Which is cheaper: a flat roof or a pitched roof? Types of roofs: pitched and flat roofs

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When it's time to build your own outside the city own house, many future homeowners already have their own preferences about what it will be built from and what it will look like. Such things are usually thought out in advance: architecture, facade design, windows, etc. Then the project is carefully selected, every little detail is thought out, all materials are carefully selected.

Economic crisis recent years changed this trend. Today, most buyers of suburban housing try to save on literally everything. And developers are naturally happy to take advantage of this.

We see how advertising has also changed - that quality has faded into the background, everyone around is competing to see who will give the lowest price, and the advertised price itself is for square meter built house has reached simply indecent values. And still, people call such developers and buy something from them, but ask yourself the question - what kind of real estate could it be that costs the price of a barn?

If you look at everything realistically, you should understand that it’s not possible to build a normal house (not a barn or barracks) very cheaply. However, there are 3 things that can significantly reduce your construction budget:

  • foundation - you can choose a lightweight and inexpensive foundation on piles;
  • walls - you can replace brick with foam blocks, wood concrete or sip panels;
  • roofing - you can choose cheap slate or ondulin instead of tiles, or you can... choose a flat roof

How to save money on building a roof for a country house?

Most buyers and developers country houses They choose a roof not based on functional qualities, but on appearance or on the principle of “like everyone else.” And the choice most often stops at a pitched roof. Meanwhile, there is a much cheaper and functional option- This is a flat roof.

The main arguments of opponents of flat roofs usually sound like this:

  • “she is not beautiful”;
  • “I don’t want my house to look like a gas station”;
  • or “a house with such a roof will resemble a box of canned food.”

What do you think? We invite you to compare these 2 photos:

Which of these two projects do you think looks more interesting? And from the others, below?

Of course, a lot here depends on personal taste, but it still seems to us that our buyers and developers are too conservative, and ideas and projects are stuck somewhere in the 80s of the last century. The USSR is long gone, but for some reason most summer residents stubbornly continue to build houses “the old fashioned way.”

A flat roof can not only add a “trick” to your home design, but it will also cost significantly less. To answer this question, let’s first figure out what materials both of these types of roofs are built from.

Any pitched roof consists of 3 main elements:

  1. rafter system;
  2. roofing;
  3. insulation and waterproofing system.

The main part of this structure is the rafters. In private homes they are made exclusively from wood, and correct installation rafters can only be made by experienced roofers.

Both wood and construction labor are expensive. And in general, you will have to fork out money for the roof, since the cost of its construction, even in the cheapest option, will amount to at least 25% of the budget for building a house. This can also include: roofing, insulation and waterproofing materials, as well as wages for roofers and other specialists. And that's not to mention operating costs.

A flat roof consists only of insulation and waterproofing, and these materials are required an order of magnitude less than for a pitched roof of the same perimeter. You can insulate and waterproof such a structure with your own hands: no special skills or experience are required, the main thing is to follow the instructions from the manufacturers.

Having calculated all the costs, and subtracted from here the cost of insulation and waterproofing, it is easy to calculate that installing a flat roof is several times cheaper than a pitched version. Besides, doing it somehow incorrectly is possible only on purpose.

Features of the operation of flat and pitched roofs

A pitched roof requires constant maintenance and repair. Everything will look perfect until the first serious downpour, snow storm or a hurricane, then little by little it begins to collapse.

Wooden rafters, even impregnated with antiseptics and coated with fire retardants, begin to rot after just a couple of years, and this process cannot be stopped. Metal is not suitable for creating a rafter system for private houses, and other materials suitable for this have not yet been invented.

Slow down corruption wooden rafters it is possible only if the attic is well insulated and waterproofed, but if the attic is planned to be unheated, then the tree is practically doomed. It is well eaten by mold and all sorts of insects; as soon as even a drop of moisture appears in the attic, fungus immediately appears.

No wood is required for a flat roof. Its basis is concrete plates ceilings that do not rot, do not burn, water does not seep through them, and besides, concrete perfectly accumulates heat emanating from the interior.

If this ceiling is well insulated from above, then the house will not be afraid of any frost, besides, if a thick layer of snow is piled on the roof, it will act as excellent additional thermal insulation, and completely free.

On the contrary, in the case of a pitched roof, the snowdrifts will play the role not of thermal insulation, but of enormous weight, which can push through not only the roof, but also break the rafters, especially if the slopes are flat. Therefore, snow must be constantly cleared from such a roof, which, of course, is associated with a huge risk - you can slip and fall down. There is no need to clear snow from a flat roof; in winter there is no need to climb onto it at all.

Hurricane winds are also the enemies of a pitched roof, especially if it is covered with lightweight roofing materials: metal tiles, corrugated sheets or slate. There are often cases when, with a strong wind, the pitched roof is simply torn off the house.

A flat roof does not have this drawback, because it does not have a roof covering; moreover, it is not a barrier to the wind, since it does not protrude beyond the contours of the house. Only an earthquake can destroy it.

And one more advantage of a flat roof is that during heavy rain and even hail, it does not make any noise at all, unlike metal tiles or slate. Rainwater, no matter how much there is, flows very quickly from the flat roof along a slight slope, falls into drainage system and is brought outside the perimeter of the house. The main thing is that the waterproofing is done correctly.

By the way, waterproofing materials, in case of damage, can be easily replaced, although they are initially very durable - experience shows that the waterproofing layer on houses with a flat roof is without overhaul serves for half a century or more.

In the USSR, houses with flat roofs were built en masse and their surfaces were waterproofed with ordinary roofing felt and resin. At the same time, such roofs did not leak for a very long time; at least this issue was not on the agenda of repair organizations. These roofs still serve faithfully today, although, of course, their protection is made of higher quality and modern materials.

What about a house without an attic?

Of course, attics in our country houses very popular. An attic floor can only be arranged under a pitched roof, but not under a flat one. And this can be considered the main disadvantage of a flat roof. However, there are three points to consider here:

First: If you had a choice: an attic or an additional full floor? Which would you choose? From point of view usable area It’s definitely better to do a full-fledged one with flat roof. In addition, do not forget that a flat roof can be made usable.

Second point: Good attic floor, with a normal ceiling height and a slight slope, will be expensive, and a bad one (where you can only hit your head) will usually not be used or is used as an attic.

Third: Even through a well-insulated attic, a lot of heat escapes from the house. There is no way to “tightly” insulate the space under a pitched roof, unlike a flat roof.

Conclusion: If it is important for you to save as much as possible on building a house, then optimal solution there will be a choice in favor of a flat roof - it will cost an order of magnitude cheaper both during arrangement and in operation.

When building a house, the question of choosing a roof arises. The owner wants to choose the best option. Under what roof should he live?

Let's consider two fundamental options: pitched or flat roof shape.

Of course, individual preferences for the roof project as an architectural and design solution will be important. But there are also very practical, reasonable reasons for using a flat or pitched roof. Therefore, before deciding which roof to install, you need to weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of each option.

Let us remember that the main purpose of the roof is to protect the home from precipitation. How, more reliable roof protects us from rain, snow and hail, the better it is. That's why obvious advantage A pitched roof has a slope that allows water to drain away. But to create a slope, it is necessary to build a rafter system frame that will hold the waterproofing roofing material. This method is reliable, but also more expensive.

The optimal roof slope angle is considered to be 45°. But if there is a lot of snow in the region, then the slope of the roof is significantly increased. In regions where it is very windy, it is better to reduce the roof angle to -30°. Also, in a pitched version, the attic can serve as an additional room, and if necessary, it is possible to carry out roof maintenance from the inside. Application of thermal insulation roofing pie allows you to create residential attics. In this case, external walls on top floor will not be needed, which allows you to save money and get additional living space without changing the dimensions of the building, which is a big advantage.

For a flat roof, the main advantage is that its area is significantly smaller than the area of ​​a pitched roof.

You can save on materials and construction time. But if desired and with additional investments, a roof with a flat shape can be used; such roofs are called inversion roofs. Using special materials and technology, on a flat roof you can lay paving stones, arrange a lawn, put some furniture to create a separate location for open air. It is also much easier to install antennas on a flat roof, solar battery or air conditioners. But for a flat roof, you still need to provide at least a slight slope of 3-5° so that the water does not accumulate in puddles, but gradually drains away.

A serious test for a house with a flat roof is snow load. Snow pressure per 1 m2, depending on the region, reaches 130 kg or more (in Kyiv - 160 kg/m2). An additional load of 15-20 tons may fall on a cottage with an area of ​​100 m2 in winter. It is necessary to take these loads into account when designing both the floors and the foundation of the house. Such loads are extreme and for roofing material. There should be no leaks or loss of waterproofing properties throughout the entire area of ​​the building. Special requirements are imposed on the joints and junctions of the roofing covering to parapets, chimneys and other protrusions. And to prevent breakthroughs from happening, snow from a flat roof must be cleared, as well as regular cleaning. internal drains. So, the benefits and conveniences of a flat roof may turn out to be insignificant or even in vain if you do not maintain it properly. There is still less hassle with a pitched roof if everything is done according to technology.

All these differences show that for each individual case the choice of roofing will be individual, and you need to approach this stage as an investment in your health and well-being.

The shape of the roof and roofing is a determining factor in the design of the entire house, so their choice should be taken seriously. The roof is a significant part of the house; it must protect from bad weather, be reliable and durable, and at the same time have a pleasant appearance. appearance.

The shape and type of roof should be in harmony with the architecture of the entire house. The choice of roofing and insulation material depends on the slope of the roof. At high level precipitation and loose roof covering, the slopes should be steep. And to reduce wind pressure, roofs, on the contrary, are made more flat.

The color of the roof also matters. Natural shades are suitable when choosing classic design. Light colors visually increase the size of the house and allow you to focus on the small details of the roof.

The main forms of roofs that are always heard are: pitched And flat roofs . There is no universal answer to the question of which of these forms is more practical, since it depends on the specific situation. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages that must be taken into account when choosing.

A roof structure in which the roof surface is inclined towards the outer walls is called. The slope of pitched roofs can vary from 5 to 90 degrees. There are many types of pitched roofs and roofing materials, making it possible to implement the most amazing and elegant architectural solutions.

One of the most obvious advantages of a pitched roof is the accelerated drainage of precipitation during rainy seasons and the period of snow melting.

Besides, pitched roof makes it possible to create attic space and due to this increase usable space inside the house. Through such a room, access to roof structure maintenance is greatly facilitated, and air gap reduces heat loss.

The disadvantages of a pitched roof include high price, which is associated with the need to use a rafter system. Pitched roof is part of the facade of the house and requires the use of more expensive materials in construction.

The steeper the roof slope, the higher the labor and material costs. Repairing such a roof can also cost a pretty penny.

2. Flat roof

The flat roof began to be actively used in low-rise construction not that long ago. But modern roofing materials make it possible to provide reliable thermal and waterproofing of the roof. In addition, the popularity of architectural trends characterized by flat roofing is growing.

Using a flat roof allows you to get additional territory on which you can create a flower garden or recreation area. Modern technologies provide the opportunity to cover the roof with paving stones or tiles.
At installation work flat roof you can save on materials and optimize costs due to the fact that its area is smaller than that of a pitched roof. In addition, the construction itself is faster and easier, as is subsequent maintenance. Repairing such a roof is much easier and more comfortable. The horizontal surface makes it much easier to carry out preventative work, associated, for example, with chimneys and antennas.

Of course, a flat roof also has a number of disadvantages. It is necessary to constantly ensure that the insulation is in order and the roof does not lose its airtightness. A slight slope of the roof leads to the accumulation of precipitation. Too large accumulations of snow need to be cleared, because in the spring it often becomes the cause of leaks.
It is also worth mentioning that sometimes when using a flat roof it is necessary to create internal drains, which can become clogged and freeze.

When starting the construction of a private house or cottage, every developer wants to know which roof is better and be confident in its reliability. One of the main factors that influence these parameters is the roof of the house, which must correspond design feature and the general architecture of the building, as well as the material used for the roof.

The pitched roof of a house is the most common in the Russian region, because... The snow comes off well.

In the construction of private houses, various types of roofs are used, which differ in the number of slopes, their angle of inclination, and the possibility of installing an attic.

Basic roof elements

  1. Rafters – building construction from special beams arranged in a certain way. The rafters are designed to support the roof and evenly distribute the load from the roof throughout load-bearing walls Houses.
  2. Lathing is a flooring made of boards laid and secured to the rafters, which is the base on which the roofing material is laid. Depending on the roofing material used, the laying of the sheathing can be sparse (individual boards are fixed at a certain distance from each other) or continuous (the sheathing boards are fixed without gaps).
  3. Roofing is a covering material that is laid directly on the sheathing. Roofing material is selected depending on financial condition and the wishes of the developer.
  4. The ridge is the junction of the roof slopes.

Advantages and disadvantages

Exists a large number of various options roofs that are used in modern low-rise construction. They have different configurations, their advantages and disadvantages, and the material used.

Flat roof. This design does not have any slope. During construction individual house practically not used, since the flat surface retains precipitation on its plane. These factors cause the roof to quickly deteriorate, resulting in roof leaks.

Shed roof

In this embodiment, it is assumed that one inclined surface(slope) over the entire area of ​​the house. Such a roof rests on two load-bearing walls of different heights. This type is not particularly popular among private construction. Most often used in the construction of garages or utility rooms. By design they can be ventilated or non-ventilated. Ventilated roofs have a slope of 5-20 degrees, and unventilated roofs have a slope of 1-5 degrees.

Advantages pitched roof

Scheme for calculating the roof slope angle.

  1. Simplicity of design, which does not require special calculations of the rafter system, slope angle and load calculations. Possibility of installation by people without special knowledge and skills.
  2. Ease and speed of the device, repair during operation. Lack of complex rafter systems.
  3. Due to the absence of stressed elements, reduced wear of elements.
  4. Low installation cost.

Disadvantages of a pitched roof

  1. A small under-roof space, which eliminates the possibility of constructing an attic or attic space.
  2. Impossibility of providing complete thermal insulation.
  3. With a strong wind blowing from a high side, there is a sharp decrease in reliability.
  4. With a slight slope, it is necessary to regularly remove snow from the roof surface.

Gable roof

This option consists of two equal opposite slopes, one side of which rests on the load-bearing walls of the house, and the other two are connected at the ridge. The plane (wall) that is formed between two slopes is called a pediment. The pediment can be made with an opening for a window, which is used for lighting attic space, and whole. Beautiful attic windows make everything light construction and airy. This type of roof is the most popular and widespread in individual construction. As a rule, such roofs are made in houses that are not particularly architecturally sophisticated.

The gable roof has an attractive appearance and is very practical. Any material intended for this purpose can be used for the roof. Can give a home a sophisticated look decorative finishing pediments.

When building a gable roof, it is necessary to take into account the own weight of the structural elements, as well as the additional load from snow and rainwater.

Advantages of a gable roof

Types of rafter systems for single-pitched and gable roofs.

  1. Practicality of use. If the under-roof space is sufficiently large, it is possible to construct an attic or a full-fledged attic space for household needs. In such cases, the most rational design would be a “broken” shape. The plane of the slopes from the ridge has a slight slope, which at a certain level turns into a more acute angle of inclination.
  2. Possibility of installing heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems in the attic.
  3. Effective removal of snow and water from roof planes.
  4. The construction of a gable roof does not require complex technological solutions.
  5. Attractive appearance. During construction, you can choose an option with the same angles of inclination and slope areas, or with different ones.
  6. If necessary, repairs do not require significant costs.
  7. Only a pitched roof is cheaper.

Disadvantages of a gable roof

  1. Dependence of roof height and slope angle on the size of the house. The larger the area of ​​the house, the more material will be required to install such a roof.
  2. When constructing an attic, there is a need to increase the height of the structure, increase the number and strengthen the load-bearing elements (rafters), which in turn increases the cost of construction.
  3. If you have an attic, a device is required dormer windows The greater the number of windows for the attic, the more complex the design of the gable roof becomes.

Hip roof

This type of roof consists of two slopes, which have a triangular shape, and two trapezoidal slopes. When constructing a hipped roof, there is no need to install gables. To illuminate the attic, attic windows are used, which are mounted directly on the roof slopes. Such a roof also has another name - hip, since triangular-shaped slopes are called hips. If the roof consists of four equal slopes connecting at one point, then this type of roof is called a hip roof. Such roofs are most often installed in areas with a mild climate.

Advantages of a hipped roof

  1. By reducing the lower size of the hip, it becomes possible to make the attic space more functional. The option of installing an attic cannot be ruled out.
  2. Houses with such roofs have a rather attractive and original look, which can be made unique by choosing appropriate roofing materials.
  3. Increased strength and reliability of the structure.
  4. High resistance external loads in the form of strong wind, snow and rain.
  5. Uniform heating of the attic space from all sides, which helps maintain a comfortable temperature regime.

Disadvantages of a hipped roof

The envelope-shaped roof is difficult to implement, but it looks impressive.

  1. The complexity of construction, which requires certain engineering calculations.
  2. Larger area of ​​slopes, and, accordingly, greater weight of structures.
  3. When building a hipped roof in areas with a cold climate, it is necessary to use special insulating materials, which increases the overall cost of construction.
  4. The installation of a hipped roof requires the services of qualified craftsmen.
  5. Increased cost when installing an attic, since construction is required additional walls for the perimeter of the attic, as well as installing windows directly in the roof.

Multi-gable roof

It is an original, complex architectural structure that can include a different number of slopes. Such a roof is most often installed in houses that have several levels, attics, attics, various extensions, etc. When installing a multi-gable roof, long sunken angles are formed between the slopes, called “gutters” or “valleys”.

The process of constructing a roof of this type is very labor-intensive and lengthy. When planning the construction of a multi-gable roof, you can realize even the most daring design ideas.

Advantages of a multi-gable roof

  1. Unique appearance of the house, beauty and grace.
  2. Possibility of application on structures of complex architectural shape.
  3. Increase in living space due to the construction of an attic.

Disadvantages of a multi-gable roof

  1. Availability large number complex structural elements, ribs and internal corners.
  2. Costly and labor-intensive construction. The consumption of materials is approximately 4-5 times more than when constructing roofs of other types. This is due to a large amount of waste.
  3. Complexity of design and calculation work.
  4. The roof may experience additional load from snow between the slopes at the inner corners.
  5. Enough a complex system water drainage.

Spire roof

This roof option consists of a certain number of triangular-shaped slopes, connected at one point and mounted at an acute angle. Spire-shaped roofs are used in cases where the project involves the construction of towers. This roof is bright solution to create a unique look for the house under construction. Very often, such towers, if space allows, are used for arranging living rooms.

Roof spire diagram. All sides of the roof spire should be the same.

Advantages of a spire roof

  1. Unique and attractive appearance.
  2. Due to the sharp angle of inclination, no additional snow removal measures are required.

Disadvantages of a spire roof

  1. Complexity and duration of construction.
  2. The need to carry out calculation work.
  3. The need to attract qualified craftsmen.
  4. Impossibility of installing an attic.

All options presented are considered fundamental. Each type can be well complemented with various details that can decorate the appearance of the house. But before choosing an acceptable option, it is necessary to take into account factors such as physical and climatic conditions, as well as the performance indicators that characterize the roof.

For areas with heavy snowfall, it is recommended to choose structures with a large slope angle; the roof will be protected from rapid damage, and the attics from leaks, which will extend the service life of the entire structure.

Main types of materials

Regardless of what type of roof is chosen, whether there are attics or not, the main role in reliability is played by the roofing and the material used for this purpose.

Basic materials for reliable protection houses from adverse weather conditions are:

  • material based on minerals and ceramics (natural slate, ardogress, etc.);
  • bitumen-based material (roofing felt, shinglas, fiberglass or fiberglass impregnated with a modified mixture);
  • metal material (metal tiles, galvanized profiled sheets with polymer coating and without it, roofing made of sheet copper or aluminum);
  • material on cement based(asbestos-cement corrugated sheets, cement-sand tiles)
  • material on polymer based(polycarbonate, etc.)

According to the form of execution, roofing materials are divided into:

Roof made of various types materials have their advantages and disadvantages, so the choice depends on the desires of the developer and his capabilities.

Determining which roof and roofing is cheaper, as well as making a choice of roof design is a crucial moment, since the comfort of living and the duration of operation of the entire structure depend on this.

Which roof is best for a home?

Choosing the type of roof is a crucial moment before starting construction of a house. So which roof is best for your home?

Which roof is better for a country house, cottage or cottage?

Which roof is best for country house

Main types of roofs

  1. Flat roofs
  2. Pitched roofs

Classification of pitched roofs

Classification of pitched roofs

Roof structural elements

  • Roofing material.

Rafters and their types

Types of rafters:

  • hanging, used for long spans;
  • inclined, used for span lengths up to 6.5 m. With additional support, the span length can increase to 12 m.

Types of rafters

Roof bases

  • sheathing
  • solid flooring

  • climate;
  • durability of the material;
  • material cost;

Roofing materials

  • purpose of the building;
  • construction budget;
  • climate features;
  • aesthetic impression.

Which roof is better and cheaper for a country house, cottage or cottage?

The house project is almost ready, all that remains is to choose the type of roof. Which type will be optimal, functional and reliable. Everything is described structural types roofs and rafters. Tips for choosing a roofing material

Which roof is better and cheaper for a country house, cottage or cottage?

One of the most important parts of the house is the roof - its quality determines the warmth and comfort, noise level and frequency of repairs of the building.

Naturally, when planning a development, the question arises, what type of roof to choose, or which roof is better - cheaper, more expensive, broken or gable, or maybe hipped?

It is not enough for a roof to be simply durable and attractive. She still has to be near important properties: provide good protection from rain and snow, protect from heat and cold, be fireproof. Let's look at the main types of roofs and their characteristics, because the choice of roofing material depends on the type of roof.

Main types of roofs

  1. Flat roofs. They are usually erected above utility and utility buildings, garages, bathhouses, sheds, as well as houses with a terrace on the roof.
  2. Pitched roofs. This type of roof is more widespread, and there are several classifications of pitched roofs, one of which we will present below. Among others pitched roofs can be divided into warm and cold, with and without an attic.

Classification of pitched roofs

Let us list the main structural types of pitched roofs.

Their surface is a plane resting on opposite walls different heights, i.e. is at an angle to the horizontal.

They consist of two planes located at an angle and rest on opposite walls of the same height. This is perhaps the most common type of pitched roof.

A type of gable roof in which each slope consists of two rectangles located at an obtuse angle.

They are a combination of several ordinary gable roofs, as if cut into each other at right angles.

This hipped roofs with two long trapezoidal slopes and two short triangular ones.

A type of hip roof, sometimes called a Dutch roof, in which the end slopes do not reach the eaves. Thanks to this design, the house is better able to withstand the wind, and its gables are less exposed to precipitation.

A type of 4-slope roof, consisting of four equal slopes of a triangular shape.

When choosing a roof type, you should take into account not only its intended operational properties, but also its decorative qualities. In low-rise buildings, the roof has a large relative volume and its appearance largely determines the architectural design.

In private houses, mainly roofs are erected tall structures. This allows you to build an attic, and the house takes on a more presentable appearance. Also, steep slopes do not allow water and snow to linger on the roof. In areas with strong winds, it is preferable to build low roofs or high ones, with additionally reinforced rafter systems.

You should also consider which roof the developer can afford. Naturally, the roofs are more simple designs cheaper and most economical options are flat and pitched roofs. An additional convenience of a pitched roof is that it allows you to increase the internal volume of the building, and outbuildings at the same time serve as a ceiling.

If the attic space will be used for household needs, it is better to build gable roof. In areas with strong winds best choice There will be a type of hip roof, but its construction will not be cheap. In addition, the construction hip roofs requires high professionalism, and should only be trusted by experienced craftsmen.

In houses complex shape As a rule, cross-shaped roofs are used. This is enough complex design, consisting of many intersecting slopes. The difficulty of installing a cross-shaped roof is to ensure the tightness of the internal corners of the roof. Such roofs are expensive; they must be erected by experienced craftsmen and always from high-quality materials.

Roof structural elements

After choosing the type of roof, you can begin selecting materials. Therefore, let's get acquainted with the main structural elements roofs:

  • Basic structure. Its type depends on the type of roof. It is usually constructed from wooden beams and rafters.
  • Roof base. It can be constructed in the form of a lattice or be solid.
  • Hydro- and heat-insulating layers.
  • Roofing material.

Rafters and their types

Rafters perform an important function in the roof structure. This is a support for the sheathing, taking on not only the weight of the roof, but also the wind load, as well as snow pressure.

Types of rafters:

  • hanging. used for long spans;
  • inclined. used for span lengths up to 6.5 m. With additional support, the span length can increase to 12 m.

The design and construction of rafter systems is work that requires great qualifications. Its quality determines bearing capacity and therefore the strength of the roof.

Roof bases

The type of base for the roof is selected depending on the intended roofing material.

There are two main types of roofing base:

  • sheathing(used for roofing made of metal tiles, slate or metal profile)
  • solid flooring(when using rolled materials)

Continuous flooring is constructed from two layers of boards. The first layer is called working, and the second – protective. The latter is located at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the worker and is constructed from narrow boards. Between these layers a windproof material is placed, usually roofing felt RRP-300 or 350.

When installing the sheathing, a number of rules are observed:

  • all sheathing elements are securely fastened to the rafters;
  • their joints are located staggered on the rafters;
  • the distances between them must be maintained over the entire surface of the roof being constructed.

Roofing materials and works

The top part of the roof is called the roof. It is in direct contact with the external environment, taking on the full power of wind and precipitation. Therefore, the main qualities that it must have are strength and water resistance.

There are many roofing materials, and when choosing one of them, you should take into account its performance characteristics, as well as a number of other factors:

  • climate;
  • functional purpose building;
  • durability of the material;
  • material cost;
  • its noise-insulating and heat-saving properties;
  • labor intensity and cost of roof maintenance;
  • external attractiveness of the material.

It is difficult to give unambiguous and comprehensive advice on choosing which roofing material will be best, since it is influenced by all the listed factors, and ideal building materials, as we know, do not exist. In addition, the determining criteria may differ, for example, if there is insufficient funding, the price becomes the main thing, and all other factors are considered less meticulously. On the contrary, if consumer properties come to the fore, then price, as a rule, is not of decisive importance. For some, perhaps the main factor will be beauty or color, since according to the owners, the house should not be similar to the others.

The choice of material should be made at the stage of creating a house project, since the type of roof structure depends on it, and changes should be made to finished project it will be difficult and expensive.

Selection of roof structure and roofing material – important stage in building a house. Find best solution is possible only by taking into account a number of factors:

  • purpose of the building;
  • noise insulation and heat saving characteristics of the roof;
  • construction budget;
  • climate features;
  • aesthetic impression.

Only by taking into account the listed factors and weighing each of them can you choose best option roofs and type of roofing material.

Which roof is better and cheaper for a country house, cottage or dacha - My Life

Which roof is better and cheaper for a country house, cottage or dacha? One of the most important parts of the house is the roof - warmth and comfort, noise level and frequency of building repairs depend on its quality.

Which roof is cheaper?

One of the most important parts of the house is the roof, because... the service life of the entire constructed building will depend on its strength and durability of the selected roofing material. That is why you need to be very careful when choosing a coating. For some, the most important question will be which roof is cheaper, while for others the aesthetic side of the roof or the price-quality ratio will be more important.

In order to decide on the choice of roof you need to know the features and properties different types roofing coverings. The roof must have thermal insulation properties, provide protection from weather conditions and moisture, and maintain fire safety standards.

Roofs are divided into two types - pitched and flat.

Pitched roofs can be cold or warm, have an attic or not. In private construction, pitched attic roofs are usually used, because... This type of roof is easiest to convert to create additional living rooms or storage areas. Flat roofs are used for sheds, garages or other outbuildings. You can also make a roof in a residential building, on top of which you can arrange a comfortable terrace.

How to choose a roof

To choose the right type of roof for your home, you need to consider not only which roof is cheaper, but also weather in the area where the house is located.

Please note that for areas where there is heavy snowfall great solution it will be normal gable roof, because it removes sediment best. Flat roofs need to be installed in windy areas; they have little windage.

Mostly people prefer pitched roofs because... they allow the house to look more solid, proportional, and most importantly, it is possible to create an attic floor. To carry out such a roof, it is better to involve specialists, since this work is quite complex and requires a certain precision to ensure reliability. This type of roof will exert minimal pressure on the floors.

If the price-quality ratio is more important to you, then it is better to make a flat or pitched roof, because they are simpler and cheaper to install.

How to choose material

How the material will be used will depend on the roof design. However, it is worth saying that approximately the same amount of materials will be required to construct a gable and a shed roof, so it will be more difficult to say which roof is cheaper.

To begin choosing roofing materials, you should know the roof design. Its main components are:

1. The basis of the structure is beams, trusses and rafters;

2. Base – lathing or solid;

3. Insulation or insulator;

4. Roof covering.

Rafters and trusses are the main frame for the roof. They should be chosen carefully; this is best done by professionals. The rafters will take on the entire load and distribute it across the structures below: supports and walls. If you make it more massive and heavy truss structure, then the entire frame will be more expensive than if it is done for soft covering. The base for the roof is always made depending on the coating used. If soft or roll covering, then it is best to make a solid base.

If you use metal tiles or just tiles, you can also make a mesh base. Which coating is better, everyone will choose according to their needs: aesthetic appearance, durability and strength, waterproofness and thermal insulation, and most importantly - financial capabilities.

In light of financial possibilities, it is worth considering budget options. From this side, quality will be relegated to second place after cost.

When aesthetics are not in the first place, you can use roll polymer materials(eg roofing membranes), they are excellent for flat roofs. Pitched roofs can also be covered with similar material, but only if the planks are secured on top. The basis for such a coating will be fiberglass to insulate sounds, moisture and heat.

More budget option is the coating of the roof slope with ondulin. Although it is susceptible to warping due to weather, it is still quite common.

After the previous options, it is worth mentioning corrugated sheets and metal tiles. The color options are huge. The accessories include everything needed to install the roof. The disadvantage of the material will be low noise insulation, for example, during rain. But this can be corrected if the backing is made of polyethylene foam.

It is also important to provide excellent thermal insulation of the roof to protect the entire building from temperature changes. In most cases, glass wool is used for insulation. The cheapest material today is polystyrene foam. However, it is very fragile and has low noise insulation. In this case, glass wool has several advantages, because it is not subject to combustion, the influence of temperatures, does not shrink or stretch.

Roof waterproofing can be easily done using vapor barrier film and non-woven polypropylene.

It is worth paying attention that it is better not to use too cheap materials for roofs, because... most often they are not the most environmentally friendly, and this will affect the health of the residents. But here it’s up to you: either choose which roof is cheaper or more environmentally friendly.

The roof must be reliable and solid. Otherwise, the entire structure will have a minimum service life.

Which roof is cheaper?

Which roof is cheaper to install? Tips on how to choose the type of roof and roofing material. Video about calculating the cost of constructing a roof.

One of the most important parts of the house is the roof - its quality determines the warmth and comfort, noise level and frequency of repairs of the building.

Naturally, when planning a development, the question arises, what type of roof to choose, or which roof is better - cheaper, more expensive, broken or gable, or maybe hipped?

It is not enough for a roof to be simply durable and attractive. It must also have a number of important properties: provide good protection from rain and snow, protect from heat and cold, and be fireproof. Let's look at the main types of roofs and their characteristic features, because the choice of roofing material depends on the type of roof.

Main types of roofs

  1. Flat roofs. They are usually erected above utility and utility buildings, garages, bathhouses, sheds, as well as houses with a terrace on the roof.
  2. Pitched roofs. This type of roof is more widespread, and there are several classifications of pitched roofs, one of which we will present below. Among other things, pitched roofs can be divided into warm and cold, with an attic and without an attic.

Let us list the main structural types of pitched roofs.

  • Shed roofs
    Their surface is a plane resting on opposite walls of different heights, i.e. is at an angle to the horizontal.

  • Gable roofs
    They consist of two planes located at an angle and rest on opposite walls of the same height. This is perhaps the most common type of pitched roof.

  • broken roofs
    A type of gable roof in which each slope consists of two rectangles located at an obtuse angle.

  • Cross-shaped roofs
    They are a combination of several ordinary gable roofs, as if cut into each other at right angles.

  • Hip roofs
    These are hip roofs with two long trapezoidal slopes and two short triangular ones.

  • Half hip roofs
    A type of hip roof, sometimes called a Dutch roof, in which the end slopes do not reach the eaves. Thanks to this design, the house is better able to withstand the wind, and its gables are less exposed to precipitation.

  • Hip roofs
    A type of 4-slope roof, consisting of four equal slopes of a triangular shape.

When choosing a roof type, you should take into account not only its intended operational properties, but also its decorative qualities. In low-rise buildings, the roof has a large relative volume and its appearance largely determines the architectural design.

In private houses, mainly the roofs of high structures are erected. This allows you to build an attic, and the house takes on a more presentable appearance. Also, steep slopes do not allow water and snow to linger on the roof. In areas with strong winds, it is preferable to build low roofs or high ones, with additionally reinforced rafter systems.

You should also consider which roof the developer can afford. Naturally, roofs of simpler designs are cheaper, and the most economical options are flat and pitched roofs. An additional convenience of a pitched roof is that it allows you to increase the internal volume of the building, and in outbuildings at the same time serve as a ceiling.

If the attic space will be used for household needs, it is better to build a gable roof. In areas with strong winds, the hip roof variety is the best choice, but it will be expensive to build. In addition, the construction of hip roofs requires high professionalism, and should only be trusted by experienced craftsmen.

In houses of complex shape, cross-shaped roofs are usually used. This is a rather complex structure, consisting of many intersecting slopes. The difficulty of installing a cross-shaped roof is to ensure the tightness of the internal corners of the roof. Such roofs are expensive; they must be erected by experienced craftsmen and always from high-quality materials.

Roof structural elements

After choosing the type of roof, you can begin selecting materials. Therefore, let’s get acquainted with the main structural elements of roofs:

  • Basic structure. Its type depends on the type of roof. It is usually constructed from wooden beams and rafters.
  • Roof base. It can be constructed in the form of a lattice or be solid.
  • Hydro- and heat-insulating layers.
  • Roofing material.

Rafters and their types

Rafters perform an important function in the roof structure. This is a support for the sheathing, taking on not only the weight of the roof, but also the wind load, as well as snow pressure.

  • hanging, used for long spans;
  • inclined, used for span lengths up to 6.5 m. With additional support, the span length can increase to 12 m.

The design and construction of rafter systems is work that requires great qualifications. Its quality determines the load-bearing capacity and, consequently, the strength of the roof.

Roof bases

The type of base for the roof is selected depending on the intended roofing material.

There are two main types of roofing base:

  • sheathing(used for roofing made of metal tiles, slate or metal profiles)
  • solid flooring(when using rolled materials)

Continuous flooring is constructed from two layers of boards. The first layer is called working, and the second – protective. The latter is located at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the worker and is constructed from narrow boards. Between these layers a windproof material is placed, usually roofing felt RRP-300 or 350.

When installing the sheathing, a number of rules are observed:

  • all sheathing elements are securely fastened to the rafters;
  • their joints are located staggered on the rafters;
  • the distances between them must be maintained over the entire surface of the roof being constructed.

Roofing materials and works

The top part of the roof is called the roof. It is in direct contact with the external environment, taking on the full power of wind and precipitation. Therefore, the main qualities that it must have are strength and water resistance.

There are many roofing materials, and when choosing one of them, you should take into account its performance characteristics, as well as a number of other factors:

  • climate;
  • functional purpose of the building;
  • durability of the material;
  • material cost;
  • its noise-insulating and heat-saving properties;
  • labor intensity and cost of roof maintenance;
  • external attractiveness of the material.

It is difficult to give unambiguous and comprehensive advice on choosing which roofing material will be best, since it is influenced by all the listed factors, and ideal building materials, as we know, do not exist. In addition, the determining criteria may differ, for example, if there is insufficient funding, the price becomes the main thing, and all other factors are considered less meticulously. On the contrary, if consumer properties come to the fore, then price, as a rule, is not of decisive importance. For some, perhaps the main factor will be beauty or color, since according to the owners, the house should not be similar to the others.

The choice of material should be made at the stage of creating a house project, since the type of roof structure depends on it, and making changes to the finished project will be difficult and expensive.


Selecting a roof structure and roofing material is an important stage in building a house. The best solution can only be found by taking into account a number of factors:

  • purpose of the building;
  • noise insulation and heat saving characteristics of the roof;
  • construction budget;
  • climate features;
  • aesthetic impression.

Only by taking into account the listed factors and weighing each of them can you choose the optimal roof option and type of roofing material.


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