Favorable proximity of fruit trees and shrubs. Planting cherries next to apple, pear, plum trees

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Not long ago I learned that before planting a tree or shrub in the garden, you need to study information about the compatibility of this crop with others, whether they can be planted next to each other. It turns out that the compatibility of fruit trees and shrubs must be observed. Without knowing some of the peculiarities of the coexistence of plants, you can inadvertently harm your garden. If the mistake of planting unfriendly vegetables next to each other can be corrected next spring, then with fruit trees or with berry bushes it will be much more difficult to do this.

What reasons could there be for the incompatibility of trees and shrubs growing nearby? First, some plants have roots that are located at the same depth. In this case, they will interfere with each other. Secondly, there are plants that secrete certain substances into the soil that suppress the development of others. There are other reasons too.

One piece of advice: before planting a seedling, check the information about the compatibility of plants as neighbors in the garden.

On a note

  • You can’t plant bird cherry in the garden - glass beads will fly onto it from all over the area, which will then move to other fruit and berry plants.
  • Hawthorn attracts apple tree pests to the area.
  • Buckthorn is a breeding ground for glass rust.
  • Not a single plant can tolerate the proximity of fennel and hyssop, so they must be planted in the farthest corner of the garden.
  • Some vegetable plants just can't get along if they grow together. By planting them nearby, you can lose a significant part of the harvest.

Apple tree compatibility - what can be planted next to them

These fruit trees can get along with almost any type of garden crops. An apple tree does not require much space, and there is still enough space under the tree canopies to arrange the beds. To ensure that there are fewer voids on the site, you can create a flower bed on the tree trunks and also plant useful herbs. For example, dill and calendula will feel very good next to an apple tree. In addition to useful natural properties These plants do an excellent job of repelling pests.

On the side of the garden where the sun warms the ground well enough, you can grow tomatoes under the apple tree, the smell of the leaves of which will repel codling moth butterflies. Such a neighborhood is not only useful, but also saves space.

An interesting and mutually beneficial neighborhood can result when planting in apple orchard one or two conifers or deciduous trees. Fruit trees in such a neighborhood develop quickly and bear fruit abundantly.

But you shouldn’t plant rowan next to an apple tree. This culture, as scientists found out at the beginning of the 20th century, has no place in orchard. Because of this proximity, the crop becomes wormy. The cause is the caterpillars of the rowan moth, which damage apples.

Compatibility of currants - the best neighbors in the garden

You can safely plant onions next to currant bushes, both black and red. It is better to do this before winter, as it will protect in the spring berry bushes from kidney mite, a dangerous pest.

Honeysuckle will be an excellent neighbor for black currants.

As for its closest relative, red currants, you need to be careful. Red and black currants do not get along well with each other. An example is the photo at the beginning of the article. I was unable to take a photo to show that black currants were growing behind the neighbor’s fence. But I assure you, before this my red currants were literally strewn with berries. But the neighbor at the dacha planted a black one on his side along the fence - as a result, his harvest was meager and so was mine. Neither of us knew about the incompatibility of these plants...

Six months have passed since I published this article. In winter it was not yet clear what we would see in the garden in the spring. Now I can already say that practically both my neighbor and my neighbor in the country have lost our currants. After spring, not a single (!) black currant bush “woke up” for him, and out of three red currant bushes, I only had one left.

The same applies to raspberries. Her root system very freedom-loving, demands new territories. The currants from such a free neighbor begin to wither, and the yield drops.

Gooseberry compatibility

A healthy neighborhood next to red currants is just right for this crop - the compatibility of these shrubs is good.

But, on the contrary, gooseberries are not friends with black ones. They have a common external enemy - the gooseberry moth.

And for the same reason, it is better to plant raspberries away from gooseberries.

Raspberry compatibility

Delicious berry crop– raspberry – does not like anyone’s immediate neighborhood at all. The shrub grows greatly and begins to oppress other crops, taking all the moisture for itself. So the issue of raspberry compatibility with other trees and shrubs should not worry you.

Low-growing vegetation (such as vegetables) will wither in dense raspberries.

Compatibility of grapes - what is it more comfortable with?

This crop is loved, it is carefully looked after, its development and the quality of fruiting are monitored. Planting radishes and oilseed radishes will be good neighbors for grapes.

Beneficial influence on grapevine parsley has - the benefits of such compatibility are obvious. It heals grapes affected by phylloxera.

Cucumbers and cabbage will be unfavorable neighbors for grapes. At the same time, vegetables will suffer, since the climbing vine can suppress low-growing plants.

Sea buckthorn compatibility

This is one of the most useful plants.

Next to the sea buckthorn (under its prickly crown) you can plant various medicinal plants, for example, oregano or chamomile. In addition, it is very convenient - everything for delicious fragrant tea is nearby. All that remains is to collect leaves, flowers, berries and brew.

Raspberries, black currants and strawberries (garden strawberries) should not be planted next to sea buckthorn. The root systems of these plants in the soil are approximately at the same level and will take moisture and nutrition from each other.

Tomatoes and potatoes should not be planted next to sea buckthorn - it does not like nightshade crops.

Compatibility of strawberries (garden strawberries) - how to increase mutual benefit

Another one of the favorite berry plants in the garden is strawberries. This crop is capable of capturing large areas, which is why entire strawberry plantations are created. The plant behaves quite selfishly on the site, however, it grows well next to some cultivated plants. For example, next to marigolds, lettuce, bush beans, garlic, onions, chives, spinach. Such a neighborhood brings mutual benefits, and also saves planting space, so you can properly plan the site with these crops.

Strawberry plantings are successfully combined with sage, borage, and parsley, which will repel slugs.

Avoid planting potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes and cucumbers next to strawberries - they have a common pest - a nematode.

Also, do not plant strawberries next to raspberries. The harm from such a neighborhood is also associated with a common pest - the strawberry weevil.

By the way

It is useful to sow herbs between the trees in the garden: anise, basil, coriander, lemon balm, parsley, thyme, tarragon. Their odorous substances repel many pests and inhibit the spread of diseases.

The quality and quantity of the harvest in the garden directly depends on the location of the trees, so many points are taken into account before planting them. Especially in case small area, because in a limited area you want to plant more crops without compromising their growth and development. The survival rate of planted young trees directly depends on the local conditions and the compatibility of trees and shrubs.

The importance of selection

Little is known about the influence of plants on each other, but all the information has been collected through many years of observations. As it turned out, in nature, some trees, when located closely, can promote mutual growth and improve the quality of the crop. At the same time, other representatives, on the contrary, suppress the development of their neighbors. For example, apple trees do not tolerate nearby cherry or plum trees; when planting them, it is important to maintain a certain distance.

Mutual influence is based on the action of both above-ground and underground parts of the plant. The roots, leaves and inflorescences of fruit trees produce their own secretions, which can suppress or promote the development of a neighbor. Experts have noticed that annual plants affect even next year through the soil. In addition, differences in the height of individual representatives can create unfavourable conditions, give an unwanted shadow - this is where the problems begin.

And in summer cottages, the importance of the point of compatibility of fruit trees increases, because the proper distance between them is not always maintained. Crown plexus is common different trees, then the influence on each other increases. This is expressed in the suppression of a neighbor; a powerful representative even visually emphasizes his superiority. And when correct selection specimens, they independently provide protection from pests; they take nutrients from different layers of the soil.

Compatibility table

For convenience, experts have developed a special table of tree compatibility, which makes it easier to plan the site. There are several options that include various cultures, because summer residents are trying to plant as much of the available territory as possible. Therefore, you can look at suitable combinations of plants in advance and achieve good harvest subsequently.

One notable example is the cherry tree, which negatively affects many other trees and shrubs. It kills apple, plum, cherry plum and pear trees; when they are close together, these specimens not only bear fruit poorly, but also die over time. Also considered bad neighbors of cherries are: gooseberries, white and red currants, and raspberries. At the same time, such combinations as apple-pear, plum-apricot and cherry-dogwood, on the contrary, support and stimulate each other’s development. And if you plant raspberries or blackberries under an apricot or peach, you always get a rich harvest.

As for gooseberries, they generally do not get along well with stone fruit and pome-bearing species. Also experienced gardeners it is known that Walnut- is too toxic for any neighbor, so it is always placed away from fruit crops. It is known that garden plants can also have a bad effect on trees; for example, potatoes suppress the growth of apple trees with root secretions. The same result is expected from the root systems of cucumber, tomato, alfalfa and wheatgrass. Spotted strong effect rose bushes onto fruit trees, so, as a rule, they try to place them to the side or near the fence.

Correct location

Due to the possibility of maintaining interaction for the next year, you need to carefully select the placement of crops when planting. After all, a certain amount of secretions from the root system remains in the soil, and diseases persist. A lack of nutrients in the soil, so you need to intelligently approach the issue of location and compatibility of planting trees. When fruit trees, to ensure the best pollination, it is recommended to plant several varieties of the same type of tree nearby. The distance should be no more than 25 m, then bees and bumblebees will transfer pollen from one representative to another.

There is such a thing as crop rotation - this is the alternation of planting different crops. Experts recommend not placing a new apple tree seedling in the place of an uprooted specimen. Best location For fruit trees or berries is considered the soil after wild pear, maple, rowan, cereals and legumes. And after uprooting willow, alder or sedge, you should not immediately plant other crops, because they take a lot from the soil useful substances.

Among the general indicators for the placement of fruit species, it is worth paying attention to:

At high humidity, the plants are often harmed. Therefore, if the depth of groundwater exceeds permissible level, then care must be taken to remove moisture. Low-lying areas require the construction of a drainage ditch or the planting of moisture-loving crops. And stone fruits are recommended to be located on elevations. These are the basic principles correct placement fruit trees, sticking to which the gardener will receive a worthy reward in the form healthy plants with a good harvest.

In addition, we offer a video about the tricks of arranging fruit crops on the site:

It is necessary to take into account compatibility when planting fruit and ornamental trees. Good wishes can turn into disaster if the neighborhood is disturbed.

On every summer cottage Apple and cherry trees grow, but is it possible to plant cherries next to an apple tree? Will this affect its yield and if so, how? What other crops can it be planted with in order to save space on the plot and collect berries and fruits?

Benefits of a good neighborhood

The compatibility of trees and bushes directly affects not only the amount of the future harvest, but also the development of the garden.

The proximity of some promotes better growth and protects against diseases and pests, while the proximity of others has the completely opposite effect - growth is inhibited, trees begin to get sick and may die.

General landing rules:

  1. Apple trees get along with almost all fruit trees, but distance must be maintained.
  2. It is better not to plant walnuts where other crops are planned to be grown. Its leaves are poisonous and simply poison the soil and everything around.
  3. Not a single fruit crop gets along with spruce either.
  4. You cannot plant oaks, birches, lindens or poplars in the garden. The large root system requires a lot of nutrients, and the spreading crown provides shade.

Cherry is not the friendliest plant. More details about which crops and why this tree can or cannot be planted will be written later.

Bad neighbors for cherries

Plants next to which you should not plant cherries:

  • nightshades: eggplants, tomatoes, tobacco;
  • tobacco;
  • raspberries;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • gooseberry;
  • Apple tree.

Apple tree is a bad neighbor for cherries


Peppers, tomatoes and other nightshades are hotbeds of Verticillium wilt. This disease attacks the wood and heartwood of the tree, causing it to die.

Raspberries, gooseberries

Raspberries and gooseberries have a shallow root system. Bushes take nutrients from upper layers soil, thereby inhibiting the development of the tree.

Sea ​​buckthorn

Sea buckthorn has a developed and strong root system. It oppresses neighboring plants, preventing their roots from forming.

Apple tree compatibility

Apple tree is a pome crop. It has a strong root and a large crown. For smaller cherries, such a proximity is detrimental. When forming a garden, the optimal distance of these crops is taken into account. A medium-sized apple tree can be planted 8-10 m from the cherries, and a larger one - 12-14 m. The size of the crown corresponds to the size of the root system - this serves as a hint when choosing a planting site.

The apple tree is excellent where it was before The Cherry Orchard, and bad in place of pome fruits. This is the only exception to the rule of planting these 2 crops together. The best neighbor of an apple tree is cedar.

Good neighbors for cherries

Cherry is a crop with a developed superficial root system. Belongs to the stone fruit family. The best neighbors for cherries are:

  • cherries, sweet cherries;
  • plums and cherry plums;
  • elder;
  • honeysuckle;
  • grape.

Grapes are a good neighbor for cherries


Cherries and cherry trees are pollinators for each other. When planting them, take into account the size of an adult tree. The crowns should not overlap each other.

The optimal distance between trees is 7–8 m, but not more than 15 m. If the trees are short, the distance can be reduced to 6 meters.

plum tree

Plums and cherries not only belong to stone fruits, but also protect each other from diseases. These cultures good compatibility, they can be planted quite close, the only condition is that the crowns should not touch.

Plum is one of the trees next to which cherries can be planted, but it does not tolerate the proximity of cherries and may die next to them. If it is planned to plant cherries, plums and cherries in a row on the site, then the distance between them should be at least 5 m.


Elderberry grows well near a cherry orchard or directly under the trees. Is a protector against aphids.


Honeysuckle is a low shrub that grows in partial shade. It can be planted at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from the tree trunk.

Grapes are a friendly plant. It gets along well not only with cherries, but also with pears, apple trees, and plums.

Trees incompatible with cherries

There are some plants that cherry trees are not suitable for. Joint planting has a detrimental effect on the yield of the following crops:

  • pears;
  • black currant;
  • peach;
  • apricot;
  • red rowan.

Under no circumstances should you plant red rowan next to a cherry tree.


Pears don't grow well with cherries. This is caused by the characteristics of the root systems and the size of the crowns. On the one hand, the lack of nutrients has a bad effect on productivity, and on the other hand, the spreading crown creates shade.

For pear better neighbors are rowan and other pears. This culture is capricious and immediately reacts to a lack of nutrients in the soil.

Black currant

Black currants are unpretentious, but they won’t do well next to cherries.

These crops like different nutrition and require the use of different agricultural techniques. Lack of light and sun also has a negative effect on currant berries. The bushes do not receive enough light due to their large crown. The exception is shade-loving varieties, but they need to be provided with proper agricultural care.


Peaches are becoming popular garden plots. This plant is whimsical in its choice of neighbors. With pome crops, the distance is at least 4–6 m.

A peach cannot grow next to a cherry. It is best to plant it on the opposite dacha plot. When growing together, the trunk and branches on the cherry side become bare. Later, gum therapy is added to this. The other side of the tree will try to compensate for the damage and will begin to bend.


Apricot trees prefer to grow alone. For good yield, maintain a distance of 5-6 m from other crops. This tree has different care for cherries, so close proximity to them is contraindicated.

The red rowan tree next to the cherry tree is sick because it lacks nutrition. This is manifested by exposure of branches and frequent tree diseases.


Proper planting planning garden crops on the site will provide not only beauty, but also increases productivity. Various crops coexist with cherries; you need to correctly calculate the planting distance.

Plan planting on your personal plot always a pleasure. However, this exciting activity will bear fruit only when the gardener is guided by certain rules that will make his work easier and increase the yield of fruit trees.

  • If your area is small, it is better to give preference dwarf varieties many fruit trees. It is easy to harvest from such plants because... they are compact.
  • When choosing a fruit tree variety, it is recommended to choose the option that best suits the climatic conditions of your garden.
  • When planting seedlings, pay Special attention the distance between them. For good growth And bountiful harvest trees need enough space around them.
  • Hedges that grow closely together, such as arborvitae, will help protect young seedlings and other plants in the garden from the wind.
  • When all the nuances are thought out, you need to think about an equally important issue: the biological compatibility of trees.

  • The pear tree has similar views as the apple tree on its neighbors. She does not like cherries, apricots and plums, but will be happy to be next to black poplar and oak.
  • Barberry is very strong plant, which can crowd out any fruit tree, so do not plant it next to them. Juniper will tolerate rust, so avoid it near barberry.
  • Cherries have a highly developed root system, so avoid its proximity to other plants.
  • While fruit trees bring joy with their harvest, other plants can also benefit the garden, namely, protect it from some unfavorable factors.

  • Maple, yellow acacia, green ash will save you from dust,
  • Junipers - large group plants belonging to the cypress family. Excellent decorative characteristics, variety of shapes and colors, unpretentiousness and beneficial features representatives of this coniferous culture allowed it to take pride of place in modern gardening art.

    Another style for which junipers are suitable is Japanese (oriental). The laconicism and natural severity of these plants perfectly emphasizes bright colors and the specific forms of the oriental garden with its rocky islands and contrasting combinations. In this case, designers recommend planting colored junipers next to heathers of red, yellow, orange, blue or white.

    The junipers themselves landscape design look somewhat monotonous - they benefit precisely in combination with perennial flowers, shrubs and trees. In rocky areas, the noble beauty of these plants is ideally emphasized by dwarf barberries and heathers. It is recommended to plant yellow or orange spirea in sunny meadows, stream banks and in flower beds next to juniper crops. When decorating lawns next to buildings or creating compositions at the entrance, other conifers will become good neighbors for junipers. Junipers look good next to mountain pine, black pine, weeping larch, and low-growing spruce species (pictured on the right). Composition, supplemented natural stones- boulders or granite chips, significantly outperforms a composition simply planted on the lawn. When creating a landscape design, you need to take into account that these evergreen shrubs do not fit well with lush large-leaved perennials and large garden flowers. But you can bring harmony to such an alliance by creating a transition between them from stones, creeping plants or cereals. This technique is used when designing alpine slides and horizontal rock gardens.

    What to remember when planting junipers

    When planting junipers, it is necessary to take into account that their location too close to each other creates a feeling of lethargy and monotony. Only plants planted with discreteness (discontinuity) set the rhythm, emphasize the beauty of the site and tie the entire composition together.

    • Juniper horizontalis is a creeping low-growing (from 0.5 to 1 m) shrub with needle-like or scale-like needles, the color of which depends on the variety and can vary from bright green to silver-blue. Plants of this type are usually used to secure slopes, create borders and decorate rocky areas of the garden.
    • Common juniper is a spreading shrub with green needle-shaped needles that have a bluish tint. Common junipers in landscape design (columnar form) are suitable for creating single or group compositions, dwarf shrubs are suitable for planting in rock gardens.
    • Chinese juniper - tall (up to 10 m) tree plant with scaly or needle-shaped needles of a golden yellow or salad blue hue. The frost resistance of representatives of this species depends on the variety. When creating a site design, it is used in group or single plantings, as well as for landscaping rock gardens.
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      Juniper rust: how to protect yourself from this disease

      When designing plantings near country house, cottage landscape designers or landscapers are guided not only by the beauty and originality of crops, but also by their compatibility. The proximity of breeds is especially taken into account to prevent crop disease.

      What is rust

      Its causative agent is basidiomycete mushroom sort of Gymnosporangium class Basidiomycetes .

      This fungus has two different hosts. It first develops on juniper. and then spreads to a pear or apple tree. Common juniper is the host of rust that occurs on the apple tree, and juniper cossack and its other forms - on the pear (red or orange spots on the leaves of the pear)

      The main development cycle of these fungi occurs on juniper bushes. Fungal spores can develop anywhere on junipers: skeletal branches. needles, cones, shoots. Sprouting in the spring, they form a “tomb” for the winter, forming yellowish, gelatinous outgrowths - pustules. Swellings, thickenings, swellings or wounds then form in these places. And in the spring, the spores germinate and are carried by the wind over a huge distance - up to 50 kilometers!

      How can you protect juniper from rust?

      3. If you notice the first signs of the disease, immediately cut off the affected parts of the juniper and burn them. Under the bush, remove all the leaves and plants and dig up the ground around them. Treat pruning tools (knives or pruners) alcohol. and sections - 1% copper vitriol and cover it with plain garden varnish or varnish-balm. As a preventive measure, even if your bush is not sick, spray the juniper with Kuproksat in spring and autumn.

      At the same time, do not forget to spray the pear and apple trees with fungicides. Bordeaux mixture is suitable for this. preparations with sulfur or other fungicides.

      Such measures can lead to success and your plant will not die. But if this treatment does not help, then you should think about moving the bush to another place or completely destroying it.

      5. It often happens that the plant is completely cured, but a little time passes and everything repeats itself, although there are no pear or apple trees on your site near the juniper bush. In such cases, do not be shy and ask your neighbors where they grow these rosaceae. Better yet, ask to visit and take a good look at their garden yourself. If you find such signs in them, and the trees are not taken care of, then the bush will have to be destroyed. After all, your entire garden could die this way.

      Remember. that if the disease (rust) has entered a chronic stage, then it is impossible to cure juniper, especially when rosaceous trees or shrubs grow nearby. Therefore, it is better to remove one of the crops from the garden, leaving the one that is more valuable to you, or moving it to another, distant place. In this case, the juniper can be cut off completely, leaving the lower living buds on the bush. This way you will prevent further spread of the disease and preserve the juniper.

      The role of plant compatibility in landscaping

      When designing and carrying out landscape work, the main task is to find harmonious combinations of plants of various heights and shapes so that the composition acquires artistic integrity. However, no less important in the landscaping process is the issue of compatibility of plants with each other, because the appearance of the site directly depends on this.

      This topic is very extensive, and it is impossible to cover all its aspects in one article. It is possible to list only a few examples of the undesirable proximity of certain plants.

      In particular, Not recommended plant next to growing trees and shrubs birch . since its powerful root system consumes a lot of water and deprives neighboring plants in this regard. A similar effect also occurs spruce and maple . It is better to plant shade-loving and unpretentious plants under them.

      Spruce trees strongly acidify the soil, so only lovers of acidic soils can “get along” with them. Among them are ferns, hydrangeas, callas, begonias etc.

      Apple trees, cherries and gooseberries prefer moderately acidic soil. Spruce trees should not be planted near beds, berry bushes and fruit trees. Their proximity to clematis, lilacs, peonies and roses is contraindicated.

      Around the poplar there is a 6 m zone of suppression of other plants, but in some cases it, like birch, can have a beneficial effect - for example, if a pear or apple tree is located nearby. Named fruit trees comfortable feel like you're next door to oak, linden and maple . The apple tree, in turn, can act as an “aggressor” in relation to young pines (as if it “burns” the pine), so it is undesirable to combine them in one composition.

      Aggressive considered a plant sea ​​​​buckthorn . clogging the space surrounding it with growth. Raspberries doesn't like being next to red currant . A black currants It is not recommended to plant next to cherry

      It is better to plant walnuts and hazels without the proximity of shrubs and other trees. Manchurian nut oppresses apple, pear, yew, shadberry, and rowan.

      Apple and pear do not like lilac, viburnum, roses, mock orange, barberry . but they will tolerate the proximity of raspberries, cherries, cherries and plums.

      An apricot will not pair with a cherry. Actinidia kolomikta is not recommended to be planted next to fruit and large trees.

      "Jamming" growth of other plants barberry . Cereals planting next to it is extremely contraindicated. This shrub, like white acacia, horse chestnut, fir, viburnum, rose, lilac, rose hip and mock orange . actively inhibits the growth of other plants and belongs to the group of monoplants.

      Yellow acacia is only compatible with chestnut.

      Apple, cherry, pear, and cherry plum trees do not like their own kind. The fruits of apple and pear trees produce these, which accelerate the ripening of the fruits of other plants.

      Near you can't use a pear place juniper. because it can infect the fruit tree with fungal diseases.

      Common ash suppresses the growth of woody and shrub plants. Doesn't feel very comfortable near oak.

      The decaying leaves of chestnut, walnut, pine and spruce needles “poison” the soil, that is, cause so-called “soil fatigue.” This is due to the fact that the leaves of these plants contain phenolic compounds, which begin to be released during the process of decomposition.

      Some plants (ash, sucker) have very high allelopathic activity(from the Greek allelon - mutually and pathos - suffering), therefore they do not form single-species plantings. Plants with high allelopathic activity (oak, beech, many conifers) create protective zones around themselves. They experience suppression of their own youth due to the accumulation of toxic substances, as a result of which the species displaces itself. Many allelopathically active substances also have an antimicrobial (phytoncidal) effect, providing plants with immunity to fungal infections, as well as helping to purify the air.

      When selecting plants for decorative plantings it must be taken into account that their compatibility largely depends on the composition of the soil and the degree of illumination, as well as allelopathic relationships - then the plants will feel good and decorate with their healthy looking landscape of the site.

      About allelopathy

      This is about strong chemical influence. effect that plants have on their neighbors. Chemical substances secreted by both leaves and roots; The most powerful impact is from root exudates, since they tend to accumulate; the greatest influence is exerted by the roots of perennials.

      The most noticeable harm from poisoning affects wintering. The plant may outwardly look healthy, but it will either not survive the winter at all or will freeze. Perennial crops overwinter much worse when oppressed by incorrectly selected neighbors. This is a very common phenomenon in our gardens. On the contrary, a favorable satellite makes the plant more frost resistant .

      Before we look at the examples, I would like to emphasize that compositions “work” only with exemplary agricultural technology. When the composition of flower beds is selected based only on « color range» and “waves of flowering”, then this, excuse me, is some kind of kindergarten! Landing at random. It is necessary to take into account the compatibility of plants, soil composition. influence of fertilizers. If you are planting a crop that requires acidic soil . with a culture that requires neutral, then it is necessary to create a borderline pH value (although it is better to select crops with the same requirements). At joint landing Several crops must have a lot of nutrition in the soil, but the average gardener has very little at his disposal safe fertilizers. So, watering dry sandy alpine slide strong solution mineral fertilizer, you can burn all conifers. In addition, dry mineral mixtures acidify the soil, while the vast majority bulbous flowers, fruit and vegetable crops, as well as many ornamental crops, require neutral soil. Fecal compost, which contains chlorine, manure and bird droppings are too strong in their effect on flowers... It turns out that the best fertilizer for “mixes” there remains either humus mash or soft vegetable compost. mulch from rotten grass or foliage. And in addition - fertilizing with liquid ammonia humate fertilizers with microelements(there are many brands of them on sale - black liquid with the smell of ammonia).

      Let's look at a few examples (it's understandable that all allelopathy cannot be presented in one article, given the myriad of species used in garden design).

      Examples of compatibility of some garden crops. Apple tree

      Group IV - neutral plants (score 4) for apple trees - RED CURRANT. TOMATO. PLUM, CELERY, GRAPE. NASTURTIUMS, SEA ​​BUCKTHORN. CARROTS, PUMPKIN, Snapdragon, Foxglove, Clove, Lilac, Jasmine, Lily, DELPHINIUM. ASTILBE;

      From this we can draw an unambiguous conclusion: favorable for apple trees We have so many plants at our disposal that keeping our trees “under turf” is wasteful for six acres; the trunk circles of apple trees can and should be used for planting ornamental and garden plants. You should clearly know that wild cereal herbs(timothy grass, creeping wheatgrass, foxtail grass, etc.), especially in a mixture when there are several of them, poison the apple tree. A lawn around fruit trees is an extremely unprofitable way of fruit growing, especially in middle lane, where the fertile layer is several centimeters.

      How to plant plants under apple trees? This depends on the characteristics of each crop and the age of the apple trees. Some of the favorable crops are shade-tolerant, and they can be planted throughout the tree trunk space right up to the trunk (hostas, lupine, sorrel). Some crops are partially shade-tolerant; they can be placed under the branches of an apple tree on the south side (barberry, spirea, strawberries, cucumbers, conifers). If the apple tree is small (young apple trees, as well as apple trees on dwarf rootstock or columnar), then these crops can occupy the entire trunk circle. And of course, all of the listed crops can be planted on the border of the crown projection of a large tree on the sunny side and even slightly beyond it, since the roots of the apple tree extend beyond the crown projection.

      In general, a decorative or fruit composition under an overgrown apple tree is another reason to thin out its top; it itself will benefit from lightening the crown.

      Examples of compatibility of some garden crops. Raspberries

      Group II: very auspicious plants(rating 5) for raspberries - DIGITALIS. BARBERRY;


      Group V: plants that inhibit (grades 2 and 3) raspberries - GARLIC, PARSLEY, GRAPES, TARIGUETS, NASTURTIUM, SEA BUCKTHORN, RADISH, BEET, HOSTA, IRIS. JASMINE.

      Examples of compatibility of some garden crops. Strawberry

      SAGE, CORN, BLACKCURRANT, REDCURRANT, POTATOES, CARROTS have a negative effect on it.


      Which fruit trees like to be next to other trees and which ones? And which cultures “cannot stand” each other?

      Muhammad Samadovich Abdulakhatov, Nevyansk, Sverdlovsk region.

      Indeed, some trees love the proximity of their own kind, and some cannot stand it at all, some are friends, and some are not. Having planted “enemies” nearby, you can wait for years for the harvest and still not see it.

      There are several reasons for this phenomenon: warring neighbors may have roots at the same depth, and they will interfere with each other; one plant releases substances into the soil that are harmful to another. Let's talk about the proximity of the most common fruit crops.

      Apple tree- the most popular tree among our gardeners. This is a very friendly plant that gets along well with almost any crop (cherry, plum, other apple trees). However, you should not plant berry bushes or plant a vegetable garden in its tree trunk circle, but you can place flowers, both annual and perennial, or aromatic plants.

      And also interesting fact– if you plant conifers next to an apple tree, it will bear fruit more abundantly. But among them there should not be Cossack juniper, since it is a carrier of rust.

      This disease is equally dangerous for the apple tree. But what this culture cannot stand is mountain ash. And the culprit is the rowan moth, whose caterpillars damage the fruits of the apple tree.

      Pear not so kind to its neighbors. Plum and a number of other fruit trees and shrubs do not get along well with it, so in order for peace and tranquility to reign on your site, place pear seedlings separately from other trees. Then there will be no compatibility issues.

      Next to currants- also a very popular crop - it is useful to grow onions, it will protect the bushes from bud mites. But only planting onions before winter “works.” A good neighbor for black currants is honeysuckle, and for red currants an excellent companion is gooseberries.

      But it would seem that relatives black and red currants they don't get along well next to each other. And the proximity to raspberries is also not suitable for them. And since we are talking about raspberries, this headstrong and freedom-loving lady cannot stand any kind of proximity at all. Or rather, other crops cannot tolerate it: powerful raspberry vines and roots clog other plants, preventing them from developing normally.

      And one more thing: do not plant in the garden bird cherry. since glass pods from all over the area can flock to it, which will happily move to other, more valuable crops. The insidious hawthorn also lures apple tree pests into the area.

      If your site has birch. that's all fruit plantings It is better to take them away from it, since the powerful root system of the plant will take away water and nutrition from them - you simply will not get the proper harvest from fruit trees.

      If you are growing peach on your site, then plant it separately from all other trees: it is a solitary plant that cannot tolerate neighbors. And he doesn’t like cherries so much that the tree begins to lean in the opposite direction.

    Bad or vice versa?

    To prevent this from happening, you first need to find out which neighbor is “friends” with a particular fruit tree. There is such a concept - allelopathy. This is a science that studies compatibility crops All plants influence each other, changing the environment by releasing products of their vital activity into it.

    An excellent neighbor for an apple tree is pine and cedar.


    A pear cannot be planted together with the same trees as an apple tree. But in addition to these trees, the proximity of beech, barberry, etc.

    The most harmful neighbor is the Cossack juniper, on which it develops.

    Pleasant neighbors for her there will be oak, Nevezhin rowan, black poplar.


    This tree will not be able to get along with apricots, black currants, raspberries, and apple trees. But cherries make excellent friends with plums or cherries.

    You cannot plant tomatoes, peppers, and other nightshade plants under cherries, as they spread verticillium wilt(the core and everything inside the plant dies). Trees affected by this disease die in most cases.


    This plant is not afraid of any neighbors. He himself is capable of suppressing the development of any tree or bush. Therefore, it is recommended to plant it away from fruit trees. His only enemy is juniper, all because of the same.


    Raspberries, blackberries, apple trees, and pears should not be planted near plums.

    But maple, and especially black elderberry, which helps save cherries from aphids, will become good neighbors for them.


    Cherry has a strong surface, which often oppresses its “neighbors”. Therefore, it is not recommended to plant it near apple, pear, rowan, and black currant trees. It grows well with rowan ignorant.


    Apricot is a southern plant, so this tree is not very fond of our plants. It should not be planted near apple, pear, plum, peach, cherry, red rowan, cherry and walnut (all types). This tree also does not like currant or raspberry bushes planted under it, which are a haven for many pests.

    This tree cannot tolerate apple and pear trees being planted in the neighborhood. And the peach will begin to shy away from cherries and cherries, and the side of it that is adjacent to these trees will become bare. This will weaken the tree. And the bare branches will begin to dry out, which will lead to... Such a peach may not survive the winter.

    Cherry and walnut, lovers of solitude, will also lead to inhibition of peach growth and to its death.

    General tips for all fruit trees:

    Do not plant trees on the site of an old garden. As a last resort, change the soil. Old soil may contain diseases or pests that are not as harmful to mature trees as or. And the amount of useful substances in such soil is minimal. It is better to plant trees in place of uprooted trees that will enrich it minerals and microelements.

    Group crops: each separate species It is better to plant separately. So, cherries should grow with cherries, apple trees with apple trees, etc. You can also group them this way: stone fruits, etc.

    Do not plant trees next to vigorous old trees. Their root system is very developed, so they will oppress their neighbors.

    It is better not to plant shrubs under trees. Pests that did not die during the treatment of trees with chemicals, but simply fell from the tree, will overwinter well under the bushes and honey mushrooms will appear the next year.

    Do not plant vegetables and berries in gardens. They can cause the spread of many diseases. And crops such as potatoes, etc., are taken from the soil a large number of useful elements, making the soil poor and dry.

    Try not to plant with fruit trees ornamental crops, which are “helpers” in the spread of diseases and pests.


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