a short distance, and lightly sprinkle them with soil.

All that remains is to wait for the shoots to emerge, follow simple agrotechnical cultivation measures - and enjoy the bright flower arrangements.

Information from Internet sites

Today, on the virtual network, amateur gardeners who grow amazing flowers with tricolor petals share their doubts and experiences.

A woman says that she thought bindweed was climbing flowers, but the seller persuaded her to buy it the new kind- a bindweed that grows only up to thirty centimeters in height. The copy turned out to be unpretentious plant, which was soon covered with large bells, painted in three shades of the color palette.

Many argue that tricolor bindweed can be grown not only from seeds, but also by cuttings, as well as by cutting off a small part of the root system. First, such material must be placed in water so that fresh roots can grow, and only then planted in the soil, I mix sand into the hole.

Website users say that the tricolor bindweed is capable of blooming all year round: in the fall, don’t be lazy and transplant the plant into a flowerpot and place it on the windowsill. On the background white snow blue flowers will look great. Caring for them in winter period will be the same as before.

Some housewives, on the contrary, look for climbing species of bindweed tricolor, because it decorates the bars of a balcony or fence, turning them into a blooming blue carpet, with yellow strokes scattered across it. Bindweed also saves from the sun. You can lie next to these for hours decorative fences with a book in hand.

Planting bindweed tricolor is not difficult. You can get creative and create spectacular landscape compositions that will delight those around you all summer long.

Bindweeds are plants from the family Convolvulaceae (Convolvulaceae), which grow wild in temperate and subtropical climates.

There are more than a hundred species in nature, but only 3-4 are used for decorative purposes. All of them climbing plants, which can be used in vertical gardening or as ground cover.

Daytime beauty - botanical description

Daytime beauty or tricolor bindweed (C. tricolor) is planted in summer cottages more often than other cultivated representatives of the family. The homeland of this flower is the Mediterranean coast. It has been used as an ornamental crop since the 17th century.

Daytime beauty is an annual flower with a dense branching stem that spreads along the ground. In the south, the plant can be a perennial, since its rhizome remains in the soil in winter if the temperature does not drop below -10.

The stems of the tricolor bindweed are pubescent, the leaves are oval without teeth, slightly tapering towards the end, gray-green. The length of the shoots is up to 0.5 m. The flowers are at least 4 cm in diameter. The plant rises above the soil to a height of 30-35 cm, forming thick “pillows”.

The corollas sit on short stalks singly, emerging from the leaf axils, have a pentagonal shape, up to 4 cm in size. The color is tricolor: the ends of the petals are ultramarine, the middle is white, and there is a yellow spot in the center.

The plant blooms from June to August. It is called a daytime beauty, since the corollas are open only during daylight hours. At night, the flowers close tightly. They are also invisible in rainy weather.

Tricolor bindweed looks similar to morning glory, but these are two different, although related, ornamental crops. The flowers of the day beauty are much smaller. The stems do not climb along supports, like morning glory, but lie horizontally on the ground. Only the corollas look up, rushing towards the sun.


Breeders have developed varieties with blue-red, snow-white, pink and lilac flowers.

Popular varieties of daytime beauty:

  1. Royal ensign - height 40-45 cm, corollas blue velvet with a yellow center.
  2. Crimson monarch – flower diameter 45 cm, carmine corolla with a yellow center, white throat.
  3. Rose ensign - the color of the corolla combines pink, crimson, white and yellow.
  4. Golubchik is a domestically bred bindweed variety with blue-violet gramophones decorated with a yellow-white center. Height up to 25 cm.
  5. Mosaic is dark blue; growing in partial shade is recommended, as its intensely colored petals fade slightly in bright sun.

Mixtures of varieties are sold in stores:

  1. Cancan from Gavrish - flower diameter up to 4 cm, color blue, red, white with contrastingly colored cores. Pillow height up to 40 cm.
  2. Tricolor Mamba is a mixture of multi-colored varieties for balconies and loggias. The color of the corollas is pink, white and dark lilac.

When and how to plant?

Bindweed tricolor is grown from seeds. It is better to sow them in March at home in planting boxes or pots. Embedment depth 3 mm. If you soak the seeds in a stimulant (Silk, Epin) or simply in chlorine-free water for 1-2 days, they will germinate much faster. Planting in open ground is carried out in early June every 30 cm.

Annual garden bindweeds are cold-resistant and can withstand small negative temperatures, therefore, when the soil warms up, the seeds can be sown in open ground. In the Moscow region this happens at the end of April.

In the future, flowers are not sown on purpose, but are given the opportunity to reproduce by self-sowing. Seeds remain viable for up to three years.

Planting bindweed at home. Video:

Caring for bindweed

Bindweed blooms luxuriantly on loams and sandy loams fertilized with organic matter, and tolerates slightly acidic and slightly alkaline soils. The plant is valuable because it can tolerate partial shade. However, the plant feels best in sunny places. Optimal temperature for development +20 degrees, in heat and drought the plants stop growing, lose their decorative appearance, but do not die.

Plants require the most moderate care. In hot weather they are watered. Every two weeks you can add any complex fertilizer to the water.

To preserve decorative qualities, faded flowers are torn off. This makes flowering more luxuriant, since the plant does not expend energy on forming seeds. The plant reproduces by self-seeding, therefore, if the plantings need to be kept for next year, some of the ovaries are left on the branches.

Diseases and pests

The daytime beauty is not bothered by any phytopathologies. This is a strong flower with stable immunity to fungal and bacterial diseases. Its leaves are poisonous to most pests.

Occasionally, aphids or spider mite. In damp weather it can be affected - the leaves and stems become covered with a white coating, as if they were sprinkled with flour.

A diseased plant loses its attractive appearance, the leaves dry out, and flowering becomes scarce. Appropriate pesticides are used against diseases and pests.

Medicinal properties

It is not decorative bindweed that has medicinal properties, but the common field Convōlvulus Arvēnsis, which is more often called birch. These are perennial bindweeds that are destructive to the garden, but their roots, herbs and seeds are used in folk medicine.

Preparations prepared from birch bindweed are used to treat gastritis, enterocolitis, as an analgesic, diuretic and laxative.

Attention. Field bindweed is poisonous, so preparations from it should be used under medical supervision.

  1. Grind dried rhubarb roots and birch seeds in a coffee grinder in equal proportions.
  2. Take 4 g per day as a laxative.

The above-ground part is prepared with medicinal purposes at the flowering stage. The roots are dug up in early spring or autumn. The raw materials are washed from the ground and dried well under a roof or in an electric dryer at a temperature of 40-45 degrees. Can be stored for no longer than a year.

Recipe with bindweed for toothache:

  • pour a tablespoon of ground root into a glass of boiling water;
  • leave for 20-25 minutes;
  • rinse your mouth.

Recipe for treating wounds:

  • half a liter glass jar fill 2/3 with cut leaves and flowers;
  • pour vodka up to the neck;
  • put in dark place and wait 14 days.

Before use, the tincture is diluted boiled water(a tablespoon per 100 ml) and is used for compresses.

Bindweed and morning glory in decorating the site and home

The daytime beauty is planted in flower beds and ridges, and used for borders. When choosing a place for planting, you need to take into account that the thickets of bindweed look like wide mats due to the stems lying on the ground.

The plant is suitable for filling free space V . Tolerance to drought and heat makes the plant suitable for alpine slides. Plants form bright dense clouds in flowerpots, hanging planters, pots.

Purple bindweed (p. Purpureus) or morning glory is an annual plant of the bindweed family. There are 25 species of morning glory used in floriculture. In addition to purple, you can buy seeds of lobed, feathery, cardinal, white, and prickly in stores.

The corollas of purple bindweed are large - up to 10 cm in diameter, of various colors (from white to red). Many varieties of all shades of blue and two-tone. The largest-flowered cultivars have a corolla diameter of 20 cm. Flowers can be simple or double.

The Japanese were especially successful in breeding purple bindweed. Residents of the Land of the Rising Sun were able to change the appearance of a simple wild morning glory from blue flowers beyond recognition. Every year more and more appear in the country unusual new items. The number of varieties is already in the hundreds.

Moorish bindweed (c. Mauritanicus) is most suitable for hanging. Its shoots hang down beautifully from baskets and containers. One plant on the soil surface can cover an area of ​​almost a meter. A plant growing in a container flows down like a waterfall. The usual color of the corollas is lilac; white varieties are less common.

Moorish bindweed seedlings for planting and care at home can be purchased at garden stores. Plants are moved outside after the onset of stable warm weather. Moorish bindweed can be grown from seeds, but they are difficult to find commercially.

The flower feels good in ordinary garden soil and does not need fertilizing. The only requirement is abundant watering. If the soil dries out, some of the buds will fall off and the decorative effect will decrease. However, the plant will not die. After the first watering, the elasticity of the leaves will be restored, the gramophones will open, the growth of new stems will begin and flowering will continue until the first frost.

Star bindweed is also called: exotic vine, mine, Spanish flag.

The flower is native to the tropics and grows as an annual in temperate climates. The stems reach a height of 3 m, the leaves are decorative, three-lobed, heart-shaped. The corollas are long, and in some varieties they are collected in inflorescences. During the summer, the color of the petals changes from red to milky white.

The plant blooms from July until autumn frosts. The soil requires loose, nutritious soil. Mina loves warmth and sun and can be used for landscaping southern walls, gazebos, fences and other vertical surfaces facing south.

Flowering plants can only be obtained from seeds. They are sown at home at the end of March - each seed in a separate cup. When the shoots appear, they almost immediately need to be supported, since the stems of star bindweed can only grow by clinging to something.

You can sow the seeds outside once the threat of frost has passed. Such plants are stronger and hardier, but bloom late - at the end of summer.

Undoubtedly, the pride of every owner is a personal plot, decorated and landscaped with the help of climbing flowering plants and bordered by a lace fence, which will surprise everyone with the fact that it will seem like a carpet, as if woven from leaves and unusual flowers.

Probably, nature itself provided for the creation of climbing plants for fences so that they could take their rightful place when decorating personal plot, contribute to the modification and transformation of the entire territory.

Weaving and climbing plants are one of the important components of landscaping a site, since only they can create lush greenery and flowering in places where you could not plant other plants.

Transparent fence entwined with climbing plants

Multifunctional elements for creating green spaces are plantings that wrap around a fence - both annual and perennial. If you use them, you solve several design tasks at once:

Advice. It is advisable to plant fast-growing plants along the fence, gazebos and open areas to create the shade and slight coolness needed in the heat.

By the way, you can take note that climbing plants visually make the territory of a personal plot larger.
It's time to take a closer look at climbing and weaving flowers and plants for the garden with names, descriptions and photos.

Beautifully flowering and climbing perennials

Let's consider what climbing plants can be planted along the fence or around the gazebo, veranda and any fence.


Gardeners believe that climbing (or climbing) roses are in first place in the ranking of popularity and attractiveness among climbing plants - representatives of ornamental flora. The rich selection of these plants, which nature has endowed with the most unusual shapes and colors, is amazing.

A perennial plant that does not require special care, will be able to breed on his own summer cottage even a gardener who has just started growing various green spaces: you just need to plant a bush in the southern or southwestern part of the exposition, because that is where it is well lit. Then, at certain intervals, fertilize the rose and water it abundantly.

The soil around the roses can be sprinkled with grass, humus, straw, and sawdust. Fertilizing with mineral fertilizers will not harm the plants.

Although roses are unpretentious in care, with the onset of autumn cold weather they will attract your attention in order to prune long shoots to three meters, which have grown during the summer season, and provide them with additional shelter for the winter.

A climbing rose will decorate any fence

Most varieties of climbing roses begin to bloom in the first half of June, giving you and your guests a pleasant impression of the beauty of their blooms for three to four weeks. During other months of the year, your fence will be decorated only with the dense foliage of the plant.

Light-loving plants achieve the greatest splendor and decorative flowering only in well-lit places.


Many-sided and fabulous beautiful flowers- clematis - stand on the same high level popularity among owners of personal plots, as well as climbing roses.

Star-shaped flowers open on the shoots in early June and will delight the eye with their unusual blooms until the onset of autumn. After flowering ends, clematis seeds appear on the bushes. They are so decorative that they will continue to decorate the area until the onset of the winter season.

A wide variety of species and varieties contributes to the demand for clematis in the summer cottage. You can plant herbaceous varieties on the lawn; clematis will look cozy near a pond. Subshrubs veil low fences and terraces.

Climbing varieties will braid vertical surfaces: walls of houses, gazebos, fences, arches, special stands and devices - and you will find yourself in a fairy tale. Pergolas, openwork elements of buildings or mesh will serve as support for clematis.

For comfortable growth, clematis needs fertile soil, sun, moisture and protection from the wind. If you create good conditions and prune the shoots correctly, you can prolong the flowering of clematis before the first frost.

The root system of clematis is covered, protecting it from frost.

In the photo below - open veranda, dotted with clematis flowers.

Among the delightful exotic plants A number of the best frost-resistant and winter-hardy varieties can be noted. For example, the “Ballerina” vine, which was named after the famous 20th century ballerina Maya Plisetskaya, blooms from May to September, has beautiful white flowers reaching 15 centimeters in diameter, and rises to a height of up to three meters on supports.

The Nelly Moser variety is also adapted to cold winters. The flowers of this clematis are shaped like stars and have light pink petals, similar to the flowers of a blooming spring apple tree. They bloom in May and June. But the beauty of their flowering compensates for their fragility. They are usually planted close to home.

The Nikolai Rubtsov variety is also not afraid of cold climates. It is suitable for those gardeners who love bright shades. The flowers of this plant are purple-pink with a lighter stripe on the petals and reach 14 centimeters in diameter. Clematis of this variety bloom from July to October.

creeping vines

An ideal option for decorating a fence are creeping vines. They have small suckers - roots, thanks to which they, like “climbers”, can climb (crawl) to any height, easily greening a dense fence of three to four meters. This ability to climb and twine appeared in vines in an evolutionary way so that they received more light.

The photo below shows actinidia: the plant gradually grows, covering the gray wall:

Creeping vines such as honeysuckle, petiole hydrangea, and campsis do not require special care.

It is possible in spring or autumn period start planting creeping vines along a support, fence or solid fence, and then watch how, after a year, the strong, strong stems of the vines quickly conquer the peaks when they climb the fence, like climbers, and as if weaving a carpet of green leaves.

Among the climbing annual plants it is worth mentioning sweet pea, bindweed, prickly carp, Mexican ivy, morning glory, willow carp and others.


A beautifully flowering shrub vine is petiolate hydrangea, which beautifully climbs along a fence and easily climbs various supports to a height of eight to twenty meters.

Since hydrangea has very bright green foliage and a charming aroma, this can make it one of the best jewelry any personal plot.

The vine-like hydrangea “Miranda” will attract the attention of gardeners. It blooms during all three summer months and grows up to five meters.

It has snow-white flowers, and her green leaves decorated with light yellow edging. "Miranda" loves shade.

The soil should be moist and loose and have a high level of acidity.

Oakleaf hydrangea, which is a heat-loving plant, is interesting in its own way. Its leaves are similar to oak leaves and it has beautiful cone-shaped inflorescences with lacy flowers. This type of hydrangea blooms for a long time, and in the autumn season it will delight the inhabitants of the site with its bright crimson color of dense foliage.

With the task of decorating strong fences Wisteria works well with brick, concrete and stone.


The photo below shows Wisteria Macrostachia variety Blue Moon:

The sun-loving vine is decorated with various shades of lilac, snow-white, and pink clusters of small flowers and will easily turn a very unattractive fence into a neat fence of your site and hide all the imperfections.

The following plants are most often used in aesthetic landscaping work (remember their names!):


The very heat-loving deciduous liana Kampsis is known a large number gardeners because of their unusual orange flowers, which look like small gramophones.

Blooming around June 15, this vine lifts the mood of its owners with its decorative blooms before the onset of the autumn season. She is not afraid of any bad weather: she can withstand low temperatures up to 20 degrees below zero. Campsis is unpretentious, shade-loving, smoke- and gas-resistant. Campsis will grow into a gorgeous vine in a couple of years. The perfect solution for the regions of the Urals and Siberia.

If you are a beginner gardener, then Kampsis is for you!

Important! Keep in mind that Kampsis grows quickly and will take places for itself from more weak plants- "neighbors."

If you apply fertilizer in time and do pruning, this will allow you to keep the plant in its proper decorative form and in a compact form for the entire seasonal period.


An easy-to-care plant called honeysuckle will help not only to form both free-growing and trimmed hedges, to decorate fences and various structures, but also to help create a good mood, adding a special aura.

The photo shows an example of an arch decorated with decorative weaving honeysuckle:

The demand for it among gardeners is growing every year. Honeysuckle is probably the leader in its lack of care requirements; it almost never gets sick. Curly beautiful plant loves areas illuminated by the sun, but will tolerate partial shade.

The lower branches of this plant should be in the shade. The soil should also be well heated. Honeysuckle loves moisture, but really does not like wind. If you feed it with organic fertilizers, it will reward you for this with its rapid growth and gorgeous flowering.

Honeysuckle reaches its peak of beauty during the period when it blooms - in June. Tender graceful flowers, which are collected in inflorescences, can have the most extraordinary shades, ranging from white and yellow undertones to a stunning symbiosis of pink and orange.

The most attractive varieties for gardeners are the following:

  • "Sirotina"- a blooming (from June to September) variety of honeysuckle, with leaves that are dark green on one side and bluish-gray on the other. fragrant flowers dark red with a creamy core;
  • "Korolkov's Honeysuckle"- a profusely flowering (from May to June) deciduous shrub, reaching a height of three meters, having broadly ovate green-blue leaves and pink flowers;
  • "Graham Thomas"- a fast-growing and flowering (from June to October) shrub, reaching a height of up to 5 meters and having white or cream flowers, which turn yellow after flowering.

Deciduous and decorative climbing plants

Maiden grapes

Maiden grape is a root-climbing vine that does not require creation certain conditions for your growth. It is frost-resistant, shade-tolerant, and does not get sick.

The main attractive feature of this plant is, of course, its ornamental foliage, colored in autumn in unusually beautiful dark crimson shades, which no other plant has in autumn.

It seems that the carved grape leaves were touched by an artist’s brush. This vine doesn’t care at all where it grows and what the soil is like.

Below is a photo of a decorative grape vine:

Fast-growing grape vines cover all available space: their branches quickly decorate the walls, growing up to 20 meters, so from spring to autumn, for example, fences braided with its skillful branches with carved leaves will look just wonderful.

Caring for virgin grapes will consist only of timely pruning, which will prevent this plant from growing too much and thickening.


Ivy grows very quickly, and its vines can reach up to 20 meters, so it is one of the most popular landscaping elements. Its characteristic and attractive features for gardeners are vitality and unpretentiousness, which not every climbing plant has.

It usually blooms from August to October. Ivy leaves can be greenish-white or dark green.

In the photo there is a wall covered with ivy: a fast-growing plant helps to quickly hide the shortcomings of the unpresentable appearance of the facade of the house or the lack of external decoration.

Many people have thought more than once about how to change a boring hedge. They repainted it in bright colors, drew pictures, even changed it for another one. But it’s not the same and it gets boring quickly. Fast-growing climbing plants for a fence will help solve this problem. They can not only decorate the perimeter of the site, but also disguise all unfavorable places.

But the usefulness of the hedge does not end there; growing quickly, it creates shade in summer heat. This method of decoration requires time and effort, but after a couple of years it will please the owner’s eye and cause envy among passers-by. You should start by choosing suitable plants.

How to plant plants correctly

Remember! Young shoots should be given special attention in the first year of their life. To prevent green pets from dying, they need to be watered regularly on hot days and protected from frost in winter. As the vegetation adapts to the new location, it will only need to be trimmed occasionally.

To plant a plant, you need to dig a hole with a diameter of 40–60 cm and fill it with soil mixed with fertilizer. It is recommended to plant climbing plants at intervals of one meter. This gap can be reduced to half a meter if you need to quickly get a thicker weave. Plants are planted a few centimeters deeper than in the nursery. After all the manipulations, the seedlings need to be watered and the soil loosened.

What types of plants are there?

There is a huge variety of climbing vegetation. The following types are distinguished:

  • perennial and annual;
  • flowering and deciduous;
  • evergreen and shedding leaves;
  • with and without spikes;
  • light-loving, shade-loving and universal.

Climbing plants are also called vines. They grow quite quickly. After just 1–2 years, they are able to weave around the entire fence and limit access to it. Before you start planting such friends, you should put the fence in order.

Wooden structures should be painted, this will protect them from rotting, metal should be coated with an anti-corrosion agent, stone or concrete structures should be plastered. Such events will make it possible to preserve the hedge for long years. Photos and characteristics of popular climbing fast-growing plants for decorating a fence will be presented to you in this article.

Blooming perennial vines

Climbing (climbing) rose

Unpretentious, but loves the sun. It blooms fragrantly in May-June for a month. Some of its varieties can delight with color all summer long.

climbing rose

Optimal time for planting - early autumn. The bushes are planted in fertilized soil in the sun. It is necessary to water frequently. It is worth fertilizing and feeding the soil periodically. As they grow, the shoots must be tied to the fence.

Know! If some shoots are sent horizontally, the flowers will be distributed evenly throughout the plant.

The rose is afraid of cold and ice, so the lashes are covered for the winter. It is best to remove them from the fence before spring and wrap them well. All dry shoots need to be pruned in the spring. It is recommended to thin out bushes no more than once every three years. A wooden fence is an ideal support for a rose.

There are many varieties climbing rose with large and small buds various colors and shades. Everyone can choose for their fence what suits their taste.


Campsis or "pipe flower" is a woody vine that can reach a length of 16 meters. As it grows, its stems twist around the support in a spiral and over time become like intricate tree trunks from a fairy-tale forest. Young plant are rich in bright, rich green foliage and gramophone-shaped flowers in red or orange and are pleasing to the eye all summer.

Campsis can be rooted and large-flowered. Tubeflower can grow anywhere, but for good flowering it needs loose, fertile soil and plenty of sunlight.

It is recommended to plant Kampsis seedlings after frosts (in April) so that they do not interfere with each other. A seedling is placed in a pre-prepared hole with fertilized soil and the roots are straightened. They bury it, tamp it a little and sprinkle peat on top.

Caring for trumpet flower is quite simple. He needs regular moderate watering, periodic feeding if the soil is not fertile and regular annual pruning.

Attention! To achieve abundant flowering, it is necessary to prune the plant annually. It is necessary to remove old branches to ensure the development of new young shoots.

Campsis doesn't like severe frosts. If the temperature drops below 15, then the vine must be sent for the winter. After pruning, the vine is removed from the support, laid on the ground and wrapped in dry leaves, pine needles or sawdust, and covered with film on top.


This shrubby vine belongs to the Ranunculaceae. Bushes are planted in autumn. This plant does not like abundant watering and dampness, fertilization with manure and peat. IN summer heat The ground near the horses should be sprinkled with humus. This prevents overheating.


A flower arrangement in the shape of a skirt, such as marigolds, will help protect clematis roots from the scorching sun. For the winter, the plant should be covered to prevent the roots from freezing.

Clematis covers the hedge with shoots with bright green or reddish leaves. Blooms from early summer until frost. Clematis flowers can be in the form of inflorescences and have different colors and shades. It depends on the variety and environment, in which they live. There are terry and simple varieties.

The liana is good both on its own and combines favorably in a composition with other vines. Resistant and richly flowering varieties are suitable for decorating hedges.

Interesting! To add volume, the lashes of the bush are placed on the ground and sprinkled. After some time, new shoots will begin to grow.


An unpretentious shrubby creeping or erect fruit-bearing plant. Frost-resistant, can withstand frosts down to 35 degrees, and frosts during the growing season do not interfere with it and flowers can set at a temperature of 5-7 degrees below zero.

Erect bushes reach a height of two meters, and creeping varieties - up to six meters, the branches actively branch. Flowering begins in May and fruits appear already in July-August. Edible - large elongated berries of blue color with a blue tint.

climbing honeysuckle

Ornamental species have round, much smaller berries that taste bitter. Inedible fruits can be scarlet, orange and, less commonly, purple. In most varieties, with slight shaking, the berries easily fall off.

Important! Edible species It is better to plant in the sun. This promotes active flowering. For a rich harvest, you need to plant one or more varieties nearby. This will ensure cross-pollination.

Plants are not susceptible to disease, but you should be wary of aphids and plant mites.
Honeysuckle does not require special attention. It is enough to carry out regular watering, more abundant during active growth, loosening the soil and removing weeds.

Decorative deciduous perennial vines for the fence


The most popular are virgin and Amur grapes. Leaves can be green, yellow or red depending on the amount of light. You need to plant in fertile soil on any side (south or north).

Maiden grapes

Maiden or wild grapes are completely unpretentious and resilient. It grows very intensively. In a couple of years he can completely weave the facade of a building, a fence or a gazebo. It is not afraid of frost and is suitable for almost any soil; it does not need regular fertilizing.

girl's grapes

Not susceptible to diseases and not afraid of pests. Does not require special support, just point the vines in in the right direction and it will fill the free space on its own.

Interesting fact! If the plant is planted in the sun, the foliage will be red or red-brown. In the shade it turns dark green, sometimes with bright yellow streaks.

Wild grapes will not create problems when planting. Having dug a hole, just sprinkle the bottom with humus and lay drainage, place the shoot there and dig it in. The main point when planting is to direct the seedling towards the object that it will entwine. To ensure that the vine covers the support evenly, it is recommended to direct its branches in a fan pattern.

Amur grapes

The deciduous vine can grow up to 20 meters in height. It has green, heart-shaped, wrinkled leaves that turn red-purple in the fall. Small fragrant flowers are collected in racemes. Besides decorative properties, will delight its owner with delicious fruits.

Amur grapes

This vine loves sun or partial shade. Grows well in fertile, well-drained soils. It grows actively and requires periodic pruning. Complex mineral fertilizer is well suited for feeding. Blooms in mid-June. Begins to bear fruit at the age of two to three years. The berries reach maturity in September.

Tree pliers round-leaved

A fast-growing vine that grows up to 20 meters. It weaves along any support and forms a huge crown (up to three meters in diameter). The foliage is bright green and turns sandy orange in autumn. It blooms in mid-summer with unremarkable white flowers tinged with green or pink.

After flowering, fruits are formed in the form of a rounded box. She is especially beautiful at this time. At the end of summer the boxes become yellow color and open up. Inside there are red seeds that remain on the branches even in winter and look good against the background of snow-covered branches.

round-leaved wood pliers

Wood pliers are not required special attention. They love light and tolerate shade well. When planting, it is not recommended to dig the root neck deeply. The soil must be mixed with humus. The top of the soil must be sprinkled with sawdust or peat.

Important! Wood pliers should not be placed near trees. The liana has crescent-shaped roots, with the help of which it grows and entwines the tree, which can cause its death.

Annual plants: photos, names, care

Annuals are chosen by people who are willing to take care of them every year. Their life period lasts from warm spring to frost. For the most part, they are quite capricious. Their distinctive feature is the presence long stems, which give almost no side shoots.

The most favorable conditions for annual loaches is hot weather. You can sow seeds in damp soil that has already warmed up a little. For density, the seeds are placed at a distance of 10–15 cm. The grown sprouts must be directed to a support and secured. Subsequently, they will crawl on their own. Let's get acquainted with the most common climbing annuals.

Sweet pea

A climbing plant can cover various objects with a light blanket. During flowering it spreads a delicate aroma. A rich range of colors allows you to create a flower arrangement for every taste.

Advantages of this representative of the flora:

Caring for the plant is simple. Seeds are planted in the spring, several at a time, in depressions every 15–20 cm. For a rich and long flowering peas need to be watered regularly, especially in hot and dry weather (if there is a lack of moisture, they lose color), freed from weeds and fed with organic fertilizers.

Advice! For early color, sweet peas are grown as seedlings. But it is important to remember that it does not tolerate transplantation well. Seedlings must be moved carefully without damaging the roots.

The plant has a fast growth rate and requires support. It consumes a lot to grow nutrients and goes deep into the ground. It is advisable to add fertile compost to the base of the stem and hill up. Every year the peas need to change their location. It can be returned to its original place in five years.

morning glory

Not capricious, practically does not require attention. It is recommended to plant seeds after warm weather sets in. It grows quickly and actively blooms with a variety of variegated flowers. It can braid any support in a few weeks.

Important! When planting, you should choose a place that is not the sunniest. When exposed to direct sunlight in the middle of the day, morning glory will close its flowers and only open them the next day. And in constant shade it will grow very slowly.

You can plant morning glory either with seeds in open ground or with seedlings, keeping a distance of 20 cm. In both cases, you immediately need to take care of the support - this is one of the important conditions for active growth.

Morning glory welcomes abundant watering and regular feeding. But you should not allow water to stagnate and overfeed the plant. Aphids and spider mites are the first enemies of the flower. For prevention, treatment should be carried out with an insecticide or soapy water.


Ideal for vertical gardening. During flowering, it resembles a waterfall of colorful bells. Kobeya grows quickly and can reach six meters. Flowers in the form of large bells different colors exude a pleasant aroma.

Kobeya is grown seedling method. It grows especially intensively when sunny weather. It needs active watering and weekly feeding with nitrogen, and before flowering with potassium and phosphorus.

Interesting! IN acidic soil the flowers acquire a rich red tint, and in the lime color - blue.

In decorative landscaping, creeping kobeya or “monastery bells” are used. It is actively grown to decorate hedges and garden gazebos.


Has red, purple or yellow, double or single flowers irregular shape. It is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and long flowering period. The stems and flowers of nasturtium have healing properties.


Nasturtium grows on different soils and covers any area. It grows quickly, reaching a length of three meters. This loach does not require constant care:

  • prefers space, sun and moderately fertile soil;
  • watering frequently, but not abundantly;
  • Feeding with potassium and phosphorus is carried out before flowering.

Remarkable! The foliage, rich in vitamin C, is used in cooking, the fruits are canned, and the seeds are used to season many dishes. Is medicinal plant and is actively used in medicine. Stimulates hair growth.

Decorative beans

decorative beans

A cute plant with small red-orange flowers. Often used as a background for flower arrangements. Does not tolerate frost. It is preferable to plant it in May. This vine grows up to four meters. It is unpretentious and grows well both in the shade and in the sun. The fruits of decorative beans are not edible. They look rough and large.

Plant seeds in well-warmed soil. Prefers rich, light soils and loves moisture. You can fertilize with organic mixtures, except manure. To retain moisture, the soil around the beans is sprinkled with straw or sawdust.

Loaches growing quickly in the shade

Ideal for decorating a fence located in the shade:

  • ivy;
  • hop;
  • girl's grapes

Garden ivy

Ivy or hedera is a perennial vine. It is unpretentious, grows quickly and shows off its leaves different colors and sizes. The foliage is green with reddish veining, yellow patterns or a white border. The umbel flowers are greenish-yellow. After flowering, berries are formed.

garden ivy

Two types of ivy are usually used to decorate hedges:

  1. Ordinary. Evergreen loach with glossy leaves various shapes. It grows quite slowly.
  2. Colchis. A fast-growing climbing plant that does not shed its leaves. It has large leaves of various shapes.

Ivy prefers shaded areas and always moist soil. For supporting decorative look Pruning should be done every fall.

You should know! Varieties with colored leaves need full sun. If there is no or little sunlight, the leaves will turn green.


A fast-growing and unpretentious annual. In autumn the plant dies, only large roots remain. The climbing stem has hooked thorns. Dark green leaves on long petioles and hop “cones” during flowering creatively decorate the support.

This shade-loving plant grows well in moist and fertile soil. Caring for hops is easy. It is enough to water, loosen the soil and free it from weeds. Fertilizers must be added the first time after planting.

Important! You need to keep an eye on the hop roots. Otherwise, this cunning fellow will fill the entire space around him and it will be almost impossible to remove him.

Plants for decorating a fence in Siberia

In the harsh climate of Siberia, it is also possible to grow fast-growing climbing plants for fences. The following representatives of the flora performed best:


  • clematis: Tangut and Siberian;
  • prince;
  • Kirkazon Manchurian or large-leaved;
  • Ecremocarpus.



Decorative foliage:

  • maiden grapes;
  • echinacestis;
  • white step;
  • Schisandra chinensis.

Photos and description of Siberian loaches

Prince Alpine

Prince of the Alps

The shoots of the prince are covered with small artistic ribbed leaves and reach a height of three meters. They wrap around the supports well and quickly, creating a floral and foliage decorative composition.

Princeweed flowers are bell-shaped and located on long stalks. White and blue-blue colors predominate, but there are also representatives of other colors.

There are several varieties of princeling:

  • Siberian;
  • Okhotsk;
  • large-petalled;
  • Alpine.

The prince prefers partial shade. It shows this with longer and more variegated flowering.


For Siberian gardening, Aristolochia Manchuria or large-leaved kirkazon are most suitable. Bright green shoots with light green round-heart-shaped leaves with a pointed tip curl counterclockwise around any hedge.


The flowers are yellow, brick-red, brownish, interspersed and plain, shaped like a curved tube with a wide flap. The fruits are cylindrical and filled with seeds. When ripe, it acquires a brownish-yellow color.

Interesting! Kirkazon is pollinated by flies. Flowers are a kind of trap. Once inside, the insect cannot get out due to downward-pointing hairs. After pollination, the hairs wither and release the captive.


Visloporpnik or Chilean vine. A rapidly growing perennial vine with a large number of bright tubular flowers collected in racemes. On the spectacular feathery leaves there are tendrils with which the Chilean vine clings to the support.


Flowers of orange, red and yellow shades decorate the green canvas like a garland. And after flowering, green fruits with seeds appear. Ekremokarpus looks gorgeous in Siberian gardens.


Actinidia tolerates Siberian frosts well. This is a liana-like shrub that loves sun and moisture. Not having aerial roots, it is harmless to buildings. The climbing stem bears leathery, finely cut leaves.


During the flowering period, the plant is covered with pale golden yellow or pink flowers. Afterwards, fluffy fruits are formed, which are very similar to kiwi.

Fact! Actinidia is a family plant. To obtain a harvest, the presence of female and male vines is necessary on the site.

The fruits are healthy, tasty and nutritious. Used raw, dried or canned.

Echinocystis (wild cucumber)

Visually similar to a cucumber, thanks to its light green foliage and curled tendrils. When flowering, it produces fluffy white inflorescences evenly throughout the plant. In autumn, the fruits ripen - round hedgehogs, inside of which there are seeds.


This annual plant characterized by rapid growth. Over the summer, it is able to completely braid a four-meter support. It reproduces by self-sowing: after falling off, the seeds overwinter safely in the soil.

White step

Called bryonia, "Adam's root", snake grass, paralytic turnip. Carved dark green leaves can decorate the most unsightly fence. The plant is perennial, male and female.

white step

They bloom in inflorescences of small, unsightly flowers. The "men" have flower brushes white, the “girls” have lemon-yellow corymbose tassels. Then they are covered with round red or black berries. Bryonia is poisonous, but at the same time an excellent healer. It can relieve pain, stop bleeding and heal wounds.

Schisandra chinensis

Liana with green fragrant foliage that smells like lemon. The perennial is used in Siberia for vertical gardening. It grows well in the shade, but requires sunlight for a rich harvest.

Schisandra chinensis

Fleshy leaves oval shape, pointed at the end. It blooms with inconspicuous fragrant white flowers. At the end of flowering they turn pinkish and fall off. Schisandra fruits are bitter-sour, with a lemon flavor, edible, and look similar to red currants. The presence of male and female individuals is required.
and are used in the pharmaceutical and food industries.

Something to remember! To avoid freezing of plants in Siberia, green friends should be covered during severe frosts.

Where to buy plant seeds for fencing?

When purchasing climbing plants for a fence, you need to consider the following factors:

  • site lighting;
  • soil composition;
  • possibility of watering;
  • climatic conditions;
  • size of plants;
  • growth rate;
  • combination with other types;
  • support material and structure.

You can get seeds and seedlings of your favorite green friends at the market - “from hand”, beg from neighbors or friends, in nurseries, specialized stores, or purchased in online stores.

The first two methods do not inspire confidence - there is no guarantee that what you need will grow from the seeds. When purchasing seeds in stores, you need to pay attention to the expiration dates, weight and number of seeds in the package.

The seedlings must be undamaged and healthy looking. You should also pay attention to the container where they grow - it should not be heavy. The root of the plant should be covered with soil.

Advice! For everything to work out, you need to be careful about your purchase, have good mood and believe in success!


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