Why doesn't hyacinth bloom in the garden? Why don't our favorite hyacinths bloom in the garden? Do you need to dig up hyacinths every year, how to store them

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We sowed or planted most of the plants in the spring and it seems that in the middle of summer we can already relax. But experienced gardeners They know that July is the time to plant vegetables to obtain a late harvest and the possibility of longer storage. This also applies to potatoes. It is better to use the early summer potato harvest quickly; it is not suitable for long-term storage. But the second harvest of potatoes is exactly what is needed for winter and spring use.

Astrakhan tomatoes ripen remarkably well lying on the ground, but this experience should not be repeated in the Moscow region. Our tomatoes need support, support, garter. My neighbors use all sorts of stakes, tie-downs, loops, ready-made plant supports and mesh fencing. Each method of fixing a plant in a vertical position has its own advantages and “ side effects" I'll tell you how I place tomato bushes on trellises and what comes out of it.

Bulgur with pumpkin is an every day dish that can be easily prepared in half an hour. Bulgur is boiled separately, the cooking time depends on the size of the grains - whole and coarse grinding takes about 20 minutes, fine grinding literally a few minutes, sometimes the cereal is simply poured with boiling water, like couscous. While the cereal is cooking, prepare the pumpkin in sour cream sauce, and then combine the ingredients. If you replace melted butter with vegetable oil and sour cream with soy cream, then it can be included in the Lenten menu.

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The summer months are the time for hydrangeas to bloom. This beautiful deciduous shrub produces luxuriously fragrant flowers from June to September. Florists readily use large inflorescences for wedding decorations and bouquets. To admire the beauty of a flowering hydrangea bush in your garden, you should take care of the proper conditions for it. Unfortunately, some hydrangeas do not bloom year after year, despite the care and efforts of gardeners. We will explain why this happens in the article.

Every summer resident knows that plants need nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium for full development. These are three main macronutrients, the deficiency of which significantly affects the appearance and yield of plants, and in advanced cases can lead to their death. But not everyone understands the importance of other macro- and microelements for plant health. And they are important not only in themselves, but also for the effective absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

Garden strawberries, or strawberry, as we used to call it, is one of the early aromatic berries that summer generously gifts us with. How happy we are about this harvest! In order for the “berry boom” to repeat every year, we need to take care of the berry bushes in the summer (after the end of fruiting). The laying of flower buds, from which ovaries will form in the spring and berries in the summer, begins approximately 30 days after the end of fruiting.

Spicy pickled watermelon is a savory appetizer for fatty meat. Watermelons and watermelon rinds have been pickled since time immemorial, but this process is labor-intensive and time-consuming. According to my recipe, you can simply prepare pickled watermelon in 10 minutes, and by the evening the spicy appetizer will be ready. Watermelon marinated with spices and chili can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. Be sure to keep the jar in the refrigerator, not only for the sake of safety - when chilled, this snack is simply licking your fingers!

Among the variety of species and hybrids of philodendrons, there are many plants, both gigantic and compact. But not a single species competes in unpretentiousness with the main modest one - the blushing philodendron. True, his modesty does not concern the appearance of the plant. Blushing stems and cuttings, huge leaves, long shoots, forming, although very large, but also a strikingly elegant silhouette, look very elegant. Philodendron blushing requires only one thing - at least minimal care.

Thick chickpea soup with vegetables and egg is a simple recipe for a hearty first course, inspired by oriental cuisine. Similar thick soups are prepared in India, Morocco, and Southeast Asian countries. The tone is set by spices and seasonings - garlic, chili, ginger and a bouquet of spicy spices, which can be assembled to your taste. It is better to fry vegetables and spices in clarified butter (ghee) or mix olive oil and butter, it's certainly not the same, but it tastes similar.

Plum - well, who isn’t familiar with it?! She is loved by many gardeners. And all because it has an impressive list of varieties, it’s surprising excellent harvests, pleases with its diversity in terms of ripening and huge selection color, shape and taste of the fruit. Yes, in some places it feels better, in others it feels worse, but almost no summer resident gives up the pleasure of growing it on his plot. Today it can be found not only in the south, in the middle zone, but also in the Urals and Siberia.

Many decorative and fruit crops, except for drought-resistant ones, they suffer from the scorching sun, and conifers in the winter-spring period suffer from sunlight, enhanced by reflection from the snow. In this article we will talk about unique drug to protect plants from sunburn and drought - Sunshet Agrosuccess. The problem is relevant for most regions of Russia. In February and early March Sun rays become more active, and the plants are not yet ready for new conditions.

“Every vegetable has its own time,” and every plant has its own optimal time for planting. Anyone who has dealt with planting knows well that hot season planting - spring and autumn. This is due to several factors: in the spring the plants have not yet begun to grow rapidly, there is no sweltering heat and precipitation often falls. However, no matter how hard we try, circumstances often develop such that planting has to be carried out in the midst of summer.

Chili con carne translated from Spanish means chili with meat. This is a Texas and Mexican dish whose main ingredients are chili peppers and shredded beef. In addition to the main products there are onions, carrots, tomatoes, and beans. This red lentil chili recipe is delicious! The dish is fiery, scalding, very filling and amazingly tasty! You can make a big pot, put it in containers and freeze - you'll have a delicious dinner for a whole week.

Cucumber is one of my favorites garden crops our summer residents. However, not all and not always gardeners manage to really get good harvest. And although growing cucumbers requires regular attention and care, there is little secret, which will significantly increase their productivity. We are talking about pinching cucumbers. Why, how and when to pinch cucumbers, we will tell you in the article. An important point in the agricultural technology of cucumbers is their formation, or type of growth.

Many of us received not a bouquet of cut flowers as a gift on March 8, but tulips, daffodils or hyacinths in pots. Is it possible to plant such bulbs of tulips, daffodils, hyacinths on your summer cottage? What rules should you follow when planting bulbs? What care do hyacinths, tulips, and daffodils require in summer and autumn? The author of many books about gardening and vegetable gardening, Galina Kizima, answers the most FAQ.

Hyacinths: planting and care

Stop watering and cut them off as soon as the leaves wilt. Place the pot on its side and keep it in a cool place (for example, in the toilet near the drain pipe).

In the spring, when the first small-bulbed flowers appear from the ground, remove the hyacinth bulb from the pot and bury it in the soil. Mark this place with a stick.

At the beginning of summer, when you dig up the bulbs of faded tulips, dig up the hyacinth bulb and immediately tear off the roots. Don’t worry even if you damage part of the bottom - this stimulates the growth of the children. Dry and store in a cool, dark place.

Plant a second hyacinth bulb in mid-autumn at the same time as the tulips - then it will bloom next spring.

How to propagate hyacinth?

Hyacinth practically does not produce children. To propagate it, the bulb is either planted on its side, or before planting, the bottom is cut with a cross, without touching the bulb itself. In the first case, babies are formed on the bulb, in the second, four are produced from one bulb. And the children, and the bulbs divided into next year don't bloom.

Why does hyacinth produce only leaves and not bloom?

You may have violated the boarding rules. Hyacinth must be planted on a bed of coarse sand approximately 2 cm thick, to a depth 3 times greater than the height of the bulb itself.

The landing site should not be flooded with water, and it should be sunny. In addition, it is good that hyacinths have cover from the north.

They need soil rich in humus, with a neutral, or even better, slightly alkaline reaction. You should not feed hyacinths with nitrogen in the spring; you should immediately feed them with potassium and phosphorus (or ash).

I heard that there is some kind of technique that makes the stem of a hyacinth stretch out.

If your hyacinths have very short stems, you may simply have planted the bulb too deep. And the trick is this: as soon as the sprout appears, you immediately cover it glass jar or half plastic bottle. This causes the peduncle to stretch out.

Easily. To do this, you need to keep the hyacinth bulb in the refrigerator in a paper bag for at least 3 months. 30-40 days before the appointed time, plant in pots and expose to light in warm room. That's all!

Daffodils don't like tulips

Why did the daffodils stop blooming?

You haven’t planted them for a long time, or the soil is depleted. In addition, like all bulbous plants, daffodils do not like acidic soils and waterlogging. Daffodils are planted every 3-4 years, as they grow quickly and stop flowering. They can be planted in sun to partial shade on moderately fertile soils. Clays and highly compacted soils are not suitable for planting daffodils.

Why don't the buds of daffodils open?

Your plants are sick. They need to be dug up and thrown away. They cannot be cured.

Is it possible to plant tulips and daffodils next to each other?

No you can not. Daffodils have a detrimental effect on tulips. They should not be placed in the same vase, since the milky juice of daffodils will cause the tulip flowers to wither.

Actually, the daffodil is not a cut flower. It usually wilts quickly in water, so admire it in a flower bed.

Growing tulips: why don't they bloom?

Is it necessary to dig up tulips every year?

Not necessary if the landings are at sunny place. Tulips can also grow in partial shade if your region has dry and hot summers. For the flower to ripen, plants need a temperature of at least 20-25 ° C for a month. If this is not the case, then there are no flowers. It is to dry the tulips at this temperature that they are dug out of the soil.

And quite a few more important point: the roots of tulips gradually “drag” the bulbs to great depths, where the soil does not warm up to desired temperature, and the tulips stop blooming, but only give one large leaf and several small bulbs located at the top of the stem. In addition, with very great depth The tulip cannot germinate because it does not have enough peduncle length.

You can easily avoid these troubles if you plant tulips in holey plastic boxes from under fruits and vegetables (or another container with a “holey” bottom that will prevent the bulbs from sinking into the depths). You can dig up and plant tulips once every 3-5 years, when they become crowded in the box, and all the bulbs will be collected in one place, you won’t have to look for them.

The downside is that when grown in such cramped conditions, tulips produce a small number of children. And of course, especially valuable varieties of tulips should be dug up and dried annually, otherwise you will simply lose them.

Why do buds appear, but do not develop, do not color or open, but simply dry out?

This happens with tulips whose flowers have not ripened. The reason is the low (below 20-25 °C) temperature at which the flower develops. It is also possible that you dried the tulips in areas where there were strong odors. For example, they dried tulip bulbs together with royal hazel grouse bulbs, or with garlic, or next to strong-smelling paints, and the tulip flowers died.

Such plants can be planted, but this season they will not bloom or will produce “blind” buds. This is not scary; they will bloom normally next season if you follow the simple requirements for growing them.

What is variegation of tulips?

This viral disease. Appears as yellow spots irregular shape on flower petals. Such plants should be immediately dug up and burned, because insects will transfer the virus to the rest of the tulips, and you will lose a significant part of the plantings. For the same reasons, when cutting tulips, the pruning shears should be dipped into a solution of potassium permanganate after each plant.

Galina Kizima gardener-enthusiast with 50 years of experience, author of original techniques

Comment on the article "Hyacinth in a pot, tulips and daffodils. Why they don't bloom and 10 more questions"

Why don't they bloom and 10 more questions. Tulips: gardening for dummies. At the dacha, where the snow melted, tulips, irises and crocuses came out, already see 6-7, and even irises. In my opinion, it’s too early. Hyacinth in a pot, tulips and daffodils. Why don't they bloom and 10 more questions.

This weekend I will plant tulips and daffodils, I also didn’t have time (I’ll mix them in the soil around them and on top with sawdust so that the sawdust will rot and it will be warmer 11/04/2016 20:40:24, Sabella. Why don’t they bloom and 10 more questions.

tulips with bulbs. Flower care.. Floriculture. Care indoor plants: planting, watering, fertilizing, flowers, cacti.

How to plant tulips in a tray? Flowers. Cottage, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and dacha plots: purchase, landscaping, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds, vegetables, fruits, berries, harvest. How to plant tulips in a tray? Well, in this special green for bulbous plants?

Flowers. Cottage, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and dacha plots: purchasing, landscaping, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds, vegetables, fruits, berries Section: Flowers (which perennials can survive the winter in a flowerpot). Is it possible to plant PERENNIALS in stone flowerpots?

Planting bulbs. Flowers. Growing Gloxinia. If you kept it in a pot with old soil, you need to take it out, clean it of any residue... DIY flower pots. As a rule, they are inserted into flower pots that are of appropriate size and shape. flower pots. Bulbous plants - when to plant them? Floriculture. Caring for indoor plants: planting...

I trim the daffodils, the tulips fall off on their own, and I actually planted phloxes next to the daffodils. I don’t dig anything up or dry it as expected. Hyacinth in a pot, tulips and daffodils. Why don't they bloom and 10 more questions.

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Flowers. Cottage, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and dacha plots: purchasing, landscaping, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds, vegetables, fruits. Tulips do not sprout. I planted 30 tulip bulbs 3 weeks ago, now only 1 has sprouted:(, what should I do? I can dig it up and have a look...

Hyacinth in a pot, tulips and daffodils. Why don't they bloom and 10 more questions. The daffodils are already in full bloom. I planted tulips in the shade, and daffodils in a sunny meadow. Iris is never shade-loving, but this is a common misconception.

Flowers. Cottage, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and dacha plots: purchase, landscaping, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds, vegetables, fruits, berries, harvest. Bulbous plants - when to plant them? If it’s frosty, then naturally I cover it. I plant hyacinths, lilies, and crocuses before winter.

Now I want to combine tulips by color - the question is: is it possible to replant tulips now, without waiting for complete flowering? How to care for tulips after flowering? Hyacinth in a pot, tulips and daffodils. Why don't they bloom and 10 more questions.

Why don't they bloom and 10 more questions. Growing tulips, daffodils, hyacinths: planting and care. I plant tulips and hyacinths in a pot with soil, tie them in a little bag, so that the sprout is even. from removal from under the bath to flowering - 3-5 weeks for hyacinths...

Tulips and daffodils. I planted them in the fall. In the spring, everyone rose together, it seems to be good. Now three tulips and one daffodil are blooming wonderfully. Why don't the other hundred bloom? Why don't they bloom and 10 more questions. Tulips and daffodils. I planted them in the fall.

I was now looking at my tulips and daffodils under the window. They are still alive (one daffodil even has a bud - and it looks good), although the frosts were already below -10, and they were not covered with anything. Why don't they bloom and 10 more questions.

Bulbous plants - when to plant them? Growing flowers at the dacha.. When is it better to plant bulbs at home for the dacha (lilies, for example), so that they have time to grow before the dacha, but do not bloom at home, as happened to me last year with lilies..

I won’t say anything about hyacinths, but I dig up daffodils and tulips only after the leaves have “dried up.” Good luck. Hyacinth in a pot, tulips and daffodils. Why don't they bloom and 10 more questions. Hyacinths: planting and care. On March 8th I was given a hyacinth in a pot.

Growing flowers in the country.. Floriculture. Caring for indoor plants: planting, watering, fertilizing, flowers And bulbous plants are not planted as seedlings... About spicy-fragrant herbs, so that they smell along the path. How to plant flowers beautifully in the country? DIY flower pots.

Transplantation and propagation of plants.. Floriculture. Caring for indoor plants: planting, watering, fertilizing, flowers, cacti. I bought crocus and hyacinth bulbs. I want to grow them in pots. Who can tell me how to plant and when? How deep?

Last year I bought it in the spring blooming hyacinth in a pot. When it faded, I cut the flower, as the seller advised me, and stopped watering. When the sprouts (shoots) reach a height of 10 cm, the cover is removed and the pots are removed. Why don’t they bloom and 10 more questions.

Hyacinth is a flower whose name is translated from Latin as flower of rain. It has this name due to its love for excessive moisture; there is also an assumption that it is so called because of the time of flowering of this plant in nature, namely in the spring during the rainy season.

The homeland of Hyacinth is Southeast Asia . In most cases this bulbous flower They are grown in gardens, but you can also do it at home, but caring for the plant in this case is slightly different.

This unusually beautiful plant attracts attention thanks to its colorful and bright colors similar to small bells, which are located on a fleshy peduncle in the form of a racemose inflorescence. Flowers can be either simple or double in yellow, pink, blue, purple, indigo or white.

Bright green, smooth and fleshy leaves, in quantities from 5 to 8 pieces, form a rosette sprouting from the bulb, from which the peduncle emerges. The flower reaches a height of 30 cm. The flowering of Hyacinth is accompanied by a subtle pleasant aroma.

There are many types of Hyacinth, including: Ostara, Amethyst, Rosalia, Sunflower, La Victoire, Litvinova, Transcayspian, Arentina Arendsen.

But the most popular and widespread in home growing is

Forcing at home

Caring for Hyacinth is not difficult, but you need to follow some rules. The first rule is choosing a bulb, from which the flower will be grown. The size of the bulb in diameter must be at least 5 cm, it must be dense, not affected by rot, diseases and insects. The second rule is to create the necessary atmosphere for successful flower cultivation.

Choosing a pot and soil for planting bulbs

The vessel for diluting Hyacinth should be medium in size and have drainage holes at the bottom. From 1 to 3 bulbs sit in one container. They should not come into contact with each other or with the walls of the pot.

A layer of drainage must be laid out at the bottom of the pot; for this, you can use a layer of sand about 2 cm.

The bulb is not completely placed in the soil; its upper part should not be covered. The substrate used is one that has a neutral acidity level, since high acidity is not suitable for the flower. To avoid rotting of the bulb, the surface of the soil is also covered with sand.

After planting the bulbs, they need to create a dormant period of about two months. The flowerpot is placed in a dark, cool place, perhaps even in the refrigerator, the temperature should be +5-7 degrees. The soil needs to be watered occasionally to maintain constant moisture. During this time, the bulbs take root well and will produce flower stalks in the future. After the bulbs produce a pair of leaves, the flower is transferred to a bright place with a temperature no higher than +15 degrees.

And only when inflorescences form, the flowerpot is placed on permanent place, in which complete care of the plant is carried out.

Care during flowering

The flowering period of Hyacinth lasts on average about two weeks; during this period care is required, thanks to which the flowering will be lush and longer.


Hyacinth loves light very much, he needs it at least 15 hours a day. If you place it in a place where there is not enough light, you need to additionally use artificial lighting sources. On hot summer days, the plant needs to be shaded to avoid direct sunlight.


The best temperature for growing Hyacinth is +20-22 degrees. It is not recommended to keep the flower close to heating devices. You should also avoid drafts, as they can lead to the death of the flower.

Watering and spraying

The soil in the pot should always be slightly moist, this is especially important during the flowering period. active growth and wintering. You should also avoid stagnation of water, which can lead to rotting of the bulb and the development of fungal diseases. To do this, water is poured from the pan immediately after watering. Another important point is the method of watering itself: To ensure that water does not fall on the bulb, in the axils of the leaves and buds, the water must be poured near the edge of the pot.

The water must be soft room temperature, it is good to use rainwater or melt water, preheating it.

Top dressing

The plant needs frequent feeding, about twice a month. To do this, use any universal fertilizer for indoor plants. bulbous plants. Before feeding, you need to water the flower.

Care after flowering

Hyacinth, like everyone else flowering plants, fades over time. But in this case, its vital activity does not stop, but the care of the flower simply changes.

  • First the peduncle is cut off, the leaves remain, and caring for the flower continues until they die completely. After this, it is necessary to dry the bulbs and place the plant for a period of rest. To do this, the flower is removed from the pot, the roots are cleared of the soil, and the top of the plant is cut off at a distance of about one centimeter from the bulb.
  • The bulb is sprayed with a disinfectant solution, for example Fundazol, to avoid infection and remove the top unnecessary peel. Then the bulb is dried, at which time it must be turned periodically to dry completely.
  • When the bulb is completely dry, you need to wrap it in paper or sawdust and place it in a dark, dry place for 2-3 months, after which it can be planted again.

Video about caring for Hyacinth after flowering

Very often, flower growers adjust the flowering of Hyacinth to a certain time of the year, for example, to get an inflorescence on March 8, this must be done in October. For this purpose, a manipulation such as forcing - in this case, the bulbs are specially brought out of dormancy.

In this case, the planted bulbs are covered with a bag in which a hole is made so that the plant can breathe. Then the flower is grown, as with ordinary planting of bulbs.

Video about forcing Hyacinth by March 8

Reproduction methods

There are several ways to propagate Hyacinth. Among them: propagation by children, propagation by seeds, cutting the bottom and notching the bottom. At home, the first method is most often used, since the others are very time-consuming and complex; they are used by breeders and professionals.

On average, a bulb can produce 2-4 babies per year. They must be carefully separated from the mother bulb and planted in a separate container. If the baby is difficult to separate, then after a period of dormancy, the mother bulb is planted along with it and separated only after the next flowering of Hyacinth.

With this method of propagation, the plant blooms in 2-3 years.


Pruning the peduncle is necessary after flowering has completed, because if fruits form after the flowers, this will drain all the strength from the flower. Also When the leaves dry, they are also cut off.

Diseases and pests

Most often, Hyacinth is resistant to various kinds threats when grown at home, because when transplanting the bulbs are processed disinfectants. But sometimes hyacinth is threatened by the following diseases and pests:

  • Bacterial rot. There are many causes of infection with this disease and various symptoms of its manifestation, for example, the appearance of black spots on the leaves, rotting of the bulb, drying out of the roots, etc. The disease can only be overcome by industrial production, at home this leads to the death of the flower. In this case, it is necessary to get rid of the plant and soil, and disinfect the pot.
  • Insects. For example: aphids, mites and others. You can get rid of them by spraying the flower with chemicals, but only before the flowering period.
  • Physiological disorders. These are deformations of the peduncle, for example, curvature or incorrect flowering, which appear in case of non-compliance with the “forcing” regime, or rather the cooling period.

The bulb is affected by rot

Peduncle deformation


Thus, p The problem of growing Hyacinth at home is not great, if you follow all the rules for caring for this flower, and also provide appropriate care for it during the dormant period. In this case, Hyacinth will delight with its beautiful and fragrant blooms.

Hyacinths are one of the most popular garden plants that bloom in spring due to their varied range of colors and quite easy care after them. But sometimes it happens that after doing everything necessary work When it comes to growing and caring for them, the flowers are still in no hurry to delight you with their lush blooms. Why hyacinths don’t bloom is in our article.

Main mistake

One of the most common mistakes among novice gardeners is that they leave hyacinth bulbs in the ground after flowering. But in conditions middle zone The soil rarely warms up above 20 degrees. Inside the bulb, the rudiments of a young shoot with leaves and inflorescence, as well as the rudiments of new daughter bulbs, do not have time to form. Therefore, after a certain period of time, approximately 35 days after the start of flowering, when the leaves begin to lie down (this happens in late June - early July), the formed hyacinth bulbs must be dug up, dried for several days in a shaded place, and then, peeled from the roots and soil, spread into paper bags with a note about the variety.

First, the bulbs are stored at a temperature of 25 degrees, and 30 days before planting they are transferred to a cool place.

Choosing a landing site

When planting and digging up bulbs, be very careful with them. Those that are damaged are easily susceptible to fungal diseases, and healthy ones live up to ten years or more.

Try not to plant hyacinths in areas where other bulbous crops were previously grown. In addition, hyacinths do not tolerate flooding. groundwater- find them a higher place.

Soil preparation

Answering the question “why don’t hyacinths bloom?” One cannot fail to take into account one more important point. The reason for poor flowering may be improperly prepared soil for planting. Some gardeners try to “feed” the soil with fresh manure. You can't do this. The feeding layer, which should be below the level of planting the bulbs, is formed from soil and rotted manure. Complete combined mineral fertilizer is also added here at the rate of 40 g per 1 square meter. Light, breathable soil is poured over the feeding layer. Hyacinth bulbs are planted here at a depth of 20-25 cm, not forgetting to add a little sand under the bottom.

If you fulfill all the conditions, then every year in mid-May you will have a holiday lush flowering hyacinths.

When growing indoor plants, many questions often arise. Especially if the plant first appeared in the house and its owner does not know how to care for it. And especially if it is not an ordinary indoor plant, but one that can be grown both in the garden and at home , such as hyacinth. Care at home is certainly different from caring for hyacinth in the garden. It cannot be said that one of them is simpler and the other more difficult, but each has its own secrets. We will try to answer the most common questions that occur when growing hyacinth at home.

1. How to grow hyacinths at home?

Since hyacinth is still a garden plant, it needs to create conditions as close as possible to garden ones. For growing hyacinths in room conditions you will need bulbs specially prepared for forcing, i.e. those that have already been summer period peace. They must be healthy, dense, without damage, with a diameter of 5 cm.

2. Can hyacinth be grown as a houseplant?

If you think that hyacinth can live in a pot permanently and delight you with its flowers every year, then, unfortunately, you are mistaken. The bulbs are used only for forcing at home. Forcing is the use of a certain set of measures to accelerate the growth of the plant. Essentially – this is a human whim. Such a phenomenon as forcing does not exist in nature. It follows that during the forcing process, the bulbs are greatly depleted, they simply do not have enough strength to flower again (forcing) at home. Therefore, after forcing, hyacinth bulbs are planted in open ground for restoration.

3. How to adjust the flowering of hyacinths to a certain date?

There are several dozen varieties of hyacinth. The difference between varieties exists not only in color, but also in flowering time.

Knowing the approximate scheme for calculating the timing, you can adjust the flowering of hyacinth to a specific date, holiday. Early forcing is considered to be the flowering of hyacinth at the end of December, and for this they use early varieties. Average forcing - flowering in late January - early February. Late forcing – flowering in March-April.

Approximate diagram:

4. Hyacinths - planting and care

Bulbs can be planted one or three per pot. Select the container according to the size of the bulbs; they should “sit” almost close to each other - the distance between the bulbs is 2-2.5 cm. A drainage layer is required at the bottom of the pot; you can use a 2-3 cm layer of sand. For the substrate, take peat and sand , or compost and sand.

The top of the bulb (? part) should stick out above the ground; they cannot be completely buried. The surface of the substrate can be covered with another 0.5-1 cm layer of sand to prevent rotting. To make flower stalks stronger, you can use a 0.2% solution of calcium nitrate for watering after planting.

Next, the pots with bulbs are placed for 6-10 weeks in a dark, cool place, with an air temperature of +5 ... +9 ° C. You can cover it from light with a black bag. This is necessary to create the same conditions as in the garden in the fall. And after a couple of months you can “arrange spring” for the hyacinth.

Home care is not difficult. For more information about forcing and what a “home spring” should be like for hyacinth, read the article “Hyacinth at home.”

5. How to water hyacinth?

Hyacinths love moist soil, but do not like stagnant water, which causes the bulbs to rot. To prevent liquid from stagnating in the pot, it must have a drainage layer, and the water remaining after watering must be drained.

When watering, avoid getting water on the buds, bulbs and leaf axils. As an option, pour water into the pan. When the hyacinth bulbs are at the cooling stage, it is especially important to control the humidity of the substrate - it should not dry out under any circumstances. How often you need to water depends on the humidity level. If the air humidity in the room is 90-95%, then with late forcing you will need 2 waterings, with average - 1 watering (late December - early January), and with early forcing you may not need watering at all.

6. Is it possible to expel hyacinths in water?

Yes, when forcing, it is not at all necessary to use the usual substrate; you can place the bulbs in a container with water. The container should be tall with a wide neck. The water level should not reach the bottom of the bulb by 1-2 cm.

The forcing rules for such bulbs are the same as in the version with soil - they must be protected from light (black paper) and placed in the cold. Periodically, instead of evaporated water, you can add complex fertilizer.

For example, take potassium nitrate, potassium phosphate and magnesium sulfate in a ratio of 300:500:200 mg/l. When the cooling period ends, the bulbs are provided with a higher temperature, but the sprouts are still kept in the dark. They must be covered with an opaque cap and not removed until the sprouts reach a length of 10 cm.

7. Why does hyacinth have a short peduncle?

It happens that the hyacinth develops a very short peduncle, and the flowers begin to bloom while in the rosette of leaves. There are at least three explanations for this: a) Insufficient watering; b) A short dormant period.

Eichornia - water hyacinth growing at home

It should last at least 90-95 days; c) Too high a temperature and bright light immediately after the cooling period. In the first few days after cooling, it is necessary to maintain the temperature at 10-12 ° and keep the bulbs not in a dark, but a shaded place. And only when the sprouts are about 10 cm, raise the temperature to 22 ° C and provide bright lighting.

8. Hyacinth - transplant

It is not customary to talk about replanting hyacinth, as is the case with ordinary indoor plants, since the bulbs are dug out of the ground every year to undergo a dormant period.

9. Why do the peduncle and leaves fall out of the bulb?

Let's imagine this situation for a moment. Your hyacinths already have quite large leaves, but the peduncle is still hidden in them. To check if everything is in order, you part the leaves, inspect them and... oh, horror!

The peduncle along with the leaves remains in your hands, and there is a hole in the bulb. a) The bulb has already begun to rot; b) Was violated temperature regime during the storage period of the bulbs; c) During the cooling period, the earthen coma was overdried.

10. When can you separate hyacinth babies?

Babies are usually separated before the start of the rest period. But this can only be done if they are easily separated.

Before the procedure, the mother bulb is dried for several days. Small bulbs are planted for growing only in open ground; they are not suitable for forcing. And they will begin to bloom in 3-4 years. If the children do not separate, the mother bulb is planted with them.

Hyacinth, growing at home

This flower grows from a perennial bulb. Hyacinth is mostly used to growing in flower beds, but it is also grown in apartments. In general, growing in flowerbeds is not much different from growing at home.

Home flowers Hyacinths. Care and cultivation at home in indoor conditions.

It’s better to take an onion that is at least five centimeters in diameter. Make sure that the bulb is healthy and dense. When you dig the bulb, keep it for two weeks in very high humidity And high temperature(up to thirty degrees).

For a few more weeks, before the “planting” stage, try to store the onion at a temperature of seventeen degrees (with a “plus” sign). Plant the bulbs in a pot. There is a desire to receive them New Year's holidays– plant them in September.

If you want to receive a gift for the Eighth of March - in October. The hyacinth should be watered at a moderate pace, but so that it does not dry out. This cannot be allowed! The main advantage of hyacinth is that it does not tolerate moisture deficiency painfully.

In this regard, it does not have to be sprayed. This plant reproduces by daughter bulbs. And it is replanted in the same way as all other plants that belong to the “number” of bulbous plants. You will probably ask yourself the question: “what kind of lighting should I give the plant?”

While it begins to grow, leave it in the shade. Later (two or three days later) - into “light abundance”. Despite the “not capriciousness”, the flower - hyacinth plant has troubles. It may have no flower at all.

In this case, you may have chosen bulbs that are not quite large, or you are not watering the plant correctly. Also, maybe you keep it at a very high temperature. Have the leaves of the plant turned yellow?

Most likely, the plant does not have enough light. “Give” it light, do not leave it in an uncomfortable atmosphere. If the buds of a plant do not want to open, water has gotten on the buds. Also, most likely, you are not watering it correctly.

The same “dishonesty” happens when the buds fall off. Rot has appeared yellow color(bacterial) - unfortunate bulbs must be discarded before planting. Just remove them, leaving the good ones. Flowers are deformed, not what they should be - you don’t protect them from high temperatures.

When the hyacinth is resting, make sure that it rests at a temperature of five degrees Celsius. If “overmoistening” occurs, the flower is saved by the fact that excess moisture you remove it from it. It is worth feeding hyacinth with mineral fertilizers. Perhaps the plant will be happy with such fertilizers. In November, frosts usually occur (in some places earlier, in others later).

At this time, the “seedlings” are covered with linden leaves, fruit trees, or maple. They can also be covered with twelve (fifteen) layers of soil or humus.

If you can’t cover the bulbs during frosts, freeze them in order. When the spring sun peeks out from behind the clouds, sprouts will appear. Remove them carefully. “Feed” them, if desired, with minerals (three times): when the buds bloom, when flowering ends, when the period of “sprouting” begins.

The leaves have wilted - dig up the bulbs. The hyacinth flower is beautiful, but sometimes dangerous. It is an excellent helper for depression, but when a person is sick with any disease, take it away from the patient, because the flower can have an irritating effect on the nervous system. If laziness has overcome, a state of apathy haunts you, buy hyacinths of burgundy, pink or purple: they will "remove" everything negative states. To decide on the color, let’s see what kind of colors exist in such a flower. N for example, at oriental hyacinth there are these colors:

  1. Little blue.

Hyacinth - home care

Hyacinth is garden plant. However, this does not mean that it cannot be grown indoors. You can enjoy the flowering of hyacinth by growing it on the windowsill of your apartment, but for this you need to create conditions that are closest to those in the garden.

So, we are interested in how to implement caring for hyacinth at home.If you decide to grow hyacinth indoors, we recommend starting with early autumn, during this period it is necessary to already have planting material– bulbs prepared for forcing. Interestingly, the bulbs go through a summer dormant period before this.

A healthy bulb should be firm to the touch, free from damage, rot, and have a diameter of at least 5 cm. There is one important point in growing this plant at home - it will not be able to bloom for a couple of years in a row (maximum 2-3 years). The problem is that in indoor conditions, hyacinth cannot feel one hundred percent free.

You can make it bloom only radical method- forcing. Flowering exhausts the bulb, so in the second autumn the plant is planted in open ground, otherwise it will not come to its senses and will die. Today, several dozen types of hyacinth are known.

Hybrids of any color have also been bred. Varieties differ in size, color and type of flower; they are double and non-double. The timing of flowering also varies. One of the main advantages of hyacinth is the ability to adjust the flowering period to a specific time.

Having bulbs, you can get flowering by any spring or winter holiday. To do this, you need to grow the plant according to a certain pattern and properly care for it. Forcing is divided into three options: late, middle and early.

By early we mean forcing, which makes the hyacinth bloom at the end of December, medium - from January to February, late - from March to April. Let's take a closer look at how to care for hyacinths at home.

Planting hyacinth at home

Each bulb can be planted in a separate pot, or you can place several in one, then you will get a whole bouquet when flowering. If you like the second method better, choose a tight pot so that all the bulbs sit tightly together, the maximum interval is two centimeters. The container must have drainage (at the bottom), usually this layer is made of river sand.

The soil for hyacinth includes a mixture of sand and peat humus. In no case should you exclude sand, but you can do without one type of soil. The bulb for forcing is not a root, so when planting you do not need to completely bury it in the ground.

Ideally, the bulb is 2/3 or half in the substrate. The ground around the bulb is sprinkled with a layer of sand (1 cm), this will protect the plant from rotting.

Forcing hyacinth at home

During planting, you need to start taking care of flowering. To get strong and persistent flower stalks, you need to use a 0.2% calcium nitrate solution to water the hyacinth after planting. The flower pots are then stored in a cool, dark place for six to ten weeks.

If we talk about temperature, it should not fall below 3 (but not above 10). If it is difficult to find a dark place, cover the pots with bulbs with an opaque dark bag. Some floriculture lovers store the bulbs in a box or bag directly in the refrigerator (in the vegetable compartment or on the bottom shelf), this is also suitable for hyacinth, the main thing is that it is dark and cool.

This period is usually called “winter” for our plant. After a couple of months, the flower is given “spring”. Take it into the light, move it to a warm place, and the hyacinth will begin to grow.

Rules for watering hyacinth

Needless to say proper care caring for hyacinth at home cannot be done without watering the plant. In order for hyacinths to grow normally, it is important to maintain adequate soil moisture.

However, wet soil, and even more so stagnation of liquid, is detrimental to this flower, which is why the drainage layer is so important. During the watering process, we advise you to ensure that excess water goes into the pan. After watering, the liquid is drained from the pan.

One more nuance: in the process of moistening the hyacinth, it is better to pour water into the edge of the pot so that it does not get on the bud, bulb or in the axils of the leaves, otherwise it will lead to rotting. It must be emphasized that hyacinth can be added simply to the tray, and not to the pot itself. The soil should be moist even during wintering; it should not be allowed to dry out, otherwise it will destroy all efforts.

Problems with growing hyacinth at home

Short peduncle of hyacinth

Flower growers often complain about a very short peduncle. Indeed, it spoils appearance hyacinth, makes it inconspicuous and small. In some cases, the peduncle grows so short that it is not visible due to the foliage and flowering begins in the rosette itself. Such flowering cannot be called full-fledged; from an aesthetic point of view, it is not at all attractive. There are several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • Insufficient watering; Short dormant period (up to 3 months); Abrupt change of seasons, too much light and heat in the “spring” period.

If we talk about the first two factors, they can be solved very simply. Coming out of wintering is considered a more complicated process; let’s look at it in more detail.

The first couple of days of artificial spring help the flower to acclimatize, so the temperature needs to be raised gradually. Having reached three to seven degrees Celsius, we recommend placing the bulbs for several weeks in a semi-dark place with a temperature of up to fourteen degrees (there the hyacinth will grow). When the plant grows to ten centimeters, it is moved to a brighter place, the temperature is raised to twenty-five degrees. By following these instructions, you will get tall and powerful flower stalks, and the flowering process itself will be abundant and lush.

The greens of the hyacinth bulb are falling off

Another common dilemma is separating the flower stalk and leaves from the bulb. They fall out of it, and in this case there can be no talk of any flowering. Causes:

  1. The temperature regime during the wintering period is disturbed; The bulb has begun to rot or is completely damaged; Overdried earthen lump during wintering.

Video about hyacinth

Varieties of hyacinth

Today there is only one variety that can be grown indoors - oriental hyacinth. Since this flower is a garden plant, it requires appropriate care. This perennial grows up to 40 cm in height.

The flowering period occurs at the end of spring and lasts only about 14 days. The leaf blade is broadly conical in shape and has a light green color. If you choose hyacinth for growing, caring for it at home will be a pleasure.

  • Rosalia. Very beautiful and bright plant With pink flowers. The flower grows up to 20 cm in height. The flowering period is very short and occurs in mid-spring. Amethyst. The flower, growing up to 25 cm in height, has fairly dense inflorescences of pale purple flowers. The flowering period is very short and is only 8 days. Amethyst usually blooms at the end of April. Variety Ostara differs from other species in its beautiful bright purple flowers and longer flowering period, which is 3 weeks. This is a tall variety, reaching 30 cm in height. Arentina Arendsen has very beautiful inflorescences cylindrical white color. The height of the flower is 25-30 cm. La Victoire 20 cm high with bright red dense inflorescences is also very popular.Very beautiful variety Sunflower with double cream flowers. Plant height varies from 23 to 27 cm.

Look at the photo of hyacinth varieties. They look chic in any living space and on garden plot. After this, you will definitely want to grow such a flower at home and care for it.

Caring for hyacinth is simple, but requires compliance with some rules


The best temperature for keeping the plant at home is 20-22 degrees. Any sudden changes in temperature, as well as drafts, are contraindicated for this plant and can lead to its death. IN heating season It is not recommended to display the flower near heating appliances.


Proper watering of hyacinth is very important. This is a moisture-loving plant that requires frequent and regular watering. It is best to water hyacinth with rain or melt water at room temperature.

You need to water the plant so that the liquid does not fall on the leaves of the flower, which can lead to their rotting.

This plant does not like spraying. This is especially contraindicated during the flowering period.


Hyacinth is a light-loving plant. To provide abundant flowering at home, it requires 15 hours of daylight. Therefore, additional artificial lighting will be required here.

Give your pet proper care, and he will delight you with gorgeous, colorful and dense inflorescences.


The weight of dense inflorescences can cause hyacinth to sag. To do this, he needs to build a good support. Caring for hyacinth is not at all difficult, the main thing is to show patience and desire.

How to propagate hyacinth yourself

Plant propagation at home is carried out by several methods: seeds, scales and baby bulbs. All methods, except seed, have positive propagation success. Planting seeds is used by breeders to develop new varieties.

During one growing season of natural cultivation, you can get up to five baby bulbs. This is very little.

Therefore, more productive methods are used for artificial cultivation. The method of cutting the bottom is the most effective and common method of propagation at home. The planting material, the bulb, must be healthy and without any damage.

It is washed from soil and dried. After this, they are treated with a fungicide solution. The tubers must be large, at least 6 cm in diameter.

Several cuts must be made on the bottom of each bulb. sharp knife. All cuts should be made at right angles to each other. If all conditions are met, the cuts will open.

After this, they need to be treated with charcoal powder and placed in a cool place. dark place, where the temperature will not be higher than 20 degrees. Within 90 days, young bulbs will appear.


The most optimal time Mid-summer is considered the time for hyacinth propagation. This plant does not need replanting. Young bulbs are planted in a small bowl.

Depending on the size of the planting material, you can plant several bulbs together, keeping a distance of about 2 cm between them. Tubers are planted so that the upper part remains on the surface. After planting, the soil with hyacinth is sprinkled with sand on top to avoid rotting.

Caring for a young flower includes regular loosening of the soil. You just need to do this very carefully so as not to damage the bulbs.

For planting to be successful, the plant must be planted in soil with low acidity, closer to a neutral level. Caring for a newly planted plant is very important. At this stage of development, it requires regular feeding.

A mixture of saltpeter and phosphate is ideal for this. Growing hyacinth is also possible on open ground. The plant needs to be provided with good fertile soil. But you should not use manure for this.

The bulbs are planted to a depth of 10 cm in the fall before the first frost. It is very important to cover the plants with covering material. For this you can use spruce branches or straw.

With the onset of warm days, after the threat of the last frost has passed, the shelter can be removed. At the end of June, planting material is dug up. At this time, the hyacinth turns yellow, fades and dies. And if the bulbs are not dug up, the plant will simply stop blooming.

After this, all the children are separated from the plant and dried in a shaded place. Timely care is important here. Many gardeners practice growing flowers in water. And a beautiful vase is used as a pot.

For successful growth add to water mineral fertilizers. The plant is placed in a vase with water in such a way that root system touched the water just a little. Until thick roots appear, hyacinth is kept in a cool and dark place.

After this, the flower can be brought into a well-lit room. Under such conditions, the plant will begin to produce shoots and flowers.

Problems in growing

Like many other plants that are grown at home, hyacinth can be affected by diseases and pests. Often the reason for this may be improper care behind the hyacinth.

  • Incorrect temperature conditions contribute to the cessation of flowering. Most often this happens at elevated temperatures. Frequent drafts and improper watering can cause yellowing of the leaves. Prolonged exposure of the flower in the dark and lack of light contribute to the wilting of hyacinth foliage. If watered incorrectly, the buds of the flower fall off. This may also be caused by water getting on them during watering. Due to severe waterlogging, the flowers begin to rot in the plant.

Diseases and pests

Its manifestation can be black spotting on the leaves, as well as mucus on the bulbs. Affected bulbs and leaves must be destroyed. The planting container is disinfected and the soil is thrown away. To prevent the occurrence of this disease, prophylaxis is carried out.

Before planting, the bulbs are treated with a phosphorus-containing substance. dangerous pests hyacinth are: aphids, stem nematodes and root mites. To combat them, special chemicals. They can be used only before the flowering period.

How to choose a healthy onion

To get a beautifully flowering and healthy plant, it is recommended to buy hyacinth only in specialized stores. Carefully inspect the planting material. The bulbs should be dense and without damage. The best time to buy bulbs is in August.


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