Which flowering bushes are best to plant in the fall. Autumn or spring? When is the best time to plant trees?

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Pawning new garden, novice gardeners plant new trees. This procedure may seem very simple to them at first.

However, they often make significant mistakes, which are then impossible or very difficult to correct.

Spring planting according to the lunar calendar

Start of planting

First of all you need to:

  • draw up a plan of the entire site,
  • determine your place for each landing,
  • get an idea of ​​the rules for planting shrubs and trees in the garden,
  • select varieties suitable for the area where you plan to form an orchard.

Decide on the time of planting (spring or autumn, while for each season it is necessary to clarify the dates intended for planting).

They should not be violated. Failure to comply with deadlines leads to the death of plants.

Suitable for any agricultural technique set time of year. Novice, inexperienced gardeners wait until warm weather arrives to begin gardening. By this time, the purchased seedlings are already beginning to bud. Spring planting begins with the end of snow melting. The seedlings are dormant at this time.

The impetus for the completion of spring planting of fruit trees, as well as fruit trees, is the swelling of the buds.

As soon as the deadlines are determined and the weather allows you to go out into the garden, you need to look into sowing calendar. He makes his own adjustments to the order of work. Each phase of the Moon promotes one or another salt landing event. Planting in spring according to the lunar calendar makes it possible to correctly determine the most favorable days. In addition, there is a period in which any agricultural techniques are guaranteed to fail.

All major work usually begins in March. During this period, on the waning Moon, branches are pruned and tree crowns are formed.

With the onset of April comes the time when they begin to plant seedlings of fruit trees. You just need to choose a favorable day.

Spring planting according to the lunar calendar is done when the moon is waxing. During the waning phase, it is a favorable time to protect plantings from wintering pests.

Selection of planting material

Once the planting date is set, it's time to think about seedlings. Great importance have:

For example, planting in the spring in the Moscow region will be successful and will contribute to the formation of a well-fruit-bearing, healthy garden if you correctly select zoned species and varieties of trees. The most suitable for gardens near Moscow will be those that have excellent frost-resistant qualities. These include:

  • apple trees - White filling, Antonovka, Melba, Imrus, Lungwort, Moscow winter,
  • pears - Lada, Marble, Veles, August dew,
  • plums - Blue Gift, Renklod Liya, Hungarian Moscow, Vitebsk Late,
  • cherries - Bulatnikovskaya, Assol, Shchedraya,
  • cherries - Revna, Tyutchevka.

Spring work in the Moscow region is carried out according to generally accepted rules. The roots of purchased seedlings should not dry out during transportation.

Planting trees: preparing planting holes

The survival rate of seedlings does not necessarily depend only on the timing determined by the Lunar calendar. This event requires compliance with some rules. Planting holes are prepared in advance. Their sizes depend on the characteristics of the fruit crop.

If the garden has a dense clay soil, then the seats should be less deep and wider in diameter. When digging a hole upper layer The soils are removed and placed separately, without mixing with others. This is the fertile layer. You need to add minerals and organic fertilizers and placed in seat. To plant one tree you will need 2 or 3 buckets of humus, 3 buckets of peat, 1 kilogram of superphosphate and wood ash.

If mineral fertilizers no, then compost and humus will be enough. You should not use manure as a nutrient mixture, as is usually done the “old fashioned way”. It is quite capable of causing serious damage to the root system.

Rules for placing seedlings

Spring planting involves preparation of landing sites in advance. They are prepared in the fall. Holes are dug and half filled with rotted compost or manure. In the spring, young trees will be placed in them.

So, a seedling is placed in the prepared holes, from which the broken shoots are first removed. Damaged roots are cut off and only healthy ones are left. But you should be aware that the roots should not be disturbed unless absolutely necessary, otherwise both the plant and the harvest may suffer. If the roots are very dry during transportation, they should be immersed in water for half a day or a day.

Before planting, it is recommended to immerse the roots of the seedling in a clay mash. One- and two-year-old trees show the best survival rate. When planting in the ground, pay attention to the position of the plant relative to the cardinal directions. It needs to be planted in the same orientation as it was grown in the nursery.

In the first years of life, the plant adapts to the conditions. Looking at the young trees, it will be noticeable that its trunk has a heterogeneous color. The side of the trunk that was turned to the south will be darker than the one that was oriented to the north.

After placing the seedling in the ground, the hole is filled with a pre-prepared nutrient mixture. The tree trunk circle is covered on top with soil taken from the bottom of the planting hole. Planting is completed with abundant watering. It is necessary to ensure that the root collar of the tree, after settling of the earth mixture, is located at ground level. The tree trunk circle should be mulched with peat.

Hill landing

This method is used when groundwater passes close by. Landing on a hill is performed in a specific sequence.

  1. Choose a place to land.
  2. They drive in a stake.
  3. The height of the support should be 1.5 m in height and at least 6-7 cm thick.
  4. The soil around the stake is dug up to about 20 centimeters.
  5. Organic fertilizers are provided (8 kg per 1 square meter).
  6. Then the seedling is attached to the support.
  7. The roots are straightened.
  8. Create a hill of nutritious earthen mixture.
  9. It is covered with turf on top.
  10. As the seedling grows, the tree trunk circle needs to be enlarged by adding earthen mixture.

Seedling care

Spring planting involves the construction of special watering holes. Fruit tree seedlings require careful care and attention. The tree trunk area should not be allowed to dry out. This requires regular watering, loosening the soil cover and removing weed. Protection from diseases and pests is also important. Data driven Lunar calendar, watering should be done in May during the waning moon. Then the young shoots are pinched.

Autumn planting

The most successful autumn time to renew the southern or garden plot months are counted September And October.

This is the period when trees are dormant, and this suggests that the likelihood of survival at this time increases significantly. Moreover, during the adaptation process they will get sick less often.

According to experts, literally all types and varieties of trees are suitable for autumn planting, with the exception of those that are overly sensitive due to the characteristics of the growing season of their species or varietal affiliation, according to which winter period poorly tolerated. These types include apricot, cherry, peach, chestnut, walnut, as well as some types and varieties of southern plum.

Trees that can be planted in autumn

Of the fruit tree species, the most autumn planting carry:

  • Apple tree,
  • pear,
  • mulberry,
  • cherry plum,
  • cherry,
  • rowan, as well as many plum varieties..

Experts note the following pattern: trees planted in autumn produce juicier and larger fruits.

Planting seedlings

When disembarking in windy and clear weather, it is imperative to protect the plants from overdrying.

For ordinary two-year-old seedlings of apple, pear, cherry, apricot, sweet cherry and other crops grafted onto a weak-growing rootstock, the hole diameter should be no more than 1.25 m, depth 0.5 m.

In the case of planting a garden on poor and sandy soil, the depth of the planting holes increases to 1 m.

Landing technique

When planting a seedling, its root collar should be 5-6 cm above the soil level, since when the soil compacts and settles, the seedling risks going a little deeper. When planting, you should also not allow the roots to become tangled or curled upward.

A top layer will be required for backfilling. fertile soil. We do the backfilling ourselves so that the soil particles tightly surround all even the smallest branches of the root system.

When not to plant in autumn

Sometimes plant seedlings in autumn time not recommended, in other words, it is better to postpone planting to spring.

Autumn planting should be canceled if:

  • According to forecasts, the winter period promises to be colder than usual, which may freeze young plants,
  • in the area where planting is planned, there is a large population of rodents (for example, field mice),
  • garden area in winter time remains without appropriate security, which does not exclude the possibility of theft of seedlings.

Time to board

Fruit trees can be planted in both spring and autumn. Planting dates depend on the climate of the area.

Most southern areas suggest a preference for fall planting over spring planting. This is due to the fact that southern autumn is very warm and long. Seedlings that have completed their growth in the nursery and are prepared for the winter, when planted in the garden, will take root within autumn period will take root. Wounds on their roots, completing scarring, form callus (surges). Trees planted in autumn in early spring they will awaken, begin to grow, and thanks to this they will avoid a possible drought or survive it without difficulties.

When planting trees in the spring, the plants immediately fall into drought, often get sick and take root much worse.

In the northern regions and central zone, as practice shows, top scores shows exactly spring planting. In spring there are no droughts here, and therefore the trees take root and “grab” well in the soil. When planted in the fall, trees, especially stone fruits, often freeze or begin to suffer and deteriorate from winter drying.

In the Urals and Siberia, in areas where there is sufficient snow cover, fruit trees planted in the fall, and in areas with insufficient snow precipitation and the absence of early dry winds in March-May - in the spring.


All fruit trees bear fruit well on nutritious, deeply and well-loosened soil and grow actively on it. In accordance with this, the width and depth of the hole for the seedling is determined.

For annual seedlings we dig square hole 55-60 cm on each side. For two year olds - 100-120 cm. in width and 65-70 deep. In heavy and dense soil it is necessary to specified values add 15-20 cm each.

The excavated soil is mixed with well-rotted compost, and a little sand must be added there. Now, at the bottom of the hole, you need to add the amount of mineral complex fertilizers required for the type and age of the seedling, and then sprinkle it with a 2.5-3 cm layer of soil.

If a tree is planted with an open root system, then a mound must be placed at the bottom of the hole, on which the seedling should be installed. Then we straighten the roots and fall asleep.

We dig a small trench around the young tree and also add mounds along its edges. The soil in the hole should be lightly crushed and watered thoroughly. When the water is absorbed, mulch the surface with sand, peat, dry soil, and sawdust.

IMPORTANT! Do not bury the root collar! It should also not be covered by a layer of mulch.

Every summer resident wants to have a beautiful and healthy garden near their house or to landscape the area with unusual coniferous trees. Many gardeners wonder: what trees are planted in the fall?

A significant portion of trees and shrubs that have a closed root system can be planted in spring and late autumn, until November. Perhaps autumn - best time in order to plant garden or fruit trees, as well as berry bushes. The exception is during leaf fall.

General information on how to choose the right time to plant

Autumn, along with early spring, is rightfully considered optimal for planting seedlings of fruit trees and most berry bushes. However, it is worth remembering to follow some rules and take into account the features different types plants. So, for example, stone fruit trees in the garden should be planted in early spring, and seedlings of fruit trees such as apple trees or pears are best planted in late autumn at a positive average daily temperature.

Besides fruit seedlings, many plant in the countryside near the house coniferous trees, which have become noticeably popular in Lately. It should be remembered that for planting coniferous seedlings, as well as for fruit and berry seedlings, there are certain rules and the best time is when the plant is guaranteed to take root and grow strong.

Autumn planting personal plots It has significant amount benefits.

  1. Having more choice planting material almost any seedlings.
  2. Plants planted in soil that has warmed up over the summer do not require special care. The main care consists of high-quality watering when planting seedlings. Further irrigation of the root system is carried out without human intervention - with autumn rains.
  3. Trees planted in winter that have any injuries that could have been caused during transportation or planting will easily recover to spring warmth.
  4. It is when planting in the fall that faster regeneration occurs and suction roots grow.

In addition, gardeners who plant seedlings in the autumn free up a significant amount of time necessary for active and labor-intensive work in spring period.

Types of fruit trees in Ukraine

There is a huge list fruit seedlings, which can be planted in the fall near the house. The most commonly planted garden trees are apple, cherry and pear. You can safely plant cherry plum, mulberry and rowan during this period. A significant portion of varietal plums tolerate autumn planting well.

Experienced gardeners have long noted that garden trees can be planted until late autumn. Fruit trees planted in the fall produce a larger and juicier harvest.

What plants are best to plant in autumn (video)

Types of ornamental trees that can be planted in November

Planting coniferous trees in the fall can be more effective than in the spring. Planting a coniferous seedling in soil that has warmed up over the summer will allow the plant to better adapt to permanent place. You can try to plant conifers near the house in the spring, but in this case the soil will not yet be warm enough.

In the fall, you can plant almost any coniferous trees on the site. Thuja and Canadian hemlock take root best. It is not uncommon to grow juniper, pine, larch, fir and spruce near the house, which winter well after autumn acclimatization.

Many summer residents plant trees near their houses hardwood. We can recommend autumn planting of almost any deciduous tree, except birch and oak. These trees have some peculiarities of the root system. The presence of a taproot without branches does not allow the plant to take root before winter frosts. For this reason, it is better to plant such trees near the house in the spring.

Indicators affecting planting in autumn or spring

According to modern agricultural technology, in the autumn it is possible, and sometimes necessary, to plant almost any tree seedlings. The exception is seedlings that are overly sensitive due to species or vegetation characteristics. The category of such plants that need to be planted exclusively in spring includes heat-loving seedlings of fruit, berry, deciduous and coniferous trees that do not tolerate wintering well.

It is best to refrain from planting seedlings of peach, apricot, cherry, chestnut, walnut and some varieties of southern plum trees in the autumn. There is also no need to plant seedlings in late autumn that were brought from other climatic regions and have not yet gone through the wintering stage in the weather conditions expected for growing.

When choosing seedlings in the autumn, you can take a good look at the quality of the planting material, which will insure against mistakes when purchasing fruit, deciduous or coniferous plants. Leaves are clearly visible on autumn planting material, root system and the degree of wood maturation, which makes it possible to assess the health of seedlings. Seedlings planted in autumn begin intensive growth and development with the onset of the first spring days.

The basic rules that should be followed if it is necessary to plant seedlings in the fall are the following:

  • planting a seedling together with a high-quality earthen ball;
  • there should not be a high level of groundwater near the house where the planting is expected;
  • planting must be carried out at least three weeks before the onset of persistent and severe frosts.

Rules and terms of autumn planting

There are a number of rules, the implementation of which guarantees good survival of plants planted in the autumn.

  1. Immediately before planting, you should tear off all the remaining leaves on the seedling. The rule is observed if the planting material is fresh and the foliage is not yet dry.
  2. The standard part of the seedling must be smooth and undamaged, and the crown of the tree must have established buds and prominent main branches.
  3. When digging a planting hole, the top soil layer should be removed and placed in one pile, and the lower and deep-lying soil layers should be piled in the other direction.
  4. The depth of the planting hole should be such that when the seedling is immersed in it, the root collar rises 5 centimeters above the ground surface.
  5. The width of the planting hole should be twice as large as the diameter of the seedling's root system.
  6. The removed top soil should be mixed with humus at the rate of one bucket for each seedling.
  7. Superphosphate and potassium chloride should be added to the planting pit, which will ensure good survival rate for the plant. If it is impossible to use such fertilizers, they can easily be replaced with regular fertilizers. wood ash.
  8. On top of the fertilizer, it is necessary to fill two-thirds of the hole with a mixture of soil and humus and install a special peg.
  9. The seedling placed in the hole should be leveled as much as possible, the root system should be distributed and covered with the remaining soil.
  10. On final stage The root system of the plant is sprinkled with earth, and then with peat and sawdust.

Mistakes when planting fruit tree seedlings (video)

To fix the planted plant in the hole, you should softly tie the stem part to the peg installed in the hole. The ground around the stem should be carefully but very gently trampled down.

Planting trees in autumn is not only convenient, but also rational. In spring the seedlings will already begin active growth, and gardeners will have more time to carry out all the necessary spring work on the site.

With the arrival of autumn, people begin to devote more time to trees and bushes and try to organize optimal conditions so that winter does not cause any harm to their plants. And some are just beginning to realize their secret dream of having own garden. If you suddenly decide to get summer cottage plot, the first thing you need to study is which ones in the fall. In principle, they can be planted in the spring. But autumn is more suitable for this.

Preparation of seedlings

An important stage in planting trees is the preparation of seedlings. It is especially useful for novice gardeners to learn about it. Knowledge of which trees are planted in the fall and which in the spring will not be useful to you if you do not know how to preserve young plants. Remember, as soon as you have purchased seedlings, they must immediately be buried in the ground. If the root dries out, the chances of the tree taking root are greatly reduced. When the time has come for direct planting, it is necessary to inspect and prepare the root of the seedling. Using a special one, you need to trim off all dry and overly damaged branches. The cut should be directed downwards. Before planting in the ground, place the tree just above the root in water so that it is saturated with moisture and better takes root in its new location.

The best time to plant trees

There are gardeners who are of the opinion that in the fall their troubles end. But they are wrong. This optimal time for including trees and shrubs. So there is no need to relax. What tree is planted in autumn? During this period, it is correct to replant pears, plums and apple trees. Then there are great chances of better adaptation of the tree's rhizome to new soil. Now we need to find out not only what fruit trees are planted in the fall, but also how exactly this should be done. Before work you need to prepare future soil for a seedling. From it he will take everything he needs nutrients and microelements. We begin to prepare the hole. The depth of the hole depends on where exactly the garden is located. For example, for low-lying places, the hole should not be deeper than 30 centimeters to prevent too much moisture accumulation and rotting of the roots. Having dug a hole, we add fertilizers there in layers: peat, compost and mineral mixtures. We soak all this generously with water. Do not press the root into the ground, otherwise you may damage it. The tree just needs to be held strictly perpendicular to the ground (provided that you are digging the plant not on a slope, but on a flat surface). When you plant a seedling, you will end up with a small hill around its trunk. Do not remove soil to level the soil. Remember that winter, melted snow, and wind will still cause settlement, and more soil will only protect the root system. To form the correct crown, several stakes are driven around the tree and the branches of the seedling are tied to them. Just all this needs to be done evenly. Otherwise, the tree may lean more to one side. Thus, the trunk will remain crooked forever. So we have determined which tree is most often planted in the fall.

Fruit seedlings

Autumn is the best time to plant fruit trees also because these plants are next year are already bearing fruit. And although trees planted in spring may bloom, they produce almost no harvest. And if it appears a large number of ligature, it is recommended to carefully cut it off. Otherwise, all the energy and life-giving substances will go into fruit. The plant may weaken.

Variety of fruit trees

Of course, the apple tree is the most popular representative of the flora. Especially in our country. But wouldn't you like to have a harvest of different fruits? Let's continue the conversation about which trees are best to plant in the fall.

At this time, the plum tree is no worse than the apple tree. Various varieties of it grow on our territory. Usually this tall trees, approximately from 3 m to 5 m. Although height does not play such a serious role. Especially for the gardener who correctly forms the crown. The tree begins to bear fruit 2-3 years after planting. The most productive period for plums will be the next 8-10 years. Due to the characteristics of our climate, the root system of the plant in question is usually located below the surface of the soil, not too deep. Therefore, in dry summers it especially needs watering. Now we’ll find out which trees are still planted in the fall. All varieties of pears. They are planted around the beginning of October. The pear has an extremely powerful root system. Therefore, it does not need frequent watering. You need to remember that pear trees love sunlight, so choose a free, spacious place for planting. To correctly set the distance between trees, remember that in most plants, especially mature ones, the root has the same width as the crown. Therefore, you cannot dig in seedlings too close to one another. Otherwise, the crown may deteriorate, or one of the plants may weaken. Now you know which trees are planted in the fall.

Don't make mistakes

Even experienced gardeners can make mistakes. What can we say about newcomers? If you decide to arrange a garden and decide which fruit trees to plant in the fall, then remember a few main principles for a successful undertaking. When choosing seedlings, you do not need to look for the largest specimens. How bigger tree, the harder it will be for him to take root in the new soil. One-year-olds adapt much better. Don’t look at the fact that their crown is not developed, but the root was not damaged during digging. Therefore, they will take root faster and grow rapidly.

Do not rush into planting; it is best to start no earlier. Do not plant trees on just filled soil. It must settle so that it is taller. Then the trees take root faster. Don't plant plants too deep or too shallow. Focus on the root collar. It should be at ground level or two centimeters higher. Do not use fresh manure, which, due to decomposition and the release of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide, can damage the already weak root. Thus, you have acquired information about which trees are planted in the fall and what you need to pay special attention to.

What trees should I plant in the fall? This question is the most popular in the fall. And the soils of all regions are different, and weather differ in the regions of our country. What should you do when planting young seedlings, in spring or autumn? Let's try to understand this issue in more detail.

Theoretically, you can always plant, as long as the ground is not frozen. But if you start to take into account the accompanying natural climatic factors, you can get confused. Still, it will be more comfortable for each type of tree to take root in a new place in certain conditions. Now it’s autumn in the yard, so it would be more logical to consider autumn varieties trees.

Positive and negative factors when planting a tree in autumn

Planting trees and shrubs in autumn has its own characteristics that are worth understanding. When the beds and harvesting are finished, it is auspicious free time for planting seedlings. There is still some time before frost, during which the tree will get used to the new conditions a little.

Advantages of autumn planting:


In autumn there is big choice from nurseries and private gardeners. As a rule, there may be leaves on the branches, their appearance, as well as the appearance of the roots, allows us to judge the health of the seedling, and there may even be fruits, which can also be immediately appreciated.


Now the planted tree can be watered occasionally, that is, in fact, all the care at this stage. Mild autumn and rains will help to take root and adapt to a new place. The roots will continue to grow until the soil temperature is +4C, during which time the absorbent roots will have time to stretch out and will immediately begin active growth in the spring, unlike newly planted trees, which need time to adapt.

Save time.

In the spring, there will be a lot of trouble in the garden and vegetable garden, and you will also have to spend time on planting, while in the fall we plant in the already free time. active work time.

If you live in southern regions, then the winters there are generally mild, the ground is free from freezing, and the trees are not in danger of freezing.

Disadvantages of autumn planting:

  • If winter comes early, frost can kill young trees.
  • Snowfalls and ice can break fragile branches.
  • Both in late autumn and winter, rodents can damage seedlings.
  • Newly planted trees can simply be dug up/stolen in the absence of their owners.

Here we talk about which trees are best to plant in the fall. Unless the varieties are winter-hardy, do not plant in the fall:

  • Cherry.
  • Almond.
  • Apricot.
  • Apple tree.
  • Pear.
  • Plum.
  • Peach.
  • Cherries.

If you brought seedlings from the south, you shouldn’t plant them before winter either, they simply may not survive it.

Trees and shrubs that take root well during autumn planting

  • Winter-hardy varieties of pears and apple trees.
  • Coniferous trees.
  • Aronia.
  • Chestnut.
  • Currant.
  • Nut.
  • Gooseberry.
  • Raspberries.
  • Birch.
  • Honeysuckle.

The best time for autumn planting

Of course, it is worth observing the timing of planting fruit tree seedlings in the fall. Look at the weather, the usually favorable time for planting is the end of September and the entire month of October, but if the autumn has been long and warm, then even the beginning and middle of November will be suitable.

  • In the middle zone of our country favorable landing falls on mid-September - mid-October.
  • In the northern regions, early September - early October.
  • In the south - from October to mid-November.

Focus on the weather. Every year, due to this, the deadlines may shift in both directions. The seedling will let you know that it is time to replant it by shedding its last foliage.

What if you suddenly missed the boarding deadline?

What to do if required deadlines didn’t have the money, didn’t find the right variety, waited for the last sale, and chose another variety that is undesirable to plant in the fall?

There are ways that can help you out in such a situation. You just need to create conditions for the seedling to overwinter. It can be done:

  • Burying it to the ground.
  • Snowing method.
  • Store the tree in a damp cellar or basement.


By packing it properly and covering the seedling with a thick layer of snow, which will protect it from freezing, it can be stored until spring and planted when the frosts have finally subsided and the earth has warmed up.

Basement storage.

We moisten the roots and lower the tree into a container with peat, which is also moist. At temperatures from 0C - 10C and with a humidity of 87 - 90%, there is every chance of surviving until spring, just don’t forget to water the container with peat once a week.

Now you have learned which fruit trees can be planted in the fall. For middle zone, Urals and Siberia, zoned varieties are best suited for autumn planting; they are already acclimatized and will quickly take root. If the varieties are Ural and Siberian selection, then this is a guaranteed success when planting; these apple and pear trees, cherry plums, mulberries and rowan berries will survive the winter without any problems.

In southern latitudes, planting in autumn - best option, because a soft and warm autumn will give the trees abundant watering, while spring there quickly gives way to a burning summer.

If the seedlings are dug up before the last leaves fly around, then this is a risk group for freezing in winter due to immature shoots.

And if you are tempted by beautiful view, bought a seedling with no fallen leaves. then it will be unripe, and even overdried; there is intense loss of moisture through the leaves.


From this article you were able to learn about until what time you can plant trees in the fall. If you choose the right time for planting, then nature will do everything itself, the main thing is not to interfere with it. A properly established tree on long years will delight you, and even your grandchildren, with rich and tasty harvests.

September and October are a good time to renovate your garden area. The period of physiological rest of plants allows a tree or shrub to take root more easily and suffer less pain during adaptation, so the answer to the question of whether trees can be planted in the fall is positive.

What trees are planted in autumn?

Agrotechnicians claim that in the autumn it is possible to plant almost all trees, except those that are overly sensitive, due to the characteristics of the growing season, species or varieties that do not tolerate wintering well (peaches, apricots, cherries, chestnuts, walnuts, some varieties of southern plums). It is not advisable to plant trees in the fall that were brought from other climatic natural zones that have not yet wintered in your area. When choosing seedlings at this time of year, it is impossible to go wrong with the quality of planting material, as healthy leaves, a strong root system and mature wood are noticeable. With the onset of the first warm days, trees planted in autumn begin to develop intensively: their roots feed the plant, buds begin to swell and develop. The main thing is to follow two basic rules when planting in autumn:

  1. Plant the seedling together with a lump of earth.
  2. Plant a month before lasting frosts.

What fruit trees are planted in autumn?

Most breeds tolerate planting well in autumn garden trees- apple tree, cherry, cherry plum, mulberry, rowan, many varieties of plum. Experienced gardeners note the following pattern: the fruits of trees planted in autumn are usually larger and juicier.

What coniferous trees are planted in the fall?

Planting coniferous trees in the fall is much more effective than in the spring. Planting a seedling in the still warm autumn soil allows it to take root better in a permanent place than planting it in unheated soil in the spring. Many coniferous trees take root well in the garden, especially Canadian hemlock. It is not uncommon for others to be planted on the plot near the house. conifers– juniper, pine, larch, fir, spruce.

Which deciduous trees are best to plant in the fall?

In autumn, you can plant many deciduous trees - poplar, maple, linden, alder, ash, willow. Birch and oak trees do not tolerate autumn planting well due to the structural features of the root system. In data deciduous trees The taproot has no branches, so it is better to plant the plants in the spring to quickly improve the movement of nutrients.

Advantages of autumn planting

So, let’s note the advantages of autumn planting:

  • at the end of summer - beginning of autumn there is a wide selection of planting material;
  • not required in autumn special care for planted trees, most often one watering is carried out immediately after planting; subsequently, autumn rains will moisten the soil, supplying the seedling with required quantity moisture;
  • a tree planted before winter will heal until spring the wounds caused during transplantation and suction roots will grow;
  • gardeners who plant seedlings in the fall free up time for intensive and labor-intensive spring work in the garden.

Planting of seedlings should not be carried out in the fall, but it is better to postpone it to the spring in some cases.


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