Decorating an old door with your own hands: ideas for decoration. Decorating interior doors - an original approach to interior decoration Decor for interior doors

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You can update your interior quickly and inexpensively using non-standard design. There are many design solutions, within which the door decor fits organically into the design and gives the room a logical completeness.

Decorating doors with your own hands is not only an easy way to transform your living space, but also an excellent method for eliminating minor design defects that appear during long-term use. In this article we will look at the basic principles of this kind finishing works and give examples of the most interesting and affordable options.

Wallpapering doors

Today, stores offer a wide selection of materials that are great for decorating. interior doors. However, wallpaper has been taking the leading position for quite a long time. Classic wallpaper looks great both on walls and on other interior items (including as door decor).

To use this method, you don’t have to spend a lot of time and money on finishing work, and a wide variety of wallpaper models allows you to choose the style and shade that suits you.

Note that to decorate doors it is not necessary to use wallpaper to match the walls; you can choose any pattern or color you like (this can also be modern photo wallpaper).

Classic wallpaper

If you are going to decorate interior doors with your own hands, then it would not be amiss to note the need correct selection materials. In the case of wallpaper, you should give preference to more expensive products, since cheap options most often cannot be smoothed out and quickly lose their appearance. It is worth paying attention to the quality of the adhesive mixture.

Choose only high-quality wallpapers

As for the process of decorating walls with wallpaper, everything is simple:

1. First, the surface must be thoroughly cleaned of traces of dirt and grease using a degreaser or solvent.
2. If there are chips or other defects, use a special wood putty.
3. It is necessary to dilute the glue to the desired consistency, according to the instructions on the package, and apply the solution to the door leaf.
4. Cut a strip of wallpaper to the required length and try it on the door, then cover it with glue.
5. The process of applying wallpaper begins - when gluing the canvas, make sure that there are no bubbles left on the surface.
6. To smooth out defects, use a roller or wide plastic spatula.
7. Excess parts of wallpaper are removed with a regular stationery knife.

In the video: covering a door with wallpaper and decorative moldings.


Do-it-yourself door decor involves independent choice materials and unusual design methods. One such technique is the use of fabric. The selected material can become either an integral decoration of the door leaf or a partial decor.

You can decorate the door leaf as follows:

1. Measure the width and length of the part of the canvas that you want to decorate.
2. Make a fabric pattern according to the dimensions obtained and cut it out.
3. Apply double-sided tape around the perimeter of the door.
4. All that remains is to glue the cut fabric onto the door, after making a fold along the edges.

Most often, for this kind of finishing work, whole pieces of fabric are used, but decoration made using the “patchwork” technique looks great in the interior - several fragments are taken various colors and textures.

A universal option for decorating old doors is liquid wallpaper. With their help, you can recreate entire pictures of incredible patterns on the surface. To work you need to prepare following materials and accessories: alkyd primer or white oil-based putty, dry wallpaper mixture, set of spatulas different sizes, roller, color and clear varnish.

If colored liquid wallpaper is purchased, then there is no need for color

Compared to classic wallpaper, the application process of this material has a number of distinctive features:

  1. At the stage of preparatory work, the door leaf is covered with a layer of primer or white putty. It is important to wait until the coating is completely dry.
  2. According to the manufacturer's instructions, you need to prepare the mixture liquid wallpaper, adding to the right amount water and dye to add color.
  3. Using a small spatula, apply the wallpaper mixture evenly thin layer. If desired, you can prepare wallpaper in different shades and create a multi-colored composition.
  4. When received decorative coating Once it dries, it should be fixed with clear varnish.

Important! Main disadvantage Liquid wallpaper is the impossibility of using it in rooms with high humidity. This material is easily exposed to moisture and may peel off.

Another unusual way to decorate a door is to use glass and various mirror elements. This approach allows you to visually expand the space of the apartment, as well as make it more illuminated.

Door decor is quite simple:

1. To begin, remove the canvas and place it in a convenient place. It is advisable to treat the surface with a degreaser.

2. Make marks for the future location of the mirror, according to its dimensions.

3. Apply glue (or better yet, a good sealant) around the perimeter and in the middle of the marked area.

4. Place the mirror and press it firmly against the surface of the door.

5. For additional decoration, the mirror can be decorated with a frame, and it is still glued with the same sealant.

6. Until the sealant is completely dry, it is better to additionally secure the frame with tape.

Now acrylic panels with amalgam are also especially popular among Russian citizens - they are characterized by increased reflectivity. The disadvantage of using mirror panel refers to the high cost of production. However, high quality and unsurpassed aesthetic characteristics cannot leave buyers indifferent.

Buckwheat door decor

You can also decorate a doorway using ordinary buckwheat husks. This method of framing is very ambiguous, but has a number of advantages: it non-standard approach, and the versatility of the material, as well as the low cost of the material, ease of application and the ability to create a wide variety of patterns. The downside is the fragility of the coating.

Work order:

  1. It is advisable to remove the old finish from the door, be it paint, varnish or any other coating.
  2. The surface is degreased and covered with a layer of dark brown paint. If there are glass inserts, it is better to protect them around the perimeter with masking tape.
  3. When the paint has dried, PVA glue is applied on top, after which everything is sprinkled with buckwheat husks or the grain itself.
  4. All that remains is to fix the resulting decor with acrylic transparent varnish.

To give the composition completeness, craftsmen recommend transforming the picture frame or other interior detail located next to the door in the same way.

Vintage style decor

Last time vintage style became especially popular. It is used to decorate living rooms, bedrooms and other living spaces. Special atmosphere such interiors set the mood for a cozy and homely mood. As the masters note, the vintage style can “bring old doors back to life” and fill the space of the apartment with a unique charm.

For finishing work you will need: coarse sandpaper, PVA glue or a special mounting mixture, baguette, paint light color(preferably pastel), rollers and brushes, fixing varnish, additional decor at your discretion.

Decoration progress:

  1. The main stage of decoration involves painting the door in a neutral color. Next you need to wait until the paint dries.
  2. With help sandpaper The canvas is lightly sanded. Traces will appear through the layer of previously applied paint. natural wood, which will give the surface an aged look.
  3. Upon completion of rough processing, decoration of the central part of the door begins. For this purpose, the selected baguette with reverse side coated with glue and pressed tightly to the canvas.
  4. You can further decorate the composition using old music books, posters, geographical maps and any other vintage images - they simply stick to the surface. You can also install antique fittings (for example, a handle).
  5. To make the resulting decor shine fully, the baguette is painted, and two layers of transparent acrylic varnish are applied on top of the pasted pictures.

Decorating old doors

New interior and entrance doors cost quite a lot, which is why if there are small defects on the surface of the door leaf the best solution There will be restoration and subsequent decoration of this piece of furniture. This approach is applicable to old furniture, which has lost its original appearance over time.

The procedure for decorating wooden doors is as follows:

1. The door must be removed from its hinges and the old fittings replaced with new ones. It is advisable that locks, latches and door handles be made in the same style.

2. After you have removed the door leaf, you need to remove old paint. To do this you will need a hair dryer and spatulas of different sizes.

3. It is very important to properly repair all microcracks and scratches on the surface of the door. This can be done using putty and special putties.

4. When the surface of the door is completely dry, you can begin sanding. At the same stage, it is necessary to apply a layer of drying oil to the canvas, which will prevent the coating from deforming under the influence of negative factors environment.

5. Exists a large number of ways to decorate the door leaf - you can use paint or apply a layer of varnish to create interesting composition using stencils or imitating moldings.

In the video: how to restore a door or give an old door a fresh look.

Decoupage technique

To decorate the door leaf, you can also use the decoupage technique. This method is easy to do with your own hands, which allows you to recreate exactly the design that reflects the interests of the residents of the house. The decoupage technique perfectly complements the vintage style, decorating it and giving it a modern look.

Decoration is carried out using napkins, which are fixed to the surface using decoupage glue or PVA.

Before gluing the composition of napkins, the door must be treated with putty (to level the surface), first covered with dark paint, treated with wax, and then painted with white acrylic paint and lightly sanded. This will create the same antique effect.

Updating a door using self-adhesive film

Self-adhesive film is also used to decorate old doors made of natural wood, glass, metal and even plastic. Distinctive feature This material is highly elastic, which makes it possible to frame the door with the most different ways(around the painted surface). That is why self-adhesive film is excellent for decorating furniture, door panels, windows, and window sills.

If you do not have additional material resources, but are striving for a radical transformation of the interior or front door, then an excellent solution would be to purchase this material.

Using paints

You can update the interior with standard door painting. The advantages of this method include: accessibility, long term operation, elimination of defects and stains, a variety of color options and ease of care for the coating. However, such decor today will surprise few people. It makes sense to decorate a doorway with paints in a children's room, especially if you involve a child in this process.

When buying paint, give preference to acrylic products. These materials lie flat on the surface, leaving no stains or smudges.

Stained glass painting

All kinds of stained glass windows are ideal for decorating glass doors. As a result, you will receive an original and spectacular interior, visual extension space and thematic zoning of the house. And all this with the help of one or two small stained glass windows. You can create stained glass on glass with your own hands; for this, art stores sell sets of stained glass paints.

In addition to paints, you will need a contour - the so-called metal border between fragments of different colors.

Decor using old maps or posters

To decorate the interior door of a teenager's room, you will need a stack of old posters, fragments from newspapers or magazines, as well as geographical maps. For a child, such a decoration will be a pleasant surprise, especially if the door to the room is decorated in the style of his favorite musical group. You can paste the scraps in the same way as with classic wallpaper.

It is worth noting that this option is suitable not only for children's and teenage rooms. This decor will fit perfectly into the interior of a small country house: for verandas and bedrooms, use posters and newspaper clippings, and for the living room, use geographical maps and music notebooks written by the residents of this house.

Decor using stickers

To update the interior of a room, it is not necessary to purchase acrylic paint, glass or rolls of wallpaper. A fairly simple and inexpensive way to decorate doors is to use decorative stickers. By decorating the door leaf with this kind of elements, you will not only refresh the space of the room, but also make it more modern and youthful.

This technique will definitely shock your guests and make them constantly turn around at this element of the interior.

When decorating glass doors, decorative stickers are applied horizontally (or in parts) on both sides of the panel, thanks to which the design acquires an original appearance. Specialized stores offer a wide selection similar products the most different forms, textures and sizes.

The most optimal option for decorating an interior door is the use of vinyl stickers. They are durable and resistant to environmental factors (tolerate high temperatures, influence ultraviolet rays And high humidity air).

On video: how to glue a sticker on a door.

Glass decor on the door

One of the most common design techniques in decoration doorways is stained glass and sandblasting design. A simple version of this type of decor that you can do yourself is to replace transparent glass with colored or corrugated stained glass inserts.

You can also contact a specialized company and develop your own stained glass design. In this case, you will choose the type and content of the composition yourself.

Before applying a design to the glass, you must thoroughly clean the surface of dirt and dust, then lightly moisten the glass with water and wipe it with a soft cloth. The next step will be preparing the desired mixture of acrylic paint and applying the resulting solution in a thin layer. After the design has completely dried, wipe the glass insert with a cloth and enjoy the result.

If you do not have special artistic skills, then design glass door Stencils will help you. Select several image options in the store, arm yourself with paints and transform old door into a work of art.

Decor of interior doors with moldings

The appearance of modern types of molding on the market made it possible to transform the door leaf immediately and without unnecessary finishing work. The surface of this type of element can be either smooth or with an unusual texture. The decor with moldings will fit perfectly into classic and vintage design - this finish goes well with baguettes, tapestries and furniture made of expensive wood.

Just a few years ago, you could only find wooden moldings and models made from wood in stores. gypsum stucco. Now they produce options from polystyrene foam and expanded polystyrene, which are easy to install.

Door leaf design is an effective and original way transform the interior of the room in the shortest possible time. There are a large number of decorative options for entrance and interior door structures. When choosing, you should take into account personal preferences and the design features of the apartment. Then it will be easier for you to decide what to choose - plain painting of the doors, highlighting the molding, stained glass or wallpaper.

The simplest and most budget-friendly ways to decorate (2 videos)

When renovating an apartment or house, we often wonder which things should be changed and which ones should continue to be used. As a rule, high-quality doors remain in good condition for a long time, but against the background of new wallpaper or other wall decoration they simply cease to harmonize in color or style. Considering that purchasing and installing even one new interior door is not a budget idea, an excellent alternative seems DIY door decor. Moreover, there are many ways to do this quickly, inexpensively and tastefully.


So, the first and most simplified way to transform an old door surface is to paint it. This method is applicable to absolutely all materials, the main thing is to remove the door mechanism from its hinges before painting and place it in a horizontal position on the floor - this way the paint will dry evenly and will not flow down. It is very important to remember to remove the previous paint or sand it down with sandpaper.

In addition to monochrome coloring, there are many effective ways How to make your own door decor truly special and memorable with paint:

  • Painting the sides of an interior door in two different colors, corresponding to the color scheme of the rooms that it delimits.
  • Application of wide vertical stripes in two colors in the American style, which imitate country style. Ideal for a country house or cottage.
  • Painting the moldings in some color contrasting with the main shade. This technique corresponds to a classic interior or modern design. If moldings are not provided, they can be recreated manually using thin baguettes or slats attached to the surface in the form of symmetrical rectangles.
  • Drawing using stencils. You can decorate the surface with absolutely any stylized designs - be it monograms made to look like classics, frames drawn in the form of moldings, or ornaments and labyrinths in an ethnic style. Paint here can be used both in cans and aerosols.
  • Author's drawing. If you can draw well, use your talent for home decor purposes. An original drawing made by yourself, an artistic painting, or even a full-fledged painting the size of the entire door plane will turn into a full-fledged art object of your interior and will be the real pride of your home.
  • Glass painting. If your interior doors contain glass fragments, they can also be effectively diversified. By painting your door glass in different rich colors, you will give it a fresco effect that is associated with the vintage design direction.

Photo wallpaper

Decorating interior doors with your own hands is quite easy to do with the help of photo wallpaper. This special type photo wallpapers, which can be easily selected and purchased at any construction supermarket or market.

Thanks to affordable price You can change door wallpaper quite often, thus creating new moods in the interior. Another advantage of this type of decoration is the ease of pasting. Step-by-step instruction instructions for applying wallpaper are included on each roll. At the same time, experts recommend that after pasting, an additional layer of varnish is applied over the entire texture - thus, the photo wallpaper will last much longer and take on a brighter, glossy appearance.

Paper and vinyl wallpaper

Of course, a door surface completely covered with ordinary wallpaper looks cheap and not aesthetically pleasing. However, make an abstract drawing or ornament from pieces of paper or vinyl wallpaper using appliqué technology left over after pasting the walls of rooms is a great idea. In addition to the fact that the color scheme of the decoration will repeat the general concept of the interior, this method requires almost no expenses for Additional materials. Fragments of wallpaper can be used to seal the molding cells on the doors, while the unsealed areas are best painted with paint that matches the color or is several shades different from the color of your wallpaper.

Fabric decor

The choice of textiles is always much wider than the choice of wallpaper, so this type of decoration simply provides a limitless flight of imagination. Before you begin, there are some things to consider technical nuances: first, if you use glue, it should not leave stains or streaks on the fabric, and second, the fabric should not be loose or fluffy. Ideal material for this work - thick cotton, the type used for patchwork. If you are not sure that the selected material will interact normally with the glue, use double-sided masking tape - in in this case It's a win-win.

There are many examples of do-it-yourself textile door decoration in photos of various thematic resources:

  • Fabric finishing inside the moldings with painting of the remaining fragments. Still remains the most popular and traditional option. In this case, the fabric must be balanced with the shade of paint and the color scheme of the room’s wallpaper, since this technique is more of a classic nature.
  • Application of patchwork technique. You can prepare a sewn patchwork panel in advance and carefully attach it to a fragment of a plane - this option is perfect for any country interior and just cozy bedroom or children's. Along the perimeter of the application, you can install thin slats or baguettes of 0.5–1 cm, or paint the gaps between in separate parts thanks to the thin brush.
  • Drapery and curtain technique. This method is optimal for interiors in Provence, country and romantic styles. Its essence lies in the fact that glass is removed from doors with glass inserts, and instead of them, draped fabric is secured with a fishing line. Outwardly, it resembles curtains on the windows in the house. Natural, non-synthetic material, such as cotton, linen, canvas or lace in neutral colors, is best suited for this. Along the “curtain” you can decorate with a small silk ribbon accent color or use it to gather up the fabric a little.
  • A combination of fabric and other materials. An interior door can acquire a unique and sophisticated look if you decorate it at the same time different materials. For example, the main part of the plane can be occupied by fabric trim, the top and bottom of it can be framed with a plaster molding made to look like stucco, and the remaining outer fragments can be painted with paint to match the entire decoration.


Special stickers for door surfaces can be purchased at any construction supermarket. This is a fairly simple decoration method and fits best in children's rooms. Decorating an old surface with stickers in the form of cartoon characters or simply funny images in the form of the sun, stars or animals will not only diversify the overall atmosphere of the room, but will also not leave your children indifferent.

Children's drawings

Continuing the theme of children's rooms, let's remember everyone's favorite family tradition hang the results of children's creativity in plain sight. If your drawing loves to draw, help him create his own drawing gallery, the place of which will be at the entrance to his room.

Other spectacular textures

In addition to those mentioned above, there are a huge variety of options for decorating door surfaces; you just need to use your imagination. In addition, some design options will not require additional financial investments from you, but can be implemented using recycled materials, which you may have long forgotten about:

  • Old geographical maps. Perfect for decorating a children's room, veranda and balconies. Fragments of cards are glued, usually inside the moldings, and painted around the perimeter.
  • Notes. The technique of pasting notes is no different from the previous version, however, they can look harmonious in any part of your home. The musical texture carries a classic mood, so it is best suited to the appropriate interior.
  • Cork. Finishing the door surface using pressed cork material is technically simple. Special panels made of cork are glued to the entire surface or in selected places. To make the material last longer, it is advisable to cover it with one layer of varnish after gluing. It is worth considering that this option is not in the best possible way Suitable for kitchens and bathrooms, since cork reacts in a special way to moisture and evaporation and can become deformed. Also note that cork material is not cheap and is not sold everywhere.
  • Slate. Recently, slate elements are appearing more and more often in modern interiors, both in home and commercial settings, which clearly indicates the relevance of such a tool. You can recreate the imitation of a coated board at home by fixing a special coating on door surface. The color of such a board is most often black, but you can consider chocolate and emerald shades, depending on your overall color range. If you make this choice, you will need to acquire crayons (both white and multi-colored). In addition to decorative value slate can serve as your personal organizer, because on it you can record plans for the day, month, year, write down various reminders, as well as wise and motivational thoughts. It is advisable to dilute all your notes with elementary drawings so that general form didn't seem too formal or boring.

Whatever door decor option you choose, rest assured: this correct solution in terms of practicality, economy and creativity. By doing this kind of decoration for your home, you get the opportunity to quickly and effectively transform the interior. In addition, all family members can be involved in the creative process and everyone can do their part of the work. This will ensure a fun and useful time spent together with your household.

DIY door decor, photo:

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 6 minutes

When funds do not allow you to undertake a large-scale renovation, and your soul asks for change, decorating the doors yourself can be an elegant solution. Craquelure, patchwork, decoupage doors can be more than just pretty words: an experiment in decorating doors, multiplied by a creative impulse and a moderate risk of an unexpected result, can give them a second life. And perhaps this second life will be better than the first.


One way to get original door with your own hands - just paint it.

Choose paint to taste, fixing varnish, arm yourself with a spatula, brushes or - and you can update the door. The sequence of actions is simple:

  • remove the door leaf from the hinges and lay it horizontally;
  • remove old paint with a spatula;
  • sand with sandpaper;
  • fill up unevenness and cracks;
  • clean and degrease;
  • to paint;
  • apply fixing varnish.

Important! It would seem that everything ingenious is simple. But if you skip or undercomplete at least one of the stages, the idea will remain only simplicity, no genius.

The nuances matter, compliance with which will give an excellent result:

  1. The best choice is acrylic paints.
  2. To avoid drips, you need to paint with the door leaf laid horizontally.
  3. It is better to choose a roller or spray gun as a painting tool if the process will take place in an open space.
  4. The paint should be applied in two or three layers, each of which should dry well.
  5. Securing the final layer of paint with varnish - required condition for quality work.

Interesting. If you cover a painted door with a special varnish that imitates a cracked old surface, you will get a craquelure-style door decoration.

Painting highlighting moldings

If the door leaf is decorated with moldings, they can be painted in a contrasting color. This decoration using basic color combinations will give the door a fresh look. If there are no moldings, you can make them yourself from special strips.

Artistic painting

A door painted with your own hands will definitely take first place in terms of originality. If you have at least minimal artistic inclinations, a sense of harmony and style, the door has every chance of becoming exquisite. Landscape, ornate ornament, plot famous painting– it’s up to you to choose.

Stencil painting

If the makings of an artist are poor or completely absent, but you really want to have your own “door to art,” you can resort to the help of ready-made stencils. They are sold in an assortment in specialized stores and are easy to use.

First, the door leaf is painted in the background color and completely dried. Afterwards, the stencil is firmly fixed on the surface, and the design is painted over with a roller. Decorating the front door in this way will undoubtedly make it clear that behind it lives an esthete and an original.


An express option for the impatient is wallpapering the door leaf. There may be “design experts” who will assure that the wallpaper on the doors is grandma’s version, which has become obsolete. Don’t listen to anyone: you won’t encroach on someone else’s door, but you can figure out your own without advisers. And if you are a follower of any of the trends, you have every right to wallpaper your doors in absolute accordance with the style.

In order to properly wallpaper an old door, you need to clean it, level the surface, sand it and degrease it. Using PVA glue, stick the wallpaper, pressing it tightly and pushing out air bubbles.

Photo wallpaper

Photo wallpaper intended for doors is an even faster option than pasting with regular wallpaper. No measuring or cutting, just choosing the desired theme and size. The result is a complete transformation of the door.

The gluing procedure is the same as with regular wallpaper.

After a while, having parted with a certain amount of money, the boring wallpaper can be replaced with a new theme.


One way to decorate a door is to cover it with patchwork fabric scraps. This decoration of the door surface implies the following points:

  • you need to choose fabric taking into account shrinkage and stretching;
  • the glue should not leave marks on the fabric;
  • the edges of the fabric must be processed;
  • fabric finishing is not suitable for the door to the bathroom, as well as the entrance and kitchen;
  • in area door handles Do not glue light, easily soiled fabric.

By using furniture stapler, glazing beads and PVA glue, you can decorate with fabric both the entire canvas and a separate part of it in the form of an image composed of scraps.


Decorating the door leaf with your own hands using decoupage allows you to achieve the effect of painting or even inlay. This technique, popular today, is good because it is suitable even for people who do not know how to draw at all. Postcards, napkins, and magazine clippings can be used. The best option You will need to purchase special decoupage cards or regular three-layer paper napkins with a suitable pattern.

In addition to napkins or drawings on another basis, for work you will need:

  • sharp scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • brushes, sponge, roller for applying paint and glue;
  • acrylic paint and protective varnish.

Door decoupage is performed as follows:

  • The surface is sanded, primed with acrylic paint or PVA glue and dried.
  • The design depicted on the napkin is carefully cut out along the contour. Two extra layers of paper without an image are removed, leaving only one thin layer.
  • The cut out design is carefully applied to the door surface, and a layer of glue is applied to it with a brush.
  • The decoration is secured with wood varnish.

Stained glass

A door can gain individual features if it is decorated with stained glass. You can simply buy these glass inserts, or you can make them yourself, which is much more interesting.

DIY door decor is a great way to add variety and a touch of creativity to the interior or exterior of your home. This is especially true on the eve of the holidays. In addition, small defects may appear on the door over time, which again can be eliminated by decorating. How to decorate your door so that it looks stylish and beautiful - read in this article.

A good trick for adding bohemian style charm to a room is to decorate simple budget interior doors with rows of half-beads or rivets from a craft store

A common idea is to paint and decorate doors with baguettes, repeating the theme of wall decoration. In this case, you can decorate the door with one or more framed paintings. On the picture - unusual decor doorway by gluing golden braid in several rows

Decor for a doorway You should not ignore not only the door itself, but also the space around the doorway. Good New Year's decor can be done by attaching colored ribbons around it. And at the top of the doorway place such a festive element as a bow. On February 14, you can make an impromptu curtain from hearts, stringing them on long threads. And on March 8, the top of the doorway can be wrapped with a wreath of artificial flowers.

Decorating a door if it is damaged However, the need to decorate a door is not always associated with such pleasant chores as decorating for the New Year. Sometimes such decor is caused by necessity. After all, doors are short-lived and may lose their original appearance over time.

Painting an old, simple budget interior door a mint color will freshen up the entire room and make it even brighter. How to do this - in the photo below

We update simple door and give it a bohemian chic look with polyurethane chandelier rosettes and paint mint color. Step-by-step photo instructions Scratches, chips, cracks - they are all enemies of the excellent appearance of the door. What to do in this case? Of course, the door can be replaced or repaired, but there is another option. Decorating the defect and hiding it from view will come to your aid. The following may be considered interesting options decorating the door with your own hands: cover the door with wallpaper; use mirrors; use the vintage style technique.

Door decor using wallpaper and mirrors Let's consider these options in more detail. So, to cover a door with wallpaper, you can use it as classic options, and wallpaper made of fabric. The last option is perhaps more preferable from an aesthetic point of view.

Covering cabinet doors with fabric wallpaper

Before pasting, the door should be prepared in advance by removing all irregularities so that the material lays evenly. You will also need to remove the paint layer and sand the surface. Apply a coat of primer. And only then start decorating the door with wallpaper. Instead, you can use regular fabric, which needs to be prepared first. It is not necessary to decorate the entire object in this way. It is enough to simply disguise the defect. For example, using cat stencils, you can glue a design onto a crack. Any shape can be used as a stencil. A door like the one in the photo will undoubtedly become a bright spot in your apartment.

If this option does not suit you, then you can use mirrors as decoration. So, you can use acrylic panels with amalgam. And in this case Special attention attention should be paid to preparing the door. You can also use shaped acrylic mirrors in the form of animals, flowers and other shapes. This decoration will also look good on sliding doors. You can decorate the doorway in a similar style. In addition, you can decorate the cabinet doors in the same way.

Decorating a door in vintage style This style is extremely popular at the moment and by decorating your front door or cabinet door in this way, you will not only disguise imperfections, but will also follow the latest fashion trends in decor. To decorate your front door in vintage style you will need the following elements: coarse sandpaper; brushes, rollers; assembly adhesive; black baguette; PVA glue; sheets from music notebooks or old unwanted newspapers; transparent varnish.

The door must first be removed from its hinges and carefully processed: puttied and sanded. Next, we proceed directly to the decor.

Let's color the object in White color. When the paint has dried, we will achieve an aging effect by sanding it with coarse sandpaper.

We decorate the panels and the central part of the door. To do this, newspapers and notebooks need to be randomly torn apart. Using a pencil, randomly draw squares and rectangles on the doors. Lubricate them with glue. And we chaotically glue the paper onto them, straightening it out with our hands. Apply varnish on top in two layers.

Apply baguette glue along the perimeter of the resulting wallpaper. Additionally, you can use any retro-style element to decorate the door.

To decorate a door in this style, you can already use ready-made stencils. Your version of an artificially old door is ready! (see photo) This decor can be done both on the sliding doors of the closet and for the doorway. Source:
Chic and severity - this is how you can characterize the selection individual elements on the door leaf bright color. For example, it looks beautiful snow-white door with black moldings. If this combination of colors seems banal to you, feel free to experiment with contrasting shades. A door painted in these colors looks great: sky blue with delicate yellow, green with white or red with blue. Not a problem, if there are no clearly defined moldings on the door, you can make them yourself - nail thin wooden strips to the door. Only first it is advisable to paint them in desired color, and then secure with small nails. Then you will have to go over the surface with a brush again to refresh the inserts. Another unusual solution- on a completely flat door leaf you can highlight bright areas and build frames from wooden planks, painted white. A bright pink door with white inserts looks gorgeous.


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