How to make a vestibule in front of the front door. Interior decoration of a vestibule in a private house

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Some owners of private houses believe that the vestibule is simply a waste of several square meters usable space. However, this is not at all true. It carries an important practical load.

Plus, it can be elegantly finished so that guests are greeted with a sophisticated, inviting space. In order to qualitatively decorate a vestibule in a private house, design, photos and various ideas need to be studied.

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What is a vestibule

To begin with, it will be useful to understand what a vestibule is in a house and only after that decide how much it is needed.

Most modern private houses are equipped with vestibules. This is a small (often 2-4 square meters) room equipped with two doors or more. One leads to the street, while the other leads to the hallway or corridor, and then to the kitchen, dining room and living areas.

Interesting! The word “tambour” came into Russian from French and is literally translated as “drum”.

Its main purpose is to reduce heat loss in the house. This is extremely important in our country, which does not have a mild climate.

Cold winters reign over most of the territory, so reducing heat loss means ensuring high temperature in the house without increasing fuel combustion.

The front door is almost always a source of serious heat loss. Cooling on one side, it will draw heat from the living quarters if it is placed at the entrance to the corridor.

In addition, even the smallest cracks, just a millimeter in size, will cause cold drafts.

Some people today seriously doubt whether a vestibule is needed in a private home. After all, when using quality materials you can create a door thermal conductivity properties which will be extremely low. And sealing materials almost completely eliminate the possibility of cracks and drafts.

However, the relevance of the vestibule does not decrease even today. At a minimum, the door will open dozens of times a day. And every time a stream of cold air will rush into the living quarters. Therefore, the presence of a vestibule today is almost as relevant as it was a hundred years ago.

But you shouldn’t regret wasted meters - when the right approach its functionality and comfort of use can be significantly improved. The main thing is to choose the layout that suits you.

Features of the vestibule layout

Before starting construction, you need to decide which vestibule will suit you fully - built-in or external. The built-in one is located directly in the building, and the external one plays the role of a small extension.

Each option has certain advantages and disadvantages, so you should approach your choice as responsibly as possible. For example, the built-in one always turns out warmer - there is no need to increase the area external walls, which means there will be less heat loss.

However, placing the vestibule in wooden house, you will inevitably lose several square meters usable area– not all owners will agree to this.

Conversely, the external vestibule provides several additional meters that can be used. But it will always be cold here - you will either have to put up with it or spend additional funds, time and effort to provide heating.

The number of doors may vary. The minimum quantity is two. One leads to the street, and the other to the living quarters. But there can be more doors, for example, three or even four. Some people, not wanting to leave the house once again in bad weather, try to place all the useful premises as close to the house as possible.

Then through the third door you can go into the garage, and through the fourth - into the toilet located outside the house. The vestibule in this case will cut off not only the cold, but also bad smell. At the same time, you will be able to get to the garage without going outside in cold, windy or rainy weather.

How to make a vestibule with your own hands

Often, home owners seriously think about how to make a vestibule in front of front door. This is a rather difficult question.

Need to pick up suitable materials, decide on the size of the new room, start pouring the foundation, erecting walls, and installing the roof. Therefore, we will talk about this in more detail.

Dimensions and depth of the vestibule

Before starting construction, you need to decide in advance whatvestibule dimensionswill be optimal for you. It is impossible to give a universal answer here. One person will decide that he will be quite happy with a room of a couple of square meters, just to avoid drafts. Another will want a more spacious vestibule in which additional furniture can be placed.

Important! By placing a window in the vestibule, you will slightly increase heat loss, but will increase the natural light in the room.

It is desirable that all doors connected to the vestibule open outward - this will make it possible to maintain the dimensions of the room and also facilitate evacuation in the event of a fire.

Choosing the type of vestibule

Today, several types of vestibules are used in construction. It will be useful to know about each of possible options to choose the most suitable one. Let's describe them all:

  1. Hallway. The entrance vestibule is combined with the hallway. A convenient solution - here you can install a hanger or wardrobe so as not to take up space in the house itself. However, in this case, you will have to take care of high-quality ventilation so that damp air does not stagnate, and also increase the heating circuit or install thermal curtain. There must be a door between the vestibule-hallway and the living quarters. The downside is the fact that you will have to take up useful space in the house.
  2. Canopy. A convenient buffer zone if the garage or other premises are located in close proximity to the house. By placing the vestibule between them, you get the opportunity not to run in the rain even for a couple of meters. But this option is not always convenient - often the garage, boiler room and other premises are located too far from the house.
  3. Veranda. This type of vestibule is also called attached. If the house is located in a region with a harsh climate, you will have to seriously take care of insulation, and also use double-glazed windows instead of ordinary windows - this will further reduce heat loss. The veranda can be attached to an already ready home without affecting its layout.

By selecting suitable option, you can start building a vestibule with your own hands.

How to arrange the foundation, porch and walls

Let's consider the construction of a vestibule-veranda as one of the most common. Construction begins, like any other construction, with the construction of the foundation.

Tape is best - volume earthworks will be small, and it will be able to distribute the load fairly evenly across the soil.

The work is carried out in several stages:

  1. A trench is dug along the intended perimeter of the room. The width should be 15 cm wider than the future walls.
  2. The formwork is assembled, the film is laid and the reinforcement cage is installed.
  3. The formwork is filled with concrete. After a month, you can proceed to the next step.

Now we need to build the porch. It is best to use wood as the main material - it is cheap, attractive and the load on the ground will be small. Wherein thermal insulation properties material is very high.

The foundation is covered (to increase protection from moisture), and beams connected to each other in a rectangle are laid on top of it. This is the lower frame, which will become the base of the porch and, accordingly, the veranda. Walls are being erected - for this purpose bottom harness vertical bars are attached.

Prices for roofing material

roofing felt

Boards or other selected material are already installed horizontally on them. At the bottom, several additional bars are attached to the harness - these are the logs on which the floor boards will rest. It is difficult to determine the size here - it all depends on the dimensions of the house and the personal preferences of the builder.

Roof selection

The simplest option is a pitched roof. Yes, she's not very attractive. But it is easy to erect, and the snow will melt off it quite quickly, without putting additional load on the structure.

Important! Minimum angle roof slope - 30 degrees. Otherwise, the snow will not come off it, gradually accumulating and creating additional load on the structure.

It is also not difficult to decide on the choice of roofing material - it is best to use the same one that was used in the construction of the house itself in order to maintain the overall design of the building.

Glazing selection

When glazing a vestibule, serious issues may arise. Some people prefer to save money and install in a vestibule regular windows with wooden frames.

Well, for warm areas This good option– you won’t have to spend extra money. But if in winter the temperature regularly drops to -10 degrees or lower, then it is better to invest in double-glazed windows.

Its size will not be too large (besides, you can refuse windows with opening mechanisms, choosing the most cheap option) so spend a large amount you won't have to. But heat loss will be minimal. This is especially important during the cold season.

Insulation of vestibule

Regardless of whether you plan to install heating for the veranda or do without it, you should not skimp on insulating the vestibule.

For this you can use different types insulation: mineral wool, polypropylene and many others. It is best to choose polypropylene. Firstly, this material is not afraid of high humidity. Secondly, its installation is as simple as possible - you can do the work yourself.

Thirdly, his thermal insulation characteristics very high - no need to install a thick layer of insulation. The downside is the fact that polypropylene can be damaged by rodents. But mice are unlikely to appear in a place where people often walk, so there is no need to fear such an outcome.

Prices for mineral wool

mineral wool

Installation of entrance and internal doors

It's not always easy. This largely depends on the specific object. For example, if the vestibule is heated, then the entrance door must provide high level thermal insulation. In this case, you can use a more budget option as an internal door.

If you refuse to heat the vestibule, then everything changes - the internal door should reduce heat loss and eliminate the risk of drafts. In a heated vestibule, you should not install a cheap single outer door made of steel - this will lead to the appearance of condensation and frost. A significant layer of frost will cause serious problems, making it difficult to close the door tightly.

Reliability is also not so simple. Some home owners prefer to install two secure doors to give burglars as much trouble as possible. Others consider it a waste of money - they install a relatively cheap external door, placing the main protective function on inner door.

Interior decoration of the vestibule

Regardless of the type of vestibule you choose, care should be taken to ensure that it looks as attractive as possible. And here the question arises - what materials to use when finishing the vestibule? After all, in quality repairs need floors and walls. Don’t forget about furniture - many people install it in this small room. Let's talk about each point in more detail.

Choosing flooring material

It is the floor that bears the greatest load. That's why flooring material must answer certain requirements. The first of these is durability and strength. But besides this, the material should also be easy to care for. Walking through the vestibule in dirty shoes, residents will unwittingly leave a large amount of dirt and dust on the floor. So, wet cleaning will have to do here very often. Because of this, parquet and laminate immediately disappear - they do not tolerate high humidity.

Ceramic tiles will also not be a good choice - they are slippery and will crack if hit (for example, if you have to carry a heavy object into the house and you drop it).

So, optimal choice will become . It may not be the most attractive flooring material. But it is cheap, durable and extremely easy to use.

Prices for linoleum


How to decorate the walls

For a house to look perfect, every little thing in it must meet high criteria. And wall decoration is no exception.

But not everyone will fit here Decoration Materials. For example, from gypsum putty, wallpaper and any other materials that do not tolerate well high humidity, will have to refuse.

Frequent changes in temperature and high humidity often lead to condensation accumulating on the walls. This is especially true in cases where the owner is trying to decide how to decorate cold vestibule in a private house. If heating is available, you can also use wallpaper.

Interesting! It is better to use light colors for wall decoration to make the room look more spacious.

Therefore it is better to give preference ordinary plaster, facade paint or plastic panels. At correct selection they will gracefully complement the vestibule, but at the same time they will also be able to last for many years, maintaining a beautiful appearance.

What furniture to choose for the vestibule

Another important step when creating an exquisite vestibule design in a private house - furniture. In most cases, it carries a practical load, not an aesthetic one. Therefore, it is not necessary to choose a specific style.

Most often, a regular hanger is installed - you can leave a wet umbrella on it, and outerwear in the warm season. If the vestibule is not heated, and it’s frosty outside, then better clothes Do not leave it in the vestibule.

Putting on cold clothes when going outside is not the most pleasant feeling. Therefore, it is advisable to place a wardrobe in living rooms.

Although, if you have chosen a vestibule-hallway, where the temperature rarely drops below comfortable, then such problems will not arise.

A small table will also be useful - you can leave on it any things that for some reason you cannot leave outside, but at the same time do not want to bring into the house.

How to make a vestibule with your own hands from double-glazed windows

Looks greatdouble-glazed vestibule– this material became widespread relatively recently, but today it is used quite widely. Reliable, attractive, relatively lightweight, they provide high-quality lighting and impart weightlessness to the structure.

Let's describe the entire installation step by step:

  1. The area where the extension will be located is marked.
  2. Holes with a diameter of 30-40 cm are dug in the corners.
  3. Pillars are installed in the pits and filled with concrete.
  4. A metal profile is attached to the posts.
  5. The structure must have a roof, so do not forget about the roof beams. Be sure to place them obliquely - sediments must be removed under their own weight.
  6. The flooring is being installed.
  7. Double-glazed windows and external doors are installed.

Yes, a glass vestibule in a private house cannot be called the most practical. But the most refined - quite.

How to make a vestibule with your own hands from polycarbonate

Another material widely used today in the construction of vestibules is polycarbonate. Compared to the one discussed above, it will be cheaper, but less durable.

It is best to take sheets 8-16 millimeters thick. You will also need aluminum or steel parts: channels, angles and round pipes. The installation process itself is described in detail above, only last stage polycarbonate sheets are used, not double-glazed windows.

Also, do not forget that metal and polycarbonate, when cooling and heating, can contract and expand. Therefore, you should leave small gaps when fastening - 2-4 millimeters.

When tightening the bolts, you can damage the fragile polycarbonate - make sure to buy rubber washers in advance to prevent this from happening. In general, building a polycarbonate vestibule in a private house is not at all difficult.

Ideas for designing a vestibule

Finally, we offer ten tips that will help you choose the right idea and decorate the vestibule in an elegant and practical style.

  1. Little light penetrates into the vestibule, so it is advisable to use furniture and finishing materials in light colors: canary, beige, white.
  2. Outside, you can stretch cords from the ground to the roof, planting them at the base climbing plants– in summer, the vestibule will be covered with lush greenery, which also protects from dust, noise and excess sunlight.
  3. If possible, use it frameless glazing so that even more sunlight penetrates into the vestibule.
  4. To make the vestibule truly bright and cozy, install an extension on the roof that has glass inserts.
  5. If the vestibule veranda is large in size, then you can use natural or fake diamond, and lay boards on the floor and cover them with varnish. It looks elegant, and creates the illusion that guests are in a forest hut.
  6. You can also install a real fireplace in the spacious vestibule-veranda - this will warm the room and allow you to enjoy comfort and closeness to nature.
  7. Choosing upholstered furniture for the hallway, use bright colors– they will make the room more sophisticated and attractive.
  8. If you want to save space in the vestibule, give preference to folding furniture - from chairs to a sofa.
  9. In the presence of large quantity For windows, choose light, dim furniture and finishing materials - then the faded areas will not be so noticeable.
  10. Wicker chairs and coffee tables, made from natural wood– primarily due to its natural origin.

Useful video: Tambour. Is it necessary to do it at home?

As you can see, installing a vestibule in a private house is not something too complicated. If you approach this matter with all your heart, you will easily cope with all the work - from design to finishing.

The most important task performed vestibule in the house- stop the flow of cold air entering the house from outside. The vestibule is also an obstacle to the penetration of moisture and dampness into a private house and becomes a buffer zone that reduces cooling of living spaces. In the vestibule there is space for shoes, outerwear and umbrellas, and if space allows, you can even arrange a small dressing room here, store bicycles or a baby stroller.

The vestibule room is a convenient transitional link between the house and the garage or utility room located nearby. Despite obvious advantages, not all developers provide vestibule in a private house, while others purchase a house where such a function is not provided. This decision is not justified. To correct what was missed and remodel the entrance area in a private house, we bring to your attention four ways to arrange a vestibule.

Allocating space inside the house

This solution is the simplest and least burdensome to implement. The vestibule was built in front of the entrance to the living room by erecting light partitions into which doors were inserted. Through the vestibule you can also get into utility room. The area of ​​the house remained almost unchanged.

The most popular method is the solution in the form of an extension. In this case, strong walls are built from bricks or blocks. Although you can opt for lighter structures made of wood or double-glazed windows on PVC or aluminum profiles. This solution allows you to purchase several additional square meters of usable space for use.

An "L" shaped wall was added to an existing private house. This alternative solution for owners who do not want to build a closed vestibule. True, this solution does not provide protection against heat loss, but creates minimal protection from the prevailing wind during the cold period.

Extension of a long vestibule

A wall was erected along the facade line, into which the entrance warm doors and a window. Application of the same building materials, as for the construction of a private house, will allow the new premises to be ideally integrated into the existing building.
The built vestibule is large enough to accommodate a closet or store a bicycle or cart. This option is good decision, when the house has a ledge, and the building conditions do not allow the superstructure to protrude beyond the facade line.

What you should know when building a vestibule in a private house

Lightweight extension structures made of aluminum or wood should be fixed directly to the wall of the existing building, and not to a layer of thermal insulation.


Must be durable and have good waterproofing and it must be separated from the existing building with a two-centimeter expansion (compensation) seam made of elastic material. Without such a seam joint, cracks will constantly appear at the joints.


Some developers do not fully understand the practical benefits of a vestibule, so they build it with a minimum area. As a result, it turns out that in such a vestibule, with open doors, barely fits one person, which leads to the idea of ​​cramped “Khrushchev” apartment buildings. Obviously, the vestibule in the house cannot be too large - most often it has an area of ​​2 to 7 m2.

A small vestibule performs only the main function - protection against heat loss in the house. Large vestibules provide space for temporary storage of belongings, bicycles and strollers. In addition, here you can install doors to enter other rooms, for example, a utility room or garage. In many cases, such solutions make household management easier.


Adding a vestibule or allocating part of a house corridor for this purpose is associated with the risk that it will not fit into the existing structure. In order not to disturb anything, you should maintain the accepted style in the house. Modern house- This is a modern lobby. Classic approach- entrance hall in traditional style.

Previously used finishing materials and the same color should be used. The new room should also be covered with the same material as the roof of the entire house, and the color of the doors and windows should match the rest of the doors and windows on the facade.

Protection from rain and snow

When designing a vestibule, be sure to think about protecting the front door from precipitation. For these purposes, you can build a canopy or canopy.


Is it needed in the vestibule? It all depends on its design, size and purpose. If you decide to go easy, wooden extension, which will serve exclusively as a thermal gateway, then ventilation can be abandoned. However, it will be necessary in an extension made of brick or aerated blocks, especially when it also includes a wardrobe.


Here the approach is similar to heating. One can, of course, imagine that a vestibule built of wood or made PVC profiles, is not heated, but the brick or block structure should be protected from freezing. It's also a matter of comfort.

Shoes or wet clothes are usually left in this hallway, so you should create an environment there that allows them to dry. The optimal solution is to use a heated floor, which will distribute heat very well. It is better to choose an electrically heated floor than a water floor, the water in which can freeze and break the lines during a long absence from the house.

If this type of heating is not installed in a built house, you can choose to install tubular radiators designed specifically for vestibules and hallways. They are made of vertical pipes with hangers, on which wet clothes dry quickly.


As in every room, at least one window is useful here. If the design does not allow you to insert it, then you can install glass doors through which sunlight will enter.

Keeping it clean

The vestibule in a private house is one of the places where dirt from the street is constantly applied. Therefore, it is extremely important to regularly sweep away sand and dirt and carry out wet cleaning.


Let's summarize. So, when developing a project for a private house, it is worth considering the possibility of implementing a vestibule. The practical need for a vestibule is to protect against excessive penetration of cold air into the house in winter. The vestibule, although sometimes small and cramped, located right outside the front door of our house, plays important role in its energy efficiency.

A vestibule in a private house is especially necessary for our climate zone as an “insulating buffer” between the inside of the house and the unfavorable outside weather conditions such as low temperature, wind or rain. In addition to this purpose, the entrance vestibule also performs other functions, for example, it will make it possible to remove outer clothing and shoes, as well as provide short-term storage for other things: bicycles, strollers, umbrellas, etc.

In addition, the vestibule will allow the postman, neighbor or other less desirable people to enter for the necessary conversation. In a word, a well-thought-out vestibule will help maintain warmth, cleanliness and improve the operation of the house, and taking into account several recommendations for layout and interior will allow you to properly plan this space.

First year of residence country house revealed a fairly significant drawback. In cold weather, the metal entrance door froze heavily from the inside, and the temperature in the hallway was noticeably lower than in other rooms.

To solve this problem, it was decided to attach an insulated vestibule to the outside and install an additional door.

Design and calculation work and necessary materials

Additional premises were planned to be built according to frame technology with exterior siding and interior lining with plasterboard. Thermal insulation was supposed to be made according to the sandwich principle: two layers of steam-hydrobarrier, between which there are hard mats made of basalt fiber. Entrance metal-plastic door with double glazing on top and sandwich panel on bottom standard size was ordered from a specialized company.

The design of the vestibule was drawn up independently and on its basis calculations of the required amount of materials were made. The list of things necessary for the construction of a vestibule includes the following items:

  1. Asbestos-cement pipes with a diameter of 100 mm, 2 pieces.
  2. Metal profile with a cross section of 50*100 mm, length 3700 mm - 3 pieces and 3000 mm - 2 pieces.
  3. Pine beams 50*100*2000 mm - 5 pieces, 50*100*4000 mm - 8 pieces.
  4. Board edged thickness 25mm-0.25cc m.
  5. Ondulin-4 sheets.
  6. Steam-hydrobarrier membrane - 40 sq. m.
  7. Thermal insulation mats made of basalt fiber 1000*600*100 mm - 20 pieces.
  8. Steel profile CD 60*27*2700 mm - 30 pieces.
  9. Waterproof plasterboard - 5 pieces.

PVC siding and components for exterior finishing were selected white to match the cladding of the main building. Materials were purchased from different places before the start of construction work in such a way that prices were minimal with proper quality.

Installation of the supporting frame

Entrance door country house is located at a height of 0.45 m from ground level and three steps lead to it. Dimensions of the vestibule: length along the facade 3500 mm, height to the roof canopy 3000 mm, width along the bottom landing of the stairs 1600 mm. The power frame was erected in the following order:

1) In the corners of the bottom landing of the stairs farthest from the house, two holes are dug with a diameter of 20-30 cm and a depth of 0.75-0.85 m, into which support pillars are installed vertically.

2) For strength, their bases are concreted with the addition of cement mortar sufficient amount of crushed stone.

Helpful advice: the posts should be installed above the roof attachment point and then hydraulically leveled to the desired level. For the correct strictly horizontal cut of the pipe, use a piece of old wallpaper wrapped with the ends together around the cylinder. Marking on asbestos cement is carried out with a simple pencil.

3) A metal profile is laid flat on the upper edges and secured to the posts with a steel strip and pins with a diameter of 8 mm.

4) The second section of pipe is mounted below rectangular section, which is also fixed to the supports.

5) At a distance of 500 mm from the center line, two vertical profiles, which join with the top and bottom element metal frame. A horizontal jumper is mounted at a height of 2000 mm.

6) K brick walls timber is mounted against asbestos-cement pillars on one side and the other.

7) Roof beams are attached on one side to the load-bearing elements of the roof frame with studs of the appropriate length, the other end rests on a horizontally laid metal profile and is fixed in this position.

8) A dense flooring is made from previously prepared boards on top of the rafters. A steam-hydrobarrier and sheets of Ondulin are laid on it with a corresponding overlap between them.

In all openings there is a lattice made of wooden beam in such a way that the heat-insulating mat fits exactly into the resulting windows. From outside and inside On the walls of the vestibule, the membrane is rolled out from top to bottom and secured with ordinary tape. A metal-plastic door is installed in the prepared opening and carefully secured to the load-bearing frame.

Exterior and interior decoration

After completing the main stage of work and placing the vestibule under the roof, you can begin cladding the walls. It is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Frames made of metal profile for installation of facing materials.
  • The outer surface of the wall is covered with siding, and the inner surface with plasterboard.
  • The ceiling and the lower part of the roof canopy are hemmed plastic panels with the installation of spotlights inside and directly above the entrance.

Upon completion of the cladding, the inside walls of the vestibule were puttied and painted using a roller water-based paint. All construction and Finishing work The construction of the structure took just over a week. Financial expenses for the implementation of this project turned out to be quite acceptable, we managed to save on services professional builders. All operations were performed independently with rare assistance from assistants.

Subsequent operation showed that decision the design of the vestibule turned out to be correct. In winter, the doors did not freeze, and the cold wind stopped blowing into the house. Placement of the vestibule in summer time began to serve as storage for shoes, and in winter it is used as a natural refrigerator.

The importance of a buffer zone between the cold outside and the warmth in the house is difficult to overestimate. It can be especially appreciated by the owners in the frosty season, when every opening of the front door entails a significant flow of cold air into the heated room. A vestibule can prevent such cooling - it will not only retain cold air, but will also functional role, taking on some of the hallway duties..

Is a vestibule needed in a private house?

What is called a vestibule in a private house?

A vestibule is a kind of “corridor” located between two doors: the entrance street doors and the interior doors leading into the house. This corridor can be either very modest in size, sufficient for the movement of one person, or it can be a spacious room with hangers, benches and shelves for shoes.

Tambour in the hallway of a private house photo

Is a vestibule needed in a private house? The vestibule is often called a buffer between the street and the house. And this is true, because the flow of cold air rushing in from the street does not penetrate the house, but lingers in the vestibule. And when you open the door leading to the living quarters, the cold penetrates only in small quantities. Thus, the following advantages can be highlighted entrance vestibule in a private house.

  1. Saving costs on .
  2. The comfort of household members who are constantly warm and cozy, and not shrouded in clouds of icy air.
  3. You can leave street shoes and clothes in the vestibule without bringing dirt into the room.
  4. It also provides protection against freezing.

But what about double door? Doesn't it really protect the living space from the penetration of cold? In an apartment, yes, but in a private house, no. And all because in this case there is no protective zone, and the cold flow has nowhere to accumulate, so it immediately enters the house without stopping. Both doors are at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other. To enter the house, you open the outer door and immediately open the inner door, and the cold goes straight into the living space in transit.

What to do if the house does not have a vestibule? This often happens when a house is bought in finished form, rather than being built from scratch. After spending one winter in a house without a buffer space, the owners decide to insulate the entrance to the house, and with the onset of warm weather they begin to construction works. Most often they complete construction small room 1-3 sq. m, its roof is covered roofing material, installing the front door. These few square meters will become reliable protection given temperature regime in the house.

What types of vestibules are there in a private house?

A vestibule is not only a quiet room of modest size without windows. Other structures can also be used as a buffer, the main task of which is to retain cold, heat and dust from the street.

Whatever configuration and whatever size you choose, the vestibule is necessary in your home. Even if it is a room of very modest size, even unheated, it must exist.

Design of a vestibule in a private house photo

How to arrange a vestibule: interior decoration

The design of the vestibule, as well as its interior decoration, depends on functional purpose this room and the materials from which the house is built. If this is a walk-through unheated corridor, then there will be few finishing options, but if it is a full-fledged hallway, then it is allowed to use a wider range of finishing materials.

As for arranging a vestibule in a private house, it is completed with suitable furniture - floor cabinets or shelves, cabinets or hangers, soft ottomans or a sofa. If the room is not large in size, then you should not clutter it with an extra piece of furniture. It’s better not to put an ottoman or shoe rack than to clutter up an already small space.

It is important to take into account the characteristics of the climatic zone, since our latitudes are different severe frosts and snowfalls in winter time and high temperatures in summer. It will be possible to reduce the level of their influence on the comfort of staying in your own home. correct layout. In order to create a barrier to cold or heat, the entrance to the house is equipped. Such a small room is called a vestibule.

Main functions

The vestibule is an optional element; its presence is not required technical rules construction of housing. But it performs a lot of useful functions, of which the following can be highlighted:

  • Heat and cold insulation. This space is a barrier to heat leaving the home and cold entering it. It is also important that it is protected from drops of rain, snow and wind, which affects the level of temperature indicators.
  • Protection against contamination. The wind, as a rule, can bring dust and dirt into the house, it is especially difficult when it is pollen or poplar fluff. Also often during certain works Garbage is brought into the house. A small room is where all types of dirt linger without reaching the home.

These are the main functions of the vestibule. Depending on the size and method of arrangement, it may protrude.

Required parameters

Owners of private houses today are increasingly abandoning unnecessary extensions or seeking to make them multifunctional. The standard vestibule has slightly different parameters and differs from the one that is now customary to attach to houses.

Important! By building regulations it must be at least 1.2 meters deep. To boost it protective functions, costs . It is desirable that it be equipped with glass. This will ensure light enters the room.

Important! Rules fire safety stipulate that the door between the street and the vestibule, as well as the one leading into the house, should open outward.

But, as you know, this requirement does not apply to private buildings, so its compliance is recommended, but not mandatory. It is also known that the standard vestibule is not equipped. Modern extensions at the entrance to the house are somewhat different from these standards.


Advice! Preferably place a mirror there, which will allow you to put yourself in order immediately before going for a walk.

An important role is played by a place to store things that are recommended or necessary to take with you before going out: bag, umbrella, keys. Many owners place a closet in the hallway for storing seasonal items, as well as various household appliances.

Unfortunately, the small dimensions of our houses do not allow us to create a separate one, so many believe that perfect solution– take it to the entrance annex. This is quite possible if special requirements are met.

Advice! For such a room, choose furniture that is resistant to temperature changes. This will ensure a longer service life.


Today the word "seni" seems so outdated that it is found mainly in villages. But these were the first options for arranging the vestibule. But few people remember its meaning.

  • A canopy is a special room that is both a connecting and buffer zone between housing and outbuildings.

Our ancestors united a house and a barn under one roof. But, fortunately, today this technique is increasingly being abandoned. Can be used as an adjacent building garage, and other buildings. This allows you to get from one room to another without going outside, which is very convenient, especially in winter.

The canopy protects not only from natural phenomena and debris coming from the street, but is also an excellent barrier to odors and noise coming from outbuilding. Despite this, experts recommend installing non-residential premises ventilation.

Advice! If an additional entrance is made to the boiler room from the street, then with the help of a canopy it can be connected to woodcutter.

This type is unheated. At choosing a door You should give preference to a glazed one or find a place for a window to ensure sufficient sunlight.


The veranda is excellent option arrangement of obstructive space. How is this structure different from others? The answer is very simple: the veranda is Light room in front of entrance. This is due to the large number of windows.

Walls can be built from brick, foam block and other materials. They can also be, but in this case they need to be insulated.


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