Tools for attracting clients. Honesty rules - don't be afraid to share

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One piece of advice that business and marketing coaches often give to small and medium-sized business owners is that in order to attract new customers, you need to offer them something free, something they will find difficult to refuse. And initially this is really correct advice.

The free first step perfectly removes objections, can significantly increase conversion, and allows you to warm up a “cold” audience and instill trust in them. Especially successful examples They also create a viral effect. By the way, the first step may not be free, but simply very cheap, that is, risk-free for the client.

However, usually training comes down to the fact that the speaker offers several outstanding examples from the world and makes a call in the style of “And you can come up with something like that!” But no one knows how to think, where to look for examples, how to do something cool.

In this article, I will give 14 working methods for attracting new clients that you can implement the very next day after reading. Just try each example on your business and think about how this particular option can be implemented.

Let me clarify right away that these tips are relevant primarily for attracting clients to small businesses, and have nothing to do with information business, auto funnels and email newsletters.

Test drives and its types

It seemed that this was the most banal example, if we talk about simple and understandable goods - trying on clothes and test driving a car have long set one’s teeth on edge. But don’t rush to skip this point - below I’ll tell you how to implement it using the example of goods and services that are difficult to test.

Idea No. 1 – renting goods for testing

With everyday goods, everything is simple - offer a tasting in one form or another, depending on the purpose of the product. Cosmetics - apply, products - try, equipment - use.

But there are products whose effect will not be immediately clear. For example, the furniture may not fit the interior, the bicycle may turn out to be uncomfortable after some time - in this case, a test drive will be a longer rental.

Invite your customers to borrow the product to use for a while.

It might even make sense to make rent paid. As an alternative to buying, if the buyer is very doubtful and is close to giving up completely.

This idea came when I wanted to buy Vacation home. I have already started looking at the land and studying the proposals. And then I thought - what if it would be uncomfortable for me to live outside the city? And instead of buying, I decided to rent. As a result, after a few months I realized that the idea was not the best and moved to an apartment in the city.

Yes, in in this case renting didn’t lead me to buying, but there was definitely a chance.

Now I always try to rent an item before purchasing. Likewise, I decided not to buy a scooter, but decided to buy a cedar barrel for home. (Of course, the rental must be legal, with a deposit, or under supervision to eliminate the risk of damage).

Idea #2: Give the gift in just one step!

This option works great in cases where the service consists of a large number of steps. You can offer to do some of them for free, and not necessarily the first one.

When I was writing a book, an editor offered to edit one page for free. In the end, I decided to work with her, even though her services were 2 times more expensive than most other options. I came across a similar offer when I was ordered to advertise to an English-speaking audience, and I had to translate the contract - they gave me one page as a presentation.

Repairs often offer a surveyor to come out for free - but this is already hackneyed. The cleaning service can only clean the hallway for free, and offer a full cleaning after that. So why not offer to do a mini-renovation in one corner, just to show that hands are growing from that place? I have heard that some workers do this, but, unfortunately, I have not encountered this myself.

If you decide to use this method, keep one caveat in mind. There is no point in suggesting cutting half your head, drilling holes in the wall for your painting and offering other irreversible options. It is important that for the client this step is simply some kind of analogue of a test drive, which does not obligate anyone to anything.

If you have a service, break it down into all possible steps and think about which one you can offer for free.

Idea No. 3 – trial period

This option works great in cases where a person pays for the time of using the service - various online services, home Internet, IT services and other types of subscriber business. As you probably already guessed, the test drive here will be a trial period. Moreover, it can be expressed both in time (the first week is free) and in money (we give 1000 rubles for a deposit). Use, evaluate and decide whether you are willing to pay for it permanently.

If the product is really high-quality, saves money or time, and makes life much easier, it will be difficult to refuse it later.

I once switched from a car to a taxi (I got 3 free rides and realized that it was much more convenient for me). It’s not for nothing that aggregators such as Yandex.Taxi, Get.Taxi and Uber send generous promotional codes if you haven’t used their service for a long time.

Idea No. 4 – help us look into the future!

It is difficult to test a service that expects some kind of result after a while. How to test drive an interior design, for example, or a new hairstyle? What will the suit look like after sewing? It’s difficult to give someone a suit to try on that doesn’t exist, or offer to cut half their head.

Modern technologies allow us to look into the future. Photoshop, 3D modeling, 3D printing allow us to visualize something that will only be ready after some time. There are programs that can even predict what you will look like as you age.

Many editors are available online and there are a large number of applications. Some will have to be made to order. In most cases simple work A freelancer can also do this in Photoshop.

By the way, a portfolio is also one of the first known ways to look into the future.

Involvement in the process

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to test a product. Behavioral marketers say that the client must be involved, evoke emotions in him, and create a user experience that he does not yet have. Various interactives help this a lot. Factory tours, quests, games, competitions, flash mobs and festivals are what the world's leading brands, such as Nike or Red Bull, often use. However, the same thing can be applied to small businesses.

Idea No. 5 – games

Everyone loves to play, and if a game is offered for free and is intriguing, no one will refuse it. Through games you can create a user experience and convey some unobvious advantages. The main thing is that the game is associated with your final product.

So, I have a client - the owner of an elite perfume boutique in St. Petersburg. The boutique offers home fragrances that evoke a certain mood. (For example, there are aromas that “turn on” the working mood). She and I came up with interesting game for buyers. The fact is that different smells evoke different associations, and perfumers have studied them for a long time. The idea was for the presenter to blindfold the participant, give him a particular smell to try, and invite him to select one of the proposed objects (glass, wood, etc.) by touch. As a result, the presenter was able to “guess” in advance what exactly the client would choose. It looks like a card trick, but you must admit, it’s not at all so hackneyed, and most importantly, it perfectly conveys the properties of smells to influence mood. The game was tested at several events and received a lot of interest.

In a bookstore you can offer fortune telling by pages and lines in a book. Quests are gaining popularity and a virtual reality. For example, one St. Petersburg chain of fitness clubs conducts quests around the city once a year, distributes tasks in each club, and offers generous prizes to the winners.

Games perfectly sell the idea of ​​a purchase and remove skepticism, so they can be combined with a simple test drive.

I once visited a latex factory in Thailand. There they offered me to lie down on orthopedic mattress. At the moment when I lay down, the whole group for some reason laughed. It turned out that they secretly placed a handle under my back, but I didn’t even feel it - in this way the sellers both amused everyone and clearly demonstrated the orthopedic qualities of the mattress.

Idea No. 6 – the opportunity to win something

Most people are gambling. And, if games simply intrigue and involve, then betting is also a competitive effect, drive, adrenaline.

The quest from fitness clubs from the previous paragraph is a combination of the game itself with interesting tasks, and the excitement of competing with other participants for the main prize.

Eat most interesting examples making a bet between the seller and the client, when in case of loss the client agreed to the presentation of the product, and in case of winning he received a good discount for him. And it didn’t matter at all whether he won or not - the very fact of such a game, the excitement already created great confidence.

This also includes the lottery - give a person a chance to win by simply spinning the reel!

An important point - we are talking about free entry points. “Collect 5 caps and 100 stickers, and get a chance...” - also interesting, but a little from a different opera. I propose to give a person the opportunity to win something without the obligation to buy anything for it.

Idea No. 7 – participation in production

Some companies, as one of their services, offer... participation in the production of a product that you will later buy. Why not do it for free?

An excellent example is painting dishes. You choose a “naked” plate and decorate it to your taste - you will be given all the necessary tools for this. How can you not buy it after that? Consider how the customer can participate and contribute to the production process. As with the steps, break down the production and you'll likely find an interesting and safe step. As an option, you can even offer to work for one day as an employee if the position is interesting, but not particularly responsible. The main thing is that it is really intriguing, and does not look like a “do it yourself”. Therefore, it is more difficult to work with services - imagine a cleaning lady who playfully invites you to wipe a couple of shelves yourself.

Idea No. 8 – access to the “holy of holies”

Of course, it is more difficult to come up with such an interactive activity in strict topics, for example, in construction. (Although there you can also find tours of construction sites and facilities.)

In such cases, you can give access to places where no one is usually allowed. Every business has its own closed areas - offices, meetings, production processes, quality control. It would seem that there is nothing interesting in them, but the forbidden fruit is sweet, and curiosity takes over. Invite the client to your office, show how the business works and how decisions are made. If possible, have him attend the meeting.

If you have your own production, arrange a tour of it, it’s always interesting! A trip to the ice cream factory was one of the most vivid impressions of my childhood, and I still look for products from this factory on the shelves. And one of our clients, who produces advertising signs, was thus able to show potential customers their quality control. (By the way, for this purpose I strengthened it, so that there was also a side benefit).

If you have order everywhere, then this method will significantly increase the trust of your potential clients. Of course, this idea won't work in a restaurant with cockroaches running around in the kitchen.

If you don’t have a production facility or office that you wouldn’t be ashamed to show off, there is also alternative options. For example, access can be given virtually, and not just physically. One company that sold a smart home system installed cameras in its office and posted a live broadcast on its website. This allowed her to satisfy customers' curiosity and show the capabilities of her system.

By the way, except for premises, documents, events, and some individual processes (advertising shooting) may be closed.

So, one day I was talking with an entrepreneur, and just as part of an exchange of experience, I showed him some of my internal documents, incl. a very unusual charter of the company. After that, he turned to me for services, because... he liked my approach. Although, within the framework of that communication, I didn’t even think about selling to him.


This block is very interesting, because by training the client, we kill three birds with one stone. Firstly, we give him valuable knowledge, show him our approach, become authorities in his eyes, and create trust. Secondly, we “warm” the client and push him to the idea of ​​buying: in the learning process, “dormant” needs are revealed that he might not have been aware of before. Thirdly, we find out the person’s personal needs and give him a personal solution. This method works great in topics where an individual approach is important. It will also work well in new niches.

Idea No. 9 – audit

Often people don’t even suspect that everything is bad for them, because they don’t know how it can be good. Analysis of the situation brings to light problems that sometimes have been hanging around for more than one year. This idea comes from medicine, where the diagnosis is established based on the results of tests and diagnostics. In addition, it is very often used by advertising agencies - we will look at your advertisement, tell you what is wrong with it, and offer a good option.

Analysis of the person himself works very well. It is not for nothing that astrologers and fortune tellers flourish in the 21st century, because they fulfill one of the most desirable human needs - to hear about themselves. You can measure a person’s physical characteristics, psychotypes, find out his lifestyle and his goals, even analyze his handwriting and, based on the data, offer him a personal solution. So, I have a stylist friend who, before creating an image, analyzes a person in detail. Thanks to this between internal state And appearance complete harmony is created.

In addition, the setting or situation can be analyzed. A well-known survival trainer in Russia, Ed Khalilov, conducts a safety audit of a personal car or apartment; electricians study the correct wiring in the apartment and its fire safety; cockroach fighters are studying the likelihood of cockroaches appearing in the apartment.

Think about what tests will be interesting for the person and informative for you, and prescribe treatment!

Idea No. 10 – master class

Some goods and services are classified as “wants”, so their purchase is constantly postponed. Others seem too complicated to buyers or do not inspire confidence (for example, in China for a long time they did not want to switch from horses to cars). To encourage a person to buy such products, conduct a master class. On it you can show all the advantages of your product/service and move them to a higher position in a person’s priorities. In addition, during master classes there is a high probability of spontaneous purchases.

For example, at one time I started by selling hookahs and invited potential clients to training on their preparation in order to gather a client base.

Many restaurants offer cooking classes. I also heard about courses in finance that offered brokerage services, and in pet care that sold new foods. Think about what you can teach your potential clients and organize a master class for them. (Not necessarily on your own - you can find a performer for this).

Idea No. 11 – consultation

Many stores make the same mistake - they sell goods and do not focus on their services at all. When everyone has the same product, there is no point in talking about how wonderful this product is - in this case, people will read your description and buy it where it is cheaper.

Retail is, first of all, a service of convenient delivery of goods from the manufacturer to the buyer. “Delivery” includes not only the delivery itself, but also quality control, assistance in selection, training in use, and much more.

Let's dwell on the choice. It's no secret that too many choices make it difficult to make a decision. As a result, many simply refuse to purchase. But why not help a person with this? Consult him, ask your questions, answer his. This is where both audits and training come together. With the help of a consultation, you can show your competence, involve a person, and help him. Aerobatics is to dissuade him from buying. If you do it right, saying “you better not buy yet, try this solution,” then you will get a free sales representative who will tell everyone about you, and if necessary, will still make a purchase from you. After all, against the backdrop of everyone’s hype, it looks very beautiful, trust soars to the skies and borders on fanaticism.

The best traders on grocery market- those who dissuade you. Remember - if the seller quietly tells you “don’t take this meat, it’s yesterday’s meat, better look at this and that,” everyone else seems like a deceiver compared to him, and you no longer want to deal with them, even if their prices are much lower.

Look for the hidden needs of your audience, teach them something, and they will become your eternal customers.

Free goods or services

Idea No. 12 – product-locomotive

Many people know the strategy of a locomotive product, when in supermarkets a very high price is set for any popular product. low price. This price attracts customers, and they, of course, fill carts full of other goods that are already sold at the regular price.

But it's not often that someone makes a locomotive free. Although this makes sense in the case when it is very difficult to leave empty-handed.

For example, I have already talked about culinary master classes in restaurants. This helps build trust, but not only that. After the master class you will probably want to eat, and you don’t have to go far for that.

Some stores offer free tea in winter. You go into a store to warm up, drink a cup of hot tea, and your eyes wander around the product shelves.

In this case, something free is just a reason to come to you.

If you have a high conversion rate from store visitors to buyers (that is, the main thing is that the person just comes in), then the locomotive is an excellent solution.

Idea No. 13 – limited version (Freemium)

This option can often be found on various services on the Internet. For a large number of people, these services are free, but those who need advanced functionality will have to pay. In this case, a small number of clients finance the entire content of the service. You don’t have to go far – bulletin boards are a prime example of this.

But such examples are possible not only on the Internet. For example, free museums make money from tour guides and audio guides, and skating rinks make their profit by renting skates.

That is, in essence, the main goal is free, but related products are not.

Think about the purpose of your product and what related products it might have.

Idea No. 14 – making money on another audience

It happens that some people are willing to pay for the presence of others.

For example, in advertising. Gather a large number of people in one place for free, and earn money from sponsorship contracts. The main thing is to find an excuse for people - flash mobs, master classes, cinema, museums, sports competitions.

But the matter is not limited to sponsorship. Many contextual advertising agencies provide free services for setup, receiving a commission from Yandex (I do not support this method, because it often leads to a conflict of interest between the agency and the client, but the example is indicative).

In addition, in some cases you can make money on by-products and production waste. For example, you can clean the area for free in the fall, collecting fallen and rotten apples and processing them into fertilizer; or even just mow the lawn so you can sell hay or feed your animals. This principle is used by those who remove large waste and collect scrap metal, and also pay extra for it.

Think, maybe someone really wants to get rid of what you really need?

Ways to attract customers: determine the target audience

Accurate identification of the target audience is 50% of the success of a manager’s cold call. For a targeted hit to the right people and identify their needs, create a portrait of your target audience.

We are talking about two tools: ABCXYZ analysis and RFM analysis of the current database in order to clarify the portrait of the target audience.

ABCXYZ analysis

ABCXYZ analysis examines the current base using 2 sections: counterparty and product. For each of these entities, 2 criteria are applied: volume and frequency of purchases. As a result, 9 groups will be formed, 4 of which are target groups, 1 can be worked on in terms of improving the quality of the product or increasing loyalty, and the remaining 4 can be discarded as impractical from a business point of view.

RFM analysis

RFM analysis also examines regular and “disappeared” customers according to several criteria: recency – the duration of the transaction, frequency – the number of transactions, monetary – the amounts spent. In this way, the current base is segmented by loyalty.

The scientific approach presupposes a certain plan of action that will lead to the formation the whole program with ways to attract customers.

  • Studying the current database using ABC XYZ or RFM analysis
  • Description of the portrait of the target audience
  • Segmentation of target buyers/customers according to an assortment matrix within a multidimensional system that will reflect: their income (B2C) or field of activity (B2B), factors influencing choice, age (for B2C) or business size (B2B), geography, price range etc.

If such “precise” tools are not yet available to you, then simply act logically, using a practical method. The second method is based on the following principle: take all the company’s clients and discard the “bad” ones. That is, those contractors who speak negatively about the company, place orders rarely and for small amounts, pay late, etc. It is more expensive to interact with them - working with them does not bring either increased profits or pleasure.

Ways to attract customers: analyzing the nature of demand

Ways to attract customers: looking for common ground

Ways to attract customers: intrigue with interesting content

Ways to attract customers: use Instagram

One of the best ways to attract clients is Lately became Instagram. This social network allows you to collect leads from a wide variety of target segments. Therefore, it will certainly be suitable for your business. Well-known internet marketer Maria Solodar gave some advice on maintaining an Instagram account.

1. Don’t chase too many subscribers. You don't need everything. The main thing is the quality of leads, which is determined by interest in the product and solvency.

2. When starting to post professionally oriented posts, consider the need to personalize your account. One way or another, if you, of course, want to achieve outstanding results, you will have to “highlight” your personality. People are more likely to trust a specific person than a faceless company. Trust is the basis of loyalty, which leads to sales.

3. Be sure to take advantage of collaborations. We are talking about promotion in other accounts. Sometimes you have to pay for it, but the result is worth it.

Ways to attract customers: analyzing the sales funnel

The idea that to grow a company’s revenue it is enough to simply increase the number of cold calls made per day is not entirely true. After making a cold call, the sales department employee still has to present the product, draw up a commercial offer, contract, etc. The deal can fail at any stage, so to increase traffic it is important to analyze the intermediate actions of managers and adjust them at each stage.

Ways to attract customers: managing the marketing funnel

In order to ensure that after applying the above methods of attracting new client has become permanent in the company, after completing the transaction it is important to take several more actions:

  • Organize upsells;
  • Place for service;
  • Build customer loyalty.

Remember that after making a payment, the interaction with the client does not end.

  • Convince to change the work schedule so that the store opens an hour earlier - at 8 am, not at 9;
  • Communicate who the true buyers are.
  • The first, ultimately, allowed us to increase revenue. But this would not have happened if the second and third had not happened. Taking into account the fact that at 8 am only one prepared food department was opened, and not the entire store, it was possible to optimize costs and achieve profitability.

    In addition, at first there were difficulties with the solvency of the new traffic. Parents simply did not give their children money, fearing that it would be spent on unhealthy foods. The cash problem was solved radically. The store invited parents to purchase coupons, which the children then exchanged for healthy breakfasts.

    The goal of any company is to obtain consistently high income, which is simply not possible without customers. Therefore you need to use everything available methods and tools to achieve the goal. Next, we’ll take a closer look at the main ways to attract customers.

    Navigator by methods

    1. Website creation

    Today in a world of constant development modern technologies Every company must have its own website. Clients need to communicate in any way in a convenient way, including via the Internet. Therefore, we make sure to create a website and fill it with useful information.

    2. Contextual advertising

    After creating a website, you need to actively promote it on the Internet. Contextual advertising, which is characterized by: high level efficiency. You need to correctly set key queries and formulate the advertising itself, which will give the first positive results within a few hours after implementation.

    In this game you will be able to try out hundreds of models of tanks and aircraft, and once inside the detailed cockpit, you will be able to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of battles as much as possible.Try it now ->

    3. Teaser advertising

    Another great tool to attract more potential clients. Teaser advertising pops up on Internet pages and forces users to pay attention to themselves. Such advertising can be ordered on various popular sites to attract attention to your company.

    4. Banners on portals

    In order to immediately reach the target audience, it is recommended to place advertising banners on various portals. At the same time, you need to be responsible when choosing a site. It is best to choose portals that are visited by the desired category of potential clients.

    5. CPA

    This method involves payment for certain user actions. So, if a potential client visited the site and left a request, then it’s worth paying him for it. Clients need to be motivated to certain actions by monetary method.

    These are 5 ways to attract clients that everyone should know to achieve their goal.

    6. Group on social networks

    Today almost everyone modern man has its own page on a social network. Therefore, it is worth using such an accessible and popular method to attract the attention of potential customers. You just need to create a group on a social network and fill it with useful and interesting information for a certain category of users.

    7. Advertising on social networks

    8. Web developers

    As you know, any website needs to be constantly promoted, updated and promoted on the Internet. This is what professionals do. You just need to contact a specialized company that will promote website pages.

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    9. Banner on the company website

    The site needs to be made attractive to every potential client. Therefore, it is recommended to fill it with bright and attractive banners. For example, these could be discounts or profitable offer. Every user should want to click on the banner.

    10. Formal subscription

    The site should offer each user a free subscription to courses, conferences or seminars. It could also be a subscription to company news, promotions and discounts.

    11. Capture page

    You can create a page that will help customers make purchases or conclude transactions. This could be free consultations or instructions. It is necessary to talk about the advantages and favorable conditions of cooperation with the company.

    12. YouTube channel

    Today YouTube is becoming increasingly popular on the Internet. Therefore, it is recommended to create your own channel and fill it with thematic videos. These could be videos telling about the benefits of the company's products or services.

    13. Advertising on YouTube

    14. Product locomotive

    To attract customers you need to do various promotions. So it is recommended to choose a popular product of the company and make a promotion on it, for example, with a time limit. All this can be beautifully presented on the website in the form of a bright banner on the first page.

    15. Flyers

    16. Hold a lottery

    In order to find out more about your potential buyers, it is recommended to organize and conduct a lottery. In order to take part in it, clients need to fill out special questionnaires. This will allow the company to create a database with useful information about its customers. In the future, this will help to properly organize advertising campaigns.

    17. Gift to a friend

    This way you can give pleasant gifts to your clients. If a client has made an expensive purchase, you can give him a certificate with a discount for a friend or give him another pleasant surprise.

    18. Affiliate programs

    It is recommended to look for partners in different areas business. You need to cooperate with other companies, the main thing is that they are not your competitors. Affiliate programs will allow you to exchange regular customers, and, consequently, increase the company’s profit level.

    19. Mailing list

    Clients do not really like this method of influence. They are wary of letters from unknown companies. However, it is worth using mailing as additional tool influence. At the same time, the title of the letter should immediately interest each client, without even opening it.

    20. Couponer

    This method requires a lot of patience from company owners. It takes a long time to get a positive result. The essence of this method is to sell goods at a lower price. Ultimately, it automatically increases the number of buyers, which allows you to fully cover all costs.

    Every company should know effective ways to attract customers in order to increase profits.

    21. Goods on credit

    In order to attract all categories of potential clients, you need to offer loans and installment plans on the most favorable terms of cooperation. This method will allow you to attract even those clients who do not have enough money.

    22. Information product

    It is recommended to provide each client with the maximum full information about products or services. Clients need to be guaranteed high-quality and prompt completion of all assigned tasks. If customers have confidence in a company's openness and honesty, they will want to continue doing business with it in the future.

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    23. Calling old clients

    Every company must have a database of all clients. As soon as new offers, promotions or discounts appear, each client must be informed about this. It is also worth congratulating clients on their birthday and other holidays.

    24. Live Seminar

    You can organize a thematic conference or live seminar. In this case, you need to invite the target audience and offer them your products. To conduct seminars, you can invite professionals who can and know how to advantageously present a product to potential customers.

    25. Online seminar

    In this case, seminars can be conducted via the Internet. This is an economical option because you don’t need to rent a room. In addition, clients also do not need to travel anywhere when they can communicate with company representatives in a convenient environment.

    26. Sales

    There is practically no buyer who does not like sales. It's a good idea to prepare your customers in advance so they know exactly when the big sale will take place and let their family and friends know important information.

    It is imperative to maintain contact with each client. So you need to ask them to recommend several friends who would be interested in the company’s products or services. This method allows you to reduce the time and costs of attracting new customers.

    28. Dealership

    It is recommended to expand the scope of your activities and develop business in other regions. At the same time, it is not necessary to open offices in other cities. You just need to look for partners who will help attract new clients.

    29. Cold calling

    Another effective tool attracting clients. However, only professionals who know how to talk to clients should take on this task. Ultimately, cold calling should set up meetings with potential clients. This is their main task.

    30. Lottery at someone else's exhibition

    Needs to be fixed business relationship with other companies that work specifically with your category of clients. At various exhibitions you can organize your own promotions and lotteries, demonstrating all the advantages of products or services. You need to use every available opportunity to attract the attention of your target audience.

    31. Participation in the exhibition

    32. Open a representative office

    You need to try to expand your business to cover other regions where potential buyers live. To do this, it is recommended to open representative offices so that everyone can independently learn more about the company’s products.

    33. Content by database

    As mentioned above, every company must have a customer database. At the same time, you need to constantly maintain contact with them via mailing lists. It is recommended to send interesting video, articles and other useful information that will inform you about new products, promotions and discounts.

    34. Launch BuzzBox

    You can use the BuzzBox service. You just need to post interesting information in the form of advice or news, and within a few days there will be no end to customers. At the same time, it is recommended to entrust the formation of news to a professional who has experience in this field.

    35. Billboards

    Billboards can be considered effective outdoor advertising. It's wonderful and inexpensive option attracting new clients. People are constantly in a hurry to get somewhere, stand in queues or in traffic jams and pay attention to the various advertisements that come their way.

    36. Signposts

    Another great type of outdoor advertising. Among the advantages are small overall dimensions and mobility. The sign can be installed anywhere, for example, near the entrance to a store or office. It will attract the attention of passersby.

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    37. Magazine article

    In this case, you need to choose a thematic magazine that is popular among the desired category of clients. Next, we post useful information in the form of an article or an advertising banner.

    38. Ad block

    Any periodical publication allows companies to place advertisements on their pages. Therefore, again we choose only a thematic publication and buy space to place our advertising.

    39. TV advertising

    40. Ticker

    TO budget option can be attributed to the creeping line. In this case, it is worth choosing a program or film that is popular among potential clients.

    There are more than 100 ways to attract clients, but it is enough to know only the most basic and effective ones.

    41. Radio advertising

    42. Radio appearance

    In addition to advertising, you can also agree to appear in the news or a thematic program as an expert. Quite a good way to talk about all the advantages of the product and the possibilities of cooperation with the company.

    43. Creating a book

    You can write a book specifically for clients on your own or with the help of professionals. The book can tell you how it all began, how the company was founded, about its founders and, of course, about its products. The book can be given as a gift to regular customers and partners.

    44. Electronic bulletin board

    It is worth highlighting the excellent indexing of bulletin boards, so it is worth using them to present your products to potential buyers. This method is used by most leading companies to attract customers.

    45. Advertising in shopping centers

    Most shopping centers offer their storefronts for advertising. This also includes minibuses and other vehicles. Therefore, you need to look for all available areas to place your advertising.

    46. ​​Speech at the conference

    You need to keep an eye on companies that hold various conferences. It is recommended to participate in all possible events as a guest. This is a great opportunity to communicate with your target audience and talk about your products.

    47. Scripts for managers

    It is imperative to create a separate script for each line of customer behavior in a particular case. It is necessary to work out all possible cases of customer behavior. It is also recommended to divide sales into several stages and consider all possible scenarios for the development of events.

    48. Test versions of the product

    This way you can offer your partner test products for sale. For example, in flower shop You can also place souvenirs or soft toys. We need to look for new sales channels and establish business connections.

    49. Employee motivation system

    The level of profit of the company will directly depend on the employees. If people want to work, they will allow the company to grow its business faster and more efficiently. Therefore, it is necessary to encourage employees to work. Of course, the best method of motivation is monetary. These could be awards, competitions for a cash prize.

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    From this article you will learn:

    • What are the different directions in attracting clients?
    • What are the common ways to attract clients?
    • What to do to attract clients during a crisis
    • Which unusual ways attracting clients can be put into practice
    • What mistakes are often made when attracting clients?

    Customers are the key to the success of every business. The speed of business development and profit increase depends on how interested people are in your product or service. Therefore, experts have already for a long time search and invent various ways attracting clients. Some of them, more traditional, are familiar to most businessmen, while others are just beginning to come into practice. In this article, we tried to cover all possible ways to attract new customers and describe their features.

    Ways to attract clients: and three main directions

    Attracting customers can be done in a number of ways, which are usually divided into three groups. The first group is active techniques based on the purposeful activities of the company; the second is passive, the meaning of which is to create the prerequisites for a client to come to the company; the third is combined, combining the features of the previous ones.

    Actively attracting clients

    Such methods of attracting customers to a company are based on the work of employees who carry out active advertising activities.

    To do this, they collect databases of people who, based on one criterion or another, are identified as potential clients. In person or by telephone, these people are provided with information about the company, various services are offered, etc.

    For employees to attract customers successfully, they must be proficient in the art of communication, as well as have a comprehensive understanding of their company. To improve work efficiency, employees are often sent to courses, given various exams and rewards.

    Active methods of attracting customers are used everywhere by firms of various profiles. This type of advertising has proven itself to bring a certain result. However, new methods of attraction are emerging, the effect of which is sometimes much greater, for example, Internet marketing.

    Passive customer acquisition

    This group includes methods of attracting potential customers in which salespeople do not play a leading role. This includes almost all types of advertising, including on the Internet.

    Advertising on the Internet includes several methods - contextual advertising, promotion in search engines, in social networks etc. And with the correct introduction of such advertising methods into a company’s practice, the results are sometimes simply stunning.

    It is difficult to imagine a business actively developing without the use of any advertising means. However, in Russia such cases do occur.

    We can only say unequivocally that it is quite possible to attract people’s attention without using the labor of salespeople. It is much more rational to promote a number of goods and services in other ways. And for online stores, for example, it is generally difficult to find adequate ways to actively attract customers.

    Combined customer acquisition

    Practice shows that it is best to combine active and passive methods of attracting new customers. And even if active methods work quite productively, creating a website will never harm the company’s image.

    Although, of course, you need to approach the creation of a website wisely. The site will not work like a business card, which by its very existence informs the person in whose hands it is handed over the direction of activity and the telephone number of the company. If a website is made poorly and without taking into account the specifics of online advertising, its traffic will be minimal, and its effectiveness in attracting customers will be simply zero. Users of the Global Network are accustomed to high-quality content and professional design of the websites of large and successful companies. Therefore, in order for the method of attracting customers through the site to work, you will have to meet high requirements.

    It is clear that the same methods for different uses will give different effects. A professional and competent seller will always attract more customers, as will a beautiful, high-quality website. We can say that every method of attracting customers can disappoint you, but it can also please you.

    The most effective ways to attract clients

    1. Advertising. Here we talk about the most common methods of attracting buyers. Traditionally, companies place their advertisements in the media. Advertising on TV channels and radio continues to show greater effectiveness, especially if it is created professionally. Advertising in newspapers and printed products demonstrates a much smaller effect. The audience's interest in messages of this kind is minimal. Advertisements in newspapers are ignored, and leaflets are most often thrown into the trash. New – and undoubtedly effective – channels for advertising distribution include the Internet. Along with television and radio advertising, this promotion channel is becoming one of the main ones in the 21st century.
    2. Billboards. Methods of attracting customers through outdoor advertising can work very productively if you choose their location and semantic content correctly. First of all, the billboard should indicate the direction to the store, as if reminding of its existence. You can find out in which shopping center and on what floor it is located. If we talk about information on a billboard, most often these are images of popular products, as well as discounts and promotions. In a word, you should prefer the information that most affects the interests of the potential buyer.
    3. Providing a discount on a product. One of the sure-fire ways to attract attention. The “bait” in this case is a reduction in the cost of the product, thanks to which the buyer can save a lot. Since most buyers pay attention to the price of a product, discounts always increase the number of purchases. A symbolic price reduction is also used (price tags with the numbers 99, 999, which create the impression of a profitable purchase).
    4. Organization of promotions at a retail outlet. Many stores use ways to attract potential customers through promotions. This could be a global reduction in prices for a certain group of goods, promotions such as “buy an item and get the second one for free”, gifts for a certain purchase amount, etc. Promotions are aimed at attracting a flow of visitors to the store, since they provide them with a real benefit in the form of an additional purchase . Sometimes the desire to get something for free is so strong that people buy goods that they have not used before.
    5. Flyer distribution. This method helps spread the word about a promotion and encourage more potential customers to participate. For this purpose, colorful leaflets are created that tell about the conditions for receiving gifts or bonuses during the promotion period. To distribute flyers, companies use the services of promoters who hand them out to passersby. Promoters can say special text or dress up in costumes that match the theme of the promotion.
    6. Demonstration of your product and its advantages. This method of attracting new customers is based on personal acquaintance of potential buyers with the advantages of the product. The expression “it’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times” works here. If, by publicly demonstrating the qualities of an item, people are convinced of its usefulness, they will be more inclined to purchase it in the future.
    7. Planned price reduction. This is one of standard types promotions to attract attention, which companies arrange to remind themselves from time to time.
    8. Carrying out all kinds of exhibitions or presentations. This method is especially relevant for those companies whose clients are various companies. By inviting representatives of companies with whom you would like to establish relationships, you can demonstrate to them your product from its advantageous side and lay the foundation for cooperation.
    9. Distribution of various commercial offers can also be called a common practice of companies in the b2b field. A well-written text of a commercial proposal should clearly and concisely present information about the conditions and benefits of possible cooperation.
    10. Creating your own client base, taking into account various characteristics clients. Thanks to this, you can determine the audience of a certain promotion or offer and get the maximum effect from the information disseminated through calls and mailings.
    11. Cold calls. There are ways to attract customers to a company based on direct interaction. In this case, a company employee makes calls to a certain database of potential buyers according to a “script” (scenario). The “script” must contain information about the conditions and terms of a particular offer. The purpose of the calls is to awaken a person’s desire to take part in the action.
    12. Social media. For companies, ways to attract customers online are of particular interest. Social networks provide a huge base of potential clients who are ready to perceive information in various forms. Depending on the characteristics of the advertising audience, you may prefer the social networks VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Instagram or others. Here it is quite possible to identify the most promising recipients of an advertising message and create some interesting mailing list or distribute an advertising product.
    13. Cooperation with other companies. Joining forces with another company can help increase the effectiveness of your customer acquisition efforts. In order for cooperation to be profitable, you need to choose the right partner. To use this method, identify related industries whose potential customer audiences are similar to yours. Among the companies you know that belong to these industries, it is worth selecting those that do not provide the same services. Also pay attention to the scale of the business: for cooperation to be successful, companies must belong to approximately the same “weight category.” The last step will be a test of the company's reputation. Only proven market players should offer an alliance. Then you can count on effectively attracting customers.
    14. Dealership. Ways to attract new customers can be based on entering new markets. Even if you do not intend to open your own store, selling goods in other regions through an intermediary can bring benefits.
    15. Open representation. This method of attracting customers also involves using markets in other cities and even countries. Moreover, sales must be direct: delivery, even very fast, never gives the same profit as a store. The advantages of opening new trading platforms are especially important in the field of wholesale trade. You can start small - one store where the most popular goods will be available. It is important not to make a mistake in choosing the market. Conduct an analysis of rental costs in nearby communities and check the labor market. This will help you with minimal investment start spreading your business.
    16. Information product. The most effective ways attracting customers is associated with the correct information, which is presented to customers in a certain way. Your task is to convince people of your reliability and the quality of your product. The level of trust of the people receiving your information should increase. Information can be conveyed at various seminars and meetings.
    17. Creating a book. There are methods based on creating an image of an expert. To do this, you can participate in various professional events, organize meetings with the media and, of course, write books. The very fact of publishing a book about business on your behalf seriously increases the level of authority, which is one of the factors in attracting clients.
    18. Creating your own website is a mandatory step advertising campaign in the Internet. It only makes sense to create a high-quality website, and if there are not enough resources for this, this method could work on social media. Nowadays, even the most serious company can find its audience on one of the social networks and attract customers there.
    19. SEO promotion– one of the main ways to promote on the Internet. Along with contextual advertising, it shows great effectiveness. Of course, this method requires investment, because the competition is quite high, and you will have to compete with other sites for first places on search engine pages. However, if this work is completed, customer acquisition will continue automatically.
    20. Distribution of discount cards, implying the possibility of savings on subsequent purchases. This can be either a fixed discount or a bonus system. Such methods of attracting customers, based on promised benefits, work almost flawlessly. Nowadays, cards from various stores have firmly taken their place in customers’ wallets. People are happy to go to a certain store, knowing that with each purchase they reduce the cost of the next one.
    21. Pamper your regular customers. This is especially true for restaurant, salon and similar types of business. If a person consciously chose your establishment, use various ways to emphasize your friendly attitude towards him. People love attention, and this can affect customer acquisition.
    22. Formation of a unique selling proposition (USP). This method of attraction is designed to answer clients’ questions about why they should choose you among the variety of related companies. The USP should clearly and reasonably describe your advantages over others. To create a USP, take a look at your business from the outside to understand exactly what qualities can “hook” customers into it. Select the most significant and striking advantages that could become the basis for attracting customers through your USP.
    23. Make a positive impression on the client. Many ways to attract customers to a company are based on creating certain emotions in potential buyers. Everything can play a role in creating a positive image - from the design of a store sign to the way the product is displayed. Of course, it is worth paying attention to the politeness and competence of the staff. A store visitor should be pleasant to be there, easy to navigate among the goods, and if something happens, quickly receive qualified help from an employee.
    24. "Scripts" for managers. This method of attracting customers can work well if you put in a lot of effort. It’s rare that you can come up with the perfect “script” the first time, in which every conversation would end in a purchase. We will have to develop several versions of the “script” for different options development of the conversation, and subsequently monitor their effectiveness. It would be a good idea to analyze how each employee communicates with clients and point out obvious mistakes. It is worth paying attention to the qualifications of each “sales person”, since this method of attracting buyers rests precisely on their ability to speak.
    25. Employee motivation system. Interestingly, there are ways to attract customers through employees. We start from the fact that employee motivation directly affects the results of their work. If, for example, the salary of a “sales person” depends on the number of sales or the average check, he will try to maximize these indicators. There are also non-material ways of motivation, for example through competition. Here we play on the employee’s desire to stand out from others and demonstrate his professionalism. Try to influence the atmosphere in the team as a whole, creating a desire to work for the benefit of a common goal.
    26. Limit the validity period of your offer. When you use promotions and offers to attract customers, they should always have a limited duration. Without time limits, no promotion will bring big profits, because a person will have the opportunity to postpone the acquisition until later.
    27. Distribution of test versions of the product. Another way to attract customers is through partners. If you can’t establish cooperation right away, offer to organize trial sales. Sell ​​a small batch of goods to test the level of demand of potential buyers. The main thing is to create favorable conditions for the partner so that he does not worry about possible failure.
    28. An offer in addition to the purchased product of any accessory. Gifts, especially those that match the purchase, are one of the best ways to attract buyers. It should be small, but useful thing– for example, a case, stand or other accompanying element of the product.
    29. Recommendations. There are also ways to attract new customers through existing ones. The company's image is always beneficial positive reviews, which can be posted on special websites, in your group on a social network, or simply transmitted orally. The experience of those who have already used a product or service is one of the most compelling arguments for people. Your job is to provide quality service so that consumers have a story to tell, and always ask them to do so.
    30. Providing a guarantee. Buyers always have great confidence in a company that is ready to be responsible for the quality of its product and compensate for defects in one way or another (money back, exchange, etc.)
    31. contextual advertising, due to its wide audience coverage, is considered one of the most effective ways to attract customers. Its advantage over other methods of advertising on the Internet is that it starts working immediately after launch. You can be engaged in SEO promotion of a website for a long time, or you can simply launch contextual advertising, and it will be seen by people who enter a query relevant to the topic into a search engine. This method of attracting customers is one of the most optimal in terms of price and quality ratio.
    32. Teaser advertising. The advantage of this method of attraction is the preliminary selection of suitable sites. The teaser will be placed on sites whose visitors, based on one or another characteristic, are your potential clients. In this case, the bet is on the correct choice of the audience. Such advertising can effectively attract attention with the help of a bright picture or animation. The main thing is not to overdo it and not alienate the audience. With the spread of aggressive advertising on the Internet, attitudes towards it are becoming increasingly negative.
    33. Permanent changes. Methods of attracting customers to a company may have nothing to do with advertising. Remember that customer interest directly depends on the quality of your products and services. Business may not be perfect, but you can improve your company, and this will say more about you than any advertising. Attracting customers can be done, for example, by expanding the range of services, using new technologies, etc.

    What are the ways to attract customers during a crisis?

    1. Direct mail newsletter.

    The spread of this method of attracting customers is associated with a decrease in the effectiveness of information through calls. Too many companies use the database calling method. In search of a new way to disseminate information about their company, businessmen are turning to direct mailing.

    1. Advertising article in a magazine.

    “Everything new is a well-forgotten old” - this is what we can say about modern advertising in print media. IN last years We are accustomed to attracting attention through visual images, but practice shows that information in text form is still effective. Therefore, advertising articles are beginning to be actively used again.

    1. Advertising in search engines (Yandex.Direct, Google.Adwords, Begun).

    In a crisis, the methods used by firms to attract customers must be not only effective, but also at an affordable price. In this sense, contextual advertising has a number of advantages:

    1. Creation of selling texts for websites.

    Methods of attracting customers online through a website or a group on a social network require special attention to content. The quality of the texts posted there is the driving force behind sales. Work on them should be two-sided: firstly, the text should have an impact on buyers, and secondly, it should be correctly indexed by search engines.

    1. Gift to the client for purchase.

    Even in times of crisis, this method of attracting customers remains relevant. Of course, it is worth weighing the cost of the gift with the size of the purchase so as not to incur losses. It is best if the gift not only pleases the client, but also leads to further purchases. For example, a certificate for a new service is designed to attract attention to it, so that in the future a person will come for it independently.

    Attracting customers through gifts:

    It is important to understand that the quality of the gift should not disappoint, because then this method of attracting customers will not work. The gift should give positive emotions, which will also extend to the image of the company.

    1. Conducting surveys of regular customers.

    If you want to know what your clients need, ask them yourself! If you conduct a survey among a group of regular customers on what services they would like to receive, what shortcomings they notice in the service, etc., you can clearly determine the path for further development. Even the most effective methods of attracting customers will not help if in the end the customers are not satisfied. Therefore, along with advertising, it is very important to develop the quality of the product or service itself in the direction dictated by demand.

    1. Informing the client about the delivery or availability of goods.

    It's about not just talking about a new product or your company in general, but giving people the opportunity to try it for themselves. Of course, free products, tastings and similar promotions will cost money. But such methods of attracting clients usually give results worth the money spent. It is important that by giving the opportunity to try, you can interest those who would not come to the store just like that.

    1. We will arrange free delivery.

    Methods of attracting customers to a company are most often based on offering benefits. People tend to choose products with a discount, as well as to give preference to organizations with free delivery. This gives the buyer the feeling that he has saved money and made a bargain.

    Modern methods of attracting clients that actually work

    Traditional methods of attracting new customers, mentioned above, lose their effectiveness over time. With a lot of competition in the market, it is difficult to get ahead of larger and more experienced companies using the same advertising methods that they do. To attract the attention of spoiled buyers, you need to use new, non-standard methods attracting people.


    The advertising product in this case is an application. You offer potential customers an interesting game in which they can also earn some bonuses for purchases in your store. In this way you spread information about yourself by submitting it to game form, and prepare the ground for further purchases.

    Regular reminders about yourself

    It is known that people tend to choose companies that are well-known. Famous name or the image creates a feeling of security of the purchase. This method of attracting customers involves having people constantly encounter mentions of your company, such as in the form of banners or signs.

    Brand socialization

    Ways to attract customers to a company can be based on the feeling of contributing to a good cause. People find it pleasant to make purchases knowing that the store transfers part of the profit, for example, to Orphanage. Betting on the desire to participate in something good often works, and people give preference to such a company. Also, many companies attract customers by introducing special “charitable” products and promotions.

    Own blog

    Many companies have already adopted this method. However, not everyone understands the specifics of how a blog works. It should, of course, advertise your company, but advertising will only work effectively if the blog is interesting to read. You must ensure that potential clients evaluate the usefulness of the materials you post, visit your blog regularly, and then you will create a positive image of your business.

    Unique service

    One of the main objectives of advertising is to show why your company is better than others. And in order to stand out from competitors, you can provide useful services that they do not yet have. The service should be a truly significant addition to what customers come to you for. The methods of attracting clients are striking in their originality: for example, one real estate agency offered relocation assistance as a unique service. Naturally, when choosing an assistant in their search for an apartment, clients could not help but pay attention to this circumstance, and the company noted a large increase in profits.

    3 proven ways to attract clients. How to attract new partners to your business, online store, website? How to increase sales, lead generation or find new partners in online business? Methods and methods of attracting clients that produce results.

    Effective ways to attract clients

    Hello dear friend and blog reader, today we will talk about how to attract customers to any business. These methods are suitable for both on-ground and online businesses. Whatever you do, one way or another, you need consumers so that someone buys something, and you make a profit.

    Way to attract a client

    Today we will look at 3 traffic sources that are working well now and will work great for a very long time. Those sources from which you can get maximum efficiency and attract many visitors at low prices.

    I repeat once again, it doesn’t matter what you do, and what type of activity you have on the ground or online. From these resources you can attract buyers from the Internet in any direction.

    Of course, these methods are especially good for attracting partners to online businesses, online stores, information sites, landing pages, information businesses, and so on.

    So, the first way to attract customers is advertising on Facebook.

    Perhaps you are already using this type of traffic. Well, if not, then you definitely need to start using Facebook promotion to attract visitors from there.

    Why facebook?

    Because it is on Facebook that the most paying audience is gathered, and it is a dynamically developing platform. And if you take the time to do this, you will find useful information on how to attract a lot of clients automatically.

    In fact, there are very, very many methods for promoting a business on FB. And of course this should be used.

    advertising how to attract customers

    No matter how difficult initial stage Fb didn't seem to you. But, in fact, this is a very simple way to attract customers. Which can be set up in 1-2 evenings, then tested. And then just get clients automatically.

    The second way is Instagram

    Advertising on Instagram is also launched from the Fb advertising account.
    The insta platform is an ideal place to attract traffic because there is not much competition there yet, and many niches have not yet been filled. This means that you can attract clients from Instagram very, very cheaply.

    If you don’t know how to set up advertising on Facebook and Instagram, then you can subscribe to the newsletter and receive a course on this topic as a gift in your mail.

    Some people believe that Insta is not suitable for most types of business. But I assure you that it is suitable for almost all types of business. 99% of the time, an Insta ad works just as well as a FB ad.

    how to quickly attract clients

    Because advertising on Insta is not maintaining an account, it is not promoting your page, it is not recruiting subscribers. Targeted advertising on Insta is something else. This is showing an advertisement to your target audience simply through another channel. That's all.

    The third way to attract customers is YouTube

    If you have a website, then you probably know that this is a long and complex process. Even if you are an SEO specialist, in any case it takes a long period of time.

    For an article to be published, it can take from a month to a year. But it may also be that the article will never reach the TOP.

    And here, a video on YouTube is a quick solution to this issue

    That is, you can record a video and post it on YouTube, using the same key queries that you chose to promote in your niche.

    A video from YouTube made according to your key query can be brought to the TOP of search engines much faster.

    how to attract clients from YouTube

    Of course, it’s not always possible to quickly reach the TOP, and of course not immediately to the first page. But this can be done much faster than through the website.

    And if your video reaches the first page, then YouTube itself will automatically promote it. And thus it will be able to get higher positions.

    This means that you can start receiving much more for free, on complete autopilot.

    I understand that there are now a lot of bloggers who are developing their own channels. Channels that have a lot of subscribers and views. But our goal is a little different, we are now considering ways to attract traffic for your key queries.

    Therefore, if you are not yet developing your YouTube channel, or you haven’t even created it yet. I recommend that you do this as soon as possible.

    Because in the near future, many will start doing the same. And if there is no competition in your niche yet, then you need to hurry up to occupy this niche.

    To do this, just create your own channel and start making video material. Perhaps at the initial stage it will be difficult, but then when you get used to it and start filming often. Then the whole process will already work automatically.

    Just select keywords and start making videos using them. In the future, they will themselves reach your top positions. And you will be surprised that you can get a lot of targeted traffic quickly and for free, just from YouTube.

    These are the 3 traffic sources that I recommend using to attract traffic right now if you are not already using them.

    ways to attract new clients

    Each of these sources will help attract new users, develop faster and scale any business.

    Undoubtedly, there are many other sources, but these work great now, will work for a long time and can give you a very large asset to your target audience in the future, so use them now.

    Well, I hope that this article was useful and you found the answer to the question of how to attract clients.
    I wish you all the best and prosperity.
    Sincerely, Natalia Butenko.


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