How to root a money tree from a cutting. Money tree - houseplant Crassula: care and cultivation at home, reproduction, diseases

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This article will tell you about the main features of caring for the “money tree” and how to replant a young plant, as well as get rid of diseases.

Money tree: what is the correct name of the plant, what does it look like, how does it bloom?

« Money Tree» - a plant common in homes. It is popular not only because it has many signs associated with the tree itself, but also for its ease of care and cultivation. The tree looks quite “modest” All its leaves and twigs are collected into one root rosette.

A distinctive feature of themselves leaves is that they do not have a petiole. Their shape is round, sometimes oval. It is the small round leaf that its size and appearance are similar to metal coins, the plant “earned” its name.

The leaf of the plant is covered with thick skin; inside the leaf there is watery pulp. Some, unlike those who consider the leaves to look like coins, call the plant is a “crassula” precisely for its fleshy foliage and powerful stem.

INTERENO: IN different countries this plant has different names. Known ones are: “zhiryanka”, “tree of happiness” or “ lucky tree", as well as the "tree of luck".

It turns out that this indoor plant maybe bloom? Not everyone achieves this when caring for a flower, and in most cases the color depends on the type of Crassula. The color of the leaves may also vary: some are light, others are dark, some have a red border.

The plant also blooms differently depending on the species. Sometimes these can be whole inflorescences, and sometimes single flowers. Flowers are located on the stem part. The flowers can have different shades, but most often they are white or yellow and only occasionally pink or bluish. Surprisingly, even during the flowering process Crassula is capable of changing the color of its petals several times.

What needs to be done to make your Crassula bloom? In addition to quality care, you need to provide the plant with access to direct sunlight. But, even if such manipulations do not allow you to achieve what you want, you should know that some types of “money tree” are simply not able to bloom at home and can only do this in nature. If you continue to wait for flowers, then you should only do this in the spring season.

Fleshy leaves of Crassula

"Mature" tree

White bloom

pink bloom

Lilac blossom

yellow bloom

Indoor Crassula

Street Crassula

Large Crassula tree

Money tree: how to plant a shoot and grow it?

Crassula reproduces very easily, in order to do this you can use two most popular ways:

  • First: Break off a twig of Crassula up to 10 cm and place it in a glass of water. Wait until after two to three weeks the sprout gives its small roots and then you can prepare a pot for the “tree”. Place an earthen mixture in it (buy in a store) and moisten it well. Plant the sprout not very deep, only 2-3 cm, no more. Care for it and water it regularly.
  • Second: Those who for a long time grows Crassula at home, probably noticed one peculiarity about the plant. If a leaf falls off a “tree” and falls to the ground in a pot, after a while (provided the soil is moist) it produces small roots. This small “deposit” is capable of turning into a sprout over time and with good conditions become a full-fledged “money tree”.

Reproduction by sprout

Leaf propagation

What kind of land is needed for a money tree?

The fat woman was “born” in hot countries and “loves” the exotic. That is why for its ideal care it is important to observe all light and humidity conditions. Sufficient amount of water - important condition for plant growth and health. The soil also requires the same.

The ready-made mixture can be purchased at the store or you can make it yourself. The ideal soil for Crassula consists of:

  • Sod land(approximately 1 part)
  • Leaf earth(approximately 3 parts)
  • River sand(approximately 1 part)
  • Wood ash– 1-2 tbsp. with a slide
  • Humus(approximately 100 g per 1 kg of soil)

IMPORTANT: You should definitely put drainage at the bottom of the pot (special “pebbles” that can hold and pass moisture, they can be purchased at any flower shop). The drainage layer, depending on the size of the pot, should be about 5 cm.

Drainage layer in a pot for Crassula

You can buy soil for Crassula, but it’s better to make it yourself

How to transplant a money tree into another pot?

Crassula plant is quite “capricious” in terms of transplantation. It doesn't like to be replanted too often, and it doesn't need it. A young plant should be “disturbed” once every 2 years, and an adult plant once every 3-4 years.

When replanting, it is important to consider all the characteristics of the plant. Eg, the plant “feels good” in clay pot and literally “suffocates” in plastic. You can also purchase a ceramic pot. The pot for the fat plant should not be too deep, focus on the size of the plant.

When purchasing a pot, it is important to give preference to a heavy product so that over time, when the fat woman becomes large, she cannot roll over either herself or the pot on her side. The root system of the “tree” itself is not deep and has the appearance of a coma.

It is very easy to care for the transplanted plant, because it does not require special and frequent watering c and this should be done only when the “crust” has dried on the surface of the earth. When watering a dry flower, do not skimp on water, water it abundantly (excess water will come out through the drainage and will not harm the flower).

IMPORTANT: It is advisable to do the transplant in the spring, closer to May, so that the plant is healthy and well established. Watering also requires special rules, for example, taking into account the “rest period”. It begins in October and lasts until February. During this period, the plant should be watered once every 1.5-2 months.

Crassula transplant

Correct transplant and watering the plant is the key to the health of the fat plant

Money tree: propagation, what to do?

What you will need:

  • Plant(sprouts-cuttings or plant leaves)
  • Soil mixture
  • A special preparation made from humus for accelerated growth of the root system (buy in a store and read the instructions on the package).

How to propagate a “tree”:

  • If you have a sufficiently mature money tree, you should inspect it for the presence of shoots or leaves taking root.
  • You can pinch off a cutting from a plant only if it is height not less than 5-6 cm. It is better not to pinch off small sprouts and give them time to grow on the tree as they have not yet become strong.
  • The petiole can be rooted either in water or in moist soil. It is best to “dry” the shoot a little after tearing off the petiole. dark place(shadow) for a day.
  • After this, place in a container with water (no more than half a glass) and Make sure that the sun does not hit the sprout.
  • The sprout needs up to 3 weeks to take root and only after that plant it in a pot filled with soil, watering it abundantly.

Reproduction by petiole

How to grow a money tree from a leaf?

You can grow a real “money tree” even from a simple leaf of a plant. To do this, pinch off any healthy leaf and plant it in the ground. This can be done in the same pot where it is already growing. a big tree or in a separate, but small one.

You should choose a small pot for planting a leaf because in order to begin growth, the plant will need to be allowed root system . Crassula roots only grow stronger when they can fill most of the space provided. In a large pot, a small leaf will unfortunately dry out.

Also required observe a strict watering regime. It is not worth pouring the leaf abundantly and often. On the contrary, it requires slightly dried soil so that when small roots grow back they can reach deeper in search of moisture and nutrients.

IMPORTANT: It is advisable remove the leaf from direct sunlight and excess light during the period of formation of the root system, drafts, radiator heat and excessive cold are also not desirable.

Leaf propagation, small root system

Money tree: how to water?

As already stated, Crassula – plant “southern” and therefore it is important for him to maintain an “exotic” climate. For this It is necessary to give the fat woman access to sunlight and moisture.

Monetary the tree loves frequent spraying, as well as moisturizing the leaves and removing dust from them. But this should be done extremely carefully so as not to tear off most of the leaves.

You should only water the fat plant after it dries well. The plant requires the same conditions in nature: a period of drought, a period of rain. Fill the pot, excess water will come out through the drainage and wait until it dries out again.

How to properly care for a fat woman?

How to prune a money tree at home?

It is necessary to trim the flower so that it grows vigorously in width, not in height. This way, the plant’s stem system can actively form. It is important to know that can be trimmed mature plant using scissors or pruning shears.

The young plant should be “pinched out”. This is done by tearing off the top rosette of the plant. This is also necessary so that the tree can strengthen its trunk and, instead of stretching upward, give strength to the leaves.

Video: Crassula

Is it possible to replant a money tree in winter?

The winter season can have a very adverse effect on the health of your plant if you decide to replant it. Spring - best period Summer is also a good time for replanting. The warmer it is, the greater the chance that your fat plant will grow stronger in a new pot.

Where should the money tree be located according to Feng Shui?

The money tree plant is often considered a symbol or sign of family wealth. That is why it is important to know how and where to place a plant in your home, following the spiritual science of Feng Shui.

The teaching says that the plant should be in the southeastern sector of your home. In addition, this place should have your work zone and a window through which fresh air and sunlight can enter.

Money tree diseases and their treatment

Like any plant, crassula, first of all, can get sick from improper care its "master". The most common disease is rotting of the root system. The cause of this problem can be excessive and frequent watering of the mail without the possibility of complete drying.

Root rotting is also easy to recognize by external signs:

  • Yellowing of foliage
  • Falling leaves
  • Loss of leaf elasticity
  • Leaves become soft and “liquid”

Crassula: rotten roots

IMPORTANT: If you have reduced watering, but the problem has not disappeared, the only way to help the tree is by replanting it.

Before transplanting, free the root system, rinse with running water and dry a little. After that Carry out a detailed inspection to remove any damaged areas. Places where the bad parts of the root are cut can be sprinkled charcoal . If you find that in addition to the roots, the trunk has also been damaged, unfortunately, it will no longer be possible to save the plant.

The fungus rarely affects the Crassula, but if this happens, you can recognize it by the spots protruding on the foliage: white, brown, brown. Delete fungal diseases Only special flower preparations from the store will help, which should be used only according to the instructions. If on a leaf black spots– it’s more likely not a fungus, but a sunburn.

Crassula: fungus

If the plant suffers from spider mite, then the first and most a clear sign will yellow spots on foliage and cobwebs. It can only be removed with a number of special drugs. The situation is worse if it starts up mealy worm. It contributes to the falling of leaves (as it feeds on their juice), curvature of the trunk and the formation of fungal masses. The worm can only be removed by spraying and washing the plant.

Spider mite Mealyworm

The leaves of the money tree are falling: what to do?

If you notice that a tree is losing its leaves, it may be a few reasons:

  • Insufficient watering of the tree (empty dry leaves)
  • Excessive watering (rotten roots)
  • Presence of pests (mealworm)
  • Lack of light

Video: “Crassula, care, cultivation”

Unlike propagation using a money tree cutting, which is essentially a ready-made plant, to grow a plant from a leaf, you need to spend a little more time, but subject to simple rules, success is guaranteed.

In order to propagate the plant, almost any healthy leaf will do; it can be cut or carefully broken off from an adult tree, or even just pick up a leaf that has just fallen. It often happens that fallen leaves take root on their own in a pot next to an adult plant and produce new shoots.

There are 2 main methods of propagating a money tree using a leaf.:

  • in water;
  • in the ground.

The first option is more preferable, since the preliminary development of new roots in water guarantees a greater chance that the seedling will take root.

Attention! Regardless of the propagation method, it is best to carry it out in spring or summer - it is during this period that active growth plants.

How to propagate with leaves in water at home?

Let's look at how to germinate crassula from a leaf in water. Rooting of the leaf occurs quite quickly; as a rule, the first roots begin to appear in just a week. The algorithm of actions is simple:

  1. You need to prepare a small container of water.
  2. Cut off the leaf.
  3. Carefully place the leaf in the container so that only the lower third is in the water.
  4. If desired, you can add root or other stimulants to the water; root formation, but this is not a prerequisite.
  5. After the roots appear, the sprout is transplanted into a pot.

How to root Crassula in the ground?

Let's figure out how to plant a leaf in a pot with soil. A leaf prepared for propagation can be immediately planted in a pot, bypassing the germination stage in water. This method may take a little longer, but is a little less labor intensive. Both a ceramic pot and a plastic one are suitable for planting. The sequence of actions for rooting Crassula is as follows::

  • it is necessary to prepare a container for planting;
  • cut a leaf;
  • fill the container with soil (it is best to use special soil for cacti and succulents) and make a small depression in it;
  • the sheet is placed about a third into the recess and sprinkled with earth;
  • if necessary, you can organize support;
  • Moistening is best done by spraying, trying not to get on the sprout itself.

If instead of special soil for cacti and succulents you used universal primer, it makes sense to dilute it with sand in a ratio of 3:1.

Also you can prepare the soil for planting a money tree yourself, for this you need to mix thoroughly:

  • 3 parts of turf land;
  • 1 part leaf soil;
  • 1 part humus;
  • 1 part sand.

Rules for caring for a young plant after planting

In the first year, a young money tree should not be disturbed by transplantation, so you must immediately select correct soil and a pot. Regardless of what material it is made of, the pot for planting a money tree should be shallow and wide, this will ensure the correct development of the plant and the formation of a strong trunk.

In no case should we forget about drainage, since its absence contributes to the accumulation of moisture in the substrate, which in turn leads to rotting of the roots of the plant and its death. This is especially important for young plants that have not yet matured.

The rules for caring for crassula are quite simple:

There are many signs and superstitions associated with the money tree; whether to attach meaning to them or not is a personal matter for everyone. But one fact remains true regardless of point of view: care and proper care will enable the plant to grow strong and healthy, and this is precisely what is necessary in order for the house to reign warm atmosphere And positive energy.

Useful video

We invite you to watch a video about growing a money tree from a leaf:

For the propagation of the Crassula there are two simple ways: rooting cuttings and leaves. The money tree can also be propagated by sowing seeds, but this is a labor-intensive and time-consuming procedure that does not guarantee that the seedlings will be similar to the mother plant. And collecting seeds at home is practically impossible, since rarely does anyone manage to wait for the Crassulaceae crops to bloom. Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at the first two methods. This is an easy and fun process that even a novice amateur gardener can handle.

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    The easiest way to propagate a money tree is by apical or stem cuttings. This option allows you to obtain in a short time several fairly developed plants that completely copy the mother specimen.

    The favorable time for rooting planting material coincides with the beginning of the active growing season of indoor crops. That is, with spring. You can propagate at other times of the year, but it is worth remembering that the time for the appearance of roots in autumn or winter can last for 3-6 weeks. You can root cuttings both in water and in soil. But first they need to be properly prepared:

    • Prepare cuttings 10-15 cm long, with at least 3 nodes and 3 pairs of leaves.
    • Cutting down planting material from strong and well-developed shoots.
    • Make the lower cut closer to the node from which roots will eventually appear.
    • Dry the cut cuttings on outdoors within 1-2 days.

    There is no need to use root formation stimulants when propagating fat plants. If simple technology is followed, almost 100% of cuttings produce roots without outside help. There are cases when they lay for several days and even weeks in the open air, and they developed healthy roots.

    Landing in the ground

    Prepared cuttings can be planted in a mixture of equal parts of leaf and turf soil with river sand or root in clean coarse sand or perlite. Store-bought soil for cacti and succulents is also suitable. Step by step landing procedure:

    • Place a drainage layer about 1/3 of the total height of the container on the bottom of a small pot with a diameter of no more than 7 cm.
    • Sprinkle the soil mixture on top, without compacting it tightly, and lightly moisten it.
    • Place the cutting in the center of the flowerpot so that its lower end goes 3-4 cm deep into the substrate. If there are leaves on the lower part of the cutting, they should be removed.
    • Place for rooting in a warm (+18...+22 °C) and well-lit place, but without direct sunlight.

    There is no need to create a humid microclimate for Crassula cuttings, so there is no need to build a kind of mini-greenhouse from scrap materials. The main thing is to moisten the soil as the top layer dries. When the money trees take root and begin to grow, they can be transferred to permanent place and care for them like adult plants.

    Rooting Crassula cuttings in the ground

    Rooting in water

    Those gardeners who are accustomed to observing the process of root emergence can use the method of rooting a money tree in water:

    • Pour pre-boiled and cooled water into a clean glass or jar. room temperature water, throw in a tablet of activated carbon.
    • Remove leaves from the part of the cutting that will be in the liquid, otherwise rotting processes may begin.
    • Keep the fat plant in a warm place out of direct sunlight.
    • After the appearance of full-fledged roots about 2 cm long, plant the cuttings in separate pots using complete soil for succulent crops.

    According to experienced flower growers, roots appear in water much faster than when planted in the ground, but there is a possibility of the cuttings rotting (especially at cool air temperatures).

    Rooting Crassula in water

    Propagation using leaves

    Propagation of Crassula using individual leaf blades takes much longer. Although the leaves take root quickly enough, you have to wait quite a long time for the babies to appear. For planting, you need to take healthy leaves without signs of rot or damage. It is advisable to separate several copies from the middle part of the shoots of the mother plant: the old lower or yellowed leaves will dry out even before they have time to take root, and the young ones take root for a long time and reluctantly, since they themselves are still underdeveloped.

    To propagate a money tree, it is better to take large, elastic and intensely colored leaves. And if you take those that already have aerial roots, this will be a 100% guarantee of successful rooting.

    Leaf cuttings, like stem cuttings, can be rooted in soil or water, but planting in a substrate, according to experienced gardeners, is more convenient option. To do this, pour the soil mixture into a bowl or small container and lightly moisten it. Then lay the leaves, dried for 1-2 days, on the surface of the soil so that the base of the leaf is in contact with the ground, for example:

    • place it along the inner perimeter of the pot, deepen it a few millimeters and rest it on the side;
    • dig in no more than 1/3 of the length of the sheet and secure with wooden or plastic staples or sticks.

    For better rooting, leaf cuttings can be placed in a greenhouse: put in an airtight plastic bag, cover glass jar or other available material that transmits light. They should be ventilated daily to prevent them from rotting in high humidity conditions.

    When propagating Crassula by leaf cuttings, you should be patient, as the formation of babies can take several weeks. After the sprouts appear, the transparent cover can be removed, and after a few weeks the grown plants can be planted in separate pots.

    A Crassula baby can even appear from a leaf that has fallen to the ground.

    Secrets of successful cultivation

    When breeding crassula crops, gardeners often make mistakes that turn out to be fatal and lead to the death of the plants. To avoid losing your money tree, you should follow the basic rules of care:

    • Water as the top layer of soil in the pot dries. Do not allow water to stagnate in the pot; half an hour after watering, be sure to drain the liquid that has leaked from the pot.
    • Use containers for planting that are commensurate with the size of the plant. Give preference to small but wide pots in which the superficial root system can develop normally.
    • Grow a money tree in loose, light and nutritious soil, prepared independently from the above components or purchased in a store. The purchased soil should be marked “for cacti and succulents.”
    • It is necessary to lay a drainage layer at the bottom of the flowerpots, the thickness of which is at least 1/3 of the total height of the pot.
    • Feed no more than once a month. If kept in cool conditions in winter (up to +20°C) and poor lighting, avoid feeding. Use complex mineral preparations for succulents or universal formulations for decorative foliage indoor plants.
    • In the first 3-4 years of life, the fat plant should be replanted annually, and then transferred to a larger pot as needed. For old overgrown specimens, change annually upper layer soil in a pot, and the money tree itself can no longer be disturbed by replanting.
    • Periodically shape the crown of the plant by pinching and cutting off excessively elongated shoots.
    • Grow on south, south-east or south-west windows, where the flower will bask in the sun during the day. In case of insufficient lighting (in winter when kept warm or on windows with a north orientation), provide illumination with fluorescent or LED devices.

    Possible difficulties

    If you do not pay proper attention to the flower, it may die. main reason loss of decorativeness and death of fat plants - excessive watering. Its main features:

    • the base of the stem becomes soft, the trunk breaks into pieces under its own weight;
    • leaves turn pale, dull, lose elasticity, soften, crumble;
    • Brown spots appear on them.

    At the first sign of disease, dry earthen lump and continue to water the plant carefully. But if the trunk rots or the leaves continue to wither and fall off, it will no longer be possible to save the flower. You will have to cut healthy cuttings and root them as described above. But the falling of the lower leaves is not a disease. This is a natural process caused by the “growing up” of the flower.

    To prevent the money tree from growing lopsided, but to have a powerful, slender trunk, it is necessary to observe the light regime (at least 12 hours a day) and regularly rotate the pot around its axis. Then the crown will form evenly, and the stem will not tilt to one side.

– a very decorative and unpretentious succulent, widespread in indoor culture. Caring for it does not take much time. Reproduction of this plant is also not difficult. Even a novice gardener can do this. Having an adult, overgrown specimen, you can easily and quickly get many young money trees.

In the article we will look at how to propagate a money tree at home (with cuttings, leaves and seeds), what methods exist for this, and how to properly care for the shoots of the crassula.

Methods for propagating a money tree

Tree crassulas, colloquially referred to as money trees, are low plants with thick trunks and branches bearing fleshy leaves oval shape. There are 3 main ways to propagate these plants:

  • Cuttings;
  • Reproduction by leaf blades;
  • Sowing seeds.

All types of tree-like crassulas are easily propagated by cuttings.

Crassulas form powerful branched bushes or small trees. Prepare required quantity cuttings are usually not difficult. The easiest way to reproduce is the purslane crassula. On its branches and trunk it forms a large number of aerial roots. During rooting, they quickly grow and form a root system young plant.

Tree crassula is most often propagated by leaf blades. This species has large leaves that are easily separated from the shoot and quickly take root. You can also find leaf blades suitable for rooting from the Portulaca Crassula. This variety of money tree forms aerial roots even on some large leaves. They can be separated from the shoot and easily rooted.

The money tree is rarely propagated by seeds., since it is difficult to obtain them at home. This plant does not bloom every year. Most often you can see the flowering of Crassula oval. Crassula purslane blooms only at a very mature age. The least common species to bloom in an apartment is the large tree crassula.

Propagation of money tree by cuttings

Most often, the money tree is propagated at home by cuttings. This method allows you to quickly obtain a large number of fairly large young plants.

Cuttings for rooting can be prepared during spring formative pruning of the plant.. But you can cut the cuttings you like at any time of the year. They take root very quickly only in spring-summer period. If you put the cuttings to root in the fall or winter, you can wait several weeks for the roots to appear.

Selection and preparation of cuttings for rooting

Cuttings for propagation must be strong and well developed. You should not take them from elongated and weak branches. Their length should be about 10 cm, they should have at least 3 nodes with 3 pairs of leaves. Both apical and stem cuttings can be rooted.

The lower cut is made near the node from which root growth will begin. After this, the cuttings are dried in air for 1-2 days. Treatment with root-forming preparations is not required. Usually up to 100% of prepared cuttings take root.

Rooting methods

Root the cuttings in water or directly in the ground. To root in water, place the prepared cuttings in a glass or glass jar with boiled water at room temperature. It is not advisable to use tap water. The cuttings may begin to rot in it.

Rooting lasts from 1 to 5-6 weeks depending on the time of year. In spring and early summer, cuttings take root very quickly. But the closer it gets to winter, the slower the rooting process becomes. Rooted cuttings are planted in separate pots with soil.

You can root money tree cuttings directly in the ground. To do this, they are planted one by one in pots with soil in which they will then grow. Sometimes cuttings are rooted in clean perlite or coarse washed sand. During rooting, the soil in the pot should be slightly moist, but not wet. Money tree cuttings usually take longer to take root in the ground than in water.

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The best soil mixture for the money tree is soil for succulents. You can also purchase a universal soil mixture for indoor plants. Before planting cuttings, it is mixed with sand in a ratio of 1:4.

You can make the soil yourself. To do this, take in equal parts:

  • Sand;
  • Humus;
  • Leaf soil;
  • Sod land.

Instead of sand, you can use other leavening agents: perlite or vermiculite.

Caring for rooted cuttings

Rooted cuttings require the same care as mature money trees. They are watered when the top layer of soil in the pot has dried out by 2-3 cm. Keep the pot with a young money tree in bright, diffused light.

It is not recommended to grow a money tree in open sun. During the growing season, the plant is fertilized special compounds for succulents. At the beginning of spring, it is advisable to pinch actively growing shoots to stimulate branching.

Propagation of money tree by leaves

The process of propagating a money tree with leaves is quite long. Here, to obtain a young plant it will take much more time than when propagating by cuttings.

Sheet selection

For successful rooting, you need to choose the right money tree leaf. The leaf should not be old and yellowed, otherwise it will dry out before it takes root. Also he should not be too young. Leaf blades are separated from the middle of the shoot. They should be elastic, large and have intense green color. Leaves for rooting should be easily separated from the shoot. Sometimes aerial roots form on some leaves. It is best to take such leaves, as they are much easier to root.

Rooting methods

Leaves are rooted in the same way as cuttings: in water or in the ground. In the first case, the leaf is placed with its base in a small glass with a small amount of water. The water should be cooled and boiled to prevent leaf rotting. Every 3-4 days, change the water in the glass until roots form on the leaf.

When rooting leaves in the ground, they are not dug in, but simply laid out on the surface so that the base of the leaf touches the ground. In this case, roots quickly form on the leaves, which themselves go into the ground. If the leaf is buried, it rots easily.

Planting in the ground and care

When roots form on the leaves standing in water, they are planted in the ground in separate small pots. You can't deepen them too much. Only their root system should be in the ground.

After planting, the leaf is covered with film or a glass jar for 1-2 weeks. But it is necessary to remove the jar daily for ventilation, otherwise the leaf will rot. Once a sprout appears from the base of the leaf, the leaf is opened and the new plant is cared for as if it were an adult money tree.

Reproduction of Crassula by seeds

Propagating a money tree by seeds is a labor-intensive and time-consuming process. Seeds collected from an adult flowering specimen are sown in small bowls or pots.

The composition of the soil for sowing is required to be the same as for growing an adult money tree. The seeds are laid out on the surface of a moistened but not wet soil mixture and pressed in slightly. After this, the crops are covered with film.

Until the emergence of shoots, the film must be removed daily for 20-30 minutes for ventilation. As the soil dries, moisten it with a spray bottle so that it remains slightly moist. Under these conditions, at temperatures above 20ºC, seeds begin to germinate within 2 weeks.

After germination of the bulk of the seeds, the film is gradually removed, increasing the time of daily ventilation. But at the same time they monitor the condition of the soil. It shouldn't dry out. Sowing should not be in direct sunlight; light partial shade is suitable for it.

The seedlings are grown in pots for about a month, after which they are planted in a larger container. It is filled with soil to grow money trees. Seedlings are planted at some distance from each other. The distance between them should not be less than 1 cm. The next picking is carried out when the seedlings have 2-3 leaves.

The grown seedlings are transplanted into separate pots with soil with a diameter of 5-7 cm. Now they can be cared for like adult fat plants. But watering should be a little more intense to keep the soil moist. As they grow, they are gradually transferred to the watering regime for adult plants.

Problems and difficulties during reproduction

Even if you know how the money tree (crassula) propagates at home, sometimes some difficulties may arise. Overcoming them is quite easy. Here are some common problems and how to solve them:

  • As the cuttings root, their leaves begin to turn yellow. This occurs due to excess moisture and signals the beginning of putrefactive processes. When rooting a cutting in water, it must be removed and dried again. When rooting in the soil, you need to reduce watering.
  • The leaves of cuttings rooted in the ground begin to dry out and fall off. The appearance of this problem indicates a lack of moisture in the soil. It is necessary to water the cuttings.
  • Dark spots appear on the leaves of young money. This is a fungal infection that develops when there is excessive soil and air moisture. It is necessary to reduce watering of plants and regularly ventilate the room. Plants should be treated with fungicidal preparations.
  • Cuttings and leaves do not take root for a long time. In autumn and winter this is quite natural. But if this happens in spring or summer, then the cause may be low temperature and insufficient lighting. It is necessary to increase the temperature so that it is within 20-25ºС and move the cuttings to a more illuminated place. But if this does not help, you should use root growth stimulants.
  • Colored spots appear on the leaves of cuttings and young plants. This is the beginning of a fungal or bacterial disease. For treatment, you need to use complex preparations that are sprayed on the plant and watered at the root.
  • The lower part of the rooted cutting darkens and becomes soft. This is a putrefactive process. To eliminate it, you need to remove the cutting from the water and cut off its lower part to healthy tissue. Then it is dried for 1-2 days and placed in a cooled boiled water. For prevention, you can add a fungicidal drug to the water.

You can find out in detail about caring for a fat woman at home.

Many gardeners will probably want to grow a money tree, also known as Crassula and Crassula, at home. It is not too demanding to care for and at the same time looks aesthetically pleasing. In today's article we will look at how to propagate a money tree.

Before figuring out how to plant a money tree, every gardener should study basic rules, which you cannot do without if you want to grow this flower in your own home. The propagation process of Crassula will be successful if you provide it with the following conditions in advance:

  • It is advisable to place the flower in a pot in a well-lit place in the apartment. The optimal choice for a gardener is western or eastern windows. You should not expose the fat woman on straight lines Sun rays, because excessively bright light is contraindicated for the plant. You can prevent the appearance of burns on the leaves by shading the stem on hot summer days. But in winter period Do not leave the money tree without lighting. It should be placed in a bright corner of the house. At the same time, do not forget to turn it occasionally flower pot. In this case, the fat woman will evenly absorb nutrients and be filled with sunlight;
  • The plant must be moistened moderately. Otherwise, its rhizome will begin to actively rot. Check the condition of the flower from time to time. If leaves suddenly fall off or the plates become covered brown spots, this means that you have gone too far with moisture. To prevent sad consequences, even at the planting stage, take care of the presence of drainage in the flowerpot. At the same time, do not forget to let the water sit for several days before the next watering. Tap liquid contains too many chlorine elements, so it is not suitable for moisturizing Crassula;
  • Crassula should be planted in low-density soil. Universal substrate or soil for succulents - optimal choice for any gardener;
  • engage in the formation of the crown and thus stimulate the flower to increase the vegetative mass;
  • It is recommended not to propagate and replant shoots too often, otherwise you will cause serious harm to the plant.

Reproduction homemade Crassula will bear fruit if you can create favorable conditions for its growth in your home.

Video “Planting a Money Tree”

From this video you will learn how to properly plant Crassula at home.

Basic methods

How to plant and germinate a money tree shoot is a question that gardeners who have this flower in their flower collection probably face. This plant can be propagated at home using several methods at once: using cuttings, leaves or seed material. Let's look at the features and advantages of each method so that you can make the right choice and successfully grow crassula.


How to grow a money tree from a shoot - flower growers are ready to resort to this method most often, since it quickly bears fruit. If your Crassula is already about 3 years old, you can safely cut the stalk from its stem without fear of causing significant harm to it.

First of all, inspect the flower and take the shoots that have aerial roots. If there are any, the plant will be able to take root quite quickly. Optimal length cuttings - 10 cm. It must be strong and healthy in appearance: sluggish specimens are unlikely to take root in water or soil.

If desired, cut off the top of the trunk, which can also be planted in a separate container.

The procedure for propagating Crassula using cuttings is carried out in the following mode:

  • first, make a cut of the process between its segments; they are easy to see on the branch;
  • Be sure to treat the resulting cuttings with an antiseptic and then leave them for several hours so that they can dry well;
  • before planting the sprout in a pot, add a little drainage to the bottom so that moisture does not stagnate there in the future;
  • fill the container with earth adding a small amount of sand;
  • Be sure to sprinkle the sprouts on top with sand - then the water will not evaporate too quickly.

If desired, plant several shoots nearby at once. Plant these cuttings separate flowerpots It will be possible when they are sufficiently strong.

Using leaves

Propagation of a young money tree can be carried out not only by cuttings, but also with the help of leaves. This method is not difficult to implement. To begin, inspect your plant and choose bottom sheets. Cut them off and then leave them on fresh air at least for a day. Next stage– soaking in a growth stimulator. In this case, it is very important that you immerse not only the leaf shoot in the solution, but also the plate itself (0.5 cm).

Some gardeners prefer to root crassula leaves in a mixture of peat and sand. Even moistened moss is used for this purpose. After planting, cover the shoots with glass or film for the first few weeks. This will create a greenhouse effect. Ventilate the leaves from time to time and do not forget to spray them. Soon they will begin to produce roots.


It is much easier to plant and propagate a flower with leaves and twigs than with grains. As a rule, seed material is used if you want to add new varieties to your collection. However, keep in mind: this technology will require a lot of time and effort from you.

The grains are sown in a nutritious soil composition. They must be covered on top with a glass jar or film. Almost every day after rooting, the seed material will need to be ventilated and also sprayed with water.

Knowing how to cut and replant a money tree, as well as care for it, you can diversify your home flower collection and decorate your own home.


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