When is the best time to plant tulips - mid-autumn or early spring? When to plant tulips in the fall: advice from gardeners.

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It is, of course, possible to plant tulips in the spring in the soil of flower beds or in a flower bed, but this process will be just an intermediate stage. Plants will be able to bloom normally only after a year. For flowering to occur, the flower bud of the tulip bulb must be “ripe.” Planting tulips in the spring is not so difficult, but it has its own nuances and characteristics.

If you plant tulip bulbs in the ground without pre-planting, they will begin flowering half a month later. For planting in early spring Tulip bulbs should be placed in a box that is half full quality soil. With this method, sprouts will appear on the bulbs by the time the tulips need to be planted in open ground.

Preparing bulbs for spring planting

Before planting tulip bulbs in the spring, they must undergo procedures that strengthen their “immunity.” For this purpose, before planting, the bulbs must be placed in a vegetable drawer on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, where the indicators temperature regime can be around +5°C.

When the hardening of the bulbs is completed, planting material need to be properly protected from pests and possible diseases. To do this, it is placed in a slightly pinkish solution of pharmaceutical potassium permanganate for thirty minutes. It should be remembered that the strongest and healthiest tulips can be grown from high-quality bulbs.

Before planting bulbs in open ground flower beds in the spring, it is important to inspect them for the absence of fungal infections, as well as the integrity of the top covering layer. “Defective” planting material can result in low-quality flowering plants.

When to plant in spring and how to plant in open ground

The best type of soil for tulips is a cultivated, humus-rich type of sandy loam and loam with a neutral reaction. Heavy clay soil requires a radical method of improvement, which consists of introducing a coarse fraction of river sand with the addition of peat and manure. The peat used must be neutralized by adding lime.

When spring comes and the soil is characterized by high-quality thawing, the soil should be treated for planting or replanting tulips. If the soil allows, then digging should be done to the depth of one shovel bayonet. Next, any organic fertilizers are applied, except fresh manure.

If initially the fertility of the soil is in doubt, then it is necessary to apply, in addition to organic matter, mineral fertilizers. Good result shows the introduction of potassium sulfate, double superphosphate, as well as nitrogen-containing compounds.

If the soil for planting belongs to the light category, then the composition mineral fertilizer should include a small amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. When is it necessary to apply fertilizer to heavy soils, then the basis of feeding should be the same components, but in larger quantities.

Optimal temperature values ​​for good rooting of planting material range from +5 °C to +10 °C. If lower or high values temperatures, then root system tulips are formed much worse. Such indicators allow planting or replanting of planting material when the soil is warmed up to +10 °C.

It is recommended to plant or replant early-flowering tulip varieties a couple of weeks later than late-flowering ones. The planting depth is three times the height of the bulb, and the planting density should not exceed two of its diameters. Small planting material can be grown separately from the main planting and then transplanted to a permanent place.

Tulips: spring planting (video)

Initial planting care

Standard care begins at the stage when the tulip sprouts appear. At this time, care activities include the following:

  • Carry out a careful inspection to identify unsprouted bulbs, as well as the presence of plants with signs of disease.
  • Digging up detected “defective” plants and then destroying them to prevent the spread of diseases to healthy specimens.
  • Gently loosening the soil around the small tulip sprouts that have appeared to increase the access of necessary oxygen to the root system and reduce the evaporation of moisture from the soil.
  • Carrying out moderate watering to prevent the soil from drying out in flower beds and flower beds.
  • The first feeding of tulips is carried out using nitrogen-containing fertilizers, which stimulate fast growth and formation of plant leaves. When performing care at this stage, it is allowed to add nitroammophos or the drug “Crystallin” with the addition of tableted microelements.

The second feeding is not mandatory for care, however, the benefits of fertilizing tulips at the stage of unfolding the second and third leaves will be noticeable.

Care after flowering

The period after the plants have bloomed, regardless of the type and variety of tulips planted in the spring, requires the following measures:

  • To propagate the variety you like and grow large, healthy bulbs for this purpose, you should cut off the flower heads a week after blooming. This method stimulates the formation and increase in mass of the plant bulb.
  • It is important to remove petals that have fallen from flowers so that they do not rot and cause disease.
  • On faded plants, you should not cut the stems until they turn completely yellow, as pruning has a negative impact on Negative influence for bulb ripening.
  • It is allowed to use the test digging method, which allows you to determine the degree of maturity of the plant bulbs a certain type or varieties.

When digging up bulbs, care should be taken not to accidentally injure the root system of the plant. It is best to choose a dry and sunny day for such an event. This will effectively dry all the dug up bulbs.

Bulbs planted in spring are not too different in terms of care activities from tulip planting in autumn. After the buds are formed and enter the opening stage, special care is required. When watering, you should spend at least 10 liters of water for every 1 m² of flower garden or flower bed.

Irrigation water should not be too cold. If watering is carried out on sunny days, then drops of water should be avoided on the leaves and flowers. This will insure the plants from getting burned. At the stage abundant flowering Tulips require fertilizing. Phosphorus-potassium fertilizers should be applied, in which the proportion of nitrogen is minimal or this component is completely absent.

How to plant a tulip correctly (video)

It is useful to use the following microelements for feeding: boron, zinc and manganese, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of plants, as well as the development and formation of tulip bulbs. After watering, it is extremely important to loosen the soil so that a crust does not form on the surface of the soil. Compliance with all agrotechnical requirements will not only preserve all planting material, but also increase its volume.

Many gardeners prefer to plant tulips in autumn period. In this case, you can get abundant flowering in early spring. When planting before winter, it is very important to follow all the recommendations of specialists and experienced gardeners.

Pre-winter planting of tulips is especially relevant in central Russia. It is necessary to plant tulips in the autumn in order to provide “rest” for the bulbs, as well as improving rooting and accelerating growth processes in children replacing the bulb. It is possible to activate the development of the above-ground part of the plant in the spring if you correctly determine the time of planting the planting material. Late planting allows the bulb to well retain all the nutrients accumulated during the growing season.

Now many experienced flower growers They focus on the “Indian summer”, after which a noticeable cooling occurs, which makes it possible to plant such ornamental crops as daffodils, tulips and crocuses. The soil during this period is quite moist and not yet too frozen, so the bulbs have time to adapt well before the onset of severe frosts and grow a fairly powerful root system before the onset of the first severe frosts.

Pre-winter planting of tulips is especially relevant in central Russia

Standard average terms for winter planting:

  • in the Moscow region and Leningrad region - in the second half of September;
  • in the Middle Urals - in the period September 10-20;
  • on Southern Urals– from September 20 to October 10;
  • in Siberia - from August 20 to September 10.

Important to remember, that too early planting becomes the main cause of death of planting material. It is best to focus on soil and climatic conditions, as well as the characteristics of the soil in flower beds. In most regions, planting occurs on the last day of October or the first week of November.

TO spring period In such tulips, all systems have time to form very well, including rudimentary or daughter bulbs, which, using nutrition from the mother bulb, are able to gain sufficient strength, which guarantees early and abundant flowering.

How to plant tulips in October (video)

Timing and technology for planting tulip bulbs in autumn

You can plant tulips before winter at different times. In regions characterized by late and not too cold winters, ornamental crops can be planted throughout October, and during the warm autumn period even in November.

How to properly plant tulips before winter in the Moscow region and Leningrad region

It is best to plant bulbs based on weather conditions, with strict adherence to the following simple recommendations:

  • the temperature regime of the soil when planting to a depth of 10 cm should be approximately 6-9⁰С, which will allow you to obtain good development root system, and development will be less intense if the deviation from these indicators is 3-4⁰С;
  • the formation of the root system and primordia of flowers and leaves takes about a month, so it is recommended to prevent deep freezing of the soil in flower beds during this time;
  • if positive temperature conditions last longer than a month, then signs of germination of planting material may be observed, so it is important to cover the sprouts from possible frosts using spruce branches or non-woven covering materials.

In the central zone of our country, including the Moscow region and Leningrad region, landing can be performed with last days September and until the second ten days of October.

Planting material should be planted after preliminary preparation

Technology and features of planting tulip bulbs in the Urals and Siberia

Planting tulips before winter in the Urals and Siberia - a procedure that has some of its own characteristics:

  • planting material must be planted after preliminary preparation, approximately three to four weeks before the onset of strong autumn cold snap, which will allow the ornamental crop to form a strong and well-developed root system;
  • planting too early at high temperatures not only causes rapid rooting, but can also provoke active vegetation and the appearance of unwanted seedlings;
  • Planting too late does not allow the planting material to adapt to the soil and the bulbs die as a result of soil freezing.

In order to correctly determine the moment of planting, it is very important to carefully observe weather conditions in the region. Planting work should be carried out after the first frosts appear. and the air temperature will drop to minus 3°C. It is during this period that the ground temperature drops to optimal values ​​of 7-8°C. As a rule, in Siberia and the Urals this temperature is typical for mid-September, but in different years optimal timing may well shift in one direction or another.

You can plant tulips before winter at different times.

How to plant tulips in autumn in Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine

Autumn planting of tulips, unlike spring planting, can guarantee the earliest emergence of seedlings and abundant flowering in Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. The very first and most important point in such an event is to correctly determine the time of autumn planting. Early planted bulbs can sprout on warm autumn days, and, accordingly, then die from the winter cold.

Planting too late does not allow the planting material to take root well, but this feature is not too scary for ornamental crops, it’s just that spring flowering in this case will be a little late. However, it is important to remember that after planting in the fall, the tulip plantings should be covered winter period spruce spruce branches or dry leaves on which a layer of snow will fall.

How to store tulip bulbs (video)

In order to correctly determine the timing of autumn planting, it is necessary to measure the soil temperature at a depth of 15 cm from time to time. If the temperature is stable and remains at 7-10 ° C, then you can begin planting work. In the warm weather areas of Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus, such periods occur at the end of September or beginning of October.

Very important During pre-planting preparation, discard all weak or diseased bulbs, and then treat them with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or using a special antifungal drug. Depth depends on size and is approximately three times the height of the bulb. Planting material should be planted and planted in areas that are well-lit and protected from the wind with a nutrient layer of soil at a level of 35-40 cm. Before planting, during the digging process, compost, wood ash and phosphates must be added. The average distance between the bulbs does not exceed 8-10 cm. It is also important to ensure high-quality protection of the plantings from all kinds of rodents.

The average distance between the bulbs does not exceed 8-10 cm

Autumn care for tulips in the open ground

Standard autumn care behind decorative culture includes several mandatory events. As a rule, care for bulbs planted in autumn in this year no longer necessary. The exception is the abnormally dry autumn period, during which it will be necessary to carry out good moisture-recharging irrigation.

Once a stable sub-zero temperature has been established and the soil in the flower beds has frozen to a sufficient depth of 4-5 cm, it is necessary to cover the tulip plantings with a high-quality layer of mulching materials. Most often, mulch is represented by sawdust, peat chips, crushed tree bark or dry straw. In most regions with sufficient snow cover, it is enough to use a layer of mulch of 3-5 cm.

It is necessary to cover the tulip plantings with a high-quality layer of mulching materials

Mulching can be replaced by slightly deeper planting. You should also remember the risk of damage to planting material by hungry rodents. In this case, it is recommended to use a variety of repellents. Sawdust or peat chips, which are impregnated with creolin or kerosene before use, have proven themselves best, at the rate of 1 kg per bucket. warm water. You can also use special baits based on baking flour mixed with ordinary cement or alabaster. Sometimes mousetraps or special rodent traps are installed.

Autumn planting is not only a guarantee of obtaining the earliest and most abundant flowering of tulips, but also an excellent opportunity to minimize the expenditure of time, effort and money on storing planting material throughout the winter. It is for this reason that experienced gardeners prefer planting bulbs in the fall.

For the European population, the tulip is considered a symbol of the coming spring and bright love. The birthplace of this wonderful flower is Persia. Its life cycle can last for years. The main thing is to plant it correctly and take good care of the flower. Then the tulip will delight the soul and eye every subsequent spring.

Variability of varieties

Today there are a huge variety of tulip species, but there are certain groups that need to be given special attention.

Of the most early varieties You can highlight “IbisMon Trezor”, as well as “Cooler Cardinal”. This group of tulips Eastern Europe It’s not always easy to find, but the time spent searching will be worth it this coming spring.

Also early-growing flowers are “Murillo”, “Extra”, “Double” and the well-known yellow “Monte Carlo”. Planting of tulips of this group must take place in late autumn.

Towards mid-May, Triumph is born. This variety always pleases with its large elongated buds. Notable for the light border around the edges of the petals.

“Briderovsky” tulips bloom at the beginning of June, just like “Darwinian” ones. In this group the most interesting varieties: “Dillenburg”, “Aristocrat”, “Orange”, “Demeter” and “Granny’s Sundress”.

From later groups, one can distinguish double, lily-flowered, green-flowered and fringed tulips. Parrot inflorescences can also be classified as such varieties. They are in particular demand among buyers due to the intricately cut edges of the petals (“Fantasy”, “Rococo”, “Parrot” and others).

Soil for planting

Tulips feel best in soil rich in humus. To flower, they need neutral reactions, so the soil must be loose and moist. Planting tulips in the ground requires considerable effort. If the soil meets all the requirements, that is, it is sandy and rich in fertilizers, then the acclimatization of flowers will be less painful.

It’s another matter when the soil is clayey and heavy. Then you will need to thoroughly loosen the soil and fertilize it with organic fertilizer. This will help saturate the earth with oxygen, which is so important for the comfortable ripening of tulips. It is worth noting that peat is suitable as an organic fertilizer only in a form purified from acidity.

Planting tulips

The basis for the success of growing flowers is uninfected and pure-quality bulbs. Tulips are planted in a place protected from strong winds and direct sun rays. The site should be cleared of weeds and not have deep trenches in which water could stagnate.

As mentioned above, for good harvest Planting tulip bulbs must be carried out in crumbly sandy loam soil. Wet and clay soil is unsuitable for growing these flowers. If only acidic soil is available, it should be limed several times.

For fertilizers, lime or nitrophoska is good, but in no case fresh manure. If the soil is clayey, then an ideal additive would be a mixture of river sand and peat. For 1 sq. meter you need 2 buckets of the mixture in a 1:1 ratio. You can also add a glass of lime and a few tablespoons of nitrophoska to it.

Tulips should be planted at air temperatures up to 10 degrees. This will subsequently ensure accelerated ripening of the bulbs and high frost tolerance. Already a week and a half after proper planting, roots will appear. If you plant flowers earlier, then there is a high probability that the tulip stems will come out of the ground in early April and may be subject to frost. If planted late, the bulbs will not take root well and may therefore freeze in winter.

The depth of the hole for planting directly depends on the size of the planting material. Large bulbs should be planted to a depth of 15 cm, medium ones - 10 cm, and small ones - up to 7 cm. If the soil is dry, it should be watered well the day before planting. Many gardeners also advise moistening the bulbs themselves.

Planting tulips requires a lot of effort, since each hole must first be dug and then fertilized. Beds are very important for growing flowers because they allow water to be absorbed evenly into the soil. It is important that each hole with an onion is filled with loosened soil and sand.

Autumn is perfect time years for planting. It is during this period that the bulbs begin to sprout. There is no time limit for planting tulips at this time of year. Some prefer early autumn, while others prefer late, but there is practically no difference in the subsequent harvest. Experienced gardeners They claim that it is most convenient to plant bulbs at the same time as planting and winter garlic, in other words, shortly before the first frost.

Planting tulips in autumn has several important nuances. If you do this procedure too early, weeds can suppress the development of roots and the sprout itself. If you plant the bulbs late, they will not have time to take root, therefore, they will either die with the first frosts or produce poor inflorescences in the spring.

In theory, planting tulips in the fall can be done even in frozen soil, but in this case three problems arise at once. Firstly, it is difficult to make many deep holes in such soil. Secondly, you will need to take care of insulating the seedlings with straw. And thirdly, the likelihood of normal maturation of sprouts is minimal.

You can plant tulips in early spring. Many experts claim that in this case the first inflorescences will appear by mid-autumn. However, here you will have to play with the bulbs. The fact is that tulip sprouts do not like extreme heat. Consequently, they will need to be moved to the basement or refrigerator for the summer and only planted back into the soil by the end of September.

Sprout care

As soon as shoots begin to appear, diseased and weakened plants should be removed. They are identified by the light color of the leaves. Throughout the entire ripening period, tulips need careful care, including not only watering and fertilizing, but also removing infected shoots.

It is not recommended to cut buds at early ripening, as this will significantly reduce the assimilating capacity of the bulb. This is why it is so important that the plant remains intact until at least a couple of leaves appear on the stem. The only exceptions are Darwin hybrids, the buds of which are specially cut off before they are stained.

From the end of April, you need to regularly moisten the soil and spray the sprouts to prevent the appearance of aphids and fungi.

Feeding tulips

Process organic fertilizers soil should be added a year before planting the bulbs. The amount of fertilizing depends on the soil. If it was initially fertile, then you don’t have to fertilize it. Otherwise, fertilizing is applied to a depth twice the height of the future hole (up to 40 cm).

A month before planting flowers, the soil must be dug up again. Some gardeners advise fertilizing the soil again after this, but with potassium supplements. The proportion of this feeding is 40 grams of mixture per 1 square meter. meter.

Growing tulips in Siberia

As you know, it is best to plant bulbs at temperatures just above 0 degrees. However, there are exceptions. IN Siberian conditions When the ground freezes up to a meter deep, it is extremely difficult to grow such fragile flowers.

It is no secret that bulbs can withstand extreme cold, but only if the roots are well strengthened beforehand. Therefore, planting tulips in Siberia should only be done in the last week of September. The depth of the hole is 25 cm. After planting, sprinkle the holes with manure and moisten.

To protect the sprouts from severe frosts, it is necessary to move all the currently fallen snow to the planting site before the onset of winter. It is allowed to cover the flowerbed with hay, but in no case with polyethylene.

Disease Control

An important stage in growing tulips is the timely detection of infected shoots. Such plants become covered with spots, and their leaves noticeably turn pale.

If such a flower is discovered, it should be immediately removed from the flowerbed, taking it with you small area the land around him. When cutting the bud, it is important that the infected juice does not get on the remaining shoots.

  1. Any soil is suitable for planting bulbs, except acidic soil with high humidity.
  2. To avoid the transfer of infections through the soil, it is necessary to avoid re-planting flowers in an infected area earlier than after two years. Fungi live in the soil for up to 8 years.
  3. To achieve a good harvest with the onset of frost, the bulbs should be covered with straw, dry leaves and fertilized with purified peat.
  4. The time for planting tulips varies from early to late autumn. In rare cases, spring approaches.
  5. The beds should not be too deep so that water does not stagnate in them.

Tulips are one of the first flowers that symbolize the arrival of spring. Their dense, elastic leaves are pleasing to the eye against the backdrop of black earth that has just recovered from the cold. Correct fit tulips in the fall is the key to their early and successful flowering. Don't be afraid of difficulties: growing tulips only seems like a complicated process. In fact, even a novice gardener can cope with this mission. Compliance simple rules and recommendations - and your flower garden will attract the admiring glances of neighbors from all over the area.

There are 2 ways to plant bulbs: in spring and in winter. There are more benefits to planting tulips in the fall. This is what will be discussed further.

Tulips are dug up every year. Exceptions are baby bulbs, which remain in the ground for 2 years. Why is this needed: diseased specimens are discarded, it improves appearance(enlargement of flowers), the ability to produce children increases.

There are a number of rules for when and how excavation is carried out:

  1. Don’t miss the moment: you need to dig up tulips when the leaf is 2/3 dry. If you get the bulb early, it will not have time to accumulate the required supply for subsequent flowering. Late extraction is fraught with the risk that the maternal part will go deeper underground, and the children will separate from it. There is a high probability of missing or damaging planting material.
  2. Arm yourself bayonet shovel: you must stick it deep and with a “margin” around the edges so as not to damage the flowers.
  3. Change the bed every 3 years.


remove the flower stalk after it has finished blooming. This will help the tulip gain strength. And the leaves themselves should not be removed under any circumstances - it is due to them that the necessary substances accumulate.

Now let’s learn more about how to store tulips before planting in the fall. The resulting nests must be divided, freed from husks, roots, and leaf residues. Then they are washed (if necessary), treated with antifungal treatment and dried. Before putting planting material into boxes, it is necessary to sort it by variety and sorting. Remove diseased specimens.


the sorting process will facilitate systematic excavation. Start with early varieties. The dug up bulbs can be placed on newspaper or cardboard near the bed, and then the remaining manipulations can be carried out sequentially.

Successful planting of tulips in the ground in autumn depends on maintaining temperature and humidity conditions. The bulbs are stored in boxes without a lid, arranged in 2-3 layers. They need to be inspected periodically to remove rotting specimens. The storage temperature is gradually reduced: in July it is 23-25°, in August – 20°, in September – 17°. Failure to comply with temperature limits leads to the appearance of blind shoots on which a flower does not form.

If during the inspection you find rot or mold, you can try to save the tulips. If the mold spread is small, remove it with a dry cloth and sprinkle with ash. If the rotting is deep, cut off the affected part with a knife. Sprinkle the cut with ash or lubricate it with brilliant green.


do not cover the bulbs with anything other than paper or natural fabric. No inflow fresh air leads to the accumulation of ethylene released by the mother part. This gas is harmful to children.

Video “How to dig up and store tulips after flowering”

Choosing a place and preparing a bed

A good location of the bed and planting tulips in the fall, when and how to plant the choice will be less problematic. These flowers love sunny spaces sheltered from the winds. In spring, no puddles should form there. The soil must drain well - the best option There will be loamy or sandy loam soil with a significant proportion of humus.


asters, watermelons, melons, zucchini, cucumbers, and tomatoes are not the best predecessors for tulips.

It is worth digging up the ground to a depth of 25-30 cm, carefully removing the roots of weeds, trees and shrubs. If the soil is heavy and poor, add sand and fertilizers: compost, ash, peat, mineral complexes. cannot be used - add instead bird droppings. If the pH values ​​are increased towards oxidation, liming is required.

The soil needs to be prepared a month before the expected planting date. This is necessary for the soil to “settle”. In a loose “cushion” there is a high probability of damaging the emerging roots. Before planting, water the ridges generously - this will completely distribute the soil.


sprinkle the formed rows thin layer sand. This will provide additional drainage and help reduce the likelihood of rotting.

Usually this is where caring for tulips after planting in the fall ends. There is no need to cover the bed - this can lead to the bulb growing ahead of schedule, overwintering worse and blooming later. Exceptions include sudden cold weather. When the temperature drops sharply, use specialized covering material. Do not use garden waste, mulch or leaves as this may attract rodents.

How to plant

Treat your tulip bulbs before planting in the fall to protect them from fungal infections. For this purpose, special preparations are produced that can be replaced with ordinary potassium permanganate. Inspect again: healthy and diseased plants cannot be planted together. Affected bulbs must be disposed of.

Planting depth of tulip bulbs

The standard scheme for planting tulips is as follows: rows are made at a distance of 25-30 cm. Their location should fit organically into the perimeter of the flowerbed. The distance between the bulbs is 8-10 cm. Planting depth depends on the size:

  • Children: 5-10 cm.
  • III and II analysis: 12 cm.
  • I analysis: 15 cm.

Keep in mind that small bulbs produce small flowers. To avoid being shaded by taller flowers, plant them at the edge of the flowerbed on the south side. If you like the “uncultivated” look, then there is no need for combination. Create wider spacing between flowers and enjoy the natural state of your garden.

If you're addicted landscape design, then plant tulips according to the pattern. When compiling it, take into account the timing of flowering, the diameter of the inflorescence, and the color of the petals. Think over and sketch in advance the scheme according to which you will plant the bulbs. The picture can be supplemented with other primroses.

Video “Planting tulips in autumn: diagram, depth, planting dates”

Tiers and sandwiches: alternative planting methods

A creative approach will make any task interesting. This also applies to floriculture. IN Lately Unusual methods of planting tulips are gaining popularity. They save time, decorate the garden and attract attention. In addition, they are quite simple and anyone can master them.

Planting tulips in autumn in containers

Container planting or planting in baskets simplifies the process of growing tulips. The essence of this method is to use baskets, containers and other containers instead of a flower bed or bed. They can either be dug into the ground or freely placed in any convenient place.

Advantages of this method:

  1. You are firmly confident that you have completely dug out the planting material. The bulbs themselves are minimally damaged and, therefore, are better stored.
  2. you create optimal conditions for plant growth. Relevant for infertile soils - it’s easier to create ideal conditions in a limited space.
  3. The likelihood of damage to the bulbs by rodents is reduced. Mice cannot overcome the barrier from below.

You can use anything as a container: plastic bottles, boxes, baskets, pots and even bags. One condition is that you need to make holes to drain excess water. Use a hot knitting needle or other similar object for this. The holes should not be large, otherwise mice will get through them.

Method of planting lasagne tulip bulbs

The second way to arrange flowers in an unusual way is tiered planting. The essence of this method is to lay the bulbs at different depths. The very first layer, starting from the bottom, is occupied by large onions. The higher the level, the smaller size. To avoid making a mistake and planting one flower on top of another, use long thin sticks. Stick them near the planting site, and remove them after the flowerpot is completely filled. This method of combining is also called “lasagna” - the structure resembles this dish in its layering.

When composing such a composition, it is important to take into account the color, size and shape of the petals. Try to play with contrasts: smooth ones with terry ones, red ones with yellow ones. Groups of flowers united by color will look beautiful. For example, variegated with monochromatic ones: the color of the inclusions should match the monocolor of the petals of the neighboring variety. A group in which tulips are selected according to flowering dates will look impressive.


you can combine different flowers. You can add irises, crocuses, lilies, daffodils, hyacinths and other bulbs to tulips.

Video “Methods of planting tulips”

When to plant

The timing of planting is affected by soil temperature. In the fall, the groundwork is made for subsequent flowering, so it is important to plant the bulbs in the garden on time. For all processes to start, the soil must be no colder than 10° (the lower limit is 8°). You can check the data using a depth thermometer.

IN different regions The timing of planting in open ground is different. Thus, planting tulips in the fall in the Moscow region occurs from mid-September and throughout October. The hotter the region, the closer to winter the dates shift. If, during a pre-planting inspection, you notice that the bulb is ready to actively begin to grow, it makes sense to leave it for forcing (that is, plant it in a pot and keep it at home).

In other regions, which are characterized by more severe climatic conditions, the planting period is from the end of September to mid-October. If the autumn is hot, then they are planted until the beginning of November. For example, the optimal planting of tulips in autumn in Siberia falls on the 10th-20th of October.

Video “Planting tulips in autumn”

Tulips – beautiful flowers, a real decoration of the spring garden. Autumn planting of tulip bulbs– optimal solution For early flowering. They do not require complex care or special skills, so anyone can try to master a flower unknown to them.

When to plant tulips in the fall? This question has been worrying summer residents since mid-summer. After all, you need to prepare the bulbs for planting, choose the right place and prepare the soil correctly. We will consider all the questions about how to plant tulips in the fall so that they will delight you with their flowering in early spring in our article.

Autumn is coming, and our thoughts are already about spring bloom tulips. Every time they fascinate gardeners with their beauty, uniqueness and diversity. In spring, our gardens are immersed in a real fairy tale for 3-4 weeks. In order to create spring garden, now in the fall you need to take care of choosing tulip bulbs.

We associate the tulip with spring. This is the first "serious" flower to appear in the spring. Experts in the symbolism of flowers say that the tulip is a symbol of splendor, declaration of love and expectation of reciprocal feelings, and in the interior - luxury.

Life cycle The tulip period consists of two periods. In the fall, the bulbs are planted in the ground and grow roots there. Then life freezes until spring. And in the spring the stem grows very quickly and the flowers bloom. After this, the bulbs need to be dug up and stored until autumn. It is during this period that a new flower is formed inside the bulb.

Site selection and soil preparation

The site for growing tulips should be chosen on a flat, well-lit place, protected from cold strong winds. If the area is uneven, water will stagnate in the holes.

This can lead to the bulbs getting wet and rotting in the summer and freezing in the winter. In insufficient lighting, the stems of tulips stretch, bend and lie down, and the color of the flowers will become paler.

Tulips prefer soil with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction. On acidic soil the number of “blind” buds increases.

Soil cultivation should be carried out 1-2 months before planting to a depth of 30 cm.

When digging, the soil must be filled with fertilizers. You should not apply fresh or insufficiently rotted manure under the tulips, as this can cause an outbreak of fungal diseases. Fertilizer doses depend on soil fertility, local climatic conditions, etc.

Approximate dose of fertilizers per 1 sq. m.:

  • rotted manure or compost 2 buckets;
  • wood ash 200 g;
  • dolomite flour or chalk - 500 g;
  • double superphosphate - 50 g;
  • potassium nitrate or potassium sulfate 30 g;
  • urea or ammonium nitrate— 25 g (applied immediately before planting).

You can apply complex fertilizer such as nitrophoska at the rate of 100 g/m2. m. You can simply buy fertilizer for bulbous plants, which already takes into account all the components in the required proportions.

Planting tulips in autumn: preparing the bulbs

1. You need to select a site and prepare the soil. The place for spring flowers should be sunny, but protected from the winds so that the flowers long stems didn't break.

Areas where there is standing water in the spring after the snow melts are not suitable for growing tulips.

2. The soil for growing tulips should be light, loose, air and moisture permeable, rich in humus, with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction.

In heavy clay soil, which does not dry out well, the bulbs quickly rot, to improve it, add lime fluff, sand and humus.

The soil for planting tulips is dug up in advance, about two weeks. For digging per 1 sq.m. add a bucket of humus and 200 grams wood ash or dolomite flour

Miracle Berry - 3-5 kg ​​of fresh strawberries every 2 weeks!

Miracle berry Fairytale collection is suitable for a window sill, loggia, balcony, veranda - any place in a house or apartment where the light of the sun falls. You can get the first harvest in just 3 weeks. Miracle berry Fairytale harvest bears fruit all year round, and not just in the summer, like in the garden. The lifespan of bushes is 3 years or more; from the second year, fertilizers can be added to the soil.

For planting, select only healthy bulbs without spots.

4. Before planting, tulip bulbs are divided according to their size. Large ones up to 9 cm in circumference or more will give the most large flowers, they are planted in the foreground.

Medium-sized bulbs from 6 to 9 cm in diameter produce flowers that are not so large; they are planted in the background, and small bulbs are planted for growing.

Timing for planting tulips in autumn

Experienced gardeners plant tulips only in autumn. Planting time depends on the region where flowers are grown and climatic conditions.

  • In conditions middle zone Tulips are best planted at the end of September.
  • IN southern regions This has been done since the beginning of October, when the thermometer drops to 7-10 C. The root system of the bulbs is formed in 3-4 weeks. It should be taken into account that the weather can make its own adjustments.

If planted early, the rooting process is delayed and the bulbs may become infected with fusarium. In addition, in warm weather, the bed can become overgrown with weeds, which will take away the strength of the tulips.

It is also not recommended to plant flowers too late in the fall. Due to frost, the root system may not form. They may rot or freeze. Typically, such tulips bloom poorly and their bulbs are not suitable for further planting.

If the bulbs were planted in late autumn - in November, they are covered with spruce branches or foliage for the winter.

If the recommended autumn planting dates are missed, it is better to plant tulips before the beginning of December, covering the flower beds with straw or dry leaves. Flowers planted in spring will lag behind in development.

Planting in the ground in autumn

When planting, we bury the tulip bulbs 10-12 cm into the ground. Typically, planting depth is determined as three times the height of the bulb. Before planting, it is good to spill the furrows with a raspberry solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection.

The distance between the bulbs is 10-15 cm, small ones are planted closer


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On heavy wet soils, you need to make a little drainage - to do this, pour a layer of up to 3 cm at the bottom of the furrows. river sand. This will keep the bulbs dry.

After planting the ridges, we mulch them with peat, humus, compost or a mixture of them in a layer of 4-5 cm. Tulips can bloom in one place for several years.

Every year that tulip bulbs spend in the ground, they go deeper into the soil. In the spring it becomes more difficult for them to germinate and bloom more and more difficult. Therefore, once every 4-5 years they need to be dug up (in the summer after flowering, when the leaves dry out), cleaned, dried and stored in a cool place until autumn, and then planted again.

They also now sell special trays for bulbs, just so that the bulbs do not go too deep into the ground.

If autumn is dry, without rain, and the soil has time to dry out, then do not forget to water the plantings regularly.

Tested on myself and friends, if you plant daffodils around the perimeter of the beds with tulips, they will perfectly “protect” them from attacks by mice.

  • You can dig up tulips every year. Then it's better to plant them in large groups, then wait until the leaves turn yellow, dig them up and plant annuals in their place.
  • You don’t have to dig up tulips for 2 or 3 seasons, then you should plant them in small groups under perennials (when the tulip leaves begin to turn yellow, the perennials will just begin to grow and cover the unsightly leaves).
  • It is better to plant tulips next to hostas, astilbes, paniculate phlox and many other perennials, the leaves of which grow back just in time for the tulips to bloom.
  • If you do not plan to dig up tulips for several years, do not forget to mark the places where the bulbs are planted so as not to damage them later. When planting tulips in autumn in flower beds or borders, avoid straight lines and strict geometric shapes- it is better to plant them in groups with irregular edges.
  • To make the place where the tulips have just bloomed immediately become beautiful again, you can plant the bulbs in 5 liter plastic water bottles. Cut off the top and cut handles on the sides. Five liters of soil is enough so that when the tulips bloom, you can immediately pull them out without waiting for the leaves to turn yellow. Place these containers in a different place in the garden to allow the bulbs to ripen. And immediately plant the place where they bloomed with annuals.

Video about planting tulips in autumn


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