Narrow dark corridor. Interior of a long corridor - planning a narrow space

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Many people today are interested in the design of a narrow corridor in an apartment (with photo).

Not surprising, because in a typical Khrushchev or panel house the layout is made in such a way that most of the area falls on the rooms.

The hallway in the apartment is given a minimum of space. Naturally, it is very rare that windows are provided in the hallway.

On the other hand, this does not prevent apartment owners from dreaming of a room that will immediately put guests in a positive mood right from the door.

And it’s much more pleasant to return home when you find yourself in a cozy corridor, even if it’s long and narrow.

We can say that a narrow hallway acts as a kind of calling card of the entire apartment, this is not necessarily a minus, the main thing is to know how to present everything correctly.

That is why you should not neglect the design and various tricks that can turn a small corridor in an apartment into a comfortable room, small area in which it is possible to create many functional areas.

The main problems that can be encountered in a typical Khrushchev apartment include low ceilings, insufficient lighting and dark colors, which visually reduce space.

What to do with a narrow and long corridor?

To many, such a layout may seem like a real punishment, but in fact this is not the worst option that can be found in various apartments.

The simplest technique that will increase the space in a Khrushchev-era apartment building and “expand” the area of ​​a long corridor is to choose the right color for the walls.

Main secret good design: take different ones light shades for floors and walls. Pastel, warm colors are suitable: baked milk, light pink or purple, beige, light green.

Below you can see photos of typical wallpaper for a hallway (long corridor).

However, be careful, it is better not to choose white wallpaper and paint, because in the corridor, where outdoor shoes and outerwear are constantly located, coatings of this color will quickly get dirty and lose their whiteness.

A good option for a long corridor in an apartment would be light tiles - they will visually add volume to the hallway, and are easy to clean.

The disadvantage of a long and narrow corridor is the inability to place a large closet in the room.

But he is not needed. It is extremely undesirable to try to squeeze a structure in there, which will immediately spoil the entire appearance of your Khrushchev-era building. Instead, you can really make do with hangers, hooks and a wardrobe.

The mirror surface on its doors will only make the corridor larger and more spacious, as you can see by looking at the photo below.

Second good option– a wardrobe with partially open shelves. So, in its closed part you can store things, and open shelves will be intended for small items and decorative items.

If in Khrushchev the layout is made in such a way that the corridor area is not typical, then you can easily order a cabinet for a long and narrow corridor certain sizes in any design.

It is better to build the design concept of a narrow corridor in an apartment on minimalism. Therefore, after installing a wardrobe in the hallway, you should not clutter it too much with furniture.

It would be appropriate to place a small shelf for shoes near the entrance. Even if the closet is not equipped with a mirror, it is still worth hanging it - such a design will visually expand the passage better than any other means.

You can also make a shelf under the mirror where keys, umbrellas and gloves will be stored.

Common sense dictates that doors that open onto a hallway will be inconvenient, so it is better to replace them with sliding ones.

And the door to the kitchen or living room can be removed altogether; this design will allow light from the room to penetrate into the narrow corridor.

Such a reception will not spoil general view, on the contrary, will look appropriate, as you can easily see by looking at the photo below.

How to furnish a square corridor

A square small corridor, just like a narrow one, can cause a lot of inconvenience due to the lack of space in a Khrushchev-era building. But here it is much easier to find an appropriate design than in the first case.

Each wall here is assigned to one functional area.

For example, near the wall where the front door is located, you should put a shelf for shoes and bags, you can install a mirror.

Near the second wall we install a wardrobe or even a regular one, if the space in the hallway allows it.

Often a chest of drawers is also placed in a square corridor, where small things are stored that would clutter up the room in other rooms.

As for the design of wallpaper and colors, there are fewer requirements here than for a narrow room.

Floral patterns, smooth lines, circles will fit perfectly into the decor of a square - they can remove the emphasis from sharp and overly symmetrical corners.

But lines and stripes, on the contrary, not only make the corridor smaller, but also create an unpleasant feeling from being in it.

WITH various options The design of a square corridor in a Khrushchev building can be found in the photo below.

If it is possible not to use wallpaper in your design narrow hallway, then you should take advantage of this. As a last resort, you should try to replace them with protective coatings.

The corridor in the apartment is the place where there will always be dirt, moisture and dust. No matter how hard you try to maintain cleanliness, any walls will still become dirty from such factors.

An advantageous choice here would be paint, or even better - textured inserts or mosaics.

Today, such corridors, where there are wooden panels or stone mosaics, are very popular both in Khrushchev-era buildings and in private houses (photo below).

It is extremely important to choose the right lighting, because in very rare cases there are windows in the corridors.

As mentioned above, a good option would be to remove the doors to some rooms (kitchen or even living room), but even this move, alas, will not be enough with just one lamp in the hallway.

That's why best option– make additional lamps on the walls, as shown in the photo below the section.

The only point: they must be installed so that the light is directed to the ceiling, which will make the walls in the apartment visually higher.

Often they choose sliding wardrobes with “shark eyes” - lamps built into the upper part of the cabinet.

They not only add another light source, but also make it easy to find things and necessary items of clothing at any time.

When really narrow corridor in Khrushchev it is better to use more coat hooks nailed to the wall.

This, firstly, will allow you not to constantly hide clothes in the closet, and, secondly, save space in the hallway.

If you think that such structures will not fit into the design, then this is not at all true.

Today there is a huge variety of hooks, including those that are very resistant to stress and weight, forged or, on the contrary, almost transparent.

What to do with the floor design in the hallway small apartment? Not only tiles are suitable here, but also various moisture-repellent materials: laminate, parquet, varnished boards.

But what you definitely need to give up is carpeting. The only fabric or wool allowed here is the doormat.

Otherwise, you will have to wash or take the covers to the dry cleaner every week.

As for the ceiling in a Khrushchev-era building, options with built-in lamps would be ideal, since in many narrow corridors the ceiling is so low that a hanging chandelier would simply be an impractical option.

The main requirement for the design of any ceiling in an apartment, if you need to visually enlarge the space, is to choose a tone that is lighter than the tone of the walls.

Try not to make complex patterns, cascades, or drawings on the ceiling - they overload the space and make the corridor smaller.

It’s better to do the opposite, and the design of the narrow corridor that is located in the apartment will only benefit from this. You can verify this by paying attention to the photo below.

A little advice: the corridor is primarily functional room, and not a decorative space.

Therefore, here all the furniture and details are selected with practicality in mind, which, nevertheless, should look attractive.

That's why ideal option for the corridor design there will be wicker furniture(it is especially well suited as various dressing tables, shelves for shoes and stands for umbrellas).

Various chairs and sofas here can be replaced with comfortable ottomans, for example, as in the photo below.

Narrow, non-standard corridors cause so much trouble for owners. Something is still missing ready-made solution for the design of such rooms. But if you are determined to decorate your home with taste, then you should pay special close attention to the hallway. After all, this is where you can implement a lot of your creative ideas in life.

Tasks and difficulties of designing narrow hallways

When decorating the interior of a narrow corridor, you need to solve a number of problems:

  1. Expand the space. Mirrors will help here, spot lighting and light shades of walls;
  2. Increase the functionality of the room. Sliding wardrobes, tiny shoe stands and hanging shelves will be fully appropriate;
  3. Get rid of unnecessary doors. If you keep the doors to the kitchen or living room constantly open, then replace them with an arch;
  4. Make sure there is good lighting;
  5. Create a “dividing strip” between different rooms. Moreover, it is important not to deviate from the general concept, the same for the entire apartment.

Stylish design of a narrow corridor

A number of mistakes should also be avoided:

  1. Use of huge and heavy lamps;
  2. Choice of dark tones;
  3. Heavy clutter with furniture;
  4. Large pattern on the wallpaper;
  5. The use of elaborate and bulky finishes;
  6. Limited passage due to furniture;
  7. A sharp contrast in the style of the hallway with the style of the rest of the home.

Mirrors visually expand a narrow corridor

A narrow corridor will help to visually expand the use of flooring. Remember that parquet and laminate must be placed across the length of the corridor. It is better to lay carpet or linoleum with a transverse stripe.

Sliding doors save space

The ceiling should simply be whitewashed or painted. If you have enough Money, then you can make a suspended or modular ceiling, and also use various modifications. Another effective technique in our case under consideration - “raising” the ceiling by removing unnecessary doors. By the way, many designers recommend instead of the usual swing doors use sliding ones.

Color scheme for narrow hallways

The color design should not be overloaded with colors. When choosing paint or future wallpaper opt for light shades. In our case, white color is almost ideal, but it also has some disadvantages, for example, a high degree of contamination. You can choose beige or light green instead; cool blue colors will add airiness. In combination with white, you can choose burgundy, sapphire or purple.

Design of a narrow corridor in light beige tones

The corridor should not look monotonous and gloomy. It is best to simply divide the walls and floor into certain sectors, that is, apply fragmentation. Of course, you shouldn’t turn the hallway into a kingdom of colorful little flowers. The use of a combined finish will look successful, and vertical division will visually increase the height of the walls.

Dark colors are not The best decision for the corridor

You should also pay attention to the floor in the hallway. So this is where increased loads fall on it. Tiles, laminate or parquet must be strong.

Furniture selection

Which one do we choose? Ideally - on built-in elements, and minimalist ones at that. Long closet will make it possible to use the room also as a storage room.

Wardrobe in a narrow corridor

Naturally, there is no way to install a full-fledged, impressive-looking wardrobe in a narrow corridor. But fortunately times have changed.

Advice. Wardrobe with sliding doors perfect for a small hallway. Nowadays many companies offer customized services.

Narrow cabinet

Thanks to the use of mirrors, a narrow corridor can be visually expanded. It is advisable to hang them on the side walls of the corridor. Mirrors will further help cope with the lack of space, and will also add an interesting appearance and functionality of the room.

Even if there is no place to put a wardrobe, then all you have to do is use regular clothes hanger, separate stand for shoes. But at least one mirror should hang on the wall, because even the smallest mirror surface visually expands the space. She recommends nailing a shelf with hooks for umbrellas under the mirror.

Console table

Wall mounted console tables ideal for such premises. Elegance and functionality are what they will give to the room. We advise you to pay attention to narrow hanging cabinets . For convenience, it is necessary to install ottomans. In addition, you can put some small things in them that are useful in everyday life.

If you are lucky with high ceilings, then you can safely place mezzanine cabinets. However, we do not recommend posting them tall people, otherwise you may get hit on the head. By the way, it is now very fashionable to use wall panels with pockets where all small things are stored.

Wall decoration

The color scheme in narrow hallways, as we have already said, makes a significant contribution to general impression from your home. To give such a small corridor original design, it makes complete sense Avoid using rich and dark colors. Of course, they are very practical, but the chosen solution will only narrow the already narrow corridor. That is, most suitable option in this case, choose light colors.

Tile is the most practical covering

The positive aspects of tiles are obvious. All accumulated dirt can be easily washed off. Only one negative point this one has low temperature. In this case, part of the tile is covered with carpet or carpet, and at the entrance everything is left as is.

No about carpet color consensus from specialists. The light option is convenient from the point of view of visually expanding the space, but is not practical and gets dirty quickly. Only if cleaning is a joy for you, you can use a light carpet.

Linoleum - economical option for floor

Sometimes carpet is replaced with linoleum. It is as easy to clean as tile. Before purchasing linoleum, pay close attention to the pattern on it. Sometimes the owner of the house does not like a simple monochromatic design, then choose a design that will expand the space.

When arranging their homes, many leave the design of the hallway for last. Nevertheless, this room can be called a kind of calling card of any home, since people view the corridor when entering the apartment. In many old houses you can see small hallways, as well as narrow and long corridors with dark walls and lack of lighting. This layout optically conceals the space. It’s easy to visually expand it by applying the techniques described in this article.

Traditionally narrow and long passage between rooms for various purposes called a corridor. In different eras its layout changed according to development architectural styles. Related concepts such as hall and vestibule carry a slightly different meaning semantic load- this is the name for larger rooms, which may have other shapes (including round, polygonal). In addition, the corridor usually goes deep into the home, connecting various rooms, and can be a continuation of the hallway or hall. An elongated, dimly lit corridor carries a functional load, but does not make the interior cozy enough. Quite often you can observe the layout of an apartment, when corridors branch off from a small square or rectangular hallway towards the kitchen, as well as to the living quarters. The main task of designing a narrow corridor in an apartment is to give it optically greater width and spaciousness, as well as improve the degree of illumination.

If you are interested in how to design a narrow corridor, you should pay attention to the following information. It is known that in any elongated room of small width one can observe the so-called tunnel effect, in which it seems that the free space at the top is narrower than under the feet. Due to improper design of a narrow, elongated corridor in a closed and darkened space, a depressing impression of a cramped box may arise. You can visually “pull apart” the walls with the help of a thoughtful design of a narrow corridor. Sometimes this room is attached to next room. It is worth noting that such redevelopment requires approval, and moreover, it is not always possible - often the wall separating the corridor and the adjacent room is load-bearing, in which case it cannot be removed. In addition, combining the passage area with the living area will entail certain inconveniences; it is more expedient and hygienic to leave the layout in its original form. Sometimes one of the adjacent walls (not load-bearing) is replaced glass partition to let more light into the corridor.

Basic techniques for designing a narrow corridor

When updating the interior of a narrow corridor, you will need to carefully consider its design. It is not difficult to arrange the space of a given room in an optimal way - to do this you will need to arm yourself with the following fairly common and proven techniques.

Wall decoration

Visually adjusting the space of a narrow corridor in a Khrushchev building, like other rooms, is not big size, it is possible with the help of competent color selection. First of all, you should pay attention to light shades. White color expands the space and creates the impression of rooms filled with light - however, the corridor is a passage room in which the white walls will quickly get dirty. Thus, when choosing a color scheme for finishing a given room, it is recommended to opt for not too saturated, neutral light colors (these include cream, sand, light gray, vanilla), as well as cool light shades of blue, mint, turquoise. It is not recommended to use light shades of blue and lilac, since these tones do not have the ability to optically expand the space, and also largely depend on lighting. Glossy wall surfaces will be reflected opposite each other and will give the interior of a narrow long corridor an impressiveness and a feeling of spaciousness.

You should be especially careful when using bright contrasts in decoration, as they visually fragment an already small room and conceal its volume. Some designers recommend using a combination of two close tones when decorating walls - in such cases, choose a light color for the top of the walls, and a darker shade for the bottom. The color border, which runs horizontally along the walls, is created using moldings matched to match the trim on the door. This finishing method will help get rid of the notorious tunnel effect in a narrow (but not too long) corridor. It is necessary to take into account that you should choose a non-contrast, fairly soft color combination(for example, milky and a hint of cocoa with milk).

When choosing a suitable finish for walls, you should give preference to smooth textures, because corrugated materials in a narrow corridor can quickly lose their spectacular appearance. When finishing a narrow corridor it is not recommended to use Wall panels(plastic or PVC), since this finish resembles an office atmosphere and can look cheap. In addition, you should not tile the walls below.

As an alternative to painting the walls and wallpapering, you can use the following ideas for decorating a narrow corridor:

  • apply Venetian plaster with a smooth texture or liquid wallpaper - these finishing materials are durable and easy to clean. It is also convenient to care for vinyl and cork wallpaper;
  • line the walls from below with clapboard or laminate, and then paint them suitable color. The upper part of the walls can also be covered with paintable wallpaper;
  • combine finishes individual elements premises decorative stone or with plaster and wallpaper.

Floor decoration

When decorating the floor of a long and narrow corridor in an apartment, you need to consider the following - you need to avoid in finishing longitudinal stripes, visually “stretching” the room and making it even narrower. A light or glossy floor will visually expand the space and give the room the missing volume. However, a smooth floor slips, so it is recommended to give preference to at least slightly corrugated coatings. You should not use very dark colors for the floor - the slightest specks of dust are clearly visible on them, the appearance of which in such a passage place simply cannot be avoided. Light tones of wood, as well as soft or medium-colored tile tones, look great on the floor in a narrow corridor. A light floor is suitable, including if the wall decoration is combined in two tones, and their lower part is decorated in fairly rich shades.

In the corridor leading from the hallway to the rooms, it is recommended to place the same carpet on the floor as in the living areas. You can tile only the floor in the hallway, or there and in the corridor leading to the kitchen (it is most advisable to use the same tile covering on the floor - or a different one, if the design of the kitchen space requires it). As for the paths, rugs with wide transverse stripes or graphic patterns fit well into the design of a narrow corridor in Khrushchev.

Furniture and doors, mirrors

If you have a narrow corridor starting from the hallway, you should make sure that the doors within sight (and the entrance door too) are the same color. In addition, it will be necessary to standardize the baseboards in a similar way. Ideal when a narrow corridor does not end with a door. Existing doors can be designed in the form of arches, or replace blind ones lightweight designs door frames with glass or mirrors, as well as curtains or interior light curtains made of threads, beads, bamboo. If you increase the height of the existing doorways, the interior of a narrow corridor will look more solemn and stylish. In addition, you can raise the doorways upward, and leave the doors of normal dimensions.

It is desirable that the furniture in the hallway matches the color of the door. In a similar way, you can ensure that the space is designed in uniform style and due to this it visually acquired greater volume. If the space allows, you can place a convenient wardrobe in the hallway, including one with a mirrored door - you can place everything that you want to keep at hand and out of sight. Such furniture can be made to order according to the dimensions of the room. If there is practically no free space for placing furniture, you can attach small hooks and hangers to the walls to place outerwear after coming from the street. The narrow corridor should not be cluttered.

If sunlight enters a given room, it makes sense to hang a mirror on the illuminated wall so that it reflects it - usually such a place is at the beginning or end of the corridor. If you place two mirrors on one wall, the corridor will optically expand. By placing a painting or artistic sculpture opposite them, you can get rid of the effect of empty space.

It will also benefit from transforming a narrow corridor:

  • false window with a mirror in a blind wall - this detail is functional and looks aesthetically pleasing;
  • wardrobe with mirrored doors;
  • a mirror wall that optically doubles the space of the corridor and creates the illusion of additional free space. This design of the end wall looks especially good, and you will need to take care to mark the mirror, for example, with an ornament so that guests do not “enter” it;
  • a traditional framed mirror or a classic dressing table;
  • a mirror placed in a niche between the cabinets;
  • large full-length mirror mounted on the floor. It is not recommended to install it at the end of a long corridor, so as not to get the reflection of an “endless tunnel”.

Ceiling decoration, lighting and wall decor

Decorating the wall and ceiling surfaces in light colors will help to adjust the space of a narrow corridor - you need to try to achieve the effect of a single space, when the transitions between them are smoothed out as much as possible. If there are glossy surfaces, glare of light will be reflected in them advantageously, and the ceiling will appear higher and the corridor more spacious. In addition, you can successfully play on the contrast of light glossy ceiling and a matte floor covering of rich color.

First of all, you should remember that for such a room you should organize high-quality lighting. If you have a short corridor (less than three meters in length), you can install one ceiling lamp, placing it in the central part of the ceiling. For a longer corridor, it is preferable to use several ceiling lights (chandeliers, lamps or spots), placed at an equal distance from each other, so that the rays of light spread evenly.

To achieve the desired degree of illumination, you will need to use sufficiently powerful lamps. Should not be used to illuminate a narrow corridor. fluorescent lamps, as they distort color rendering. In order to obtain light that is closest in spectrum to natural light, it is recommended to use halogen lamps or ordinary incandescent light bulbs. To illuminate shelves and mirrors, you can use spotlights.

Considering the small distance between the walls, it is not recommended to place lamps on them, even very nice ones, since they take up such scarce space, distract attention to themselves, visually narrowing the already narrow corridor. The same can be said about various wall decor in the form of paintings, engravings or photographs - you should consider how appropriate it is to place them on the walls of a given room, so as not to create unnecessary cluttering of the space. Most likely, it makes sense to place several decorative items on the walls in the form of small individual accents.

Narrow corridors - photo

Design of a narrow corridor - video

A long, narrow hallway is often the most neglected space in the house, where shoe boxes, old jackets and other unnecessary items are dumped. However, this is the place that opens up to guests as soon as they cross the threshold. Therefore, it is still worth spending time and effort to give it beauty and functionality. Today you will learn how to use paints, flooring, lighting and accessories to create an impeccable design for a narrow corridor in an apartment or private house, and see 28 photos of modern ideas.

How to visually expand a narrow corridor

You can make a narrow corridor appear wider in several ways, for example, by “playing” with light, wall color and selection finishing materials. To add airiness to the interior, use light wallpaper for the walls, for example, trendy pastel or neutral tones. Cool shades that will serve as a refreshing background for dark furniture and other elements.

Also read:

By the way, dark doors against the background of lighter walls - another useful idea for the design of a narrow corridor, which allows you to visually increase the area of ​​​​the space.

Note that when choosing finishing materials for walls, you should pay special attention to wear resistance, shock resistance and ease of maintenance. Washable wallpaper, tiles and paint will allow you to make repairs to a narrow corridor as rarely as possible.

Design of a narrow corridor: choosing practical furniture

To avoid cluttering an already cramped interior, use compact and multi-purpose furniture in the hallway, for example:

  • Console table with a mirror suspended above it (see);
  • Narrow wardrobe (40-45 cm deep) with mirrored doors;
  • Built-in wardrobes and cabinets with open shelves;
  • Hangers and hooks for jackets and bags, shoe baskets and other organizational items that will rid a narrow corridor of clutter and will not take up much space.

Also read:

Features of interior lighting in a narrow corridor

This factor is very important, since the interior of a narrow corridor in an apartment is usually deprived of natural sunlight, which is why it looks gloomy even during the day. Bright lighting can not only visually expand the space, but also emphasize the original design.

For example, popular choices for a long narrow hallway are Wall lights. Hang sconces near mirrors, glass or other shiny elements in the hallway and they will beautifully break up the space and add a sophisticated touch to a boring long wall.

Decorative hanging and ceiling lamps will add style and coziness to the design of a narrow corridor, especially in combination with paintings or other wall decor.

Spotlights and built-in LED strip lighting allow you to illuminate the tightest and smallest narrow corridor, and even give it an unusual style.

How to decorate a long narrow corridor

A narrow corridor will appear wider if you decorate it with a light-colored carpet, especially one with horizontal stripes. The same applies to wooden flooring - it is recommended to lay the boards perpendicular, and not parallel to the walls. Two rugs will help visually break up and bring coziness to a long narrow hallway.

Additionally, you can decorate the corridor with framed paintings and photographs, bookshelves, mirrors and indoor plants. Let following photos interiors will serve as inspiration for you!

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How to design a narrow corridor - 28 photos with ideas updated: November 25, 2016 by: Evgenia Elkina

A narrow corridor or a long hallway in an apartment requires thoughtful arrangement. The space must include all the necessary zones, and also be different beautiful design. For this purpose, a set of sequential actions is performed to ensure coziness and comfort.

How to design a long and narrow corridor in an apartment

The interior of the corridor reflects the hospitality of the owners of the house and the comfort of the conditions. Therefore, a long and narrow space needs careful planning. The small width of the corridor does not allow placing a classic wardrobe or a set of furniture for the hallway. In a narrow corridor it is required proper organization all zones, allowing you to make the room comfortable and functional.

Finishing walls, floors and ceilings

Renovation is the first stage in arranging a living space. For finishing a narrow and long corridor, optimal methods are selected. In this case, the area of ​​the room is taken into account. For example, in a narrow corridor you cannot build plasterboard structures along the walls, which will lead to an even narrower space. If possible, it is worth visually and actually expanding the room. Thanks to this, the corridor will become comfortable and functional.

The finishing of all surfaces in a narrow and long corridor should be practical and beautiful. For this purpose, methods are used that provide high-quality coating. At high altitude Suspended, tension or multi-level structures are often installed on the ceiling in the corridor. As a result, the ceiling will become the main detail of the interior. And also in a narrow corridor, attention is focused on the flooring. To do this, it is worth using ceramic tiles, with which a certain pattern is laid out. Classic laminate and linoleum are suitable for any interior. Particularly impressive is a self-leveling floor with a 3D pattern. The original image must be combined with common interior narrow and long corridor.

Colors and shade combinations

The selection of shades and interior style is an important point in arranging a narrow and long corridor. Light colors visually enlarge the space and are therefore optimal for this type of room. At the same time, a colored ceiling or floor will make the atmosphere unusual and beautiful, but it is important to consider the height of the ceiling. If this indicator is quite small, then a colored ceiling covering will not give the atmosphere “heaviness” or massiveness. Large patterns and dark shades are also not suitable for a narrow and long corridor.

Combinations of contrasting dark shades are inappropriate in the interior of a long and narrow corridor. In this case, the space will visually become narrower. Therefore, all options in light colors are suitable for the interior of the corridor. Neutral and bright shades easy to combine, allowing you to combine them.

When choosing a color, it is worth considering that the floor and ceiling should differ from the walls by several tones. Bright contrasting design is inappropriate in a narrow and long corridor. Interior doors in white, beige shades or to match the color of the walls will not distort visual effect expansion of space.


You can create any texture of walls, ceiling and floor various materials. Ceramic tiles are optimal for flooring, but linoleum and laminate are often used. A stretch glossy ceiling allows you to visually make the space more spacious.

Various materials are used to cover walls. Optimal for an interior in Provence or country style decorative plaster. You can visually highlight the area of ​​entrance or interior doors using facing bricks, the color of which differs from the color of the walls by no more than 3 tones. A plain, flat wall surface in a narrow and long corridor is the best option for visually expanding the space. In this case, it is worth using molding. Versatile high quality wallpaper with a textured or smooth surface.

Narrow wardrobe, small shelves and ottoman: choosing furniture

Furniture for a narrow and long corridor is an important point on which comfort and convenience depend. In a room whose width is about 1.5 m or more, it is possible to install narrow wardrobe for outerwear, shoes and other things. Furniture should not be too long and massive. A folding table under the mirror is appropriate in a narrow space. You can install a narrow ottoman nearby for greater comfort. The shoe rack is located near front door.

A built-in wardrobe, which replaces one of the walls of the room adjacent to the corridor, steals useful living space, but ensures the preservation of the hallway area. The closet must have sliding or accordion doors. The presence of mirrors on compartment doors contributes to the optical expansion of the area. In a narrow space, compact furniture in a minimum quantity is needed.

In a narrow and long room without the possibility of installing a wardrobe, ottoman and shelves, it is worth using folding furniture. Chairs, shelves, bookcases are attached to the wall and folded, and if necessary, the furniture can easily become functional.

Video: folding table for a small room

Lighting will help hide corners and expand space

Proper lighting provides comfort and allows you to visually correct the shortcomings of any room. In a narrow and long corridor, the main light source in the form of a chandelier may be missing. Spotlights are distributed along the perimeter of the corridor, which visually make the room more spacious. Against the background of a glossy ceiling, this effect is enhanced. Multi-level ceiling often emphasized around the perimeter LED backlight. A mirror decorated with such elements is a bright detail of the decor.

Several simple chandeliers, square or rectangular shape And dark color will provide optimal lighting. The elements should be placed in the middle along the entire narrow corridor. If there are niches, paintings, mirrors in the room, then they should be emphasized with LED lighting using a special tape.

Lamps daylight, a set of spotlights, additional wall fixtures, LED strips- all devices can be easily combined to create comfortable conditions. A well-lit narrow and long corridor looks more spacious and comfortable than a dimly lit space.

Items and decorative elements

A long and narrow hallway requires minimal decor. The walls are often decorated with paintings that match the style of the interior. Wall lamps are also one of the room decor options.

Pictures with built-in lighting are spectacular. For example, an image of a fire or a burning fireplace with appropriate lighting makes the interior cozy. Large abstract images are appropriate on very light walls of the corridor, but drawings in dark colors should not be placed. All elements in a long and narrow space should match each other in shade saturation.

Decorative plaster is often used to decorate rooms. The combination of a relief surface and mirrors or mirror mosaics is a good option decor. Plain smooth walls decorated with contrasting patterns. At the same time, you should not use too small or extensive drawings on the walls. Such elements will not create the optical illusion of expanding space.

Photo gallery: narrow corridor design ideas

Passport paintings - classic hallway decoration Bright cabinet fronts on a white background make the interior stylish
Contrasting details on a plain background emphasize the solidity of the decor

White surfaces can be easily decorated with contrasting details Interior in black and white colors does not affect visual perception premises Mirror end wall will emphasize the spaciousness of the corridor
Laconic dark-colored furniture is practical in the hallway
Classic style the interior is appropriate in a narrow corridor
Facing brick easy to combine with patterns on the walls

Compact furniture does not take up much space in a narrow corridor

How to decorate a long narrow hallway

A long and narrow hallway can become a very cozy space thanks to careful arrangement. A variety of materials, furniture models, types of finishing and decor are suitable for this purpose. Right choice and compliance with repair technology - important points necessary to create a cozy space.

Finishing walls, floors and ceilings

During the renovation process, the walls, floor and ceiling are finished. In this case, it is worth considering the rules:

  • light colors create an optical effect of increasing space and are suitable for a long and narrow hallway;
  • the minimum passage size should be 90 cm;
  • the finish must be practical, durable and of high quality;
  • During the finishing process, you cannot use methods that reduce space.

The finishing and arrangement of the hallway involves several stages. In this case, the individual characteristics of the room are taken into account, for example, shape, ceiling height, location of interior doors and other factors.

Color solution

The choice of colors and their combinations for decorating a narrow and long hallway is varied. The principles of selecting a specific option are to use light colors. Contrasting combinations are appropriate, but require moderation. You cannot use dark, gloomy shades that create a “sad” effect and visually reduce the space.

The original solution is contrasting flooring. In this case, you can apply various combinations, for example, highlight the area near the front door with dark tiles, and decorate the rest of the space with material 2 shades lighter. The colors of furniture, interior doors, decorative elements and ceilings should not differ by more than 3 tones.


In the process of renovating a narrow and long hallway, various materials are used. The following options are effective:

  • quality and practical wallpaper They are easy to glue and allow you to quickly change the color of the walls if necessary. Too expensive and luxurious options are unprofitable to use in the hallway. Non-woven fabrics, as well as canvases for painting, are optimal;
  • wall paneling, construction plasterboard structures lead to a decrease usable area. Therefore, decorative plaster is suitable for walls, as well as facing bricks;
  • Ceramic tiles with a rough surface will provide a comfortable floor covering. Lighter options are linoleum and laminate;
  • the high ceiling of the hallway allows you to create multi-level unusual designs or create tension covering. The hanging option is also optimal for narrow and long spaces.

When finishing the hallway they are used practical materials, which do not require special care. Mirror and glossy surfaces can create the effect of increasing space, but they should not be placed directly next to the front door.

Planning and zoning

Careful planning allows you to make a narrow and long hallway functional. Even a small space needs to be divided into zones. Near the front door there is often a shoe rack, a little further there is a mirror or a built-in wardrobe with mirrored doors, as well as an ottoman and a shelf.

The division of hallway zones is often done using color. An effective option is the darkest design of the area near the front door, a slightly lighter finish near the closet, and the rest of the area is lighter. In any case, in a narrow and long hallway you cannot place many zones, use massive furniture and solid decor, which will not visually expand the space.


Using a compact, multifunctional, practical furniture- the important rule for arranging a narrow, small space. Therefore, in the hallway there is often only a low chest of drawers for shoes, the top cover of which serves as a seat. The mirror can be of any size, and hang it near the door. A folding shelf will provide convenient storage of things. And folding furniture options are also effective: table, seat, hanger. The elements are attached to the wall and can be easily unfolded if necessary. To save space, interior accordion or compartment doors are used.

In some cases, it is possible to install a built-in wardrobe in place of one of the walls in the rooms adjacent to the hallway. Narrow small closet it is installed with a space width of at least 1.5 m, and the depth of such furniture is up to 40 cm. Arranging shelves above the mirror and in the free corners of the room allows you to save space and effectively store things.


The correct location, choice of type and intensity of lighting sources allows you to create the optical effect of expanding a narrow hallway. This requires bright light. The optimal solution is lighting in the form of a complex of spotlights, which are arranged in different ways. Several lamps placed along the hallway in the center of the ceiling provide uniform lighting.

Combination of several types of lighting sources - good decision to separate zones. Wall lamps, LED complexes, classic chandeliers easily combined, making the space comfortable.


Decorating a long and narrow hallway involves using light decor in small quantities. At the same time, the design should not include massive objects that burden the situation. Mirrors are an essential element of a long and narrow hallway. Availability of glossy and mirror surfaces promotes visual expansion premises.

Medium and large-sized paintings are appropriate against the background of plain light walls. At the same time, the frame of the paintings should not be massive or too dark. Small wall lamps are universal. In the corner of the hallway there is often a set of shelves for storing small items. If such elements are made of clear glass or plastic, this will not affect the interior of the hallway.

Pattern from ceramic tiles on the floor is also one of the room decor options. A colored or multi-level ceiling covering with original lamps affects the interior of a narrow hallway. At the same time, all decorative elements should be compact and practical.

Photo gallery: interior of a narrow hallway

Plain wall colors are suitable for a narrow hallway
Vertical stripes on the walls visually increase the height of the ceiling


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