When does bergenia bloom after planting? Bergenia - reproduction and care

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Badan considered one of the most interesting flowering plants which will decorate country cottage area or flower garden. Therefore, in this article we will talk about bergenia planting and care in open ground which is not so complicated. The main thing is to know the technology and respect the proximity to other flowering and non-flowering crops.

Varieties and varieties of bergenia

Bergenia was first discovered in Siberia. The culture is quite beautiful, blooms with small pink flowers. Thanks to its Siberian roots, bergenia is considered to be a winter-hardy herbaceous plant, unpretentious to sudden climatic changes. It can be grown anywhere in Russia.

It is important to note that such an amazing culture differs not only beautiful flowers, but also medicinal characteristics. The rhizome and foliage of the perennial contains large share useful substances, namely:

  • Gallic acid;
  • Ascorbic acid;
  • Tannic acid;
  • Carotene.

Medicines prepared from thick-leaved bergenia:

  • Fight various inflammations;
  • Have a bactericidal effect;
  • Stabilize the secretion process of the digestive glands;
  • They have a beneficial effect on intestinal motility.

You can brew from bergenia healthy tea, which has a wonderful aroma and unique medicinal properties effects on heart function.

Important! Summer residents and gardeners often compare bergenia to elephant ears. Culture has broad and beautiful leaves, which change color throughout the season and enliven the flower garden.

Currently, there are approximately 10 types of flowering bergenia, as well as many unique and unusual varieties. Such a variety of varieties allows you to create the most unusual, but at the same time beautiful compositions based on one culture (Badan).

One of the most famous garden crops is bergenia thick-leaved. It was named so because the plant has fleshy leaves with petioles that contain a supply of moisture. After crossing the crop with other species, breeders developed a number of varieties:

  • "Britten" - has soft pink flowers. Gardeners call this variety “apple blossom”;
  • “Purple Glocken” - has gorgeous purple flowers;
  • "Abbenglute" - bergenia flower bright pink, velvety;
  • "Morgenrote", "Sunningdale" - crops belong to late varieties. They bloom around mid-summer.

Landing technology

In order for the plant to delight you with beautiful flowers throughout the season and retain its medicinal properties, it is important to bring the growing conditions closer to natural ones.

Sowing seeds

Bergenia is sown for seedlings before winter:

  • You should take soil for flowers, pour it into boxes and form furrows 5 mm deep, and make the distance between them 3 cm.
  • Further warm water make furrows.
  • Sow seeds in them and fill the furrows.
  • The box should be taken outside and placed under the snow.
  • With the onset of spring (in March), the box should be moved indoors and kept in partial shade at a temperature of 18-19 ºC.

Seedling care

The first seedlings will begin to sprout after 21 days. Basic care requirements:

  • loosen in a timely manner;
  • moisten the soil as the top layer dries;
  • thin out seedlings;
  • ventilate the room.


Around May, bergenia seedlings need picking. It is necessary to plant the seedlings in a box at a distance of 5-7 centimeters from each other and a gap between rows of 15 cm. Then, 14 days before planting the seedlings in open ground, it is necessary to harden the seedlings.

Planting in open ground

The procedure for planting bergenia in open ground is simple. Bergenia can be planted in early June or early August. Often, summer residents plant bergenia directly in open ground in June, without picking.

If suddenly not all the seedlings have time to harden, then only the strongest plants should be planted in June, and the rest of the seedlings should be picked and planted in August.

Watch the video! Bergenia thick-leaved: planting in open ground

The root system of the plant is located horizontally and is generally poorly developed. Thus, plants should be planted in light, moist and slightly alkaline soil.

Often the roots can be visible from the ground. The roots should not be allowed to overheat in the sun. It is worth choosing a planting site in a darkened area. If you suddenly had to plant a crop in a sunny area, the soil must be mulched after planting to avoid overheating of the root system and drying out of the soil.

Important! It is worth remembering that moisture should not be retained in the rhizome of the plant; the culture does not tolerate this.

  • It is necessary to make holes in the soil, the average depth is approximately 6-8 centimeters.
  • It is worth choosing a checkerboard planting pattern of 40*40 centimeters.
  • Be sure to use drainage and place sand at the bottom of each hole.
  • Next, place the seedling with a lump of earth and dig it in.
  • After planting, water the plant.

Advice! The culture grows quite slowly, but if you are patient, then in 3-4 years you can wait for the bergenia to bloom.

Care after landing

What is necessary for normal growth and flowering of a plant:

  • Timely moderate watering. It is important to avoid moisture stagnation.
  • Suitable fertilizer.
  • Mulching.
  • Removing falling leaves.

Advice! IN spring period You need to remove all dried foliage from the plant and shorten the shoots slightly.

When planting a plant in a location that is not visible, it is not necessary to remove last year’s foliage from the plant. It will fall off and protect the plant from overheating and retain moisture.

In the same place, the crop can grow continuously for about 10 years and does not require replanting.

Fertilizer and feeding

Bergenia responds well to proper fertilization. Fertilizers need to be applied before and after flowering. It is good to use mineral fertilizer.

Fertilizer must be applied twice a month.

  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of niphrophosphate;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of fertilizer “Effekton-C.
  • Dilute all these components in 10 liters of water.

14-21 days after flowering, you can fertilize. Thanks to this procedure, the process of growing and aging foliage will begin.

Watch the video! Badan. Landing

Reproduction methods

Propagation of the culture will require a lot of time and patience. There are 2 methods.


Bergenia seeds are black. They should be planted immediately after harvesting in a prepared bed. They are sprinkled with earth on top. It is important to ensure that the soil does not dry out completely. summer period. In winter, the crops should be covered with fallen leaves.

You can sow seeds on the site in May, then seedlings will appear within a few weeks. Next, you need to care for the seedlings as usual. IN autumn period We must not forget about covering the plants.

It is worth remembering that seedlings develop rather slowly. Over the course of a year, plants grow in height by 25 mm. As soon as the seedlings grow 100 mm, they need to be picked and transplanted to a permanent place. After 4 years, the site will have a strong and flowering plant.

H with little eggs

For this method, you need to choose strong and healthy bushes of middle age:

  • It is necessary to separate the upper part of the branch with the apical bud and rosette, and remove almost all the foliage.
  • Next, plant the cutting. Rooting will be noticeable within a few days.
  • The cuttings are planted in pre-prepared soil at a distance of 40 cm from each other. The socket must fit completely into the ground.
  • You need to care for cuttings in the same way as for an adult crop.

Diseases and pests

Bergenia thick-leaved is resistant to various diseases. However, the stability of the crop depends on proper care; if basic care conditions are not followed, the bergenia may be infected with spotting. Externally, the disease manifests itself as follows:

  • the foliage becomes covered with dark spots on the front side;
  • With reverse side a white coating appears.

In order to cure a plant, you need to remove all infected leaves. In addition, you can process bergenia:

  • Bordeaux mixture;
  • foundationazole;
  • drugs with high copper content.

The following pests can cause trouble:

Bergenia plant gives a large number of seeds, their the average size approximately 2 mm.

  • To choose the right seeds, you need to find a large and beautiful inflorescence on the plant.
  • When the flowers begin to fade, you need to put a gauze bag on them so that the seeds do not spill onto the ground.
  • Seeds ripen in September. The inflorescence should be cut just below the sac.
  • Next, place in a dry and ventilated place.
  • It takes several weeks for the seeds to dry completely.
  • Then you need to shake out the seeds from the inflorescence.
  • Next, clean the seeds and store them.

Preparing for winter

There are types and varieties of bergenia that do not tolerate frost. Such plants should be insulated with fallen leaves or spruce branches. All types and varieties adapted to conditions middle zone, no need to cover. There is no need to trim dried leaves in the fall; it is better to postpone this until spring.

Combination with other crops

Bergenia grows favorably in a flower bed and looks beautiful next to:

  • fern;
  • lungwort;
  • hellebore;
  • magnolia;
  • astilbe;
  • juniper.

You should not plant bergenia close to lilies of the valley and other low-growing and creeping plants, as bergenia will not be able to fully grow and develop.

A well-groomed incense tree looks beautiful under big tree. The plant will also look picturesque together with bulbous flowers:

  • hyacinth;
  • crocus;
  • snowdrop.

In landscape design

Bergenia is an undemanding crop that can grow independently and in combination with other plants in the shade and in the sun, creating a beautiful and aesthetic composition. Due to the creeping root system, the growth of weeds is reduced.


As it became clear from the article, planting and caring for bergenia in open ground won't cause much trouble. To select a variety perennial plant you can preview photo. By selecting suitable varieties you can grow a unique blooming flower garden.

Watch the video! Luxurious Badan! Growing and Reproduction

Bergenia can become a real decoration of a country garden. This amazing herbaceous shrub with a long peduncle covered with numerous flowers is beautiful from the first days of spring to late autumn. Its leaves are bright, juicy, some varieties are huge, like burdocks - they can turn any corner of the garden into a fairy tale - be it a pond, a rocky hill or a modest garden path. It’s also nice that planting a plant in open ground and caring for it will not be a difficult task for a beginner.

Main characteristics of the plant

Bergenia - evergreen herbaceous plant saxifrage family. Yours Latin name- Bergenia was received in honor of the German botanist Carl Bergen. Large fleshy leaves resemble the shape of elephant ears, hence the common name of the plant - elephant ears.

Coming from Asia, in nature the flower is found in meadows, lowlands, and among rocky areas. Its unpretentiousness to growing conditions played a role important role when creating cultural varieties.

Bergenia leaves are collected in a dense rosette. The root system is powerful, but superficial. During flowering, several long bare peduncles appear, strewn with numerous goblet-shaped flowers. The flowers, about 2 cm in diameter, have, depending on the variety, different colors - from white to bright pink.

Bergenia is one of the first to bloom in the garden in spring.

Medicinal properties of bergenia

Rosettes of bergenia have not only decorative value. You can brew a delicious, aromatic tea from overwintered, blackened leaves. In Siberia, such a drink, and the incense itself, is called Mongolian tea, and in Altai - Chigir tea. Regardless of the name, brewed leaves help lower blood pressure, normalize the gastrointestinal tract, cleanse blood vessels and improve immunity. Due to the tannins contained in the plant, Mongolian tea is used for intestinal disorders.

Bergenia in landscape design

Landscape design in Lately is becoming increasingly popular among gardeners and summer residents. The craving for beauty pushes them to improve, if not the entire garden plot, then at least a separate part of it. With the help of incense it is easy to create any composition in a natural style. This plant looks impressive both in single plantings and in combination with other plants. The smooth burdock leaves of this flower against the background of the openwork foliage of astilbe or multi-colored hostas will create a unique picture wildlife.

How it is used in garden compositions: examples in the photo

Bergenia feels great on a sunny hillock, among stones. When creating a tiered composition, bergenia is an excellent solution for a parterre. Planted along the path, bergenia will decorate the garden and eliminate the need to fight weeds. coniferous compositions Bergenia is indispensable as a contrast in color and shape

Bergenia loves humidity and coolness, and these properties can be used by planting the plant near a pond. It will become a bright accent or part of the composition next to sedge, hosta, and fern.

A small pond with bergenia looks very romantic

Popular types and varieties

Bergenia has 10 species with many varieties, differing in size, color and shape of leaves. Flowering also varies in terms of timing and effectiveness - there are forms with double and semi-double flowers of original colors.

Bergenia cordifolia - the most popular look, a native of Altai. The plant is low-growing, no more than 40 cm in height, with thick, dark green, heart-shaped leaves. Bell-shaped flowers in white, pink, purple and lilac flowers. Flowering begins in May and lasts 20 days. This is a very frost-resistant species - the leaves overwintering under the snow can withstand temperatures down to -40 o C.

One of the most frost-resistant species is bergenia cordifolia.

Bergenia thickleaf is found in Altai, the Sayan Mountains and Mongolia. An evergreen herbaceous plant reaches 60 cm in height. Glossy leathery leaves of a round shape are collected in a dense rosette. The paniculate inflorescence consists of numerous bell-shaped flowers of delicate pink or lilac color. Bergenia thickleaf is different early flowering- from the end of April to June. It remains decorative all summer thanks to its succulent leaves, some of which turn red in the fall, enhancing the effectiveness of the plant. Winter-hardy species - the foliage does not change color under the snow and the plant greets spring with green and purple colors.

Bergenia thickleaf - a large plant with shiny leaves and luxurious flowers

The variety Galina Serova is attractive due to the variegated color of the leaves and for the same reason prefers a sunny location. The large leathery leaves of bergenia with white strokes are charming throughout the summer, and in the fall, when the green color changes to red, the effect of fireworks is created in the garden. It blooms in May–June with bell-shaped pink flowers. Winters well under snow.

Galina Serova - a rare variety of bergenia, distinguished by variegated leaf color

In Europe, Schmidt's bergenia is the most popular. Differs from other varieties in matte large leaves and the presence of peculiar “wings” growing from the center of the rosette. Bright pink flowers collected in a spherical inflorescence on a low peduncle. The plant is winter-hardy, unpretentious, blooms in May–June, but retains its decorative effect throughout the summer.

Gardeners in Europe have fallen in love with the pink balls-inflorescences of Schmidt's bergenia.

Bergenia Bressingham White is a hybrid, shade-tolerant variety. Prefers wet places, and does not impose any special requirements on the composition of the soil. Large, dark green glossy leaves form a rosette 30 cm high. White flowers are collected in loose inflorescences. Blooms in May–June. Frost-resistant variety.

Bressingham white is a hybrid bergenia variety with showy white flowers.

Badan Abenglut is a shade-tolerant, unpretentious, frost-resistant variety. Landing on sunny places It can withstand, but does not grow luxuriantly, and in bright light the flowering period is shortened. Bright green leaves, collected in a low rosette, acquire a beautiful bronze hue in the fall. Purple semi-double flowers on thick red peduncles delight the eye from April to May.

Badan Abenglut attracts attention with bright semi-double flowers

Features of growing a perennial plant

Badan is not the best capricious plant, so not only can it be dealt with for an experienced gardener, but also for a beginner. It can be grown almost throughout the entire territory of our country, however, in hot, dry areas, care will be complicated by frequent watering. In this case, it is better to plant it in partial shade - under trees or on the north side of the building. In general, bergenia can withstand summer temperatures up to +30 o C and above, the main thing is that in hot times it receives enough moisture and is shaded during the midday hours.

Planting in open ground

For good growth and flowering is important to choose appropriate place in the garden. Here the opinions of experts differ - some believe that a sunny area is necessary for flowering, others advocate partial shade. And here only personal experience will become the best advisor.

When choosing a place for bergenia, as with any other plant, it is necessary to take into account the climate of the area. For example, a sunny area in Siberia or the Moscow region is a quite comfortable place for many types of plants, while at the same time the sun is hot Southern Urals Not every weed will survive. Therefore, when choosing a place for a plant, you need to make allowances for climatic conditions - in the steppe zone with the scorching sun and dry winds, it is better if the area is shaded, ideally - near a pond, in temperate climate Sun or partial shade is suitable.

Bergenia prefers light, loose soil. The fact is that the powerful rhizome of the plant lies close to the surface and this soil structure will provide it with the necessary moisture and nutrients. Sometimes the roots are too close and even come out, so the ground around it needs to be mulched, especially in sunny places. The composition of the soil is not particularly important, but waterlogging should be avoided. You cannot plant a flower in places with possible spring flooding.

Planting and growing bergenia in flower pots

Bergenia planted in tubs or flowerpots is a real decoration summer garden. The plant develops well and blooms in a container, and it can also be easily moved if the chosen location turns out to be unsuccessful.

To plant in a pot or tub you need:

  1. Pour drainage into the bottom of the pot - expanded clay, pebbles or crushed stone, ¼ of the volume.
  2. Fill half the container with the prepared mixture - turf soil, leaf soil, compost, sand in a ratio of 2:2:1:1.
  3. Place the prepared bergenia rosette in the center (if it is not planted in a composition) and cover it with the remaining soil.
  4. Lightly press the soil around the plant and water.
  5. Mulch the surface with bark, pebbles or decorative crushed stone.

When choosing a flowerpot or tub for bergenia, you need to make sure there are good drainage holes. To prevent them from becoming clogged with soil during watering, shards are placed on the bottom, and a drainage layer is placed on top.

Planted in a flowerpot, bergenia feels no worse than in a flowerbed

For the winter, the flower pot or tub with a flower must be moved to a greenhouse or veranda and covered with lutrasil. Plants grown in southern regions where frost does not fall below 5°C can overwinter in containers outside. In all other regions there is a risk of the pot cracking from frost and the roots freezing.

How to successfully propagate a flower at home

It is most convenient to propagate bergenia by dividing the rhizome or rooting rosettes, but growing from seeds also gives good results. In the first and second cases, young plants will bloom in the second, less often in the third year, but those grown from seeds only in the third or fourth.

Propagation by cuttings of rhizomes and division of rosettes

In early September, carefully dig up the ground and cut off pieces of rhizome 15–20 cm long. There must be at least three buds on each segment. In the prepared area, dig shallow grooves at a distance of approximately 30 cm from each other. Lay the rhizomes horizontally, only sprinkling them a little with a light soil mixture, water and mulch. If all conditions are met correctly, the bergenia will take root before the onset of frost and will successfully overwinter.

You can root a piece of rhizome not only in open ground, but also in a pot

You can propagate by rosettes after the bergenia blooms and until the beginning of September. The procedure is simple - separate the rosettes from the mother bush and plant them in a prepared place. The operation is best performed sharp knife, pre-treated with alcohol or chlorhexidine. Sprinkle the cuts with crushed coal.

The holes should be no deeper than 30 cm and the distance between them should be 30–40 cm. A drainage layer will protect the roots from rotting if the soil on the site is dense and the summer is rainy. Water and mulch the planted plants.

The family of bergenia rosettes is divided using a sharp knife

Sowing seeds

Bergenia seeds require preliminary stratification for germination - storage in a damp state at a temperature of 1–3 o C for three months. The best method is when the seeds are sown in prepared containers, covered with a layer of snow, placed in a bag and buried in a snowdrift. If there are no such conditions, you can use a refrigerator.

Step-by-step process of growing seedlings from seeds:

  1. At the beginning of March, the container with the seeds is placed in a warm place for germination. At a temperature of 18–20 o C, seedlings will appear in about 20 days.
  2. At first, the sprouts need spraying from a spray bottle.
  3. Thickened seedlings need to be thinned out. It is better to do this with scissors, cutting off excess, weak shoots.
  4. After one and a half to two months, the plants are planted in separate cups.
  5. From May, bergenia seedlings begin to be hardened off - the cups are taken out into the air, gradually increasing the time of “walks”.
  6. While the seedlings are hardening off, prepare a place for planting. At a distance of 30–40 cm from each other, holes are dug, 7–8 cm deep, and sand or pebbles are poured onto the bottom.

When the bergenia seedlings have 4–5 true leaves, the sprouts are planted in separate cups

In June, when the threat of return frosts has passed and the night temperature does not fall below 12–14 o C, the hardened seedlings are planted in a prepared place. It is advisable to cover the plantings with lutrasil or other non-woven fabric for the first time so that during rooting the young plants are not damaged by the sun or wind.

Video: luxurious incense! Growing and Reproduction

Features of caring for bergenia in the garden

Caring for bergenia, due to its unpretentiousness, is simple. It is important to remember that the plant does not tolerate dry soil, so watering should be regular and plentiful. You should not remove the lower leaves that have lost their decorative effect - they cover the roots of the bergenia and help retain moisture. If you want to clean the rosettes, you should mulch the soil around the plant.

Bergenia blooms in April-May - the timing and duration depend on the variety. Faded arrows are cut off with scissors if there is no need to obtain seeds from the plant. At favorable conditions possible re-blooming at the end of August or September.

The overgrown bergenia densely covers the ground with its foliage; it is not without reason that it is considered a ground cover plant. Where this flower grows there are no weeds, which means there is no weeding either.

Weeds do not grow under overgrown bergenia leaves

Bergenia practically does not need fertilizing - an overfed plant begins to fatten and blooms worse. Once a summer, after flowering, you can feed the plantings with diluted complex fertilizer.

In the fall, remove old, dead bergenia leaves. You should not try to cut them with scissors or a knife; it is better to carefully tear them off without leaving a petiole.

Bergenia does not tolerate transplantation well, so you should not touch it unless absolutely necessary. It grows well in one place for 10–12 years, expanding in breadth. This feature must be taken into account when planning plantings, since as it grows, bergenia can be aggressive towards other plants. To prevent this from happening, it may be worth limiting its spread to curbs or rocks.

Preparing for winter

Bergenia is quite frost-resistant - almost all of its varieties can withstand temperatures down to -35–40°C, but under snow. In snowless winters, roots located close to the surface may freeze. To prevent this from happening, you should take care of the shelter. Dry fallen leaves or straw pressed on top with spruce branches are perfect for these purposes. In the spring, it is necessary to remove the shelter without waiting for above-zero temperatures to appear, otherwise the bergenia may prop up.

Reddened bergenia leaves warn of the approaching winter

In areas with mild winters, where -10 o C is the maximum decrease, bergenia does not need shelter.

Possible problems for a novice gardener

Bergenia is not a capricious plant and causes almost no trouble to its owners. tsam. The plant is almost not affected by insects and diseases, and therefore does not require preventive treatments.

One problem may be lack of flowering. In this case, you should check that all agrotechnical conditions are met. If the bergenia grows well but does not bloom, it may not have enough sunlight, as it is planted in complete shade.

Lethargy and yellowing of bergenia leaves may indicate stagnation of water when the roots are in acidified soil. This happens if the plant is planted on clayey area no drainage. To save the rosettes, you need to replant them, not forgetting to rinse the roots in a solution of potassium permanganate.

Badan is unpretentious plant, which is ideal for growing in a flower bed among garden plants. Planting a bergenia plant in open ground and further caring for it are so easy that even a beginner can successfully cope with the task of growing a perennial garden crop.

However, certain nuances associated with landing and further care, still needs to be taken into account.

Features of planting bergenia

Before planting bergenia, it is advisable to choose a suitable site. Loose, light soil is ideal for the crop, which will help the plant’s root system receive nutrients, moisture and oxygen.

The plant should not suffer from drought and bright sun, stagnation of water. Otherwise, even an unpretentious bergenia may cease to please its owners. Planting bergenia in open ground is recommended in an area that is in partial shade.

Further care of the plant involves careful monitoring of the condition.

The plant does not have special requirements for the composition of the soil. It is advisable that the site have soil with a slightly alkaline reaction. However, even on a slightly acidic substrate, bergenia can adapt, as a result of which it will delight for long periods flowering and even reproduction.

How to properly care for bergenia

After the bergenia has been planted in, it is very important to take care of further proper care. The plant is considered unpretentious, but it may be vulnerable to unfavorable conditions height:

  1. Bergenia does not tolerate dry soil. For this reason, regular and abundant watering is recommended.
  2. Cannot be deleted lower leaves, despite the fact that they have lost their decorative effect. It is the lower leaves that cover the root system of the plant and retain moisture. If you still want to clean the sockets, you should mulch the soil surrounding the ornamental plant. After the plant grows, the foliage covers the soil. It is not surprising that bergenia is a ground cover plant. It should be noted that in those places where bergenia grows, there are no weeds, so weeding the soil also ceases to be relevant.
  3. Bergenia usually blooms in the second half of spring. The exact timing of flowering depends on the plant variety. After flowering, the arrows are carefully trimmed with scissors if seeds are not required for further propagation. decorative culture. With proper care and favorable weather, bergenia can bloom again in late summer - early autumn.
  4. Almost no fertilizing is needed. If you apply too much fertilizer, the flowering of bergenia will deteriorate. Only once a summer can you feed with complex fertilizer, which is recommended to be diluted beforehand.
  5. In the fall, you will need to remove old leaves that have died. It is not advisable to cut off old leaves with scissors or a knife. The leaves must be carefully torn off, but the petiole must also be removed.
  6. Badan perceives the transplant negatively. For this reason, it is not advisable to replant plants unless absolutely necessary. Bergenia can successfully grow and develop in one area for 10-12 years, but at the same time the plant will grow in breadth. Taking into account the growth characteristics of bergenia, you should properly plan plantings and protect others ornamental plants, vegetable or horticultural crops. In addition, the spread of aggressive bergenia can be limited by curbs and stones.

Timely planting of bergenia in the open ground and further simple care are the main tasks for gardeners, which must be successfully completed for long-term cultivation and further propagation of the plant.

How to prepare bergenia for winter

Bergenia is resistant to adverse weather and low temperatures air. Many varieties can withstand air temperatures down to minus 35-40 degrees, and snow protects the plant from this temperature regime.

In snowless winters, bergenia has a more difficult time, because it root system is close to the surface and it may freeze.

During periods when there is no snow, it is advisable to take care of a special shelter for the plant. It is advisable to protect the bergenia from adverse weather with straw, spruce branches, and fallen leaves. Only in the spring can you remove the shelter, since positive air is already considered favorable for the plant.

In regions where winters differ in temperatures only down to minus 10 degrees, bergenia does not need shelter.

Plant diseases and pests

Planting bergenia in open ground is the first step towards long-term cultivation of the plant, the care of which will be very easy. Beginners may also be pleased that the plant will exhibit resistance to pests and diseases.

How does bergenia reproduce?

Propagation of bergenia is a specific and long procedure. Propagation is usually carried out using seeds and dividing cuttings.

Growing bergenia by seed propagation

Bergenia is black and very small. During the first years, seedlings develop slowly, so they form miniature short rosettes. Seedlings need constant watering and careful monitoring of their condition. In addition, in late autumn, seedlings need to be covered with dried leaves.

In addition, the seedlings must be planted with a substrate that consists of compost, sand and loamy soil (the ratio should be the same).

Experienced breeders note that for effective reproduction it is recommended to plant bergenia in early spring in a specially prepared container, which can subsequently be placed under the snow in winter. Then the container must be returned to heat.

For continuous growth on the site, seedlings can be planted in the second year after mid-summer.

Growing bergenia by cuttings

For propagation using this method, only strong, healthy plants are used. In this case, the age of the plants should be average. Before planting, part of the branch with the apical bud and rosette is separated, and almost all the leaves are torn off. After a few days, you will notice how the branch will take root.

It is best to plant cuttings at a distance of about 40 centimeters from each other, and the rosette should be placed in previously prepared soil. The procedure for caring for bergenia seedlings is similar to adult plants.

What problems can there be when growing bergenia?

When growing bergenia, certain problems may arise. After planting bergenia in open ground with further improper care, which consists in crowding of plants, high humidity, spots may appear on the leaves, and tissue may begin to turn black or die.

You can deal with this problem by performing the following tasks:

  • spraying with special fungicides;
  • carrying out proper watering;
  • vacuum of the existing landings for air flow to the bases of the sockets.

It is important to note that the most dangerous are nematode worms, since in the worst case, completely diseased ones need to be dug up and destroyed.

Regular care and constant monitoring of bergenia prevent unwanted problems associated with growing the plant.

How bergenia is used in landscape design

Bergenia can be successfully grown both in the shade and in the sun. This plant is considered universal. Many summer residents can plant bergenia in flower beds where there is a lack of sunlight and improve the perception of their private territory.

Bergenia can be skillfully used in design. The plant grows independently thanks to creeping rhizomes and can be used as ground cover for a flower bed. Dense planting of bergenia prevents the appearance of weeds. However, this will only be useful in general landscape design, because many ornamental plants, vegetable and fruit crops will not get along with bergenia.

Bergenia goes perfectly with deciduous trees and bulbous plants. Such landing options deserve special attention summer residents.

Proper planting of bergenia in open ground and further easy care care of the plant contribute to its successful cultivation.

Bergenia, or "elephant's ears", is one of the flower crops of interest to gardeners around the world. Nowadays, a huge number of hybrids of this plant have been bred, thanks to which you can choose the one suitable for a particular site.

Bergenia is a flower crop with large leathery leaves of various shapes and sizes. Interesting feature their ability to radically change color when temperatures drop. The plant is an evergreen, so decorative planting is guaranteed throughout the gardening season. Bergenia overwinters in Russian latitudes without additional shelter under a layer of leaves or mulch, even in snowless winters. But when growing varieties with early flowering, it is recommended to protect the flower stalks during return frosts.

Bergenia is a crop that combines all the characteristics that an ideal flower crop should have:

  • decorative throughout the season, due to beautiful long flowering (more than a month) and huge leaves that change color;
  • winter hardiness;
  • drought resistance;
  • shade tolerance;
  • ease of care.

The most common in Russian latitudes are the following types bergenia:

Thickleaf (Bergenia crassifolia)

The height of an adult bush does not exceed 45 cm, its width is approximately the same. The serrated leaves can be either elongated or broadly oval, up to 30 cm in size. They are usually colored green color, but with sudden temperature changes they acquire a red-violet hue, which is very attractive to gardeners. Small flowers about 1 cm in diameter most often have a pink color of various shades. The peduncle is straight and reaches 50 cm in height. The flowering of bergenia occurs early, at the end of April, and continues throughout the month.

Heartleaf (Bergenia cordifolia)

This species is larger in size than the previous one: a bush is formed here up to 60 cm high and up to 75 cm wide. The leaves with wavy edges are dark green and heart-shaped (hence the corresponding name). The flowers themselves are also larger than those of bergenia, and their color is deeper, darker shades of pink.

Hybrid varieties bred by breeders to expand the range of bergenia are very popular in decorating plots. Most interesting varieties with descriptions are presented below.

Variety "Magic Giant"

Flowering occurs in May-June. Flowers are pale pink, bell-shaped. The leaves are large, rounded, green-purple in color. The bush grows 1 m wide and reaches half a meter in height.

Bressingham White variety

It blooms early - in April-May. The main color of the flowers is white, however, there is a slight pink tint. The variety grows 50 cm wide and reaches 30 cm in height. The leaves change color during the season from dark green to purple.

Variety "Sakura"

The flowering is very decorative and unusual for bergenia - the flowers have a semi-double shape and a delicate pink tint and resemble Japanese sakura flowers. The height of the peduncles is 40 cm, and the height of the bush itself is 30 cm. The leaves of this variety of bergenia darken greatly in cold weather and become purple-black.

Planting bergenia on the site

The most best place When planting bergenia, partial shade is considered. But it takes root and grows like sunny areas, and in the shade. But in the sun this flower develops much more slowly, and strong shading negatively affects the decorative effect of its flowering.

Since the roots of bergenia lie close to the surface of the earth, the fertile layer of soil can be only 25...30 cm. It is not picky about the composition of the soil, but heavy soils It is much more difficult for it to grow and develop, so the soil is often loosened by adding sand. The acidity of the soil should be close to neutral; planting on slightly acidic soils is allowed.

Preparing for landing

In principle, bergenia seeds and seedlings in any additional preparations do not need to be planted before planting; to prevent the appearance of fungal diseases, you can pre-treat them in a fungicide solution. To stimulate its growth, seedlings (divisions or cuttings) with a weak root system can be soaked in special preparations, removing all rotten and dead roots.

If the material is personally collected in October from existing bergenia, then the seeds are sown in planting boxes and simply left for the winter in an area under the snow, and in March-April they are brought into a heated room with an air temperature of about +20 0 C. If the seeds were purchased in winter , then they are planted in boxes in March in the snow (since the seeds are quite small).

The substrate in the box should be loose and breathable. After planting, the seeds are sprinkled with a small amount of sand. The soil in the boxes must be kept moist before and after germination, but at the same time avoid excess moisture.

Planting bergenia into the ground in a permanent place when grown from seeds usually occurs in June, when the seedlings reach a height of 10...15 cm. Immediately before planting, it is advisable to add ash, humus and complex mineral fertilizer and then stir with a spatula. The holes are positioned so that the distance between neighboring bergenia seedlings is at least 30 cm.

If the purchased seedlings are rooted in the substrate, then they can be planted throughout the season according to the 35...40x35...40 cm pattern.

If a bergenia root has been purchased, then it is planted in a permanent place, having previously been soaked in water and treated in a fungicide solution. When purchasing such planting material, it is important to pay attention to dormant buds (there should be at least 5 of them), as well as to the general condition of the root: if there are traces of rot, or it looks dried out, then it is better to refuse such a purchase.

Planting bergenia: video

Bergenia care

Watering should be moderate. Bergenia refers to drought-resistant plants and does not need too frequent watering, and excess moisture threatens rotting of the roots.

Watering when caring for bergenia depends mainly on weather conditions(it is clear that in persistent hot weather the soil will have to be moistened more often) and on the growing conditions: for example, when using mulch around the plantings, they will survive without water for up to 1.5 weeks.

Fertilizing should not be frequent, as excessive application will negatively affect the flowering of the crop. It is enough just to apply complex mineral fertilizer in bulk under the bushes in early spring, and when watering it will gradually penetrate into the ground. The second feeding is carried out after the bergenia blooms.

Loosening and removing weeds must be timely, especially if bergenia is grown without mulching the land around the plantings. Loosening must be done carefully, since the roots of the plant are located close to the surface. Weeds are removed as the bergenia grows, and when the bush actively grows, it independently displaces all its “neighbors.”

Can be used as mulching material natural materials: sawdust, bark, peat or leaf humus. The mulch is laid in a layer of 1.5…2 cm, and added if necessary.

Growing bergenia: video

Propagation of bergenia

This flower crop can be propagated in three ways.

Division is carried out in early spring or late summer. The resulting divisions are planted immediately in open ground according to a 35x35 cm pattern; the lateral roots can first be trimmed to stimulate their growth. This method of propagation is very convenient, but bushes can only be divided when they are at least five years old.

This method is best done after the bergenia blooms. A section of rhizome with an apical bud is most suitable as a cutting; all massive leaves should be removed from it and 2…3 young leaves should be left.

The cuttings are planted immediately in open ground, maintaining a distance between them of 35 cm. You can pre-soak them in a solution of a root formation stimulator (for example, in “Kornevin” or “Kornesil”). Before the onset of winter, the newly grown seedlings have time to take root. Bergenia propagated in this way will bloom in 2 years.


This method is considered longer in terms of waiting for flowering - bergenia from seeds will bloom only in the 4th year of life. The rules for sowing bergenia seeds were described above.

Bergenia is resistant to pest damage, since due to its chemical composition few people want to eat it. The main problem in its cultivation can only be nematodes living in the soil and the slobbering pennix, for the reproduction of which shady planting conditions are favorable. It is recommended to combat such pests by using chemicals Therefore, processed bergenia is strictly not recommended for food or medicinal purposes.

If the bergenia is suddenly attacked by slugs or snails, then you need to take care of collecting old leaves from the bushes, and collect the pests manually.

Also, this crop can be affected by fungal diseases in cases of purchasing already infected seedlings or in case of non-compliance with the rules of agricultural technology.

It involves removing faded arrows and dried leaves. In this case, it is advisable not to leave stumps, but to cut them off manually without pruners or a knife. If the leaves are used for medicinal purposes, they are left to overwinter on the bush, and in the spring they are collected and dried.

After flowering, the bergenia is fed with a scattering of complex mineral fertilizer.

This flower crop has a very wide application in landscaping a garden plot: it looks harmonious as a tapeworm when planting, for example, in a lawn, on alpine roller coaster, in group compositions, as well as as decoration for borders and along the edges of paths.

Growing various varieties of bergenia helps the gardener bring to life the most interesting design ideas, but when planting you should always take into account the ability of bergenia to grow and suppress surrounding plants.

The unpretentious bergenia plant is very popular. It has another beautiful name - bergenia. The plant has large green leaves on fleshy stems, oval shape. A beautiful feature is a quick change of color palette: from green to bright red. Changes can happen in just one cold autumn night, at the first frost. This is a catalyst for sucrose and a sign of readiness for winter. Bergenia grows well both in the shade and in the sun. The leaves are preserved all year round and look original from a melted snowdrift.

The use of bergenia in the garden is multifaceted. Framing ponds, borders, and flower beds, bergenia decorates them with its natural decorative effect. The plant blooms at the end of spring, so it is planted and combined with various plants. Best combination It works with low-growing ones, for example with forget-me-nots. Playing on contrast, bergenia is planted with plants that bloom in autumn. Many gardeners prefer bergenia because of its healing properties. Overwintered old leaves are brewed as tea. It should not be forgotten that young green leaves are poisonous.

Application in landscape design

Early varieties of bergenia turn the garden into a forest clearing with their flowering. Beautiful flowers attract butterflies, bees and bumblebees. This abundant source of nectar becomes an object of interest for colorful peacock-eyes and lemongrass. Fluttering butterflies fluttering from one flower to another warn of the onset of warm weather and complement the warm, cozy atmosphere. Bumblebees visit the inflorescences even before they are fully opened and collect nectar through the center of the bud.

The charm of some varieties delights even the most sophisticated viewer. Color combination It can be pink, white, crimson, red. The calyx of the flower and the peduncle may differ, acting as a contrast to each other. Combinations are milky white with dark ruby, in which case ruby color and plant stems. Such colorful varieties are used to create multi-level flower beds. Both average and large sizes. For this purpose, the natural topography of the soil is used or artificial levels are created. Bergenia is most often planted at the foot or at the penultimate level. Depending on the composition, gardeners can control for abundant blooms or lush green leaves.

By planting bergenia in the shade, the plant concentrates on producing luscious and large foliage. Bergenia growing in the sun is more pleasing abundant flowering, the leaves become less lush.

It shows itself best when decorating paths, the foreground of flower beds and flower beds, as an evergreen ground cover, as an element of a large plant. It is irreplaceable in Chinese and Chinese styles, as it goes perfectly with stone, pine needles and elaborate design objects. Lush living thickets look as natural as possible, emphasizing their “natural origin” landscape design. Sometimes they replace the lawn. In addition, the plant does not need cutting. Miniature and compact varieties are being introduced so as not to shift the emphasis.

Ponds and gravel gardens with bergenia look harmonious and complemented. Due to its ability to grow on its own, it is used as ground cover plant. The plant covers the banks and gravel garden, preventing weeds from growing and ruining the landscape. Planting bergenia in the shade deciduous trees, they will decorate the garden when the leaves have not yet bloomed.

Bergenia is also used as a... It is planted against the backdrop of a well-groomed emerald lawn. Growing independently, it covers a fairly large area. In autumn, the plant attracts all the attention due to the transition from green to red color. This colorful spot will fit perfectly into the diverse autumn landscape, focusing attention on itself.

Combination with other plants

Plants that bergenia does not combine with are lily of the valley, periwinkle, sedge. Low plants that reproduce by creeping rhizomes cannot coexist next to bergenia. They simply interfere with each other.

If the flowerbed is located in the shade or partial shade, then excellent neighbors:

  • ozhika;
  • juniper;
  • fern;
  • sarcoccocus;
  • lungwort;
  • hellebore.

Bulbous plants go well with bergenia:

  • crocus;
  • snowdrop;
  • narcissus;
  • hyacinth;
  • goose onion;
  • woodland

After flowering, bulbous plants lose their special attractiveness. Bergenia, growing, covers everything free place and the flowerbed does not lose its well-groomed appearance.

Pink bergenia flowers go well with small blue flowers scylla and forget-me-nots. It looks cute and romantic. Scylla wakes up early after winter; in tandem with frost-resistant bergenia, they are the first to decorate the garden and notify everyone about spring. The green perennial is unpretentious, which allows it to be combined with many plants, including annuals.

Species and varietal diversity

There are more than 10 types of bergenia found in nature, and a great variety of bred varieties. The most common:

1. Cordifolia:

  • variety Rosie Close,
  • overture variety,
  • pinkdragonfly variety.

2. thick-leaved:

  • Andrea variety,
  • Beethoven variety,
  • Morgenrot.

3. Pacific.

Breeders are constantly bringing out exotic new bergenia products, but they are reaching us extremely slowly. Varieties differ in early, late or repeat flowering.

Reproduction, care and pests

Perennial propagation

The perennial is propagated by seeds or by dividing the bush. The first option is long and requires patience and attention. The seedlings are small and bloom only after two years. The second method is very fast and simple. The cut off part of the rhizome is buried horizontally in the ground. In early spring, the seedling will open its leaves and prepare to bloom.

In both cases the plant requires good drainage, stagnation of moisture has a detrimental effect on it. Not picky about soil. For the full development of the root system, it is necessary to maintain the required distance between holes, at least 45 cm.

Plant care

Caring for bergenia does not require much effort and a lot of time. It is enough to water regularly (observe the measure, the roots can rot from excess moisture), mulch the soil, cut off dried leaves in late autumn and early spring. Badan does not like transplantation; it is better to immediately choose a permanent place of “habitat” for it. Winters well, in regions with severe frosts It is enough to cover the plant with spruce branches. To prepare for winter and revive it after it, bergenia is fed.

Diseases and pests

Diseases plague bergenia only due to lack of attention. A healthy plant is resistant to pests and diseases. Worries can come from fungus and rotting of the root system. These problems are a consequence high humidity soil. Fresh planting material the site may introduce fungal spores. In this case, the affected parts of the plant must be cut off and burned.

Among the pests that attack bergenia, the most common are Pennywort and nematode worm. Drainage and lighting cope well with the first insects. The second pest is more dangerous. To combat it, the plant is dug up and the root is filled with manganese solution for a day. The area is processed and the bergenia is planted again in its place.

Video - The healing properties of Badan


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