How to properly form a lush geranium bush. Royal geranium Pruning royal geranium in autumn

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Unpretentious geranium is a home flowering plant. It has been popular among fans for many years. indoor flowers. These are also beautiful balcony flowers that can often be found on terraces, balconies or garden beds.

They require proper care to grow properly. In addition to fertilizing and watering, the plant needs to be pruned regularly. Geranium pruning for lush floweringimportant stage in care. It prevents stretching, makes the crown fluffy and very beautiful.

Purpose and benefits of pruning

The species diversity of geranium is amazing. She feels great both at home and in open ground conditions. Proper pruning ensures regular flowering with a large number of inflorescences. When starting to form a plant, it is important to know how to prune geraniums correctly and how to form a bush. Detailed answers to these questions are provided below.

Purposes of pinching geraniums:

  • activation of lateral branching;
  • formation of new inflorescences;
  • giving geranium beautiful shape;
  • ensuring long-term flowering;
  • obtaining seedlings for propagation.

Correct and timely pinching of geraniums allows you to activate the lateral vegetative buds. Without outside help they will remain dormant. After pruning pelargonium, the lateral buds begin not only to form new shoots, but also take part in the formation of inflorescence primordia.

When to prune geraniums:

  1. in spring - the main type of pruning, which is necessary for voluminous flowering;
  2. in autumn - a preventive procedure to remove dead, diseased and dry parts;
  3. pinching is a type of pruning that can be done at any time if the need arises.

Important! Geraniums should be pruned regularly to ensure they bloom on time. Otherwise, flowering may be delayed or not occur at all.

Crown formation in winter

Winter months for geraniums they are a time of rest. Short daylight hours and lack of solar energy send this indoor flower into hibernation.

Geranium in winter:

  • does not bloom;
  • does not give active growth;
  • does not form new shoots.

As a rule, there is no need for pruning in winter. During this period, you need to monitor the condition of the geranium. Particular attention should be paid to shoots that were pruned in the fall. If the cut areas begin to turn black or rot, then the affected area should be cut off.

If the need arises, the time for the main pruning can be postponed to the second half of February. However, if possible, it is better to postpone this procedure until March.

How to form pelargonium in the fall?

Houseplant lovers need to know how to prune geraniums in the fall. For getting good result It is important to strictly follow the pruning rules.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. carefully examine the flower - you need to determine which unnecessary parts will be removed;
  2. all instruments used to make cuts must be disinfected - boiled, calcined or treated with an alcohol solution;
  3. Before the procedure, you must wash your hands well (preferably with soap) and wear silicone (rubber) gloves. This step is necessary to prevent the risk of infection of the plant through the pinching site;
  4. remove all dry parts from the plant (old inflorescences, leaves, stems and twigs);
  5. remove parts that may become a source of disease or are suspicious appearance;
  6. remove all stems that are too stretched upward, these include shoots that have more than 5 vegetative buds;
  7. treat the removal sites with a special disinfectant solution.

Before pruning geraniums in the fall, you need to make sure that this procedure is necessary for it. Not all types of this indoor plant removal of its parts is well tolerated:

  • royal geranium responds well to autumn pinching;
  • ampelous or variegated ones do not really like this procedure.

Care after autumn pruning

After removing excess parts, the cut area is treated with disinfectants. Suitable:

  • coal powder;
  • ground cinnamon;
  • green solution.

Geranium does not require particularly difficult care after seasonal pruning. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the places where the cut was made. If blackening or rot appears, then repeated removal and disinfection are carried out.

How to prune pelargonium in spring

Spring pruning of pelargonium is aimed at forming a beautiful and voluminous crown with a large number of bright flowers. The deadline for pruning is the last ten days of February - early March.

Purpose and benefits of spring haircut

At the beginning of a new growing season, excess, excessively long shoots are first removed. They spoil the aesthetics of the plant and do not produce the desired flowering.

Forms in spring beautiful bush pelargonium, which will delight you with beautiful flowering throughout the summer.

Step-by-step instructions for spring pruning

  1. prepare equipment and tools for the procedure - scissors, pruners, knife;
  2. sterilize instruments;
  3. wash and sanitize your hands, put on gloves;
  4. examine the plant from all sides and determine the direction of work;
  5. remove dry parts of the plant - branches and leaves;
  6. select the main stem of the plant, remove the lower young shoots from it;
  7. remove all lateral shoots and other stems, leaving only the main one;
  8. the top of the central stem must be pinched to activate branching;
  9. treat the sites where plant parts are removed with antiseptic preparations (charcoal powder, brilliant green, ground cinnamon).

Important! It is necessary to pinch the indoor plant correctly to form a tree-like form.

Care after spring pruning

After the crown has formed in this plant, it is important to provide it with proper care. It will speed up the processes of growth and the beginning of flowering.

Care rules:

  • watering once every 3 days;
  • protection from cold and drafts;
  • fertilizing with mineral fertilizers once every 30 days.

How to form a fluffy pelargonium bush, the essence of pinching

How to pinch geraniums so that they grow thicker and if the plant stretches out, what should you do? These questions are often asked by geranium growers.

Pinching is the removal of the apical growth point of a houseplant. If the geranium does not have the opportunity to grow upward, it will begin to actively develop lateral shoots and branches. This will allow you to form a beautiful and lush crown.

The form of pelargonium in which one main stem with a voluminous crown develops is called standard.

To create such an unusual appearance you need:

  • remove additional stems and extra side branches;
  • regularly inspect the plant for the formation of excess parts and remove them in a timely manner.

The pinching technique is used for plants that have just begun to grow. Regular removal of apical growth points ensures the appearance of a beautiful spherical crown.

The most common mistakes when pruning

Geraniums can be pruned incorrectly and the plant may become sick or even die. Most often, inexperienced plant growers commit following errors:

  • the plant is pruned at the wrong time;
  • non-compliance with the recommendation on the height of the cut relative to the vegetative node;
  • excessive removal of shoot parts;
  • Too frequent pruning.

As a result of these actions, the plant may stop blooming, acquire an unsightly appearance, and also become ill or die.

In addition, many owners of pelargonium feed the plant incorrectly.

Proper feeding includes:

  • immediately after pruning, it is recommended to feed geraniums with nitrogen mineral fertilizers;
  • At the stage of active flowering and the appearance of a lush crown, the need for potassium increases.


Geranium or pelargonium is rightfully valued by indoor plant lovers and gardeners. Correct and timely pruning will help create a crown of amazing beauty. The plant will delight you with abundant flowering every season. The procedure for removing excess parts is simple, but you must follow some rules. They will help you avoid mistakes that have an extremely negative impact on the condition of the plant.

There are hundreds in the world different varieties royal geranium. The beginning of breeding activity was laid in the Cape Lowlands of South Africa. Here travelers discovered plants with amazing beautiful flowers. They dug them up to hand them over to biologists of the country of Foggy Albion.

Maternal zonal pelargonium was with simple flowers, but reminiscent of hydrangea. This was enough for scientists in England to cross several varieties and get large flowers amazing coloring.

The inflorescence differs from its relatives in its large size, up to 15 cm in diameter. The flower of some varieties alone can grow up to 7 cm in diameter. Gorgeous royal pelargonium White Glory surprises with its royal lush inflorescences.

Breeders have developed varieties with different colors petals. The three lower and two upper petals are more strongly colored than the rest, reminiscent of a garden viola. The Spanish Angel variety, popular among flower growers, is characterized by its low height. The lilac inflorescences contrast perfectly with the green mass.

Growing geraniums at home

A flower with all its “crowning” - unpretentious plant. If you care for it correctly, which means watering and feeding, the plant will respond with lush flowering from early spring to late autumn. Timely pruning for lush flowering is another way to get a bright indoor flower.

In my apartment on the fourth floor the windows face east side, and the plants bloom even in winter. True, they produce one flower stalk at a time, but this is enough to give the room comfort and charm. The main thing is to strictly follow the rules for caring for your green ward.

Royal geranium requires the same care at home as other members of the Pelargonium family.

in spring

For transplantation to new pot best time- spring.

  1. I cut off the tops of the mother plant, 15-20 centimeters long, forming a low bush.
  2. I plant the cuttings in a nutritious and moist substrate or distribute them to friends.

Such propagation by cuttings allows you to quickly obtain a full-fledged plant, which will delight you with flowering after 2-3 weeks of adaptation.

For royal geraniums I use the usual universal mixture for indoor plants. I choose a spacious pot for one young plant small size with a diameter of 15-20 centimeters, for 3-5 cuttings - a larger container.

The constant condition is ceramics. For a royal person only the most Better conditions growing.

I put the pots on the windowsill. Pelargonium is a light-loving plant, but is afraid of too bright sun rays. In May, when there is a lot of sun, the leaves turn red, so light shading will help in this situation. For example, I place a container behind a frame between the panes of glass on the living room window sill.

In summer


Caring for royal geraniums at home is easy. I water the plant as it dries. To do this, I lift the pot and feel how dry the soil is. Even if I forgot to water, the plant easily tolerates a lack of moisture.

I feed the flowers once every two weeks with liquid complex fertilizer specially designed for indoor flowers.

Note! Organic fertilizer or pure nitrogen can provoke the growth of green mass, rather than the formation of buds.


The plant constantly puts out flower stalks. After the inflorescences wither, I tear them off at the base of the stem so that the royal geranium does not have flaws and maintains its decorative appearance.


Bright sun can cause leaf burn. Therefore, the plant must be protected from ultraviolet radiation. To do this, I place a pot with a flower behind the frame or make a light shelter out of cardboard during the midday hours.

Hydrangea is a heat-loving plant, but can easily withstand cool temperatures of up to 10 degrees and heat, but lasting low temperatures can cause diseases with fungi or viruses of various etiologies.

It is easy to prevent such conditions in an apartment or house. It is enough to bring pelargonium indoors during cold weather.

Autumn and winter

With the onset of cold weather, geranium goes into a dormant state. She is able to please with a single peduncle released, but rarely. Ideally, a temperature of 10-15 degrees is required, but to achieve it in conditions ordinary apartment difficult.

Therefore, I leave the flower on the windowsill in the coolest room - the bedroom, where in winter the temperature ranges from 18 to 22 degrees.

During the dormant period, I do not feed the plant, but I water it occasionally, although experts do not recommend this. But I can't leave the plant completely without water.


In the fall, I trim off the elongated stems of the plant. If the flower itself is old and there are many woody parts, then it can be replaced with young pelargonium.

Choosing a pot

Pelargonium prefers tight containers. Some plants grow in small pots for 2-3 years, but they do not form a large head of flowers, like royal geraniums in spacious containers.

Advice. Choose medium-sized pots: neither small nor too large. This will be enough to grow a flower for 3-4 years.

7 common problems with growing a flower

The queen among geraniums is famous for her capricious disposition. The reasons for this lie in selection: you have to pay for beauty with special requirements for growing conditions.

  1. If there is a shortage minerals In the soil, the internodes of the plant stretch out. As soon as you notice a deviation, feed the flower with complex fertilizer.
  2. Yellow leaf edges are formed due to lack of moisture in the soil.
  3. Abundant watering leads to the appearance of rot, fungal diseases, as well as pronounced lethargy of the bush.
  4. Frequent replanting causes stress in the plant, hence the weak flowering.
  5. Do not plant pelargonium immediately in a large pot. The plant will begin to spend energy on the development of the root system and leaves.
  6. Hot and dry air can cause buds to fall off before they bloom.
  7. The soil mixture, carefully flavored with nitrogen fertilizers, causes the formation of green mass, but not the formation of flower stalks.

Royal pelargonium in garden design

It is better to decorate the patio area with royal geraniums without replanting them in open ground. Compared to zonal geraniums, the royal geranium is sensitive to transplantation. For a flower pot, choose places hidden from the bright sun.

Useful properties of geranium

Pelargonium of any type has leaves with a specific aroma. IN folk medicine they are used in medicinal purposes, for example, with otitis media. The leaf is inserted into the sore ear.

Even the presence of a flower in a room can have a beneficial effect on the air. The plant secretes phytoncides and essential oils who kill harmful microorganisms. It is believed that royal geranium can relieve stress and help you find inner peace.

For asthmatics and people suffering from allergies, the choice of flower should be approached carefully so as not to provoke illness.

Pelargonium (popularly known as geranium) got its name due to the unusual shape of the fruits, which resemble the beak of a crane. WITH Greek language"geranios" translates to "crane". Today, over four hundred varieties of geranium are known, but only about a hundred species grow and are safely grown in Russia.

ATTENTION: Geranium is divided into two large subspecies - indoor (pelargonium) and garden. Indoor views geraniums are very sensitive to temperature changes and weather conditions, so they may die when planted in the garden.

On the windowsills residential buildings and offices you can find a wide variety of types indoor geranium, which differ from each other in the shape and size of the leaves, inflorescences and color. Among the many types, there are six most popular:

With proper and constant care, geranium will bloom constantly and profusely, increasing the number of inflorescences every year. But what is meant by proper care?

Why is it necessary to correct the shape of a plant?

Regardless of what kind of flower you are dealing with - indoor or garden - Geraniums need to be pruned from the very beginning of planting.. Depending on the type, the branches of the plant can be long - lodging or erect, or short and sloppy.

To give the flower the desired shape, you need to systematically monitor newly emerging shoots and trim them in time.

Despite the fact that geranium is very unpretentious, it is not capable of producing lateral shoots on its own, although there are plenty of dormant buds on them - they are located in each node.

Pruning not only contributes to the formation of a beautiful shape, but also activates the growth of new side shoots and promotes the emergence of new bud inflorescences. Thus, the plant will gain strength and every year its flowering will be more magnificent and longer.

IMPORTANT: If you do not prune geraniums, the plant will soon become shapeless, and the number of inflorescences will gradually decrease. Long stems shed over time lower leaves, and as a result the flower looks very sparse - twisted bare stems with a few leaves on the top.

This plant won't do any good. planting material to reproduce and may soon die. Therefore, pruning at home is one of the main ones.

Read about how to care for geraniums at home, and from here you will learn about recommendations for caring for the plant in open ground.

You don't need any unique tools to prune geraniums.. Will need stationery knife(it can be replaced with a blade or even a thin kitchen knife).

Scissors and pruners are not suitable for this procedure, as they pinch the plant stem at the cut site. Before pruning, the instrument should be treated with a disinfectant solution to avoid introducing infection into the fresh wound.

An ordinary solution can serve as such a solution. ethanol. Alternatively, you can boil the tool for several minutes.

Geranium pruning should be done in a timely manner - not too often, but not at long intervals, and at appropriate times of the year. You cannot cut many shoots at one time, or carry out this procedure in winter time, but is it possible to prune geraniums in the summer? Geraniums are pruned in spring and autumn. But even here there are some differences that you need to remember when planning to improve the plant.

Watch the video about correct pruning indoor geranium (pelargonium):

Giving the desired shape in spring

Before starting the procedure, you should carefully examine it and carefully consider the desired shape of the flower. Having prepared the tools and processed them, you can safely get to work.

  1. Remove yellowed and dry leaves by hand, carefully cut off weak and damaged branches.
  2. Gradually cut off the side stems, leaving the strongest and strongest.
  3. Remove the lower side shoots from the remaining stem.
  4. If the stem is too tall, you must carefully remove part of the top.
  5. If the stems are crooked and long, they need to be cut off, leaving only 10 cm. After a few weeks, young leaves will appear in place of these stumps.
  6. When preserving a bud on adjacent stems, it is important to pay attention to the direction of its growth - it should be opposite to the main stem.
  7. Apply disinfectants to the cut areas - wood ash, ground cinnamon, crushed activated carbon.

After pruning geraniums in the spring, it will produce new inflorescences several months later than if this procedure was carried out in the fall, since the plant will take longer to restore its strength. If pinching is necessary in the spring months, you can remove up to 20% of the shoots to make it lush. Excessive pruning can affect the timing of the next flowering of geraniums., pushing it back until next season.

Autumn pinching is the best option, since the plant will need less time to recuperate. The cuts are made with a sharp, disinfected knife at an angle of 45-60 degrees, directly 5 mm above the leaf node.

Only those nodes that have a growth direction opposite to the main stem need to be trimmed.. New shoots from such buds will not grow upward, but will be directed to the sides, which will prevent thickening of the crown.

Before starting work, you need to prepare your tools and carefully examine the flower, studying its shape and the location of the stems.

  1. All cuts are made only above the leaf node. Shoots growing inside the bush, crossing or drying out are immediately removed.
  2. The outer stems are cut off first to allow access to the center. If you need to trim a lot of stems, then it is better to carry out this procedure in several passes with an interval of 2-3 weeks. This way the plant will be able to restore its strength each time before pinching again.
  3. To form new flower stalks, you need to trim the tips of the stems, leaving 4-5 leaf nodes.
  4. Apply ash, crushed activated carbon or crushed cinnamon to fresh wounds - they have disinfectant properties.
  5. To support the flower, add nitrogen-containing fertilizers to the soil (about what the soil composition should be for indoor geraniums, whether it is suitable universal primer, read). Provide sufficient light and heat for the upcoming winter (about how to care for home geraniums to preserve them in winter and whether they can be transferred garden flower to the basement, you can find out).

Such pruning procedures are carried out so that the plant feels comfortable and always pleases its owners with greenery and bright colors. If the purpose of pruning was to form a certain shape crown, it is important to take into account several features.

The frequency and duration of flowering of home geraniums depends on its type, the conditions in which it grows, and, of course, when the pruning is done. To keep it fluffy, you need to prune geraniums in the fall..

If during the winter the stems have stretched too much, do not touch them. At the end of February, you can shorten them by only 2/3 of the total length, and pinch them in the spring.

If we are talking about a large and dense plant, then you cannot cut off many stems at once, since all the forces of the flower will be spent on restoring the stems and leaves. It is enough just to shorten the stray stems so that the flower regains its beautiful shape.

A lush bush is obtained with constant care and systematic pinching.. If you need to achieve lush leaves, then you need to trim the outer stems for stumps, leaving them small - 7-10 cm.

Then the flower will be able to produce new inflorescences, and new young leaves will appear in place of the stumps. In the future you just need to shorten long stems just above the leaf node, from which young shoots and leaves will then emerge.

Formation of a standard tree

First of all, you need to remove the side shoots, and secure the central stem in several places to a vertical support.

You can trim the shoot only when it exceeds the height of the support. Thanks to frequent pinching, the central trunk will branch, which will further allow the formation of a lush crown.

ADVICE: Shoots need to be pinched after every fourth leaf forms. However, with this treatment, flowering can begin only after a year.

Further care

After pruning, home care is required: fresh geranium wounds must be sprinkled wood ash or activated carbon. Minimal watering will be optimal, since the amount of foliage has decreased significantly, which contributes to prolonged evaporation.

It would not be a bad idea to fertilize with nitrogen fertilizers, which will help you recover from stress and activate the growth of new shoots (read about what is best to feed and when to use fertilizers, and from here you will learn how to properly use iodine with hydrogen peroxide for beautiful flowering) . Every plant needs to be looked after.

Geranium, being unpretentious in terms of watering and climate, requires constant attention and systematic pruning. The shape of the bush, duration and frequency of flowering directly depend on how frequent and competent the pruning is.

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Geraniums conquered best places on window sills in the garden due to its abundant and long-lasting flowering. This is an unpretentious plant, but requires annual pruning twice: in spring and autumn. The first is a light corrective one, and the second is a drastic one. Without the right one autumn pruning next summer abundant flowering will not come.

Why prune geraniums in the fall?

Pelargoniums bloom continuously all summer. But by autumn the shoots stretch out and become bare, and buds appear less frequently. The period of rest is approaching. Now you need to prune the geranium so that it survives the winter well and blooms magnificently in the spring. Pruning stimulates the awakening of dormant buds and the development of side shoots, each of which will subsequently bloom. Without human intervention, almost no branching occurs and pelargonium forms few inflorescences.

By autumn, geraniums often lose their decorative properties.

Timing for pruning geraniums

From September to November is a favorable time for shortening shoots. Starting in December, the flower goes into a dormant state, and it is too late to prune it. In winter, geraniums become sensitive to injury and may die. If you didn’t have time to carry out the procedure in the fall, form the plant at the end of February. In this case, flowering will occur later.

If the geranium stayed in the garden or on the balcony in the summer, it is given 2 weeks to acclimatize indoors before pruning.

All indoor pelargoniums can be taken out into the garden for the summer, planted in flower beds, but for the winter they are returned to the house

Autumn pruning of geraniums

To form geranium you will need sharp knife with a thin blade or a high-quality pruner that does not crush shoots. The tool is disinfected before work so as not to cause rotting of the stems. Pelargonium is not watered two days before pruning and the same amount after. This way the wounds will heal quickly.

The most accurate cut is obtained when pruning with a garden knife with a thin blade.

The pruning height depends on the shape of the bush that you want to achieve in the future. The longer the shoots are left, the taller the plant will be later. If you need a compact bush, the stems are cut to a stump, leaving 2-3 dormant buds.

Pelargonium pruning - necessary measure for lush flowering

There are slow-growing varieties that require virtually no pruning: variegated and mini. It is better for them to simply pinch off the tops in the spring.

Variegated geranium does not tolerate radical autumn pruning.

Before the procedure, remove all inflorescences, yellowed leaves, and diseased shoots to the base to expose the plant’s skeleton as much as possible.

Don't leave diseased leaves in geranium pots

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Retreat above the leaf node 5 mm for thin shoots and 1 cm for thick shoots and make a straight, even cut. The upper sleeping bud should be directed towards outside bush so that the future crown does not thicken.
  2. First, shorten the stems along the perimeter of the crown, gradually moving to the center.
  3. Sprinkle the cuts with crushed activated carbon or ash.
  4. Leave the flower to overwinter in a bright, cool room.

A new shoot will appear from the leaf node in the future

Ampelous pelargoniums Angels grow over time long lashes balding at the base. To get a flowering ball, only 1-2 dormant buds are left in the fall. In March, the plants will bloom, but without additional lighting, some of the buds will fall off. To shift the flowering time, Angels are rejuvenated at the end of February. Then the plants will bloom in June.

Pelargonium Angels are also called violas because their flowers resemble pansies.

In addition to pruning, for lush flowering of pelargonium Angels need a cold wintering

Many varieties of ivy-leaved pelargoniums grow very quickly. They are greatly shortened in the fall and the length of the shoots is normalized in the spring.

For quick rooting, the ends of the cuttings are dusted with Kornevin

How to prune geraniums in autumn - video

I grow Scarlet Rambler bush pelargoniums. They winter in the room, and in the summer they are taken out into the garden. Previously, in the fall, I only cut cuttings and threw away the “stumps” with roots. But one day I saw a two-year-old bush of this variety among my neighbors. more than a meter tall, strewn with flowers. Impressed, I also began saving pelargonium roots for the winter, cutting the stems in half. Such specimens are good if you need a flowering tree near the porch or in the background of a flower bed. When a shorter plant is needed, I shorten the stems to two buds.

If you want to get a large bush next summer, cut off a third or half of the bush

Before pruning your geranium bush, think about what shape you want to achieve. In accordance with by decision shorten the stems above the dormant buds by a third, half or to a “stump”. Until the cuttings are dry, do not water the plants. In spring, be sure to pinch the tops of young shoots if they are stretched out.

Not everyone can get good flowering from royal geraniums at home. This type of indoor plant is very capricious. If you do not provide it with sufficient and regular watering, the geranium will never bloom.

The soil in the pot should always be slightly moist, especially in warm weather summer period. It is believed that the best time for flowering is in the spring and lasts until autumn. If you place the pot on the “southern” window, then you can admire the lush “caps” for as long as possible.

Of course, geranium loves sunlight very much, but its excess negatively affects the condition of leaves and flowers and can cause burns.

The plant must rest. After dormancy, the flowers are always larger and brighter.

An important aspect of receiving good flowering is proper care winter period: additional lighting, moderate watering and cool temperature (not higher than +15 degrees).


Here you can see a photo of pelargonium with blooming flowers:

Is it necessary to prune pelargonium and how to do it correctly?

With regular and proper pruning, pelargonium rejuvenates. This manipulation cannot be performed in the spring. The best time to do this is in the fall and winter.

Improper pruning will lead to stretching of the stems, and the plant will lose its decorative appeal.

  • Taking into account the genetic characteristics of the royal geranium, it is formed as low and bushy.
  • Pruning is carried out at the level of the leaf node. Use a sharp knife, which must be disinfected in advance.
  • The cut areas must be treated with charcoal ground in a mortar or crushed.
  • If the stems are facing inside the plant, they are removed completely.

Pruning should begin after the pelargonium has finished blooming. Usually this is the end of August.

  1. Removing wilted parts of the bush (inflorescences, stems, leaves).
  2. Visually determine which shoots should be cut to form a beautiful plant.
  3. If the stems are too long and leafless, they should be completely removed (from the lower node).
  4. In order for the plant to overwinter normally, it is necessary to cut off a third of the main stem.

In winter, it is enough to pinch the royal geranium. In mid-March, manipulations with the flower are stopped; in April it will produce the first buds.

To reduce plant stress, the pruning process is best done in two stages with an interval of 1 to 2 months.

How to feed the crop so that it produces buds?

For pelargonium it is important to receive a comprehensive mineral fertilizing during the flowering period. You need to start fertilizing at the end of February. Solution mineral fertilizer For flowering plants with a high potassium content should be applied 3 – 4 times a week. During active flowering, you can feed royal geranium 2 times a month.

It is not recommended to apply fertilizers during the dormant period of the flower (winter) and after replanting.

What else has a positive effect on the plant?

  1. Royal geranium is afraid of wind and rain, unlike other types of pelargonium, so it is best to grow it at home, on glassed veranda or balcony.

    It is important to remember that prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can cause burns.

  2. The plant loves cool air at night and in winter. If the air in the room in which the flower pot is placed is too dry and hot, the plant will slow down its growth and stop blooming.
  3. It is most comfortable to grow geraniums in a small pot that matches the size of the plant itself. The roots should occupy its entire volume, and the flower should be replanted into a container that is only 2–3 cm larger than the previous one.

Why does the crop produce only foliage and not buds?

There are several main reasons:

  • The bush does not receive enough nutrients.
  • Was chosen for landing too big pot. The plant “fattens”, gaining green mass.
  • Damage to the root system. Overwatering, and as a result, dampness can provoke the appearance of root rot. Coping with this disease is extremely difficult, so experienced flower growers It is advised to destroy infected plants to avoid infecting other indoor flowers. The roots can also be damaged mechanically.
  • Possible pest damage (whitefly, aphids and spider mite). For the fight, you can purchase ready-made products in a specialized store.
  • The correct rest regime is not observed. If the plant overwinters in a warm room with humid air, most likely it will not bloom.
  • It is important to place the pot with the plant on the sunny side, avoiding direct midday rays.

What to do if pruning and fertilizing do not help?

If the conditions are almost ideal, the plant has rested over the winter, but there are still no flowers, Pelargonium can be forced using measures such as:

  1. During wintering, limit nutrition and watering, and keep the plant in cool conditions. In the spring, in a warm room after a spartan winter, geraniums will most likely bloom.
  2. Create conditions with temperature differences by moving the bush to the balcony, but avoiding freezing and drafts.
  3. Magnesium sulfate as a top dressing has a beneficial effect on many flowering plants.
  4. You can try moving the plant around the room; perhaps it is out of place. After the first buds appear, it is better not to touch the pot.

When growing royal geraniums, problems may arise, such as leaves. Why this happens, how to save a flower, and also - read our materials.

How to care for pelargonium that has faded?

After the pelargonium has bloomed, a dormant period begins and its preparation for wintering begins.

  1. You need to start pruning it.
  2. After this, the pot with the plant should be placed in a well-lit but cool room.
  3. Watering should be reduced.

In winter, royal geranium feels great on the windowsill; drafts will have an extremely negative impact on its health. During this period, it is important not to forget to feed your favorite flower. The quality of flowering in spring depends on the quality during the dormant period.

does not tolerate disdainful attitude towards himself. An aristocratic flower demands special attention, in return, he will delight others with his truly rich appearance.

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