How to hang wallpaper and combine it. How to hang different wallpapers in one room - photo

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If you decide to wallpaper different types in one room, then you should first consult with designers. Almost before every renovation, when the question of wall decoration comes up, the option of combining wallpaper is considered. This option is especially often considered when it comes to renovations in the living room. I would like to highlight the main wall, make it an accent wall, setting a certain tone for the entire renovation, and adjust the appearance of the main room in the apartment. But is this task so simple - combining wallpaper? How to do this beautifully and efficiently, what ideas and methods are currently relevant?

Combination rules: how to hang two types of wallpaper

Knowing the theory in this matter will not be superfluous. For example, there are points from which you need to build. One of them is the ceiling height. Based on this characteristic, you should choose a pattern, determine the color of the wallpaper and its texture. If the ceiling is low, no higher than 2.5 m, then you need wallpaper in light colors, with a medium-sized pattern, without a rough texture. And if the ceilings are even lower, then the main background of the wallpaper should be light with a faint pattern, and vertical stripes may be located on one of the walls.

The wallpaper in the room should be harmoniously combined in texture and shade

High ceilings are a reason to glue completely different wallpaper. Here you already need a large drawing that is stretched in width. You can also divide the walls horizontally, using different colors in the upper and lower halves. Horizontal stripes will visually expand the room.

The next point is the dimensions of the room:

  • In small rooms it is correct to use only bright hues, if the wallpaper has a texture, it is weakly expressed, if there is a pattern, then it is medium-sized;
  • The second point is the geometry of the room, if the room is narrow and long, you need just a combined gluing; light wallpaper is glued to short walls, some of which seem to go around the corner;
  • If the entrance to the room is on one of the narrow long sides, then the middle is highlighted in a different color opposite wall, and the corners are covered with wallpaper for short walls.

There are many visual techniques, which are interesting to do and see how the geometry of the room changes. Look at the example photos - a lot depends on what kind of accent wall you decide to make. By the way, don't forget about vinyl stickers, which can make their own adjustments to the image of the room.

Vertical combination: options for wallpapering two types

Vertical stripes are known to visually increase the height of the ceiling. It doesn't matter whether the stripes are regular or not. The current design interpretation of such a “striped” solution suggests that one wall can have striped wallpaper, while the rest can be plain-colored or wallpaper with a nondescript pattern.

An excellent solution when decorating a room is to use blue and white wallpaper.

But vertical stripes can also be distributed across different walls, in this case, the repetition interval may be equal. The color and pattern of the stripes may be different, but then the texture should be the same. Usually, in this case, you have to cover the room with wallpaper from the same collection to ensure a harmonious combination.

Horizontal division: how to cover a room with two types of wallpaper, photo

And this option is considered a classic example of combination. It has been used for a long time, and today’s wide selection of wallpapers will allow you to realize, probably, the most interesting ideas. This technique is usually used in rooms small area, but the ceilings must be high. And to remove this well effect, horizontal division is carried out.

This can be an ordinary horizontal strip, as if encircling the room. Very often it is tied to the height of the window sill. Or the plane is divided into three parts, and the strip can be located either in the upper or lower part.

Sometimes the stripe is made at eye level. At the same level they usually hang some significant decorative elements. This technique is usually used in the design of hallways, long corridors. The division zone passing from above means a light top and a darker bottom.

Zoning: design of covering walls with different wallpapers, photo

If you need to somehow emphasize zoning, then various types of wallpaper combinations are used. If you, for example, have a studio apartment, then such a technique with an accent pattern or pattern is sometimes simply necessary. And sometimes it’s important different wallpapers.

Thanks to different wallpapers, you can easily zone any room

In this case, zoning could be like this:

  • One or two adjacent walls are covered with wallpaper with a horizontal stripe, which makes it possible to visually lower the ceiling and make the space wider;
  • A covering with a vertical stripe on one wall or two adjacent ones will also be relevant in rooms with a low ceiling, but with a large area;
  • A floral print in the seating area is also a common technique, very clear and streamlining the space.

If, for example, you use a light floral print with a too small pattern, then the decorated part of the room will be light, airy, and seemingly weightless. But a dark floral pattern and large flowers, on the contrary, make the wall heavier. But at the same time, the wall is more noticeable, and accordingly, it looks more significant.

Simple examples: how to hang wallpaper with different wallpapers, photo

When choosing wallpaper, it is important not to allow it to be installed externally in any way. Before pasting, you try it on, make a kind of estimate to see if the wallpaper will “make friends.” It’s easier, of course, to choose wallpaper companions, but this is not always possible.

Consider the following points:

  • You can put up wallpaper different sizes and design, and molding is glued to the joints between these wallpapers, thereby creating a panel effect - the room becomes more elegant;
  • In the living room, you can focus on the area where the fireplace or TV is located;
  • You can put accent wallpaper that imitates panels on the central wall;
  • Patchwork wallpaper is incredibly popular, but quite troublesome, but the effect of a patchwork wall is aesthetically very successful.

Often 3 walls are covered with one type of wallpaper, and the 4th wall with another.

For vertical pasting, it is recommended to use the same type of wallpaper of approximately the same thickness so that the joints are not so obvious. To hang wallpaper with a large pattern, you need to at least “try it on in your head”; it’s better to somehow assess in advance how the wallpaper samples will look in a particular room. A large drawing always corrects the perception of the room.

Bright wallpapering of walls: how to cover a room with different wallpapers

In the bedroom, the bedside area is usually highlighted with bright wallpaper. You can cover the entire wall with such luscious wallpaper, the one to which the headboard is adjacent, or just highlight the wall that is behind the headboard.

In this case, the following tips will be useful:

  • If the entire wall is covered with bright wallpaper, then there should not be a lot of furniture near it - for example, only a bed with side tables;
  • If only part of the wall is pasted over, then the joint line can be emphasized with moldings, slats or baseboards;
  • If the wallpaper continues on the ceiling, then the ceiling can be visually made higher.

If the space of the room allows, then you can create a symmetrical pattern, which will highlight and sleeping places and a specific area, for example, the area near the mirror. In the bedroom, combining is almost always advantageous; the size of the room is not so important. Look at the examples of combinations - all options are successful, the room looks organized and cozy.

How to wallpaper a room with different wallpapers: photo of the kitchen

Combining wallpaper in the kitchen is not so common, but here you can also “play” interestingly. The kitchen needs wallpaper that is not afraid of active maintenance. Usually the choice falls on vinyl wallpapers that can be easily washed – it’s really very convenient.

If the kitchen is small, then you can visually enlarge it with the help of light-colored wallpaper

Remember how important color psychology is. Experts recommend choosing tones such as peach, milky, gray as the main color, and combining this with fruit and berry wallpaper, red-strawberry, and bright green. Borders on the walls can be highlighted with bright tape.

Color meaning: options for covering walls with different wallpapers, photo

Always refer to the color spectrum - this will prevent you from making a mistake in choosing colors or guessing the combination. Sometimes the colors are similar, close to each other, but together they look either downright bad or inexpressive. The color combination must be impeccable and harmonious.

Combining several types of wallpaper is great design solution for any room. In this article we will tell you more about how to hang two types of wallpaper, and also give some useful tips.

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Combining wallpaper is becoming very fashionable. Such photographs can often be seen in various magazines and programs. Of course, it looks just great in the picture. But can you do this at home yourself? Of course you can! Following simple rules and using various methods, you can bring to life almost any design solution related to room decoration.

Why is this necessary?

This method of decorating walls is used in several cases. Using different types of wallpaper, you can create zoning of the room, which is especially useful in small apartments. In order to visually expand, narrow or extend a room, different wallpapers are also used. Each type of visual correction of a room has its own techniques. In addition, this room design looks much more interesting than just ordinary wallpaper. Of course, to give the room a decent look using this technique, you must have a certain sense of style. If you're having trouble coming up with suitable ideas, you can use ready-made solutions and previously created designs.

Combine plain and patterned wallpapers

A common mistake is trying to combine wallpaper on different bases. Since it is difficult to hang two types of wallpaper if they differ greatly in thickness and other parameters. Problems can also arise during the process of pasting a room, because different bases require different ones. In addition, there are now many series of wallpapers that are created so that they can be combined seamlessly. You just need to choose a color and shade, and already in this category there will be 4-5 options for these wallpapers with different textures and different patterns.

In addition, it is important to choose wallpaper that matches existing furniture. If you have a sofa of a single color, then you can still experiment. If cushioned furniture covered with a pattern, you need to select future wallpaper very carefully so as not to spoil general form rooms.

Types of wallpaper combinations by color

If you have decided on the main tone of the room and want to stick to a given direction, then a combination of wallpaper with different textures and patterns, within one main color, is perfect for you. There are several types of combinations. For example, you can take a plain wallpaper and pair it with another one, but with a design or pattern applied. With this combination it is especially good to play up the different textures of the wallpaper. For example, wallpaper is produced with a pattern made using a matte velvet coating. Instead, shiny or matte surfaces can also be used for the pattern. Such combinations are more typical of the classic style in the interior.

How to hang two types of wallpaper using different colors? The second option for combining using color is to combine several types of wallpaper that are complementary color combinations. These can be either close and widespread combinations (beige and brown, for example), or contrasting ones (purple and yellow). At this type Combinations of wallpaper can also be applied using technology with different textures. The main thing in in this case“do not overload” the overall appearance of the room.

Wallpaper for the hall

Wallpaper for the hall

The hall, also known as the living room, is for most of us a place for receiving guests and evening relaxation. Naturally, you want to make this room so that it is not only beautiful, but it would be equally comfortable to spend quiet evenings and fun meetings with friends. And since there are two types possible, using a variety of methods, you have the opportunity to make a very interesting room.

If you want to decorate the room in a style close to classic, choose wallpaper in pastel colors. They can be combined with dark, calm shades. These include chocolate, dark blue, dark burgundy colors. It is advisable to use plain wallpaper in combination with a floral ornament or pattern. Don't do too much bright combinations, since your eyes will get tired of this very quickly, and, most likely, you will feel tired from being in such a room for a long time.

For more modern styles You can use bright, rich shades of orange, blue, light green and other colors. Here, both floral patterns and geometric patterns can be used. Don't forget about the possibility of creating wide stripes by combining wallpaper. For youth rooms- this is one of the best options.

If you are planning to decorate a room in a high-tech or modern style, it will be important to use plain wallpaper together with geometric pattern. In such an interior there must be black, white or gray colors. In the case of Art Nouveau, it is highly desirable to add bright accents of pure red, yellow and blue.

Wallpaper for the kitchen

Wallpaper for the kitchen

For the kitchen, it is preferable to choose cheerful shades. Everything can be used here available options mixing wallpaper. In addition, bright colors and unusual patterns are available not only in the category of regular wallpaper, but also in washable wallpaper, which is very convenient for the kitchen. Since gluing two types of wallpaper in a small space is more challenging task, you need to plan your project carefully. Of course, you should select wallpaper to match kitchen set, which you already have or the one you are planning to order. Very often, wallpaper in yellow, orange, green and pink shades is chosen for the kitchen. Blue and Blue colour It is not advisable to use it, as it significantly reduces appetite. If you want to make your kitchen visually more spacious, it is recommended to use White color and combine it with other colors.

Vertical combination method

How to hang two types of wallpaper vertical way? This method means a combination of different strips of wallpaper. This can be either alternating one after one, or one after three, for example. For a calmer atmosphere, you should choose different shades of the same color, and, on the contrary, to create a more bright image It is better to combine bright colors to create more contrast.

This method also includes a combination of wallpaper from the same series, when one canvas is completely monochromatic, and the second is similar, but with a printed pattern.

This method is more often used in living rooms, children's and work areas.

The strip visually expands the room

How to visually decorate a room?

In this case, a simple and effective method. It is necessary to symmetrically cover the walls along the long side of the room. You can do this by using lighter colored wallpaper or by making wide stripes of brightly colored wallpaper. In this case, the room will not only expand, but will also seem taller.

Gluing wallpaper asymmetrically

If you need to visually shorten and at the same time expand a room, you can use this method. It consists in covering one wall with wide stripes, and the opposite wall with strips of varying widths, including narrow ones. This method is not advisable to use in bedrooms, but for kitchens and living rooms it will be a real godsend.

Horizontal method

Ideal for rooms with high ceiling. Since gluing two types of wallpaper using this method is quite simple and you can visually compensate for the height of the ceiling relative to the walls. This is done, among other things, using borders.

The wall is conventionally divided into three parts. Wallpaper is applied to the lower part dark color, on the top (two thirds) wallpaper light shade. You can smooth out and decorate the transition between them using both a border and stucco molding. In general, the method is more characteristic of classic interior styles, especially when it comes to the use of wallpaper with patterns and designs. Characteristic feature is to use narrow stripes on the bottom of the wall, instead of plain wallpaper.

However, if you use plain wallpaper of unusual rich shades, then this is also good for creating more modern design rooms.

Horizontal combining


If you need to focus on some part of the room or divide the room into several separate zones, this method is very suitable. If you need to create several zones, for example, one for work space, another for relaxation, you can use wallpaper of different shades. One type of wallpaper is glued to one part of the room, and a second one to the other. Moreover, one of the types can be with a pattern, while the other should be plain.

If you plan to make an accent, then first of all you need to achieve contrast. Since you can hang two types of wallpaper, using plain wallpaper as a base and wallpaper of a different shade with a pattern or pattern to create the accent itself, it is worth paying Special attention to select wallpaper combinations by color. There is an option when, on the contrary, wallpaper with a pattern is taken as a basis, however, in this case, the accent of plain wallpaper will be less contrasting.

Photo wallpapers and stickers

When creating a more modern or youthful room design, inserts from photo wallpapers and plain vinyl stickers are also used. Both options are only suitable when used in conjunction with plain wallpaper. Then it will look very beautiful and appropriate.

Wallpaper combination in living room implies not only a magnificent aesthetic appearance, but also carries certain functions.

By choosing the right color scheme and choosing good option combinations of wallpaper, you can easily disguise wall defects, increase or decrease the visual dimensions of the room, adjust the height, promote the play of light or shade it with softer and more radiant colors.

Eventually, correct design the walls of the room are the key to maximum coziness and comfort.

Basic ways to combine wallpaper

Most ordinary people believe that combining wallpaper is a task beyond the capabilities of many and its solution requires certain skills in this specialization.

But it is enough to know just certain techniques to implement even the most reckless ideas for combining wallpaper in your personal interior.

It is also worth noting one wonderful resource that will help you choose wallpaper for hallway- many real photos of design and step by step instructions from the pros.

Examine the living room in detail, focusing your attention on the features and disadvantages, which will certainly lead you to choose the most suitable combination option.

Various wallpaper combinations

The horizontal version of the wallpaper combination apparently enlarges even the smallest room. Particularly suitable for classic style.

The vertical combination option is acceptable for low ceilings in the living room, as it visually increases the height of the ceilings. It has the functional ability to divide a room into zones.

Wallpaper inserts with luxurious monograms or paintings will add variety to the interior. By framing this insert with a baguette, you get the effect of a picture canvas.

The combination of dimensional surfaces is a combination option by joining wallpaper in the corner parts of the room.

Basically, manufacturing companies themselves offer design projects and already selected wallpaper combinations, excellent suitable friend to a friend.

Combinations of scraps are the so-called patchwork (patchwork).

For an individual who does not have special training and skills, the option is the most labor-intensive. But such compositions look impressive.

Designation of niches and protruding parts, playing on the contrast of the wallpaper. By successfully decorating a niche or protruding part of the room with beautiful patterned wallpaper, you can create a feeling of even greater coziness in the living room.

When choosing wallpaper for various combinations, you need to consider some tips:

  • Planning living room design it is necessary to give preference to wallpaper from one manufacturing company, ideally even from the same collection;
  • By attaching a piece of the chosen color to another type of wallpaper, you will find best option combinations right on the spot;
  • When choosing wallpaper, do not forget about the defects in the room that need to be hidden;
  • By repeating the colors of wallpaper on pieces of furniture, you can add harmony and completeness to the interior.

The combination of flashy colors with each other is one of the main mistakes in choosing wallpaper for a combination.

Indeed, the contrast looks impressive, especially in the form of longitudinal and transverse stripes. But practice shows that it is better to avoid this.

It is better to set off bright or colorful wallpapers with more muted tones and a simple pattern.

Let's pay a little attention to these rules.

Vertical wallpaper combination

The most common method in terms of design and wallpapering. The perfect combination black and white, but not necessarily in its pure form.

Thus, light stripes can be “creme brulee” with a pattern of pastel colors, dark stripes can be either black or textured like “wet asphalt” velor.

The combination of contrasting wallpaper in the living room makes it possible to give the interior austerity and focus attention on uniform style. The choice of stripe width is also important.

For bright colors and strict design of the walls, they must be the same, with successful combinations loyal colors in a 2 to 1 ratio.

Horizontal wallpaper combination

Implementing ideas with horizontal stripes is more difficult and less popular.

But a competent approach to the implementation of plans will advantageously emphasize classic style interior

The main advantage of the horizontal combination is its stylish combination with all kinds of finishing materials.

Classic horizontal combination

Everything is extremely simple: light top - dark bottom. It is not easy to combine bright colors; in the end, the choice falls on twin colors or a varied palette of shades of the same color.

The joint is decorated with a special border. Gluing wallpaper horizontally is quite difficult; you need to have certain skills.

Before wallpapering, mark the joints on the wall with a pencil to make the work easier.

Wallpaper inserts for decoration

The easiest option to implement, but no less effective. The combination of wallpaper with inserts in the living room interior frees up your hands to implement the wildest ideas, and even any ridiculous combination will look like some kind of kitsch.

The choice of materials for inserts is unlimited. Various scraps of fabric, fragments of photo wallpaper and other materials are suitable as living room decor.

Combining patches is more difficult to implement. Creation of panels, framing of windows and doorways, turning your gaze to any object in the interior is possible for a person who has excellent taste.

The main thing is not to disturb the unity of the composition and not to make the design of the walls made of scraps an unacceptable stain.

Combination of large surfaces and accentuation of niches

This design idea allows you to draw attention by highlighting the functional zoning of the living room. In implementation, this idea is simple and effective.

Wallpaper of the same type is glued to the wall up to the corner or joint; protruding parts or niches are covered with wallpaper of the same type.

The central wall can be covered with wallpaper bright color with a large-scale pattern or pattern, the rest of the walls - in calmer tones.

A niche, like a ledge, can be decorated with wallpaper in contrasting colors, adding a certain charm and making the atmosphere as a whole feel airy and relaxed.

Photos of options for combining wallpaper in the living room

November 2, 2016
You can talk at length about canons in design, but every day the existing canons are becoming less and less stable. Aesthetics and harmony, balance, colors, materials brought together in order to obtain such a long-awaited result are the essence of your knowledge, practice and self-development. My motto is to learn, see, touch something new every day, and I am sure that this is the only way to stay on the right course in “high design.”

Combining wallpaper of several colors, textures and prints has long ceased to be a design novelty, which means it’s time for us, ordinary people, to learn how to hang two types of wallpaper.

Is the game worth the candle or what can the combination do?

Let's start with the feasibility of such actions. My inner designer with every fiber of my soul leans toward combinations. The only case when I would refuse the idea is the presence in the interior large quantity decor and original furniture.

What can combining wall decorations do?

  1. Zoning. Owners cannot do without several types of wallpaper small apartments. Various shades, textures and prints will help to visually highlight individual areas, set conventional boundaries and focus attention on the main thing. The more contrast the wallpaper, the brighter the separation will be.

  1. Accentuate. To highlight one or two walls in a room, you can use bright wallpaper. The same technique is relevant for emphasizing architectural elements, for example, columns and niches.

  1. Change the perception of the shape of the room. The ability to change the geometry of a room is based on 3 basic rules: light colors for small rooms, accent wall for a square room, two dark narrow walls for an elongated area.

  1. Additional decor. If you are not a fan of a large number of accessories, make wall decoration a decorative component of the interior. Consider designer wallpaper collections with unusual colors and exclusive textures.

Combination rules

Don't know how to hang wallpaper beautifully? I offer you some tips and universal combinations that are appropriate in any style and room.

  1. When combining paper and non-woven fabrics, be sure to consider the thickness of the material. The difference is especially noticeable in geometric patterns that require precise joining of seams.

  1. If your walls cannot boast of evenness, choose thick main wallpaper and the same companions.

  1. The combination of bright shades with each other is left to experimental designers, in conditions real life It is better to combine bright and neutral shades.

  1. The most common way of combining is to select different colors. If you are an amateur designer, take no more than 2-3 shades.

For the main background, you can use both pastel (beige, blue, pink, gray) and rich (not bright!) wallpapers, for example, brown, burgundy, emerald, blue.

Instructions for choosing colors:

For an accent, you can use wallpaper with classic prints: damask, flowers or paisley.

  1. When combining textures, try not to meet on the same plane. various options.

It is better to use smooth paper or paper as a base. textile wallpaper, but for contrast you can use relief or metallized canvases.

  1. Photo wallpapers, which can also be smooth or embossed, natural textile or voluminous PVC, will help diversify the interior.

  1. If a bright, characteristic pattern is used for emphasis, choose the most neutral background possible. For a seascape it is important to use white and blue; a green lawn will not mind being adjacent to beige or peach.

Types of combination


The method is relevant for rooms with low ceilings. With the same width of the canvases, a 2:1 proportion looks great, suggesting that there will be one contrasting stripe for two stripes of the main color.


A technique that visually stretches the area of ​​a room is more often used in living rooms, corridors, hallways and offices.

To determine the line of intersection of two types of wallpaper, divide the wall into three equal parts, give the top two basic wallpaper, trim the bottom with a contrasting companion.

A monochromatic top goes well with a bottom with a large pattern or flowers, but if you have chosen stripes, give power to wallpaper with a small pattern in the upper part of the wall.

Inserts and patchwork combinations

The reception will appeal to those who are looking for non-trivial solution for wall decoration. Within one panel, up to 10 can successfully exist various types wallpaper To obtain the effect of a single surface, select a common color scheme, and the background texture and patterns may vary.

Wallpaper inserts require the use of contrasting fabrics.

If you want to zone the space in this way, use moldings and strips.

Combination errors

  1. If you choose shades and prints yourself, do not use more than two patterns in one room.

  1. The selected shades should not duplicate the color of the ceiling, floor and furniture.

  1. If you choose photo wallpaper, the background should remain neutral, preferably pastel.
  2. In a small room, avoid dividing the walls. For small rooms optimal use of the accent wall principle.

  1. Don't forget about the style of the room. High-tech is unlikely to get along with floral and plant motifs, modern with large stripes and checks, and country with metallic fabrics.

When arranging an apartment, special attention should first be paid to the walls. After all, they will create the basis of the interior and set the color scheme. Furniture and additional elements decor is installed later and must be combined with the walls to make the rooms look cohesive.

Here we will not be scattered throughout the apartment, but will focus on its largest room - the living room or hall. It is in this room that you bring guests; here you can relax after work, arrange a home theater or have a tea party.

You can immediately go to the store, look at various wallpaper options and choose the best one. But this option has several disadvantages:

  • your eyes will run wide from the abundance, and since you don’t know exactly what you’re looking for, it will be quite difficult to make a choice;
  • wallpaper chosen in this way can completely not meeting your expectations after gluing, since the color on a roll and on the entire wall can look completely different.

Therefore, it is better to first understand a little about the combination of colors, correlate this with your preferences and choose suitable option, and only then go choose something suitable in a hardware store.

If you haven’t found the ornament you need in the store, here’s a master class!

How to choose wallpaper by color, contrast, pattern

First of all, you need to decide on the color scheme, and only then think about the presence of a pattern. Think about what shades you prefer: warm or cool.

  • Warm will make the room more lively and bright.
  • Cold– will help visually expand the room (which is especially important for Khrushchev-era apartments or other small spaces).

But in any case, you need to maintain a balance between warm and cold tones, otherwise the room may look too stuffy or very inhospitable.

  1. If you have well lit, If the room is sunny, tone it down a little with cool tones; if it’s cloudy, add some warmth to it.
  2. Also, when choosing a color, keep in mind that you will see him every day. You can choose this blouse, either light or bright, and put it on according to your mood, and store it in the closet the rest of the time. This won’t work with wallpaper, so choose not just a color that you like, but one that you won’t get tired of until the next renovation.

If you decide that one color is not enough, then you can choose several, compatible with each other.

You can combine related colors (from one or adjacent sectors of the color wheel), or contrasting ones (from diametrically opposite sectors).

TIP: If you decide to use wallpaper with a pattern - don’t overdo it, the walls shouldn’t hurt your eyes. Particular care must be taken when drawing in a small apartment x (for example, Khrushchev-era buildings), as it can visually make the room smaller, especially for large, bright designs (large contrasting flowers and the like).

Related colors

If you are not confident in your design abilities, combining related colors (solid or similar) is the easiest way! You definitely can’t go wrong and this solution will always look stylish.

Contrasting colors

On this photo good example combinations of contrasting colors. There is not a very noticeable pattern here, but plain wallpaper in such a combination would look harmonious.

Ways to combine wallpaper

After becoming familiar with the basic aspects of color combinations, you need to move from theory to practice and proceed directly to choosing wallpaper. There are several ways to combine them:

  1. Pattern + solid color
  2. 2 drawings
  3. Geometry + one color or pattern

Whichever one you choose, the main thing is to create a harmoniously combined, pleasant interior that will satisfy your preferences and make the home truly cozy. To understand possible options, let's look at them in more detail.

Pattern +solid color

With this combination, most often wallpaper with a pattern is applied only on one wall, and the rest are simply plain. This will help to create a certain emphasis, but will not look too colorful.

  • The drawing can be from related colors to plain wallpaper, and from contrasting ones.
  • A wall with a strong contrasting pattern will look similar to huge picture.

Selected below interesting options such a combination, you can choose one of them as a basis when creating a living room design.

A clearly visible floral print was used here. Please note that the furniture, rugs and cushions are selected from exactly the colors that make up the pattern.

The pattern can be either small or large, abstract or concrete.

Also note that walls with bright patterns are not loaded with decorative elements (paintings or photos); at most, a mirror should be very carefully selected. Maintain simplicity and harmony. An overloaded interior will be very tiring.

A good example of a combination of contrasting colors, since in the absence of blue tulle brown wallpaper would look too dark.

With geometric patterns

Floral prints, patterns and abstract patterns can compete with geometric elements. But you must be sure that strict lines will not oppress you and will allow you to relax.

Zigzags, diamonds, lines, ovals, circles, etc. - a wonderful choice for lovers of clarity and order. In this case, you can also try interesting color combinations.

2 drawings

Combinations of two patterns look original and unusual. For a bedroom it would be too flashy, but for a living room... correct selection very good.

This photo shows both the contrast of colors and the combination of floral and geometric prints. Cool black on the lines and warm red on the petals.

Here, too, there are combinations of floral patterns with geometric ones, but in one color scheme– related colors were used.

One of the patterns can be expressed much brighter than the other, in which case it turns out similar to the pattern + plain wallpaper option. Similar patterns made in different colors also complement each other well.

Combination methods

One wall

The easiest way to combine wallpaper. How to choose a wall? Of course, the one you most want to attract attention. Usually this is a wall near or behind the sofas in the room.

Picture or frame

If in the case of a wall completely covered with wallpaper with a pattern, it looks like a painting, then the wallpaper here is a painting. It's like a huge canvas with a printed design.

You can just paste wallpaper certain size, or make a frame around the edges.

In the form of stripes

An interesting way of combining is in the form of separate stripes. For this case, it is better to choose wallpapers that are contrasting with an active pattern, as this will be the main accent!

Focus on niche

For apartments with a niche in the hall - great option play with contrasting wallpaper and color. It’s also a good idea to illuminate a niche with an additional source. This is especially important if the niche is far from the window.

Brief summary

To summarize, let’s remember the main points that you should pay attention to when choosing wallpaper:

  • Consider the size and lighting of the room
  • A color scheme
  • Personal preferences.

We hope that the process of choosing wallpaper will be calm and quick for you, and the result will look amazing and delight you every day, creating real home comfort.

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