School corner ideas for a small room. Schoolchild's corner: design, selection of colors and location in the interior of the children's room (93 photos)

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Every child dreams of his own personal corner where he can spend time doing homework or simply doing his favorite things. Such a place can be a schoolchild’s corner, which, if desired, can be equipped in almost any place, even small apartment. To do this, you only need a competent approach to space planning.

The choice of furniture for arranging a student’s space depends on the area of ​​the apartment, the number of rooms and children in the family.

Writing corner options

The main emphasis, as a rule, is on the desk with hanging shelves or desktop cabinets for placing textbooks and notebooks. Or you can show your imagination and make the most interesting options placement of furniture.

Modern designers have developed a number of modular designs that perform several functions simultaneously.

Such models represent a schoolchild’s corner with a bed, in which the study area is combined with a sleeping place, bookshelves, wardrobes for clothes and toys. There may be additional drawers for bed linen in the niche of the bed.

Furniture for a girl's children's room can be made in delicate pastel colors and have an interesting configuration: with elements of a princess’s castle or other fairy-tale characters.

Furniture set for a boy, designed in sea ​​shades, may resemble Pirates' ship with porthole doors and other “marine” details.

Furniture for a teenage schoolchild's nursery looks more serious and stylish. As the child grows, the interior also undergoes changes. It can be a laconic design in high-tech style or minimalism.

Functional corner table is placed by the window, and the bed can be replaced with a classic sofa. If there are two children in a family, then practical option will become bunk bed, saving space.

If the child does not have a separate room, the student’s corner with a closet is placed in common room. It may be small modular design with functional space.

Today there are many companies engaged in the manufacture of custom-made furniture. If you pick suitable option from those presented for sale is not possible, use the services of specialists. They will make furniture according to custom design taking into account the required dimensions and configuration.

If a schoolchild’s corner is an expensive purchase for the family budget, take advantage of the installment payment plan that many furniture stores provide. After all, it’s not always for a short time It is possible to accumulate the amount needed for the purchase.

Decorating a schoolchild's corner

Regardless of what kind of interior you want to implement in the children's room, it should contain the basic elements of the student's workplace, which help to carry out school assignments comfortably and fruitfully:

Desk or computer with wide work surface, allowing you to sit comfortably when performing written works. A table for a child is selected according to his height. It is best to buy a table together with the student, so that he sits down at the table and decides how suitable it is for him.

In addition, listening to the needs of the student when choosing furniture means making a purchase with which he will be happy, which will ensure the desire of the network for completing lessons.

A computer chair that ensures the formation of correct posture. The back of the chair should be adjustable in height, ensuring proper support of the back in the desired position.

Shelves or modules for storing books, notebooks, stationery and other educational supplies.

The child must be taught to have order in the workplace. It is clear that order in things cannot exist if there are no places for their storage and convenient location. Auxiliary furniture should be easy to use, so it is better to position it so that the student can reach everything he needs without getting up from his chair.

All furniture must be of high quality and practical, because it is purchased for a year. Drawers must be equipped with reliable fittings and slide out smoothly and easily. After all, any shortcomings are not in the best possible way affect the student's concentration when doing homework.

You can design the workplace together with your child; let him mark out everything according to his wishes. In case of location sleeping place in another room, a schoolchild’s corner without a bed is being set up.

If there is only one room in the living space, you can purchase a compact corner computer desk with add-ons in the form of various shelves and small boxes. Another option for a rational layout is to locate the study space under the loft bed.

In case of acute shortage free space a saving option would be a folding table located against the wall. Above it you just need to hang a couple of shelves for school supplies. Or you can use the space near the windowsill, which provides natural bright light, by placing a wide tabletop on it, suitable for two children.

Favorable shades in the design of a study space

An emotional atmosphere that is conducive to calm, focused work is very important for children. The right one will help you organize it color design premises. Green color has calming properties, and yellow activates mental activity.

Remember your school youth, where the predominant color in the classroom was always green. It gives positive energy and creates working atmosphere. It is worth remembering that too much green causes excessive relaxation, so do not overdo it with decoration.

Yellow color - great option, it has a tonic effect, which is necessary for a schoolchild who is at home. It is best to add yellow accents to furniture and school accessories.

Bright colors, a combination of blue with red or orange, on the contrary, lead to excitement and make it difficult to concentrate. Therefore, it is better not to use them in the design of the work area. In general, the interior should be restrained, creating favorable conditions for a working atmosphere.

When arranging a student's corner, add home comfort, making the design not only practical, but also comfortable. Introduce into the decor those elements that remind you of something pleasant and joyful, for example, memorable souvenirs from various trips and family photos within.

Selecting a location

The key aspect when choosing a location for a student’s corner is the presence of natural light. The window opening should be located to the left of the desktop - for right-handers, or to the right - for left-handers.

The main thing is that the light falls on the writing surface from the side. If there are several children in the family, and there is no possibility of creating a couple of corners, then it is best to place the table opposite the window so that there is enough lighting for everyone.

When it gets dark, along with ceiling lamps It is necessary to organize additional lighting of the workplace. A table lamp or lamp with a bright but soft light can be placed on the side of a table or placed on a wall.

It’s good if the artificial lighting source is equipped rotating design, allowing you to adjust its height and direction of light incidence.

It is advisable to separate workplace from the rest of the room so that the child is not distracted by foreign objects while doing homework.

Psychologists do not encourage complete separation of the work area, as this creates a closed space, negatively affecting the child’s psyche and suppressing performance. A rational option could be a screen that creates zoning of space.

As it became clear, the creation of a schoolchild’s corner - not an easy task, requiring a special approach. Still, from her the right decision The future of the student depends. In a rationally organized corner, the student will not only cope well with mastering school material, but will also be able to maintain their health and always be in a good mood.

Photo of a schoolchild's corner

To date school program is such that even the youngest students have to sit at home at the table, doing homework for several hours at a time. We are not able to change the education system, but we can help our child and equip him work area so that his classes at the table are convenient, comfortable and interesting.

Working area by the window in the nursery: photos of design options

Very often, parents are enthusiastically engaged in arranging a children's room, while resorting to the implementation of the most variety of options. These options are not always correct in relation to the baby’s health, for example, if the choice of a working area for the child falls on some dark place.

The work area by the window in the nursery, photos and videos of which you will see below, very often seduces parents. They are guided by the fact that natural light is much safer for vision.

No light bulb will provide such high-quality lighting as natural sunlight. At the same time, one must also take into account the fact that daylight It is useful not only for vision, but also has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole. And the disadvantage daylight Children feel it especially acutely.

The main advantages of natural light:

  • Has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • Ensures the production of vitamin D in the body;
  • Maintains visual acuity;
  • Activates the body's internal, natural clock;
  • Charges with positive energy.

The location of a child's desk near the window also has a number of disadvantages that will have to be overcome. For example, the presence of radiators near the window, possible drafts, and simply the bustle of street life outside the window will distract your child from completing homework.

A desk by the window in a nursery for two children

If not one, but two schoolchildren are growing up in your home, this task is somewhat more difficult. Firstly, the question is how to arrange two desks in one room so that they look harmonious. Secondly, if this is one table, then what size should it be so that the two children can do homework together without interfering with each other.

A desk by the window in a children's room can be placed even if there are two schoolchildren in the family. Following the rules, make it at least 1.2 meters long.

In order to set up a workplace for two children by the window, you will have to do necessary calculations and seek help from a furniture company that will help bring it to life the right idea. Do not forget that along with the table, the children will need places to store school supplies. Immediately think about the presence of drawers, shelves or bedside tables at the table.

Rules that are worth considering when creating a student work area near the window:

  1. IN sunny weather you will have to use curtains or blinds to regulate the light intensity;
  2. It is better to replace the usual window sill with a tabletop, which will become a continuation of the table and expand the work area;
  3. The battery should not interfere with moving the table to the windowsill; this nuance should be taken into account when making calculations;
  4. If the table is wide enough, it will be difficult to open the window to ventilate the room.

If your children are too active and temperamental, then it is still better to organize separate work areas for them. This will avoid conflicts and improve learning productivity.

When choosing a table, chair and other accessories, in addition to the quality of these products, you simply need to take into account the age, gender, character and preferences of your child. Don't overlook the influence either color range surrounding space on the child's psyche.

The children's desk is equipped taking into account the age of the student. A corner for preschoolers, as a rule, is a short-lived phenomenon. But the design of the school zone opposite requires a careful approach.

First of all, when choosing furniture, consider the gender of the teenager. The school area for a girl and a boy will be strikingly different from the very first school years. Over time, as the child grows rapidly, school furniture may need to be replaced, so choose it in the primary grades from the middle price category.

Tips for organizing a student’s work area:

  1. Green color awakens a child's interest in learning. Therefore, when decorating your work area, focus on soft shades of this particular color.
  2. Experts advise placing a desk in the north-eastern area of ​​the room. This is where the sector of wisdom and knowledge is located.
  3. While doing homework, the child’s face should not be against the wall. This will be the personification of a dull obstacle. It is better to place the table along the window.
  4. You can move away from the template rectangular tables and purchase a desk of original shape, design and color.
  5. A corner school table by the window is the most good option. This will help save space and rationally place shelves and everything next to the table. necessary supplies, including computer ones.

A design approach to the design of a school work area will help stimulate the desire to acquire new knowledge.

Convenient workplace for a schoolchild: photo of arranging a nursery

The task of parents is to competently and correctly arrange the student’s workspace. Worth your time Special attention quality and environmental friendliness of the selected furniture for children's office. This will help keep your child healthy.

The student’s workplace, whose photo you will see below, is designed taking into account certain rules. This approach to planning a nursery will help not to disturb the child’s posture and preserve the child’s vision.

When purchasing furniture for a child, give preference natural materials. Be careful not to let out unpleasant odors. If, nevertheless, you decide to buy a table made of plastic, it would not be superfluous to ask the seller for a certificate for this product to make sure that it is safe for children.

When choosing a desk for a schoolchild, pay attention to the correspondence of the height of the desk to the child’s height:

  • Up to 130 cm height of a child, table top height is 52 cm;
  • From 130 to 145 cm, a tabletop with a height of 58 cm will be correct;
  • If the child’s height is between 145-165 cm, the height of the table top should be 64 cm;
  • A height of 165-175 cm implies a table top height of 70 cm.

When buying a table for a younger child school age, during a period of intensive growth, the ability to adjust the height of the tabletop will be a big plus. The chair can be selected separately, but its height should also be able to change. When the child is sitting, his legs should be free on the floor.

Setting up a work area for a schoolchild near the window (video)

When a child becomes a schoolchild, childhood does not end. When designing the student’s work area and observing strict rules do not overdo it. Give him the opportunity to choose the design, the wallpaper of the work area, the mischievous design of the chair and small pleasant things for general work. All this will help the child painlessly get involved in routine school duties and make the learning process bright and exciting.


Just 50 years ago, parents did not even think about placing a schoolchild’s desk near a window. Folding desks were placed wherever there was space, but today a work area for a child can be organized even in a one-room apartment.

The location near the window performs several functions at once:

  1. Saves space in the room, especially if the table is corner or.
  2. The walls near the window can be used to place shelves rather than flowerpots.
  3. Protects baby's vision: Sunlight prevents vision problems.

Cabinets are rarely installed near the window - they block the light. The sleeping area also has no place near the window, if from the window is coming cold air. But this is a great area to place a desk (or even two).

We offer you a selection of photos that will help you choose and ergonomically place a desk for a schoolchild.

An unusual model that combines two learning spaces and a storage system. You can install a computer near the wall, and make the area near the window a learning area.

British style room with school table located near the window.

The function of a working area is performed by a wide window sill - this technique allows you to save both space and money.

A small desk with a simple design does not take up much space. The downside is the lack of a storage system.

A long corner model that can combine a study area, an area for working with a computer, and a storage system for textbooks and notebooks. On the window there is translucent tulle with tiebacks, which will not distract the child and interfere with learning.

Desk for two children

In our country, one room is often shared by two or even three children, each of whom needs. In this case, each child should have his own corner where he can store textbooks, do homework, or just draw. If children have shared drawers, conflicts cannot be avoided, but two separate lockers or.

When organizing such places ideal solution will be the placement of the schoolchildren's study area near the window. Modern furniture manufacturers offer a lot of solutions that allow you to install not only a table, but also cabinets for it. The area above the workspace is reserved for lamps and hanging shelves.

In this pencil-shaped room there are three workplaces at once: two near the window and one near the wall. Each of the children has their own corner.

Table shape

When choosing, first of all you need to rely on the shape of the room in which the child will live. There may be several solutions:

  1. A long table, the surface of which stretches along the entire window sill from wall to wall.
  2. Corner model suitable for non- large rooms irregular shape.
  3. An oval table is the prerogative of large rooms where there is no need to save space.

They help free up space in the room for a closet, bed or equipment. But if, then it is recommended to place a loft bed in the room, and a work area under it.

If you choose a two-tier design for a girl’s room, pay attention to the fact that they will help make the nursery’s interior bright and unusual.

In a child's room with a work area near the window, it is better to use short curtains. In the photo above - roller blinds"day Night". They can be adjusted according to the height and degree of illumination of the room.

And in this room there are Roman blinds - also an excellent option that will not interfere with the task.

A cabinet with storage drawers can serve as a chair. For the comfort of the child, it can be equipped with a seat cushion.


Furniture that is too bright, directly lit sun rays, reduces the ability to concentrate. Therefore, it is better for a child to purchase furniture in neutral shades:

  • peach;
  • cream;
  • light brown;
  • white;
  • tea rose shade;
  • mint;
  • models made of natural wood.

Let's sum it up

If you are choosing a table that you will install next to a window in the future, then pay attention to the following recommendations:

  1. Choose models that are height adjustable, which will save you from having to buy new table in 1-2 years.
  2. For a child under 10 years old, it is better to purchase two tables, one of which will be used for classes, and the second for working at the computer.
  3. If the surface has a slight slope, it will be much easier for the student to complete his homework.
  4. Choose multifunctional models. The learning process will be easier and more enjoyable if the necessary books and notebooks are always within reach of the child’s outstretched arm when he does his homework while sitting at the table.
  5. If your workplace is near a window, do not use long curtains. The best option for a child's room, depending on the style of the interior, there will be Roman, roller or Austrian curtains.
  6. Direction plays an important role. If the child is right-handed, the lighting should be on the left side, and if the child is left-handed, vice versa.
  7. Select the model of the chair together with the table so as not to provoke the development of scoliosis in the child. In addition, an uncomfortable or too low chair can cause blurred vision.

We hope that our tips will help you create beautiful interior children's room and successfully position the student's work area near the window.

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Psychologists strongly advise setting up a work area for the child, starting from preschool age. There is a reason for this: having your own table with a bedside table for writing instruments, shelves for books and toys teaches you order and psychologically prepares you to work in one place, be it drawing, modeling or reading. How to make a schoolchild’s corner with your own hands so that it is comfortable at any age? It is enough to know a few nuances.

Furniture for a schoolchild: what does the work area consist of?

The very phrase “schoolchildren’s corner” evokes strong associations. The imagination immediately draws a furniture set consisting of a table with a built-in cabinet, two pencil cases with shelves and a hanging open shelf. In general, the idea is correct. If you decide to make a schoolchild’s corner with your own hands, you will definitely need to provide:

  • A working area of ​​sufficient length and width. According to accepted ergonomic standards, the width of the table should be about 600mm (500-700 for a complex round shape) and a length of at least 1000mm (usually standard desks are offered with a length of 1200-1300mm across the tabletop). Corner tables are the most convenient and functional.
  • A place to store writing and other supplies. Pencils, pens, felt-tip pens, paints, rulers, various educational devices, albums and notebooks used to be most conveniently stored in drawers. But now the market offers many attractive organizers that will allow you to easily arrange all this on open shelves, in special containers, “cases” and boxes, and there is no longer such a need for drawers.
  • A place to store large-sized creative kits, crafts, toys and books. They cope well with this role hanging shelves, which can be either open or closed with facades. You can also include a low pencil case or cabinet in the furniture set for a schoolchild.

What material to choose for a schoolchild’s corner

Furniture for a schoolchild can be made from laminated chipboard, MDF and solid wood.

  • laminated chipboard(laminated chipboard) – the most a budget option. There is no need to be afraid of it; if the ends and laminated surfaces are properly processed, the material is absolutely safe for the nursery, if basic hygiene requirements are met in the room: the nursery must be ventilated, and air humidity is maintained at a level of no more than 50%. Accumulation of water and other liquids on the surface of furniture is not allowed!
  • MDF as a material it is most often used to decorate the front of furniture, countertops and open shelves. The body of the school corner (table base, frame of pencil cases and cabinets) will still be made of laminated chipboard. MDF is considered completely environmentally friendly material, since it does not contain resins. Due to the fact that MDF is denser than chipboard, the material shows better performance characteristics. It can be lined with plastic, film, veneer, painted with enamel, and can be milled. But it also costs more.
  • Array needs no "introduction". No parent will refuse to buy solid wood furniture for a child’s room. The only question is that even a do-it-yourself schoolchild’s corner made of high-quality, well-treated wood will not be cheap. What can we say about ready-made options, offered in workshops and furniture stores.

It’s up to you to decide what material to choose for the student’s corner. Well-made furniture with your own hands or purchased from finished form will last equally long if it is made efficiently and carefully. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s laminated chipboard or an array.

DIY school corner: table drawings

When choosing a work area or deciding to make a school corner with their own hands, parents often pay attention to expensive transformable furniture that can be adapted to the child’s growth. In fact, this is not so important: the problem of inconsistency is easily solved with the help of a good height adjustable child seat. To keep your legs from dangling, but resting on a hard surface when sitting at a high table, you can use a bench.

The best option is to implement the idea of ​​a “double table”, which can easily be converted into a corner table as needed. Or even “roll away” to the bed or the other end of the room. As practice shows, it is very convenient if two children live in one nursery, so they can each do their own thing and not interfere with each other.

This double table will help save space in a small nursery. In addition to the pencil case, it can be supplemented with combined shelves and a cabinet on wheels.

A do-it-yourself drawing of such a table for a schoolchild’s corner will look like this.

It is better to place not standard thrust bearings under the pillars of the upper table, but adjustable ones. The lower table of the student's corner rolls out and rotates due to the furniture's upright adjustable supports.

School time is approaching, schoolchildren are returning from summer camps and sanatoriums, parents prepare their children for school. Preparing for the new school year is not only about buying office supplies and school uniform, but also a workplace for study (school corner), if it is not yet ready.

The place for studying can be a regular desk, or maybe a corner specially assembled in the same style. The student’s corner must be chosen by the student himself, because it is for him that this place is being prepared.

What criteria should a schoolchild’s children’s corner have? Probably the furniture should be good quality so that if you buy it once, it will last for a long time.

Arriving at furniture store with your child, let him choose for himself. The child should check how comfortable it is for him to sit and whether he can reach books and textbooks without getting up. Any shortcomings can greatly interfere with homework. Drawers in the desk should be equipped with a comfortable handle and a pull-out system.

Photos of corners for a schoolchild with a bed

Furniture dimensions

The child's age must correspond to a certain table height. There is a table showing the correspondence between the height of the child and the height of the table and chair.


When purchasing a corner for a schoolchild, pay attention to the possibilities of lighting the desk. If it does not have built-in spotlights, immediately take care of a small table lamp or a sconce, since in the evening it will be difficult for a child to work with only a chandelier lighting the room. Lighting must be set properly. If the student is right-handed, then the light should fall from the left, and vice versa.

Corner design options

Exist different variants corner design. The simplest option is a chair, bookshelf or rack.

Since the choice these days is unlimited and you can buy whatever your heart desires, it may be better to buy a more complex version of the corner. It consists of a desk, chair, bookshelf or built-in bed, and may also include a separate wardrobe or small chest of drawers.

There are many options, so there is plenty to choose from. On furniture factory You can order your own version of such a corner for a schoolchild, which will be designed specifically for your child.

The actual workplace can be located not only in a corner, but also completely along the wall. Perhaps it will be more convenient for someone to place all the pieces of furniture in different places in the room, so the corner can be easily disassembled.

Options that include a bed or may also vary. For example, the bed may be a second tier, that is, located above the table, and you will need to climb onto it using a small ladder. Such a corner may have an unusual design solution. For example, to be in nautical style, where the deck is the bed and the hold is the workplace. This way, it will be more interesting for the child to do his homework - children have a wild imagination.

The usual option involves placing the bed on the side of the table. Can be built into the bed drawers or other things. All attention should be paid to the convenience of the table and shelves for books and notebooks, but otherwise - to the comfort of the bed. You can also place a night light above the bed so that your eyesight does not deteriorate when reading a book.

IN modern houses there are many various layouts apartments The apartment can have both small rooms and spacious halls. Most likely, the study space will not take up much space, therefore, a schoolchild’s corner with a bed can be placed in small room . Thus, there will be enough furniture in the nursery, and all that remains is to choose the color of the walls, which will not be difficult, because the main part of the composition will be occupied by a corner decorated in the same style.

Photo of furniture for a schoolchild's corner

The design of a study space can be completely different - it depends on the taste of the student himself. Maybe this place will become his favorite not only for studying, but also for creativity or the embodiment of his talents.

To decorate the corner, you can use small soft toys, various crafts from kindergarten, photo frames or indoor plants.

The student himself can decorate his place to study to his own taste, because he will need to maintain order in his workplace all year.

Most likely, you will have to install a computer in the children's room, in which case the desk can also combine a computer desk. It will be enough to buy separately a stand for the monitor, a retractable shelf for the keyboard and a small cart on wheels for the system unit. All these items will not take up much space, which means they will not interfere with the child’s homework. The main thing is that the student understands that “there is time for work, but there is an hour for fun.”

If parents cannot afford to spend a lot on a place to study right away, then you can buy furniture in installments - if a furniture store offers such a service. Most stores have such an addition, which, by the way, is quite profitable, because not everyone can accumulate enough money to buy furniture in a fairly short time.


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