Orchid flowering at home: practical recommendations for care and growth stimulation. An orchid does not bloom at home: how to make a beautiful phalaenopsis wake up? Stress for an orchid in a dark place

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A bright tropical beauty - the phalaenopsis orchid - is one of the most exotic plants that decorate our homes.

And flower growers love orchids not only because their flowers are delightfully beautiful, although, of course, it is the exquisite beauty of orchids that makes them so desirable for growing at home. Behind last decade this flower has become extremely popular.

As surprising as this may sound. The orchid is quite unpretentious, and caring for it is not at all difficult. It does not require frequent watering and grows as if in the sun. and on shaded windows, does not require frequent replanting and large volume pots.

And only one problem upsets fans of this beautiful flower— how to make an orchid bloom at home?

This is a real mystery for many orchid lovers. And the question is what to do if the orchid does not produce a peduncle, does not bloom, but the leaves grow, and why the orchids do not bloom. constantly heard from flower growers.

Let's figure it out.

It is not at all necessary that your orchid does not bloom. because you did not provide her with adequate care.

Any flower, be it a simple dandelion or a luxurious rose, blooms in its own time. And this simple rule also applies to orchids. Perhaps her time simply has not come yet.

The orchid blooms no earlier than it reaches the age of one and a half years. And just by this time it has 6-8 leaves.

Moreover, if suddenly your orchid for some reason decided to release a peduncle before it forms required quantity leaves, many gardeners recommend stopping such attempts. Otherwise the plant will be weakened early flowering, and may even die.

Proper care of orchids

If your adult flower, which has already formed a sufficient number of leaves, does not produce a peduncle. Perhaps you are not caring for it correctly.

There are only three typical mistakes:

  • incorrect temperature;
  • improper watering;
  • incorrect lighting.

All these factors, both individually and all together, play a huge role in the flowering of orchids.


Temperature plays no less important role for an orchid important role than watering, moistening, proper light, ventilation, etc.

Phalaenopsis orchids, despite their origin, categorically do not like overheating. Even the most heat-loving variety will not tolerate temperature increases above 32 -35 degrees. The orchid will simply stop growing and burns will appear on the leaves. and if exposed to this temperature for a long time, the flower will simply die from overheating.

Undoubtedly. There is no need to expose orchids to frost; cold air will not improve the health of the flower either. However, the orchid will definitely feel better in a cool place. than under the scorching rays of the sun. An orchid is not a cactus after all.


For about two weeks after purchasing a phalaenopsis orchid, it is better not to water it at all. Let the flower come to its senses after a change in conditions. It is best to place your beauty separately from other plants, shade it from direct sunlight, do not touch it, do not fertilize it or water it.

At the same time, take a closer look at the leaves to see if there are any signs of infection on them, or signs of flower pests.

After the quarantine period has expired, you can start watering.

Orchid roots generally do not tolerate stagnant moisture, so there should not be a lot of water. This applies to absolutely all types of orchids, and not just the most beloved and most common phalaenopsis orchid.

There are two ways to water orchids.

At the first time, the orchid is simply given a shower. The flower along with the leaves is shed with warm water very generously, while not allowing the water to stagnate in the flower pot.

To do this, several holes are made in a plastic transparent pot. Moreover, they can be made not only in the bottom of the pot, but also in its walls. Orchid roots need more than just light. but also in the influx of fresh air - in nature, the roots of orchids do not go deep into the ground. They slide either along trees or rocks, holding on to them. Orchid roots are called “aerial”.

Therefore, the holes in the pot are very important - through them the Fresh air, and they prevent excess water from accumulating near the roots.

The second way is that flower pots Place the plants in a container. filled with water (so-called bottom watering). The flower itself absorbs the amount of water that is needed. and at the same time the soil never dries out, which is also very important. However. overdrying the soil is less scary than flooding it. Orchid roots will withstand drought, just as they can withstand it under natural conditions. But the swamp will definitely destroy them.


Proper light for orchids to bloom and grow is a fundamental factor. And when setting light, gardeners make one of the most common mistakes, believing that since an orchid is a tropical flower that grows in hot and humid climates, it simply loves straight, bright Sun rays(and plenty of watering). And if you put it on a south window and water it all the time, then literally the next day the orchid will begin to produce flower stalks.

Everything is exactly the opposite. We have already talked about abundant watering, and as for direct sunlight. then from their influence the orchid practically “burns”. The first "Sos" can be obtained from the leaves - the leaves turn yellowish. or they develop a brown tint. This is a direct indication that there is too much light.

Healthy orchid leaves are smooth, glossy, and bright green. If the leaves begin to darken, it means there is not enough light. If they become wrinkled, the plant does not have enough moisture. Phalaenopsis orchid in particular. loves dim lighting and diffused light. Therefore, it is best if it receives morning or, conversely, evening sunlight. On a south window the flower will not feel well.

Another interesting observation is that after the orchid blooms, it no longer needs the sun, and it can even be placed in the hallway, where daylight absent. Light is required precisely for the formation of flower stalks.

What to do to make an orchid bloom at home

The ten-day quarantine has passed, and a phalaenopsis orchid in a transparent pot with holes has settled on your windowsill. In the morning it is illuminated by the rays of the still cool sun, a transparent pot with holes stands in a bath of warm water. The leaves are smooth and beautiful. bright green. But there is no peduncle. Why? What should you do to make an orchid bloom?

Try to dramatically change the conditions for her care. For example, create a temperature contrast. For example, take your orchid out onto the balcony at night (this, of course, should not be done in January). In April-May, it is much cooler on the balcony at night than in the room during the day, and even on a sunny window. Send the flower to spend the night in a cool room.

Try keeping it without water for some time, not just limiting, but completely stopping watering. And keep an eye on the leaves - if they are wrinkled, the experiment must be ended!

You can try a hot shower. Naturally, it should not be boiling water, but water up to 40 degrees. Pouring a flower hot water it takes about a minute.

All these methods will wake up your orchid, and it will definitely release a flower stalk.

Signs of an orchid blooming

First, the orchid produces a peduncle - a long, thick green stem. It can be fixed in the position you like - vertically, horizontally, in an arc. you just need to place a support next to the peduncle the desired shape, and secure the stem with clamps.

The length of the peduncle can reach several tens of centimeters. The orchid will be able to release it for several weeks.

At the same time, an orchid can begin to bloom at any time of the year, there are no patterns in this.

There may be more than one peduncle. some orchids at good care produce two, three, and even four peduncles.

On each of them there are small dense buds that gradually bloom. turning into beautiful flowers.

Orchids bloom abundantly and for a long time, individual species bloom for up to 5 months.

After the orchid has bloomed, there is no need to remove the peduncle itself, although it does not look very beautiful. Often new buds begin to form on it.

The peduncle should be trimmed after it has completely dried out and turned yellow.

Fairytale orchids are among the perennials herbaceous plants. There are more than 30,000 varieties of orchids in nature. In its natural environment, this flower does not grow in the soil, but clings to trees.

Since the mid-18th century, orchids have filled greenhouses and botanical gardens. The flowers of this plant simply enchant with their beauty and diversity. Sometimes attempts to grow orchids at home end in complete fiasco, since only the roots and leaves of the plant develop intensively. In order to find out the reason for the lack of flowers, first understand the peculiarities of its breeding.

Tropical climates are the most suitable natural habitat for orchids. Therefore, if the plant’s conditions are very different from natural conditions, do not expect abundant and frequent flowering.

Among the most important reasons for the lack of flowers are the following:

Orchids are usually planted in small pots, in which the soil is quickly depleted. The plant must be fed periodically. Mineral feeding for orchids should contain less nitrogen. Nitrogen ensures the growth of green mass, and in order for the buds of the peduncle to form, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus are needed. Before fertilizing the plant, you must first water the soil generously so as not to burn the orchid's roots. Prepare a low concentration aqueous solution of dry fertilizers. Excessive quantity nutrients is also very detrimental to the plant.

Improper watering

The orchid has fairly wide leaves, from which all the moisture evaporates very quickly. During active growth The plant must be watered quite often, 2 – 3 times a week. In winter, the opposite is true - do not moisten the soil abundantly. The water used to water the orchid should be soft. It is advisable to use boiled or filtered water room temperature. Wet roots on which drops of condensation are visible do not need to be watered. Excessive moisture favors the formation of rot on the roots.

Violation temperature regime and lighting

Orchids are very sensitive to temperature changes. Temperature differences between day and night should not exceed 4°C. In summer, the optimal air temperature should fluctuate between 18 – 25°C, in winter – not lower than 15°C. Lighting is important for an orchid, but direct rays of the sun are also completely undesirable. Because they cause burns on the leaves.

Unsuitable substrate

The substrate for the orchid should provide the roots with a minimum of moisture and free air circulation. It is for this reason that orchids cannot be planted in ordinary black soil or garden soil. The pot in which the orchid is planted must be filled with a substrate that consists of moss, peat and coarse sand. Best to buy from flower shop already ready soil, especially for growing orchids.

Roots are the most important thing! Location of the root system in the pot

The orchid has very strong and strong roots, covered with spongy tissue. In the natural environment, these roots cling to tree trunks. A pot will help keep the plant upright. To ensure access to sunlight, the pot must be made of transparent material. The presence of holes at the bottom of the pot for water drainage is mandatory. It is desirable that there are such holes on the walls of the pot for air ventilation. The roots should be freely located in the pot; they can even stick out. The best pots for orchids are made from transparent plastic. This material allows you to see how the roots develop. If you want to replant the plant, then plastic pot can be easily cut and does not harm the roots during extraction.

How to stimulate orchid flowering - the most effective ways

In tropical environments, orchids live under the cover of dense foliage, so for orchids there is no such thing as a change of season. The most unpretentious type of orchid is phalaenopsis, which can bloom continuously for 11 months. However, achieving this result at home is not so easy.

Sudden changes in temperature

During the daytime, the orchid should be in warm room. At night, you can open a window or balcony if you want to lower the temperature to 16 – 18°C. In summer you can take the orchid into the garden. Being outside will speed up photosynthesis and promote the accumulation of carbon dioxide, which stimulates flowering.

Creating an arid desert environment

To create this dry climate, increase the time between waterings. IN summer time water the orchid once every 4 days, in winter once a week. The orchid roots must be dry. If you water the plant correctly lower leaves will be a little soft.

Hot shower

Before starting this procedure, fill the bathroom with steam by turning on hot water. Soak pots with orchids for 15 minutes warm water, temperatures around 35°C. During this time, the plant absorbs moisture through the roots and intensively releases moisture through the leaves. After a week, the orchid should release flower stalks.

Improved lighting

Different types of orchids require different light intensities. When a plant does not bloom for a long time, it may not be receiving enough light. Move the orchid pot to another more illuminated place or buy a special fluorescent lamp.

Pruning the peduncle

On each peduncle there are several buds that are in a dormant state. In order to stimulate flowering, cut the arrow to about 3 buds.


Lack of flowering can sometimes be due to soil depletion. This is always visible from the leaves of the plant. When the growing leaves are smaller in size than the old ones, or they are of a different shape, it means that the orchid needs to be transplanted into a new substrate.

There are orchids that produce a flower stalk only after reaching three years of age. The plant is mature enough and is ready to flower only when it already has 5–8 shoots. Flowering can only be stimulated in healthy orchids. To release a flower branch, wilted and diseased orchids must gain strength.

The orchid has released a peduncle: what next?

As a rule, from the moment the orchid shoots an arrow, about 2 months should pass until the first flowers open. During this period of time, you must create comfortable conditions so that the buds that have not yet opened bloom.

You should place a small container of water near the orchid pot to ensure sufficient air humidification. If the house is very warm, it is advisable to spray the orchid with warm water. Watering the plant in the usual way, as the substrate dries.

In winter, the orchid needs additional lighting

To compensate for the lack of light, use a phytolamp. This lamp does not dry out the air and provides the plant with required amount bright light. Daylight hours in winter should be at least 12 hours.

The orchid does not like to be frequently moved from place to place and reacts to these movements with slow growth. If you still want to rearrange the pot, place it with the same side facing the light as it was before.

Feed the plant with fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium until the first flower appears. These components have a beneficial effect on the formation and growth of flower buds. When the orchid blooms, there is no need for additional fertilizer.

Proper care of an orchid after flowering

The flowering period lasts from 5 to 12 months. Do not rush to immediately cut off the peduncle after the flowers have dried. First, make sure that the orchid is no longer blooming. Examine the arrow carefully to understand how to proceed further. If the tip of the peduncle is green, then additional buds may appear on it.

When the peduncle turns yellow and begins to dry out, flowering is over. However, the orchid still continues to feed from the flower branch. Therefore, the arrow must be cut after complete drying.

Usually the cut is made, leaving the 3 lower buds; the stump should be at least 2 cm. Sometimes, in the summer, a young shoot appears on a flower branch. With its help, the orchid can be propagated. Leave this shoot on the stem for about 6 months until it grows roots and 2 leaves.

Caring for the plant after flowering is almost no different from other periods. During the dormant period, you can reduce the amount of feeding to once a month. When the substrate dries out quickly after watering, and roots protrude from the holes in the bottom of the pot, it’s time to replant the orchid. The most suitable period for replanting is immediately after flowering.

Before transplanting, the orchid is watered generously and carefully removed from the pot. You can't unravel the roots. Blackened and dried shoots must be removed. The substrate can be pre-heated over a fire to kill pests. For drainage, you need to place a layer on the bottom of the pot. crushed granite. The orchid is placed in the new substrate at the same level as before. There is no need to water the orchid after replanting. You can only spray the plant.

The dormant period lasts about 3 to 6 months, after which new flower stalks will appear and the orchid will bloom again.

Don't be scared! Favorable conditions for orchid flowering, it’s not at all difficult to create. The main thing is to surround the plant with care and love and then you will be able to admire beautiful exotic flowers throughout the year.

And if she for a long time does not bloom, the owners are looking for ways and solutions to this problem, considering what can be done first to make it bloom. After all, the main advantage and value are the flowers, which amaze with their variety of colors and life expectancy.

Why the orchid does not bloom, care mistakes

In order to answer this question, let’s look at the reasons that lie in the proper care.


The orchid does not want to bloom due to conditions other than natural ones. First mistake is due to incorrect temperature conditions.

The difference in daily temperature for planting a peduncle should be at least 5ºC. At night, the flowerpot is moved to a cooler place.

Did you know? In nature there are species whose flowering lasts only a few hours.


It is important to monitor the lighting. The flower does not tolerate direct rays of the sun - the roots dry out and die.
However, stress for an orchid also comes from a lack of light: for flowering, it is necessary to provide sufficient lighting to the roots and the plant as a whole.

Important!IN winter period Phalaenopsis needs additional illumination with artificial light sources.

It is strictly forbidden to illuminate the plant with ordinary incandescent lamps, as they heat it up. Halogen, mercury or fluorescent lamps with a power of no more than 40 W will be appropriate.

If it is not possible to organize additional lighting, give preference to varieties that do not require light (for example, cattleya or phalaenopsis).

Mistakes when watering plants

The reason for the lack of flowering may be excessive. In the natural habitat of phalaenopsis, there are no rains during the rainy season, which pollinate the plants.

Accordingly, there is no need for flowering. And when the plant is subjected to abundant watering, the orchid grows roots and leaves, but it does not bloom.
It is also a mistake to water cold water - room temperature is optimal for all orchids.

Phalaenopsis plants are very susceptible to stress. The answer to the question “Why doesn’t an orchid bloom at home?” will be obvious - the plant has been transported and needs to regain its strength.

When transplanting, you often have to cut off dried or rotten roots: after this procedure, the root mass is restored within six months. Naturally, during this period there is no talk of any flowering.

The soil for phalaenopsis must be very loose, and if too many roots had to be removed during replanting, the flower may not stay in the soil on its own.

If there is a peduncle present during such a period, it is better to remove it so that the plant’s forces can be directed to restoring the roots. But do not cut the peduncle completely - you can tie a flower to it.

How to make an orchid bloom

Since the plant must be absolutely healthy in order to force the phalaenopsis orchid to release a peduncle, first pay attention to root system and leaves.

If there are any problems, they need to be corrected. If healthy plant and continues to refuse to release a peduncle, you can resort to the methods of stimulation described below.

Did you know?The variety of colors is amazing - there are even typeswith green and black flowers. But their smell is not always pleasant: some species emit the “aroma” of rotten meat.

There are methods of stimulation using chemicals. How to water flowers to make them bloom: let's study the most popular preparations.
A popular growth stimulator is a drug that is sprayed on the plant daily, preferably in the morning. Once a week, phalaenopsis is watered with the drug added to the water (3-5 drops).

Watering with a solution will be beneficial for the flower. succinic acid, which is a growth regulator and anti-stress drug. 2 g of acid is dissolved in 1-2 liters of water.

Using this solution, you can treat the plant as a whole by spraying it. The drug should not be stored in diluted form for more than three days.

One way to stimulate an orchid to bloom is organization of temperature changes: for example, you can take it out to the balcony at night.
It is recommended to keep the plant at night at a temperature of about 18ºС, and then move it to a warmer place. This stress usually triggers the flowering process.

Limiting watering

The question “What should I do to make an orchid bloom?” very popular among its owners. You just need to limit watering - this method requires absolutely no effort, just give the plant a drought.

In this way, even a plant overfed with nitrogen can be made to bloom. This method is based on studying the natural habitat of flowers.
In the tropics, the rainy season is always preceded by a period conventionally called “dry”, which lasts 1-3 months. Then the orchids enter the dormant stage.

Forcing nature to do something for us is a thankless task. But helping your beloved pet to be beautiful is quite possible. Let's figure out together what is needed for this.

  • 1 What factors determine the frequency of orchid flowering?
    • 1.1 Why do orchids “refuse” to bloom?
    • 1.2 Where to place it?
    • 1.3 Additional light
    • 1.4 Temperature conditions
    • 1.5 Features of irrigation
    • 1.6 Water temperature.
    • 1.7 How to fertilize an orchid so that it blooms?
  • 2 How to get orchids to bloom at home: 2 ways
    • 2.1 Method No. 1: “Drought”
    • 2.2 Method No. 2: Temperature difference
  • 3 How to make phalaenopsis bloom (video)

What factors determine the frequency of orchid flowering?

Professionals consider the hybrid Phalaenopsis Dendrobium to be the most flowering. It is not as capricious as other species. And it's much easier to care for. But even varieties adapted to home conditions fail.

Why do orchids “refuse” to bloom?

First of all, due to inadequate care. You have purchased a plant with luxurious flowers. You brought it home and placed it on the windowsill, thinking that your mission was completed. Alas. Do you want this beauty to please you for as long as possible? You will have to learn all the intricacies of caring for an orchid.

Where to place it?

Let's start with the “passport”. That is, name, place of birth. The more you know about the natural climatic conditions of a given species, the easier it will be.

According to geography, we choose correct location. Most varieties love warmth because they come from the tropics. Therefore, highlight the southern or southeastern corner. A big mistake is to place the flowerpot in direct sunlight. It's good when they fall on the plant, but create some shade. Perfect option- using blinds. Otherwise, the sun will cause the foliage to burn. Then illness sets in.

Another thing is cold-loving varieties. There are also those that adapt perfectly to any climate. Experiment here. It is by the frequency, splendor, and beauty of flowering that you will determine the most comfortable place.

Try to move the potty less. For the flower here unnecessary stress. Which will negatively affect its health, and therefore flowering.

Additional light

Everyone knows that orchids are light-loving. However, in the autumn-winter period, lighting is not enough for them. Additional needs to be used. Conventional incandescent lamps are excluded. They heat the flower. This cannot be allowed. Enjoy fluorescent lamps, mercury, halogen, sodium. Power – up to 40 W.

2 lamps are placed about 40 cm from above. A clothespin lamp will be convenient. Ceiling chandelier doesn't count. The light mode lasts at least 14 hours/day.

If it is not possible to provide additional lighting? It's simple. Buy a variety that requires little light. The same phalaenopsis, or cattleya.


The most important factor. It is impossible to make an orchid bloom without optimal temperatures. There are species that can withstand up to +50 degrees. And others are comfortable at a maximum of +25, even less. We take into account the difference between night and day degrees. And also artificial lighting in winter. Keep the pot away from radiators!

Features of watering

Excess moisture prevents good flowering. Root stagnation of water will lead to disease. Here the following points need to be taken into account:

The amount of watering depends on active growth. When new buds appear, watering should be reduced.

Water temperature.

The optimal choice for this plant is indoors. More heat-loving species need hot water, up to +45 degrees. But even orchids that tolerate cool climates should not be watered with cold water.

  • After watering, it should drain completely from the roots. If you have a plant in the ground, then choose a container that is convenient for it. This is done according to the size of the root system. Don't forget about the holes evenly around the entire perimeter of the pot.
  • The substrate must be kept moist at all times.
  • Flowers need peace just like people. For most, it occurs after flowering. However, there are varieties that do not enjoy a dormant period. Regardless of this, when low temperatures It is better to reduce watering. And in the summer, find a shady, cooler place. Then the bulbs form faster.
  • Abundant watering is needed during flowering.

How to fertilize an orchid so that it blooms?

The plant also wants to eat. To do this, use special baits. They consist of nutrients and minerals. You can use store bought ones or make your own. Need to know:

  • type of flower;
  • fertilizer concentration. We take into account the optimal ratio specifically for your variety;
  • feed only during active growth;
  • if necessary, spray with diluted fertilizer;
  • The amount of a particular mineral depends on the period of life of the plant.

How to get orchids to bloom at home: 2 ways

Some gardeners resort to extreme measures. For example, pruning a plant. Should we rush here? No. Because the flower stalk can “come to life”, throwing out more flowers. It is necessary to trim only when the bulb has completely dried out.

Others use chemicals for stimulation. This is treatment with ready-made preparations “Ovary”, “Bud”, “Tsveten”. We'll take a different route.

Find out the exact age of your pet. Phalaenopsis blooms when it already has 5-8 shoots. Which is from one and a half to three years. If everything happens earlier, the flowers wither. Because the plant does not have enough strength. It is important that it is healthy and mature. Otherwise, weakened bulbs may not bloom.

Sometimes an orchid only grows, even with excellent care. There are 2 methods to make it bloom.

Method number 1: “Drought”

This stimulation method is used for all species for which rest is not necessary. Any season. Temperature – no higher than +30 degrees. The plant produces buds several times a year. And they only wake up when comfortable conditions. This method will wake them up in a month or two.

What to do?

  1. Reduce the number of waterings. That is, the intervals become larger. So, the soil and roots are dry after the last watering. Determine by touch. Leave the plant this way for a while. In summer - up to 4 days, in cool weather - up to a week. Now water.
  2. It can be done differently. Just reduce watering by half. For example, once not every two days, but four.
  3. Put aside pity! Nature also suffers from drought. Compensatory functions are included. Spraying, complementary feeding, and hot showers will also have to be postponed.
  4. Resume the usual watering when the peduncle appears. Set aside the fertilizer, especially when the flowers open.
  5. Remember the lighting. If the process began during the cold period, then additional lighting is necessary. Without this, flowering will stop at any stage. It is enough to highlight one top.
  6. When it blooms, watering is temporarily slightly reduced.

The ideal criterion for the correct application of this method is a slight softening of the lower leaves.

Varieties such as Cambria have now been developed. They are specially adapted to home conditions. Requires less care and reduced watering. These species are sure to bloom.

Method No. 2: Temperature difference

The method is good for almost all orchids. Especially those who love temperate climate. One or two weeks is enough.

What to do?

  1. It is better to start the process in the spring at a stable night temperature, at least +16 degrees. Provide the plant with fresh air. Optimally – open balcony, or a window. A garden would be perfect.
  2. At night the flower is in the air. During the day - at home. The garden is also suitable, you just need to hide the leaves and stem from the sun's rays.
  3. The optimal temperature difference is 4-6 degrees.
  4. Why is this necessary? The leaves receive warmth and light during the day. At night they cool down. The result is an acceleration of photosynthesis. The orchid will accumulate carbon dioxide. Its surplus will be used for flowering.

If the temperature difference method is used in winter? It is enough to ventilate the room thoroughly. Avoid drafts. Near heating devices exclude the location of the pot.

These methods imitate natural conditions. Therefore, your pet will be as if “at home”. By the way, this is how the orchid is forced to bloom again.

How to make phalaenopsis bloom (video)

This video shows you what steps you need to take to get your orchid to bloom again.

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Different varieties of orchids begin to bloom in at different ages . Usually the first buds appear when the flower is 1.5-3 years old. You can find out the age of an orchid by its shoots: if the plant is 2 years old or more, then there should be at least 5-8 of them.

Attention: Botany knows more than 30 thousand natural varieties blooming orchids and the same number of species of this plant bred artificially.

After the orchid has bloomed and its peduncle has dried, you can wait for the next flowering no earlier than in 2-3 months. This fact is due to the fact that a healthy plant with proper care can generate flower stalks only 2-3 times a year, and the duration of flowering itself is usually about 3 months. However, not all orchids obey general rules, and the reason for this is often the incorrect conditions of their maintenance and the owners’ ignorance of how to act correctly to achieve flowering.

Why does it take so long for it to start?

There may be several reasons why an orchid is in no hurry to please its owner with flowers for more than a year, or even two.

Is it necessary to artificially stimulate the plant?

In order for a recently transplanted orchid to produce large and bright flowers, care should be taken to artificially stimulate its flowering. It is important to make sure that the plant is completely healthy, has strong roots and powerful and fleshy leaves.

  1. Most often, the flowering of an orchid is stimulated by placing it in stressful situation. If the plant has begun to become “lazy” and has not put out a flower stalk for a long time, you can try to push it to flower by watering. To do this, immerse the pot in water heated to 40-45°C and leave it there for 30 minutes.
  2. A hot shower is also a useful stimulator for orchid flowering. Place the plant in the bath and pour a very warm stream of water over its leaves and roots (the temperature should be tolerable for your hands, otherwise you can burn the roots and leaves!).
  3. If the orchid has never bloomed yet, despite the appropriate age, as well as the number and quality of shoots, you can try sending it to a cool balcony for a week or two (the room temperature should not fall below 0°C). This procedure will simulate the wintering of the plant under natural conditions, thereby bringing its flowering period closer. After you bring the flower back into the house, a peduncle will soon appear on it.

9 important rules for flowering

Why doesn’t it produce buds and grow leaves?

Most often, a stop in development and growth is associated with a lack of fertilizers. To stimulate active vegetation, you should treat the leaves of the plant with a special fertilizer for phalaenopsis. After the vegetative function is completely restored, the plant will increase the necessary green mass and, subject to proper maintenance, will delight the owner with a young peduncle.

If it produces only roots and leaves

If it produces leaves, it may be in a dormant period. As a rule, the resting time of orchid plants lasts from 1.5 to 3 months, during which the plant should be provided with a cooler temperature regime.

If there is no flowering for more than three months, it is necessary to understand the watering regime, as well as the humidity and temperature in the room where the orchid is kept. It is necessary to adjust the housing conditions and create stressful conditions for the plant to successfully force the peduncle.

How to make it produce buds by changing watering?

The watering regime is especially important for the successful flowering of an orchid.. How to speed up flowering by changing watering? Water the plant by completely immersing the pot in water. In order for the dry substrate to be sufficiently saturated with moisture, it is necessary to remove the flowerpot from the decorative flowerpot and lower it into water for 3-5 minutes. After watering, the plant should be pulled out, excess water should be allowed to drain from the pot and put back in its original place.

Such manipulations should be performed once every two weeks in winter and once every 10 days in summer. More frequent bathing can lead to rotting of the root system and disease, and sometimes even complete death of the plant.

Orchids gravitate to the humid climate of the subtropics, so it is important to maintain high humidity in room where they are grown. The plant should be sprayed daily using well-settled warm and soft water.

How to stimulate by adjusting the length of daylight hours?

Advice: The reason for the orchid’s reluctance to bloom may lie in the lack of light. Care must be taken to ensure that the plant is illuminated for at least 10-12 hours a day. To ensure this condition, a phytolamp of a suitable spectrum that does not dry out the air is quite suitable.

Despite the light-loving nature of orchids, you should not place them on south-facing windows. summer period : There they can get sun and temperature burns. In addition, any plant needs a night rest phase for the photosynthesis process to properly occur, so do not forget the plant under the included phytolamp at night.


Orchids are plants of luxurious beauty that can reward you with fantastic flowering for the correct observance of simple rules for caring for them. Using some tricks in organizing the regime of keeping your pet, every owner of an orchid will certainly achieve its abundant flowering.

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