Treatment of wooden floors inside the house. Review of compositions for treating wooden floor joists

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An important step at interior decoration baths is a floor treatment. It is necessary to choose the right product and thoroughly saturate the surface. From a literate and high-quality execution This work will depend on the comfort, hygiene and service life of the materials.

Is it worth treating the floors in the bathhouse?

Wooden flooring V bath complex is in sufficient extreme conditions. Here the boards are exposed to water, saturated steam, which condenses on the floor, and the temperature rises to 60–70 degrees in a Russian bath and almost 100 degrees in a sauna. Disputes regarding the advisability of treating floors in bathhouses arise constantly.

Many people are put off by the possibility of chemical fumes during procedures. On the other hand, mold and the “aroma” of dampness from blackened, decaying floors will ruin any vacation in the bathhouse. Unprotected wood, like a sponge, absorbs microparticles of dirt and soot, which gives a persistent, specific odor. Professionals assure that the special impregnation is harmless, and the effect of the treated floors contributes to the emergence of positive emotions in a person.

One of the popular materials for constructing a floor in a bathhouse is wood. And what comes to the fore here is his negative quality– it undergoes active rotting in a damp room, as it is not able to withstand the penetration of moisture. The destructive process consists of the rotting of wood fibers under the influence of fungi and microorganisms that multiply intensively at elevated temperatures and humidity: the floors in the bathhouse begin to turn black and become covered with a white coating. And to prevent this from happening, they use impregnations that protect the wood from rot. Moreover, the presence of a direct source of fire in the premises of a bathhouse or sauna contributes to the ignition of wood, so the floor must be impregnated with compounds that protect the wood from fire.

Concrete floors are also subject to deterioration and require special protection.

Impregnations for concrete floors prevent not only moisture from entering the floor, but also various chemical substances. These components can lead to the formation of white streaks or efflorescence (crystallization of salts on the surface of concrete). Impregnations also prevent penetration inside harmful microorganisms, destroying concrete.

Compositions for wood flooring

Bathroom floor impregnation is characterized by high penetrating properties, protecting the boards from moisture, insects and dirt. It reliably clogs the natural pores of the wood, stopping the processes of rotting and decomposition of microorganisms inside the wood. Impregnations can be transparent and colored. In order to receive desired color To emphasize the texture of wood, just add a drop of dye to the product.

Handle wooden floor in the bath you can use special compositions, which are:

  • antiseptic;
  • moisture-proof;
  • fireproof.

Antiseptic impregnations for acrylic base prevent the vital activity of all types of pathogenic organisms and have:

  • resistance to temperature fluctuations, which allows impregnation of the floor in the washing room and steam room;
  • resistance to moisture penetration;
  • high air permeability, thanks to which the wood can “breathe”.

Protective agents are found in the form liquid solution or a dry mixture that requires dissolution with water. Fire-resistant preparations are rarely used in steam rooms. But since they create a non-combustible layer on the surface of the wood, they can be used to treat the floor near the stove.

Bleach is not an impregnation, but it can be used to whiten darkened floorboards in bath rooms.

Water-soluble products have the following characteristics: they do not contain aggressive chemical components; do not change the structure of the tree; do not allocate unpleasant odors. The main disadvantages include the gradual leaching of the composition from the surface of the wood and the need to re-apply impregnation. Regular ventilation of the premises will extend the life of the protective layer of a wooden floor.

Treating the floor in a bathhouse against rotting with water-soluble impregnations is optimal solution for owners. To thoroughly saturate the wood, it is necessary to apply several layers of a protective composition, combining antibacterial and moisture-protective agents. The treated bath floor will delight you with its durability and beautiful appearance, since many antiseptics contain coloring pigments that highlight the natural beauty of the wood.

Drying oil that penetrates the wood is often used as an impregnation. After drying and thickening, it forms a protective film. It is used to process the wooden floor of a bathhouse in:

  • washing;
  • steam room;
  • rest room;
  • dressing room

There are oil and natural drying oil. Experts say that it is necessary to cover floors in bathhouses where there is a significant increase in temperature with natural compounds that do not contain any synthetic components.

Treating a wooden floor with a folk remedy

You can cover the wood on the floor in the bathhouse with your own hands with propolis and sunflower oil. To do this, the components are taken in a ratio of 1:3. They should be mixed well and soaked in them on the floor surface, previously cleaned of dust. This method of protecting wood from moisture and rot helps prevent the development of various microorganisms.

To protect the boards from rotting in the bathhouse, you can use another folk method– impregnation linseed oil. Its main advantages are as follows.

  1. Environmentally friendly product.
  2. Penetrates deeply into the wood structure, closing even small pores.
  3. Has effective water-repellent properties.
  4. Improves appearance floor wooden surface.
  5. Protects floors from the effects of fungus and mold, as it has an antiseptic effect.

Flaxseed oil contains glycerides of polyunsaturated acids. Under influence external factors(oxygen, heat, light) the process of their polymerization occurs, that is, they begin to thicken. After complete drying (after 2–3 weeks), a protective film, protecting wood covering from destruction. To cover 10 sq. m of floor boards will require 1 liter of linseed oil. After treatment, the oil practically does not remain on the wood.

To improve its performance properties, linseed oil is sometimes mixed with wax.

Before covering the floors in the bathhouse with any chosen product, you should clean the wood from grease, dirt and dust, that is, pre-treat the surface. Despite the finishing already carried out, situations may arise when the floors still begin to darken and rot. These parts must be disassembled and dried. Then the surface of the bath floor is finished sanding paper and re-coat the boards with antiseptic. After drying final step Finishing the damaged area with wax is considered.

Impregnations for concrete floors in bathhouses

Protective agents for concrete are organic and inorganic. The first ones are made on the basis of acrylic, polyurethane and epoxy. Inorganic agents convert soluble components into insoluble ones. The use of such compositions makes it possible to improve the resistance of the coating to the influence of chemical compounds. These impregnations are less popular than the first type.

Types of organic impregnations

It's important to remember that protective compounds enter into chemical reaction with the concrete itself, so before carrying out work, you need to check whether the composition is suitable for your floor. To do this you need to apply the product to small area surface and wait for it to dry. If the concrete does not darken or crumble, and the impregnation covers the floor with a strong, even layer, then you can safely use it.

Are the same drugs suitable for different rooms?

Before choosing an impregnation, you need to decide on the purpose of its use, since each compartment of the bath has a different level of humidity. It is important to remember that the products used for floors should not emit harmful substances or have a strong odor. Due to the fact that there are high temperatures in the sink and steam room, there is a threat of evaporation from the surface of the treated floor, which can be harmful to health.

To prevent the negative effects of impregnation preparations on the body, it is necessary to remember the following.

  1. In the rest room and locker room, the air temperature usually does not exceed 28 degrees. Therefore, synthetic impregnations can be used in these rooms.
  2. The washing room is dominated by high temperature and humidity. The wooden floor there must be impregnated with only organic-based products.

Protective impregnations are presented in a fairly wide range. Modern means allow you to fight the destructive process - first of all, rotting. To do right choice, pay attention to the properties of impregnations and correlate them with the characteristics of your bath or sauna - this is the only way you can find perfect option protection specifically for your case.

In the old days, the floors in the bathhouse were made of earth, they were simply compacted well and used that way, so the question I didn’t have any idea how to treat the floors in the bathhouse. Nowadays, this is rarely seen, except in very remote villages. Floors are mainly made of wood, concrete, ceramic tiles. Such floors are very reliable and do not require special care. This is especially true for tile and concrete floors. But these materials, although reliable in use, are not very convenient. Such a floor is usually cold, so it needs heating; also, if it is wet, it is easy to slip on it, and the cost and labor costs are not in its favor.

The most comfortable floor in a bathhouse is wood, but wood is afraid of moisture, so it needs to be specially treated with impregnations to protect it from various fungi.

Bathroom floors, frequently asked questions.

Wood flooring is the best option, because wood is environmentally friendly pure material, it holds heat well and is not harmful to health. There are a lot of positive aspects here. Bathroom floors are usually made from rocks such as birch, cedar, pine, Linden. Linden by the way, this is the most best material for a bath, because it contains natural medicinal substances useful to the human body. Therefore, by taking steam in such a bath you will heal yourself - take note of this.

Of course, in addition to many positive aspects, there are also negative ones. Everyone knows that wood is afraid of moisture - and the bathhouse is the place where there is a lot of this moisture. Therefore, the use of wood in this room requires it special processing. A natural question arises - How to treat the floor in a bathhouse so that it does not rot or deteriorate, you can also read the answer to these questions.

There are many various means which protect the tree from damage. Modern chemistry reached unprecedented heights. Even ordinary modern paint or varnish is good defender for wood. But there is one thing - in the bathhouse you will be steaming at high humidity and temperature, which means if these substances that cover the tree get into the air, you will breathe them. As you understand, this is not only not good, but simply dangerous for your health and life.

Therefore, it is necessary to impregnate wood especially in the steam room. environmentally friendly and natural impregnations . On sale you will find a number of antiseptics that are made from natural wax; they are used to impregnate and protect wood in rooms such as a bathhouse.

There are several types of wood impregnations:

Water-soluble ones are more suitable for use in the waiting room, relaxation room, but not in the steam room. They are usually used on walls; they are not suitable for floors. But impregnations based on organic solvents make wood very moisture resistant, and most importantly, the film that is formed is very durable. Therefore, you will reliably protect the wood from moisture and damage.

Combined impregnations are also interesting, because they not only protect the wood well from moisture but also make it more resistant to fire. And this is another plus for the safety of your building.

But as already mentioned, if you process wood in a steam room, then environmental friendliness and the safety of your health come first. Therefore, impregnations made from natural oils are better suited for such a room.

Floor impregnation

When you buy wood impregnation, pay attention to the texts on the packaging. After all, it is always written there what this material is intended for. Let's take for example, Tikkurila Supi Laudesuoya , the impregnation is based on oils. Its purpose is to process shelves in the bathhouse - and this place should be the most natural. After all, this is where the maximum area of ​​contact between wood and the human body is. Therefore, this material is made from natural substances and is not harmful to the human body under any circumstances. In fact, this is a specific paraffin oil that will protect your wood from moisture.

Also suitable for interior surfaces NEOMID 200, it can be used to treat not only walls and floors, but also benches with shelves. And this speaks about its environmental friendliness. In addition, the price for such impregnation is affordable.

After reading the article, you now know how to treat the floor in a bathhouse so that it does not rot, and most importantly, so that it is safe for your health.

To protect your floor from mold, you can purchase:

When building baths, wood is most often used - it is an environmentally friendly material with good thermal insulation characteristics. But with high humidity, the tree begins to actively rot, and mold and mildew grow on it. To wood flooring served as long as possible, it is important for the owner to know what to treat with and what impregnations are best suited for this.

Why does rot appear?

Wet wood is an excellent environment for fungi to multiply and spread their spores. The process of decay is significantly accelerated when air stagnates, but in bathhouses they often make thermal insulation, which complicates air exchange and reduces the gas permeability coefficient of wood. If you lay a wood floor without any treatment, it will rot in literally 6–10 months.

If you have cracks in your wood, we recommend that you read the article

When the floor rots in the bathhouse, there will be a constant smell of dampness.

How to treat the floor in a bathhouse from rotting

  1. Treatment with antiseptic primer. Solutions in the form of a ready-made antiseptic or concentrate are sold in hardware stores. It should be applied in 2-3 layers.
  2. Impregnation using drying oil or linseed oil. The wood is completely immersed in a container with oil and kept for several hours. Impregnation will help “close” the pores in the wood and prevent moisture from getting inside.

Before applying the antiseptic, the wood is dried under ultraviolet light.

Step-by-step instruction

Go carefully over all the boards with a hammer - wood affected by rot will give off a dull sound.

Floor treatment is carried out according to the following instructions:

  1. Boards or beams are cleaned using an electric planer, also removing the top rotten layer (if any).
  2. The wood is dried in the sun or simply outdoors(it is also possible with sub-zero temperature on the street).
  3. Treat with wood antiseptic in 2-3 layers.
  4. Impregnate with drying oil or linseed oil, after which the wood must be rubbed with a dry cloth to remove excess impregnation.

If there are completely damaged areas of the floor in the bathhouse, they should be replaced with fresh boards

If you completely follow the above instructions, then such a floor, even laid on the ground (as is done in summer baths), will last at least 5–10 years. And if you also provide good ventilation indoors, then all 20–30 years.

But, due to the fact that there is high humidity and high temperature at the same time, unexpected troubles arise. The floors are most often affected. They are the ones who perceive maximum loads. Deformation of the boards, mold and mildew can appear quite quickly. On the other hand, it is unacceptable to use in a bathhouse chemicals, as fumes can cause serious harm to health. The bathhouse should bring health and health to its owners good mood. It is important to choose correctly what to treat the floor in the bathhouse with.

The floor in the bathhouse is considered a place that needs to be given special attention. Floors are made only from boards or thick timber that have undergone heat treatment. The floor should lie on stable, thick joists. According to technology, logs must rely on a special brickwork. By observing these conditions, you can achieve the longest possible service life of your bathhouse floors.

Experts in the field of bathhouse construction do not recommend painting floors. The only place where this is allowed is the locker room. Another reliable option is finishing the floor of the wash compartment tiles. It is able to perfectly withstand all the negative factors that occur in the bathhouse. Wooden sheathing You can only lay it in the steam room.

It is advisable to make the lathing from coniferous species trees such as fir, pine, spruce, alder. When heated, this tree can release into the room air useful material- phytoncides, which are very useful for humans, when inhaled, and in the bath, when the body is steamed, are absorbed even by the skin. In addition, such wood has very low thermal conductivity, which helps to further maintain the temperature in the room. Another advantage of softwood is that it does not cause burns when touching these surfaces.

There are different opinions about whether it is necessary to treat floors various substances. There are many arguments and opinions. After all, building a bathhouse can be quite expensive, and you want this wonderful structure to last as long as possible. The most reasonable option is considered to be to treat the wooden floor with solutions that will be as environmentally friendly as possible and will not endanger human health.

How to choose an environmentally friendly bath product

Among the many products for treating interior wooden surfaces in a bathhouse, there are not only effective ones, but also those that do not emit harmful fumes. These products include oil formulations. Their peculiarity is that they are absorbed into the wood and do not cover the surface with a film. This is a significant advantage, because thus, when contacting surfaces treated with this product, no burns occur. Funds for oil based treat clean and dry wooden surfaces. The composition is applied with a brush. The time for complete drying of the solution is no more than a day. After this, it is recommended to heat the bath well.

You can not treat the wooden floor surfaces with anything, but at the same time use wood that has already undergone heat treatment. This material is much better able to withstand not only high humidity, but also temperature. In addition, there is increased protection against pests that can undermine floors.

Antiseptics for floors

In modern stores there are enough a large number of various materials for treating bath floors. Such materials include, for example, impregnating varnishes. They are diluted with white spirit and applied thin layer onto the surface of the wood.

There are various oils for impregnation. They appeared relatively recently, however, they have proven themselves very well. These oils are not only highly effective, but also have the most important property for humans - they are absolutely safe for health. The composition is able to penetrate deeply into the pores of wood.

Antiseptics are perhaps the best option on the market, as they protect the wood, including from damage by insects, which can cause significant damage to the bathhouse. In addition, floors are often susceptible to mold and mildew. There is enough in stores big choice antiseptics. All of them are quite effective.

Protecting floors from rotting

Despite the treatment already carried out, there are times when the floors still begin to darken and rot. In this case, you need to take action as soon as possible. To prevent damage to the floors, it is necessary to regularly dry the bath. In addition, if you notice darkening on the floors, these parts need to be thoroughly dismantled and dried. Then the surface is treated sandpaper. After this, treat the floor boards again with an antiseptic and dry thoroughly. The last step is to treat the damaged area with wax.


This video will answer frequently asked questions regarding bathhouse flooring:

If there are wooden floors in a residential or non-residential building, then leave them without protective finishing coating it would be wrong. Without it, the surface will quickly become dirty, worn out, covered with mold or damaged by microorganisms. Wooden floors are treated using different materials. They not only protect the surface and extend its service life, but also improve aesthetic performance, giving a matte or glossy shine, specific color or shade, highlighting the beauty of the wood texture. To understand how to treat a wooden floor, you need to take into account the purpose of the room, the temperature and humidity conditions in it, and the properties of the coating.

Why do you treat wood floors?

Plank floor in a private house, apartment, on a balcony or in non-residential premises processed to protect against:

  • spoilage by microorganisms;
  • moisture;
  • sunlight;
  • mold;
  • exposure to high and low temperatures.

Wood is especially susceptible to damage by microorganisms and mold in conditions of high humidity, so protection against moisture absorption is especially important. When the temperature and humidity in a room changes, wood absorbs and releases moisture, causing the material to shrink, swell and deform. Protective impregnation and varnish coating to some extent reduce the influence of these negative factors on the material and make the product more stable.

Covering the floor on an unheated balcony, loggia or veranda is necessary to protect it from moisture and sunlight. In addition, any coating reduces the degree of surface contamination, increases its wear resistance and strength.

Types of materials for processing and protection

The following materials are usually used for processing wooden floors:

  • an antiseptic is necessary for all wood products to protect against damage by microorganisms;
  • varnishes increase the wear resistance and strength of the surface, protect from moisture;
  • oils are worth choosing if you want to protect the floor from absorbing dirt, improve its aesthetic characteristics, and protect it from moisture and damage by microorganisms;
  • after treatment with oils or antiseptic impregnations Wax is often applied, it adds shine to the surface, eliminates minor irregularities and defects, protects against moisture and damage by microorganisms;
  • if you want to cover the surface with a dense color composition, then choose paint; under a thick layer of paint, the board is reliably protected from moisture, sun and other negative influences.

Antiseptic impregnations

Primary treatment with antiseptic impregnations is carried out at the stage of lumber procurement. After this, during operation finished product This treatment is repeated periodically to extend service life.

An antiseptic for a wooden floor is needed as in for preventive purposes, and with visible damage to wood by mold and bacteria. The following types of impregnations are used:

  1. Water-soluble compounds They are distinguished by their absence of odor, rapid absorption and ease of application (can even be treated wet surface). The compositions are absolutely non-toxic. They are used in residential and outbuildings for processing doors, frames, fences and other lumber. The disadvantages include the following:
  • antiseptics for water based not suitable for boards in contact with water;
  • penetrate shallowly.
  1. Organic based mixtures differ deep penetration. They contain many useful additives. But they have a pungent odor and require preliminary preparation surfaces before application. Used in damp rooms, for example, cellars or baths.
  2. Combination products are also available for sale.

Important! All antiseptics are divided into transport ones, which are intended for temporary treatment of wood during its transportation and installation, and long-term ones, intended to protect the product for many decades.


This transparent product, after applying to the surface and drying, forms a durable transparent film, giving the product shine, increasing the wear resistance of the floor, protecting against moisture, rot and mold.

Varnishes are produced on the basis of different resins, which are dissolved by volatile compounds. Acrylic copolymers, polyurethane, synthetic and natural resins are used as a base.

The following types of varnishes are used to treat wooden surfaces:

  1. Water-soluble one- and two-component compositions. The most durable and expensive two-component varnishes. They are characterized by their absence of odor and drying speed. Such varnishes increase the wear resistance of the floor.
  2. Alkyd compositions emphasize the natural beauty of wood and increase the strength of the product. They are not suitable for work in conditions high temperatures, difficult to apply and takes a long time to dry.
  3. Mixtures on polyurethane based the strongest and most durable. After their application, the wear resistance of the floor increases significantly. The disadvantage of these compounds is that they are applied only to well-dried boards. Otherwise, defects appear on the surface in the form of swellings and bubbles.


It's opaque durable coating made on the basis of acrylic, polyurethane or vinyl tetrachloride. Most often, alkyd and acrylic paints, which have the following advantages:

  • they are very easy and simple to apply;
  • the floor surface is easy to care for;
  • don't need to be used special means for cleaning;
  • every consumer can choose an affordable product;
  • a large selection of colors, which makes it easier to select a coating to match the color of the interior;
  • paint layer provided proper care and gentle mechanical action will last for many years.

Important! The disadvantage of paint is the low aesthetic appeal of the coating compared to varnish, oil and wax. Moreover, the paint hides the beauty of the wood, and the coating loses its natural appearance.

Oil impregnations

Oil impregnation for wooden floors differs from varnish in that it does not form a dense, impenetrable layer on the surface. The oil is absorbed into the upper layers of wood and increases the moisture resistance of the material and its resistance to wear.

If you have wooden floors in your nursery, it’s not difficult to guess how to treat their surface if you study all the features oil impregnation. Oil fills all the pores of wood and reduces the possibility of penetration of moisture and dirt. But at the same time it is completely preserved natural look material and the beauty of its texture.

Important! There are colorless oils that preserve the natural color of the material, and compositions that give the product a certain shade.

Oil impregnations allow you to obtain a pleasant-to-touch, non-slip surface. This coating option is suitable for living rooms with low traffic, for example, for bedrooms and children's rooms. But keep in mind that oil treatment will have to be renewed periodically.


There are special waxes on sale for impregnating wood. They are applied to the surface using special rollers, after which they are thoroughly rubbed and sanded. soft cloth. Waxing is needed to increase the moisture resistance of the floor, giving it beauty and a beautiful shade.

Important! The main disadvantage of wax is its low resistance to mechanical stress.

However, wax coating is ideal for floors with defects such as small cracks, crevices and uneven surfaces, as once applied, all these problems are eliminated. The result is an even, smooth and shiny surface.

What determines the choice of means of protection?

Now let's figure out what is the best way to cover wooden floors in the house. You should avoid using varnishes in the following cases:

  • If wooden surface was previously processed oil compositions. They cannot be removed even by sanding, since the oil penetrates deep into the structure of the wood. If you apply varnish to such a surface, it will swell and peel off.
  • Varnishes are not suitable for rooms with high humidity(bathroom, veranda, balcony).
  • Varnish compositions are not used for treating floors open balcony, terrace, veranda or gazebo.


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